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2023-07-21 18:28:53
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  1. Establish Battlefield Control, Stand By ----战场控制建立,请等待。

  2. Battle Control Online ----作战控制连线。

  3. Incoming Transmission----信号输入。

  4. New Objective Received ----收到新的任务目标。

  5. Objective Complete----任务目标完成。

  6. Mission Accomplished----任务完成。

  7. Mission Failed ----任务失败。

  8. Reinforcements Have Arrived----援军已抵达。

  9. Critical Unit Lost----丧失关键单位。

  10. Critical Strucure Lost----丧失关键建筑物。

  11. Battle Control Terminated ----作战连线终止。

  12. Ore Miner Under Attack ----采矿车正遭受攻击。

  13. Our Base Is Under Attack----我们的基地正遭受攻击。

  14. Our Ally Is Under Attack ----我们的盟友正遭受攻击。

  15. Cannot Deploy Here ----无法在此展开。

  16. Unit Promoted----单位(等级)提升。

  17. Unit Lost ----丧失单位。

  18. Robot Tanks Offline---- 遥控坦克断线。

  19. Robot Tanks Back Online ----遥控坦克恢复连线。

  20. Player Defeated---- 玩家被击败了。

  21. You Are Victorious ----你胜利了。

  22. You Have Lost ----你失败了。

  23. Unit Armor Upgraded----单位装甲升级了。

  24. Unit Firepower Upgraded---- 单位火力升级了。

  25. Unit Speed Upgraded ----单位速度升级了。

  26. Building ---- 建筑中。

  27. Trainin----训练中。

  28. Unable To Comply, Building in Progress---- 无法执行,生产进行中。

  29. On Hold ----等待。

  30. Canceled---- 取消。

  31. Insufficient Funds----资金不足。

  32. Low Power----能源低。

  33. Construction Complete---- 建筑完工。

  34. Unit Ready----单位就绪。

  35. New Construction Options---- 新建筑选项。

  36. New Rally Point Established----建立新集合点。

  37. Primary Building Selected----主要建筑选取。

  38. Structure Sold----变卖建筑。

  39. Repairing----修理中。

  40. Unit Repaired ----单位修复。

  41. Structure Repaired----建筑修复。

  42. Bridge Repaired ----桥梁修复。

  43. Building Captured----建筑占领。

  44. Tech Building Captured----科技建筑占领。

  45. Hospital Captured----医院占领。

  46. All Infatry Units Are Now Auto Pill---- 所有步兵单位现在自动治疗。

  47. Machine Shop Captured ----机器零件商店占领。

  48. All Vehicle Are Now Auto Repair ----所有车辆单位现在自动修复。

  49. Airfield Captured ----机场占领。

  50. You Can Recruit Para-Troopers ----您可以补充伞兵了。

  51. Secret Lab Captured---- 秘密实验室占领。

  52. New Tachnology Available----可使用新的科技。

  53. Oil Refinery Captured ---- 钻油井占领。

  54. (Unknown)Additional Resources----获得额外资源。

  55. Repair Facility Captured----维修厂(前哨站)占领。

  56. Tech Building Lost----失去科技建筑物。

  57. Building Infiltrated----建筑渗透。

  58. Radar Sabotaged ----雷达被毁坏。

  59. Cash Stolen ----资金遭窃取。

  60. Power Sabotaged ----能源被切断。

  61. Enemy Power Restored---- 敌人的基地电力恢复。

  62. Structure Garrisoned----驻扎于建筑物。

  63. Structure Abandoned ---- 离开建筑物。

  64. Warning: Iron Curtain Detected----警告:侦测到铁幕(装置)。

  65. Warning: Iron Curtain Activated----警告:铁幕发动了。

  66. Iron Curtain Ready----铁幕就绪。

  67. Warning: Nuclear Silo Detected----警告:侦测到核弹发射井。

  68. Warning: Nuclear Missile Launched----警告:核弹发射了。

  69. Nuclear Missile Ready----核弹就绪。

  70. Warning: Chronosphere Detected----警告:侦测到超时空传送仪。

  71. Warning: Chronosphere Activated ----警告:超时空传送发动了。

  72. Chronosphere Ready ----超时空传送就绪。

  73. Warning: Weather Control Device Detected---- 警告:侦测到天气控制机。

  74. Warning: Lightning Storm Created ---- 警告:闪电风暴产生。

  75. Lightning Storm Ready----闪电风暴就绪。

  76. Warning: Genetic Mutator Detected----警告:侦测到基因突变器。

  77. Warning: Genetic Mutator Activated ----警告:基因突变发动了。

  78. Genetic Mutator Ready ----基因突变就绪。

  79. Warning: Psychic Dominator Detected ---- 警告:侦测到心灵控制器。

  80. Warning: Psychic Dominator Activated----警告:心灵控制发动了。

  81. Warning: Psychic Dominator Ready----心灵控制就绪。

  82. Force Shield Ready ---- 力场护盾就绪。

  83. Reinforcements Ready ---- 援军(伞兵)就绪。

  84. Spy Plane Ready----侦察机就绪。

  85. Select Target----选择目标。



victorious 胜利的,得胜的; valiant 勇敢的,英勇的; valorous 勇敢的; vehement热情的;慷慨的; venerable令人尊重的;庄严的; victorious 获胜的; vintage 上等的,优质的; virtuous 品质高尚的,善良的,正直的; vivacious 活泼的,快活的 扩展资料   He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.   他还在为别人批评他尽管最终胜出但表现笨拙感到闷闷不乐。   We are victorious in attack.   我们进攻获胜。   He mourned for his valiant men.   他向他的勇士们致哀。   Liana, spirited and valorous, fought for her possession until she was found at her last gasp, an antelope leg tightly held in mouth.   当动物学家们发现莲娜时,它已经奄奄一息了,可嘴里还死死叼着一条飞羚腿。
2023-07-21 17:17:481


victorious:adj. 胜利的;凯旋的,褒义triumphant:adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的,中性
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2023-07-21 17:18:192

victory和triumph(作名词)的区别? 请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来,

victory n. 胜利, 战胜, 克服, [罗神]胜利女神 Defeat of an enemy or opponent. 胜利:敌军或者对手的失败 Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle. 克服:在争斗中对抗困难或者障碍的胜利 The state of having triumphed. 成功:取得成功的状态 triumph n. 胜利, 成功 v. 获得胜利 To be victorious or successful; win. 获胜,成功,胜利 To rejoice over a success or victory; exult. 庆祝胜利或成功;得意洋洋 To receive honors upon return from a victory in ancient Rome. Used of a general. 接受胜利荣誉:接受胜利的荣誉,尤指在古代罗马凯旋归来.用于作战的将军 n.(名词) The fact of being victorious; victory or conquest.See Synonyms at victory 胜利,得胜:胜利的事实,胜利或征服参见 victory A noteworthy or spectacular success. 丰功伟绩:非凡的成功,杰出的成就 Exultation or rejoicing over victory or success. 喜悦,狂欢:胜利或成功带来的喜悦 A public celebration in ancient Rome to welcome a returning victorious commander and his army. 凯旋仪式:古代罗马为欢迎凯旋归来的指挥官和他的军队而举行的公共庆祝活动 Obsolete A public celebration or spectacular pageant. 【废语】 盛典:公共庆祝活动或热闹的游行
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  胜利有“成功”“达到”的意思,古代打仗成功称胜利,比赛夺冠胜利称“成功”。其他寓意也很广泛,如一件事坚持到了最后也称成功。那么你知道是什么吗?下面我为大家带来和例句,希望对你有所帮助!   1:   victory   英 [u02c8viktu0259ri] 美 [u02c8vu026aktu0259ri]   2:   win   英 [win] 美 [wu026an]   胜利相关英语表达:   return in triumph;   胜利归来   fruits of victory;   胜利果实   wish you greater success;   祝你们取得更大胜利   Victory is not won easily.   胜利来之不易。   Victory belongs to the people.   胜利属于人民。    例句:   这个人为了赢得胜利进行了英勇的斗争。   The man put up a valiant fight for victory.   我们确信能胜利。   We are confident of victory.   以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。   His victory was celebrated with music and dancing.   小女孩给冠军献上了胜利的花环。   The little girl presented the champion with a victory garland.   我们很高兴,我们的足球队获得了胜利。   It was a happy day when our football team was victorious.   为了纪念胜利,建造了一座纪念碑。   A monument was built to memorate the victory.   我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。   We won one victory after another for our cause.   一个胜利紧接着一个胜利。   One victory followed another in quick succession.   他领导我们从胜利走向胜利。   He led us from victory to victory.   来自宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州的共和党人预感到胜利在望。   Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.   上周日的选举中,这个秉持保守主义立场的政党获得了压倒性胜利,在众议院获得绝对多数席位。   The party won a resounding victory on Sunday, claiming an absolute majority in the lower house of Parliament.   阿加西和桑普拉斯继续他们对世界第一宝座的争夺,两人在首场比赛中均获得胜利。   Agassi and Sampras resumed their battle for the world"s No. 1 position, both winning their opening matches.   周二他在这里取得的第一轮比赛胜利是个及时的讯号,说明他可能保持不败。   His victory in the first race here on Tuesday was a timely pointer to his chance of remaining unbeaten.   胜利只是表面的,可这丝毫无损于战斗部队的勇气和技术。   The victory looks rather hollow. That takes nothing away from the courage and skill of the fighting forces.   昨天的大胜是他们连续第5场胜利。   Yesterday"s emphatic victory was their fifth in succession.   该队在客场以4比3取得的引起轰动的胜利   A sensational 4-3 victory for the team playing away   但是这还谈不上是最后的胜利;而是长期、艰难地寻找解决方法的过程。   But there must be no talk of final victory; rather, the long, hard slog to a solution.   爱德华兹已经在为自己确定无疑的胜利自鸣得意了。   Edwards is already crowing about his assured victory.   她让胜利从手中溜走了。   She allowed victory to slip from her grasp.   那次胜利堪比索森德历史上最漂亮的获胜。   The victory equalled Southend"s best in history.   他们取得的对保守势力和审查制度的胜利   Their victory against the forces of reaction and censorship
2023-07-21 17:18:531


楼主你好,这一集应该是S2E3(第二季第三集),叫Ice Cream for Ke$ha不过这是原版的排序,百度百科中的排序是参照原版的排序的.如果你要看视频,在芒果TV第二季第十集有 这集讲的是(有一些支线剧情被省略了)Trina拿出她和Tori的一张童年约定,好像说是到了16岁Tori要嫁给一个“白马王子”(这肯定不会实现的嘛~)然后Trina就以此为契机要挟Tori给她做一个月的私人帮手,并且拿出了许许多多需要Tori完成的事。此时Tori从Andre那里了解到吃冰淇淋集齐KE$HA五个字母可以邀请Kesha去现场演出,于是Tori为了摆脱Trina的奴隶,就请Robbie,Beck,Cat和Jade等人帮忙,经过了大家坚持不懈的吃冰淇淋的努力,他们发现了K和E,连同之前的A,收集到了三个字母。 这么多倒出来的冰淇淋要怎么处理呢?Robbie打算去卖给小朋友们,但是下场很可悲,他被孩子们的母亲暴打一顿(典型作死)。当他回来的时候,大家查看了Ke$ha的最新动态,发现有一个北岭(加利福尼亚州一地名)的人找齐了5张卡片,顿时失望至极。但第二天他们发现Ke$ha更新说那个北岭的人骗了她,于是比赛继续。 大家再一次聚起来吃冰淇淋,这时他们发现了H。但是怎么都找不到$。Robbie用他的Pear Pad找出,还有一种不常有的口味,而这时大家没有吃过的,大家立刻前往便利店寻找,却没有在冰柜里找到。忽然他们发现有个小男孩在吃,并且那罐里面就是$,可小男孩却提出条件:1.一块去看演出,2.亲一下Tori,Jade和Cat。 终于,Ke$ha到来并带来演出,Tori终于摆脱被奴隶的命运。而小男孩要求去亲Tori,Tori说要找一个偏僻的地方,顺势把小男孩关在了外面。Trina听见骚动过来开门。小男孩说Tori骗他,并没有亲他。而Trina恬着脸说能不能让小男孩亲她,小男孩说了一句:“真恶心!”(恬不知耻的下场)然后转身就走。以上就是这一集的内容和所在集数,同时也祝楼主生活愉快(I love Victorious!)
2023-07-21 17:19:011


《胜利之歌》演员表 :维多利亚...饰 Tori V...爱莉安娜...饰 Cat Va...Elizabeth...饰 Jade W...丹妮埃拉...饰 Trina ...阿万·乔贾饰 Beck O...
2023-07-21 17:19:152


2023-07-21 17:19:544


If you know yourself and your enemy well, you"ll never be defeated.
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2023-07-21 17:20:221


u300aThe Second Comingu300b
2023-07-21 17:20:304


robbie和rex唱的,叫《foreverbaby》歌曲很短很简单Move your body right next to mineFeel the beat and we"re lost in timeI"m yours and now you are mineForeverBabyAll the things that we want to doNever gonna let go of youMeant for me and I"m meant for youForeverBaby
2023-07-21 17:20:371


The Second Coming广告版歌词(翻译C-Dawg)作者:C-DawgThey say a family that prays together stays together作者:C-Dawg人们都说一个大家庭住在一起,大家一起祈祷作者:C-DawgAnd one that walks apart just falls apart作者:C-Dawg而一个脱离家庭的人必将陨落作者:C-DawgSo together we stand divided we fall作者:C-Dawg所以说我们肩并肩必定胜利,而分道扬镳必将失败作者:C-DawgUnited we form voltron and take on all 作者:C-Dawg我们联合起来就能组成坚不可摧的力量并击倒一切作者:C-DawgYes, The birds left the nest作者:C-Dawg是啊,鸟儿终将离巢作者:C-DawgI"m all grown up but gotta fly with the rest作者:C-Dawg我已经长大,但我不准备一个人,我要和大家一起飞走作者:C-DawgBest of the best is what we strive to be作者:C-Dawg我们努力是为了成为最强中的最强作者:C-DawgA legacy is what we trying to leave作者:C-Dawg我们要为后人留下丰厚遗产作者:C-DawgYa dig?作者:C-Dawg你明白了吗?作者:C-DawgNow say goodbye to the past现在让我们对过去说再见The future"s here at last作者:C-Dawg未来就在你的脚下作者:C-DawgThe second coming作者:C-Dawg第二波作者:C-DawgThe new beginning作者:C-Dawg是新的开始作者:C-DawgThe truth is speaking作者:C-Dawg而"真理"正在说话作者:C-DawgYou should listen作者:C-Dawg你应该好好给我听着 完整版歌词:They say a family that prays together, stays together. And one that walks apart just falls apart. So, together we stand, divided we fall. United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let"s move. Yes, the birds le the nest. I"m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest. Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah. A legacy is what we trying to leave. Ya dig? Now say goodbye to the past. The future is here at last. The second coming. The new beginning. The truth is speaking. You should listen. So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. So glorious, Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. We tired of being runners up. We coming up. Yup. We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever. Blood, sweat, tears, yeah. We dripped all three just to get here. No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished. It"s staring right at me, I must take advantage. Hard work pays off, you get what you put in. So why stop now? Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing. We in a fight to the finish, So why not fight "til you finished? Dig it? I"m my own author, here"s my story. My life"s been full of pain, Now where"s my glory? So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again.参见
2023-07-21 17:20:452


They say a family that prays together, stays together. 他们说一个家庭祈求在一起,团圆在一起。And one that walks apart just falls apart.而走过的部分仅仅只是失败的过去。 So, together we stand, divided we fall. 所以,我们站起来就能在一起,铲除我们的失败。United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let"s move. 联合,失我们坚不可摧并且战胜一切。让我们行动起来!Yes, the birds le the nest. 是的,鸟儿在窝中。I"m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest. 我们成长,我们飞翔,我们同样也要休息。Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah. 重中之重是我们努力。是的。A legacy is what we trying to leave. 我们留下的将是我们的离开。Ya dig? 哇?Now say goodbye to the past. 让我们对过去说再见。The future is here at last. 未来最后将在我们面前。The second coming. 新的即将来临。The new beginning. 新的即将开始。The truth is speaking. 真理在诉说。You should listen. 你需要洗耳恭听。So glorious. 多么光彩啊!Victorious. 胜利。We take what we want we born warriors. 我们从我们的战士那得到了我们想要的东西。So glorious, 所以光荣,Victorious. 胜利。We take what we want we born warriors. 我们从我们的战士那得到了我们想要的东西。If you fall, get up and try it again. 如果你失败了,站起来再接再厉。If you drop, get up and try it again. 如果你倒退了,站起来再接再厉。If you fall, get up and try it again.如果你失败了,站起来再接再厉。If you drop, get up and try it again. 如果你倒退了,站起来再接再厉。We tired of being runners up. 我们朝着胜利冲刺。We coming up. Yup. 我们来了,是的。We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever. 我们已经准备无论是十分在我们的前方。无论。Blood, sweat, tears, yeah. 鲜血,汗水和泪水,是的。We dripped all three just to get here. 我们流出的仅仅为了这个。No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished. 不久后我将苏醒,我的梦将消失。It"s staring right at me, I must take advantage. 这是一个正确的开始,我必须好好利用。Hard work pays off, you get what you put in. 功夫不负有心人,一分耕耘,一分收获。 So why stop now? 所以为什么要停止?Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing. 继续挑战,继续挑战。We in a fight to the finish, 为了结束而战,So why not fight "til you finished? 所以为什么要妥协?Dig it? 挖掘它?I"m my own author, here"s my story. 我是我的作者,这是我的故事。My life"s been full of pain, 我的人生充满着痛苦,Now where"s my glory? 哪里才是我的荣耀?So glorious.所以光荣。Victorious. 胜利。We take what we want we born warriors. 我们从我们的战士那得到了我们想要的东西。So glorious. 所以光荣。Victorious. 胜利。We take what we want we born warriors. 我们从我们的战士那得到了我们想要的东西。If you fall, get up and try it again. 如果你失败了,站起来再接再厉。If you drop, get up and try it again.如果你倒退了,站起来再接再厉。If you fall, get up and try it again. 如果你失败了,站起来再接再厉。If you drop, get up and try it again.如果你倒退了,站起来再接再厉。 此翻译仅供参考。可能有些用词仍然有出处,希望能理解。
2023-07-21 17:21:243


首先,你需要收集到全部的Al Bhed语辞书。因为有了它们,你才能读懂Al Bhed族在世界各地留下的密码 密码GODHAND:在Luca附近的Highroad找到线索:There is a valley in a vast plain with a great thorn beside。(峡谷在有巨型棘刺的大平原) From the thorn look cross the vale to the other side。(从棘刺可以看到峡谷的另一边)显然是说的Calm Lands,在Calm Lands的峡谷旁又发现了奇怪的圆,上面写着:With the Vale at your back go fortynine。(背着峡谷走49步)Then seven to the right in the truest line。(再沿着最明显的线向右走7步)照着这么做,然后会依次发现石头和圆提供的线索:Right sixteen and right four (向右转走十六步再右转走四步) With me at your back go twenty, then twenty to the right。 (背着我走20步,再向右走20步)Continue on。 Find me。(继续,找到和我一样的圆) 沿着这条线索,找到棘刺旁的最后一个圆。调查得到密码GODHAND密码VICTORIOUS:在Besaid的一块石碑处发现这样一句话:Kilika and Bikanel join as one。在Kilika森林处发现如下的奇怪信息:t e p s w r s V C O I U在Sanubia沙漠又发现同样奇怪的另一段信息:h a s o d i I T R O S 按Besaid石碑的提示将两处的信息组合起来:the password is VICTORIOUS(密码是VICTORIOUS)密码MURASAME:在Baaj寺院(Tidus最初所在的水域中)一块镜子上有一信息:In the land where bolts of light Illuminate the blackest night With Macalania behind The fourth pillar you sight Look not on the left But on the right The land where bolts of light illuminate the blackest night (bolts of light是指的闪电,“闪电照耀着黑夜的地方”显而易见是指的雷平原)With Macalania behind The fourth pillar you sight Look not on the left But on the right(这句的意思就是从雷平原往Macalania的第四根柱子(避雷针)处朝右调查)这样,找到了密码MURASAME。
2023-07-21 17:21:521


记得输不下的只输前几个字母就可以了 PS:比较久以前玩的 记得不是很清楚希望能帮到你
2023-07-21 17:22:0210


日语输入这个 びくとりあす
2023-07-21 17:22:533

ps2国际中文版最终幻想10 飞空艇隐藏地点密码

2023-07-21 17:23:021


Know thy self, know thy enemy, a thousand battles, a thousand victories.知己知彼,百战百胜。Move not unless you see an advantage, use not your troops unless there is something to be gained, fight not unless the position is critical. 非利不动,非得不用,非危不战。Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. 难知如阴,动如雷震。In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity. 乱而取之(混乱中往往蕴藏机会)。All warfare is based on deception, hence, when we are able to attack we must seem unable, when using our forces we must appear inactive, when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away, when far away, we must make him believe we are near. 兵者,诡道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近。Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. 胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜。Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across. 穷寇莫追。When the enemy is relaxed, make them toil; when full, starve them; when settled, make them move. 佚能劳之,饱能饥之,安能动之。
2023-07-21 17:23:091


  【Uprising】起义  The paranoia is in bloom, the PR  这些偏执狂正在颠峰  The transmissions will resume  这些遗传将会继续下去  They"ll try to push drugs  他们将会试著下药麻痹  Keep us all dumbed down and hope that  让我们所有人保持沉默并且如此希望  We will never see the truth around  而我们将永远看不见围绕在身边的真相  (So come on!)  Another promise, another scene, another  其他的承诺,其他的景象,那些其他  A package not to keep us trapped in greed  一个包装好的包裹无法设计我们陷入贪欲之中  With all the green belts wrapped around our minds  那些用绿色的皮带包裹我们所有的心智  And endless red tape to keep the truth confined  而无穷无境的终点线让真实被永远限制住  (So come on!)  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Interchanging mind control  交换自我的控制权  Come let the revolution take its toll  if you could  来使这场革命敲响革命的钟,若你可以  Flick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see that  轻敲开始的开关,打开第三只眼,你将会看见  We should never be afraid to die  我们应该永不害怕死亡  (So come on!)  Rise up and take the power back, it"s time that  这正是时候,抬起自我,取回我们的力量  The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that  那些肥猫已经受到致命的攻击,你知道的  Their time is coming to an end  他们的时代已经结束了  We have to unify and watch our flag ascend  而我们必须合一,让我们的旗帜飘起  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜
2023-07-21 17:23:281

The Second Coming歌词翻译,高分!!!

他们说,一个家庭的祈祷在一起,保持合作。 之一,各界除了刚才分崩离析。 所以,我们共同的立场,我们分裂,我们下降。 联合国,我们的形式Voltron ,并采取所有。 让我们的举动。 是的,鸟乐巢。 我长大,我爱飞的休息。 最好的就是我们努力的。是啊。 阿遗产是我们试图离开。 亚挖? 现在,告别过去。 未来在这里了。 第二次来。 在新的开端。 事实是发言。 您应该倾听。 如此辉煌。 胜利。 我们采取我们想要什么,我们出生的勇士。 因此,光荣, 胜利。 我们采取我们想要什么,我们出生的勇士。 如果您秋天,起床,然后再试一次。 如果你放弃,起床,然后再试一次。 如果您秋天,起床,然后再试一次。 如果你放弃,起床,然后再试一次。 我们厌倦了亚军。 我们来了。烨。 我们为你准备好了在我们的面前。无论什么。 鲜血,汗水,眼泪,是啊。 我们滴所有三个刚刚进入此。 我将不再过来了,我的梦想刚刚消失。 它盯着我的权利,我必须好好利用。 功夫不负有心人,你就会得到你提出英寸 那么,为什么现在停止? 爱继续推动。继续努力。 我们在战斗到底, 那么,为什么不打 "淋巴细胞您完成? 挖呢? 我是我自己的作者,这是我的故事。 我的生活充满了痛苦, 现在那里是我的荣耀? 如此辉煌。 胜利。 我们采取我们想要什么,我们出生的勇士。 如此辉煌。 胜利。 我们采取我们想要什么,我们出生的勇士。 如果您秋天,起床,然后再试一次。 如果你放弃,起床,然后再试一次。 如果您秋天,起床,然后再试一次。 如果你放弃,起床,然后再试一次 为此...我喜欢这个游戏!
2023-07-21 17:24:024


2023-07-21 17:24:223


victory n. 胜利, 战胜, 克服, [罗神]胜利女神 Defeat of an enemy or opponent. 胜利:敌军或者对手的失败 Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle. 克服:在争斗中对抗困难或者障碍的胜利 The state of having triumphed. 成功:取得成功的状态triumph n. 胜利, 成功 v. 获得胜利 To be victorious or successful; win. 获胜,成功,胜利 To rejoice over a success or victory; exult. 庆祝胜利或成功;得意洋洋 To receive honors upon return from a victory in ancient Rome. Used of a general. 接受胜利荣誉:接受胜利的荣誉,尤指在古代罗马凯旋归来。用于作战的将军 n.(名词) The fact of being victorious; victory or conquest.See Synonyms at victory 胜利,得胜:胜利的事实,胜利或征服参见 victory A noteworthy or spectacular success. 丰功伟绩:非凡的成功,杰出的成就 Exultation or rejoicing over victory or success. 喜悦,狂欢:胜利或成功带来的喜悦 A public celebration in ancient Rome to welcome a returning victorious commander and his army. 凯旋仪式:古代罗马为欢迎凯旋归来的指挥官和他的军队而举行的公共庆祝活动 Obsolete A public celebration or spectacular pageant. 【废语】 盛典:公共庆祝活动或热闹的游行
2023-07-21 17:24:431


First know others,then confend them.
2023-07-21 17:25:126

You’re the reason,这首歌的歌词中文翻译谁能告诉

《You"re the Reason》歌词中文翻译:看著我的眼睛,听我说我永远不会足够因为一切都没关系只要我们在一起,无论我们去哪里这没关系,哦,好吧,无论如何每个人都需要知道你可能会疯了最近我有告诉你我爱你吗?你是我不怕飞的唯一原因这太疯狂了,有人可以改变我现在无论我做什么,我都必须这样做我不怕尝试,你需要知道你是原因,为什么当他们说你有点时,我甚至不在乎咬掉,看着他们的眼睛,我会说我永远不会得到足够的好吧,无论我们去哪里,它都可以保持在一起这没关系,哦,好吧,无论如何每个人都需要知道你可能会疯了最近我有告诉你我爱你吗?你是我不怕飞的唯一原因这太疯狂了,有人可以改变我现在无论我做什么,我都必须这样做我不怕尝试,你需要知道你是原因,为什么如果下雨,你会在阳光下大喊大叫损坏完成后拿起碎片你说这只是另一个阴天但看看我们弄砸了什么你可能会疯了最近我有告诉你我爱你吗?你是我不怕飞的唯一原因这太疯狂了,有人可以改变我现在无论我做什么,我都必须这样做我不怕尝试,你需要知道你是原因,为什么
2023-07-21 17:25:273


misson compled(任务完成)misson failed(任务失败)
2023-07-21 17:25:433


2023-07-21 17:26:034


it"s amazing是Kanye West的歌
2023-07-21 17:26:112

7月9日天下足球里面 梅西中国行的背景音乐

预告梅西中国行的歌曲 《The Second Coming》 下载 这也是NIKE青出于“篮”的广告歌 CCTV-5用的是25秒后的歌曲 The Second Coming Juelz Santana They say a family that prays together, stays together. And one that walks apart just falls apart. So, together we stand, divided we fall. United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let"s move. Yes, the birds le the nest. I"m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest. Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah. A legacy is what we trying to leave. Ya dig? Now say goodbye to the past. The future is here at last. The second coming. The new beginning. The truth is speaking. You should listen. So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. So glorious, Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. We tired of being runners up. We coming up. Yup. We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever. Blood, sweat, tears, yeah. We dripped all three just to get here. No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished. It"s staring right at me, I must take advantage. Hard work pays off, you get what you put in. So why stop now? Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing. We in a fight to the finish, So why not fight "til you finished? Dig it? I"m my own author, here"s my story. My life"s been full of pain, Now where"s my glory? So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again.
2023-07-21 17:26:181


unit lost是损失一个单位的意思还有攻击之类就不说了 都是些简单英语
2023-07-21 17:26:284

Jeremy Camp的《King Jesus》 歌词

歌曲名:King Jesus歌手:Jeremy Camp专辑:We Cry Out: The Worship ProjectJeremy Camp - King JesusAll creation shook on that very day the Lamb was slainThen redemption came to anyone who would call His nameWith peace and with strength You broke these heavy chainsAnd salvation reignedAnd with a shout of praise and with our voices raisedKing JesusYour are victoriousYou have conquered deathWith this life of loveYou are victoriousYou paid the final debtFor all of usNone can separate the very hope and grace that He displayedNeither height nor depth or anyone can steal the love He gaveOne day every knee will bowBehold You in your gloryEvery tongue will declare Your Holy nameKing Jesus You are victorious
2023-07-21 17:27:401


  Nike最新广告曲(The Go Team Power Is On)  [nike]青出于“篮”广告与歌曲(附带中英文歌词)  歌曲下载  [日期:2007-02-09] 来源:nike 作者:全球标志网,C-Dawg [字体:大 中 小]  关于:NIKE  歌手:Juelz Santana  广告版:歌曲下载 完整版:歌曲下载  The Second Coming广告版歌词(翻译C-Dawg)作者:C-Dawg  They say a family that prays together stays together作者:C-Dawg  人们都说一个大家庭住在一起,大家一起祈祷作者:C-Dawg  And one that walks apart just falls apart作者:C-Dawg  而一个脱离家庭的人必将陨落作者:C-Dawg  So together we stand divided we fall作者:C-Dawg  所以说我们肩并肩必定胜利,而分道扬镳必将失败作者:C-Dawg  United we form voltron and take on all 作者:C-Dawg  我们联合起来就能组成坚不可摧的力量并击倒一切作者:C-Dawg  Yes, The birds left the nest作者:C-Dawg  是啊,鸟儿终将离巢作者:C-Dawg  I"m all grown up but gotta fly with the rest作者:C-Dawg  我已经长大,但我不准备一个人,我要和大家一起飞走作者:C-Dawg  Best of the best is what we strive to be作者:C-Dawg  我们努力是为了成为最强中的最强作者:C-Dawg  A legacy is what we trying to leave作者:C-Dawg  我们要为后人留下丰厚遗产作者:C-Dawg  Ya dig?作者:C-Dawg  你明白了吗?作者:C-Dawg  Now say goodbye to the past  现在让我们对过去说再见  The future"s here at last作者:C-Dawg  未来就在你的脚下作者:C-Dawg  The second coming作者:C-Dawg  第二波作者:C-Dawg  The new beginning作者:C-Dawg  是新的开始作者:C-Dawg  The truth is speaking作者:C-Dawg  而"真理"正在说话作者:C-Dawg  You should listen作者:C-Dawg  你应该好好给我听着  完整版歌词:  They say a family that prays together, stays together.  And one that walks apart just falls apart.  So, together we stand, divided we fall.  United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let"s move.  Yes, the birds le the nest.  I"m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest.  Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah.  A legacy is what we trying to leave.  Ya dig?  Now say goodbye to the past.  The future is here at last.  The second coming.  The new beginning.  The truth is speaking.  You should listen.  So glorious.  Victorious.  We take what we want we born warriors.  So glorious,  Victorious.  We take what we want we born warriors.  If you fall, get up and try it again.  If you drop, get up and try it again.  If you fall, get up and try it again.  If you drop, get up and try it again.  We tired of being runners up.  We coming up. Yup.  We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever.  Blood, sweat, tears, yeah.  We dripped all three just to get here.  No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished.  It"s staring right at me, I must take advantage.  Hard work pays off, you get what you put in.  So why stop now?  Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing.  We in a fight to the finish,  So why not fight "til you finished?  Dig it?  I"m my own author, here"s my story.  My life"s been full of pain,  Now where"s my glory?  So glorious.  Victorious.  We take what we want we born warriors.  So glorious.  Victorious.  We take what we want we born warriors.  If you fall, get up and try it again.  If you drop, get up and try it again.  If you fall, get up and try it again.  If you drop, get up and try it again.
2023-07-21 17:27:471

红色警戒:电脑被击败(中文:坏阿类沸特,YOU AER A BE 胜者?):英文是什么?

2023-07-21 17:28:133


victoryn.胜利, 战胜, 克服, [罗神]胜利女神Defeat of an enemy or opponent.胜利:敌军或者对手的失败Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle.克服:在争斗中对抗困难或者障碍的胜利The state of having triumphed.成功:取得成功的状态triumphn.胜利, 成功v.获得胜利To be victorious or successful; win.获胜,成功,胜利To rejoice over a success or victory; exult.庆祝胜利或成功;得意洋洋To receive honors upon return from a victory in ancient Rome. Used of a general.接受胜利荣誉:接受胜利的荣誉,尤指在古代罗马凯旋归来。用于作战的将军n.(名词)The fact of being victorious; victory or conquest.See Synonyms at victory 胜利,得胜:胜利的事实,胜利或征服参见 victoryA noteworthy or spectacular success.丰功伟绩:非凡的成功,杰出的成就Exultation or rejoicing over victory or success.喜悦,狂欢:胜利或成功带来的喜悦A public celebration in ancient Rome to welcome a returning victorious commander and his army.凯旋仪式:古代罗马为欢迎凯旋归来的指挥官和他的军队而举行的公共庆祝活动Obsolete A public celebration or spectacular pageant.【废语】 盛典:公共庆祝活动或热闹的游行
2023-07-21 17:28:471

《全世界人民一定胜利》 的英文歌词

英文 你是瞎子吗
2023-07-21 17:28:542

MUSE的《Uprising》 歌词

歌曲名:Uprising歌手:MUSE专辑:UprisingMuse-UprisingThe paranoia is in bloom, the PRThe transmissions will resumeThey"ll try to push drugsKeep us all dumbed down and hope thatWe will never see the truth aroundAnother promise, another scene, anotherA package not to keep us trapped in greedWith all the green belts wrapped around our mindsAnd endless red tape to keep the truth confinedThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousInterchanging mind controlCome let the revolution take it"s toll if you couldFlick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see thatWe should never be afraid to dieRise up and take the power back, it"s time thatThe fat cats had a heart attack, you know thatTheir time is coming to an endWe have to unify and watch our flag ascendThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victorious
2023-07-21 17:29:011

Muse的《Uprising》 歌词

歌曲名:Uprising歌手:Muse专辑:The ResistanceMuse-UprisingThe paranoia is in bloom, the PRThe transmissions will resumeThey"ll try to push drugsKeep us all dumbed down and hope thatWe will never see the truth aroundAnother promise, another scene, anotherA package not to keep us trapped in greedWith all the green belts wrapped around our mindsAnd endless red tape to keep the truth confinedThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousInterchanging mind controlCome let the revolution take it"s toll if you couldFlick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see thatWe should never be afraid to dieRise up and take the power back, it"s time thatThe fat cats had a heart attack, you know thatTheir time is coming to an endWe have to unify and watch our flag ascendThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victoriousThey will not force usThey will stop degrading usThey will not control usWe will be victorious
2023-07-21 17:29:091


Nuclear Silo Detected探测到核弹发射井 Nuclear Missile Launched核弹发射 Nuclear Missile Ready核弹准备就绪 铁幕:Iron Curtain Detected 闪电风暴 Warning:Weather control device detected. 警告:侦测到天气控制器。 Lightning storm created. 闪电风暴接近中没钱了 Insufficient funds 可以造新东西了 New construction options 开始建造建筑物 building 开始生产作战单位 Training 暂停生产 On hold 取消生产 Canceled 生产进行中 目前不接受新的生产指令 Can not comply building in progress 建筑已造好 Construction complete 单位已造好 Unit ready 建筑被卖掉 Structure sold 建筑修理 Repairing 电力不足 生产减缓 Low power单位已修好 Unit repaired 单位升级了 Unit promoted 作战单位被灭 Unit lost我们的建筑物正遭受攻击 Our base is under attack 援军(空降部队)准备好了 Reinforcements ready 进入该建筑 盗得金钱 Building ininfiltrated cash stolen 进入该建筑 盗得科技 Building ininfiltrated New technology acquired 进入该建筑 敌方电力切断 Building ininfiltrated enemy base power down 进入该建筑 敌方雷达探明 Building ininfiltrated radar subtouched 占领(敌方)建筑 Building captured 占领科技(油井 空降场等)建筑 Tech building captured (油井 空降场等)建筑被敌占领 Tech building lost 被敌方盗得金钱 Cash stolen 桥梁已修好 Bridge repaired 大兵驻扎建筑物 Structure garrisoned 脱离驻扎建筑物 Structure abandoned (超级武器)选择目标 Select target 玩家被击败 Player defeated 你胜利了 You are victorious红警3:Our collector is under attack:我们的矿车遭到了攻击;Our construction yard is under attack:我们的建造场(就是老本)遭到了攻击;We lost a collector:丢失一辆采矿车(其实就是被击毁了);Unit lost:单位丢失;We lost Taye/Natasha/Yuriko,谭亚/娜塔莎/百合子已阵亡。Building :建造中;Training:训练中; Construction complete:建筑建造完成;Insufficient funds:资金不足;Low power:电力不足;Structure sold:建筑物卖出苏军铁幕:Warning!An Iron Curtain has been detected!真空内爆弹:Warning!A Vacuum Imploder has been detected!盟军质子撞击炮:Warning!A Proton Collider has been detected!超时空传送仪:Warning!A Chronosphere has been detected! 旭日纳米虫群装置:Warning!A Nanoswarm Hive has been detected! 毁灭装置:Warning!A Psionic Decimator has been detected!
2023-07-21 17:29:191


they say a family that prays together, stays together. and one that walks apart just falls apart. so, together we stand, divided we fall. united, we form voltron and take on all. let"s move. yes, the birds left the nest. i"m all grown up i gotta fly with the rest. best of the best is what we strive to be. yeah. a legacy is what we trying to leave. ya dig? now say goodbye to the past. the future is here at last. the second coming. the new beginning. the truth is speaking. you should listen. so glorious. victorious. we take what we want we born warriors. so glorious, victorious. we take what we want we born warriors. if you fall, get up and try it again. if you drop, get up and try it again. if you fall, get up and try it again. if you drop, get up and try it again. we tired of being runners up. we coming up. yup. we ready for whatever you put in front of us. whatever. blood, sweat, tears, yeah. we dripped all three just to get here. no longer will i wake up and my dreams just vanished. it"s staring right at me, i must take advantage. hard work pays off, you get what you put in. so why stop now? gotta keep pushing. keep pushing. we in a fight to the finish, so why not fight "til you finished? dig it? i"m my own author, here"s my story. my life"s been full of pain, now where"s my glory? so glorious. victorious. we take what we want we born warriors. so glorious. victorious. we take what we want we born warriors. if you fall, get up and try it again. if you drop, get up and try it again. if you fall, get up and try it again. if you drop, get up and try it again.
2023-07-21 17:29:261


The People of the World Will Surely be Victorious 《全世界人民一定胜利》The east wind is blowing, the war drums are sounding,东风吹,战鼓擂!Who fears who in today"s world?现在世界上究竟谁怕谁!It"s not the people who fear American imperialism,不是人民怕美帝,But American imperialism who fears the people!而是美帝怕人民!A just cause enjoys great support, an unjust cause enjoys none!得道多助,失道寡助,The laws of history can"t be broken, can"t be broken!历史的规律不可抗拒!不可抗拒!American imperialism will certainly perish,美帝国主义必然灭亡,And the people of the world will surely be victorious,全世界人民必然胜利!The people of the world will surely be victorious!全世界人民必然胜利!听《全世界人民一定胜利》看【70年代宣传画歌曲视频】
2023-07-21 17:29:332


2023-07-21 17:29:564


生产: 没钱了 Insufficient funds 可以造新东西了 New construction options 开始建造建筑物 building 开始生产作战单位 Training 暂停生产 On hold 取消生产 Canceled 生产进行中 目前不接受新的生产指令 Can not comply building in progress 建筑已造好 Construction complete 单位已造好 Unit ready 建筑被卖掉 Structure sold 建筑修理 Repairing 电力不足 生产减缓 Low power 选定主要建筑物(战车工厂/兵营等)Primary building selected 作战: 单位已修好 Unit repaired 单位升级了 Unit promoted 作战单位被灭 Unit lost (战车工厂/兵营/维修厂)建立新的集结点 New ___ point established 我们的建筑物正遭受攻击 Our base is under attack 援军(空降部队)准备好了 Reinforcements ready 进入该建筑 盗得金钱 Building ininfiltrated cash stolen 进入该建筑 盗得科技 Building ininfiltrated New technology acquired 进入该建筑 敌方电力切断 Building ininfiltrated enemy base power down 进入该建筑 敌方雷达探明 Building ininfiltrated radar subtouched 占领(敌方)建筑 Building captured 占领科技(油井 空降场等)建筑 Tech building captured (油井 空降场等)建筑被敌占领 Tech building lost 被敌方盗得金钱 Cash stolen 桥梁已修好 Bridge repaired 大兵驻扎建筑物 Structure garrisoned 脱离驻扎建筑物 Structure abandoned (超级武器)选择目标 Select target 玩家被击败 Player defeated 你胜利了 You are victorious 谭雅:shake it,baby!(炸建筑时喊!) move now,boss!(是的,老大!) you`ve gonna order?(你有命令么?) 美国大兵:can~ do!(拖长喊:能搞定!) All the move!(保持行动!) Closing in!(接近中!) Sir,yes sir!(是的,先生!) Enemy spotted!(遭遇敌人!) 驱逐舰:Man in battlestation!(准备作战!) order`selvier no headache!(抱怨:“发命令的人自己倒不觉得什么!”) 间谍:operation on the way!(正在行动中!) You Give me a plan!(给个计划!) yes commandor!(是的指挥官先生!) 超时空转换:Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! (传送部队到达倒记时:5,4,3,2,1,援军到达!—— 任务版) 闪电风暴:lighting storm created!(闪电风暴已经生成!) 苏联矿车:war miner is here!(战斗矿车在此!汗!) 天启坦克:it is the judgement day!(今天就是审判日!) Soviet power superian!(苏联力量强大无比!) 雷达:Spy plane ready!(侦察机完毕!) 尤里:tell me your wish~(告诉我你在想什么~ ) your mind disclevered!(清除你的个体意识!) 苏联动员兵:Attack it!(攻击吧!) Yes comrade!(是,同志!) 基洛夫空艇:Giroff Report!(基洛夫刚刚造好.基洛夫报道!)
2023-07-21 17:30:521


我这有两种译法供你参考,希望对你有所帮助: Know yourself, know your opponent;in a hundred battles, win a hundred victories. Keep your friends close; keep your enemycloser.
2023-07-21 17:31:048

请分析A victorious defeat -- Oxymoron

2023-07-21 17:31:201


爱莉安娜·格兰德[NBA]90后人气歌手爱莉安娜-格兰德精彩献唱2008年,爱莉安娜·格兰德出演百老汇音乐剧《Thirteen》中的夏洛特而成名。2010年,出演美剧《Victorious》(胜利之歌)中的CaterinaValentine。2011年8月10日,爱莉安娜·格兰德与环球唱片签约。2013年12月,首张专辑《Yours Truly》 凭借13万3的首周销量夺冠,成为继2011年AK专辑Girl on Fire的15万9首周后,R&B嘻哈女歌手最高首周。2014年8月25日,发行了个人第二张专辑《My Everything》,并且在公告牌专辑榜上榜第一周就获得冠军[2] 。2014年12月6日,爱莉安娜·格兰德获得格莱美年度最佳二人组/团体表演的提名。
2023-07-21 17:31:521

我好想跟你谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱。 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-21 17:32:019

求歌词:make it shine victoria justice

歌名:Make It Shine所属专辑:Make It Shine (Victorious Theme)时长:3:07歌手:Victoria Justice / Victorious Cast歌词:Here I amOnce againFeeling lost but now and thenI breath it inTo let it goAnd you don"t know where you are nowOr what it would come toIf only somebody could hearWhen you figure out howYou"re lost in the momentYou disappear(Chorus)You don"t have to be afraidTo put your dream in actionYou"re never gonna fadeYou"ll be the main attractionNot a fantasyJust remember meWhen it turns out rightCause you know that if you liveIn your imaginationTomorrow you"llBe everybody"s fascinationIn my victoryJust remember meWhen I make it shine・・・Reaching highFeeling lowI"m holding on but letting goI like to shineI"ll shine for youAnd it"s time to show the world howIt"s a little bit closerAs long as I"m ready to goAll we have is right nowAs long as you feel it inside you know(Chorus)You don"t have to be afraidTo put your dream in actionYour never gonna fadeYou"ll be the main attractionNot a fantasyJust remember meWhen it turns out rightCause you know that if your liveIn your imaginationTomorrow you"llBe everybody"s fascinationIn my victoryJust remember meWhen I make it shineEvery one can tell you howWhen it"s all said and done(Oh whoa oh)And harder times will change your mindAnd make you want to runBut you want itAnd you need itLike you need to breath the airIf they doubt youJust believe itThat"s enough to get you there(Chorus)You don"t have to be afraidTo put your dream in actionYour never gonna fadeYou"ll be the main attractionNot a fantasyJust remember meWhen it turns out rightCause you know that if your liveIn your imaginationTomorrow you"llBe everybody"s fascinationIn my victoryJust remember meWhen I make it shine
2023-07-21 17:32:162


Uprising-Muse Undisclosed Desires - Muse Come What May-Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman
2023-07-21 17:32:232

System Of A Down的《B.Y.O.B.》 歌词

歌曲名:B.Y.O.B.歌手:System Of A Down专辑:Body Of War: Songs That Inspired An Iraq War VeteranSystem of a Down - B.Y.O.B.WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOR!My god is of spiteful blood with morbid eels.Victorious, victorious, steel,Can you stand and kneel?Marching forward hypocriticand hypnotic computers.You depend on our protection,Yet you feed us lies from the table la la la la la la la la,Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.kneeling roses disappearing,into Moses" dry mouth,breaking into Fort Knox,stealing our intentions,every city gripped in oil,Crying FREEDOM!Handed to absolution,Still you feed us lies from the table cloth.La la la la la la la la la,Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Blast off, its Party time,And we all live in a fascist nation,Blast off , its party time,And where the fuck are you?Where the fuck are you?Where the fuck are you?Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor?Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor? Kneeling roses disappearing,into Moses" dry mouth,breaking into Fort Knox,stealing our intentions,every city gripped in oil,Crying FREEDOM!Handed to absolution,Still you feed us lies from the la la la la la la la la,Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Where the fuck are you!Where the fuck are you!Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor?Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor? Why, do, they always send the poor They only send the poor
2023-07-21 17:32:311


defeat[di5fi:t]n.击败, 战胜, 失败vt.击败, 战胜, 使失败, 挫折v.击败应该是这个吧
2023-07-21 17:32:415