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handle和deal with的区别

2023-07-21 17:46:33



deal with:仅仅是处理,能否解决问题是未知数


handle 字面上, 就象弄把手一样, 通常批可以很好地, 高效地处理这件事.

deal with 则较中性, 通常指日常事务的处理, 还指处理双方的关系.



2023-07-21 15:36:241

handle 和deal的区别?

handle和deal他们不同在于: 当你想说“这件事我可以”的时候,如果用handle 就会说 “I can handle this thing" 但是如果想用deal的话就是 “i can deal with this thing" .请注意如果用deal的话 别忘了WITH!
2023-07-21 15:36:491

handle是什么意思 详解handle的含义和用法?

(1)handle with care(小心处理):这个短语通常用于指某个物体需要小心处理,以免损坏。1. 名词用法三、总结2. 动词用法(2)Can you handle the pressure of this job?(你能承受这份工作的压力吗?)
2023-07-21 15:37:023


handle主要用作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。 扩展资料   handle的意思   n. (织物、毛皮等的)手感,手柄,举动,柄状物   vi. 操作,操控,容易搬运   vt. 用双手触摸、举起或握住,用手操作,操纵,处理或负责,管理,〈美〉买卖,经营   变形:过去式: handled; 现在分词:handling; 过去分词:handled;   handle用法   handle可以用作动词   handle主要用作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。   handle用作动词的用法例句   I was impressed by her handling of the affair.我觉得她对此事的.处理很了不起。   The speaker was roughly handled by the mob.演说者受到暴民的粗暴对待。   He"s not a very good teacher---he doesn"t know how to handle children.他不是一个好的老师---他不懂得如何对待孩子。   handle用法例句   1、The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.   公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。   2、Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   3、Don"t take on more responsibilities than you can handle.   不要承担过多的责任。
2023-07-21 15:37:211


  handle有操作,操控; 容易搬运等意思,那么你知道handle的同义词有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来handle的同义词及辨析,欢迎大家一起学习!   handle同义词:   deal with, cope with, dispose of, manage, handle   handle同义词辨析:   这些动词或短语动词都含有"处理,对付"之意。   deal with 既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。   cope with 指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。   dispose of deal with同义,普通用法。   manage 指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。   handle 从原义"手柄",转引申为作"处理"解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。   handle的英语例句:   1. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.   公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。   2. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   3. Don"t take on more responsibilities than you can handle.   不要承担过多的责任。   4. He began informally to handle Ted"s tax affairs for him.   他开始非正式地为特德打理税务。   5. Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.   有些青春期前的儿童能够承担很多责任。   6. The more powerful the car the more difficult it is to handle.   汽车的功率越大,就越难驾驭。   7. The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.   一只普通的手柄就可以手动操作这个装置。   8. I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly.   我觉得和西格尔先生会谈我可能会搞得一团糟。   9. I knew how to load and handle a gun.   我知道怎么上子弹,也知道枪怎么用。   10. Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow.   医院旁搭起了帐篷以安置容纳不下的人员。   11. The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.   一个板球拍柄从他的胳肢窝下面伸了出来。   12. I turned the handle and found the door was open.   我转了一下门把手,发现门开着。   13. He flew off the handle at the slightest thing.   他为一点小事就大发脾气。   14. Using a fabric conditioner will make clothes easier to handle and iron.   使用织物柔顺剂会使衣服打理、熨烫起来更为容易。   15. Some students have emotional problems that teachers feel ill equipped to handle.   一些学生的情感问题令老师们束手无策。
2023-07-21 15:37:281

deal handle tackle区别

deal 是偏重处理的主观能动性,比如遇到困难了知难而上handle 侧重操控,指对一个问题的控制能力tackle 指解决一个具体的难题
2023-07-21 15:38:031


handle可以用作动词,作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。有处理,搬动等含义;作名词有把手,拉手等含义。1.handle主要用作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。有处理,应付,控制等含义。 I was impressed by her handling of the affair. 我觉得她对此事的处理很了不起。 The speaker was roughly handled by the mob. 演说者受到暴民的粗暴对待。 He"s not a very good teacher---he doesn"t know how to handle children. 他不是一个好的老师---他不懂得如何对待孩子。 with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理”,“对付”之意。 deal with 既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。 cope with 指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。 dispose of 与deal with同义,普通用法。 manage 指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。 handle 从原义“手柄”,转引申为作“处理”解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。
2023-07-21 15:38:111

2023-07-21 15:38:313


handle主要用作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物; 偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。 短语搭配: valve handle阀门手柄 ; 阀门手轮 ; 阀杆 ; 阀柄 frank handle翰德乐 file handle文件句柄 ; 锉刀柄 ; 档案控制代码 ; 锉刀把 [1 扩展资料   You have to handle this.   你必须处理好这件事。   How do you handle it when someone hurts you?   那么,当有人伤害了你时,你应该怎样处理呢?   How do I handle models that should have one and only one row in their database?   我要如何处理模型,应该在他们的数据库中有且仅有一个行吗?
2023-07-21 15:38:391


2023-07-21 15:38:583


2023-07-21 15:39:102

knob 和handle的区别

2023-07-21 15:39:423

deal in和handle in

2023-07-21 15:39:591


I can handle the peoblem easily.望采纳~
2023-07-21 15:40:095

请帮忙处理 英语

2023-07-21 15:40:282


2023-07-21 15:40:591


2023-07-21 15:41:076


2023-07-21 15:41:221


  handle有处理;对待;操作;触;买卖;把手;柄等意思,那么你知道handle的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习handle的英语知识吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    handle的用法   handle的用法1:handle主要用作及物动词,宾语可以是人或事物;   handle的用法2:偶尔用作不及物动词,其主动形式往往表示被动意义。    handle的常用 短语   用作名词 (n.)   give〔put〕 a handle to   给人以姓名   handle相关词汇辨析   deal with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle   这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理”,“对付”之意。   deal with 既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。   cope with 指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。   dispose of 与deal with同义,普通用法。   manage 指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。   handle 从原义“手柄”,转引申为作“处理”解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。    handle的用法例句   1. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.   公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。   2. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   3. Don"t take on more responsibilities than you can handle.   不要承担过多的责任。   4. He began informally to handle Ted"s tax affairs for him.   他开始非正式地为特德打理税务。   5. Some preteens are able to handle a good deal of responsibility.   有些青春期前的 儿童 能够承担很多责任。   6. The more powerful the car the more difficult it is to handle.   汽车的功率越大,就越难驾驭。   7. The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.   一只普通的手柄就可以手动操作这个装置。   8. I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly.   我觉得和西格尔先生会谈我可能会搞得一团糟。   9. I knew how to load and handle a gun.   我知道怎么上子弹,也知道枪怎么用。   10. Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow.   医院旁搭起了帐篷以安置容纳不下的人员。   11. The handle of a cricket bat protruded from under his arm.   一个板球拍柄从他的胳肢窝下面伸了出来。   12. I turned the handle and found the door was open.   我转了一下门把手,发现门开着。   13. He flew off the handle at the slightest thing.   他为一点小事就大发脾气。   14. Using a fabric conditioner will make clothes easier to handle and iron.   使用织物柔顺剂会使衣服打理、熨烫起来更为容易。   15. Some students have emotional problems that teachers feel ill equipped tohandle.   一些学生的情感问题令老师们束手无策。 猜你喜欢: 1. handle的过去式和用法例句 2. walk的用法和短语例句 3. dress的复数形式和用法例句 4. 代词语法讲解及练习题 5. belong的用法和短语例句 6. inspire的短语有哪些 7. easy的用法和短语例句
2023-07-21 15:42:371


handle同义词:deal with, cope with, dispose of,manage, handlehandle同义词辨析:这些动词或短语动词都含有"处理,对付"之意。dealwith既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。copewith指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。dispose of deal with同义,普通用法。manage指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。handle从原义"手柄",转引申为作"处理"解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。
2023-07-21 15:43:041

handle with

没错,三者在表示“处理/应付”时,用法几乎完全一样,其区别一般不计. 不过,楼主犯了些错误. 应该是:handle = deal with = treat 即:handle/treat表示“应付/处理”时,是及物动词,后面直接加宾语. 如果它们非要加with,必须是:handle/treat...with...,其意思是“用/以...处理/应付...”. 如:Can you treat/handle this situation with patience? = Can you deal with this situation patiently? 你能耐心地处理这种情况吗?
2023-07-21 15:43:231


tackle和handle的区别如下:deal:v.发(纸牌);发放;买卖;与……有关;(非正式)买卖毒品;应对;(以某种方式)对付;打交道;论及;给予……打击。n.约定;一揽子交易;待遇;发牌;(某人的)发牌轮次;牌戏的一局;一手牌;松木;松木板;大量。I think women have a raw deal.我认为妇女受到了不公平的待遇。I prefer to deal with him direct.我更愿意直接跟他打交道。handle:v.(用手)触摸;以手(或前臂)触球;操纵(车辆);(车辆)按特定方式作出反应;处理;对付(某人或某事);有办法应付;经营;接受(或经营)赃物;泰然承受;(车辆容易或难以)驾驶;运送(货物)。n.(门的)把手;柄;(织物等的)手感;(非正式)(人或地方的)称呼;(非正式)赌注总额。We need to handle the affairs immediately.我们需要立即处理这些事情。tackle:v.应付,处理(难题或局面);与某人交涉;(足球、曲棍球等)抢球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒;抓获;对付,打(尤指罪犯)。n.(足球等中的)抢断球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒;(美式橄榄球的)阻截队员;体育器械(尤指渔具)。I"m trying to tackle the tasks one by one.我正在努力逐一完成任务。
2023-07-21 15:43:361

Handle和 Hand 是什么意思?

handle: n. 1. 柄,把手;柄状物 2. 可乘之机,把柄,口实 3. 【口】头衔 4. 广告和促销花... vt. 1. 触,摸;拿;弄;搬动 2. 操作;操纵;指挥;管理 3. 对待,处理 4. 经营,经销 ... vi. 1. 操作起来;(车子等)开起来 [网络释义] handle 1.经营 2.锅把 3.锅耳 4.句柄 5.手把 6.手柄 7.处理,运用 8.门柄 HAND hand:手 手掌 巴掌
2023-07-21 15:43:551

handle 和deal的区别?求详细!!!

handle和deal他们不同在于:当你想说“这件事我可以”的时候,如果用handle 就会说 “I can handle this thing" 但是如果想用deal的话就是 “i can deal with this thing" 。 请注意如果用deal的话 别忘了WITH!
2023-07-21 15:44:171

deal treat manage handle的区别?

deal treat handle三者在表示“处理/应付”时,用法几乎完全一样,区别一般不计handle = deal with = treathandle/treat表示“应付/处理”时,是及物动词,后面直接加宾语.。如果它们非要加with,必须是:handle/treat...with...,其意思是“用/以(……方法)处理/应付...”handle 掌握,掌控一般指掌控局面treat 对待,招待,处理 deal 固定词组【deal with】指处理,解决某问题manage 【manage to do】努力做(成功)某事主要是就事件而言,强调成功这一结果
2023-07-21 15:44:251


1.Please fit a new handle on my case.请给我的箱子配一个新把手.2.Do you know how to handle the machine?你知道这机器应怎样操作吗?3.You have to press on the handle to turn it,it"s very stiff.你必须用力压这个把手,再转动它,它不太灵活了.4.The bolt and handle are deadlocked against turning.门闩和把手全卡住了,转动不了《21世纪大英汉词典》5.How do you handle it when someone hurts you?那么,当有人伤害了你时,你应该怎样处理呢?
2023-07-21 15:44:321


2023-07-21 15:44:411

解释一下Handle,学这么久了,都没弄明白它啥意思! - VC / MFC -

2023-07-21 15:44:483


  处理:有处置、安排、加工等意思。如:任何一个部门的工作,都必须先有情况的了解,然后才会有好的处理。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    处理英语说法1   handle    处理英语说法2   manage    处理英语说法3   dispose    处理英语说法4   deal with   处理的英语例句:   此事如何处理,请您裁断。   It"s up to you to handle this matter.   我们把一切事情都交给他处理。   We placed everything at his disposal.   我有要事要处理。   I have a matter of importance to deal with.   这精巧的玻璃杯处理时要小心。   This delicate glass must be treated with care.   这是个特殊的案件,应该获得特殊处理。   This is a special case, deserving special treatment.   这种事情只能私下处理。   This sort of business can only be transacted in private.   这件事他绝对没办法处理。   By no means was he able to handle it.   事件处理引擎比较适合讯号的实时处理流程。   Event processing engines are suited for real time processing of those signals.   处理或未处理挖掘结构。   Mining structure is processed or unprocessed.   这件事易于处理。   This is easy to manage.   她处理事务时的干脆利落是出了名的。   She is noted for her brisk handling of business.   经过冷冻、罐装或熏制处理的鱼   Fish which are processed by freezing, canning or *** oking   税务欺诈由国内税务局负责处理。   Tax frauds are dealt with by the Inland Revenue.   不能享受任何诸如供水或污水处理之类的服务   Without access to any services such as water or sewerage   我还有一些未完的事要处理。   I"ve got some unfinished business to attend to.   他习惯谨慎地处理每一个问题。   It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.   放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。   Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.   处理到视窗处理函式的滚动条讯息。   Process the scroll bar messages to the window procedure.   严肃一点说,苹果应该如何处理一大笔不断增加的现金呢?   More seriously, what should apple do with a massive and growing pile of cash?   我们想早点儿到这儿,以防那个什么维修主管忘了处理这件事。   We wanted to be here early in case the whatsit, maintenance supervisor had forgotten to deal with it.
2023-07-21 15:45:171


handle 使用,操纵(武器、车辆等);训练,使唤(动物)operating 运转; 操作; 管理; 做外科手术 指的是一些较为精细的操作管理
2023-07-21 15:45:481

我用VC C++: handle句柄起什么作用了?

其实就是 void*指针。
2023-07-21 15:45:564


什么情况下使用Value类和Handle类通过前几节的比较,我们可以总结在何种情况下需要使用Value类,在何种情况下需要使用Handle类。Value类比较简单,Value类对象的行为和普通的MATLAB变量,还有普通的struct行为基本一致,当我们希望定义数据结构的时候,可以使用Value类。如果我们希望每次对对象的拷贝,得到的都是一个独立的对象,可以使用Value类。Handle类对象提供的是对实际数据的一个访问渠道,从实用计算的角度来说,如果我们的数据体积比较大,我们希望这些数据在各个方法,函数之间的传递迅捷,不需要被局部拷贝的话,可以用Handle类来包装数据。MATLAB 的Handle Graphics是MATLAB中最大的一个Handle 类的例子,图形的对象的体积比较大,把它们设计成句柄类,通过它们的句柄对它们进行控制。比如下面的代码中,h1和h2实际指向的都是通过一个 line 对象>> h1 = line ;>> h2 = h1;>> set(h2,"Color","red");从物理的角度,如果类的对象对应的是一个独一无二的物理对象,比如一个串口,比如一个打印机,比如对一个文件的访问接口,那么应该把它设计成Handle类,因为对这些对象的拷贝仅仅拷贝的是一个访问它们的渠道。如果把它们设计成Value类,当我们做拷贝时,将面临这样一个难题,很难从语义上解释一个独一无二的实体在程序中有两个全同的拷贝。在第章中,我们还将介绍如何控制类所能声明的对象的数量,对于这种独一无二的物理实体,使其只能有一个对象存在。从功能和性能的角度上来说,Value类没有提供任何内置的方法,而MATLAB的Handle基类提供了delete方法,可以定义events和addlistener方法等等,Handle类的功能更加的强大,如果我们想在定义的类中使用事件,要使用Handle类。
2023-07-21 15:46:051

deal handle tackle区别

deal 是偏重处理的主观能动性,比如遇到困难了知难而上 handle 侧重操控,指对一个问题的控制能力 tackle 指解决一个具体的难题
2023-07-21 15:46:261


handle,do with,共同点:都含有对付,处理的意思。不同点:handle,引申为“处理”,有管理和操纵的意思。及物动词,可以不加用with连接。do with:可用于处理具体事情。也可用于处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。
2023-07-21 15:46:402


handlen.1. 手柄, 把手2. 柄状物;可抓握的东西3. 可乘之机,把柄,口实4. (织物、毛皮等的)手感5. 举动,行为vi.1. 操作2. 容易╱难以)驾驶,操纵3. 行动,活动,举动vt.1. 处理, 应付, 对待2. 拿, 触, 摸3. 买;卖4. 控制,操纵(车辆、动物、工具等)5. 负责,管理;处置6. 对待;讨论(问题等)7. 指挥;统治;训练因为不知道你注册的到底是什么,我也没有确切的答案。
2023-07-21 15:46:501

句柄和ID 指针与handle的区别

2023-07-21 15:46:582

高中英语。为何handle要用handled?还有后面那个can result in 的主语是什么

2023-07-21 15:47:074


2023-07-21 15:47:173

treat 和 handle 区别,为什么可以说handle things badly,不可以说treat things badly

treat 可以理解为有去处理的态度和动作,但结果未知handle 有结果
2023-07-21 15:47:351

论文元数据中的Handle是什么东西? for National Research Initiatives的产品。
2023-07-21 15:47:541


2023-07-21 15:48:021


2023-07-21 15:48:092

handle 做动词有被动语态吗?

有被动语态,be handled 被处理
2023-07-21 15:48:171


2023-07-21 15:48:255


2023-07-21 15:48:424

PHP里面我们经常说的那个handle,应该怎么翻译啊? - 技术问答

2023-07-21 15:48:511

What does he look like 意思是?

没错,what be.... like? what do..look like? 都是要求对方描述某人或某事的外貌,性格等。 What does he look like? 他长什么样?(多指外貌) What is he like? (多指性格等)
2023-07-21 15:45:031


2023-07-21 15:45:041

英语作文 My mother 各位大大们 吾辈相信你^^

Seeing the title,many stories about my mother are flooding in my head! Mum is fourty years old and acts as an ordinary office worker in a company. She is my first teacher in my life and also is one of my best freinds. When I was young,Mum always stayed beside me and taught me how to walk and how to say "Hello" to others. Step by step, I could walk without anyone"s help and speak fluently.Mum is kindly and quite easy to get on well with her. I can not forget those nightgs when Mum sat next to my bed and read stories to me. It is the stories that made me understand how to be a good people . Mum has many hobbies. She likes watching TV while weaving cloth, also she is interested in climbing mountains. Frequently all my family will have a rest on a hill at weekends. She loves sportsso that she stayed at home all days for the 2008 Olympic Games.In my memory, grape is her favourite fruit. She often told us that grape is full of nutrition. There are too much I want to say,but I think the best way to show my love to Mum is love her forever!When I sat at the desk, trying to write the essay, I found it hard to set pen to paper. Staring at the topic I deliberately chose for myself "my mother", I felt the memory of 20 years with my mother suddenly turned into a haze, blurring my eyes to discern the past, with nothing towering, nothing flaring, nothing impressive or special enough as a landmark. The haze gradually cleared away, revealing the image of an amicable woman. I recalled a line from the famous movie "Sleepless in Seattle". The radio column hostess asked Sam, "What"s so special about your wife?" He answered, "That"s millions of small things." Right,trivial and commonplace, like obscure beans, yet woven into the most spectacular necklace by the power of love. My mother is ordinary, but in my eyes she is special.My mother gave birth to me with exceptionally difficult labor. Father received an emergency notice and was faced with a choice between the adult and the infant. Of course,the adult. So my coming into this world was an unexpected fortune at the price of Mother"s painful insistence. Thus my 20 years began like this my mother exerted every effort to give me love, but I returned her with a deep scar that was to stay with her all through my growth.My mother is a senior high school English teacher. Under standably, she wanted her daughter to pick up English early to give her an edge to later study, which I did not understand at the age of eight. I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words. I wondered what pleasure Mother seemed to have found in teaching me A,B, C. Wasn"t teaching at school tire some enough for her? I went on strike, refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe Mother tried to be with me. For the first time in my life, Mother beat me, imprinting on my mind. The physical pain was gone long, long ago. But I have finally come to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience, and I ache at her pain.Mother never gave up evoking in me an interest in knowledge. She placed the most emphasis on my education and took the most pleasure in my gradual formation of self-discipline in preparing myself for future development. Thanks to her effort and influence, I have been doing well, not only in English, but also in my positive attitudes and conviction towards life.Now I am so grateful to my mother for everything she has taught me, but at that time it was far beyond my comprehension. As a little girl, I thought of my mother as meticulous and my father as a best playmate. I still remember I wrote in my elementary school a composition dedicated to my father about how he cared for me. Naturally Mother felt she was ignored, so I wrote another one for Mother, intending to tell her she was so good a teacher that she sometimes had only students on mind and neglected her daughter. Unexpectedly, Mother was gloomed and her eyes went wet. I am so sorry now for that affected composition. I am Mother"s daughter, and I am Mother"s student. I could never be neglected by Mother, because I am the forever scar on her body, the forever pain on her mind, yet the forever bliss in her life.I did not write much in the past about Mother"s love for me. Today, this essay is for her, and for her only. I wish to let her know my regret and gratitude. I wish she could hear, "I love you, Mother."My mother is a ordinary women.She is a very very ordinary women,really.She looks like very ordinary;her age very ordinary;only her wears looks like very special. My mother always wear a wide casual pants,a T-shirt (or a wide vest),and a pair of sunglasses.She always use toiletry,consequently she"s skin was very good. My mother is very benignant,and she was very love me.I with regard to these,I to be thankful.I love my mother , too.Because she gave me very very many.She civilize by education me how to do in world and knowledge. My mother is a office workers.She everyday works hard,but she always not to get heighten.Ha ha~ I love my mother , because she gave me very many thinks. I love my Mum . A ordinary and largeness mother. My dream A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart‘s core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living. I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils. When my dream comes true, all men will be truly equal, happy, and free.
2023-07-21 15:44:561


2023-07-21 15:44:534