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into the blue歌词

2023-07-21 16:37:58





























































































































































I"ve been scared of silence since you flew

Baby we were fools without a clue

Reaching for the things we never knew

Searching every beat that wasn"t true

The saddest thing I ever had to do

was finally accepting that our love was through

Fearing every thought that leads to you

Slowly sinking deep into the blue

Baby hush now please don"t ever let me know

Baby hush now don"t you ever let it show

cause though it may not be a wound now

it is still an awful scar

cause after all"s been said and done

I still don"t know just who you are

but I will throw away the feathers

and I"ll cast aside the tar

cause though it may not last forever

it"s a dream that"s gone too far

my little star


Born on the wings of a dream into the morning they fly

there"s no place that they"d rather be above the clouds so high

Light years are days the bravest of hearts lead the way

while loved ones on earth are praying "Come back to me"

So far from home exploring dimensions unknown

questions of man the answers are at your command

Light years away the Final frontier, outer space?

Are we alone or is this our destiny?


Into the blue our future, it rides beside you we look to the sky

and stare at our fate eye to eye into the blue our future is riding with you

we look to the sky staring fate in the eye into the blue


Born on the wings of a dream into the morning they fly

there"s no place that they"d rather be above the clouds so high

Light years are days the bravest of hearts lead the way

while loved ones on earth are praying "Come back to me"


Into the blue our future, it rides beside you we look to the sky

and stare at our fate eye to eye into the blue our future is riding with you

we look to the sky staring fate in the eye into the blue


Album:Wonder Child

Title:Into The Blue

Cast my boat out to the ocean

and set it sails to the wind

Gentle breeze blowing into my heart

I"m alive in this gentle world

A life carefree

A life carefree

And in this love that you give me

You have to share the joy and mystery

The wonder of your smile

and the power of your words

That changes me

That changes me

Sometimes I could fly

When your heart it touches mine

Deep into the blue

Where my soul is lost

and all because of you

Gave my heart to another love

Crashing waves of pain came over me

In my distress you came and rescued me

Still the storm talked away

Of life carefree

Of life carefree

Sometimes I could fly

When your heart it touches mine

Deep into the blue

Where my soul is lost

and all because of you

When I found myself far away from you

Thats when I hear your voice

Reminding me, calling me, lifting me

Out into the blue

Out into the blue

Sometimes I could fly

When you heart it touches mine

Deep into the blue

Where my soul is lost

and all because of you



小学课堂幽默笑话   在课堂上,作为老师可以为同学们准备一些有趣的小故事,用来活跃气氛哦。以下是我精心准备的小学课堂幽默笑话,大家可以参考以下内容哦!   你找你妈去   晚上,3岁半的儿子躺在我和老婆中间准备睡觉。儿子说:"妈妈搂着我睡!"我打趣他:"妈妈搂着你,那爸爸怎么办?"儿子立刻回头认真地说:"你找你妈去!"   有啥好嘚瑟的   "兄台哪个学校毕业的?""不才毕业于纽伊斯特学院。""那是名校啊!""言重了。敢问阁下?""布鲁弗莱在读中。""哇!也是青年才俊前途无量!"我从旁边走过,目不斜视,切,不就是new east(新东方)和blue fly(蓝翔)吗?有啥好嘚瑟的!   数学一定要学好   数学课,数学老师就教导我们说:同学们,数学一定要学好,就算不为考好的学校。以后生活中还是经常用到的,比如说你卖白菜,五块钱三斤,人家要七块钱的,你给多少斤呀?xx同学,你来回答一下。此同学思索片刻答曰:老师,我不卖七块的。   老师的智商还真是高啊   老师:"今儿咱教室丢了个石膏,八点半之前丢的,谁八点半之前在呢?"在老师眼里的目光下,我,班长和几名同学颤抖着回应了。老师:"好了石膏的事儿就不管了,班长把没举手的人记迟到。"   过来人讲的话要听   相完亲,问爸妈对对方的印象。妈说:"屁股挺大,好生养!"爸说:"前边有货,亏不着孩子!"我不满意了:"我又不是找生育机器!我看重的是精神契合,有共同爱好!"老妈瞪我:"将来你俩搂一起在床上滚,还能没共同爱好?"   一场战争即将拉开序幕   妈妈出差回来,晚上给小儿子喂奶。儿子问:"妈妈,为什么你只有我一个孩子,却长了两个咪咪啊?"妈妈笑着说:"因为一个是给你的,还有一个是留给爸爸的!"儿子很生气:"你偏心!昨晚隔壁的坏阿姨,把两个咪咪全都给爸爸了,你还给?"   你女友要不是一个素食主义者就不用收尸袋了,你懂的   大学毕业后工作的地方离女友比较远,很长时间才能见一次面。今天又想去她那了,提前发了条短信给她:明儿我带我几亿兄弟去看你。没过多久那边就信息回过来了: 那你要给你兄弟多准备几个收尸袋。   现在你的菊花成了班长专属   记得刚当兵那会,我从家里带了一包菊花茶。一日与班长闲聊想起来我的茶还没喝完,于是问班长:班长,要不要尝尝我的菊花? 班长愣神看了我一会说:新来的还挺懂事儿。   坑爹呢,那是游戏里的装备   两个女的在电梯里聊天:"我和我老公昨天晚上没事,就看看首饰,本来想买个手镯,后来没有相中的,就买了一副耳环,还好,价格也不算贵,30万不到,我老公说,你要是喜欢就买了吧,我说行,还挺不错的,就是有点遗憾,现在带不了。"另一个女人问:"为什么?""80级才能带,现在等级不够!"   说的也是有道理的   我有一qq姐妹群,昨天,一姐妹问:"我发现一个现象,越是胸部大的女生,露出来的部位就感觉越是白。这是为什么啊?"阿紫说:"这就跟吹气球一样的,气球本来颜色是深的,吹的越大了就变的越浅了。"   人在紧急情况下会爆发的`   某人夜归,过一坟场,不小心掉入一个新挖的墓坑内。此人使出各种方法仍爬不上去,遂坐于角落休息等天亮呼救。这时又一夜归人也掉进此墓坑,奋力想爬出未果。角落里传出一声,兄弟,别白费力气了,你出不去的。那人吓的鬼嚎一声,爬出墓坑逃向远方。   大哥,我有没有这么丑啊!   那天我走到ktv门口,从门口出来了几个男生,明显唱歌意犹未尽,嘴里哼哼唧唧还在唱,我低头穿了过去,里面一个挺帅的男生开了腔:"掀起你的盖头来,让我来看看你的脸......"我羞红了脸,抬头瞥了他一眼,就这一瞥,他立马一个踉跄,换了首歌:"......妹妹你大胆的往前走啊,往前走,莫回头......"   快递小哥也挺不容易的   最近在一家快递公司上班,负责给客人邮寄货物。有时会遇到心急的顾客,总是在前台大声催问:"我的东西呢,你没有寄吧?是不是?没有寄吧?"遇到这种情况,我恨不得当场脱下裤子,以证清白!   看来你是炒定的了   最近公司效益不是太好,老板说要裁减员工。为了能保住自己的饭碗,刚才买了几件礼物送去,哪想到一进门老板就大怒:"你们哪!都要靠实力竞争,不要送什么东西,把东西都给我拿走,拿走!"没有办法,我一股脑把其他同事送的东西也搬回自己家了。艾玛,累死我了。   真是时代的变迁啊...   以前女生们喜欢身上散发肥皂香味的男生,现在身上散发肥皂味的男生可能不喜欢你们女生了。 ;
2023-07-21 12:49:231


Tu diras que estoy loco 西班牙慢摇Crash--Gwen Stefani 经典慢摇Low--T Pain Flo Rida 08北美HIPPOP金奖歌曲Right Now---Akon Akon又一经典Smack that--艾米纳姆 阿姆feat Akon经典这些是我曲库精选的一些 你先听听吧 要是还想要在M我2 pac-Life Goes On50 cent - disco inferno (dirty)50 Cent - In Da Club50 cent-magic stickBeyonce -Crazy In LoveB2K - Uh HuhBeyonce -Crazy In LoveBlack Eyed Peas - Let"s Get It StartedBlack.Eyed.Peas.-Where Is The LoveBlue - Fly ByBlue-all riseBule-One loveChingy-Right ThurrCiara - goodies - 02 - one, two step feat. missyCiara-GoodiesCoolio-I Like GirlsDj kool-let me clear my throatDMX- Where The Hood AtDMX-Up In HereDMX.feat.Sw-Get It On The FloorEminem&Nelly-EI-Stan(DJ-rapEminem-BusinessEminem-WithoutMeEve - Whos That GirlEve & Gwen Stefani - Let Me Blow Ya MindEve-Got What You Need (Featuring Drag-On)fat joe ft. ja rule & ashanti - what"s luvHip Hop HoorayIce Cube feat. Mack 10 & Ms. Toi - You Can Do ItJamelia - superstarJay-z-LA LA LAJenny From The Block Jennifer Lopez feat. JadakissKelis-MilkshakeKhia - My Neck My Back (Lick It) (Kardinal Beats Clean Radio Edit)Lil jon - movebitchMary.J.Blige - Family AffairMis-Teeq - Scandalous (Stargate Radio Mix)Mundian To Bach Kenana-lonelyNelly - Ride Wit MeNelly i need youNelly-My Placeone-t & cool-t - the magic keyPink - Get The Party StartPuff Daddy & Faith feat .112 - I"ll Be Missing YouRupee-Tempted To TouchSamantha Mumba-Always Come Back To Your LoveSamantha Mumba -I"m Right HereSarah Connor-BounceS Club 7 - S Club Partysean_paul-get_busy(quinone_remix)Snoop Dogg-The Next Episode印度KISS KISS(男生版)Holly Valance - Kiss Kiss(女生版)我总结的基本上所有酒吧流行歌曲都在这里了
2023-07-21 12:49:351

blue 的fly by ii 歌词的中文意思

2023-07-21 12:49:482

blue butterfly中文翻译

Occasionally , bright red birds flew by and blue butterfpes the size of human palms fluttered in the bushes while clouds hung low in the skya spectacular scene typical of central american rain forests 时而可见鲜红色的鸟儿从天边飞过,如手掌般大小的蓝色蝴蝶在树丛中翩翩飞舞,云层低垂,放眼望去,尽是典型中美洲雨林的特殊景致。
2023-07-21 12:50:031


2023-07-21 12:50:129

关于对BF的解释 一个小男孩对小女孩说: “我是你的BF。” 女孩扬起童真的脸, 问:“什么是

2023-07-21 12:50:503


蓝蝴蝶木本植物花朵盛开时酷似群蝶飞舞.花姿优雅.因形似蝴蝶而得名蓝蝴蝶学名:Clerodendrum ugandense英名:Blue butterfly bush、Blue butterfly、Blue glory、Glory BowerBlue butterfly 意思为「蓝色蝴蝶」Blue glory 意思为「蓝色荣耀」别称:紫蝶花、紫蝴蝶、花蝴蝶科别:马鞭草科(Verbenaceae) 大青属 海州常山属也叫赪桐属(Clerodendrum)特征:热带性常绿灌木。原产地:非洲乌干达,适应本地气候。
2023-07-21 12:51:011


Abracadabra-Brown Eyed GirlsChange-金泫雅Blue-Fly By IiParty Rock Anthem-LMFAOYes-LmfaoLet me dance-DJ OZMA
2023-07-21 12:51:094

30.______ with the graduates of Blue Fly Technical School,

答案:Acompared with 过去分词短语做做状语(非谓语动词的用法)。
2023-07-21 12:51:282


112 Feat. Notorious B.I.G. - Only You (remix) 2 Pac - California Love (Instrumental) 2 Pac - Can"t C Me 2Pac - California Love (Ft. Dr.Dre) 2Pac - Ru Still Down- (Remember Me) - R U Still Down- (Remeber Me) 2pac - Tu Pac - Changes 2Pac - California Love Remix (Instru) 2pac - Why They Call You [***] 2pac & Spice 1 - One Day At A Time Geras 1er 2pac f/Notorious BIG - Runnin" 2Pac feat. Biggie - Get It On In 50 Cent - 21 Questions 50 cent eminem all i have remix 50 Cent - In Da Club 50 Cent - In Da Club (beyonce remix) 50 Cent - In da club (Instrumental) 50 Cent - In The Hood 50 Cent BIG Eminem - 50 Big Eminem-The Realest Rmx (Dirty) 50 Cent Dmx Ice Cube - In Da Club Remix 50 Cent vs. 2 Pac - In Da California Love Club 50 Cent, EMINEM - Heads 50 Cent, Fabolous, Joe Budden - In Da Club (Remix) 69 Boys - Tootsee Roll A tribe called Quest - Left My Wallet Aaliyah Ft. Jay-Z - Miss You (Remix) Alicia Keys - Heartburn Alicia Keys - Fallin Annie Lennox - Don"t Let It Bring You Down Another Level - Freak Me Arrested Development - Everyday People Ashanti - Foolish Ashanti - Happy ASHANTI - Intro Ashanti - Rock With You Avant - Separated Avant & Kel - Separated (Remix) B2K - Bump Bump Bump B2K feat. Fabolous - Bada Boom B Real, Busta Rhymes, Coolio, LL Cool J & Method Man - Hit "em High Barry White - Practice What You Preach Beenie Man - Fresh From Yard Benzino - Rock The Party Benzino Ft Untouchables - Untouchable22 pac-Life Goes On 50 cent - disco inferno (dirty) 50 Cent - In Da Club 50 cent-magic stick Beyonce -Crazy In Love B2K - Uh Huh Beyonce -Crazy In Love Black Eyed Peas - Let"s Get It Started Black.Eyed.Peas.-Where Is The Love Blue - Fly By Blue-all rise Bule-One love Chingy-Right Thurr Ciara - goodies - 02 - one, two step feat. missy Ciara-Goodies Coolio-I Like Girls Dj kool-let me clear my throat DMX- Where The Hood At DMX-Up In Here DMX.feat.Sw-Get It On The Floor Eminem&Nelly-EI-Stan(DJ-rap Eminem-Business Eminem-WithoutMe Eve - Whos That Girl Eve & Gwen Stefani - Let Me Blow Ya Mind Eve-Got What You Need (Featuring Drag-On) fat joe ft. ja rule & ashanti - what"s luv Hip Hop Hooray Ice Cube feat. Mack 10 & Ms. Toi - You Can Do It Jamelia - superstar Jay-z-LA LA LA Jenny From The Block Jennifer Lopez feat. Jadakiss Kelis-Milkshake Khia - My Neck My Back (Lick It) (Kardinal Beats Clean Radio Edit) Lil jon - movebitch Mary.J.Blige - Family Affair Mis-Teeq - Scandalous (Stargate Radio Mix) Mundian To Bach Ke nana-lonely Nelly - Ride Wit Me Nelly i need you Nelly-My Place one-t & cool-t - the magic key Pink - Get The Party Start Puff Daddy & Faith feat .112 - I"ll Be Missing You Rupee-Tempted To Touch Samantha Mumba-Always Come Back To Your Love Samantha Mumba -I"m Right Here Sarah Connor-Bounce S Club 7 - S Club Party sean_paul-get_busy(quinone_remix) Snoop Dogg-The Next Episode 印度KISS KISS(男生版) Holly Valance - Kiss Kiss(女生版)希望我的回答能帮助你!
2023-07-21 12:51:351

贝儿在新西兰买完菜哼的歌是什么 Over the RainbowSomewhere over the rainbow, way up highThere‘s a land that I heard of once in a lullabySomewhere over the rainbow, skies are blueAnd the dreams that you dare to dreamreally do come trueSomeday I‘ll wish upon a starAnd wake up where the clouds are far behind meWhere troubles melt like lemon dropsAway above the chimney topsThat‘s where you‘ll find meSomewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds flyBirds fly over the rainbowWhy then, oh why can‘t I?If happy little bluebirds flybeyond the rainbowWhy, oh why can‘t I?之前那几集有看过多多和几个小朋友都哼过的,估计是国际学校幼儿园老师都有教这个是她推着购物车的时候哼的,后面我没留意啊
2023-07-21 12:51:461

over the rainbow歌词什么意思

2023-07-21 12:51:542

Blue的《Fly By》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly By歌手:Blue专辑:All RiseAll dressed up you"re good to goCheck in your style from head to toeHooked up and naturalYou"re feeling beautiful9 times out of 10 you knowLate night club like a video with theHot stuff - top stuff - we got stuff ohWhat a night (night)So far (far)Pulling up curb side in your car (your car)What a sight (sight)You are (are)Think I know somewhere we can parkAfter darkSystem up with the top downGot the city on lock downDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly bySystem up with the top downGot the city on lock downDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly byFly by, fly by, fly by, fly by......Girl it"s time to let you knowI"m down if you wanna goWe can take it nice and slowWe got until tomorrowUK style UK flowWe got you hot like WhoaWith the hot stuff - top stuff - we got stuffWhat a night (night)So far (far)Pulling up curb side in your car (your car)What a sight (sight)You are (are)Think I know somewhere we can parkAfter darkI"ll tell you this for a fact, factA lot of ladies step up on a fat trackLeave ya fella in the cornerWith his starter cap,Show him how to actShow me loveWhere you at?What a nightSo farPulling up curb side in your carWhat a sightYou areThink I know somewhere we can parkAfter dark
2023-07-21 12:52:051

帮忙将over the rainbow的歌词翻译成中文

我的歌将overthe凭借词翻孰不知中文  [标签:rainbow歌词,歌词,雨后的天空]    永远都寻觅着    云的清澈的天空    希望洋溢着    丢失的、无法如愿以偿    但数只发    但愿这彩虹的对面    还没见过的世界爱你到别的地方去    什么?虽然不知道等    哭肿了脸    被人之类    接触了的瞬间    有模糊的风景    你看不见的时候也有吧    也这么近发    但愿这彩虹的对面    的话,一定能たどれ吧    我们放光的地方    有什么变化吗?不知道      小的时候可反复    (或)攻势啰嗦页的涂鸦了之后帐    也希望这是这样!再未来    但愿这彩虹的对面    还没见过的世界    爱你到别的地方去    什么?虽然不知道等    什么?虽然不知道等
2023-07-21 12:52:122


When you love someone so deeplyThey become your lifeIt"s easy to succumb overwhelming fears insideBlindly I imagined I couldKeep you under glassNow I understand to hold youI must open up my handAnd watch you riseSpread your wings and prepare to flyFor you have become a butterflyFly abandonly into the sunIf you should return to meWe truly were meant to beSo spread your wings and flyButterflyI have learned that beautyHas to flourish in the lightWild horses ride unbridledOr their spirit diesYou have given me the courageTo be all that I canAnd I truly feel your heart willLead you back to me when you"reReady to landSpread your wings and prepare to flyFor you have become a butterflyFly abandonly into the sunIf you should return to meWe truly were meant to beSo spread your wings and flyButterflyI can"t pretend these tearsAren"t overflowing steadilyI can"t prevent this hurt fromAlmost overtaking meBut I will stand and say goodbyeFor you"ll never be mineUntil you know the way it feels to flySpread your wings and prepare to flyFor you have become a butterflyFly abandonly into the sunIf you should return to meWe truly were meant to beSo spread your wings and flyButterflySpread your wings and prepare to flyFor you have become a butterflyFly abandonly into the sunIf you should return to meWe truly were meant to beSo spread your wings and flyButterflySo flutter through the skyButterflySpread your wings and flyButterfly
2023-07-21 12:52:226


乐队BLUE介绍出道  2001年,一首饶富R&B曲风的“All rise”(《全体肃立》)终于让美国人明白 BLUE,大洋彼岸的英国有一个Blue(“蓝色男孩”)组合,他们地道的美式黑人旋律、多切分音的强劲节奏、以及音乐中时尚流行元素(rap、hip-hop、funk)的融入,完全可以让世界感受美式黑人流行乐。   发迹于英国伦敦的BLUE由Duncan James、Antony Costa、Lee Ryan和Simon Webbe 4人所组成,2001年5月,Blue以一支饶富都会节奏感的All Rise,以平地一声雷之姿抢滩2001年初英国金榜Top 4,并高居点播榜Top10五周。接下来的Too Close及If You come Back二首单曲成绩更是惊人,不但均拿下排行冠军,在销量上也都有超过20万张的斩获。   随着一首首成功的佳绩,专辑All Rise也随着一波波越涨越高的气势,倒吃甘蔗般的在英国卖出了超过150万的销量,并在发行23周之后登上排行冠军的宝座。这张由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin携手打造、在英国及挪威两地完成的首辑中,展现了Blue超龄的声音演出,从让人狂放摇摆的All Rise、Fly By、This Temptation,到舒缓轻柔的Long Time、Best In Me,每首歌都让人对于Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。单飞  然后,BLUE却急流勇退,于2005年宣布解散,四个男孩表示将各自单飞发展。刚刚在乐坛打造出自己一片天地的BLUE就这样宣布解散,令无数BLUE的粉丝倍感惋惜!   虽然Blue仅存在三年就宣告解散,但无可否认,它是英国新世纪最成功的R&B偶像实力派男声团体。Blue由Duncan James(唐肯)、Antony Costa(安东尼)、Lee Ryan(黎)和Simon Webbe(赛门)四个大男孩组成。四人中,只有Simon一人拥有黑人血统;Lee的年龄最小,最能把歌中的高音推向高潮;唐肯的嗓音最富有磁性;而安东尼的低音则让人回味无穷。强势回归  休息4年的他们,再度以BLUE的身份重出江湖,首场公开表演献给了英国Capital FM电台,即2009年6月7日在ARSENAL球队所属球场Emirates Stadium举办的《Capital FM Summertime Ball夏日音乐高峰会》。 自2005年宣布“单飞不解散”后,各团员都致力于甩开偶像包袱,着重歌唱与合声的实力。对于这次合体复出,唐肯表示,“几周前我们聚在一起,聊了复出的计划,因此,面对4年后的重聚,非常开心!我想我们会更享受重聚后的时光!”黎则在旁边帮腔,“我们从未说过解散!不是吗?”   4年内都从男孩变奶爸的BLUE,日前在接受采访时宣布新的唱片合约已经签订,不过尚未公布花落谁家。
2023-07-21 12:53:341

请知情者提供BLUE《FLY BY》mp3的下载地址

2023-07-21 12:53:423

over the rainbow的原唱是谁啊?有中文歌词吗

Judy Garland
2023-07-21 12:53:505

求CNBLUE 《High Fly》的音译歌词

High Fly - CNBule梦也梦一样那么他们答案。相信生活。Tv看重播录制好的磁带都是冷色,像孩子一样。为什么为什么总是这样回答why why为什么总是想要的样子,就说High high高。High high世界的希望。我看的不是世界的全部。High high高跳High high世界。我的人生的一个长时间的工作。自动的。青香蕉黄总是同样的目光男人穿的很女人的穿着总是说的故事为什么为什么总是这样回答why why为什么总是想要的样子,就说High high高。High high世界的希望。我看的不是世界的全部。什么的什么忙,按照规定的时间表生活。Wanna fly fly自由飞fly fly向前飞。隐藏了你的梦想的展开。fly fly天空fly fly飞得更高。我们的梦想不要耳语大声。High high高。High high世界的希望。我看的不是世界的全部。High high高跳High high世界。我的人生的一个长时间的工作。
2023-07-21 12:54:041


更新1: 最好用英文喔.... Blue (boy band) From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Blue 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/5/57/Blue_4/220px-Blue_4 Blue in Salerno Italy 2005 Background information Origin 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/a/a9/Flag_of_England_%28bordered%29.svg/22px-Flag_of_England_%28bordered%29.svg London England Genre(s) Pop R&B Years active 2001–2005 Label(s) Innocent Virgin EMI Website OfficialBlue Members Lee Ryan Duncan James Antony Costa Simon Webbe 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/4/4a/Commons-logo.svg/50px-Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Blue (boy band) Blue were a successful English boy band similar to other boybands such as A1 consisting of four members: Lee Ryan Duncan James Antony Costa and Simon Webbe. Together the band sold over 11 million records. Currently all the members of the band have gone to pursue solo careers. [edit] All Rise The band released their debut single "All Rise" in May 2001 and it reached number 4 in the UK singles chart. Blue followed this in August with the chart-topping "Too Close" a cover version of Next"s US No 1 hit. Their second number one came in November with "If You Come Back". All three singles featured on debut album "All Rise" which was released in time for Christmas and reached number one eventually selling in excess of 1 300 000 copies. Blue reached number six in March 2002 with their fourth single "Fly By II" - a remix of album track "Fly By".The album was 30 in Portugal. [edit] One Love The band released a new single and album in the summer of 2002 both called "One Love" which was the highest selling Blue album selling more than 3 000 000 copies. Their next single which also reached number one on the British Top 40 was a duet with Elton John entitled "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word" a cover version of one of Elton John"s songs. This track was number one in Europe for six weeks. [edit] Guilty "Guilty" (the album and the single) was released in the fall of 2003. The next singles were "Signed Sealed Delivered I"m Yours" (sung with Stevie Wonder and Angie Stone) "Breathe Easy" and "Bubblin"". The album Guilty sold more than 600 000 copies. [edit] Best of Blue The band decided to split after Elton John suggested that their popularity was decreasing and that they should concentrate on their solo careers. They did so after releasing their Best Of Blue greatest hits pilation in 2004 which contained a few new tracks such as "Curtain Falls" "Get Down On It" and "Only Words I Know". The album went to #2 in Portugal with 2 platinum. Both of singles "Curtain Falls" and "Get Down On It" went #1 in Portugal for more than a week. [edit] Solo careers Blue had sold 7 million albums and 4 million singles and split up in 2005 now all four members have since released solo singles. Duncan released "I Believe My Heart" with Keedie in October 2004 reaching #2 in the UK Singles Chart and his solo album Future Past was released in 2006 reaching #55 in the UK selling more than 10 000 copies. Duncan has found more success in Italy where his album peaked at #2 and the singles have been Top 5 hits. Lee released "Army Of Lovers" in July 2005 reaching #3 and a self-titled solo album in August 2005 reaching #6. Lee"s album was successful in Italy too peaking at #3 and spending 5 weeks in the Italian Top 10. Simon released "Lay Your Hands" in August 2005 reaching #4 and his debut album reached #7 UK Album Chart selling over 700 000 copies. Antony has released a single "Do You Ever Think Of Me" before going into acting and performing in Blood Brothers and in the new year will be touring with Boogie Nights. [edit] Albums All Rise (2001) #1 UK One Love (2002) #1 UK Guilty (2003) #1 UK Best of Blue (2004) #6 UK 4Ever Blue (2005) The Platinum Collection (2006) 参考: *** 蓝战士 (官方英文名称为Blue Je),八十年代活跃中国香港流行乐坛乐队之一,成立于1987年。乐队各成员均为经验丰富的乐师,但为人熟悉的,可算是各成员一头鬈曲的长发及前卫的打扮。音乐方面部分为自已创作,但部分则改编外地的歌曲,再谱上粤语歌词。乐队于1990年解散,其后于2004年重组,同时加入新成员。 参考: you can go to yahoo and find some informations.
2023-07-21 12:54:111

i see a blue butterfly in the sky为什么用what do来提问?

你好!此题如果划线部分是a blue butterfly,此时要用what do提问。因为see是一个感官动词,后面要借助do来提问。所以问天空有什么,用what do。如果划线部分是in the sky,那么此时用Where do you see the blue butterfly?来提问希望能够帮到你。
2023-07-21 12:54:181

Fly in the blue sky什么意思

2023-07-21 12:54:262

fly me to the blue shy.中文是什么意思

是不是fly me to the blue sky 意思是:带我飞向蓝天
2023-07-21 12:54:452

张韶涵唱的,somewhere 什么什么rainbow是什么歌啊

over the rainbow 我超级喜欢!!
2023-07-21 12:54:533

求上古卷轴5 铁匠药剂和附魔药剂代码

39967 +50%强化效果
2023-07-21 12:55:118

Little Wing 歌词

歌曲名:Little Wing歌手:Karolina Charko专辑:The Voice Of Poland Vol. 2新居昭乃 - Little Wing词·曲 新居昭乃编 细海鱼Little Wing, Little Wing, flyLittle Wing, Little Wing, fly in the skyみずまたりの空色のない空へ鸟よ 鸟よ 高くLittle Wing, Little Wing, flyLittle Wing, Little Wing, fly in the blue blue skyうつむいた颜のぞき込で笑わせるみたいにかかとの下の冷たい空どこまでも広がるLittle Wing, Little Wing, flyLittle Wing, Little Wing, fly in the sky公园の隅のさかさまのメリーゴーランドまわれ まわれ 早くLittle Wing, Little Wing, flyLittle Wing, Little Wing, fly in the blue blue sky青い木马が小さく啼く梦を见たみたいに木もれ日ゆれる水の底に空はただ広がる高く…おわり
2023-07-21 12:55:391


One night, I have a dream. I dreamed that I and my good friend Huang Yuqing had a pair of wings, fly in the blue sky. We touched the sky and white clouds, white clouds than the kid"s face is soft. We fly to the sun, the sun sends out light is so bright! The sun is smiling at us! Take one"s ease of birds in the blue sky flying about, very happy! We also flapping its great wings to fly. We look down on the sky, the pedestrians on the road like an ant crawling. Suddenly a plane flew from my side, I opened my eyes, it was a dream!一天晚上,我做了一场梦。我梦见我和我的好朋友黄钰清都长上了一双大翅膀,飞上了蓝色的天空。我们摸了摸天上的白云,白云比小朋友的脸还软。我们又飞到太阳旁边,太阳公公发出来的光是多么的明亮啊!太阳公公还朝我们笑呢!小鸟在蓝色的天空中自由自在的飞来飞去,高兴极了!我们也扇动着大翅膀飞来飞去。我们在天上往下看,路上的行人就像一只只小蚂蚁在爬行。忽然一架飞机从我身边飞过,我睁开了眼睛,原来是一场梦啊!
2023-07-21 12:55:491

blue 的fly by ii 歌词的中文意思

Fly By II 夜空飞行Ⅱ 歌手:Blue Yo, uh huh Ooh, whoa whoa Yo, uh huh Yo All dressed up you"re Good to go 梳妆打扮完毕准备上路 Checkin" your style from Head to toe (that"s right) 从头到脚彻底检查(对啊) Hooked up and natural You"re feelin" beautiful 你喜欢这种美丽的感觉 Nine times out of ten You know 你也知道,十之八九。 Late night club like a video 深夜俱乐部象是个有料大放松的录影带 With the Hot stuff, top stuff, yo we Got stuff (whoa whoa) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶 What a night (night) So far (far) 好一个神奇的夜晚,感觉一直在。 Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗的遮棚准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 好一个神奇的景色,有了你。 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当深夜更黑之后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 Girl it"s time to let you know 女孩,该是让你明白的时候 I"m down if you wanna go 如果你想离开,我会伤心不已 We can take it nice and slow We got until tomorrow 让我们慢慢来,好好谈谈。 UK style UK flow 英式风格,英式滑行 We got you hot like (whoa) 挖,你越来越兴奋 With the hot stuff Top stuff, we got stuff (oh) 热的东西 高耸东西 -我们得到了东西表示惊讶(好康大放送,你我更兴奋) What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) Yo, yo, yo 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你的双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time (uh uh) 让我看看你,一起摇摆的身姿 Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side 天空中举起你双手,左右挥舞着 Let me see you shake your body All at the same time 让我看看你一起摇摆的身姿 What a night (night) So far (far) 好个神奇的夜晚!感觉一直在! Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) 拉上天窗遮捧准备下车 What a sight (sight) You are (are) 拉个神奇的景色,有了你 Think I know somewhere We can park 我好像知道我们有地方停靠 After dark 当夜更黑后。 System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Hands high) System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手System up with the top down 启动系统,好戏登场。 Got the city on lockdown 掌握整个城市 Drive by in the low ride 开过平方低地 Hands high when we fly by 夜空飞行时举起你双手 (Fly by, fly by, fly by) 飞行,飞,飞,飞行。
2023-07-21 12:56:081


somewhere over the rainbow way up highthere"s a land that i heard of once in a lullabysomewhere over the rainbow skies are blueand the dreams that you dare to dream really do come truesomeday i wish upon a starand wake up where the clouds are far behind mewhere troubles smelled like lemon dropsway above the chimney topsthat"s where you"ll find mesomewhere over the rainbow blue birds flybirds fly over the rainbowwhy then, oh why can"t i?somewhere over the rainbow skies are blueand the dreams that you dare to dream really do come trueif happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbowwhy, oh why can"t i ?why, oh why can"t i ?
2023-07-21 12:56:1712

求over the rainbow中文歌词

2023-07-21 12:56:412

Blue乐队Fly by的歌词翻译

2023-07-21 12:56:482

Blue的《Fly By》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly By歌手:Blue专辑:All RiseAll dressed up you"re good to goCheck in your style from head to toeHooked up and naturalYou"re feeling beautiful9 times out of 10 you knowLate night club like a video with theHot stuff - top stuff - we got stuff ohWhat a night (night)So far (far)Pulling up curb side in your car (your car)What a sight (sight)You are (are)Think I know somewhere we can parkAfter darkSystem up with the top downGot the city on lock downDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly bySystem up with the top downGot the city on lock downDrive by in the low rideHands high when we fly byFly by, fly by, fly by, fly by......Girl it"s time to let you knowI"m down if you wanna goWe can take it nice and slowWe got until tomorrowUK style UK flowWe got you hot like WhoaWith the hot stuff - top stuff - we got stuffWhat a night (night)So far (far)Pulling up curb side in your car (your car)What a sight (sight)You are (are)Think I know somewhere we can parkAfter darkI"ll tell you this for a fact, factA lot of ladies step up on a fat trackLeave ya fella in the cornerWith his starter cap,Show him how to actShow me loveWhere you at?What a nightSo farPulling up curb side in your carWhat a sightYou areThink I know somewhere we can parkAfter dark
2023-07-21 12:56:562


2023-07-21 12:57:072

blue butterfly啦啦啦啦啦

歌手:smileplay./?__m=mboxCtrl.playSongamp;__a=2747428amp;__o=/song/2747428playBtnamp;fr=altg3loaded歌词: Iapos;ve been searching for a man All across Japan Just to find, to find my samurai Someone who is strong But still a little shy Yes I need, I need my samurai Ay, Ay, Ay, Iapos;m your little butterfly Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky Ay, Ay, Ay, Iapos;m your little butterfly Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky Iapos;ve been searching in the woods And high upon the hills Just to find, to find my samurai Someone who wonapos;t regret To keep me in the net Yes I need, I need my samurai Ay, Ay, Ay, Iapos;m your little butterfly Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky Ay, Ay, Ay, Iapos;m your little butterfly Green, black and blue, make the colours in the sky Ay, iyaiyai Ay, iyaiyai A-a-a iyaiyai Whereapos;s my samurai Ay, Ay, Ay. Iapos;m your little butterfly Ay, iyaiyai Ay, iyaiyai A-a-a iyaiyai Whereapos;s my samurai
2023-07-21 12:57:151

Soil的《butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:butterfly歌手:Soil专辑:throttle junkiesShow me the lines that bind insideTell me the lines that bind you...insideHigh chairs creakin"But the minds won"t weakenSoil in the potAnd then it"s all fine hereAre all your wishes goneOr is there one you hold dearToo far to barrowOne of mine from over hereSay what am I...BUterrflyJust a weed amongst flowers shining throughButterfly..Saw what am IYour minds been soaking in the bright blue skyRubber band-manCan you really say you canNo way manAnd then it"s all fine hereEyes show that you"re the one thatI want to old nearThink of what you thoughtYou only know what you hear
2023-07-21 12:57:371

the beautiful blue butterfly can fly对fly提问?

What can the beautiful blue butterfly do?美丽的蓝蝴蝶会做什么?
2023-07-21 12:57:522


某个高过彩虹的地方那个我曾经听到摇篮曲的地方某个高过彩虹天空是很蓝的地方你敢梦想,梦想会成真一天,我希望飞到星星那么高然后醒来的时候云朵在我身后烦恼就象柠檬糖高过烟筒顶那是你找到我的地方某个高过彩虹的地方 蓝鸟飞鸟飞过彩虹为什么,为什么我不能如果小蓝鸟非过彩虹为什么,为什么我不能
2023-07-21 12:58:142

求英文歌blue bird(不是滨崎步唱的)

over the rainbow 歌词: Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There"s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true Someday I"ll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That"s where you"ll find me Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why, then oh why, can"t Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why, can"t I? ============================ 在彩虹之上,有个很高的地方 有一块乐土,我曾在摇篮曲中听到过 在彩虹之上的某个地方,天空是蔚蓝的 只要你敢做的梦,都会实现 有一天,我会对着星星许愿 然后在云远天高的地方醒来 在那里,烦恼像柠檬汁一样溶化 远离烟囱的顶端 你就可以找到我 在彩虹之上的某个地方,青鸟悠然飞翔 青鸟越过了彩虹 那么,我为何不能? 如果快乐的小青鸟儿 飞过了彩虹 那么,我为何不能?
2023-07-21 12:58:281

《Over the rainbow》的歌词谁能帮我找一下啊,不要网址啊!

Have you ever thought,that the sky was just endlessly dark?And then you look up,and see a million starsHave you ever been scared of the water,and stuck on the edge?And then you dive in, how quickly you forgetYour fears that kept you away at nightNow that I"m back in the light so warmI feel it like aWave of love coming over meGot a glitter drop, fall and I"m on my kneesGot the sound of you ringing in my earsSun coming up on another dayGot a second hand chance, gonna do it againGot rainbow colours and no more rain(No more rain, no more rain)No more rainNo more rainNo moreHave you ever dreamt you were flying until you look down?You never moved and inch, feet firmly on the groundOur love carries the hurt that you holdFunny how life can unfoldOh yeah I feel it like aWave of love coming over meGot a glitterr drop, fall and I"m on my kneesGot the sound of you ringing in my earsSun coming up on another dayGot a second hand chance, gonna do it againGot rainbow colours and no more rain(No more rain, no more rain)No more rainNo more rainNo more rainNo moreWave of love coming over meGot a glitter drop, fall and I"m on my kneesGot the sound of you ringing in my earsSun coming up on another dayGot a second hand chance, gonna do it againGot rainbow colours and no more rainWave of love coming over meGot a glitter drop, fall and I"m on my kneesGot the sound of you ringing in my earsSun coming up on another dayGot a second hand chance, gonna do it againGot rainbow colours and no more rain(No more rain, no more rain)No more rainNo more rainNo more rainNo more
2023-07-21 12:58:352


中英文歌词:Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Where"s my samurai 我的samurai在那里(注:samurai是日本古时的武士阶层) I"ve been searching for a man 我一直在找一个人 All across Japan 穿过整个日本 Just to find,to find my samurai 只为找到,找到我的samurai Someone who is strong 那个人很强壮 But still a little shy 还有点害羞 Yes I need, I need my samurai 是的我需要,我需要我的samurai Ay,Ay,Ay, Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 Ay,Ay,Ay Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 I"ve been searching to the woods 我一直在森林中寻找 And high upon the hills 并且爬上高山 Just to find,to find my samurai 只为找到,找到我的samurai Someone who won"t regret 那个人不会遗憾 to keep me in his net 把我困在他的网中 Yes I need, I need my samurai 是的我需要,我需要我的samurai Ay,Ay,Ay, Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 Ay,Ay,Ay Ay,Ay,Ay I"m your little butterfly 我是你的小蝴蝶 Green, black and blue 又绿又黑又蓝 make the colors in the sky 使天空五颜六色 Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Ay,IYAI,IYAI Where"s my samurai
2023-07-21 12:58:441

蝴蝶舞(Butterfly Dance)歌词

Butterfly Dance 歌词 Everything you do is true as long as you believe itAnd everything you say is play and that"s how you should treat it And everyone is high until there"s something makes them low That"s when you should stay, that"s not the time to go No, no, no, no, no, no That"s when you should stay and let your love just flowLady lady won"t you come here quick This whisky and wine is making me sick I want you now and I don"t t care why You crazy beautiful butterfly And it could take all night to get a single thing right It could take all day to find something to sayAsk me a question and I"ll tell you a lie Ask me another, I"ll spit in your eye Don"t like to leave you but I know I can"t stay So just keep lovin" in your butterfly way And it could take all night to get a single thing right It could take all day to find something to sayToo much and too many things on my mind Can"t make a story of things I can"t find Rock and roll music playin" in my head Gonna keep on dancin" till I drop down dead It could take all night to get a single thing rightIt could take all day to find something to sayLady lady won"t you come here quick Cause these evil drugs are makin" me sick I want you now and I don"t care why You crazy beautiful butterfly And it could take all night to get a single thing right It could take all day to find something to say Magical Margaret You know you"re so high above You fill my head with music My heart with love And it could take all night to get a single thing right It could take all day to find something to say Magical Margaret....Magical butterfly
2023-07-21 12:58:593

Jessie James的《Blue Jeans》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Jeans歌手:Jessie James专辑:Jessie JamesJessie James - Blue JeansI hang in my blue jeansI swing in my blue jeansIt"s representing Georgia so I twang in myWho likes my blue jeans?You like my blue jeans,Especially when I wear my cowboy boots with myI,I"m so flyI got a fresh new pair they"re so tightI,I"m so flyI got a fresh new pair they"re so tightI got a brand new pair of blue jeansJust me and my possy lookin" fresh and so cleanAnd baby im rockin until the early morningGivin me sugar one sweet performance hey heyDon"t matter what ya wearin hey heyIts about the way you wear it hey heyDon"t matter what ya wearin hey heyIts about the way yaI step in my blue JeansHomewreck in my blue jeansI got it from my momma so im blessed in myI sing in my blue jeansBling in my blue jeansWhen I hit the country club I get in free with myOhh I"m like WoahhI got a fresh new pair they"re so dopeOhh I"m like WoahhI got a fresh new pair they"re so dopeI got a brand new pair of blue jeansJust me and my possy lookin" fresh and so cleanAnd baby im rockin until the early morningGivin me sugar one sweet performance hey heyDon"t matter what ya wearin hey heyIts about the way you wear it hey heyDon"t matter what ya wearin hey heyIts about the way yaYa"ll ready for this? (zip)Hey! Hey! Hey!When I bend and snapWhen I step and clapEverybody else “who who who is that?”When im out in publicEverybody loves them I know what they wonderinUHWhen I bend and snapWhen I step and clapEverybody else “who who who is that?”When im out in publicEverybody loves them I know what they wonderinI look rich in my blue jeansSlap an OW in my blue jeansBoys lookin as I rock my hips in myI tease in my blue jeansI squeeze in my blue jeansAnd when I grow up im getting free pairs ofI got a brand new pair of blue jeansJust me and my possy lookin" fresh and so cleanAnd baby im rockin until the early morningGivin my sugar one sweet performance hey heyDon"t matter what ya wearin hey heyIts about the way you wear it hey heyDon"t matter what ya wearin hey heyIts about the way ya wear it!!
2023-07-21 12:59:071

Endless Blue Sky 歌词

歌曲名:Endless Blue Sky歌手:kevin kern专辑:Endless Blue Sky -Real MusicEndless Blue呗:皆川纯子作词:横山武作曲:竹中俊二Sky 遥かな空Fly そこにはある TomorrowDream 悩める日もBelieve 信じていたいMy way この道に光は降り注ぐ青い风の呗にやさしく包まれてどこまでも飞んでゆけるしなやかな翼があればLove 爱はいつもStay そばにあった In my heartLife 感じるままTry 生きてゆきたいSomeday 涙さえ无駄じゃないとわかる青い风の呗は未来の道标海よりも深い场所で目覚めてく无限の力青い风の呗にやさしく包まれてどこまでも飞んでゆこうあの空へ 翼広げて
2023-07-21 12:59:141

If I ____(be) a bird,I would fly in the blue sky.

2023-07-21 12:59:413

与fly me to the moon类似的音乐

那种曲风是bossa nova 你在百度上搜搜就有了 。小野丽莎就是这种曲风的代表人物,比如她的blue hawaii
2023-07-21 12:59:572

If I a bird, I’d fly to the...

2023-07-21 13:00:051

some birds什么in the blue sky?

are flying一些鸟在天空中飞用现在进行时
2023-07-21 13:00:134

求love girl-cnblue的中文音译

告诉我 告诉我 把爱说出来 告诉我 告诉我 传达你的爱love me love me 投入我的怀抱 love me love me 我只爱你一个你微笑时我就像傻瓜一样 我看到你时你就像美丽的娃娃一样心脏扑通扑通跳得厉害 因为你我每天每天都很幸福我只想要你 哦 我的爱只看着我一个吧 就算世界都变了我也只爱你一个oh my love 看到你才跳动的心 任何时候我只拥着你一个L-O-V-E girl~ )牵起我的手 fly (L-O-V-E Girl~)相信我fly highL-O-V-E Boy~)yes,我们能飞向天空L-O-V-E Boy~)I want take u there babytell you tell you 把爱说出来 tell you tell you 传达你的爱love you love you 牵起我的手 love you love you 永远爱着你像你给我听的音乐一样 像你给我听的甜蜜的哼唱一样一分一秒都十分珍惜 想要每天都听到 爱你 爱你 爱着你I want you oh my love 只爱我一个吧 因为爱你所以别人变了也无所谓oh my love 想着你的小小心思 任何时候我只抱着你一个L-O-V-E girl~ )take take take my hands L-O-V-E girl~ )uh uh grab grab grab my handsL-O-V-E boy~ )yeah yeah yes, we can fly to the sky high highL-O-V-E boy~ )I want take u there babyL-O-V-E girl~ )疯狂的心跳声音听到了吗? can U feel my beatL-O-V-E girl~ )L-O-V-E boy~ )对我来说不是你就不行 只有你make me laugh you make me laughL-O-V-E 、girls~
2023-07-21 13:00:422


一段中文的自我介绍 不超过三分钟 说出自己的爱好 尽量把自己的优点说出来 性格方面一定要说 活泼开朗 喜欢与人交谈 然后自己在学校的时候 担任过什么职位 例如学生会的什么 等等 自己很喜欢这份工作 所以才会选择走这条路 剩下的要看你自己发挥了 再准备一段英文的自我介绍 英文介绍就跟中文的一样就行 时间也不超过3分钟 发音一定要准如果你有另外的语言更好 都可以展现出来 而且最重要的是 每段自我介绍开头一定要有问候语 结束的时候也要有结束语 例如 Thank you for listening 遇到问题的时候一定要从容 如果答不上来也别不说话 你可以委婉的扭转问题 看你自己的表现了 加油
2023-07-21 13:00:512

beyond the blue horizon是什么意思

你好beyond the blue horizon超越蓝色地平线
2023-07-21 13:00:592