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2023-07-21 08:21:56
TAG: 电影 知道




1.《Star Wars》(星球大战)1977

即便令人失望的《The Phantom Menace》(幽灵的威胁)也必能削弱人们对George Lucas(乔治·卢卡斯)这部杰作的




播放地址 (网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?4800.html


2.《The Empire Stikes Back》(帝国反击战)1990

延续了《Star Wars》(星球大战)在影坛上的统治权,跟它的前集一样出色——也许更出色,众多的经典人物(雅达,





3.《The Shawshank Redemption》(肖申克的救赎——或译刺激1995,月黑风高)1996

90年代最喜欢的电影,足以掩盖这个十年当中其他经典影片的光彩。Tim Robbins(蒂姆·罗宾斯)在本片中提供了他最

好的表演,Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)也证明他是最好的演员;而Frank Darabont(拉达邦)则保持了Stephen


必看时刻:演奏Mozart(莫扎特)的时刻以及Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)出狱之后住进的小旅馆。


4.《The Godfather》(教父)1972

有很多影片在时光流逝的过程中都被人们淡忘了,但是经历了30来年的风雨,Francis Ford Coppola(科波拉)的这部







5.《The Lord Of the Rings》(魔戒三部曲全三部)2001~2003








6.《The Matrix》(骇客帝国)1999

一个堪称里程碑的突破,Keanu Reeves(基努·里维斯)再度成为动作英雄,Carrie-Anne Moss(安妮摩斯)又开拓了

新的职业。正当人们都在谈论George Lucas(乔治·卢卡斯)的《Star Wars: The Phantom Menace》(星战前传)的时

候,Larry Wachowski & Andy Wachowski(沃卓斯基)兄弟以另外一种方式创造了风暴。无与伦比的视觉效果,无与伦


必看时刻:Keanu Reeves(基努·里维斯)躲开子弹的时刻。




7.《Fight Club》(搏击俱乐部)1999

David Fincher(大卫·芬奇)这部倍受争议的改编影片绝非仅仅斗殴场面这么简单,它是人们对日常生活中所受到的挫






该年度奥斯卡的赢家Ridley Scott(斯科特)抓住了古装片的灵魂,而一座小金人奠定了Russell Crowe(拉塞尔·克劳


必看时刻:Russell Crowe(拉塞尔·克劳)在角斗场向所有人喊话。

角斗士/帝国骄雄/神鬼战士 播放地址(网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?1573.html



主要演员:肖恩·康纳利 乌苏拉·安德丝 约瑟夫·维斯曼





主要演员:杰克.尼科尔森 费.唐纳薇 约翰.休斯顿


11.《Pulp Fiction》(低俗小说)1994

这部影片不但成就了Samuel L. Jackson(塞缪尔·杰克逊),也提醒我们John Travolta(特拉沃尔塔)曾有的辉煌。

与此同时,他的电影原声也堪与《Reservoir Dogs》(落水狗)相提并论,甚至更好的影片角色,动作场面,三重叙事



低俗小说/黑色追缉令/危险人物 播放地址(网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?3683.html

或 播放地址(网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?6128.html

12.《Raiders of The Lost Ark》(夺宝奇兵)1981


有的这一切都来自Harrison Ford(哈里森·福特)塑造的那个英雄。








佳外国影片奖,主要演员:布鲁斯.威利斯 艾伦.里克曼






Steven Spielberg(斯皮尔伯格)将Peter Benchley(皮特·本奇利)的小说搬上银幕,让人们知道,非常简单的概念






15.《American Beauty》(美国美人美国丽人)2000

Kevin Spacey(斯帕西)职业生涯又一次出色表演,为他拿回了第二座奥斯卡奖,同时,这个关于中年危机的故事还让

年轻的剧院导演Sam Mendes(萨姆·门德斯)浮出水面。

必看时刻:Kevin Spacey(斯帕西)做白日梦的场景。



Humphrey Bogart(亨弗莱·鲍嘉)和Ingrid Bergman(英格丽·褒曼)的浪漫经典,也是所有导演心中的梦幻组合。它




17.《Blade Runner》(银翼杀手)1982

Ridley Scott(斯科特)和Harrison Ford(福特)联手打造的科幻动作片,融合了可观的动作场面,精彩的科幻设计,




18.《The Godfather Part II》(教父2)1974

有史以来最出色的续集电影,并且是唯一一部拿下奥斯卡的续集电影。Francis Ford Coppola(科波拉)在这部影片中


必看时刻:Robert De Niro(德尼罗)装成一个演员——手里拿着毛巾包裹的手枪。





一上映就成为经典,再次展现Kevin Spacey(斯帕西)的表演天分,以及Freeman(弗里曼)和Pitt(彼特)的优秀演技






少有的比前集更出色续集。James Cameron(詹姆斯·卡梅隆)在这部电影中比前集展现了更多的动作,更少的恐怖,结








21.《Saving Private Ryan》(拯救大兵瑞恩)1998

近几年的战阵片中没有一部比Steven Spielberg(斯皮尔伯格)的战场更能引起人们对战争的恐惧。出色的对白,精湛




22.《The Silence of the Lambs》(沉默的羔羊)1991


也不能削弱Anthony Hopkins(霍普金斯)的表演光彩。





沉默的羔羊4红龙 播放地址(网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?1709.html

23.《Schindler"s List》(辛德勒的名单)1993

这部电影改编了Steven Spielberg(斯皮尔伯格)在奥斯卡上的运气,而这个关于拯救人道主义主题更大的意义在于,





24.《The Pianist》(钢琴家)

这是一部在没有人性的年代寻找人性光芒的影片。值得一提的是,《Schindler"s List》(辛德勒的名单)和《The


必看时刻:和《Schindler"s List》(辛德勒的名单)一样,对犹太人社区的扫荡屠杀。



Ridley Scott(莱德利·斯科特)的版本仅比它的续集稍逊一筹,而作为一部恐怖片,它拥有自己的地位,更不用说创








26.《LA Confidential》(洛城机密)1997

Curtis Hanson(寇蒂斯·汉森)将James Ellroy(詹姆斯·艾尔洛伊)的小说搬上银幕,再次向我们证明了Kevin

Spacey(凯文·斯帕西),Guy Pearce(盖·皮尔斯)和Russell Crowe(卢塞尔·克劳)都是非常出色的演员。

必看时刻:Russell Crowe(卢塞尔·克劳)进入一件审讯室主持会议。

幕后嫌疑犯/洛城机密 播放地址(网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?1492.html

27.《Apocalypse Now》(现代启示录)1979






主要演员:乌玛·瑟曼 刘玉玲 维韦卡·A·福克斯

















31.《Brave Heart》(勇敢的心)1995

Mel Gibson(梅尔·吉布森)用这部无比感人的William Wallace(威廉·华莱士)传记换回了两个小金人




Natalie Portman(娜塔利·波曼)在Luc Besson(吕克·贝松)的男性故事中有如出尘的青莲。Jean Reno(让·雷诺



33.《2001:A Space Odyssey》(2001:太空漫游)1968





在大西洋上与Leonardo DiCaprio(迪卡普里奥)和Kate Winslet(温斯莱特)以及一些正经的特效一起旅行。




主要演员:陈庆嘉 杰克·尼科尔森 特雷西 沃特



蝙蝠侠3蝙蝠侠不败之谜 播放地址(网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?2188.html




36.《Lawrence of Arab 》(阿拉伯的劳伦斯)1962



阿拉伯的劳伦斯/沙漠枭雄 (网址看前面介绍或结尾)/content12/?4804.html


主要演员:阿诺德·施瓦辛格 琳达·汉密尔顿 迈克尔·比恩




38.《Gone With The Wind》(乱世佳人)1939






39.《局内人/惊爆内幕 》

主要演员:朱迪.福斯特 丹泽尔.华盛顿 克里夫.欧文


40.《圣女贞德的受难/贞德的激情 》

主要演员:米拉-约沃维奇 约翰-马尔科维奇



主要演员:吉姆·亨特 查尔顿·赫斯顿


42.《偷天情缘/今天暂时停止 》

主要演员:比尔 默里 安迪 麦克道尔 斯蒂芬


43.《Jurassic Park》(侏罗纪公园)1993






44.《罗宾汉历险记/侠盗罗宾汉/罗宾汉 》

主要演员:克里斯琴 斯莱特 艾伦 里克曼 凯文·科斯特


45.《Forrest Gump》(阿甘正传)1994

Tom Hanks(汤姆·汉克斯)沿着美国历史完成了一次惬意的旅行,并拿到了一个小金人作为对他遇到的那些麻烦的回报

——Robert Zemeckis(赞米斯基)也是一样。




主要演员:查理·辛 汤姆·白兰格 威廉·达福



47.《The English Patient》(英国病人)1996




48.《Legends of The Fall》(燃情岁月)1994

这是一部充满着温情和阳刚之气的影片,影片的画面拍摄十分优美,将一个不同于《Dances With Wolves》(与狼共舞



必看时刻:Brad Pitt(布拉德.彼特)回归,已中风的老父Anthony Hopkins(安东尼.霍普金斯)踉跄出迎。


49.《One Flew Over The Cuckoo"s Nest》(飞跃疯人院)1975


必看时刻:Jack Nicholson(杰克·尼克尔森)的咆哮。


50.《Back To The Future》(回到未来)


近完美。作为基本上属于80年代的科幻片,它们甚至超越了现在的科幻片。影片的男主角Michael J Fox(迈克尔·J·
































fall的搭配如 fall into 多点

fall in 到期;集合;排队;倒塌;与某人在一起 fall in love 坠入爱河;爱上某人 fall into 落入;分成 fall in love with 爱上 fall of 坠落 fall down 跌倒;失败;倒塌 in the fall 在秋天 rise and fall 涨落;抑扬 fall off 减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退 fall on 落到;指向 fall from 从…落下 fall behind 拖欠;落在后面 free fall 自由下落 fall back 退却,后退;[计]回落 fall ill 生病 fall for something 相信某事 fall for 迷恋;信以为真 fall back on 退到;求助于;回头再说 fall out 发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是 fall under 受到(影响等);被归入
2023-07-21 00:49:041


1.fall可以翻译为vi. 降落,落下,跌倒,降低,减退,来临,降临,失势,垮台,沦陷,失守,下垂;倾斜vi. & link v. 成为,变为;进入…状态n. 跌落,下落,下降,降低,减少,掉落的距离,落差,陷落;垮台;灭亡;没落,堕落,沦落,瀑布,〈美〉秋天2.用法及例句Several of the runners fell behind in the race.有几个赛跑者在比赛中落在后面了。Collected in the scriptorium, this sawdust comes from the shelf that fell on Philibert.写字间找到的锯屑来自于压落到菲利布特身上的书架The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.气压表表明气压在继续下降。He fell on the floor with an awful whomp .他摔在地板上发出一声可怕的撞击声。3.相当搭配fall in 到期;集合;排队;倒塌;与某人在一起fall in love 坠入爱河;爱上某人fall into 落入;分成fall in love with 爱上fall of 坠落fall down 跌倒;失败;倒塌in the fall 在秋天rise and fall 涨落;抑扬fall off 减少;跌落;下降;离开;衰退fall on 落到;指向fall from 从…落下fall behind 拖欠;落在后面free fall 自由下落
2023-07-21 00:49:111

哪位知道电影《the fall》的取景拍摄地?

2023-07-21 00:49:342

求电影《the fall 》下载资源!!

2023-07-21 00:49:481


关于秋天的英文诗(通用5首)   秋季,是“春夏秋冬”四季之一。在我国,传统上是以二十四节气的“立秋”作为秋季的起点。进入秋季,意味着降雨、湿度等趋于下降或减少,在自然界中万物开始从繁茂成长趋向萧索成熟。下面为大家带来了秋天的英文诗,欢迎大家参考!   秋天的英文诗1   Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky. The lake and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other. Butterflies fluttered about among the flowers.   The wind whiffed through the trees. The branches swayed about the wind. Leaves flaked down in the breeze.   No one knows where the leaf comes from and where it belongs. Only one thing will be sure that the leaf belongs anywhere because of the wind and the wind never feels lonely because of the leaf.   Everything may change, seasons may come, and true love never grows old.   译文:   每一个现在,然后毛茸茸的云朵飘过天空。湖和山添加光辉和辉映。欲飞的蝴蝶在花丛中。   风挥棒穿过树林。关于风的树枝摇晃。树叶在微风中睡去的了。   没有人知道这个叶来自和属于它。只有一件事将会确保叶属的任何地方,因为风,风从不感到孤独因为叶。   一切都可能改变,季节可能来的,真正的爱情永远不会变老。   秋天的英文诗2   Autumn Fires   by Robert Louis Stevenson   In the other gardens   And all up the vale,   From the autumn bonfires   See the smoke trail!   Pleasant summer over   And all the summer flowers,   The red fire blazes,   The grey smoke towers.   Sing a song of seasons!   Something bright in all!   Flowers in the summer,   Fires in the fall!   译文:   秋天的火灾   由罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森   在其他花园   和所有的淡水河谷,   从秋天的篝火   看到烟小道!   愉快的夏天在   和所有的"夏花,   红色的火燃烧,   灰色的烟塔。   唱歌的季节!   一些明亮的在所有!   夏季花灿烂,   火灾在秋天!   秋天的英文诗3   by thomas ernest hulme   a touch of cold in the autumn night -   秋夜感凉意。   i walked abroad,   步庭里,   and saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge   却见晕月斜倚篱,   like a red-faced farmer.   红脸农夫何似!   i did not stop to speak, but nodded;   未停语,点头时,   and round about were the wistful stars   周天群星皆沉思,   with white faces like town children.   恰似城里儿童白脸皮。   秋天的英文诗4   Frolic   The leaves had a wonderful frolic   They danced to the wind"s loud song   They whirled and they floated   They circled and flew along   The moon saw the little leaves dancing   Each looked like a small brown bird   The man in the moon smiled and listened   And this is the song he heard:   The north wind is calling and calling   And we must whirl round and round   And then, when our dancing is ended   We"ll make a warm quilt for the ground   秋天的英文诗5   A Fall Song   by Ellen Robena Field   Golden and red trees   Nod to the soft breeze,   As it whispers, "Winter is near;"   And the brown nuts fall   At the wind"s loud call,   For this is the Fall of the year.   Good-by, sweet flowers!   Through bright Summer hours   You have filled our hearts with cheer   We shall miss you so,   And yet you must go,   For this is the Fall of the year.   Now the days grow cold,   As the year grows old,   And the meadows are brown and sere;   Brave robin redbreast   Has gone from his nest,   For this is the Fall of the year.   I do softly pray   At the close of day,   That the little children, so dear,   May as purely grow   As the fleecy snow   That follows the Fall of the year.
2023-07-21 00:50:091

进击的巨人before the fall外传漫画是讲正传漫画的多少年前的故事

2023-07-21 00:50:236

fall前是否加冠词 fall前加不加冠词the?

fall当名词有两个意思 一个瀑布 一个秋天 秋天是一定不加的 瀑布则跟据上下语境加a或the
2023-07-21 00:50:561

求Poets Of The Fall的The happy song歌词及中文翻译

2023-07-21 00:51:032

Legends of the Fall 能帮我解释这是什么意思

2023-07-21 00:51:132

电影《the fall》(坠入)高清版下载望采纳
2023-07-21 00:51:211

英文legend of the fall用中文怎么翻译?

2023-07-21 00:51:327

fall by和fall to区别

以下是关于 “fall by” 和 “fall to” 的区别:词组翻译:“fall by” 可以翻译为 “下降”、“减少”。“fall to” 可以翻译为 “降至”、“下跌到”。形式变化:“fall by” 中的 “by” 是介词,没有变化形式。“fall to” 中的 “to” 是介词,没有变化形式。短语搭配:The temperature will fall by 5 degrees.(温度将下降5度。)Sales have fallen by 20% this quarter.(销售额本季度下降了20%。)The price of oil fell to $60 per barrel.(石油价格跌至每桶60美元。)The company"s stock fell to its lowest point in years.(该公司的股价跌至多年来的最低点。)The population of the town fell by half in the last decade.(该城镇的人口在过去十年中减少了一半。)含义解释:“fall by” 表示数量、程度或百分比的减少或下降。“fall to” 表示某物达到某个特定的低点、数值或位置。语法详解:“fall by” 通常后面接数量、程度或百分比。常用于表示减少或下降的程度。“fall to” 后面通常接具体数值、位置或状态。常用于表示到达某个特定的点或位置。单词用法:“fall by” 和 “fall to” 在描述下降或减少的情况时使用。举例句子:The price of the stock fell by 10%.(股票价格下降了10%。)Profits fell by $1 million compared to last year.(利润与去年相比减少了100万美元。)The number of participants fell by half.(参与者人数减少了一半。)The temperature will fall to freezing tonight.(今晚气温将降到冰点。)Unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since 2008.(失业率降至自2008年以来的最低水平。)The water level in the reservoir fell to a critical point.(水库水位降至危险点。)The price of gold fell by $50 per ounce.(黄金价格每盎司下跌50美元。)The attendance at the event fell by 30%.(活动的参与人数下降了30%。)House prices fell to their lowest level in years.(房价降至多年来的最低水平。)The company"s market share fell by 5% this quarter.(该公司本季度市场份额下降了5%。)
2023-07-21 00:51:515

the fall百度盘

2023-07-21 00:52:391

The Fall of Melnibone 歌词

歌曲名:The Fall of Melnibone歌手:Dark Moor专辑:Between Light and DarknessAlbum:The Fall Of MelniboneTitle:The Fall Of MelniboneMade by Oscar More【管线乐前奏】【序】Young Kingdoms, Yougn Kingdoms 稚嫩的王朝,稚嫩的王朝Prepare the crimson war 在为血腥的决战作准备Young Kingdoms, Young Kingdoms 年轻的王朝啊,年轻的王朝Command the righteous law 掌控着公正---------音乐分割线---------The fall of melnibone 却面临没落【第一部分】Imrryr towest in the quiet night sleep 整个王都仍在静夜中沉睡At the northeast part of the turquoise Boiling Sea 东北那片土耳其玉般湛蓝的沸腾的大海Cold wind scream over finest gargoyles high 冷风在嗖嗖地尖叫,可怕的高carrying sings in the dawn that frightens skyGolden troops may compare a rising stormand the entire will is on tarkan, Dyvim"s core,Purple towns are attacking from the shoreouter walls and the labyrinth unknown【和声】Young Kingdoms, Yougn Kingdoms 稚嫩的王朝,稚嫩的王朝Prepare the crimson war 在为血腥的决战作准备Young Kingdoms, Young Kingdoms 年轻的王朝啊,年轻的王朝Command the righteous law 掌控着公正Dragon Isle, oh! Dragon Isle 巨龙岛啊,巨龙岛,Sadness dims your witching eye 悲痛黯淡了你鬼魅的眼睛fancy dream of Xiombarg Xiombarg 的 华丽的梦境Mighty falls in raging hush 在狂暴的缄默中重重地倒下了。【过渡1】Elric guides all the seamen from the bridge 艾里克大帝带领着桥上的水手From his leader ship and the laughin" of a bitch 全民上下,Arches shoot from the topwalls in the crew, 从塔楼射出同时射出悲痛的弓箭killing men with the anguish of the loot 杀死这些掠夺者。【第二部分】Tarkan falls as the stumbles on the edgeJust to find the hell dying of his broken neckImrryr burns and sorrow has no endFury grows as the princess is just dead【和声】Young Kingdoms, Yougn Kingdoms 稚嫩的王朝,稚嫩的王朝Prepare the crimson war 在为血腥的决战作准备Young Kingdoms, Young Kingdoms 年轻的王朝啊,年轻的王朝Command the righteous law 掌控着公正Dragon Isle, oh! Dragon Isle 巨龙岛啊,巨龙岛,Sadness dims your witching eye 悲痛黯淡了你鬼魅的眼睛fancy dream of Xiombarg Xiombarg 的 华丽的梦境Mighty falls in raging hush 在狂暴的缄默中重重地倒下了。(翻译到这里我就没信心翻译下去了,这首歌太难了,哪位看过美尼博小说的高手帮帮忙啊!太多地方不明白啊)【过渡2】Stormbringer, demon grabber with runesStormbringer, blackest blade with loomsStormbringer, feed with mourning soulsYour wicked evil, sounding tunes【Enrik开始飙琴了】【第三部分】Mighty runes, melnibonecan you hear the pray for your burning death?Pearly halls, your magic sightAre the crushed of lay on your bloody earth?---------音乐分割线---------Dready shores, Melnibonecan you bear the threat of that flaming flags?Dragon Isle, your sturdy chimeall is lost right now (and prince Yykoon lurks)【Enrik又开始飙琴了】【竟然还变奏,我靠,太牛了】【第四部分】Arioch! can you feel my painfrom yor throne of holy lord?Am i crying in vain despairMy fate weaved by this broadsword?---------音乐分割线---------I cannot see life or lightIn her semblance or her eyemust i be forever lone?beloved Cymoril is gone?Have you really found the deathby the evil on my hand?【和声】Young Kingdoms, Yougn Kingdoms 稚嫩的王朝,稚嫩的王朝Prepare the crimson war 在为血腥的决战作准备Young Kingdoms, Young Kingdoms 年轻的王朝啊,年轻的王朝Command the righteous law 掌控着公正Dragon Isle, oh! Dragon Isle 巨龙岛啊,巨龙岛,Sadness dims your witching eye 悲痛黯淡了你鬼魅的眼睛fancy dream of Xiombarg Xiombarg 的 华丽的梦境Mighty falls in raging hush 在狂暴的缄默中重重地倒下了。
2023-07-21 00:52:571


游戏已经开启,如果你在游戏过程中遇到下载慢登录不上卡顿掉线问题,可以使用加速器加速After the Fall,如果遇到Heroes After the Fall玩不了怎么办,建议重启下手机。若还无法使用就有可能是安装程序出问题了,需要你卸载游戏,在九游重新下载符合你机型的版本,再进行安装。其实不会很免费,只要在九游门户首页搜索Heroes After the Fall进入专区点击适合你手机型号的版本下载按钮下载就好了
2023-07-21 00:53:221


Losing keysdon"t worry 不要担心 everybody in the room notices you 这里的每个人都知道你在这儿sit back and relax 靠在椅背上,放轻松the night is early 现在夜不算深we are about to overdo it 我们将要让这个夜晚热闹起来so come and tell me something that you"ve already told me 所以过来告诉我一些你曾经告诉过我的事情cause everybody"s already heard our lovely stories因为所有人都已经知道了你我之间动人的故事i"m hoping some of them are true我多么想这些动人的故事哪怕仅仅有一些是真的i"ve been losing lots of keys lately,最近弄丢了很多钥匙i don"t know what that means我不知道那意味着什么but maybe i"ve been better off with things that can"t be locked at all可能是我的那些一点都没办法锁起来的东西太过充裕了吧i"ve been feeling kind of sea sick lately,最近感到有点儿晕船see you reaching to me gonna save me如果看到你来帮我,会令我舒服多了you were me, i would much rather take the fall但是假若你是我,我宁愿掉下船去the world has its ways世界有他自己的方式to quite us down来让我们安静下来the world has its ways世界有他自己的方式to quiet us down comes the rain来让我们安静下来,下雨了down comes our spirits again我们又冷静了下来but down comes the strength但是同样失去了力量to lift us up and then…可以将我们举起的力量,然后。。。been going up when now我们一直很好很好,但是现在for to long好了这么久forget how已经忘记了该怎么to let go放开seems to hard好像很难too late now现在已经太晚了to turn around无法回头了the world has its ways世界有他自己的方式to quite us down来让我们安静下来the world has its ways世界有他自己的方式to quiet us down comes the rain来让我们安静下来,下雨了down comes our spirits again我们又冷静了下来but down comes the strength但是同样失去了力量to lift us up and then…可以将我们举起的力量,而后。。。*:)
2023-07-21 00:53:311


2023-07-21 00:53:396

The Fall的中文歌词

She is packing in slow motion the sun is coming up 太阳即将要升起来了,她心平气和地收拾着东西I am sitting in the next room staring in my coffee cup 我坐在隔壁的房间盯着我的咖啡杯Now we are driving down the shoreline, this car is cut in two 我们沿着海岸线开车,车(仿佛)被分成了两部分I am quiet, she is humming, When the Stars Go Blue 我没开口,你一直喋喋不休。 当星星开始变蓝And pulling up to JFK, there really isn"t much to say 当赶上肯尼迪机场。我真的没什么话好说Don"t tell me you"ll write me, don"t tell me you"ll call 别告诉我你会给我写信,别告诉我你会给我打电话Just tell me you"ll see me in the Fall 只需告诉我你毁在秋天回来看我Don"t give me a promise you know you"ll never keep 别给我一个你自己都知道永远不会遵守的承诺Go and find it all and I"ll see you in the Fall 去了解全部然后我会在秋天来看你Now I"m back at our apartment and nothing feels the same 现在我回到我们的公寓,但是一切都不同了Her coat is gone, her toothbrush is missing, 她的外套没了,她的牙刷也不见了All the flowers start to fade 所有的话都开始凋谢And September feels so far away 九月份感觉是如此遥远Don"t tell me you"ll write me, don"t tell me you"ll call 别告诉我你会给我写信,别告诉我你会给我打电话Just tell me you"ll see me in the Fall 只需告诉我你会在秋天回来看我Don"t give me a promise you know you"ll never keep 别给我一个你自己都知道永远不会遵守的承诺Go and find it all and I"ll see you in the Fall 去了解全部然后我会在秋天来看你Let you fly over the sea , fate will bring you back to me 让你飞越这片海,命运会带你回到我的身边And darling that"s all we have 亲爱的那是我们的所有Don"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the Fall 别写信别打电话我会在秋天看到你Don"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the Fall 别写信别打电话我会在秋天看到你Don"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the Fall 别写信别打电话我会在秋天看到你Don"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the Fall 别写信别打电话我会在秋天看到你Don"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the Fall 别写信别打电话我会在秋天看到你Don"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the Fall 别写信别打电话我会在秋天看到你Don"t tell me you"ll write me, don"t tell me you"ll call 别告诉我你会给我写信,别告诉我你会给我带电话Just tell me you"ll see me in the Fall 只需告诉我你会在秋天回来看我Don"t give me a promise you know you"ll never keep 别给我一个你自己都知道永远不会遵守的承诺Go and find it all and I"ll see you in the Fall 去了解全部然后我会在秋天来看你oh oh oh ~
2023-07-21 00:54:151

Brendan James的《The Fall》 歌词

歌曲名:The Fall歌手:Brendan James专辑:Brendan James (Bonus Track Version)-DeccaBrendan James - The FallShe is packing in slow motionThe sun is coming upI am sitting in the next roomStaring in my coffee cupNow we are driving down the shoreline,This car is cut in twoI am quiet, and she is humming,When the Stars Go BlueAnd pulling up to JFK,There really isn"t much to sayDon"t tell me you"ll write me,Don"t tell me you"ll callJust tell me you"ll see me in the FallAnd don"t give me a promiseYou know you"ll never keepGo and find it all and I"ll see you in the FallNow I"m back at our apartmentAnd nothing feels the sameHer coat is gone, her toothbrush is missing,All the flowers start to fadeAnd September feels so far awayDon"t tell me you"ll write me,Don"t tell me you"ll callJust tell me you"ll see me in the FallAnd don"t give me a promiseYou know you"ll never keepGo and find it all and I"ll see you in the FallLet you fly over the sea,Fate will bring you back to meAnd darling that"s all we haveDon"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the FallDon"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the FallDon"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the FallDon"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the FallDon"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the FallDon"t write don"t call I"ll see you in the FallDon"t tell me you"ll write me,Don"t tell me you"ll callJust tell me you"ll see me in the FallAnd don"t give me a promiseYou know you"ll never keepGo and find it all and I"ll see you in the Fall
2023-07-21 00:54:221

请帮帮忙,求电影《坠入》 (The Fall)下载地址 最好是无字幕的

坠入.The Fall.2006.BluRay 720p.4.42GB MKV满意请采纳
2023-07-21 00:54:461

ground , do , to ,not ,the ,fall 组句?

Do not fall to the ground.不要倒到地上。
2023-07-21 00:54:551

问take the fall中文版歌词

[ti:01 Take The Fall][ar:Soren Bregendal][al:Life is simple not easy][by:koala][00:01.03]01 Take The Fall[00:05.32]artist:Soren Bregendal[00:09.66]album:Life is simple not easy[00:13.68]by:koala[00:16.44]Don"t try to understand[00:21.66]When it doesn"t make no sense[00:25.31]Sometimes it"s just ain"t logical[00:30.66]Just go within and then[00:36.45]The story will unfold[00:40.50]Sometimes you"re just unstoppable[00:43.32][00:46.60]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[00:49.98]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[00:53.88]It"s not wrong[00:55.99]No don"t be scared[00:58.71]Just take the fall[01:03.80][01:15.41]So, I know you got your doubt[01:19.97]And I know what"s on your mind[01:24.49]But don"t be scared[01:26.20]You"re not alone[01:30.91]No, no one can tell you now[01:32.16]What happens down the line[01:36.05]What happens[01:37.34]Cause here and now is all we know[01:40.97][01:46.31]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[01:49.27]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[01:52.71]It"s not wrong[01:54.65]No don"t be scared[01:57.83]Just take the fall[02:00.27][02:00.95]Don"t run away[02:02.14]Life has just begun[02:03.81]Don"t lie to yourself[02:06.55]Just carry on[02:07.66]It"s not wrong[02:09.21]No don"t be scared[02:12.90]Just take the fall[02:15.51][02:16.71]Come with me now[02:25.38][02:26.72]Don"t turn[02:30.41]Don"t turn around[02:36.36]Oh no[02:40.44][02:48.60]Don"t fight it when things they come undone[02:52.08]Don"t hide it you know it is what you want[02:55.79]It"s not wrong[02:58.08]No don"t be scared[03:00.56]Just take the fall[03:03.25][03:04.11]Don"t run away[03:06.08]Life has just begun[03:07.00]Don"t lie to yourself[03:09.86]Just carry on[03:11.17]It"s not wrong[03:12.35]No don"t be scared[03:14.46]Just take the fall[03:18.69][03:22.76][03:24.52]
2023-07-21 00:55:023

The Fall Song 歌词

2023-07-21 00:55:101

《The Falling Song》歌词

歌名应为《The Fall Song》。曲名:The Fall Song歌手:Bridgit MendlerBridgit Mendler - The Fall Song.Set your clock backLooking at the mapWondering where you be at""Cause it""s so bad when you""re not aroundYou""re never aroundIt used to be you and meHolding hands, smolderingKicking up leavesTalking about getting olderBut now you""re not around.You""ll never be a rhyme or reasonFor when it rolls around to this seasonWhen all the leaves start their turningAnd you start to burn again in my brain.I""m falling for you, I""m fallingI can""t forget youNow it""s cold and all of the leavesOn all of the trees are falling with meDown to the ground《The Fall Song》歌词 歌名:The Fall Song歌手:Bridgit Mendler专辑:Hello My Name Is...Bridgit Mendler - The Fall Song.Set your clock backLooking at the mapWondering where you be at""Cause it""s so bad when you""re not aroundYou""re never aroundIt used to be you and meHolding hands, smolderingKicking up leavesTalking about getting olderBut now you""re not around.You""ll never be a rhyme or reasonFor when it rolls around to this seasonWhen all the leaves start their turningAnd you start to burn again in my brain.I""m falling for you, I""m fallingI can""t forget youNow it""s cold and all of the leavesOn all of the trees are falling with meDown to the ground
2023-07-21 00:55:171

求The Black Eyed Peas Someday 歌词

Someday (Knight and Day) Lyrics by Black Eyed PeasBaby, you got me feeling wonderfulI can"t believe that your so wonderfulThis is wonderfulyou"re the one, my only wonderfulI don"t want it somedayI don"t want it one dayGotta have it somehowI want it right nowI don"t want it somedayI don"t want it one dayGotta have it somehowI want it right nowI wanna live my life, live it to the somedayLive it in the light, let that sunshine come inI can"t wait no longer, I can"t wait for somedayAlways Getting stronger, one day baby one dayI"m gonna live my life and live it in allit"s gonna be so awesome blossom and beautifulI"m gonna be with you, baby, and you gonna be with meI gotta have a?...Then wait up right nowBaby have a sitAnd wait here patientlyFor the Someday.. waiting for the one day.Hoping for the somehowto have it right now.Cuz I don"t want it somedayI don"t want it one dayGotta have it somehowI want it right nowBaby you got me feeling wonderfulI can"t believe that you"re so wonderfulThis is wonderfulyou"re the one my only wonderfulYour past is history, future a mystery.Today is a precious gift that"s why it"s called present.I"ll give it all to you, cuz people want it too.Let"s not be scared to have a little taste of heaven.Cuz I don"t wanna live my life with no reason at allI"m stumbling onto love and lovin" the fallCuz I wanna be with you, baby, and you wanna be with me.I gotta have a?...Then wait up right nowBaby have a sitAnd wait here patiently希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-21 00:55:231

The——fall and fall.

The leaves fall and fall.The yellow leaves fall and fall.叶子落啊落黄色的叶子落啊落
2023-07-21 00:55:431

艾薇儿的FALL TO PIECES的中英文歌词?

I look away Then I look back at you You try to say things that you can′t undo If I had my way I′d never get over you today"s the day I pray that we make it through我向远方望去 然后回头痴痴看你 你仿佛想要说明 那些你已无法挽回的事 如果我就这样执意离去 我将永远无法克服想你的心情 就在今天 我祈祷我们能够共同度过Make it through the fall Make it through it all共渡患难 一起看花开花落And I don′t want to fall to pieces I just want to sit and stare at you I don′t want to talk about it And I don′t want a conversation I just want to cry in front of you I don′t want to talk about it Cause I′m in love with you我不想心碎 我只想坐下呆呆的看者你 我不想再讨论些什么 我不要那些表白 我只想在你面前放肆的哭泣 我不想再讨论些什么 因为我正爱着你You′re the only one I will be stay till the end When I come undone You bring me back again Back onto the stars Back into your arms 你是唯一一个 我想要共渡一生的人 当我梦想破灭之时 是你让我再度振作 是你使我再次被闪耀的光芒笼罩 是你将我环入你温暖的臂膀And I don′t want to fall to pieces I just want to sit and stare at you I don′t want to talk about it And I don′t want a conversation I just want to cry in front of you I don′t want to talk about it Cause I′m in love with you 我不想心碎 我只要坐下来呆呆盯着你的身影 我不想再谈论些什么了 我不要那些太遥远的告白 我只要在你面前放声哭泣 我真的不想再谈论些什么 因为我是爱着你的Want to know who you are Want to know where to start I want to know what this means Want to know how you feel Want to know what is real I want to know everything, everything 想知道你到底是怎样的一个人 想知道应该从哪里开始新的生活 我想要知道这些到底意味着什么 想知道你究竟是在想些什么 想知道什么才是所谓的真实 我想要知道关于你的一切,一切的一切And I don′t want to fall to pieces I just want to sit and stare at you I don′t want to talk about it And I don′t want a conversation I just want to cry in front of you I don′t want to talk about it 我不要就这样心碎 我只想坐下来呆呆看你 我不想再谈论那些无关紧要的事 我不要那些所谓的甜蜜告白 我只要在你的面前象孩子一样肆无忌惮的哭泣 我不要再谈论这些了Cause I′m in love with you I′m in love with you Cause I′m in love with you I′m in love with you I′m in love with you因为我是爱着你的 我深深的爱着你 因为我是如此爱你 我爱着你 我是真的真的爱着你
2023-07-21 00:55:491


2023-07-21 00:55:598


fall现在分词是falling,过去式是fell,过去分词是fallen。当fall是动词时,其含义为“落下;下落;掉落;跌落;突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌;(数量)减少,下降;(强度)减小”。双语例句如下:1、The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.秋天来临时树叶开始落下。2、It is important not to let production levels fall.重要的是别让产量滑落。3、Falling interest rates may help to bolster up the economy.利率下降可能有助于激活经济。4、She saved a little girl from falling into the water.她救下一个眼看要落入水中的小女孩。5、Prices continued to fall on the stock market today.今天股票市场价格继续下跌。6、I"m not going to fall,am I?我不会摔跤吧,对吗?当fall是名词时,其通常为可数名词,它的意思是“秋天,(雪、岩石等的)降落,落下;下落;跌落;掉落”。当其为复数形式falls,有“瀑布”的含义,比如“尼亚加拉瀑布”,就可以翻译为“Niagara Falls”。例如:a heavy fall of snow一场大雪;in the fall of 2005在2005年的秋天
2023-07-21 00:56:391


The leaves
2023-07-21 00:57:172


我这才是自己翻的。我不是直译,去听了这两首歌,有些地方为了工整和句意,可能有些出入。希望你明白咯。直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将掏我的心,于你 I"ll spill my heart for you, for you 直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将为你掏出我的心 I"ll spill my heart for you数年已过 As years go by 你我与时间竞技 I race the clock with you 若你先我而去 But if you died right now 你清楚我也会 You know that I"d die to 也会跟着死去 I"d die too你使我想起那段时光 You remind me of the times那时我清楚我自己是谁When I knew who I was (When I knew who I was) 但总有别的东西会来 But still the second hand will catch us 如以往一样 Like it always does. 我们会犯相同的错误 We"ll make the same mistakes我也将为你沉沦不醒 I"ll Take the fall for you 我希望你现在需要这 I hope you need this now 因为我仍然在继续着 cuz I know I still do直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将掏我的心,于你 I"ll spill my heart for you, for you 直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将为掏出我的心 I"ll spill my heart for you我应该咬舌伤己么 Should I bite my tongue 直到污血渗透衬衫 Until blood soaks my shirt?我们将会永不分离 We"ll never fall apart 你为何又如此痛苦 so Tell me why this hurts so much 以手扼住你喉咙 My hands are at your throat我认为我恨你的 And I think I hate you可我们仍说着,"想当年" But still we"ll say, "remember when" 就如同以往一样 Just like we always do, 如同以往一样 just like we always do直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将挖我的心,于你 I"ll spill my heart for you, for you 直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将为你掏出我的心 I"ll spill my heart for you对,我要掏出心脏 Yeah I"d spill my heart!!!对,我将为你掏出我的心Yeah I"d spill my heart, for you!!! 以手扼住你喉咙 My hands are at your throat我认为我恨你的 And I think I hate you我们犯相同的错误 We made the same mistakes 就像别的朋友一样 mistakes like friends do以手扼住你喉咙 My hands are at your throat我认为我恨你的 And I think I hate you我们犯相同的错误 We made the same mistakes [直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将挖我的心,于你 I"ll spill my heart for you, for you 直到我死去那天 Until the day I die 我将为你掏出我的心 I"ll spill my heart for you]-重复
2023-07-21 00:57:253


fall down fall over
2023-07-21 00:57:362


2023-07-21 00:57:522

The什么fall down.It,s什么now.

The __ fall down, It"s __ now. 从这句话来看意思是XX东西掉下来了,现在正在XXX.这个句式比较多的是用来表示天气,比如下雨了,下雪了这类..因此这里可以填:The (raindrops) fall down, It"s (raining) now. 雨滴掉落下来,现在正在下雨.The (snowflowers) fall down, It"s (snowing) now. 雪花飘落下来,现在正在下雪.
2023-07-21 00:57:591

The Watson Twins的《Fall》 歌词

歌曲名:Fall歌手:The Watson Twins专辑:Fire SongsBen - FallFinding it hard to carry onAnd knowing where you are and where I belongAnxious in the dark waiting for your callDo you even get any sleep crying out for meI could fall apartEvery beat of my heart, every beat of my heartWaiting for you to callKeep crying out, I keep crying out for loveSometimes I wish we could find a way (wish we could find a way)To keep this love alive, have you everydaySo many things I miss, simple than a morning kissLove your hand in mine (love your hand in mine)I could fall apartEvery beat of my heart, every beat of my heartWaiting for you to callKeep crying out, I keep crying out, I keep crying outI could fall apartEvery beat of my heart, every beat of my heartWaiting for you to callKeep crying out, I keep crying out for loveThere"s a dreamer side of youThere"s a love heart carved on a treeThere"s your love carved into meEvery emotion didn"t think of all letting em startI could fall apartEvery beat of my heart, every beat of my heartWaiting for you to callKeep crying out, I keep crying out, I keep crying outI could fall apartEvery beat of my heart, every beat of my heartWaiting for you to callKeep crying out, I keep crying out, I keep crying outWhy didn"t we think about this before we let it startI"m left here picking up the pieces of this broken heartWhy didn"t we think about this before we let it startI"m left here picking up the pieces of this broken heartWhy didn"t we think about this before we let it startI"m left here picking up the pieces of this broken heartWhy didn"t we think about this before we let it startI"m left here picking up the pieces of this broken heart
2023-07-21 00:58:401


2023-07-21 00:58:513

我的学校 英语作文

school is very big and very beautiful. There are many flowers and bees. We have a big play ground. Look! There are many students are playing on it. Our school also have a big li
2023-07-21 00:59:0812

i love autumn. the__ fall and fall and fall.

2023-07-21 00:59:354

Remember The Time 歌词

歌曲名:Remember The Time歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:DangerousRemember The TimeMichael JacksonDo you rememberWhen we fell in loveWe were so young and innocent thenDo you rememberHow it all beganIt just seemed like heaven so why did it endDo you rememberBack in the fallWe"d be together all day longDo you rememberUs holding handsIn each other"s eyes we"d stareDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeWhen we first metDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeDo you rememberHow we used to talkWe"d stay on the phone at night till dawnDo you rememberAll the things we said likeI love you so I"ll never let you goDo you rememberBack in the SpringEvery morning birds would singDo you rememberThose special timesThey"ll just go on and onIn the back of my mindDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeWhen we first met girlDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeThose sweet memoriesWill always be dear to meAnd girl no matter what was saidI will never forget what we hadNow baby!Do you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeWhen we first metDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeDo you remember the timeWhen we fell in loveDo you remember the timeRemember the timesRemember the timesDo you remember girlRemember the timesOn the phone you and meRemember the timesTill dawn, two or threeWhat about us girlRemember the timesDo you, do you, do you, do you, do youRemember the timesIn the park, on the beachRemember the timesYou and me in SpainWhat about, what about...Remember the the parkRemember the timesAfter dark...Do you, do you, do youRemember the timesDo you, do you, do you, do youRemember the timesYeah yeah
2023-07-21 00:59:421


2023-07-21 01:00:081

求 艾德加 爱伦坡一身中写过哪些作品,详细

  [诗歌类]  诗 Poetry  哦,时代!哦,风尚! O, Tempora! O, Mores!  致玛格丽特 To Margaret  “致奥克塔维娅” To Octavia  帖木儿 Tamerlane  歌 Song  梦 Dreams  亡灵 Spirits of the Dead  模仿 Imitation  “诗节”Stanzas"  一个梦 A Dream  “最快乐的日子” The Happiest Day  湖——致—— The Lake — To ——  十四行诗——致科学 To Science  阿尔阿拉夫 Al Aaraaf  传奇 Romance  致河—— To The River ——  仙境 Fairy-Land  “孤独” "Alone"  “致艾萨克·利” To Isaac Lea  伊丽莎白 Elizabeth  一首离合诗 An Acrostic  “咏乔·洛克” Lines on Joe Locke  致海伦 To Helen  以色拉费 Israfel  睡美人 The Sleeper  不安的山谷 The Valley of Unrest  海中之城 The City in the Sea  丽诺尔 Lenore  致乐园中的一位 To One in Paradise  赞歌 Latin Hymn//Hymn  谜 Enigma  小夜曲 Serenade  罗马大圆形竞技场 The Coliseum  新婚小调 Bridal Ballad  十四行诗——致桑特岛  闹鬼的宫殿 The Haunted Palace  十四行诗——静 Silence, a Sonnet  征服者爬虫 The Conqueror Worm  梦境 Dream-Land  尤拉丽——歌 Eulalie  乌鸦 The Raven  赠——的情人节礼物 A Valentine  “深眠黄土” Deep in Earth  致路易丝·奥利维亚·亨特小姐 To Miss Louise Olivia Hunter  致M.L.S—— To M. L. S  尤娜路姆——一首歌谣 Ulalume — A Ballad  一个谜 An Enigma  钟 The Bells  致海伦 To Helen  梦中之梦 A Dream Within A Dream  献给安妮 For Annie  黄金国 Eldorado  致我的母亲 To My Mother  安娜贝尔·李 Annabel Lee  [戏剧类]  《波利希安》选场(一至五场未完) Scenes From "Politian"  [小说类]  梅岑格施泰因 Metzengerstein  德洛梅勒特公爵 The Duc De L"Omelette  耶路撒冷的故事 A Tale of Jerusalem  失去呼吸 Loss of Breath  甭甭 Bon-Bon  四不象 Four Beasts in One - The Homo-Cameleopard  瓶中手稿 MS. Found in a Bottle  幽会 The Assignation  捧为名流 Lionizing  死荫——寓言一则 Shadow - A Parable  静——寓言一则 Silence - A Fable  贝蕾妮丝 Berenice  莫雷娜 Morella  瘟疫王 King Pest  故弄玄虚 Mystification  丽姬娅 Ligeia  如何写布莱克伍德式文章 How to Write a Blackwood Article  绝境 A Predicament  钟楼魔影 The Devil in the Belfry  被用光的人 The Man That Was Used Up  厄舍府的倒塌 The Fall of the House of Usher  威廉·威尔逊 William Wilson  埃洛斯与沙米翁的对话 The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion  为什么那小个子法国佬的手悬在吊腕带里 Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling  生意人 The Business Man  人群中的人 The Man of the Crowd  莫格街谋杀案 The Murders in the Rue Morgue(侦探小说)  莫斯肯漩涡沉浮记 A Descent into the Maelstrom  莫诺斯与尤拉的对话 The Colloquy of Monos and Una  千万别和魔鬼赌你的脑袋 Never Bet the Devil Your Head  埃莱奥诺拉 Eleonora  一星期中的三个星期天 Three Sundays in a Week  椭圆形画像 The Oval Portrait  红死病的假面具 The Masque of the Red Death  陷坑与钟摆 The Pit and the Pendulum  玛丽·罗热疑案 The Mystery of Marie Roget(侦探小说)  泄密的心 The Tell-tale Heart  金甲虫 The Gold-Bug (侦探小说)  黑猫 The Black Cat  欺骗是一门精密的科学 Diddling  眼镜 The Spectacles  长方形箱子 The Oblong Box  凹凸山的故事 A Tale of the Ragged Mountains  过早埋葬 The Premature Burial  被窃之信 The Purloined Letter(侦探小说)  塔尔博士和费瑟尔教授的疗法 The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether  催眠启示录 Mesmeric Revelation  “你就是凶手” "Thou Art the Man"(侦探小说)  气球骗局 The Balloon-Hoax  奇怪天使 The Angel of the Odd  森格姆·鲍勃先生的文学生涯 The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq.  山鲁佐德的第一千零二个故事 The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade  与一具木乃伊的谈话 Some Words with a Mummy  言语的力量 The Power of Words  反常之魔 The Imp of the Perverse  瓦尔德马先生病例之真相 The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar  斯芬克斯 The Sphinx  一桶蒙特亚白葡萄酒 The Cask of Amontillado  阿恩海姆乐园 The Domain of Arnheim  未来之事 Mellonta Tauta  兰多的小屋 Landor"s Cottage  跳蛙 Hop-Frog  冯·肯佩伦和他的发现 Von Kempelen and His Discovery  用X代替O的时候 X-ing a Paragrab  灯塔(残稿) The Light-House  汉斯·普法尔历险记(长篇)The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall  阿·戈·皮姆的故事(长篇) The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket  罗德曼日记(长篇未完) The Journal of Julius Rodman (unfinished serialized novel.)  [随笔与评论]  巨人舞石柱林一瞥 Some Account of Stonehenge  仙女岛 The Island of the Fay  维萨西孔河之晨 Morning on the Wissahiccon  拜伦与查沃思小姐 Byron and Miss Chaworth  装饰的哲学 The Philosophy of Furniture  写作的哲学 The Philosophy of Composition  诗歌原理 The Poetic Principle  本能与理性——一只黑猫 Instinct vs Reason — A Black Cat  梅泽尔的象棋手 Maelzel"s Chess-Player  评霍桑的《故事重述》Review of Hawthorne"s "Twice-Told Tales"  [其它类]  我发现了—— 一首散文诗 Eureka  译文名来自:《爱伦·坡集——诗歌与故事》  --  除了以上,还有一些文学评论和散文 之类的东西。诗未知是否全,但大部分就这些了。
2023-07-21 01:00:151

I Am The Highway 这首歌曲的汉语翻译

Pearls and swime the bereft of me我失去珍贵和卑贱Long and weary my road has been我的路漫长而疲惫I was lost in the cities我迷失在城市之中Alone in the hills独自一人在山上No sorrow or pity for leaving I feel我没有感觉悲伤和遗憾的离开I am not your rolling wheels我不是你的滚滚车轮I am a highway我是(遥远的)高速公路I am not your carpet ride我不是你(狭隘)的地毯I am the sky我是(无际的)天空Friends and liars Don"t wait for me不要等待我挚友和谎言Cause I"ll get on All by myself我将独自完成I Put millions of miles Under my heels在我脚下航行数百万英里And still too close to you仍然觉得离你太近I feel我感受的到I am not your rolling wheels我不是你滚滚的车轮I am the highway我是(遥远的)高速公路I am not your carpet ride我不是你的(小)地毯I am the sky我是(无际的)天空I am not your blowing wind我不是你的微风I am the lightning我是闪电I am not your autumn moon我不是你的秋月I am the night,the night我是黑夜,是黑夜I am not your rolling wheels我不是你车上的轮子I am the highway我是(遥远的)高速公路I am not your carpet ride我不是你的(小)地毯I am the sky我是(无际的)天空I am not your blowing wind我不是你的微风I am the lightning我是闪电I am not your autumn moon我不是你的满月I am the night,the night我是黑夜,,,黑夜
2023-07-21 01:00:233


fall 其实就是一个系动词的用法 相当于is 表示 “在”的意思 lunar month 是农历月份
2023-07-21 01:00:333

the leares fall in autumn 中的fall什么意思?

The leave fall 是掉落的意思 是英语字母要认清楚
2023-07-21 01:00:544

怎fall the and fall leaves么连词成句

The leaves fall and fall.树叶不停的往下落啊落。leaves [英][li:vz][美][livz]n.树叶,花瓣; (leaf的复数); 页( leaf的名词复数 ); 叶子; 有…状叶的; 金属薄片; v.离开( leave的第三人称单数 ); 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托; fall and fall通顺、不停的往下落。
2023-07-21 01:01:011


"fall" 和 "drop" 都表示物体向下移动,但它们在使用上有一些区别。"Fall" 是指物体由于重力或其他力的作用从原来的位置向下移动。它可以指物体垂直或倾斜地下落。例如,当树叶从树上掉落到地面时,我们可以说它们"fall"。"Drop" 则更侧重于描述物体掉落的动作或动作的结果。它通常指物体从人的手中或其他支撑物上释放或落下。例如,当你把笔从桌上放下时,我们可以说你"drop"了笔。总而言之,"fall" 可以指物体自主地或不受控制地移动,而 "drop" 则指有意识地将物体释放或放下,使其落下。
2023-07-21 01:01:093

The Endless Fall 歌词

歌曲名:The Endless Fall歌手:Mercenary专辑:Architect of Lies《The Endless Fall》MercenaryIAm the essence of ignoranceThe destroyer of innocenceStand by watch you take he fallAnd II will cut into you my peerAnd reveal your darkest fearAs a river of blood you will flowLook into my eyesI am the oneI will defyLooking into an endless mirrorSeeing nothing the end becomes clearerFeel me now as I (Your soul and your dignity)Steal some how the fall and I (Your system will fail)Make you surrenderAs I surrenderFeel me now as I (Your soul and your dignity)Steal some how the fall and I (Your system will fail)Make you surrenderAs I surrenderNowNow the silence begins my friendIt"s the cold, dark and bitter endStand by watch it fade watch it fallNowNow your fear is realityAll your dreams you will never seeEndless darkness surrounds you nowIs it cold now, my friendCan you feel it?This is the endLooking into the endless neverSeeing into the darkness foreverFeel me now as I (Your soul and your dignity)Steal some how the fall and I (Your system will fail)Make you surrenderAs I surrenderFeel me now as I (Your soul and your dignity)Steal some how the fall and I (Your system will fail)Make you surrenderAs I surrenderYour soul is mine!Feel me now as I (Your soul and your dignity)Steal some how the fall and I (Your system will fail)Make you surrenderAs I surrenderFeel me now as I (Your soul and your dignity)Steal some how the fall and I (Your system will fail)Make you surrenderAs I surrender仇十七 编辑
2023-07-21 01:01:331

fall of什么意思

fall off 减少,脱离
2023-07-21 01:01:437

The Saturdays--Fall的歌词以及歌词的翻译

歌词如下: i gave you all you desired all that you needed boy, i provided i let you into my head, into my bed and that"s a privilege i had you back in the enters you took the dollars i took the gentiles defended the battle before cause i really thought you loved me i don"t know where to start or where to stop (no) but i know i am gone, i"ve had enough so fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall you said that you were the strong one i was the girl and i was the young one i kept your feet on the ground my head in the rounds, i had you you tell me you were so grateful i was with you and i was so faithful i stood by in all that you said and all that you dared, i loved you i don"t know how to act or what to say but i know i am gone, i"ll be ok and you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall fall, fall, fall, fall haaa, fall, fall i want you to fall.......... fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall
2023-07-21 01:01:571

《fall》 the saturdays歌词

i gave you all you desired all that you needed boy, i provided i let you into my head, into my bed and that"s a privilege i had you back in the enters you took the dollars i took the gentiles defended the battle before cause i really thought you loved me i don"t know where to start or where to stop (no) but i know i am gone, i"ve had enough so fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall you said that you were the strong one i was the girl and i was the young one i kept your feet on the ground my head in the rounds, i had you you tell me you were so grateful i was with you and i was so faithful i stood by in all that you said and all that you dared, i loved you i don"t know how to act or what to say but i know i am gone, i"ll be ok and you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall fall, fall, fall, fall haaa, fall, fall i want you to fall.......... fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall, out of my head, out of my heart and when you hit the ground you"ll be sorry that i"m not around i"ll be what you are you fall out of your mind, out of your fantasy when you hit the wall, think of me i"ll be out the dark, just watching you fall
2023-07-21 01:02:042