barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-21 08:14:11




2023-07-21 00:39:332


2023-07-21 00:39:581


stamp翻译邮票。邮票的诞生,是由于邮资的征收对象的改变:降低了邮费、按重量计费、先付邮费。通信因此走入寻常百姓家。邮票是发送者为邮政服务付费的一种形式。邮票的雏形最早出现于17世纪中期。1653年,法国国王路易十四把在巴黎地区开办邮政的物权赐给维拉叶。维拉叶在巴黎设立了“小邮局”,还在街道设立了邮政信箱,每天收取、投递信件。维拉叶采用一种名为邮资付讫证的标签,出信给用户。寄信人把邮资付讫证套在或贴在信封上,写上寄信日期,把信件放入信箱。邮局收取信件以后便把邮资付讫证撕毁,然后把信件投送给收信人。这种邮资付讫证的标签,可以说是邮票的前身。这种标签随用随撕毁,没有留传下来。1840年5月1日,世界上第一枚邮票在英国诞生了,5月6日正式使用。这就是以维多利亚女王头像为图案的面值1便士的邮票。由于是用黑色油墨印刷的,所以通称“黑便士邮票”。邮票的发明者是英国人罗兰·希尔,他原来是一个教员,一生为改革邮政作了不懈的努力。由于他对发展邮政事业做出重大贡献,在他去世前被授予伦敦市荣誉市民的称号。特征:邮票图案:指邮票票面,一般由与邮票发行目的相关的图案、国名、面值 、说明文字及边饰等组成。世界各国的早期邮票图案都比较简单。随着社会的发展,当今世界各国都把自己国家在政治、经济、国防、科学技术、文化艺术、历史地理、自然风光及珍贵的动物、植物等方面最有代表性的内容作为邮票图案。如世界上最大的邮票是中国1913年发行的特种邮票“中国快运邮票”,这枚邮票长24.8厘米,宽7厘米。全世界已经发行30多万种邮票,图案的内容包罗万象。集邮者通过收集研究邮票图案能获得丰富的百科知识。因此,邮票图案是集邮者研究的主要对象。邮票上的国名:指印在邮票票面上的国空或地区的名称。一般都以文字、缩写字母来表示国名。如:日本邮便、中国人民邮政。美国采用缩写字母USA、苏联采用缩写字母CCCP来表示国名。还有些国家用特殊符号来表示,如英国早期邮票采用英王头像作标志。英国现行的纪念邮票印有英女王头像以代替国名。识别邮票上的国名,可以了解有关国家的地理、历史、语言文字等方面的知识。
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2023-07-21 00:41:111


邮票的英文单词是 "stamp",是指粘在信封或包裹上用于支付邮资或标识出发地和目的地、邮戳等信息的小片纸或其他材料。邮票的使用是现代邮政体系中的一项基本服务,旨在确保邮件顺利投递和传递。邮票除了起到支付邮费的作用,还具有许多其他功能,例如成为收藏家的珍品、展示国家文化和历史、传递信息等。邮票通常具有特定的图案、文字和色彩等特征,以示区别不同的票面和邮寄种类。各国的邮票图案和设计均不相同,有些国家邮票的图案甚至具有较高的艺术价值。邮票的收集和研究被称为集邮,是一项广泛的文化、艺术及历史爱好。许多邮票收藏家会努力收集到各种优秀的邮票,并通过展示、交流和研究来深入了解不同国家和地区的历史、文化和社会变迁。
2023-07-21 00:41:541


问题一:公章法人章等的英文正确说法 海外公司没有这样多的公章,通常是印鉴章(chop),签名印章(Stamp with authorized signature),钢印(pany seal)。 公章:pany seal 法人章:Seal of Legal representative (Stamp with authorized signature, with wordsfor and on hehalf of PANY NAME,即代表某某公司的授权签字人) 财务章:Financial seal 恭pany seal) 合同章:Contract seal (pany seal) 括号中为相应的海外公司用印章。 问题二:“盖章”用英语怎么说 stamp: N. & v. 既可以用作动词“盖章”,也可以用作名词“印、章”。 例如: 1、这个文档需要盖章。 This document requires to be stamped. 2、请给这个文件盖章。 Please stamp on it. 3、这个章(盖得)不是很清楚。 The stamp on this file is not so clear. seal是封、缄之意。如有个歌名叫“seal with a kiss”,“以吻封缄”。 signature是签名。 问题三:加盖公章。。。英文怎么说。。。在线等 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题四:加盖公章.英文怎么说.如题 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题五:公章用英语怎么说? Stamp of pany 问题六:出图章英文怎么说? Seal, Chop, Stamp 都是印章的意思,但是有些区别: Seal 一般指钢印,或代表钢印的标记。过去法律文件要把红色胶融化了滴在文件上,然后用钢印戳上印,后来只贴一个红色胶纸就行了,现在只要在文件上用笔划个框框然后写上“Seal”就行了。Seal 有时候也当普通印章的意思。 Chop 多指中、日、韩等国用的印章,比如某画家在自己的作品上盖上章。 Stamp 比如pany stamp公司印章, rubber stamp橡皮图章。 不是很正式的文件(比如一般的介绍信)盖章可以用pany stamp,正式文件、法供文件(比如毕业证书)用Seal。 问题七:公章,财务专用章,法人章,发票专用章 用英文怎么说 公章 public seal 财务专用章 Special financial seal 发票专用章 Special nationwide invoice stamp 法人章Legal representative seal 问题八:盖章 用英文怎么说 盖章!signature是签字的意思! seal才是盖章的意思 如:Please sign and stamp then fax back 请签字盖章后回传 我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗? Could I get your stamp of approval on this project? 请在这份文件上签字盖章。 Please set your seal to this document. 本协定今日经我签名盖章发出。。。。。。 This agreement is given under my hand and seal this day…… 每项协定都必须由他签名盖章。 Every agreement must be delivered under his hand and seal. 经签名盖章发出,正式发出 Delvier under 他在熔软的火漆上盖章。 He impressed his seal on the melted wax.
2023-07-21 00:42:031


  stomp和stamp的区别是它们的读音不同;意思不同,stomp的基本含义的沉重地走,常指因生气而跺着脚走,迈着重重的步伐,stamp用于比喻可表示顿足。   stamp拥有stomp所有的含义,“顿足、踏脚”,还扩展了含义为“图章、印章、标记、邮票、印花、痕迹、特征、性质、气质等”。这一组词的最原始意义是踩,及踩踏后所留下的印记,“特征、性质”等含义其实也是一种印记。
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2023-07-21 00:42:552


是闭音节!闭音节的结构是(辅)+元+辅+(辅)你只要记住这个,以后就可以自己判断了,括号表示可有可无, 【山中无老虎】真诚为您解惑,
2023-07-21 00:43:011


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2023-07-21 00:48:412


stomp 践踏;跺脚,重踩 stamp 标志;印记
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2023-07-21 00:49:221


postage stamp
2023-07-21 00:49:293


问题一:印章翻译 某某印 那个印要翻译吗? 印章:STAMP 有效印章validity stamp 印章型seal cut 印章防伪Stamp顶anti-counterfeiting 印章工具Rubber Stamp Tool 印章盖印fixing of the seal willmigerl 印章幅面seal range;Stamping range 魔方印章Cube Seal 指环印章ring seal 橡皮印章Rubber Stamp --------------------- 印章 seal; signet; stamp affix a seal to an official letter 在公函上盖印章 engrave a seal 刻印章 问题二:印章 英语如何翻译 印章 [yìn zhāng] 基本翻译 seal; stamp 问题三:出图章英文怎么说? Seal, Chop, Stamp 都是印章的意思,但是有些区别: Seal 一般指钢印,或代表钢印的标记。过去法律文件要把红色胶融化了滴在文件上,然后用钢印戳上印,后来只贴一个红色胶纸就行了,现在只要在文件上用笔划个框框然后写上“Seal”就行了。Seal 有时候也当普通印章的意思。 Chop 多指中、日、韩等国用的印章,比如某画家在自己的作品上盖上章。 Stamp 比如pany stamp公司印章, rubber stamp橡皮图章。 不是很正式的文件(比如一般的介绍信)盖章可以用pany stamp,正式文件、法供文件(比如毕业证书)用Seal。 问题四:印章翻译 篆刻印文;守拙子章 问题五:翻译印章 乾隆御览之宝,假的 问题六:盖章 用英文怎么说 盖章!signature是签字的意思! seal才是盖章的意思 如:Please sign and stamp then fax back 请签字盖章后回传 我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗? Could I get your stamp of approval on this project? 请在这份文件上签字盖章。 Please set your seal to this document. 本协定今日经我签名盖章发出。。。。。。 This agreement is given under my hand and seal this day…… 每项协定都必须由他签名盖章。 Every agreement must be delivered under his hand and seal. 经签名盖章发出,正式发出 Delvier under 他在熔软的火漆上盖章。 He impressed his seal on the melted wax. 问题七:“公司盖章”的英文翻译是??谢谢。 Seal of pany Signa鼎ure pany Chop 都可以的! 问题八:加盖公章。。。英文怎么说。。。在线等 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题九:"印章”用英文怎么说 印章 [词典] seal; stamp; signet; print; stamper; [例句]兹寄上盖有印章的契约一式两份。 Herewith we are sending you a written contract under seal in two copies. 问题十:印章翻译 某某印 那个印要翻译吗? 印章:STAMP 有效印章validity stamp 印章型seal cut 印章防伪Stamp顶anti-counterfeiting 印章工具Rubber Stamp Tool 印章盖印fixing of the seal willmigerl 印章幅面seal range;Stamping range 魔方印章Cube Seal 指环印章ring seal 橡皮印章Rubber Stamp --------------------- 印章 seal; signet; stamp affix a seal to an official letter 在公函上盖印章 engrave a seal 刻印章
2023-07-21 00:49:381


做名词的话可以是:There is a stamp on the desk. 做动词的话可以是:I stamped on a fly and killed it.
2023-07-21 00:50:101

stamp, die casting, die struck的区别是什么?

stamp:打印、冲击(印章、刻字、打字等)die casting :压力铸造(铝、锌、镁合金等)die struck:冲压(冲床冲压钢板)
2023-07-21 00:50:182


问题一:“盖章”用英语怎么说 stamp: N. & v. 既可以用作动词“盖章”,也可以用作名词“印、章”。 例如: 1、这个文档需要盖章。 This document requires to be stamped. 2、请给这个文件盖章。 Please stamp on it. 3、这个章(盖得)不是很清楚。 The stamp on this file is not so clear. seal是封、缄之意。如有个歌名叫“seal with a kiss”,“以吻封缄”。 signature是签名。 问题二:加盖公章.英文怎么说.如题 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题三:加盖公章。。。英文怎么说。。。在线等 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题四:签名盖章的英文怎么写 Signature and seal 问题五:"盖章"用英语怎么说? Seal A signet having a raised or incised emblem used珐to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead. Stamp An instrument for stamping a design or words. Signet A seal, especially one used officially to mark documents. 问题六:请问“这份文件需要盖章吗”用英语怎么说? Does this document need to be sealed ?. 问题七:“公司盖章”的英文翻译是??谢谢。 Seal of pany Signa鼎ure pany Chop 都可以的! 问题八:有关盖章事宜.用英语怎么说 about the stamping matters 问题九:英文合同下面的 签名 盖章 怎么说 signature (seal )
2023-07-21 00:50:251


stamp前要加限定词:the, a, my, this,that,数词等。因为stamp是个可数名词,在句子中出现时一般加限定词。a stamp; the stamptwo stamps
2023-07-21 00:51:061


stamp/stomp邮票 /脚踩
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2023-07-21 00:51:331


sealsignature是签字的意思! "seal"是盖章的意思如:Please sign and stamp then fax back 请签字盖章后回传我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗?Could I get your stamp of approval on this project?请在这份文件上签字盖章。Please set your seal to this document.本协定今日经我签名盖章发出。。。。。。This agreement is given under my hand and seal this day……每项协定都必须由他签名盖章。Every agreement must be delivered under his hand and seal.经签名盖章发出,正式发出Delvier under他在熔软的火漆上盖章。He impressed his seal on the melted wax.
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2023-07-21 00:52:081


stamp的意思如下:n. 邮票; 印; 章; 戳; 印记; 戳记; 印花; 特征; 类型,种类(尤指人); 跺脚(声)。v. 跺(脚); 重踩; 重踏; 迈着重重的步伐走; 在…上盖(字样或图案等); 把(字样或图案等)盖在…上; 显示出(感情); 表明(某人)是…; 在…上贴邮票; 冲压。词型变化:动词过去式:stamped。过去分词:stamped 。现在分词:stamping。第三人称单数:stamps 。stamp造句:1、Applies for when the housing loan must pay the stamp duty and the registration fee of permit.申请住宅贷款时必须缴纳印花税和注册执照税。2、the side of a coin or medal bearing the principal stamp or design.铸币或奖章上刻有主要的图案和花样的那一面。3、He is enamoured of stamp collecting他迷恋于集邮。
2023-07-21 00:52:152

英语Memory Stamps怎么翻译?

memory stamps翻译为:记忆的邮票
2023-07-21 00:52:256

以“Reading Outside Clasd”英语作文

First, read extracurricular books a waste of time, distractions. Students" academic burden is too heavy, limited energy, "one can not with two." Some students look at home, at school, the school is also thinking about extracurricular books, teachers and parents have to escape eyes. As a result, distracted, neglected their studies, not worth the candle. Second, a wide range of extra-curricular books, miscellaneous content, is not suitable for junior high school students to read some. We are in the physical and mental development is not yet mature stage, there is no strong discrimination ability and appreciation, not good choice for our extracurricular books, mostly feel Attractive blind to read, they can not understand its true meaning. In fact, textbook knowledge is the most basic, is the result of generations of careful Selected boutique, it can ensure that our knowledge more systematic, better and more comprehensive. It is like a watermelon, and extracurricular books is sesame, although both nutrition, but we can only catch a certain period, as, of course, can not "penny wise, pound-foolish!" I think, read extracurricular books affect positive lesson to learn. Very wide range of extracurricular reading, including nutritious rich spiritual food, there are dross. By reading can be tough and focused, go upstream, but also disheartened, despair. Teenagers are in the physiological development of psychological nor mature, emotional instability, after fluctuations outside influence, especially after reading martial arts, romance novel aspect, many junior high school students completely immersed in the fictional storyline, the hero of the tragic fate of a pity, for the wonderful story plot reflections. in class "body heart in Cao Ying Han" no intention to speak, so the price is not too heavy it? so can not say no influence positive lesson to learn it? In a broad array of extracurricular books, students do not fall into the quagmire, unable to extricate themselves. To selectively read books, never optimistic to "knowingly mountain tiger, undeterred" level. Some students said that a lot of reading extracurricular books give us a positive lesson to learn to be very helpful, is not necessarily so. Middle school period, due to increased curriculum, learning time will be reduced accordingly, and we need to lay a solid foundation when it is difficult to extract in addition to the regular course a lot of free time to learn a lot of reading extra books. Some students turned out to see extracurricular books encroachment classroom time teacher lectures in the above, they relish below immersed in extracurricular books bizarre episode in the long run, how can it not affect the positive lesson to learn? There are many high school students to choose not to read, especially martial arts, romance, and even pornography, in the reading component in quite accounted for, may I ask, after reading these books, what will gain? It is like the English novelist Fielding said : "a bad book, like a bad friend, probably will harm you." Of course, some of the content of healthy extracurricular reading book for a positive lesson to learn is not without benefits, but pay attention to coordinate the relationship between good and learn positive lessons that would otherwise harm than good.
2023-07-21 00:41:221

:) 每天e小mo 生活ha大ppy网络用语吗?什么意思

每天e小mo 生活ha大ppy是一个网络用语,指的是每天有一点小抑郁,但仍然有很大的快乐。这里的e、mo、ha、ppy分别代表了不同的含义:"e"代表"一点","mo"代表"抑郁、悲伤","ha"代表"大声笑",而"ppy"代表"快乐、开心"。这个网络用语的含义就是,即使在有一点点悲伤的时候,仍然要保持快乐的心态,这样才能拥有幸福的生活。
2023-07-21 00:41:232


2023-07-21 00:41:252


启动adb shell命令的方法:在Win7上安装91工具,插拔Android设备(设备必须在开发模式),利用91工具自动安装驱动在Win7上找到驱动的位置和ADB的工具。本机测试在91wireless目录下剪切出三个文件:adb.exe,AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll到任意位置保存好,然后卸载91助手拷贝adb.exe,AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll这三个文件到C目录下输入控制台命令cmd.exe进入window系统的命令窗口, 然后进入C目录下(使用cd /命令)使用命令:adb devices来确认ADB是否通过USB连接上
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2023-07-21 00:41:264


shut up 闭嘴
2023-07-21 00:41:2810


1、把我的诗写给你看,写最美的故事。 Write my poems to you, write the most beautiful story. 2、我不能从我的脑子里删除你的画面。 I can"t delete your picture from my mind. 3、沉默不说谎话,不是退让。 Silence will not lie, not to give way. 4、一场戏,累坏了小丑,笑坏了观众。 A play, tired clown, bad the audience laugh. 5、那就由我陪你,看遍所有会笑的星空。 Then I will accompany you, see all the smiles will be the stars. 6、万物有情心有爱,何惧他人笑我痴。 Everything has a feeling heart love, why fear others laugh at me crazy. 7、女人的泪水,一颗长不大的玻璃心。 Woman"s tears, a little glass heart. 8、我等你,等到鲜花烂成泥。 I wait for you, wait until the flowers rotten into mud. 9、世态炎凉、我心安稳、爱你如初! My heart is stable, the fickleness of the world, love you again! 10、你,就是我不爱别人的理由。 You, that"s why I don"t love others. 11、沉默,是一个女人最大的哭声。 Silence is the biggest cry of a woman. 12、有时候,有时候、宁愿选择留恋不放手。 Sometimes, sometimes, would rather choose to be reluctant to let go. 13、人若放得开。看起来会不会比较幸福? If a man is to be open. Seems to be more happy? 14、物是人非,有些梦破碎的太完美。 So, some dreams are broken too perfect. 15、明知故犯的坚持,我的爱你可知? To knowingly violate my love, you know? 16、我要牵着你的手,壹直走下去。 I want to hold your hand, go straight down. 17、我们爱的太容易,不知道失去的结局。 We love too easy, do not know the outcome of the loss. 18、今夏最大愿望:蚊子不吸血,只吸脂肪。 Summer"s biggest wish: mosquitoes do not suck blood, only suck fat. 19、唱自己的神曲,让别人哆嗦去吧。 Sing your own pine comedy, let others go with. 20、适可而止的放弃不会输得太惨。 Give up will not lose too much not overdo sth.. 21、每一次我想你,全世界每一处都是你。 Every time I think of you, every one of the world is you. 22、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑! No umbrella child, must strive to run! 23、如果爱大胆爱,如果不爱就别说爱。 If love is bold, don"t say love if you don"t love. 24、友情,不输给任何一种爱情。 Friendship, do not lose to any kind of love. 25、真真正正的爱情,不需要任何保证。 True love, do not need any guarantee. 26、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。 To avoid the reality of the people, the future will be even more unsatisfactory. 27、已是深秋,但我怎么觉的冬天已到? It is autumn, but how do I feel the winter has come? 28、如果一切变得乏味,我不介意半途而废。 If everything becomes boring, I don"t mind if I give up halfway. 29、庸人自扰之,我却是凡人。 You, I was mortal. 30、只要我想赢,你就是个渣。 As long as I want to win, you"re a cinder. 31、我可以信任谁,谁又会在我的旁边。 Who I can trust, and who will be next to me. 32、是否我放你走,你就幸福了。 If I let you go, you"ll be happy. 33、女人就一定要经济独立,不能靠男人养。 Women must be economically independent, not by man. 34、爱是恒久忍耐,加以恩赐。 Love is patient and gift. 35、我对你说好久不见,你对我说不如不见。 I say to you for a long time no see, you say to me not to see. 36、人是改变不了事情的,只有事情改变人。 People can not change things, only things change people. 37、不需要你说太多,从爱你开始为你守贞。 Don"t need you to say too much, from love you start for you. 38、辉煌过后,是不是真的只剩下残骸。 After the glory, is not really only the remains of the wreckage. 39、深浅不一的印记,付之一笑的回忆。 The imprint of shades, laugh at the memory. 40、晚上想想千条路、早上醒来走原路。 Think about a thousand roads at night and wake up in the morning. 41、我们就象两滴泪水,终于流成了一行。 We are like two drops of tears, finally flow into a line. 42、成熟不是心变老,是眼泪打转还能笑。 Maturity is not the heart that has changed the old, is still around laughing tears. 43、我只想要简简单单,憨憨厚厚的爱情。 I just want a simple, Hanhan thick love. 44、要我怎么做,才不会感到难过。 I won"t feel sorry for what I have to do. 45、不是我不明白,只是我太执着。 Is not I do not understand, but I am too persistent. 46、你说你赐我一吻,似怜悯罪人。 You say you give me a kiss, like mercy to sinners. 47、一切因为寂寞,才开始了暧昧。 All because of loneliness, only began to ambiguous. 48、幸福是被时光凝住翅膀的飞鸟。 Happiness is the time to stand in the wings of birds. 49、神给的礼物是遗忘,能不能不要遗忘。 God gives the gift is forgotten, can not forget. 50、心会累爱会冷,这是感情必经的过程。 Heart will be tired, love will be cold, this is the feeling of the necessary process. 51、你五毛我不毛,咱俩就能够一块。 You 50 Fen me we can be a barren, block. 52、选择了,便注定了孤独。 Choice, will be doomed to loneliness. 53、爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不能准备。 Love is a kind of encounter, can not wait, can not be prepared. 54、人有控制不了的情,天有遮掩不住的黑。 People can not control the situation, the day has covered up the black. 55、恨也无法去恨,毕竟你是我爱过的人。 Hate can not hate, after all, you are my love of the people. 56、小怪兽的悲伤,只有奥特曼懂。 Little monster of sorrow, only Altman understand. 57、仰脖朝天唠嗨磕,都说自己是大哥。 Yang Bo up chatter that they are hi knock, brother. 58、酒到喝时方恨少,肉遇减肥才嫌多。 Wine to drink less hate, meat in case of weight loss is too much. 59、此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。 This time, there are too many too beautiful lie. 60、风停了剩尘埃飘落,梦走了谁来叫醒我。 The wind stopped falling dust, who came to wake me dream. 61、我会变,是因为我实在伤得太重了。 I will change, because I really hurt too much. 62、我就是太念旧,习惯的东西不舍得丢。 I was so NianJiu, accustomed to things not willing to lose. 63、一场场的暧昧,到底是谁浮伤了流年。 One who is ambiguous, floating hurt unease. 64、忍住说我爱你,这纷扰的爱情何时停息。 To say I love you, this love when troubles cease. 65、你爸你妈真善良,都把你养这么大了。 Your father your mother is so kind, you keep so big. 66、给你一只猪,你能繁衍出一个小日本。 Give you a pig, you can breed a small japanese. 67、管我有多差,在这个世界上。就一个我。 How bad are I, in this world. Just one I. 68、有了你,我每天都是欢声笑语。 Have you, my every day is laughter. 69、灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火。 Star lights, voice Yao Yao, song far gone beacon. 70、记录,只是为了曾经的感动。 Record, just for once touched. 71、原来我的心有空隙,还留着你的记忆。 Originally my heart has the gap, but also keeps your memory. 72、这一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。 This is another gray temples eluting eyes for you. 73、春草年年绿,伊人归不归? The annual green, the Iraqi people not to return? 74、原来我一直是我男神的女神。 I have always been my God goddess. 75、多好,我深爱的少年他也深爱着我。 Well, I love the boy he is also deeply in love with me. 76、她是左撇子,我们吃饭都可以手牵手! She is left-handed, we can eat hand in hand! 77、横溢的不只是才华,还有腰间的脂肪。 Not only of superb talent, and waist fat. 78、爱壹个人虽然很辛苦,但是也很幸福。 Love a person, although very hard, but also very happy. 79、我怕时间太快,不够将你看仔细。 I"m afraid time is too fast, not enough to see you carefully. 80、我一直就在你身后,可你就是不肯回头。 I"ve been behind you, but you just don"t look back.
2023-07-21 00:41:291


2023-07-21 00:41:301

In the mean time 和meanwhile 的区别,前者的用法是不是必须与上文相关联?

有点小区别。『最早』的时候,meanwhile的词性只是adv(副词),而meantime则只是名词; meanwhile表示一个时间段,『侧重』的是单纯的时间间隔,因此meanwile也可表示同一时刻(at the same time,一个点);而meantime也表时间段,但这个时间段的感念包含以某个事件开始~结束(后某阶段)的时间段,而且meantime不能用来表示某个时间“点”。 举例:Today is Monday, I am going to Shanghai for a meeting this Friday, meanwhile I will continue working here in Guangzhong. --- 以纯时间为事件衡量的时间段。I am working on my project, meanwhile staffs in Shanghai are getting the test preparation done. - 表同时。而in the meantime = meanwhile。Your car won"t be ready until Thursday. In the meantime, you can use mine.【但】语言的变化导致词性的变化, 现代英语里meanwhile也可作名词,== meantime (meantime的另一个说法);而meantime也演化成可以做adv(副词),== meanwhile (meanwhile的另一个说法). 【但】meanwile = at the same time这个时间点的意思,没有传递给meantime;而且作同样词性比较的时候,meantime还是以事件为时间分割段;而meanwhile还是以事件的时间为分割基础。in the meanwhile,是meanwhile名词化了,= in the meantime(名词)= meanwhile。一般还是应该要么meanwhile,要么in time meantime。
2023-07-21 00:41:331


lie in 是表示一个地方在另一个地方内部。 例如 Guangdong lies in the South of China.lie to 两个地方不接壤 Beijing lies to Shanghai. lie off 在这儿的意思是“在离……的海上”,lie on压在[位于]…之上;依赖,取决于;松劲;不求再进例如 They live on the island off the coast of Guangdong. 英英解释: 名词lie in:1. a long stay in bed in the morning同义词:lie-in动词lie in:1. originate (in)同义词:dwell, consist, lie, belong2. be in confinement for childbirth lie off: 暂停工作例句与用法: 1. Let"s lie off till the next feeding time. 歇会儿,到下次加料时再干。 lie to: vi. 顶风停止(停泊)例句与用法: 1. Least of all would I lie to you. 我最犯不上对你撒谎了。 2. It appears that what I said was untrue, but I did not knowingly lie to you. 看来我说错了, 但是我并非故意向你撒谎. 3. These figures give the lie to reports that business is declining. 这些数字表明报告所谓业务正在滑坡的说法不实. 4. Don"t you dare lie to me! 你胆敢跟我撒谎!
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2023-07-21 00:41:091


2023-07-21 00:41:081

meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?

2023-07-21 00:41:052


【 #励志名言# 导语】只有创造新生活,才能享受新生活。 无 整理“励志名言警句带英文翻译”,以供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,感谢大家的阅读与支持! 【篇一】励志名言警句带英文翻译   1、树根植于土壤,笔根植于生活。  The tree rooted in the soil, rooted in the life.  2、知识就是力量,努力才会进步。  Knowledge is power, and strive to progress.  3、时间不会回头,爱情岂能如果。  If time can"t turn back, and his love.  4、老老实实做事,本本分分做人。  Work honestly, laptop component life.  5、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。  History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities.  6、高贵的人总是默默地忍受着悲痛。  Noble people always silently endure the grief.  7、天道酬勤,人道酬善,商道酬信。  God reward those who work hard, humanitarian reward good, its reward.  8、与人相处之道,在于无限的容忍。  In dealing with people, is infinite tolerance.  9、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。  Such as time, is a waste of time.  10、好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。  Teach yourself well; do not try to teach others.  11、人,往往是严于律人,宽以待己。  People, tend to be strict in law of the people, wide view themselves.  12、快乐是一种心态,不是一种状态。  Happiness is a state of mind, not a state.  13、贪欲是痛苦之根,淡泊是快乐之源。  Greed is the root of pain, indifferent is the source of happiness.  14、男人胆大去经商,女人胆大不化妆。  Bold to business men and women bold doesn"t make up.  15、引人进步的是,让人毁灭的是贪欲。  Progress is the, let a person of destruction is greed.  16、青春之所以幸福,就因为它有前途。  Youth is happy, because it is promising.  17、用幽默雕塑智慧,用微笑感谢大生。  Wisdom, with humor sculpture thank big with a smile.  18、水不试不知深浅,人不交不知好歹。  Water not try know depth, people don"t pay the unappreciative.  19、找一颗感恩的心,作一个感恩的人。  Find a grateful heart, as a grateful man.  20、在时间的大钟上,只有两个字现在。  On the time clock, now only two words.【篇二】励志名言警句带英文翻译   1、尊重不喜欢你的人。  Respectful of people don"t like you.  2、共处逆境,恒心决胜。  Adversity, continued in the runoff.  3、让人路宽,容人心宽。  Let a person right, allowing people otimista.  4、忘掉失败,牢记教训。  Forget the failure, to remember the lesson.  5、任何的真话,我都能接受。  Any of the truth, I can accept it.  6、没有准备就是准备着失败。  No preparation is ready to fail.  7、绿叶清无限,归根感恩情。  Green Ye Qing infinite, in the sense of kindness.  8、历史是人类的过去的知识。  History is the past of human knowledge.  9、自我控制是者的本能。  Self-control is the strongest instinct.  10、选择机会,就是节省时间。  Choice, is to save time.  11、坚持你的梦想,永不放弃。  Stick to your dream, never give up.  12、要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。  Want to have more strong, will dare to yearned.  13、敞开心扉,知已就不再难寻。  Open your heart, know already no longer is hard to find.  14、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。  Each kind of trauma, is a kind of mature.  15、人永远不要做自己不擅长的事。  People never do what you are not good at.  16、宁愿壮丽而生,不愿肮脏而死。  Preferred to magnificent, rather than dirty.  17、奋斗就是生活,人生惟有前进。  Struggle is life, life only forward.  18、人生最困难的事情是认识自己。  The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.  19、自弃者扶不起,自强者击不倒。  Ziqi guided, men fail.  20、运用一分知识,需要十分积累。  One point for knowledge, need is gained by accumulation.【篇三】励志名言警句带英文翻译   1、你的生命你选择,你的选择你负责。  You choose your life, you are responsible for your choice.  2、我没有好的天分,但我比谁都认真。  I don"t have a good talent, but I ratio who all seriously.  3、青春是美妙的;挥霍青春就是犯罪。  Youth is beautiful; Squandering youth is a crime.  4、复古永远是一种倒退,而不是进步。  Will always be a step backward restoring ancient ways, rather than progress.  5、白首壮心驯大海,青春浩气走千山。  Whitehead hero breaking the sea, the youth haoqi qianshan mountain.  6、只有创造新生活,才能享受新生活。  Only by creating a new life, to enjoy a new life.  7、青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及!  Youth is wasted without, whitehead and bit sad fill!  8、一个伟大的灵魂,会强化思想和生命。  A great soul, will strengthen the thought and life.  9、在梦想的路上,一个人也要走到终点!  In the way of dream, a person to also want to go to the end!  10、多用善眼看世界;不必一味讨好别人。  Multi-purpose good to see the world; Don"t blindly to please others.  11、黑人去看恐怖片,结果把脸都吓白了!  Black went to see a horror film, as a result, scared face was white!  12、对一个有毅力的人来说,无事不可为。  For a man of perseverance, not for anything.  13、执着的境界,莫过于明知故犯了。  The highest state of persistent, than knowingly.  14、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。  Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you.  15、别和往事过不去,因为它终究会过去。  Don"t and the past a hard, just because it will eventually in the past.  16、不要用你的认为,去套住别人的思维。  Don"t use your thought, to other people"s thinking.  17、这六月背的,伸个懒腰,都腹肌拉伤。  This back in June, stretch, abdominal muscle strain.  18、人生是条无名的河,是深是浅都要过。  Life is a unknown river, is shallow to deep.  19、我怕有一天,现实太饿,把梦想吃了。  I am afraid that one day, the reality is too hungry, eat your dream.  20、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。  I walked slowly, but I never retreat.
2023-07-21 00:41:021

下面这段文字怎么翻译啊 求解

2023-07-21 00:40:553

“尚未确定”的英文是It’s up in the air 还是It’s up on the air呢?

in the air 可感觉到的;未确定的on the air在广播所以应该是It"s up in the air
2023-07-21 00:40:542

什么叫ppy ppy的饭圈意思是什么

1、什么叫ppy,ppy的饭圈意思是什么,根据网络资料显示饭圈PPY是一个姓庞的明星的名字缩写,但是查阅相关资料并未发现有三个姓首字母是PPY的明星,说起ppt也许很多人都知道,但是对于ppy很多人都不清楚什么意思,其实饭圈用语很多词我们都听不懂的,只有那些圈内人才能这些,他们有些用语是拼音的首字母,有的是英文简称,有的是中文加英文,但起来无理头但是奇怪的是,饭圈们一看就懂; 2、在饭圈专业用语中pph是披皮黑的意思,是流量明星粉丝中的黑粉,他们表面看起来就是这个人的粉丝,但其实只是假象,这些人总会引起一些粉丝的骂战,现在的黑粉都比较高端,不会直接说明星的坏话,而是用一种很极端的好话”来说话,一边让路人感觉这个粉丝很神经,一边就会很反感这个明星,饭圈中pph最会的事情就是同时一捧一踩; 3、没有找到相关ppy的说法,但根据网络资料显示ppl的意思是女同性恋有时候也被称为泡泡龙,p是指女性同性恋中比较偏女生的一方,两种这种类型的女生谈恋爱就叫ppl,有的女同性恋中会有一个偏男生的,无论是外形还是性格都男生一些,也有的两个女生性格都很女性,而且外形穿着就是很女性,两个人看起来就像是闺蜜一样的在一起; 4、在饭圈中npy多指男朋友或者女朋友的意思,如果是男生说npy就是在表达女朋友,如果女生说npy就是说男朋友的意思,如果不看解释真的难以理解具体是什么意思,现在饭圈文化非常的复杂,国家最近也在整治饭圈乱象,也许流量明星真的要翻篇”了。
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2023-07-21 00:40:524