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2023-07-21 08:13:46











邮票图案:指邮票票面,一般由与邮票发行目的相关的图案、国名、面值 、说明文字及边饰等组成。世界各国的早期邮票图案都比较简单。随着社会的发展,当今世界各国都把自己国家在政治、经济、国防、科学技术、文化艺术、历史地理、自然风光及珍贵的动物、植物等方面最有代表性的内容作为邮票图案。






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邮票的英文单词是 "stamp",是指粘在信封或包裹上用于支付邮资或标识出发地和目的地、邮戳等信息的小片纸或其他材料。邮票的使用是现代邮政体系中的一项基本服务,旨在确保邮件顺利投递和传递。邮票除了起到支付邮费的作用,还具有许多其他功能,例如成为收藏家的珍品、展示国家文化和历史、传递信息等。邮票通常具有特定的图案、文字和色彩等特征,以示区别不同的票面和邮寄种类。各国的邮票图案和设计均不相同,有些国家邮票的图案甚至具有较高的艺术价值。邮票的收集和研究被称为集邮,是一项广泛的文化、艺术及历史爱好。许多邮票收藏家会努力收集到各种优秀的邮票,并通过展示、交流和研究来深入了解不同国家和地区的历史、文化和社会变迁。
2023-07-21 00:41:541


问题一:公章法人章等的英文正确说法 海外公司没有这样多的公章,通常是印鉴章(chop),签名印章(Stamp with authorized signature),钢印(pany seal)。 公章:pany seal 法人章:Seal of Legal representative (Stamp with authorized signature, with wordsfor and on hehalf of PANY NAME,即代表某某公司的授权签字人) 财务章:Financial seal 恭pany seal) 合同章:Contract seal (pany seal) 括号中为相应的海外公司用印章。 问题二:“盖章”用英语怎么说 stamp: N. & v. 既可以用作动词“盖章”,也可以用作名词“印、章”。 例如: 1、这个文档需要盖章。 This document requires to be stamped. 2、请给这个文件盖章。 Please stamp on it. 3、这个章(盖得)不是很清楚。 The stamp on this file is not so clear. seal是封、缄之意。如有个歌名叫“seal with a kiss”,“以吻封缄”。 signature是签名。 问题三:加盖公章。。。英文怎么说。。。在线等 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题四:加盖公章.英文怎么说.如题 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题五:公章用英语怎么说? Stamp of pany 问题六:出图章英文怎么说? Seal, Chop, Stamp 都是印章的意思,但是有些区别: Seal 一般指钢印,或代表钢印的标记。过去法律文件要把红色胶融化了滴在文件上,然后用钢印戳上印,后来只贴一个红色胶纸就行了,现在只要在文件上用笔划个框框然后写上“Seal”就行了。Seal 有时候也当普通印章的意思。 Chop 多指中、日、韩等国用的印章,比如某画家在自己的作品上盖上章。 Stamp 比如pany stamp公司印章, rubber stamp橡皮图章。 不是很正式的文件(比如一般的介绍信)盖章可以用pany stamp,正式文件、法供文件(比如毕业证书)用Seal。 问题七:公章,财务专用章,法人章,发票专用章 用英文怎么说 公章 public seal 财务专用章 Special financial seal 发票专用章 Special nationwide invoice stamp 法人章Legal representative seal 问题八:盖章 用英文怎么说 盖章!signature是签字的意思! seal才是盖章的意思 如:Please sign and stamp then fax back 请签字盖章后回传 我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗? Could I get your stamp of approval on this project? 请在这份文件上签字盖章。 Please set your seal to this document. 本协定今日经我签名盖章发出。。。。。。 This agreement is given under my hand and seal this day…… 每项协定都必须由他签名盖章。 Every agreement must be delivered under his hand and seal. 经签名盖章发出,正式发出 Delvier under 他在熔软的火漆上盖章。 He impressed his seal on the melted wax.
2023-07-21 00:42:031


  stomp和stamp的区别是它们的读音不同;意思不同,stomp的基本含义的沉重地走,常指因生气而跺着脚走,迈着重重的步伐,stamp用于比喻可表示顿足。   stamp拥有stomp所有的含义,“顿足、踏脚”,还扩展了含义为“图章、印章、标记、邮票、印花、痕迹、特征、性质、气质等”。这一组词的最原始意义是踩,及踩踏后所留下的印记,“特征、性质”等含义其实也是一种印记。
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2023-07-21 00:42:552


是闭音节!闭音节的结构是(辅)+元+辅+(辅)你只要记住这个,以后就可以自己判断了,括号表示可有可无, 【山中无老虎】真诚为您解惑,
2023-07-21 00:43:011


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2023-07-21 00:48:412


stomp 践踏;跺脚,重踩 stamp 标志;印记
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postage stamp
2023-07-21 00:49:293


问题一:印章翻译 某某印 那个印要翻译吗? 印章:STAMP 有效印章validity stamp 印章型seal cut 印章防伪Stamp顶anti-counterfeiting 印章工具Rubber Stamp Tool 印章盖印fixing of the seal willmigerl 印章幅面seal range;Stamping range 魔方印章Cube Seal 指环印章ring seal 橡皮印章Rubber Stamp --------------------- 印章 seal; signet; stamp affix a seal to an official letter 在公函上盖印章 engrave a seal 刻印章 问题二:印章 英语如何翻译 印章 [yìn zhāng] 基本翻译 seal; stamp 问题三:出图章英文怎么说? Seal, Chop, Stamp 都是印章的意思,但是有些区别: Seal 一般指钢印,或代表钢印的标记。过去法律文件要把红色胶融化了滴在文件上,然后用钢印戳上印,后来只贴一个红色胶纸就行了,现在只要在文件上用笔划个框框然后写上“Seal”就行了。Seal 有时候也当普通印章的意思。 Chop 多指中、日、韩等国用的印章,比如某画家在自己的作品上盖上章。 Stamp 比如pany stamp公司印章, rubber stamp橡皮图章。 不是很正式的文件(比如一般的介绍信)盖章可以用pany stamp,正式文件、法供文件(比如毕业证书)用Seal。 问题四:印章翻译 篆刻印文;守拙子章 问题五:翻译印章 乾隆御览之宝,假的 问题六:盖章 用英文怎么说 盖章!signature是签字的意思! seal才是盖章的意思 如:Please sign and stamp then fax back 请签字盖章后回传 我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗? Could I get your stamp of approval on this project? 请在这份文件上签字盖章。 Please set your seal to this document. 本协定今日经我签名盖章发出。。。。。。 This agreement is given under my hand and seal this day…… 每项协定都必须由他签名盖章。 Every agreement must be delivered under his hand and seal. 经签名盖章发出,正式发出 Delvier under 他在熔软的火漆上盖章。 He impressed his seal on the melted wax. 问题七:“公司盖章”的英文翻译是??谢谢。 Seal of pany Signa鼎ure pany Chop 都可以的! 问题八:加盖公章。。。英文怎么说。。。在线等 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题九:"印章”用英文怎么说 印章 [词典] seal; stamp; signet; print; stamper; [例句]兹寄上盖有印章的契约一式两份。 Herewith we are sending you a written contract under seal in two copies. 问题十:印章翻译 某某印 那个印要翻译吗? 印章:STAMP 有效印章validity stamp 印章型seal cut 印章防伪Stamp顶anti-counterfeiting 印章工具Rubber Stamp Tool 印章盖印fixing of the seal willmigerl 印章幅面seal range;Stamping range 魔方印章Cube Seal 指环印章ring seal 橡皮印章Rubber Stamp --------------------- 印章 seal; signet; stamp affix a seal to an official letter 在公函上盖印章 engrave a seal 刻印章
2023-07-21 00:49:381


做名词的话可以是:There is a stamp on the desk. 做动词的话可以是:I stamped on a fly and killed it.
2023-07-21 00:50:101

stamp, die casting, die struck的区别是什么?

stamp:打印、冲击(印章、刻字、打字等)die casting :压力铸造(铝、锌、镁合金等)die struck:冲压(冲床冲压钢板)
2023-07-21 00:50:182


问题一:“盖章”用英语怎么说 stamp: N. & v. 既可以用作动词“盖章”,也可以用作名词“印、章”。 例如: 1、这个文档需要盖章。 This document requires to be stamped. 2、请给这个文件盖章。 Please stamp on it. 3、这个章(盖得)不是很清楚。 The stamp on this file is not so clear. seal是封、缄之意。如有个歌名叫“seal with a kiss”,“以吻封缄”。 signature是签名。 问题二:加盖公章.英文怎么说.如题 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题三:加盖公章。。。英文怎么说。。。在线等 加盖公章 stamp an offical seal 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。 Please fill out the application form and stamp with your pany seal. 问题四:签名盖章的英文怎么写 Signature and seal 问题五:"盖章"用英语怎么说? Seal A signet having a raised or incised emblem used珐to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead. Stamp An instrument for stamping a design or words. Signet A seal, especially one used officially to mark documents. 问题六:请问“这份文件需要盖章吗”用英语怎么说? Does this document need to be sealed ?. 问题七:“公司盖章”的英文翻译是??谢谢。 Seal of pany Signa鼎ure pany Chop 都可以的! 问题八:有关盖章事宜.用英语怎么说 about the stamping matters 问题九:英文合同下面的 签名 盖章 怎么说 signature (seal )
2023-07-21 00:50:251


stamp前要加限定词:the, a, my, this,that,数词等。因为stamp是个可数名词,在句子中出现时一般加限定词。a stamp; the stamptwo stamps
2023-07-21 00:51:061


stamp/stomp邮票 /脚踩
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sealsignature是签字的意思! "seal"是盖章的意思如:Please sign and stamp then fax back 请签字盖章后回传我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗?Could I get your stamp of approval on this project?请在这份文件上签字盖章。Please set your seal to this document.本协定今日经我签名盖章发出。。。。。。This agreement is given under my hand and seal this day……每项协定都必须由他签名盖章。Every agreement must be delivered under his hand and seal.经签名盖章发出,正式发出Delvier under他在熔软的火漆上盖章。He impressed his seal on the melted wax.
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2023-07-21 00:52:081


stamp的意思如下:n. 邮票; 印; 章; 戳; 印记; 戳记; 印花; 特征; 类型,种类(尤指人); 跺脚(声)。v. 跺(脚); 重踩; 重踏; 迈着重重的步伐走; 在…上盖(字样或图案等); 把(字样或图案等)盖在…上; 显示出(感情); 表明(某人)是…; 在…上贴邮票; 冲压。词型变化:动词过去式:stamped。过去分词:stamped 。现在分词:stamping。第三人称单数:stamps 。stamp造句:1、Applies for when the housing loan must pay the stamp duty and the registration fee of permit.申请住宅贷款时必须缴纳印花税和注册执照税。2、the side of a coin or medal bearing the principal stamp or design.铸币或奖章上刻有主要的图案和花样的那一面。3、He is enamoured of stamp collecting他迷恋于集邮。
2023-07-21 00:52:152

英语Memory Stamps怎么翻译?

memory stamps翻译为:记忆的邮票
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2023-07-21 00:40:096

女生难过伤感的英文qq网名带翻译 chokehold窒息的爱

1. Heartbroken 苦苦相思2. Tear Drops 眼泪落下3. Broken Dreams 破碎的梦想4. Empty Soul 空洞的心灵5. Painful Memories 痛苦的回忆6. Loveless 无爱的人生7. Silent Scream 心底的呐喊8. Wounded Heart 受伤的心9. Crushed Hopes 失望破碎10. Sorrowful Angel 悲痛的天使
2023-07-21 00:40:112


1. 写一篇英语作文关于妈妈做的事带给你启示 奉贤精锐英语邵老师为你解答: My Mother My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and o sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every fort. We all love her and she loves us also. My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without plaining. She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair bees silver white, but she works as hard as ever. Often she says to us, work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will bee lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind. 我的母亲 我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的女性。她总是彬彬有礼。她细心地照顾孩子并使他们都上学读书。我有一个哥哥,两个妹妹,所以她总共有四个孩子。她使我们做每件事时都感到舒适。我们都爱她,她也爱我们。 为了抚养我们,母亲有太多的事要做。因为我们家很穷,雇不起佣人,母亲总是必须做很多工作。她每天起早贪黑,辛苦地工作,从无怨言。 她又是一位节俭勤勉的妇女。她尽可能地节省每一分钱,并且使每一件事情都井井有条。由于年轻时就一直忙碌,所以从外表看上去更见苍老。她的脸布满皱纹,头发也变成了灰白,但她仍像从前一样辛勤地操劳。 她常对我们说:“工作时工作,玩乐时玩乐,如果不工作,你将变得懒惰,从而无益于社会。”这是一番多么好的忠告啊!我们必须珍视它,并将它牢记心中 2. 妈妈的生日快到了,通常会为妈妈做点什么呢英语作文怎么写 My mother"s birthday is ing soon. I have been worried about how to help my mother have an unfettable birthday. Suddenly an idea ran into my mind. I want to make a birthday cake for my mother. I came to the booked cake shop and found the master chef of our custom cake. Through my sincere expression and pleading, the master promised me to plete the cake with me. On the day of my mother"s birthday, I came to the cake shop early. After the master made the cake blank, taught me how to make the decorative flowers. I also made a *** all model of my mother with chocolate under the guidance of the master. Finally, I wrote "Happy Birthday, Mon" on the cake with cream. The cake is finished. I can"t wait to see the expression of surprise when my mother saw the cake. 以上是示例文。如果需要些具体时间是妈妈生日前,也可以把内容写成是,为了妈妈生日学做蛋糕的过程描述。我上面写的是当天是时间。根据个人习惯和文章要求修改就行。因为是原创,如果有语法错误还请谅解,希望有帮助,谢谢。 3. 你今天为妈妈做了些什么 用英语写一段话 Today at 7am,I helped my mom do housework.I swept the floor and threw rubbish to the bin.At 12am after having lunch ,I helped my mom wash the dises .About 5pm,I helped her buy something delicious for the dinner.I"m tired now.I need to have a rest. 好了~希望帮到你~ 4. 为妈妈做生日`英语作文怎么写 Celebrate Mother"s Birthday Tomorrow is mother"s birthday, I make a plan to celebrate mother"s birthday. Early in the morning I will prepare breakfast for her. At noon I will go to buy her a birthday present. In the evening I will help mother with her chores. Before falling asleep I will sing beautiful songs for mother, and tell her some jokes to make her happy. In order to bring me up mother is always so tired, I love my mother. Happy Birthday to you, my dear mother! 5. 我的妈妈的英语作文 My mother is my most respected person, and I is not flatter my own mother, both will be replaced by one and the same as I respect her. Her mother, whom I respect most is her place ready to help others not Qiuhui Bao"s noble character, I saw his situation to help others, the scene looked until now I have fresh in our memory, even though these are just a trivial thing, but But the spirit is what we should learn. I am a mother in Kentucky and lunch, while my mother and I ate with relish, this being an uncle came, he hands at the side of the plate on Coke"s swaying about to e down. Met with the mother immediately after the stop to eat, go up the uncle"s help Coke again. The uncle helped him to see my mother almost lost the Coke up to help, thank quickly, with her mother, said: "You"re wele, the all right." On another occasion, my mother and me in Guangchao Shi, payment in Taiwan to pay Qian, an aunt to see an end to pay the money, to fet that for a very *** all sewing kit away. No matter how loud the mother, she shouted, as he had gone too far, not heard, so I do not e back, the waiter put it on a sewing kit below the counter. And my mom to get the package, it may be ing, we have seen a sewing kit just fotten that the aunt also check bags, her mother quickly on the ins and outs of just to say again, that in his aunt"s bag , Then turned and found himself really fotten that the sewing kit. It repeatedly thanked aunt, but also the sewing kit to her mother, but her mother did not accept. 6. 有什么写妈妈的英语作文 我的妈妈对我的学习非常关心,有次作题,我不会做,妈妈还利用休息是教我. 其实,妈妈对我的身体健康也非常关心的.有次我发高烧,妈妈急得眼泪都要掉下来了,有了好转,妈妈的心才平静下来. 我为有这样一个好妈妈感到骄傲和自豪. My mother told me very concerned about the study, there are times for that, I will not do, my mother also taught me is the use of rest. In fact, my mother"s health is also of great concern., I have a high fever, her mother must be very anxious tears fall, has improved, her mother"s heart to calm down. I have such a good mother feel proud 妈妈的眼神 我的妈妈是一位医生,中等的身材,平时对我的要求很严格,从她的眼神就能判断出来. 每当我考试考好时,妈妈的眼神总是很满意的;每当我做错事时,妈妈的眼神是非常严厉的;每当我生病时,妈妈的眼神又是那么关切;每当我有一点成长的足迹时,妈妈的眼神就会变的慈祥而柔和. 我在妈妈的不同眼神下成长,我爱我的妈妈. My mother"s eyes My mother is a medical doctor, medium body, usually to my very strict requirements, from her eyes will be able to judge by. Whenever I do well at the examination, her mother"s eyes are always very satisfied; Whenever I done nothing wrong, her mother"s eyes is very severe; whenever I get sick, my mother"s eyes is so concerned; whenever I It is growth in the footsteps, her mother"s eyes will change the kind and gentle. I am in my mother grew up in the different eyes, I love my mother. 7. 我将来为母亲做什么 英语作文 What Should I Do for My Mother My mother gives me life and a lot of love. Then what should I do for my mother? First I should try my best to do some housework for her, such as washing the dishes, cooking meals, washing clothes. Secondly, I should make money by myself, then I can buy something special for my mother. Thirdly, I should chat with my mother often. I should tell her how I love her! And I should take her for a travel. In a word, I will give my mother all that I can give. I will do what I can to help her live a happy life. 8. 我的妈妈英语带翻译作文 My mom is 38 years old mow,she has a pair of pitch-black eyes and hair. She doesn"t look very beautiful and tender,but her nose looks nice and she"s a little bit fat.When I take a good look at her,I can see her winkle which was appeared by concerning about me. Besides,there has already accrued some white hair.I suppose it is.Maybe my mom is just a normal person in other"s eyes ,but in my heart,she is a great mom. 我的妈妈今年38岁,她有一双乌黑的眼睛和乌黑头发,她看起来不是很漂亮去很温柔,她有一个好看的鼻子和有点胖,仔细看,他的脸上有些皱纹,那都是操心我才有的,他的头上也有些白头发,我想那应该也是。我的妈妈在别人眼中可能不怎样,但在我心里她是伟大的。
2023-07-21 00:40:151

Up In The Air 歌词

歌曲名:Up In The Air歌手:30 Seconds To Mars专辑:Up In the AirUp In The Air30 Seconds To MarsOh oh oh oh oh, WhoahOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh, WhoahOh oh oh oh ohI been up in the air, out of my head,Stuck in a moment of emotion I"ve destroyed.Is this the end I feel?Up in the air, fucked up our life,All of the laws I broke and loves that I sacrificed.Is this the end?I"ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love.A thousand times I tempted fate,A thousand times I played this game,A thousand times that I have said,Today, today, today.Whoah, oh oh oh oh ohWhoah, oh oh oh oh ohI been up in the air, lost in the night.I wouldn"t trade it all for your life.You lust for my life.Is this the end?Hey!You were the love of my life, the darkness, the light.This is a portrait of a tortured you and I.Is this the, is this the, is this the end?I"ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love, love.A thousand times I tempted fate,A thousand times I played this game,A thousand times that I have said,Today, today, today.WhoahA thousand times I tempted fate, (Whoah)A thousand times I played this game, (Whoah)A thousand times that I have said, (Whoah)Today, today, today.Whoah, oh oh oh oh ohWhoah, oh oh oh oh ohI been up in the air.Is the end I feel?Up in the air, chasing a dream so real.I been up in the air.I"ll wrap my hands around your neck. (Is this the end I feel?)Up in the air, chasing a dream, chasing a dream.Take no more!Take no more!Take no more!I"ll take no more!A thousand times I tempted fate. (Take no more)A thousand times I played this game. (Take no more)A thousand times that I have said. (Take no more)Today, today, today.WhoahToday, today, today (I"ll wrap my hands around your neck, neck with love, love.)Today, today, today (I"ll wrap my hands around your neck, neck with love, love.)I"ll wrap my hands around your neck, neck, neck, neck, neck, neck, neck, neck.I"ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love.
2023-07-21 00:40:161


lol=laugh out loud
2023-07-21 00:40:192

求30秒上火星“up in the air”中文歌词

Up In The Air彷徨无依30 Seconds To MarsOh oh oh oh oh, WhoahOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh, WhoahOh oh oh oh ohI been up in the air, out of my head,我彷徨无依,迷失心智Stuck in a moment of emotion I"ve destroyed.深陷于过去泯灭了的情感中不能自拔Is this the end I feel?难道这就是尽头了吗Up in the air, fucked up our life,彷徨无依,我打乱了我的生活,All of the laws I broke and loves that I sacrificed.我违反过法条,也奉献过爱Is this the end?难道这就是尽头了吗? I"ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love.我把手缠绕在你的颈脖,用爱紧紧缠着你A thousand times I tempted fate,我经历了无数次险阻A thousand times I played this game,无数次考验A thousand times that I have said,也说过了无数次:Today, today, today.今天,今天,今天 Whoah, oh oh oh oh ohWhoah, oh oh oh oh ohI been up in the air, lost in the night.我彷徨无依,迷失在黑夜中I wouldn"t trade it all for your life.我不会将这些东西与你的生命交换You lust for my life.你贪求我的生命Is this the end?难道这就是尽头了吗?Hey!You were the love of my life, the darkness, the light.你曾是我生命中的爱,你是光明也是黑暗This is a portrait of a tortured you and I.这就是我们之间是如何相互折磨的Is this the, is this the, is this the end?难道这就是尽头了吗? I"ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love.我把手缠绕在你的颈脖,用爱紧紧缠着你A thousand times I tempted fate,我经历了无数次险阻A thousand times I played this game,无数次考验A thousand times that I have said,也说过了无数次:Today, today, today.今天,今天,今天 WhoahA thousand times I tempted fate, (Whoah)我经历了无数次险阻A thousand times I played this game, (Whoah)无数次考验A thousand times that I have said, (Whoah)也说过了无数次:Today, today, today.今天,今天,今天Whoah, oh oh oh oh ohWhoah, oh oh oh oh ohI been up in the air.我彷徨无依Is the end I feel?难道这就是尽头了吗? Up in the air, chasing a dream so real.彷徨无依,追逐一个如此真实的梦I been up in the air.我彷徨无依I"ll wrap my hands around your neck. (Is this the end I feel?)我把手缠绕在的的颈脖Up in the air, chasing a dream, chasing a dream.彷徨无依,追逐一个梦 Take no more!Take no more!Take no more!别再继续了I"ll take no more!别再继续了A thousand times I tempted fate. (Take no more)我经历了无数次险阻A thousand times I played this game. (Take no more)无数次考验A thousand times that I have said. (Take no more)也说过了无数次:Today, today, today.今天,今天,今天 WhoahToday, today, today (I"ll wrap my hands around your neck, neck with love, love.)今天,今天,今天Today, today, today (I"ll wrap my hands around your neck, neck with love, love.)今天,今天,今天I"ll wrap my hands around your neck, neck, neck, neck, neck, neck, neck, neck.我把手缠绕在你的颈脖I"ll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with love, love.我把手缠绕在你的颈脖,用爱紧紧缠着你你对照一下吧。
2023-07-21 00:40:241

my mum作文

2023-07-21 00:40:242


2023-07-21 00:40:291


2023-07-21 00:40:321


念 qū
2023-07-21 00:40:334

电影《up in the air》讲诉的是什么啊,太深奥了。我没看懂~

2023-07-21 00:40:043


作为测试人员,经常用到的adb命令:adb logcat 产看手机的日志信息,在出现bug的时候可以通过这个命令帮助定位查看adb shell 进入Android终端命令,然后可以通过一些命令来查看手机相关信息adb push 向手机发送文件adb pull 从手机获取文件adb shell am start -W 包名/界面名 查看应用启动时间adb install apk文件 通过adb命令行安装appadb uninstall 包名 通过adb命令行卸载appadb --help 查看adb 命令帮助信息adb shell pm list package 查看所有包名adb shell monkey –p 包名 –v 测试次数 指定应用进行monkey测试详情教程有免费的公开课啊,黑马程序员官网就可以看,或者对话框可以领取到课程大纲。我就在黑马学出来的,现在税后11k,感谢黑马!
2023-07-21 00:40:011


英文伤感网名300个 1、Cripple 废人 2、nightmare 梦魇 3、The wind travels 清风远行 4、Timeㄨ 余 忆 5、Blame(冷心) 6、Madman 疯子 7、Allows any 谢却荼蘼 8、Knowingly 明知故犯9、Pretext(借口) 10、Without(没有你) 11、Wait for 静候 12、Drunk the wind 饮了风 13、Replace取代 14、Smallwhispers 小情话 15、Final°Analysis 致命爱人 16、ronin.(浪人) 17、Tough Girl 女汉子 18、Bones 骸骨 19、Healer (治愈者) 20、黑糖Dulcea゜ 21、Stay( 挽留 ) 22、cooked(放纵) 23、Heart bitter 心事苦 24、Emanuel 伊曼纽尔 25、Only [唯你] 26、Autism (孤独症) 27、Swig 痛饮 28、Acolasia(放纵) 29、chokehold 窒息的爱 30、The traveler 过客 31、Tiamo-叛逆つ 32、Don"t bother 不打扰 33、Resign (认命) 34、Shou sui white pony 守岁白驹 35、Don"t bother 不打扰 36、Fraught with difficulties 荆棘满途 37、Tim. 徒添内疚 38、Lone wood is not a forest 孤木不成森 39、Lost love°失爱 40、Temptation 无奈 41、The thin clothes 衣裳薄 42、Meet some of you 遇见几个你 43、Redundant.(多余) 44、loser(遗失者) 45、Too sober 太过清醒 46、゛罗马半夏Proven 47、Struggle(挣扎) 48、The thin clothes 衣裳薄 49、Charm 猫姬 50、Disheartened 心死 51、Distant she 遥远的她 52、Pathos drama 悲情戏码 53、Be opinionated 自以为是 54、smile丶伤了 55、妩媚 Enchanting 56、Elaborate°(敷衍) 57、Invalid oath 无效誓 58、Not stingy. 不吝啬。 59、Alone in a (孤身一人) 60、Torture 难熬 61、Difficult to have难拥有 62、Cripple 废人 63、Trapped beat 困兽 64、Tear(眼泪) 65、The monument 残碑 66、outsiders (局外人) 67、Lullaby 催眠 68、TRAP(陷阱) 69、Acolasia(放纵) 70、Silent collapse 无声崩溃 71、End.(结束) 72、You are guilty 你有罪 73、Deep sea(深海) 74、Blame me weak 怪我懦弱 75、Aries°气质 76、Bubble. 泡沫 77、Archive(封存) 78、Disappointed guest 惆怅客 79、Onlooker 旁观者 80、Unworthy(不值得) 81、silence"s night 沉默的夜 82、Akoasm(幻听) 83、Excel流年碎 84、lie [说谎] 85、Distant she 遥远的她 86、forever°为你锁心 87、Shackles for long 缚久 88、Bones 骸骨 89、Missish未情 90、Give up on love(放弃爱) 91、Tears°(眼泪) 92、A monologue. 独白。 93、Follow your heart 遵循你的心 94、A paper book you dead 亡匿一纸锦书 95、Meet some of you 遇见几个你 96、silent 黑白年代 97、sweetlove 甜蜜爱 98、The years long 岁月长 99、Too sober 太过清醒 100、memories°(落寞的回忆) 101、Lonely tears 寂寞眼泪 102、The monument 残碑 103、Before I die 我死之前 104、Hello stranger 你好陌生人 105、Confidential.[亲密敌人] 106、Before(以前) 107、Old to swim 旧游 108、Dust in the wind 风中尘埃 109、Past(往事) 110、无情者 —Desdemo. 111、Endingァ失眠梦 112、A handful of ashes 一捧骨灰 113、Dust in the wind 风中尘埃 114、Existence °空 115、Half the world 半生浪迹天涯 116、Soul mates 灵魂伴侣 117、unnecessary(多余) 118、Liberation 解脱。 119、cowardly(怯弱) 120、Half of it(半度微凉) 121、OneLife 独厮守 ぢ. 122、Whopper 弥天大谎 123、stranger(陌路) 124、Very Stupid 很蠢 125、For you in vain 为你徒劳 126、Invalid oath 无效誓 127、Can not let go(放不下) 128、sad(痛心) 129、Miss process 怀念过程 130、Exile 流放者 131、Living very tire 活着好累 132、Gloaming 薄暮城 133、chokehold 窒息的爱 134、Felling first barren 感情初荒 135、In fact I mind 其实我介意 136、Yrainy.(樱雨) 137、Absurd years 荒唐岁月 138、Old body disease 旧体病 139、Monologue.独白 140、Idle wine a few pots 闲酒几壶 141、Proud queen 骄傲女王 142、Old flame(旧情人) 143、A pot of wine 一壶清酒 144、Tim. 徒添内疚 145、Buried in your heart 葬于你心 146、Allure Love 流年沉寂 147、Solicitud末离 148、Curtain(落幕) 149、héros(英雄) 150、Spring 初心 151、Lonely end 孤独结尾 152、The silent silence 不可遏制的沉默 153、Time to catch 岁月赶 154、Outlaws Of Love 爱的囚徒 155、Autism [孤独症] 156、Awkward懵懂少女 157、melody丶旋律 158、Lonely tears 寂寞眼泪 159、Pass(流逝) 160、Take the wrong 错牵 161、Time wasted 年华虚度 162、Allows any 谢却荼蘼 163、Trapped beat 困兽 164、Illness and old 生老病死 165、Long speech eyes 长辞眸 166、Wine and flowers withered 酒撒花枯 167、unravel(放手) 168、Old time 旧时光 169、Say love hot mouth 说爱烫嘴 170、love"s funeral 爱的葬礼 171、Drinking to tears 饮酒落泪 172、高姿态Forever Love 173、Disappear 滥情° 174、Epitome(缩影) 175、Fickle.(薄情) 176、Old play book 旧戏书 177、crossing out° 178、Abandon.放弃 179、Youth Shouting°青春呐喊 180、City of old people 他城旧人 181、Poison.(毒药) 182、Love insan 情蛊 183、GUI late 归晚人 184、kingstar°堇忆丶 185、Superficial° 浮浅 186、anesthesia 麻醉 187、orvR 音符。 188、A pot of wine 一壶清酒 189、Avecle soleil丶 手捧阳光 190、Drunk Angel (醉天使) 191、Queen女王范er 192、Stranger(陌路) 193、Acalculia 失算 194、凉城 Tristeani 195、情绪Bombasti゜ 196、summer-空心° 197、Old to swim 旧游 198、The years long 岁月长 199、Hello stranger 你好陌生人 200、Finish.(散场) 201、Time lover(时间恋人) 202、Fail( 衰退 ) 203、You are guilty 你有罪 204、Yoke(羁绊) 205、左瞳 Remnant 206、Memory °迷路 207、DemonLover 魔鬼恋人 208、Mole(泪痣) 209、shoulder 依靠 210、Dream Wake 梦醒 211、Like to cry 喜哭 212、Stand 袖手旁观 213、Time wasted 年华虚度 214、Short of youth 霎那青春 215、Shou sui white pony 守岁白驹 216、Swig 痛饮 217、Trauma (创伤) 218、sink into.沉沦 219、Lose 丶recall (丢失回忆) 220、念旧 cunese 221、Monster(怪物) 222、Not everything 聚散无由 223、lovely day(美好的一天) 224、Jasper 碧玉 225、Don"t hold 勿拥 226、Submarine(海底) 227、Love the dark 爱黑暗 228、Disappointed guest 惆怅客 229、Leave me[弃我] 230、Self crossing 自我泅渡 231、Outlaws Of Love 爱的囚徒 232、Very Stupid 很蠢 233、Fetter.(自作多情) 234、Former以前 235、Sacrifice 祭奠 236、Too naive 过分天真 237、you can you up(你行你上) 238、Deepspace 深空 239、Lonely patients(孤独患者) 240、Survivor(幸存者) 241、Fall to him (沦陷于他) 242、lost(失去) 243、Take the other person 负了他人 244、知足 Content つ 245、Stand袖手旁观 246、future(未来) 247、Edmundヾ似懂非懂 248、Knowingly 明知故犯 249、Detained 禁锢 250、Couvrir(困兽) 251、For you in vain 为你徒劳 252、Cage 牢笼 253、Letter lost in the wind 遗失在风中的信 254、Boiling age 沸腾的年龄 255、Eternally 永恒 256、Galaxy(距离) 257、Put the cigarette throat 烟头搁咽喉 258、心碎 Heart-broken° 259、Guilty(有罪) 260、Exile 流放者 261、false°虚伪 262、Sick°[病态] 263、And wine 且煮酒 264、saphead(笨蛋蛋) 265、Dream゛情ゝ 266、Ten years trace 十年踪迹 267、Before I die 我死之前 268、Time to catch 岁月赶 269、deceive(欺骗) 270、Sandm°(旧梦) 271、Joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐 272、One hundred pain 百样痛 273、Excuses [借口] 274、Onlooker 旁观者 275、Delusion (妄想) 276、Casually(随便) 277、Old body disease 旧体病 278、partiality(偏心) 279、Forbidden°(禁忌) 280、The groom is not you 新郎不是你 281、Dislike 滥情° 282、Shouting°甜蜜 283、Wait for 静候 284、Long speech eyes 长辞眸 285、Absurd years 荒唐岁月 286、The cowardly people who 懦弱的失魂人 287、Orphan(孤) 288、love"s funeral 爱的葬礼 289、Run away(逃离) 290、Bubble [泡沫] 291、Hobo(流浪) 292、Too naive 过分天真 293、Joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐 294、Poikilotherm(冷血动物) 295、放梦。Life◥ 296、Very cold. 很冷漠 297、Grazing island off 枯牧岛离 298、Dear°(心裂) 299、Yoke(羁绊) 300、silence"s night 沉默的夜
2023-07-21 00:40:011


1.有些朋友在日常生活中去某些地方的时候可能不太方便开车,这个时候很多朋友就会选择骑电动车到一些地方,电动车使用起来方便快捷,如果去的地方不太远的话,就比较适合驾驶电动车,有些朋友比较喜欢小牛电动车,那么小牛n1s和nqi什么区别呢?小牛n1s和nqi两款电动车没有什么太大的区别,只是电动车的标志和名称不一样而已。 2.小牛n1s和小牛nqi在电动车的硬件上面都是一样的,只是电动车在刚开始的名称是小牛n1s,后来把小牛n1s这一名称改成了小牛nqi。 3.因为电动车的名称改了,所以电动车的标志也有了一定的改动。
2023-07-21 00:39:591


2023-07-21 00:39:584


meanwhile如果后面加动词用什么形式是要看具体的句子的.ing,do动词都对.meanwhile用法meanwhile[5mi:nwaIl; (?@) 5mInhwaIl](=meantime) n.其间, 其时adv.其间meanwhilemean.while(名词)The intervening time.间隔时间adv.(副词)During or in the intervening time:在间隔时间内:Meanwhile, life goes on.在此期间,生命不息At the same time:同时:The court is deliberating; meanwhile, we must be patient.See Usage Note at meantime 法庭正在审议;这段时间内,我们必须要小心参见 meantimemeanwhile[5mi:nwaIl; (?@) 5mInhwaIl]adv.此时Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.从眼前来说,他们对我们中间有些游不到5码便急着想换气的人来说,总该是个鼓励吧。They"ll be here soon. Meanwhile we"ll have some coffee.他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。同时Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.与此同时,我的舌头忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。Meanwhile, two other actors had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees.与此同时,另外两位演员把两个盛着食物的大篮子拿到树下荫凉的地方。Jane was writing a letter and meanwhile Pat was watching T.V..简在写信,而在此同时帕特在看电视。(亦作: meantime)
2023-07-21 00:39:571

红警2尤里武装直升机问题 我想把它的武器改为V3

2023-07-21 00:39:572

为什么我苹果4s 上移动卡 为什么老是无服务

2023-07-21 00:39:565


对于广大枪迷来说,提到德国枪,大家都能想到HK,它是德国最有名的一家枪械制造厂商,全名为:黑克勒-科赫,在这么多年里,他们打造了很多出色的枪械产品,尤其是手枪类和步枪类居多,个个都是继承了德式精湛的技术,以及得势追求精致,追求极致的特点,外观也具有欧式艺术,他们制造出来的枪械,除了自己军队使用外,也大部分都针对外贸,其中包括民间市场和其他军用市场,欧美多个地区都是HK的用户,尤其是美军精锐部队或特种部队,手里使用的也都是HK制造的枪械。那么本期我就为大家简单介绍10种HK旗下系列步枪,其中大部分都很出名。HK G3自动步枪当时在上世纪50年代期间,以STG45步枪改进过来的一支现代化自动步枪。也作为当时德军的现役武器之一,发射7.62×51毫米,北约全威力弹药,枪身护木,握把和枪托部分,均为木质,到后期改为工程塑料,减轻了枪本身的重量,也减轻了士兵的负重压力,也增强了枪械的作战灵活性。它采用金属20发垂直弹匣供弹,可以全自动射击,也可以半自动点射,在全自动射击后坐力较大不太好控制,所以很多士兵还是采取半自动点射,这样能增强精准度和有效性。HK 53卡宾步枪它是根据HK G3自动步枪和HK MP5冲锋枪的基础上,改进出来的一种5.56小口径突击步枪,外观和工作原理都很像MP5冲锋枪,内部的结构采用G3自动步枪的设计,发射5.56×45毫米,北约通用弹药,采用25发钢制弹匣或40发铝制弹匣供弹,后期也推出30发标准金属弹匣供弹,但该枪并没有直接装备在德军,而是出口到东南亚,南美,北美等地区,作为反恐武器和特种人员作战武器。前部护木,握把等采用工程塑料结构,后面的简易枪托,可以像MP5冲锋枪一样拉伸或缩短,使用起来要比G3自动步枪更轻量化,更简洁。HK 33突击步枪它与上面的HK53卡宾枪属于一个平台研发的同类武器,也一样发射5.56毫米口径弹药,也可以采用7.62×39毫米中间威力弹药。不过HK33突击步枪的外观要比HK53更漂亮,也更具有现代化,枪身大部分采用了工程塑料设计,尤其是枪托部分,也采用了AR可伸展式枪托,并且在机匣顶部和枪管两侧,及下面,都安装了战术导轨,可以在上面扩展不同型号的瞄准镜,枪管下面还可以安装塑料垂直握把,可增强操控性和降低后座力。枪管两侧的导轨上面还加入了导轨护片,防止磨损,需要的加装配件的时候也可以拆卸。HK33突击步枪的设计和精美,在西方市场上也很受欢迎。HK G36突击步枪它作为德国当下陆军步兵的现役突击步枪,在1997年正式服役,在1990年到1995年之间处于研发状态,但它的诞生,代表着5.56小口径武器中又增加了一个“精英”。全身采用工程塑料设计,战斗重要更轻,并且标准型号的G36突击步枪,在基线上面还自带三倍光学瞄准镜,握把部分还采用了高强度的人体工程学设计,使用起来特别顺手,后期还根据它的基础,还推出轻机枪型,卡宾枪型。之后的G36C型和K型要更加出色,枪管变得更短,枪身也更简洁,可以安装更多的战术配件,也作为当下特种部队的主要武器之一。HK 233突击步枪它的外观很像HK G36C型,没错它就是根G36突击步枪的基础,改进的一种特种战术突击步枪,顶部保留了G36突击步枪C型的基线,并在上面带有皮卡汀尼战术导轨,可以安装夜视战术设备,可具备昼夜作战能力,枪身采用模块化设计,可根据不同的作战环境来更改枪身形态,使士兵更有生存率。简易枪托可以像标准版G36一样折叠,口径没有改变,发射5.56×45毫米,北约小口径弹药,使用透明式30发塑料弹匣供弹,它的设计很人性化。HK 417精确射手步枪它是根据 HK416突击步枪的基础,改进的一种精确射手步枪,外形与前者很相似,发射原理也是相同的,只不过HK417发射的是7.62×51毫米的北约全威力弹药,使用30发塑料弹匣供弹,并且只能半自动点射。它全身采用工程塑料,并具有模块化设计,可以在导轨上随意扩展战术配件,比如光学瞄准镜,红外线激光指示器,强光手电筒,双脚支架,垂直握把等等。而且采用7.62×51毫米的HK417,单发威力和杀伤性要更强,它目前作为美国海军陆战队的标准武器之一。HK G28精确射手步枪它是HK家族中,造价最昂贵,性能最强的一种精确射手步枪。发射原理以及形态与AR系列武器相同,但它的外观要更漂亮,更有跨时代感,并采用模块化设计,可在导轨上安装高倍战术瞄准镜,或电子计算性瞄准镜,可以在800米的距离上精准命中目标。发射7.62×51毫米北约全威力弹药,可以使用10发、15发、或20发塑料透明弹匣供弹。虽然看似有点沉重,但枪身大部分都采用了工程塑料,并且色调也为土黄色,刚好能适应沙漠作战环境。目前G28精确射手步枪作为美国海豹6队的专用武器之一。HK SG1狙击步枪它是西方特种部队,以及德国特种部队在上世纪最常用的一种,半自动狙击步枪,它是根据G3A3自动步枪的基础上,演变的一种狙击步枪,发射7.62×51毫米北约全威力弹药,可以使用10发或20发金属垂直弹匣供弹,并且枪身自带高倍瞄准镜,和分离式小型三脚支架,护木,枪托以及握把部分还采用工程塑料结构,并且带有人体工程学设计,握把部分还加入防滑颗粒,使射手使用起来不会因为后坐力出现事故,也更能掌握后坐力,该枪目前很多在军队中退役,而警察和特警部分还在采用。HK 416突击步枪HK家族中当下最出色的一种小口径突击步枪,在西方,无论是民间市场还是军用市场,都极为受欢迎,虽然风格很像美制AR步枪,但它的颜值要更漂亮,并采用模块化设计,可以根据战时情况配备不同的战术配件。HK 416发射5.56×45毫米小口径步枪弹药,具备单发点射能力,三连发点射能力,和全自动射击能力。但不管怎么去使用,它的性能都很稳定,后坐力都很小,不过HK416突击步枪的造价很高,美军也只能少量装备特种部队。HK 433突击步枪它目前是HK系列,最新推出的一种未来特种战术突击步枪,采用独特的风格设计,造型外观要更加漂亮,而且也作为模块化武器,可以随意更改枪身顶部的配件。它的材料比较复杂,除了大部分为工程塑料外,在其他重要部分采用纤维材质,使用人员手能接触到的地方,也都带有软性材质,在操控射击时更有手感,也更舒适,而且它的枪托也可以分为多个模块来调整,并且还能折叠,可适应每一个不同使用者的身材和骨骼,但它的造价也很贵,未来将进军特种战术领域。
2023-07-21 00:39:521