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2023-07-20 22:54:27





进入安全模式以后bypassing your startup 无法进入系统 不管怎么样都无法进入

如果碰到Win7系统崩溃,无法开机,进入安全模式,也无法进行系统修复,面对这种情况,恐怕不是系统问题,就是硬盘损坏问题。判断是否是硬盘坏死  1.将U盘启动盘插入电脑USB接口上。  PS:没有U盘启动盘的,需要自行在其他可正常使用的电脑上将U盘制作成U盘启动盘。  2.按下开机按钮,迅速按下键盘上DEL键或者是F12键(在电脑进入启动程序前),进入BIOS设置界面,找到BOOT栏目,将带有USB字样的选项或者是代表U盘牌子的选项设为第一启动项,并按下F10保存并退出(具体按键请参考BIOS界面上的提示内容)如图1所示:BIOS设置U盘为第一启动盘  PS:不同主板进入BIOS的方法 可能不太相同,同时不同主板BIOS设置U盘为第一启动盘的选项操作也不太相同,具体主板BIOS的设置方法可以在本站中搜索。  3.设置完成退出后系统自动重启,进入口袋PE功能选择界面,用键盘上的方向键选择“启动口袋U盘Windows8PE维护系统”,并按下回车键,如图2所示: 4.进入口袋U盘Windows8PE维护系统后,双击桌面上的“计算机”,在打开的计算机窗口中,看磁盘有没有减少,即有没有盘符消失了,若没有消失,则考虑硬盘坏道的问题,若消失了则说明硬盘坏死了。
2023-07-20 22:41:301

电脑开机出现MS-DOS IS Bypassing Your Startup files 是怎么回事

汉译:MS - DOS命令正在绕过启动文件 意思就是系统没有从硬盘启动 而是从DOS系统启动 解决方法:1 重新刷BIOS ;2 重做系统 (Microsoft(R) MS-DOS7.1 Copyright Micsoft Corp1981-1999是DOS的版本和版权声明,不用管)
2023-07-20 22:41:395


“顺势”主要是指译者要把握好全句的语义宏观结构,理顺全句各部分之间的关系。“断句”要符合逻辑语义关系,比如因果关系、对比关系、递进关系、条件关系等。这个操作的关键,在于断要断得恰到好处。实际上,顺势断句是通过两个断句成分相互换位、个词微调、加字减字等手段将原文的各个成分有机地串起来。   例如:   Premier pledged to reform a political system // that sometimes looks as if it were geared more to raising money // than solving problems.   首相决心改革一种政治制度。这个制度有时看来似乎只适合搞搞筹款那一套,而不解决实际问题。   Today"s teachers know // they have to make lessons fast-moving and entertaining // for children raised on television and computer games.   今天的教师懂得,他们给孩子们上课节奏要快,而且还要有情趣,因为这些孩子是在看电视和玩电脑游戏的环境中长大的。   注释:①孩子重复使用;②children raised on television…译成主谓结构的小句;过去分词的被动意义译成主动句。   Despite this backwardness in the communications // — or perhaps because of it — // China hopes to leapfrog into the digital era // by bypassing many of the costly transitional technologies // that industrial nations are now seeking to replace with more advanced digital systems.   尽管中国的通讯落后,或者说正是由于这种落后,中国希望跳跃式地进入通讯数字显示时代,一下子越过耗资巨大的过渡技术阶段。这个过渡技术,工业化国家正在寻找用更先进的数字显示系统取而代之。   *The super-national character of scientific concepts and scientific language is due to the fact that they have been set up by the best brains of all countries and all times.   结构分析:句子的框架是The super-national character of due to the fact that they have been.that引导同位语从句,作fact的同位语。brain有多种解释,在此句中意为“人才”。   参考译文:科学概念和科学语言的超国界特性是由于它们是由各国秀的人才经历了不同时期而被确立的。   *.You either have science or you don" t, and if you have it you are obliged to accept the surprising and disturbing pieces of information,along with the neat and promptly useful bits.   结构分析:句子框架是You either have science or you don"t, are obliged to accept the.pieces of information.and连接两个并列句。前面分句补充完整为you either have science or you don"t have science;其中either.or.结构译成“要么……,要么……”。后面分句中有if引导的条件状语从句,此从句中的此代指前面提到的 science.bit原意为“(二进制)位;比特”,此处引申为“数据传辅”。   *That both houses of the Swiss parliament have come down against the genetics is comforting,but there may be a gap between the views and knowledge of politicians and that of the general public-only the public poll will tell.   结构分析:句子框架是 comforting,but there may be gap.but连接两个并列分句。前一个并列分句中有that引导的主语从句;后一个并列分句为there be句型,其中指示代词that代指前面提到的the views and knowledge,以避免重复。house这里译为“议院”;come down against…意为“做出决定不做(某事)”,还可以转译为“否定”。   参考译文:瑞士国会两院一致否认遗传学研究,这一点令人安慰。但是政治家的观点和认识与公众的观点和认识之间会存在隔阂――只有全民投票可以明断了(说清楚)。
2023-07-20 22:41:551

英语Tracking URL怎么翻译?

英语 tracking URL 翻译成中文意思是跟踪网址。例如,In addition the link is a direct link to your site bypassing any tracking URL.此外,该链接是直接链接到您的网站绕过任何跟踪网址。The URL of the document in XML form, the unique ID (for tracking purposes), and a property ID.XML表单中的文档的URL、唯一标识(用于跟踪)和一个特性标识。
2023-07-20 22:42:1613


Dr. Wan Shitong1. In order to cultivate children good study habits and moral quality of life, enhance the ability to live independently, improve learning and achievement, strengthen ideological and moral character, formulated norms.2. they can do things to independently, do today, can not be sloppy, not be dependent on their parents, can not be undue delay.3. To eat eat, to ensure a comprehensive nutrition, can not be picky anorexia deprivation.4. adhere to two hours a day reading.5. To enhance physical activity, enhance physical fitness, exercise may not be less than one hour per day (summer and winter may be appropriate to increase the amount of exercise), can not be lazy, not arbitrarily, can not only do their favorite sport.6. Family Dining shall comply with house rules, eat and eat with, sit has, courtesy, can not ignore the parents, elders and guests can not eat and play, do not waste food.7. To share the sorrow as parents, can not ignore the feelings of the parents, to do whatever positive things that parents do not turn away, do not talk about conditions.8. To filial piety, gratitude and cherish the happy life, follow the teachings of their parents, go out the door to greet the parents and not be ungrateful, and parents can not contradict, sophistry or vexatious.9. To learn gratitude, gratitude and selfless dedication, devoted their parents, gratitude to all who care about love too have supported helped to cherish everything real social and natural goodness of the good things, hate hypocrisy, bad ugly phenomenon, can not be right and wrong, good and evil is not identified.10. To respect teachers, see the teacher, elder, acquaintance to take the initiative warm greeting can not be blind to see aloof.11. To unite students, have love compassionate, non-bullying, discrimination can not be weak, you can not laugh at people with disabilities or poor academic performance of students.12. To treat people sincerely, and his humble, down to earth, non-fraud, can not be complacent arrogance.13. In the theaters, shopping malls, the venue, banquets and other public places to keep mannered, decent conversation, do not make much noise, do not play slapstick.14. Each year to develop a clear practical learning programs (including learning content, specific requirements, schedules, and other targets, including learning content including textbooks, extracurricular reading, to consolidate and expand the book knowledge to improve), must be strictly execution can not be a mere formality.15. To adhere carefully before class preparation, classroom listen carefully, make detailed notes, after-school serious review, study subjects completed the task.16. To help in the field, in time to digest all the knowledge of the teacher taught, can not be scanty, half-comprehended, do not leave any doubt question; to do more exercise and hard thinking, can not have fear of hardship, can not give up even bypassing the problems encountered .17. To complete on schedule according to the quality of the teacher assigned homework and learning tasks parents accountable, and not be careless, illegible handwriting, or an excuse not to do the essential delay, finish the job before the play, except weekends, holidays other than generally not watch television (except 7pm News Network), play on the computer.18. To widely read extracurricular books, earnestly study notes, the accumulation of knowledge and writing materials, expanding knowledge, often practicing writing, writing skills and level, can not fly, can not just by their own interest in reading.19. The aim high, perseverance, courage, self-reliance, can not unambitious, can not have the slightest slack, can not give up.20. In the present specification such content to be surly letter do, if violated, depending on the circumstances were reminded to be minor, criticism, warning, facing the wall thinking too, written review, copy text, do housework, restricted part of the family freedoms and rights, corporal punishment.
2023-07-20 22:42:471


  以下是我整理的bios出错英文提示信息大全,供大家参考和学习.   Drive A error 驱动器A错误   System halt 系统挂起   Keyboard controller error 键盘控制器错误   Keyboard error or no keyboard present 键盘错误或者键盘不存在   BIOS ROM checksum error BIOS ROM校验错误   Single hardisk cable fail 当硬盘使用Cable选项时硬盘安装位置不正确   FDD Controller Failure BIOS 软盘控制器错误   HDD Controller Failure BIOS 硬盘控制器错误   Driver Error 驱动器错误   Cache Memory Bad, Do not Enable Cache 高速缓存Cache损坏,不能使用   Error: Unable to control A20 line 错误提示:不能使用A20地址控制线   Memory write/Read failure 内存读写失败   Memory allocation error 内存定位错误   CMOS Battery state Low CMOS没电了   Keyboard interface error 键盘接口错误   Hard disk drive failure 加载硬盘失败   Hard disk not present 硬盘不存在   Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 软盘驱动器加载失败,一般是数据线插反,电源线没有插接,CMOS内部软驱设置错误   CMOS checksum error-efaults loaded. CMOS校验错误,装入缺省(默认)设置   Detecting floppy drive A media... 检测软驱A的格式   Drive media is : 1.44Mb1.2Mb 720Kb 360K 驱动器格式是1.44Mb、12Mb、720kb、360kb的一种   DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER 磁盘引导失败,插入系统盘后按任意键继续   Invalid partition table 无效的分区表   Error loading operating system 不能装入引导系统   Missing operating system 系统引导文件丢失   Invalid system disk 无效的系统盘   Disk I/O error, Replace the disk and press any key. 磁盘I/O错误,替换磁盘后按任意键,当C盘系统文件丢失或被破坏时出现。   Invalid Media Type reaching Drive C: 无效的C盘媒体格式说明。也就是C盘没有格式化或者是其他操作系统的磁盘格式如NTFS   Invalid Boot Diskette Boot Failure 无效的启动盘,启动失败   Insert diskette for drive and press any key when ready 插入磁盘到驱动器中后按任意键   Your program caused a divide overflow error If the problem persists, contact your program vendor程序导致溢出错误。 Windows has disabled direct disk access to protect your long filenames Windows不能直接访问受保护的长文件名   The system has been halted. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer 系统挂起,按Ctrl+Alt+Del重新启动你的计算机   You started your computer with a version of MS-DOS incompatible with this version of Windows. Insert a Startup diskette matching this version of Windows and then restart 你启动的MS-DOS版本与Windows版本不兼容,请插入与Windows版本匹配的系统盘后再重启   This version of Windows requires a 386 or better processor 该Windows版本需要386以后的CPU支持   A20 hardware error. Contact technical support to identify the problem 地址线A20错误。联系技术支持来识别该问题   Starting Windows 98... 正在启动Windows 98u2026u2026   Windows 98 is now starting your MS-DOS-based program Windows 98正在启动基于MS-DOS的程序   Windows 98 is now restarting... Windows 98正在重新启动   Press Esc now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restart Windows 98... 按Esc退出MS-DOS 模式,重新启动Windows 98u2026   There is an unrecognized command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS文件中有不可识别的命令   The following command in your CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect: 在你的CONFIG.SYS有下列错误命令   The sector size specified in this file is too large: 该文件中指定的扇区太大   The following file is missing or corrupted: WIN.COM COMMAND.COM 下列文件丢失或被破坏:WIN.COM和COMMAND.COM   There is an invalid country code or code page in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里有一个无效的国家代码   There is an error in the COUNTRY command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里有一个错误的设置国家命令   There is not enough memory for the COUNTRY.SYS file 没有足够的内存来加载COUNTRY.SYS文件   Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 请从CONFIG.SYS文件中删除部分驱动程序,然后再试   Remove some drivers, and then try again 去除一些驱动程序然后再试。驱动程序是指在CONFIG.SYS中使用device或devicehigh命令加载的程序文件   Remove some disk drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 从你的(CONFIG.SYS)移去部分程序,然后再试   The configuration specified in your CONFIG.SYS file is too large for memory 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以获得足够大的内存   You have too many block devices specified in your CONFIG.SYS file 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以获得block devices   The STACKS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file are incorrect 在你的CONFIG.SYS中堆栈设置不正确   Default stack settings will be used instead 缺省的堆栈设置将被替代使用   There is an error in your CONFIG.SYS file on line XX 在你的CONFIG.SYS里XX行错误   Warning: Logical drives past Z exist and will be ignored 警告:逻辑驱动器Z已经存在,将被忽略   Type the name of the Command Interpreter (e.g., C:WINDOWSCOMMAND.COM) Press any key to continueu2026 请输入命令解释器的文件名(如:C:WIN DOWSCOMMAND.COM)后,按任意键继续   Windows is bypassing your startup files Minimal network support will be loaded if available Windows正在跳过你的启动文件。如果网络可用,最小网络支持将被加载
2023-07-20 22:42:541


2023-07-20 22:43:086

no child left behind是什么意思

no child left behind没有留下孩子例句1、Problems in the Implementation of No Child Left Behind Act in America美国《不让一个孩子落伍》法案实施过程中的问题2、Some want to undermine the No Child Left Behind Act by weakening standards and accountability.有人想要通过降低标准和减少责任来阻碍《一个也不能落下法案》的实施。3、Bypassing No Child Left Behind George W. Bushs signature education-reform legislation marked its tenth anniversary this year.解决不让一个孩子掉队乔治W布什的签名教育改革立法,今年已经签署十周年。4、President Bush "s Radio Address: No Child Left Behind Act布什总统广播致词:不让一个孩子落后法案5、Bush eight years ago, is known as the No Child Left Behind Act.That name would go away.Bush八年前签署的,以“不让一个孩子掉队”的法案而被人知晓。
2023-07-20 22:44:084


2023-07-20 22:44:151


作为档( + )档( - )电压降低电压增量步下跌. 在5v设有一个代表~20 mV时,但1V左右,其中设有代表2~4 mV之间. 作为参考电压下降, 系统噪音将变得更加重要,以防范更应该执行在低电压,以补偿系统噪音; 即,供应量充足,而且绕开参考,以及身体和电气隔离的投入. 2.2绝对模拟的投入adc0808/adc0809可能已经设计能轻易地利用2:1的传感器, 但这并不排除使用非2:1投入. 第二种意见是绝对的投入. 这是一个有独立的参考. 这意味着其绝对数值电压值是非常重要的, 并精确测量此电压精度的参考电压变得同样关键. 以前的设计,可改装,以容纳绝对输入信号用一个更准确的参考. 4 infigure供电范围可替代lm336 - 5.0参考. R1和R2图6 和R1和R3的7 offigure可能须作出更准确相等. 在一些小系统,有可能利用精密参考电源如图 7 . 不受供电电压l5v要求,但lm336 - 5.0职能,同时作为一种调节和参考. 下降的电阻住宅必须选择,使 提供一系列的电流供应所需要的制度, lm336 - 5.0会留在监管. 正如在图4单独供应和参考痕迹,应该是用来维持一个无声的供应. 如果系统需要更多的电力, OP的安培可以用如图8孤立的参考和刺激电流供应 能力. 再次,不受单一供应所需. 2.3投入微分差分测量可扮演一个小软件的伎俩. 这仅仅是按顺序把两个渠道,然后减去两个结果. 例如,如果电压差分之间的通道1和第2款规定, 仅仅转换频道1和阅读效果. 然后转换成2通道,输入结果,减掉它从第一的结果. (见图9 ) . 当使用这个程序, 两个输入信号必须是稳定整个两者转换的时候或最终结果将是错误的. 单程惟我独尊,这是用两个样本/持有所取样在同一时间
2023-07-20 22:44:511


2023-07-20 22:45:0813


今儿咱们说的是西游记的故事。四个和尚从长安出发,前去西天取经。“嘟~~~~”没飞几分钟,飞机缓缓降落:没油了。悟空这通儿找啊:“快,看看哪儿有加油站呢?”唐僧纳闷儿了:“这怎么刚飞起来就加油啊?”“油箱小,就肥皂盒那么大,一次加五块钱的。”“那得加到多会儿去?!”加了十万多次还没到,这西天在哪儿呢?不行,师徒四人一合计,咱得问问路。一捏闸,“吱!~~~~”悟空下来了。一瞧,嗬!这是什么地儿啊?怎么这么荒啊!见一老头正锄地呢,赶紧就过去了。Hi~ hello~ how are you? 老头一回头,“干哈呀?”好嘛!一口大茬子味儿,东北啊!“大爷,这西天怎么走啊?”“拿刀子往脖子上一抹就到了。”“那这儿是哪儿啊?”“铁岭!”好嘛,走反了。那就往回走吧。又加了十万多次油,回长安了。八戒一寻思:“师傅,这事儿不对呀,咱们这么走得走什么时候去?油箱太小,咱得换个大的。”那仨人一下子就瞅见猪八戒的大饭盒了。猪八戒介个不乐意啊。没办法,拗不过这仨人,谁让你用这么大的饭盒。就是它了!就这饭盒了。嘎噔一下子,就给装上了。油箱变大了,一次能加20多块钱的油了。这也没大多少啊。得!这就不易了。“嘟~~~~”又起来了。飞了半年多,加了两万多回油。这天啊,到了火焰山了。大火苗子,嚯~!8848米,飞不过去啊。师徒就合计,能不能让铁扇公主拿扇子给咱扇过去?孙悟空是铁扇公主的小叔子,去套套瓷,嗯,没准儿行。铁扇公主正等着煮唐僧肉吃呢,一看孙猴子来了,能不打起来吗?可她哪儿是孙悟空的对手。十几个回合,力敌不过,败下阵来,那就法宝伺候吧。拿出芭蕉扇,“呜~~~~”师徒四人,连人带飞机,带行李卷,带饭盒,一扇子就扇回大唐去了。教训是严重滴,后果是惨痛滴。经过四人研究决定,乘大唐6号超大油箱飞船,马力十足,绕过火焰山,直到西天取经。“嗖~~~~~~”这家伙,就上天了,溜溜一天不用加油,把四个人给乐得。可到了一地界,哥儿四个可是都不认识。唐僧还问呢:“这是哪里啊?”悟空挠了挠头:“不知道啊。全是土,净是坑的,应该不是西天。”八戒拿了一面大旗,“大唐高僧,到此一游。”啪!就插地上了。后来啊,过了一千三百多年,公元1969年的时候,这地方又来飞船啦!从上面下来一个人,手里拿一小星条旗,嘴里念念有词地,“这是我个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步!”所以说,关于登月这件事,其实咱中国人是祖宗。书归正传,师徒四人又坐上了大唐6号飞船,接着奔西天。返回大气层的时候,猪八戒把刹车给踩爆了。当时闸线一蹦,咣当,就掉下来了。师徒四人这么一看,眼前是一座城门,门楼子上写着:“西天极乐世界”四人这个哭啊,喜极而泣。去雷音寺见如来吧。刚到门口,一群人呼啦一下子就围上来了。“师傅,要盘吗?”“金刚经、法华经、九阴真经,图文版、视频版、写真版,高压缩、高清晰。”“一张,顶如来那儿一百张。”唐僧脸一板:“都给我退下!我们取的是真经。坚决打击盗版。哎!这世道,佛祖的版权费都收不上来。徒弟们,赶紧地吧,往里走。”如来看到衣衫褴褛的四人,很是吃惊:“哪里来的要饭的?”四人连忙解释:“我们是从东土大唐过来取经的和尚。真对不起,晚了。因为油箱太小。”“什么?油箱太小?”没等四人把话说完,如来佛不高兴了“不是早就传过去了吗?全套经书连插图录音真人DV都传过去了。邮箱还不够大?”四人互相看看,很是疑惑。如来指着桌子上的电脑,“这不轻轻一点,所有经书就email过去了吗?你们大唐早用上我的经书了。”百度:Today we say is the journey to the West story.Four monks from Changan, to the west. " Toot ~ ~ ~ ~ " no fly a few minutes, the plane landed: no oil. This son Goku looks for: " have a look quickly, where is the gas station? "Tang"s monk wondered : "this how just fly up refueling ah? "" Fuel tank is small, on the soap box is so big, an additional five dollars. "" That was added to when to go?! "Plus one hundred thousand times not to the west, where? No, four master one together, I have to ask the way. A braking, "squeak! ~ ~ ~ ~ " Goku down. A look, oh! What is this place? What a waste! See an old man was hoeing, hurry past.Hi~ hello~ how are you? " The old man looked back, dried ha? " Good! A large skin smell, northeast!"Uncle, the west how to walk? "" Take a knife to the neck of a to. ""So here is where ah? "Tieling.Well, go in the opposite. Then go back. He added one hundred thousand times oil, back to Changan.This one thought: " master, it was wrong, the way we walk when to go? The tank is too small, we must change the big. " The three people suddenly see Zhu Bajie lunch box. Zhu Bajie is not happy. No way, fail to beat this three people, who let you use such a big lunch box. This is it! The lunch box. GA also all of a sudden, he was filled with. The tank has become larger, one can add more than 20 Kuai. This is not how much ah. Have to! It is not easy." Toot ~ ~ ~ ~ " and up. Fly for more than half a year, with more than 20000 oil return. This day, to the Flaming Mountains. Fire seedling, Ho ~! 8848 meters, flew past. Mentoring is together, can let the Princess Iron Fan with fan fan past me? Sun Wukong Princess Iron Fan "s brother-in-law, to set of porcelain, well, maybe.Iron Fan Princess is waiting to eat boiled Tang, a look at the monkey came, can not play together? She is Sun Wukong"s rival. More than a dozen rounds, force the enemy but, defeated, then magic serve. Take out a palm-leaf fan, "woo ~ ~ ~ ~ " four master, with the aircraft, baggage volume, bring a lunch box, a fan fan back to the Tang dynasty.The lesson is serious, the consequences are bitter drops. After four research decision, take the Datang 6 large oil tank ship, horsepower, bypassing Flaming Mountains, until the west."The Shoop hermana " this guy, just God, yo-yo day without refueling, the four person to be. To be a landmark, who in four but did not know. Tang Seng also asked: " where is it? " He scratched his head: "I don"t know. The whole earth, the net is pit, should not the west. " He took the side of the flag, " Tang monk, tour. " Pa! Is inserted on the ground.Later, after more than one thousand years, in the 1969, this place came to spacecraft! From the top down a man, waving a star and stripes, mouth muttering incantations, " that "s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind! " Therefore, the mission of this thing, we Chinese are fathers.The book the true story, four master and sit on the DMT 6 spacecraft, and then towards the west. Returning to the atmosphere when the brake pedal, pig eight quit to burst. When the brake line up, up, falls off. Four master such a watch, is now a city gate, gate child reads: "the West four Elysian Fields " the cry, cry.See the Buddha to Leiyin temple. Arrived at the entrance, a group of people at a draught surround the hula. " Master, to set it? " " Diamond Sutra, the Lotus Sutra, human resource configurations, graphic version, video edition, portrait version, high compression, high definition. " " A top one hundred single there, buddha. "Tang Senglian: " give me a retreat! We take the canon. Resolutely combating piracy. Hey! This world, the Buddha"s royalties are collected. The disciples, hurry, go. "Buddha saw four be shabby in dress, is surprised: " where the beggar? "Four explained: " we are from the east came from the Tang monk. I"m awfully sorry to hear that. I am late. Because the tank is too small. "Sorry? The tank is too small? " No men were out, the Buddha is not happy " is not had passed over? A full set of Scripture even illustrations recording reality DV have passed. The mailbox is not big enough? "Four each have a look, very confused. Buddha pointing at the computer on the table, " this is not gently a bit, all Scripture is email gone? You use my Datang early scriptures. "
2023-07-20 22:45:321


如何利用雅思阅读文章提升雅思写作能力我们经常说阅写不分家,在这句话背后隐藏的一个原理其实是No input, no output, 没有输入,就没有输出。很多考生都能很清楚地意识到自己在雅思写作上的问题,无非就是想不到论据、素材枯竭、语言平淡、论证不充分等等,但就是找不到改变这些状态的方法。其实,考生们不必去苦苦搜寻市面上各类雅思写作的参考书籍,因为这不仅仅是一笔经济上的开销,关键质量还参差不齐,未必能学到有价值的信息。那么,这个input到底去哪里找呢?笔者认为,在考生们天天用于练习的剑桥系列真题中,每个Test中的阅读文章就是一个非常好的学习资源。这些阅读文章是native speaker创作的,里面无论是内容,还是观点,还是语言,都非常有学习价值,对考生的雅思写作其实是有很大的指导和启发作用的。接下来,我们选取五篇雅思阅读文章,来具体分析一下这些阅读文章对考生们的雅思写作到底有哪些帮助。文章选取的分别是:剑4T2P1 Lost for Words剑5T3P1 Early Childhood Education剑6T2P1 Advantages of public transport剑6T2P2 Greying population stays in the pink剑5T1P3 The truth about the environment一、素材:笔者在教学中发现,很大一部分考生非常头疼的一个问题在于无法做到侃侃而谈,整篇文章都是表面化的一些论调,没有实质性的论据。其实这是没有输入input的最明显表现。雅思考试的话题覆盖面还是非常广的,但考生由于年龄、生活圈子、学习广度和深度等多方面的影响,无法对很多话题有很深入的见解,造成文章内容看起来很干,表面上看上去还是在谈论该话题的,实则根本没有有用的论证和信息传递。关于这一点,很多考生都很无奈。考生固定思维认为对于这些话题的陌生是特别正常的,因为之前根本没有去思考这些问题,表现出来的状态是要么被动学习、要么直接放弃。所以,素材积累的多少是写作能否顺利进行的第一步。那么,除了依赖写作老师,考生们现在还可以依赖的就是你的剑桥系列阅读文章。当然,考生需要对雅思写作考查的话题范围非常清楚,这样才能筛选出哪些阅读文章对自己的写作是有帮助的,换句话说,哪些阅读文章里的内容我是可以借鉴、并用在自己的文章里的。下面,我们一起来看一下从以上几篇雅思阅读文章中摘录下来的、可以在文章中作为论据来使用的一些内容。当然,在此要提醒考生的是,我们不需要去背,只要了解并熟悉即可,把自己的知识面打开,知识库拓宽,考试过程中仍然是可以传递这些信息的。剑4T2P1 --Lost for Words这篇文章谈论的话题是Many minority languages are on the danger list, 分析了此现象的原因,并提到了一些改变这一问题可以采用的方法。关于此现象的原因Reasons, 大家可以学习以下几条:1. In the Native American Navajo nation, which sprawls across four states in the American south-west, the native language is dying. Most of its speakers are middle-aged or elderly. Although many students take classes in Navajo, the schools are run in English. Street signs, supermarket goods and even their own newspaper are all in English.2. Half of the world"s 6800 languages are likely to vanish within two generations – that"s one language lost every ten days.3. Isolation breeds linguistic diversity: as a result, the world is peppered with languages spoken by only a few people.4. What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. If it is spoken by children it is relatively safe. The critically endangered languages are those that are only spoken by the elderly.5. Why do people reject the language of their parents? It begins with a crisis of confidence, when a small community finds itself alongside a larger, wealthier society, people lose faith in their culture. When the nest generation reaches their teens, they might not want to be included into the old traditions.6. Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity.7. But Salikoko Mufwene, who chairs the Linguistics department at the University of Chicago, argues that the deadliest weapon is not government policy but economic globalization. Native Americans have not lost pride in their language, but they have had to adapt to socio-economic pressures. They cannot refuse to speak English if most commercial activity is in English.8. Language is also intimately bound up with culture, so it may be difficult to preserve one without the other. If a person shifts from Navajo to English, they lose something. Moreover, the loss of diversity may also deprive us of different ways of looking at the world.关于此现象的解决方案Possible Solutions, 大家可以参考以下几条:1. The key to fostering diversity is for people to learn their ancestral tongue, as well as the dominant language.2. Most of these languages will not survive without a large degree of bilingualism. In New Zealand, classes for children have slowed the erosion of Maori and rekindled interest in the language.3. Preservation can bring a language back from the dead. There are examples of languages that have survived in written form and then been revived by later generations.剑5T3P1 -- Early Childhood Education这篇文章谈论的是儿童的早期教育问题,也是当下非常热点的一个话题。具体来看,该文章强调了儿童早期教育的重要性、经历过的失败、原因、以及最新的发现。关于儿童早期教育的重要性,以下几点事实都能强有力地证明:1. A 13-year study of early childhood development at Harvard University has shown that, by the age of three, most children have the potential to understand about 1000 words – most of the language they will use in ordinary conversation for the rest of their lives.2. Furthermore, research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity, it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years of life.3. Researchers claim that the human personality is formed during the first two years of life, and during the first three years children learn the basic skills they will use in all their later learning both at home and at school.4. By the age of three, the children in the programme were significantly more advanced in language development than their peers, had made greater strides in problem solving and other intellectual skills, and were further along in social development.5. The average child on the programme was performing at the level of the top 15 to 20 per cent of their peers in such things as auditory comprehension, verbal ability and language ability.6. Many children who entered it at the age of three were already behind their peers in language and measurable intelligence.关于家长在儿童早期教育中的作用,可以参见以下的说明:1. Despite substantial funding, results have been disappointing. It is thought that there are two explanations for this. First,… . Second, the parents were not involved.2. As a result of the growing research evidence of the importance of the first three years of a child"s life and the disappointing results from ‘Headstart", a pilot program was launched in Missouri in the US that focused on parents as the child"s first teachers.3. The program was predicted on research showing that working with the family, rather than bypassing the parents, is the most effective way of helping children get off to the best possible start in life.剑6T2P1 -- Advantages of public transport这篇文章谈到的是公共交通的好处,那么非常明显,我们可以从中获取到的信息就是雅思写作中关于解决交通拥挤、建立完善的公共交通体系的原因。1. A new study conducted for the World Bank by Murdoch University"s Institute for Science and Technology Policy has demonstrated that public transport is more efficient than cars.2. Professor Peter Newman, ISTP Director, pointed out that these more efficient cities were able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live.3. Train and cars initially allowed people to live at greater distances without taking longer to reach their destination. However, public infrastructure did not keep pace with urban sprawl, causing massive congestion problems which now make commuting times far higher.4. In cities that developed later, the World Bank and Asian Development Bank discouraged the building of public transport and people have been forced to rely on cars – creating the massive traffic jams that characterize those cities.5. The auto-dependent city model is inefficient and grossly inadequate in economic as well as environmental terms.6. In Stockholm, car use has actually fallen in recent years as the city has become larger and wealthier.7. The population and job density of cities rose or remained constant in the 1980s after decades of decline. The explanation for this seems to be that it is valuable to place people working in related fields together. The new world will largely depend on human creativity, and creativity flourishes where people come together face-to-face.剑6T2P2 -- Greying population stays in the pink老年人话题也是雅思写作常考的话题,我们在雅思写作中通常写到的理念是老年人是弱势群体,需要各方的关注和帮助,然而这篇文章给了我们完全不同的一种看法,Greying population stays in the pink, 我们的老年人目前好着呢!以下是可以证明老年人相当健康或者说越来越健康的一些事实依据:1. The results of a 14-year study to be announced later this month reveal that the diseases associated with old age afflicting fewer and fewer people and when they do strike, it is much later in life.2. Researchers, now analyzing the results of data gathered in 1994, say arthritis, high blood pressure and circulation problems – the major medical complaints in the age group – are troubling a smaller proportion every year.3. The data confirms that the rate at which these diseases are declining continues to accelerate. Other diseases of old age – dementia, stroke, arteriosclerosis and emphysema – are also troubling fewer and fewer people.即便老年人的状态和多年前相比好了很多,我们仍然需要关注到的是这一现象背后的原因。以下两点就是我们考生可以写在作文中的老年人越来越健康的原因在哪里:1. Clearly, certain diseases are beating a retreat in the face of medical advances.
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Sima Qian (司马迁) The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima Qian took on the task of writing a complete history of China. He became involved in an incident that almost cost his life. he dared to criticize the emperor. The judges sentenced him to death, this sentence was reduced to castration. He was determined to continue his great work. By the end of his life Sima Qian had written 130 chapters of his work "Shi Ji"(Records of the historian) recording the history of China"s first three dynasties.
2023-07-20 22:47:194

ora 12518 监听程序无法分发给客户机连接如何解决

[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 1251812518, 00000, "TNS:listener could not hand off client connection"// *Cause: The process of handing off a client connection to another process// failed.// *Action: Turn on listener tracing and re-execute the operation. Verify// that the listener and database instance are properly configured for// direct handoff. If problem persists, call Oracle Support.// *Comment: The problem can be worked around by configuring dispatcher(s)// to specifically handle the desired presentation(s), and connecting// directly to the dispatcher, bypassing the listener.该ORA-12518 一般说明 listener 无法正确分配一个进程给客户机,可能与主机资源和oracle配置有关,建议整体诊断askmaclean oracle
2023-07-20 22:47:261

2023-07-20 22:47:331


proxy美 ["prɑksi]英 ["prɒksi]n.代理人;代表;代理权;代表权 代理伺服器;代理服务器;代理模式复数:proxies 例句筛选1.Proxy servers, which might have been used to circumvent the prohibitions, werealso blocked.可能被用来规避禁令的代理服务器也被封杀。2.You might be able to resolve this error by bypassing the proxy server for localrequests.通过跳过用于本地请求的代理服务器,可能可以解决此错误。
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2023-07-20 22:49:056


【 #能力训练# 导语】成语在古代汉语与现代汉语的传承上占有重要的地位,它是汉语词汇系统中重要而又极富特色的组成部分。下面是 无 分享的经典英语成语故事及翻译经典英语成语故事及翻译(五篇)。欢迎阅读参考! 1.经典英语成语故事及翻译   卧薪尝胆   During the Spring and Autumn period (770-476BC), the State of Wu launched an attack against the State of Yue. The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died. His son Fu Chai became the new King. Fu was determined to get revenge. He drilled his army rigidly until it was a perfect fighting force. Three years later, he led his army against the State of Yue and caught its king Gou Jian. Fu took him to the State of Wu.   春秋时期,吴国和越国之间进行了一场战争,吴王不幸受了重伤,不久就死了。他的儿子夫差作了吴国的新国王,他发誓要替父亲报仇。于是,他严格的操练他的士兵,把他们训练成了一支非常厉害的军队。三年以后,他对越国发动了战争,抓住了越王勾践,把他带回了吴国。   In order to avenge his father"s death, Fu let him live in a shabby stone house by his father"s tomb and ordered him to raise horses for him. Gou pretended to be loyal to Fu but he never forgot his humiliation. Many years later, he was set free. Gou secretly accumulated a military force after he went back to his own state. In order to make himself tougher he slept on firewood and ate a gall-bladder before having dinner and going to bed every night. At the same time he administered his state carefully, developing agriculture and educating the people. After a few years, his country became strong. Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe out the State of Wu.   为了复仇,夫差让勾践住在他父亲墓旁的破石屋里天天看墓、喂马。勾践表面上服从,心里面却想着复仇。几年以后,勾践被放回越国。他立刻开始秘密聚集一支军队。为了提醒自己不要忘了报仇,他睡在柴上,还每天在吃饭睡觉前尝一尝苦胆。同时,他专心治理国家,大力发展农业,加强民众教育。几年后,越国又变得强大起来,然后,勾践抓住一个适当的机会消灭了吴国。   Later, people use it to describe one who endures self-imposed hardships to strengthen one"s resolve to realize one"s ambition.   后来,人们用它来形容人刻苦自励以达到自己定下的目标。 2.经典英语成语故事及翻译   望梅止渴   Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums   One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition against Zhang Xiu. It was extraordinarily hot. The burning sun was like a fire, and the sky was cloudless. The soldiers were walking on the winding mountain paths. The dense forest and the hot rocks exposed to the sun on both sides of the paths made the soldiers feel suffocated. By noontime the soldiers" clothes were wet through with sweat, and the marching speed slowed down. Some solders of weak physique even fainted on the roadside.   Seeing that the marching speed was slower and slower, Cao Cao was very worried because he feared that he might bungle the chance of winning the battle. But how could they quicken their speed? Cao Cao at once callde the guide and asked him on the quiet whether there was a source of water nearby. The guide shook his head, saying that the spring water was on the other side of the mountain, which was very far to have to make a detour to reach. Cao Cao realized that time didn"t permit them to make such a detour. After thinking for a moment, he said to the guide, "Keep quiet. I"ll find a way out." He knew that it would be to no avail to order his troops to quicken the steps. He had a brain wave and found a good solution. He spurred his horse and came to the head of the column. Pointing his horsewhip to the front, Cao Cao said, "Soldiers, I know there is a big forest of plums ahead. The plums there are both big and delicious. let"s hurry along, and we will reach the forest of plums after bypassing this hill." When the solders heard this, they immediately slobbered. Picturing in their minds the sweet and sour flavour of the plums, the soldiers felt as if they were actually eating the plums, the soldiers felt as if they were actually eating the plums themselves. The morale greatly boosted, the soldiers quickened their steps a great deal automatically.   This story comes from "The Fake Tangery" in Anecdotes of This World by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Dynasties period (420-589). From this story, people have derived the set phrase "quenching thirst by watching plums" to refer to trying to comfort oneself of others by idle dreams.   有一年夏天,曹操率领部队去讨伐张绣,天气热得出奇,骄阳似火,天上一丝云彩也没有,部队在弯弯曲曲的山道上行走,两边密密的树木和被阳光晒得滚烫的山石,让人透不过气来。到了中午时分,士兵的衣服都湿透了,行军的速度也慢下来,有几个体弱的士兵竟晕倒在路边。   曹操看行军的速度越来越慢,担心贻误战机,心里很是着急。可是,眼下几万人马连水都喝不上,又怎么能加快速度呢?他立刻叫来向导,悄悄问他:“这附近可有水源?”向导摇摇头说:“泉水在山谷的那一边,要绕道过去还有很远的路程。”曹操想了一下说,“不行,时间来不及。”他看了看前边的树林,沉思了一会儿,对向导说:“你什么也别说,我来想办法。”他知道此刻即使下命令要求部队加快速度也无济于事。脑筋一转,办法来了,他一夹马肚子,快速赶到队伍前面,用马鞭指着前方说:“士兵们,我知道前面有一大片梅林,那里的梅子又大又好吃,我们快点赶路,绕过这个山丘就到梅林了!”士兵们一听,仿佛已经吃到嘴里,精神大振,步伐不由得加快了许多。   故事出自《世说新语u2022假谲》。成语“望梅止渴”,比喻用空想安慰自己或他人。 3.经典英语成语故事及翻译   一鸣惊人   In the Warring States Period, Duke Wei of Qi neglected state affairs, for the first three years of his reign, giving himself over to dissipation. One of his ministers, Chun Yukun who had a good sense of humour, said to him: "There is a big bird which has neither taken wing nor sung for three years." The duke answered, "Once that bird starts to fly and sing, it will astonish the world." The duke thereupon devoted himself to his duties and built his state up into a powerful one.   战国时代,齐威王即位后做了三年国君,只顾享乐,不理政事。有个善于说笑话的人叫淳于髡,一天对齐威王说:“城里有一只大鸟,三年不飞也不叫,你知道这是什么道理?”齐威王说:“这鸟不飞则罢,一飞就冲天;不鸣则罢,一鸣就惊人。”在淳于髡的激发下,齐威王开始治理国家,取得很大成绩,齐国的声威一直保持了几十年。 4.经典英语成语故事及翻译   精卫填海   Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei".   The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew to and fro between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea.   One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You"ll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I"ll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it"ll take me thousands of years! I"ll fight on until doomsday!"   The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.   From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.   从前,炎帝(传说中中国原始社会的统治者)的小女儿在东海上划船。正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然升起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。就在她要被汹涌的波浪吞 没时,她的灵魂变成了一只美丽的小鸟。它飞过那咆哮的海面,伤心的叫着"精卫,精卫"的声音。所以人们就叫她"精卫"。   精卫鸟住在靠海的一座山上。它非常恨大海,所以决心要把它填平。它每天来回于山海之间,把从山上衔来的小树枝和小石子扔在大海里。   一天,咆哮的大海对精卫说:"可怜的小鸟,停止你那无谓的举动吧!你是永远都填不平我的。" 精卫回答说:"我当然会把你填平的!即使这需要千千万万年的时间,我也一定会斗争到底,直到你的末日来临!"   这只勇敢的小鸟继续从山上衔来小树枝和小石子,扔到东海中,从未有片刻休息。   "精卫填海"这个成语就是由这个传说而来的,形容那些坚定不移,不屈不挠,不到目的决不罢休的人。 5.经典英语成语故事及翻译   fail the exam   名落孙山   In the Song Dynasty (宋朝) there was a joker called Sun Shan(孙山).   宋朝有一个很幽默的人,他叫孙山。   One year he went to take the imperialexamination, and came bottomof the listof successfulcandidates.   有一年他去参加考试,公布名单时他是最后一名。   Back in his hometown, one of his neighbor asked him whetherthe neighbor"s son had also passed.   回到家,他的邻居向他打听自己的儿子考得怎么样。   Sun Shan said, with a smile:"Sun Shan was the last on the list. Your son came after Sun Shan."   孙山笑着对邻居说:“孙山考了最后一名,你儿子的名字还在孙山的后面呢。”   The peopleused this idiom to indicatefailing in an examination or competition.   人们用“名落孙山”来比喻考试没有考上或者选拔没有被录取。
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n stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune,
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no question of 到底是“毫无疑问”还是“不可能”?

2023-07-20 22:50:022

[SAP][ABAP] 关于用FUNCTION实现ALV中选择多列的实现

IS_LAYOUT 里面有个参数sel_mode你试试看
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1.关于松鼠的诗句 《小松鼠》 树上的无限风光 阳光不能独享 鸟儿不能独享 蛇不能独享 有坚果的时候 有松塔的时候 有红眼涂抹的时候 有镁光划亮脸庞的时候 贪婪的目光 忘记来这里狩猎 一种蹦蹦跳跳的动物 怯怯的独享秋天 怎样才能开个沙龙 在人群里 让可爱的小小的珍贵的 聚会 我准备好了一把刀 汤姆准备了多年 杰利始终不上当的那把 我握着 想象着茸茸的毛 围上脖子 痒痒的笑意 透出冬季的温暖 再找一口锅 挂在树上 让松鼠进来的时候 还能叫上几声 柴草是现成的 满山的葛藤都愿献身 爱松鼠 就要爱到他上路 那汤的滋味 能升在空中 将隐居多年的馋物 勾出洞穴 松鼠又上竹子了 我分石子给大家 一块招呼 看谁砸的斑点最多 【松鼠】 翁氏,仁和尼,有《息肩庐诗草》。 炯炯双眸狡,如梭绕树丫。 长公曾有赋,贞女刺无牙。 性癖犹耽果,情顽不息花。 行藏那可问,穿穴是生涯。 2.描写松鼠的诗句 1、《初春幽居》 宋 陆游 满榼芳醪手自携,陂湖南北埭东西。 茂林处处见松鼠,幽圃时时闻竹鸡。 零落断云斜鄣日,霏微过雨未成泥。 老民不预人间事,但喜农畴渐可犁。 2.《满江红》(风泉峡观泉) 云壑飞泉,蒲根下、悬流陆续。堪爱处、石池湛湛,一方寒玉。暑际直当磐石坐,渴来自引悬瓢掬。听泠泠、清响泻琮琤,胜丝竹。寒照胆,消炎燠。清彻骨,无尘俗。笑幽人忻玩,滞留空谷。静坐时看松鼠饮,醉眠不碍山禽浴。唤仙人、伴我酌琼瑶,餐秋菊。 3.《湖山小隐》 林逋 (宋) 园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。 昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。 岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。 颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 3.描写松鼠的诗句有哪些 1.《初春幽居》 年代: 宋 作者: 陆游 满榼芳醪手自携,陂湖南北埭东西。 茂林处处见松鼠,幽圃时时闻竹鸡。 零落断云斜鄣日,霏微过雨未成泥。 老民不预人间事,但喜农畴渐可犁。 2.《游古寺》 年代: 宋 作者: 蔡槃 山烟寒日暝,鸱殿与云齐。 松鼠下阶走,竹鸡当户啼。 碑荒文字古,僧老语音低。 欲往应无计,斜阳照杖藜。 3.《湖山小隐》 年代: 宋 作者: 林逋 园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。 昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。 岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。 颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 4.《仙岩山居(三首)》 年代: 明 作者: 孤松秀上 茅屋青岩半,云来路已迷。 树深松鼠竞,花暗竹鸡啼。 绝壁吹寒瀑,空潭饮素霓。 日斜山影里,樵语下前溪 5.《四月晦日泛若耶至云门寺以起坐鱼鸟间动摇山》 年代: 明 作者: 陶望龄 双溪港口泊幽梦,石帆山下朝炊动。 荒村客到松鼠奔,小市人喧竹排重。 我生百事松上针,虽有寸长何所用。 石田千亩云外闲,去采灵芝为君种。 4.关于松鼠的英文句子5句 1, the little squirrel gliding ability is unique, bypassing the tail, a jump can be vacated jump good a few meters far, in the canopy floated, especially cute like. 2, the squirrel eat food is pine, hazel and chestnut oak, sometimes eat eggs. When they eat, the body is often done straight on the branches, holding to his mouth with the forepaws. Autumn, winter food is stored squirrel, put it the gap in the trees, stuffed. In winter, they sometimes clawed claws deep snow to find food beneath the snow. 3, the squirrel is a kind of beautiful small animal, very pleasing. It is flexible and agile. The exquisite small face, inlaid with a pair of sparkling little eyes. The body of the gray brown hair, smooth as if the paint over oil. A big furry tail always turned up, very beautiful. 4, love squirrels live in tall tree, often nest in the middle fork tree. They nest, to move to the number of decimal places branch alternating together, to find some dry moss shop in the above, then the moss pressed and flattening. A nest, also topped with a cover of the nest, so will not exposed to wind and rain. They live in it with their children, and they are warm and safe. 5, the squirrel meat can be eaten, the hair on the tail can be made brush, leather can make clothes. 6, squirrels like to jump on the branches, very clever. As long as someone touched the trunk, they hide in the number of branches under or leaped to flee to other tree. 1、这小松鼠的滑翔本领更是绝活,甩开大尾巴,一纵身就能腾空跃过好几米远,在树冠上飘来飘去,特别逗人喜欢。 2、松鼠常吃的食物是松子,榛子和橡栗,有时候也吃鸟蛋。它们吃东西的时候,常常直着身子做在树枝上,用前爪捧着往嘴里送。秋天,松鼠就储藏过冬的食物,把它塞到老树的缝隙里,塞得满满的。冬天,它们有时候也用爪子扒开厚厚的积雪寻找雪底下的食物。 3、松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷。玲珑的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好象搽过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮。 4、松鼠喜欢住在高大的老树上,常常把窝搭在树叉中间。它们搭窝的时候,先搬来一些小数枝,交错着放在一起,再找一些干苔藓铺在上面,然后把苔藓压紧,踏平。窝搭好了,还在上面加一个盖,把整个窝遮蔽起来,这样就不怕风吹雨打了。 5、松鼠喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,十分机灵。只要有人触动一下树干,它们就躲在数枝底下,或连蹦带跳地逃到别的树上去。 5.描写松鼠的诗句 1、《初春幽居》 宋 陆游满榼芳醪手自携,陂湖南北埭东西。 茂林处处见松鼠,幽圃时时闻竹鸡。零落断云斜鄣日,霏微过雨未成泥。 老民不预人间事,但喜农畴渐可犁。2.《满江红》(风泉峡观泉)云壑飞泉,蒲根下、悬流陆续。 堪爱处、石池湛湛,一方寒玉。暑际直当磐石坐,渴来自引悬瓢掬。 听泠泠、清响泻琮琤,胜丝竹。寒照胆,消炎燠。 清彻骨,无尘俗。笑幽人忻玩,滞留空谷。 静坐时看松鼠饮,醉眠不碍山禽浴。唤仙人、伴我酌琼瑶,餐秋菊。 3.《湖山小隐》林逋 (宋)园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。 岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 6.关于松鼠的古诗有哪些 1. 《游古寺》年代: 宋 作者: 蔡槃 山烟寒日暝,鸱殿与云齐。松鼠下阶走,竹鸡当户啼。碑荒文字古,僧老语音低。欲往应无计,斜阳照杖藜。 2.《湖山小隐》年代: 宋 作者: 林逋 园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 3.《仙岩山居(三首)》年代: 明 作者: 孤松秀上 茅屋青岩半,云来路已迷。树深松鼠竞,花暗竹鸡啼。绝壁吹寒瀑,空潭饮素霓。日斜山影里,樵语下前溪。 4.《四月晦日泛若耶至云门寺以起坐鱼鸟间动摇山水影为韵十首》年代: 明 作者: 陶望龄 双溪港口泊幽梦,石帆山下朝炊动。荒村客到松鼠奔,小市人喧竹排重。我生百事松上针,虽有寸长何所用。石田千亩云外闲,去采灵芝为君种。 5.《题画》 作者:李延兴 山翠浮空初过雨,山麓晴云散芳渚。 雾合长林生晓寒,人家更在林深处。 涧泉六月翻松根,石洞千年隐仙侣。 有谁共弈橘中来,无人问路桃源去。 白烟遮尽青林花,野簌嫩香应可茹。 清幽不减山之阴,只欠兰亭列觞俎。 谁乎写此怪而奇,莽莽云山入毫楮。 细看犹有遗恨处,胡不著我山之墅。 我生本是丘壑姿,误落京尘几寒暑。 小时耕牧岘山阳,闲从野人学种树。 门前鱼浦啼竹禽,屋上鹤巢走松鼠。 独行采药日莫归,才得芝术一斗许。 纵令服食不得仙,何若长年艺禾黍。 小村秋晚鸡正肥,大瓮春浮酒新煮。 老翁醉舞儿子歌,笑语喧哗忘宾主。 此乐不见十许年,兵火煌煌照南楚。 思归见画万感生,怅望风帆横浦溆。 时清即好谢官归,全家移向山中祝
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Memorable a moment, is locked in an embrace laugh; like a kind of feeling, is the mastery of the wonderful; intoxicated with a kind of enjoyment is sincerity and care of love; wish a friend, is try.some messages for you. After graduation, I wish you a happy future!This is from all corners of the country and turn toward a discursive, spring, summer, autumn and winter, passed through in a hurry, this dream of the age, full of passion and laughter, don"t cry, be flowers fall do not forget you my news of each delivery.Campus bit by bit, filled with backpack; campus smile, painted on the clothes; the campus every word and phrase, filled with luggage; campus of a second, grasp in the hand, seize the time, look at the teachers respect, and then look at the familiar faces, and then listen to the melodious whistle of physical education. Graduation, respectively, in order to better meet, leave is to come back as soon as possible, and so you, and then look back, the heart is still. I wish the success of life on the road.Graduation is just around the corner. With self-confidence to define success, struggle to set the future road, self-improvement to freeze the dream and happy to render a beautiful life, happy to apply full of life in the future, I wish this road smooth, future career blockbuster.The most unforgettable is the examination after the defeat of the sound of the cry, the most happy is to find the solution to the problem, knowing smile, the most happy is winning game when excited hold. Graduation, I wish you everything is smooth!Dude, graduation, whenever where, don"t forget those years sleeping in your upper brothers; both ends of the earth, don"t forget all those years together we chase girls; regardless of the level of achievement, don"t forget to those cultured in our alma mater. I wish you a life on the road I wish you a happy voyage!We silently turned to one side, one side is a lamp, they are always together, but we have to say goodbye. Dear classmates, don"t be sad, don"t be sad, because we say goodbye to the future "goodbye", blessing students have a bright future in flight.Graduation comes on, may you: pick up the sad mood, release the parting of the sad, record happy smile, cherish the beautiful "fragments", to embrace the happiness of the "students", harvest brilliant tomorrow". I wish everything to do, happy and happy!Let us drink this cup of wine, way in the future. Let"s split up; let we hold each other"s hand, in front of the beautiful for a long time; let us work together to review yesterday singing laughter welled up in my mind; let us encourage each other friends don"t cry, Ming Dynasty smoothly again without sorrow!Students read for three years, now to say goodbye. Handle each other with tears in their eyes, the hearts of thousands and thousands of words. Unforgettable is heavier than the mountains is unforgettable, students love deeper than the sea. All the words into a sentence: blessing language Pengcheng exhibition Qianchengsijin classmate!Like asking you a word of pro, feelting time, time seems to have, is about to bid farewell, deep sadness, give you a hug, let our friendship be good memories; University for three years, we go crazy too, along with the laughter. In the future, we are still the best pro, we ran silently nostalgia distance in accordance with you, passion, sunshine in life.Gently, I will leave you, my dear friends, do not cry, the road ahead is waiting for us to open up, there may be wind, may have rain, but we have learned to be strong we will not cry. Without you, I will be more treasure in the day of my life; without me, you must take good care of yourself! Wish all the students a bright future!Walked with graduation "pace", bypassing the sweating. "Black", straighten solid "chest", heavy "luggage", proudly forward "don"t look back", bright road "in front of" beautiful life "shine". Graduation of the occasion, let the students peace and health, happiness, happiness!
2023-07-20 22:51:421


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分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 >> 其他软件 问题描述: 就是Preferences->Display->Title Formatting->Playlist里用的关键字,比如%“title%”“%album artist%”之类的,我不知道学名叫什么……麻烦熟悉foobar自定义项目的大大提供一个列表,最好有中文的说明……其实我英文还是比较差劲的…… 解析: 安装目录下面有个文件,里面都有。 Table of Contents * Syntax reference for title formattingo Generic fields o Context-specific fields o Functions o Variable operations o Other Syntax reference for title formatting Generic fields Syntax Description %title% Title of the track. If “title” metadata field is missing, file name is used instead. %artist% Name of the artist of the track. Checks following metadata fields, in this order: “artist”, “album artist”, “poser”, “performer”. %album artist% Name of the artist of the album specified track belongs to. Checks following metadata fields, in this order: “album artist”, “artist”, “poser”, “performer”. The difference beeen this and %artist% is that %album artist% is intended for use where consistent value across entire album is needed even when per-track artists values vary. %track artist% Name of the artist of the track; present only if %album artist% is different than %artist% for specific track. Intended for use together with %album artist%, to indicate track-specific artist info, e.g. “%album artist% - %title%[ "" %track artist%]” - in this case, last part will be displayed only when track-specific artist info is present. %album% Name of the album specified track belongs to. Checks following metadata fields, in this order: “album”, “venue”. %date% Recording date (year) of the album specified track belongs to, using “date” metadata field. %genre% Genre of the album specified track belongs to, using “genre” metadata field. %tracknumber% Two-digit index of specified track within the album. Available only when “tracknumber” field is present in track"s metadata. %totaltracks% Two-digit number of tracks within the album specified track belongs to. Available only when “totaltracks” field is present in track"s metadata. %disumber% Index of disc specified track belongs to, within the album. Available only when “disumber”/”disc” field is present in track"s metadata %totaldiscs% Number of discs within the album specified track belongs to. Available only when “totaldiscs” field is present in track"s metadata. %codec% Name of codec used to encode the track. If exact codec name is not available, file extension is used. %codec_profile% Additional information about encoding settings used. Not always available. %filename% Name of file, excluding directory path and extension. %filename_ext% Name of the file, including extension but excluding directory path. %directoryname% Name of the directory the file is in. %path% Full path of the file. Note that %path_sort% should be use for sorting instead of %path%. %subsong% Index of the track within the file, for use with file formats that support multiple tracks within single physical file (e.g. chapters or a cuesheet). %path_sort% Path of the file; for use with sorting, where order of subsongs within a file needs to be preserved; exact value returned by it is undefined and should not be relied on. %length% Length of the track, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS. %length_seconds% Length of the track, in seconds, formatted as an integer. %bitrate% Bitrate of the track; includes dynamic VBR bitrate display for currently played track. %channels% Number of channels in the track (mono/stereo/etc). %samplerate% Sample rate of the track, in Hz. The above list is not plete, there are other less relevant fields as well as generic %field% u21d2 metadata and %__field% u21d2 tech info remappings provided for backwards patibility. Context-specific fields Syntax Description %list_index% Index of the item on the list it belongs to. Applies to: playlist, list of items processed by masstagger/massrenamer, e Padded with zeros to match max. width of possible index within the list. %list_total% Number of items on the list specified item belongs to. Applies to: playlist, list of items processed by masstagger/massrenamer, e %isplaying% Present if e.g. a playlist item is currently being played, absent otherwise. Meant to be used as a switch for $if(). %ispaused% Present if e.g. a playlist item is currently being played and is paused, absent otherwise. Meant to be used as a switch for $if(). %playback_time% Current playback time, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). %playback_time_seconds% Current playback time, in seconds, formatted as integer. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). %playback_time_remaining% Remaining playback time, formatted as [HH:]MM:SS. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). Not available when length of currently playing track is not known. %playback_time_remaining_seconds% Remaining playback time, in seconds, formatted as integer. Available only in contexts where playback related data is displayed, such as statu *** ar, as well as in playlist (present only for currently played track). Not available when length of currently playing track is not known. Functions Syntax Description Example $abbr(X) Returns an abbreviation of X. $abbr(%album%) $abbr(X,Y) Returns an abbreviation of X if X is longer than Y characters; otherwise returns full value of X. %abbr(%album%,5) $lower(X), $upper(X) Converts X to lower/uppercase. $upper(%title%) $num(X,Y) Displays X as a number and pads with zeros up to Y characters (useful for track numbers etc). $num(%tracknumber%,3) $caps(X) Converts first letter in every word of X to uppercase, and all other letters to lowercase, e.g. “blah BLAH”→“Blah Blah”. $caps(%title%) $caps2(X) Similar to $caps, but leaves uppercase letters as they are, e.g. “blah BLAH”→“Blah BLAH”. $caps2(%title%) $if(X,Y,Z) If X contains at least one present field, executes/displays Y, otherwise executes/displays Z. $if(%artist%,%artist%,unknown artist) $if2(X,Y) Same as $if(X,X,Y). $if3(X,Y,Z,..) Returns first of parameters that contains at least one present field. $ifgreater(A,B,C,D) If number A is greater than number B, executes/returns C, otherwise executes/returns D. $iflonger(A,B,C,D) If string A is longer than B characters, executes/returns C, otherwise executes/returns D. $longest(A,B,C,....) Compares lengths of of A,B,C... and returns the longest one. $longest(%title%,%filename%) $len(X) Returns length of the string X in characters. $pad(X,Y), $pad_right(X,Y) Pads X with spaces up to Y characters. $pad(X,Y,Z), $pad_right(X,Y,Z) Pads X with Z character up to Y characters. $cut(X,Y) Truncates X to Y characters. $padcut(X,Y), $padcut_right(X,Y) Pads X to Y characters and truncates to Y if longer. $insert(A,B,N) Inserts string B into string A after N characters. $add(X,Y), $sub(X,Y), $mul(X,Y), $div(X,Y), $mod(X,Y), $min(X,Y), $max(X,Y) Various math operations. $left(X,Y) Returns Y first characters of string X. $right(X,Y) Returns Y last characters of string X. $and(X,Y), $or(X,Y), $xor(X,Y), $not(X) Various logical operations, for use with $if(). $fix_eol(x), $fix_eol(x,y) Truncates multiline strings, adding ” (...)” (version 1) or y (version 2) at the end. $meta(X) Returns value of metadata field named X. $meta(artist) $meta_sep(X,Y), $meta_sep(X,Y,Z) Returns metadata field named X, with custom separators for multiple values $meta(artist,", "," and ")u21d2“artist1, artist2 and artist3” $meta_num(X) Inserts number of present values for metadata field X. $info(X) Returns tech info field named X. $info(bitrate) $char(X) Inserts Unicode character no. X. $char(9674) $strcmp(X,Y) Returns “1” when strings X and Y are identical, empty string otherwise; intended for use with $if(). $stricmp(X,Y) Non-case-sensitive version of $strcmp(X,Y). $directory(X), $directory(X,N) Extracts directory name from file path X, optionally goes up by N directory levels. $directory(%path%,2) $greater(X,Y) Compares o integers, tests if X>Y, intended for use with $if() and logical operators. $longer(X,Y) Compares o strings, tests if X is longer than Y, intended for use with $if() and logical operators. $strchr(X,Y) Finds first occurrence of character Y in string X. $strrchr(X,Y) Finds last occurrence of character Y in string X. $strstr(X,Y) Finds first occurrence of string Y in string X. $progress(A,B,C,D,E) Creates a progress bar. $progress(%playback_time_seconds%,%length_seconds%,20,"#","=") u21d2“====#===============” $progress2(A,B,C,D,E) Creates a progress bar, alternate version. $progress2(%playback_time_seconds%,%length%,20,"#","=") u21d2“#####===============” $select(N,A,B,C,....) Returns N-th of A,B,C... parameters. $repeat(X,N) Repeats X N times. $replace(A,B,C) Replaces all occurrences of string B in string A with string C. $ext(X) Extracts extension from file path / file name. $ext(%path%) $substr(A,B,C) Returns substring of string A, starting from B-th character and ending at C-th character $substr(blah,1,2) u21d2“bl” $rgb(), $rgb(R,G,B), $rgb(R,G,B,RS,GS,BS) Generates a color code. Parameters are integral numbers from 0-255 range, specifying values of red/green/blue ponents. Zero-parameter version reverts to default colors. 6-parameter version allows you to override colors for selected items in playlist etc (by default, selection text color is inverted). Warning: $rgb should not be used as a parameter to any text-processing functions, results of doing so are undefined and may change beeen versions. $rgb(255,0,0)asdf$rgb() u21d2 “asdf” $transition(A,B,C) Generates color codes beeen characters in string A, interpolating colors from B to C. $transition(%title%,$rgb(255,255,255),$rgb(0,0,0)) $blend(A,B,C,D) Generates a color in C/D beeen colors A and B. $blend($rgb(0,0,0),$rgb(255,255,255),50,100) $rand() Generates a random number in range from 0 to 2^32-1. $trim(A) Trims leading/trailing spaces from A. $trim(%title%) $tab() Generates a tab character; equivalent to $char(9). See “tab character” explanation below for more info about its use. $tab() Variable operations * Variables allow you to store intermediate results of text processing in order to reduce size of your formatting string. * Variables are not kept beeen instances of title formatting process and modifying actual file info with them is not possible. Syntax Description Example $put(name,text) Sets variable named <name> to <text> and returns <text>. “$put(x,blah)” sets variable x to “blah” and returns “blah”. $puts(name,text) Silent version of $put(). Same as $put(name,text), but returns an empty string. $get(name) Returns value of variable <name>. “$puts(x,blah)$get(x)$get(x)” will return “blahblah” Other Syntax Description Example [ .... ] Discards contents of the bracket when no fields referenced inside are present. Commonly used to create parts of formatting scripts that are active only when relevant fields are found. %artist% - [%album% / ]%title% " (single quotation mark) Inserts specified text bypassing syntax processing; allows special characters such as %,$,[,] to be inserted. In order to insert a quotation mark character, use "" (o single quotation marks). Comments, can be placed only at the beginning of a new line; prevent any characters following them until the end of line from being parsed. End-of-line characters Ignored; you can make your script more readable by splitting it into multiple lines, without affecting its output. Tab character Used to control text alignment in certain contexts such as playlist or status bar; monly used to separate left-aligned artist/album/title display from right-aligned length/time display in playlist. Can be used multiple times to generate pseudo-columns. See also: $tab(). %title%$tab()%length%
2023-07-20 22:52:221


What is Cloning?关于克隆方面,参考:)~Cloning(克隆技术) is the most attractive story of the new biotechnologies(生物技术) and the one which causes the most heated discussion over its worth. Here are answers to the most common questions about cloning.1. What is cloning?Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA(脱氧核糖核酸) from a single "parent", bypassing(绕道而行) the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent.2. Is cloning unnatural?No. Clones are always produced by natural means in the shape of identical twins(同卵孪生).3. How are clones created?The most common process takes DNA from one cell and puts in a hollowed-out(挖空的;掏空的) egg. Chemicals and electricity are then used to encourage the new DNA to fuse with(与…合并) the egg and develop into an embryo(胎儿). This technique is called nuclear transfer(核迁移).4.Why was Dolly(世界上的第一只克隆羊) important?The sheep was the first mammal(哺乳动物) to be cloned using DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously(以前), animals had only been cloned using embryo cells which already have the potential(潜力) to become a complete embryo in its own right(继承父母的). The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell - in this case from a female goat"s udder(乳房).5. Are clones normal, healthy animals?Dolly is, but scientist do not yet know whether this is the exception(例外) or the rule. Some early evidence suggest that clones may have health problems and that they may age prematurely(早衰的,未老先衰).6.Could a human clone be born soon?In theory, yes. The techniques used to create Dolly could be applied to(运用;适用) humans. But the technology of reproductive cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. It took more than 200 attempts(努力;试验) to make Dolly. The other embryos failed to implant(播种) in the surrogate(代理;代替) mother or were miscarried. Even if a clone makes it to birth, at present it has a very low chance of surviving into adult life.7.Has anyone said they will make live human clones?A number of people have, including Chicago physicist Dr Richard Seed. However, few experts believe that these people have the skills to succeed.8. Are there any benefits from cloning?Yes. The techniques used have already demonstrated(展示) benefits. Polly, another sheep clone at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh has had a human gene(基因) inserted so that it produces a blood clotting((血的)凝结) agent needed by haemophiliacs(血友症) in its milk. Cloning of human cells in a laboratory could offer perfectly-matched tissue((动物的)组织) for surgical or genetic repair of humans.9.Where does the law stand on live human clones?In the UK, human cloning is already banned(禁止) by law. President Bill Clinton has proposed banning research into producing human clones in the US for five years. Some measures have also been made to establish international agreements banning live human clones.
2023-07-20 22:52:321


What is Cloning? 什么是克隆技术?Cloning(克隆技术) is the most attractive story of the new biotechnologies(生物技术) and the one which causes the most heated discussion over its worth. Here are answers to the most common questions about cloning.1. What is cloning?Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA(脱氧核糖核酸) from a single "parent", bypassing(绕道而行) the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent.2. Is cloning unnatural?No. Clones are always produced by natural means in the shape of identical twins(同卵孪生).3. How are clones created?The most common process takes DNA from one cell and puts in a hollowed-out(挖空的;掏空的) egg. Chemicals and electricity are then used to encourage the new DNA to fuse with(与…合并) the egg and develop into an embryo(胎儿). This technique is called nuclear transfer(核迁移).4.Why was Dolly(世界上的第一只克隆羊) important?The sheep was the first mammal(哺乳动物) to be cloned using DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously(以前), animals had only been cloned using embryo cells which already have the potential(潜力) to become a complete embryo in its own right(继承父母的). The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell - in this case from a female goat"s udder(乳房).5. Are clones normal, healthy animals?Dolly is, but scientist do not yet know whether this is the exception(例外) or the rule. Some early evidence suggest that clones may have health problems and that they may age prematurely(早衰的,未老先衰).6.Could a human clone be born soon?In theory, yes. The techniques used to create Dolly could be applied to(运用;适用) humans. But the technology of reproductive cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. It took more than 200 attempts(努力;试验) to make Dolly. The other embryos failed to implant(播种) in the surrogate(代理;代替) mother or were miscarried. Even if a clone makes it to birth, at present it has a very low chance of surviving into adult life.7.Has anyone said they will make live human clones?A number of people have, including Chicago physicist Dr Richard Seed. However, few experts believe that these people have the skills to succeed.8. Are there any benefits from cloning?Yes. The techniques used have already demonstrated(展示) benefits. Polly, another sheep clone at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh has had a human gene(基因) inserted so that it produces a blood clotting((血的)凝结) agent needed by haemophiliacs(血友症) in its milk. Cloning of human cells in a laboratory could offer perfectly-matched tissue((动物的)组织) for surgical or genetic repair of humans.9.Where does the law stand on live human clones?In the UK, human cloning is already banned(禁止) by law. President Bill Clinton has proposed banning research into producing human clones in the US for five years. Some measures have also been made to establish international agreements banning live human clones.
2023-07-20 22:52:422


Taiyuan --"Metropolis of Cathy" Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. Ideally situated in the Taiyuan Basin in the central part of the province, it is bordered by the Taihang Mountains in the east and the Luliang Mountains in the west. The Fenhe River flows through the city. Taiyuan has grown into a booming industrial city in the past few decades. Its network of railway lines provides a link to all parts of the country, and its coal and steel industries occupy an important position in China"s industries system. The turbulent history of Taiyuan can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period more that two thousand years ago. But it was not until the Tang Dynasty, about one thousand years ago, that Taiyuan really became Known as a "metropolis of Cathay." The first empress in Chinese history, Wu Zetian (624-705), was born here. When she came to power, she appointed Minister Cui Shenqing as governor of Bingzhou (Taiyuan). He was instructed to have a bridge built over the Fenhe River to connect the towns of Xicheng (West City) and Dongcheng (East city), making Taiyuan a true metropolis. With its mountains and its river, Taiyuan was an important military town for which war strategists of various dynasties contested. For more than a thousand years, many battles were fought here. In A.D. 975 Zhao Guanyi of the Song Dynasty dispatched 400,000 troops to conquer Taiyuan. In view of the fact that local forces of various dynasties often set up separatist regimes by force of arms, he had the town burned down pletely because of what he believed were "unduly great ambitions to rule here." Seven years later (A.D. 982), general Li Mei of the Song Dynasty began the reconstruction of the town, establishing the city of Taiyuan as we know it today. Memorial Temple of Jin (Jinsi) This temple is located at the fountainhead of the Jinshui River twenty five kilometers southwest of the city of Taiyuan. The weather here is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the land is beautiful. Ancient buildings, blue springwater, and superb clay sculpture have been attractions to tourists for centuries. Legend says that the Memorial Temple of Jin was first built in the twelfth century B.C. The first attraction here is the "Immortal Spring," so named because the spingwater has flowed steadily for centuries. If you walk along the spring and down the stone steps, you will find a big pool of crystal-clear water that gushes out from the walls. Bypassing the pool, you will e to the uniquely constructed "Flying Bridge over the Fish Pond Spring" in front of the Hall of Holy Mother (Shengmudian). This double wooden bridge in the shape of a cross is supported by thirty-four stone posts embedded in the spring. Crossing the bridge you e to the Hall of Holy mother, the center of the temple. The Holy Mother was regarded as the noble model of motherhood in feudal Chinese society. Flanking the sculpture of Holy Mother is an array of forty-two young maidens, each with distinct expression and posture. They are perfect examples of the skill of the Song Dynasty. Not far from the hall is a grove of ancient cypress trees, once of which is said to have been planted during the Western Zhou Dynasty, making it more than two thousand years old. Lofty Benevolence Monastery (Chongshansi) This monastery is located in the southern part of the city of Taiyuan. Of Ming architecture, the monastery has an area of 140,000 square meters. It was damaged by fire in 1864, and only a gate, a bell tower, two side rooms, and the Hall of Great Mercy are left. The magnificent hall contains three 8.5- meter-tall statues of Buddha. The monastery is a repository for Song and Yuan editions of Buddhist texts. Tianlongshan Grottoes There are twenty-one grottoes halfway up Tianlong Mountain. Forty kilometers southwest of Tianyuan. They were carved during the Wei, Qi, Sui, and primarily, Tang dynasties. The stone Buddhist statues are lifelike examples of fine workmanship. Longshan Grottoes Located at the top of Longshan Mountain twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Taiyuan, these are among the few Taoist grottoes in China. There are eight niches, with more than forty statues, carved during the early years of the Yuan Dynasty. Xuanzhong Monastery Located on Shibi Mountain in Jiaocheng County southwest of Taiyuan, this monastery, also known as Wanbi Monastery, has an area of six thousand squares meters. It is surrounded with steep mud brick walls and stately cypress trees. The monastery was first built I 472 during the Northern Wei Dynasty. The beautiful area is sacred to Buddhist. In fact, Japanese Buddhists regard it as the "ancestral" monastery, and visit it as pilgrims. Shuanglin Monastery This monastery is located north of Qiantou Village in Pingyao County to the south of Taiyuan. It was first built during the Northern Wei Dynasty. Its ten halls contain a treasury of painted sculpture, with 2,052 painted statues of Buddha from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Note especially the four mighty and awe inspiring Devarajas (Heavenly Guardians) and the eighteen arhats with their individual expressions and postures. Yongle Palace The original site of Yongle Palace was in the town of Yongle southwest of Ruicheng County on the banks of the Yellow River (Haunghe). When construction of the Sanmen Gorge Reservoir was begun in 1958, the town of Yongle was within the area planned to be inundated. The government organized experts and workers to move the palace to its present site at Longquan Village north of Ruicheng city in the southwestern part of Shanxi Province. The work of moving the palace was pleted in seven years, and it was reconstructed pletely according to the original design. Priceless murals of the Yuan Dynasty were thus preserved. The palace, a Taoist temple, was first built in the fourteenth century. Its main buildings are Dragon and Tiger Hall (Longhudian), Taoist Trinity Hall (Sanqingdian), Pure Sun Hall (Zhongyangdian), and Double Sun Hall (Chongyangdian). On display at Trinity Hall are Yuan Dynasty murals with more than three hundred lively, brightly painted figures. The murals in Pure Sun and Double Sun halls are picture stories about Taoi *** , rich in fairy tales and full of life. The number of murals in Yongle Palace are second only to Dunhuang in China"s northwestern province of Gansu. Rich in content, superb in execution, the murals are not only artistic treasures, but also valuable resource materials for the study of the history of Taoi *** and Yuan society.
2023-07-20 22:52:491

karachev造句 karachevの例文 "karachev"是什麼意思

Leonid, was also from Karachev . Under his direction, Fr. Dmitriy speedily captured Karachev , Bryansk and other towns. GD fought around Karachev before being transferred back to XLVIII Panzerkorps in late August. In the 13th century the fortress became a part of the Zvenigorod district of the Karachev Principapty. Popsh historian Jan DBugosz asserts that Ivan of Karachev , first hu *** and of Jupana, was murdered by Vytautas in order to marry her. Soon after, he spent 16 years defending a Russian city named Karachev from the Chimeran onslaught before being " pberated " by SRPA agents. Her first hu *** and was Ivan of Karachev . German chronicle of Johann von Posilge and Popsh historian Jan DBugosz asserted that Ivan was murdered so that widowed Upana could marry Vytautas. Army reported that they had bypassed Bryansk and were heading toward Karachev . Bock ordered Guderian to press on toward Tula, but within hours this order had been reversed by High Command. With the assistance of his ally, Yuri Dolgoruki, and his father-in-law, Aepa Khan, Sviatoslav began a war against his cousins, but was forced to flee to Karachev . There on January 16, 1147, Sviatoslav defeated the Davidovichi brothers. In 1943 as part of the 16th Army ( since April, 16th, 1943 11th Guards Army ) the division attacked the Oryol direction, on August, 15th, 1943 participated in clearing the city of Karachev . It then took part in Operation Bagration and the Gumbinnen operation. It"s difficult to see karachev in a sentence. 用 karachev 造句挺难的 In the secondary Trophy class, elve class wins in sixteen races enabled Riccardo Brutschin to take a dominant championship win, as he finished 21 points clear of Aleksey Karachev , who took his only class win at the final race of the season in which Brutschin was absent as he peted in the Cup class. The main forces led by Batu Khan passed through Dolgomost 30 km East of Smolensk, then entered the Chernigov Principapty on the upper Gums, burned Vshchizh, but then abruptly turned to the North-East, bypassing the Bryansk and Karachev , at the end of March 1238 went to the Kozelsk on the river Zhizdra. When season started, the team participated with 3 cars, driven by Riccardo Brutschin, Aleksi Tuukkanen and Alexei Karachev . Brutschin finished within the top 9 ice ( 9th lap-N黵burgring, 14th lap-EuroSpeedway Lausitz ); in Renault Word Series champion Mikhail Aleshin joined the team as a guest star and finished on 11th place.
2023-07-20 22:52:561


Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Beauveria bassiana using an herbicide resistance gene as a selection marker. Weiguo Fang, Yongjun Zhang, Xingyong Yang, Xuelian Zheng, Hui Duan, Yi Li, and Yan Pei*. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2004, 85:18–24Cloning of Beauveria bassiana Chitinase Gene Bbchit1 and Its Application To Improve Fungal Strain Virulence. Weiguo Fang, Bo Leng, Yuehua Xiao, Kai Jin, Jincheng Ma, Yanhua Fan,Jing Feng, Xingyong Yang, Yongjun Zhang, Yan Pei*. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005, 71(1):363–370Construction of a genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of fiber-related traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Zheng-Sheng Zhang, Yue-Hua Xiao, Ming Luo, Xian-Bi Li, Xiao-Ying Luo, Lei Hou, De-Mou Li, Yan Pei*. Euphytica 2005, 144: 91–99The maize Knotted1 gene is an effective positive selectable marker gene for Agrobacterium-mediated tobacco transformation. Keming Luo, Xuelian Zheng, Yongqin Chen, Yuehua Xiao, Degang Zhao, Richard McAvoy, Yan Pei*, Yi Li. Plant Cell Rep 2006,25:403-409Leaf senescence is delayed in tobacco plants expressing the maize knotted1 gene under the control of a wound-inducible promoter. Keming Luo, Wei Deng, Yuehua Xiao, Xuelian Zheng, Yi Li, Yan Pei*. Plant Cell Rep 2006, 25: 1246–1254Psc-AFP, an antifungal protein with trypsin inhibitor activity from Psoralea corylifolia seeds. Xingyong Yang, Jun Li, Xiaowen Wanga, Weiguo Fang, Michael J. Bidochka, Rong She, Yuehua Xiao, Yan Pei*. Peptides 2006, 27(7):1726-1731Isolation and characterization of a novel thermostable non-specific lipid transfer protein-like antimicrobial protein from motherwort (Leonurus japonicus Houtt) seeds. Xingyong Yang, Jun Li, Xianbi Li, Rong She, Yan Pei*. Peptides 2006, 27: 3122-3128Transformation of Metarizium anisopliae mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Weiguo fang, Yan Pei and Michael Bidochka. Can. J. Microbiol. 2006, 52: 623-626Direct amplification of intron-containing hairpin RNA construct from genomic DNA. Yue-Hua Xiao, Meng-Hui Yin, Lei Hou, Yan Pei*. BioTechniques 2006, 41:548-552Functional Expression of the Cotton Gibberellic Acid Oxidase Homologous Gene GhGA20ox1 in Tobacco. XIAO Yue-Hua, YE Ying-Fu, FENG Yi, LI Xian-Bi LOU Ming, HOU Lei, LUO Xiao-Ying, LI De-Mou, PEI Yan*. Journal of Physiology and Molecular Biology 2006, 32(5): 563-569Overexpression of an Arabidopsis magnesium transport gene, AtMGT1, in Nicotiana benthamiana confers Al tolerance. Wei Deng, Keming Luo Demou Li, Xuelian Zheng, Xiaoyang Wei, William Smith, Chandra Thammina, Litang Lu, Yi Li, Yan Pei*. Journal of Experimental Botany 2006, 13: 4235-4243In vitro regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of Euonymus alatus. Yougqing Chen, Litang Lu, Wei Deng, Xingyu Yang, Richard MeAvoy, Degang Zhao, Yan Pei, Keming Luo,Hui Duan, William Smith, Chandra Thammina, Xuelian Zheng, Donna Ellis, Yi Li. Plant Cell Rep 2006, 25:1043-1051Increased Insect Virulence in Beauveria bassiana Strains Overexpressing an Engineered Chitinase. Yanhua Fan, Weiguo Fang, Shujuan Guo, ,Xiaoqiong Pei, Yongjun Zhang, Yuehua Xiao, Demou Li, Kai Jin, Michael J. Bidochka, Yan Pei*. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2007,73(1): 295–302‘GM-gene-deletor": fused loxP-FRT recognition sequences dramatically improve the efficiency of FLP or CRE recombinase on transgene excision from pollen and seed of tobacco plants. Keming Luo, Hui Duan, Degang Zhao, Xuelian Zheng, Wei Deng, Yongqin Chen, Neal Stewart Jr, Richard McAvoy, Xiangning Jiang, Yanhong Wu, Aigong He, Yan Pei, Yi Li. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2007,5(2): 263-374A regulator of a G protein signalling (RGS) gene, cag8, from the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is involved in conidiation, virulence and hydrophobin synthesis. Weiguo Fang, Yan Pei, Michael J. Bidochka. Microbiology 2007, 153: 1017–1025Asymmetric overlap extension PCR method bypassing intermediate purification and the amplification of wild-type template in site-directed mutagenesis. Yue-Hua Xiao, Meng-Hui Yin, Lei Hou, Ming Luo, Yan Pei*. Biotechnology Letters 2007 29: 925–930Cotton flavonoid structural genes related to the pigmentation in brown fibers. Yue-Hua Xiao, Zheng-Sheng Zhang, Meng-Hui Yin, Ming Luo, Xian-Bi Li, Lei Hou, Yan Pei*. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2007, 358: 73–78The cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter sequence alters the level and patterns of activity of adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoters. Xuelian Zheng, Wei Deng, Keming Luo, Hui Duan, Yongqin Chen, Richard McAvoy, Shuiqing Song, Yan Pei*, Yi Li. Plant Cell Rep 2007, 26: 1195–1203Directed evolution for increased chitinase activity. Yanhua Fan, Weiguo Fang, Yuehua Xiao, Xingyong Yang, Yongjun Zhang, Michael J. Bidochka, Yan Pei*. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2007, 76: 135-139GhDET2, a steroid 5a-reductase, plays an important role in cotton fiber cell initiation and elongation. Ming Luo, Yuehua Xiao, Xianbi Li, Xiaofeng Lu, Wei Deng, Demou Li, Lei Hou, Mingyu Hu, Yi Li, Yan Pei*. The Plant Journal 2007, 51: 419–430Sequential Amplification of Flanking Sequences by Y-shaped Adaptor Dependent Extension Using Multiple Templates. XIAO Yue-Hua, PENG Yi, LUO Ming, LI De-Mou, HOU Lei, PEI Yan*. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology 2007, 33(1): 85-90Expression of a Beauveria bassiana chitinase (Bbchit1) in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris. Yanhua Fan, Yongjun Zhang, Xingyong Yang, Xiaoqiong Pei, Shujuan Guo, Yan Pei*. Protein Expression and Purification 2007, 56: 93–99Cloning and Characterization of a Balsam Pear Class I Chitinase gene (Mcchit1) and Its Ectopic Expression Enhances Fungal resistance in Transgenic Plants. Yue-Hua Xiao, Xian-Bi Li, Xingyong Yang, Ming Luo, Lei Hou, Shao-Hui Guo, Xiao-Ying Luo, and Yan Pei*. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2007, 71(5): 1211 -1219A cuticle-degrading protease (CDEP-1) of Beauveria bassiana enhances virulence. Yong-Jun Zhang, Ming-Guang Fang, Yan-Hua Fan, Zhi-Bing Luo, Xing-Yong Yang, Di Wu and Yan Pei*. Biocontrol Science and Technology 2008, 18: 543-555Implication of a regulator of Gprotein signaling (BbRGS1) in Conidiation and conidial thermotolerance of the insect pathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana. Weiguo Fang, Lisa R. Scully, Lei Zhang, Yan Pei and Michael J. Bidochka. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2008,279: 146–156Functional characterization of a cotton late embryogenesis-abundant D113 gene promoter in transgenic tobacco. Keming Luo, Guofang Zhang, Wei Deng, Fengtao Luo, Kun Qiu, Yan Pei*. Plant Cell Rep 2008, 27: 707-717Characterization of a Highly Active Promoter, PBbgpd, in Beauveria bassiana. Xing-gang Liao, Wei-guo Fang, Yong-jun Zhang, Yan-hua Fan, Xing-wei Wu, Qun Zhou, Yan Pei*. Current Microbiology 2008, 57: 121-126An improved method for Beauveria bassiana transformation using phosphinothricin acetlytransferase and green fluorescent protein fusion gene as a selectable and visible marker. Kai Jin, Yongjun Zhang, Zhibing Luo, Yuehua Xiao, Yanhua Fan, Di Wu, Yan Pei*. Biotechnol Lett 2008, 30: 1379–1383SCFP, a novel fiber-specific promoter in cotton. HOU Lei, LIU Hao, LI JiaBao, YANG Xia, XIAO YueHua, LUO Ming, SONG ShuiQing, YANG GuangWei and PEI Yan*. Chinese Science Bulletin 2008, 53(17): 2639-2645Functional analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana poly(A) binding protein PAB5 gene promoter in Nicotiana tabacum. Keming Luo, Wei Deng, Shan Xu, Yan Pei*. Plant Cell Rep 2008 27: 1811-1819Light stimulates conidiation of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Yong-Jun Zhang, Zun-Hua Li, Zhi-Bing Luo, Jian-Qing Zhang, Yan-Hua Fan, Yan Pei*. Biocontrol Science and Technology 2009,19(1): 91-101The size and ratio of homologous sequence to non-homologous sequence in gene disruption cassette influences the gene targeting efficiency in Beauveria bassiana. Jin-Cheng Ma, Qun Zhou, Yong-Hong Zhou, Xing-Gang Liao, Yong-Jun Zhang, Dan Jin and Yan Pei*. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2009, 82: 891–898Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase hog1 in the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana Regulates Environmental Stress Responses and Virulence to Insects. Yong-Jun Zhang, Jianhua Zhao, Weiguo Fang, Jian-Qing Zhang, Zhi-Bing Luo, Mi Zhang, Yan-Hua Fan and Yan Pei*. Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 2009, 75: 3787-3795注:加*的为通讯作者
2023-07-20 22:53:031

关于英语的手抄报内容 关于英语的手抄报内容有哪些

2023-07-20 22:53:172

Linux date和data -u区别是什么啊? 如何修改data -u的时间呢?

-u:Display (or set) the date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-universal time), bypassing the normal conversion to (or from) local timedate [-s <字符串>][-u][MMDDhhmmCCYYss]
2023-07-20 22:53:361


1.关于松鼠的诗句 《小松鼠》 树上的无限风光 阳光不能独享 鸟儿不能独享 蛇不能独享 有坚果的时候 有松塔的时候 有红眼涂抹的时候 有镁光划亮脸庞的时候 贪婪的目光 忘记来这里狩猎 一种蹦蹦跳跳的动物 怯怯的独享秋天 怎样才能开个沙龙 在人群里 让可爱的小小的珍贵的 聚会 我准备好了一把刀 汤姆准备了多年 杰利始终不上当的那把 我握着 想象着茸茸的毛 围上脖子 痒痒的笑意 透出冬季的温暖 再找一口锅 挂在树上 让松鼠进来的时候 还能叫上几声 柴草是现成的 满山的葛藤都愿献身 爱松鼠 就要爱到他上路 那汤的滋味 能升在空中 将隐居多年的馋物 勾出洞穴 松鼠又上竹子了 我分石子给大家 一块招呼 看谁砸的斑点最多 【松鼠】 翁氏,仁和尼,有《息肩庐诗草》。 炯炯双眸狡,如梭绕树丫。 长公曾有赋,贞女刺无牙。 性癖犹耽果,情顽不息花。 行藏那可问,穿穴是生涯。 2.描写松鼠的诗句 1、《初春幽居》 宋 陆游 满榼芳醪手自携,陂湖南北埭东西。 茂林处处见松鼠,幽圃时时闻竹鸡。 零落断云斜鄣日,霏微过雨未成泥。 老民不预人间事,但喜农畴渐可犁。 2.《满江红》(风泉峡观泉) 云壑飞泉,蒲根下、悬流陆续。堪爱处、石池湛湛,一方寒玉。暑际直当磐石坐,渴来自引悬瓢掬。听泠泠、清响泻琮琤,胜丝竹。寒照胆,消炎燠。清彻骨,无尘俗。笑幽人忻玩,滞留空谷。静坐时看松鼠饮,醉眠不碍山禽浴。唤仙人、伴我酌琼瑶,餐秋菊。 3.《湖山小隐》 林逋 (宋) 园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。 昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。 岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。 颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 3.描写松鼠的诗句有哪些 1.《初春幽居》 年代: 宋 作者: 陆游 满榼芳醪手自携,陂湖南北埭东西。 茂林处处见松鼠,幽圃时时闻竹鸡。 零落断云斜鄣日,霏微过雨未成泥。 老民不预人间事,但喜农畴渐可犁。 2.《游古寺》 年代: 宋 作者: 蔡槃 山烟寒日暝,鸱殿与云齐。 松鼠下阶走,竹鸡当户啼。 碑荒文字古,僧老语音低。 欲往应无计,斜阳照杖藜。 3.《湖山小隐》 年代: 宋 作者: 林逋 园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。 昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。 岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。 颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 4.《仙岩山居(三首)》 年代: 明 作者: 孤松秀上 茅屋青岩半,云来路已迷。 树深松鼠竞,花暗竹鸡啼。 绝壁吹寒瀑,空潭饮素霓。 日斜山影里,樵语下前溪 5.《四月晦日泛若耶至云门寺以起坐鱼鸟间动摇山》 年代: 明 作者: 陶望龄 双溪港口泊幽梦,石帆山下朝炊动。 荒村客到松鼠奔,小市人喧竹排重。 我生百事松上针,虽有寸长何所用。 石田千亩云外闲,去采灵芝为君种。 4.关于松鼠的英文句子5句 1, the little squirrel gliding ability is unique, bypassing the tail, a jump can be vacated jump good a few meters far, in the canopy floated, especially cute like. 2, the squirrel eat food is pine, hazel and chestnut oak, sometimes eat eggs. When they eat, the body is often done straight on the branches, holding to his mouth with the forepaws. Autumn, winter food is stored squirrel, put it the gap in the trees, stuffed. In winter, they sometimes clawed claws deep snow to find food beneath the snow. 3, the squirrel is a kind of beautiful small animal, very pleasing. It is flexible and agile. The exquisite small face, inlaid with a pair of sparkling little eyes. The body of the gray brown hair, smooth as if the paint over oil. A big furry tail always turned up, very beautiful. 4, love squirrels live in tall tree, often nest in the middle fork tree. They nest, to move to the number of decimal places branch alternating together, to find some dry moss shop in the above, then the moss pressed and flattening. A nest, also topped with a cover of the nest, so will not exposed to wind and rain. They live in it with their children, and they are warm and safe. 5, the squirrel meat can be eaten, the hair on the tail can be made brush, leather can make clothes. 6, squirrels like to jump on the branches, very clever. As long as someone touched the trunk, they hide in the number of branches under or leaped to flee to other tree. 1、这小松鼠的滑翔本领更是绝活,甩开大尾巴,一纵身就能腾空跃过好几米远,在树冠上飘来飘去,特别逗人喜欢。 2、松鼠常吃的食物是松子,榛子和橡栗,有时候也吃鸟蛋。它们吃东西的时候,常常直着身子做在树枝上,用前爪捧着往嘴里送。秋天,松鼠就储藏过冬的食物,把它塞到老树的缝隙里,塞得满满的。冬天,它们有时候也用爪子扒开厚厚的积雪寻找雪底下的食物。 3、松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷。玲珑的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好象搽过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮。 4、松鼠喜欢住在高大的老树上,常常把窝搭在树叉中间。它们搭窝的时候,先搬来一些小数枝,交错着放在一起,再找一些干苔藓铺在上面,然后把苔藓压紧,踏平。窝搭好了,还在上面加一个盖,把整个窝遮蔽起来,这样就不怕风吹雨打了。 5、松鼠喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,十分机灵。只要有人触动一下树干,它们就躲在数枝底下,或连蹦带跳地逃到别的树上去。 5.描写松鼠的诗句 1、《初春幽居》 宋 陆游满榼芳醪手自携,陂湖南北埭东西。 茂林处处见松鼠,幽圃时时闻竹鸡。零落断云斜鄣日,霏微过雨未成泥。 老民不预人间事,但喜农畴渐可犁。2.《满江红》(风泉峡观泉)云壑飞泉,蒲根下、悬流陆续。 堪爱处、石池湛湛,一方寒玉。暑际直当磐石坐,渴来自引悬瓢掬。 听泠泠、清响泻琮琤,胜丝竹。寒照胆,消炎燠。 清彻骨,无尘俗。笑幽人忻玩,滞留空谷。 静坐时看松鼠饮,醉眠不碍山禽浴。唤仙人、伴我酌琼瑶,餐秋菊。 3.《湖山小隐》林逋 (宋)园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。 岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 6.关于松鼠的古诗有哪些 1. 《游古寺》年代: 宋 作者: 蔡槃 山烟寒日暝,鸱殿与云齐。松鼠下阶走,竹鸡当户啼。碑荒文字古,僧老语音低。欲往应无计,斜阳照杖藜。 2.《湖山小隐》年代: 宋 作者: 林逋 园井夹萧森,红芳堕翠阴。昼岩松鼠静,春堑竹鸡深。岁课非无秫,家藏独有琴。颜原遗事在,千古壮闲心。 3.《仙岩山居(三首)》年代: 明 作者: 孤松秀上 茅屋青岩半,云来路已迷。树深松鼠竞,花暗竹鸡啼。绝壁吹寒瀑,空潭饮素霓。日斜山影里,樵语下前溪。 4.《四月晦日泛若耶至云门寺以起坐鱼鸟间动摇山水影为韵十首》年代: 明 作者: 陶望龄 双溪港口泊幽梦,石帆山下朝炊动。荒村客到松鼠奔,小市人喧竹排重。我生百事松上针,虽有寸长何所用。石田千亩云外闲,去采灵芝为君种。 5.《题画》 作者:李延兴 山翠浮空初过雨,山麓晴云散芳渚。 雾合长林生晓寒,人家更在林深处。 涧泉六月翻松根,石洞千年隐仙侣。 有谁共弈橘中来,无人问路桃源去。 白烟遮尽青林花,野簌嫩香应可茹。 清幽不减山之阴,只欠兰亭列觞俎。 谁乎写此怪而奇,莽莽云山入毫楮。 细看犹有遗恨处,胡不著我山之墅。 我生本是丘壑姿,误落京尘几寒暑。 小时耕牧岘山阳,闲从野人学种树。 门前鱼浦啼竹禽,屋上鹤巢走松鼠。 独行采药日莫归,才得芝术一斗许。 纵令服食不得仙,何若长年艺禾黍。 小村秋晚鸡正肥,大瓮春浮酒新煮。 老翁醉舞儿子歌,笑语喧哗忘宾主。 此乐不见十许年,兵火煌煌照南楚。 思归见画万感生,怅望风帆横浦溆。 时清即好谢官归,全家移向山中祝
2023-07-20 22:53:431

Soil Stabilization

INTRODUTION: Soil stabilization or soil strengthening is often also referred to as engineering treatment of soils. This is not a newtechnology as parts of the Appian Way in Rome were stabilized and are still in use today. The forthcoming programme of infrastructural development National Development Plan 2007—2013 will necessarily involve the construction of roads and railways through some of our most notorious boggy areas. With the development of newtechnologies and the increase in land values particularly around cities and built up areas there has been a large body of research carried out in relation to the developing of sites which would previously have been ignored because of the difficulty in achieving good foundations and the cost involved. Traditionally buildings and other structures sat on a foundation,which in turn sat on a strong sub-soil of clay,marl,gravel,shale or rock. Adequate structural strengths could be achieved,by using foundation such as strip,wide strip,deep strip,pad,beam and raft, bored piles or various combinations of the above. Modern technology nowlooks to more high tech foundations and the practice of strengthening of the soils and sub-soils means that simple foundations can be used where the ground has been improved in this way. Apart from the attraction of developing on difficult soils there is also the benefit that lower costs can be achieved at “normal”locations.TECHNIQUES USED: There are numerous methods of soil stabilization and strengthening. These fall into many categories and each is best suited to a specific construction problem. The solution required may be temporary or permanent.Temporary solutions are to facilitate the stabilization of the soil during construction or demolition work and among the techniques used are ground freezing, slurry trenches, cofferdams and well point systems.If permanent stabilization of soil is required then the type to be used will depend on the level of sub-soil strength required. Where clay banks trenches or embankments are to be stabilized then the best form of construction to use would be soil anchoring,soil nailing, gabions or some form of mesh.Where the ground to be stabilized is to be used to the extent that newconstruction is to rest on the finished ground then one of the following would be considered: dynamic compaction, vibro-compaction,vibro-flotation,pressure grouting and soil modification and re-cycling.If it is required to stabilize ground under an existing building or as part of conservation works then one of the following may be used: pressure grouting,bored mini piles or some of the more traditional methods.We will nowtake a look at some of the techniques mentioned above,particularly those related to permanent forms of construction.Figure 10. 9 Dynamic compaction carried out at reclamation project( 20 t,drop height 25 m)Dynamic Compaction ( Figure 10. 9 ) is the dropping of heavy weights on the ground surface to densify soils at depth. Two systems are commonly used. The first uses a flat bottom tamper but the more modern commonly used type is a cone shaped tamper. Ground conditions suitable for dynamic compaction include natural granular soils, made-up ground and land filled refuse,sites and ground can be compacted up to considerable depths. This technique can also be used where the ground is built up in layers,compacted and then consolidated. While this system would appear to be primitive bearing capacities of between 50 and 150 kN / m2can be achieved. Weights of 10 to 30 tons with drop heights of up to 100 ft have been used. The work is carried out on a grid system using grids varying from 7 ft × 7 ft to 20 ft × 20 ft. Consideration for use must take into account ground water level,relative density,degree of saturation and permeability.Vibro-compaction ( Figure 10. 10 ) ( also called vibro-flotation) is used to densify clean cohesionless soils. Large vibrating mandrels ( vibrating shafts or rods) to penetrate,displace and compact the soil and sometimes water jetting is used. When the mandrel is removed from the ground the subsequent void is filled with stone. The mandrel is then forced back through the stone further displacing and compacting the ground and stone. In this way a column of stone is built up which enhances the bearing capacity of the ground and when a number of these have been made they can be used to support foundations,slabs,hard standings,pavements or tanks. This type of construction can also be used in granular and cohesive soils and has been used successfully belowthe water table.Figure 10. 10 Vibro-compactionFigure 10. 11 Vibro-replacement stone columnsVibro-replacement stone columns ( Figure 10. 11 ) extend the range of soils that can be improved by vibratory techniques. Densification and / or reinforcement of the soil with compacted granular or stone columns is achieved by either top-feed or the bottom-method ( wet or dry methods can be used ) . This is one of the most commonly used methods of soil stabilization. It reduces foundation settlement, increases bearing capacity thus allowing reduction in foundation size,permits construction on fills and permits shallowfoundation construction.Figure 10. 12 Vibro concrete columnsVibro concrete columns ( Figure 10. 12 ) are constructed in the ground with a bottom feed vibratory probe. This technique densifies granular soils and transfers loads through soft cohesive and organic soils. Sometimes it is very effective in reducing settlement and improving bearing capacity of the formation, and so can be used as an economical alternative plan instead of piling.Compaction grouting ( Figure 10. 13 ) uses displacement to improve ground conditions. A very viscous ( low-mobility ) aggregate grout is pumped in stages,forming grout bulbs,which displace and densify the surrounding soil. It has many application and can be used in rubble soil,poorly placed fill, collapsible soils and to compensate for ground loss during tunnelling or other operations. Some of the advantages of this system include pinpoint treatment,speed of installation,wide application range,effective in a wide variety of soil conditions, can be performed in very tight access and lowheadroom conditions, non- hazardous,no waste spoil disposal,non- destructive and adaptable to existing foundations, economic alternative to removal replacement and piling and finally is capable of reaching depths unattainable by other methods.Figure 10. 13 Compaction groutingInjection for Expansive Soil ( Figure 10. 14) ,often referred to as injection stabilization,is an in-situ method of treating expansive clays by an aqueous solution of water,lime slurry or potassium chloride. Injection depths up to 12 ft deep can be achieved under buildings and 40 ft or more under railway sub-grades or land fills. This is regarded as an economical in-situ system,which has been in use successfully for over 30 years. Three fundamental types of injection are used:·Water·Lime or lime /fly ash·Potassium ChlorideThis is regarded as a very complicated area of soil engineering but it has still proved very useful in treating lower strength clays and silts to improve bearing capacity. It is used to treat railway sub-grades problems in high fills. It is also used to treat sub-grade conditions in pavement structures such as airport runways and bridge approaches.Figure 10. 14 Injection systems for expansive soilsFigure 10. 15 Soil mixing ( wet or dry method )Soil mixing ( Figure 10. 15) ,also known as the deep mixing method,is the mechanical blending of the in-situ soil with cementitious materials ( reagent binder) using a hollowstem auger and paddle arrangement. The intent of the soil-mixing program is to improve the soil strength and permeability. Soil mixing can also be used to immobilize and fixate contaminants as well as a treatment system for chemical reduction to a more friendly substrate. The reagent binder is usually delivered in a slurry form and depending on the soil to be mixed may be up to 20% by volume and the process can be delivered as a wet mix or as a dry mix. The material used can be cement,fly ash,ground blast furnace slag,lime,additives or any combination of the above. There are many uses for this system which has been used successfully in excavation support,in-situ walling,port development,tunnelling and foundation support.Soil modification and recycling is becoming more popular with the increased use of brown field,reclaimed and landfill sites for construction projects. The technology used is similar to that used in soil mixing referred to above and plant and machinery has been developed that is capable of operating on all soil type,including contaminated material,breaking up the various layers,then grading and crushing the material before mixing it with additives and relaying it as a compacted hard standing.Conclusion: The above are a number of examples of systems that have been developed to allowfor the construction of major projects on even the most difficult soil and sub-soil conditions. The purpose of the paper is to indicate that it is not necessary to carry out construction in ideal site conditions, bypassing supposedly sub standard conditions, and continuously using good quality land.地基处理部分词汇扩展( 1) 常用地基处理方法 ( Ground treatment method)勘查工程专业英语( 2) 换填法 ( Replacement method)勘查工程专业英语( 3) 排水固结法 ( Consolidation by dewatering)勘查工程专业英语( 4) 强夯法 ( Dynamic consolidation)勘查工程专业英语( 5) 土桩与灰土桩 ( Soil pile and lime soil pile)勘查工程专业英语
2023-07-20 22:53:511


1、事常与人违,事总在人为。 Things and people often violated, something always artificial。 2、耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。 Cultivator sweat is nurtured to grow seed milk。 3、骄傲是断了引线的风筝稍纵即逝。 pride is a broken wire kite fleeting。 4、行路人,用足音代替叹息吧! Wayfaring, with footsteps instead sigh it! 5、骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。 Horse is running out, strong military is playing out。 6、机会只对进取有为的人开放。 Opportunity is only open to enterprising and talented people。 7、山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。 Mountain spring water all the way through the twists and turns, just sing a wonderful song。 8、用自己的能力证明自己,胜过用空话吹嘘自己。 With their ability to prove that he is better than with empty brag about。 9、如果可恨的挫折使你尝到苦果,朋友,奋起必将让你尝到人生的欢乐。 If you have tasted so hateful bitter frustration, friends, rise will surely make you taste the joy of life。 10、没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。 No it can not be called torrent Yong Jin, no mention climbing the mountain。 11、假如你从来未曾害怕、受窘、受伤害,好就是你从来没有冒过险。 If youre never scared or embarrassed or hurt, good that you never take any chances。 12、没有风浪,便没有勇敢的弄潮儿;没有荆棘,也没有不屈的开拓者。 No storm, there is no brave seaman; no thorns, no indomitable pioneer。 13、希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。 Hope, companionship only and hard to even more powerful。 14、再好的种子,不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。 Even the best seeds are not sown, but also bear no fruit。 15、平时没有跑发卫千米,占时就难以进行一百米的冲刺。 Usually do not send guard kilometer run, it is difficult to account for one-meter sprint。 16、自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。 No ups and downs in nature, the earth would not Fruitful。 17、一帆风顺,并不等于行驶的是一条平坦的航线。 Smooth, does not mean that traveling is a flat route。 18、不管多么险峻的高山,总是为不畏艰难的人留下一条攀登的路。 No matter how high mountains, always leaving a climbing path for brave people。 19、奋斗的双脚在踏碎自己的温床时,却开拓了一条创造之路。 Tasui own feet in the struggle hotbed when it opened up the creation of a road。 20、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。 No one pearl flash, is applied by someone else up。 21、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。 Since you look for a road, why should I go to find out how long。 22、站在巨人的肩上是为了超过巨人。 Standing on the shoulders of giants is to exceed the Giants。 23、让生活的句号圈住的人,是无法前时半步的。 Make life full stop trapping people, is unable to move forward half a step。 24、生命有如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。 Life is like an anvil, the more is beating, more able to emit sparks。 25、一知半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识广有本领的人,一定谦虚。 A smattering of people, many are not modest; knowledgeable people have the ability, we must humble。 26、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。 Striver sweat pooling in rivers, the cause of the sail boat ideal shore。 27、盆景秀木正因为被人溺爱,才破灭了成为栋梁之材的梦。 Bonsai Xiumu because being spoiled, only to become the pillar of shattered dreams。 28、只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。 As long as the harvest of sweet, thorns will have bee busy。 29、稗子享受着禾苗一样的待遇,结出的却不是谷穗。 Barnyard grass seedlings enjoy the same treatment, the corn is not the bear。 30、是勇士滴在攀登路上的血,也是懦夫失望时流淌的泪。 Warriors drop in blood when climbing the road, but also a coward tears flowing down。 31、勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。 Warriors stroke Jingtao Hai streams without sinking, a coward in the calm will be drowning。 32、让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。 Let the stormy sea coral away from the erosion it? That is tantamount to ruin their beauty。 33、自卑是剪了双翼的飞鸟,难上青天这两者都是成才的大忌。 Low self-esteem is cut the wings of birds, hard on the sky both of which are taught taboo。 34、要想成为强乾,决不能绕过挡道的荆棘也不能回避风雨的冲刷。 To become a strong dry, must not get in the way of bypassing thorns wind and rain erosion can not be avoided。 35、一时的挫折往往可以通过不屈的搏击,变成学问及见识。 By temporary setbacks can often unyielding fighting, become knowledge and insight。 36、在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。 In the desert, when the pace is only the former into a symbol of hope。 37、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。 Spring, the more tortuous road of struggle, the more pure heart。 38、智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。 Wise dream then the United States, not as fools pragmatic footprints。 39、如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。 If you want to climb the peak, to refrain from the rainbow as a ladder。 40、拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。 Refuse grim smelting ore no more valuable than before being discovered。 41、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。 Diligence is the password of your life, you can decode a magnificent epic。 42、教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。 Education is the talent of her parents, the community is a talent of her husbands family。 43、通过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。 The road through the clouds just kissing climbers footprint。 44、竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于奋斗、敢于冒尖。 Although the tender shoots, but it is not afraid of pressure, dare to struggle, dare to coming to the fore。 45、海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。 Waves as the ship wind chop chop waves farewell to the crowd of mourners boat。 46、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 Busy bees collect, no time to talk in front of people。 47、如果把才华比作剑那么勤奋就是磨刀石。 If the talent is so hard compared to the grindstone sword。 48、如果圆规的两只脚都动,永远也画不出一个圆。 If the compass of two feet are moving, never not draw a circle。 49、世上所有美好的感情加在一起,也抵不上一桩高尚的行动。 All the good feelings in the world together, but also not worth a noble action。 50、只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。 Not only fantasy action who will never know the joy of harvest fruit when its less。 51、脚步怎样才能不断前时?把脚印留在身后。 How can we continue to move forward when the pace? The footprints left behind。 52、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。 If fear ups in front of the rock, life can only ever be a backwater。 53、不要嘲笑铁树。为了开一次花,它付出了比别的树种更长久的努力。 Do not laugh cycads。 In order to open a flower, it paid more than other species long effort。 54、沉湎于希望的人和守株待兔的樵夫没有什么两样。 Indulge in hope and sit back and wait woodcutter is no different。 55、瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。 When the waterfall across the steep cliffs, it is particularly magnificent。 56、生命力顽强的种子,从不对瘠土唱诅咒的歌。 Hardy seed, and never curse for Jitu sing songs。 57、只会在水泥地上走路的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。 Only people walking on the concrete floor, never leave deep footprints。 58、经受了火的洗礼泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。 Withstood the baptism of fire mud will have a strong physique。 59、志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。 Aiming peaks climbers, not revel in being a step along the way。 60、我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。 Our world, and never give a sad laggards awarded medals。 61、山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。 Tortuous mountain road circling, but after extending toward the peak。 62、望远镜可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。 Telescopes could see far away goal, but can not replace you take a half step。 63、只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。。 Only the top of the mountain to see the other side of the scenery。 64、只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。 They do not give up our efforts and the pursuit, the grass is also dotted with spring value。 65、骄傲自满是我们的一座可怕的陷阱;而且,这个陷阱是我们自己亲手挖掘的。 Complacency is our a terrible trap; moreover, this trap is digging our own hands。 66、松软的沙滩上最容易留下脚印。钽也最容易被潮水抹去。 Most likely to leave footprints on the soft sand。 Tantalum is also most likely to be wiped off the tide。 67、山路不象坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。 Not as smooth as the mountain people prostrate in a single step。 68、只有脚踏实地的人,才能够说:路,就在我的脚下。 Only down to earth person, to be able to say: road, on my feet。 69、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。 Beautiful blueprint hands of lazy, is but one page of paper。 70、不从泥泞不堪的小道上迈步,就踏不上铺满鲜花的大路。 Not from the muddy trail to move, you do not step on the road of flowers。 71、如果为了安全而不和大海在一起,船就失去了存在的意义。 If not for safety and the sea together, the ship lost the meaning of existence。 72、相信别人,放弃自己,这是许多失败人生的开始! Trusting, give up, this is the beginning of many failures in life! 73、萤火虫的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。 Firefly spot though weak, but the darkness is illuminated challenge。 74、只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。 Only by creating, is the real enjoyment, only hard work, is fulfilling life。 75、种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。 Seeds remember the raindrops told devotion, enhances courage coming to the fore。 76、瀑布为了奔向江河湖海,即使面临百丈深渊,仍然呼啸前行,决不退缩。 Falls to run to the rivers and lakes, even in the face baizhang abyss, still roaring forward, never back down。 77、蝴蝶如要在百花园里得到飞舞的欢乐,那首先得忍受与蛹决裂的痛苦。 To get the butterflies flying in flowers in the garden of joy, that first of all have to endure the pain and pupae break。 78、桂冠上的飘带,不是用天才纤维捻制而成的,而是用痛苦,磨难的丝缕纺织出来的。 Ribbon crown on, not crafted by talented fiber twist, but with pain, suffering textile silk thread out。 79、沙漠里的脚印很快就消逝了。一支支奋进歌却在跋涉者的心中长久激荡。 Desert footprints soon disappeared。 Endeavour song has a branch in the hearts of those who trek long agitation。 80、崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。 Lofty ideals like flowers growing in the mountains。 If you engage the next it is hard to climb the rope。 81、懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体;经常用的钥匙,总是亮闪闪的。 Lazy like rust, consumes more than the physical exertion of the body; frequently used keys are always shiny。 82、对于勇士来说,贫病、困窘、责难、诽谤、冷嘲热讽,一切压迫都是前进的动力。 For the Warriors, the sick, embarrassment, censure, defamation, cynical, power forward are all oppressed。 83、不管发生什么事,都请安静且愉快地接受人生,勇敢地、大胆地,而且永远地微笑着。 No matter what happens, all your life quietly and happily accepted, brave, bold, and always smiling。 英文爱情个性签名 英文爱情个性签名 1、Every day there are in the etimes, the everlasting and voents of glad grace. 多少人爱过你青春的片影。 11、Emotion is the innate pany it, love a man to accompany him to stray. 爱一朵花就陪它绽放,爱一个人就陪他流浪。 27、e loose. 时光不老我们不散好么? 34、love me love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 35、If my future has you in it, I"m not afraid of anything. 如果我的未来有你在,其他一切我都不怕了。 36、I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 37、I know next to you is not where I belong. 我知道你旁边是不属于我的地方。 38、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to. 如果没有别离,成长也就无所附丽。 39、If the language can not express, I am willing to prove that life. 如果语言无法表达,我愿意用生命证明。 40、Who"s who of the hook, and who is who of redemption. 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 41、The life of the traveler e a lie. 你说过爱我一万年,誓言变成了谎言。 46、Dear,ething eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 54、I am still concerned about the left, you do not see my time. 离开后我依旧在关注,看到了你不需要我的时光。 55、I should not have to rely on sustenance to the touch than the future. 是我不该把依赖寄托给触碰不到的未来。 56、Every time a good night, feeling each other"s feelings. 每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。 57、Betb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 67、Don"t give up,just be you,cause life"s too short to be anybody else. 永远都不要放弃做自己,因为人生很短根本没时间模仿别人。 68、You , or you have not loved. 是我忘不掉,还是你未曾爱过。 78、In the good can not help but forgotten, also arrived, but sad memories. 在美好也禁不住遗忘,在悲伤也抵不过回忆。 79、A hedge better than it is nourn journey. 生是一段没有退路的旅程。 88、If you"ve found your Mr. Right,you"ve done major right things in your life. 爱对一个人,人生就等於做对了大部分的事情。 89、You know, you lose, I will lose the meaning of living. 你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。 90、Everyone there is a part of the living for others their own. 每个人都存在着那部分为别人而活的自己。 爱情英文签名大全 1、有时候我不懂你,不懂你的心,不懂你的爱。 Sometimes I don"t understand you, your heart, your love. 2、生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。 Life is too short for today to give up tomorropany me to the old age, ance, like you holding my hand, that I am not the master of the ter to say I don"t love you directly than to look for excuses everyimes care too much, it is also a kind of torture to oneself. 55、不是我不爱你的过去,而是你的过去里没有我。 It"s not that I don"t love your past, but that you didn"t have me in your past. 爱情伤感英文签名 1、因为陌生,所以勇敢,因为距离,所以美丽。 Because strange, so brave, because of distance, so beautiful. 2、有些人要进来,就有一些人不得不离开。 Some people ise. 30、经过时间旳推移,涐旳心只剩下回忆。 After a time, my heart only memories. 31、残缺不全的心,能给你的只有支离破碎的情。 Incomplete heart, can give you is reduced to fragments. 32、爱了,痛了,我决定放手了。 Love, pain, I decided to let go. 33、我的苦衷。你不懂。我的快乐。你更不会懂。 My difficulties. You dont understand。 My happiness. You fort me. 40、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to forget. 41、我爱你,就像你不爱我一样的坚决。 I love you, just as you dont like me. 42、做梦梦见他,是不是对他还有感情。 Have a dream of him, is not to him have feelings. 43、不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 Never think of, but never forget. 44、堆积的思念涌上心口,一时之间竟哽咽了喉。 The accumulation of thoughts into pany you to go through this section of the road, you have become my . 80、不是不想在爱你,只是爱你太疲惫。 I do not want to love you, but love you too tired.
2023-07-20 22:53:581

请问各位filter wiz 3.0怎样使用啊!!(滤波器辅助设计软件)急!!!请给位告知!!!!!十分感谢

Lowpass notch filters :低通陷波滤波器Order: 阶 filter circuits:滤波电路frequency response:幅频响应Passband :通频带、传输带宽repeatedly cycle:重复周期maximum signal to noise ratio:最大信噪比gain constants:增益系数,放大常数circuit topologies:电路拓扑结构gain shortfall:增益不足maximum output:最大输出功率last stage:末级preceding stage:前级stage filter:分级过滤器Gain Stage:增益级voltage amplitude:电压振幅Component values: 元件值maximum valued: 最大值minimum valued: 最小值standard value:标准值resistors: 电阻器capacitors:电容器operational amplifiers:运算放大器(OA)circuit board:(实验用)电路板active filters:有源滤波器supply currents:源电流power supplies:电源bypassing capacitors:旁路电容optimal:最佳的;最理想的Gain Bandwidth:带宽增益passive component:无源元件active component: 有源元件overall spread:全局;总范围Component characteristics:组件特性Modification:修改;更改data book:数据手册typical values:标准值;典型值default values:省略补充program execution:程序执行Reset button:复原按钮positive temperature coefficient:正温度系数variable resistors:可变电阻器cermet resistor:金属陶瓷电阻器output resistance:输出电阻distortion:失真single amplifier:单级放大器voltage follower:电压输出跟随器troubleshooting:发现并修理故障control panel,:控制面板1、打开crack的软件后,根据滤波器的设计要求,在filter type中选择滤波器的类型(Gaussian:高斯滤波器、Bessel:贝塞尔滤波器、butterworth:巴特沃斯;Chebyshev1切比雪夫1;Chebyshev2切比雪夫2;Hourglass:对三角滤波器、Elliptic:椭圆滤波器、Custom:自定义滤波器、Raised Cos:升余弦滤波器、Matche:匹配滤波器 、Delay:延迟滤波器);2、在filter class中选择滤波器的种类(低通、高通、带通、带阻);3、在filter Attributes中设置滤波器的阶数(Order)、通频带频率(Passband frequency);4、在Implementation中选择有源滤波器(active )、无源滤波器(passive)和数字滤波器(Digital);5、在Freq Scale中选择Hertz和Log,如果选择了Rad/Sec(一种单位),则要注意Rad/Sec=6.28*Hertz;6、在Graph Limits中设置好图像的最大频率和最小频率,最大频率要大于通频带的截止频率;在Passive Design/Ideal Filter Response中观察传输函数(Transfer Function)、时域响应(Time Response)、零极点图(Pole Zero Plots)、频域响应(Frequency Response)的图像;7、在Circuit Parmaters中设置源电阻(Source Res)和负载电阻(Load Res);最后点击Circuits观察滤波器电路图;8、在设计有缘滤波器的时候还要注意在Active Implementation 中选择滤波器的电路布局形式一般有源滤波器选择Pos SAB型的,在Circuit Parmaters中设置增益大小(gain)。
2023-07-20 22:54:081

浏阳旅游景点介绍英语作文 浏阳游记作文

写一篇介绍浏阳的高中英语作文,最好不要抄袭,一般水平也可以!多谢了!Father"s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood. Father"s Day was first born in 1910 in the United States. It was proposed by a lady when she was celebrating Mother"s Day. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days. The celebrations are often related to gifts giving and family dinners. On Father"s Day, people choose specific flowers to respect for his father. In China, because of the national character, few people wear flowers to show his respect for his father and there is no large celebrations. But on the influence of the west, there are a growing number of people celebrate this holiday and tell their love to fathers.介绍景点的高中英语作文 身未动,心已远。下面,是我为你整理的介绍景点的 高中 英语 作文 ,希望对你有帮助! 介绍景点的高中英语作文篇1 Dear Nick, Ilsquo;m glad to hear that youlsquo;re coming to Sichuan in August. Sichuan Province lies in southwest of China which is a good place for people to enjoy many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful. Another attraction is Dujianyan Irrigation Project, which was built over 2,000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. In my opinion, it is a wise choice to travel here. I"m looking forward to your coming. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 介绍景点的高中英语作文篇2 Dear Sam, I"m very glad to hear that you"ll travel to China next month. Now I"ll tell you something about the greatest places of interest in out country. First, Beijing is the capital city of China. There are so many amazing places you cannot miss. For example, the Ten-thousand-li Great Wall--one of the seven wonders in the world; the Palace Museum--the Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty; Yuanmingyuan -- a world--famous imperial garden. Second, you"d better go to Xi"an of Shanxi province for the Terra Cotta Warriors lies there. And you may also go to Huashan -- a dangerously steep mountain. It"s not far from Xi"an At last I hope you"ll pay a visit to Hunan .Hunana is famous for Zhangjiajie, a place with beautiful mountains and rivers .By the way, have you ever heard of __? He wa one of the greatest leaders in Chinese history. And if you come to Shaoshan -- his home town, you"ll know more about him. Oh,I must stop now, I have to get ready for my final exams Good luck! Yours Ahfang 介绍景点的高中英语作文篇3 Beijingis our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we have a one-daytour plan for you. 北京是我们的首都,以悠久的历史而闻名,现在我们为你制定了一天的旅游计划。 Inthe morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. It"s one of the greatestwonders in the world. It"s so magnificent that you can"t go to Beijing withoutvisiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are somany interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street,and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. Theview on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, andthen, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of theYangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on TiananmanSquare, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the PalaceMuseum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are ofgreat value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place togo where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildingsthere have the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history ofancient Beijing. 早晨你可以从长城开始新的一天,它是世界上最伟大的奇观之一。太壮观了,壮观到去北京不能不去参观长城。中午,你可以去颐和园。有那么多名胜古迹,如万寿山,昆明湖,苏州街,以及其他的一些古老宫殿。你可以先爬万寿山。山顶的景色是很美丽的。之后你可以去昆明湖划船,然后,走在苏州街来享受长江以南地区的生活。下午,你可以去天安门广场上散步,为了更好的看清楚这个城市,接下来你可以参观故宫博物馆。在那里你可以看到不同时期不同的物体。他们是很有价值的。晚上,前门步行街是一个很好的地方,在那里可以买到各种纪念品和衣服。那里的大多数建筑物都是中国传统风格。也许你可以了解到一些古老的北京城的历史。 Wishyou a nice trip. 祝你旅途愉快 看了“介绍景点的高中英语作文”的人还看了: 1. 旅游景点英文介绍 2. 关于旅游的高一英语作文带翻译 3. 有关旅游景点介绍的英语作文 4. 出国旅游的高中英语作文 5. 关于风景的英语作文 写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了介绍景点的英语作文开头可以介绍该景点的历史故事,中段部分重点介绍该景点可游玩的部分,最后一段对整个景点总结即可。介绍景点的英语作文双语范文如下:Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It"s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.鼓浪屿是厦门的一个小岛。就像水上花园。汽车和公共汽车是不允许开到那里的,这使得岛上非常安静,可以听到钢琴和小提琴演奏的音乐。Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.在这里,天空和大海在地平线上清晰地汇合。当你站在日光岩的顶端,你可以看到厦门的很多风景,当你站在它的脚下,你可以凝视美丽的花园围绕它。Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.鼓浪屿生产香蕉、椰子、甘蔗等。这里的人们热情、淳朴、勤劳,正在努力让这个岛屿变得更美丽,他们希望未来有更多的游客。Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits这就是鼓浪屿,一个美丽而诱人的岛屿,在这里,你会受到热烈的欢迎。重点词汇解释:1、scenicadj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的n. 风景胜地;风景照片双语例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景极其优美的一个地区。2、touristn. 旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的vt. 在旅行参观vi. 旅游;观光adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱双语例句:A_assing_ourist_napped_he_ncident.一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。帮我写一篇旅游浏阳大围山的英语作文,缓了几天,才来收拢心情,叙一下浏阳大围山,热辣的峡谷漂流记。上午8点从长沙自驾出发,环线、高速,到了浏阳必须经过的隧道,隧道是凿开三座大山修建而成,分成三段,二车道,车川流不息,像忙碌的蚂蚁,开着车灯,在隧道穿行,行在里面,感觉很渺小,也为人类的智慧陶醉。浏阳市匆匆一瞥,绕过繁华街道,真奔大围山。大围山位于浏阳的西北面,海拔大约1300米,盘山公路直达山顶,砂石和水泥两种路面,双车道,有些狭窄处也须等候会车,弯道处的护栏常有损坏,这大概也算是车技的训练场吧。不知是否精神过度集中,竟然头痛、耳鸣,同伴也有相同感觉。吃过中饭,驶往漂流起点,两人一皮伐,稍坐稳,便被船工推入水道中。河道湍急的位置很多,每经过坡度夸张的地方,水流就会像瀑布灌到筏子里,尖叫声不绝于耳,响彻溪流,稍定,同舟共济的同伴们就开始手满脚乱地找瓢舀水,稍歇息,又开始攻击友邻皮筏上的伙伴,水枪、水瓢的武器,互相都奋不顾身,打得稀里哗啦,落汤的模样,都在开怀大笑,这大概就是漂流的乐趣吧。第二天游览大围山风景,景点尚在建设中,自娱乐。顺着山间中溪流,拾阶而下,溪集成流,水流盘成旋,经过大石的位置竟然也有瀑布的效果,天然氧吧,心情放松,愉悦。午饭,驾车,盘山,隧道,高速,环线,长沙,家。A few days before coming to the slow, together with the mood, Liuyang Dawei Mountain, hot Canyon crusoe. 8 a.m. from Changsha self-driving, link, high-speed, to Liuyang must go through the tunnel, the tunnel is built on the three big mountains, divided into three sections, two lanes, the car the stream never stops flowing., like busy ants, with its headlights, in tunnel through, line in, feel very insignificant, but also for human wisdom intoxicated. Liuyang at a glance, bypassing the busy street, I ran in Dawei mountain. Dawei Mountain is located in the northwest of Liuyang, with an elevation of about 1300 meters, winding mountain road to the peak, gravel and cement two road, a two-lane, some narrow must wait for meeting, bend barrier often damaged, it might also be driving skills training. I do not know whether the spirit of excessive concentration, even the headache, tinnitus, friend also has the same feeling. After lunch, to drift starting point, two people a leather cutting, slightly tight, was pushed into the waterways of the. River rapids position a lot, every after slope exaggerations, water will be like the waterfall pouring into the raft, screams can be heard without end, from the stream, a little set to pull together in times of trouble, friends started to hand over the scrambling to find an out, a little rest, began to attack neighboring kayaking partners in the water, water, weapons to forget about one"s own, each other, play thinly in crash-bang, drop soup appearance, in the laugh, this is probably the drifting. The very next day tour Dawei Mountain scenic spots, is still under construction, self entertainment. Along the mountain streams, step down, Creek integrated flow, flow into a disk rotation, after boulder position even a waterfall effect, natural, relaxed mood, joy. Lunch, drive, winding, tunnel, high speed, link, Changsha, home.如果我以上的问题对你有帮助,你还可以求助我,按下面的分类,有我可以帮助你的。
2023-07-20 22:54:151


一、沉积幕沉积幕(Depositional Episode)是Frazier提出的一个重要概念,它是一个时间单位。沉积幕被定义为两个最大洪水事件(Maximum Flooding Event)之间的时间区间。在盆地达到最大水进期时,岸线迁移到最靠近陆地方向,盆地方向处于极缓慢沉积或无沉积状态,形成沉积间断面(hiatal surface)。在这种条件下,位于沉积间断面上的所有点都是等时的,沉积间断面就是一个等时面。因此,一个沉积幕就是一个从最大水进期到下一个最大水进期的相对水平面升降变化的周期(旋回)。一个沉积幕期,盆地边缘沉积层的进积包括从深水斜坡和盆地平原到过渡相(三角洲、岸带、陆架及滨海平原)及陆相(河流或冲积扇)范围内的沉积物。有四种深度沉积区,包括斜坡、陆架边缘、陆架和海岸平原。由于盆地边缘进积作用,并相继经过基准点并越过了基准点。陆架边缘的进积,由分隔陆架台地牵引流沉积物与斜坡重力流沉积物的沉积斜坡转折点所限定,它是任何特定时期和地层层位中盆缘海退建造范围的最稳定标志(Winker,1982;Jackson和Galloway,1984)。相反,只要基准面或沉积物供给发生很小的变化,海滨带就会在沉积台地上发生数千米的迁移,因此,海滨带周期性进退及陆架边缘进积和沉陷的脉动,可记录一个理想的沉积幕。二、成因地层层序模式Galloway在沉积幕的基础上提出了成因地层层序的模式,他定义成因地层层序为沉积幕的沉积产物。成因地层层序有两个要素:一是盆地边缘的建造与盆地的充填过程;另一个就是盆地边缘的区域性水进过程,它主要受构造沉降和海平面上升的影响。在湖盆中,区域性的水进过程主要受构造沉降和气候因素的控制。沉积幕与成因地层层序模式的重要意义在于用最大洪水面分离开每一个有成因联系的地层单元,为盆地分析提供年代地层格架。(一)沉积幕与沉积层序单元图2-1表示了一个理想沉积幕所产生的成因地层层序的时间格架和相的地层学展布。该图的上部为时-空坐标系,用以说明主要沉积环境组合间的时空关系;下部为剖面图,用以说明成因地层层序的地层构型。一个沉积幕或地层层序由三类单元组成:退覆部分、上超或海侵部分和反映最大海泛的界面(相当于Frazier的间断面,1974)。1.退覆部分图2-1 单个沉积幕所产生的成因地层层序的理想地层构型(据Galloway,1987)上图:以时间为纵坐标,沉积幕;下图:以深度为纵坐标,表示地层构型和相组合(层序)退覆部分,相当于沉积层序的顶超部分。主要包括以下几个部分:(1)砂质河流相、三角洲平原相,以及反映海岸平原加积作用的海湾相和(或)泻湖相;(2)滨岸矿质进积沉积物,向陆方向覆盖于前期层序的海泛台地上,向海方向覆于前期退覆层序的大陆斜坡上;(3)斜坡上的进积和斜坡下的加积的混合体。“斜坡退覆”与“进积”这两个词使用时具同义性,但斜坡沉积物内部岩相构型受坡脚及相邻盆地底面沉积物重力活化和沉积物加积作用的控制(Mitchum,1985;Mutti,1985),因此,退覆斜坡体系一般包括呈明显倾斜层理几何形态的上斜坡进积相和斜坡根部与相邻盆地平原加积相层序,这两种沉积相层序交替出现,具复合上超及丘状层理形态。2.上超部分上超部分包括以下几个单元:(1)海岸线后退期间或后退之后形成的海岸相和陆架相沉积,海岸相沉积可能经过改造;(2)斜坡上部或大陆边缘的沉积物是在重力作用下重新沉积在斜角处形成的裙状物。陆缘活动海退建造形成后的海侵期,是上斜坡和大陆边缘块体坡移退积作用最广泛的时期(Dietz,1963;Brown和Fisher,1980;Winker,1984)。因此,再沉积形成的特殊裙状沉积超覆于斜坡坡脚处。图2-1表示了一个理想的成因地层层序,其中,在海侵期只有很少的沉积物形成,而且,海侵沉积物为不连续薄层,为覆盖于冲沟侵蚀面上经改造的岸带重新沉积物。如果在海侵过程中有大量的沉积物供应,导致厚层沉积物形成,那么,这些沉积物记录了沉积事件向陆逐渐后退的整个过程(图2-2A)。“退积”一词对于描述长周期的(缓慢的)海岸线或陆架边缘的后退过程是很有用的。3.成因地层层序界面成因地层层序由两个地层界面所限定,这两个界面代表了海侵期及最大海泛期,陆架和陆坡地区沉积物的非补偿状态(即沉积物缺乏)。根据Frazier(1974)对“间断面”的定义,它是将一个层序的退积或海侵沉积与后续层序的进积沉积分开。间歇性沉积作用一般跨越海泛沉积台区发育。但是,陆源沉积速率非常低,其延续时间由薄而具特殊地层及成分的标志来记录,这种标志层包含着无法进行单独解释的多重假整合。海泛界面的地层型式包括不整合和密集段,它们形成下超地震层序边界(Asquith,1970;Mitchum,1977)。这些层位在测井上具有明显反映(标志),并一般是烃源岩层(Meger和Nederlof,1984)。重要的是,Frazier模式也可预测成因地层层序向陆方向存在的陆上间断面(见图2-1)。滨线是沉积作用的集中区,当岸线向海迁移时,海岸平原可以成为一个均衡面,该均衡面起到沉积物分流带的作用。在较大盆地中,当沉积加载于地壳时,基准面的微小变化或者其周缘上升,均会引起无沉积作用、沟谷下切作用,或者发生对较老层序的盆地边缘带的低角度削蚀作用。这类侵蚀面即为Vail等(1984)的Ⅰ型层序界面。然而,这类界面作为区域性层序边界是建立在这样一个假设之上:即盆地边缘的地层结构只受全球海平面下降至陆架边缘或更低水平所决定。后来,Vail和Wagoner(1987)重新定义了Ⅰ类不整合边界,认为当海平面下降到岸线坡折处时即可形成。这个新定义强调了形成Ⅰ类层序边界时海平面不需要下降太多。同时,这个新定义减少了陆表侵蚀面的地理分布范围和作为地层边界的重要性,而增加了构造运动对地表侵蚀面形成的影响。所有层序均是在盆地内沿走向具区域连续性的三维地层单元。理想情况下,每个层序都包括几个在走向和倾向上相关的沉积体系。图2-2B和C展示了沿穿过三角洲前缘和三角洲间湾剖面中典型相组合的时空关系。在海岸后退过程中,沉积物供应充足,逐渐的海进控制地层的上超。三角洲前缘和前三角洲相组成岸缘相单元,三角洲平原为盖层。当前积层延伸到下伏陆架边缘时,陆架边缘相、三角洲前缘和前三角洲相的厚度增加,因此,重力流搬运成为建造深入斜坡沉积的主要因素。斜坡包括前积形成的三角洲体系和具退覆(顶超)的水下扇、扇裙体系等混合建造。与此同时,陆内三角洲平原连续加积,最终形成宽广的加积裙。决口穿过冲积扇,使得三角洲朵叶体切开,在大型体系中经常达到相当大的规模。因此,在任何横切面上,海退建造被发育三角洲侵蚀相的亚区域(沉积走向几十到几百米)海侵所间断。退积则进一步限制三角洲前缘和前三角洲沉积的发育。三角洲将再次进积到新海泛台地的浅滩水域。更接近均衡的供给和改造作用,形成海控作用增强的三角洲前缘相的叠加层序(Galloway,1975)。侵蚀三角洲相依次被广布的前三角洲和陆架泥所覆盖。基准面相对上升,造成三角洲和冲积平原加积作用增强,也导致更多地保存了越岸相和洪泛盆地相(Galloway,1986)。在不稳定的陆架过缘,三角洲沉积不断发生滑塌,形成再沉积三角洲前缘、前三角洲及上斜坡沉积物,也产生上超斜坡堆积裙。大型水平峡谷可以深切穿过广阔的陆架(Galloway,1988)。在三角洲之间地区(图2-2C),砂质或泥质滨海平原可进积到早期沉积幕形成的海泛陆架台地上。陆上海岸平原分布有很多小型支流而形成支流平原(Galloway,1981),并加积到海岸平原进积层之上。陆架边缘以泥质沉积为主,其沉积速率很慢。陆坡沉积物是由前期沉积物改造形成的前积和加积沉积物组成的。这里的陆架坡折比强烈进积的三角洲前缘区平缓,因此,在随后的退积过程中再改造作用可能不剧烈。随沉积中心转移,由沿岸流从相邻三角洲前缘供给沉积物,因此,三角洲间的海退建造为零星分布,进积事件被亚区域上稳定期或海侵作用所中断。如墨西哥湾西北部(Galloway等,1986)的这种浪控海岸的退积沉积物,海泛期以障壁湾和深湖沉积体系为主,基准面上升,使加积平原冲积体系和海湾-泻湖体系得以保存,厚层加积障壁沉积和薄层海侵障壁相也被保存下来。泥质陆架沉积层全部或部分地覆盖于宽广的、新生海泛沉积台地上。一些特殊的陆架体系沉积,包括富砂相,很可能是在海侵和洪泛期形成的(Swiftt和Rrice,1984)。由于陆架沉积是由海进沉积和退积建造经改造再沉积的,所以其分布状态反映前期沉积幕的古地理特征。这些沉积属于成因地层序中的一部分(单元)。图2-2 不同地质背景中产生的成因地层层序的时-空格架示意图(据Galloway,1989)A—典型沉积幕海退建造和退积复合发育时-空示意图;B、C—沉积幕内三角洲前缘和三角洲间湾剖面中典型相组合时-空关系(二)成因地层层序构成型式成因地层层序是一个沉积序列,它记录了盆地边缘海退建造和以大范围分布的盆地边缘海泛为界的盆地充填事件。代表最大海泛期的沉积面或侵蚀面通常是两个较大的三维沉积体系的界面。典型薄层海侵沉积或界面记录着最大海泛期的密集段古生物层或沉积层的一般地层并列关系,这类沉积广泛用于许多盆地的区域地层对比中。层序内部沉积体系的相关组合可通砂岩分布格架来确定和描述。这种以海泛面为边界的、成因上相关的、由沉积体系组成的层序,与Vail等人(1984)所定义的层序有很大区别。Vail等定义的层序是以低水位期不整合为界,它的最大海泛面在层序中部,并将较老退积沉积体系与年轻的前积沉积体系联系起来(图2-3)。在成因地层层序中,海岸平原、河流相、三角洲、三角洲间海岸区、陆架和斜坡沉积体系的演化模式均可以识别和预测。成因地层层序与沉积层序(层序地层学).有很多相似点,它们共同起源于Frazier的沉积幕/沉积旋回分析,主要是在界面的选择和解释目标侧重点有重大分歧。1.成因地层层序主要保持和强调Frazier(1974)的结论“层序是在相对基准面或构造活动稳定时期沿盆地边缘沉积的一套沉积物的组合”。这个模式考虑了沉积幕产生的三个变量。而Vail等人的沉积层序最先主要强调全球海平面变化这一因素,陆表不整合面、低水位、高水位都与全球性海平面所决定的沉积物供应和沉降有关。2.层序划分界面有根本性差异沉积层序模式强调以不整合面或对应的整合面为层序边界;Galloway强调以最大海泛面为成因层序边界(见图2-3),在海平面周期变化曲线上相差180度。可以说,成因层序内部包括了沉积层序的层序边界,沉积层序内部包括了成因层序的层序边界。Galloway认为,Exxon沉积层序模式强调陆上不整合及其等效地层界面,这类界面在相对基准面降至进积陆架边缘以下地区时非常重要,但在基准面不低于台地边缘地区时,这类边界是模糊的,而且,其在Ⅱ型层序中的延伸范围也有限。相反,由海岸平原的海侵和海泛所产生的下超间断面是一个容易对比的界面,它将砂质海岸平原、滨岸带及海相陆坡沉积物边缘包络起来。Galloway主要用钻井、测井资料进行沉积体系分析,其成因层序地层分析就是在已确定的沉积体系的三维相格架内进行并寻找层序界面。3.沉积层序与成因地层层序这两种模式对陆架边缘侵蚀、退积的时间、过程和作用强调的重要程度不一致Exxon模型中海平面快速下降到陆架边缘之下导致陆上深切谷下切、斜坡上部的剥蚀或沉积物路过以及低水位水下扇的沉积,海平面下降变缓慢或海平面的相对稳定导致深切谷充填。而成因地层层序模式认为,陆架边缘和斜坡上的侵蚀作用和退积是一个不断发生的过程,这个过程是受陆架边缘及斜坡上部的不稳定性所控制的,也受沉积物供应速率随时间和地点的变化、盆地的水文地质特征、海岸和陆架的几何形态,以及基准面变化的控制。海底峡谷的形成、充填,以及海底扇的沉积可以在一个沉积幕的任一时刻形成。最大海底峡谷的形成和上超楔的沉积经常是在快速进积的陆架边缘上发生了首次最大海侵之后形成的(Galloway,1988)。图2-3 Exxon Ⅰ型层序(A)及Ⅱ型层序(B)边界与成因地层层序边界对比(据Galloway等,1989)1—滨海相岸;2—成因地层层序边界及对应界面;3—沉积层序不整合边界及其对应界面;4—沉积作用面;5—连续的海岸沉积体系;6—成因地层层序;7—沉积层序(三)成因地层层序边界的特征成因地层层序主要依据钻井和测井信息进行分析,其中测井资料在确定成因层序和边界特征方面是相当重要的。这里重点介绍测井成因地层边界的特征。确定一个成因地层层序,核心是识别成因地层层序的边界,也就是识别最大洪泛面及与其对比的地层界面。最大洪泛面在测井曲线上主要有以下特征(薛良清,1993):(1)高自然伽马,为富含轴、磷、海绿石的页岩;(2)低自然电位,高电阻、高密度、高声速层,曲线呈尖峰状,为薄层钙质泥、页岩或灰岩的反映。图2-4为美国得克萨斯州东部Queen City层序的倾向剖面,层序上边界为比较理想的低自然电位、尖峰状高电阻特征,代表与最大洪水面有成因联系的密集段。图2-4 美国得克萨斯州东部Queen City层序倾向剖面图(据薛良清,1993)1—成因地层层序边界;2—不整合及其对比整合面;3—水进面;RST—退积体系域;LPC—低水位前积复合体;PST—前积体系域;A1、A2、A3、A4—钻井编号(3)低自然电位、低电阻标志层,代表比较纯的海、湖相泥岩层。图2-5为得克萨斯州中部Yegua成因地层层序的典型测井曲线形态,反映成因地层层序边界的低自然电位、低电阻特征。(4)向上变细的测井响应到向上变粗的测井响应的转折点,反映相对水平面上升达到最大水进期后转为下降趋势的转折段。(5)测井曲线特征具有区域上的可对比性,如小层序(parasequence)边界也具有低自然电位、低电阻特征,但它只是局部水进过程的产物,而不是成因地层层序边界。(四)成因地层层序中的体系域特点Swift等人(1991)认为Exxon层序地层序学中的体系域是几何体系域而不是沉积体系域,因为Vail等人的模式主要强调几何学特征,而不是沉积相关系。沉积层序把这种几何体系域与全球海平面升降联系起来(Haq等,1988),然而在湖相盆地几何体系域与全球海平面升降没有直接的联系,而构造活动与沉积物供应为主要的控制因素。在成因地层层序中,体系域术语采用以下几类:前积型体系域(progradational systems tract)、退积型体系域(retrogradational systems tract)、低水位体系域(lowstand systems tract)。其中低水位的涵义中,既可能是全球海平面变化引起的,也可能是构造抬升等其他因素引起的。这样,成因地层层序的术语既可用于海相盆地,也可用于湖相盆地。图2-5 美国得克萨斯州中部Yegua层序的典型测井曲线图(据薛良清,1993)1—小层序边界;2—时间对比线;3—下切谷充填;RST—退积体系域;PST—前积体系域;B1、B2、B3—钻井编号1.前积型体系域前积型体系域是以最大供水面及其对比的地层界面为底界,以不整合面及其对比整合面为顶界,以小层序组的前积型叠加为特征。在测井曲线上具有向上变粗的序列特征,这种向上变粗的趋势主要强调小层序组的垂向叠加特征,而不是仅限于小层序本身简单的向上变粗响应,因为退积型体系域中的小层序同样具有向上简单变粗的特征。但需指出,虽然前积型体系域具有向上变粗的总趋势,但不排除局部地区、局部层段表现为向上变细的测井响应,因为测井响应主要取决于沉积速率与相对水平面升降变化速率之间的平衡关系,当局部地区的沉积物源迁移和关闭时,就会导致向上变细的测井响应。2.低水位体系域低水位体系域是在相对水平面下降期形成的,表现为沉积相向盆地方向的大规模迁移。成因地层层序中的低水位体系域与Exxon层序地层学中的低水位体系域的涵义基本相似,但也有区别。低水位体系域以不整合面为底界,以水进面为顶界,由陆棚环境的下切沟谷充填、陆棚边缘坡折附近的低水位前积复合体、大陆斜坡扇和盆地平原扇(深海扇或深湖扇)组成。水进面为低水位前积复合体之上的第一个最有意义的洪水面,此时岸线大规模向陆方向迁移。(1)下切沟谷充填一般由两部分组成,一部分是通过侵蚀谷的侵蚀作用、过路沉积作用(sediment bypassing)和低水位岸线附近的沉积作用形成的产物,另一部分是由于相对水平面上升、侵蚀谷本身沉积充填的产物。因此,下切沟谷充填的产物比较复杂,一般为河口湾与辫状河道砂岩(海相盆地也有潮汐改造的证据)或滨岸平原砂岩、泥岩或煤层。下切沟谷充填沉积物一般直接覆盖在前三角洲和陆棚泥岩或薄层砂岩之上,垂直相序表明为明显的不连续,标志着沉积相向盆地方向的迁移。下切沟谷充填在测井曲线上表现为突变的侵蚀基底、块状的自然电位形态,与周围测井时间对比线有中断。与分流河道主要区别有:宽度大,下伏地层为海(湖)边缘末端相砂岩和海(湖)相泥岩,而不是三角洲前缘相和河口坝沉积物,沿着不整合面广泛分布而不仅限于单个三角洲朵叶体中。因此,利用测井剖面鉴别下切沟谷充填要比仅靠单井资料可靠的多。(2)低水位沉积复合体是相对水平面下降的产物,在陆棚边缘盆地中,一般形成于陆棚边缘附近。在斜坡型盆地中主要表现为三角洲沉积物大规模向盆地中心迁移。低水位沉积复合体在测井曲线上易于识别,因为其周围为海或湖相泥岩为包围,因此低水位沉积复合体砂岩在测井曲线上特别突出。(3)大陆坡扇、盆地平原扇既可以由相对水平面变化造成,也可以由陆棚边缘的滑塌作用及随机性浊流事件等形成。在测井曲线形态上与低水位前积复合体类似,但所处的围岩水体环境深度更大、更接近盆地中心。在斜坡型盆地中,因为缺乏足够的可供沉积物堆积的空间,所以很难形成大陡坡扇和盆地平原扇。3.退积型体系域退积型体系域是在相对水平面上升期形成的,表现为岸线阶段性向陆地方向迁移。这种迁移的垂向叠加结果,导致小层序向上变细特点。退积型体系域以水进面为底界,以最大洪水面为顶界。退积体系域在沉积速率低的地区仅为水进事件改造过的沉积薄层,退积层序特征不明显。
2023-07-20 22:54:351


CANapeECU测量、标定和诊断的综合工具 CANape为开发者提供了一种可用于ECU开发、标定、诊断和测量数据采集的综合性工具。特点和优势 CANape主要用于电控单元(ECU)的参数优化(标定)。它在系统运行期间同时标定参数值和采集测量信号。CANape与ECU的物理接口可以是使用CCP(CAN标定协议)的CAN总线,或者是使用XCP协议的FlexRay实现。另外,通过集成的诊断功能集(Diagnostic Feature Set),CANape提供了对诊断数据和诊断服务的符号化访问。这样,它就为用户提供了完整的诊断测试仪功能。CANape使用标准协议的特性使其成为了覆盖ECU开发所有阶段的一种开放而灵活的平台。功能 CANape的基本功能包括:同步地实时采集和显示ECU内部信号(通过CCP/XCP),CAN、LIN、FlexRay总线信号以及来自外部测量设备的信号通过CCP/XCP进行在线标定和通过XCP进行实时激励(Stimulation)离线标定快速而安全地使用二进制文件和参数组刷写Flash(Flash编程)无缝集成KWP2000和UDS诊断函数强大的标定数据管理、参数组比较和合并功能在测量、离线分析或旁通(bypassing)过程中使用集成的MATLAB/Simulink模型进行计算ASAM MCD3 测量和标定自动化接口与ECU测量数据一起同步采集视频、 音频、GPS和外部测量设备的环境数据使用集成的编程语言自动执行用户输入序列和处理测量值与信号
2023-07-20 22:54:441


请先重新安装 openGL 驱动程式,再跑 game如果你的显卡无法支持 openGL 的话,就直接换一张 openGL 的显示卡显卡驱动各个机子都不同,显卡是什么型号对应各自的驱动。这个你显卡型号多少都不知道,没办法帮你找驱动。但是,基本上出现这个提示的都是不支持OPENGL的机子,又或者是老机子。我以前打热血英豪也出现过这个问题
2023-07-20 22:54:511