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请帮忙翻译一下,尤其是instead is这里是怎么翻译的,句子成分要怎么分析?

2023-05-19 17:35:57

what has changed,instead is the relative share adopting different ways of living in early adulthood


what has changed,instead is the relative share adopting different ways of living in early adulthood



what has changed,instead is the relative share adopting different ways of living in early adulthood




  adopt通常用作动词,那么你adopt做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来adopt的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   adopt作动词的意思:   收养;采用,采取,采纳;正式接受,接受;批准   adopt的英语音标:   英 [əˈdɔpt] 美 [əˈdɑpt]   adopt的时态:   现在分词: adopting   过去式: adopted   过去分词: adopted   adopt的英语例句:   1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.   英国可以自由制定政策以振兴经济。   2. Britain is to adopt a more re-strictive policy on arms sales.   英国将对武器出售采取更具限制性的政策。   3. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.   这并不是为了限制社会研究人员所能采用的 方法 。   4. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.   我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。   5. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit".   他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。   6. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.   我绝对不会采纳他的任何方法。   7. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.   应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。   8. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy.   企业必须更积极主动地制定环境政策。   9. The majority of British women adopt their husband"s surname when they marry.   大多数英国女性结婚后随夫姓。   10. Try to adopt a more relaxed manner.   试着换一种更加放松的方式。   11. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt   鼓励无子女夫妇领养孩子的运动   12. I move that we adopt the agenda as It"stands.   我提议不作改变通过这个议程.   13. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures.   要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述 措施 .   14. Protesters called on the government to adopt a declaration of sovereignty.   抗议者呼吁政府正式宣布主权独立.   15. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.   和年轻女子说话时,他喜欢摆出一副高高在上的姿态.
2023-01-04 02:45:561


adopt的用法说明   【释义】   英 [əˈdɒpt] 美 [əˈdɑ:pt]   vt.   收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准   第三人称单数: adopts 现在分词: adopting 过去式: adopted 过去分词: adopted 形近词: reopt   1. 收养,领养:   He"s not our natural son; we adopted him when he was three. 他不是我们的亲儿子——他3岁时我们领养的。   2. 采取,采用:   They adopted our methods. 他们采用了我们的办法。   3. 选定,选举:   She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York. 她被提名为约克郡的工党候选人。   4. 正式通过:   The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。   【例句】   1、Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.   议会采纳了要求全部撤军的"决议。   2、I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.   我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。   3、Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.   波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。   【用法说明】   1. adopt表示“收养”时,指法律意义上的正式收养,若指一般的认养,则用foster。   2. 汉语中的“养子(女)”说成英语是adopted son (daughter),但是“养父母”却是adoptive parents (father, mother)。但若用foster(养育的,收养的)则没有此区别,如可说a foster child(养子),a foster father(养父)。 ;
2023-01-04 02:46:011

adopt ,adopting, adopted,to be adopting的区别,谢谢!

adopt 动词原形He adopts the method.他采用了这种方法。adopting 现在分词Adopting the method, he succeeded in the exam.采用这种方法,他成功过了考试。adopted 过去分词Adopted by him, the method becomed popular.被他采用过,这方法变得流行了。to be adopting 不定式短语He seems to be adopting the method.他似乎在采用这种方法。
2023-01-04 02:46:071


adopt作及物动词时意为“采取,接受,收养,正式通过”。作不及物动词时意为“采取,过继”。第三人称单数:adopts。现在分词:adopting。过去式:adopted。过去分词:adopted。记忆技巧:ad加强+ opt选择→一再通过选择→采纳。双语例句:The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach. 脱颖而出的唯一途径就是采用一种不同的方法。They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property. 他们应该采用一种更有想象力的方式来为他们的财产找到另外的用途。
2023-01-04 02:46:121


adopt 意思:v.收养;领养;采用(某方法);采取(某态度);正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等)adopt 发音:英 [əˈdɒpt]   美 [əˈdɑːpt]  adopt 具体释义以及例句:1、VERB 采取;采纳;采用Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。2、VERB 收养;领养My parents decided to adopt the girl. 我父母决定收养了这个女孩。3、VERB 采用,保持(姿势)I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。4、VERB 移居(某国);选择(某国)定居Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。5、VERB 采用(语气、口音等)He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster...他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。短语搭配:to adopt通过 ; 采纳 ; 采用Adopt good文采好accept adopt采纳adopt methods采用方法adopt dogmatically教条地搬用Adopt One成年人 ; 领养一只吧扩展资料:一、第三人称单数: adopts;现在分词: adopting;过去式: adopted;过去分词: adopted二、近义词辨析:accept adoptaccept 是同意,接受,表示全盘接受adopt 是采纳,可以是部分采纳,有选择的接受.例句:I accept your opinion. 我同意你的意见I adopted some of your suggestions. 我采纳了你的一些建议.三、opt词根辨析:opt词根= to choose 选择1、adopt v. 采纳;收养ad 加强 + opt 选择 → 一再通过选择 → 采纳2、adoptable adj. 可采纳的adopt 采纳;收养 + able 可…的,能…的;具有…性质的 → 可采纳的3、adoptive adj. 采用的adopt 采纳;收养 + ive …的 → 采用的4、option n. 选择opt 选择 + ion 表动作 → 选择5、optional adj. 可选择的option 选择 + al …的 → 可选择的
2023-01-04 02:46:271


adopt英[əˈdɒpt]美[əˈdɑ:pt]vt.收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准第三人称单数:adopts现在分词:adopting过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted形近词:ADOPTreopt1Persons who wish to adopt a child may contact their local social services department.想收养孩子的人可以与当地社会公益部门联系。
2023-01-04 02:46:392


谐音 额躲扑特
2023-01-04 02:46:476


adopt的意思:收养。读音:英[əˈdɒpt]、美[əˈdɑːpt]。释义:vt. 采取;接受;收养;正式通过。vi. 采取;过继。变形:过去式adopted、过去分词adopted、现在分词adopting、第三人称单数adopts。adopt造句如下:1、The American couple decided to adopt a child from the countryside in China.这对美国夫妇决定从中国农村领养一个孩子。2、He made plenty of investigations into this case, and that"s why I adopted his proposal.他对这个案子做了大量调查,这就是我为什么采纳他提议的原因。3、Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。4、They have no kids of their own, but they"re hoping to adopt.他们没有亲生孩子 但是希望能领养。
2023-01-04 02:47:121


采用,收养,接受采用造句:一、三峡水利工程采用了当今世界上最先进的技术。二、我军对敌人采用了各个击破的战术。三、由于采用了新技术,大大降低了能源消耗。四、在这篇作文中他独具匠心地采用了白描手法。五、农民种田采用“免耕法”,收效显著。收养造句:1、如果你收养一条快要饿死的狗,把它喂得肥肥的,那它决不会咬你。这就是人与狗的主要差别。马克·吐温 2、李奶奶热心于慈善事业,收养了好几个孤儿。3、如果你收养了一只饥饿的狗,并且让它过上了舒服的日子,它将不会咬你。这便是狗与人最主要的区别。习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其一下子扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。4、猫物语虽然专门收养大型猫科动物,但也欢迎任何需人照顾的珍禽异兽。5、家庭收养不是一时权宜之计,而是关系失依儿童长远发展和终身大事。接受造句:1、战士们排成方阵,昂首阔步走过天安门广场,接受首长的检阅。2、意见提得对固然应该接受,提得不对也可以做参考。3、我们的老师从来不接受同学们的礼物。4、自己的意见不能强迫别人接受。5、学校接受同学们的意见,及时解决了饮水问题。
2023-01-04 02:47:242


2023-01-04 02:47:322

英语翻译:worth adopting是什么意思呢

2023-01-04 02:47:411


亲 这是考眼力呐。。。
2023-01-04 02:47:462

英语翻译:worth adopting是什么意思呢

翻译:举个例子,它已被证明 用线从中心向四周不同的方向辐射 是值得采纳的 因为它反映了 我们大脑中连接信息的方式。
2023-01-04 02:47:546


rewarding读为英[rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ]。adj.给予报偿的;令人满足的;有益的原形:reward。网络释义:有益的;值得的;有回报的;有收获的;报答的。词根:reward。rewardful,adj.,有报酬的;有酬劳的。reward,n.劳经,报酬;报答;酬谢。vt.劳经,奖励;奖赏。双语例句:1、Adopting or rescuing an iguana can be a very interesting and rewarding experience.通过或挽救一个鬣蜥可能是一个非常有趣和有益的经验。2、Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive,consistently applied effort.生活中几乎一切有趣的、能给人以满足的事都需要一定的建设性的、持之以恒的努力。3、Only by rewarding success can you bring out the best in your employees.只有通过奖励成功才能激发出员工的最佳潜能。4、It is a rewarding attempt to simulate precipitation and runoff in these areas.为解决该类地区的降雨径流模拟做了有益的尝试。5、This is one of the most rewarding secrets of life anyone can learn.这种令人受益无穷的生活诀窍,人人都可以学到。
2023-01-04 02:48:161

用adopt翻译下列句子1 他们因没有亲身儿女,所以决定领养这个孩子2 再三考虑之后,我决定采纳她的建议

1 他们因没有亲身儿女,所以决定领养这个孩子"As they have no child of their own, they decided to adopt this child."2 再三考虑之后,我决定采纳她的建议."After reconsideration, I decied to adopt her suggestion/proposal."3 我认为是该采取一种不同的应对他的策略的时候了(a) "I think the time has come for us to adopt a different strategy in dealing with him."(b) "I think it is time for us to deal with him by adopting a different strategy."
2023-01-04 02:48:476


attending doctor
2023-01-04 02:49:098

英语高手进 全文翻译

2023-01-04 02:49:484

秉持 英语怎么说

2023-01-04 02:50:024


假设双语对照词典结果:assume[英][əˈsju:m][美][əˈsu:m]v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出; 第三人称单数:assumes过去分词:assumed现在进行时:assuming过去式:assumed以上结果来自金山词霸采用双语对照词典结果:adopt[英][əˈdɒpt][美][əˈdɑ:pt]vt.采用,采取,采纳; 收养; 正式接受,接受; 批准; 第三人称单数:adopts过去分词:adopted现在进行时:adopting过去式:adopted易混淆单词:ADOPT以上结果来自金山词霸词典结果:undertake[英][ˌʌndəˈteɪk][美][ˌʌndərˈteɪk]vt.承诺; 保证; 承担,从事; 同意,答应; 第三人称单数:undertakes过去分词:undertaken现在进行时:undertaking过去式:undertook以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-01-04 02:50:191


高速星绞设备High-speed Planetary Stranding Machine概述:本机主要用于长途通信电缆(铁路信号电缆)的四线组绞合,是一种双节距星绞机,由主动收线、张力控制装置、扭矩发生器(预扭器)、封闭弓式绞笼、分离器、扎纱装置、牵引轮、光杆排线及半自动线盘装卸装置等组成。采用机械方式改变节距,可保证节距稳定。该设备在制造工艺上主轴做高精度动平衡,主要轴承采用进口轴承,保证了整机运转平稳、噪音低、排线整齐。Brief IntroductionThis machine is mainly used to twist quads of telecom cables (railway signaling cables). It is a kind of double-twist star quadding machine with motorized taking-up, tension control system, twist pitch maker(pre-spiraller), enclosed bow type carriage, separator, yarn binder, capstan wheel, bar traverser and semi-automatic reel loader-unloader, etc.Mechanically changing pitches can guarantee the stability of the pitches. As the main axle of this equipment has undergone high precision dynamical balance test and the important bearings uses imported ones, the machine runs stably with low noise and orderly traversing.生产线主要特点:Main Features设备的专用性。该设备是参考了欧洲高速星绞设备的技术特点,取长补短,专门为内屏蔽铁路数字信号电缆而设计的。具有生产速度快,效率高,电气性能(K值,E值)稳定。 Specificity of the equipment. The equipment has adopted the merits of Europen high speed star quadding equipment and compensated our original deficiencies. This equipment is specially designed for railway digital signaling cables with internal screen. It features high production speed, high efficiency, and stable electrical performance (K value and E value)收线盘为单独直流电机张力控制,控制精度高,不是靠磁粉制动器控制张力。生产内屏蔽数字信号电缆,收线张力是一个关键因素。国内其他公司均采用磁粉制动器,收线张力会突变,会影响电缆的电气性能。 The take-up adopts DC motor tension control with high control precision, instead of magnetic powder brake. The taking-up tension is a key factor in manufacturing railway digital signaling cables with internal screen. Other domestic companies adopt magnetic powder brake, and in this case the sudden change of the taking-up tension may occur, which will negatively influence the electrical performance of the cables.配置国产碳纤维绞弓,强度高。避免由于高速旋转对皮泡皮芯线的损伤。 In order to avoid the damage of skin-foam-skin conductors due to fast rotation, the equipment is equipped with domestic carbon fiber twisting bows that have high strength.同心式扎纱,保证电缆结构的稳定,保证电缆电气性能的稳定。设备配置储纱装置,保证大长度的生产,避免生产过程中的大量浪费。 Concentric yarn binding guarantees the stability of various cable components and the stability of cable electrical performance. It is equipped with yarn accumulating unit to guarantee the production of long length products and to avoid large amount of waste during the operation.
2023-01-04 02:50:256

sat 语法

2023-01-04 02:50:474


Former guardian
2023-01-04 02:51:004


如有不足请实情修改:1. To be the combined company with more than two of the original examination and approval authority ⑴ companies to be merged to its original examination and approval authority for the merger and dissolution of the application. ⑵ the original examination and approval authority for the proposed merger and dissolution of the company to approve or disapprove the dissolution of the company"s response. * Note 1 ⑶ applicant to examination and approval authority on the merger application. * Note 2 ⑷ approving authority in writing within 45 days to agree a preliminary merger approval. * Note 3 ⑸ companies to be merged from the approving authority to agree to the merger date of the preliminary reply, notice of creditors within 10 and 30 days above the provincial level in the nationally circulated newspaper announcement. Companies should explain the notice and the notice of the inheritance of existing corporate debt program. ⑹ creditor from the date of receipt of notice within 30 days, did not receive notice of the date of the announcement within 45 days, may require the company to repay debts or provide corresponding guarantees. 45 days from the date of notice, creditors of the company without objection, the applicant to the examination and approval authority for formal approval. ⑺ approval authorities within 30 days after receipt of the application determine whether to approve the merger. ⑻ merger applicants should be self-examination and approval authority within 30 days from the date of the merger, the merger is dissolved, the surviving or new company matters to the appropriate approving authority for the cancellation, change, or to receive the certificate of approval procedures for foreign-invested enterprises . * Note 4 ⑼ company shall, cancellation, change, or to receive foreign investment enterprise approval certificate within 30 days, to the registration authority for the cancellation, change or set up registration. Register should be set up to change the company, after the end of the deregistration process. * Note 4 ⑽ existence after the merger or the newly established company shall change or obtain a business license within 30 days, to the dissolution of the company due to merger of creditors and debtors and creditors, the debtor issued a notice of change and the national distribution of provincial above newspaper notice. ⑾ survives the merger or the newly established company shall renew or obtain a business license within 30 days from the date of the tax, customs, land management and foreign exchange management and other relevant authorities for appropriate registration. Companies and domestic-funded enterprises in the merger, the surviving or new company should be in accordance with relevant provisions of enterprises with foreign investment, to tax, customs, land management and foreign exchange management organizations to conduct the relevant audit procedures. (B) provide the required materials 1. The applicant to obtain preliminary approval for examination and approval authority required to submit the following documents: ⑴ the company signed the application on the merger and the merger agreement. ⑵ the highest authority of the company"s resolution on the merger; ⑶ companies to contract and articles of association; ⑷ the company"s approval certificate and business license; the company merged with the domestic-funded enterprises, the applicant shall submit the proposed merger to the approving authority of the domestic-funded enterprises have invested enterprise business license. ⑸ by the Chinese company"s statutory capital verification agency for the capital verification report; ⑹ the company"s balance sheet and property list; ⑺ companies the previous year"s audit report; ⑻ list of all creditors of the company; ⑼ the combined company the contract, articles of association ; ⑽ combined membership of the highest authority of the company; ⑾ approval required by the authorities of the other documents. 2. The applicant to obtain official approval for examination and approval authority required to submit the following documents: ⑴ the company signed on to obtain formal approval of the merger application; ⑵ published in a newspaper announcement that the merger; ⑶ company informed their creditors; ⑷ company on its credits and debts handling of the note; ⑸ approval of other documents required by the authorities. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, may submit copies of the above, the other are the original 3. The merger agreement should include the following main elements: ⑴ the parties to the merger agreement the name, domicile, legal representative; ⑵ the combined company"s name, residence, legal representative; ⑶ the combined company"s total investment and registered capital; ⑷ combined form;⑸ merger parties to the agreement of claims and debts inherited the program; ⑹ employee settlement; ⑺ breach of contract; ⑻ the settlement of disputes; ⑼ signing date, location; ⑽ parties deemed necessary by the merger agreement and other matters.
2023-01-04 02:51:133


高分之下,必有头脑发热之人。天上不会掉馅饼的。你们以后先看发帖人的信誉再发吧,免得竹篮打水空欢喜!给大家讲个笑话,消消气: A:从前有个太监 B:都等了半天了,下面呢? A:下面没了! B:老掉牙了!那么楼主下面会做什么? A:还能做什么?大家都知道。明知故问,该打!
2023-01-04 02:51:245


adopt作及物动词时意为“采取,接受,收养,正式通过”。作不及物动词时意为“采取,过继”。第三人称单数:adopts。现在分词:adopting。过去式:adopted。过去分词:adopted。记忆技巧:ad加强+ opt选择→一再通过选择→采纳。双语例句:The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach. 脱颖而出的唯一途径就是采用一种不同的方法。They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property. 他们应该采用一种更有想象力的方式来为他们的财产找到另外的用途。
2023-01-04 02:52:261


adopt英音:[�0�5"d�0�0pt]美音:[�0�5"dɑpt] 及物动词 vt. 1.采取;采纳;吸收After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。2.过继,收养[(+as)]Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。3.挑选...为候选人[(+as)]4.正式通过,接受The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。不及物动词 vi. 1.过继
2023-01-04 02:52:414


adopt 意思:v.收养;领养;采用(某方法);采取(某态度);正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等)adopt 发音:英 [əˈdɒpt]   美 [əˈdɑːpt]  adopt 具体释义以及例句:1、VERB 采取;采纳;采用Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。2、VERB 收养;领养My parents decided to adopt the girl. 我父母决定收养了这个女孩。3、VERB 采用,保持(姿势)I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。4、VERB 移居(某国);选择(某国)定居Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。5、VERB 采用(语气、口音等)He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster...他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。短语搭配:to adopt通过 ; 采纳 ; 采用Adopt good文采好accept adopt采纳adopt methods采用方法adopt dogmatically教条地搬用Adopt One成年人 ; 领养一只吧扩展资料:一、第三人称单数: adopts;现在分词: adopting;过去式: adopted;过去分词: adopted二、近义词辨析:accept adoptaccept 是同意,接受,表示全盘接受adopt 是采纳,可以是部分采纳,有选择的接受.例句:I accept your opinion. 我同意你的意见I adopted some of your suggestions. 我采纳了你的一些建议.三、opt词根辨析:opt词根= to choose 选择1、adopt v. 采纳;收养ad 加强 + opt 选择 → 一再通过选择 → 采纳2、adoptable adj. 可采纳的adopt 采纳;收养 + able 可…的,能…的;具有…性质的 → 可采纳的3、adoptive adj. 采用的adopt 采纳;收养 + ive …的 → 采用的4、option n. 选择opt 选择 + ion 表动作 → 选择5、optional adj. 可选择的option 选择 + al …的 → 可选择的
2023-01-04 02:53:101


adopt 英[əˈdɒpt] 美[əˈdɑ:pt] vt. 收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准; [其他] 第三人称单数:adopts 现在分词:adopting 过去式:adopted过去分词:adopted adopt不需要双写t
2023-01-04 02:53:221


adopt的过去式:adopted;   过去分词:adopted;   现在分词:adopting;adopt 基本解释adopt的翻译及物动词收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准adopt的意思adopt 相关例句及物动词1. The agenda was adopted after some discussion.经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。2. adopt的近义词2. They adopted our methods.他们采用了我们的办法。
2023-01-04 02:53:281


adopt的副词是:adoptivelyadoptive transfer 过继转移继承性转移授受性转移继转移adopt v. 收养;采取,采纳,接受;正式通过;选定(名字),承袭(风俗);移居,定居;提名(某人)为候选人;保持(姿势);<英>(地方当局)承担(道路)维修保养责任第三人称单数 adopts现在分词 adopting过去式 adopted过去分词 adoptedadoptive 收养关系的采用的收养的采纳的
2023-01-04 02:53:401


adopt的adj形式为reopt。</strong>adopt的各种形式为第三人称单数: adopts 现在分词: adopting 过去式: adopted 过去分词: adopted 形近词: reopt 名词形式: adoption。reopt英 ["ri_pt]释义: reorder point 重新订购点。
2023-01-04 02:53:451


1. VERB 动词采取;采纳;采用 If you adopt a new attitude, plan, or way of behaving, you begin to have it.  【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:Also V n as nParliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops... 议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment. 应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。adoption ...the adoption of Japanese management practices by British manufacturing. 英国制造业采取日本的管理方法2. VERB 动词收养;领养 If you adopt someone else"s child, you take it into your own family and make it legally your son or daughter.  【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:V-ed【语法信息】:Also VThere are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child... 有数以百计的人渴望领养孩子。The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate. 被收养的孩子有权看自己的出生证明。adopter A social worker is appointed to interview the prospective adopters. 一名社工被任命对有意收养者进行面试。adoption They gave their babies up for adoption... 他们放弃自己的婴儿,让别人领养。The majority of adoptions are successful. 大多数的收养都是成功的。3. VERB 动词采用,保持(姿势) If you adopt a physical position, you move yourself into it.  【语法信息】:V n【STYLE标签】:FORMAL 正式I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs. 我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。4. VERB 动词移居(某国);选择(某国)定居 If you adopt a country, you choose it as a place to live.  【语法信息】:V n【语法信息】:V-edPodulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession. 波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。...their adopted home in England. 他们移居英国的家5. VERB 动词采用(语气、口音等) If you adopt an accent or a particular tone of voice, you speak differently from normal, especially to create an effect in a particular situation.  【语法信息】:V nHe has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster... 他承袭了二战时期播音员的口音。The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to adopt. 女孩不知道该做什么,也不知道该用什么口气说。
2023-01-04 02:53:516


Adopting采用先进技术中的Adopting advanced technology
2023-01-04 02:54:141


During the 1980s, unemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not _C(produce)_ enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not _B(met迎合)_. Many of these countries looked to(指望) the industrial processes of the developed nations _A(for)_solutions. _D(However)_, problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very _D(complicated)_. It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly_B(skilled)_ workers are needed to _B(maintain保养)_and repair the equipment. These workers must be strained, _C(and特殊用法表示转折)_ many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus must be sent abroad to _C(recieve)_ vocational and professional training. _?C?(Incidentally)_just to beginning, the students must _?B?(quickly)_ learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and _A(some)_ do not return home. All nations agree that science and technology _B(should)_ be shared. The point is: countries _A(adopt)_ the industrial processes of the developed nations need to look carefully _D(about仔细调查)_ the costs, because many of these costs are _?D?(hidden)_. Students from these nations should _?C?(study)_ the problems of the industrialized countries closely. _C(With)_care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, _D(but)_the benefits.
2023-01-04 02:54:191


亲,英文单词里面是没有0这个数字的噢如果你的意思是 adopting的话那么原型就是adopt 解释为:采取,接受希望采纳!有问题欢迎继续追问
2023-01-04 02:54:282


  标准化 standardization   基本术语 basic terms   标准化主题 subject of standardization   标准化领域 field fo standardization   技术发展水平 state of the art   公认的技术规则 acknowledged rule of technology   标准化的水平 level of standardization   国际标准化 international standarkdization   地区标准化 regional standardization   国家标准化 national standardization   地方标准化 provincial standardization   标准化的目的 aims of standardization   环境保护 protection of environment   标准文件 normative document.   标准化机构standardizing body   地区标准化组织reginal standardization organization   国际标准化组织international standardization organization   标准机构standards body   国家标准机构national standards body   地区标准组织reginal standards organization   国际标准组织international standards organization   权力机构authority   制定规章的机构regulatory authority   执行机构executive autority   标准的协调harmonization of standards   标准法standard law   标准件standard part   标准物reference material   标准学standard learning   标准程序standard program   标准贯彻standard carrying out   标准龄期valid period of standard   标准情报standard information   标准情报工作information work of standards   标准体系standards system   标准体系表standrds system table   标准体系表的构成structure of standards sytem   标准的级别levels of standards   标准化档案archives of standardization   标准的等效性equivalence of standards   采用程度degree of adoption   参照采用adopting by reference   等同采用adopting by equation   等效采用adopting by equivalent   采用国际标准原则rules for adopting international standard   采用国际标准工作程序work procedure for adopting international standards   采用国际标准管理办法admisinstrative regulation for adopting internatinal standards   采用国际标准和国外先进标准adoption of international standard and advanced oversea standard   标准情报管理standard information management   标准情报检索standard information retrieval   国家标准化计划national standardization plan   行业计划sectional plan   环境保护法environmental protection law   企业标准化enterprise standardization   企业标准化情报工作standard information work in enterprise   全国标准化技术委员会national technical committee for standardization   世界标准日world standard day   中国标准化年鉴CSBS yearbook   中华人民共和国标准化法the standardization law of the people"s republic of china   中华人民共和国环境保护法the environment protection law of the people"s republic of china   综合标准化integrated standardization   标准standard   注明日期的引用(标准)dated reference (to standards)   不注明日期的引用(标准)undated reference (to standards)   标准文献分类classification of standards document.   标准文献收集collection of standard decumnets   标准情报咨询服务advisory service of standard information   文献标引document.nbspindexing   主题法subject indexing method   叙词表(主题词表)thesaurus   标准类型type   基础国际标准basic international standard   政府规程governmental regulation   多种语言的国际标准multilingual international standard   国际标准international standard   地区标准regional standard   国家标准national standard   地方标准provincial standard   予标准prestandard   协调标准harmonized stndard   统一标准unified standard   相同标准identical standard   国际协调标准internationally harmonized standard   地区协调标准regionally harmonized standard   多边协调标准multilaterally harmonized standard   双边协调标准bilaterally harmonized standard   单边看齐标准unilaterally alighned standard   可比标准comparable standard   强制性标准mandatory standard   推荐性标准recommended standard   国家标准national standard   部标准ministerial standard   行业标准occupation standard   技术标准technical standard   内控标准inner quality standard   企业标准company standard (enterprise standard)   企业法规business law and regulation   引用标准quoted standard   专业标准specialized standard   参考标准normative reference   产品标准product standard   法规regulation   安全标准safety standard   技术规范technical specification   实施规则code fo practice   基础标准basic standard   术语标准terminology standard   测试标准testing standard   过程标准process standard   服务标准service standard   接口标准interface standard   有关应提供数据的标准standard on data to be provided   半成品标准semi-finished product standard   包装标准packaging standard   标志标准standard of mark   补充性标准complementary standard   大气质量标准atomosphere quality standard   工装标准tool standard   管理标准admisistrative standard   环境保护标准environmental protection standard   技术说明technical descriptioon   劳动保护标准labour protectig standard
2023-01-04 02:54:361


Arbor Day.—This day owes its origin to J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, late United States commissioner of agriculture, who in 1872 succeeded in inducing his state (then almost treeless) to set apart a day for the purpose of planting trees. Over a million were planted that year. In 1874 the same state planted over 12,000,000 trees, Gov. Robert W. Furnas, the governor at that time issuing a proclamation setting apart a day in April for the purpose. Nebraska, in 1885, enacted a law, designating April 22, the birthday of Mr. Morton, as Arbor day and making it a legal holiday. In Kansas the first recognition of the day was in 1875, when Thomas J. Anderson, then mayor of Topeka, issued the following proclamation: ARBOR DAY. PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR. "At the sugggestion of many citizens who desire to see the capitol grounds made an ornament to the city, I hereby appoint Friday, April 23, 1875, as "Arbor Day," and request all citizens on that date to set out trees in the capitol grounds. On that day, it is hoped that each citizen interested, will repair to the grounds, between the hours of 2 p. m. and 5 p. m., and set out one tree. The secretary of state will point out the proper locations for the trees. "THOS. J. ANDERSON, Mayor." The citizens of Topeka responded to the call and some 800 trees were planted. The next year the mayor of Topeka set apart April 18 as arbor day, on which occasion the residents of the capital city again gathered on the capitol grounds to replace such trees as had died during the previous twelve months, and to make such additions as they saw fit. From this time on the cities, towns and villages of the state began observing the day in a more or less public manner, with the ultimate result, that many sections are now veritable forests, where a few short years ago they were treeless plains. On April 4, 1883, Gov. George W. Glick issued a proclamation, setting apart April 25 to be observed as arbor day. This probably was the earliest official recognition given the day by the chief executive of Kansas, which custom has since been followed by succeeding governors. Arbor day is now observed in nearly every state and territory in the Union, and in many places in Canada and in parts of Europe. The day is made a feature in the Kansas schools each year, when appropriate exercises are given in connection with the planting of trees and shrubs.
2023-01-04 02:54:422


2023-01-04 02:54:513

adopt近义词是buy help还是see

英 [əˈdɒpt] 美 [əˈdɑ:pt]收养; 采用,采取,采纳; 正式接受,接受; 批准第三人称单数: adopts 现在分词: adopting 过去式: adopted 过去分词: adopted 形近词: reopt
2023-01-04 02:55:021


D(At the beginning of the study, the children did not differ in measures of language development, but at the end of one month, the children in the experimental group showed 5.5 months ahead of the control group on a test of verbal expression and vocabulary. Nine months later, the children in the experimental group still showed an advance of 6 months over the children in the control group.) A(parents who read to their children can |-greatly increase their children"s language development-|. It is surprising but true) C(For example, the parent should ask, "What is the doggie doing?" rather than "Is the doggie running away?" ) A(It"s abviously) C(the same as the first)
2023-01-04 02:55:081


2023-01-04 02:55:132


四代同堂的英语是:Four generations together
2023-01-04 02:55:224


Wrestle big saves people Weiqing just Presentation words : stormy sea calls forth the character of a hero, to a stranger, he monstrous waves, three into three out of danger before he simply did not need to choose, because it suddenly moves from inner qualities, and he asked jumped out, and quietly returned to the crowd to his "heroic great." Deeds : Last August 8, hundreds of people gathered in Qingdao foot coastal areas to watch the "26th" will bring a wave of its hand. Unexpectedly a big hit, the young women involved in a sea shore. At this moment, is the shore, Qingdao from Henan to do the decoration work Weiqing just do not have the slightest hesitation, jumped two metres high jump anti-wave wall to the downed young women swim past. Once, twice, thrice, with huge struggle Weiqing just 40 minutes. Three days later, people will know the name of the hero just Weiqing. Silent world create beautiful Tai Lai Presentation term : from the bottom to the unfortunate artistic peak, perhaps your life itself is a beautiful dance, silent Department -- life is in arm-approved human meaning, a simple woman we have magnificent miracle, a spiritual shock no language in our eyes you are beautiful. Deeds : 2005 Spring Festival Show, one for all the Chinese people know the Tai She and her dance-led "Buddhist Goddess of Mercy." In the silent world, Tai She created a special beautiful and pure to the US gave rise to the enjoyment of art. With sister university Hung Fai warfare Presentation words : When he was a child, on another more vulnerable children bear the responsibility to bring the plight of the families, we must learn to friendly, courageous and strong, life let him prematurely begun harvesting, he thus from the beginning of boys into suffering can not be defeated by the men in poverty studies in hard-China, Today, he appears still frail-looking, but in spirit, he has always been strong. Deeds : 13-year-old thin shoulders bear the burden of the whole family, with sister Fai Hung war deeds entered university campuses have widely talked about. At the ceremony, he said emotionally : "I would like to say is that : we do not win people suffering experienced sympathy capital, the struggle is the most important."illuminate the moon Lichunyan Presentation term Miao village : she is the last big mountains of barefoot doctors to practise medicine in the basket in contouring, a leaking roof in the bamboo house, became the world warmest hospitals, a wasting shoulder, shoulder wife Pat Heung health, she is the movement of migratory birds, she is the moon illuminated Miao Township. Deeds : five years ago came to the south-eastern Guizhou Miao nationality moon mountain village of Tai Tong Tsuen Lichunyan built in the first local health room. However, the original expectation practise feed her family soon discovered that reality completely unlike her envisaged to many people simply can not afford doctor medical expenses. In a few years, Li Chunyan was only a pile of debts. Due to long-term deficits, it is difficult to support, early 2004 Lichunyan couples ready to go to work. They go on the first night, many villagers depend on the sale of rice, eggs sold more than 100 pieces of money to join the Lichunyan. Watching a Zhang Zhoubaba of one yuan, two yuan to the "Lee doctors you go, and we can do" words, Lichunyan also decided to stay. MA Ban routes of things Wangshunyou Presentation word : He plain like a piece of stone, a person to own a horse, a world postal history of the legend, he had been putting Beach, began traveled by a person the Long March-mail campaign, using the 20-year-long white-heart, road end there are roads, hill side or hill, neighbors are a hundred miles farther away, the world most pro-prize. Deeds : loneliness is the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan"s Tibetan Autonomous County Toudiyun Wangshunyou wood Lane a normal life. Send mail to each one half a month, and during that time they deal with their own songs, who accompanied him with the horse dealing, the "lonely" is so distinguished. 20 years, at least 330 days in Desolation Canyon all lonely in the mountains ;20 hot street, walk 260,000 km, enough to take the Long March-21 road back, semi-circle around the Earth six ;20 years, not a schedule delays, no loss of a letter mail delivery 100% accuracy rate. Ordinary work has shown an extraordinary great. The proportion of time dedicated to children"s words fly : From the first to see the out-of-school children was Death regret, he gave all of the time children who need help, do not have the slightest reservation, and even to life-lending arena, he spent a classroom, singing begins with hope. Today than in the past -- perhaps his singing voice, but won the most deep respect Encore. Deeds : a benefit performance 12 years ago changed the proportion fly life, then his public spirited undertakings for the public good performance over 400 sites, over 6,000 hours of volunteer service hours and selfless contributions amounted to 146 school children and the disabled, adopting 37 orphans, the amount of contributions to more than 3 million yuan. However, a significant fly home and frugal unbelievable. Last year, the proportion suffering from stomach cancer flying late, and he describes all of the money donated to his medical treatment to bring out 20,000 yuan Guizhou net Jinxian poverty mountain. 8:00 last night, CCTV broadcast a program "by China.2005 annual figures selection "ceremony. Weiqing just, flowers fly, Fei Chun Long, Nie Haisheng, Huang Bai Yun, Li Chunyan, Hung Fai warfare, Chen Jian, Tai Lai, Yang Kung industry, Wangshunyou was rated "by China"s 10 annual figures," the Qinghai-Tibet railway builders were awarded special prizes. 37 years to promise Chen Jian Presentation term : one living persons on the commitment, but the conscience of self-restraint, but he has this to 37 years, abandoned dreams, happiness and blood kinship, memory fiery red background of the time, he was a classical sense of style, no matter at which age, our commitment has always been to support human cornerstone of such persons, of a nation is no exception. Deeds : August 15, 1969, 20-year-old veteran of the Shanghai rescue training Huawei State property heroic devotion. Heilongjiang Xunke to nearly 5,000 claims have been educated urban returns to Shanghai, leaving only a quiet defensive tomb, then jumped into the flood together with the training of China Chen Jian. Chen Jian not want to return to Shanghai, or no opportunities. An exchange of life, so that he never left the heart feels : "I will sacrifice the training China today alive.China remained in the training Xunke this piece of land, I can not be a living person accompany him why?30 years, No matter how bad the snow, Chen Jian annual training to the Chinese cemetery to hold.Thaksin Who will abandon when his own heart, silently Xu buried under a promise : his stay here, to accompany the final black land, can no longer return comrade-in-arms.Chinese soldiers banner Yang Kung industry awards words : ensures the long tassel of hat-yui brigade smiting mighty air missiles, he used ruler measuring their work, using space for their own lives, have volunteered to brigade, is dedicated, although the world, war is forgotten crises, he is not just a Chinese military banner.deeds : Mrs. Yangyuzhen memories, the former commander of the Second Artillery Corps base Yang Kung industry always busy, year two-thirds of their time outside, even without the mission, He always called home to deliver home.and a family of four to be together longest, is the Young Business Kung illness hospitalization eight months.sick, he most ancient written four words "mighty air-yui brigade";In moments, appeared in the last illusion of Yang Kung industry remains robust point soldiers.Huang Boyun Presentation words : The materials and the world"s most hard deal, a beautiful lady character, vast generosity, all with utter innocence.static and can gain tough and moving to spin gold from, he is a respectable elderly hardship, jade Yu to% 30,000 li return Lu, 20 years says Kim, became Huang Boyun!deeds : He spent 15 years, edged sword --- Before finally pass a high-performance carbon / carbon composite materials to produce large civil aircraft brake, which has made China become a Following Britain, France, the us, No. 4 with air brake material production technology.Last year, he won the State Technological Invention Award, first, to end the six consecutive years awards vacancies history.Space heroes Fei Chun Long, Niehaisheng Presentation words : Who let the world 1/5 soul with their rhythm beating five days five nights, who from the unprecedented strength of the high commission in China, they go to battle sky, and painted Long track, off Japan"s 80,000, dwarfs Yaokan million River, the China Aerospace their golden generation.deeds : "Which year did not allow so many Chinese people so long to fill the sky, in the multitude of stars all over the sky we like to see a pair of black eyes. That black eyes with pride, with names, and we like to see in all our prominent Chinese people know what we are. "Last year, 12 to 17 October, Chun Lung Fei, Nie Haisheng completed a five-hour space of 115 days 5 night trip for our attention.
2023-01-04 02:55:371


to+do+sth是宾语difficult 的补足语。find it adj to do sththink it adj to do sth it在这里是形式宾语, to+do+sth是dofficult的补足语,主语是he,adapt vi. 适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)to, adopt vt. 采用,采取,采纳;收养;正式接受,接受;批准;find是一个抽象词,find it adj doing .是错误的,语法错误,所以排除C和D,find只有 find it adj to do sth.(find是一个抽象意义的词,发现是有一个过程和思考的,所以不可以是一个动作性的)这里adapt作不及物动词时有适应不同情况(或环境)的意思,所以我觉得应该选B.
2023-01-04 02:55:4211


在前往北京访问的日本首相试图平息有关与美国加强了协定中的恐惧。 在一个社会动荡的迹象,中国最新的数字,约有500退休公务员表现在都江堰,在四川省。他们要求更高的养老金。 这是第一次,菲律宾总统拉莫斯不排除竞选连任明年,如果宪法进行了修改,允许这一点。罗马天主教教会,就是在菲律宾强烈表示,反对修改宪法。 意大利外长建议推迟欧洲单一货币过多的国家,如果不符合标准,但欧盟委员会驳回了主意。德国似乎更有可能实现目标后,欧盟官员说,采用的会计准则将采取对开的政府赤字条子。 税收和社会保障缴款消耗了欧盟的国内生产总值的42.4%,过去几年的记录说,欧盟的统计机构欧盟统计局。三个北欧国家对本国经济最沉重的负担,采取与瑞典55.2%。爱尔兰,西班牙和英国税率低于36%。 阿尔卡季的纳卡gukasyan先生,存款保险计划,puted领土被亚美尼亚对阿塞拜疆举行的意愿,拒绝退还该地区azerbai - Jan的主权,同时给予其亚美尼亚族人口的自治问题进行国际建议。 炸弹爆炸事件再次在Ben -耶胡达,在耶路撒冷中心的主要步行购物街。早期的报告说,有6人被打死,其中包括自杀式轰炸机,100多人受伤。 一位埃及,以色列法庭判处15年徒刑后,哥以色列间谍罪定罪他。 Abassi迈达尼阿尔及利亚领导人的伊斯兰政党被禁止谁是最近从六年imprisonmet获释,被软禁的电话,在给联合国的信,一个流血的结束和开始对话。 为联合国快速部署部队的计划向前迈出了一步科菲安南秘书长,正式成立了旅的工作人员。七个国家迄今投入军队的部队,预计将在1999年投入使用。 尽管他承诺将打击腐败肯尼亚总统未能说服国际货币基金组织恢复借贷。但是,肯尼亚先令,其中近20%下滑,国际货币基金组织暂停一S220m贷款上个月慢。 科摩罗政府表示,它已侵入了昂儒昂岛,上个月成立了自己的行政机构的岛屿。这是寻求独立 - 或返回到法国的统治
2023-01-04 02:56:242


在访问北京,日本首相试图减轻中国的担忧加强公约与美国的关系。  在最新的许多神迹的社会动荡在中国,大约500名退休公务员展现在都江堰,在四川。他们要求更高的退休金。  第一次,总统菲德尔•拉莫斯的菲律宾没有排除竞选连任,明年在修改宪法如果允许这种。罗马天主教教会就是强在菲律宾,说这是反对一种宪法变迁。  意大利外长拖延欧洲单一货币的建议如果有太多不符合国家标准,但欧盟委员会否决了这一想法。德国出现了更符合目标后,采用欧盟官员表示将采取一小撮会计准则了政府的财政赤字。  税收和社会保障政策消耗了记录围欧盟的国内生产总值(GDP)近年来,说欧盟,欧盟统计局统计机构灌制的。三个北欧国家施加最重负担在其经济,与瑞典、西班牙和英国采取55.2%.Ireland征税少于36%。  总统Arkady gukasyan nagorno-karabakh领土,dis-puted所持有的愿望亚美尼亚对阵阿塞拜疆,拒绝国际建议归还的区域,azerbai-jan主权,同时给出了其民族亚美尼亚人口的自治。  炸弹爆炸了,又ben-yehuda购物街上的主要行人在中央耶路撒冷。早期的报告说,有六人死亡,其中包括自杀式爆炸袭击者,超过100人受伤。  一个埃及人法庭判处一名以色列15年徒刑convicting后他犯有间谍罪收到以色列。  madani领袖Abassi阿尔及利亚禁止伊斯兰党最近刚刚摆脱了六年的imprisonmet被软禁起来,打电话给我,在一封给联合国,结束流血和打开的对话。  一份联合国rapid-deployment力量计划了一步今后当联合国秘书长科菲·安南秘书长、正式落成大队人员。到目前为止,7个国家已经派出了部队的力量,将于一九九九年年底投入运行。  尽管承诺,他将解决腐败问题,对肯尼亚总统没能说服国际货币基金组织(IMF)恢复借贷。但是,肯尼亚先令时下跌了将近20%的国际货币基金组织(IMF)暂停了S220m贷款上个月,稳健。  科摩罗政府说,它已入侵昂儒昂岛的,它上月建立自己的政府。这是追求独立自由的同时,或是回到法国的统治。
2023-01-04 02:56:332


Now, more and more people start notice the electronic commerce the tendency of existent" heavy electronics, light business".In fact, electronic commerce" business" is most important, but the website is the backstage of the electronic commerce only to prop up.On the other hand, the on-line shopping replaced the concept of the electronic commerce completely.In fact, it is a small part of the electronic commerce only, but the electronic commerce process of the integrity then the whole make use of the modern information electronical process of the technical business activity. At China, the electronic commerce will present to develop the trend as follows in the future: The first, the depth of the electronic commerce will further expand.Be subjected to be limited by the technique innovation and apply the level currently, the business enterprise develops the electronic commerce to still be placed in the start stage.The Along with the related and technical development of the the exaltation the and others the of this the both side level, the the electronic the commerce will the enter deeply the and pretty the toward 纵 , the the electronic the commerce of the the new the generation will the float a surface, the the way the for replacing the to rely on" website+ E- mail" in brief currently.The electronic commerce business enterprise will transfer to serve the core business process, customer relation management of the business enterprise etc.s all extend the Internet, make product and more to come close the customer need from the net store and the entry-level appearance of the gates.Interaction, the solid hour becomes the common characteristics of the business enterprise information exchanges, the network becomes the central nervous system of the business enterprise resources plan, customer relation management and the supply chain management.The business enterprise unite the one who establish, become the new value chain, new old swim the benefits up and down related, becoming the strategic alliance of higher effect, seeking the greater benefits together. The second, the Chinese electronic commerce will face the rigorous challenge.The electronic commerce is the inevitable trend of the international trade development, along with the norm of the international electronic commerce environment and perfect, the Chinese electronic commerce business enterprise heads for the world by all means, this also is further to extend outward the economic trade cooperates and adapts the economic globalization and promotes the Chinese business enterprise demand of the international competition ability.And join the WTO along with China, the electronic commerce business enterprise of the abroad also will seep through the domestic, constituting the rigorous challenge to the Chinese electronic commerce. The third, the electronic commerce website will appear to annex the fever.It is the of the same kind annex first.Chinese belong to the row of the repetition construction for several not a few websites currently, position same or close by, the business contents tend together.Because the resources is limited, and under the Internet" the winner eat" principle, end win the website that come out in front just;Repair the sex annex with each other the next in order.Those electronic commerce business enterprises that be placed in to lead the position are in the resources, brand, customer scale the various aspect of etc. The The The has the very big advantage, but compare with an electronic commerce of foreign 著 business enterprise to still have the very big margin.These websites that have the good foundation and develop the foreground want the development, adopting by all means to repair sex to procure the strategy with each other, becoming the strategic alliance.Because characteristic, it are the two greatest trends of the electronic commerce development that profession turn, and each website is in the resources always limited, the customer"s need is all-directions again, so the website of different type carry on with the form of the strategic alliance and help to make and will become the inevitable trend mutually. The fourth, the profession electronic commerce will become the next generation electronic commerce development main current.The Chinese electronic commerce enters the period typical model characteristic of fast fierce development is the profession business gate that the risk funds, the website fixed position...etc. will change direction the profession to subdivide from former" big but whole" mode.The electronic commerce of the generation is absorbed in the contents, the next generation is absorbed in the comprehensive sex electronic commerce, but the profession electronic commerce of the next generation will increase in value the contents and the business terraces close gather, full exertive Internet advantage in the information service, make electronic commerce real into the practical stage. The fifth, the electronic commerce will urge to living the new line to be the eASP- electronic commerce to apply to serve the company.The electronic commerce is the main business of the future to trade the mode, but for the domestic say in the small scaled business enterprise numerously for number, will face if the construction devotion is big and carries the camp cost high, take effect the period long, the result ignore think, lack to standardize of applied system, soft hardware need to upgrade a series of hard nut to crack of etc. continuously.The Had the eASP, the win the small business enterprise and can turn the above- mentioned problem to the them to resolve, the middle ten days of month of can.3 The month of the the only the then of the the the the oneselfs of the the work the well of the the services the of of the the product the and of the the in the the of the the be absorbed, the the electronic the commerce service project- electronic the commerce that the network science the and technology the limited company the of Peking the declares to the release to the face to the the Chinese business customer keep be open to traffic; On the afternoon of March 20, be the company of IBM to support the first in the domestic according to the AS/400 server terrace of eASP, ten thousand 维 company a science and technology limited company carries on the business model of eASP to release toward industry and the website of eASP release.The prologue of the our country eASP has already draw back.
2023-01-04 02:56:411


  振作起来短语   1. Cheer up!/Buck up!   振作点儿吧!   2. This good news will hearten you.   有个好消息可以让你振作起来!   3. Keep your chin up.   别灰心!   4. Pull yourself together. Try again.   振作起来,再试一下。   5. I wish we could do something to make him take heart.   我希望我们大家做些努力让他振作起来。   6. Don"t give up. Hang in there.   别放弃。坚持住!   7. Take heart and go on trying!   鼓起勇气,再试试吧!   8. Show some backbone!   拿出你的勇气吧!   9. Go for it. I know you can make it.   好好干吧,我知道你能行。   10. Don"t let us down.   不要让我们失望。   让你重新振作起来的英文爱情小故事   1. Today, my dad came home with roses for my mom and I. “What are these for I asked?” He said that several of his coworkers were complaining about their wives and children today. He realized how lucky he was that after 20 years of marriage, and raising a daughter for the last 17 years, he still had nothing to complain about.   2. Today, when I asked my grandfather for some relationship advice, he said, “Honestly, the moment I stopped trying to find the right woman, and started trying to become the right man, your grandmother walked up to me and said, ‘Hello."”   3. Today, it"s been 10 years since I told my best friend Diego that I wouldn"t be able to attend the prom with him because my family was struggling to make ends meet and couldn"t afford to buy me a ticket or a dress. Diego ended up buying me a dress and a ticket, and helping my folks out with money by helping my dad, who had been unemployed for six months, find a good job. Ten years, a marriage, and one kid later, Diego still.   4. Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, my husband took out an old envelope and handed me back the love note I wrote him in the 7th grade.   5. Today, it"s been over ten years since I was a bag boy at a local grocery store. On Sunday mornings I held the front door open for our customers and greeted them. One particular older woman loved me for it. She actually told me on several occasions that one day I would make a lovely husband. This afternoon, I walked into that grocery store holding my wife"s hand and the same old woman was on her way out. She held the door for us, winked and said, “I told you so.”   6. Today, my wife and I sat down and watched the same movie at the same time. Despite being 9,000+ miles apart overseas on active duty, I felt like she was sitting right by me and I suddenly didn"t feel so alone.   7. Today, it"s been five years since I adopted a puppy from a high kill shelter that had no time left. Since then I have developed a moderate case of a neurological disease that causes seizures. Believe it or not, the dog is able to detect my seizures before I know. She starts barking hysterically, and keys me into my episode before it starts. So today she is my service dog. The life I saved is saving me every day.   8. Today, it"s been 28 years since a firefighter saved my life when he rescued me from a burning condo building. In the process he suffered a leg injury that doctors said would leave him unable to walk normally for life. This evening, he put down his cane and slowly walked our daughter down the aisle. My husband of 27 years always.   9. Today, I finally stopped being foolish and called an old best friend I hadn"t talked to in over a year. He singlehandedly got me threw one of the toughest times of my life, and in my depression I lashed out at him and dropped him from my life for selfish reasons. He answered the phone with: “Ready to pick up where we left off?” It instantly made me smile. Jason, you.   10. Today was my little sister"s 14th birthday. She has Down Syndrome and doesn"t have many friends. My boyfriend picked me up for dinner with flowers, but said they weren"t for me. He came inside and handed them to my sister. She was so excited. He then took us both out to dinner to celebrate.   11. Today, I am a poor student, struggling to afford groceries and all the luxuries I was accustomed to. But every time I get a letter in the mail from my poppa telling me how much he loves me, or a phone call from my best friend just because she was thinking about me, I feel like the richest person in the world - in those moments I feel like I have everything I need.   12. Today, my mom and dad are recovering heroin addicts. They still go to their support groups, but both of them have been clean for 17 years, since the day they found out my mom was pregnant with me.   13. Today, my grandmother passed away. It was really hard on my entire family. She was the glue that kept our family together through many hard times over the last decade. One of my close friends from college showed up at her ceremony. She paid her respects like everyone else, and gave me a huge hug before she left – a sincere hug that helped calm me inside. The interesting thing is, she never met my grandmother before, but she said she came today because, in her words, “Your grandmother is important to you, and you are important to me.”   14. Today, my biological mother is deceased due to a drug overdose when I was only 3-years-old. But today I can also proudly say I have the privilege of calling a beautiful woman, who has no blood relation to me, my Mom. She is not my stepmom or official adopted parent. She is my best friend"s mom who loves me enough to call me her daughter, and has for as long as I can remember.   15. Today, I got a phone call from my daughter"s kindergarten teacher. She asked me why I wasn"t providing lunch for my daughter over the past few days. Confused, I hung up the phone and asked my daughter what she was doing with her lunches. She said, “Katie"s mom is in the hospital and hasn"t been able to make any meals for the last week, so I gave a few of my lunches to her.”   16. Today, after we all watched her blow out the ridiculous number of candles on her giant 100th birthday cake, my grandmother looked up at all 27 of us – her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and extended family – and said, “Look what I started. This family. I am so proud to be a part of your lives.”   17. Today, it"s been about two years since my ex-step-father tried to set my mom on fire, leaving her with burn scars on her face. Every week my little brother and I anonymously write a letter to her saying how we think she"s the most beautiful woman in the world (the truth), and we put it in the mailbox. She doesn"t know it"s us. But she cries when she opens them, and she just told us over dinner that the letters she"s been receiving are helping her look up on days when she feels down.   18. Today, I helped make food for the homeless. The man I was giving the sandwich to said he didn"t want it. I asked why and he pointed to his friend behind him and said, “I want the birthday boy here to have two sandwiches on his special day. It"s the only gift I have to give.” His friend was elated. People who have nothing and still give.   19. Today, my best friend"s new girlfriend, who he"s had a crush on for a long time, finally admitted verbally that she “hates” me. He came up to me today, looking pretty upset, and told me what she said. And then he said, “So I broke up with her. Because if she doesn"t respect you, she obviously doesn"t respect me either.”   20. Today, I walked past a woman walking two dogs. One dog was missing a leg, but they were both limping. I asked what happened. She smiled and explained that the injured dog had lost his leg in a dog fight before she adopted him, and that her other dog oftentimes “mimics him so he won"t feel alone and different.”   21. Today, after he finished giving his valedictorian commencement speech at his college graduation ceremony, he walked off the stage directly over to me, hugged me for a minute straight, and said, “Thank you for adopting me when I was five, and being the biggest inspiration a child could hope to have in a dad.”   22. Today, while playing with my 20-month-old daughter, I pretended to be sleeping. She covered me with a blanket, patted my back, then kissed me gently on the mouth - which is exactly what I do when I tuck her in at night. How closely our children watch us, and what they learn from our actions.   23. Today, after my two-year-old daughter, who can"t swim well, fell into our pool and began panicking, the stray dog I rescued from the pound last month, jumped into the pool and pulled my daughter to the shallow steps… all in under 10 seconds before I could make it from my lawn chair on the patio to edge of the pool.   24. Today, my baby sister wears her hair short, just like me. I"m fighting leukemia. My hair is short because of my chemo treatment. Her hair is short because she told my mom, “I want to be beautiful like my big sis.”   25. Today, I waited at my boyfriend"s house for half an hour before going home. As I angrily walked inside, I heard laughter. My clinically depressed brother, who hasn"t cracked a smile in two months, was grinning as he watched a video on YouTe. Sitting next to him was my boyfriend holding the laptop. We had a miscommunication about where to meet, but when he saw my brother sitting alone he decided to stay and keep him company. His kindness.   26. Today, at the nursing home I work at, I watched an elderly couple eat together as they do everyday. They have been married 63 years. She had a stroke and can"t stand, eat, talk or do anything for herself. He doesn"t need to live in a nursing home, but he does just to be with her. Everyday he eats his food, feeds her, and sits next to her looking at her like he must have the day they were married. His unconditional, undying love and loyalty.   27. Today, he"s driving to my college apartment to spend my last week of school with me. This will be the first night of the rest of our lives. After 3 years dating long distance, a 12 month deployment to Iraq, and the rest of the time spent 3 states apart due to his serving in the Army, we are finally going to be together, permanently, in one place. Waiting this long for each other, and finally getting to start our life TOGETHER makes me happy and.   28. Today my Ex husband asked me to marry him, I said yes. We were married when I was 19, divorced later on and then our lives somehow lead our hearts back together. We are going to be married in 2 weeks, on what could have been our 16th wedding anniversary. Our children cried with joy when we told them today.   29. Today, when you dropped me off after we hung out, you called out to me as I stepped out of your car. You said, “Take care of yourself, okay?” and I responded with an absent-minded, “Sure.” But then your voice changed tone. “I"m serious, Jess. You"re important to me. Take care of yourself,” you repeated. You have no idea how much I needed that. Your true friendship.
2023-01-04 02:56:471


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2023-01-04 02:57:253