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名词解释taboo and euphemism

2023-05-19 17:35:55





Euphemism 一词源于希腊语,由吉利话(Words of good omen)的意思,现在普遍使用的委婉语定义是“温和,含糊和迂回的说法对粗俗、生硬和直率的替代”。笔者在认真学习和认真阅大量资料后,结合束定劳先生的《委婉语新探》(载《现代外语》,1989年第三期)和田风俊先生的《委婉语的语义修辞功能》(载《固原师专学报》,1998年第一期)等作品,拟以简单地谈谈自己对委婉语的形成方式,分类社会功能,语用特征的浅显认识和理解。 一、委婉语的形成方式 为了达到一定的交际目的,交际者会使用各种不同的语言学手段,把话说得圆满动听,从形成委婉语的手段看,有如下方式: 1、利用语言手段形成委婉语。委婉是避免某些字眼和声音的出现,使用语音手段可以从听觉上和视觉上隐藏某些不该说或不想说的词语,以达到更好的交际效果,具体又包括省音和避音。省音:省音是通过简写或缩写某些音节以达到委婉目的,如英语中把garbage man称为G-man,用lav代替lavatory。海湾战争中出现了HRP(装尸体用的袋子)和SLUD(受害者流泪、遗尿等现象)样的缩略词,来掩盖战争的痛苦。避音:避音是指在交际中为了委婉故意避开某些音。在黑人面前,讲英语的人尽量不说niggard一词,因为它听起来象mugger,在双语环境产这些情况更常见。泰国学生在英语世界中不说泰语词fag(sheath)和prig(pepper),以免被误解成为fuck和prick,汉语中我们忌讳“送钟”谈的话和行为,喜欢带8的号码,如车号、电话号(8音近似“发”间)而不喜欢带4的号码(4音近似“死”音)。某些语境中,说话者可使用升调讲话表示商量的口气,会显得缓和有礼貌。 2、利用语义手段形成委婉语。从语义角度讲,委婉分褒义委婉语(positivisms)和否定委婉语(negative euphemism)前者使用语义得以扬开,如称garbage collector为sanitation engineer,称janitors为custodians,汉语中称“护士”为“医生”等,后者是降低所指的非委婉语义特点,象英语中用gee代替God,heck代替hell。谈话中要避开的事实上不是语言符号本身,而是与这相连的含义,由于种种的社会原因,指同一客体的两个词,一个是委婉高雅,另一个则粗俗令人难以接受,虽然委婉语的所指与其代替符号的指一样,但是,它的字面意义变了,至少听起来好听,所以语义手段且要婉的主要手段。 3、利用某些修辞格使语义转移形成委婉语。 ①用明喻法(metonymy)Buttocks代reared用go to bed with sb代have sex with sb。 ②用暗喻法(metaphor)如用cherry,forget-me-not和go to slecp forever代by men condom die。 ③用派调陈述法(understatement)如用plain代ugly用slow指stupid,用zap代kill。 ④用对比法(contrast)如称butcher为meat,typist为secretary等。 4、用语法手段形成委婉语。Bollinger(1981:148)说过,“委婉语不仅限制在词汇层次,使用一些语法手段也可增加话语的委婉度”。在英语中,过去时的使用能增强委婉含蓄的效果,有许多句子以I wanted,I wondered, could you开头,如Iodide if you would mind helping me?这样的请求帮助即可为对方拒绝留用余地又不至于尴尬。 5、用句法上否定形成委婉语,Not pretty是ugly的委婉语,因为前者范围比后者方,Not pretty也可能是“一般”,不一定就是ugly。类似的用法还用in no small measure, in no uncertain terms等等。 ①利用虚拟语气委婉否定义法与I don,t think,I,m afraid,I wish。I,m not sure,more than , too , much , particularly等成分连用。 ②巧用人称代词,常用“我们”或“我们的”往往比常用“我”或“你”的人更受欢迎。一位和蔼的医生可能说How do we feel today? ③替换和省略,替换指用表现不相关的词,外来词或外语词代替某些词。在美国说送某人去the big house是送他进监狱。汉语“扯谈”一词中的“谈”代替的是“蛋”。学外语的中国学生也常借用外来语来充当委婉,但由于我们感觉不到其力量或色彩,于是外语中本来要避开的某些词却成为我们的委婉语。省略:即省掉某些用法中的某个成分或上、下文中省掉这些用法,使表面意义有所改变以成委婉。Someone is out是someone is out of work的省略方式,C-girl是call girl的省略,汉语文学作品中常见到到类似××的符合代替某些脏话。 6、利用语用段形成委婉。语用学研究的里语言的使用,委婉语的使用也是语用学的一个课题。人是“社会人”,与别人和整个社会总是有各种联系。与别人和整个社会总是有各种联系,与人交往就离不开别人的帮助,但怎样才能做到“有求必应”呢?这就要看你是否会使用委婉的语用手段。显然对“你能递给我那本书吗?”一句不能用“能”或“不能”来回答,这实际是一个礼貌的请求而非问句。当有人说It ,s interesting,来回答what do you think of my new dress?时,意思说明显,I don, t like it。这样改变原话的言外之意,“顾左右而言吧”并没有掩盖住我们说话的真正意图,且能更好地表达自己的言后之意。 二、委婉语的分类 因标准,要求不同,委婉语的划分较为复杂。可根据流传时间的长短、流传的年代、委婉语的内容划分,但一般将根据所表述的事物禁忌与否,一般将其分为二大类,传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)与文体委婉语(stylistic euphemisms),许多资料都给其下了明解的定义,另外委婉也可分成有意委婉和无意委婉语,其中无意委婉语是指有些词语由于使用年代久远,其本义已被人们忘却,而其委婉意义意被后误认为是本义了。如田风俊先生在《委婉语的语义倏功能》一文中举例(cemetery)(源于希腊语),自14世纪起主成了英语中代替graveyard(墓地)的委婉语,其本义为“宿舍”(dormitory)。有意那么前者和后者都都明确他要上“厕所”,不过只是心照不宣罢了,这些委婉语使用频率很高。 三、委婉语的社会功能 语言现象与其关于生存的社会环境密切相关,任何语言成分都起一定的社会功能,委婉语主要有如下功能。 1、代替禁忌语,这些委婉语通常称传统委婉语,种种语言都有一些词语属于忌讳的范围。这是因为客观存在的某些事物或思想,受到社会制约,不宜直说,而必须用另一钏说法却取代,这就是委婉语,英语中的忌讳语多是与身体某些器官及功能或宗教有关,包括脏话(obscene)粗俗语(vulgar)和触犯神灵的话(profane)与性有关的的人们最忌讳的,所以骂人常用这些话,英语中的一些词如fuck、cut、penis都有相关的委婉表达法,人们经常不愿说go to toilet而是说go to washing room或restroom等,另一类禁忌语产生于人产对神灵的恐惧和崇拜,他们使用委婉语,一是因为神灵不可侵犯,二是因为他们认为神灵太神奇可怕,这种禁忌语存在于人与动物上,就像印度人把“牛”看做神灵一样,不同的民族都有其惧怕和崇拜的动物。 2、用于谈论敏感话题,一些敏感话题,也促进了委婉语的发展,这些话题是包括死亡、疾病、体重、年龄、私人事务、身体或精神缺陷、财富、贫穷、社会层次,职业及其欺骗、偷窃、杀人酿酒、吸毒、自杀罪过以及近几年来出现的下岗等话题。英语中出现的此类委婉语举不胜举,如说die(dean)常用的有pass on,pass away,expire任何一件工作都可称为professions,于是各种职业竞相媲美;将garbage collector尊称sanitation engineer,没有任何职业的house wife也可称为 housemaper。 3、除此之外,在教育、商业、政治、军事、外交等领域来加强说服,粉饰、欺骗和残酷或为了易于接受。 商业上为了招徕生意,正在充分利用委婉语,电视台觉得用commercial 太露骨,而代以message used car称为pre-oune car,pornography称为adult books。 政治上的委婉语也在扩大使用美国政客不喜欢politician这个词,他们自称legislator,而且肆意利用委婉语达到不可告人的目的,如为了掩饰社会矛盾,否认poor的存在,只讲disadvantaged/underprivileged,贫民们也由slum变成了substandard housing,这些都是美国政客们常用的伎俩。 4、自谦委婉语,是说话者故意降低自己身份来抬高对方,对示尊敬和谦虚,如英语中自称:“your bumble servant”,在汉语中的自己为“部队”,妻子为“内人”,“儿子”为“犬子”等等。 四、委婉语的语用特征 1、普遍性。委婉语既像广泛在于世界各民族之间,无论是高度文明社会还是原始部落,世界自自然语言中,无论是大语种带是少数民族话,都是委婉语,这说明礼貌原则几乎存在于有言语交往的任何时间和地方。 2、间接性。委婉语的最大特点是含蓄和间接,我们只所以愿以绕弯子是因为主有时会伤害对方或降低自己的形象。 3、模糊性。多数委婉语的形成是利用了语言的模糊性使某些词义范围扩大或缩小。 4、时代性。语言的变化取决于社会的需要和发展,用发展的观点看,语言处在不断的变化中,新词不断出现,旧新不断消失,不讲学生愚钝(stupid)而说(反应慢等),He is a bit slow for hisage。 5、民族性。民族与民族之间,总是存在某种程度上有文化差异和语言差异,而这些差异在委婉语的使用上表现的尤为明显,英语中有关吸毒、酗酒等社会问题的委婉语要多于议论,中国人不像美国那要在开谈论自己的年龄、体重、婚姻、家庭工资收入等。 6、幽默性。日常生活中存在很多幽默委婉性,它们帮助人们轻松愉快地面对现实。总之,委婉语是一种语言现象,更是一种社会现象,它的形成是各种社会心理因素的语用音素,综合作用的结果,委婉语是社会文化的缩影,从中可以折射出社会发展的一般性和特殊性,社会价值观、道德观以及文化的民族性和共同用。
2023-01-04 02:54:041


英音 [ "ju:fəmizm ] ; 美音 [ "ju:fəmizm ] 名词1.委婉语;委婉说法词形变化:形容词:euphemistic;副词:euphemistically;名词:euphemist。 反义词:dysphemism。
2023-01-04 02:54:091


英语中的委婉语汇总: 英文euphemism(委婉语)一词系源自希腊语。词头"eu-"的意思是"good"(好),词干"phemism"的意思是"speech"(言语),整个字面意义是"word of good omen"(吉言)或(好的说法)。一般认为,凡是表示禁忌或敏感事物的含蓄、迂回或动听的言词,均在委婉语之列。 英语委婉语一般可分成两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语stylistic euphemisms。所谓传统委婉语亦称是与禁忌语密切相关的。象生、病、死、葬、性、裸、拉、撒等禁忌事物,如果直接表达,那就是禁忌语,给人的感觉是粗鄙,生硬,刺耳,无礼。反之,如果间接表达,这就是委婉语,给人的印象是典雅,含蓄,中听,有礼。所谓文体委婉语,亦称实际上是恭维话、溢美之词,与禁忌语并无关系。英、美人(尤其是当代美国人)在交际过程中,为了表示礼貌,为了避免刺激,或是为了争取合作,有时会采用夸饰的手法,对一些令人不快的事物以美言相称。 英语委婉语的构成方法各种各样,丰富多彩。一般可分为下面几种类型:构词手段,拼写手段,词汇手段,语法手段和修辞手段等。 (1)合词法(compounding):如:gezudna(goes+under+"床下放",即夜壶)。 (2)反成法(backformation): 反成法是通过删除假想中的词缀来构成委婉词。由于这种构词法产词是不大,所以造出的词大多新颖别致,用来代替常见的敏感词,也能收到委婉的效果。如:bugle(盗窃,由burglar[夜盗]盗删去"词尾"而成,用以替代。 (3)首字母组合法(acronym):首字母组合法是将禁忌词语或敏感词语的第一个字母抽出来拼合在一起借以掩饰。如:BM(bowel movement,大便)the Big C (癌症) (4)截短法(clipping):截短法是将一些词语斩头去尾以掩饰。如:gents(Gentlement"s Room)(男厕所)lav (lavatory,厕所) (5)曲读异拼法(phonetic distortion):曲读异拼法是有意将禁忌词语的发音略加变动,借以避讳。如:god, gosh(god 上帝) (6)压韵替代法(rhyming slang):压韵替代法是利用一些词语与禁忌词语押韵的特点来取而代之。如:sis, (piss 小便) (7)逆拼法(backslang):逆拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感的单词自后向前拼写,以便避讳。如:elly-bay(belly肚子) (8)首字母异拼法(respelling of initials):首字母异拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感单词的首字母按照发音拼写出来,效果委婉。如:dee(damn,该死) (9)标点符号法(punctuation):如:d——(damn该死的)son of a —— (son of a bitch,狗娘养的) (10)同义词替代法(synonyms)如:slim(苗条的,即skinny,皮包骨头) (11)借词法borrowing):一般认为,英语中的本族词-盎格鲁撒克逊词-多为平民百姓的口语词,不登大雅之堂。所以很多人,尤其是知识分子和学生都喜欢借用法语词或拉丁词来婉指那些令人尴尬的事物。如:lingerie(内衣 underwear) (12)模糊词语法(fuzzy words):如:affair(事物,即桃色事件) (13)儿语法(nurseryism):借用儿童用语来充当委婉语。小孩子讲话天真无 邪,如果大人,尤其是中年人模仿儿语,有时效果是既委婉又幽默。如:pee-pee(小便)poo-poo(大便) (14)反面着笔法(negation):从相反的角度去表达那些令人不快的事物,效果有时会比正面直说婉转些。如:unwise(不聪明,即,愚蠢的) (15)比喻法(metaphorical transfer):根据禁忌事物的特点,将其描绘成具有相同特点的可以接受的事物。如:go to sleep forever(长眠,即die死去) (16)借代法(metonymical transfer):用整体来代替那些不便直言的局面。如:chest(胸部,即 breast乳房) (17)低调说法(understatement):如 一种明抑实扬、言轻义重的含蓄的说法,用来表达不愉快的事情时,效果委婉,听者易于接受。smelly (有味道,即stinking,发臭) (18)迂回说法(periphrasis):迂回说法是将不便直言的事物用转弯抹角的方式表达出来。其结果是短词长写,"短话长说"。如:adjustment downward(向下调整,即drop下跌) (19)首字母曲解法(reinterpretation of initials):首字母曲解法是有意对首字母词作出别的解释,效果不仅委婉,而且还带有幽默色彩。如:hot and cold (heroin and cocaine,海洛因可卡因合剂) 以上这些方法,大体上都贯穿了两个原则:一是若即若离的原则,一是美好中听的原则。一般说来,委婉语有三个方面的作用。一是避免刺激,给人以安慰;二是消除粗俗,给人以文雅;三是摒弃陈腐,给人以新颖。善于委婉,这是心灵美、修养高的表现。 在英语中,象生、死、如厕等话题直说很不文雅,这时我们可以用委婉的说法,下面是笔者收集的一些有关这些话题的说法。 1)Being in Love (恋爱) assignation (本义)指定 to be gone on (本义)一去不返 to be shock up (本义)被震撼的 to be taken (本义)被吸引住 H2 (本义)hot and heavy to have a crush on (本义)捣碎 meeting (本义)会面 to set one"s cap for (本义)指向某人 to set one"s sights at (本义)目光落在身上 to take a fancy to (本义)喜欢上 to walk out 出去溜达 to cut one"s eye at (本义)瞥一眼 the glad eye (本义)高兴的眼光 to look sweet on (本义) to make eyes at (本义)对某人使眼色 wandering eye (本义)游荡的眼光 2) Pregnancy (怀孕) a hole out in one(本义)一击入洞(高尔夫术语) an accident(本义)事故 anticipating(本义)期待的 awkward(本义)行动不便 to be caught(本义)被捉住 to be gone(本义)已过去了 to beget(本义)产生 break one"s ankle(本义)脚骨折了 clucky(本义)抱窝的 eating for two(本义)吃双份饭 expecting(本义)期待的 an expectant mother(本义)期待的母亲 to fall(本义)倒下了 far gone(本义)去日苦多 fragrant(本义)香喷喷的 full of heir(本义)怀有继承人 to have a hump in the front(本义)前身有块隆肉 to have one watermelon on the vine(本义)藤上有瓜了 to have one on the way (本义)有人要来 in a bad shape(本义)身体不佳 in a certain condition(本义)身处某种状态 in a delicate condition(本义)身体虚弱 in a (the) family way(本义)家常打扮 in a familiar way(本义)熟悉地 in a particular condition(本义)处于特殊状态 in an interesting condition(situation, state)(本义)处于有趣状态 in trouble(本义)惹上麻烦 infanticipating(本义)期望得子 irregularity(本义)不规则现象 knitting(本义)绒衣 to knock up(本义)敲门叫人 lady-in-waiting(本义)有所期待的女子 to learn all about diaper folding(本义)学叠尿布 a mother-to-be(本义)未来的母亲 on the nest(本义)在抱窝 P.G.(Pregnant)怀孕的 preparing the bassinet(本义)准备摇篮 rattle shopping(本义)采购玩具 rehearing lullabies(本义)练唱催眠曲 to spoil a woman"s shape(本义)坏了女子体型 to sprain an ankle(本义)扭伤脚踝 to swallow a watermelon seed(本义)吞了棵西瓜子 that way(本义)那样 waiting for the patter of little feet(本义)等呆小脚牙声 to wear the apron high(本义)围裙系高 a waiting woman(本义)等呆中的妇女 with a baby window(本义)有个凸窗肚 with child(本义)怀孩子了 3)Defcation (如厕) to be caught short (本义)给了个冷不妨 the call of nature (本义)自然的需要 Can I add some powder? (本义)我可以茶点粉吗? to cash(write) a check (本义)兑(开)张支票 to do a job for oneself (本义)做点私事 do one"s business (本义)干自己的活 to do one"s duty (本义)尽职 to ease oneself (本义)自我轻松一下 to eliminate (本义)逐出 evacuation (本义)排空 to excrete (本义)排泄 to find a haven of rest (本义)寻找安息所 to fix one"s face (本义)化装 to freshen up (本义)梳洗打扮 to get some fresh air (本义)去呼吸一点新鲜空气 to give oneself ease (本义)使自己舒服一下 to go (本义) to go into retreat (本义)去僻静 to go somewhere (本义)出去一下 to go to Egypt (本义)到埃及去 to go to one"s private office (本义)到私人办公室去 to go to bathroom (本义)到洗澡间 May I adjourn? (本义)我可以变换一下地方吗? May I please be excused? (本义)失陪了 natural necessity (本义)自然的需要 nature stop (本义)自然需要停车 to pluck a rose (本义)摘朵玫瑰 powder one"s nose (本义)搽点粉 to relieve oneself (本义)轻松一下 to wash one"s hands (本义)洗洗手 4)Death(死亡) to be asleep in the Arms of God (本义)安睡在上帝的怀中 to be at peace (本义)平静了 to be at rest (本义)在休息 to be called to God (本义)被召唤到上帝那 to be called home (本义)被召回家 to be home and free (本义)到家自由了 to be taken to paradise (本义)被送进天堂 The call of God (本义)上帝的召唤 to depart (本义)离去 The final departure (本义)最后离去 final sleep (本义)最后一觉 to go home (本义)回家 to go to heaven (本义)进天堂 to go to one"s long home (本义)回到永久之家 to go to one"s own place (本义)回老家 happy land (本义)乐土 to have fallen asleep (本义)入睡了 to have found rest (本义)得到安息 to have gone to a better place(land,world,life)到一个更好得地方去了 in heaven (本义)在天堂 to join one"s ancestors (本义)加入先人的行列 join the Great majority (本义)加入大多数 to leave this world (本义)离开今世 to pay one"s fee (本义)付费 to rest (本义)休息 to rest in peace (本义)安息 to return to dust (本义)归之尘土 to sleep (本义)长眠 with God (本义)和上帝在一起 with their Father (本义)与圣父在一起 to fall (本义)倒下了 to do one"s bit (本义)尽职了 to lay down one"s life (本义)放下自己的生命 to be no longer with us (本义)不再与我们在一起了 to be out of pain (本义)摆脱痛苦 to breathe one"s last (本义)呼了最后一口气 to cancel one"s account (本义)销帐 pay one"s last debt (本义)付最后一笔债 to fade away (本义)消失 to make one"s exit (本义)退场 to kick off (本义)开球 to be free (本义)解脱了 to be gone (本义)去了 to be no more (本义)不复存在 to close one"s eyes (本义)瞑目 to come to an end (本义)结束 to go beyond (本义)到远方去 to expire (本义)呼气 to go off (本义)离去 to go one"s last (本义)走到自己的终点 to go one"s place (本义)回老家 to go to one"s resting place (本义)到休息地去 to go to west (本义)西去 to kick the bucket (本义)踢翻水桶 to lose one"s life (本义)失去了生命 to pass away (本义)离去 to stop living (本义)停止生存 to take one"s rest (本义)休息 to shut up the shop (本义)关门 转贴 出处:
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1、最早的委婉语是随禁忌语的出现而产生的,如果不需要禁忌,许多委婉语也就失去了存在的必要。正是禁忌语的存在,刺激委婉语的产生,促进其数量的扩大。   自古以来我们最忌讳的就是一个“死”字,一般会借用其它的词语委婉含蓄地来表达。据调查,汉语中关于“死”的委婉语有上百种之多。中国古代封建等级制度森严,对不同人的死有不同的称法:“天子死曰崩,诸侯死曰薨,大夫死曰卒,士死曰不禄,庶人死曰死”《礼记·曲礼》。僧尼去世的婉称一般有“涅磐、圆寂”;道徒去世的婉称有“遁化、羽化、”;未成年去世称:“夭折、夭亡”;年轻女子去世称“香消玉碎、香消玉殒”等;为正义事业而亡称之为“捐躯、牺牲、阵亡、就义”。委婉语实质上是禁忌语的变体,担负着润滑交际的任务。   2、与人交流创造一个宽松和谐的氛围是必要的,有些敏感性、刺激性的字眼不得不提时,为了对方更易接受,需说得文雅含蓄一点,这是委婉语产生的第二个原因。   在《战国策·齐策》中有这样一段话: “后基年,齐王谓孟尝君曰:‘寡人不以先王之臣为臣。"” 齐王见孟尝君威望高,势力大,恐危及自己的统治,想撤他的职,但又不愿直说,所以以“寡人不以先王之臣为臣。”为借口来委婉表达其意。   3、中国是礼仪之邦,说话办事都要求个“雅”字,这种求“雅”心理是委婉语产生的第三个原因。   有关性、排泄、阴私等方面的字眼,人们常常把它们与 “粗俗”、“不洁”连在一起,因此这些方面的词多用委婉语,于是有了“去一号”、“方便一下”等词。其它领域不愿直说的字眼也可用委婉语表示,如“停尸房——太平间”、“身体有病——不舒服”、“没钱——囊中羞涩”、“傻——弱智”。这些委婉语表达的意思与原词一样,但它们力图掩饰、衰减、代替婉指汉语的直接和粗鄙,听起来更舒服一些,这与人的心理作用有关,显示了社会文明的程度。这有具体的解释刚好我也在看
2023-01-04 02:54:202


拼音:wěi wǎn 委婉含义:不直言其事,故意把话说得含蓄、婉转一些。英文:euphemism
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1、委婉语普遍存在于各种语言中。正如美国学者Hugh Rawson所指出的那样,“几乎没有――包括那些自诩言谈最为直截了当的人――能有哪一天不使用委婉语的”。在日常语言交际中,我们经常会遇到一些不可直言不讳的事情。因此,为了避免引起对方的不快,我们采取迂回曲折的方法来表达思想、交流信息。2.英语委婉语的定义英语委婉语来自希腊语。它有前缀“eu-”(意即good)和词干“phemism”(意为speech)组成,意谓“to speak with good words”(用好词来说话)。那么,英语委婉语就是说话者或写作者用含蓄的、间接的、文雅的词或者表达方式来代替那些粗俗的、令人不悦的、直接的、无礼的词或者表达方式。3.英语委婉语的分类根据不同的标准,英语委婉语可划分为不同的类型。根据所表达的事物禁忌与否,可划分为两大类:传统委婉语(Traditional Euphemism)和文体委婉语(Stylistic Euphemism)(刘纯豹,2001)3.1传统委婉语(Traditional Euphemism)传统委婉语常用比喻、借代、迂回等修辞手法表达一些令人感到不快、尴尬、厌恶、恐惧的事,从而使语言文雅、含蓄、中听、有礼。实际上,就是用间接表达取代生硬、刺耳的词语。例如:生、老、病、死、葬、性、裸、拉、撒等禁忌词语。举例说明:1)The old man said“I don"t want to go home in the dark”.(go home=die)这个老人说:“我不想在黑暗中回家。”2)Senior citizens are respected in our country.(senior citizen=old man)年长者在我国受到尊重。3)The student said that he was under the weather and asked for one day leave.(under the weather=ill)这个学生说自己身体不适,要求请两天假。3.2文体委婉语(Stylistic Euphemism)文体委婉语实际上是一种恭维、溢美之辞,与禁忌语并无关系,会采用夸饰的手法来表达一些令人不快的事物或话题。例如:政治、军事、职业、商业用语等。举例说明:1)The sanitary engineers keep our city clean.(sanitary engineer=dustman)清洁工人保持着我们城市的清洁。2)American Pentagon spokesman said“We would attack a target of opportunity.”(a target of opportunity=a target of the Iraqi leadership)美国五角大楼发言人说:“我们要打击伊拉克的高层领导目标。”
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2023-01-04 02:55:061


委婉 [wěi wǎn]委婉是一个汉语词汇,拼音是wěi wǎn,英文是euphemism,意思是不直言其事,故意把话说得含蓄、婉转一些。中文名委婉外文名euphemism拼音wěi wǎn含义不直言其事,故意把话说得含蓄用法语气婉转含蓄的用语叫做委婉语。古人用委婉语较多,大致有以下几种用法:详细解释(1)避粗俗例:即阳为病狂,卧便利。(《汉书·玄成传》)“便利”是大小便的委婉说法,因为大小便是人的羞耻之事,不便明说,用便利来代替大小便,即保护了别人的面子,又使自己显得有教养,毫无粗俗之气。(2)避忌讳古人的忌讳比现代人要多,单单一个”死“字就有很多的委婉说法,即避讳,又表示了对死者的尊敬。例:放动乃徂落。(《孟子·万章上》)一旦山陵崩 ,长安君何以自讬于赵。(《战国策·触龙说赵太后》)先帝创业未半,而中道崩徂。(诸葛亮《出师表》)
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euphuism是婉辞法的意思。婉辞法指用委婉,文雅的方法表达粗恶、避讳的话。euphuism例句如下:1、He is out visiting the necessary. 他出去方便一下。2、His relation with his wife has not been fortunate. 他与妻子关系不融洽。3、His uncle passed away in 1997. 他的叔叔在1997年去世了。英语中共有19种修辞手法:Simile明喻、Metaphor隐喻、Metonymy借喻、Synecdoche提喻、Synaesthesia通感、Personification拟人、Hyperbole夸张、Parallelism排比、Euphemism婉辞法、Allegory比方、Irony反语、Pun双关、Parody仿拟、Rhetorical question疑问、Antithesis对比、Paradox隽语、Oxymoron反意法,逆喻、Climax渐进法、Anticlimax渐降法。
2023-01-04 02:55:191

what is a euphemism?

euphemism是委婉语的意思,是一种修辞手法。举个例子来说,当我们说人死了,我们不直接说He has died,而是说He passed away.
2023-01-04 02:55:302


  修辞手法(figure of speech)修辞手法是通过修饰、调整语句,运用特定的表达形式以提高语言表达作用的方式和方法。修辞不仅仅在中文里很常见,在英文里也是多种多样。这篇文章里,我们就来谈一谈英文中常见的修辞手法。   常见的英语修辞   1.simile明喻   A simile is a figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a phrase introduced by like or as.   明喻是常用as或like等词将两种不同事物通过比较而连接起来的一种修辞手法。   让我们看几个例子:   Good coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong.   好的咖啡如同友谊,丰厚,温暖,热烈。   Life is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We"re all of us looking for the key.   人生就像一罐沙丁鱼,我们大家都在找开启的起子。   He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen from him to crow.   他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了它的啼叫。   2.metaphor暗喻   A metaphor is a trope or figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.   暗喻是将两种有共同点的不同事物进行隐晦比较的修辞手法。   明喻与暗喻的不同点就在于是否有出现like或者as(像)这一类比喻词,下面这几个句子都是暗喻:   Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action.   幽默是生活的减震器,它可以鼓舞人们付诸于行动。   Time, you thief.   时间,你这个小偷。   But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.   可是我的心是孤独的猎手,在孤独的小山上狩猎。   3.personification拟人   Personifiation is a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.   拟人是一种为无生命或抽象物体赋予人类特质与能力的修辞手法。   Oreo: Milk"s favorite cookie.   奥利奥:牛奶最喜爱的曲奇。   The wind stood up and gave a shout.   大风凛冽,发出怒吼。   The only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother! I call him Gamblor, and it"s time to snatch your mother from his neon claws!   这里唯一的怪物就是赌博怪物,它将你母亲沦为奴隶!我叫它赌棍,该把你母亲从他的霓虹灯魔爪下救出来的时候了!   4.euphemism委婉语   Euphemism is the substitution of an inoffensive expression for one considered offensively explicit   委婉语是使用较委婉含蓄的语言替换强烈冒犯的话语。   这种修辞可能听起来陌生,但在日常生活中的使用频率其实很高。比如,老人去世的时候我们会采用“过世”、“走了”这一类的话语,这其实就是委婉语。英文里也有类似的用法,了解委婉语背后真正的含义对阅读英语文章也是很有帮助的哦~下面我们就一起看几个例子:   elder citizen老年人(不用old people)   pass away逝世(不用die)   You"ve got a prime figure.你的体态丰腴。(不用fat)   5.pun双关语   A pun is a play on words, either on different senses of the same word or on the similar sense or sound of different words.   双关语是指利用同词不同义或是同音不同词来制造文字游戏的一种修辞方式。   部分电视剧的幽默效果就是通过双关语来实现的。   You earn your living and you urn your dead.   生前劳碌奔命,死后化灰入土。   (earn与urn(火化)同音异义,用在一起显得俏皮,别有趣味。)   Seven days without water makes one weak.   七天不进水,人就会虚弱。   weak和week是同音异义词。因此这句话听起来可以理解为:   Seven days without water makes one week.   6.alliteration头韵   Alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound.   押头韵是指重复单词第一个辅音的修辞方式。   头韵是英语语音修辞的一种,体现了语言的音乐美和整齐美。广为熟知的一本名著《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)的书名就体现了头韵。常见的例子还有:   first and foremost首先   with might and main 尽全力地   saints and sinners 圣人与罪人   in weal and (or) woe无论是福是祸   7.oxymoron矛盾修辞法   Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side.   矛盾修辞法是一种修辞手段,它是用两种不相调和,甚至截然相反的词语来形容一件事物。   这个定义是不是听起来云里雾里的呢?让我们先用中文的例子来理解一下~   宝玉道:“我呢?你们也替我想一个。”   宝钗笑道:“你的号早有了,无事忙三字恰当得很!”   上文的“无事忙”就是矛盾修辞法,“无事”和“忙”不就是两种截然相反的状态吗?   再来看几个英文例子:   We have to believe in free will. We have no choice.   我们只能相信自由意志,除此之外我们别无选择。   His honour rooted in dishonour stood.   他那来源于不名誉的名誉依然如故。   8.hyperbole夸张   Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect; an extravagant statement.   夸张是对事物着意夸大的修辞方式。   我们在口语中常常会夸大自己的情绪,比如:   I was scared to death   我吓死了。   男男女女在表达爱意的时候经常也很夸张:   You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars….   你是我的全世界,是我的月亮,我的星星……   英语考试作文常用句型 批驳   1)It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.   2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.   3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.   4) Many of us have been under the illusion that...   5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.   6) It makes no sense to argue for ...   7) Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...   8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...
2023-01-04 02:55:371

修辞学 | 金融语言及翻译中的委婉语赏析

引言:委婉语,不直言其事、表达含蓄之法,避粗俗,避忌讳,避冒犯,属古人之礼貌语言。英文:euphemism在金融翻译中,也有委婉语的使用,兼顾翻译准确性原则以及相关者利益。此文聊一下“委婉语”在金融语言及翻译中的使用。1 减少... VS 负增长 因应全球经济发展速度的变化,年报内偶尔会出现负百分数。译者除了可 以采用直译法外,还可以以委婉的笔触来处理,以减低负数数值可能对读者带 来的消极及负面影响,例如: With the widening economic recovery in Asia, Hong Kong registered a 2.9% GDP growth for the year, up significantly from the contraction of - 5% in 1998. 随着亚洲经济广泛复苏,香港一九九九年的生产总值增长2.9%,较一九九八年的5% 负增长显著改善。 At the year-end, the unemployment rate stood at 6%, down from a mid-year high of 6.3% while the CPI was - 4%. 本港年终的失业率为6%,与年中高峰期的6.3%比较,已略为下跌:消费物价指教则出现4%的负增长。 以上两个例子运用了委辞语“负增长”来翻译负百分数,以期减轻负增长对投资者可能带来的冲击。 2 不少外来冲击 VS 充满变数 I firmly believe that, despite the many external uncertainties which may face us in 2001, we should be able to withstand any economic fluctuations that  may arise so long as we are properly equipped. 虽然二零零一年将会是充满变数的一年,但我深信只要做好准备,香港拥有优越的条件应付可能出现的经济波动。 "the many external uncertainties" 指出来年香港经济将要面对不少外来冲击;译文则以“充满变数”来暗示香港的前景不容乐观,大大减轻原文消极的语气。 除了照顾读者的情感,委婉语的使用也在维护相关者利益。在类似中美贸易摩擦的报道中,使用过激言论可能会造成不良后果。在敏感语境中,可使用委婉语来维护相关者利益。中国石油大学王雅琪曾发表文章讨论《中西经济类新闻报道中委婉语对比研究——以中美贸易战为例》【1】,其中提及如下例子及分析(由于 Clown 未对新闻语言有深入研究,暂引用其分析原文): “贸易战”和“贸易摩擦” 1) 接受路透社最新问卷调查的大多数经济学家都认为,中美贸易摩擦增加了美国经济衰退风险 [2] 。 “摩擦”的词典义为个人或党派因彼此厉害矛盾而引起的冲突,其此处实指中美双方没有硝烟的贸易战争。很显然,“摩擦”一词中含有的竞争、对立以及冲突意味要远低于“战争”二字。 2) 挑起对华贸易争端,让美国农业雪上加霜,这是当前备受关注的情况 [2] 。在此,作者也是使用上义替换的方法,用“争端”一词代替“战争”,缓和了文章中中美双方对立的紧张局势,避免引起民众恐慌。 而在 the New Yorker 的该篇报道中,Trade war (贸易战)一词通常被 conflict 和 dispute 代替,如: 1) After assuming for months that the two sides would eventually reach a deal to avoid a full-scale conflict that would inflict considerable hurt on both countries, investors and analysts are now reassessing the situation. [3] 2) On Wall Street, analysts have been warning that an early resolution to the dispute is unlikely and that the economic fallout could be significant. [3] 在上面两句中,conflict (冲突)和dispute (争端)代表的都是美国所挑起的贸易战。根据牛津词典,conflict和dispute强调的是利益双方之间的 disagreement (意见不一致)或是argument (争论),而war (战争)更强调一方对另一方的霸道、掠夺、和侵占。贸易战(trade war)本是美国对华单方面掀起的贸易战争,本质上是一种霸道行为,而为了引导舆论,突出两国之间的冲突,美国媒体选用了“conflict”这一外延更广的词,实现了美化事实的目的。 总而言之,针对有关贸易战这一概念,人民日报和纽约客的报道中都通过上义替换对其进行了委婉修饰,但双方使用委婉语的目的大不相同。对于美方来说,这样做是为了美化事实,引导舆论,掩盖特朗普政府行为的霸道与荒谬。而对于中国来说,面对贸易战,我们面对的是美国这样强大的对手。在这样的情境下,频繁使用“战争”一词可能会引发民众恐慌,影响社会安定,因此采用“冲突”、“摩擦”等上义替换,可以缓和语篇中中美双方对立的紧张局势,避免不安情绪在群众中蔓延。 文末,感受以下 不 使用“委婉语”的例句: 香港的《二零零二年经济展望》中有如下双语报道[4]: For 2001 as a whole, GDP had only a marginal growth of 0.1% in real terms, in stark contrast to the double-digit growth at 10.5% in 2000. 二零零一年全年合计,本地生产总值只实质微升 0.1%, 与二零零零年 10.5% 的双位数增长大相径庭。 Overall, Hong Kong"s GDP is likely to stay on a decline in the early part of 2002, yet with a visible pick-up in the latter part of the year. 整体来说,香港的本地生产总值在2002年初仍会下跌,但年内后期将显著回升。 再感受一下更为恶劣的《一九八三年经济展望》对当时经济的描述: The slowdown in economic activity and the historically poor export performance in 1982 had an unfavourable influence on incomes and on consumption. 一九八二年经济活动放缓,而出口业亦出现历年来最恶劣的情况,这对入息与消费均有不利影响。 这语风,是不是很直言不讳?相比前文的委婉,是不是有消极之感? 参考文献: 【1】王雅琪. 中国石油大学(华东),山东 青岛,  中西经济类新闻报道中委婉语对比研究——以中美贸易战为例 ( 【2】五月荷. 国际关系岂能回到野蛮时代[N]. 人民日报, 2019-05-20(03). 【3】Cassidy, J. (2019) The Growing Dangers of Trump"s Trade War with China. The New Yorker, 2019-05-24.    【4】李德凤 (2007),《财经金融翻译:阐释与实践》,香港﹕香港大学出版社                   THE END
2023-01-04 02:55:451

Euphemism is a figure of speech, the definition o

2023-01-04 02:55:503


英语修辞手法有:1、Simile:明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性。标志词常用like,as,seem,as if,as though,similar to,such as等。2、Metaphor:隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。3、Metonymy:借喻,转喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称。4、Synecdoche:提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般。5、Synaesthesia:通感,联觉,移觉这种修辞法是以视。听、触、嗅味等感觉直接描写事物。通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉“。6、Personification:拟人拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物。7、Hyperbole:夸张夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的。它可以加强语势,增加表达效果。8、Parallelism:排比,平行这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语。句子排列成串,形成一个整体。9、Euphemism:委婉,婉辞法婉辞法指用委婉,文雅的方法表达粗恶,避讳的话。
2023-01-04 02:56:001

高手 翻译一下

The language is the humanity exchanges sentimental, the transmit message, communication thought the important tool. We will feel the language in the real life will be very marvelous, the its expression"s fit and unfit quality will cause the different result, even if will be a few words which Pu will pass very much, if will also say shoddy also possibly creates the barrier or injures opposite party the sentiment to be opposite, if ingenious can move the person, will cause opposite party to feel a heartfelt admiration, one of mysteries will lie in whether to contain tactfully, the linguist will utilize circuitously, shrinks slightly, the analogy. methods and so on metonymy come table to reach these easily to make one have, the loathing, the moved glossary to be called awkwardly the euphemism, before “eu” is Greece, decorates, expresses “well”; “phemism” the meaning is “spoken language therefore el1. ohemism is “words of good omen” (fine talk) or “good speech” (good view). Uses euphe appropriately in the human relations. mism may give the human polite and elegant, the well-mannered good impression. therefore understands and grasps euphemism is very important. how will this article evade on the euphemism in the daily life evades the embarrassed expression praise and politeness does discusses, and enhances oneself English euphemism by this application ability.
2023-01-04 02:56:092


2023-01-04 02:56:173

unit13 “Euphemism” para7 译文(作者Neil Postman)

2023-01-04 02:56:271


英语语言学论文提纲   提纲,是一种概括地叙述纲目、要点的`公文。它不把全文的所有内容写出来,只把那些主要内容,提纲挈领式地写出来。以下是我为大家整理英语语言学论文提纲的相关内容,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家!   英语语言学论文提纲 篇1   I. Introduction   Ⅱ. Euphemism   2.1 The Definition of Euphemism   2.2 The Features of Euphemism   III.,Pragmatic Failures in English Euphemism   3.1 Pragmatic Linguistic Failures   3.2 Socio-pragmatic Failures   IV.,The Reasons for the Pragmatic Failure in English Euphemism   4.1 The Reasons of Pragmatic Linguistic Failures   4.1.1 The Difference of the Context   4.1.2 The Difference of Expression Patterns   4.2 The reasons of Socio-pragmatic failures   4.2.1 The Difference of Customs   4.2.2 The Difference of Social Values   V. The Reflection of Pragmatic Failure in Euphemism   VI.Conclusion   英语语言学论文提纲 篇2   Chapter 1 Gatsby"s American Dream and Its Distortion   1.1 What is the American Dream   1.2 Gatsby"s American Dream in Different Phases   Chapter 2 Disillusionment of Gatsby"s Distorted Dream   2.1 Gatsby"s Efforts in Achieving His American Dream   2.2 Gatsby"s Disillusionment   Chapter 3 New Interpretation of Gatsby"s American Dream   3.1 The External Factors of the Disillusionment   3.1.1 The Hierarchy System   3.1.2 The Jazz Age   3.2 The Internal Factors of the Disillusionment   3.3 The Essential Factor of the Disillusionment   3.4 Some Hypotheses   3.5 The American Dream in the Present Age   Conclusion   This conclusion   F. Scott Fitzgerald"s The Great Gatsby is a novel that deals with American dreamto a great extent. In a relatively short novel of nine chapters, Fitzgerald tells the tragicstory of Jay Gatsby"s quest for the rich and shallow Daisy. Through the first-personnarrator, Nick Carraway, the emptiness of the materialistic American dream isrevealed and the novel ultimately manifests the failure of this American dream.   The American dream concerns politics as in “The Declaration of Independence”,military affairs as in the participation of America in the World War Ⅰ, economy asabout the matter of material success, moral conventions as about spiritual goodnessand religious freedom, literature as reflected in novels, sports as in the principle“competing fairly, openly and aboveboard”, aesthetics as in the appreciation of thebeauty of happiness, and many other fields. It comes from the old colonist"s time,through the Westward Expansion, the Independence War, the Civil War, two worldwars, to the present highly developed society and goes on for ever. It is a method ofcommunication in the way that success is used to show off and that the invisibleuntouchable inner virtues and abilities are to be proved to the society in the form ofvisible success. It is a history of struggle in the sense that people take efforts to makewhat is said and what is done meet. It is the emotional and psychological growth ofindividuals as well as material and spiritual growth of the nation.   The Great Gatsby not only expresses the theme of the disillusioned materialisticAmerican dream, it also constantly urged the society to seek a new cultural insightoutlet---the spiritual American dream, which undoubtedly provides a patch to mendthe already distorted and imperfect American dream culture. So the point is to find abalance between the spiritual and the material. We have experienced and willexperience a lot of adventures or frustrations in our life, we constantly face differenttemptations and moral shortcuts, sometimes we may even vacillate, but what makesus persist and keep striving is the right values and solid faiths, thus bringing usspiritual liberation and inner freedom to live a happy life. That is the power of dream.   The roaring twenties of the United States is the ideal setting for Gatsby"s story,but it is only the setting. The story itself is as great as ever. To some degree, theAmerican dream in this story is sublimed to a universal sense which breaks thelimitation of time and space. So any research on the novel and its profound meaningof the American dream will never be outdated.   英语语言学论文提纲 篇3   1 Introduction   1.1 Significance of the research   1.2 Organization of the thesis   2 Literature Review   2.1 Researches on monolingual mental lexicon   2.1.1 Definition of mental lexicon   2.1.2 Models of mental lexicon: a developing one   2.2 Research methodology of bilingual mental lexicon   2.2.1 Word association paradigm   2.2.2 Word translation task   2.2.3 Cross-language priming paradigm   2.3 Theories on bilingual mental lexicon   2.3.1 Weinreich"s three hypotheses: the ancestor of bilingual   mental lexicon models   2.3.2 Paivio"s bilingual dual-coding theory   2.3.3 Kroll & Stewart"s revised hierarchical model   2.3.4 De Groot"s distributed representation model   3 Extended Bilingual Distributed Representation Model   3.1 Setting and characteristic of L2 word acquisition   3.2 Psychological mechanism of L2 word acquisition   3.2.1 Coactivation pattern: L2 word representation manner   3.2.2 Simultaneous formation of semantic memory and episodic memory   3.3 Semantic restructuring in L2 vocabulary development   4 Implications for L2 Word Meaning Acquisition   4.1 Unbalanced performance on language comprehension   and production   4.1.1 Receptive vs. productive vocabulary: imbalance on   acquisition difficulty   4.1.2 Positive effect of episodic memory   4.2 Negative semantic transfer   4.2.1 Episodic memory: the primary cause of negative semantic transfer   4.2.2 Negative effect of episodic memory   4.3 Episodic memory and L2 word meaning acquisition   4.3.1 Applying episodic memory: when and how   4.3.2 Strengthening semantic memory: why and how   5 Conclusion   英语语言学论文提纲 篇4   contents   introduction………………………………………………………………1   1.the common historical background……………………………………1   1.1 international………………………………………………………1   1.2 national…………………………………………………………1   2.the common beliefs of beats and rockers……………………………2   2.1 rebellion against conventions……………………………………2   2.1.1 beats in literature………………………………………………2   2.1.2 rockers in music circles………………………………………3   2.2 ideologies in between……………………………………………4   2.2.1 beatniks were fed up with their government about   the explanations of why things happened……………………4   2.2.2 their same destiny……………………………………………4   2.2.3 beat culture and rock culture were not accepted by   both capitalist and socialist ideologies………………………5   2.3 belief in oriental religion…………………………………………5   2.3.1 beatniks study on chinese buddhism…………………………6   2.3.2 rockers belief in indian buddhism……………………………6   3.their identical lifestyles………………………………………………6 ;
2023-01-04 02:56:321


The word euphemism Euphemism is Greek, comes from the Greek prefix eu=well and root pheme=speaking. Euphemism is rather a social linguistic phenomenon, be inferior to saying is a kind of cultural phenomenon. Language is the carrier of thought, is the epitome of social culture. As a language tool, euphemism is rich in cultural connotations, carrying the social structure, the national psychology, religious culture and other aspects of a nation. However, Chinese and English belong to two completely different style of the language, its background, culture, customs and other aspects of thinking, there exist various differences. Therefore, in both English and Chinese Euphemisms in also exist certain differences.Euphemism is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. There are two English language in a large number of euphemism, because of differences between Chinese and Western culture, so Chinese and English euphemism as a kind of cultural phenomenon also show some differences. In recent years, there are many angles and many domestic and foreign scholars from linguistics, culture, rhetoric of the related research on euphemism. Death euphemism as an organic component of euphemism, has received extensive attention. English and Chinese Euphemism of death in many aspects such as culture, history, there are similarities and differences points. In this paper, through the comparative study of English and Chinese Euphemism of death is certain, the language features of English and Chinese euphemism and death and the representation of culture have a better understanding of the. The contents of this paper are as follows: the first part mainly introduces the definition, function of euphemism; the second part focuses on the analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese and western of death euphemism, and the deep-seated reasons of the similarities and differences; the third part has carried on the summary to the full text.
2023-01-04 02:56:431


布鲁克•诺埃尔•摩尔(Brooke Noel Moore) 理查德•帕克(Richard Parker) 随着互联网的的发展,每天不及其数的信息被产出。用英文版里面的一句话说就是 这里就涉及到两方,信息的产生方,与信息的消费方。 在理想的状态下,信息的产生方例如媒体(当然不仅仅是媒体,你可以是信息的生产者),需要提供 准确,可靠,全面 的信息。但是在实际过程中,由于种种外在原因(传播中的曲解,利益集团对信息的操控),以及信息的生产者缺乏相应的思考逻辑训练;接受者得到的信息往往是 错误,被扭曲,片面 的信息。 而批判性思维(critical thinking)是一门思考你思考过程的艺术,学习与运用批判性思维能够帮助大家实现 独立之思考 ,从而追求 自由之精神 。 如果你想 人云亦云 ,如果你想被人 灌输他们想要你拥有的价值观 ,千万不要锻炼自己的批判性思维;如果你想要一谓 不假思索得服从权威 ,或被 利益相关所操控 千万不要锻炼批判性思维;如果你不想 体会到思维的乐趣 千万不要锻炼批判性思维。 既然你读到这一段,已经说明你做好了你已经作出决定,想要锻炼自己批判性思维能力。那么请和我一起开启批判性思维之旅吧。 这本书在第一章从基本的批判性思维的基本概念开始讲起: 接下来从基本概念开始展开,在第二章中讲到两种推理过程,在第三章讲到如何清除的定义概念,组织语言已到达清晰的思考与写作。 接下来一部分,在第四章中讲如何判断一个断言的可信度,通过检查断言的来源以及其可靠性,评估断言的内容的可靠性,为啥我们需要仔细甄别媒体报道的信息。 在此之后本书在四、五、六章中分别讲解了如何利用修辞技巧提高自己的语言文字的说服力(注:说服力强不代表论证过程合理)以及诡辩者常用的手段和思考者在思考过程中常犯的谬误。 在第八章与第九章中本书探讨了如何使用范畴逻辑与真值逻辑讲论证用数学的过程表示,并由此判断论证过程的合理性。 在第九章中作者展开讨论了第一章中提到的非演绎推理的批判性思维过程。 本书的第十一章讨论了第一章说提到的因果解释。 在最后第十二章,本书探讨了在道德,美学,法律中的推理过程,这是批判性思维在不同领域的应用。 批判性思维: 是对思维展开的思维,我们进行批判性思维是为了考量我们自己(或者他人)的思维是否符合逻辑、是否符合好的标准。 信念: 你所相信的。 断言(claim): 是一种描述用来表示观点或信念,是可以用来判断的陈述句。 论题/问题 (Issue/Question): 当一个断言被质疑时提出的问题。 论证(argument) 论证由两部分组成:为结论提供支持的前提(premise)以及被前提所支持的结论(conclusion)。 **解释 (explanations): ** **价值判断(value judgements): ** **道德价值判断(Moral value judgment): ** 修辞(Rhetoric) 前提为真,结论为真。注意这里的前提是可以用 Ture or False 来表示的,并不是用可能性大小来表征。判断演绎论证的结果是 对与错 。 有效论证(valid argument) 。当一个论证满足条件:当其前提为真时,其结论不可能为假,这个论证就是有效的。 “可靠论证”(sound argument) An argument is sound if it is valid and its premise (or premises) is true .用来描述 前提为真 的 有效 推理。 满足三条标准我们有理由认为自己的断言为真 为了解释上面的概念我编写出以下例子来说明。 注:以下例子全为编造,不代表作者观点。 在A学校存在早恋行为,因为在F001 班发现 小明与小红早恋。 早恋行为对青少年没有影响。因为A调查统计发现早恋对青少年的早恋没有影响。而我的朋友B与C 在高中恋爱但是她们都考上了好大学。早恋行为在外国很常见,但是也没有对本国的孩子的学业造成影响造成影响。 为了在读论证时更好的理证过程我们常用逻辑图来帮助自己理解,以下是书中的一个例子。 1、**模糊(vaguness): ** 语词或短语的模糊是指:与该语词或短语相对应的对象是不明确的。 2、**歧义(ambiguity): **是指同一语词、短语或句子,却具有相互区别的多重涵义。 3、 抽象(generality): 为了解决以上的问题,并且更好的理解文章的写作者或者演讲者想要传达的意思。读者或听者需要明白关键词语的定义。没有明确的定义我们无法理解与评判一个论证过程。 定义的种类 评估可信度要从两个不同层面着手:第一是断言本身,第二是断言的来源。 关于断言本身但出现以下两种情况时,我们要仔细考察这些断言 第二 断言的来源 我们需要从以下三个方面考察断言的可信度 新闻媒体报纸会受到利益集团的影响,我们需要咨询思考里面的信息,从不知来源的互联网途径或电台访谈中获取信息时,则更要适度地质疑。 1、 委婉语(euphemism) ——一种中性或正面的表达,而不是一种引起负面联想的表达。 2、 粗直语(dysphemism) -- 被用于影响听众或读者对某事产生负面态度,或者用于减少其可能引起的积极联想。 3、 闪烁其词(weaseler) 是规避或化解风险的一种语言手段。 词语 高达 大概”、“可能”、“也许”、“可能是” 、“有些”( “perhaps,” “possibly,” “maybe,” and “may be,” ) 4、 贬抑(downplayer) 就是试图降低人物或事件的重要性及意义。最常见的语词是“只不过是”和“只不过” “所谓的” “然而”、“不过”、“仍然”和“但是” ( “mere” and “merely.” “so-called” “nevertheless,” “however,” “still,” and “but”) 5、 刻板印象(stereotype) 是基于点滴线索甚至是毫无证据地形成的关于特定群体之成员的想法或印象。 6、 暗示(innuendo) 手法使我们不必实际指明就可以委婉曲折地表达对人、对事的反对意见。 7、 加载问题(loaded question) 则不单纯指问题中存在着假设。关键在于加载问题中存在着或多或少的未经证明的假设。 8、 嘲笑(ridicule)的修辞手法 ,包括运用所有的嘲讽手段。 注:仅仅取笑别人的立场并不等于提出了对该立场的反对意见。 9、 夸张(hyperbole) 过分夸大。 10、 修辞性定义(rhetorical definition) 则运用诉诸情感的语言来表达或激起对某事的态度。 11、 修辞类比(rhetorical analogy) ,即通过两个事件之间的相似性比较,使某事件显得优于或劣于它本身。 12、 替代证明(proof surrogate) 是这样的表达手法:仅表明某个断言有据可查或有典可循,而不引用所说的证据或典籍。 13、 重复 14、 通过视觉形象进行说服 举例说明: 继续使用前面所使用的早恋的例子: 注:以上例子都是我造出来的,可能有些不妥,请大家指正。 老白金广告( 重复 ) 1、可得性启发(availability heuristics)依据提及一个事件的频率来判断这件事发生的可能性。 2、消极偏见(negativity bias)——人们相信消极信息多于积极信息的倾向。 3、圈内偏见(in-group bias) 4、基本归因错误(fundamental attribution error)只有 自己 才会被 意外和现实所制约 而外人不会的倾向 5、服从权威(obedience to authority) 6、损失规避(loss aversion)人们往往更愿意避免损失而不是积累收入 注:以下这些谬误都不是论证 2、采用威吓手段(scare tactics) 3、诉诸同情的论证(argument from pity) 4、 源自妒忌的论证(argument from envy) 5、 阿谀奉承(apple polishing) 6、 使人负疚(guilt trip) 7、 同辈压力论证(peer pressure argument) 8、 群体思维的谬误(groupthink fallacy) 9、 转移注意力(red herring) 10、 烟幕弹(smoke screen) 11、 诉诸公众的论证(argument from popularity) 12、 诉诸司空见惯(argument from common practice) 13、 诉诸传统(argument from tradition) 14、 合理化(rationalizing) 15、 以错制错(two wrongs make a right)
2023-01-04 02:56:481


Taboo refers to a prohibition on the use of, mention of, or association with particular objects, actions, or persons. Euphemism is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.
2023-01-04 02:56:542


1.给我一些英语中的明喻或者暗喻的句子 英语修辞手法 一,明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如: 1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see. 这头象和任何人见到的壹样像壹条蛇。 2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit. 他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵壹样从我身旁走过去。 3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. 它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什麽东西似的。 二、隐喻(metaphor)这种比喻不通过比喻词进行,而是直接将用事物当作乙事物来描写,甲乙两事物之间的联系和相似之处是暗含的。 1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets。 德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨壹样倾泻下来。 2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store. 钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。 2.英语中的修辞手法:明喻、暗喻 英语修辞手法 一,明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。 常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如: 1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see. 这头象和任何人见到的壹样像壹条蛇。 2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit. 他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵壹样从我身旁走过去。 3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. 它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什麽东西似的。 二、隐喻(metaphor)这种比喻不通过比喻词进行,而是直接将用事物当作乙事物来描写,甲乙两事物之间的联系和相似之处是暗含的。 1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets。 德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨壹样倾泻下来。 2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store. 钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。 3.用隐喻暗喻的手法描写心中的爱情(英文) with this hand,i"ll lift your sorrows, your cup will never empty,for i,will be your wine. with this candle,i"ll light your way in darkness. with this ring,i ask you to be mine。. 僵尸新娘中的台词,我最喜欢的几句话,很浪漫,楼主可以参考一下下…… 4.求英语中的修辞手法举例,暗喻,换喻你人夸张,白描,委婉语,矛 1 Simile n 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性. n 标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 例:I wandered lonely as a cloud. 2. Metaphor n 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例:The world is a stage. 3. Metonymy 借喻,转喻 n 借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称. n I.以容器代替内容,例如: n The kettle boils. 水开了. n The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着. n II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: n Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. n III.以作者代替作品,例如: n a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 n VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: n I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. 4. Synecdoche 提喻 n 提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般. 例:There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体)他的厂里约有100名工人. 5. Personification 拟人 n 拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物. 例:The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads.(把夜拟人化) 6. Hyperbole 夸张 夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的.它可以加强语势,增加表达效果 例:Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars. 7. Paradox悖论,隽语 n 似是而非的评论;看起来自相矛盾但可能正确的说法;这是一种貌似矛盾,但包含一定哲理的意味深长的说法,是一种矛盾修辞法. 例:More haste, less speed. (proverb)欲速则不达 His main feature is his featurelessness 8. Euphemism n It is the substitution of an inoffensive expression for one that may be disagreeable, as in the use of “pass away or pass on” for “die”, “misinform” for “lie” in “the gentleman is misinformed”, “remain” for a “corpse”, “visiting the necessary” for “going to the toilet”, etc. 5.英语里面metaphor这个修辞方法可以用来比喻人吗 恩,是可以的.英语里面的含喻有很多种:明喻、暗喻、提喻以及转喻.明喻(simile),属比喻,只是在英语中一般含as和like的比喻:It looks like an apple.暗喻(metaphor),在英语中一般不含as和like的比喻:Love is flower.转喻(Metonymy),也叫换喻,属借代:Grey hairs should be respected.老人应受到尊重. (用grey hairs白发,表示 old people老人)提喻(Synecdoche),也属于借代,Outside,(there is) a sea of faces.外面街上,是人的海洋.(以人体的局部代全体,即以faces 表示people)。 6.急需使用修辞手法的英语句子 反问为了加强语气,用疑问句的形式表示确定的意屋常用肯定形式表示否定,用否定形式表示肯定。 例如: 就说蒋筑英吧.已经经过了这样长久的考验,跑他入党的志愿,也一定要等到死后才能由省委的追认满足么?(用肯定的形式表示否定) 我呢,我难道没有应该责备的地方吗?(用否定式表示肯定的意思。) 反问与设问的区别: 1、设问不表示肯定什么或否定什么;反问则明砌表示肯定和否定的内容。 2、反问的作用主要是加强语气,设问的作用主要是提出问题,引起注意,启发思考。排比 (一)概念: 排比是由三个或三个以上结构相同或相似、内容相关、证据一致的短语或句子排列在一起,用来加强语势强调内容,加重感情的修辞方式。 (二)排比和种类: 1、成分排比即一个句子中的一些成分组成排比。例如: 延安的歌声它是黑夜的火把,雪天的煤炭,大旱的甘霖。 2、分句排比即一个复句的各个分句构成排比。例如: 他们的品质是那样的清洁和高尚,他们的意志是那样的坚韧和刚强,他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊,他们的胸怀是那样的美丽和宽广。 3、单句排比例如: 八路军穿草鞋,把日本鬼子赶下海。解放军穿草鞋,把蒋家王朝踢下台。 如今八连穿草鞋,把香风毒雾肢下踩。 4、复句排比。 例如: 如果我们能够研制出一种类似鹰眼的搜索、观测技术系统,就能够扩大飞行员的视野,提高他们的视敏度。如果能研制出具有鹰眼视觉原理的“电子鹰眼”,就有可能用于控制远程激光制导武器的发射。 如果能给导弹装上小巧的“鹰眼系统”,那么它就可以象雄鹰一样,自动寻找、识别、追踪目标,做到百发百中。 (三)排比的作用: 1、内容集中,增强气势;2、叙事透辟,条分缕析;3、节奏鲜明,长于抒情。 (四)排比与对偶的区别: 1、对称性与平列式。对偶是二个语言单位,而排比是三个以上语言单位。 对偶必须对称。排比要求结构大体相似,字数要求不甚严格。 2、排比经常以同一词语作为彼此的揭示语,使排体互相衔接、给人以紧凑、密集之感。而典型的对偶句上下两联是不重字的。 3、对偶以要求平仄对仗为佳,排比则无此要求。对偶(一)概念: 对偶是用字数相等,结构形式相同,意义对称的一对短语或句子来表达两个相对或相近意思的修辞方式。 (二)对偶的种类: 1、正对。上下句意思上相似、相近、相补、相衬的对偶形式。 例如: a.墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴类皮厚腹中空。 2、反对。 上下句意思上相反或相对的对偶形式。例如: b.横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。 3、串对(流水对)。上下句意思上具有承接、递进、因果、假设、条件等关系的对偶形式。 例如: c.才饮长江水,又食武昌鱼。 根据上下句的形式又可以把对偶分为严式对偶和宽式对偶,严式对偶要求上下两句字数相等,词性相对、结构相同、平厌相对、不重复用字。 如例句曲。宽式对偶对严式对偶五条要求只要有一部分达到就可以,不很严格,如例句c。 (三)对偶的结构: 1、成分对偶。例如: 然而我的坏处,是在论时事不留面子,泛铜弊常取类型,而后者尤与时宜不合。 2、句子对偶。例如: 秋水共长天一色,落霞与孤骛齐飞。 (四)对偶的作用: 便于吟诵,易于记忆;用于诗词、有音乐美;表意凝炼,抒情酣畅。 (五)对偶与对比的不同点; 1、对比的基本特点是“对立”,对偶的基本特点是“对称”。 2、对偶主要是从结构开工上说的,它要求结构相称,字数相等;对比是从意义上说的,它要求意义相反或相近,而不管结构形式如何。 3、对偶里的“反对”(如“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”)就意义说是对比,就形式说是对偶,这是修辞手法的兼类现象。) 夸张(一)概念: 夸张是为达到某种表达需要,对事物的形象、特征、作用、程度等方面着意扩大或缩小的修辞方式。 (二)种类: 夸张可分为三类,即扩大夸张,缩小夸张,超前夸张。 1、扩大夸张:故意把客观事物说得“大、多、高、强、深……”的夸张形式。例如:蜀道之难,难于上青天。 2、缩小夸张:故意把客观事物说得“小、少、低、弱、浅、……”的夸张形式。例如:一个浑身黑色的人,站在老栓面前,眼光正像两把刀,刺得老栓缩小了一半。 3、超前夸张:在时间上把后出现的事物提前一步的夸张形式。例如:农民们都说:“看见这样鲜绿的茵,就嗅出白面包子的香味来了。 (三)夸张的作用: 1、揭示本质,给人以启示。 2、烘托气氛,增强感染力。 3、增强联想;创造气氛。 (四)运用夸张要注意以下三点。 第一,夸张不是浮夸,而是故意的合理的夸大,所以不能失去生活的基础和生活的根据。下面运用的夸张脚下地球当球玩,大洋海水能喝干。 第二,夸张不能和事实距离过近,否则会分不清是在说事实还是在夸张。 第三,夸张要注意文体特征,如科技说明文、说理文章就很少用甚至不用夸张,以免歪曲事实。 借代(一)概念: 借代是用相关的事物来代替所要表达的事物的修辞方式。这种修辞方式不直接说出要说的人或事物。 (二)借代的种类: 1、用事物特征代本体事物。例如:红眼睛原知道他家里只有一个老娘…… 2、具体代抽象,。
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you have a green figer.
2023-01-04 02:57:062

求Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon这本书

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  2020高考临近,考生们已经处于紧张的复习备考中,以下是我为大家编辑的高考 英语写作 中常见19种修辞手法详解及人物简洁介绍,仅供考生参考,欢迎大家阅读!   高考英语写作中常见19种修辞手法详解   1.Simile 明喻   明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性.   标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等.   例如:   1.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.   2.I wandered lonely as a cloud.   3.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.   2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻   隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成.   例如:   1.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.   2.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.   3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻   借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.   I.以容器代替内容,例如:   1.The kettle boils. 水开了.   2.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.   II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:   Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.   III.以作者代替作品,例如:   a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集   VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:   I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.   4.Synecdoche 提喻   提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.   例如:   1.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体)   他的厂里约有100名工人.   2.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般)   他是本世纪的牛顿.   3.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分)   这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.   5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉   这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,以感觉写感觉。   通感技巧的运用,能突破语言的局限,丰富表情达意的审美情趣,起到增强文采的艺术效果。比如:欣赏建筑的重复与变化的样式会联想到音乐的重复与变化的节奏;闻到酸的东西会联想到尖锐的物体;听到飘渺轻柔的音乐会联想到薄薄的半透明的纱子;又比如朱自清《荷塘月色》里的 微风过处送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。   例如:   1.The birds sat upon a tree and poured forth their lily like voice.(用视觉形容听觉,鸟落在树上,由它发出的声音联想到百合花)   鸟儿落在树上,倾泻出百合花似的声音.   2.Taste the music of Mozart.(用嗅觉形容听觉)   品尝Mozart的音乐.   6.Personification 拟人   拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物.   例如:   1.The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads.(把夜拟人化)   2.I was very happy and could hear the birds singing in the woods.(把鸟拟人化)   7.Hyperbole 夸张   夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的.它可以加强语势,增加表达效果..   例如:   1.I beg a thousand pardons.   2.Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars.   3.When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.   8.Parallelism 排比, 平行   这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的 短语 . 句子 排列成串,形成一个整体.   例如:   1.No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.   2.In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours, to the last of your bad race, to answer for them. In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon your brother, the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately.   9.Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法   婉辞法指用委婉,文雅的 方法 表达粗恶,避讳的话.   例如:   1.He is out visiting the necessary. 他出去方便一下.   2.His relation with his wife has not been fortunate. 他与妻子关系不融洽.   3.Deng Xiaoping passed away in 1997. (去世)   10.Allegory 讽喻,比方(原意寓言)   建立在假借过去或别处的事例与对象之上,传达暗示,影射或者讥讽现世各种现象的含义。   英文解释:an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor 摘自英语专业《大学英语教程》一书   这是一种源于希腊文的修辞法,意为换个方式的说法.它是一种形象的描述,具有双重性,表层含义与真正意味的是两回事.   例如:   1.Make the hay while the sun shines.   表层含义:趁着出太阳的时候晒草   真正意味:趁热打铁   2s time to turn plough into sword.   表层含义:是时候把犁变成剑   11.Irony 反语   反语指用相反意义的词来表达意思的 作文 方式.如在指责过失.错误时,用赞同过失的说法,而在表扬时,则近乎责难的说法.   例如:   1.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning.   早上没有时间观念还真是一件好事啊(真实含义是应该明确早上的时间观念)   2Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. the waiter said to the beggar.   12.Pun 双关   双关就是用一个词在句子中的双重含义,借题发挥.作出多种解释,旁敲侧击,从而达到意想不到的幽默.滑稽效果.它主要以相似的词形.词意和谐音的方式出现.   例如:   1.She is too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little for a great praise.   2.An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country.   3.If we dont hang together, we shall hang separately.   13.Parody 仿拟   这是一种模仿 名言 .警句. 谚语 ,改动其中部分词语,从而使其产生新意的修辞.   例如:   1.Rome was not built in a day, nor in a year.   2.A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.   3.If you give a girl an inch nowadays she will make address of it.   14.Rhetorical question 修辞疑问(反问)   它与疑问句的不同在于它并不以得到答复为目的,而是以疑问为手段,取得修辞上的效果,其特点是:肯定问句表示强烈否定,而否定问句表示强烈的肯定.它的答案往往是不言而喻的.   例如:   1.How was it possible target=_blank class=infotextkeypossible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worth of note?   2.Shall we allow those untruths to go unanswered?   15.Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶   这种修辞指将意义完全相反的语句排在一起对比的一种修辞方法.   例如:   1.Not that I loved Caeser less but that I loved Romemore.   2.You are staying; I am going.   3.Give me liberty, or give me death.   16.Paradox 隽语   这是一种貌似矛盾,但包含一定哲理的意味深长的说法,是一种矛盾修辞法..   例如:   1.More haste, less speed.欲速则不达   2.The child is the father to the man.(童年时代可决定人之未来)三岁看大,四岁看老。   17.Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻   这也是一种矛盾修辞法,用两种不相调和的特征形容一个事物,以不协调的搭配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义.   例如:   1.No light, but rather darkness visible.没有光亮,黑暗却清晰可见   2.The state of this house is cheerless welcome.   18.Climax 渐进法,层进法   这种修辞是将一系列词语按照意念的大小.轻重.深浅.高低等逐层渐进,最后达到顶点.可以增强语势,逐渐加深读者印象.   例如:   1.I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry.   2.Eye had not seen nor ear heard, and nothing had touched his heart of stone.   19.Anticlimax 渐降法   与climax相反的一种修辞法,将一系列词语由大到小,由强到弱地排列.   例如:   1.On his breast he wears his decorations, at his side a sword, on his feet a pair of boots.   2.The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.   三位民族英雄戚继光、郑成功、林则徐英文简洁介绍   Today we are going to talk about National hero   First, please look at the pictures and figure out who they are and what they have in common. He once led people to fight against Japanese invaders in Ming Dynasty. So can you remember who he is? Yes.He is Qi Jiguang.   What about the second one? He retrieved Taiwan island from the Dutch invaders in Qing Dynasty. Right, he is Zheng Chenggong.   The third person destroyed much opium in the first opium war, which started from 1840 to 1842, so can you recognize him? Wonderful, he is Lin Zexu.   So what do they have in common? Please think about this question. All of them devoted themselves to defending our homeland and made a lot of contributions to the national integrity, so they are national heroes in our eyes.
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婉淑  wǎn   (1) ㄨㄢˇ  (2) 和顺,(说话)曲折含蓄:~顺。~转(zhuǎn)(亦作“宛转”)。委~。~辞。  (3) 美好,柔美:~丽。~约。  (4) 郑码:ZMRY,U:5A49,GBK:CDF1  (5) 笔画数:11,部首:女,笔顺编号:53144535455  English   beautiful gentle graceful gracious tactful   Amiable,( talk) the turns and twists is reserved.  Fine, soft and beautiful.  详细注解  婉  wǎn  [形]  (1) (形声。从女,宛声。本义:柔顺)  (2) 同本义[docile]  婉,顺也。——《说文》  妇听而婉。——《左传·昭公二十六年》  恶而婉。——《左传·襄公二十六年》。服注:“婉,顺也。”  (3) 又如:婉软(柔和的样子);婉艳(柔顺华美);婉嫕(婉静。温顺娴静);婉容(和顺的仪容);婉悦(恭顺和悦);婉弱(和顺谦恭);婉柔(温顺柔弱)  (4) 柔美 [graceful;beautiful]  婉娈邀恩宠,百态随所施。——《金瓶梅》  (5) 又如:婉娈(漂亮的娈童);婉婉深深(柔美精深);婉仪(美好的仪态);婉美(美好;柔美);婉奕(柔美的样子);婉好(美好,美妙);婉冶(美丽);婉慧(柔美聪慧);婉婉(柔美,美好);婉然(美好的样子)  (6) 委婉;曲折 [gentle]  经吾婉解。——清·林觉民《与妻书》  (7) 又如:婉切(委婉贴切);婉折(婉转曲折);婉笃(委婉真挚);婉缛(文辞婉转曲折而富文采);婉词(婉言。委婉的言辞);婉晦(委婉而含蓄);婉言微词(委婉而又精妙的语言)  (8) 简约 [simple]  大而婉,险而易。——《左传》  词性变化  婉  wǎn  [动]  非常喜欢或喜爱 [love]  婉彼二人,不忍加罪。——《文选·阮瑀·为曹公作书与孙权》  常用词组  婉辞  wǎncí  [tactful expressions;euphemism;gentle words] 委婉的言辞  婉辞  wǎncí  [politely refuse] 婉言谢绝  婉和  wǎnhé  [mild] [话语]委婉温和  语气婉和  婉丽  wǎnlì  [beautiful;lovely;mild and exquisite] 温柔美好  词句清新婉丽  婉娈  wǎnluán  (1) [graceful]∶年少美貌  婉娈的舞姿  (2) [be sentimentally attached to]∶眷恋  婉娈徘徊  (3) [profund and sincere]∶深挚  恩情婉娈  婉曼  wǎnmàn  [gentle and sweet] 娇柔而美好  婉曼的话语  婉妙  wǎnmiào  (1) [sweet] [声音]婉转优美  婉妙的歌声  (2) 也作“宛妙”  婉娩  wǎnmiǎn  [amiably;gracefully] 仪容柔顺  姆教婉娩听从。——《礼记·内则》  扬绰约之丽姿,怀婉娩之柔情。——张华《永怀赋》  婉曲  wǎnqū  [tactful] 委婉;婉转  我婉曲地请求他再帮一次忙  婉商  wǎnshāng  [consult with sb. tactfully] 婉言商量;慢慢商议  婉顺  wǎnshùn  [gentle;obliging;complaisant] 温柔和顺  她是个婉顺的女性  婉言  wǎnyán  [gentle words] 委婉的话  婉言谢绝  婉言谢绝  wǎnyán-xièjué  [politely refuse;graciously decline] 辞语婉转地不答应  婉嫕  wǎnyì  [gentle]柔顺和美  非不婉嫕。——清·袁枚《祭妹文》  婉愉  wǎnyú  [relaxed] 和乐;和悦  婉约  wǎnyuē  (1) [restrained]∶委婉含蓄  故婉约其辞,以从逸王志  (2) [graceful]∶柔美  一行一断,婉约流利。——《书法要录·梁庾元威论书》  婉转  wǎnzhuǎn  (1) [mild and indirect;tactful]∶说话含蓄、曲折而温和  婉转的措词  (2) [sweet and agreeable]∶声音委婉而动听  歌喉婉转
2023-01-04 02:59:191


2023-01-04 02:59:241


A:apostrophe;antonomasia;antithesis;anasphora;antimetabole;amphibole B:bathos C:chiasmus E:epigram;euphemism L:litotes M:malapropism P:paregmenon; paradox; S:syllepsis;synecdoche; synaesthesia Z:zeugma 答:单引号;换;对立面; anasphora ; antimetabole ;角闪石B组: bathos ç :交错电子邮件:警句;委婉负: litotes 男: malapropism 电话: paregmenon ;的矛盾; S模式:叙;提喻;通感詹:拈连至于用法吗直接按语文翻了
2023-01-04 02:59:303

跪求华师作业: 当代散文赏析

1.第1题Squirrels often use their tails to their balance while they are leaping and climbing.A.holdB.keepC.haveD.maintain您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.02.第2题We can hurt people"s feelings if we are too .A.tactfulB.sensibleC.bluntD.subtle您的答案:C题目分数:4此题得分:4.03.第3题The Space Age commenced in October 1957 when the first ______ satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.A.beneficialB.artificialC.commercialD.financial您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.04.第4题Neil Postman did not write the essay “Euphemism” on the of the moment.A.pointB.spurC.lastD.present您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.05.第5题She won"t be sad too long and time will ________ most trouble.A.healB.treatC.remedyD.forget您的答案:A题目分数:4此题得分:4.06.第6题As the sky looks ominous, it is obvious that a violent thunderstorm is .A.immediateB.instantaneousC.eminentD.imminent您的答案:D题目分数:4此题得分:4.07.第7题The plan ________ computers to take complete control of the driving of cars on heavily trafficked roads.A.calls backB.calls forC.calls inD.calls up您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.08.第8题The foreign company has been ________ running this factory for decades.A.enormouslyB.effectivelyC.infinitelyD.extremely您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.09.第9题A dark suit is ________ to a light one for evening wear.A.favorableB.suitableC.properD.preferable您的答案:A题目分数:4此题得分:0.010.第10题Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue. The italicized phrase means_________.A.unexpectedlyB.unhappilyC.untidilyD.unofficially您的答案:A题目分数:4此题得分:4.011.第11题The company wants to enroll three ________ this year to meet the need of its development.A.employersB.employeesC.employingD.employed您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.012.第12题When appreciating Chinese poems, a wise reader should between the linesB.think throughC.fumble withD.make sense您的答案:A题目分数:4此题得分:4.013.第13题Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was ________.A.matureB.meaningfulC.innocentD.deliberate您的答案:D题目分数:4此题得分:4.014.第14题After hurting in the Second World War, once during the rain season, he will get a ________ headache.A.continualB.continuousC.continuedD.content您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.015.第15题They have sold ________ eggs since this morning.A.dozen ofB.two dozensC.a dozenD.dozen您的答案:C题目分数:4此题得分:4.016.第16题He can speak Spanish and French well您的答案:D题目分数:4此题得分:4.017.第17题By a ________ of good luck, Gene, who had been buried in the rubble for more than 26 hours, came out alive.A.strokeB.hitC.strikeD.blow您的答案:A题目分数:4此题得分:4.018.第18题This is a new technology that did not ________ our up in您的答案:C题目分数:4此题得分:4.019.第19题The fact that the princess was paler and whiter than any one in the arena her anxiety.A.uncoveredB.revealedC.disguisedD.represented您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.020.第20题You are being thoroughly in refusing to allow your son to be an apprentice to the stonemason.A.unpredictableB.unthinkableC.unreasonableD.undesirable您的答案:C题目分数:4此题得分:4.021.第21题It is important to boost the morale of the soldiers as low morale can render an army .A.disabledB.sterileC.barrenD.impotent您的答案:D题目分数:4此题得分:4.022.第22题Betty broke the school rules repeatedly so the principal had no alternative but to her.A.exportB.expelC.deportD.eject您的答案:B题目分数:4此题得分:4.023.第23题The very idea of your taking part in the beauty competition is .A.abnormalB.futileC.absurdD.abrupt您的答案:C题目分数:4此题得分:4.024.第24题The chief of the museum was most and let us examine the ancient tools.A.satisfyingB.pleasingC.obligingD.promising您的答案:C题目分数:4此题得分:4.025.第25题Glancing his shoulder the herpetologist noticed that he was being followed by a lizard.A.behindB.roundC.backD.over您的答案:D题目分数:4此题得分:4.0作业总得分:96.0作业总批注:
2023-01-04 02:59:421


Allegory:寓言;讽喻Alliteration:头韵Allusion:暗喻Amplification:增译Anagram:回文构词法Analogy:类比 Anastrophe:倒装 Anecdote:轶事趣闻Anthropomorphism:拟人Antithesis:对偶Aphorism:格言 警句 Archetype:原形 Assonance:谐音 Asyndeton:连接词省略
2023-01-04 02:59:471


rhyme noun[mass noun]correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry韵,押韵parataxis [ˌparəˈtaksɪs] noun (Grammar)the placing of clauses or phrases one after another, without words to indicate coordination or subordination。 排比analogy [əˈnalədʒi] (pl. -ies)a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification比拟
2023-01-04 02:59:532


O Henry"s life and creation time, is developing rapidly American capitalism and go on the imperialist stage of capitalism, the highly centralized, the lower people"s lives increasingly poor, and in the face of such real life American text, from Romanticism early transition gradually austere realism. As born in the typical historical environment of realism and humanitarian writer, O Henry is rooted in life and face the reality of the. But the trend of popular culture becoming vulgar and curry favour by claptrap social reality also let writers recognize, publishers and magazine boss need to mass culture curious stories, jokes and even vulgar society gossip, is the end to surprise, give a person happy fast food culture. Art for the survival, to the pursuit of art, it will force the writer in the novel writing technique with some effort, to against the demand for skills training to adapt to. This steering results and adaptation of creation, art is a brand-new o. Henry style. 1, soluble and criticism as curve display realistic writer O Henry, in his short novels mainly lies in the criticism, even suffering little description of characters, or the performance of human virtue their affliction, or expose them deep-rooted bad habits, is also aimed at exposing and criticizing capitalism social reality. Social reality requires him to try various devices to use euphemism, to cater to the publisher and editorial requirements and through the examination of system level. Marx once pointed out: "now a batch of outstanding novelist, they vividly described the book reveals to the world political and social in their superior truth, than all the politicians, statesmen and occupation moralist in more with the" (5), o. Henry as American critical realistic writer in this respect, wisdom, courage and artistic achievement, can Pi Mei and the writer. O Henry is good at creating the structure of the novel, can make originally appears to be flat, thin story plot, by increasing the swing of the characters and broaden the story for the novel brought changes, let readers have a kind of aesthetic surprise, will change unpredictably aesthetic moment into the reader"s mind, comedy and tragedy is the combination of to achieve the unity of form, the writer"s skill is a covert critical curve. The characters in his novels the characters often comic make sacrifice oneself, want to do good but get the opposite of what one wants, causing the tragedy. However, often humorous performance of the hero in the tragic experience Out of the Blue revealed the human, thus has the comedy. In the "two gentlemen" Thanksgiving in the peel and "police and hymn" in the soapy, this is the year of youth, American millions of the ranks of the unemployed suffer hunger and cold, struggling in the line between life and death, this is their common tragedy, social tragedy. But their tragedy is the relatively independent comic form: a prominent hunger, another prominent cold, yet in the end are the same, a death, a prison, the novel also returns to the tragic ending. The writer not only make use of comedy to show Men"s feelings are changeable., is good at with the tragedy revealed non humanity; not only good at comedy deepened tragedy infection, but also good at permeability of comedy in tragedy. The comedy of the forms to express the tragic content, the tragic story to contrast with the effect of the combination of comedy, comedy and tragic, formed the dialectics of O Henry"s artistic creation, aesthetic counter function, received the pungent satire and subtle critical effect, this is the magical writer writing technique skills.
2023-01-04 03:00:031


D.J.Enright 1985年出版的Fair of Speech, the Uses of Euphemism(Enright,1985),是关于委婉语的一部论文集
2023-01-04 03:00:161


The bore is YiYin zhou, like sage. However the comments about address different, because he is gone, and every male in the pure heroes with unfortunate situation. We use the progress in time, but only the corner, and withdraw LuYin r, wait times 8-page, liu mountain work will ask.The bore in order to accept TuoGu adds much lustre after the pool, and he didn"t give up, and don"t governance power alone, but they didn"t arbitrary said the bore of gossip. His power, force, but is not the lords shu is the suspicion that he seeks YiXin, his power over all the servants, but not by the grudges. He tries to elaborate, shu shu governance and custom enlightenment rectification and orderly. Small fault, not absolve torture, so no like little overlord that violence to politics. In a relaxed manner, so even if people USES people feel burdened, also won"t ignore his fatigue. Can let a person to survive in the way to kill the prisoner, even torture, who also won"t complain dying killed. These are as a line benevolent 2/3-inning can do something. The bore is doing very well, he is really a YiYin, zhou kind of sages. But the people said to him about that, since the tube zhong joy yi can guanzhong, in remote areas, just a little overlord servant. How can this view in lu and Confucius and compare yourself to laozi, PengZu type character together talking! Compared Some people even think of intense confrontation with the ZhongDa, it cannot be with child insight is! Those people that the words ZhongDa mountain and believe in ZhongDa? But don"t know ZhongDa words are more sophisticated words! ZhongDa cannot make his deception, so often secretly seeks for the formation of the march, a big jump out from prefaced his trick. Talking about the people just don"t fine to test it.Initially, the soldiers qi mountain, ZhongDa goes out, he heard the resistance of the nations will harvest wheat, he will fly to pawn starry harassing. The lack of food, because they ZhongDa sophistry said: "although I soldiers marching soldiers a starry overworked, this is I know. The bore into will have not, because the WeiShui garrison according to capture it," there are no ready-made food army, but to move with the enemy forces, even to win the battle, then how to continue? This is a random ChuBian wit is sure not to do.ZhongDa knew exactly will do so, on the surface of a slip of tongue, deceit coaxing pretended to his subordinates. Soon, the offense, ZhongDa and inclined valley soldiers resisted. He knew exactly WeiShui approximation of the army, he hasn"t WeiShui before soldiers, and build WeiShui camp. The soldiers will come out, ZhongDa prefaced utterance: "if zhuge liang"s a brave man, he should attack skill, where the mountain camp array. If the original into five cubits, and they will be reactive against enemy soldiers and is already. The land, and you die away with his soldiers attacking, straight war (do you must suffer). This is a random ChuBian wit is sure not to do.ZhongDa know exactly sure he will attack the garrison, deliberately to conceal his say such things, according to the cowardly can foretell things accurately, and can settle the sergeant"s will. So the bore with the army, not by solemnly deceitful means, not covet tiny exploits it not ZhongDa attack (ZhongDa), and yelled: "the ambitious, but don"t know the combat aircraft, hold much counsel, but not only, the surface will bear soldiers but not expedient."These are ZhongDa secretly for use in the march XuZao fraud, and based on the language, the subordinate trick where is his true colors!Who can see the reality of the other person is not the enemy of truth, but against the enemy destroyed. When the enemy ZhongDa exactly true and he said, ZhongDa against those words are facts. The enemy destroyed ZhongDa until after ZhongDa, according to their method, JunZhang sits in the march from sigh: "I"m the only prodigy!" If only he were seen, beyond what he can do, he will feel a sense of loss, don"t mind self-consciously reveal in speech. From this case, we can see the man"s face. Talk about the things people don"t believe the truth, and events that he isn"t the deceit of language, the language of the KuangPian ZhongDa again?In the tang dynasty, is LiJing about the war. I have read the book, he saw his art answer this war is safe, the euphemism, once very careful testimonies ZhongDa despise the ability. The master of art of war, savvy. Generally, the person did not read that? The bore is now nearly thousand years, not understand his mind. I on the evaluation of rough, so, write down these words to express individual opinion, let those by adversities hero or can be used as reference.
2023-01-04 03:00:222


一种修辞手法:移就. 下面介绍一些英语作文中常用的修辞手法。 1. 比喻 (metaphor) 比喻就是打比方。可分为明喻和暗喻: 明喻 (simile): 用like, as,, as if(though) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。例如: O my love"s like a red, red rose. 我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。 The man can"t be trusted. He is as slippery as an eel. 那个人不可信赖。他像鳗鱼一样狡猾。 He jumped as if he had been stung.他像被蜇了似的跳了起来。 Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream. 童年就像一场疾逝的梦。 暗喻 (metaphor): 用一个词来指代与该词所指事物有相似特点的另外一个事物。例如: He has a heart of stone. 他有一颗铁石心肠。 The world is a stage. 世界是一个大舞台。 2. 换喻(metonymy) 用某一事物的名称代替另外一个与它关系密切的事物的名称,只要一提到其中一种事物,就会使人联想到另一种。比如用the White House 代替美国政府或者总统, 用the bottle来代替wine 或者alcohol, 用the bar 来代替the legal profession,用 crown代替 king等。例如: His purse would not allow him that luxury. 他的经济条件不允许他享受那种奢华。 The mother did her best to take care of the cradle. 母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。 He succeeded to the crown in 1848. 他在1848年继承了王位。 3. 提喻 (synecdoche) 指用部分代表整体或者用整体代表部分,以特殊代表一般或者用一般代表特殊。例如: He earns his bread by writing. 他靠写作挣钱谋生。 The farms were short of hands during the harvest season. 在收获季节里农场缺乏劳动力。 Australia beat Canada at cricket. 澳大利亚队在板球比赛中击败了加拿大队。 He is the Newton of this century. 他是这个世纪的牛顿。 4. 拟人 (personification) 把事物或者概念当作人或者具备人的品质的写法叫拟人。例如: My heart was singing. 我的心在歌唱。 This time fate was smiling to him. 这一次命运朝他微笑了。 The flowers nodded to her while she passed. 当她经过的时候花儿向她点头致意。 The wind whistled through the trees. 风穿过树丛,树叶哗哗作响。 5. 委婉 (euphemism) 用温和的、间接的词语代替生硬的、粗俗的词语,以免直接说出不愉快的事实冒犯别人或者造成令人窘迫、沮丧的局面。例如: 用to fall asleep; to cease thinking; to pass away; to go to heaven; to leave us 代替 to die 用senior citizens代替old people 用 a slow learner或者an under achiever代替a stupid pupil 用weight watcher代替 fat people 用mental hospital 代替 madhouse或者 asylum 用emotionally disturbed代替mad 用washroom, men"s / women"s room代替 lavatory 用 handicapped代替 crippled 用low income brackets; underprivileged; disadvantaged 代替 poor people 6. 双关 (pun) 用同音异义或者一词二义来达到诙谐幽默的效果:表面上是一个意思,而实际上却暗含另一个意思,这种暗含的意思才是句子真正的目的所在。例如: A cannonball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. (arms可指手臂或者武器) 一发炮弹打断了他的腿,所以他缴械投降了。 “Can I try on that gown in the window?” asked a would-be customer. “Certainly not, madam!” replied the salesman. 我可以试穿一下橱窗里的那件睡袍吗?或者:我可以在橱窗里试穿那件睡袍吗? Seven days without water make one weak (week). 七天没有水使一个人虚弱。或者:七天没有水就是一周没有水。 7. 反语 (irony) 使用与真正意义相反的词,正话反说或者反话正说,从对立的角度运用词义来产生特殊的效果。下面就是莎士比亚的戏剧 Julius Caesar 中的一个运用反语的很好的例子,Brutus出于野心刺杀了 Caesar, Caesar 的好友Antony 讥讽Brutus 说: Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest— For Brutus is an honorable man; So are they all, all honorable men— Come I to speak in Caesar"s funeral. He was my friend, faithful and just to me: But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man. 在 Antony 的话里反复使用 honorable这个词就是一个反语的例子。 8. 矛盾修饰 (oxymoron) 把相互矛盾的两个词用在一起的修辞方法。它利用词义表面的相互矛盾使表层的不和谐统一在思想内容的深层,从而揭示事物对立统一的本质特征,达到加深印象的目的。例如: She read the long-awaited letter with a tearful smile. 她带着含泪的微笑读那封盼望已久的信。 The coach had to be cruel to be kind to his trainees.教练为了对他的受训者仁慈就要对他们残酷。 During his useful life he often felt he was useless. 在他大有作为的一生中他老是感到自己无用。 其他还有sweet pain; thunderous silence; luxurious poverty; heavy lightness; living death; impossible hope 等等。 9. 轭式搭配 (zeugma) 把适用于某一事物的词语顺势用到另外一事物上的方法。在同一个句子里一个词可以修饰或者控制两个或更多的词,它可以使语言活泼,富有幽默感。例如: She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 她对那无家可归的男孩打开了房门,也敞开了胸怀。 As I left home after breakfast, I shivered inwardly as well as outwardly. 早餐之后我离开家的时候,我的里里外外都在颤抖。 I would my horse had the speed of your tongue. 我希望我的马能有你的舌头的速度。 10. 移位修饰(transferred epithet) 将本应该用来修饰某一类名词的修饰语用来修饰另一类名词。例如: There was a short, thoughtful silence. 出现了一阵短暂的、令人沉思的寂静。 The old man put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 老人把一只令人安心的手放在我的肩膀上。 He closed his busy life at the age of sixty. 在六十岁时他结束了他那忙碌的一生。 This is the cheapest market in this country. 这是这个国家最便宜的市场了。 11. 头韵 (alliteration) 两个或者更多的词以相同的音韵或者字母开头就构成头韵。例如: proud as a peacock blind as a bat safe and sound Long and loudly little Lily laughed. 小莉莉长时间地、大声地笑着。 The windows waved violently in the wind. 窗户在风中剧烈地摇动。 The sun sank slowly. 太阳慢慢地下沉。 12. 渐进 (climax) 根据事物的逻辑关系,由小到大,由轻到重,由浅到深,由低到高,由少到多依次渐进地进行描述或论述。这种整齐的结构可以使人们的思想认识一层层深化提高,增强语言的感染力和说服力。例如: I came; I saw; I conquer. 我来了;我看到了;我征服。 Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实;交谈使人机智;写作使人精确。 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 书有可浅尝者,有可吞咽者,更有少数须消化咀嚼者。 Lincoln recognized worth in the common people; he loved the common people; he fought for the common people; and he died for the common people. 林肯认识到平民大众的价值;他热爱平民大众;他为平民大众而斗争;他为平民大众而献身
2023-01-04 03:00:312

cultural universal是什么意思

true cultural universal 真正的文化普遍性Universal cultural heritage 世界文化遗产名录universal cultural pattern 模式*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-01-04 03:00:392


Functions of EuphemismAs euphemism works within the frame of language, it serves all linguistic functions of language. Communicative function is one of the most important functions in language, so is it in English euphemism. According to different motives for different euphemistic expressions, the euphemisms share three main communicative functions: to avoid taboo, to show politeness and to conceal truth. As language adoption is such a complicated process that each of the three is not completely isolated. In most cases, these three may interact with one another or works as a unity, producing pleasant and inoffensive expressions. The following are the three main communicative functions that euphemisms employ.A. To Avoid TabooTaboo is the prohibition or avoidance in any society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them anxiety, embarrassment , or shame.5 Consequently, so far as language is concerned, certain things are not to be said or certain objects can be referred to only in certain circumstances. The appearance of some euphemisms is related to taboo in a language. Words referring to the semantic extremes of the holy and the profane are often taboo. The expressions that can arouse fear and panic should not be referred to directly in a language; instead, to circumvent the impediment of this raise, people replace the prohibited words and expressions with more acceptable ones – euphemisms. Therefore, to avoid taboo and erase fear become the first communicative function of euphemism. The taboo in ancient times no doubt links with gods and devils, whose names, presenting some kind of super-natural power, are always holy and inoffensive. For example, in the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible, the names of gods are usually represented by consonant letters, and the pronunciation is indefinite. Another example is that the number thirteen stands for danger and disaster even in the so civilized modern America. However, this kind of function should not merely be regarded as negative or superstitious, because it"s also a psychological belief out of man"s nature. Of course, there are always those who are prepared to break the taboo in an attempt to show their own freedom as in certain movements for “free speech”. However, the idea to avoid taboo is a language phenomenon that can"t be removed easily but to last for a certain period in human communication.B. To Show PolitenessEuphemism can also be applied to expressing a polite and friendly attitude. American scholar Brown and Levinson as well as British linguist Leach had respectively put forward their politeness theories basing on cooperative principle, which greatly helps solving the problems in communication and enhancing the development of pragmatics. According to Brown and Levinson, politeness strategies are developed to save the hearer"s “face”. “Face” refers to the respect that an individual has for himself or herself and maintaining “self-esteem” in public or in private situations. Usually one tries to avoid embarrassing the others, or make them feel comfortable. Face Threatening Acts (FTA"s) are acts that infringe on the hearer"s need to maintain his or her self-esteem. Politeness strategies are developed for the main purpose of dealing with the FTA"s. Brown and Levinson presents five politeness strategies .1) Bald on record strategy. The speaker directly expresses his ideas when talking with his family members or close friend. It"s not proper to be too polite in this situation. 2) Positive politeness strategy. By this way the speaker and listener could reach an agreement on each other"s behavior and words. 3) Negative politeness strategy. By weasel words, apology and leaving space for making up one"s faults is the main way of this strategy.4) Off record strategy. The speaker adopts an indirect way to show his friendship and wipe out his threatening words. 5) Refraining from the act. The speaker tries his best to give up the following behavior when FTA"s greatly hurts the hearer. Of all the theories on politeness, British famous linguist Leach"s theory is the most widely accepted and popular one. Leach"s Politeness Principle can be classified into six kinds: Appropriate Norm, Generous Norm, Praise Norm, Reputation Norm, Modest Norm, Consistent Norm and Sympathetic Norm. 6 All that above should be abided by in communication. However, each of the six is not equally important, and the Appropriate Norm is much more important than the other five. It is agreed that what courtesy emphasize is the social opposite side (other), and one is obedient with the second party instead of the person who is speaking (self).The speech of the addresser should often give others some convenience as far as possible, leaving self a loss, so as to make both sides feel receiving respect at the same time; conversely, giving the opposite side a good impression. English euphemism follows the politeness principles and strategies via pleasing the listener and leaving the other side an impression of politeness.C. To Conceal TruthAlthough much effort has been put into avoiding taboo and showing politeness, human communication can"t always be carried on smoothly. As a purely honest man, one would like to tell the truth as it is rather than tell a lie. However, it is not proper to always tell the truth. The word one speaks greatly reflects the thoughts of one"s own. In another word, one always speaks with certain intentions. Therefore, people show their ideas in some other way under certain circumstances in order to make the speech much more acceptable. Basing on Politeness Principle, people sometimes conceal what they will mention for the sake of promoting communication and cooperation. English euphemisms in great bulks make use of this means so as to fulfill the speaker"s intention. Due to the vague color euphemism has, it is becoming more and more popular when having something to do with low-ranked professions, political events and business practice. By deceit euphemism is employed as a tool for some cunning politicians and businessmen. In military actions, “surprise attack” is replaced by “pre-emptive strike” or a much more dramatic “surgical strike”. “Surgical” basically refers to curing injuries or take the malignant parts away, so “surgical strike” leaves an impression that it is a necessary and reasonable military action that gets rid of evil and guilt, which casts a humanitarianism color upon the attack. In business practice, the ads from profit-loving businessmen also adopt this function.Language communication is a main way of keeping interpersonal relationships, and euphemistic expressions greatly smooth the communication. With the development of the modern world, the language itself is evolving as well, so is euphemism.
2023-01-04 03:00:483

英语问题 急急急!!!

2023-01-04 03:01:023

谁能 帮我翻译一下很急 求求好心人

Rmblve of Euphemism in secondary school English teaching and research Abstract: The use of euphemism in the process of human communication in a language very common phenomenon. The correct use of euphemisms to avoid the embarrassment of interpersonal communication or unpleasant, so as to achieve the purpose of successful communication. Today"s society, euphemism has been widely used in various fields, so to learn English euphemism for our English learning and English application has important practical significance. This article introduces the causes of euphemism, function and use, in this based on the proposed teachers should be paid attention in English teaching and the use of euphemism view. In this paper, on the euphemism definition, composing, characteristics and classification of knowledge based on a comprehensive analysis of comparative studies based on the focus of teaching English euphemism mode and method, aiming at helping English teachers use a lot of classroom activities and tasks to improve Euphemism students enthusiasm, by increasing understanding and ability to use euphemisms to develop students ability to communicate. Through practice teaching to teaching English euphemism made good teaching results. Key words: Euphemism English
2023-01-04 03:01:132

【综英】Figures of speech 修辞法

1. Simile明喻,直喻 [定义] It is a comparison between two distinctly diferent things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like. e.g.That man can" t be trusted . He"s as slippery as an eel .2. Metaphor暗喻 [定义]It is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality . It is also a comparison , but the comparison is implied , not expressed with the word as or like . e.g.He is the soul of the team .3. Personification拟人 [定义]It is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. e.g.This time fate was smiling to him .4. Metonymy转喻 [定义]It is substituting the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated . e.g. The White House praised volunteers for their eforts . I studied Dickens at university .5. Synecdoche提喻 (部分代替整体,整体代替部分) [定义] when a part is substituted for the whole  or the whole is substituted for a part ,  synecdoche is applied e.g.The poor creature could no longer endure her sufferings .6. Euphemism委婉语 [定义]It is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh or unpleasant one. e.g. Old people - senior citizens Mad - emotional disturbed Dustman - sanitation worker Invasion , raid - military action7. Irony讽刺 [定义]It is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant , in order to achieve a special effects. e.g.  Suppose you planned an outing on a certain day , expecting it to be fine ; but when the day came it was raining heavily. If you said ,“ What fine weather for an outing !” you were speaking ironically.8. Overstatement and understatement 夸张和轻描淡写 [定义] In overstatement the diction exaggerates the subject , and in understatement the words play down the magnitude or value of the subject . Overstatement is also called hyperbole . Both aim at the same effect : to make the statement or description impressive or interesting. e.g. It took a few dolars to build this indoor swimming pool. "He is realy strange,"  his friends said when they heard he had divorced his pretty and loving wife.9. Transferred Epithet 转移修饰语 [定义] An epithet is an adjective or  descriptive  phrase that serves to characterize    somebody or  something. A transfered epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logicaly modifies to a word associated  with that noun.e.g. She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights.10. Oxymoron 矛盾修饰法 [定义]In oxymoron apparently contradictory  terms are  combined to produce a special effect.e.g. The president was conspicuously absent on that occasion. She read the long-awaited letter with a tearful smile .11. Alliteration 头韵 [定义] It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words. e.g. p roud as a p eacock b lind as a b at W ild W est w ind
2023-01-04 03:01:201


2023-01-04 03:01:382


2023-01-04 03:01:473

什么是transferred epithet????????

2023-01-04 03:01:584

解读 Lakoff 论文 | 日常语言现象反映的女性地位

前言:本文是对 UC Berkeley 语言学家 Robin Lakoff 在1972年发表的论文《Language and woman"s place》的主题和内容进行解析的文章,摘录了 Lakoff 在文中所提出的部分典型例子、结合她所处的时代/英文语境以及我自己所处的时代/中文语境的体验,进行解析、对比及延伸。 论文总体介绍: 这篇论文常被视为在社会语言学领域、讨论语言与性别关系的具有开创意义的重要之作,启发了往后至今很多关于这方面的话题和观点。Lakoff 认为,当前在日常语言使用习惯中,有很多例子都反映了女性在社会上被边缘化和不被作为独立个体重视(not being taken seriously)的情况,以及根深蒂固且可能无意识的性别歧视。主要包括以下几种现象: 1. 女性使用的词语表达更显“琐碎”(trivial)。 2. 女性不被鼓励使用感情色彩强烈的用语(strong expression)。 3. 一些形容女性的词语需要被委婉语替代/美化(euphemism)。 另外,论文的论点和例子都是基于 Lakoff 自己的研究和生活观察,并没有统计数据做支撑(不过她也在论文开头论述了自己搜集素材和结论的合理性),同时我延伸的例子和讨论也是基于自己的生活体验,因此不免有少虑和多虑的情况,但会尽量避免以偏概全。读者可斟酌接纳观点、或可直接通过评论和私信和我讨论。 Lakoff 首先提出了一个例子:女性通常比男性更能准确地区分并命名颜色,比如紫色里可以分紫色/淡紫色/薰衣草紫(purple/mauve/lavender)等等。我也举个很简单的生活例子——口红的颜色,大家就懂了。 像上图这样的段子很常见,一些男性朋友也常以此自黑。而Lakoff提到: 男性会认为能不能说准口红色号根本不重要(类似的例子包括衣服样式、花的种类等),而从这个词汇现象中反映的则是现实中比较普遍的认知偏见:女性会更专注在一些琐碎的事情上,而在一些重要的事情上不应该让她们做决定(women are not expected to make decisions on important matters),包括商业层面、政治层面的决策等。 为什么说是偏见?因为这些“琐碎”的事情本身不一定是琐碎的,只是被男性认为是不重要的(因为与自己无关),然后冠以“不重要”的标签。久而久之,社会上就形成一种刻板印象——“女性很擅长处理那些琐碎的事务,就让她们干这个吧”——作为降低女性的地位、稳固自身群体地位的借口。 b 句采用了感情色彩比较强烈的用语(通常带粗话),相比之下 a 句的语气比较温和她表示,一般情况下的日常对话中,上面的 a 句更倾向于被认为是出自女性之口、b 句出自男性之口。虽然也有一些女性会习惯使用 b 类句,尤其是当下网络时代,但在面对面对话场景中女性使用 b 类句还是会或多或少被烙以“粗鲁”的印象,而人们对男性使用这类句子的容忍度会更高。 如果把上面两类用语简单分为“女性语言”和“男性语言”,我们会发现另一个现象:一部分女性会开始使用“男性语言”,但反过来,“女性语言”很少被男性使用。Lakoff 基于这个现象引申出:一些以往被男性主导的工作也开始有女性参与,但很少男性会主动去参与以往被女性主导的工作(如家庭主妇、护士)。这可能是因为: 在社会上掌握主导权的群体,他们的言行、观念会被其它群体所吸收接受,反过来却不成立。 在父权社会中,女性如果想被尊重,需要“像男人一样强悍”、证明“我也能做男人做的事” ,而男性没有任何必要去理解女性群体、接纳她们的观点。 回到上面的两个例句,Lakoff 认为这也代表了一种看待男女性的态度的差异(尤其是对孩童):人们希望男孩能有“男子气概”、充满精神斗志(high spirits)、需要强硬一点,而希望女孩能更加温顺、贤惠。在交谈讨论的过程中,使用语气强烈、态度明确的用语,往往能更容易获得对方的注意。同样的,当一个人能自由准确地表达自己的情绪时,才能被别人重视(as a real individual in one"s own right)。因此,这种在用语上的区别对待也更加巩固了在社会中男性的强势地位。 当一个常用的含贬义的单词或用语、或一个单词常被人联系到一些让人不安、尴尬的事物时,人们就会用一些 委婉词(euphemism) 去取代它/美化它,以便能让人们在公众场合放心地使用它。 其中“woman”这个词就是 Lakoff 提到的一个重要例子。在她观察到的、在英文的很多语境中,“lady”都会作为委婉词去替代 woman,她称 woman 常被联想到 housewife(家庭主妇)甚至是 broad(对女性的不尊称呼,相当于中文的“婆娘”),称呼 lady 比称呼 woman 听起来更有礼貌。 在中文语境也有很典型的例子,就是原本一个很正常的描述“妇女节”,近年来被很多花里胡哨的“女神节/女王节”的称呼取代。主要原因应该还是在于“妇女”这个词常与已婚女性、家庭主妇、年长女性等概念挂钩(即使本来的定义是“14岁以上的女性”)。 我不清楚这个趋势是从什么时候开始的,但我知道商业市场是其中一大推力。通过对妇女节再包装,冠以女王女神等时尚的名头,本来“平平无奇”的、赞扬女性社会贡献的日子,摇身一变成为电商狂欢节。事实上,很多女性也吃这一套,觉得这种称呼的变化是美化了自己的形象,也让这个日子更加被重视。 但真的是这样吗?委婉语确实可以让人更舒服地去谈论一个事物/概念,但也很容易让人忽视这个事物原本的意义,因为越来越少人谈论它。而世界范围内大部分有关女性权益的组织、官方定义等都以“妇女(woman)”为准,包括妇女联合会、National Organization for Women 等。如果我们都把“妇女”贬义化,避而不谈,那么女性就更有可能被随意定义了。 妇女这个词不被正视,很容易导致女性权益不被正视; 对妇女节的商业包装,很容易导致女性被商业化和物化。 所以可以发现,今年电商平台有关“女神节”的logo或装饰都没以往显眼(上面以及下面的截图已经是个二级页面了),或者直接改为“3·8节”。 另外,Lakoff 也指出了 woman 的另一个委婉语 girl,通常是用作讨好女性、说她们很年轻。 在中文语境里也有类似的例子,比如祝福女性生日快乐时会习惯祝福“年年十八”、“永葆青春”之类的,一些女性自己生日时也会说“又一个18岁生日”。而在偏正式的环境里(比如办公环境),“我们办公室的一个女生/女孩......”,这两种称呼都很正常,但很少会出现“我们办公室的一个男孩......”这样的用法。 形容女性年轻,本身没什么问题,但要知道,“年轻”本身也容易让人联系到“不成熟”、“没担当”等特征。如果过分强调女性都是年轻的,就很容易形成女性都不成熟的刻板印象。 在 Lakoff 37页的论文里,还有很多其它语言现象的例子,能够说明女性在社会的地位是不受重视的,但我们没有必要对每个用语都锱铢必较,或者说要求人们一个个纠正,因为这只是人们在认知层面、社会层面就已经形成的固有思维(对女性地位的不重视)的具体表现,之一。正如 Lakoff 论文结尾所说的: 最重要的还是让人们意识到不公真实存在、广泛存在(这也是这篇论文和我写这篇文章的主要目的),重新好好地思考导致不公的原因,重新去了解、认识女性,而不是沿用父权社会一代又一代流传下来的那套观念(包括部分女性也无意识地把自己套到了这些观念里)。引用【My Fair Lady】里的一句台词: 同样的,女性在我们眼中是怎样的,取决于我们以何种态度看待她们。
2023-01-04 03:02:111


有:1.比喻类:Simile明喻 metaphor 暗喻 personification 拟人2.替换类:metonymy 借代 synecdoche 提喻 euphemism 委婉语 hyperbole 夸张 understatement 低调陈述3.并列类:parallelism 平行结构 antithesis 对照 climax 层递 anti-climax 突降4矛盾类:oxymoron 矛盾修辞 transferred epithet 移就 paradox 似是而非的反论 zeugma5双关类:pun 双关 syllepsis 一语双叙法 irony 反语6反复类:alliteration 头韵 repetition 反复
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