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2023-07-20 11:01:44
TAG: 诗歌 德国

Count Eberhard"s Hawthorn

Count Eberhard Rustle-Beard,

From Württemberg"s fair land,

On holy errand steer"d

To Palestina"s strand.

The while he slowly rode

Along a woodland way;

He cut from the hawthorn bush

A little fresh green spray.

Then in his iron helm

The little sprig he plac"d;

And bore it in the wars,

And over the ocean waste.

And when he reach"d his home;

He plac"d it in the earth;

Where little leaves and buds

The gentle Spring call"d forth.

He went each year to it,

The Count so brave and true;

And overjoy"d was he

To witness how it grew.

The Count was worn with age

The sprig became a tree;

"Neath which the old man oft

Would sit in reverie.

The branching arch so high,

Whose whisper is so bland,

Reminds him of the past

And Palestina"s strand.


Holy Land是什么意思

Holy Landn.圣地(巴勒斯坦)网络宗教圣地双语例句 Surely the different religious faiths in the Holy Land could make a significant contribution to resolving the conflict there.同处圣地的不同宗教也一定能够为解决那里的冲突做出重大贡献。
2023-07-20 06:38:521


Souvenir FromHolyLand 来自圣地的纪念物
2023-07-20 06:39:044

Holy land究竟是指哪里?

圣城 圣域的意思。耶路撒冷 Jerusalem 以色列的首都,打来打去就是为了争夺这里。对于宗教没有任何基础的人可能难以理解。你是看的韩剧吧?他们也崇洋媚外着呢,学的一些西方内容。跟实际偏差较大。。。。。
2023-07-20 06:39:141


Holyland (2005) .Masaki Izawa Drug (2001) .Kenji Odajima 押切怪谈 Oshikiri (2000) .Oshikiri 押切 OSHIKIRI 如果还有他在乐队唱的其他歌就
2023-07-20 06:39:212


2023-07-20 06:39:294


天使线收起天使线恶魔线奇异的圣地(BizarreHolyLand)V20.1全剧情CG流程攻略。本文为大家带来的是游戏最新版本的全通关攻略以及CG解锁方法,感兴趣的玩家们赶紧来看看吧。V20.1全剧情CG流程攻略PS:()为注释,“”标注为选项,普通文字是我自己的情景概括,(无)是指该选项对获得CG没影响,但为了节约时间选择该选项,可以无视。天使线Chapter 11、(此处为天使线和恶魔线的分支,保存一下)安吉莉娜问,回答“当然会”,道德值+32、安吉莉娜问,回答“不,我和你一起去”3、安吉莉娜问,回答“但我想帮你,我能和你一起去吗”4、回想,“蓝眼睛”5、回想,“金发”6、回想,“大o派”7、上、右,收集核桃、下、左、右,进亭子(图中有个指路牌,这是分支线,保存一下)8、“休息一下”,遇见恶魔,选择“天使”,获得安吉莉娜CG(这里有个恶魔小支线:选择“人”获得莫伊拉CG,和莫伊拉对战,直接投降,选择“屈服于快乐”,选择“是的,我们开始”,获得阿拉妮斯CG,随后显示该剧情在这个版本完结)9、回到选路分支存档(好像是获得安吉莉娜CG后会缺少一个剧情,所以回头),上、右10、遇到村庄,选择“去看看”,遇见艾米丽11、进入森林,上、上、上、上,遇见克里斯托12、回到入口,点击地上的蘑菇13、选择“拥抱她”(继续道歉为恶作剧口,无CG)14、选择“也许她想让我...”15、选择“亲吻锁骨”,获得克里斯托CG16、进入黑暗沼泽,四处走走搜索浆果,遇见阿卡莉娅,被威胁,选择“饶命”(无)17、选择“点头”(无)18、选择“屈服于欲望”,获得阿卡莉娅CG(无)19、选择“用力把她推开”(无)Chapter 220、进入Moon garden,获得露娜和索菲娅双人CG21、睡了一觉后取得世界地图。前往Crystal Forest——长青村,选择“拜访艾米丽”,选择“收集纺织材料”,收集完成和和艾米丽对话,获赠一些纺织材料22、回到Moon Garden,解锁面包店,选择“收集”,进入第一个地图,四处转转,点击甘蔗和小麦,从Elenmental Gate出去,遇见卡萝尔。23、选择“屈服”(无)24、选择“好的,让我试试”(无)25、选择“蓝色西瓜状水果”和“深蓝透明苹果?”(无),遇见拉纳26、选择“你做你,这就是你的生活”(无)27、选择“是啊,过你想要的生活”,获得卡萝尔CG28、成功帮助二人重拾信任,获得一些制作蛋糕的原材料,解锁了新的收集场所。29、回到Moon Garden,制作蛋糕,选择“樱桃”(无),获得索菲亚CG30、去长青村收集纺织材料(每次完成事件后会刷新)31、去Vanaland——守卫厅,选择“和安吉莉娜谈谈”32、选择“我会加入你们的行列”,进入训练场34、选择“防御”(无)35、选择“抓一抓”(无),之后,和沙包作战36、选择“技能”,释放三次37、进入温泉,选择所有的选项,解锁安吉莉娜CG38、选择“和安吉莉娜谈谈”,得知公主失踪,前往伊甸园39、选择“让她踩你”(无),之后,你们决定通过烤蛋糕来找回公主菲奥娜40、选择“你觉得还剩多少时间”(无)41、选择“像龙卷风一样搅动”(无)(像龙卷风一样搅动为奶油o派)42、你和安吉莉娜在米拉的帮助下成功用烤蛋糕帮菲奥娜重拾了信心,获得安吉莉娜CG43、去长青村收集纺织材料44、回Moon Garden,选择“洗澡”,选择“去卧室”,选择“是的”,去见露娜45、四处转转,收集五个蘑菇,到Cave outside烤蘑菇,吃了个来自Moon Garden的奇怪植物,你晕了过去,醒来后前往见到光精灵46、光精灵叫埃莉诺,获得埃莉诺CG47、选择“好吧,好吧,每个月一次”(无)48、回去后试药,获得露娜CGChapter 349、选择“......”(无),和索菲娅前往大教堂50、选择“让她吻你”(无)51、来到大教堂,遇见安吉莉娜与夏洛特,选择所有选项52、使用药剂,前往特意准备的房间,获得夏洛特CG53、解决了夏洛特事件,她即将独自潜伏魔界,遇见指挥官安德拉,准备开始主要任务,在此之前,先做一些准备,完成一些支线任务。(保存一下)以下是主线任务开始前一些杂乱的CG与支线:54、回到Moon Garden,选择“去卧室”,选择睡觉不关门,获得安吉莉娜CG55、回到Moon Garden,选择“后院”,圣诞节到了。56、选择“我能抱抱你吗?”(无)57、选择“放进烤箱就行了”;选择“它看起来有毒,扔掉吧”;选择“把发芽的土豆切掉,放进烤箱”,选择“烤50分钟”58、选择“不,我可不是”(无)59、选择“是的”,选择“是的”,选择“是的”,获得索菲娅CG、安吉莉娜CG、露娜CG60、去天堂咖啡厅,点一些食物来提升属性,选后面一页的!!!属性比第一页好多了,左边的小车为商品,可以随身携带,都可以点七个免费的物品,可以合理利用两边自由搭配提升综合属性。61、前往守卫厅,选择“参加培训”,和夏洛特对战62、随便打,然后被打晕,被抬回Moon Garden63、选择“知识之巢”,选择“我可以和你六9”(无)(选第三个会扣血)64、选择“大教堂”,选择“你喜欢什么姿势?”(无)(选这个会加血)65、前往永恒公园,随后回到训练场,接着随便打,然后又输了66、泡温泉,选择“抓住她的手”(无)(选pp会扣血)67、前往知识之巢,遇见贝拉,在二楼再次遇见她,选择“爱是让你感到良好的东西”(无)贝拉逃走了。68、前往天堂咖啡厅,遇见贝拉,贝拉又逃跑了。69、前往守卫厅,“和安吉莉娜谈谈”70、前往大教堂,选择“和夏洛特谈谈”,选择“你知道贝拉在哪吗?”71、找到贝拉,选择“我很担心你”(无),获得贝拉CG72、进入Bella workshop,选择“订新衣服”,交换“女仆装”73、前往天堂咖啡厅,遇见索菲娅,选择“帮帮她”,选择“五号座位”,选择“兔子?”,选择“天堂奶油和葡萄汁”,选择“一套香草沙拉、番茄汁和香草蘑菇汤”,选择“一套水果沙拉、胡萝卜汁、红薯汤”,选择“胡萝卜汁、葡萄汁、蔬菜汁......”,解锁索菲娅CG74、前往伊甸园,选择“探索伊甸园”,(这里有分支,保存一下)75、左、上、左、上,遇见安吉莉娜和维多利亚,选择“算我一个”,来到竞技场,遇到了阿莱西亚。在竞技场,你接受了严格的训练,随后和阿莱西亚对战76、选择“攻击”,三次后学到了防御姿态,防御三次后学到了进攻姿态,进攻三次后,选择“放下面团球袋子,帮她一把”,获得阿莱西亚CG,随后显示该剧情在这个版本完结。77、读取伊甸园存档,右,上,右,遇见安吉莉娜和佐拉78、选择“我们得跟着她”(无)(另外选项会扣血)79、四处转转,直到你的石头发光,回想,选择“相当好的o派”,点几下,选择“惊人的o派”80、和黑暗生物对战,学会圣典,获得夏洛特CG81、选择所有选项,收集果实,遇见左埃拉和英格里德,选择“安吉莉娜,别担心,我会救你的”(无)82、两个选项随意选择,获得英格里德CG和左埃拉CG83、该选项随意选择,获得左埃拉CG,与左埃拉对战84、攻击三次,获得金手指技能,使用金手指打败左埃拉,选择“我们活着出来了”85、选择“月亮屋温泉”,前往水晶洞,选择“左边的水晶洞”,遇见克里斯托86、选择“也许真的有女神?”(无)87、选择“别哭了,我会尽我所能帮助你”(无)88、选择“我可以参观一下你的城堡吗?”89、点击壁画,选择“拥抱她”,食谱随意90、进入洞窟,选择“是的是的是的是的”91、选择“像忠诚的坐骑一样把她放下”(无)92、选择“你们这些天使在过去是做什么的”93、选择“不,不可能的”,道德值+194、选择“不要放弃,我为了你而来”,道德值+195、四处转转,遇到了怪物,选择“拥抱她”,选择“感觉好点了吗?”,选择“抚摸她”,获得克里斯托CG,事件完成96、回到月亮花园,选择露娜塔,探索古代遗迹,遇到阿迪拉,获得阿迪拉CG97、左、左、右(点击紫色和红色的花会死)98、随意,奶油点了会中断,其余食物回血99、中间、左或右、四处转转,蓝钥匙开箱子,黄钥匙开门100、拿水晶球,扭曲雕像,点右边,选择“白色的弹力球”(无),选项随意,获得露娜CG和阿迪拉CG,随后显示剧情在该版本完结101、读取世界地图存档,选择月亮花园,选择收集,选择第三张地图,蘑菇烧十分钟加血最多,全烧十分钟,找到索菲娅,四处转转,进入光精灵国,遇见伊芙,是你上次繁育出的女儿,获得伊芙CG102、四处转转,选项随意,选择打pp扣血,选择媚布丁加十点最大生命,获得埃莉诺CG,随后显示剧情在该版本完结。103、应该没有支线了,回到世界地图存档,选择seablue island,进行主线剧情。在此之前,先去天堂咖啡厅补给以下,睡觉,保持状态。104、选择“是的”,进入黑暗沼泽,遇见阿卡莉娅。105、这一大段随便选,简而言之就是“叫破喉咙也不会有人来救你的桀桀桀”,获得阿卡莉娅CG,并且得知了黑暗领主的阴谋,遇见法拉106、选择“法拉,我们就指望你了”(无)107、选择“一个恶魔?”(无),选择“一个诱饵陷阱”(无),遇见奥利维亚(保存一下)108、选择“我们帮不了你,抱歉”,选择“是的”,后面选项随意,遇见野性的恶魔,获得恶魔CG,醒来后遇见海伦,海伦告诉你,学院制造出了黑暗种子。获得夏洛特和安吉莉娜CG109、遇见大mimi妈妈恶魔,一番纠缠后打败黑暗之种,和mom对战,不停攻击撑住几个回合,魔化的海伦会乱入与mom交战,趁此机会逃走,用圣果救活夏洛特,前往教堂。在教堂里得知大天使路易丝还活着,依靠数百凡人的轮而勉强存活,获得路易丝CG。110、唤醒大天使后,路易丝与凡人交涉了一番,mom来到教堂,带来了三个最新制造的黑暗之种,打败黑暗之种,把大天使带回Vanaland,随后显示剧情在该版本完结。111、回到107的存档,选择“我们不能丢下她不管”,点击地面获得奥利维亚CG112、不要点击地面,上、上,对话、下、下、左、左、右,然后点右边那个黄色箭头,识破奥利维亚的伪装,进入魔界113、接下来的剧情同上108后。ps:天使主线剧情在这个版本就完成啦,天使的CG应该也全收集了吧,大概......不管怎样,接下来要进入恶魔领域了。
2023-07-20 06:39:371

souy enir from holy land英文意思是啥什么意思啊?

souvenir from holy land圣地纪念品
2023-07-20 06:39:452


2023-07-20 06:39:541


清朝传教的外国人留下的 没什么价值
2023-07-20 06:40:043

请问这个是什么东东啊 铜雕像背面刻有SOUVENIR FROM HOLY LAND

神圣土地的纪念品 感觉很有宗教色彩哦 人像应该就是圣母和圣子吧
2023-07-20 06:40:354


是新的电视剧,肯定关注的人比较少吧!!holy land是每周六晚北京时间22点播放一集 ,一般第二天就会有中字的了! 时间不定的!! 四月28日
2023-07-20 06:40:424

2023-07-20 06:40:521

关于 迈克尔杰克逊 的一首歌

What about sunrise 日出呢 What about rain 雨呢 What about all the things that you said we were to gain...你说过我们曾经拥有的一切呢 What about killing fields 毁掉的土地呢 Is there a time 有没有那一段时光 What about all the things that you said was yours and mine... 你说过属于你和我的一切呢 Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有曾停下去留意 All the blood we"ve shed before 我们曾经流出的鲜血 Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有曾停下来看一看 This crying Earth its weeping shores? 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸 Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh What have we done to the world? 我们都对地球做了些什么 Look what we"ve done. 看看我们都做了些什么 What about all the peace that you pledge your only son?你对你仅有的儿子保证的和平呢 What about flowering fields? 鲜花开遍的田野呢 Is there a time? 有没有那么一段时光 What about all the dreams that you said was yours and mine? 你说过你和我的所有梦想呢 Did you ever stop to notice, 你有没有曾停下来注意到 All the children dead from war? 所有在战争中死去的孩子 Did you ever stop to notice, 你有没有曾停下来看一看 This crying Earth its weeping shores? 哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸 Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh I used to dream 我过去常常幻想 I used to glance beyond the stars 我过去常常望向群星 Now I don"t know where we are 现在我不知道我们身在何方 Although I know we"ve drifted far 然而我却知道我们已经漂泊得太远 Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh Hey what about yesterday!我们的往昔呢! (What about us)! 我们怎么办! What about the seas! 海洋呢! (What about us)! 我们怎么办! The heavens are falling down!天堂正在陨落! (What about us)!我们怎么办! I can"t even breathe! 我甚至不能呼吸! (What about us) !我们怎么办! What about everything!所有的事情! (What about us)!我们怎么办! I given you! 我给予你们的! (What about us)! 我们怎么办! What about nature"s worth! 大自然的财富呢? (ooo, ooo) It"s our planet"s womb! 它是我们星球的生命摇篮! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about animals! 动物们呢! (What about it)! 它怎么办! We"ve turned kingdoms to dust!我们已经把它们的王国夷为废墟! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about elephants!大象呢! (What about us)!我们怎么办! Have we lost their trust? 我们已经失去他们的信任了吗? (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about crying whales?哭泣着的鲸鱼呢! (What about us)!我们怎么办! We"re ravaging the seas!我们已经把海水污染了! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about forest trails!森林的小径呢! (ooo, ooo) Burnt despite our pleas! 被我们用恶意的借口烧毁了! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about the holy land!我们神圣的土地呢! (What about it)! 它怎么样了! Torn apart by creed 被四分五裂了! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about the common man! 平民百姓呢! (What about us)!我们怎么办! Can"t we set him free! 我们难道不让他们自由吗! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about children dying!奄奄一息的孩子呢! (What about us)!我们怎么办! Can"t you hear them cry!你难道听不见他们在哭吗! (What about us)!我们怎么办! Where did we go wrong!我们在哪里走错了! (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why!有人能告诉我为什么吗! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about baby boy!可爱的婴孩呢! (What about it)!他怎么办! What about the days!我们这个时代怎么办! (What about us)! 我们怎么办! What about all their joy!他们的快乐呢! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about the man!人类怎么办! (What about us)!我们怎么办! What about the crying man!!哭泣的人类怎么办!! (What about us)! 我们怎么办! What about Abraham!亚伯拉罕呢! (What was us)! 我们是什么! What about death again!!再一次灭亡怎么样!! (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn!!! 我们就不在乎吗!!! Aaaaaaaaah Ooooooooh
2023-07-20 06:41:094


2023-07-20 06:41:163


2023-07-20 06:41:265

地球之歌 迈克杰克逊 中文版

【中英文对照歌词】 EarthSong地球之歌Whataboutsunrise日出呢Whataboutrain雨呢Whataboutallthethingsthatyousaidweweretogain...你说过我们本应拥有的一切呢Whataboutkillingfields迷人的土地呢Isthereatime有没有那一段时光Whataboutallthethingsthatyousaidwasyoursandmine...你说过属于你和我的一切呢Didyoueverstoptonotice你是否曾停下去关注Allthebloodwe"veshedbefore我们曾经流出的鲜血Didyoueverstoptonotice你是否曾停下去关注ThiscryingEarthitsweepingshores?哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸AaaaaaaaahOoooooooohAaaaaaaaahOoooooooohWhathavewedonetotheworld?我们都对地球做了些什么Lookwhatwe"vedone.看看我们都做了些什么Whataboutallthepeacethatyoupledgeyouronlyson?你对你仅有的儿子保证的和平呢Whataboutfloweringfields?鲜花开遍的田野呢Isthereatime?有没有那么一段时光Whataboutallthedreamsthatyousaidwasyoursandmine?你说过你和我的所有梦想呢Didyoueverstoptonotice,你是否曾停下去关注Allthechildrendeadfromwar?所有在战争中死去的孩子Didyoueverstoptonotice,你是否曾停下去关注ThiscryingEarthitsweepingshores?哭泣的地球和她流泪的海岸AaaaaaaaahOoooooooohAaaaaaaaahOoooooooohIusedtodream我过去常常幻想Iusedtoglancebeyondthestars我过去常常望向群星NowIdon"tknowwhereweare现在我不知道我们身在何方AlthoughIknowwe"vedriftedfar然而我却知道我们已经漂泊得太远AaaaaaaaahOoooooooohAaaaaaaaahOoooooooohAaaaaaaaahOooooooooh AaaaaaaaahOoooooooohHeywhataboutyesterday!往昔呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whatabouttheseas!海洋呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Heavensarefallingdown!天堂正在陨落!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Ican"tevenbreathe!我甚至不能呼吸!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutlostagain!再次失去的呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Ileadedthewoe!我造成了这种灾难!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutnature"sworth!大自然的财富呢?(ooo,ooo)It"sourplanet"swomb!它是我们星球的生命摇篮!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutanimals!动物们呢!(Whataboutit)!它怎么办!Turnedkingdomstodust!王国被夷为废墟!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutelephants!大象呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Havewelosttheirtrust?我们已经失去他们的信任了吗?(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutcryingwhales?哭泣着的鲸鱼呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!We"reravagingtheseas!我们正在污染海水!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutforesttrails!森林的小径呢!(ooo,ooo)Burntdespiteourpleas!被我们用恶意的借口烧毁了!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whatabouttheholyland!神圣的土地呢!(Whataboutit)!它怎么样了!Tornapartbycreed被四分五裂了!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutthecommonman!平民百姓呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Can"twesethimfree!我们难道不让他们自由吗!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutchildrendying!奄奄一息的孩子呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Didyouhearthemcry!你听到他们在哭吗!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Wheredidwegowrong!我们在哪里走错了!(ooo,ooo)Someonetellmewhy!有人能告诉我为什么吗!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutthebabyboy!可爱的婴孩呢!(Whataboutit)!他怎么办!Whataboutthedays!我们这个时代怎么办!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutalltheirjoy!所有的快乐呢!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whatabouttheman!人类怎么办!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!Whataboutthecryingman!!哭泣的人类怎么办!!(Whataboutus)!我们怎么办!WhataboutAbraham!亚伯拉罕呢!(Whatwasus)!我们是什么!Whataboutdeathagain!!再一次灭亡怎么样!!(ooo,ooo)Dowegiveadamn!!!我们就不在乎吗!!!AaaaaaaaahOoooooooh?
2023-07-20 06:41:412


好像是周末剧 等周一才有的看,主要看字幕组翻译急不及时
2023-07-20 06:41:491

求 迈克尔杰克逊的地球之歌 汉语歌词。 比如,刚开始的窝里巴。。。就是英语用汉语的字眼翻译。

What about sunrise 日出呢   What about rain 雨呢   What about all the things 还有你说过   That you said we were to gain... 我们会得到的一切呢......   What about killing fields 杀戮的土地呢   Is there a time 有没有结束的时候   what about the things 还有你说过   That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢......   Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了   All the blood we"ve shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗   Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到   The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪,海岸在哭泣   Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊--------   What have we done to the world 我们对世界做错了什么   Look what we"ve done 看看我们做错了什么吧   What about all the peace 还有你向独子许诺过的   That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢   What about flowering fields 百花争艳的大地呢   Is there a time 有没有结束的时候   What about all the dreams 还有你说过   That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的所有梦想呢   Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了   All the children dead from war 战争中死去的那些孩子   Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到   The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪,海岸在哭泣   Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------   I used to dream 我曾经梦想   I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾经遥望群星之上   Now I don"t know where we are 如今不知我们身在何方   Althouge I know we"ve drifted for 尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远   Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------   Hey,what about yesterday (what about us) 嘿,昨天呢(我们怎么办)   What about the seas (what about us) 海洋呢   The heavens are falling down (what about us) 天堂正在堕落   I can"t even breathe (what about us) 我简直不能呼吸   What about the bleeding Earth (what about us) 流血的地球呢   Can"t we feel its wounds (what about us) 我们难道不能感受到它的伤痕吗   What about nature"worth (ooo,ooo) 宝贵的自然呢   It"s our planet"s womb (what about us) 那是我们地球的孕育地   What about animals (what about us) 动物呢   We"ve turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 我们把他们的王国化为灰烬   What about elephants (what about us) 大象呢   Have we lost their trust (what about us) 我们是不是已失去它们的信任   What about crying whales (what about us) 鲸鱼呢   We"re ravaging the seas (what about us) 我们污染了海洋   What about forest trails (ooo,ooo) 森林呢   Burnt despite our please (what about us) 被我们用恶意的借口烧毁了   What about the holy land (what about us) 神圣的土地呢   Tron apart by creed (what about us) 被四分五裂了   What about the common man (what about us) 普通人呢   Can"t we set him free (what about us) 我们难道不给予他自由吗   What about children dying (what about us) 奄奄一息的孩子呢   Can"t you hear them cry (what about us) 你有没有听到他们的哭声   Where did we go wrong (ooo,ooo) 我们到底哪一步走错了   Someone tell me why (what about us) 有没有人告诉我原因   What about babies (what about us) 婴儿呢   What about the days (what about us) 岁月呢   What about all their joy (what about us) 他们所有的欢乐呢   What about the man (what about us) 人类呢   What about the crying man (what about us) 哭喊的人们呢   What about Abraham (what about us) 亚伯拉罕呢   What about death again (ooo,ooo) 再一次灭亡会怎样   Do we give a damn 我们都不在乎吗   Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊----------
2023-07-20 06:42:083


为了方便大家的修改,今天小编给大家带来的是《星际殖民2》修改自定义种族特性教程及代码一览!快来跟小编一起修改一个自己喜欢的种族特性吧!说明:在游戏中自定义种族保存后可以在C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalLowZero Sum GamesStarDrive 2CustomRaces 中找到你保存的XML(这是win7的存档路径)要退出游戏修改XML保存后再进游戏才生效,这个文件夹不要放任何其他不相关的文件 否则会卡游戏读取(本人是这样,放个TXT都进不了游戏)特性描述全部来自3DM汉化 汉字部分不要复制进去,详细请参考文件夹内其他原种族的格式下级特性SlowGrowth繁殖缓慢 人口增长-50%Farm0贫苦农民 食物产量-5Lazy懒惰的工人 工人产量-1 最低为1Res0愚钝科学家科技点为1 正常是2Money0腐败 -25%税收HP0黑心工程师 飞船生命-20%atk0笨拙飞行员 飞船武器伤害-20%ground0胆怯的战士 地面部队开局生命为25 正常是40spy0笨拙的间谍 智力-0.5 保密间谍智力-0.5env0鲁莽的排污者 污染增加25%repulsive排斥 初始关系-25Sacrifice献祭者 可以在殖民地管理界面牺牲殖民地居民增加50研究点 如果居民为非本族人奖励加倍中级特性Growth1高生育 +50%人口增长速度Farm1农业倾向 食物+1产量Industrious勤勉的工人 产量+1Res1精明 科学家研究点数+1Money1慎密 +50%税收HP1优质工程师 飞船+25%生命atk1熟练战机飞行员 飞船武器+20%伤害ground1专业军事 地面部队+10初始生命奖励spy1熟练间谍 智力+1 每回合减少率+1env1生态友好型 污染-25%charismatic超凡魅力 +10起始关系HolyLand圣地 放置圣地的星球+20当地支持上级特性Growth2高速生育 +100人口增长速度Farm2农业中心 食物+2WorkIsLife受启发的工人 产量+2Res2渴求知识 科学家+2科技点Money2超常富裕 +100%税收HP2工程学大师 飞船生命+50%atk2无与伦比的飞行员 +50%飞船武器奖励ground2凶悍战士 地面部队+20初始生命奖励spy2间谍大师 间谍智力+2 每回合减少率+2env2环保人2 污染-50%irresistable魅力没法挡 外交关系起始+20Spiritual精神 每个殖民地支持率+10
2023-07-20 06:42:151


哥们儿, 百度词典英汉互译 可以帮你.以后你就不用再问别人了 .我的回答你满意吗? 望得到你的悬赏!
2023-07-20 06:42:3314


2023-07-20 06:42:576


Four-year term of the Olympic flame finally on August 13, 2004 the Greek capital of Athens ignited. At that moment, the eyes of the world are the orientation of the birth of the Olympic movement and the spirit of the holy places Olympia. I am no exception, in spite of my interest in sports but in modest four years after the Olympic flag will be colored red, and I believe that each Olympic feelings of the Chinese people will like me, though, have a different concern about the Olympic experience, they have the same feelings for the Olympic Games. . If the Olympic Games is the intersection, I pedestrian. Day stopover here many people, Asians, Europeans, the elderly, the children. This is a strategically link around friends. I just passing through here one of the millions of people passing through it, go to another world. And strict observance of traffic regulations If the Olympic Games is sacred, I volunteer. This film is the holy land, have always accompanied by the side of the sacred flame. It is for this reason that I voluntarily pay for it, I want to do my strength for this piece of land cleaner, more so that more people know about it, like me, are willing to dedicate themselves to it. I would also like to come here to help the people, for them to enjoy this sacred pleasure. Savor, the local customs, visited Beijing"s streets. If the Olympic Games is the platform, I am the master. We built it as a platform for the world to understand us; It for the construction of a bridge for us and the world to better communication. This platform enables us to flourish display. I was the owner, I am here is the proud owner. I want to host, let guests feel warm and happy. Thanks to the athletes, they have conducted the business of the spirit I have to squarely face the difficulties life of courage. Thanks to the Olympic Games, which for my dull life add endless fun and interesting. allow me to constantly maintain a good memory and expectation. Today, the Olympic movement has penetrated into all aspects of our lives. into a life philosophy of Olympism January 1, "agreed to strengthen the body and through the cultivation of the quality of determination, has provided a comprehensive development; Sports and cultural education through a combination of people"s physical fitness, moral and spiritual harmonious development and advancement. " Games like fresh air, we let in super-paced life can relax and rest; makes reinforced cement has become the paradise of people to break free from the yoke, to re-stretch; Experience in the struggle for human Majestic! With her sparkling spirit of the Olympic Games come to Beijing in 2008. We went into the schools, into each of us lives, I look forward to her early!
2023-07-20 06:43:123


萤之光1和2 家有六子
2023-07-20 06:43:239

Souvenir from holy land 求翻译?拜托各位大神

2023-07-20 06:43:441


I want to go to Australia because it is a beautiful country. It has a rich range of events and festivals to plan my holiday around. Visit for world-class events such as the Grand Prix, Australian Open tennis or the Melbourne Cup.I will also head to high-profile sporting matches such as the Ashes, Bledisloe Cup or Australian Rules Football and immerse myself in the arts and music festivals that enliven the cities each summer. I will indulge in concerts, musicals, ballet, opera and theatre and join exuberant parties like Sydney"s NYE celebrations.During summer, we can discover the surf lifesaving and surf carnivals along the coast. In winter, tackle a marathon or endurance event. Or travel to sacred Aboriginal festivals and madcap outback events such as the Camel Cup or Henley-on-Todd.Australia"s events and festivals range from local events to world-famous celebrations and happen across all seasons and destinations. Wherever and whenever, I would defintely want to give this country a visit.我要去澳大利亚,因为它是一个美丽的国家。它有丰富的活动范围和节日假期计划周围。参观世界级的活动,例如大奖赛,网球或澳大利亚网球公开赛墨尔本杯的冠军。我也会头等重大体育比赛上的灰,Bledisloe杯或澳大利亚规则足球,沉浸于艺术和音乐节,搞活城市每年夏天。我会沉湎于音乐会,音乐剧,芭蕾,歌剧和戏剧和旺盛的党派参加的NYE像悉尼这样的庆祝活动。在夏季里,我们能发现冲浪救生、如冲浪狂欢节沿著海岸。在冬季,应对马拉松或耐力的事件。或去神圣的原住民节庆和狂妄内地活动,例如骆驼或Henley-on-Todd杯。澳大利亚的事件和节日范围从当地的事件发生在世界闻名的庆典和季节的目的地。无论何时,我就defintely想给这个国家访问。
2023-07-20 06:43:522

红色圣地 用英语怎么说?

the red shrine.
2023-07-20 06:43:592


城市猎人 致美丽的你
2023-07-20 06:44:195


2023-07-20 06:44:3511


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2023-07-20 06:44:582


2023-07-20 06:45:397


野猪大改造(山p 龟梨和也 崛北真希)蜂蜜与四叶草夜型爱人专门店(吸血鬼)极道鲜师一 二 三 部(三部剧情都差不多 只是看主角的)剧场地狱少女网球王子(剧场 电影版 本乡奏多主演)下弦之月(诡异)侦探学园Q 魔法先生【有很多的、我看过的耶比较多、列出了挺麻烦的就·······】以下转载A《爱情白皮书》根据柴门文同名漫画改编B《BOYS美型专家》根据真崎总子同名漫画改编《百鬼夜行抄》根据今市子同名漫画改编《白鸟丽子》根据铃木由美子同名漫画改编《升起半月的天空》根据桥本坊同名漫画改编《玻璃假面》/《千面女郎》根据美内铃惠同名漫画改编C《阵平》根据安达充同名漫画改编D《Dororo》根据手冢治虫同名漫画改编《逮捕令》根据藤岛康介同名漫画改编《地狱少女》根据永远幸同名漫画改编《等你说爱我》柴门文同名漫画改编《东京爱情故事》根据柴门文同名漫画改编《头文字D》 根据重野秀一同名漫画改编F《非婚家族》根据柴门文同名漫画改编《蜂蜜与四叶草》根据羽海野千花同名漫画改编《富豪刑事》根据筒井康隆同名漫画改编G《G-taste》根据八神浩树同名漫画改编《GTO》根据藤尺亨《麻辣教师GTO》改编《公主公主D》根据藏王大志同名漫画改编《孤岛医生》根据岸本齐史漫画《孤岛诊疗所》改编《国光之政》根据朝基胜士同名漫画改编H《好球物语H2》根据安达充同名漫画改编《捍卫圣域HOLYLAND》根据森恒二同名漫画改编《花样男子》根据神尾叶子漫画《流星花园》改编J《极道鲜师》根据森本梢子同名漫画改编《吉祥天女》根据吉田秋生同名漫画改编《甲贺忍法帖》同名漫画改编《交响情人梦》根据二之宫知子同名漫画改编《金田一少年事件薄》根据佐藤文也同名漫画改编L《Life~人生~》根据末延景子同名漫画改编《垃圾律师》根据同名漫画改编《凉宫春日的忧郁》同名漫画改编《龙樱》根据三田纪房漫画《Dragon樱》改编《律师的纠葛》改编自漫画《律师的纠葛》《轮舞曲》根据同名漫画改编M《Maid in AKIBA》根据同名漫画改编《MY BOSS MY HERO》根据韩国同名漫画改编《秘密夫人》根据星崎真纪同名漫画改编《民俗学者八云树》根据山口让司同名漫画改编《美少女战士》根据五内直子同名漫画改编《美食侦探》根据寺泽大介同名漫画改编《美味关系》根据慎村怜同名漫画改编《魔法先生涅吉》根据赤松健同名漫画改编《魔光紫影》日本漫画家筱原千绘的《魔影紫光》改编N《NANA》矢泽爱同名漫画改编P《漂流教室》根据梅图一雄同名恐怖漫画改编《贫穷贵公子》/《山田太郎物语》根据森永爱同名漫画改编Q《钱华》根据仓科辽同名漫画改编《欺诈猎人》根据同名漫画改编《青春男孩》 根据山崎贵子同名漫画改编R《认真的女人最美丽》根据柴门文同名漫画改编S《死亡笔记》根据小畑健同名漫画改编《史上最不幸的大佬三郎》根据阿部秀司同名漫画改编《少年侦探工藤新一》根据青山刚昌漫画《柯南》改编T《铁板少女小茜》根据木藤亚也同名漫画改编《特命系长只野仁》根据柳沢きみお同名漫画改编《天才厨师饭藏》根据同名漫画改编《同班同学》根据柴门文同名漫画改编《偷偷爱着你》根据中条比纱也同名漫画改编W《网球王子》根据许斐刚同名漫画改编X《Xenos》根据同名漫画改编《西洋古董洋菓子店》根据吉永史同名漫画改编《下弦之月》根据矢泽爱同名漫画改编《小遥17岁》同名漫画改编《小早川伸木之恋》柴门文同名漫画改编《相聚一刻》根据高桥留美子《一刻馆》改编《相约在九龙》根据柴门文同名漫画改编Y《夜王》根据井上纪良同名漫画改编《夜型爱人专门店》根据由贵香织里同名漫画改编《野猪大改造》根据早川智子漫画《完美小姐进化论》改编《一吻定情》根据多田熏同名漫画改编《萤之光》根据日浦悟同名漫画改编《阴阳师》根据濑田日名子同名漫画改编《樱2号》根据CLAMP漫画《人型电脑天使心》改编《樱桃小丸子》根据樱桃子同名漫画改编《怨屋本铺》根据自栗原正尚同名漫画改编Z《自恋花情痴》根据同名漫画改编《侦探学园Q》根据佐藤文同名漫画改编《战神》根据物领冬实漫画《MARS》改编《最终兵器彼女》根据高桥真同名漫画改编
2023-07-20 06:45:542


2023-07-20 06:46:2515

张杰 穿越人海北京演唱会英文歌曲的名字(他跪在地上唱的那首)

是earth song.很好听哦!是Michael Jackson的。 Earth song what about sunrisewhat about rainwhat about all the thingsthat you said we were to gain.. .what about killing fieldsis there a timewhat about all the thingsthat you said was yours and mine...did you ever stop to noticeall the blood we"ve shed beforedid you ever stop to noticethe crying earth the weeping shores?aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaahwhat have we done to the worldlook what we"ve donewhat about all the peacethat you pledge your only son...what about flowering fieldsis there a timewhat about all the dreamsthat you said was yours and mine...did you ever stop to noticeall the children dead from wardid you ever stop to noticethe crying earth the weeping shoresaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaahjackson michaeli used to dreami used to glance beyond the starsnow i don"t know where we arealthough i know we"ve drifted faraaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaahhey, what about yesterday(what about us)what about the seas(what about us)the heavens are falling down(what about us)i can"t even breathe(what about us)what about the bleeding earth(what about us)can"t we feel its wounds(what about us)what about nature"s worth(ooo,ooo)it"s our planet"s womb(what about us)what about animals(what about it)we"ve turned kingdoms to dust(what about us)what about elephants(what about us)have we lost their trust(what about us)what about crying whales(what about us)we"re ravaging the seaswhat about forest trails(ooo, ooo)burnt despite our pleas(what about us)what about the holy land(what about it)torn apart by creed(what about us)what about the common man(what about us)can"t we set him free(what about us)what about children dying(what about us)can"t you hear them cry(what about us)where did we go wrong(ooo, ooo)someone tell me why(what about us)what about babies(what about it)what about the days(what about us)what about all their joy(what about us)what about the man(what about us)what about the crying man(what about us)what about abraham(what was us)what about death again(ooo, ooo)do we give a damnaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaah
2023-07-20 06:46:519

请问Edgar Allan Poe的“To Helen”的中文翻译,要经典和权威的那种,谢谢!

TO HELEN Edgar Allan Poe Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicean barks of yore, That gently, o"er a perfumed sea, The weary, wayworn wanderer bore To his own native shore. On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome. Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche, from the regions which Are Holy Land! 致海伦 海伦,你的美在我的眼里, 有如往日尼西亚的三桅船 船行在飘香的海上,悠悠地 把已倦于漂泊的困乏船员 送回他故乡的海岸。 早已习惯于在怒海上飘荡, 你典雅的脸庞,你的鬈发, 你水神般的风姿带我返航, 返回那往时的希腊和罗马, 返回那往时的壮丽和辉煌。 看哪!壁龛似的明亮窗户里, 我看见你站着,多像尊雕像, 一盏玛瑙的灯你拿在手上! 塞姬女神哪,神圣的土地 才是你家乡!
2023-07-20 06:47:301

holyland israel中文意思

2023-07-20 06:47:541


2023-07-20 06:48:024


Why you leave me in the end?Lonely kingdom here I am.Shining armour tireless manFading into troubled landyour hair your face on my mindevery time you dance in rhymecandles at night , pink your carmineMemory in rags make me blindRain falls so hard , wind blows so hardHow can I heal my broken heart ?I own your past, now where you areYou promise never be apartTo be the king , I born to winmissions on my shoulders I changedRefrain myself from thinkingeverything in vainRain falls so hard , wind blows so hardheal my broken heartRefrain myself from thinkingeverything in vainWhy you leave me in the end?Lonely kingdom here I am.Shining armour tireless manFading into troubled landyour hair your face on my mindevery time you dance in rhymecandles at night , pink your carmineMemory in rags make me blindRain falls so hard , wind blows so hardHow can I heal my broken heart ?I own your past, now where you areYou promise never be apartTo be the king , I born to winmissions on my shoulders I changedRefrain myself from thinkingeverything in vainIt is getting cold and rain still hardHow are you , my one true loveyou are elusive so farI"m missing you deep in my heartRain falls so hard , wind blows so hardHow can I heal my broken heart ?I own your past, now where you are?You promise never be apartTo be the king , I born to winmissions on my shoulders I changedRefrain myself from thinkingeverything in vainRefrain myself from thinkingeverything in vain
2023-07-20 06:48:124


《Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land》(Van Dyke, Henry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:bclr书名:Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land作者:Van Dyke, Henry出版年份:2010-1页数:378
2023-07-20 06:48:191


2023-07-20 06:48:321

Karunesh的《Earthsong》 歌词

歌曲名:Earthsong歌手:Karunesh专辑:欧美流行摇滚合辑 2What about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain.. .What about killing fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the thingsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the blood we"ve shed beforeDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores?Aaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahWhat have we done to the worldLook what we"ve doneWhat about all the peaceThat you pledge your only son...What about flowering fieldsIs there a timeWhat about all the dreamsThat you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead from warDid you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shoresAaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahI used to dreamI used to glance beyond the starsNow I don"t know where we areAlthough I know we"ve drifted farAaaaaaaaaah AaaaaaaaaahHey, what about yesterday, what about usWhat about the seas, what about usThe heavens are falling down, what about usI can"t even breathe, what about usWhat about the bleeding Earth, what about usCan"t we feel its wounds, what about usWhat about nature"s worth, ooo,oooIt"s our planet"s womb, what about usWhat about animals, what about itWe"ve turned kingdoms to dust, what about usWhat about elephants, what about usHave we lost their trust, what about usWhat about crying whales, what about usWe"re ravaging the seas, what about usWhat about forest trails, ooo, oooBurnt despite our pleas, what about usWhat about the holy land, what about itTorn apart by creed, what about usWhat about the common man, what about usCan"t we set him free, what about usWhat about children dying, what about usCan"t you hear them cry, what about usWhere did we go wrong, ooo, oooSomeone tell me why, what about usWhat about babies, what about itWhat about the days, what about usWhat about all their joy, what about usWhat about the man, what about usWhat about the crying man, what about usWhat about Abraham, what was usWhat about death again, ooo, oooDo we give a damnAaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah
2023-07-20 06:48:391


2023-07-20 06:48:516


2023-07-20 06:49:3214


2023-07-20 06:49:582


我与奥运 奥运是窗口,我是守望者. 这是一扇极大的窗,被擦得明亮.透过它,看到的是世界.这里每天都在变,这里每天都有新兴事物在更替.只有我,这个忠诚的守望者,每天都在关注它,希望更多地了解它. 奥运是路口,我是行人. 每天路过这里的人很多,有亚洲人、有欧洲人,有老人、有孩子.这儿是交通要塞,连接着五湖四海的朋友.我只是路过这里的亿万人之一,穿过它,到另一个世界去. 奥运是圣地,我是志愿者. 这是片圣洁的土地,自始至终都有圣火在旁边陪伴.正因为这样,我自愿为它付出,我要尽我的力量让这片土地更加洁净,让更多人了解它,也像我一样愿意献身于它.我还要给来这里的人予以帮助,让他们享受这片圣地的快乐. 奥运是平台,我是主人. 它为我们搭起了平台,让世界了解我们;它为我们建造了桥梁,让我们与世界更好地沟通.这个平台可以让我们尽情展现自己.我是这里的主人,我为是这里的主人自豪.我要尽地主之谊,让来客感受到热情与欢乐. I and Olympic Games Olympic Games is window,I keep watch.This is a maximum window,had been rubbed bright.Through it,those that see are worlds.Here,it is changing every day,here burgeoning thing is being replaced.Have only me,this loyalty keep watch,it is paying attention to it every day,hopes to know it more.Olympic Games is crossing,I am pedestrian.There are many persons who pass here every day,there is Asian,have European,there is old person,have child.Here is traffic fort,joins the friend of all corners of the country.I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely,cross it,go to another world.Olympic Games is Holy Land,I am volunteer.This is the land with pure flat,has holy fire from start to finish to acpany in side.Just because it is so,I pay out voluntarily for it,I will let my strength,let this slice of land more clean,let more ones know it,is also willing to devote oneself to it as me.I still help to the person who es to here,let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy Land.Olympic Games is platform,I am host.It has put up platform for us ,lets world know us; It has built bridge for us ,lets us and world link up better.This platform may let us display self wantonly.I am the host of here,I am proud to be the host of here.I will let the friendship of landlord,let guest experience enthusia *** and happiness.,1,急求一篇100—200字关于残奥会精神的初中英语作文(要求带翻译) 急求啊~!~1`
2023-07-20 06:50:141


2023-07-20 06:50:248


My hometown is very beautiful, people want to stay here forever. Get up every morning, we can see the smoke-filled lake, the sun shines on the top, the sparkling shine. In my hometown, the most beautiful autumn. Every autumn, the maple leaf has become its mainstream. Fruit trees in front of the dolphin family but also to bear the full fruit. I love home我的家乡很美丽,让人想永远呆在这里。每天早晨一起床,便可以看到烟雾缭绕的湖面,阳光照在上面,映照的波光粼粼。在我的家乡,秋天最美丽。每到秋天,枫叶便成了它的主流。家门前的一颗颗果树也结出了满满的果实。我爱家乡还行吧???????????!!!!!!!!!
2023-07-20 06:50:422


我Miss是大老,非常好 看哦
2023-07-20 06:51:549


2023-07-20 06:52:383


2023-07-20 06:52:566

这个MM是哪个漫画人物?请无视文字 - -

2023-07-20 06:53:134