barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 09:47:34



  munications technologies are far from equal when it es to conveying the truth. The first study to pare honesty across a range of munication media has fund that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded—and can e back to haunt ***困扰*** you—appears to be the key to the finding.

  Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a munications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails, 21 per cent of instant messages, 27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of phone calls.

  His results to be presented at the conference on human-puter interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people unfortable, the detachment ***非直接接触*** of emailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practised at that form of munication.

  But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the munication could later be used to hold them to account, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.

  People are also more likely to lie in real time—in a instant message or phone call, say—than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are spontaneous ***脱口而出的*** responses to an unexpected demand, such as: “Do you like my dress?”

  Hancock hopes his research will help panies work our the best ways for their employees to municate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium foe sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But, given his result, work asses *** ent where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email.

  57. Hancock"s study focuses on ________.

  A*** the consequences of lying in various munications media

  B*** the success of munications technologies in conveying ideas

  C*** people are less likely to lie in instant messages

  D*** people"s honesty levels across a range of munications media

  58. Hancock"s research finding surprised those who believed that ________.

  A*** people are less likely to lie in instant messages

  B*** people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactions

  C*** people are most likely to lie in email munication

  D*** people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations

  59. According to the passage, why are people more likely to tell the truth through certain media of munication?

  A*** They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.

  B*** They believe that honesty is the best policy.

  C*** They tend to be relaxed when using those media.

  D*** They are most practised at those forms of munication.

  60. According to Hancock the telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because ________.

  A*** sale *** en can talk directly to their customers

  B*** sale *** en may feel less restrained to exaggerate

  C*** sale *** en can impress customers as being trustworthy

  D*** sale *** en may pass on instant messages effectively

  61. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A*** honesty should be encouraged in interpersonal munications

  B*** more employers will use emails to municate with their employees

  C*** suitable media should be chosen for different munication purposes

  D*** email is now the dominant medium of munication within a pany


  57. D 58. A 59. A 60.B 61. C


  As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease—especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits, *** oking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious ***有营养的*** foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.

  The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body"s special needs. Both types have simply been called “well.” In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of monitoring their body"s

  condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap ***缺陷*** may be “well,” in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. “Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.

  62. Today medical care is placing more stress on ________.

  A*** keeping people in a healthy physical condition

  B*** monitoring patients" body functions

  C*** removing people"s bad living habits

  D*** ensuring people"s psychological well-being

  63. In the first paragraph, people are reminded that ________.

  A*** good health is more than not being ill

  B*** drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmful

  C*** regular health checks are essential to keeping fit

  D*** prevention is more difficult than cure

  64. Traditionally, a person is considered “well” if he ________.

  A*** does not have any unhealthy living habits

  B*** does not have any physical handicaps

  C*** is able to handle his daily routines

  D*** is free from any kind of disease

  65. According to the author, the true meaning of “wellness” is for people ________.

  A*** to best satisfy their body"s special needs

  B*** to strive to maintain the best possible health

  C*** to meet the strictest standards of bodily health

  D*** to keep a proper balance between work and leisure

  66. According to what the author advocates, which of the following groups of people would be considered healthy?

  A*** People who have strong muscles as well as slim figures.

  B*** People who are not presently experiencing any symptoms of disease.

  C*** People who try to be as possible, regardless of their limitations.

  D*** People who can recover from illness even without seeking medical care.


  62. C 63. B 64. D 65.B 66. C



well-being英 [wel "bi:u026au014b] 美 [u02c8wu025blu02c8biu026au014b] n.幸福;福利;生活安宁双语例句1His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physicalwell-being of children. 他的工作不仅重视孩子们的身体健康,同时也关注他们的情感健康。2Our sleep pattern is a barometer to our psychological well-being. 我们的睡眠模式是心理健康的晴雨表。
2023-07-20 03:43:131


well-being 英[wel "bi:u026au014b] 美[u02c8wu025blu02c8biu026au014b] n. 幸福;生活安宁;福利;康 [例句]Mental health is essential to overall health and well-being.心理健康对于整体健康和幸福极其重要。
2023-07-20 03:43:221


2023-07-20 03:44:316


n.幸福;健康;安乐;康乐名词 well-being:a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous同义词:wellbeing, welfare, upbeat, eudaemonia, eudaimonia
2023-07-20 03:44:531


well-being的意思:是“幸福感、福利、健康状况的良好程度”。这个词通常用来描述一个人或组织在身体、心理和社会方面的整体健康和幸福感。在营养、健身、精神健康等方面保持良好的well-being对人们的生活质量和长期幸福感都有很大的影响。well-being例句:All people desire an increase in well-being . 所有的人都想要生活好起来。He always has the well-being of the masses at heart . 他总是把群众的疾苦挂在心上。Farming was indispensable to the state"s well-being . 农业对于这个州的繁荣昌盛是必不可少的。People are expected to act so as to maximize their well-being . 人们总是期望他们的行动能取得最大的利益。
2023-07-20 03:45:061


幸福 健康
2023-07-20 03:45:273

mental health 和 well being的区别

2023-07-20 03:45:352

well-being 和benefits的区别

2023-07-20 03:45:543


wellbeing由五个基本要素组成: 职业: 一个人如何占用自己的时间或喜欢他们每天所做的事情。 社交: 在一个人的生活中拥有牢固的关系和爱。 财务: 有效管理自己的经济生活。 身体: 每天有足够的健康和足够的精力去完成事情。 社区: 与自己居住的地区有链接和投入。这个强调了社区重要性,一个人是否愿意投入为社区多做一些贡献和幸福指数密切相关,很多关于快乐和不快乐人群调查发现,如果你能更无私为他人或社区服务,你就更快乐。
2023-07-20 03:46:011


2023-07-20 03:46:081

Wellbeing 是什么意思?具体指什么?

Wellbeing-福利Wellbeing Guides -福利指南
2023-07-20 03:46:162


2023-07-20 03:46:231

图中画横线部分句子怎么翻译,尤其是那个well being,翻译成幸福安康也感觉不对啊

你好 , 划线句子可以翻译为: 他们可以帮助加强社会贫困人员的生活条件
2023-07-20 03:46:532


2023-07-20 03:47:001


2023-07-20 03:47:241


2023-07-20 03:47:381


2023-07-20 03:47:451

people’s wellbeing是什么意思?

2023-07-20 03:47:582

英语well-being for you怎么翻译?

well-being for you幸福为你
2023-07-20 03:48:0610

英语well-being of everyone怎么翻译?

英语well-being of everyone翻译成汉语是:每一个人的幸福
2023-07-20 03:48:3011

从saly翻译到well being,其中just as much as 怎么理解?

2023-07-20 03:49:023


平安 英文应该怎么翻译好呢? 其实最简单的英文才是最好用最地道的 楼主我可以跟你说平安最地道的表达是fine 去看病的时候可以说dont worry you will be fine,别担心,你会好好的(平安) 有人遇到危险时可以说they will be fine,他们会平安的I hope all of you can be fine我希望你们能够平平安安 看吧,比什么safety跟peaceful贴切多了 平安的英文缩写是什么 中文词语”平安“翻译为英语译法较多,常见的有形容词safe and well,peaceful和介词短语in peace。除了RIP(用于祝福死者安息的说法,是rest in peace的缩略说法)这个表达法,这些表达法一般是不可缩写的。 用法举例: May you be safe and well. 祝您平安。 It was a peaceful night. 这是一个平安之夜。 May his soul rest in 罚eace. 愿他的灵魂安息。 中国平安保险公司的英文简写是什么? 就是PingAn。还有PICC是中国人保的简写,中国人寿简写是China Life 。 平安英文怎么写 requiem; welfare; safe and sound; and well; peaceful; quietude safety; in one piece ; safe and sound/well/without mishap; safeness; well being 这些都是 平安 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [词性]:adv.adj.adv. [拼音]:pínɡ ān [解释]:requiem; welfare; safe and sound; and well; peaceful; quietude safety; in one piece ; safe and sound/well/without mishap; safeness; well being [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 户 汉英综合大词典 平安银行股份有限公司的英文名称是什么? PingAn Bank Co., Ltd.
2023-07-20 03:49:231

General Wellbeing是什么意思

2023-07-20 03:49:325

sense of well-being是什么意思

sense of well being幸福感重点词汇sense感觉,官能; 意识,观念; 理性; 识别力; 感到; 理解,领会; 检测出well being幸福; 健康; 保持良好状态
2023-07-20 03:49:581

general well-being是什么意思

general well-being 总体幸福感It declared the goal of assuring “a minimum standard of living necessary for the health, efficiency, and general well-being of workers.” But it also allowed employers to replace striking workers. 《瓦格纳法》宣称,其目标是确保工人享有“保持健康、有效工作和保持一般福利所必需的最低生活标准”,但也允许雇主替换参加罢工的工人。
2023-07-20 03:50:073


pet well being宠物健康更多例句1.I feel that keeping a pet as a company is important for thepsychological well being of a person.我觉得养宠物作为公司是重要的心理健康的人。2.Though the associations between pet ownership and higher well-being are intriguing, causation"s difficult to prove.尽管饲养宠物和更强幸福感之间的关系令人十分感兴趣,但是其因果关系很难证明。
2023-07-20 03:50:141

do the well-being in the air program

这个应该不算做一个搭配吧,我觉得air program应该是指飞机上放的健康节目;well being本身是健康的意思
2023-07-20 03:50:243

请问All the well-being is of concern to you这句英语翻译成汉语怎么说.?

Google 网络词典 well-being: 福利weapon with indiscriminate effects, 具有滥杀滥伤作用的武器. weapon wounded, 武器致伤者. welfare, 福利, GC I, 13(4). well-being, 安康;福利, GC III, 80 ...来源: well-being: 幸福well-being 幸福, 福利 respecting the old and loving the young 尊老爱幼 Population and Family Planning 人口与计划生育 incentive 鼓励, 刺激 curb 限制, 抑制 ...来源: being: 健康之源健康之源Well being · 亲子系列To baby · 新货介绍What"s New · 促销专区Sales · 特价专区Specials · 品牌专区Brand. 香水. Christian Dior 迪奥 ...来源: well-being: 康乐debilitate vt. 使衰弱;使虚弱. weather vt. 使受风吹雨打;经受住. humane education 仁慈教育. well-rounded a. 全面发展的. well-being n. 康乐;安宁; 福利 ...来源: 安宁debilitate vt. 使衰弱;使虚弱. weather vt. 使受风吹雨打;经受住. humane education 仁慈教育. well-rounded a. 全面发展的. well-being n. 康乐;安宁; 福利 ...来源: All the well-being is of concern to you 所有的福祉,是关心你
2023-07-20 03:50:311

求翻译,英翻中,机翻勿扰!!!Health and Well-Being.

2023-07-20 03:50:392


必应词典为您提供spiritual-well-being的释义,网络释义: 灵性安适;精神幸福感;灵性健康;请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-20 03:50:471

human beings well-being 为什么不用所有格?

Human being is well-being. 如果是一句话不要所有格。可以是Human being"s well being. 如果形容人们生活安康,也可以这样直接做形容短语
2023-07-20 03:50:541

Nature Wellbeing自然之风很多人都用,价格高不高?

Nature Wellbeing自然之风属于中高端品牌,澳大利亚原装进口产品,一分价格一分货,品质好价格也很合适,一般都能接受!
2023-07-20 03:51:021


2023-07-20 03:51:283


2023-07-20 03:51:473


2023-07-20 03:51:551

wellbeing life 英语,什么意思?请细分析一下

2023-07-20 03:52:022

physical well being 什么意思?

physical well being身体健康
2023-07-20 03:52:132


2023-07-20 03:52:202

general well-being是什么意思

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:general well-being总体幸福感望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-20 03:52:271

wellbeing of individuals是什么意思

wellbeing of individuals幸福的人wellbeing of individuals幸福的人
2023-07-20 03:52:351

economic well-being是什么意思

economic well-being经济实力We are now concerned for the economic well-being of the country.我们现在担心这个国家的经济实力。
2023-07-20 03:52:421

social wellbeing是什么意思

social wellbeing社会福利为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
2023-07-20 03:53:011

financial well-being是什么意思

2023-07-20 03:53:092

employee well-being名词解释

employee well-being 员工福利
2023-07-20 03:53:161


2023-07-20 03:53:243

emotional well-being和life evaluation怎么翻译(心理学名词)

2023-07-20 03:54:184

psychoiogical well-being翻译成中文什么意思

psychoiogical well-being心理幸福感
2023-07-20 03:54:262

family well being什么意思

2023-07-20 03:54:332

physical well-being是什么意思

physical well-being身体健康请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-20 03:54:521

will being和will be being的区别

2023-07-20 03:55:016