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2023-07-19 20:10:09
TAG: its it




2、it"s:it is的常用口语形式它是。









在英语中,"it" 是一个指示代词,用于指代一个非人的物体或名词,表示它所指代的事物。而 "its" 是 "it" 的物主代词形式,用于表示物体的所属关系。

1. 指示代词 "it":

- 表示一个非人的物体,例如:

- "It"s a dog."(它是一只狗。)

- "The train is coming."(火车来了。)

2. 物主代词 "its":

- 表示一个动物、植物、国家、星球等事物的所属关系,通常与一个名词组成复合形容词,例如:

- "The cat"s (its) fur is soft."(猫的毛很柔软。)

- "The planet"s name is Mars."(这个行星的名字是火星。)

总的来说,"it" 是指示代词,用于指代一个非人的物体或名词,而 "its" 是 "it" 的物主代词形式,用于表示物体的所属关系。在使用过程中,您需要根据上下文判断应该使用哪个词。


您好,"its" 表示所有格,用于指示某个物品、事物或动物所拥有的东西,类似于 "his" 和 "her",比如:The cat licked its paw.(猫舔了它的爪子。)

而 "it"s" 则是 "it is" 或 "it has" 的缩写,意思分别是 "它是" 和 "它有",比如:It"s raining (它正在下雨)或 It"s been a long day. (今天过得真长)。注意,“it"s”和“its不是可以通用的。



its是物主代词。Its 的意思是:pron. (代词)它的( it的所有格)adj. (形容词)它的,属于它的,它做的词汇搭配:1、run its course 按常规发展2、in its entirety 全盘3、tell its own story 显而易见4、take its course 任其自然发展5、tell its own tale 不言而喻6、do its work 发生效力用法:1、用作代词(1)The word here is used in its figurative sense.此词在这儿取的是它的比喻意义。(2)He felt the cloth to see its quality.他摸摸布看它的品质。2、its既可以作为形容词性物主代词,指它的,后接名词,也可以作为名词性物主代词它的,单独使用,后面不接名词。3、its = it is (主语+谓语),后面一般加形容词。如:It"s cold today. 今天天很冷。4、its 它的,本身是形容词,后面加名词。如:Its ear is big. 它的耳朵很大。
2023-07-19 12:44:521


its是形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词 The cat is watching its face.
2023-07-19 12:47:282


its既可以作为形容词性物主代词,指"它的",后接名词,也可以作为名词性物主代词"它的",单独使用,后面不接名词。 扩展资料   一.用作代词   The word here is used in its figurative sense.   此词在这儿取的是它的比喻意义。   He felt the cloth to see its quality.   他摸摸布看它的`品质。   二.its既可以作为形容词性物主代词,指"它的",后接名词,也可以作为名词性物主代词"它的",单独使用,后面不接名词。   三.its = it is (主语+谓语),后面一般加形容词   It"s cold today. 今天天很冷。   its 它的,本身是形容词,后面加名词。   Its ear is big. 它的耳朵很大。   四.run its course 按常规发展   in its entirety 全盘(全面)   tell its own story 显而易见(不言而喻)   take its course 任其自然发展   tell its own tale 不言而喻
2023-07-19 12:47:341


it 和 s 分开来 it读伊特 s读丝 合起来伊特丝注意:这是放慢了读出来s要轻读和it连接起来可以结合电子单词书朗读加油
2023-07-19 12:49:191


That country was drained of its resources . 那个国家的资源不断外流。 Our team made 307 runs in its first inning . 我们队在第一局获307分。 Our struggle also had its dark side . 我们的这场斗争也有它的阴暗面。 The pany was forced to pass its dividend . 该公司被迫到期不分红。 Burgundy is celebrated for its fine wines . 勃艮第以盛产美酒而驰名。 She turned the chair on its side to repair it . 她把椅子翻过来修理。 This blanket is warm because of its thickness . 这毛毯因为厚而很暖。 He saw the matter in its true pght . 他明明白白地看清这回事的真相。 The firm was not able to meet its obpgations . 公司不能履行其契约。 Tobruk garrison made its sally this morning . 托卜鲁克守军今晨出击。 The horse perked up its head when i shouted . 我吆喝时那马扬起了头。 The fopage was in its utmost luxuriance . 树叶正处于最茂盛的时期。 Every sentence should have its proper stop . 每句话都应有适当的句点。 How inconclusive its attainment seemed ! 这个成就显得多么不得要领! The bisectors of its base angles are equal . 底角的平分线是相等的。 Its intensity is often somewhat diminished . 它的强度常常稍微减弱。 The baby threw its food on the floor . 那个小孩儿把食物扔到地上了。 The inverse of its slope is the speed of pght . 其倾斜的倒数是光速。 All this activity did bring its reward . 这一切活动确实不是徒劳的。 Its derivation involved no approximation . 它的推导过程不含近似处理。 The new fashion soon lost its appeal . 那种新式样不久就失去了吸引力。 The school is very stern in its discippne . 学校在纪律方面很严格。 Its note would reach deeper than the ear . 它的歌声会深深印在心中。 The poor old horse is on its last legs . 那匹可怜的老马已经奄奄一息。 Put everything away in its correct place . 把东西放到该放的地方去。 She necessarily understood its general drift . 她完全懂得这话的含义。 A weasel ran off with a chick in its mouth ... 黄鼠狼叼走一只小鸡。 The mouse never ventured far from its hole . 老鼠从来不敢离开窝太远。 He stretched out on one of its broad pmbs . 他躺在一根宽阔的树枝上。 Leros island may well share its fate . 勒罗斯岛很可能遭到同样的命运。 The cat arched its back when it saw the dog . 那猫看见狗时就拱起了背。 Beauty is power; a *** ile is its sword . 美就是力量,微笑乃是它的利剑。 Its interior is bepeved to be very hot . 它的内部被确认为非常热。 Another window proclaimed its destruction . 又有一扇窗户被打破了。 They decided to give it back to its owner . 他们决定把它归还原主。 The carpet is good except for its price . 地毯很好,只是价钱太高。 On its annual return they will shed tears . 年年此日,他们将痛洒热泪。 The dog rushed at me , wagging its tail . 那狗摇晃著尾巴朝我奔来。 One shouldn"t judge a book by its cover . 不应凭封面来判断一本书。 The baby doubled its weight in a year . 婴儿的体重一年增加了一倍。 We must attack the trouble at its roots . 我们应该从毛病的根子上开刀。 Europe still had its old class system . 欧洲仍然存有其古老的阶级制度。 The garden "s at its most beautiful in june . 花园在六月份最美丽。 It "s an ill bird that fouls its own nest ... 弄脏自己窝巢的不是好鸟。 The animal"s note changed its quapty . 那个畜牲叫唤的声音变了性质了。 I prefer the chair in its old place . 我觉得这把椅子还是放在老地方好。 It is not a unique instance , but has its counterpart . 无独有偶。 The mayor decried gambpng in all its forms . 市长谴责各式各样的赌博。 A turtle obtrudes its head from its shell . 龟将它的头从甲壳中伸出来。
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2023-07-19 12:49:561


its是的意思是“它的”相当于his“他的”it,s是it is的缩写是“它是”的意思,相当于he is“他是”
2023-07-19 12:50:074


2023-07-19 12:51:591


its既可以作为形容词性物主代词,指"它的",后接名词,也可以作为名词性物主代词"它的",单独使用,后面不接名词。一.用作代词 The word here is used in its figurative sense. 此词在这儿取的是它的比喻意义。 He felt the cloth to see its quality. 他摸摸布看它的品质。 二.its既可以作为形容词性物主代词,指"它的",后接名词,也可以作为名词性物主代词"它的",单独使用,后面不接名词。 三.its = it is (主语+谓语),后面一般加形容词 It"s cold today. 今天天很冷。 its 它的,本身是形容词,后面加名词。 Its ear is big. 它的耳朵很大。 四.run its course 按常规发展 in its entirety 全盘(全面) tell its own story 显而易见(不言而喻) take its course 任其自然发展 tell its own tale 不言而喻
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2023-07-19 12:53:331


its 它的,形容词性物主代词.表示"谁的"后面+名词. 比如说:Its leg was hurt. its还可以当名词性物主代词.等于 形容词性物主代词+名词.也解释成“它的” 比如说:The house is its. it`s=it is解释成“它是” 比如说:It`s a dog.
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2023-07-19 12:54:174


its 它的复数是 their 或 theirsThe dog is shaking his tail.复数是The dogs are shaking their tastes.
2023-07-19 12:54:341

its和it s有什么区别?

its与it"s的区别如下:一、指代不同1、its:(指事物、动物或婴儿)它的,他的,她的。2、it"s:it is的常用口语形式它是。二、用法不同1、its:its既可以作为形容词性物主代词,指"它的",后接名词,也可以作为名词性物主代词"它的",单独使用,后面不接名词。2、it"s:it"s后面接表语,一起构成系表结构,用it作人称代词,可替代无生命的东西或事情,在性别不详或无所谓时,也可指代人,尤其是指婴儿。it作主语时,可指自然现象、季节、时间、距离、环境等。三、词性不同1、its:its是形容词性物主代词。2、it"s:it"s是主语和系动词的缩写行式。
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2023-07-19 12:56:121

its是什么意思中文 its介绍

1、Its的意思是:pron.(代词)它的( it的所有格);adj.(形容词)它的,属于它的,它做的。 2、词汇搭配:run its course 按常规发展,in its entirety 全盘,tell its own story 显而易见,take its course 任其自然发展,tell its own tale 不言而喻,do its work 发生效力。
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its 没有完全形式 这个单词是表示"它的“ 跟 his her 一个类型e.g. Its leg is very long. 它的腿很长。it"s才有完全形式 表示"它是" 跟he"s=he is she"s= she is 这种说法一个类型e.g. It"s a cake. 这是一个蛋糕。
2023-07-19 12:57:001

message of the land中土地的秘密是什么

这篇文章是表达如今时代,人们对生态的破坏,造成环境污染严重,通过土地给了我们很多启示,告诉我们要保护环境。原文片段:Yes, these are our rice fields. They belonged to my parents and forefathers.是的,这是我们的稻田。它们曾经属于我的父母和祖先。The land is more than three centuries old.这片土地有三百多年的历史了。I"m the only daughter in our family and it was I who stayed with my parents till theydied.我是家里的独生女儿,是我一直和父母住在一起,直到他们去世。My three brothers moved out to their wives" houses when they got married.我的三个兄弟结婚时就搬到妻子家去了。是的,这些事我们家的稻田,以前归我父母,再往前属于我的祖先。这片土地已有三百多年的历史了。我是家里唯一的闺女,我一直留在我父母身边,知道他们去世。按照我们伊萨的习俗,我的三个兄弟已结婚就都搬到他们老婆家去了,我老伴进了我家的门。那是我十八岁,他十九岁。我们俩生了六个孩子,两个没长大就病死了。其余的俩儿子、俩闺女一到我们有钱给他们买牛仔裤的时候就都离开了家。大儿子在曼谷找了份工作,给一家有钱人当花匠,后来一家劳务公司介绍他都国外去干活了,小儿子也去了挺远的地方。
2023-07-19 12:46:511


优点:可以直观的观察出波形 缺点:在计算频率的时候,表盘上各种系数换算比较麻烦一点
2023-07-19 12:46:513

一首英文歌男女唱有一句词是we are never getting older求哪首歌

《Closer》歌词 — The Chainsmokers&Halsey00:00 | 00:00Closer - The Chainsmokers&Halsey Hey I was doing just fine before I met you 在遇见你之前 我一切都好 I drink too much and that"s an issue but I"m okay 我有点醉 这是个问题 但我还好 Hey you tell your friends it was nice to meet them 嘿 你告诉你的朋友们 很开心跟他们碰面 But I hope I never see them again 但我希望我能与他们不再相见 I know it breaks your heart 我知道这会让你很受伤 I moved to the city in a broke down car and 开着辆老爷车搬进市区 Four years no call 四年了没有一通电话 Now you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar and 如今坐在酒吧区的你是那么惊艳 I can"t stop 我情不自禁 No I can"t stop 不 我情不自禁走向你 So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover 亲爱的 在你的罗孚车后座让我更靠近你些吧 That I know you can"t afford 我知道你买不起 Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 咬咬你肩膀上的纹身 Pull the sheets right off the corner 将你从波兰室友那里 Of the mattress that you stole 偷来的床垫角落的被单 From your roommate back in boland 盖到我身上 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 Look as good as the day I met you 你依然是我们初次邂逅那样美丽 I forgot just why I left you 我都忘了为何曾经我会离开你 I was insane 我一定是疯了 Stay take up pink lady to song 伴着歌声啜饮着鸡尾酒 That we beat it that we to song OK 我们随着旋律摇摆 I know it breaks your heart 我知道这会让你很受伤 I moved to the city in a broke down car and 开着辆老爷车搬进市区 Four years no call 四年了没有一通电话 Now you"re looking pretty in a hotel bar and 如今坐在酒吧区的你是那么惊艳 I can"t stop 我情不自禁 No I can"t stop 不 我情不自禁走向你 So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover 亲爱的 在你的罗孚车后座让我更靠近你些吧 That I know you can"t afford 我知道你买不起 Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 咬咬你肩膀上的纹身 Pull the sheets right off the corner 将你从波兰室友那里 Of the mattress that you stole 偷来的床垫角落的被单 From your roommate back in boland 盖到我身上 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover 亲爱的 在你的罗孚车后座让我更靠近你些吧 That I know you can"t afford 我知道你买不起 Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 咬咬你肩膀上的纹身 Pull the sheets right off the corner 将你从波兰室友那里 Of the mattress that you stole 偷来的床垫角落的被单 From your roommate back in boland 盖到我身上 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去 We ain"t ever getting older 我们绝不会老去
2023-07-19 12:46:541


Scarecrow 看看这个网站吧!:
2023-07-19 12:46:564


1. winning 形容词, 表示: 胜利的,获胜的;吸引人的,有说服力的 一般修饰名词。例如:a winning smile 动人的一笑Winning starts with beginning. 胜利始于开始。 2. winning 还可以表示 win 的现在分词形式。 用于现在进行时。 例如:"Why stop playing when I"m winning, " replies the Belgian. “连赢的时候为什么要停下呢?”比利时人回答说。 望采纳~
2023-07-19 12:46:561


2023-07-19 12:46:581


hi due to material issue i realize that the order 10560 scheduled to ship today still short of 4 bags. So we choose to ship the 4 bags with other orders. please confirm back you want them to be black or blue, and of cause revised order so we can get this cleared up.
2023-07-19 12:46:586


2023-07-19 12:47:031


2023-07-19 12:47:042


歌曲:Cheeky Song专辑:《七年级生》电视原声带 歌手:Cheeky Girls试听地址:
2023-07-19 12:47:072


峰峰值(Vpp)=垂直偏转因数(V/div)× 波形的峰到谷所占的格数(div);周期(T)=水平偏转因数,即扫描速度(t/div)× 水平方向重复一周期所占的格数(div);频率(f)=周期的倒数(1/T);其他参数可以联系,相互免费交流学习。
2023-07-19 12:47:092


英语阅读理解   关于英语阅读理解的学习方式,其实就是做专题练习,只有练多了才会熟悉解题思路,下面是我为大家提供的初二和高中的一些英语阅读理解题和答案,有兴趣的朋友可以参考一下!   【初二英语阅读理解】   第一篇:出租车司机   My friend is a taxi drives. He has been a taxi driver for ten years. Itu2019s a nice job most of the time. He can meet a lot of people. He always works at night because there is too much traffic during the day. He usually goes home between two ou2019clock in the morning. There are some very strange things, which often happen at night. One day my friend was taking a woman back home from a party at three ou2019clock in the morning. She had her little dog with her. When they got to her house, she found she had lost her key. So my friend waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the window. My friend waited and waited. After half an hour of honking he decided to find out what was going on. He tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window.   At that moment some policemen came. They thought my friend was a thief. Luckily, the woman came downstairs. She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about my friend and the dog.   16. The driver always works at night because it is easier to .   A. drive B. climb in through window   C. make money D. meet a lot of people   17. The woman climbed in through the window because .   A. she wanted to have a sleep B. her husband didnu2019t open the door for her   C. she didnu2019t want to pay the money D. she couldnu2019t find her key   18. The story happened .   A. early in the morning B. late at night   C. outside the city D. near the bus station   19. Which of the following is not true?   A. The driver worked until 2 or 3 ou2019clock in the morning.   B. The policemen made a mistake. C. The woman had no money to pay.   D. The woman had forgotten about the driver and the dog.   20. The driver climbed in through the window to .   A. get money from the woman B. phone the police   C. return the dog to the woman D. see what happened in the house   第二篇:足球运动   Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P. E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子) and takes good care of it.   It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. King likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friendsu2019 help he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. There were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)the back of a chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He looked around and saw Mr. Kingu2019s beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, “Let go of(松开)my beard, boy!”   “Are you going to get off, sir?” asked to boy.   11. Mr. King is a .   A. player B. runner C. teacher D. driver   12. Mr. King was going to watch the match because .   A. he teaches P. E. in a middle school B. he likes football very much   C. he had already got a ticket D. he didnu2019t go to work yesterday   13. It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because .   A. he had drunk too much B. the bus was too small   C. he got on the bus too late D. it was very crowded in the bus   14. The boy gripped Mr. Kingu2019s beard because .   A. he was afraid to fall again B. he wanted to make the man angry   C. he hoped the man to find a seat for him D. he hoped the man to get off soon   15. Mr. King was afraid , so he shouted at him.   A. the boy would pull him down B. the boy would hurt his beard   C. the boy could be hurt again D. the boy would borrow his ticket   【高中英语阅读理解】   Passage 1:president   There are stories about two U.S . presidents,Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren,which attempt to explain the American English term OK.We donu201ft know if either story is true,but they are both interesting. The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education.In fact,he had difficulty reading and writing.When important papers came to Jackson,he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said.If he approved of a paper.he would write“all correct”on it.The problem was that he didnu201ft know how to spell.So what he really wrote was“ol korekt”.After a while,he shortened that term to“OK”.   The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born,Kinderhook,New York.Van Bnrenu201fs friends organized a club to help him become President They caned the club the Old Kinderhook Club,and anyone who supported Van Buren was called“OK”.   31.The author   A. believes both of the stories   B.doesnu201ft believe a word of the stories   C is not sure whether the stories are true   D. is telling the stories just for fun   32. According to the passage,President Jackson   A.couldnu201ft draw up any documents at all   B. didnu201ft like to read important papers by himself   C.often had his assistants sign documents for him   D .wasnu201ft good at reading,writing or spelling   33.According to the first story, the term “OK”   A. was approved of by President Jackson   B.was the title of some Official documents   C.was first used by President Jackson   D.was an old way to spell“all correctu2019u2019   34 .According to the second story,the termu2018u2018OK”   A.was the short way to sayu2018u2018old Kinderhook Club”   B.meant the place where President Van Buren was born   C.was the name of Van Burenu201fs club   D.was used to call Van Burenu201fs supporters in the election   35.According to the second story.the term“OK”was first used Van Buren a presidential election organize the Old Kinderhook Club the members of theu2018u2018Old Kinderhook Club”   Passage 2:land produces   Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs,its people are by now almost entirely an urban society Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry(林业),and most of the rest live in or around towns,small and large.Here the traditional picture is changing:every small town may still be very like other small towns,and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country,but most Americans do not live in small towns any more.Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas(1arge cities with their suburbs、of more than a million people each—a larger proportion than in Germany or England,let alone France.The statistics(统计)of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a nearby town each day.As the rush to live out of town continues.rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses,so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment.   36.If now America has 250 million many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry?   A.About 25 million.   B.More than 25 million.   C.Less than 25 million.   D. Less than 225 million   37.Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas?   A.United States.   B.Germany.   C.France.   D.England.   38.Whatu2019s the meaning of the word“metropolitan”in the middle of the passage?   A .Of a large city with its suburbs.   B.Of small and large towns.   C.Of urban areas.   D.Of rural areas.   39.According to the passage,what can we learn about small towns in the United States?   A Most small towns become gradually crowded   B.Small towns are still similar to each other.   C.As the traditional picture is changing,towns are different.   D .Small towns are turning into large cities   40.Why is it hard to say when a piece of country becomes a suburb?   A.Because they are the same.   B.Because the rush takes place too quickly   C.Because the process is gradual.   D.Because more and more Americans live in metropolitan   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   【初二英语阅读理解】   第一篇答案:ADADB   第二篇答案:ADACD   【高中英语阅读理解】   Passage 1   答案:CDCDB   这里要讲述Andrew Jackson 和Martin Van Buren这2届美国总统的小故事。这2个小故事也许可以解释美语中OK一词的来历。故事的真实性我们不得而知,不过内容却很有意思。   第一个解释来源于总统Andrew Jackson的故事。Andrew Jackson几乎没有受到过什么教育,事实上,他对于日常的读写都有困难。当收到重要文件的时候,在尝试阅读之后,还是让他的助手帮忙解释文件的内容。如果批准一份文件,Andrew Jackson就在上面写“all correct”。麻烦的是,他不知道怎么这2个单词怎么拼写,因此,实际上他在文件上写的是“ol korekt”。过了不久,他又把这2个单词缩写为“OK”。   第二个解释来源于总统Martin Van Buren的家乡的名字——纽约的Kinderhook。为了帮助Van Buren成为总统,他的朋友为此组织了一个社团。他们把这个社团叫做Old Kinderhook Club,社团中支持Van Buren的人都被称为“OK”   Passage 2   答案:CCABC   尽管美国幅员辽阔,而且土地所产出的粮食远远超过现有人口的需求,现今的美国却几乎完全是个都市化的国家。不足十分之一的人口在从事农业和林业,而剩余的大多数人都居住在大大小小的城镇中或者城镇的周围。传统的"景象在这里不断发生着变化:小的城镇之间仍然彼此十分相似,典型的小城镇还是呈现出大家心目中的乡村的风貌;但是大部分的美国人却不再住在小城镇了。现在半数的人口都在大约30几个大都市地区(包括附近郊区的大型城市)——这种大都市地区的人口都在百万以上,总的都市人口数量远远超过德国和英国,更不用说法国了。城市和乡村的人口统计需要特别对待,因为我们所谓的住在乡村的人们,每天都会开车前往附近的城镇工作。当远离城镇居住的热潮持续的情况下,城镇周围的乡村地区逐渐盖满了房屋。那么说不定什么时候,一块乡村的地区就变成了城市的郊区。不过,典型的美国人还是越来越趋向于居住在大都市而不是小城镇的环境中。 ;
2023-07-19 12:47:091


哥谭稻草人没有死,只是跑了。《哥谭第二季》是由丹尼·加农执导,本杰明·麦肯锡、大卫·马佐兹、多纳尔·罗格、罗宾·泰勒领衔主演的惊悚犯罪剧。该剧讲述了哥谭警察詹姆斯·戈登和少年蝙蝠侠布鲁斯·韦恩的成长以及哥谭反派崛起的故事。该剧于2015年9月21日在美国FOX台首播。稻草人(Scarecrow)是美国DC漫画旗下的超级反派(DC反派),初次登场于《世界最佳拍档》(World"s Finest)第3期(1941年9月),由鲍勃·凯恩(Bob Kane)和比尔·芬格(Bill Finger)联合创造。本名乔纳森·克莱恩(Jonathan Crane),原本是一名大学心理学教授,在化学领域也有很高的造诣,一生致力于研究人们内心深处的恐惧情绪,并凭借过人的天赋开发出可以使人看见自己最害怕东西的“恐惧毒气”,后化身“稻草人”。
2023-07-19 12:47:111


2023-07-19 12:47:131

歌词里有never ever over whataver wharever的歌女生唱的,节奏挺快

我想你说的应该是贾斯汀"比伯的《baby》,我之前听时也一直以为是女生唱的,不过,他可是很帅气的一个小男孩You know you love me,I know you careYou shout whenever, And I"ll be thereYou want my love, You want my heartAnd we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? Girl quit playingWere just friends, Or are we sayingSo theres another one, Looks right in my eyesMy first love broke my heart for the first timeAnd I was likeBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mineBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh ohFor you, I would have done whateverAnother chance and we, We get togetherAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" youI"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix meAnd you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamIm going down, down, dooownAnd just can"t believe my first love won"t be around……
2023-07-19 12:47:141


order /u02c8u0254u02d0du0259/ CET4 TEM41.PHRASE If you do something in order to achieve a particular thing or in order that something can happen, you do it because you want to achieve that thing. 为了例:Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.大多数学校都极不愿意为了减少开支而裁员。2.PHRASE If someone must be in a particular situation in order to achieve something they want, they cannot achieve that thing if they are not in that situation. (唯有…) 才能例:We need to get rid of the idea that we must be liked all the time in order to be worthwhile.我们需要摆脱那种必须一直受人爱戴才有价值的观念。3.PHRASE If something must happen in order for something else to happen, the second thing cannot happen if the first thing does not happen. 为了使例:In order for their computers to trace a person"s records, they need both the name and address of the individual.为了使他们的计算机跟踪某个人的记录,他们需要这个人的名字和地址。 COMMANDS AND REQUESTSorder /u02c8u0254u02d0du0259/ (ordering,ordered,orders)1.V-T If a person in authority orders someone to do something, they tell them to do it. 命令例:Williams ordered him to leave.威廉斯命令他离开。2.V-T If someone in authority orders something, they give instructions that it should be done. 下达指示例:The president has ordered a full investigation.总统已下达指示进行彻底调查。3.N-COUNT If someone in authority gives you an order, they tell you to do something. 命令例:The activists were shot when they refused to obey an order to halt.当那些激进分子拒绝听从要他们停下来的命令时,他们遭到了射击。As darkness fell, Clinton gave orders for his men to rest.夜幕降临时,克林顿下命令让自己的人休息。4.N-COUNT A court order is a legal instruction stating that something must be done. (法院) 决议例:She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.她已决定不对禁止她养动物的判决上诉。5.V-T/V-I When you order something that you are going to pay for, you ask for it to be brought to you, sent to you, or obtained for you. 订购; 点 (餐)例:The couple ordered a new set of sterling silver rings from Tiffany for $200 each.这对夫妇从蒂芙尼珠宝店订购了一套新的纯银戒指,每只$200。The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?"女服务员走了过来,“你们准备好点菜了吗?”6.N-COUNT An order is a request for something to be brought, made, or obtained for you in return for money. 订购例:The city is going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight buses.这个城市将下单订购188辆公交车。7.N-COUNT Someone"s order is what they have asked to be brought, made, or obtained for them in return for money. 所订的货例:The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill.服务员拿着他们点的东西回来,接着格雷厄姆签了单。8.→see also mail order , postal order9.PHRASE Something that is on order at a shop or factory has been asked for but has not yet been supplied. 订购中例:The airlines still have 2,500 new planes on order.航空公司还有已订购的2500架新飞机。10.PHRASE If you do something to order, you do it whenever you are asked to do it. 按要求例:She now makes wonderful dried flower arrangements to order.她现在按订单要求制作精美的干花插花。11.PHRASE If you are under orders to do something, you have been told to do it by someone in authority. 奉命例:I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone.我奉命不得跟任何人谈论他的任务或去向。12.a tall order →see tall ARRANGEMENTS, SITUATIONS, AND GROUPINGSorder /u02c8u0254u02d0du0259/ (ordering,ordered,orders)1.N-UNCOUNT If a set of things are arranged or done in a particular order, they are arranged or done so one thing follows another, often according to a particular factor such as importance. 顺序例:Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you"d like to have.(按先后顺序)写下你所希望拥有的品质。Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order, rather than by category.音像店应按照简单的字母顺序摆放其唱片,而不是按类别。2.N-UNCOUNT Order is the situation that exists when everything is in the correct or expected place, or happens at the correct or expected time. 秩序例:The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct.对混乱进行有序管理的希望是一种高智力的本能。3.N-UNCOUNT Order is the situation that exists when people obey the law and do not fight or riot. 治安例:Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November.部队去年11月份被派到岛上去恢复治安。4.N-SING When people talk about a particular order, they mean the way society is organized at a particular time. 社会秩序例:The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation.冷战的结束使得基于国际合作的世界新秩序成为可能。5.V-T The way that something is ordered is the way that it is organized and structured. 安排例:...a society which is ordered by hierarchy.…一个等级森严的社会。We know the French order things differently.我们知道法国人处理事情的方式是不同的。6.N-COUNT A religious order is a group of monks or nuns who live according to a particular set of rules. 修道会例:...the Benedictine order of monks.…本笃会。7.→see also law and order8.PHRASE If you put or keep something in order, you make sure that it is neat or well organized. 有条理例:Now he has a chance to put his life back in order.现在,他有机会使自己的生活重新走上正轨。9.PHRASE If you think something is in order, you think it should happen or be provided. 应当发生的例:Reforms are clearly in order.改革显然是顺理成章的。10.PHRASE You use in the order of or on the order of when mentioning an approximate figure. 大约例:They borrowed something in the order of $10 million.他们大约借了一千万美元。11.PHRASE If something is in good order, it is in good condition. 处于良好状态例:The vessel"s safety equipment was not in good order.这艘船的安全设备出了故障。12.PHRASE A machine or device that is in working order is functioning properly and is not broken. 处于良好的工作状态例:Only half of the spacecraft"s six science instruments are still in working order.宇宙飞船的6种科学仪器中,只有一半还能正常运转。13.PHRASE A machine or device that is out of order is broken and does not work. 出现故障例:Their phone"s out of order.他们的电话出故障了。14.PHRASE If you say that someone or their behaviour is out of order, you mean that their behaviour is unacceptable. 不合常规例:Kent, you"re out of order.肯特,你太过分了。
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初二英语用order造句 order /u02c8u0254u02d0du0259/ CET4 TEM4 1. PHRASE If you do something in order to achieve a particular thing or in order that something can happen, you do it because you want to achieve that thing. 为了 例: Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs. 大多数学校都极不愿意为了减少开支而裁员。 2. PHRASE If someone must be in a particular situation in order to achieve something they want, they cannot achieve that thing if they are not in that situation. (唯有…) 才能 例: We need to get rid of the idea that we must be liked all the time in order to be worthwhile. 我们需要摆脱那种必须一直受人爱戴才有价值的观念。 3. PHRASE If something must happen in order for something else to happen, the second thing cannot happen if the first thing does not happen. 为了使 例: In order for their puters to trace a person"s records, they need both the name and address of the individual. 为了使他们的计算机跟踪某个人的记录,他们需要这个人的名字和地址。 COMMANDS AND REQUESTS order /u02c8u0254u02d0du0259/ (ordering,ordered,orders) 1. V-T If a person in authority orders someone to do something, they tell them to do it. 命令 例: Williams ordered him to leave. 威廉斯命令他离开。 2. V-T If someone in authority orders something, they give instructions that it should be done. 下达指示 例: The president has ordered a full investigation. 总统已下达指示进行彻底调查。 3. N-COUNT If someone in authority gives you an order, they tell you to do something. 命令 例: The activists were shot when they refused to obey an order to halt. 当那些激进分子拒绝听从要他们停下来的命令时,他们遭到了射击。 As darkness fell, Clinton gave orders for his men to rest. 夜幕降临时,克林顿下命令让自己的人休息。 4. N-COUNT A court order is a legal instruction stating that something must be done. (法院) 决议 例: She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals. 她已决定不对禁止她养动物的判决上诉。 5. V-T/V-I When you order something that you are going to pay for, you ask for it to be brought to you, sent to you, or obtained for you. 订购; 点 (餐) 例: The couple ordered a new set of sterling silver rings from Tiffany for $200 each. 这对夫妇从蒂芙尼珠宝店订购了一套新的纯银戒指,每只$200。 The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?" 女服务员走了过来,“你们准备好点菜了吗?” 6. N-COUNT An order is a request for something to be brought, made, or obtained for you in return for money. 订购 例: The city is going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight buses. 这个城市将下单订购188辆公交车。 7. N-COUNT Someone"s order is what they have asked to be brought, made, or obtained for them in return for money. 所订的货 例: The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill. 服务员拿着他们点的东西回来,接着格雷厄姆签了单。 8. →see also mail order , postal order 9. PHRASE Something that is on order at a shop or factory has been asked for but has not yet been supplied. 订购中 例: The airlines still have 2,500 new planes on order. 航空公司还有已订购的2500架新飞机。 10. PHRASE If you do something to order, you do it whenever you are asked to do it. 按要求 例: She now makes wonderful dried flower arrangements to order. 她现在按订单要求制作精美的干花插花。 11. PHRASE If you are under orders to do something, you have been told to do it by someone in authority. 奉命 例: I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone. 我奉命不得跟任何人谈论他的任务或去向。 12. a tall order →see tall ARRANGEMENTS, SITUATIONS, AND GROUPINGS order /u02c8u0254u02d0du0259/ (ordering,ordered,orders) 1. N-UNCOUNT If a set of things are arranged or done in a particular order, they are arranged or done so one thing follows another, often aording to a particular factor such as importance. 顺序 例: Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you"d like to have. (按先后顺序)写下你所希望拥有的品质。 Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order, rather than by category. 音像店应按照简单的字母顺序摆放其唱片,而不是按类别。 2. N-UNCOUNT Order is the situation that exists when everything is in the correct or expected place, or happens at the correct or expected time. 秩序 例: The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct. 对混乱进行有序管理的希望是一种高智力的本能。 3. N-UNCOUNT Order is the situation that exists when people obey the law and do not fight or riot. 治安 例: Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November. 部队去年11月份被派到岛上去恢复治安。 4. N-SING When people talk about a particular order, they mean the way society is anized at a particular time. 社会秩序 例: The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation. 冷战的结束使得基于国际合作的世界新秩序成为可能。 5. V-T The way that something is ordered is the way that it is anized and structured. 安排 例: ...a society which is ordered by hierarchy. …一个等级森严的社会。 We know the French order things differently. 我们知道法国人处理事情的方式是不同的。 6. N-COUNT A religious order is a group of monks or nuns who live aording to a particular set of rules. 修道会 例: ...the Benedictine order of monks. …本笃会。 7. →see also law and order 8. PHRASE If you put or keep something in order, you make sure that it is neat or well anized. 有条理 例: Now he has a chance to put his life back in order. 现在,他有机会使自己的生活重新走上正轨。 9. PHRASE If you think something is in order, you think it should happen or be provided. 应当发生的 例: Reforms are clearly in order. 改革显然是顺理成章的。 10. PHRASE You use in the order of or on the order of when mentioning an approximate figure. 大约 例: They borrowed something in the order of $10 million. 他们大约借了一千万美元。 11. PHRASE If something is in good order, it is in good condition. 处于良好状态 例: The vessel"s safety equipment was not in good order. 这艘船的安全设备出了故障。 12. PHRASE A machine or device that is in working order is functioning properly and is not broken. 处于良好的工作状态 例: Only half of the spacecraft"s six science instruments are still in working order. 宇宙飞船的6种科学仪器中,只有一半还能正常运转。 13. PHRASE A machine or device that is out of order is broken and does not work. 出现故障 例: Their phone"s out of order. 他们的电话出故障了。 14. PHRASE If you say that someone or their behaviour is out of order, you mean that their behaviour is unaeptable. 不合常规 例: Kent, you"re out of order. 肯特,你太过分了。 初二英语用unless造句 unless 英 [u0259nu02c8les]美 [u028cnu02c8lu025bs] conj.除非,如果不 prep.除了,…除外 全部展开全部关闭 网络释义 1. 除非 2. 条件 3. 如果不 同反义词 同义词 buorthless 例句 1. Unless you count former president gee w. bush. 除非你将前总统乔治w布什也计算在内。 article.yeeyan. 2. Unless you"re wearing you brand new white nike airs. 除非你正穿着你新买的白色耐克鞋。 article.yeeyan. 3. Avoid sports drinks unless you"re going for runs over 90 minutes. 尽量别喝运动饮料除非你打算跑超过九十分钟。 article.yeeyan. 4. Japan won"t declare someone missing unless they have been reported missing. 日本 *** 只有在接到失踪报告后才会认定某人失踪。 cuyoo. 5. Interdependence means that one of us cannot sueed unless the other does as well. 互相依赖意味着一国的成功取决于另一国的成功。 okread. 用初二英语造句 My coat is the same as yours I often help mother do housework The boss makes them work 12 hours a day They often help me with my English Please the umbrella to your brother She often wears a skirt My father works here Look!The boy is flying a kite Please keep the room clean 初二英语造句 1 he plays basketball every day. 2 As the football match was in progress, we kept cheering on him. 足球赛进行时,我们不断地喊叫,为他加油。 3 I"ve slept quite a bit during the past few days. 我过去几天睡的很多. 4 Of course I remember him. 我当然记得他。 5 i"ll be a doctor when i grow up.我长大了要到医生。 6 he arrived in China last night.他昨天晚上到了中国。 7.he plays against with me 他和我打对抗赛 8I"m bland for you for long time.我很久对你没感觉了。 9he met me the day after tomorrow 他前天看见我了 10.i"ll leave for Beijing 我要去北京 11 he gose shopping ice a week 他每周去超市两次 12. he is good at singing 他擅长唱歌 13 He is trying to break the record 他尽力打破纪录 14 he has played football for half an hour 他已经踢了半个小时的足球了 15 he took part in Lily"s party. 他参加了丽丽的聚会 16he will go hiking. 他要去远足 17 he traveled all over the world last week.上周他环游完了世界 18 vegetable is good for your health.蔬菜有益健康 19 you must keep healthy 你必须保持健康 20 she has prepared for dinner他已经准备好晚饭了 21 同上 22 the environment will be more terrible in the furture将来环境会变得更糟 23 you do not have to win the first place 你不需要得第一。 24.I hope that you shall write back soon 我希望你尽快给我回信 25 how to keep fit?怎样保持健康? 26 My eating habits are pretty good 我饮食习惯很合理 The show is the funniest that I have ever seen.The boy is the most creative that I have ever seen.The classroom is the quietest that I have ever seen.She is the best student in my eyes.The film is the dullest that I have ever seen.The stret is the loudest that I have ever seen.He is the worst student in my eyes.The show is the most boring of all the show I have seen.
2023-07-19 12:46:461


2023-07-19 12:46:452

the Winning中的Winning为什么要双写n加ing?

2023-07-19 12:46:411

Rehab的《Scarecrow》 歌词

歌曲名:Scarecrow歌手:Rehab专辑:Sittin" At A BarMy Chemical Romance - S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/WMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideMake a wish when your childhood diesHere the knock, knock, knockWhen she cries we"re all alone tonightHold your breath when a blackbird fliesCount to seventeen and close your eyesI"ll keep you safe insideHe burns my skinNever mind "bout the shape I"m inI"ll keep you safe tonight yeah yeahhhMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideBlow a kiss at the methane skiesSee the rust through your playground eyesWe"re all in love tonight. (all in love tonight)Leave a dream where the fallout liesWatch it grow with the tearstain driesTo keep you safe tonightHe burns my skinNever mind "bout the shape I"m inI"ll keep you safe tonight yeah yeahhhMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideLove, love, love won"t stop thisBomb, Bomb, love won"t stop thisLove, love, love won"t stop this bombRun, run, bunny runRun, run, bunny runMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hideMove your body when the sunlight diesEverybody hide your body from the scarecrowEverybody hide
2023-07-19 12:46:371


We are best friends and will never apart
2023-07-19 12:46:353


荷兰本土的特色菜不多,不管怎样,荷兰还是有自己特色的传统菜。马铃薯、奶酪、面包等是传统荷兰菜的基本原料。  Haring是第一个要介绍的,中文的意思是鲱鱼。荷兰人吃鲱鱼一般张开嘴到最大程度,用手抓住一条去头剔骨的生的鲱鱼往里塞。一般中国人和其他外国人都比较害怕吃,但是荷兰人觉得肥美味鲜。  Erwtensoep是一种以马铃薯、肉肠和豆类为主要原料的浓汤,实际上已经基本上接近固体了,加上几片面包就可以填饱肚子了。荷兰人在冬季常喝,可以增加热量。  Stampot是一种由马铃薯、肉和一些蔬菜混杂在一起的土豆泥。通常可以在肉类和蔬菜上做一些调整和搭配,产生于个人喜好和时令季节相关的不同组合。  另外还有几种特色饼干。一个是在每年的十二月五号“圣尼古拉斯”节日吃的Speculaas饼干。其造型各异,含有月桂口味。Wafer是一种由网格状的威化饼,在荷兰和比利时都很流行。有时做成两层,中间夹有糖浆。如果买到当场现做的,趁热吃会更好。  Dorp糖则是荷兰人最酷爱的一种糖果,多为黑色或黑褐色,软硬不一,味道比较接近干草,并且夹杂着碱苦味。
2023-07-19 12:46:351


可用采用派生词的拆分法中的加后缀法。winning:adj. 胜利的;获胜的;n. 胜利;获得;成功;v. 获胜(win的ing形式);n. (Winning)人名;(英、瑞典、法)温宁。拆分记忆法拆分法可分四步:形象思维发现英语单词构成规律——依据规律拆分英语单词——赋予各个一部分特定的意义——掌握英语单词。(1)派生词的拆分法共有三种:加前缀法;加后缀法;加前后缀法。例如:加前缀法:view(观察),preview(预习),review(复习);加后缀法:will(将要),willing(乐意的),unwilling(不乐意的);加前后缀法:struct(结构),construction(构建),constructional(构造上的)。(2)合成词拆分法合成词指的是由两个或以上词干或独立词组合起来的英语单词。合成词拆分法是揭示合成词构成顺序的方法。例如:blackboard(黑板)=black(黑色的)+board(木板);headache(头疼)=head(头)+ache(疼痛);however(无论如何)=how(怎样)+ever(曾经)。(3)复合词的拆分法复合词,也叫混成词,是由不同单词的一部分构成或一个英语单词加上其他英语单词所构成的英语单词。采取拆分法学生能产生更深刻的记忆。例如:motel(汽车旅馆)=motor(发动机)+hotel(旅馆);workfare(工作福利)=work(工作)+welfare(福利)。(4)简单词的拆分法单纯词指那些不可以再被拆分为更小表示完整含意的英语单词。拆分法记忆简单词是根据将英语单词的每个一部分附加特定的含意随后尝试记忆的。例如:family(家庭)= fatherandmother,Iloveyou。(爸爸和妈妈,我爱你们。);chew(咀嚼)=cow,horseeatweed。(奶牛、马在吃野草。)。
2023-07-19 12:46:341

Message of the Land的中文意思是什么?

Message of the Land:土地的信息这篇文章主要表达:在如今时代,人们对生态的破坏,环境的污染,土地给了我们很多启示,告诉我们要保护环境。文章原文及翻译:是的,这是我们的稻田。它们曾经属于我的父母和祖先。Yes, these are our rice fields. They belonged to my parents and forefathers.这片土地有三百多年的历史了。The land is more than three centuries old.我是家里的独生女儿,是我一直和父母住在一起,直到他们去世。I"m the only daughter in our family and it was I who stayed with my parents till theydied.我的三个兄弟结婚时就搬到妻子家去了。My three brothers moved out to their wives" houses when they got married.正如我们伊萨恩这里的习惯一样,我丈夫住进了我们家。My husband moved into our house as is the way with us in Esarn.那时我十八岁,他十九岁。我和他生了六个孩子。两个在婴儿时就病死了。I was then eighteen and he was nineteen. He gave me six children. Two died ininfancy from sickness.其他两个男孩子,两个女孩子,到我们一有钱给他们买牛仔裤时就离开家了。The rest, two boys and two girls, went away as soon as we could afford to buy jeansfor them.我们的大儿子在曼谷的一个富人家里弄到个做花匠的工作,可后来有家职业介绍所送他到外国工作去了。Our oldest son got a job as a gardener in a rich man"s home in Bangkok but later anemployment agency sent him to a foreign land to work.我另一个儿子也去了很远的地方。My other son also went far away.我们的一个女儿在曼谷的一家纺织厂里工作,另一个在一家商店上班。One of our daughters is working in a textile factory in Bangkok, and the other has ajob in a store.她们偶尔来家看看我们,住几天,然后又走了。They come home to see us now and then, stay a few days, and then they are offagain.她们经常送钱给我们,还告诉我们她们过得挺好。Often they send some money to us and tell us that they are doing well.我知道这并不总是真的。有时她们会受欺负、被侮辱,这种事就像刀子扎在我心上一样。I know this is not always true. Sometimes, they get bullied and insulted, and it is likea knife piercing my heart.对我丈夫来说事儿就容易多了。他有耳朵不听,有嘴巴不说,有眼睛不看。It"s easier for my husband. He has ears which don"t hear, a mouth which doesn"tspeak, and eyes that don"t see.他总是很能忍耐,沉默寡言,只关心自己的生活。He has always been patient and silent, minding his own life.尽管他们都长期不在我身边,可都永远是我的孩子。All of them remain my children in spite of their long absence.可能是命运把他们送走离开了我们。Maybe it"s fate that sent them away from us.我们那块地很小,也不再肥沃了,年复一年地流着血,像我们一样渐渐老了,精疲力竭了。Our piece of land is small, and it is no longer fertile, bleeding year after year and,like us, getting old and exhausted.我和丈夫依然劳作在这片土地上。Still my husband and I work on this land.雨水充沛时地不难耕种,可是在大旱年景,不但犁会破碎,我们的心也会碎的。The soil is not difficult to till when there is a lot of rain, but in a bad year, it"s notonly the ploughs that break but our hearts, too.没有,我们俩没多大变化,可村庄变化不小。No, we two haven"t changed much, but the village has.哪些事儿变了?仅仅十年前,你还可以用东西换东西,可现在都是现金。In what way? Only ten years ago, you could barter for things, but now it"s all cash.几年前,你可以求邻居们帮着建房子,收稻子,或者打井。Years ago, you could ask your neighbors to help build your house, reap the rice ordig a well.现在,只有给他们付钱他们才干。Now they"ll do it only if you have money to pay them.塑料制品代替了村里的手工制品。人们以前用细竹篾制作东西,可现在再也没有了。Plastic things replace village crafts. Men used to make things with fine bamboopieces, but no longer.塑料袋扔得村里到处都是。商店纷纷冒了出来,里面全是些花花绿绿的塑料制品和货物,这些东西我们一点儿也用不着。Plastic bags litter the village. Shops have sprung up, filled with colorful plastic thingsand goods we have no use for.年轻人去了镇上和城里,留下我们老人在地里干活。The young go away to towns and cities leaving us old people to work on the land.我知道,他们的想法不同,说老人们都过时了。They think differently, I know, saying that the old are old-fashioned.我这一辈子,从来没去过美发店,或者涂过嘴唇或指甲。All my life, I have never had to go to a hairdresser, or to paint my lips or nails.这些粗糙的手指头和脚趾头是为了在稻田的泥巴里干活的,不是为了好看的。These rough fingers and toes are for working in the mud of our rice fields, not forlooking pretty.现在,年轻姑娘们穿上牛仔裤,看上去像男孩子一样,她们认为这就是时髦。Now young girls put on jeans, and look like boys and they think it is fashionable.嗨,为了能买条牛仔裤,他们宁愿卖掉猪或水牛。Why, they are willing to sell their pig or water buffalo just to be able to buy a pair ofjeans.我那时候,要是我也穿上像他们穿的一样的裤子,就会遭雷劈的。In my day, if I were to put on a pair of trousers like they do now, lightning wouldstrike me.我知道,时代已经变了,可有些事不应该变。I know, times have changed, but certain things should not change.我们每天应该给和尚们吃的,按时去庙里(进香)。We should offer food to the monks every day, go to the temple regularly.现在,年轻人倾向于把这些事留给老年人,这真叫人遗憾。Young people tend to leave these things to old people now, and that"s a shame.唉,就是那天,我听到一个男孩子朝他妈妈大喊大叫。Why, only the other day I heard a boy shout and scream at his mother.要是那种事发生在我小的时候,整个村子都会谴责这个忘恩负义的儿子,他爸爸肯定会狠揍他一顿。If that kind of thing had happened when I was young, the whole village would havecondemned such an ungrateful son, and his father would surely have given him agood beating.至于我,我不愿意改变,即使我想改变也变不了。As for me, I wouldn"t change, couldn"t change even if I wanted to.我快乐吗?还是不快乐?这个问题我从来没想过。Am I happy or unhappy? This question has never occurred to me.日子就这么过着。是啊,这一把穿着破衣服的瘦骨头还能从早到晚地种稻子,割稻子。Life simply goes on. Yes, this bag of bones dressed in rags can still plant and reaprice from morning till dusk.疾病、伤痛、艰辛和贫穷一直是我生活的一部分。我不抱怨。Disease, wounds, hardship and scarcity have always been part of my life. I don"tcomplain.农夫:我妻子错了。我的眼看见了——看见了许多不该看的事情。The farmer: My wife is wrong. My eyes do see—they see more than they should.我的耳朵听见了——听见了许多不该听的事情。My ears do hear—they hear more than is good for me.我不讲我知道的事情,因为我知道的太多了。I don"t talk about what I know because I know too much.比方说,我知道贪婪、愤怒和欲望都是所有罪恶的根源。I know for example, greed, anger, and lust are the root of all evils.我对这片土地和我的生活条件挺满意的。但是,对妻子我很同情。I am at peace with the land and the conditions of my life. But I feel a great pity formy wife.这些年我一直强迫她少说话,可她从来没抱怨过什么。I have been forcing silence upon her all these years, yet she has not oncecomplained of anything.我原来想要很多子孙儿女在我身边,可现在,城市和外国把我的孩子们都吸引跑了,他们似乎没人会再回到这里来了。I wanted to have a lot of children and grandchildren around me but now cities andforeign lands have attracted my children away and it seems that none of them willever come back to live here again.我死的时候,把这些稻田留给谁啊?To whom shall I give these rice fields when I die?几百年里,这片土地就属于我们家。每一寸我都很熟悉。For hundreds of years this strip of land has belonged to our family. I know everyinch of it.我的孩子在上面长大,抓青蛙和田蟹,还采野花。My children grew up on it, catching frogs and mud crabs and gathering flowers.可这土地还是不能拴住他们,不能召唤他们回来。Still the land could not tie them down or call them back.当他们都有了一条牛仔裤的时候,他们就像飞着的鸟一样跑远了。When each of them has a pair of jeans, they are off like birds on the wing.幸运的是,我妻子还和我在一起,我们俩还都很硬朗。Fortunately, my wife is still with me, and both of us are still strong.时间会治愈创伤的。Wounds heal over time.疾病来了又走了,我们又恢复了健康。Sickness comes and goes, and we get back on our feet again.我从来都不想离开这土地。I never want to leave this land.当手指伸进土壤插秧时,摸着湿湿的土,这真好啊;听到妻子叹着气说道:“老头子,要是我先死了,我要变成一片云,给你遮挡日头。”这真好啊。It"s nice to feel the wet earth as my fingers dig into the soil, planting rice, to hear mywife sighing, "Old man, if I die first, I shall become a cloud to protect you from thesun."十一月,闻着正在成熟的稻子的香味是真好啊。It"s good to smell the scent of ripening rice in November.柔和、凉爽的清风吹拂着一束束稻谷,它们像金色的波浪一样起伏、闪烁。The soft cool breeze moves the sheaves, which ripple and shimmer like waves of gold.是啊,我爱这片土地。我希望有一天,我的孩子里有一个会回来居住,给我生一群孙子孙女,我可以把这片土地的奥秘传给他们。Yes, I love this land and I hope one of my children comes back one day to live, andgives me grandchildren so that I can pass on the land"s secret messages to them.
2023-07-19 12:46:322


2023-07-19 12:46:304

请问怎么用英语表达这句话?原文:hello,I made an order back in April and it h?

Dear Sir/Madam, I have checked all relavant shipping records and found very little information from the shipping pany,which seems abnormal to me as well.It"s not within my reach to figure out what the issue might be.Would you mind to wait one week further and I"ll refund 100% of your payment had the shipment not been delivered by then. Many appologies for taking up your time this long. Best regards, Sincerely yours, XXXX (发件人姓名),6,你好,在四月前我做出了一个交易,已经有好几个星期了。我会收到吗?这表明,它没有发货。我的交易码 194842366,1,请问怎么用英语表达这句话? 原文:hello,I made an order back in April and it has been many weeks since.Will I be receiving my fabric?It shows that it has not shipped.My Transaction #194842366 --------------- 我查询了相关的物流记录,发现物流公司反馈的信息少的让我觉得很奇怪.我也不太清楚是怎么回事!您能不能再等待一个星期的时间,如果到时还没有收到货的话,我退还您所有款项. 很抱歉,耽误了您这么长的时间.
2023-07-19 12:46:281

求一首歌,一个女的唱的,歌词有we ever ever ever are gone

we are never getting back together
2023-07-19 12:46:271


winning [形容词]:获胜的反义词:losing 失败的;defeated 被击败的winning [名词]: 获胜反义词:failure失败;non-success不成功
2023-07-19 12:46:271

Old Man River 歌词

Old Man River《老人河》(Ol" Man River),一译《河流老人》,又名《密西西比》,是美国音乐剧《游览船》中一首反映美国黑人悲惨生活的歌曲。中文名称老人河、河流老人、密西西比外文名称Ol" Man River[1] 发行时间1927填词Oscar Hammerstein II[1] 谱曲Jerome Kern[1] 音乐风格流行曲调[1] 国家美国基本信息《老人河》一译《河流老人》,又名《密西西比》,是美国音乐剧《游览船》中一首反映美国黑人悲惨生活的歌曲。音乐剧《游览船》(Show Boat)是根据费伯尔(Edna Ferber)发表于1926年的同名小说改编而成的,由美国近代著名作曲家克尔恩(Jerome Kern,1885~1945)作曲。克尔恩是音乐剧的始创者。二十年代前后,他曾写过大量的音乐剧。《游览船》作于1927年,是同类作品中特别著名的一部,脚本为哈默斯坦第二(Oscar Hammerstein II)所编。这部音乐剧在伦敦演出时,由美国黑人歌唱家罗伯逊扮演黑人约奥,虽然在戏剧中只是一个配角,但他穿着破旧的上衣和短裤,在舞台上背靠着墙演唱的《老人河》一歌,却获得了巨大的成功,并使罗伯逊出了名,这首经罗伯德改词的歌也就成为他在音乐会上的保留节目。《老人河》的曲调具有黑人歌曲的特点,因此常被误认为是一首黑人民歌。出自百老汇史上最经典、最悠久的一部音乐剧Showboat,那还是在上世纪二十年代的时候。这部音乐剧讲述了密西西比河上一艘演艺画舫中的故事,这个故事本身时间跨度就长达四十多年。这首Old Man River唱的就是长流不息的密西西比河,由当时的黑人男低音歌手Paul Robeson演唱。他在音乐剧中饰演的不过是一个小配角,这首歌却被他演绎出一股直击人心的深沉力量,Showboat这个故事的原作者在彩排的时候,听到这首歌都潸然泪下。保萝.萝卜逊在个演中,擅自更改了歌词,把原作中,“我厌倦了生活,却惧怕死亡,”擅自给改成了“至死不渝的战斗!”完全破坏了原作的意境,导致这首歌在之后流传不再广泛,并且被很多后起的歌曲所取代。Artist:Paul RobesonSong:Old Man RiverThere is an old man called Mississippi,That"s the old man I don"t like to be.What does he care if the world" d got troubles,What does he care if the land ain" t free.Don" t look up, and don" t look down !You don"t just make the white boss frown,Bend your knees and bow your head,And pull that rope until you"re dead!Let me go way from the Mississippi,Let me go way from the white man boss.Show me that stream call de river Jordan,Dat de old stream dat I long to cross.Old man river,Dat old man river!He must know something,But don"t say nothing.He just keeps rolling,He keeps on rolling along.He don" t plant tatoes,He don" t plant cotton,And dem dat plant"em is soon forgotten,But old man river,He just keeps rolling along.You and me we sweat and strain,Body all aching and rocked wid pain.Tote dat barge and lift dat bale,Get a little drunk and you"ll land in jail.But I keep laughing instead of crying,I must keep fighting until I"m dying,But old man river,He just keeps rolling along老人河黑人劳动在密西西比河上,黑人劳动白人来享乐,黑人工作到死不得休息。从早推船直到太阳落,白人工头多凶恶,且莫乱动招灾祸,弯下腰低下头,我拉起纤绳把船拖。让我快快离开白人工头,快快离开密西西比河。请你告诉我那个地方,我要渡过古老的约旦河。老人河,啊,老人河!你知道一切,但总是沉默,你滚滚奔流,你总是不停地流过。他不种番薯也不种棉花,那耕种的人早被人遗忘。但老人啊,你总是不停地流过。我们流血又流汗,浑身酸痛受折磨,为了免得坐监牢,还要拉船扛包裹。我们这样地痛苦疲倦,既害怕死亡,又厌倦生活。但老人河啊!你总是不停地流过。
2023-07-19 12:46:252

天岛湖旅游景点介绍 天岛湖国际旅游度假区

为什么很少介绍绍赤水天岛湖很少介绍绍赤水天岛湖是因为名气大。根据查询相关公开信息显示,因为绍赤水天岛湖,是许多人知晓的一个名地,来到这里,每个人都赞口不绝。天岛湖是贵州赤水30000亩旅游地产项目,地址位于贵州省赤水市胡市镇蕨基坝水库(九曲湖景区)。海拔1250米,占地面积30000亩,周边更有赤水8大4A级风景区。天岛湖属于哪个地方天岛湖属于贵州省遵义市。天岛湖的海拔是1250米。占地面积30000亩,周边更有赤水8大4A级风景区。夏季平均气温20℃,空气中负氧离子含量之高,堪称“空气氧吧”。遵义,简称“遵”,古称播州,是贵州省地级市。遵义地处中国西南地区、贵州北部,南临贵阳、北倚重庆、西接四川,处于成渝--黔中经济区走廊的核心区和主廊道,黔渝合作的桥头堡、主阵地和先行区,是国家全域旅游示范区,是西南地区承接南北、连接东西、通江达海的重要交通枢纽。遵义市处于云贵高原向湖南丘陵和四川盆地过渡的斜坡地带,地形起伏大,地貌类型复杂。海拔高度一般在800-1300米,在全国地势第二级阶梯上。遵义市平坝及河谷盆地面积占6.57%,丘陵占28.35%,山地占65.08%。遵义市河流以大娄山山脉为分水岭,把遵义市河流分为乌江、赤水河和綦江三大水系,均属长江流域。遵义市有水流的河长共9148.5千米,河网密度0.3千米/平方千米,河长大于10千米或集雨面积大于20平方千米的河流有416条。遵义是首批国家历史文化名城,拥有世界文化遗产海龙屯、世界自然遗产赤水丹霞,享有中国长寿之乡、中国厚朴之乡、中国金银花之乡、中国高品质绿茶产区、中国名茶之乡、中国吉他制造之乡等称号。仙女湖镇和天岛湖哪个好玩仙女湖镇。仙女湖镇相比较天岛湖,仙女湖镇内部的娱乐设施很多并且类型更好所以更好玩,而天岛湖内部设施很少并且种类更好所以不好玩。2、仙女湖镇内部风景更好,景点更多可以用于拍照所以更好玩,而仙女湖内部风景较差,景点也很少所以不好玩,贵州赤水天岛湖海拔高度是多少贵州赤水天岛湖海拔高度1250米。天岛湖是贵州赤水30000亩旅游地产项目 _刂肺挥诠笾菔〕嗨泻姓蜣Щ铀狻U嫉孛婊30000亩,周边更有赤水8大4A级风景区。夏季平均气温20℃,空气中负氧离子含量之高,堪称“空气氧吧” 。项目斥资20亿元,以5A级景区标准打造,并于2016年10月18日被遵义市总工会评为“遵义市劳模疗养基地”。贵州赤水天岛湖距离重庆172KM,行车距离2-2.5小时,距离泸州40公里,行车距离30分钟。扩展资料:海拔高度水平原点:中国大陆:海拔采用青岛港验潮站的长期观测资料推算出的黄海平均海面作为基准面(零高程面)。台湾:以基隆港东岸设置“台湾水平原点”作为测量基准点。日本:以东京湾的平均海面作为基准,实际测量的基准点位于东京都千代田区旧参谋本部陆地测量部/国会前庭的“日本水平原点”。英国:1915年5月至1921年4月英国西南岸康沃尔郡纽林的平均海面“Ordnance Datum Newlyn”。荷兰:阿姆斯特丹的平均海面“Normaal Amsterdams Peil”。参考资料来源:百度百科——天岛湖赤水天岛湖旅游需注意什么?1、自驾的话注意上山的路线:有两条路,老路没有那么陡峭崎岖,但是路况差点、绕一点;新路平坦快捷但是由于山路地形所以弯道多,有点陡,看个人喜好选择。2、由于海拔较高(1250米),昼夜温差较大。白天注意防紫外线,抹好防晒霜,树荫下仍然很凉爽,少暴晒;晚上很凉快,不过山风大,注意添加衣物,夜间平均只有20°的左右吧;3、钓鱼和游船需要钓鱼证和游船券;4、水上游乐的时候注意安全,穿戴好救生衣,湖水很深,一定要安全;在湖边栈道玩耍也不要翻越护栏,看管好老人和小孩,还是那句话,一定一定要注意安全。5、夏天是旅游旺季,山上人比较多,看房的也多,建议周一到周五上去,周末酒店房间价格也有提升。6、夏季是雨季,记得带伞。说一下重庆到天岛湖的路线,从重庆内环快速路上兰海高速,沿兰海高速公路行驶约10公里,朝鱼嘴、江津方向下道上绕城高速沿重庆绕城高速公路行驶约5公里,朝江津、四面山、合江、泸州方向下道上成渝环线高速公路,沿成渝环线高速公路行驶约90公里,朝遵义、贵阳、泸州绕城东段、自贡方向下道,继续行驶约45公里后旺隆高速路出口按天岛湖指示牌上山20公里后到天岛湖。避暑胜地贵州赤水天岛湖、天鹅堡国际旅游度假区简阳争霸记天鹅堡,天岛湖,对于这两个贵州的避暑胜地,简阳人并不陌生。两个地方都属于赤水市葫市镇,天鹅堡先开发,天岛湖后开发,前者在二狼坝水库,后者在蕨基坝水库。海拔高度1250米,森林绿化率百分之九十,这两个以康养为卖点的避暑胜地在简阳的销售相当火爆。每年的七月和八月是一年之中人最多的,三伏天温度也保持在二十多度,非常凉爽,空调和风扇基本用不上。据说在简阳,两个销售中心都达到了几千套。上面两个就是设在简阳河东新区名人酒店的销售展示中心。这条环湖跑道绕湖八公里,空气相当好。散步走的快一个半小时,走的慢大概两个小时。河边的江景房当初卖8000一平米,现在已达到两万多一平米。天岛湖刚开发的第一期和第二期,当时时间早,就2000左右一平米,现在均价7000左右。现在已经开发到12期了。总体销售不错,重庆、自贡、宜宾、泸州、隆昌、内江、资中、资阳、简阳、成都到这里买房的居多,少部分还有外省的。因为主要是避暑,因此小户型的40平米居多。平时山上人并不是很多,主要集中在七八月份。简阳到天岛湖路程六百多里,相对而言,比较远。成都人选择峨眉山七里坪的要多些,但是七里坪湿气要比天岛湖重些,关键有个优势就是距离比天岛湖近的多。特别提醒:下半年在山上住的话,下午尽量不要下山,因为每天晚上五点左右就会下雾,能见度非常低,开车基本看不见路,太危险。天岛湖比较出名的土特产是土豆面,元厚和袁老五两个品牌比较畅销,10元钱一把,每次回简阳,业主都会带很多回去。除此之外,肯定少不了竹笋,价格很便宜,比较好的也就2-3元一斤。对于装修,价格要比简阳行情高得多,打个比方,泥工贴砖,简阳就是30-40一平米,天岛湖的泥工师傅是按套数计算,一套40平米贴砖达到5000元/一套。漆匠和木工价格都要高的多,电工工钱差不多,不高。简阳用的河沙,天岛湖上用的沙石粉,效果恐怕还是有点差距。大部分的建材都是通过托运部从泸州国际商贸城运输过来,大的托运部就是鑫川物流和川黔物流,价格不是很贵。 天鹅堡和天岛湖相差不远,大概十多里路。两个度假区是葫市镇开发最好的两个度假区,对当地经济起了不小的带动作用。山下和我们当地温度差不多,但是山上就凉快的多了。房价也相差很大,山上7000,山下小镇上也就两千左右,最大的赤水市也就3000-4000,精装房5000左右。两个度假区各有各的优点,所以每个业主选择都不同,简阳买两个度假区的业主都比较多,记得有一次天岛湖销售点庆祝简阳站大卖,一次就在河东新区酒店宴请业主,达到三十桌。每一个业主限带一个人,相当于一段时间就卖120套左右。当时第一天老房,第二天就当场付款的不在少数。贵州的大山真的很高,两个度假区上山可以直接走快速通道,快到山顶会分路,左边是天岛湖,右边是天鹅堡,因为山陡峭,弯道很多,开车上山一定要小心,注意安全。但是下山绝对不能走快速通道,山下有摄像头,只能走赤水到官渡的国道。因为当地经济要差一些,赤水到官渡的班车比较少,要等班车比较困难。 因为简阳在葫市镇两个度假区买房的业主比较多,在简阳川空广场都有班车上山,这也比较方便。 因为赤水和泸州相邻,都说四川话,沟通没有障碍,只是赤水人说话有一些地方方言口音。 山上都设有医院,超市,农贸市场,餐饮,目前在扩建的天岛湖农贸市场比以前大几倍,当地农民卖的东西都不贵,价廉物美。相对而言,天鹅堡的农贸市场要小一些。两个度假区的泉水一年四季都流不完,业主吃喝都用的山泉水,也称竹根水,也可以直接饮用。对于自来水厂的水只用来洗菜,洗衣服。随着人民生活水平的不断提高,人民日益重视老年 养生 问题,对于水质和空气,气候是两个度假区的卖点,因为这的确是钱也买不到的。尤其是部分城市污染雾霾严重,人民更加向往山清水秀的自然生活,这也是目前康养中心成功的原因之一。
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