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英语作文 Polar bears are in danger

2023-07-19 19:08:18

The polar bear is a bear native largely within the Arctic Circle . It is the world"s largest land carnivore. Polar bears roam the Arctic ice sheets and swim in that region"s coastal waters. They are very strong swimmers, and their large front paws, which they use to paddle, are slightly webbed. Some polar bears have been seen swimming hundreds of miles from land—though they probably cover most of that distance by floating on sheets of ice.

Polar bears live in one of the planet"s coldest environments and depend on a thick coat of insulated fur, which covers a warming layer of fat. Fur even grows on the bottom of their paws, which protects against cold surfaces and provides a good grip on ice. The bear"s stark white coat provides camouflage in surrounding snow and ice. But under their fur, polar bears have black skin—the better to soak in the sun"s warming rays.

These powerful predators typically prey on seals. In search of this quarry they frequent areas of shifting, cracking ice where seals may surface to breathe air. They also stalk ice edges and breathing holes. If the opportunity presents itself, polar bears will also consume carcasses, such as those of dead whales. These Arctic giants are the masters of their environment and have no natural enemies.

Females den by digging into deep snow drifts, which provide protection and insulation from the Arctic elements. They give birth in winter, usually to twins. Young cubs live with their mothers for some 28 months to learn the survival skills of the far north. Females aggressively protect their young, but receive no help from their solitary male mates. In fact, male polar bears may even kill young of their species.

Polar bears are attractive and appealing, but they are powerful predators that do not typically fear humans, which can make them dangerous. Near human settlements, they often acquire a taste for garbage, bringing bears and humans into perilous proximity.


Polar bears are in danger

The polar bear is the world"s largest land predators, also known as the arctic. According to the classification of zoology BuRuGang, XiongKe. Male polar bears length about 240-260cm, weight is commonly 400-800 kilograms. The female polar bear form about than males little about half, height, weight 210cm about 190 - about 200-300 kg. In winter sleep time coming before, because fat will accumulate a huge number, they weigh up to 800 kilograms. The polar bear"s vision and hearing and human subjects, but their sense of smell is dogs sniff, seven times, speeds up to 60 kilometers, is the world 100 meters champion of 1.5 times.

Polar bears are one of nature"s most beautiful animals, but their home—the Arctic North—is in danger.

Environmental pollution leading to polar bears are hermaphrodite

Wildlife researchers have found new evidence, because of global warming are seriously threatened habitats of polar bears, now again by chemical compounds harm.

These compounds is mainly European used to reduce sofa, clothes and carpet etc household combustible toxic chemicals. From Canada, the United States Alaska, Denmark and Norway, a group of scientists is warning they recently found that an enzyme called bromine biphenyl (more than PBDEs) of flame retardants began to appear in the polar bear adipose tissue, especially life in east Greenland and Norway sasha anwar the gilbert islands polar bears.

About these chemicals can to polar bears what impact, research is still in progress. But in mice test showed that these toxic chemicals for animal"s influence is considerable, including their gender, thyroid, sports skills and brain function.

There is evidence that those and more bromine biphenyl of similar compounds leads to the amazing proportions of hermaphrodite polar bears. In gaza anwar gilbert islands, about every 50 only female bear 1 in only two organ in length, the scientists will this directly linked with pollution.

"Global natural foundation leaders colin - butterfield said:" the arctic is now a chemical receiver. We daily use products that occupy the home is polluting chemicals in arctic wildlife." These polluting substances mainly come from the United States and Western Europe and other developed industrial area, water flow and north decent practice takes them arctic, in the arctic cold climate accumulation down and introduced into the food chain, and suffer the biggest is the polar bear.

According to IUCN"s(世界自然保护联盟的) recent Red List of Threatened Species(受到威胁的物种), the polar bear is listed as a “vulnerable” species that is threatened with extinction(灭绝).
With its clean lines and white fur, the polar bear has an aesthetic appeal that"s thoroughly modern.Ever since we saw those bears stuck on melting ice in Al Gore"s An Inconvenient Truth,we hear the sad screams of a baby polar bear ringing in the back of our minds.
We should try our best to help Polar bears out of danger.

Polar bears are in danger

The polar bear is the world"s largest land predators, also known as the arctic. According to the classification of zoology BuRuGang, XiongKe. Male polar bears length about 240-260cm, weight is commonly 400-800 kilograms. The female polar bear form about than males little about half, height, weight 210cm about 190 - about 200-300 kg. In winter sleep time coming before, because fat will accumulate a huge number, they weigh up to 800 kilograms. The polar bear"s vision and hearing and human subjects, but their sense of smell is dogs sniff, seven times, speeds up to 60 kilometers, is the world 100 meters champion of 1.5 times.

Polar bears are one of nature"s most beautiful animals, but their home—the Arctic North—is in danger.

Environmental pollution leading to polar bears are hermaphrodite

Wildlife researchers have found new evidence, because of global warming are seriously threatened habitats of polar bears, now again by chemical compounds harm.

These compounds is mainly European used to reduce sofa, clothes and carpet etc household combustible toxic chemicals. From Canada, the United States Alaska, Denmark and Norway, a group of scientists is warning they recently found that an enzyme called bromine biphenyl (more than PBDEs) of flame retardants began to appear in the polar bear adipose tissue, especially life in east Greenland and Norway sasha anwar the gilbert islands polar bears.

About these chemicals can to polar bears what impact, research is still in progress. But in mice test showed that these toxic chemicals for animal"s influence is considerable, including their gender, thyroid, sports skills and brain function.

There is evidence that those and more bromine biphenyl of similar compounds leads to the amazing proportions of hermaphrodite polar bears. In gaza anwar gilbert islands, about every 50 only female bear 1 in only two organ in length, the scientists will this directly linked with pollution.



The work of Al Gore the Si China Sui because of the social change, the art of the literature formality of turn into and the reader loves not equal。
2023-07-19 10:11:313


来自意大利的人气品牌ToyWatch,2006年3月登陆美国,不落俗套的款式以高姿态、低价格直逼大众眼前,旋即形成一股ToyWatch 热潮!每款腕表配搭上透明阿加力胶表带或尼龙表带,超过10个系列100多种款式,玩味性甚重。材料的选用,不但呼应"Toy"Watch精髓,也让腕表异常轻身,适合各界人士配戴。在短短数月内,迅速迷倒前美国副总统Al Gore及好莱坞星级名人如Madonna, Michael Jordan, charlize Theron, Oprah Winfrey, Uma Thurman, Owen Wilson, Naomi Campbell, Jessica Simpson, Katie Holmes, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton等。 2006年年底,这股ToyWatch旋风引至香港,城中一众潮流先驱及著名艺人已先后佩戴ToyWatch,如:郑裕玲、Twins、林忆莲、吴君如、古巨基、梁汉文、陈坤、李克勤、王喜、伍咏薇、廖碧儿、薜凯琪、名模陈嘉容等等。 在美国,ToyWatch只于各大高级百货公司有售,如Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus和Saks of Fifth Avenue处有售。许多型号因备受追捧,而被抢购一空,更创下三个月内美国销售量超过50,000只的裴然成绩。 Marco Mavilla资料 创立ToyWatch的心路历程 出生于意大利的Marco Mavilla 可说是一个不折不扣的钟表狂热份子,自15岁开始便收藏手表,在如此的环境熏陶之下,渐渐形成了独特的钟表鉴赏能力。可是「玩」表「玩」久了,Marco 渐渐觉得市场上没有一款腕表可让他满意, "It doesn"t satisfy my feeling"。结果,利用他玩赏古董表的经验,及由他的家族生意中汲取零售的经验,他便创下极具创意的腕表品牌ToyWatch。 「ToyWatch is my toy. Everyone should have his toy.」道出了Marco视ToyWatch为他心中的宝贝。 虽说是「Toy」,但Marco 对品牌的设计一点也不马虎。2004年年底,Marco推出第一个系列,透明亚阿加力胶表带,感觉令人眼前一亮!时尚的外型,让ToyWatch得到很多国际名人的欢心,荷李活名人纷纷除下动辄数十万元的名表,换上感觉十分轻巧的ToyWatch。Marco 非常感激一班好友的支持:「Oprah Winfrey wears ToyWatch in her show, and have ToyWatch in her magazine. That"s the first step to the brand"s great climbing.」(Oprah Winfrey-美国名咀奥普拉温芙瑞-在她的清谈节目中佩戴ToyWatch,又在她的《O, The Oprah Magazine》介绍ToyWatch,那就是品牌渐露头角的第一步。) ToyWatch哲学"The philosophy for ToyWatch is very simple. It"s affordable luxury." Affordable Luxury ToyWatch大受欢迎,背后当然少不得一套独特的品牌哲学。正如Marco所说,ToyWatch 是一种「Affordable Luxury」,那就是产品设计时尚、素质优良,让普通时尚一族也可感受到国际巨星的最新品味。 Fashion Trend 另外,ToyWatch 紧贴时尚潮流,每一季都有新款、新型号推出,常常让大众保持新鲜感。而一开始,Marco 便对不同的物料深感兴趣,阿加力胶表带一推出便大受欢迎,陆续也会推出其它不同物料的腕表款式,如搪瓷、橡胶等,惊喜源源不绝 最新款的Toy Watch 在上海,重庆,成都及天津美美Maison Mode的Coppelia店内有售。希望采纳
2023-07-19 10:11:401


2023-07-19 10:11:573


本内容来源于@什么值得买APP,观点仅代表作者本人 作者:cctv凝 又到寒风凛冽时,大家又开始翻箱倒柜或是打开各种购物APP来找一件合适的冬装了吧。其实除了传统的“貂”和羊毛大衣,棉服(服装分类,其实并不含棉花)的保暖性更好,穿起来也更舒适,成为我们冬天大部分时间穿着的选择。 和皮毛制品与羊毛大衣依靠本身的材质保温不同,棉服保温,是依靠内部的填充物实现的。一开始,最佳的填充物是羽绒。作为静态保暖最佳材料(气凝胶那种板材不算),在同等重量的前提下,羽绒的保暖性最好,压缩性也强(容易打包),缺点是被水打湿之后,羽绒保暖性大大降低。如果对羽绒进行拒水处理,那么羽绒即使在湿润之后还有不错保暖性。但羽绒制品天生容易“跑绒”,服装需要做防钻毛处理。 羽绒基本上分为鸭绒和鹅绒:鹅绒绒朵稍大,蓬松度比鸭绒的略高,高蓬数(800/1000蓬这种数量级)的羽绒制品基本上会用鹅绒。鸭子属于杂食性动物,因此鸭绒的油脂含量较多,普遍带有一种腥臊味,需要清洗去异味后才能使用;而鹅的饲料以植物性为主,故鹅绒油脂含量少,几乎没有异味,不需要过多的化学处理。所以总的来说,鹅绒要比鸭绒高级一些。 白色羽绒从性能方面和灰色羽绒几乎没有什么区别,但白色羽绒可以用在浅色服装中,适应性比较强。 羽绒是“羽”和“绒”的混合物。羽就是毛片,在羽绒中起支撑作用,能让羽绒迅速回弹;而绒就是绒朵,是羽绒的精华。绒朵是立体球状,由一个绒核和放射出的许多绒丝组成的朵状结构,类似于蒲公英。绒丝是由成千上万微小的鳞片叠加而成,每个鳞片都是中空的。每一根绒丝上都有很多的菱节,这些菱节中饱含着不流动的空气。同时,绒丝之间和绒朵之间也会固定大量的空气。这也就是羽绒为什么如此保暖的秘诀所在。这里,就引出了羽绒制品里一个很关键的数据:含绒量。 含绒量(down content):是羽绒里面绒的比例,一般以百分数的形式表示。通俗点讲,比如羽绒服的含绒量一般在80%以上,这个数据表明其中羽绒的含量是80%,羽毛的含量占20%。按照我国羽绒服的国家标准规定:“羽绒服的‘含绒量"不得低于50%,充绒量允许偏差规定为-5%”。一般来说,含绒量越高的羽绒服越好,当然,价格也越高。大家在购买羽绒服的时候需要重点关注这个指标。 在同等含绒量的前提下,还有一个指标来区分羽绒的好坏,那就是蓬松度,蓬松度是国际上度量羽绒保暖程度的重要指标,在服装上,一般用欧美的蓬数来标注的比较多。蓬数用指的是在一定条件下每一盎司(30克)羽绒所占体积立方英寸的数值。比如说,一盎司的羽绒所占的空间为600立方英寸则称该羽绒的蓬松度为600。一般而言,肥美、成熟的禽类,其羽绒的蓬松度高,相反,小的禽类蓬松度较低。羽绒的蓬松度越高,说明在同样充绒量下的羽绒可以固定更大体积的空气层来保温和隔热,所以羽绒的保暖性越好,但相对抗压缩性比较差。 所以,一件羽绒服是否保暖,就是由充容量、含绒量和蓬数共同来决定的。三者不同的组合,来应对不同的需要: 雪线上、极地级别的保温能力: 大充容量、高含绒量、中高蓬数,有很好的保温和抗风能力来应对极寒气候,但一般不用太高蓬数的羽绒,因为不够“耐用”; 一般的户外活动(徒步、登山): 低充容量、高含绒量、高蓬数,一般作为中间层,通常抗风性和抗磨损能力不强,满足保温能力的前提下有透气、轻量、大压缩性的特点,长时间活动中降低背负、打包的负担; 日常保暖: 中高充容量、低含绒量、低蓬数,日常啊,厚实保温就行。 羽绒保温能力这么强,是不是就没有缺点了呢,当然不是:一般的羽绒,被雨水、汗水打湿之后,或者衣服比较潮湿的时候,保温能力会断崖式的下降。越野群里的跑友就有穿薄排骨羽绒服运动出汗后,冻个半死的经历。即使羽绒做了抗水处理,效果也不是那么理想。而且羽绒毕竟取自于鹅、鸭等动物,无法短时间大量生产,所以,在恶劣条件或者气候多变的情况下,我们就会用人造棉来作为保暖材料。 最初美国陆军山姆大叔向各大厂商招标,生产一种类似羽绒的保暖材料,让军人在战场上不畏寒冷,而又能够适应军人潮湿恶劣的服装使用保养环境,能大规模生产,成本可控。于是,各种人造棉就诞生了。 常见牌子货保温棉大概是P棉、T棉和C棉三种了。 P棉也就是Primaloft棉,是美国Al-banyInternational公司为美军量身定制而研发的一种中空棉,最显著的特点是在于已经被淋湿的状态下的保温能力提升和防风性能的提升,且升温速度更快锁温能力也更强,压缩性能好。这些特点让P棉具备了几乎可以和羽绒相提并论的产品优势,让它更适合在环境比较恶劣的环境下使用。越是高端类型的P棉,其各方面的性能就越优秀,不过P棉的价格比较贵。 其实和棉(cotton)没有关系,只是为了称呼方便。这种人造保暖材料模仿羽绒的结构,利用粗中空纤维为骨干,并将超细中空纤维合成缠绕在粗骨干上面,形成如羽绒般的树状结构。让PrimaLoft在构造上得以和羽绒非常的近似。由于 Primaloft的中空纤维极细、极复杂,这样的结构造成整块PrimaLoft填充物中有着数量极多、比水分子团还小的气室,这些气室能抓住身体散发出的热量,又有着先天的拒水性,即使整件衣服都打湿了,PrimaLoft 仍具有高度的保暖效果,这种特性是羽绒制品无法想象的。 霉菌L7级别的衣服,级别都是人造棉或者人造棉混羽绒制品。 P棉目前有7个不同级别,主要用于服装的有ECO, Sport,One三个级别,使用环保原料的ECO最弱,One级P棉则是最强人造保暖材料。因为P棉的独特结构,不像羽绒一样填充制衣,而是采用植入方式,因此没有蓬松度一说,同种P棉,厚度就决定了保暖度,一般用每平方米克重(G/M2)来标识。 Primaloft比起羽绒,保暖性还是有不小的差距。让我们按照每盎司热阻值(Clo/Oz)来比较一下: Primaloft Eco 0.68 Down (550F) 0.7 Primaloft Sport 0.79 Down(625F) 0.92 Primaloft One 0.92 Down (800F) 1.68 Down (850+F) 2.53 可以看出,最强的ONE级P棉保暖性也只能勉强达到650蓬羽绒的保暖程度,同时在压缩性和重量比上也有一定差距,高蓬中间层羽绒一样,打包成一罐可乐大小是不可能的。P棉虽然不惧水,但透气性还是不如抓绒,不适合大强度长时间的高排汗量户外活动(不过这样的活动也不需要高保温性)。 T棉也就是一般所说的3M棉、新雪丽,是3M公司开发的一种中空棉,它的主要特点是相对来说价格比较便宜,进入市场较早,和P棉一样具有拒水性,在棉身已经进水的情况下依然还可以保持一定程度的保暖,且轻巧、柔软,保暖能力好。但新雪丽的升温速度、锁温能力和压缩性不如P棉。C棉也就是Coreloft,C棉相比前面的,是一种长短纤维混织的化纤保暖材料,号称蓬松度比较高,另外抗压缩的能力比前面的都要更好。但是从来没有给出过具体的绝热值数据,根据国外热心网友传说,Coreloft的纤维达不到Primaloft的超细级别,结构上也达不到P棉纳米气室的水平。在市面上目前应用的不算太广泛。目前仅有好像只有鸟比较喜欢用。 总而言之,高蓬松羽绒就是法拉利跑车,优点和缺点一样的璀璨,人造棉就是丰田汉兰达,可靠而且多功能,上得厅堂下得厨房,面面俱到。 现在的冬季外套,经常会把羽绒和人造棉材料用在一起,取长补短,户外羽绒服会采用经过拒水处理的羽绒,同时混入一定量的人造棉或者在容易受潮部位使用人造棉,结合了羽绒出色保暖性和人造棉优秀的耐受性。能在潮湿,也就是人体大量出汗或者被雨淋湿的情况下,维持住90%以上的的保暖能力。 总结起来就是:又干又冷选羽绒,潮湿出汗用棉服。 虽然现在大鹅的口碑有些褒贬不一,但他的保温能力确实不用质疑。Canada Goose原来是给加拿大边境的巡逻队设计的,同时也还是美国国家科学基金会组织的南极科考队准备的。 所以它非常保暖。填充物其实是鸭绒,基本上在600蓬左右,这也是平衡了重量和耐用度选择的结果,因为考察队和巡逻队都是长时间活动,所需要的服装耐久性一定要好,对重量则不太敏感。 大鹅的Parkas, Lightweight, Shells三个系列中,parkas 是款式最做也是最受欢迎的系列,也最适合平时穿着。 波司登极地系列,在我看来, 是波司登布局高端市场,对标加拿大鹅的产品。东西非常不错,价格对比竞品也有足够的竞争力。不过设计上还是有些讨好消费者的意思,例如会有加厚保暖GORE-TEX厚款羽绒服,其实在这种羽绒服的使用环境里,降水的形式大多是雪,并不需要太强的防水性能,略略不够专业。 龙牙的东西,我感觉是不错的,做工用料没有什么槽点,设计不会太浮夸,价格也很稳,不会大起大落,在国产军事风格的衣服中,我感觉可以算头牌。 君羽这款,足够保暖,适合零下25-35度的天气,但不太适合过于复杂的运动。 大量出汗的快速徒步、越野跑可以不用选择纯羽绒制品,一般的活动以及收纳体积要求更高的干燥环境,还是羽绒比较好。 Gearlab户外运动鹅绒1000蓬的羽绒服,100多克的充绒量,200多克的总重,衣服很轻,带帽,10D的面料有一定的抗磨损性,普通环境外穿,恶劣环境中间层都很适合。不过轻型羽绒服,大多数还是会小小的钻绒,高级如鸟也是这个样子。 龙牙潜伏者羽绒服,采用了含绒量90%的750灰鹅绒和金标P棉的组合,比例大概是70%:30%。利用棉来对绒朵进行支撑,加上有防泼水效果的4层防钻绒材料,可适用多种环境,耐用性非常有保证。加之衣服本身配色设计比较低调,日常穿着也非常合适。 Marmot/土拨鼠是传统的羽绒强项品牌,这款面包羽绒服,用了700蓬拒水鹅绒,含绒量90%,非常不错的原材料。有人过国内版本不好,但是国内版本袖子短啊,我喜欢。 Mont-bell是日本品牌,记得因为法语的意思是美丽的山,所以俗称美山,鉴于日本工匠(zhou)精神设计,产品性能和做工与始祖鸟相当,价格只有鸟一半,在户外圈子里面评价不错。羽绒传说是君羽代工的,当然,同一代工厂不同要求、工艺和原材料差距,出品的质量也是有较大差距的(奔驰S和奔驰A还是同一个品牌呢)。 君羽户外鹅绒羽绒服,双面穿挺不错的。 我感觉优衣库的产品是快销品牌里面质量顶尖的,听说很多代工厂也会说,优衣库的单是要求最高的,品牌方跟单的负责人也时时来检测,和很多牌子只有下单和出货才有人的情况很不一样。 这件优衣库 高性能复合连帽外套(复合填充羽绒),也是复合填充,但和龙牙的材料完全混合不一样,优衣库是在不同的部位,依照保暖需求采用羽绒或者人造棉来进行填充。这也是平衡需求,提高性价比的好办法。 EDCO艾德克是我最近买的比较多的牌子,走的是高街机能风,不想户外品牌那样纯粹的 科技 流。衣服品质不错,搭配起来比较出效果。关键是、关键式价格在折扣季非常美丽,相对快销品牌来说,质量、价格都有一定优势,还不容易撞衫,我个人很喜欢。 Marmot/土拨鼠700蓬拒水鹅绒,传统项目, 军旅夹克风设计,比派克大衣精干显腿长。 鸟、象、鼠户外三大佬之一,KLATTERMUSEN攀山鼠瓦力P棉带帽版,标志性的三角标加斜拉链设计,专业性能不用担心。版型偏欧美,适合偏瘦的人穿。 龙牙风神轻量便携Primaloft棉服,微微有弹性,穿着舒适。外穿和中间层都可以胜任, 打包收纳性能不错。外形上,采用黑、灰、狼棕的颜色,配合硬朗的裁剪,凸显“英朗”汉子气质。 凯乐石户外的东西,近年来我感觉是越做越好了,设计上也有了很大进步。这件NASA主题双面穿primaloft棉服夹克,日常穿非常不错 经典的始祖鸟 ATOM AR 连帽棉服,用的是C棉,多年积累下来的好名声,Atom:就是始祖鸟的经典棉服系列了;AR:官方说明是全地形,在系列中表示较好的防护型,同时在其他方面有所兼顾,比如重量,舒适度;户外穿,除了价格,没有什么缺点…… 凭着自己头脑中的点点记忆和认识,稀里糊涂的说了这么多,也不知道对大家有没有帮助。个人能力有限,难以面面俱到,还请大家在评论中斧正。感谢! 注:以上部分资料源自网络收集,侵删。
2023-07-19 10:12:172


2023-07-19 10:13:192

我玩的是暗黑1.10 德鲁依 咋练比较好

2023-07-19 10:13:2715

50 ways 歌词?

[ti:50 Ways][ar:Eminem ft. Martin L. Gore][al:][by:B.I.B.E.L.O.T][00:-04.00]Eminem ft. Martin L. Gore - 50 Ways[00:-03.00](Lyrics by MaxRNB)[00:-02.00]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source![00:-01.00][00:01.00]You probably gonna think that I"m talking about you and you goddamn right I am[00:04.75]look at you, this is the minimal I could diss you[00:07.35]subliminally, but I think criminal instinct[00:10.02]has pushed me to the brink, my pussy does it stink[00:12.45]he still loves me cause he puts me in his ink[00:14.94]he does, doesn"t he, still is, isn"t he[00:17.03]Nah, I"m just playing tug of war with his heart cause he misses me[00:19.67]I can still fuck him and leave whenever I feel frisky[00:22.66]and is no risk of disease cause he ain"t with anyone[00:25.64]see this bitch really thinks she can get me[00:27.68]if she still wants me, driving across country[00:30.08]strapped him to the front seat, missing all the fun T[00:32.54]?----? next time he"s gonna punch me[00:35.11]I told this cunt she"s gonna over-do it once[00:37.40]and once she does, she was stuffed up in a trunk[00:39.78]crunch, he scrunched her up in a bar[00:41.11]?-? up nice and comfy[00:42.54]fuck around get dumped up in a lake "fore you dump me[00:45.01]you cunning little cunt, deceitful witch[00:47.17]you thought you had me, "till my shrink told me this[00:49.82][00:50.51]The problem is all inside your head she said to me[00:55.42]The answer is easy if you take it logically[01:00.23]I"d like to help you in your struggle to be free[01:04.15]There must be 50 ways to leave your lover[01:07.94][01:09.58]I feel like a serial killer[01:10.87]I keep dumping bodies in the lake, I"ma get caught and send up the river[01:14.53]I shiver when I think of the company I keep[01:17.08]how do I know she ain"t gonna kill me when I sleep[01:19.53]I shriek, every time she hands me something to drink[01:22.01]sex kept us together, when we slept together every-thing[01:24.86]was all better, she made me feel like a king[01:27.00]slowly, she began lowering my self-esteem[01:29.41]she go to the club and not answer the phone when I call her[01:32.02]and I just bought her a truck for 50,000 dollars[01:34.49]accused me of doing drugs and screaming "holla"[01:36.94]then I find a bag of coke on her, some marijuana[01:39.43]and all I know is every time I go[01:41.42]to them hiding spots, wherever she hides her blow[01:44.06]the little bags of dope, there was a pile of coke[01:46.51]that"s growing smaller, and that was just a while ago[01:49.04]and I wouldn"t even let on like I know[01:50.57]what was I supposed to do, call the ride on it, we just argue[01:54.06]say she put it down on purpose and flipped the script[01:56.60]ooh she"s a manipulative evil bitch[01:59.04]a cunning little cunt, little deceitful witch[02:01.40]she thought she had me, "till my shrink told me this[02:03.83][02:04.65]The problem is all inside your head she said to me[02:09.57]The answer is easy if you take it logically[02:14.50]I"d like to help you in your struggle to be free[02:18.47]There must be 50 ways to leave your lover[02:21.80](Lyrics by MaxRNB)[02:22.41]Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source!
2023-07-19 10:13:511


本内容来源于@什么值得买APP,观点仅代表作者本人 作者:cctv凝 又到寒风凛冽时,大家又开始翻箱倒柜或是打开各种购物APP来找一件合适的冬装了吧。其实除了传统的“貂”和羊毛大衣,棉服(服装分类,其实并不含棉花)的保暖性更好,穿起来也更舒适,成为我们冬天大部分时间穿着的选择。 和皮毛制品与羊毛大衣依靠本身的材质保温不同,棉服保温,是依靠内部的填充物实现的。一开始,最佳的填充物是羽绒。作为静态保暖最佳材料(气凝胶那种板材不算),在同等重量的前提下,羽绒的保暖性最好,压缩性也强(容易打包),缺点是被水打湿之后,羽绒保暖性大大降低。如果对羽绒进行拒水处理,那么羽绒即使在湿润之后还有不错保暖性。但羽绒制品天生容易“跑绒”,服装需要做防钻毛处理。 羽绒基本上分为鸭绒和鹅绒:鹅绒绒朵稍大,蓬松度比鸭绒的略高,高蓬数(800/1000蓬这种数量级)的羽绒制品基本上会用鹅绒。鸭子属于杂食性动物,因此鸭绒的油脂含量较多,普遍带有一种腥臊味,需要清洗去异味后才能使用;而鹅的饲料以植物性为主,故鹅绒油脂含量少,几乎没有异味,不需要过多的化学处理。所以总的来说,鹅绒要比鸭绒高级一些。 白色羽绒从性能方面和灰色羽绒几乎没有什么区别,但白色羽绒可以用在浅色服装中,适应性比较强。 羽绒是“羽”和“绒”的混合物。羽就是毛片,在羽绒中起支撑作用,能让羽绒迅速回弹;而绒就是绒朵,是羽绒的精华。绒朵是立体球状,由一个绒核和放射出的许多绒丝组成的朵状结构,类似于蒲公英。绒丝是由成千上万微小的鳞片叠加而成,每个鳞片都是中空的。每一根绒丝上都有很多的菱节,这些菱节中饱含着不流动的空气。同时,绒丝之间和绒朵之间也会固定大量的空气。这也就是羽绒为什么如此保暖的秘诀所在。这里,就引出了羽绒制品里一个很关键的数据:含绒量。 含绒量(down content):是羽绒里面绒的比例,一般以百分数的形式表示。通俗点讲,比如羽绒服的含绒量一般在80%以上,这个数据表明其中羽绒的含量是80%,羽毛的含量占20%。按照我国羽绒服的国家标准规定:“羽绒服的‘含绒量"不得低于50%,充绒量允许偏差规定为-5%”。一般来说,含绒量越高的羽绒服越好,当然,价格也越高。大家在购买羽绒服的时候需要重点关注这个指标。 在同等含绒量的前提下,还有一个指标来区分羽绒的好坏,那就是蓬松度,蓬松度是国际上度量羽绒保暖程度的重要指标,在服装上,一般用欧美的蓬数来标注的比较多。蓬数用指的是在一定条件下每一盎司(30克)羽绒所占体积立方英寸的数值。比如说,一盎司的羽绒所占的空间为600立方英寸则称该羽绒的蓬松度为600。一般而言,肥美、成熟的禽类,其羽绒的蓬松度高,相反,小的禽类蓬松度较低。羽绒的蓬松度越高,说明在同样充绒量下的羽绒可以固定更大体积的空气层来保温和隔热,所以羽绒的保暖性越好,但相对抗压缩性比较差。 所以,一件羽绒服是否保暖,就是由充容量、含绒量和蓬数共同来决定的。三者不同的组合,来应对不同的需要: 雪线上、极地级别的保温能力: 大充容量、高含绒量、中高蓬数,有很好的保温和抗风能力来应对极寒气候,但一般不用太高蓬数的羽绒,因为不够“耐用”; 一般的户外活动(徒步、登山): 低充容量、高含绒量、高蓬数,一般作为中间层,通常抗风性和抗磨损能力不强,满足保温能力的前提下有透气、轻量、大压缩性的特点,长时间活动中降低背负、打包的负担; 日常保暖: 中高充容量、低含绒量、低蓬数,日常啊,厚实保温就行。 羽绒保温能力这么强,是不是就没有缺点了呢,当然不是:一般的羽绒,被雨水、汗水打湿之后,或者衣服比较潮湿的时候,保温能力会断崖式的下降。越野群里的跑友就有穿薄排骨羽绒服运动出汗后,冻个半死的经历。即使羽绒做了抗水处理,效果也不是那么理想。而且羽绒毕竟取自于鹅、鸭等动物,无法短时间大量生产,所以,在恶劣条件或者气候多变的情况下,我们就会用人造棉来作为保暖材料。 最初美国陆军山姆大叔向各大厂商招标,生产一种类似羽绒的保暖材料,让军人在战场上不畏寒冷,而又能够适应军人潮湿恶劣的服装使用保养环境,能大规模生产,成本可控。于是,各种人造棉就诞生了。 常见牌子货保温棉大概是P棉、T棉和C棉三种了。 P棉也就是Primaloft棉,是美国Al-banyInternational公司为美军量身定制而研发的一种中空棉,最显著的特点是在于已经被淋湿的状态下的保温能力提升和防风性能的提升,且升温速度更快锁温能力也更强,压缩性能好。这些特点让P棉具备了几乎可以和羽绒相提并论的产品优势,让它更适合在环境比较恶劣的环境下使用。越是高端类型的P棉,其各方面的性能就越优秀,不过P棉的价格比较贵。 其实和棉(cotton)没有关系,只是为了称呼方便。这种人造保暖材料模仿羽绒的结构,利用粗中空纤维为骨干,并将超细中空纤维合成缠绕在粗骨干上面,形成如羽绒般的树状结构。让PrimaLoft在构造上得以和羽绒非常的近似。由于 Primaloft的中空纤维极细、极复杂,这样的结构造成整块PrimaLoft填充物中有着数量极多、比水分子团还小的气室,这些气室能抓住身体散发出的热量,又有着先天的拒水性,即使整件衣服都打湿了,PrimaLoft 仍具有高度的保暖效果,这种特性是羽绒制品无法想象的。 霉菌L7级别的衣服,级别都是人造棉或者人造棉混羽绒制品。 P棉目前有7个不同级别,主要用于服装的有ECO, Sport,One三个级别,使用环保原料的ECO最弱,One级P棉则是最强人造保暖材料。因为P棉的独特结构,不像羽绒一样填充制衣,而是采用植入方式,因此没有蓬松度一说,同种P棉,厚度就决定了保暖度,一般用每平方米克重(G/M2)来标识。 Primaloft比起羽绒,保暖性还是有不小的差距。让我们按照每盎司热阻值(Clo/Oz)来比较一下: Primaloft Eco 0.68 Down (550F) 0.7 Primaloft Sport 0.79 Down(625F) 0.92 Primaloft One 0.92 Down (800F) 1.68 Down (850+F) 2.53 可以看出,最强的ONE级P棉保暖性也只能勉强达到650蓬羽绒的保暖程度,同时在压缩性和重量比上也有一定差距,高蓬中间层羽绒一样,打包成一罐可乐大小是不可能的。P棉虽然不惧水,但透气性还是不如抓绒,不适合大强度长时间的高排汗量户外活动(不过这样的活动也不需要高保温性)。 T棉也就是一般所说的3M棉、新雪丽,是3M公司开发的一种中空棉,它的主要特点是相对来说价格比较便宜,进入市场较早,和P棉一样具有拒水性,在棉身已经进水的情况下依然还可以保持一定程度的保暖,且轻巧、柔软,保暖能力好。但新雪丽的升温速度、锁温能力和压缩性不如P棉。C棉也就是Coreloft,C棉相比前面的,是一种长短纤维混织的化纤保暖材料,号称蓬松度比较高,另外抗压缩的能力比前面的都要更好。但是从来没有给出过具体的绝热值数据,根据国外热心网友传说,Coreloft的纤维达不到Primaloft的超细级别,结构上也达不到P棉纳米气室的水平。在市面上目前应用的不算太广泛。目前仅有好像只有鸟比较喜欢用。 总而言之,高蓬松羽绒就是法拉利跑车,优点和缺点一样的璀璨,人造棉就是丰田汉兰达,可靠而且多功能,上得厅堂下得厨房,面面俱到。 现在的冬季外套,经常会把羽绒和人造棉材料用在一起,取长补短,户外羽绒服会采用经过拒水处理的羽绒,同时混入一定量的人造棉或者在容易受潮部位使用人造棉,结合了羽绒出色保暖性和人造棉优秀的耐受性。能在潮湿,也就是人体大量出汗或者被雨淋湿的情况下,维持住90%以上的的保暖能力。 总结起来就是:又干又冷选羽绒,潮湿出汗用棉服。 虽然现在大鹅的口碑有些褒贬不一,但他的保温能力确实不用质疑。Canada Goose原来是给加拿大边境的巡逻队设计的,同时也还是美国国家科学基金会组织的南极科考队准备的。 所以它非常保暖。填充物其实是鸭绒,基本上在600蓬左右,这也是平衡了重量和耐用度选择的结果,因为考察队和巡逻队都是长时间活动,所需要的服装耐久性一定要好,对重量则不太敏感。 大鹅的Parkas, Lightweight, Shells三个系列中,parkas 是款式最做也是最受欢迎的系列,也最适合平时穿着。 波司登极地系列,在我看来, 是波司登布局高端市场,对标加拿大鹅的产品。东西非常不错,价格对比竞品也有足够的竞争力。不过设计上还是有些讨好消费者的意思,例如会有加厚保暖GORE-TEX厚款羽绒服,其实在这种羽绒服的使用环境里,降水的形式大多是雪,并不需要太强的防水性能,略略不够专业。 龙牙的东西,我感觉是不错的,做工用料没有什么槽点,设计不会太浮夸,价格也很稳,不会大起大落,在国产军事风格的衣服中,我感觉可以算头牌。 君羽这款,足够保暖,适合零下25-35度的天气,但不太适合过于复杂的运动。 大量出汗的快速徒步、越野跑可以不用选择纯羽绒制品,一般的活动以及收纳体积要求更高的干燥环境,还是羽绒比较好。 Gearlab户外运动鹅绒1000蓬的羽绒服,100多克的充绒量,200多克的总重,衣服很轻,带帽,10D的面料有一定的抗磨损性,普通环境外穿,恶劣环境中间层都很适合。不过轻型羽绒服,大多数还是会小小的钻绒,高级如鸟也是这个样子。 龙牙潜伏者羽绒服,采用了含绒量90%的750灰鹅绒和金标P棉的组合,比例大概是70%:30%。利用棉来对绒朵进行支撑,加上有防泼水效果的4层防钻绒材料,可适用多种环境,耐用性非常有保证。加之衣服本身配色设计比较低调,日常穿着也非常合适。 Marmot/土拨鼠是传统的羽绒强项品牌,这款面包羽绒服,用了700蓬拒水鹅绒,含绒量90%,非常不错的原材料。有人过国内版本不好,但是国内版本袖子短啊,我喜欢。 Mont-bell是日本品牌,记得因为法语的意思是美丽的山,所以俗称美山,鉴于日本工匠(zhou)精神设计,产品性能和做工与始祖鸟相当,价格只有鸟一半,在户外圈子里面评价不错。羽绒传说是君羽代工的,当然,同一代工厂不同要求、工艺和原材料差距,出品的质量也是有较大差距的(奔驰S和奔驰A还是同一个品牌呢)。 君羽户外鹅绒羽绒服,双面穿挺不错的。 我感觉优衣库的产品是快销品牌里面质量顶尖的,听说很多代工厂也会说,优衣库的单是要求最高的,品牌方跟单的负责人也时时来检测,和很多牌子只有下单和出货才有人的情况很不一样。 这件优衣库 高性能复合连帽外套(复合填充羽绒),也是复合填充,但和龙牙的材料完全混合不一样,优衣库是在不同的部位,依照保暖需求采用羽绒或者人造棉来进行填充。这也是平衡需求,提高性价比的好办法。 EDCO艾德克是我最近买的比较多的牌子,走的是高街机能风,不想户外品牌那样纯粹的 科技 流。衣服品质不错,搭配起来比较出效果。关键是、关键式价格在折扣季非常美丽,相对快销品牌来说,质量、价格都有一定优势,还不容易撞衫,我个人很喜欢。 Marmot/土拨鼠700蓬拒水鹅绒,传统项目, 军旅夹克风设计,比派克大衣精干显腿长。 鸟、象、鼠户外三大佬之一,KLATTERMUSEN攀山鼠瓦力P棉带帽版,标志性的三角标加斜拉链设计,专业性能不用担心。版型偏欧美,适合偏瘦的人穿。 龙牙风神轻量便携Primaloft棉服,微微有弹性,穿着舒适。外穿和中间层都可以胜任, 打包收纳性能不错。外形上,采用黑、灰、狼棕的颜色,配合硬朗的裁剪,凸显“英朗”汉子气质。 凯乐石户外的东西,近年来我感觉是越做越好了,设计上也有了很大进步。这件NASA主题双面穿primaloft棉服夹克,日常穿非常不错 经典的始祖鸟 ATOM AR 连帽棉服,用的是C棉,多年积累下来的好名声,Atom:就是始祖鸟的经典棉服系列了;AR:官方说明是全地形,在系列中表示较好的防护型,同时在其他方面有所兼顾,比如重量,舒适度;户外穿,除了价格,没有什么缺点…… 凭着自己头脑中的点点记忆和认识,稀里糊涂的说了这么多,也不知道对大家有没有帮助。个人能力有限,难以面面俱到,还请大家在评论中斧正。感谢! 注:以上部分资料源自网络收集,侵删。
2023-07-19 10:14:122


金泫雅&张贤胜 - Trouble Maker 罗马音(whistle)one! two! three!ni neneul bomyon nan Trouble Makerni gyote somyon nan Trouble Makerjo geumssik do do dogalsurok do do doijen ne mameul-lado ojjol su~niga nareul itji mot-hage jakku ni apeso ttoni mam jakku nega heundeuro bosonal su opdorokni ipsureil tto humchigo molli daranaboryonan Trou a a a ble! Touble! Trou Trouble Maker!(whistle) Trouble Maker!×4ni mameul kkemulgo domangchil goya goyanhichoromnon jakku andari nal goya ne apeuro wa oso hwaneboryomne seksihan goreum ni mori soge baldongeul goneuneun-geunhan skin ship olgure bichin mot chama jukgetdan ni nunbitgalsurok gipi do ppajyodeuro alsurok niga do nane deuro Babyanuredo ni senggage chwihennabwa LadyI never never never stop!niga nareul itji mot-hage jakku ni apeso ttoni mam jakku nega heundeuro bosonal su opdorokni ipsureil tto humchigo molli daranaboryonan Trou a a a ble! Touble! Trou Trouble Maker!(whistle) Trouble Maker!×4ottoke nol ne mame damadul su inneunji (Touble Maker)geunyang ne mami ganeundero ijenI never never stop!momchul su obsoniga nareul itji mot-hage jakku ni apeso ttoni mam jakku nega heundeuro bosonal su opdorokni ipsureil tto humchigo molli daranaboryonan Trou a a a ble! Touble! Trou Trouble Maker!(whistle) Trouble Maker!×4(whistle)
2023-07-19 10:14:211


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The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand [1964年2月1日夺冠,在榜首停留7周]Billboard Top Listing for 1964 [年终排行版] 1964-001 Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand 1964-002 Beatles - She Loves You 1964-003 Louis Armstrong - Hello, Dolly 1964-004 Roy Orbison -Oh, Pretty Woman 1964-005 Beach Boys - I Get Around 1964-006 Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody 1964-007 Mary Wells - My Guy 1964-008 Gale Garnett - We"ll Sing In The Sunshine 1964-009 J. Frank Wilson and the Cavalier - Last Kiss 1964-010 Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go 1964-011 Barbra Streisand - People 1964-012 Al Hirt - Java 1964-013 Beatles - A Hard Day"s Night 1964-014 Beatles - Love Me Do 1964-015 Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy Diddy 1964-016 Beatles - Please Please Me 1964-017 Martha and the Vandellas - Dancing In The Street 1964-018 Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas - Little Children 1964-019 Ray Charles Singers - Love Me With All Your Heart 1964-020 Drifters - Under The Boardwalk 1964-021 Dixie Cups - Chapel Of Love 1964-022 Terry Stafford - Suspicion 1964-023 Dave Clark Five -Glad All Over 1964-024 Four Seasons - Rag Doll 1964-025 Four Seasons - Dawn (Go Away) 1964-026 Newbeats - Bread And Butter 1964-027 Gene Pitney - It Hurts To Be In Love 1964-028 Jan and Dean - Dead Man"s Curve 1964-029 Jay and the Americans - Come A Little Bit Closer 1964-030 Peter and Gordon - A World Without Love 1964-031 Honeycombs - Have I The Right 1964-032 Serendipity Singers - Don"t Let The Rain Come Down 1964-033 Supremes - Baby Love 1964-034 Betty Everett and Jerry Butler - Let It Be Me 1964-035 Dusty Springfield - Wishin" And Hopin" 1964-036 Lesley Gore - You Don"t Own Me 1964-037 Dionne Warwick - Walk On By 1964-038 Animals - House Of The Rising Sun 1964-039 Ronnie and the Daytonas - G.T.O. 1964-040 Beatles - Twist And Shout 1964-041 Johnny Rivers - Memphis 1964-042 Danny Williams - White On White 1964-043 Rip Chords - Hey, Little Cobra 1964-044 Betty Everett - The Shoop Shoop Song (It"s In His Kiss) 1964-045 Dave Clark Five - Bits And Pieces 1964-046 Millie Small - My Boy Lollipop 1964-047 Major Lance - Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um 1964-048 Jan and Dean - Little Old Lady (From Pasadena) 1964-049 Gerry and The Pacemakers - Don"t Let The Sun Catch You Crying 1964-050 Chad Stewart and Jeremy Clyde - A Summer Song 1964-051 Stan Getz and Astrud Gilberto - The Girl From Ipanema 1964-052 Beatles - Can"t Buy Me Love 1964-053 Shangri-Las - Remember (Walkin" In The Sand) 1964-054 Bobby Freeman - C"mon And Swim 1964-055 Beatles - Do You Want To Know A Secret 1964-056 Impressions - Keep On Pushing 1964-057 Four Tops - Baby I Need Your Loving 1964-058 Dianne Renay - Navy Blue 1964-059 Bachelors - Diane 1964-060 Marketts -Out Of Limits 1964-061 Hondells - Little Honda 1964-062 Roger Miller - Chug-A-Lug 1964-063 Bobby Goldsboro - See The Funny Little Clown 1964-064 Dave Clark Five - Because 1964-065 Reflections - (Just Like) Romeo And Juliet 1964-066 Ricky Nelson - For You 1964-067 New Christy Minstrels - Today 1964-068 Dave Clark Five - Can"t You See That She"s Mine 1964-069 Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack 1964-070 Joe Hinton - Funny 1964-071 Temptations - The Way You Do The Things You Do 1964-072 Dionne Warwick - Anyone Who Had A Heart 1964-073 Al Martino - I Love You More And More Every Day 1964-074 Roy Orbison - It"s Over 1964-075 Four Seasons - Ronnie 1964-076 Trashmen - Surfin" Bird 1964-077 Tams - What Kind Of Fool (Do You Think I Am) 1964-078 Dean Martin - The Door Is Still Open To My Heart 1964-079 Kinks - You Really Got Me 1964-080 Sammy Davis Jr. - The Shelter Of Your Arms 1964-081 Impressions - I"m So Proud 1964-082 Jellybeans - I Wanna Love Him So Bad 1964-083 Roger Miller - Dang Me 1964-084 Al Hirt - Cotton Candy 1964-085 Nancy Wilson - (You Don"t Know) How Glad I Am 1964-086 Kingsmen - Money 1964-087 Searchers - Don"t Throw Your Love Away 1964-088 Tommy Tucker - Hi-Heel Sneakers 1964-089 Gerry and the Pacemakers - How Do You Do It 1964-090 Ventures - Walk-Don"t Run 1964-091 Dave Clark Five - Do You Love Me 1964-092 Robert Maxwell, His Harp and Orchestra - Shangri-la 1964-093 Gene Simmons - Haunted House 1964-094 Jimmy Hughes - Steal Away 1964-095 Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There 1964-096 Andy Williams - A Fool Never Learns 1964-097 Billy J Kramer and Dakotas - Bad To Me 1964-098 Bobby Vinton - There! I "ve Said It Again 1964-099 Kingsmen - Louie Louie 1964-100 Searchers - Needles And Pins
2023-07-19 10:15:021


晓之车  卡在撒所无阔卡该你         无组不塞太那一太不 你摸西那怒挖他西无 挖他西噶你太一他 有古黑到耨西啊百拨 卡那得路给他啊拉 阔怒黑到耨那该kei 你 后西挖偶几得 有卡那一得 动吗那你撒开恩带摸 偶来恩几耨哈拉被拉 西四卡你有来路大开 呀挖拉卡那 一到一你耨口撒来噶 太够黑拉耨kei偶够哈路卡 偶够西爱耨 撒有那拉 素吗比古 呀撒西一太你四噶路 阔到摸挪 阔阔落我 摸爱撒噶路哭路吗挖 湖里哈拉为素素木 有哭黑到耨那该kei我 卡那得得你大啊拉 无乃挪一到哈该西古 卡kei那拉西得 啊卡那西米你 所把拉那,一西落撒得 偶内恩几耨哈那比拉 有来带大,那字挪噶该你 呀挖拉噶那 一到一我那古西得摸 啊噶古所没噶素那哈路噶 阔为得有古,撒有那拉,多里字木 袄毛一带毛,牙该组西带 素素木大一几米 那字噶西古买不一那有古 毛闹噶啊怒闹 啊噶组给闹孤独吗拨米袄古路带 袄来恩几有哈拉比拉 有来带路 你吗拨到高噶 一字卡没带 呀四吗噶那有挖该挖 毛袄一起路太一四路那带 该撒那一带 多毛西比 哭读吗挖 娃娃路遥
2023-07-19 10:13:101


Develop with the fact that a socialist market economy ceaselessness perfects a sum, stale tradition mechanism collapses thereby unceasingly , the labour force liberty flows Yue Lai Yue going to the lavatory. Employing unit appear one kind "desire dilapidated, think of establish the new " behavior state, accomplish have capacity person right away hard to avoid join an organization middle existence different run after, different concept, different behavior phenomenon. Think that inevitable job-hop phenomenon happens when the servant unit has being unlike an idea around one kind of state of affairs. The new period , job-hop become one kind of fad not only, and have made the personal life ladder get rise. The cut-throat competition facing talent market , the experience that the more and more many people has had to abandon one occupation in favour of another , more and more many enterprise have felt an employee conscientiously leaving office to the enterprise effect. The main body of a book has been commented on up from the concept abandoning one occupation in favour of another and the certainty that phenomenon produces , has analysed , has been discussed the enterprise director step by step throughly by the fact that job-hop phenomenon and excellent enterprise of abroad frequently encamp in concre leaving behind the talented person classics law case successfully to enterprise employee end of the year to face what organization inside brain drain responds to the measure adopting and answers method.
2023-07-19 10:13:113

with temperatures in the thirties为什么temperature加s?

2023-07-19 10:13:171


  西北政法大学的专业分别是:   1、艺术学类有广播电视编导、戏剧影视文学;   2、管理学类有市场营销、人力资源管理、行政管理、劳动与社会保障、公共事业管理;   3、工学类有刑事科学技术;   4、经济学类有经济学、国际经济与贸易、金融学;   5、文学类有新闻学、编辑出版学、广播电视学、英语、朝鲜语、商务英语;   6、哲学类有哲学;   7、法学类有治安学、侦查学、政治学与行政学、法学、社会学、社会工作。
2023-07-19 10:13:171

要交论文 但是本人英语奇差 希望各位达人帮帮忙 帮我把这段翻译成英文 谢谢……真是会者不难 难者不会……

In today"s society, China"s talent market has entered the stage of high-speed flow, talent for an enterprise can become bigger and stronger with indispensable function. In the past, under the planned economy system, the scope of career choice, and less each enterprise service for the time is relatively long, Along with market economy system constantly, make choice of career ever-widening, can also let employees in each enterprise to the average service time gradually shortened.In the era of progress in development, and has become a job-hopping is very normal. This kind of situation in those just graduated from high above, not long ago, the young age of light is more prominent. This paper from the young staff employment market characteristics, frequent job-hopping young employees of young staff job frequently causes, and influence of young staff frequent job-hopping countermeasures from four aspects: the general situation in thinking and analysis.这个行吗?
2023-07-19 10:13:181

Kaki King的《Fortuna》 歌词

歌曲名:Fortuna歌手:Kaki King专辑:... Until We Felt RedFortuna作词:橘尭叶作曲:橘尭叶编曲:橘尭叶歌:妖精帝国Made by Killknifexいと短きに 我が命御霊と成りて 呼びかけんDabit deus his quoque finem.Dum fata sinunt vivite laeti.Vieritas liberabit vos.Ora. Vive hodie.Vixi et quam dederat cursum fortuna???Dii a nullo videntur,ipsi aunem omnia vident.常世に出でし 者たちよ各々の手に 理をDabit deus his quoque finem.Dum fata sinunt vivite laeti.Vieritas liberabit vos.Ora. Vive hodie.Ducount volentem fata,nolentem trahunt.Dii a nullo videntur,ipsi autem omnia vident.Vieritas liberabit vos.Ora. Vive hodie.Vixi et quam dederat cursum fortuna???Vieritas liberabit vos.Ora. Vive hodie.Ducount volentem fata,nolentem trahunt.Dii a nullo videntur,ipsi autem omnia vident.Vive hodie.Lucet foutuna.Vive memor mortis.Fortuna.
2023-07-19 10:13:181


都是DJ,前几天搜到的,都还行,可以到酷狗上直接搜就行,都可以搜的到的:ererything we touch(优美又不失节奏感); 酒轿芭合捞3笼Turtles(很动感的一首歌,这首是健美操舞曲的)AroundTheWorld(很能感染人)nothingintheworld(虽然不是特别动感,但是我觉得最赞的一首,在MP5里放了好久都舍不得删)CandyToy&--CLUB(里面的女声很是好听)Valium&--Doin"ItAgain(也是音浪很强的一首歌,很赞呢) rhythmofloveyoomiii(很有节奏感的DJ)Starclubfeat.Dr.Alban(有舞曲的风格)banaroo-bayongawamba(好喜欢的,极力推荐!)以上都是我亲自听过整理出来的,希望对你有所帮助!O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-19 10:13:181


可以的。在工具栏中找到直接选取工具。就是那个空心箭头。cs5的快捷键是A 然后点击锚点就可以编辑节点的位置了钢笔工具后面有个像角度一样的工具。他可以编辑句柄。CS5的快捷键是shift+c这两个工具就能调节所有路径了
2023-07-19 10:13:222


2023-07-19 10:13:231


  高中时期,观点型的英语作文是比较频繁出现的。下面是我给大家整理的观点型英语作文,供大家参阅!   观点型英语作文:My View on Opportunity   Different people have different views on opportunity. Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.   As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe that opportunities are everywhere around us. No person will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has its day”. For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves. Just think of Newton, who discovered the Law of Gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of them.   Taking all factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society. Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the old saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”   观点型英语作文:My View on Teenagers Studying Abroad   Recently, it seems that among the students who choose to study abroad, there are more and more teenagers who study in high schools or even elementary schools. Many people, especially their parents, think that it will certainly do good to their children because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance, Moreover, the quality of overseas education is often higher, thus the child stands a better chance of entering a better university and getting a better job in the future.   After careful consideration, I have to say that the above view is more than biased. On the one hand, early independent life is not necessarily good, if the child can not receive proper guidance and tender care from both teachers and parents. On the other hand, the educational quality is also a problem — too many foreign schools aim at earning money. When the children come back, who can guarantee that they can adapt to the fierce competition here?   We can see clearly that although teenagersu2019 study abroad may bring favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about. It seems necessary for the parents and the young students as well to make a thorough investigation before making a decision to study overseas.   观点型英语作文1   Peopleu2019s opinions are always different once they talk about job-hopping. Those who never change their jobs throughout their lives maintain that they have accumulated enough experience to work smoothly and efficiently, so whatu2019s the point in changing to another job? They also firmly believe that anyone who wants to excel in his specialty has to work hard on the same post for years to acquire the required skill and knowledge.   Many people think otherwise. On the one hand, if the present job can offer neither satisfactory working conditions nor future opportunities, they will not hesitate a moment to leave. On the other hand, they hold that life is but once and job-hopping can provide rich and exciting experiences.   My own opinion is that job-hopping, in this fast-developing information era, has become more than common and acceptable. If we want to keep pace with the times, we have to change for the faster, the higher and the stronger. So life is a journey, we have nothing to regret so long as we put meaning into it.   观点型英语作文2   The other day we had a heated discussion about whether it is necessary for parents to accompany students studying at schools. As for the question, there are two different opinions. Some students are for the idea that parents should accompany students studying. Because parents can do such housework as making delicious dinner and washing clothes for students, which in turn allow students to have more time to study and have a good rest.   On the contrary, some students go against the former viewpoint. In their opinion, parents quitting the job to accompany students will add economic pressure to family. Besides, students will be under mental stress. In addition, there is no chance to develop their independence. As far as I am concerned, I am for the latter viewpoint. In the long run, not only should students study well but also learn the ability to live independently. Only by living alone do students have the chance to grow up.  
2023-07-19 10:13:241


2023-07-19 10:13:251

轻音少女中 毛笔与圆珠笔的中文歌词 日文歌词

2023-07-19 10:13:274

求EMINEM的Like toy soldier 背景事件~~

百度知道搜"like toy soldiers",就啥都知道了
2023-07-19 10:13:282

别人对你说Hi there怎么回复

hi there的意思就是你好,但是比较口语,估计跟你说这个是老外把你就说hi,how are u doing活着 hello,how are u 一开始我也不习惯 后来也开始说了
2023-07-19 10:13:311


1777年Bass在英国创立了一个酿酒厂,后来发展成为英国顶级酿造者之一。1876年Bass的商标红三角成为英国第一个注册商标。二十世纪六十年代Bass公司收购了一些知名的酿酒公司,成为英国最大的酿酒商,也拥有最多的酒馆。1988年购入Holiday Inns International,开始涉足宾馆业。1989年由于禁酒Bass开始减少酒吧数量,其余的资金用于宾馆发展。1990年购入the North American Holiday Inn 和Holiday Inn,酒店开始进入国际化。1991年推出Holiday Inn Express,补充服务细分中的不足。1994年推出皇冠假日(Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts),迎合高层次消费者。同年拥有的小酒吧转化成小旅馆,迎合英国日益增长的外出就餐市场。1997年推出Staybridge Suites,迎合高消费长住市场,发展迅速,在美国已有50多家。1998年购入 InterContinental hotel company,增加了另一个高消费品牌。2000年在澳大利亚买入Southern Pacific Hotels Corporation (SPHC),确立了在亚太地区酒店业的领头地位。同年将Bass酿酒厂以23亿英镑的价格卖给比利时一家酒厂,然后更名为 Six Continents PLC。2001年以六亿两千五百万英镑的价格卖出988家小的不知名的酒吧,以八亿一千万英镑的价格买入European Posthouse chain of hotels,其战略位置十分重要,在将其转换为Holiday Inn后,巩固了Holiday Inn在英国和欧洲大陆的地位。同年以两亿四千一百万购入InterContinental Hong Kong,巩固了其在中国和亚洲的高消费市场的地位。2002年集团的酒店业和软饮料业与零售业(Mitchells & Butlers plc)分离。2003年增加了一个中级长住酒店品牌Candlewood。2004年推出Indigo,提供实惠精品屋住宿。2005年借鉴Staybridge Suites在美国的成功实例,在英国推出Staybridge Suites。同年清理集团对软饮料(Britvic plc)的控股,成为专注于旅馆的公司。2006年在日本与All Nippon Airways合资,使其成为日本最大的国际酒店经营者。2007年大力发展Holiday Inn品牌,计划2008年在美国开始,2010年底结束。1946年,泛美航空公司创立洲际饭店集团;1952年,美国人凯蒙斯?威尔逊(Kemmons Wilson)创设假日饭店集团。20世纪90年代英国啤酒制造商巴斯(Bass)全盘接收假日饭店,1998年巴斯以29亿美元从日本Saison集团手中收购了洲际饭店集团及其187间单店;2000年斥资1.28亿英镑,获得Hale国际有限公司属下59间饭店经营管理权,并花费8.1亿英镑吞并英国波斯特豪斯(Post house)集团的79家饭店。2001年7月,巴斯饭店集团更名为六洲饭店集团(Six Continents)。2001年,六洲饭店集团在全球的利润额近8亿英镑。在全世界100多个国家管理着3200多家饭店,旗下有洲际、皇冠、假日、快捷假日、stay bridge等5个品牌。其中假日(Holiday Inn)是当时全球最大的单一中档饭店品牌。2003年4月,六洲酒店集团正式更名为洲际饭店集团。“洲际饭店集团”是一个商标名,代表洲际饭店集团 PLC 在全球从事饭店业的子公司。
2023-07-19 10:13:321

雅思作文提高:7分写作范文之Job Change

  下面是一篇关于工作的雅思写作高分范文,这篇雅思写作范文的主要内容是人们对工作的期望是不同的,有人喜欢呆在同一个公式的同一个职位上,但是另外一些人则经常更换他们的工作。讨论一下这两种观点的优缺点。   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.   People have different expectations for jobs. Some prefer to stay in the same job for the same company while others change jobs frequently. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both views.   You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.   People have different expectations for jobs. Some prefer to stay in the same job for the same company while others change jobs frequently. In my opinion, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.   Those who prefer to have a job lasting from cradle to grave are usually steady typed. Many recruiters prize prospective employees who have stayed at the same job for several years because they are thought loyal and credible. They are also felt to have commitment and devotion to the job. However, the greatest risk for this type of employees is that they many acquire a reputation as “dead wood” or “lifers” people. They may be thought too lazy or not talented enough to change a new job. Once losing the present job for any reasons, they will find it difficult to seek a new one for the lack of experience.   Job hoppers, on the other hand, have no such worries. They possess a wider variety of experience to fit many job situations. Job-hopping seems to be looked upon as a way to move upward in responsibility quickly and keep skills fresh and up to date. Many employers will often hire the person with a wide range of short-term experience over one who has spent many years with one employer. However, there are two sides to the issue. If one moves from job to job in a couple of years, people may question his or her integrity and loyalty. They may be thought unstable or untrustworthy. Some recruiters prefer someone with solid experience related to their particular field.   Right or wrong, at the moment employers are more forgiving of people who have had several jobs. To stay or to leave, it is your own choice. (287 words)   以上就是这篇关于工作的雅思写作高分范文的全部内容,文章完成的中规中矩,对题目中的要求完成的很好,但是也没有太多亮点。工作类的雅思写作话题是最常见的话题,大家可以在备考雅思写作考试的时候进行适当的参考和练习。
2023-07-19 10:13:321


2023-07-19 10:13:321

翻译地址。 新加坡 17 Kaki Bukit Place, Singapore 4161

新加坡17加基武吉广场,新加坡416195.416195 ,安迪·昂,
2023-07-19 10:13:341


ps抠出来的图怎么换背景?您可以通过本文提供的指导轻松实现抠图放置的操作,让您的照片合成更加自然、流畅和美观。同时,我们还将为您介绍如何对放置后的图片进行调整和优化,以达到更好的效果。电脑端点击这里免费下载—>> 【AI智能抠图,三秒出图】方法一:AI智能批量抠图软件电脑端点击这里免费下载—>> 【AI智能抠图,三秒出图】1、点击上方链接直接获取绿色官方正版软件,运行软件安装到本地,启动软件;进入软件主界面可以看到多个功能,可以根据我们的图像选择对应功能,如人像抠图、物品抠图、图章抠图等多种场景;2、软件支持单张添加或者批量添加两种模式,添加完成后AI智能识别边缘区域,直接扣取需要处理的背景,保留发丝细节、根根分明;需要更换背景到指定图片作为背景图,点击自定义背景图即可替换背景图。需要更换纯色背景,可以在换背景功能下面选择对应纯色功能即可。想要调整图片尺寸,选择【修改尺寸】功能即可。3、作图区域右侧支持更换背景、更换底色、修改图片尺寸等功能,我们可以根据自己的需求调整,处理完成后点击右下角的保存按钮,直接保存图片即可。方法二:微软的office word软件1、打开Word,点击【插入】→【图片】,将你需要更换底色的照片添加上去;选中照片,点击【格式】→【删除背景】,就可以手动删除你需要更换的背景色;2、在【设置图片格式】窗口中选择【纯色填充】,再选择需要更改的背景色即可。方法三:Adobe Photoshop软件1、打开PS,添加需要更换背景底色的照片,点击【魔棒工具】→【背景】,删除原来的背景颜色;2、接着点击【油漆桶】,选择前景色,将颜色更改为你需要的底色,然后保存图片即可。以上就是分享给大家的三种抠图的简单方法,大家可以根据自己的需求选择对应的方案,希望分享的方法可以帮助到有需要的小伙伴~
2023-07-19 10:13:422


It"s usual that people change their jobs nowadays.
2023-07-19 10:13:424


是 困境
2023-07-19 10:13:088


万豪旗下子品牌主要有:Renaissance(万丽酒店),还有Courtyard(万怡酒店),2个Suites(套房)酒店,2个Inn(旅馆)酒店等。Renaissance(万丽酒店)1982成立,最早属于华美达品牌之一,后期由于集团变更而独立出来。1997-2005年间,万豪完成了对大部分万丽酒店的收购。万丽酒店大都很具有历史感,因为它们往往坐落于世界各大名市的中心位置,毗连旅游景点,建筑本身也是城市以前的重要地标。Courtyard(万怡酒店)专门服务于商务出差旅客。很强调社交空间,大堂和一楼的餐吧Bistro总是设计的舒适,雅致,让人放松,并且想多待一会儿。从商务酒店转型强调生活和工作平衡的酒店,“万怡”的无论房间还是健身房都设施齐全,现代,深得务实客人的欢心。TownePlace Suites(万豪广场套房酒店) 以全套房为主的酒店,配置完整厨房和餐具,房间布局内设全尺寸厨房和餐饮区、办公区及睡眠区,这些套房专为常住旅客而精心设计,长住外也适合家庭旅行及商务出差短住。氛围和装潢温馨,红色主题充满活力与万怡酒店同规格,风格相近。万怡酒店的升级版,不过该品牌还未引进中国。SpringHill Suites(万豪春丘套房酒店)建立于1998年,强调工作和生活应该分开,所以酒店房间大多以套房形式区分休息区和工作区,想让客人拥有旅行也像在家一样轻松和舒适感受。Residence Inn(万豪居家酒店)高端长住公寓,配备厨房,装潢布置更贴近家的感觉,以独立的宽敞空间满足其对于放松高效住宿的全面需求。但保留了行政公寓的服务规格,强调本土化的舒适居住环境。Fairfield Inn & Suites(万枫酒店)房间内多采用木制家具装饰,并且突出大玻璃窗采光,贴近前身农场主题。万枫今年将打造国内城市便捷酒店打开中国市场。
2023-07-19 10:13:062

hi there是什么意思?

意思是:你好。重点词汇:hi英 [hau026a]释义:int 嗨!(表示问候或用以唤起注意)n (Hi)人名;(柬)希短语:HI-TEC 海泰客 ; 海泰克 ; 英国海泰客 ; 随心索衣词汇用法:hiint (感叹词)1、hi用作问候语,意思是“嘿”“喂”,表示问候,相当于hello,也可用以唤起注意,属非正式用法。2、hi也常可写成hey。扩展资料:近义词:hello英 [hu0259'lu0259u028a]释义:int 喂;哈罗,你好,您好(表示问候, 惊奇或唤起注意时的用语)n (Hello)(法)埃洛(人名)[ 复数 hellos 第三人称单数 helloes 现在分词 helloing 过去式 helloed 过去分词 helloed ]短语:Hello Kitty 凯蒂猫 ; 吉蒂猫
2023-07-19 10:13:021

三上寛 中文歌词《気狂い 》

仆の目の前に そびえる阶段 boku no meno maeni sobieru kaidan我的眼前 是高高的阶梯いくつ上ったら 息をついて ikutsu nobottara iki wo tsuite要上几步才能喘息一下楽になれるのだろう? rakuni nareru no darou稍稍轻松下?西阳が射し込むnishibi ga sashikomu 洒满夕阳的余晖之时 窓の向こうには mado no mukou niwa向着窗外望去未来の景色が见えるのか? mirai no keshiki ga mieru noka可以欣赏到未来的景色吗?梦は辉いているか? yume wa kagayaite iruka梦想散发着光芒吗?思い出と引き换えに omoi deto hiki kaeni回忆的反面少しずつ翳(かげ)り行く日々よsukoshi zutsu kageri iku hibiyo日光一天天一点点地也被阴霾遮住了吧青春と気づかないままに seishun to kizukanai mamani青春在不觉间逝去时に流されて tokini nagasa rete 随着时间的流逝 甘えてた制服を 脱ぎ舍てて amaeteta seifuku wo nugi sutete 把稚气的制服 统统脱去 大人になってた otonani natteta长大成人あの顷に みんなで歌った ano koroni minnade utatta那个时候 大家都放声高歌メッセージソング MESSEEJI SONGU“message song”歌词の意味が 今さらわかった kashino imiga imasara wakatta这首歌歌词的意味 到今天才明白 リノリウムの床で 鸣いていた上履き RINORIUMU no yukade naiteita uwabaki在地毯上哭泣 穿着拖鞋何かを求めて走り回り nanika wo motomete hashiri mawari像是在祈求着什么 来回踱步行き止まりに伤つき yukidomari ni kizutsuki那走到尽头的伤痛知らぬ间に仆は アルバムの中でshiranuma ni bokuwa ARUBAMU no nakade在对此一无所知之时 相册中的我仲间と肩组みながら笑う nakamato katakumi nagara warau却在与死党一起搭肩傻笑呢写真を眺めている shashin wo nagameteiru凝视着这相片新しい人生はatarashii jinsei wa新的人生それなりに楽しい けれど sorenari ni tanoshii keredo虽然也有新的快乐青春と気づかないままに seishunto kizukanai mamani青春在不觉间逝去时は早足で tokiwa haya ashi de时间迅速地描(か)きかけの未来図を 修正してkakikake no miraizu wo shuuseishite把小时描绘未来的蓝图 修改了大人と呼ばれた otona to yobareta之后的被称为“大人”あの顷に何度も歌ったano koroni nandomo utatta那个时候 无论多少次想要开口唱好きだった歌 suki datta uta 曾经喜欢的歌 今はなぜか 歌词が出て来ない  ima wa nazeka kashiga dete konai现在为什么 怎么也唱不出来了呢青春と気づかないままに seishunto kizukanai mamani青春在不觉间逝去いつも退屈で目の前の大切な出来事まで itsumo taikutsude menomaeno taisetsuna dekigoto made总是厌倦眼前的一切见过ごしていたんだ misugoshite itanda眼前之事也会有所遗漏吧阶段をようやく上って 上まできたけどkaidan wo youyaku nobotte ue made kita kedo纵然如今总算登上顶峰今の仆は歌を歌えないimano bokuwa uta wo utaenai现在的我却无法放声高歌了
2023-07-19 10:13:021

我要最新最流行的歌 有多少要多少 来这里吧,不知道你喜欢那类型的,这里有很多. 特别推荐:alizee
2023-07-19 10:12:594


2023-07-19 10:12:573


2023-07-19 10:12:562

hi there!是什么意思?

Hi,there就是用来打招呼的,相当于你好基本可以与how are you doing等同,只是更简洁,更加口语化。比较随意的口语不适用于正式场合,并且严格讲不适用于晚辈对长辈、下级对上级
2023-07-19 10:12:551

新加坡 kaki bukit road 1 上的ENTERPRISE ONE 大楼的邮编是多少

邮编是:415934地址如下:Enterprise One1 Kaki Bukit Road 1. Singapore 415934
2023-07-19 10:12:541


2023-07-19 10:12:534


2023-07-19 10:12:471

日本语歌曲:祈愿~那个时候的你 求罗马音

2023-07-19 10:12:461

hi there. 什么意思

喂 ,那儿
2023-07-19 10:12:453


2023-07-19 10:12:401

常温 用英文怎么说

2023-07-19 10:12:385


How do you like of the job-hopping
2023-07-19 10:12:355

海贼王主题曲 we are 罗马译音 不要东方神起的!!!!!我要的是北谷洋唱得!表示东方神起什么的弱爆了!

表示知道we are是东方神起的人更多么?
2023-07-19 10:12:315


2023-07-19 10:12:301


一、表示使用有形的工具时,通常用with来表示.例如: 用钢笔写 write with a pen 用肉眼看 see with naked eyes 用锤子敲打 strike with a hammer 用秒表计量 measure with a stop watch 用空气冷却 cool with air 用毛巾擦 rub with towel 二、表示采用某种方式或手段时,用by表示.例如: 用无线电联系 reach by radio 用耳机收听 listen to by earphone 用手工制造 make by hand 用电话通知 give information by telephone 用信通知他 let him know by letter 注意:作“用”讲时,by和with的区别在于:with表示行为动作的工具,后面的名词一般要有冠词;by表示动作的手段,后面的名词一律不带冠词.
2023-07-19 10:12:261