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为什么 an endangered species 这里的species用的“复数”?



-ous 后缀suf.表示 “具有…的”;“实行…的”;“像…的”,“具有…特征的”:wondrous [参较-fer,-ferous,-phore,-phorous,-pter,-pterous,-vore,-vorous]


dangerous用英语说:英:["deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s];美:["deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]一、中文翻译adj. 危险的;凶险的;不安全的二、形式比较级:more dangerous最高级:most dangerous三、短语搭配1. dangerous situation 危险的情况2. dangerous job 危险的工作3. be dangerous for 对...有危险4. become more dangerous 变得更危险5. dangerous chemicals 危险的化学品6. dangerous animal 危险的动物四、双语例句1. It"s dangerous to drive in heavy fog.在大雾中驾驶是很危险的。2. These chemicals are highly dangerous.这些化学品极其危险。3. He leads a dangerous lifestyle.他过着危险的生活方式。4. The road conditions are dangerous due to the snow.由于雪的原因,道路情况很危险。5. It"s dangerous for children to play near the road.孩子们在路边玩耍是危险的。6. This is a particularly dangerous animal.这是一种特别危险的动物。五、用法1. "Dangerous" 是形容词,表示存在危险,可能造成伤害或损害的事物或情况。例如:Walking on thin ice is dangerous. (在薄冰上行走是危险的。)2. "Dangerous" 常用来形容物品,环境,人,动物,情况等。例如:A knife is a dangerous tool if not used correctly. (如果使用不当,刀是一种危险的工具。)3. "Dangerous" 可以用来形容具有风险的行为或活动。例如:Skydiving is a dangerous sport. (跳伞是一项危险的运动。)4. "Dangerous" 可以和 "for" 搭配,表示对某人或某事物危险。例如:This drug is dangerous for pregnant women. (这种药物对孕妇来说很危险。)5. "Dangerous" 可以用于比较级和最高级,表示更危险或最危险。例如:Climbing mountains in winter is more dangerous than in summer. (冬季爬山比夏季更危险。)6. "Dangerous" 可以和一些名词搭配,如 "situation"(情况)、"job"(工作)、"animal"(动物)、"chemicals"(化学品)等,表示危险的情况、工作、动物或化学品。例如:He works in a dangerous job dealing with hazardous waste. (他从事处理有害废物的危险工作。)六、同义词adj. 危险的critical,risky,threatening,precarious,perilous

英语单词dangerous和 risky的区别和用法。

根据柯林斯词典:dangerous:If something is dangerous, it is able or likely to hurt or harm you.意思是危险,会对人身造成伤害的那种risky:If an activity or action is risky, it is likely to fail.有危险的意思,但直接翻译时:有风险的



Subsidiary Risk Labels of Dangerous Goods是什么意思


Sam and Joe were astronauts. There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced(有经验

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:B 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了山姆和乔在别人认为任务非常危险的时候,争取了这个飞行的任务,在飞行中乔到舱外维修,回来时敲门山姆还问他你是谁。小题1:推理判断题。根据短文第一段There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced(有经验的) astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive描述,有经验的宇航员知道这次的飞行生还的机会非常小,所以大部分人不想去,故选C.小题2:细节理解题。根据第一段We"re the best men for the job,” they said to the boss. “There may be problems, but we can find the answers.”和“But all the other astronauts have refused(拒绝) to go.”描述,山姆和乔向老板请求任务,其他的人都拒绝飞行,故选D小题3:推理判断题。根据第二段描述可知,乔敲门山姆还问你是谁,可知作者想表现宇航员的有趣的一面,故选B小题4:是非判断题。根据第一段“They"re the last people I"d trust(信任),” thought the boss. “But all the other astronauts have refused(拒绝) to go.”可知他们在老板的眼中不一定是最好的,因为其他人都拒绝了这个任务。




dangerous 英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s] 美[u02c8dendu0292u0259ru0259s] adj.危险的; 最高级:most dangerous比较级:more dangerous可以去百度翻译里面听下发音是怎样的。应汉语说,这个词的读法是:登卓若丝

It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still ... 这是进行时吗,真正主语是谁?

To think........

一个英语题目___like that are a danger to society.A. violent criminals .c. fierce criminals


dangerous 和peril区别

dangerous adj.危险的a dangerous journey 危险的旅行It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是 很危险的。 现代英汉词典dangerous adj.危险的,不安全的This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。 简明英汉词典dangerous adj.危险的peril n.危险; 冒险危险的事物at sb."s peril 由某人自担风险习惯用语All is not lost that"s in peril [谚]危险不等于完蛋。All is not lost that"s in danger [谚]危险不等于完蛋。at the peril of 冒...的危险in peril 冒着危险in peril of 有...的危险; 使...发生危险Keep off at your peril! 走开点, 否则危险自负。参考词汇danger 现代英汉词典peril n.危险危险物 简明英汉词典peril n.危险

迈克杰克逊的Dangerous的歌词 谁能帮忙完美得翻译下 谢谢了

她走进来,所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 这女孩儿与众不同 她的步调,她的秀发,她的容颜,她优雅的线条 一举一动似有某种神力 她一踏进,我便察觉,她存在的气息 人人回首,妄想痴心 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 我心知肚明,但我仍踏上了警戒线 “跟我来吧”,我说我没时间 她说,“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” 我的宝贝闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。 太危险,这女孩实在危险 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 你可以叫我宝贝儿,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语 我迈向了不归路,深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心,她,我是万不能相信 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 “不要装做我们不曾在一起” 眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去 太危险,这女孩实在危险 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 你可以叫我宝贝儿,但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 危险,这女孩太危险 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道,贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 但你该死的决不是我的情人更不是我的朋友 今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害 就那么发生了,她在我身上轻抚 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 比油还滑的嘴里,吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 太危险,这女孩实在危险 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 你可以叫我宝贝儿,但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 危险,这女孩太危险 我只得祈祷上苍,因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 灵魂中是有种冲动 但你该死的决不是我的情人更不是我的朋友 太危险,这女孩实在危险...Aaow!

MJ的《Dangerous》 的歌词中,讲述了什么样的一段感情?

十多岁在音像店乱愰的时候,总是不自觉把目光停留在这张唱片上。它看起来很神秘很华丽。不知道那些复杂的装饰究竟是什么意思。从整个画面的构图来看,那些繁杂的东西就像是在禁锢着Michael。或者说,他看起来更像一个旁观者,一个,呃,审判者? 最近有网友试图解读MJ想借此要表达的东西,甚至发现画面上出现了共济会的象征!深层的东西不说了,来看看比较粗浅的东西:倒转的地球代表着工业化末路,动物的骨架代表环境的恶化濒危的生灵,七个天使的号角则是末世警告等等。无不表达MJ对世界的担忧,“危险”的含义不言而喻。 绕回来说说音乐。对西方流行乐有点认知的人都知道thriller是史上销量最好的专辑,是MJ的代表作。在滚石杂志评选的最佳500专辑里,名列20。bad是MJ野心之作,到了危险呢?刻薄的评论家认为,dangerous是中庸的,MJ已不复当年创意,只是在延续bad,它很MJ很精致,却也是从巅峰开始走向下坡的预言。 所以我才说某些人真的是很“刻薄”,当年战栗着有开天辟地的作用,为什么就要求MJ每次都能“开天辟地”创造新纪元?哪有那么东西需要你去打破的? 他已经做的足够好。够流行乐界享受他带来的创意。 这张专辑里有3首非常重要的歌。 《heal the world》治愈世界。也许这世界上只有Michael Jackson能够独唱这样的歌,它充满爱和希望,热忱而真挚。没有人唱起来有此说服力。哦,也许20个或者更多的人合唱有点效果。 《black or white》黑或白。艺术来源生活高于生活,看看歌词吧。MV是津津乐道的话题,但是很多人都把注意力集中在后半段的“变脸”特效中,忽略了前半段MJ融合的各民族的舞蹈,这是不是体现出他作为舞蹈家的才能和天赋?一种大同的,表达纯粹快乐舞蹈。这才是MJ。只有他能做得到。 《dangerous》无论听多少次它都能成功的激发出我跳舞的冲动,虽然对此毫无天赋。黑人音乐一向重视节奏。何况这首歌还有漂亮的旋律。编舞太有创意了。行云流水。没有人能跳成这样了。

We Are A Danger 歌词

歌曲名:We Are A Danger歌手:群星专辑:Kerrang! The Album 09 CD1群星 - We Are Ready一年一年的等待 我们看见未来一起用汗水来灌溉 五种色彩一天一天的等待 心情更加澎湃创造最大的舞台 最豪迈的时代这片土地已经准备好打开梦想起飞的跑道让全世界的目光 降落在我们的怀抱We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起超越了自己 赢得一场光荣的胜利用时间纪念梦想的神奇We Are Ready一分一秒的等待 这刻终于到来漫天灿烂的烟花 在骄傲的盛开这个民族已经准备好带着笑容来向你问好让全世界的目光 降落在我们的怀抱We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起超越了自己 赢得一场光荣的胜利用时间纪念梦想的神奇We Are Ready 把心和心都连在一起We Are Ready 把天与地都连在一起超越了自己 赢得一场光荣的胜利用时间纪念梦想的神奇We Are Readyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20876223

新概念 70 Red for danger 最后一句如何分析

甚至好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为它一直同情地看着醉汉,直到他的背影消逝,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。 第一个问题,第一个for是表原因,作连词,后面的当然就是一个从句啊第二个问题,its只是定语啊,怎么会别扭呢,强调公牛的注意力

The vase ______ (sit) dangerously over the edge of the balcony?

Dangerous Man 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous Man歌手:Trace AdkinsUsually I"m level-headed ain"t too excitableKeep it on the slow and steady, Mr. DependableAlways had the same job, the same look, the same friendsThat"s the way its gonna stayThat"s the way its always beenI never knew I had another sideBut girl with you I"m Jekyll and HydeWhen the lights are down lowAnd you nibble on my neckI cant be held responsibleFor what might happen nextNo telling what Ill doWhen I get you in my handsWith a woman like youI"m a dangerous manYeah I"m a dangerous manAll the things I want to doAll the things I want to sayI never met anyoneEver made me feel this wayYou"re like a drug, babyYou make me crazy, honeyMake me want to rob a bankAnd make love in the pile of moneyDon"t try to act allInnocent and sweetCause you know exactly what it is you do to meWhen the lights are down lowAnd you nibble on my neckI cant be held responsibleFor what might happen nextNo telling what Ill doWhen I get you in my handsWith a woman like youI"m a dangerous manI"m a fairly dangerous manWhen the lights are down lowAnd you nibble on my neckI cant be held responsibleFor what might happen nextNo telling what Ill doWhen I get you in my handsWith a woman like youI"m a dangerous manYeah I"m a dangerous manhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3481000

look,the bus is coming,the boy is( ) 括号里为什么填"in danger" 而不填"dangerous"

dangerous是形容词in danger是动词词组(形容词不放在句末)

Nowadays,many wild animals are in the danger

你英语是怎么学的,天天问些这么无聊的问题。你单词表背过了吗?先背好单词再来问。不知道查字典,不知道查课本,就知道问。好了,我也不知道你几年级的,不过in danger在单词表里是有的。打好基础啊,问题太简单了,唉。。。

animals in danger作文加翻译


英文作文:___are in danger

我没记错的话,八年级英语书上有呢吧 ,我自己随便写一个吧 tigers are in danger now,fewer and fewer tigers are alive all over the world.they

you are in danger为什么填in


place in danger 什么意思

place in danger :危险的地方用法嘛..go (some) place in danger 去(一些)危险 的地方。。

be in the danger of还是be in danger?

常用的应该是be in danger

are in danger 英语作文

Human lifes are in danger if the pollutions are not control!!!. The world is filled with water, air, noise pollution. Besides pollutions, the earth is piled with rubbish, traffic conjestion, food shortage, germs, viruses...........................so we are all in danger

___are in danger 英语作文

Report: Elephants are in DangerElephants are the biggest living animals on land. They are big and strong. They have very small and bright eyes. They also have large and white teeth, people often called them tusks. There are no bones in the back of elephants" feet because they are very fat.Elephants can eat 100 to 1,000 pounds of grass in a day. They can live 60~70 years. They can walk on tiptoe in the mud easily. Elephants are big but they can move quietly.Elephants are friendly towards each other and they never attack people. If people train them, they can help farmers carry the heavy things.Elephants are in danger now! Because hunters will kill them for their tusks. If people sell elephants" tusks, they can make a lot of money. If we don"t help these wild animals, they will all die soon.

关于animals in danger 的简单作文,大约70个字。

With the increase of the human population and human activities, more and more animals are instinct. And some of the other animal become quite rare in wild. So a protection for the rare animals need to be considered as soon as possible. Otherwise, the whole ecosystem will be destoyed and human beings will get nothing but disaster in the end. If we move faster right now, we may save a lot of types of animals and in the meanwhile save ourselves.雄鹰展翅英语团为您奉上!

in danger和in need有什么区别


是animal in danger 还是animal is in danger

in danger 是出于危险之中的意思,如果是完整的句子的话应该是 Animal is in danger. 意思是动物处于危险当中(应该是跟环境方面有关吧,面临捕猎等所以处于危险)

in danger可以加s吗

 不加in danger 处于危险之中为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


您好:这句话可以用来做句子,也可用来记忆固定词或词组。如 in danger:处于危险之中 mare:母马。这句话的意思是:一些母马正处于危险之中。希望能帮到您。

Make oneself in danger; Make somebody in danger区别?

make oneself in danger指make 自己本人是个舞蹈者。make somebody in fanger

英文翻译 1. 那个男孩身处险境,他 需要帮助。(in danger) 2.我们的学校在超市对面(across from )

1.The boy is in danger, he needs help.2.Our school is across from the supermarket.3.Let"s take a ten-minute break.4.Outside the classroom is too noisy.

be in danger of是什么意思

有危险的 吧


under threat

be in danger

The world is in danger.【正确】 The world is dangerous【错误】 in danger是说明the world处于“危险之中”,并不是说the world本身是“危险的” dangerous是形容词,主语一般为人或动物.如: He is a dangerous man.(他是个危险人物)=The man is dangerous. Bears are one of the dangerous animals.(熊是危险的动物之一)=Bears are dangerous. 形容词主要用来修饰名词,表示事物的特征.dangerous显然不是the world的本身特征.

in danger与dangerous 的意义及用法区别


in danger前一定要用be动词吗?

in danger和be in danger用法的区别

没区别in danger 不能作为谓语,故在具体使用时就是be in danger.如Some animals are in danger.





in danger 等于什么

be in danger =be dangerous.

in danger 造句后置定语和表语两种。。。顺便解释一下,谢了。。。

做后置定语:Something must bu done to save the animals in danger. in danger 在这里作后置定语,修饰前面的the animals 。因为in danger 是介词短语,在英语中作定语时要求放在被修饰词之后。作表语的:We must save tigers because they are in danger.in danger 在这里作表语,because引导的原因状语从句是个主--系--表结构的句子。

be in danger中的in danger的词性,表语?动词?还是别的

in danger是表语

用in danger来造句 用英语来随便写出您造句的意思。谢谢您

Our earth is in danger now, something must be done to save her.

in dangerous和in danger 哪个是对的?

in danger 对 dangerous是形容词 名词和介词可以组成词组,而形容词不可以

why the animals are in danger


in danger of和in the danger of有什么区别

in danger of 处于…危险之中。比如:The patient is in danger of death.那个病人有死亡的危险。The Jordan River is polluted and in danger of going dry.约旦河已经被污染,且有趋于干枯的危险。We must wake up to the fact that this kind of animal is in danger of dying out.我们必须意识到这一事实,那就是这种动物正面临灭绝的危险。2.in the danger of 处于...危险中,是特指。比如:The teacher has been trying to hammer in the danger of failing the examinations.老师一直试图反复强调存在着考试不及格的危险。 It is a disappointed thing that, however, these conventional pro-environment customary traditions are in the danger of becoming extinct or maybe extinguished already.然而,令人遗憾的是,这些传统的环保文化正在面临消失的风险或已经消失。希望帮到你!



in danger of的用法

of是介词,所以应该是in danger of doing sth.。

in danger短语的各种用法- -

例句与用法He can not shrink back from danger.他不会从危险中退缩出来。You must keep sight of one fact: your life is in danger.有一件事你必须明白,你有生命危险。Don"t apply for that job: you"re in danger of overreaching yourself.不要申请那份工作,以免有不自量力之嫌。His life was in danger.他有生命危险。You are so kind-hearted that you always give me a hand when I am in danger.你心肠真好,总是在我危困时帮助我。You are in danger of catching a cold if you don"t take any medicine.如果你不吃药的话,就有感冒的危险。It portends we are in danger.这预示我们陷入危险。If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。

in danger的用法


in danger和in a danger的区别

没有这一说吧?是错的。就是 in danger。要有也是口语,你别学。

in danger怎么读

danger,美 [ˈdeɪndʒər] 英 [ˈdeɪn(d)ʒə],n. 威胁;危险;危险物。

in danger如何造句

He is in danger.他处于危险中。danger名词 in danger 名词词组,意为处于危险中,相当于其形容词性的dangerous

with danger 与in danger有什么区别

in danger是”处在危险中的(本身没有危险)”She is in danger,for she know not nearly what to do next.由于一点也不知道下一步该做什么,她处在危险之中with danger 危险的Fraught With Extreme Danger 充满极度危险With a danger like fire 似火的危险buoy with isolated danger marks 孤立危险物浮标I am trying to bribe you, with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat.Although many superstitions associate sneezing with danger or even death,sneezing is just a natural reflex, much like itching and tearing. 虽然许多有关危险与死亡的迷信说法都与打喷嚏挂钩,但是打喷嚏仅仅是一种自然反应,就像痒和流泪一样。

in danger和 under danger


处于危险是in danger 还是 in dangerous?

in dangerin dangerous situation

in trouble 和 in danger有什么区别吗?


in danger和in danger of有什么区别?求语法讲解

in danger 在危险中in danger of 在。。。的危险中of为介词,其后要接宾语,即后面有宾语的用in danger of,句末用in dangereg He is _____1__ He is ____2______losing his life1 in danger 2 in danger of 答对了吗?

in trouble in need in danger是什么词性


in danger和in danger of有什么区别

in danger 处于危险之中的意思in danger of 是处于…危险下后者后面加名词或者动名词




peril:极大的危险 比方the peril of lost him lifedanger:比较普通 可大可小hazard:主要指有毒危险

在英语中,danger ; endanger, risk , hazard 都是危险冒险的意思,在用法上有什么不一样吗?

danger 是指 危险,比如:高压电房,就写 dangerendanger 是 danger 的动词,使。。。受到危险,endanger oneselfrisk 是指 风险,比如:金融风险 financial risk 就不能说 financial dangerhazard 是指 小一点的危险,比如:路面结冰这种情况就是一个hazard而不是danger弯曲的山路,也是hazard,不是danger





名词短语,像in danger这样的词。固定搭配

in public,under repair,under instruction, etc

Some diseases are not at all dangerous if ___________ (treat) in time.为啥填treated?



三个单词区别如下:danger 英[u02c8deu026andu0292u0259(r)] 美[u02c8dendu0292u025a] n. 危险; 危险物,威胁; [例句]My friends endured tremendous danger in order to help me.为了帮助我,朋友们冒了极大的危险。risk 英[ru026ask] 美[ru026ask] n. 危险,冒险; 保险额; 被保险人或物; vt. 冒…的危险; 使…冒风险(或面临危险); [例句]There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure.该手术有导致脑损伤的轻微风险。harm 英[hɑ:m] 美[hɑ:rm] n. 危害; 伤害; 损害; vt. 危害; 伤害; 损害; [例句]The hijackers seemed anxious not to harm anyone.劫持犯似乎焦虑不安,不想伤害任何人。

why are animals in danger of dying?

It is because human beings destroy the natural environment by pollution. Animals have no more place to live and cannot find enough food to eat.

小弟英文不好哪位大侠美女帮忙翻译一下? 求歌曲:Danger Zone 歌词大意

Danger Zone / 危险区Revvin" up your engine点燃你的引擎Listen to her howlin" roar倾听机器轰鸣Metal under tension金属的身驱Beggin" you to touch and go等待去远行Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Ride into the Danger Zone高飞在危险区Headin" into twilight冲破黑暗夜幕Spreadin" out her wings tonight展开她的翅膀She got you jumpin" off the track让你自由飞翔And shovin" into overdrive加速到极限Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区I"ll take you Ride into the Danger Zone 我们飞翔在危险区You"ll never say hello to you不要自鸣得意Until you get it on the red line overload除非到达顶点You"ll never know what you can do不要放弃努力Until you get it up as high as you can go你才能够胜利Out along the edges面对死神的时刻Always where I burn to be热血才会沸腾The further on the edge进入生命禁地The hotter the intensity灵魂之火更明Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Gonna take you Ride into the Danger Zone我和你飞翔在危险区Highway to the Danger Zone 直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone 直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone 直闯向危险区Gonna take you Ride into the Danger Zone 我和你飞翔在危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Gonna take you Ride into the Danger Zone我和你飞翔在危险区Highway to the Danger Zone直闯向危险区Ride into the Danger Zone 飞翔在危险区

诱惑本质的歌曲,A Dangerous Mind翻译成中文是什么意思?

A Dangerous Mind 险恶之心i"m searching for answers 我一直在寻找答案cause something is not right. 为了那些崩坏破碎的现实i follow the signs, 彷徨追逐着暗号i"m close to the fire. 宛如飞蛾扑火i fear that soon you"ll reveal 惧怕着你会匆忙暴露your dangerous mind. 险恶之心it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂 i fear your smile 宛然一笑你让我战栗and the promise inside. 甚至是包藏其中的承诺it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂i fear your presence, 当我恐惧地意识到你的出现i"m frozen inside. 寒彻透骨i"m searching for answers 我一直在寻找答案not questioned before. 之前无人问及the curse of awareness, 知晓了这夜寐之噩there"s no peace of mind. 内心再无安宁as your true colours show 当你的本性暴露a dangerous sign. 一个危险的暗号it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂i see the truth that you"ve buried inside. 我看到了被你埋藏于底的真相it"s in your eyes, 停驻在你的眼神what"s on your mind. 遗留于你的灵魂there"s no mercy, 再无怜悯just anfer i find. 只留愤怒i just have to know, 唯想知晓while i still have time. 在一切还来得及之前do i have to run, 我应继续追寻or hide away from you? 抑或是逃离?

Michael Jackson 的《dangerous》中文歌词`!!!!

dangerous歌手:michael jackson 专辑:dangerous The way she came into the place I knew right then and thereThere was something different about this girlThe way she moved her hair, her face, her linesDivinity in motion As she stalked the roomI could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lustthe girl was persuasive, the girl i could not trustThe girl was bad, the girl was dangerousI never knew but i was walking the linecome go with me , I said i have no timeShe said don"t you pretend we didn"t talk on the phoneMy baby cried and left me standing alone , She"s so dangerous.The girl is so dangerous, take away my money, throw away my timeYou can call me honey, but you"re no down good for me.She came at me in sections with the eyes of desireI feel trapped into her web of sin, a touch , a kiss, a whisper of love I was at the point of no returnDeep in the darjness of passion"s insanity , I felt taken by lust"s stranger, inhumanityI never knew but I was living in vainShe called my house and said you know my nameAnd don"t you pretend , you never did me before, with tears in her eyesMy baby walked out the door, She"s so dangerousDANGEROUS!!!The girl is so dangerous.I have to pray to god, "cause I know how lust can blindIt"s a passion in my soul , but you"re no damn lover friend of mineI cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonightI cannot cope "til it"s all rightYou and your mainpulation , you hurt my babyAnd then it happened , she touch meFor the lips of a stranger woman, drop as a honey-combAnd her mouth was smooth than oil , but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged swardBut I loved it, "cause it"s dangeroustake away my money, throw away my timeDANGEROUS!!!DANGEROUS!!!DANGEROUS!!!


The way she came into the place I knew right then and there There was something different About this girl The way she moved Her hair, her face, her lines Divinity in motion As she stalked the room I could feel the aura Of her presence Feeling passion and lust Every head turned The girl was persuasive The girl I could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous I never knew but I was Walking the line Come go with me I said I have no time And don"t you pretend we didn"t Talk on the phone My baby cried She left me standing alone She"s so dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me She came at me in sections With the eyes of desire I fell trapped into her Web of sin A touch, a kiss A whisper of love I was at the point Of no return Deep in the darkness of Passion"s insanity I felt taken by lust"s Strange inhumanity This girl was persuasive This girl I could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous I never knew She called my house But I was living in vain She said you know my name And don"t you pretend With tears in her eyes You never did me before My baby walked out the door She"s so dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous I have to pray to god "cause I know how Lust can blind It"s a passion in my soul But you"re no damn lover Friend of mine I can not sleep alone tonight My baby left me here tonight I cannot cope "til it"s all right You and your manipulation You hurt my baby And then it happened She touched me For the lips of A strange woman Drop as a honeycomb And her mouth was Smoother than oil But her inner spirit and words Were as sharp as A two-edged sword But I loved it "cause it"s dangerous The girl is so dangerous Dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you"re no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous I have to pray to god "cause I know how Lust can blind It"s a passion in my soul But you"re no damn lover Friend of mine她的方式开始的地方 我知道有那么权 有一些不同 关于这个女孩 她感动的方式 她的头发,她的脸,她的行 神的议案 正如她的房间矮秆 我能感觉到先兆 她的存在 感受激情和欲望 每头转向 这名女孩是有说服力的 女童我不能信任 该女童被坏 这名女孩是危险的 我从来不知道,但我 散步线 来和我一起去 我说,我没有时间 和你不假装我们没有 通话 我的孩子哭 她让我单独 她是如此危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 她是在我的部分 眼睛的愿望 我随即陷入她 网络的罪孽 触摸,一个吻 耳语的爱 我在点 不归路 深中的黑暗 热情的精神错乱 我觉得采取的欲望的 奇怪的非人道 这个女孩是有说服力的 这个姑娘我不能信任 该女童被坏 这名女孩是危险的 我从来不知道 她要求我的房子 但我生活在徒劳 她说,你知道我的名字 和你不假装 泪水在她的眼睛 你从来没有我面前 我的孩子走出大门 她是如此危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 我必须向上帝祈祷 因为我知道如何 欲望可以盲目 这是一种激情在我的灵魂 但你不该死的情人 朋友 我不能单独今晚睡眠 我的孩子离开我今晚在这里 我无法应付" TIL的一切权利 你和你的操作 你伤害我的孩子 然后发生 她让我深有感触 为嘴唇的 阿奇怪的女人 下拉作为蜂窝 和她的嘴 比石油更顺畅 但是她的内在的精神和文字 为急剧的 一把双刃剑 但我喜欢它 "造成的危险 这名女孩是如此危险 危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 拿走我的钱 扔掉我的时间 您可以打电话给我蜂蜜 但是你没有好,我该死 危险 这名女孩是如此危险 我必须向上帝祈祷 因为我知道如何 欲望可以盲目 这是一种激情在我的灵魂 但你不该死的情人 朋友

急求迈克尔杰克逊 - dangerous用汉字标出来的歌词 ,100

The 读“热”比“得”像一点吧…个人觉得楼上有几个词拼的不是很准…不过真的很难用汉字拼

跪求一篇以THE DANGER OF DRUGS为题的英语作文。

Today we look at what is being done to fight counterfeit drugs.Several companies are developing ways to make counterfeits easier to identify. And there are existing methods, like a machine that can quickly identify chemicals in pills to confirm if the pills are real.Other ideas include things like special tracking codes for drug packages. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back confirming that what they bought is listed in a database.Some drug makers and other companies put three-dimensional images called holograms on their products as a security device.Other anti-counterfeit efforts include the use of radio frequency identification tags. Many companies use these electronic tags to follow products through the supply chain from the manufacturer. The American Food and Drug Administration says R.F.I.D. tags act like an electronic safety net to make it easier to catch counterfeits.Last July, the Food and Drug Administration advised manufacturers to add what are called physical chemical identifiers to their medicines. These are special chemicals, colorings or tastes that counterfeiters could not easily copy.Bryan Liang is with the Partnership for Safe Medicines, an organization in the United States. He says the Internet is not only a place where people can get tricked into buying counterfeit drugs. It is also a place where counterfeiters can find all the materials they need to make them.BRYAN LIANG: "The Internet is the Wild, Wild West. Anybody can sell drugs. Anybody can buy active ingredients."He says the most important members of the "counterfeit detection team" are the patients themselves. He says raids on counterfeiters are often the result of information from people who bought fake medicines.BRYAN LIANG: "The best approach is to know your drug. Know what they feel like. Know what they taste like. Know what your traditional reactions are. A person that knows their drugs and the effects of their drugs are in fact the best security against fakes."

迈克尔杰克迅;《Dangerous 》歌词的中文意思


Roxette的《Dangerous》 歌词

歌曲名:Dangerous歌手:Roxette专辑:Look Sharp! (2009 Version)Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerousJust a little bit dangerousYou pack your bag.You take controlYou"re moving into my heartand into my soul.Get out of my way!Get out of my sight!I won"t be walking on thin ice to get through the night.Hey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I know your business but I don"t know your name...Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.You turn around,so hot and dry.You"re hiding under a halo, your mouth is alive.Get out of my way!Get out of my sight!I"m not attracted to go-go deeper tonight.Hey, what"s your word?What"s your game?I know your businessbut I don"t know your name...Hold on tight, you know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.Just a little bit dangerousHey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I know your business but I don"t know your name...Hold on tightyou know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.She"s armed and she"s extremely dangerous...She"s got what it takes to make ends meetthe eyes of a lover that hit like heat.You know she"s a little bit dangerous.Just a little bit dangerous.Hey, where"s your work?What"s your game?I don"t know your name...Just a little bit dangerousI don"t know your namehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2617094
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