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如何分辨adjunct 和 complement

2023-05-19 17:24:15

一. Radford关于complement和adjunct的论述 Radford在他的TG语法书中,讲到Noun Phrase的时候提出来complement和adjunct。他区分了两种不同的修饰名词的后置短语,即补语complement和附加语adjunct。例如: a. a student [of physics] (complement) b. a student [with long hair] (adjunct) 例句a中,斜体的of physics是student 的补语,它说明了这个学生学习的科目;但是在b句中,并没有告诉任何句中学生学习科目的信息,而仅仅是关于句中学生的附加信息。 He is [a student of Physics]. He is [studying Physics]. He is [a student with long hair]. *He is [studying long hair]. 传统上,基于语义上的区分,将of Physics看作complement,而将with long hair看作adjunct。



adjunct这是一个英语单词词义: n. 附件,助手; adj. 附属的; 例句:This is an adjunct of bodies. 这是物体的一个属性。
2023-01-03 23:12:541


disjunct,adj. 分离的;头、胸和腹部由缢缩分开的 adjunct,n. 附属物;助手;修饰语; adj. 附属的
2023-01-03 23:13:001


adjunct含义除了附属物,附件外还有语法含义“修饰语”后面常加介词to如On-line instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing.强调“帮助,辅助”的含义accessory则表示使一件事物变得更实用更有吸引力的附件另外的意思是”从犯,帮凶“
2023-01-03 23:13:211


伴随英文为:accompany。accompany v.陪伴;护送;伴随;与…一起发生;为… 伴奏;附加;兼带。follow v.跟在…后面;跟随;排在…后面;按照(指示;规则)做;执行;密切注意;从事;进行;跟踪;追随。go with 赞成, 同意;和…谈恋爱, 和…有性关系。adjunct n.附属物;附件;辅助物;附加语;修饰语;助手;帮手;副词状语。adjoint adj.伴随矩阵的;共轭矩阵的。conjugate v.列举词形变化;结合;接合;成对;使共轭;使缀合。双语例句:1、闪电通常伴随有雷声。Lightning usually accompanies thunder.2、伴随影片中浪漫场景的华美弦乐。Lush string accompaniments to romantic scenes in films.3、严重工业减产伴随着大量失业。Severe deindustrialization with substantial job losses.4、他说话时,话语伴随着白色的哈气。As he spoke, the word was accompanied by a white plume of breath.5、我是伴随着煤与煤矿的故事长大的。I was reared on stories of coal and collieries.
2023-01-03 23:13:271

Using an adjunct是什么意思?

是 使用一个兼职 的意思
2023-01-03 23:13:417


时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today??yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.??方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely??程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.??连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why??扩展资料1、多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。I am also Bush.我也是布什。I can also do that.我也可以这样做。I also want to play that games.我也想玩这游戏。I get up early in the morning every day.每一天的早晨我都起得很早。2)、副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。It"s rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他的奔跑速度不足以快到能够追上火车。3、频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first came to this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。参考资料:百度百科——副词
2023-01-03 23:14:042


英语副词是对动词、形容词、其他副词或者一个句子起描述作用,或者对其意义作进一步说明的词.英语副词根据其句法功能可分为附加语(adjunct)、联加语(conjunct)和外加语(disjunct).各类副词在句中的位置各不相同,变换其词序会使句子的含义产生变化.下面笔者对副词的用法进行分类说明. 一、 附加语 附加语为分句或句子基本结构的一部分,在分句或句子中修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示时间、地点、频率、程度或方式.如: (1) I have almost finished. 我已经差不多完成了。 (2) I think she"ll be married shortly. 我想她不久就会结婚的。 (3) He was a deeply sick man. 他病得相当严重。 (4) He did really well, didn"t he? 他做得相当好,不是吗? 附加语还可细分为两类:主语附加语(subject adjunct)和方式附加语(manner adjunct)。如: (5) You stupidly answered his questions. ( stupidly 是主语附加语.这句话的含义相当于:It was stupid of you to answer his questions. 或 You were stupid to answer his questions.) (6) You answered his questions stupidly. (stupidly是方式附加语.这句话的含义相当于:You answered his questions in that stupid way.) 附加语可以放在被修饰词的前面或句末,附加语的位置不同其含义也不同。试比较下列各组句子: (7) We have solved practically all these problems. 这些问题我们差不多已全部解决了。 We have solved all these problems practically. 我们以切实可行的方法把全部问题解决了。 (8) We heard only of it this morning. 今天早上我们只听见这件事。 We only heard of it this morning. 我们今天早上只是听说这件事。 We heard of it only this morning. 我们只是在今天早上才听说这件事。 二、联加语 联加语不属于分句或句子的基本结构,只是用来表明含该联加语的句子与其他句子的关系。如: (9) Altogether, it was a happy week. 总的说来,这星期是开心的。 (10) It rained; therefore, the match was postponed.因为下雨,所以比赛延期了。 大家都知道,定语从句中的关系代词that与which在指物时,往往是可以互换的,但在下列几种情况下却多用关系代词that,而不能用which. 1. 当先行词为all, little, much, few, everything, none 等不定代词时,关系代词用that而不用which.例如: All that glitters is not gold. There are few books that you can read in this book store. 2. 当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: He asked about the factories and workers that he had visited. 3. 当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that, 而不用which.例如: It was the largest map that I ever saw. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever visited. 4. 当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: The first sight that was caught at the Great Wall has made a lasting impression on him. 5. 当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: That is the very thing that we can do. It is the only book that he bought himself. 6. 当先行词被all, every, any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: You can take any book that you like. 7. 当主句是以which开头的特殊问句时,为了避免重复,定语从句的关系代词一般用that,而不用which.例如: Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 8. 在强调句型" It is ... that ..."中, 只能用that,不能用which.例如: It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 9. 在"such (the same) ... as ..."句型中,关系代词要用as, 而不用which.例如: We need such materials as (not which) can bear high temperature. 10. as引导的定语从句可以放在主句前面, 也可以放在主句后面或主句中间,而由 which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后面.例如: As we all know, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. (文/陈昌勇 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第41期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)
2023-01-03 23:14:142

adjunct professor是什么意思

2023-01-03 23:14:222

adjunct professor 是什么意思

adjunct professor 英[ˈædʒʌŋkt prəˈfesə] 美[ˈædʒˌʌŋkt prəˈfɛsɚ] n. <美>副教授,兼职教授; [网络] 客座教授; 兼任教授; 副教授; [例句]Dalian Medical University associate adjunct professor, senior medical skin beautyexpert.大连医科大学兼职副教授,资深皮肤医学美容专家。
2023-01-03 23:14:301


是各种语法术语的英文名称,那多去了。可以是一本小册子。名词性从句:Noun Clauses. 语法 grammar 句法 syntax 词法 morphology 结构 structure 层次 rank 句子 sentence 从句 clause 词组 phrase 词类 part of speech 单词 word 实词 notional word 虚词 structural word 单纯词simple word派生词derivative复合词compound词性part of speech名词 noun 专有名词 proper noun 普通名词 common noun 可数名词 countable noun 不可数名词 uncountable noun 抽象名词 abstract noun 具体名词 concret noun 物质名词 material noun 集体名词 collective noun 个体名词 individual noun 介词 preposition 连词 conjunction 动词 verb 主动词 main verb 及物动词 transitive verb 不及物动词 intransitive verb 系动词 link verb 助动词 auxiliary verb 情态动词 modal verb 规则动词 regular verb 不规则动词 irregular verb 短语动词 phrasal verb 限定动词 finite verb 非限定动词 infinite verb 使役动词 causative verb 感官动词 verb of senses 动态动词 event verb 静态动词 state verb 感叹词 exclamation 形容词 adjective 副词 adverb 方式副词 adverb of manner 程度副词 adverb of degree 时间副词 adverb of time 地点副词 adverb of place 修饰性副词 adjunct 连接性副词 conjunct 疑问副词 interogative adverb 关系副词 relative adverb 代词 pronoun 人称代词 personal pronoun 物主代词 possesive pronoun 反身代词 reflexive pronoun 相互代词 reciprocal pronoun 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词 interrogative pronoun 关系代词 relative pronoun 不定代词 indefinite pronoun 物主代词 possecive pronoun 名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun 冠词 article 定冠词 definite article 不定冠词 indefinite article 数词 numeral 基数词 cardinal numeral 序数词 ordinal numeral 分数词 fractional numeral 形式 form 单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 限定动词 finite verb form 非限定动词 non-finite verb form 原形 base form 从句 clause 从属句 subordinate clause 并列句 coordinate clause 名词从句 nominal clause 定语从句 attributive clause 状语从句 adverbial clause 宾语从句 object clause 主语从句 subject clause 同位语从句 appositive clause 时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time 地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place 方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner 让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession 原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause 结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result 目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose 条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition 真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition 非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition 含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition 错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition 句子 sentence 简单句 simple sentence 并列句 compound sentence 复合句 complex sentence 并列复合句 compound complex sentence 陈述句 declarative sentence 疑问句 interrogative sentence 一般疑问句 general question 特殊疑问句 special question 选择疑问句 alternative question 附加疑问句 tag question 反义疑问句 disjunctive question 修辞疑问句 rhetorical question 感叹疑问句 exclamatory question 存在句 existential sentence 肯定句 positive sentence 基本句型 basic sentence patern 否定句 negative sentence 祈使句 imperative sentence 省略句 elliptical sentence 感叹句 exclamatory sentence 句子成分 members of sentences 主语 subject 谓语 predicate 宾语 object 双宾语 dual object 直接宾语 direct object 间接宾语 indirect object 复合宾语 complex object 同源宾语 cognate object 补语 complement 主补 subject complement 宾补 object complement 表语 predicative 定语 attribute 同位语 appositive 状语 adverbial 句法关系 syntatic relationship 并列 coordinate 从属 subordination 修饰 modification 前置修饰 pre-modification 后置修饰 post-modification 限制 restriction 双重限制 double-restriction 非限制 non-restriction 数 number 单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 规则形式 regular form 不规则形式 irregular form 格 case 普通格 common case 所有格 possessive case 主格 nominative case 宾格 objective case 性 gender 阳性 masculine 阴性 feminine 通性 common 中性 neuter 人称 person 第一人称 first person 第二人称 second person 第三人称 third person 时态 tense 过去将来时 past future tense 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense 过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense 一般现在时 present simple tense 一般过去时 past simple tense 一般将来时 future simple tense 现在完成时 past perfect tense 过去完成时 present perfect tense 将来完成时 future perfect tense 现在进行时 present continuous tense 过去进行时 past continuous tense 将来进行时 future continuous tense 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense 现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense 过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense 语态 voice 主动语态 active voice 被动语态 passive voice 语气 mood 陈述语气 indicative mood 祈使语气 imperative mood 虚拟语气 subjunctive mood 否定 negation 否定范围 scope of negation 全部否定 full negation 局部否定 partial negation 转移否定 shift of negation 语序 order 自然语序 natural order 倒装语序 inversion 全部倒装 full inversion 部分倒装 partial inversion 直接引语 direct speech 间接引语 indirect speech 自由直接引语 free direct speech 自由间接引语 free indirect speech 一致 agreement 主谓一致 subject-predicate agreement 语法一致 grammatical agreement 概念一致 notional agreement 就近原则 principle of proximity 强调 emphasis 重复 repetition 语音 pronunciation 语调 tone 升调 rising tone 降调 falling tone 降升调 falling-rising tone 文体 style 正式文体 formal 非正式文体 informal 口语 spoken/oral English 套语 formulistic expression 英国英语 British English 美国英语 American English 用法 usage 感情色彩 emotional coloring 褒义 commendatory 贬义 derogatory 幽默 humorous 讽刺 sarcastic 挖苦 ironic
2023-01-03 23:14:393


Adjunct Faculty兼职教师附属教学人员
2023-01-03 23:14:581


:[dist, -kt]1不同的,有区别的;分开的 2清楚的,清晰的法 语 助手
2023-01-03 23:15:032

adjunct fellow是什么意思

2023-01-03 23:15:153


1. 前置(fronting)的定义。 前置是一个用于实现 标识主题 (marked theme)作用的术语,实现手段是通过将某一项移入到句首位置,而移动后的位置显得与规范语序不一样。前置又称为 前置焦点( front-focus ) 或者 前置 (preposing)。 2. 前置的类型。 2.1 一种前置常常是一个完整的句子元素,前置原因可能是对已知的上下文做出的响应(echo)。 (You should take up swimming for relaxation)(你应该开始游泳放松了。) Relaxation you call it. (你称它“放松”。) 换句话说,前置项可能是上下会话中最期望看到的项 ( 期望对方给出这样的回应 ): Wilson his name is. 他的名字叫Wilson。 An utter fool she made me feet. 他让我变成一个十足的傻瓜。 Really good meals they serve at that hotel. 那家旅馆的饭菜真的很好。 似乎在提醒说话者,这个前置的主题元素是首要事项,会话的其余部分延迟考虑。 在英语书面语中可能会插入一个逗号,用以表明非主题部分几乎就是上下文环境中这种已知状态的放大标识 : Wilson,   his name is . 指后照应 (cataphora)(又称顺向照应,指前文已有提及,这里再次提到,例如“前文所述”;常用的指后照应词有“that”,“the foregoing”)的“the foregoing”(“前述事项”)明显具有口语的味道,但是, 前置 (fronting) 在口语和传统写作资料中都非常通用,通常用于安排子句的顺序,以便使得句尾焦点落在信息的最重要的部分,并提供与已发生内容的直接联系 : (1)  That much  the jury had thoroughly appreciated. (陪审团对此深表赞赏。) 还原为规范语序之一,如:The jury had that much thoroughly appreciated. (2)  Most of these problems  a computer could take in its stride. (这些问题中的大多数计算机都能轻而易举地解决。) 还原为规范语序之一,如:A computer could take in its stride most of these problems. (3)  This latter topic  we have examined in Chapter 3 and need not reconsider. 后一个问题我们在第三章已经讨论过了,不需要再重新考虑。 还原为规范语序之一,如:We have examined this latter topic in Chapter 3 and need not reconsider. (4)  To this list  may be added ten further items of importance. (在这个清单上还可以再加上十项重要的事项。) 还原为规范语序之一,如:It may be added ten further items of importance to this list . (5)  This  I shall prefer to call the SIGNIFICANCE or (more explicitly) TOTAL SIGNIFICANCE of a piece of language. 我更倾向于称其为一段语言的 意义 或(更明确地)一段语言的 全部意义 。 还原为规范语序之一,如: I shall prefer to call this the SIGNIFICANCE or (more explicitly) TOTAL SIGNIFICANCE of a piece of language 在这些例子中的确定项that,this和these表明,以这种方式标识的主题通常更多用于表达已知的信息 。 2.2 在类似的场景中,常常发现使用-ing分词前置。 Sitting at her desk in deep concentration  was my sister Flora. She looked as though she had spent a sleepless night. 我妹妹弗洛拉正聚精会神地坐在她的书桌前。她看上去好像度过了一个不眠之夜。 还原为规范语序之一,例如: My sister Flora is sitting at her desk in deep concentration. She looked as though she had spent a sleepless night. 2.3 一种更为明显的前置出现在相当矫饰的修辞中,包括新闻写作的强烈色彩。常用于指出子句之间的两个成分,或者两个相邻子句之间相关但形成对比的部分之间的平行关系。这种前置部分可以从韵律学角度(prosodically)标识为标识主题(marked theme)或者标识焦点(marked focus),后者典型地带有分割焦点,在语法上,他们可以充当任何句法成分: 2.3.1 充当直接宾语或者介词补语(prepositional complement)(介词宾语和介词补语是一个意义,都是将介词短语的含义补充完整)。 His face  not many admired (或 were enamoured of ),while  his character  still fewer could praise. 没有多少人迷恋/钦佩他的脸,而能赞扬他的性格的人就更少了。 还原为规范语序之一,如: Not many admired (或 were enamoured of ) his face,while still fewer could praise his character. 2.3.2 充当主语补语或者宾语补语。 Traitor  he has become and  traitor  we shall call him. 他已经变成了叛徒,我们应该叫他叛徒。 还原为规范语序之一,如: He has become traitor, and we shall call him traitor. 2.3.3 充当谓语修饰语(predication adjunct)(或称状语)。 (1)  Defiantly  they have spoken but  submissively  they will accept my terms. 他们虽然嘴上很强硬,但将会顺从地接受我的条件。 还原为规范语序之一,如: They have spoken defiantly but will accept my terms submissively. (2)  He might agree under pressure:  willingly  he never would. 他可能在压力下同意,但他绝不会心甘情愿地这么做。 还原为规范语序之一,如: He might agree under pressure: he never would willingly. (3)  In London  I was born and  in London  I shall die. 我生于London,也将在London去世。 还原为规范语序之一,如: I was born in London and shall die in London. 2.3.4 充当谓语(predication)。 They have promised to finish the work,and  finish it  they will. 他们答应完成这项工作,他们一定会完成的。 还原为规范语序之一,如: They have promised to finish the work,and they will (finish it). 括号部分其实可以省略。 2.3.5 另一种前置——倒装的情况。 对于谓语和谓语修饰语前置的情况,如果主语不是人称代词,我们经常发现它是主谓倒装结构 : (1)  Into the stifling smoke  we plunged. (ASV结构,状语+主语+谓语结构) 我们跳入呛人的烟雾中。 还原为规范语序之一,如: We plunged into the stifling smoke. (2)  Into the   stifling smoke  plunged the desperate mother.(VS结构,谓语+主语) 绝望的母亲跳进了呛人的烟雾中。 主谓倒装了。 像下面的句子,在新闻媒体中很通用,事实上,前置谓语在很大程度上似乎取决于将主语推到句尾焦点的期望,同时利用句子的提前部分“设置场景” : (1)  Addressing the demonstration  was a quite elderly woman. 对示威发表讲话的是一位相当年长的妇女。 还原为规范语序之一,如: A quite elderly woman was addressing the demonstration. (2)  Shot by nationalist buerrillas  were two entirely innocent tourists. 被民族主义游击队枪杀的是两个完全无辜的游客。 还原为规范语序之一,如: Two entirely innocent tourists were  shot by nationalist buerrillas. 甚至对于分裂句(cleft sentence),本身是一种焦点策略,受前置的约束: They hoped that Herbert Frost would be elected and Frost indeed it was that topped the poll. 他们希望Herbert Frost能当选,事实上,Frost在民意调查中高居榜首。 还原为规范语序之一,如: They hoped that Herbert Frost would be elected and indeed it was Frost that topped the poll. 上面句中,it be + 名词/代词 that 强调结构,这是谓语主格,Frost是主语(或主语补语),可以看成逻辑主语,可以替换it,it是先行主语。把后一句单独拎出来分析: It was Frost that topped the poll,正式一点应该是:it was Frost who topped the poll. 改写一下: Frost topped the poll. (常规的主谓宾。)
2023-01-03 23:15:271


7号信令的一个最基本应用是替代老的1号到6号信令,用作现代数字程控交换机的局间信令,控制局间呼叫的接续。和老的局间信令相比,七号信令作局间信号有许多优点:⑴ 信令传送速度高,呼叫接续时间短;⑵信号容量大,一条64kbps的链路在理论上可处理几万话路;⑶灵活,易于扩充;⑷对话路干扰小,话路质量高⑸可传递端——端信令或用户信令;⑹可使话路服务智能化,即使传统的电话业务具备CLASS特性。CLASS(Customer Local Area Signalling Services)代表一组特殊电话服务特性,这包括自动回叫、自动重叫、用户追踪、主叫名传递、呼叫选择接受等13种功能。这些功能或服务特性是用户电话机无法单独提供的。 高级智能网在共路信令网中引入了两种新的结点:Adjunct和IP。Adjunct的功能类似于SCP,它直接和具有SSP功能的程控交换机联接,向它们提供直接快速的数据库服务和呼叫处理的平台功能。电话局的管理员(甚至用户)可以利用平台功能为自己的交换机设计电话服务特性,当然,程控交换机的软件也必须升级为AIN软件。在AIN交换机中,一个用户电话处理过程分为许多阶段,每个阶段后定义一个触发检查点,AIN交换机软件在每个检查点检测交换机产生的事件。电话的呼叫处理由AIN交换机和Adjunct共同完成(传统的呼叫处理完全在交换机中完成)。AIN进行一般性处理,在检查点检测一个事件时,将处理递交Adjunct完成。Adjunct所做的工作可以由管理员利用平台功能进行设计,以便获得不同电话服务特性。IP(Intelligent Peripherals)为一种网络智能设备,它直接和AIN交换机联接,其主要功能是语音识别。如果网络管理员在某个断点处定义了“语音识别”特性,那么用户可以用语音输入被叫电话号码,此时,AIN交换机必须将语音号码送往IP翻译成数字号码后再进行后续呼叫处理。 蜂窝移动通讯系统需要在共路信令网中增加至少三种结点:MSC、HLR和VLR。蜂窝移动通讯系统将一个通讯区域分成许多CELL,每个CELL内设立一个MSC(Mobile Switching Center),负责CELL内无线用户的通讯。MSC是一个使用七号信令的无线交换机,它包括七号信令中的MTP,SCCP,TCAP和MAP。在蜂窝移动通讯系统中,每个无线用户必须在数据库HLR(Home Location Register)和VLR(Visitor Location Register)中登记。蜂窝移动通讯系统包括许多七号信令过程,其中最重要的二个信令过程是:Registration和IntersystemHandoff/Intersystem Handback Register 是移动用户自动在VLR注册的过程。当一个移动用户跨越两个CELL的边界时,通讯的处理由一个MSC交付到另个一个MSC,这就是Intersystem Handoff信令过程,反之为Intersystem Handback信令过程。MAP协议还在完善之中,目前大部分厂商采用的协议标准是EIA/TIA制定的过渡标准IS-41-B。 七号信令有着广阔的应用前景。除了上述五种应用之外,它可以用作ATM网络和B-ISDN网络的内部信令。此外,由于数据通讯网络规模的扩大,技术复杂度的增强,网络的操作维护、管理、测试和故障诊断的矛盾日益突出,解决这个问题的最好方法是利用七号信令的OMAP协议在共路信令网中建立网络管理维护中心。由于信令网是一个速度快,可靠性好的分组交换网,网络管理中心的操作员可以对通讯网进行远程的实时的测试、诊断、监视、控制和管理,并且不干扰正常的数据通讯。
2023-01-03 23:15:321


2023-01-03 23:15:422


professors怎么读语音: 英音[prə"fesəz] 美音[prə"fesəz]。professors 基本解释:n. 教授( professor的名词复数 );(大学的)讲师,教员professors 用法和例句:" Professors often ask for similar feedback from their students , " says kleiner . "“教授也经常让学生提供类似的反馈,”克莱纳说。Benchmark "s harvey said that minerva would save money by eschewing physical infrastructure and research-focused professors .哈维认为,没有实际的基础设施建设,也不需要聘用研究型教授,这些将会让密涅瓦降低成本。U.s. professors walk you through business cases , and their analyses offer a different viewpoint , he adds .美国教授向学员讲解商业案例,对案例的分析会提供一个不同的观点。”For the professors who teach in online settings , it can be a little disconcerting at first . "对于在网上授课的教授而言,刚开始可能会有点不安。Adjunct professors " don "t have the time to commit to something long-term , " he says .他表示,兼职教授“没有时间投入长期性的规划”。
2023-01-03 23:15:501

美国教授级别。associate professor (Adj) 是什么意思,括号里的adj代表什么

associate professor 是副教授。adj,是形容词的意思。
2023-01-03 23:16:054

有人知道如何区分 adverbial disjuncts 和conjuncts吗? 如 frankly,i can not stand her husband 谢谢

Disjunct or adverbial adjunct: 句子以状语开头,以逗号隔开后面的句子。这部分的信息并非是句子中不可缺少的部分,词语本身的词义不能充分融入后面句子的部分,它只表明/说明了作者或演讲者的对事态度,引出后句中所表达的内容及含义。如你给出的例句,“Frankly,I cannot stand her husband." 中文翻译过来就是 坦白讲,我受不了她丈夫。讲这句话的人想说明TA打心底不喜欢某个人的老公。还有句子可以以 Honestly、Fortunately、Interestingly,Luckily,Clearly,Unfortunately等这样的状语开头。Conjunct:句子中含有关联词 把句子前后内容连接起来。关联词中有表示因果关系的,表示转折关系等。就像中文中的关联句 “虽然...但是..." "因为...所以..." "如果...就..." 等。 只是英文语法中,只取一个关联词。 如:·It was raining. Therefore, we didn"t go swimming. (因为)下雨了。因此,我们没有去游泳。·It was sunny. However, we stayed inside of the house. (虽然)晴天。但是,我们呆在家里。这样的解释希望对你有帮助 =]
2023-01-03 23:16:191


Additive(添加剂):一般指用于啤酒酿造或窖藏的防腐剂或抗氧化剂。Adjunct(辅助物):一些用来替代麦芽进行啤酒酿制的可发酵型原料,常见的有黑麦、燕麦、大米和玉米等。Aerobic(好氧的):爱尔酵母(Ale Yeast)之所以采用上面发酵法,就是因为它属于好氧型酵母,需要氧气进行新陈代谢。Alcohol(酒精):又称乙醇。发酵时,糖分在酵母的作用下就会转化为酒精。酒精含量有两种计量方式,分别为酒精质量分数和酒精体积分数。Alcohol by weight(酒精质量分数):啤酒中所含酒精的一个测量标准,一般按百分比计算。如 3.2% ABW,指的就是每 100 厘升(1 厘升= 10 毫升)的啤酒中所含酒精的总质量为 3.2 克。(3.2% ABW≈4% ABV)Alcohol by volume(酒精体积分数):啤酒中所含酒精的一个测量标准,一般按百分比计算。如 3.2% ABV,指的就是每 100 毫升的啤酒中所含酒精的总体积为 3.2 毫升。Ale(爱尔酵母):指的是一种采用上面发酵法的酿酒酵母,酿制出的啤酒一般香气明显,还带有一定的果味。Ale-malt(全麦):指的是完全采用大麦芽酿制,而不加入任何辅助物的啤酒。Amber(黄褐色/琥珀色):用来形容上面/下面发酵法酿制的啤酒的颜色,一般介于灰白色和黑色之间。Anaerobic(厌氧的):窖藏酵母(Lager Yeast)之所以采用下面发酵法,就是因为它属于厌氧型酵母,需要在无氧的环境下进行新陈代谢。Aroma Hops(香味啤酒花):在煮沸后期加入的啤酒花往往会给啤酒带来较多的香味,因此这种酒花被称之为香味啤酒花。Astringent(收敛的):品酒词,指的是口腔中的干涩感和褶皱感。
2023-01-03 23:16:253


语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology结构structure层次rank句子 sentence从句clause词组phrase词类part of speech单词word实词notional word虚词structrural word名词noun专有名词proper noun普通名词common noun可数名词countable noun不可数名词uncountable noun抽象名词abstract noun具体名词concret moun物质名词material noun集体名词collective noun个体名词individual noun介词preposition连词conjunction[B]动词[/B][B]verb[/B]主动词main verb及物动词transitive verb不及物动词intransitive verb系动词link verb助动词auxiliary verb情态动词modal verb规则动词regular verb不规则动词irregular verb短语动词phrasal verb限定动词finite verb非限定动词infinite verb使役动词causative verb感官动词verb of senses动态动词event verb静态动词state verb感叹词exclamation形容词adjective[B]副词[/B][B]adverb[/B]方式副词adverb of manner程度副词adverb of degree时间副词adverb of time地点副词adverb of place修饰性副词adjunct连接性副词conjunct疑问副词interogative adverb关系副词relative adverb代词pronoun人称代词personal pronoun物主代词possesive pronoun反身代词reflexive pronoun相互代词reciprocal pronoun指示代词demonstrative pronoun疑问代词interrogative pronoun关系代词relative pronoun不定代词indefinite pronoun物主代词possecive pronoun名词性物主代词nominal possesive prnoun形容词性物主代词adjectival possesive pronoun冠词article定冠词definite article不定冠词indefinite article数词numeral基数词cardinal numeral序数词ordinal numeral分数词fractional numeral形式form单数形式singular form复数形式plural form限定动词finite verb form非限定动词non-finite verb form原形base form从句clause从属句subordinate clause并列句coordinate clause名词从句nominal clause定语从句attributive clause状语从句adverbial clause宾语从句object clause主语从句subject clause同位语从句appositive clause时间状语从句adverbial clause of time地点状语从句adverbial clause of place方式状语从句adverbial clause of manner让步状语从句adverbial clause of concession原因状语从句adverbial clause of cause结果状语从句adverbial clause of result目的状语从句adverbial clause of purpose条件状语从句adverbial clause of condition真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of real condition非真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of unreal condition含蓄条件句adverbial clause of implied condition错综条件句adverbial clause of mixed condition[B]句子[/B][B]sentence[/B]简单句simple sentence并列句compound sentence复合句complex sentence并列复合句compound complex sentence陈述句 declarative sentence疑问句interrogative sentence一般疑问句general question特殊疑问句special question选择疑问句alternative question附加疑问句tag question反义疑问句disjunctive question修辞疑问句rhetorical question感叹疑问句exclamatory question存在句existential sentence肯定句positive sentwence否定句negative sentence祈使句imperative sentence省略句elliptical sentence感叹句exclamatory sentence基本句型basic sentence patern[B]句子成分[/B][B]members of sentences[/B]主语subject谓语predicate宾语object双宾语dual object直接宾语direct object间接宾语indirect object复合宾语complex object同源宾语cognate object[B]补语[/B][B]complement[/B]主补subject complement宾补object complement表语predicative定语attribute同位语appositive状语adverbial[B]句法关系[/B][B]syntatic relationship[/B]并列coordinate从属subordination修饰modification前置修饰pre-modification后置修饰post-modification限制restriction双重限制double-restriction非限制non-restriction[B]数[/B][B]number[/B]单数形式singular form复数形式plural form规则形式regular form不规则形式irregular form[B] [/B][B]格[/B][B]case[/B]普通格common case所有格possessive case主格nominative case宾格objective case[B]性[/B][B]gender[/B]阳性masculine阴性feminine通性common中性neuter[B]人称[/B][B]person[/B]第一人称first person第二人称second person第三人称third person[B]时态[/B][B]tense[/B]过去将来时past future tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense过去将来完成时past future perfect tense一般现在时present simple tense一般过去时past simple tense一般将来时future simple tense现在完成时past perfect tense过去完成时present perfect tense将来完成时future perfect tense现在进行时present continuous tense过去进行时past continuous tense将来进行时future continuous tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense现在完成进行时present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时past perfect continuous tense[B]语态[/B]voice主动语态active voice被动语态passive voice[B] [/B][B]语气[/B][B]mood[/B]陈述语气indicative mood祈使语气imperative mood虚拟语气subjunctive mood[B]否定[/B][B]negation[/B]否定范围scope of negation全部否定full negation局部否定partial negation转移否定shift of negation[B]语序[/B][B]order[/B]自然语序natural order倒装语序inversion全部倒装full inversion部分倒装partial inversion直接引语direct speech间接引语indirect speech自由直接引语free direct speech自由间接引语free indirect speech[B]一致[/B][B]agreement[/B]主谓一致subject-predicate agreement语法一致grammatical agreement概念一致notional agreement就近原则principle of proximity强调emphasis重复repetition语音pronunciation语调tone升调rising tone降调falling tone降升调falling-rising tone文体style正式文体formal非正式文体informal口语spoken/oral English套语formulistic expression英国英语British English美国英语American English用法usage感情色彩emotional coloring褒义commendatory贬义derogatory幽默humorous讽刺sarcastic挖苦ironic
2023-01-03 23:16:552


副词的用法:我们将副词分为三大类:disjunct、adjunct、conjunct(词根dis-、ad-、con- 分别有分离、附属、连接之意)。副词  是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句或其他副词的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。1、修饰动词时,一般该副词放在动词前面;2、修饰形容词或者其他副词时,也是放在形容词和其他副词的前面;3、修饰句子时,可以单独放在句首,用逗号隔开。通常表示实践和程度的副词有这种用法。副词的位置:副词在句子中的位置相比形容词更加灵活——不像形容词须紧挨着被修饰结构,副词有时可以与被修饰结构相隔一段距离。
2023-01-03 23:17:031

英语词性全称和简称 所有英语词性的全称和简称 列: 名词:noun-n

词性part of speech 名词 noun 专有名词 proper noun 普通名词 common noun 可数名词 countable noun 不可数名词 uncountable noun 抽象名词 abstract noun 具体名词 concret noun 物质名词 material noun 集体名词 collective noun 个体名词 individual noun 介词 preposition 连词 conjunction 动词 verb 主动词 main verb 及物动词 transitive verb 不及物动词 intransitive verb 系动词 link verb 助动词 auxiliary verb 情态动词 modal verb 规则动词 regular verb 不规则动词 irregular verb 短语动词 phrasal verb 限定动词 finite verb 非限定动词 infinite verb 使役动词 causative verb 感官动词 verb of senses 动态动词 event verb 静态动词 state verb 感叹词 exclamation 形容词 adjective 副词 adverb 方式副词 adverb of manner 程度副词 adverb of degree 时间副词 adverb of time 地点副词 adverb of place 修饰性副词 adjunct 连接性副词 conjunct 疑问副词 interrogative adverb 关系副词 relative adverb 代词 pronoun 人称代词 personal pronoun 物主代词 possessive pronoun 反身代词 reflexive pronoun 相互代词 reciprocal pronoun 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词 interrogative pronoun 关系代词 relative pronoun 不定代词 indefinite pronoun 物主代词 possessive pronoun 名词性物主代词 nominal possessive pronoun 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possessive pronoun 冠词 article 定冠词 definite article 不定冠词 indefinite article 数词 numeral 基数词 cardinal numeral 序数词 ordinal numeral 分数词 fractional numeral
2023-01-03 23:17:091


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2023-01-03 23:17:333

谁知到国外associate professor 和 assistant professor有什么区别?

2023-01-03 23:17:452

an adjunct organization是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  an adjunct organization,您说的这个英文词语在我国中很常见,是属于英文会计考试核心词汇其中的一个,学好该类词汇对您的英文证书考取过程非常重要,这个词的翻译如下:挂靠户。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
2023-01-03 23:17:581


语法 grammar 句法 syntax 词法 morphology 结构 structure 层次 rank 句子 sentence 从句 clause 词组 phrase 词类 part of speech 单词 word 实词 notional word 虚词 structural word 名词 noun
2023-01-03 23:18:043


这个概念在中国的语法教科书上是很少见到的,至少我是没有见过的。"Argument in English Grammar"指的是动词完成表达所需要的其他成份。argument字面意思是参数,在语法中指代句子中的用于补充说明,帮助动词完成表达的语法元素。一个动词是无法完整表达一个句子意思的,它需要主语,宾语。这些都是它的argument。 所以可以说一个句子的最高层次结构是predicate和它的argument,然后加上adjunct。predicate和其argument用来表达句子的意思,然后adjunct可以添加一些补充的信息,虽然不是必须的。
2023-01-03 23:18:151


1. 问题概述 在关于英语副词能否修饰名词或名词对等词的问题上, 英语语法界存在两种观点,并各自举了一些例子加在佐证:一观点种认为,副词可以修饰名词;另一种观点认为,副词不能修饰名词,但是可以修饰名词短语 。先不说那种观点正确,下面先从定义开始,做一些分析,找一种比较合理的解释。 2. 副词的定义 要明确副词到底能不能修饰名词,先从定义开始,明确什么是副词或者副词对等词。 2.1 关于副词的词源 adverb源自拉丁语adverbium,字面意思就是“附加到动词上的某种成分,用于限制或扩展动词的含义”,由ad-(意为“to”) + verbum(verb word)构成。 由Flavius Sosipater Charisius 根据古希腊词epirrhema转译面来,epirrhema由epi-(意指“upon,on”)+ rhema(verb)构成。 2.1 牛津英语语法词典对副词的定义(<<Dictionary OF English Grammar>>) 副词(adverb)属于副词短语的中心词,修饰动词(例如,spoke quietly)、形容词(例如,really awful)、另一个副词(例如,very quietly),或者,极为少见地,修饰名词(例如,?this almost victory, the events recently)。(注:注意了,词典用问号(?)标识,表明这种用法目前还存在争议。) 副词构成了各种混合词类。在传统上,它们被划入各种意义相关的分类,例如方式相关(例如,hurriedly,sideways,thus)、情态相关(modality)(例如,perhaps, probably, certainly)、程度相关(例如,exceedingly, very)、以及频率相关(例如,daily)。 一些语法学家认为,副词和形容词不应该划分为两种不同的词类,理由是它们之间存在互补分布关系,因此属于一类词,但其它语法学家对此提出质疑。 J.PAYNE, R.HUDDLESTON和G.K.PULLUM在2010年发表的文章指出,形容词和副词之间的这种互补性(complementarity)通常用于支撑一种更为深入的主张,从 Kurylowicz(1936)到 Baker(2003)的多位语言学家周期性地支持这种说法,即,事实上,形容词和副词是一种主要词类的屈折变化的变体……,我们质疑的问题不仅在于这样定义的互补性站不住脚,而且这种分布在本质上与副词是否在屈折上与形容词相关毫不相关。 在语法书CaGEL(<<The Cambridge grammar of the English language>>,作者Rodney Huddleston,Geoffrey K.Pullum,et al. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2002)中,将很多传统分类认为是副词的词汇划入前置词的分类(介词分类),例如,downstairs、here、inside、there;而将另外的副词划入名词的分类,例如,yesterday、today。 松散地看,在流行语法中,术语 副词 (adverb)通常指的是 副词短语 (adverb phrases)和 状语 (adverbials)。更严格地说,在使用副词短语或状语术语的场合,副词一次可以严格指副词中心词的单个词。 2.2 英汉语言学词典对副词的定义(<<An English-Chinese Dictionary of Linguistics>>,作者劳允栋) 对于副词,需要注意三点: (1)  传统的定义说它修饰动词、形容词、或另一个副词,实际上其修饰的范围大大超越这个范围。例如, entirely  out of it(完全搞错), soon  after the meeting was over(会议结束后不久),the tree  over there (那边的树), Yes , it is(是的), Certainly ,it will end well(是的,结果会是好的),等等(注:以上例子个别存在争议,后面再举例说明)。 (2)  现代语言学的研究已特别重视作为句子修饰语或者句子联系词的副词,例如,However/Moreover/Actually/Frankly...I think he was right(然而/再者/事实上/坦白地说……我认为他是对的);有的语法学家(如,夸克(Randolph Quirk))已将状语分为三类—— 副词性状语 (adjunct), 连接语状语 (conjunct), 评注性状语 (disjunct)。 (3)  现代语言学研究已频频地将 加强词 (intensifier,例如,very,awfully等)和否定小词(negative particle,例如,not,no)从副词中分出来了。 2.3语言与语言学词典的定义(<<Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics>>,Hadumod Bussmann著,Gregory P.Trauth和Kerstin Kazzazi编译) 副词是按语法的词性分类(parts of speech),用于在语义上修饰动词、形容词、其它副词、以及整个句子。副词不能被变格(declension),因此,与前置词(介词)和连词一起构成 小品词 (particles)的三个子分类。副词构成了一个非常多样化的(heterogeneous)分组,包括数量众多的与其它词性重叠的词类,这就是为什么副词在语法上可以按照各种方式分类。按照副词特有的分类原则,可以将副词分类为以下两类: (a)  按照句法原则,划分为灵活副词(例如,evenings, downhill, gladly)和所谓的“代词性”副词(pronominal)(例如,whereof,wherein,hereby),用作前置词短语或状语的替代形式。至于用法,区别在于,灵活副词既可以用作状语也可用作定语(注:其实用作定语时,已经不是单纯的副词了,而应当视为小品词,或类形容词)(例如,The book is here 对比The book here),而“代词性”副词仅可用作状语(例如,They work quickly)。句子的副词(诸如,hopefully、maybe、probably)组成了一种特别的句子附加语用法(adsententially),即句子的状语,组成了说话人对判断的表述成分。 (b)  按照语义原则,又可以分为时间副词(例如,now,afterwards,yesterday),空间副词(例如,here,inside,there),情态副词(例如,gladly,reluctantly),以及因果副词(例如,correspondingly,regardless,notwithstanding),或者程度或强度副词(例如,very,somewhat)。 (c) 按照形态学的原则( morphology ), 可以分为纯粹的副词(例如,soon,now),复合副词(例如,forth-with,henceforth),以及派生副词(例如,sky-ward,completely)。 3. 副词只能修饰名词短语的观点及示例 3.1 来自语法书<<A Comprehensive Grammar of The English Language>>的观点,作者Randolph Quirk,Sidney Greenbaum,Geoffrey Leech,Jan Svartvik 在本书中,作者在所列举的副词句法功能中,有一种便是 副词可以修饰名词短语 。书中讲到,有几个 加强修饰词 (intensifiers)可以前置修饰名词短语,当这样使用的时候,这个加强修饰词(副词) 放在名词短语的限定词之前 。在这类加强副词中,最常见的是quite和rather(特别是在英式英语中),例如: (1) We had quite  a party . 我们开了一个很热闹的聚会。(quite修饰名词短语a party) (2) They will be here for quite  some time . 他们会在这里待很长一段时间。(quite修饰名词短语some time) (3) He was quite  some player . 他是一个相当不错的球员。(quite修饰名词短语some player) (4) They were quite  some players . 他们是相当不错的球员。(quite修饰名词短语some players) (quite修饰的可数名词短语是非正式的,注意some应该重读。) (5) It was rather  a mess. 真是一团糟。(rather修饰名词短语a mess,特别是英式英语中) 除了副词,前置限定词 such 和 what 也有类似的用法 。例如: (1) He is such  a fool . 他真是个傻瓜。(前置限定词such修饰名词短语a fool) (2) They are such  fools . 他们真是一群傻瓜。(前置限定词such修饰名词短语fools) (3) What  a mess  they made! 他们搞得一团糟。(前置限定词What修饰名词短语a mess) (4) What  babies  they are. 他真是个傻瓜。(前置限定词What修饰名词短语babies) 注意事项 : (a) 其它的副词不可以解释为修饰名词短语,因为它们的修饰位置是移动的 。对比以下两个例句: (1) He was really some PLÀYER. (非正式) (2) He really was some PLÀYER. realy从例句(1)中的位置转换到例句(2)中的位置,只要提供了合适的语调模式,副词的这个位置变化并不影响句子的含义。quite修饰名词短语转换位置不改变句意是不可能做到的。 (b)  对于很多人而言,复数的名词短语不能前置 rather 作为修饰语 。例如: He is rather a fool (rather foolish) 换成They are rather fools是不被接受的。假如名词是不可分级的(nongradable),不能使用rather,  除非同时有一个可分级的形容词出现 ,这种情况下,rather是加强形容词,并且位于修饰词前,这都是可能的,而且几乎没有什么语义区别: It is rather a table.[这是不被接受的,除非其意义为“...a table rather than...”] It is (rather a/a rather) big table. (c) 对于像only和also和名词短语之间的这种关系,参见次修饰语(subjuncts)部分。 注:以上副词修饰名词短语,从广义的形容词定义来说,名词短语前的限定词也可以看成形容词,这样副词修饰的是形容词,从这个角度理解,也解释得通。 3.2 来自语法书<<The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language>>的观点,作者Rodney Huddleston和Geoffrey K. Pullum等 书中提到,“Adverbs do not occur as attributive modifiers within a nominal, but many can occur as external modifier with an NP as head(副词不作为定语修饰语出现在名词内,但许多副词可以作为外部修饰语出现,以名词短语作为中心词)”。也就是说,认为副词不能修饰单个名词,但是可以作为外部修饰语,修饰整个名词短语。因此,书中对副词的定义为:Adverbs characteristically modify verbs and other categories except nouns, especially adjectives and adverbs(副词,在其特征上,表现为修饰动词和除了名词之外的其它词类,特别是修饰形容词和副词)。下面是几个副词修饰名词短语的例子: (1) She read almost  the whole book  in one day. 她一天之内几乎读完了整本书。 (副词almost修饰名词短语the whole book。) (2) Kim is quite  a dancer . Kim是个优秀的舞蹈演员。 (副词quite修饰名词短语a dancer。) (3) Ed resented it to quite  a high degree . Ed对此非常反感。 (副词quite修饰名词短语a high degree。) (4) There is quite  a close relation  between  though , which is primarily concessive, and  if , which is primarily conditional. 在“though”和“if”之间存在着相当紧密的关系,前者主要用于让步,而后者主要用于条件。 (副词quite修饰名词短语a close relation。) (5) There are quite  a large number of evaluative adverbs . 存在相当多的评价副词。 (副词quite修饰名词短语a large number of evaluative adverbs。) (6) That boy"s becoming quite  a problem . 那个男孩成了个大问题。 (副词quite修饰名词短语a problem。) (7) Quite  a number of semantic classes  are involved. 涉及到相当多的语义类。 (副词quite修饰名词短语a number of semantic classes。) (8) In the non-parenthetical construction the matrix verb and its subject may also be backgrounded, but this is not signaled syntactically, being rather  a matter of pragmatics , dependent on context and the content of the subordinate clause. 在非附加语结构中,矩阵动词及其主语也可能是背景动词,但这不是句法上的标志,而是一个语用问题,取决于上下文和从句的内容。 (副词rather修饰名词短语a matter of pragmatics。) 4. 副词可以修饰名词的观点及示例 持这种观点的语法书,大多数是国内的语法书,也有些国外的语法学家持这种观点。对于这些书上举的一些例子,有一些比较模糊,但是另一些属于是小器词修饰名词,被误当成是副词修饰名词。而对于另一些看似合理的解释,尝试用合理的方式加以解释。因为这些观点并没有提供详细的说明依据。 4.1 来自语法书<<A Grammar of The English Language in Three Volumes>>的观点,作者Hans Kurath,George O.Curme 书中将形容词修饰名词的情况分为两种,位于名词前的形容词称为附着形容词, 位于名词后的形容词称为同位形容词。 (1) 副词用作同位形容词,例如: a. the room above. 在上面的房间。 (在这里,above本身同样也可以表示形容词,或者理解为小品词) b. the tree yonder. 在远处的树。 (在这里,yonder本身也可以表示形容词(意为“more distant”),或者理解为小品词) (2) 副词用作附着形容词,例如: the down stroke. 使用对方球员出场的一击。 (在这里,down本身也可以表示形容词,或者理解为小品词) 注:形容词修饰名词既可以放在其前,也可以放在其后,规范语法并没有说放在后面不可。 4.2 来自语法书<<现代英语语法例解手册>>的观点,作者绵贯阳,宫川幸久,须贝猛敏,高松尚弘 副词修饰名词,例如: Only Mr. Parker understood what was happening. 只有Parker先生知道发生了什么。 (作者认为,only作为副词修饰Mr. Parker。但是only本身也可以作为形容词,理解为形容词更为合适。) 4.3 来自语法书<<现代英语语法>>的观点,作者赵俊英 书中,作者把三种情况都包括在内了,既认为副词可以理解为小品词修饰名词,也认为副词可以修饰名词短语,但同时也认为副词作为名词后置修饰语 。前两种没有异议,主要列举副词作名词后置修饰语的例子(下列身兼名词和副词分类的词,应理解为形容词,不能因为其放在名词之后): (1) the way ahead. 前边的路。 (ahead本身词性就可以作为形容词,这里理解为形容词或小品词修饰名词更合适,下同。) (2) the trip abroad. 去国外的旅行。 (abroad理解为形容词。) (3) the design above. 上述设计。 (above理解为形容词) (4) the buildings around.周围的楼房。 (around理解为形容词) (5) the noise backstage.后台的炒闹声。 (backstage理解为形容词) (6) the day before.前一天。 (before理解为形容词) (7) the day before.前一天。 (before理解为形容词) (8) the photo below.下面的照片。 (below理解为形容词) (9) your friend here.你这里的朋友。 (here理解为形容词,不是副词) 这里,韦氏词典对于形容词here,有这么一句定义: used for emphasis especially after a demonstrative pronoun or after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective(用于强调,尤其是在指示代词之后或由指示形容词修饰的名词之后)。例如: I like these here This book here (10) his journey home.他回家的旅程。 (home理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典) (11) all the machine there.那边的所有机器。 (there理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典) (12) the meeting yesterday.昨天的会议。 (yesterday理解为形容词,参见 ) (13) in after years.在随后的岁月。 (after理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典,例子都一样) (14) the then chairman.时任主席。 (then理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典,相同结构的例子:the then secretary of state) (15) an outside door.外边的门。 (outside理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典,相同结构的例子:an outside pitch) (16) the up train.上行车。 (up理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典,相同结构的例子:the up escalator) (17) the above circuit diagram.上述的电路图。 (above理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典,相同结构的例子:Contact me at the above address) 4.4 来自语法书<<现代高级英语语法>>的观点,作者徐广联 本书对于副词的用法,所举的例子也提到了rather和quite的用法,但没有明确指出其修饰的是名词短语,例如,We had quite a party;He is regarded as rather a fool. 另外,其它的例子都认为是副词修饰名词作定语。例如: (1) This is my first day off.这是我休假的第一天。 (off理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典,例子,reading on his off days) (2) I met her on my way home.我在回家的路上遇见了他。 (home理解为形容词,参见韦氏词典) 其它例子与4.3雷同。 4.5 来自语法书<<张道真英语语法大全>>的观点,作者张道真 本书作者认为,副词可以修饰名词。例如: (1) He is quite a hero.他是个十足的英雄。 (quite理解为修饰名词短语,这里理解为修饰名词没有理论依据,a是一个不定冠词,就算按照广义的形容词分类,也应该归为形容词,而不是名词) (2) He is regarded as rather a fool. 他被认为是个傻瓜。 (rather理解为修饰名词短语,同(1)) (3) He is almost a child. 他几乎是个孩子。 (almost理解为副词,但是应当是修饰is,而不是修饰其后的a child,把语序换一下,He almost is a child,句子含义仍然不变。) (4) Only Wang studied English last year. 去年只有王学了英语。 (Only理解为修饰名词短语,见韦氏词典定义,相当于sole,相同结构的例子,She"s the  only  person you can really trust.) 4.6 来自语法书<<英语语法>>的观点,作者薄冰 本书作者例子也提到了修饰名词短语的情况,但是将其称为修饰名词,置于“不定冠词+名词”之前;但同时又认为副词可以直接修饰名词。例如: (1) Who was the then Prime Minister? 谁是当时的总理? (then理解为修饰形容词,见韦氏词典) (2) He has inside information about the talks. 他有送这次会谈的内部报道。 (inside理解为修饰形容词) www.thefreedictionary.com对形容词inside 的定义为:Relating to, known to, or coming from an exclusive group(关于、知晓或者来自排他性团体),关举了相同的例子: inside information (内部消息) ; an inside joke(一个内部笑话)。引用自American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. 其它例子与4.3雷同。 5. 我们应当持什么样的观点 根据副词和形容词的相关定义,副词词源,以及描述语法理论,个人认为夸克等人的观点理为合理,而且基于现有的描述语法理论也能作出合理的解释。国内这些语法书的观点究竟是自己分析出来的,还是从那个英语语法学家而来,本人没有查到相关资料。作为二语学习者,倾向于以本语语法学家的理论为基础。 另一方面,如果这种问题出现在考题中,实在是有点悲催,那就只能以考纲为标准。因为在这种应该考试中,答案往往是唯一的,出题人就是“权威”,就是“标准”,不容质疑。
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单词意思:assistant英 [əˈsɪstənt]   美 [əˈsɪstənt]  n.助手,助理;[化学](染色的)助剂;辅助物;店员,伙计。adj.助理的;辅助的;有帮助的;副的。同义近义词:assistant、helper、supporter、adjunct应用软件:Assistant是一款语音助手,于2016年5月19日在谷歌I/O大会上由谷歌推出。Assistant并不是一种单独的程序,这款新的技术会和谷歌不同的设备以及操作系统机密结合。谷歌CEO皮查伊将Google Assistant比喻为“一种跨越设备间的体验”,旨在让用户通过“流畅”的语音和设备相互沟通。扩展资料1、assistant可以用作名词assistant的基本意思是“助手”,指不独立承担任务,只协助别人进行工作的人。assistant是可数名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、介词as的宾语。assistant用作形容词时意思是“助理的”,指协助主要负责人办事的,引申可表示“有帮助的”。assistant用作名词的用法例句The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.首相在其助手陪同下访问我国。2、assistant可以用作形容词assistant用作形容词时意思是“助理的”,指协助主要负责人办事的,引申可表示“有帮助的”。assistant在句中多用作定语,修饰其他表示职称的名词。assistant可接介词to引起的短语。assistant用作形容词的用法例句:Wang wore two hats as chief of marketing research and assistant head of sales.王先生身兼两职,是市场调查部主任,也是营销部副主任。参考资料来源:百度百科-assistant
2023-01-03 23:18:331

visiting and adjunct faculty 教师 什么意思

visiting and adjunct faculty访问和辅助教师visiting and adjunct faculty访问和辅助教师
2023-01-03 23:18:422


是A.PAssociate Professor 读音:英 [əˈsəʊsieɪt prəˈfesə(r)]   美 [əˈsoʊsieɪt prəˈfesər]  释义:助理教授,助教授,副研究员,副传授。语法:associate通常指在友好平等的基础上进行联合或交往,引申可指事物在逻辑上或思想上的联想。associate主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。也可用作不及物动词,这时须接介词with引起的短语,表示“与?交往,与?联系在一起”。扩展资料近义词:adjunct professor读音:英 [ˈædʒʌŋkt prəˈfesə(r)]   美 [ˈædʒʌŋkt prəˈfesər]  释义:〈美〉副教授。语法:professor在英国指“大学教授”,男女通用,在美国口语中常泛指男性的先生或男女老师。professor表示“某校的教授”时,在校名前用in或at。用in属正式用法。例句:The British job of lecturer corresponds roughly to the US associate professor.英国的讲师职位大致相当于美国的副教授。
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美国的The Chronicle of Higher Education公布了2013-2014年度的教授工资调查。其中包括1156所大学的正教授,副教授,助理教授的平均工资。一般的趋势是:学校越好,教授工资就越高。比如助理教授工资(年薪),前十名的如下:University of Pennsylvania $11.80万Stanford University $11.75万California Institute of Technology $11.62万Harvard University $11.45万MIT $11.11万Columbia University $11.09万New York University $10.87万Bryant University $10.87万Rutgers University $10.68万University of Chicago $10.56万 University of Pennsylvani 排在第一,有点出乎意料,她的所在地费城生活费用其实不高,比起排名在前的其它几个大学的所在地,房价低多了。有二三所大学,如Bryant University和Babson college,平时都不怎么听说的,教授工资却排在princeton University和Yale Univeristy之上。而排在最后的几个大学,助理教授的工资都在3万多美元。当然,这个工资还在贫困线之上。表中所列的工资为全年工资,但不算医学院的教授,他们的很多既是医生又是教授,工资比一般教授高出很多。还有,表中所列出的,是大学的正式教授,tenure或tenure-track。他们只占大学教授的25%,而据2011年的统计,美国大学75%的教师是兼职教授(adjunct professor)。兼职教授是大学里的二等公民,职业没有保证,没有医疗保险,没有退休福利,对系里的事务没有发言权,教一门三个学分的课,只有2-3千美元。去年一位法语兼职教授Mary Margaret Vojtko癌症去世。她在Duquesne University教了25年书,因为没有退休金,工作到83岁被大学解雇,没有医疗保险,没有房子,没有分文存款。她的去世,引起媒体对大学这一大群贫困教授的关注。在美国,如果能在好的大学得到教授职位,日子还是可以滋润的,起码挤入了中产阶级的行列。如果在一些差劲的大学当教授,头衔当然好听,但学生质量不高,收入也不高,确实有点鸡肋。
2023-01-03 23:19:001


英语副词是对动词、形容词、其他副词或者一个句子起描述作用,或者对其意义作进一步说明的词.英语副词根据其句法功能可分为附加语(adjunct)、联加语(conjunct)和外加语(disjunct).各类副词在句中的位置各不相同,变换其词序会使句子的含义产生变化.下面笔者对副词的用法进行分类说明. 一、 附加语 附加语为分句或句子基本结构的一部分,在分句或句子中修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示时间、地点、频率、程度或方式.如: (1) I have almost finished. 我已经差不多完成了。 (2) I think she"ll be married shortly. 我想她不久就会结婚的。 (3) He was a deeply sick man. 他病得相当严重。 (4) He did really well, didn"t he? 他做得相当好,不是吗? 附加语还可细分为两类:主语附加语(subject adjunct)和方式附加语(manner adjunct)。如: (5) You stupidly answered his questions. ( stupidly 是主语附加语.这句话的含义相当于:It was stupid of you to answer his questions. 或 You were stupid to answer his questions.) (6) You answered his questions stupidly. (stupidly是方式附加语.这句话的含义相当于:You answered his questions in that stupid way.) 附加语可以放在被修饰词的前面或句末,附加语的位置不同其含义也不同。试比较下列各组句子: (7) We have solved practically all these problems. 这些问题我们差不多已全部解决了。 We have solved all these problems practically. 我们以切实可行的方法把全部问题解决了。 (8) We heard only of it this morning. 今天早上我们只听见这件事。 We only heard of it this morning. 我们今天早上只是听说这件事。 We heard of it only this morning. 我们只是在今天早上才听说这件事。 二、联加语 联加语不属于分句或句子的基本结构,只是用来表明含该联加语的句子与其他句子的关系。如: (9) Altogether, it was a happy week. 总的说来,这星期是开心的。 (10) It rained; therefore, the match was postponed.因为下雨,所以比赛延期了。 大家都知道,定语从句中的关系代词that与which在指物时,往往是可以互换的,但在下列几种情况下却多用关系代词that,而不能用which. 1. 当先行词为all, little, much, few, everything, none 等不定代词时,关系代词用that而不用which.例如: All that glitters is not gold. There are few books that you can read in this book store. 2. 当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: He asked about the factories and workers that he had visited. 3. 当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that, 而不用which.例如: It was the largest map that I ever saw. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever visited. 4. 当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: The first sight that was caught at the Great Wall has made a lasting impression on him. 5. 当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: That is the very thing that we can do. It is the only book that he bought himself. 6. 当先行词被all, every, any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: You can take any book that you like. 7. 当主句是以which开头的特殊问句时,为了避免重复,定语从句的关系代词一般用that,而不用which.例如: Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 8. 在强调句型" It is ... that ..."中, 只能用that,不能用which.例如: It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 9. 在"such (the same) ... as ..."句型中,关系代词要用as, 而不用which.例如: We need such materials as (not which) can bear high temperature. 10. as引导的定语从句可以放在主句前面, 也可以放在主句后面或主句中间,而由 which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后面.例如: As we all know, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. (文/陈昌勇 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第41期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)
2023-01-03 23:19:101

adjuncts to 什么意思

2023-01-03 23:19:162


英语副词是对动词、形容词、其他副词或者一个句子起描述作用,或者对其意义作进一步说明的词.英语副词根据其句法功能可分为附加语(adjunct)、联加语(conjunct)和外加语(disjunct).各类副词在句中的位置各不相同,变换其词序会使句子的含义产生变化.下面笔者对副词的用法进行分类说明. 一、 附加语 附加语为分句或句子基本结构的一部分,在分句或句子中修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示时间、地点、频率、程度或方式.如: (1) I have almost finished. 我已经差不多完成了。 (2) I think she"ll be married shortly. 我想她不久就会结婚的。 (3) He was a deeply sick man. 他病得相当严重。 (4) He did really well, didn"t he? 他做得相当好,不是吗? 附加语还可细分为两类:主语附加语(subject adjunct)和方式附加语(manner adjunct)。如: (5) You stupidly answered his questions. ( stupidly 是主语附加语.这句话的含义相当于:It was stupid of you to answer his questions. 或 You were stupid to answer his questions.) (6) You answered his questions stupidly. (stupidly是方式附加语.这句话的含义相当于:You answered his questions in that stupid way.) 附加语可以放在被修饰词的前面或句末,附加语的位置不同其含义也不同。试比较下列各组句子: (7) We have solved practically all these problems. 这些问题我们差不多已全部解决了。 We have solved all these problems practically. 我们以切实可行的方法把全部问题解决了。 (8) We heard only of it this morning. 今天早上我们只听见这件事。 We only heard of it this morning. 我们今天早上只是听说这件事。 We heard of it only this morning. 我们只是在今天早上才听说这件事。 二、联加语 联加语不属于分句或句子的基本结构,只是用来表明含该联加语的句子与其他句子的关系。如: (9) Altogether, it was a happy week. 总的说来,这星期是开心的。 (10) It rained; therefore, the match was postponed.因为下雨,所以比赛延期了。 大家都知道,定语从句中的关系代词that与which在指物时,往往是可以互换的,但在下列几种情况下却多用关系代词that,而不能用which. 1. 当先行词为all, little, much, few, everything, none 等不定代词时,关系代词用that而不用which.例如: All that glitters is not gold. There are few books that you can read in this book store. 2. 当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: He asked about the factories and workers that he had visited. 3. 当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that, 而不用which.例如: It was the largest map that I ever saw. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever visited. 4. 当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: The first sight that was caught at the Great Wall has made a lasting impression on him. 5. 当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: That is the very thing that we can do. It is the only book that he bought himself. 6. 当先行词被all, every, any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: You can take any book that you like. 7. 当主句是以which开头的特殊问句时,为了避免重复,定语从句的关系代词一般用that,而不用which.例如: Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 8. 在强调句型" It is ... that ..."中, 只能用that,不能用which.例如: It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 9. 在"such (the same) ... as ..."句型中,关系代词要用as, 而不用which.例如: We need such materials as (not which) can bear high temperature. 10. as引导的定语从句可以放在主句前面, 也可以放在主句后面或主句中间,而由 which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后面.例如: As we all know, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. (文/陈昌勇 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第41期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)
2023-01-03 23:19:251

Adjunct Professor 和Associate Professor 是什么区别

2023-01-03 23:19:312


英语常用语法的名称的说法   句法 syntax   词法 morphology   结构 structure   层次 rank   词类 part of speech   实词 notional word   虚词 structrural word   名词 noun   专有名词 proper noun   普通名词 common noun   可数名词 countable noun   不可数名词 uncountable noun   抽象名词 abstract noun   具体名词 concret moun   物质名词 material noun   集体名词 collective noun   个体名词 inpidual noun   介词 preposition   连词 conjunction   动词 verb   主动词 main verb   及物动词 transitive verb   不及物动词 intransitive verb   系动词 link verb   助动词 auxiliary verb   情态动词 modal verb   规则动词 regular verb   不规则动词 irregular verb   短语动词 phrasal verb   限定动词 finite verb   非限定动词 infinite verb   使役动词 causative verb   感官动词 verb of senses   动态动词 event verb   静态动词 state verb感叹词 exclamation   副词 adverb   方式副词 adverb of manner   程度副词 adverb of degree   时间副词 adverb of time   地点副词 adverb of place   修饰性副词 adjunct   连接性副词 conjunct   疑问副词 interogative adverb   关系副词 relative adverb   代词 pronoun   人称代词 personal pronoun   物主代词 possesive pronoun   反身代词 reflexive pronoun   相互代词 reciprocal pronoun   指示代词 demonstrative pronoun   疑问代词 interrogative pronoun   关系代词 relative pronoun   不定代词 indefinite pronoun   物主代词 possecive pronoun   名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun   形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun   冠词 article   定冠词 definite article   不定冠词 indefinite article   数词 numeral   基数词 cardinal numeral   序数词 ordinal numeral   分数词 fractional numeral   形式 form   单数形式 singular form   复数形式 plural form   限定动词 finite verb form   非限定动词 non-finite verb form   原形 base form   从句 clause   从属句 subordinate clause   并列句 coordinate clause   名词从句 nominal clause   定语从句 attributive clause   状语从句 adverbial clause   宾语从句 object clause   主语从句 subject clause   同位语从句 appositive clause   时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time   地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place   方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner   让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession   原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause   结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result   目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose   条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition   真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition   非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition   含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition   错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition   句子 sentence   简单句 simple sentence   并列句 compound sentence   复合句 complex sentence   并列复合句 compound complex sentence   陈述句 declarative sentence   疑问句 interrogative sentence   一般疑问句 general question   特殊疑问句 special question   选择疑问句 alternative question   附加疑问句 tag question   反义疑问句 disjunctive question   修辞疑问句 rhetorical question   感叹疑问句 exclamatory question   存在句 existential sentence   肯定句 positive sentwence ;
2023-01-03 23:19:411


推理性连接状语,比如rather than, then, else, otherwise, in that case 等
2023-01-03 23:19:501

adjunct lecturer是什么意思

adjunct lecturer客座讲师例句:Tsau-ying tsao: adjunct lecturer, department of elementary education,national taipei teachers college. 曹翠英:国立台北师范学院初等教育学系兼任讲师。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-01-03 23:19:561


英语副词是对动词、形容词、其他副词或者一个句子起描述作用,或者对其意义作进一步说明的词.英语副词根据其句法功能可分为附加语(adjunct)、联加语(conjunct)和外加语(disjunct).各类副词在句中的位置各不相同,变换其词序会使句子的含义产生变化.下面笔者对副词的用法进行分类说明. 一、 附加语 附加语为分句或句子基本结构的一部分,在分句或句子中修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示时间、地点、频率、程度或方式.如: (1) I have almost finished. 我已经差不多完成了。 (2) I think she"ll be married shortly. 我想她不久就会结婚的。 (3) He was a deeply sick man. 他病得相当严重。 (4) He did really well, didn"t he? 他做得相当好,不是吗? 附加语还可细分为两类:主语附加语(subject adjunct)和方式附加语(manner adjunct)。如: (5) You stupidly answered his questions. ( stupidly 是主语附加语.这句话的含义相当于:It was stupid of you to answer his questions. 或 You were stupid to answer his questions.) (6) You answered his questions stupidly. (stupidly是方式附加语.这句话的含义相当于:You answered his questions in that stupid way.) 附加语可以放在被修饰词的前面或句末,附加语的位置不同其含义也不同。试比较下列各组句子: (7) We have solved practically all these problems. 这些问题我们差不多已全部解决了。 We have solved all these problems practically. 我们以切实可行的方法把全部问题解决了。 (8) We heard only of it this morning. 今天早上我们只听见这件事。 We only heard of it this morning. 我们今天早上只是听说这件事。 We heard of it only this morning. 我们只是在今天早上才听说这件事。 二、联加语 联加语不属于分句或句子的基本结构,只是用来表明含该联加语的句子与其他句子的关系。如: (9) Altogether, it was a happy week. 总的说来,这星期是开心的。 (10) It rained; therefore, the match was postponed.因为下雨,所以比赛延期了。 大家都知道,定语从句中的关系代词that与which在指物时,往往是可以互换的,但在下列几种情况下却多用关系代词that,而不能用which. 1. 当先行词为all, little, much, few, everything, none 等不定代词时,关系代词用that而不用which.例如: All that glitters is not gold. There are few books that you can read in this book store. 2. 当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: He asked about the factories and workers that he had visited. 3. 当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that, 而不用which.例如: It was the largest map that I ever saw. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever visited. 4. 当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that, 不用which.例如: The first sight that was caught at the Great Wall has made a lasting impression on him. 5. 当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: That is the very thing that we can do. It is the only book that he bought himself. 6. 当先行词被all, every, any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which.例如: You can take any book that you like. 7. 当主句是以which开头的特殊问句时,为了避免重复,定语从句的关系代词一般用that,而不用which.例如: Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 8. 在强调句型" It is ... that ..."中, 只能用that,不能用which.例如: It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 9. 在"such (the same) ... as ..."句型中,关系代词要用as, 而不用which.例如: We need such materials as (not which) can bear high temperature. 10. as引导的定语从句可以放在主句前面, 也可以放在主句后面或主句中间,而由 which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后面.例如: As we all know, oceans cover more than 70% of the earth. (文/陈昌勇 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第41期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)
2023-01-03 23:20:021


Honorary, Adjunct and Visiting AppointmentDistinguished Honorary Professor 杰出名誉教授Honorary Professor 名誉教授Honorary Fellow 名誉学人Honorary Lecturer 名誉讲师Honorary Clinical Associate 名誉临床导师Adjunct Professor 兼任教授Adjunct Associate Professor 兼任副教授Adjunct Assistant Professor 兼任助理教授Adjunct Clinical Associate 兼任临床导师Visiting Professor 客座教授Visiting Associate Professor 客座副教授Visiting Assistant Professor 客座助理教授Visiting Fellow 访问学人Visiting Lecturer 访问讲师Visiting Lecturer (Part-time) 兼职讲师Visiting Clinical Associate 客座临床导师
2023-01-03 23:20:071


地点状语 adverbials of place地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place
2023-01-03 23:20:173


常用语法术语表 句法 syntax 词法 morphology 结构 structure 层次 rank 词类 part of speech 实词 notional word 虚词 structrural word 名词 noun 专有名词 proper noun 普通名词 common noun 可数名词 countable noun 不可数名词 uncountable noun 抽象名词 abstract noun 具体名词 concret moun 物质名词 material noun 集体名词 collective noun 个体名词 individual noun 介词 preposition 连词 conjunction 动词 verb 主动词 main verb 及物动词 transitive verb 不及物动词 intransitive verb 系动词 link verb 助动词 auxiliary verb 情态动词 modal verb 规则动词 regular verb 不规则动词 irregular verb 短语动词 phrasal verb 限定动词 finite verb 非限定动词 infinite verb 使役动词 causative verb 感官动词 verb of senses 动态动词 event verb 静态动词 state verb感叹词 exclamation 副词 adverb 方式副词 adverb of manner 程度副词 adverb of degree 时间副词 adverb of time 地点副词 adverb of place 修饰性副词 adjunct 连接性副词 conjunct 疑问副词 interogative adverb 关系副词 relative adverb 代词 pronoun 人称代词 personal pronoun 物主代词 possesive pronoun 反身代词 reflexive pronoun 相互代词 reciprocal pronoun 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词 interrogative pronoun 关系代词 relative pronoun 不定代词 indefinite pronoun 物主代词 possecive pronoun 名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun 冠词 article 定冠词 definite article 不定冠词 indefinite article 数词 numeral 基数词 cardinal numeral 序数词 ordinal numeral 分数词 fractional numeral 形式 form 单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 限定动词 finite verb form 非限定动词 non-finite verb form 原形 base form 从句 clause 从属句 subordinate clause 并列句 coordinate clause 名词从句 nominal clause 定语从句 attributive clause 状语从句 adverbial clause 宾语从句 object clause 主语从句 subject clause 同位语从句 appositive clause 时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time 地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place 方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner 让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession 原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause 结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result 目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose 条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition 真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition 非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition 含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition 错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition 句子 sentence 简单句 simple sentence 并列句 compound sentence 复合句 complex sentence 并列复合句 compound complex sentence 陈述句 declarative sentence 疑问句 interrogative sentence 一般疑问句 general question 特殊疑问句 special question 选择疑问句 alternative question 附加疑问句 tag question 反义疑问句 disjunctive question 修辞疑问句 rhetorical question 感叹疑问句 exclamatory question 存在句 existential sentence 肯定句 positive sentwence 否定句 negative sentence 祈使句 imperative sentence 省略句 elliptical sentence 感叹句 exclamatory sentence 基本句型 basic sentence patern 句子成分 members of sentences 主语 subject 谓语 predicate 宾语 object 双宾语 dual object 直接宾语 direct object 间接宾语 indirect object 复合宾语 complex object 同源宾语 cognate object 补语 complement 主补 subject complement 宾补 object complement 表语 predicative 定语 attribute 同位语 appositive 状语 adverbial 句法关系 syntatic relationship 并列 coordinate 从属 subordination 修饰 modification 前置修饰 pre-modification 后置修饰 post-modification 限制 restriction 双重限制 double-restriction 非限制 non-restriction 数 number 单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 规则形式 regular form 不规则形式 irregular form 格 case 普通格 common case 所有格 possessive case 主格 nominative case 宾格 objective case 性 gender 阳性 masculine 阴性 feminine 通性 common 中性 neuter 人称 person 第一人称 first person 第二人称 second person 第三人称 third person 时态 tense 过去将来时 past future tense 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense 过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense 一般现在时 present simple tense 一般过去时 past simple tense 一般将来时 future simple tense 现在完成时 past perfect tense 过去完成时 present perfect tense 将来完成时 future perfect tense 现在进行时 present continuous tense 过去进行时 past continuous tense 将来进行时 future continuous tense 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense 现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense 过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense 语态 voice 主动语态 active voice 被动语态 passive voice 语气 mood 陈述语气 indicative mood 祈使语气 imperative mood 虚拟语气 subjunctive mood 否定 negation 否定范围 scope of negation 全部否定 full negation 局部否定 partial negation 转移否定 shift of negation 语序 order 自然语序 natural order 倒装语序 inversion 全部倒装 full inversion 部分倒装 partial inversion 直接引语 direct speech 间接引语 indirect speech 自由直接引语 free direct speech 自由间接引语 free indirect speech 一致 agreement 主谓一致 subject-predicate agreement 语法一致 grammatical agreement 概念一致 notional agreement 就近原则 principle of proximity 强调 emphasis 重复 repetition 语音 pronunciation 语调 tone 升调 rising tone 降调 falling tone 降升调 falling-rising tone 文体 style 正式文体 formal 非正式文体 informal 口语 spoken/oral English 套语 formulistic expression 英国英语 British English 美国英语 American English 用法 usage 感情色彩 emotional coloring 褒义 commendatory 贬义 derogatory 幽默 humorous 讽刺 sarcastic 挖苦 ironic
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语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology结构structure层次rank句子 sentence从句clause词组phrase词类part of speech单词word实词notional word虚词structrural word名词noun专有名词proper noun普通名词common noun可数名词countable noun不可数名词uncountable noun抽象名词abstract noun具体名词concret moun物质名词material noun集体名词collective noun个体名词individual noun介词preposition连词conjunction[B]动词[/B][B]verb[/B]主动词main verb及物动词transitive verb不及物动词intransitive verb系动词link verb助动词auxiliary verb情态动词modal verb规则动词regular verb不规则动词irregular verb短语动词phrasal verb限定动词finite verb非限定动词infinite verb使役动词causative verb感官动词verb of senses动态动词event verb静态动词state verb感叹词exclamation形容词adjective[B]副词[/B][B]adverb[/B]方式副词adverb of manner程度副词adverb of degree时间副词adverb of time地点副词adverb of place修饰性副词adjunct连接性副词conjunct疑问副词interogative adverb关系副词relative adverb代词pronoun人称代词personal pronoun物主代词possesive pronoun反身代词reflexive pronoun相互代词reciprocal pronoun指示代词demonstrative pronoun疑问代词interrogative pronoun关系代词relative pronoun不定代词indefinite pronoun物主代词possecive pronoun名词性物主代词nominal possesive prnoun形容词性物主代词adjectival possesive pronoun冠词article定冠词definite article不定冠词indefinite article数词numeral基数词cardinal numeral序数词ordinal numeral分数词fractional numeral形式form单数形式singular form复数形式plural form限定动词finite verb form非限定动词non-finite verb form原形base form从句clause从属句subordinate clause并列句coordinate clause名词从句nominal clause定语从句attributive clause状语从句adverbial clause宾语从句object clause主语从句subject clause同位语从句appositive clause时间状语从句adverbial clause of time地点状语从句adverbial clause of place方式状语从句adverbial clause of manner让步状语从句adverbial clause of concession原因状语从句adverbial clause of cause结果状语从句adverbial clause of result目的状语从句adverbial clause of purpose条件状语从句adverbial clause of condition真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of real condition非真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of unreal condition含蓄条件句adverbial clause of implied condition错综条件句adverbial clause of mixed condition[B]句子[/B][B]sentence[/B]简单句simple sentence并列句compound sentence复合句complex sentence并列复合句compound complex sentence陈述句 declarative sentence疑问句interrogative sentence一般疑问句general question特殊疑问句special question选择疑问句alternative question附加疑问句tag question反义疑问句disjunctive question修辞疑问句rhetorical question感叹疑问句exclamatory question存在句existential sentence肯定句positive sentwence否定句negative sentence祈使句imperative sentence省略句elliptical sentence感叹句exclamatory sentence基本句型basic sentence patern[B]句子成分[/B][B]members of sentences[/B]主语subject谓语predicate宾语object双宾语dual object直接宾语direct object间接宾语indirect object复合宾语complex object同源宾语cognate object[B]补语[/B][B]complement[/B]主补subject complement宾补object complement表语predicative定语attribute同位语appositive状语adverbial[B]句法关系[/B][B]syntatic relationship[/B]并列coordinate从属subordination修饰modification前置修饰pre-modification后置修饰post-modification限制restriction双重限制double-restriction非限制non-restriction[B]数[/B][B]number[/B]单数形式singular form复数形式plural form规则形式regular form不规则形式irregular form[B] [/B][B]格[/B][B]case[/B]普通格common case所有格possessive case主格nominative case宾格objective case[B]性[/B][B]gender[/B]阳性masculine阴性feminine通性common中性neuter[B]人称[/B][B]person[/B]第一人称first person第二人称second person第三人称third person[B]时态[/B][B]tense[/B]过去将来时past future tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense过去将来完成时past future perfect tense一般现在时present simple tense一般过去时past simple tense一般将来时future simple tense现在完成时past perfect tense过去完成时present perfect tense将来完成时future perfect tense现在进行时present continuous tense过去进行时past continuous tense将来进行时future continuous tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense现在完成进行时present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时past perfect continuous tense[B]语态[/B]voice主动语态active voice被动语态passive voice[B] [/B][B]语气[/B][B]mood[/B]陈述语气indicative mood祈使语气imperative mood虚拟语气subjunctive mood[B]否定[/B][B]negation[/B]否定范围scope of negation全部否定full negation局部否定partial negation转移否定shift of negation[B]语序[/B][B]order[/B]自然语序natural order倒装语序inversion全部倒装full inversion部分倒装partial inversion直接引语direct speech间接引语indirect speech自由直接引语free direct speech自由间接引语free indirect speech[B]一致[/B][B]agreement[/B]主谓一致subject-predicate agreement语法一致grammatical agreement概念一致notional agreement就近原则principle of proximity强调emphasis重复repetition语音pronunciation语调tone升调rising tone降调falling tone降升调falling-rising tone文体style正式文体formal非正式文体informal口语spoken/oral English套语formulistic expression英国英语British English美国英语American English用法usage感情色彩emotional coloring褒义commendatory贬义derogatory幽默humorous讽刺sarcastic挖苦ironic
2023-01-03 23:20:381

use cleaving for place adjunct

2023-01-03 23:20:462


语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology结构structure层次rank句子 sentence从句clause词组phrase词类part of speech单词word实词notional word虚词structrural word名词noun专有名词proper noun普通名词common noun可数名词countable noun不可数名词uncountable noun抽象名词abstract noun具体名词concret moun物质名词material noun集体名词collective noun个体名词individual noun介词preposition连词conjunction[B]动词[/B][B]verb[/B]主动词main verb及物动词transitive verb不及物动词intransitive verb系动词link verb助动词auxiliary verb情态动词modal verb规则动词regular verb不规则动词irregular verb短语动词phrasal verb限定动词finite verb非限定动词infinite verb使役动词causative verb感官动词verb of senses动态动词event verb静态动词state verb感叹词exclamation形容词adjective[B]副词[/B][B]adverb[/B]方式副词adverb of manner程度副词adverb of degree时间副词adverb of time地点副词adverb of place修饰性副词adjunct连接性副词conjunct疑问副词interogative adverb关系副词relative adverb代词pronoun人称代词personal pronoun物主代词possesive pronoun反身代词reflexive pronoun相互代词reciprocal pronoun指示代词demonstrative pronoun疑问代词interrogative pronoun关系代词relative pronoun不定代词indefinite pronoun物主代词possecive pronoun名词性物主代词nominal possesive prnoun形容词性物主代词adjectival possesive pronoun冠词article定冠词definite article不定冠词indefinite article数词numeral基数词cardinal numeral序数词ordinal numeral分数词fractional numeral形式form单数形式singular form复数形式plural form限定动词finite verb form非限定动词non-finite verb form原形base form从句clause从属句subordinate clause并列句coordinate clause名词从句nominal clause定语从句attributive clause状语从句adverbial clause宾语从句object clause主语从句subject clause同位语从句appositive clause时间状语从句adverbial clause of time地点状语从句adverbial clause of place方式状语从句adverbial clause of manner让步状语从句adverbial clause of concession原因状语从句adverbial clause of cause结果状语从句adverbial clause of result目的状语从句adverbial clause of purpose条件状语从句adverbial clause of condition真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of real condition非真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of unreal condition含蓄条件句adverbial clause of implied condition错综条件句adverbial clause of mixed condition[B]句子[/B][B]sentence[/B]简单句simple sentence并列句compound sentence复合句complex sentence并列复合句compound complex sentence陈述句 declarative sentence疑问句interrogative sentence一般疑问句general question特殊疑问句special question选择疑问句alternative question附加疑问句tag question反义疑问句disjunctive question修辞疑问句rhetorical question感叹疑问句exclamatory question存在句existential sentence肯定句positive sentwence否定句negative sentence祈使句imperative sentence省略句elliptical sentence感叹句exclamatory sentence基本句型basic sentence patern[B]句子成分[/B][B]members of sentences[/B]主语subject谓语predicate宾语object双宾语dual object直接宾语direct object间接宾语indirect object复合宾语complex object同源宾语cognate object[B]补语[/B][B]complement[/B]主补subject complement宾补object complement表语predicative定语attribute同位语appositive状语adverbial[B]句法关系[/B][B]syntatic relationship[/B]并列coordinate从属subordination修饰modification前置修饰pre-modification后置修饰post-modification限制restriction双重限制double-restriction非限制non-restriction[B]数[/B][B]number[/B]单数形式singular form复数形式plural form规则形式regular form不规则形式irregular form[B] [/B][B]格[/B][B]case[/B]普通格common case所有格possessive case主格nominative case宾格objective case[B]性[/B][B]gender[/B]阳性masculine阴性feminine通性common中性neuter[B]人称[/B][B]person[/B]第一人称first person第二人称second person第三人称third person[B]时态[/B][B]tense[/B]过去将来时past future tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense过去将来完成时past future perfect tense一般现在时present simple tense一般过去时past simple tense一般将来时future simple tense现在完成时past perfect tense过去完成时present perfect tense将来完成时future perfect tense现在进行时present continuous tense过去进行时past continuous tense将来进行时future continuous tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense现在完成进行时present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时past perfect continuous tense[B]语态[/B]voice主动语态active voice被动语态passive voice[B] [/B][B]语气[/B][B]mood[/B]陈述语气indicative mood祈使语气imperative mood虚拟语气subjunctive mood[B]否定[/B][B]negation[/B]否定范围scope of negation全部否定full negation局部否定partial negation转移否定shift of negation[B]语序[/B][B]order[/B]自然语序natural order倒装语序inversion全部倒装full inversion部分倒装partial inversion直接引语direct speech间接引语indirect speech自由直接引语free direct speech自由间接引语free indirect speech[B]一致[/B][B]agreement[/B]主谓一致subject-predicate agreement语法一致grammatical agreement概念一致notional agreement就近原则principle of proximity强调emphasis重复repetition语音pronunciation语调tone升调rising tone降调falling tone降升调falling-rising tone文体style正式文体formal非正式文体informal口语spoken/oral English套语formulistic expression英国英语British English美国英语American English用法usage感情色彩emotional coloring褒义commendatory贬义derogatory幽默humorous讽刺sarcastic挖苦ironic
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