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急急急!帮我做出有关于air pollution的总结(conclusion)

2023-07-19 16:06:45

Air pollution is becoming more and more serious in the world as the increasing population and worse enviorement .For our beatiful future ,bright tomorrow,in other words , for the whole world ,

isn"t it meaningful?

Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution.

Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.

Air is so imporant to us .It"s where we are living ,where we are growing , and where the whole human beings are developing.

In a word ,let"s take some action to make a cleaner world!!!


in conclusion air polution is very important to human .it can affect our health ,we will easily get sick too.if the air is polluted our earth will aslo be polluted but if we want to keep the air around us clean we should start from not throwing rubbish aroud reduce reused and recycle if the things can used dont throw it expecially plastic it is very hard to burn and even though it is burn ther is more carbon dioxide than the uuasll rubbish we throw and this will due to ai pollution .so i think to save our earth we should use stop using so much plastic and we can walk or take buses to school install of driving and this will lead use to a better liveing enviroment and of course the air pollution promble will be lesser.

对不起啊 我只想到这么多了


Early concerns regarding the health-related effects of air pollution originated from severe episodes in Meuse Valley, Belgium, in 1930; Donora, Pennsylvania, in 1948; and London, in 1952. Although the overall effects of these episodes continue to be debated, well-documented, episode-related increases in morbidity and mortality from cardiopulmonary causes provided dramatic evidence that extremely high concentrations of air pollution can have serious adverse effects on health. Early public-policy efforts to improve air quality in the United States, Britain, and elsewhere were largely attempts to avert such "killer" episodes of air pollution. In the United States, a series of national legislative and regulatory efforts to control air pollution were initiated (Figure 1); National Ambient Air Quality Standards were mandated and established; and dramatic, extremely severe episodes of air pollution were essentially eliminated.

Figure 1. Research and Public Policies Concerning Particulate-Matter Air Pollution.

PM10 and PM2.5 denote particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm and 2.5 μm, respectively.

From the 1960s through the 1980s, a few scattered studies continued to suggest that air pollution had adverse effects on health.1,2 Then, during the relatively short period of 1989 through 1995, several loosely connected epidemiologic studies reported adverse effects of unexpectedly low levels of particulate-matter air pollution.3,4,5,6 Although highly controversial,7 these results prompted serious reconsideration of the particulate-matter standards and health guidelines (Figure 1). They also prompted extensive efforts to reanalyze key studies8 (which were largely confirmatory) and motivated rapid growth in epidemiologic, toxicologic, and other studies of fine particulate matter and other combustion-related air pollutants.

Research has continued to suggest that a level of air pollution that is common in many urban and industrial environments is an important risk factor for various adverse health effects in humans. Although many such studies have focused on respiratory disease, substantial and growing evidence indicates that fine particulate air pollution is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.9,10 Short-term exposure exacerbates existing pulmonary and cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of symptoms, the need for medical attention, and death.1 Long-term, repeated exposure increases the cumulative risk of chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular disease and death.9,10,11,12,13

One notable research effort that began in the early 1990s in the midst of the controversies about air quality was the Children"s Health Study. This study prospectively monitored the lung function of schoolchildren from the ages of 10 to 18 years in 12 southern California communities with a relatively wide range of air pollutants. As reported by Gauderman et al. in this issue of the Journal,14 air pollution was significantly associated with deficits in lung development. Within the context of the overall literature on air pollution and human health, this article makes several important and confirmatory contributions.

The Children"s Health Study evaluated the cumulative exposure to various pollutants over an eight-year period. Deficits in the growth of lung function over the eight-year period were associated with a correlated set of pollutants that included fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm, nitrogen dioxide, acid vapor, and elemental carbon. These results are consistent with those of previous epidemiologic studies that have implicated fine particulate matter and associated combustion-related air pollutants as being largely responsible for the observed health effects of air pollution.1,2,5,11,12,13 Various physiological and toxicologic findings suggest that exposure to fine particulate matter may be an important public health concern. Such matter, which can be breathed deeply into the lungs, includes sulfates, nitrates, acids, metals, and carbon particles with various chemicals adsorbed onto their surfaces. Furthermore, fine particulate matter is ubiquitous because it is largely derived from common combustion processes (such as engines in motor vehicles, manufacturing, power generation, and burning of biomass) and because it is transported over long distances and readily penetrates indoors.

Understanding the shape of the exposure–response relationship and determining whether there are safe thresholds are important for the formulation of public health policies for pollution control. Mortality studies suggest that the exposure–response relationships for particulate-matter pollution in the case of both short-term15 and long-term11 exposures are nearly linear, with no discernible safe thresholds within relevant ranges of exposure. Likewise, in the Children"s Health Study, the exposure–response relationships appear to be nearly linear, without discernible safe thresholds.

An issue with clinical implications concerns the identification of groups that are most at risk or that are most susceptible to the effects of pollution. One evaluation of the literature1 suggests that the proportion of a given population that is at risk for death, hospitalization, or life-threatening conditions owing to short-term exposure to air pollution is very small and limited to the elderly, infants, and persons with chronic cardiopulmonary disease, influenza, or asthma. There appears to be a much broader susceptibility to small, transient changes in lung function, low-grade pulmonary inflammation, or other subclinical physiological changes in response to short-term exposure.

With regard to the cumulative effects of long-term, repeated exposure, there is little evidence of a unique, well-defined, susceptible subgroup. The Children"s Health Study reports pollution-related deficits in the development of lung function in boys and girls, children with asthma and those without asthma, and smokers and nonsmokers — results "suggesting that most children are susceptible to the chronic respiratory effects of breathing polluted air." The authors of the current study also note that reduced lung function is a risk factor for complications and death during adulthood and suggest that the effect of these pollution-related deficits in lung function may occur later in life. In fact, studies have shown that long-term, repeated exposure to air pollution is associated with an increased risk of death from cardiopulmonary causes in broad-based cohorts or samples of adults.5,6,9,11,13

Much additional research is required to understand the biologic mechanisms that link exposure to fine particulate matter with increases in morbidity and mortality from cardiopulmonary causes. However, several recent studies suggest that general mechanistic pathways probably include pulmonary and systemic oxidative stress and inflammation, enhanced initiation and progression of atherosclerosis, and altered cardiac autonomic function.9,10 Secondhand cigarette smoke has also been shown to promote inflammation and atherosclerosis and to be a risk factor for illness and death from cardiopulmonary causes — suggesting that exposure to fine particles from common outdoor sources of combustion and from tobacco smoke may invoke similar pathophysiological processes.9,10 The Children"s Health Study does not provide direct evidence regarding the mechanisms of air-pollution effects, but the authors suggest a role of airway inflammation, such as that observed in smokers and persons who have lived in polluted environments. Although there has been much interest recently in the importance of pulmonary inflammation, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease, the Children"s Health Study reminds us not to forget or ignore potentially important effects of pollution on pulmonary function.

From at least one perspective, the overall results of research involving air pollution are good news — the control of air pollution represents an important opportunity to prevent disease. Air pollution is just one of many risk factors for pulmonary and cardiovascular disease, but it is one that can be modified. In the United States and elsewhere, commendable progress has been made on improving air quality and, with regard to fine particulate pollution, new standards have been implemented (Figure 1). Extremely high concentrations of air pollution remain in many areas of the world, and decreasing these concentrations offers substantial opportunities for disease prevention. As efforts to reduce air pollution progress, debates over the relative benefits and costs associated with additional marginal improvements are inevitable. Nevertheless, continued efforts to improve our air quality are likely to provide additional health benefits.


retroactively and prospectively

2023-07-19 03:07:324

prospective wife 是什么意思

英文:prospective wife中文:未来的妻子很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-07-19 03:07:392


2023-07-19 03:07:485


there is a tree beside the river
2023-07-19 03:08:025


The ICMJE defines a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns people to an intervention, with or without concurrent comparison or control groups, to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a health-related intervention and a health outcome.这里对临床试验的要求都是干预性(interventional)的。也有非干预性的规定,这里没贴下,fa你私信了。
2023-07-19 03:08:172


这些第一代的签名是特别有用的forluminal BC,因为他们将几乎所有三阴性和manyher-2-positive肿瘤高危人群[ 55 ]。这findingcan受细胞周期和增殖相关基因的优势在这些签名[ 56 ]部分的解释。然而,乳腺肿瘤 HER-2阳性肿瘤分类可以分为低,高风险组,确定一个亚组的这些肿瘤预后优良即使在没有佐剂CT和曲妥珠单抗[ 57 ]。所谓的第二代的预后signaturespromise进一步提高所有bcsubtypes预测,评估疾病的其他重要的生物特征,如肿瘤微环境和肿瘤免疫的组成部分[ 59]。这些签名都是prospectivelyvalidated。
2023-07-19 03:08:272


2023-07-19 03:08:432


2023-07-19 03:08:522

ACCA F3 IAS 8 到底是说什么呢?

2023-07-19 03:09:192


2023-07-19 03:09:261


2023-07-19 03:09:344


得到全面across-dose-range治疗效果,一般的差异变化log-dose斜坡基线的脂质,求得了与每个对照分离)进行分析。这些分析使用单因子共变数分析模型,包括术语治疗- by-log-dose互动的剂量响应(指标),整个剂量范围、治疗、原木的剂量的底线,中心,treatment-by-center互动。(日志剂量是木头[10为基数的药物剂量在毫克。)然后,如果treatment-by-log-dose交互作用不显著,得出log-dose稀土-配偶降低边坡为)和对照是平行,treatment-by-log -剂量任期退出这个模型,并将其重新maining reestimated很合适。如果治疗效应显著,ef——是用来估计dis -距离的剂量,据报道称山坡上常用的均数差值。然而,如果treatment-by-log-dose互动是明显的,不能(例如,log-dose)和对比边坡不平行)之间的差异,分析了各同等用量分别为多重测试没有调整。 此外,在log-dose剂量范围内,选择比较特殊的兴趣,其中比较)之间的剂量和等效或高剂量的前瞻性研究计划和执行是比较器采用方差分析。当前临床相关的结果,将sistent欺诈和提出的标签,在最初的药品批准, 22其中比较只有10、20、)进行前瞻性研究计划(40毫克之前的数据。这些比较如下:10毫克)和阿托伐他汀10、20年,40毫克,辛伐他汀10、20年,40毫克,普10、20年,40毫克)和20毫克,阿托伐他汀20 40岁,80毫克,辛伐他汀20 40岁,80毫克,普伐他汀20至40毫克),与40毫克,80毫克,阿伐他汀40岁和80毫克,40普40毫克。不同的是sig-nificant p值(使用Bonferroni的调整,为多重比较)为0.15这些核苷酸比较被重复每脂测量。
2023-07-19 03:09:411


2023-07-19 03:09:493


2023-07-19 03:09:572


Objective: To explore the Telephone Interview of acute myocardial infarction (acute myocardial infarction, AMI) in patients with stent implantation following the doctor"s behavior. Methods: 196 cases of stent implantation in AMI patients with telephone follow observation, which in January 2007 ~ December 2007 86 patients were the control group, patients discharged from hospital for routine health education and guidance. January 2008 ~ December 2008 110 patients to observe the group, after the regular health education and discharge on the basis of guidance by nurses once a month telephone follow pairs of patients with health education and medication supervision and guidance to observe the year 2 The Compliance of patients and complications were evaluated. Results: The observation group after the intervention medical medication compliance, compliance with medical review, diet therapy, smoking cessation limit spending, emotional control, and compliance behaviors such as exercise therapy is superior to the control group (P <0.05), and can reduce stent implantation postoperative complications. Conclusion: AMI patients with stent implantation and effective telephone return visit to play the role of family and social support can enhance its compliance behaviors and reduce the incidence of complications after stent implantation for improving the nurse-patient relationship and improve nursing work Satisfaction has an extremely important significance.
2023-07-19 03:10:0615

请帮助翻译下医学文献 感谢!!

2023-07-19 03:10:281

急求英文文献翻译(需要人工翻译,求准确度)急用,非常感谢。 是医学文献,所以有好多词可能有点生僻的

新的椎体骨折经皮椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折后的痛苦:聚类分析和关联:leakage1purpose intradiskal水泥进行聚类分析的概率断裂免费完整未治疗后椎椎体成形术(PVP)在痛苦的长期存在的骨质疏松性椎体压缩骨折(OVCFs)确定风险因素的新的椎体骨折和估计多完整的未治疗椎体骨折的概率,他们的病人和无脊椎对应的协变量的状态。材料和方法:获得患者知情同意和机构审查委员会的批准。一共有115例患者行PVP 216痛苦的长期OVCFs进行前瞻性随访,在术后第一年发现新的OVCFs。一共有1031个完整的椎骨骨折的概率集群分析免费使用Cox比例风险的脆弱性模型。聚类分析聚类或以个人自由的生存概率完整椎体骨折的患者考虑提高骨折的概率和风险因素的估计相关的自由。有关病人和特定的协变量包括椎。骨水泥渗漏的intradiskal容量分析是通过使用一个接收器工作特性曲线(ROC)进行。结果:三-和12个月的椎体骨折的免费的概率为97%和94.5%,分别。强水平患者的危险因素包括低骨矿物质密度(风险比[HR],0.53每增加一个单位),高脊柱畸形指数(HR,2.23每5个单位增加),和低断裂的年龄(HR,0.52每2个月增加)。坚强的脊椎特定风险因素进行胸腰椎定位(HR,2.33),附近的治疗水平(相邻水平的人力资源,3.53),和骨水泥渗漏存在intradiskal(HR,8.21)。单个椎体骨折的自由的概率是聚集在一个病人(即,没有独立的)(P =。009)。预测骨折椎体1年个人自由的概率也可能是99.8%或基于风险因素的存在或不存在的19.9%为高,分别为。较大的intradiskal水泥渗漏量有较高的可能性,新的相邻OVCFs发生有关(ROC曲线下的面积,0.70)。结论:新的椎体骨折术后聚集在患者和严重依赖的患者是否存在特定的风险因素和脊椎。一个明显的增强intradiskal水泥渗漏的相关危险因素,为其中的一个体积的关联被发现。
2023-07-19 03:10:382


2023-07-19 03:10:572

ecce造句 ecceの例文 "ecce"是什麼意思

Methods 566 cases ( 570 eyes ) accepted *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and joe implantation 方法对5肠例( 570眼)白内障进行小切口非乳化手法白内障摘出联合人工晶状体植入术。 How to proceed the following procedures of ecce and insert a posterior chamber intraocular lens successfully 采取紧急原轮部切口缝合,再向顳侧轮部扩大,作一个新的轮部切口,以继续其后步骤。 Objective to evaluate the cpnical effects of *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and iol implantation for cataract patients 摘要目的分析小切口非超声乳化手法白内障囊外摘出人工晶状体植入术的临床效果。 Advantages include better early visual rehabiptation , less astigamti *** , less suture time over ecce , satisfactory results as phacoemulsification without the need of an expensive phaco machine 而晶核切割术则较晶体乳化术不须昂贵的仪器及所须技术转移期较短,是一种可替代晶体乳化术的小切口白内障手术。 We also prospectively studied the post - operative changes of visual acuity , astigmati *** , and endothepal cell loss of the alternative technique as pared with those occurring when ecce and phacoemulsification were performed 结果显示晶核切割术及晶体乳化术优于囊外白内障摘除术,有较佳的早期视力回复及较少的术后散光。 In routine extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) , we occasionally may encounter a condition that the zonule around 12 o " clock direction disrupted with prolapse of a *** all porion of vitreous during the nucleus being milked out and not depvered yet 作者利用动物模式提出在囊外白内障手术中,晶体核挤出时,因轮部切口较小,以至尚未挤出晶体核,即发生十二点钟方向品体?带断裂合并部分玻璃体膨出的情况下,如何在尽量减少玻璃体进一步伤害下顺利挤出晶体核,并植入后房人工水晶体。 It"s difficult to find ecce in a sentence. 用 ecce 造句挺难的
2023-07-19 03:11:031


目标:调查不动细菌属鲍曼不动杆菌感染在外伤病人中的发生率、危险因素和感染后果。设计和背景:对大学医院一般加护病房三年来收治的1500名外伤病人的资料做回顾分析。病人:研究共包括330名外伤病人。结果:36名(10.9%)患者感染A型鲍曼不动杆菌;其中29人随后患了肺炎。 同未感染A性鲍曼不动杆菌的294名患者相比,这36名患者的损伤严重度极高(ISS)(p=0.02),Glasgow昏迷等级较低,在加护病房的时间更长,机械通气时间更长,经常因血压过低被送进急诊部,超过3天都做了经骨骼的牵引。经多元分析发现,机械通气时间和长期的骨骼牵引是导致A型鲍曼不动杆菌感染的主要独立危险因素。感染A型鲍曼不动杆菌的病人死亡率很高(36人中有9人死亡,25.0%)。与死亡率独立相关的是损伤严重度,Glasgow昏迷等级和年老,而不是鲍曼不动杆菌感染。结论:长期的机械通气和延误的骨骼固定术,加之长时间的骨骼牵引,是导致A型鲍曼不动杆菌感染的主要危险因素。感染这种细菌不会导致死亡。我不是学医的,有些专业词汇可能有问题,lz自己衡量吧
2023-07-19 03:11:112


2023-07-19 03:11:194

mobile payment为题的英语作文

In an oversupply economy, the key to success is that the enterprise can firmly lock and capture it in when the demand has not yet been formed. Successful companies will often devote a lifetime of effort and resources to search the current industry demands, potential demands and new demands!With the growing competition in mobile payment industry, merger integration and capital operation of large mobile payment enterprises are becoming more frequent. More emphasis is focused on market research for excellent domestic mobile payment companies, especially on the overall development trends of global mobile payment industry, development and innovation of models of similar foreign and domestic companies, the industrial development environment and in-depth study of the purchasers. Because of this, a large number of outstanding domestic mobile payment brands have risen rapidly, becoming leaders in the industry!This report is based on long-term market tracking information by Forward Intelligence on mobile payment industry. It adopts international SCP scientific analysis models and analyses comprehensively and accurately the structure from the overall height of the industry for you. This report mainly analyzes background of mobile payment industry; development status and overall trends of global mobile payment industry; experience of development of mobile payment industry of representative nations; the development status quo and production and operation of Chinese mobile payment industry; the current market environment and competition of Chinese mobile payment industry; Chinese mobile payment industry"s core technology; main application areas of mobile payment; characteristics of mobile payment users" consumption behavior; operation of mobile payment market leaders; development trends of mobile payment industry and future prospects. Meanwhile, based on first-hand market data of the whole industry in the past five years, it can allow you to fully and accurately grasp market trends and development trends of mobile payment industry.The greatest feature of this report is forward-looking and timeliness. Based on the development path of the industry and years of practical experience, it makes careful analysis and prediction of the future development trends of mobile payment industry. It is a rare quality for related mobile operators, payment service providers, application and equipment providers, system integrators, merchants and investment companies to accurately understand the latest developments in mobile payment industry, grasp market opportunities, make the right business decisions and clear corporate directions. It is also a heavyweight report and the industry"s first on the comprehensive systematic analysis of upstream and downstream of the industry and key enterprises of the industry.This report will help related mobile operators, payment service providers, application and equipment providers, system integrators, merchants and investment companies accurately understand the latest developments of the mobile payment industry and early detect blank points of mobile payment industry market, opportunities, growth and profitability points ...... it will help prospectively grasp unmet market demands and trends of mobile payment industry and become a good advantage for sustainable development, effectively avoid the investment risks from mobile payment industry, more efficiently consolidate or expand appropriate strategic target markets, and firmly grasp the initiative authority in market competition.
2023-07-19 03:11:291


1.《最长的一天》(The Longest Day,美国、英国、法国,1962)全景式记录盟军诺曼底大反攻的史诗。盟军最大的一个成功案例。公认的二战战争电影盖棺之作。告诉我们成功中天时、地利、人和的重要性。2.《遥远的桥》(A Bridge too far,美国、英国,1977)盟军荷兰空降兵的命运。可能是盟军最大的一个失败案例。异想天开与急切冒进让盟军付出了惨重代价。其间一位德军将领的风度和气度尤其令人印象深刻。3.《坦克大决战》(凯利和他的英雄)(Battle Of The Bulge,美国,1965)战线过长与补给不及让德军功亏一篑,失败令人扼腕、顿足。4.《马耳他攻防战》(Malta Story,英国,1953)早期二战经典。英军在马耳他捉襟见肘的遭遇。5.《雷玛根大桥》(The Bridge at Remagen,法国,1969)情节紧凑,精彩纷呈,一气呵成,淋漓尽致。6.《红一纵队》(The Big Red One,美国,1980)在残酷的战争面前,“活着”就是硬道理。7.《雷霆战将》(When Trumpets Fade,美国,1998)告诉你一种反英雄主义的战场生存之道。8.《拯救大兵瑞恩》(雷霆救兵)(Saving Private Ryan,美国,1998)战争中的人道主义,对于生命价值的思考9.《斯大林格勒战役》(Stalingrad,德国、瑞典,1993)斯大林格勒漫无边际的雪原就是德军士兵的坟墓。未见德军与苏军的正面对峙而惨烈、惨淡之情弥漫荧屏,挥之不去。10.《兵临城下》(Enemy at the Gates,(大敌当前),美国、德国、英国、爱尔兰,2001)苏军与德军决战中狙击手之间扣人心弦、震撼人心的较量,穿插苏军男女狙击手之间的爱情。11.《星星敢死队》(The Star,(东部战线1944),俄罗斯,2004)诗化的意境,信念的力量,内敛的情感,不朽的军魂。 12.《狙击手》(Sharp Shooter,苏联)苏军女狙击手的传奇故事,扣人心弦、震撼人心不逊《兵临城下》。拍摄年代未详,当略早于《这里的黎明静悄悄》。13.《这里的黎明静悄悄》(The Dawns Here Are Quiet,苏联,1972)战争与女人的散文诗。曾经感动过一代中国观众。14.《虎!虎!虎!》(Tora! Tora! Tora!,《偷袭珍珠港》,美国、日本,1970)客观看待珍珠港事件的一个标本,美国观点和日本观点妥协的产物。抚摸美国人心中永远的痛。15.《中途岛战役》(Midway,美国,1976)胜败之机瞬息万变,一失足成千古恨。此战凸显了信息、判断与应变的重要性。表现手法略嫌呆板,其间美军将领之子与日本姑娘恋爱的情节纯属多余,且日本姑娘容貌亦嫌平庸。16.《红色警戒》(The Thin Red Line,(细细的红线),美国、加拿大,1998)墓志铭式的故事。太平洋战争中美军与日军的对决,对于美军来说,该经历(包括士兵的战争思考和厌战情绪)与日后的越战经历差相仿佛。略嫌沉闷、拖沓。17.《桂河大桥》(The Bridge On The River Kwai,英国、美国,1957)战俘题材经典。战争中东西方文化碰撞的一个经典标本。英国绅士遭遇日本流氓:虎落平阳被犬欺。18.《反攻缅甸》(Objective Burma,美国,1945)早期二战经典。在历史上曾因过分夸大美国在缅甸战争中的作用、遭物议而被删剪。19.《血战台儿庄》(中国,1985)中国第一部以正面战场抗战为题材的电影,已是公认的华语经典。聊以代表中国经典。20.《血染雪山堡》(Where Eagles Dare,《壮士雄风》,英国,1968)战争冒险题材经典。悬疑、动作,斗智斗勇,起伏跌宕、惊心动魄,一气呵成,绝无冷场。更兼两位大美女捧场,秀色可餐,令人想入非非。21.《六壮士》(The Guns of Navarone,《纳瓦隆的枪声》,美国,1961)战争冒险题材经典。动作、悬疑,紧凑、紧张,人物、景观,美不胜收。其间处置叛徒美女的情节尤其令人心情复杂。22.《伦敦上空的鹰》(Stukas uber London er Eagles Over London,法国、西班牙、意大利,1969)战争间谍题材经典。德军的渗透与英军的反渗透。轻喜剧,精彩、幽默。网上多有混同于《不列颠之战》者(在下亦曾因此在《知见二战题材经典电影245部》一帖中注错该影片英文名)。23.《乱世忠魂》(From Here to Eternity,《红粉忠魂未了情》,美国,1953)早期二战经典。珍珠港事件前夕夏威夷美军生活故事。美国反思珍珠港事件的一个经典标本。24.《战争的呼喊》(Battle Cry,《硝烟中的呼喊》,美国,1954)早期二战经典。战争与人生的抒情诗。25.《百战雄狮》(The Young Lions,美国,1958)四个年轻人的二战传奇。试图站在德国与美国之间思考战争。26.《爱在战火蔓延时》(Shining Through,(英烈情缘》,美国,1992)战争间谍题材经典。九死一生的命运与淋漓尽致的爱情。27.《第22条军规》(CATCH-22,美国,1970)黑色幽默,军中游戏规则之荒谬。略嫌六神无主。28.《沙漠之狐》(Desert Fox:The Story of Rommel,《沙漠之狐隆美尔传》,美国,1971)不虚张、不自命、不大言、不空洞,比《巴顿将军》、《麦克阿瑟传》、《山本五十六》、《艾克:登陆倒计时》都更有看头。29.《从海底出击》(Das Boot,《潜艇风暴》,西德,1981)海战题材经典。一种悲壮的失落。30.《U-571》(《猎杀U-571》,美国、法国,2004)海战题材经典。团队精神的胜利。惊心动魄之余亦不嫌虚构失真。31.《不列颠之战》(The Battle of Britain,《空军大战略》,英国,1969)空战题材经典。全景式记录堪称英国保卫战的英格兰空战,纪实逼真、精彩壮观。32.《633轰炸大队》(633 Squadron,英国,1964) 空战题材经典。空中战争与军中爱情的传奇。知其不可而为之的英国标本。33.《战地军魂》(Stalag 17,(17号囚房》,美国,1953)早期二战经典。战俘逃亡题材。明争暗斗,其乐无穷。34.《大逃亡》(The Great Escape,(第三集中营),美国,1963)战俘逃亡题材经典。自由是不屈不挠的结果。35.《黑狱枭雄》(King Rat,(鼠王),美国,1965)战俘逃亡题材经典。美国人生存之道的战俘标本。36.《直捣东京》(Destination TOKYO) 37《啊,海军》(Aa.Kaigun) 38.《豚之军舰》(hogs and warships) 39. 《太平洋之岚》(The Storm Of The Pacific)40. 《联合舰队》(The Grand Fleet) 41. 《男人们的大和战舰》(Yamato) 42. 《浴血火海》(Flying Leathernecks) 43. 《终止战火》(To End All Wars) 44. 《浴血太平洋》(Hell in the Pacific) 45《太平洋潜艇战》(Run Silent,Run Deep) 46《南太平洋大捷》(Guadalcanal Diary,孤岛浴血战) 47.《菲律宾浴血战》(They were expendable) 48.《巴坦战役》(Back to Bataan) 49.《复活岛》(Wake Island) 50、《狂林战曲》51《山本五十六》(Admiral Yamamoto) 52.《麦克阿瑟传》(General Douglas Macarthur) 53.《战场》(Battleground,西线平魔)54.《战火蓝天》(Battle Of The Bulge) 55.《珍珠港》(Desert Fox) 56《沙漠雄狮》(Kill Rommel) 57.《孟菲斯美女号》(Memphis Belle)58.《晴空血战史》(Twelve O"clock High) 59.飞行之翼与祈祷者》(wing and a p62.《登陆安其奥》(Anzio) 63.《撒哈拉沙漠》(Sahara)64.《沙漠之鼠》(The Desert Rats) 65.《十二金刚》(The Dirty Dozen,决死突击队66..《盟军敢死队》(Commandos) 67.《陆战特工队》(The Bettle of the Damned)68.《K计划u2022敢死队》(5 perl"inferno)69..《高度爆破》(Suicide Commando)72...《虎穴追踪》(A.W.O.L)
2023-07-19 03:08:365


lon是新能源汽车。Aion S,是一款以“长续航、大空间、高科技、高端座舱”为特色的纯电动中型轿车。 外观看点:t型LED大灯通过镀铬饰条连接,营造出时尚氛围。前保险杠下部采用梯形设计,前脸极具运动感。AionS配备永磁同步驱动电机。提供动力两个版本,最大功率分别为135kw和150kw。新车还将配备当代安普瑞斯科技有限公司的三元锂电池,在60公里/小时时的恒定电池寿命为630公里,在NEDC时的综合电池寿命为510公里。60公里超长纯电续航里程超过传统燃油车里程。
2023-07-19 03:08:381

为什么我在网上看的使用横向排版时都用float:left 属性而没有用float:right ?

float:right 就往右边靠了,一般阅读顺序都是从左边开始吧?所以用 float:left clear:both就是把之前的 float清除掉。 例如说,两个宽100px的DIV都float:left,那么它们会靠左边排成一个横行。<div style="float:left; width:100px">1</div><div style="float:left; width:100px">2</div><div>3</div>但是你又加了个DIV。发现3还是跟他们一行,你觉得这样不行。于是clear:left;<div style="float:left; width:100px">1</div><div style="float:left; width:100px">2</div><div style="clear:left;">3</div> 3就在新的一行了
2023-07-19 03:08:401


近日,人气日漫《元气少女缘结神》中男主对女主称呼那一句的:Nanami,因磁性、低沉的声音而被漫友们在各社交平台上疯狂“打call”,到5月20日,已经在“某音”平台上收获3.9亿次的播放量。在小编感慨其传播量庞大的同时,想到了宝马旗下的汽车品牌:MINI,一个自成立之初就“自带热点”的汽车品牌,尤其在现今各个品牌推出的新车都越来越“闷”的背景下,MINI鲜活多样的个性,其车型又何尝不是来自英国的:Nanami。MINI从问世至今,每一款车都是“个性化定制”的代表。所以从开始引进中国以来,就有很多男性车友打着“为伴侣买一辆好开好停”的理由,其实都是为了满足自己玩车的喜好。然而MINI JCW COUNTRYMAN自推出以来就饱受争议,有人说这款车没有MINI的灵魂,然而事实上真的是这样吗?在MINI网站上,我们看到官方对其有这么一段描述:追寻自然的召唤,也热衷品味都市;坚信冒险是生活的刚需,不信苦旅才能换回精彩故事。 帐篷不仅要结实,还要精致; 挑选目的地重要,挑选路上的音乐同等重要。 可以看见,MINI给COUNTRYMAN车型定位的应用场景,是穿越都市与自然,MINI他的英伦式精致,不仅是在都市中才能体验,在乡间小路上,我们也能领略到这份英式精致粗犷的结合,正如TA的命名——COUNTRYMAN(乡村男)。激进的MINI——JCW COUNTRYMANMINI JCW COUNTRYMAN在外观上,有着不少性能化的体现。在前脸造型上,中网部分依旧是格栅式,两侧的大灯并没有采用圆形,而是类似于椭圆形,甚至可以说较为方正。雾灯区域是大尺寸格栅,前包围最中间部分也是格栅式设计,前保险杠两侧加入了导风槽,起到了梳理气流降低风阻的效果。在车身侧面,我们可以看到MINI JCW COUNTRYMAN将红配绿的冲击美感最大限度地展现出来。车门下侧的红色饰条,以及红色多边形的导风口,配合着五辐式的轮毂,英伦风的元素在车身侧面上随处可见。A柱和C柱都进行了熏黑处理,营造出了悬浮式车顶设计,加上红色的车顶,显得非常独特。车身尺寸方面:长宽高分别为4310 x1822x1616mm,轴距达到了2670mm。而在车尾方面,MINI JCW COUNTRYMAN没有运用“米字形”的尾灯,在小编看来是个遗憾之处。虽然整个尾部的线条比较缓和,但是保险杠包围显得比较厚实,呈现出了很强的硬朗感,双边共两出的排气设计,也提升一些运动感。JCW的能力体现在动力输出方面,最大功率272匹马力,最大扭矩450牛·米,匹配8AT变速箱。全系采用适时四驱,悬架采用前麦弗逊后多连杆独立悬挂。这样的数据看起来只是比常规版本马力更大一些,可JCW的功力绝不止如此。JCW COUNTRYMAN通过重新开发的2.0升涡轮四缸发动机提高了极限,显着提高了73 hp和73 lb-ft的扭矩,最高达到301 hp和331 lbv的扭矩,使其成为最强大的MINI。而Clubman JCW和即将推出的Cooper JCW GP也使用相同的动力总成。部分原因在于更大的涡轮增压器,增强的曲轴,增强的主轴承,改进的活塞和连杆,新的减振器以及更好的冷却系统。COUNTRYMAN JCW将8速自动变速器与ALL4全轮驱动系统结合使用。新JCW能够在5.1秒内达到0-100 km / h,比COUNTRYMAN S快2.1秒,比基本型号快4.7秒。对抗竞争对手例如本田思域Type R,日产370Z NISMO甚至四缸捷豹F-Type。此外,MINI还对整个底盘进行了调整,增加了发动机支架和固定装置,以实现更坚固的底盘,新的冷却系统以应对多余的热量以及全新的排气系统。最后MINI这个汽车品牌有着很多诱人的因素,COUNTRYMAN也已迅速成为该品牌最畅销的车型,自推出以来已售出16万辆。现在更加轻巧的JCW增加的动力进一步掩盖了其固有的重量损失,并且在不损害其已经令人印象深刻的内部空间或乘坐质量的情况下做到了全部。JCW COUNTRYMAN可能不是最轻或最快的MINI,但却是MINI旗下用途最广的车型。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
2023-07-19 03:08:411


morning dewdrops
2023-07-19 03:08:422


2023-07-19 03:08:431

七海ひさ代本片代号:MDYD893妻子的过去日文七海ひさ代(ななみひさよ/NanamiHisayo) 生年月日 1972年04月30日(现在 41歳)おうし座身高/三围 T157/B87(D罩杯)/W57/H89/S所属事务所 兰々(NAXプロ)
2023-07-19 03:08:471


2023-07-19 03:08:482


2023-07-19 03:08:481

千叶纱子歌曲的歌词《here we stand in the morning dew》

2023-07-19 03:08:491


2023-07-19 03:08:527


你要了解影响电脑性能的主要因素最主要看CPU现在一般本本都是双核的,在这里就要注意Intel从酷睿到酷睿2就有很多种,别被忽悠了.本人认为目前最好算是Core2Duo T720074007600b系列了 其主频达到2.00~2.33GHz 二级缓存一定要高,Intel的CPU一向都很依赖二级缓存,所以不能马虎...上面这三种二级缓存都达到了4兆.主板的选择也要好点,主板不像其它硬件需要时就经常升级,选择了一个好的主板能用好几年.其次就是价格了...货比三家绝对能让你省不少票票.
2023-07-19 03:08:5415

The Water Is Wide 歌词

艺人: Hayley Westenra 语种: 英语 唱片公司: Decca 发行时间: 2007年03月13日 专辑类别: 录音室专辑 hayley westenra the water is wide, i cannot get over and neither have i wings to fly give me a boat that"ll carry two and both shall row, my love and i where love is planted oh there it grows it grows and blossoms like a rose it has a sweet and pleasant smell no flower on earth can it excel the ship there is and she sails the sea she is loaded deep as deep can be but not so deep as the love i"m in i know not if i sink or swim oh, love is gentle, love is kind the sweetest flower when first it"s new but love grows old and waxes cold and fades away like morning dew
2023-07-19 03:08:572


约翰 ----------------诚心为您解答每一个问题!
2023-07-19 03:08:577


2023-07-19 03:08:333


先建立一个 clear浮动的全局样式。在直接在box1 box2 box3 box4 box5 里面直接调用
2023-07-19 03:08:332

morning dew 歌词

歌曲名:morning dew歌手:nazareth专辑:greatest hitsWalk me out in the morning dewWalk me out in the morning dew todayI can"t walk you out in no morning dewI can"t walk you out in no morning dew at allNazarethThought I heard a young girl cryin" mamaThought I heard a young girl cry todayYou never heard no young girl cryin"You never heard no young girl cry at allThought I heard a young boy cryin" mamaThought I heard a young boy cry todayYou didn"t hear no young boy cryin" buddyThought I heard a young man cryin" mamaThought I heard a young man cry todayYou never heard no young man cryin"You never heard no young man cry at allNow there is no more morning dewNow there is no more morning dewWhat they"ve been sayin" all these years is trueNow there is no more morning dew.
2023-07-19 03:08:321


报名软考并没有太多条件与要求,凡遵守中华人民共和国宪法和各项法律,恪守职业道德,具有一定计算机技术应用能力的人员,均可根据本人情况,报名参加相应专业类别、级别的考试。软考大部分人都可以报名,报考软考任何级别不需要学历、资历条件,只要达到相应的技术水平就可以报考相应的级别。软考分为5个专业类别,并在各专业类别中分设了高、中、初级专业资格考试,每次考试考生可以根据自己的情况选择一个级别的一项资格进行报考。《计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试暂行规定》第八条规定:凡遵守中华人民共和国宪法和各项法律,恪守职业道德,具有一定计算机技术应用能力的人员,均可根据本人情况,报名参加相应专业类别、级别的考试。通过考试获得证书的人员,表明其已具备从事相应专业岗位工作的水平和能力,用人单位可根据工作需要从获得证书的人员中择优聘任相应专业技术职务(技术员、助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师)。温馨提示:因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,猎考网提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准! 下方免费复习资料内容介绍:希赛2023年系统分析师招生简章 格式:DO大小:6373.29KB 2022年下半年网络工程师第二期模考试卷(案例分析) 格式:DO大小:6190.92KB资格考试有疑问、不知道如何总结考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费领取复习资料
2023-07-19 03:08:311


2023-07-19 03:08:301


  五行金木水火土,每个汉字都有一定的五行属性,五行属水的汉字有很多,那么6画五行属水的字有哪些呢?它们的又是怎样的解释呢?下面是我为大家整理的六画的属水的字有哪些字的相关资料。      扒 百 冰 并 凼 伐 帆 氾 犯 仿 妃 份 缶 伏 亥 好 合 冱 回 汁 米 糸 名 牟 仳 牝 乒 收 汀 危 向 刑 行 凶 休 血   6画属水的字——亥   亥读音:[hài]   基本解释   地支的末一位,属猪。   用于计时:~时晚九点至十一点。   详细解释   〈名〉   象形。甲骨文字形,与“豕”的写法相似,象猪形。古代“亥”与“豕”很容易写混,成语:“鲁鱼亥豕”讲的就是这种误写现象。本义:猪   同本义 [pig;swine]   豕与亥相似。——《吕氏春秋·慎行论》   亥,豕也。——《论衡·物势》   亥即豕,故曰首曰身也。——《左传·襄公三十年》   地支的末一位 [The last of the twelve Earthly Branches]   与天干相配,用以纪年   用以纪月,农历十月为亥   与天干相配,用以纪日   用以纪时,即夜里九点至十一点   十二生肖属猪   常用片语   亥时 hài shí   [the period of the day from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.] 旧时指夜里九点到十一点之间   部首笔画   部首: 亠   部外笔画: 4   总笔画: 6   五笔86: yntw   五笔98: yntw   仓颉: yvho   笔顺编号: 415334   四角号码: 00802   郑码: szod   Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+4EA5   字形结构   汉字首尾分解: 亠人   汉字部件分解: 亥   笔顺编号: 415334   笔顺读写: 捺横折撇撇捺   6画属水的字——氾   氾读音:[fàn],[Fán]   基本解释   1. 氾 [fàn]   氾 [fàn]   同“泛”。   详细解释   1. 氾 [fàn]2. 氾 [Fán]   氾 [fàn]   〈名〉   古地名。春秋郑邑 [Fan town]   南氾。在今河南省襄城县南   东氾。在今河南省中牟县   古氾水的省称 [Fan river]。一条故道在今河南省中牟县南。久湮。另一条故道在今山东省曹县北,从古济水分出,东北流至定陶县北。注入古荷泽。久湮   晋军 函陵, 秦军 氾南。——《左传》   古国名 [Fan state]   氾,国名。——《广韵》   另见 fàn   氾 [Fán]   〈动〉   大水漫流;淹没 [flood]   河水决濮阳,氾郡十六。——《汉书·武帝纪》   漂浮。后作“泛” [float]   是故氾舟于河。——《国语》   〈形〉   地势低下的 [low]   有氾下渐泽之壤。——《管子·山国轨》   以范围广为特征的 [general]   且倘佯而氾观。——《楚辞·刘向·九叹》   另见 fán   部首笔画   部首: 氵   部外笔画: 2   总笔画: 5   五笔86: ibn   五笔98: ibn   仓颉: esu   笔顺编号: 44155   四角号码: 37112   郑码: vyyb   Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+6C3E   字形结构   汉字首尾分解: 氵犯音   汉字部件分解: 氵?   笔顺编号: 44155   笔顺读写: 捺捺横折折   
2023-07-19 03:08:281

DIV+CSS中的 clear标签中的clear:both,和clear:none是什么意思 还有解释下clear标签的具体意思

语法:clear : none | left | right | both 取值:none : 默认值。允许两边都可以有浮动对象 left : 不允许左边有浮动对象 right : 不允许右边有浮动对象 both : 不允许有浮动对象 说明:该属性的值指出了不允许有浮动对象的边。float 属性就是浮动对象。
2023-07-19 03:08:242


软考程序员报名并没有太多条件与要求,凡遵守中华人民共和国宪法和各项法律,恪守职业道德,具有一定计算机技术应用能力的人员,均可根据本人情况,报名参加相应专业类别、级别的考试。程序员属于软考初级资格考试,软考分为5个专业类别,并在各专业类别中分设了高、中、初级专业资格考试,每次考试考生可以根据自己的情况选择一个级别的一项资格进行报考。报考软考任何级别不需要学历、资历条件,只要达到相应的技术水平就可以报考相应的级别。《计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试暂行规定》第八条规定:凡遵守中华人民共和国宪法和各项法律,恪守职业道德,具有一定计算机技术应用能力的人员,均可根据本人情况,报名参加相应专业类别、级别的考试。通过软考获得证书的人员,表明其已具备从事相应专业岗位工作的水平和能力,用人单位可根据工作需要从获得证书的人员中择优聘任相应专业技术职务(技术员、助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师)。温馨提示:因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,猎考网提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准! 下方免费复习资料内容介绍:2023上半年软件设计师学习手册 格式:DO大小:5556.91KB 2022软件设计师图文结合—思维导图 格式:PDF大小:12184.21KB资格考试有疑问、不知道如何总结考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费领取复习资料
2023-07-19 03:08:231


2023-07-19 03:08:221

da si gei dei 猴戏一嘎 nanami是啥意思?

日语:助けて欲しいか 奈々生中文谐音:ta si ke te ho xi ka na na mi 他斯ke特ho西咔 那那米那那米是人名,中文意思如图
2023-07-19 03:08:183


软考可以报考信息系统项目管理师、系统分析师、系统集成项目管理工程师、信息系统管理工程师、网络工程师、软件设计师、信息处理技术员、网络管理员、程序员等多种资格考试。软考分为初、中、高级专业资格考试,每个级别包含不同专业的多个项目考试,各级别项目如下:初级资格:信息处理技术员、网络管理员、程序员、网页制作员、信息系统运行管理员、电子商务技术员、多媒体应用制作技术员。中级资格:网络工程师、多媒体应用设计师、嵌入式系统设计师、计算机辅助设计师、电子商务设计师、信息系统监理师、数据库系统工程师、系统集成项目管理工程师、信息系统管理工程师、信息安全工程师、计算机硬件工程师、信息技术支持工程师、软件评测师、软件设计师、软件过程能力评估师。高级资格:网络规划设计师、系统规划与管理师、系统架构设计师、信息系统项目管理师、系统分析师。温馨提示:因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,猎考网提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准! 下方免费复习资料内容介绍:2021上半年软件设计师下午真题及答案解析 格式:PDF大小:711.51KB 2022下半年网络工程师学习手册 格式:DO大小:1894.79KB资格考试有疑问、不知道如何总结考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费领取复习资料
2023-07-19 03:08:161

<div style="clear:both"></div>这句话是清除这个div的所有浮动这个与细线表格错位没关系的。<div id="maincontentbox"><div class="left"><div class="indexlistpart">这些是引用类,可以我看不到你的css样式。可惜没见到你详细的源码不然可以帮你解决。
2023-07-19 03:08:142


2023-07-19 03:08:132


lon是通达信中的龙系长线指标指标代码如下LC := REF(CLOSE,1);VID := SUM(VOL,2)/(((HHV(HIGH,2)-LLV(LOW,2)))*100);RC := (CLOSE-LC)*VID;LONG := SUM(RC,0);DIFF := SMA(LONG,10,1);DEA := SMA(LONG,20,1);LON : DIFF-DEA;LONMA : MA(LON,N);LONT : LON, COLORSTICK;
2023-07-19 03:08:131