barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 08:55:37


2.第二十九届奥林匹克运动会(英文官方名称:the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Beijing 2008)



One world ,One dream

acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动

athletics/track field---田径 athletics/track field---田径

beach---海滩boat race---赛艇 beach---海滩boat race---赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇 bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇

boxing---拳击 boxing---拳击

canoe slalom---激流划船 canoe slalom---激流划船

canoe---赛艇 canoe---赛艇

chess---象棋 chess---象棋

cricket---板球 cricket---板球

cycling---自行车 cycling---自行车

diving---跳水 diving---跳水

downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降 downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降

dragon-boat racing---赛龙船 dragon-boat racing---赛龙船

dressage---盛装舞步 dressage---盛装舞步

equestrian---骑马 equestrian---骑马

fencing---击剑 fencing---击剑

figure skating---花样滑冰 figure skating---花样滑冰

football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球 football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球

freestyle----自由式 freestyle----自由式

gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动 gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动

golf----高尔夫球 golf----高尔夫球

Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤 Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤

gymnastic apparatus----体操器械 gymnastic apparatus----体操器械

gymnastics----体操 gymnastics----体操

handball-----手球 handball-----手球

hockey----曲棍球 hockey----曲棍球

hold, lock-----揪钮 hold, lock-----揪钮

horizontal bar-----单杠 horizontal bar-----单杠

hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛

huttlecock kicking---踢毽子 huttlecock kicking---踢毽子

ice skating---滑冰 ice skating---滑冰

indoor---室内 indoor---室内

item Archery---箭术 item Archery---箭术

judo---柔道 judo---柔道

jumping----障碍 jumping----障碍

kayak----皮划艇 kayak----皮划艇

mat exercises---垫上运动 mat exercises---垫上运动

modern pentathlon---现代五项运动 modern pentathlon---现代五项运动

mountain bike---山地车 mountain bike---山地车

parallel bars---双杠 parallel bars---双杠


Torch Relay





olympic games奥运会




we are ready我们准备好了


One World,One Dream.同一个世结,同一个梦想.


Olympics/Olympic Games


torch--light the passion share the dream

One World One Dream

the National Stadium(bird"s nest)

the National aquatics center(water cube)



gold/silver /bronze medols

faster ,higher ,swifter



2023-07-18 10:01:311

Bicycle Race 歌词

歌曲名:Bicycle Race歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest HitsArtist: QueenAlbum: Live KillersTitle: Bicycle Race (Mercury)Bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I likeYou say black I say whiteYou say bark I say biteYou say shark I say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd I don"t like Star WarsYou say Rolls I say RoyceYou say God give me a choiceYou say Lord I say ChristI don"t believe in Peter PanFrankenstein or SupermanAll I wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girls they"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycleBicycle raceYou say coke I say caineYou say John I say WayneHot dog I say cool it manI don"t wanna be the President of AmericaYou say smile I say cheeseCartier I say pleaseIncome tax I say JesusI don"t wanna be a candidateFor Vietnam or WatergateCos all I want to do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I like
2023-07-18 10:01:401

QUEEN的《bicyle race》歌词和中文翻译

Bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I likeYou say black I say whiteYou say bark I say biteYou say shark I say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd I don"t like Star WarsYou say Rolls I say RoyceYou say God give me a choiceYou say Lord I say ChristI don"t believe in Peter PanFrankenstein or SupermanAll I wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeahFat bottomed girls they"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycle bicycleBicycle raceYou say coke I say caineYou say John I say WayneHot dog I say cool it manI don"t wanna be the President of AmericaYou say smile I say cheeseCartier I say pleaseIncome tax I say JesusI don"t wanna be a candidate forVietnam or WatergateCause all I wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I like
2023-07-18 10:01:471

山地车是mountain bike,那公路赛自行车用英语怎么说?

road racing bike
2023-07-18 10:01:583


2023-07-18 10:02:292


  一、单车比赛   个人追逐赛 individual race   冲刺能力 ability to sprint   个人公路赛 individual road race   制动杀带 anchor wire   室内赛车场 indoor cycle track   上坡 ascent   团体追逐赛 team pursuit race   雨披装备 a rain cape furnishes   自行车竞赛 cycle racing   沥青柏油路 asphalt road   内圈跑道 inner track   沥青跑道 asphalt track   号码牌 number plate   集合地点 assembing place   公开赛 open event   轴 axle   起点线 starting line   车轴断裂 axle fracture   团体赛 team race   倒蹬 back-pedal   弯道 curve   非终点直道 back straight   圈 lap   滚珠 ball   赛车场 track   滚珠轴承 ball bearing   脚蹬 treadle   弯道冲刺 bank dash   倾斜的 banked   倾斜(场地跑道) banking   车铃 bicycle ball   换车 bicycle change   车架 bicycle frame   车锁,一种轮锁 bicycle lock,a wheel lock   自行车领先赛 bicycle-paced racr   自行车气筒 bicycle pump   自行车竞赛 bicycle-racing   鞍座 bicycle saddle   二、单车种类   1、MTB:山地车   DS--Dual Slalom :速降对抗赛车   DH--Down Hill:速降车   FS--Full Suspension:全减震越野车   XC--Cross Country:越野车(通常为越野车)   2、Racing:公路车   T.T--Time Trial:计时赛车   Track:场地车   Road:公路车   Cycle cross:公路越野车   3、Else:休闲及其他种类   BMX--Bicycle Motocross:小轮车越野   Bike Trial:攀爬车,分为小轮和大轮两种,俗称大攀和小攀。   Trekking:登山越野车   Cruiser:旅游沙滩车
2023-07-18 10:02:361


1unit7Lesson1第2页部分翻译There isa mountain bi ke race in the neighborhood of Redrock Bay. Charlie invites Matt to enter. Matt is no tsure at first.Then he deades to enter. He is very excited. When the day of the race comes,Matt and Charlie arrive early to check theirbikes.红石湾社区有一场山地自行车赛。查利邀请马特参加。最初马特不太确定(是否参加),后来他决定参加。他非常兴奋。当比赛那天到来的时候,马特和查利很早就到了并检查他们的自行车。1Charlie:Matt, there is a。mountain bike "race nex t Saturday.Here is an entry form.Do you want to enter?查利:马特,下星期六有一场山地自行车赛。这是一张申请表。你想参加吗?Matt:I"m no t"sure. What are the rules?马特:我不太确定。规则是什么?Whale!鲸!Charlie:Well,you mus t be more than 10 years old. You must have a goo d mountain bike. You must mail the entry form before Wednesday.2查利:嗯,你必须是10岁以上。你必须有一辆(性能)好的山地自行车。你必须在星期三之前邮寄申请表。Matt:OK. Anything else?马特:好的。还有别的吗?3 Charlie:You" have to weara helmet, knee and elbow pads,and cycling shose Come on,Matt, you"re a good rider,Let"s enter together.3查利:你必须戴安全帽、护膝、护肘,穿自行车专用鞋。来吧,马特,你是一个好骑手。让我们一起参加吧。Matt:OK.I guess so. Let"s fillout the entry "forms.马符:好的,我猜是这样的。让我们填写申请表吧。4 0fficial1:You"re numbers 23 and 24. Now you must check your bikes. Always che ck the tires before you ride. Never ride witha flat tire.4工作人员7:你们是23号和24号。现在你们必须检查你们的自行车。在你们骑车之前总是要检查一下车胎。千万别骑车胎漏气的车。Official2:Don"l forget!All competitors must read the sing too.工作人员2:别忘了!所有的参赛者也都必须阅读指示牌。2unit7Lesson1第3页部分翻译5 Redrock Bay Junior Mountain Bike Race5红石湾少年山地自行车比赛ATTENTION注意IMPORTANT RULES重要的规则·Use your "brakes.使用你们的刹车。·Stay on the track.保持在赛道上(骑车)。·Don"t ride too dose to other bikes..不要骑得离其他自行车太近。The race is abou t to start. The official is giving a waming,Matt an d Charlie"s friends are there to watch the race an"d cheer for them Look,Charlie is "nding well. He is going to win. But what is happening to Matt?比赛要开始了。工作人员正在给出警告。马特和查利的朋友们都在那里观看比赛并且为他们加油。看!查利骑得很妤。他要赢了。但是马特发生了什么事?6Official:Be careful. Yesterday it rained so the track is slippery.Don"t skid,and watch out for puddles.6工作人员:当心。(因为)昨天下雨了,因此赛道很滑。不要滑倒,而且要注意水洼。7 Sue:Go,Matt,go!7苏:马特,加油!Daniel:Good luck,Charlie. You can do It!丹尼尔:祝你好运,查利。你能 做到!8Sue:LookiThere"s Charlie. He"s going really fast,He"s winning!8苏:看!那是查利。他骑得真 快。他要赢了!Lisa:But where"s Matt? I can"t see number 24.莉萨:但是马特在哪里?我看不到24号。9 Matt:There was a puddle. I skidded and crashed into a post. My znkle hurts.9马特:有一个水洼。我滑倒了并撞在了一个柱子上。我的脚踝受伤了。Official :Don"t move, Matt.I think we should take you to the hospital...工作人员:不要动,马特。我认为我们应该送你去医院……
2023-07-18 10:02:441

山地车是mountain bike,那公路赛自行车用英语怎么说

road racing bicycle 以下是我从网上找的资料,附赠给你吧1. 自行车运动:cycling; biking2. 山地自行车运动:mountain biking [cycling]项目3. 自行车竞赛:bicycle racing; bike grind4. 赛车场自行车竞赛:track [velodrome] race5. 争先赛:sprint6. 追逐赛:pursuit [chase] race7. 个人追逐赛:individual pursuit race8. 团体追逐赛:team pursuit race9. 双人赛:paired race10. 记分赛:points race11. 计时赛:time trial; race against the watch12. 单人出发比赛:unpaced competition13. 公路自行车竞赛:road cycling14. 个人公路赛:individual road race15. 团体公路赛:team road race16. 短距离公路赛:sprint road race17. 环行赛:circuit race18. 环行公路赛:criterium19. 每圈淘汰赛(最后到达终点者出局):miss and out; devil-take-the-hindmost20. 往返赛:out and home race21. 速降赛:downhill race22. 爬坡赛:hill climb23. 摩托车领先赛:motor-paced race24. 短距离赛:short-distance race; sprint25. 长距离赛:long-distance [staying; endurance] race26. 自行车越野赛:cycle-cross; cross-country [off-road; point-to-point] cycling27. 小轮车赛:bicycle motocross(BMX)28. 山地自行车赛:mountain bike race29. 环程越野赛(3-5英里):kermesse30. 分段赛:stage racing31. 凯林赛(赛车场内由摩托车牵引一定圈数后再进行冲刺):keirin race32. 麦迪逊赛(赛车场内两人交替接力,赛程为50公里):Madison race33. 一日赛:one-day race34. 多日赛:race of several days35. 环法公路赛:Tour de France
2023-07-18 10:03:021


In 1790, a French name, with his mind he loved so much. One day, he walked on a street in Paris, because the day rained, accumulated a lot of rain, on the road is very bad. Suddenly, from behind a carriage is rolling in and the street is narrow, the carriage is very wide, the schiff, hide to hide to fortunately not knocked down by a car, or was spattered mud and rain. Others saw it, sorry for him, but also gas straight scold, want to shout the cart stopped, reasonable representations. The schiff, but murmured: "don"t cry, don"t shout, let them go." Carriage and walked away, he was standing on the side of the road, he was thinking: the road is so narrow, pedestrians and so much, why can"t the carriage structure changed? Should the carriage along the cut off half, before and after the four wheels to two wheels... He thought, so home will begin to carry on the design. After repeated experiments, in 1791 the first walking "Trojan horse" of the car made out. The earliest bicycles are made of wood, its structure is simple, neither drive, also have no steering device, cyclists on foot hard ground, change direction, and can only move the car when the car. Even so, when the schiff, ride the bike to the park for a ride, all the people present are quite amazing and impressive.用途Can be used as environmental protection of transport is used to instead of walking, travel; More and more people will be bicycle, bicycle, for fitness equipment used to riding exercise to travel; Bicycle itself is a sports competition sport, road cycling and mountain bike race, cycling, stunt bike race, etc.
2023-07-18 10:03:122


In 1790,a French name,with his mind he loved so much.One day,he walked on a street in Paris,because the day rained,accumulated a lot of rain,on the road is very bad.Suddenly,from behind a carriage is rolling in and the street is narrow,the carriage is very wide,the schiff,hide to hide to fortunately not knocked down by a car,or was spattered mud and rain.Others saw it,sorry for him,but also gas straight scold,want to shout the cart stopped,reasonable representations.The schiff,but murmured:"don"t cry,don"t shout,let them go." Carriage and walked away,he was standing on the side of the road,he was thinking:the road is so narrow,pedestrians and so much,why can"t the carriage structure changed?Should the carriage along the cut off half,before and after the four wheels to two wheels...He thought,so home will begin to carry on the design.After repeated experiments,in 1791 the first walking "Trojan horse" of the car made out.The earliest bicycles are made of wood,its structure is simple,neither drive,also have no steering device,cyclists on foot hard ground,change direction,and can only move the car when the car.Even so,when the schiff,ride the bike to the park for a ride,all the people present are quite amazing and impressive.回答用途Can be used as environmental protection of transport is used to instead of walking,travel; More and more people will be bicycle,bicycle,for fitness equipment used to riding exercise to travel; Bicycle itself is a sports competition sport,road cycling and mountain bike race,cycling,stunt bike race,etc.1790年,法国的名字,与他的思想他爱这么多.有一天,他走在巴黎的大街上,因为天下雨了,积聚了大量的雨,在路上非常糟糕.突然,从后面一辆马车滚滚而来,街道狭窄,马车很广,希夫,躲躲不幸运的被一辆车撞倒,还是溅泥浆和雨.别人看见了,可怜他,还气直骂,想喊马车停了下来,合理的表示.希夫,低声说:“别哭,别喊,让他们走.“马车走远了,他站在路边,他想:这条路太窄了,行人和那么多,为什么不能运输结构变化?马车沿着应该剪掉一半,四个轮子前后两个轮子……他认为,家将开始进行设计.经过反复实验,在1791年第一个走“特洛伊木马”的汽车.最早的自行车是木制的,其结构简单,没有开车,也没有转向装置,骑自行车步行困难,改变方向,只能把车当车.即便如此,当希夫,骑自行车去公园骑,所有在场的人是相当惊人的,令人印象深刻.
2023-07-18 10:03:191


自行车用英语表示为bicycle,读音为英["bau026asu026akl],美["bau026asu026akl]。bicycle解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:[u02c8bau026asu026akl]美式发音:[u02c8bau026asu026aku0259l]二、单词释义:n. 自行车三、词形变化:复数:bicycles四、词语搭配:cheap bicycle 便宜的自行车new bicycle 新自行车old bicycle 旧自行车by bicycle 骑自行车五、单词用法:bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。 bicycle常和介词by搭配,表示“骑自行车”,此时介词by不可用其他介词代替,且bicycle不可使用复数。 六、双语例句:I ride my bicycle to work every day.我每天骑自行车上班。The city has built more bicycle lanes to promote cycling.城市修建了更多的自行车道来推广骑行。Don"t forget to wear your bicycle helmet for safety.别忘了为了安全戴上自行车头盔。He participated in a bicycle race and won the first place.他参加了一场自行车比赛并获得了第一名。She enjoys the freedom and exercise that comes with riding a bicycle.她喜欢骑自行车带来的自由和锻炼。
2023-07-18 10:03:271


【 #小学英语# 导语】小学生对母语的正规学习也是处于起步阶段,母语具有的保护性心理尚未完全建立起来,语言自我灵活性高,接受和学习性的语言能力强,此时学习新的语言即英语,语言信息就容易摄入。从更加有利于孩子语言形成的角度来看,小学生正处于学习语言的黄金时期。以下是 整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。 【篇一】 一、 连线。与相应的单词相连。(10分) old ice cream hamburger cook Monday 二、 英汉互译。(20分) 1、 young ______ 2、strict ______ 3、Friday ______ 4、salad______ 5、do kung fu_______ 6、swim_______ 7、play the pipa_________ 8、funny________ 9、dance_________ 10、bottle________ 三、将下列单词所缺字母补充完整。(20分) 1、o__d 2、s_ndw_ch 3、on_on 4、sh_ 5、sw_m 6、s_ng 7、T_esd_y 8、t_a 9、pl__y 10、d__nce 四、把正确单词的序号填在横线处。(30分) 1、He is _____. 2、She"s very ___. A、old B、young A、strict B、kind 3、Today is ___. 4、I like ____. A、Sunday B、Saturday A、tea B、sandwich 5、She can ___. 6、He can ___. A、dance B、draw cartoons A、play ping-pong B、cook 五、将下面单词组成一个正确的句子。(注意标点符号)(20分) 1、is he old(.) 2、like I hamburger(.) 3、you can sing English songs(.) 4、you can cook(?) 5、is there big a bed(.) 【篇二】 笔试部分(70分) 一、判断划线部分的读音是否相同相同的用S,不同的用D(6分) ( )1. buses  apples ( ) 2. meat  weather( ) 3 dear  wear. ( ) 4. shirt  dirty( ) 5. cook  food ( )6.milked  played 二、词汇。(12分) A.按要求写词。 1.bring(过去式)________ 2.careful(副词)________3.foolish (反义词)________ (形容词)________5.were (原形)________ 6.Mike (名词所有格)________7.we (宾格)________ 8.many (近义词)________ B.根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1.The boy is very________(聪明的)。 2.Don"t ________(扔)the banana skin on the 3.After a heavy rain,the a________ become clean. 4.What did you do y________? 三、选择题 (15分) ( ) 1.. Does the sign ________‘No ________"?——Yes, it does. A. say, writing B. says, write C. says, writing D. say, write ( ) 2. ‘No parking." means we________ park our cars here A. can B. shouldn"t C. must D. should ( ) 3.Let me________ some bananas________the trees A. draw; in B.draw ;on C. to draw ;on ( ) 4. He ________ a banana skin on the floor. A. give B. cuts C. throws D. litter ( ) 5. Mr Green usually________ his friends when he was young. A. writes to B. is writing to C. wrote to D. write to ( ) 6. Where were my shoes? ________ A. It"s on the desk. B. They are under the desk.C. They were under the desk. ( )7. I called________ yesterday afternoon. But she________ in. A. she, isn"t B. her, wasn"t C. her, isn"t D. her, is ( )8.I"m going to watch a film________. A. yesterday B. last weekend C. tomorrow D. now ( ) 9. There is not________ coal________oil on the Earth. A. too many , or B. many too, and C. too much, orD. much too, and (  )10. Trees help________ the air clean. A. keep B. to keeping C. keeping D. kept (  )11.What does Red use to fly? A.his wings B.his big tail C.his magic (  )12.In the story Monkey King and Tangseng are going to_________. A.Beijing B.the US C.India (  )13.Kangkang and Meiei can go to________. A.Canada B.China C.America (  )14.People can use________in many ways. A.water B.Tree power (  )15.Who wins the bike race? A.Big Dave B.Red C.Terry 四、看图,补全对话。(5分) —Look at your bedroom, Liu Tao. Is it ________? —No, it isn"t. —What makes your ________ messy? —The________ make the bed messy. The________ make the floor messy. The banana ________ make the table dirty. —Would you please clean it this afternoon? —Ok, Mum 五、 按要求完成下列句子。 (10分) 1. This sign means “No smoking”。(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ this sign mean? 2. Sam takes the metro to his office every day. (改为同义句) Sam _______ to his office ________ metro everyday. 3. I went to the libraly just now. (否定句) I _______ _______ to the libraly just now . 4. They are going to make tangyuan.(对划线部分提问) are they going to ________? 5. Smoke makes the air dirty. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ the air dirty? 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(7分) 1. It"s time ________(have ) lunch. 2. There ________(be) one________(box) on the table just now. 3.________(We)classroom is very messy. 4. We"re going to ________(make) cakes next week. 5. Miss Liu________(buy) some flowers lastMonday. 6. We ________(should)throw rubbish anywhere. 七、根据中文意思翻译句子。(共6分) 1. 他们正在把垃圾倒入河水中。 They are __________ rubbish into the _________. 2.大多数能源来自煤炭和石油。 ________ of the energy _________ ________ coal and oil. 3.他经常放学后做家庭作业吗? ________ he often _________ his homework after school ? 4. 我们可以用纸做玩具。 We can __________ paper ________ ________ toys. 5.我们用木头做床,椅子和许多其他的东西。 We use _______ to make beds, chairs and many _______ things. 八、阅读理解。(5分)根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 We can"t live without water, but now the water was polluted(污染)。 It is the big problem(问题)。 So we must find a way to work this problem out. Water is an important resource(资源)。 In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we litter in the river, so the water was polluted by us. I think we should save water. Don"t let the last drop(滴) of water on the Earth becomes our last tear(眼泪)。 ( ) 1.Water is important for our life. ( ) 2. We shouldn"t turn off the tap after cleaning hands. ( ) 3. Water pollution is not the small problem now. ( ) 4. We shouldn"t save waterevery day . ( ) 5. If we go on wasting water, there is no water at last. 九、小练笔。(4分) 快放假了,最重要的节日就近了,你一定很开心,请以“My Chinese New Year”为题写几句话。快来介绍一下吧。不少于五句话哦,语句要通顺,书写要工整。 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 【篇三】 一、选不同类单词 1.A.workbookB.storybookC.Friday 2.A.easyB.magicC.Chiese 3.A.EnglishB.ChinaC.PE 4.A.eatingB.mineC.reading 5.A.Big BenB.BritainC.France 二、单选 1.---Where are you _____? ---We are ____ to play basketball. A. from, going B. going, go C .going, going 2.Would you like to join _____? A. we B. I C. us 3.Today ______ Women"s Day. A. am B. is C. are 4.There ____ a funny monkey. A. am B. is C. are 5.There ______ some children behind the house. A. am B. is C. are 6.There is ____ eagle and two _____. A. a, peacock B. an, goose C. an, geese 7. They are ___ front ___the tortoises. A. on, in B. in, of C. in, for 8. The giraffe is _____ the dolphin and the elephant. A. between B. next to C. behind 9.Welcome ___ the dog show. A. under B. to C. on 10.Meet Fatty _____ Hatty. A. from B. and C. in 三、阅读理解 Hello, I"m Susan. Look, this is my family photo. This is my mother. She is a teacher. Her birthday is in March. She likes going shopping. Her favourite season is winter. My father is a doctor. He likes winter best. His birthday is in September. He often climb mountains with his friends on weekends.Haha, this is me. I like summer best because I can eat ice-cream very much , and I can wear pretty skirts in summer. 1. How many people are there in Susan"s family? A. Four B. Three C. Five 2. Mother is a _________. A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse 3. When is father"s birthday? A. In September B. In April C. In March 4. Why does Susan like summer? A. Because she likes ice-cream. B. Because she can wear pretty skirts . C. A and B. 5.Which season does Susan"s father like best? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
2023-07-18 10:03:411


自行车[车辆] bicycle;bike;[车辆] cycle;push bike;push cycle更多释义>>[网络短语]自行车 bicycle,Bike,Cycling自行车道 bicycle path,cycle track,cycleway自行车赛 Cycling,Bicycle Race,Tour of Qinghai Lake
2023-07-18 10:04:312

RIDING a bike is good exercise and great fun. But what do you do with your old bikes? American girl

骑自行车是一项很棒的运动并且十分有趣。 但是你你是怎么处理旧自行车的?美国女孩Nicole Basil给出了很棒的答案。她建立了一个叫Pedal Power 的慈善团体,收集旧自行车并送给那些需要它们的人。12岁的Nicole 在她8岁的时候就开始建立Pedal Power并每年收集250多辆的自行车。Pedal Power在每年的十月份会举行一次自行车比赛以筹集捐赠品。
2023-07-18 10:04:391


2023-07-18 10:05:015


2023-07-18 10:05:178


有很多的比如ride 骑 race 比赛 dice 骰子等等。。。
2023-07-18 10:05:445

red bike是神么意思

red bike红色的自行车双语例句1A rider crashes face first into a security wall during the Red Bull Road Rage bike downhill race in Sigulda, Latvia. 锡古尔达个红牛道路狂飙下跛赛上,一名单车骑手的脸装到了安全墙上。
2023-07-18 10:06:111


就是 这个咯30年前台湾制的脚踏车因为品质不良在国外颇受屈辱, 当时年轻的金属机械工程师曾鼎煌(Ike Tseng)先生有感於此,於1972创立了美利达公司,专注於高级自行车的研发与生产. 走过了80年代,红极一时的领导品牌「来礼名车」原来就是美利达的化身。90年代开始,我们加强推广以公司本名「美利达」为首的自有品牌. 2001年的柏林影展,一部描写让两位男主角心爱无比而且奋不顾身的美利达自行车为故事主题的大陆电影「17岁的单车」(Beijing Bicycle),获得了柏林影展的最佳影片银熊奖与最佳新人奖等两大奖项。现在,行销全球的「美利达自行车」则是世界冠军等顶尖选手的选择。另外, 我们也将领先的镁合金技术推展到笔记型电脑等3C产品机壳的生产… 美利达的第一名记录 世界冠军选手骑美利达自行车 自行车业唯一连续10年入围「国家产品形象金质奖」最后决选的公司, 累计4金8银的惊人成绩(2003年止) 全世界第一家拥有量产镁合金自行车技术的公司, 也是台湾唯一的一家 台湾地区第一家推出电动自行车的公司, 第一家取得电动自行车CNS国家标准品质认证的合法电动自行车,销售第一品牌。 全世界第一家将机器人焊接技术导入铝合金车架的生产 台湾自行车业第一家股票上市的公司 2002 year 全世界避震性能最灵敏的全避震式自行车「XC Mission Elite」荣获国家产品形象银质奖 美利达成为自行车界唯一每年入围国家产品形象金质奖最后决选的公司; 累计4金7银佳绩更是传统产业第一 迅速走出Schwinn/GT倒闭的阴霾, 营运交出漂亮成绩单 四部美利达的特制车「黑狼」, 帮助黄进宝全家四口人展开史无前例的「铁马家庭」单车环球探险壮举 2001 year 镁合金自行车「Magnesium 909」为美利达连续第二年获得第四座国家产品形象金质奖, 及IMA国际镁合金协会年度产品奖; 镁合金摺叠车「Metropolis」获国家产品形象银质奖 开发全世界避震性能最灵敏的全避震式自行车 投资美国第一品牌Specialized 结束美利达德国公司, 另外投资设立美利达仙度那分公司於德国 於捷克与斯洛伐克设立分公司 以一部美利达自行车为故事主题的大陆电影「17岁的单车」(Beijing Bicycle), 获得2001年柏林影展最佳影片银熊奖与最佳新人奖等两项评审团大奖. 2000 year 第六代电动自行车「PC-600」为美利达荣获第三座国家产品形象金质奖 积极研发镁合金自行车, 推出台湾有史以来第一台镁合金自行车 德国、波兰等国家队选手骑美利达的镁合金自行车参加雪梨奥运 镁合金电脑机壳开始量产 成立美利达波兰分公司 1999 year 第五代电动自行车「Power Cycle」荣获国家产品形象银质奖; 四连杆全避震登山车「Shark」荣获精品奖 积极研发镁合金自行车, 并於台北展正式推出台湾有史以来第一台镁合金自行车 1998 year 曾董事长高票当选TBEA台湾区自行车输出业同业公会理事长 下坡赛避震车「Dominator Pro」荣获第六届国家产品形象银质奖;铝合金登山车「Matts Race SX」荣获台湾精品奖 於德国斯图佳(Stuttgart)设立美利达欧洲办事处; 成立荷兰分公司 引进Pro-E CAD/CAM系统 现金增资为新台币十二亿二千一百万元 转投资筹设镁合金笔记型电脑机壳的生产; 成立镁压铸事业部门 1997 year 第三代莱电车行销欧洲荷兰、德国、义大利、瑞士等国 FRP全避震式越野车「C20」荣获第五届国家产品形象银质奖; 「C26城市车」荣获「台湾精品奖」 成功研发镁合金跑车,获得全球自行车业界一致好评。 1996 year 以创新研发的电动自行车「Pedcon」第二度荣获国家产品形象奖金质奖 连续第三年蝉连国际自由车环台赛团体总冠军 领先全世界,开发「Robotwelded」机械人焊接技术,导入铝合金车架的生产 美利达台湾与大陆厂同时取得ISO 9002国际品质系统认证 1995 year 全面推行「MPS美利达生产体制」运动, 提升整体生产效率 蝉连1995年国际自由车环台赛个人暨团体双料总冠军 一体成型碳纤维登山自行车「Zenith」荣获第三届国家产品形象银质奖 於英国诺丁汉成立美利达(英国)子公司 1994 year 铝合金轻便车「Classic 7」荣获代表新产品创新价值最高荣誉的第二届「国家产 品形象金质奖」 美利达车队荣获1994年国际自由车环台赛(Tour de Taiwan)个人暨团体双料冠军 1993 year 与日本石桥自行车(BRIDGESTONE)合作产制轻便车供应日本市场 铝合金登山车「Albontech」及碳纤维登山车「Dura-Carbon」荣获第一届「台湾精品奖」 1992 year 证管会核准通过, 成为台湾自行车业第一家股票上市公司 1991 year 於日本大阪成立美利达(日本)子公司,以自有品牌行销日本 研发碳纤维自行车的生产 1990 year 於中国深圳设立美利达大陆厂 产品设计研发导入AutoCAD、Macintosh系统 荣获商检局颁发品管优良厂商 1988 year 於德国科隆成立美利达德国子公司,在德国销售Merida自有品牌的自行车 1986 year 以「MERIDA」美利达的自有品牌首次行销欧洲(挪威)市场 美利达新办公大楼落成,建立公司规章制度 美利达CIS的设计开发及CWQC全面导入实施 1985 year 研发铝合金接著式车架的生产技术 生产踏板车 1980 year 增设自动碟式静电涂装机及自动酸洗处理设备 与英商TI RALEIGH公司合作,以「来礼」品牌自行车行销国内市场 美利达CIS的设计开发及CWQC全面导入实施启用台湾自行车业第一座自动仓储设备 开始外销MTB登山车到美国 1975 year 开始生产BMX车种, 以10段变速车试销美国市场 扩充厂房设备,设mini bell式的静电涂装线 荣获政府颁发品管甲等优良厂商 开始产销49cc的轻型机车扩充厂房设备, 开始以10段变速车试销美国市场 1973 year 1973年7月10日正式开工,员工57人,产销日本U型迷你车 1972 year 1972年9月29日曾鼎煌先生(现任董事长)创办美利达
2023-07-18 10:06:201

用be bike造句?

你好,很高兴为你解答:1.I wish it would be a bike.我希望它是一辆自行车。2.Morley: Maybe it"s because of that race. I should told you I used to be a bike messenger.莫理:也许是那场比赛的关系。我该早点告诉你我以前是个单车快递。3.Reddit members, believed to be the bike owner"s mechanic friend, uploaded images of the payback prank and note to the site.新闻网站的人认为是车主的机修师朋友将这个恶作剧升级,将这个信息上传到网站上。
2023-07-18 10:06:291

奥运会运动项目 用英文表达

Nobody owe you an answer! Please try to be more polite the next time you seek assistance.
2023-07-18 10:06:393

Bicycle Race 歌词

歌曲名:Bicycle Race歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits (2011 Remaster)Artist: QueenAlbum: Live KillersTitle: Bicycle Race (Mercury)Bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I likeYou say black I say whiteYou say bark I say biteYou say shark I say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd I don"t like Star WarsYou say Rolls I say RoyceYou say God give me a choiceYou say Lord I say ChristI don"t believe in Peter PanFrankenstein or SupermanAll I wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girls they"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycleBicycle raceYou say coke I say caineYou say John I say WayneHot dog I say cool it manI don"t wanna be the President of AmericaYou say smile I say cheeseCartier I say pleaseIncome tax I say JesusI don"t wanna be a candidateFor Vietnam or WatergateCos all I want to do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where I like
2023-07-18 10:07:571


1、意思不同:“bike”可以指任何骑行工具,如自行车、摩托车等,而“bicycle”指的一般是比较普通的单车。相比之下,“bike”更高级一些。2、用法不同:“bike”是较口语化的说法,多用于日常生活;而“bicycle”更倾向于书面语。例如:I went out by bike in theafternoon.我下午骑自行车出去了。The bicycle race is about tostart.自行车比赛要开始了。
2023-07-18 10:08:141

有首英文歌唱“bicycle!bicycle!bicycle!......I like bicycle!”叫啥名啊,水知道鸭

Queen 的 Bicycle Race 吗?希望能帮到你.
2023-07-18 10:08:222

2007年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题(A)类 上面的什么都有
2023-07-18 10:09:263


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! http://zhidao.b***.com/question/121691710.html?fr=qrl&index=2&qbl=topic_question_2
2023-07-18 10:09:389

侠盗猎车手 圣安地列斯怎么消掉星星啊?

2023-07-18 10:10:119

he has lost his bike two years ago改错

去掉has.He lost his bike two years ago.
2023-07-18 10:10:371


2023-07-18 10:10:481


朝鲜和韩国,用英文怎么翻译? 朝鲜和韩国英文: North Korea and South korea North Korea n. 北韩,朝鲜; [例句]They increased economic actions against North Korea after it launched missiles and tested a nuclear device. 在朝鲜投射导弹、进行核装置实验后他们增加了对其的经济 *** 。 South Korea n. 南韩,韩国; [例句]South Korea"s imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year. 今年,韩国消费产品的进口激增了33%。 韩语,韩国语,朝鲜语 翻译 韩国文字,朝鲜字 卖的好的 美洲豹 3000元 朝鲜和韩国的英文翻译分别是什么? 朝鲜,D.P.R.Korea 韩国,R.O.Korea 韩国和朝鲜的英文翻译,形容词和名词都要。 为你解答。 韩国:South Korea 朝鲜:North Korea 形容词都是:Korean 朝鲜和韩国的英文 韩国:the republic of Korea 或者South Korea 朝鲜:(DPRK)democratic people`s republic of Korea 或者North Korea 关于韩国和朝鲜在中文的翻译? 这个问题是不是之前问过一次的? 是先有的朝鲜这个词 韩国是后来才有的(为了脱离朝鲜 所以自己起名叫“大韩民国” 简称“韩国”) Korea本来也是朝鲜的意思 后来韩国独立出去之后 由于本身是一个国家 所以美国就用南 北来区分 ================= 中文之所以那么多 是因为“朝鲜”和“韩国”的韩文不一样 朝鲜是"uc870uc120" 韩国是"ub300ud55cubbfcuad6d 大韩民国" 简称 "ud55cuad6d" 这都是按照音译的 正确点的应该分别叫“北朝鲜”和“南韩” 因为朝鲜在北边 韩国在南边 但是按照中国的语言习惯 南北对应的话 主语应该是一样的 所以对应下来的话 “北朝鲜”对应的就应该有“南朝鲜” “南韩”对应的就应该有“北韩” 这样主体一致 所以才出来的“南朝鲜”和“北韩” 其实这根本就没啥意思 就是人们说话的习惯 看你是习惯说韩国 还是说朝鲜罢了 怎么就那么较真呢?= =|||| 朝鲜醋精用韩文怎么翻译 醋精=>uc2dducd08 (uae61ucd08ub18ducd95uc2dducd08) 韩语,朝鲜语,韩文,朝鲜文,韩语翻译,朝鲜语翻译。尺寸上的文字 建议身高,身长,胸围,臂长,总体臂长。 朝鲜和韩国的英文都叫korea,为什么南朝鲜会叫“韩国”? 因为朝鲜跟韩国本来就是一个国家,实际朝鲜跟南朝鲜都是朝鲜国,在1951年,美国入侵朝鲜,当时就把朝鲜一分为二, 朝鲜与韩国英文后缀都是一样的,只是国体不一样罢了。为什么不翻译成朝鲜民国或朝鲜共和国而叫韩国。韩国 当时朝鲜是中文中朝鲜半岛的正统政权名称,因为政治的原因,中国认为朝鲜是正统,所以称其为朝鲜。 韩国是中文对朝鲜半岛政权的别称,称其为韩国也有视其为地方政权的意思。 朝鲜作为中国的几千年的邻国,其历史文化与中国关联极深。历史上对其的称谓也有多次的变化。所以称其为朝鲜和韩国可以在中国自己的史书上找到海量的依据。包括朝鲜国自己的汉字史书也是可以找到这两个国名的出处的。 至于你说的英文名称问题,我想应该是因为朝鲜半岛与他们没什么关系,这样起名比较省事。就好像德国与奥地利一样。在中国人看来他们同文同种同源几乎就没有区别,叫南德国和北德国更贴切。可是在欧洲人看来是绝对不可以的。
2023-07-18 10:07:361


勇敢 地一直向前进。 成语出处: 宋·朱熹《朱子全书·道统一·周子书》:“不顾旁人是非,不计自己得失, 勇往直前 ,说出人 不敢 说的 道理 。” 成语例句: 人人惧摩拳擦掌, 个个 勇往直前 。 注音: ㄩㄥˇ ㄨㄤˇ ㄓㄧˊ ㄑㄧㄢˊ 勇往直前的近义词: 一往无前 一直向前,无所阻挡。形容不怕困难,奋勇前进 奋勇向前 奋发而努力鼓起勇气朝前方挺进。 昂首阔步 仰着头,迈大步。形容精神奋发昂首阔步的神态 勇往直前的反义词: 畏缩不前 表示由于恐惧、震惊或憎恶而后退 他是这样地怕蛇,以致见到它就本能地畏缩不前 畏首畏尾 形容做事胆小,多所猜忌顾虑,畏缩不前 趑趄不前 趑趄:迟疑不敢前进。形容犹豫畏缩不敢前进。 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: march forward courageously 俄语翻译: смело идти вперёд <вперёд без стрáха и сомнения> 日语翻译: 勇往迈进(ゆうおうまいしん)する 其他翻译: <德>mutig vorwǎrtsschreiten <furchtlos nach vorn marschieren><法>aller hardiment de l"avant <avancer vaillamment> 成语谜语: 猛将军上阵 读音注意: 勇,不能读作“yōnɡ”。 写法注意: 勇,不能写作“永”。
2023-07-18 10:07:381

Whatever you do ,wherever you go ,是哪首英文歌的歌词?

Right here waiting
2023-07-18 10:07:443

欧阳靖My First Time歌词翻译

歌曲名称:Brand new me歌手:欧阳靖所属专辑:Brand New MeThis is a motion picture这是一幅电影。Courtesy of礼貌The Emcee主持人With an original score, by the一个原创音乐的Golden Child金色的孩子I wanna tell y"all bout my first time我想告诉你们我的第一次I know its kinda personal buh,我知道这有点个人乌兰布,I feel – I feel like我感觉-我感觉I can open up right now我现在可以开门了。Yea, everybody remember their first time是的,每个人都记得他们第一次And it goes a little something like this…就有点像这个…It was a stormy night, rain drippin" off the window pane那是一个风雨交加的夜晚,雨下的窗玻璃上Come clean来清洁I don"t remember her name我不记得她的名字了。Prior to that evening,那天晚上之前,I saw her in my wet dreams我在梦中看到她Ageless, but usually she"s sixteen不老,但她通常都是十六Been around,被周围的,I ain"t the first to do her我不是第一个这样做她的人Actually a close friend put me on to her其实一个亲密的朋友把我对她的I was only 14 at the time,那时我才14岁,A bit nervous, cause she was experienced and fine有点紧张,因为她经历了细Within tha confines of my bed-room在这把我房间的床Just the two of us, knew where it would head soon只有我们两个,知道它会很快Parents next door, wait till they fall asleep父母隔壁,等他们睡着了Then we can get it on, the nature of a freak然后我们可以得到它,一个反常的性质I seen her before, but never in the nude我以前见过她,但从未在裸体She requested music to lighten up the mood她要求的音乐来放松心情In the stereo, a mere coincidental在立体,只是一个巧合I had a beat tape full of premier instrumentals我有一个充满总理器乐打带She got open and她被打开了I knew it我早知道了。Told me that her previous partners be smokin" up before they do it告诉我,她以前的合作伙伴是查出了才这样做My mind blank like the paper never shoulda been我的头脑一片空白如纸不应该被I close my eyes and slowly put it in我闭上眼睛,慢慢地把它放在At that very moment, time froze在那一刻,时间凝固Sent chills thru my whole body, only my spine knows浑身发冷,只有我的脊椎知道Tinglin", like rabbits we went at itTinglin,我们便像兔子一样Hittin it raw from the bed to the floor拿它原从床上到地板上Nonstop wicked back shots,不间断的坏射,I"m smashin it我smashin它In my young life never felt passionate在我年轻的生命没有激情About nothing, so much what a rush什么,什么忙The second each time my hand and the pen touch第二每一次我的手和笔的触摸It was a race to the finish line这是一个比赛的终点线I came first我是第一个She came at a close second, there go the verse她在第二节去了,The climax, was more than sensation高潮,不仅仅是感觉She surprised me with the oral presentation她很惊讶我的口头报告To say the least, it was damn good至少可以说,这是他妈的好Brought me one stop closer to manhood给我一个停止接近成年So I vowed never to forget my first time所以我发誓永远不会忘记我第一次I"m talkin" about that night我说的那个晚上I wrote my first rhyme我写了我的第一首诗Uh yea, I wrote my first rhyme嗯,是的,我写我的第一韵Uh huh yea,嗯,是的,I wrote my first rhyme我写了我的第一首诗
2023-07-18 10:07:452


I want to ride with the winds,go ahead without fear,roam everywhere by diligence and hardworking.
2023-07-18 10:07:465


2023-07-18 10:07:503

Brand New Me 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Me歌手:Alicia Keys专辑:Girl On FireBrand New MeAlicia KeysIt"s been a while, I"m not who I was beforeYou look surprised, your words don"t burn me anymoreBeen meaning to tell you, but I guess it"s clear to seeDon"t be mad, it"s just the brand new kind of meCan"t be bad, I found a brand new kind of freeCareful with your ego, he"s the one that we should blameHad to grab my heart backGod know something had to changeI thought that you"d be happyI found the one thing I need, why you madIt"s just the brand new kind of meIt took a long long time to get hereIt took a brave, brave girl to tryIt took one too many excuses, one too many liesDon"t be surprised, don"t be surprisedIf I talk a little louderIf I speak up when you"re wrongIf I walk a little tallerI"d be known to you too longIf you noticed that I"m differentDon"t take it personallyDon"t be mad, it"s just the brand new kind of meAnd it ain"t bad, I found a brand new kind of freeOh, it took a long long road to get hereIt took a brave brave girl to tryI"ve taken one too many excuses, one too many liesDon"t be surprised, oh see you look surprisedHey, if you were a friend, you want to get know me againIf you were worth a whileYou"d be happy to see me smileI"m not expecting sorryI"m too busy finding myselfI got thisI found me, I found me, yeahI don"t need your opinionI"m not waiting for your okI"ll never be perfect, but at least now i"m braveNow, my heart is openAnd I can finally breatheDon"t be mad, it"s just the brand new kind of freeThat ain"t bad, I found a brand new kind of meDon"t be mad, it"s a brand new time for me, yeah
2023-07-18 10:07:531

请问 2.8GHz 四核 Intel Xeon“Nehalem”处理器 是个什么概念?广义的Nelalem架构应该包括了Nehalem和Westmere两代处理器。常见的1366和1156平台的处理器都是Nelalem架构的。直到最近被Sandybridge架构取代。2.8Gxeon最可能指的是w3530,跟i7-930最接近。和i7-920基本没区别。也有可能是1156平台的x3460,相当于i7-860。
2023-07-18 10:07:561

构词法的backformation 和clipping 有和区别? lab、edit 这两个词是属于哪种构词法?

Backformation是逆构词法 而且有可能会改变词性 比如to televise-television.Clipping是缩写法,它没有改变词性。比如:professor-prof.lab是clipping(laboratory-lab)edit是backformation(edit-editor)最近正好在学这方面 可以看看哈。
2023-07-18 10:08:003

Brand New Game 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Game歌手:millencolin专辑:Machine 15Millencolin - Brand New GameDo you remember Fazil"s friend?He used to live in the house of blend,He told a story, of his life,About a fork and knife,He said when he was 22,He was mostly feeling blue,I wonder what he"s up to now,If he"s changed somehow,Did he ever find his way to the greener side?Or did he get his dreams denied?I"m not the same, the years have passed,It kind of scares me how it went so fast,This brand new game, the lives of past,And all I wanted was to make it last,Do you remember Fazil"s friend?He said you"d be friends "til the end,In a soft world, do you trust,A guy who"s losin" must?I think he"s got his fingers crossed,That he got I all across,I hope you found the missing link,Did he ever stop to think?I"m not the same, the years have passed,It kind of scares me how it went so fast,This brand new game, the lives of past,And all I wanted was to make it last,It"s a brand new game and not quite what I thought,I can"t remain the same but still achieve a lot,It"s a brand new game and how our lives are passed,With one foot stuck in the past (in the past),Oh I never make it last (make it last),It"s all I wanted,I wanted it to last (wanted it to last),I"m not the same, the years have passed,It kind of scares me how it went so fast,This brand new game, the lives of past,And all I wanted was to make it last (to make it last),It"s all I wanted,Yeah I wanted it to last,Wanted it to last...
2023-07-18 10:08:001


joy comfortable joy是开心快乐的意思,comfortable则是进取的意思
2023-07-18 10:08:0313


2023-07-18 10:07:301


志强CPU都是服务器CPU 从支持内存上来说 普通CPU 64G内存封顶 民用级别的 但是志强的 内存支持 有1T的 这对服务器来说很重要 内存高了 可以运行的东西就多 这只是一个最常用的功能 还有其他的优点 稳定啊 多线程多任务啊 等等我就不说了 百度一大堆介绍
2023-07-18 10:07:284

gross capital formation是什么意思

2023-07-18 10:07:271


韩国的英语单词怎么写? 韩国 n. Korea, former country in East Asia (now divided into o separate countries - North Korea and South Korea), Republic of Korea 韩国的英语单词, 韩国的英语单词是神马啊??? Korea 泰国和韩国的英语单词 韩国 [词典] Korea; Republic of Korea; [例句]今年,韩国消费产品的进口激增了33%。 South Korea"s imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year. 泰国 [词典] Thailand; [例句]他最终构筑起了一个延伸至泰国和新加坡的商业帝国。 He eventually constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore 韩国的英语单词是什么 韩国[hán guó] Korea;Republic of Korea; 韩国(韩语:ud55cuad6d)全称大韩民国(Republic of Korea),成立于1948年8月。韩国位于东北亚朝鲜半岛南部,三面环海,西南濒临黄海,东南是朝鲜海峡,东边是日本海,北面隔着三八线非军事区与朝鲜相邻,领土面积占朝鲜半岛总面积的4/9。韩国是20国集团和经合组织(OECD)成员之一,也是亚太经合组织(APEC)和东亚峰会的创始国,自20世纪60年代以来,韩国 *** 实行了“出口主导型”开发经济战略,推动了韩国经济的飞速发展,缔造了举世瞩目的“汉江奇迹”。名列世界银行、国际货币基金组织和美国中央情报局《世界概况》发达国家名录。 英国的英语单词怎么写 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND. 筒称: UK 或 GREAT BRITAIN 或 UNITED KINGDOM. “韩国的”英语怎么写? Korean 中国的英语单词怎么写 China 英 [tu0283au026anu0259] n. 中国 adj. 中国的;中国制造的 n. china,瓷器 adj. china,瓷制的 This ship was made in China. 这艘轮船是中国制造的。 英语单词美国的怎么写 English啊!American
2023-07-18 10:07:271

Brand new breeze罗马音

  Brand New Breeze  动いてる 时の中 めぐり会えたね YOU & I  溢れ出す この想い 消えないように 温めて  きらめく未来に あなたと二人でいたいから  Brand New Breeze 感じたことないthis feeling  Just for You ずっと なくさないように  嬉しい时、悲しい时も 迷わず飞んでゆくから  抱きしめて 受け止めて 笑颜を见せて欲しいの  あなたがいるから 今日も明日も I can keep on going  Brand New Breeze 今 始まる物语  Just for us ずっと终わらないように…  Brand New Breeze 今 始まる物语  Just for us ずっと终わらないように…  崭新的微风  《金色琴弦》OP  演唱:Kanon  作词:Kanon  作曲:Kanon  编曲:村山达哉  在飞逝的时光中 我和你能够相遇  从心底流露出的情感 仿佛不会消失般的温暖  好想在闪耀的未来 与你二人长相厮守  崭新的微风 不曾有过的这种感觉  只为你 不离不弃 直到永远  开心时也好 悲伤时也好 都会毫不犹豫地飞奔向你  抱紧我 别放手 我好想看见你微笑的容颜  因为有你在 无论今天还是明天 我都能继续前进  崭新的微风 现在开始的传说  只为我们 一直延续 永无止境…  崭新的微风 现在开始的传说  只为我们 一直延续 永无止境…  u go i te ru to ki no na ka me gu ri a e ta ne YOU & I  a fu re da su ko no o mo i ki e na i yo u ni a ta ta me te  ki ra me ku mi ra i ni a na ta to fu ta ri de i ta i ka ra  Brand New Breeze ka n n ji ta ko to na i this feeling  Just for You zu tto na ku sa na i yo u ni  u re shi i to ki、ka na shi i to ki mo ma yo wa zu to nn de yu ku ka ra  da ki shi me te u ke to me te e ga o wo mi se te ho shi i no  anataga irukara kyoumo ashitamo I can keep on going  Brand New Breeze i ma ha ji ma ru mo no ga ta ri  Just for us zu tto o wa ra na i you ni...  Brand New Breeze i ma ha ji ma ru mo no ga ta ri  Just for us zu tto o wa ra na i you ni...
2023-07-18 10:07:251

爱我中华(英文版) 歌词

Love my China Love my China Match match match match match match-Hey 56 flowers with 56 horoscopes 56 clan brothers the sister is 1 56 kinds of languages remit a words Loving my China loves my China to love my China Love my China The step that the rises courageously Love my China Constuct our nations Love my China The China magnificent posture English hair Love my China 56 clan brothers sisters 56 kinds of languages remit a words Love my China Hey-
2023-07-18 10:07:245

一首英文歌,歌词里有whereever you go whatever you do

we are never getting back together
2023-07-18 10:07:193

Xeon E5405 是什么意思

CPU型号:至强E5405(四核心) 主频 2GHZ 2级缓存 :12MB前端总线:1333MHZ
2023-07-18 10:07:174

Brand New Start 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Start歌手:John Mayall专辑:The Blues Alone「Brand New Star」作词∶白石経/Rap词:城田纯作曲∶Jin Nakamura歌∶almanever too late ever too latenever knew never too lateever too late ever newあったらなほら Brand New Loveパッタララほら Brand New Home桜并木春の夜夏の花火火照る君の頬秋のドライブ冬の街のイルミネーション一人の夜浮かんでくるのは思い出ばかり一人で いるのも悪くないけど 探しにいこうYou know it"s...never too late ever too latenever knew never too lateever too late ever new刺さる言叶宙に舞う落ちる涙伝う君の頬仆のため息迷い込んだ恋の迷路二人の日々すれ违ったまま伤つくばかり确かな 恋とかそう无いけど どこかにあるSo it"s just...never too late ever too latenever knew never too lateever too late ever new今日こそ飞び出す キミを呼び出すただ素直に伝えたいmy loveevery day育んだ二人のday无駄にしたくないこんなんで季节は変わる 仆らも変わる流れた时间は思い出となりただキミを‘好きだった" ってことはいつまでも変わらない言叶never too late ever too latenever knew never too lateever too late ever newAnd...again, again, again, get! get! again.Again, again, get in the game...Brand New Star!【 おわり 】
2023-07-18 10:07:171


2023-07-18 10:07:163