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wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you. what

2023-07-19 08:54:13

一首歌.right here waiting 翻译版本:

Right Here Waiting

Oceans apart, day after day, 海隔一方,日复一日

and I slowly go insane. 我开始恍惚。

I hear your voice on the line,你的声音在线可闻,

But it doesn"t stop the pain. 但哪能消解心中之痛。

If I see you next to never, 倘若此生不能相见,

How can we say forever? 何能誓说海枯石烂?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。

I will be right here waiting for you; 我在此为你守候.

Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价

Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我心破碎,

I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候

I took for granted all the times 我曾一直笃信

That I thought would last somehow. 你我能终在一起。

I hear the laughter, 我听着嘲笑,

I taste the tears, 我暗自流泪。

But I can"t get near you now. 哪知此刻你我相隔万里。

Oh, can"t you see, baby, 哦 亲爱的,你哪能不知?

You"ve got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂?

Wherever you go, whatever you do,无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么

I will be right here waiting for you; 我在此为你守候.

Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价

Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我心破碎,

I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候

I wonder 好想知晓

How we can survive this romance, 如何继续?

But in the end 但倘若最终

If I"m with you 能和你在一起

I"ll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身

Oh, can"t you see, baby, 哦 亲爱的,你哪能不知?

You"ve got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。

I will be right here waiting for you; 我在此为你守候.

Whatever it takes不管付出什么代价 Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多么心碎

I will be right here waiting for you. 我为你在此守候

Right Here Waiting 在此守候

Oceans apart, day after day, 海隔一方, 日复一日,

and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地开始恍惚.

I hear your voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音,

But it doesn"t stop the pain. 但这不能止住我心之痛.

If I see you next to never, 如果我再不能见到你,

How can we say forever? 我们又怎能说永远?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方,无论你做何事,

I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你.

Whatever it takes,

Or how my heart breaks, 不管我心破碎

I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你

I took for granted all the times 我一直确信

That I thought would last somehow. 你我能等到那一天

I hear the laughter, 我听到那笑声

I taste the tears, 我品尝着眼泪

But I can"t get near you now. 但此刻我不能靠近你

Oh,can"t you see, baby, 哦 宝贝 难道你不明白

You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我开始疯狂?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方 无论你在做什么

I will be right here waiting for you; 我会就在这里等候着你

Whatever it takes, 无论这要付出什么代价

Or how my heart breaks, 或我多么心碎

I will be right here waiting for you. 我会就在这里等候着你

I wonder 我不知道

How we can survive this romance, 我们怎么才能继续?

But in the end 但在最后

If I"m with you 如果我还能在你身边

I"ll take the chance. 我会紧握这机会

Oh,can"t you see it,baby, 哦 宝贝 难道你不明白

You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我开始疯狂?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方 无论你做什么

I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你

Whatever it takes, 不管付出什么代价

Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多么心碎

I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你

Waiting for you. 等候着你


Richard Marx是为了化解自己的婚烟危机,才满心赤诚地写了《right here waiting》, 其中动人之处,自然少不了闹别扭的功劳。有天晚上,Marx拿起电话,在电话中,将自己为她创作的这首Right Here Waiting唱给她听,将自己的心声唱给她听。后来,这位姑娘成了他的妻子,而这首歌连续三周在排行榜上被循环播放.


后来发现理查德·马克斯的成名作《此情可待》是可以学唱的,而亚当斯则忒高忒难了些,才终于兴高采烈地不再张冠李戴。这个马克斯不光长得好看,而且还生得很是地方,他生在芝加哥一位爵士乐手和一位歌手组建的家庭,父亲的钢琴和母亲的唱功遗传下来,大概也够人小火一把了!这们老兄果然不曾辱没家门,他从5岁起就唱广告歌,深谙流行的秘诀和艰苦奋斗的意义。1987年,马克斯首张专辑《理查得·马克斯》崛起于美国,继而是世界,其中竟有4支单曲上了公告牌排行榜的Top10。前些日子他的“Fire and Bone”(《火与骨》)面世,其中收录了早期的硬摇滚作品,更让人看到,这位大情人原来是有激扬强悍的底色。

由于我们的国情和特色,10年前爆炸般流行的歌,如今还有许多大龄青年闻所未闻,语言障碍倒在其次,文化隔阂也是借口,人为的保守和封闭把音乐也划分成了不同的世界,要不是歌迷们此情可待,恐怕到了这个世纪也没有人知道谁是理查德·马克斯——这样的抱怨本该在介绍摇滚乐的时候出现,但是,当我们在昏暗的卡厅里看见大中学生们高唱“……I will be right here waiting for you……”时,就忍不住想到,他本该在马克斯的舞台前挥舞手臂啊。心醉甚至心碎的现场,情歌才更有超越物质界限的魔力,不过,既然我们能等,就不妨先多听几遍这陌生的老歌吧。

当年,这唱歌的男青年是为了化解自己的婚姻危机,才满怀赤诚的写了《此情可待》,其中动人之处,自然少不了闹别扭的功劳。在歌中,是一厢情愿的誓言和对分离之痛的描述。正因为有痛苦,这一厢情愿才显得高尚、古典,越是能忍受,就越是能坚定地爱,看来马克斯很懂爱情心理学嘛。那前奏的钢琴颇为细致地揭开了幕布,刻画痛苦的第一个音符就那么敏感!最初的演唱随著节拍一起一伏,然后转入张扬的高音,升华到副歌那段脍炙人口的旋律,马克斯恰当的变化著嗓音,引人同情的沉郁、让人冲动的沙哑、令人肃然起敬的高亢,在同一首歌中游刃有余地上演了完整的爱情短剧。这就是那种叫做Power Love Song(强力情歌)的东西,它充满激情、起伏跌宕,在高亢处,超越了人世间所有真实的爱情。





















无论你去何方 无论你所为 我将会永远陪伴在你左右 (我就在这儿为你等候)无论要我付出多少纵使会让我几度心碎 我将会永远陪伴在你左右。(我就在这儿为你等候)


无论你到何方,无论你在做何事 ,无论要付出什么哪怕使我心碎 | 即使到白头,即使心已休 | 就算一无所有,就算满心悲伤, | 不管未来如何或我有多麽伤心,我都会在此一直等候























































































































































































































































richard marx - right here waiting


英语whatever it takes怎么翻译?

2023-07-18 09:57:396

whateverlt takes是什么意思

2023-07-18 09:57:552


可以是it takes sb sometime to do花费某人多长时间做某事。
2023-07-18 09:58:0312

Whatever It Takes 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes歌手:anthony calleaAnthony Callea - Whatever It TakesWhenever your near 无论何时你在身边You take my breath away yeah 你总是让我无法呼吸Nothing to fear 没有什么可害怕的When you have your arms around me 无论何时你抱着我No one could ever get close to me 没有人能靠近我Until your love came along 直到你的爱到来Whatever it takes 无论如何I"ll be there for you 我会一直在这里等你I"ll follow my heart 我会随心而发If only you tell me to 只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go 无论你去哪儿Whatever you do 无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart 我会给你我的心If only you ask me to, oh oh 只要你要我这样做 哦 哦Whenever your near 无论何时你在身边You take apart of me yeah 你让我心不在焉I can"t believe 我不敢相信This feeling inside of me now 现在我心中的这种感觉I know you"ll always be there for me 我知道为了我你会永远在这里Until forever has gone 直到永远Whatever it takes 无论如何I"ll be there for you 我会一直在这里等你I"ll follow my heart 我会随心而发If only you tell me to 只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go 无论你去哪儿Whatever you do 无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart 我会给你我的心If only you ask me to, oh oh 只要你要我这样做Only you can save me 只有你能救我From the pain I feel inside 从我内心深处的伤痛中All you need to know is 所有你需要知道是OhAll you need to know is right now 所有你需要知道的马上Whatever it takes (Yeah) 无论如何I"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你I"ll follow my heart (Oh) 我会随心而发If only you tell me to 只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go 无论你去哪儿Whatever you do (If you ask) 无论你做什么(如果你问我)I"ll give you my heart (If you ask me to) 我会给你我的心(如果你要我这样做)If only you ask me to 只要你要我这样做Whatever it takes (Oh yeah) 无论如何I"ll be there for you (I will be there) 我会在这里等你(我会在这里)I"ll follow my heart (Oh) 我会随心而发If only you tell me to (If you tell me to) 只要你告诉我这样做(如果你告诉我这样做)Wherever you go (Ooh yeah) 无论你去哪儿Whatever you do (Oh oh) 无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart (I will give you my heart) 我会给你我的心(我会给你我的心)If only you ask me to (Oh yeah) 只要你要我这样做If only you ask me to 只要你要我这样做If only you ask me to (Oh yeah) 只要你要我这样做Whatever it takes 无论如何I"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你Whatever it takes 无论如何I"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你Whatever it takes 无论如何I"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你Ooh yeahI"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你- E N D -
2023-07-18 09:58:542


whateverittakes是什么意思是:what ever it takes,。。。吧。what ever it takes,。。。意思是:无论要付出什么代价,。。。
2023-07-18 09:59:192


whateverittakes是什么意思 是:what ever it takes,。。。吧。 what ever it takes,。。。 意思是:无论要付出什么代价,。。。
2023-07-18 09:59:281

whatever it takes 中文歌词

Oh ah yeah yeah哦 啊 耶 耶Whenever your near无论何时你在身边You take my breath away yeah你总是让我无法呼吸Nothing to fear没有什么可害怕的When you have your arms around me无论何时你抱着我No one could ever get close to me没有人能靠近我Until your love came along直到你的爱到来Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会一直在这里等你I"ll follow my heart我会随心而发If only you tell me to只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go无论你去哪儿Whatever you do无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart我会给你我的心If only you ask me to, oh oh只要你要我这样做 哦 哦Whenever your near无论何时你在身边You take apart of me yeah你让我心不在焉 耶I can"t believe我不敢相信This feeling inside of me now现在我心中的这种感觉I know you"ll always be there for me我知道为了我你会永远在这里Until forever has gone知道永远Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会一直在这里等你I"ll follow my heart我会随心而发If only you tell me to只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go无论你去哪儿Whatever you do无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart我会给你我的心If only you ask me to, oh oh只要你要我这样做 哦 哦Only you can save me只有你能救我From the pain I feel inside从我内心深处的伤痛中All you need to know is所有你需要知道是Oh哦All you need to know is right now所有你需要知道的马上Whatever it takes (Yeah)无论如何(耶)I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你I"ll follow my heart (Oh)我会随心而发(哦)If only you tell me to只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go无论你去哪儿Whatever you do (If you ask)无论你做什么(如果你问我)I"ll give you my heart (If you ask me to)我会给你我的心(如果你要我这样做)If only you ask me to只要你要我这样做Whatever it takes (Oh yeah)无论如何(哦 耶)I"ll be there for you (I will be there)我会在这里等你(我会在这里)I"ll follow my heart (Oh)我会随心而发(哦)If only you tell me to (If you tell me to)只要你告诉我这样做(如果你告诉我这样做)Wherever you go (Ooh yeah)无论你去哪儿(哦 耶)Whatever you do (Oh oh)无论你做什么(哦 哦)I"ll give you my heart (I will give you my heart)我会给你我的心(我会给你我的心)If only you ask me to (Oh yeah)只要你要我这样做(哦 耶)If only you ask me to只要你要我这样做 If only you ask me to (Oh yeah)只要你要我这样做(哦 耶)Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你Ooh yeah哦 耶I"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你
2023-07-18 09:59:421


2023-07-18 09:59:516

求i will be right here waiting for you的歌词汉语意思

曲名:Right Here Waiting 在此等候歌手:Richard Marx 理查德·马克思ocean apart day after day 远隔重洋,日复一日and i slowly go insane 渐渐我变得失常i hear your voice on the line 电话那头听到你的声音but it doesn"t stop the pain 但是无法止住我的痛苦if i see you next to never 假如再也见不到你how can we say forever 我们该说着怎样永恒的话题wherever you go 无论你去哪里whatever you do 无论你做什么i will be right here waiting for you 我会在此等候着你whatever it takes 无论代价多少or how my heart breaks 或者我有多么心碎i will be right here waiting for you 我会在此等候着你i took for granted, all the time 我始终总以为that i thought would last somehow 我的念头会始终不变i hear the laughter, i taste the tears 我被讥笑,饱尝泪水but i can"t get near you now 但为何我无法靠近你oh, can"t you see it baby 哦,亲爱的你是否看到you"ve got me going crazy 你几乎令我疯狂wherever you go 无论你去那里whatever you do 无论你做什么i will be right here waiting for you 我会在此等候着你whatever it takes 无论代价多少or how my heart breaks 或者我有多么心碎i will be right here waiting for you 我会在此等候着你i wonder how we can survive 我想知道我们怎么生存this romance 在这场爱情中but in the end if i"m with you 但若我和你一起走到尽头i"ll take the chance 我会抓住这个机会
2023-07-18 10:00:311

Whenever you go, whatever you do …是一首英文歌的歌词,请问有人知道这是什么歌吗?还有完整歌词。

歌名:Right Here Waiting演唱者:Richard Marx
2023-07-18 10:00:522

翻译leona lewis的whatever it takes 歌词,不要电脑翻译那些的,要翻译起来顺畅的

2023-07-18 10:01:213

求“whatever it takes的歌词

Da da da da da... People say love Comes and goes, but They don"t understand What they don"t know Cause, what I feel starts Deep inside It"s kinda like a sea That springs into life They say it"s not right And we move too fast But they don"t know the meaning Of what we have Wherever it is, I"ll fly Whatever it takes, I"ll try So don"t pay no mind To whatever people say Whenever it is in my life Know that I will be on time "Cause you know why There"s no standing in our way Da da da da da... When you"re far and We"re apart I"m really missing you I wanna be where you are They say it"s not right (it"s not right) And it won"t last (it won"t last) No point believing What we have Wherever it is, I"ll fly Whatever it takes, I"ll try So don"t pay no mind To whatever people say Whenever it is in my life I"ll be on time "Cause you know why There"s no standing in my way And if you"re lost I"m gonna find you "Cause without you I"ll break down and cry And you know why I wanna surround you With all my love Wherever it is, I"ll fly Whatever it takes, I"ll try So don"t pay no mind To whatever people say Whenever it is in my life Know that I will be on time "Cause you know why There"s no standing in my way Wherever it is, I"ll fly Whatever it takes, I"ll try So don"t pay no mind To whatever people say Whenever it is in my life Know that I will be on time "Cause you know why There"s no standing in my way Da da da da da...
2023-07-18 10:01:293

请问 歌词里有Wherever you go. whatever you do.I will be right here waiting for you .这首歌叫什么名

Wherever you go .Whatever you do.I will be right here waiting for 是
2023-07-18 10:01:374

Whatever it takes 这首歌嘅歌词翻译

Lene Marlin - Whatever It Takes Tell me I"m wrong You see, I"ve heard this thing about you Some sad stories about you I look at you know As always, you"re keeping a straight face Acting like, like you truly love this place (but) you see, I"m told that the place that you long for Is where the shadows won"t dance on your walls anymore Where the nightmares will leave you alone I"ll keep the lights out, I"ll tell you fairy tales Whatever it takes to make you feel safe I promise you now, they will disappear I"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there Tell me I"m wrong You see, I"ve heard this thing about you Some sad stories about you Please, understand I need you to tell me the truth now No more hiding or lies now I"ll keep the lights out, I"ll tell you fairy tales Whatever it takes to make you feel safe I promise you now, they will disappear I"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there I"ll keep the lights out, I"ll tell you fairy tales Whatever it takes to make you feel safe I promise you now, they will disappear I"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there I"ll keep the lights out, I"ll tell you fairy tales Whatever it takes to make you feel safe I promise you now, they will disappear I"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there I"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there
2023-07-18 10:01:531

whatever it takes to do sth

2023-07-18 10:02:141

《I will be here waiting for you》歌词

I will be here waiting for you Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日,and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。I hear you voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音,But it doesn"t stop the pain. 但这不能停止我的悲伤。If I see you next to never, 如果再也不能与你相见,How can we say forever? 又怎能说我们到永远?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。I took for granted all the times 我一直认为That I thought would last somehow. 你我会情长义久。I hear the laughter, 我听见你的笑声I taste the tear, 我品尝眼泪,But I can"t get near you now. 但此刻不能接近你。Oh,can"t you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。I wonder 我试问How we can survive this romance, 我们如何熬过这浪漫情。But in the end 但到最后If I"m with you 如果我与你同在I"ll take the chance. 我要抓住这个机会。Oh,can"t you see it,baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。Waiting for you. 等候你 Every night in my dreams 在每夜的梦中 I see you. I feel you 我看到了你,我感受到了你 That is how I know you go on 那是我如何知道你心依旧的原因 Far across the distance 穿越横跨你我之间遥远的距离 And spaces between us 你来向我展示 You have come to show you go on 你依旧未变的心 Near, far, wherever you are 无论远近,无论你在何方 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信你的心不会改变 Once more you open the door 如果再次打开我的心房 And you"re here in my heart 你会见到你在那里 And my heart will go on and on 我心永恒不移 Love can touch us one time 我们一瞬间的爱与触摸 And last for a lifetime 那种感觉将延续一生 And never go till we"re one 直到我们合二为一 Love was when I loved you 我爱你,在那重要时刻 One true time I hold to 我紧紧握住了爱 In my life we"ll always go on 一生我们也不会放开彼此 Near, far, wherever you are 无论远近,无论你在何方 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信你的心不会改变 Once more you open the door 如果再次打开我的心房 And you"re here in my heart 你会见到你在那里 And my heart will go on and on 我心永恒不移 There is some love that will not go away 我们的爱永远不会消失 You"re here, there"s nothing I fear 只要你在我将无所畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知我心永恒 We"ll stay forever this way 我们将相爱至地老天荒 You are safe in my heart 你安全地往在我的心里 And my heart will go on and on
2023-07-18 10:02:221

跪求!!一首经典英文歌 ,里面有waiting for you这句歌词, 连续唱两遍还是3遍好像,记不太清楚了。

理查德·马克斯为了化解自己的婚烟危机,才满心赤诚地写了right here waiting至于您的问题...经典歌曲总是被人一再地翻唱不是吗?有的时候也就不那么关注原唱者了,因为各人的版本总能给人新感受。^_^ Right Here Waiting Oceans apart, day after day, 海隔一方,日复一日 and I slowly go insane. 我开始恍惚。 I hear your voice on the line,你的声音在线可闻, But it doesn"t stop the pain. 但哪能消解心中愁闷。 If I see you next to never, 倘若此生不能相见, How can we say forever? 何能誓说海枯石烂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 任凭天涯海角,任凭天马行空, I will be right here waiting for you; 此生为你守候. Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价 Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我心破碎, I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候 I took for granted all the times 我曾一直笃信 That I thought would last somehow. 你我能共度良宵。 I hear the laughter, 我内心窃喜, I taste the tear, 我孤芳自赏。 But I can"t get near you now. 哪知此刻你我心隔万里。 Oh, can"t you see, baby, 哦 亲爱的,你哪能不知? You"ve got me going crazy? 让我身心如此癫狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 任凭天涯海角,任凭天马行空, I will be right here waiting for you; 此生为你守候. Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价 Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我碎骨混身, I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候 I wonder 好想知晓 How we can survive this romance, 如何安享此情此爱? But in the end 但倘若有一天 If I"m with you 能回到你身边 I"ll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身 Oh, can"t you see it, baby, 哦 亲爱的,你哪能不知? You"ve got me going crazy? 让我身心如此癫狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 任凭天涯海角,任凭天马行空, I will be right here waiting for you; 此生为你守候. Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价 Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我碎骨混身, I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候 Right Here Waiting Oceans apart, day after day, 海洋将我们分开, 日复一日地, and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地开始失神. I hear your voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音, But it doesn"t stop the pain. 但这不能止住我的伤痛. If I see you next to never, 如果我再不能见到你, How can we say forever? 我们又怎能说永远? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方,无论你做何事, I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样 Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤 I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你 I took for granted all the times 我一直确信 That I thought would last somehow. 你我能等到那一天 I hear the laughter, 我听到那笑声 I taste the tear, 我品尝着眼泪 But I can"t get near you now. 但此刻我不能靠近你 Oh,can"t you see, baby, 哦 宝贝 难道你不明白 You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我开始发疯 ? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方 无论你要做什么 I will be right here waiting for you; 我会就在这里等候着你 Whatever it takes, 无论这要付出什么代价 Or how my heart breaks, 或我多么心碎 I will be right here waiting for you. 我会就在这里等候着你 I wonder 我不知道 How we can survive this romance, 我们该怎么度过这样的浪漫 But in the end 但在最后 If I"m with you 如果我在你身边 I"ll take the chance. 我会紧握这机会 Oh,can"t you see it,baby, 哦 宝贝 难道你不明白 You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我开始发疯? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方 无论你做什么 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你 Whatever it takes, 不管如何 Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤 I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你 Waiting for you. 等候着你
2023-07-18 10:02:311

Wherever you are Whatever it takes Whatever you do 是什么意思..谁告诉我啊..谢谢

2023-07-18 10:02:382

Anthony Callea的Whatever It Takes的歌词和中文歌词翻译

Oh ah yeah yeah哦 啊 耶 耶Whenever your near无论何时你在身边You take my breath away yeah你总是让我无法呼吸Nothing to fear没有什么可害怕的When you have your arms around me无论何时你抱着我No one could ever get close to me没有人能靠近我Until your love came along直到你的爱到来Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会一直在这里等你I"ll follow my heart我会随心而发If only you tell me to只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go无论你去哪儿Whatever you do无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart我会给你我的心If only you ask me to, oh oh只要你要我这样做 哦 哦Whenever your near无论何时你在身边You take apart of me yeah你让我心不在焉 耶I can"t believe我不敢相信This feeling inside of me now现在我心中的这种感觉I know you"ll always be there for me我知道为了我你会永远在这里Until forever has gone知道永远Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会一直在这里等你I"ll follow my heart我会随心而发If only you tell me to只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go无论你去哪儿Whatever you do无论你做什么I"ll give you my heart我会给你我的心If only you ask me to, oh oh只要你要我这样做 哦 哦Only you can save me只有你能救我From the pain I feel inside从我内心深处的伤痛中All you need to know is所有你需要知道是Oh哦All you need to know is right now所有你需要知道的马上Whatever it takes (Yeah)无论如何(耶)I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你I"ll follow my heart (Oh)我会随心而发(哦)If only you tell me to只要你告诉我这样做Wherever you go无论你去哪儿Whatever you do (If you ask)无论你做什么(如果你问我)I"ll give you my heart (If you ask me to)我会给你我的心(如果你要我这样做)If only you ask me to只要你要我这样做Whatever it takes (Oh yeah)无论如何(哦 耶)I"ll be there for you (I will be there)我会在这里等你(我会在这里)I"ll follow my heart (Oh)我会随心而发(哦)If only you tell me to (If you tell me to)只要你告诉我这样做(如果你告诉我这样做)Wherever you go (Ooh yeah)无论你去哪儿(哦 耶)Whatever you do (Oh oh)无论你做什么(哦 哦)I"ll give you my heart (I will give you my heart)我会给你我的心(我会给你我的心)If only you ask me to (Oh yeah)只要你要我这样做(哦 耶)If only you ask me to只要你要我这样做 If only you ask me to (Oh yeah)只要你要我这样做(哦 耶)Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你Whatever it takes无论如何I"ll be there for you我会在这里等你Ooh yeah哦 耶I"ll be there for you 我会在这里等你
2023-07-18 10:02:462


whatever will be will be
2023-07-18 10:02:564

有首英语歌 词里有wherever you are whatever you do 叫什么名字

right here waitting
2023-07-18 10:03:043

Wherever you gou.Whatever you do.Whatever it takes.Lwill be right here.Waiti

2023-07-18 10:03:319

求梦龙乐队的whatever it takes mp3

2023-07-18 10:03:572

" where are go what are you do"带有这句歌词的经典英文歌是什么歌

My heart will go on 吧.
2023-07-18 10:04:226

While Waiting 歌词

歌曲名:While Waiting歌手:Lina Nyberg专辑:Time《Right Here Waiting 》Sung By "Richard Marx"Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh,can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youWaiting for you
2023-07-18 10:04:521

Just To Know You 歌词

歌曲名:Just To Know You歌手:GB5专辑:Unbreakable BondBeckah Shae - Just to KnowI know what I want, it"s YouAnd I know what I need, it"s YouI wasn"t always this sure of You, it"s trueBut I came to know You well, know You betterAnd now You"re all I wanna know!You"re the song my heart singsAnd I"d give up everythingJust to know You betterThis world has nothing for me, I count it all as lossJust to know You wellAnd I wanna feel Your heartbeatI"ll be Your hands and feetJust to know You betterThis world has nothing for me, I count it all as lossJust to know You wellI know there"s moreTo what I"m seein, to what I"m feelinAnd I know that You"reBigger than my dreams, greater than our needsAnd no matter what, I"m confident You are with meAnd I know that I don"t understand everythingBut I know what I need, it"s You!My life means nothing to meUnless I know You wellWilling to take the blow, be accused, abused or moreWhatever it takes, I just wanna knowCause Your grace amazes meAnd Your love, oh how it saved me from myselfNow I can"t help, just to know!
2023-07-18 10:05:011

Whenever you go, whatever you do …是一首英文歌的歌词,请问有人知道这是什么歌吗?还有完整歌词。

Right Here Waiting Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日, and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。 I hear you voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音, But it doesn"t stop the pain. 但这不能停止我的悲伤。 If I see you next to never, 如果再也不能与你相见, How can we say forever? 又怎能说我们到永远? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事, I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。 Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样, Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。 I took for granted all the times 我一直认为 That I thought would last somehow. 你我会情长义久。 I hear the laughter, 我听见你的笑声 I taste the tear, 我品尝眼泪, But I can"t get near you now. 但此刻不能接近你。 Oh,can"t you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂 You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事, I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。 Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样, Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。 I wonder 我试问 How we can survive this romance, 我们如何熬过这浪漫情。 But in the end 但到最后 If I"m with you 如果我与你同在 I"ll take the chance. 我要抓住这个机会。 Oh,can"t you see it,baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂 You"ve got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事, I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。 Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样, Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。 Waiting for you. 等候你。记得采纳啊
2023-07-18 10:05:091

跪求!!越狱《whatever you will go》的歌词!!

since you left memy life ain"t been the samei"m useless without your lifei"m calling, crying, out your namebut when i look aroundyour love"s no where to be foundplease come back to meyou know you"re my everythingwho will love me, who will carewho will be there when i need someone for mewho will be there to dry my eyes when i go down on my kneesi need you to saywherever you gowhatever you doyou know i"m waitingyou know i"ll never leavewhatever it takes, whatever"s at stake just know i love youand know i"ll be right hereand no matter what it takesi"ll be waiting here for you, alwaysgood-bye is such a hard thing to saywhen your all i know when you"re my everythingand who will stay, and care for mewhen you"re gone, i"ll be all alonewho will call and comfort (who will call and comfort me)and fulfill my needs (and fulfill my needs)who will love me, who will carewho will be there when i need someone for mewho will be there to dry my eyes when i go down on my kneesi need you to saywherever you gowhatever you doyou know i"m waitingyou know i"ll never leavewhatever it takes, whatever"s at stakejust know i love youand know i"ll be right hereall my life i"ve been waiting for someone like you(all my life i"ve been waiting for someone like you)so please don"t say it"s over (don"t say it"s over)dou"t tell me this can"t be true(it just can"t be true)please dont leave me (don"t leave me)dont walk away (don"t walk away)you know your love is something i can"t do without (i can"t do without you baby)so whatever it takes (whatever it takes)or how my heart breaks (how my heart breaks)you know i"ll always be aroundwherever you go whatever you doyou know i"m waitingyou know i"ll never leavewhatever it takes, whatever"s at stake just know i love youand know i"ll be right hereand no matter what it takesi"ll be waiting here for you, always
2023-07-18 10:05:162

Whatever It Takes 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes歌手:Kyle Park专辑:Fall 2010 - EPKyle Park - Whatever It TakesI"m just a man that"s in loveAnd I"ll do whatever it takesTo prove that I"m the only oneWho will ever feel this wayI"ll go above and beyondWhere no other man has goneI"ve always been by your sideTo help you when something was wrongBut I never knew you would tryTo leave without trying at allI can tell that you"re walking away,But I won"t let your heart strayI"ll do whatever it takes;I"m only a man, but I live for youIn this whole world you won"t findSomeone who can love you the way I doAnd with every move that you makeYou take away all of my strength, it"s trueSo help me find a way, help me make you stay;Oh, I"ll do whatever it takesYou"ve packed up all of your thingsWithout any reason to showIs it something that I did to you, girl,Or is there somewhere else that you goLate at night when I"m far away;I guess you never heard me sayThat I"ll do whatever it takes;I"m only a man, but I live for youIn this whole world you won"t findSomeone who can love you the way I doAnd with every move that you makeYou take away all of my strength, it"s trueSo help me find a way, help me make you stay;Oh, I"ll do whatever it takesYou say that it"s hard to believeThat I could ever be all that you needBut darlin", you don"t have to leave;As long as I"m awake, girl, I"ll do whatever it takesAnd with every move that you makeYou take away all of my strength, it"s trueSo help me find a way, help me make you stay;Oh, I"ll do whatever it takesOh, I"ll do whatever it takes
2023-07-18 10:05:351

Whatever It Takes 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes歌手:Wendy Moten专辑:Wendy MotenPillar - Whatever It TakeWhat would it taketo make you see methe way I see youWhat would it taketo make you want me the wayI"ve always wanted youI don"t know whyyou"re in everything I seeI can"t denythat you"re everything I needSo I"m reaching ...Whatever it takes to get to youWhatever it takes to break throughWhatever it takes you are my reasonfor everything I doWhatever it takes(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes to get to you(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes(Whatever it takes)What would it take?to make you fall for methe way I fell for youWhat would it take?to make you right for methe way I always fought for youI don"t know whyyou bring me to my kneesBut I can"t unwindfrom how you"ve twisted meBut I"m reaching...To get to youTo get to youTo get to you
2023-07-18 10:05:431

Whatever It Takes 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes歌手:AMY GRANT专辑:The Storyteller CollectionPillar - Whatever It TakeWhat would it taketo make you see methe way I see youWhat would it taketo make you want me the wayI"ve always wanted youI don"t know whyyou"re in everything I seeI can"t denythat you"re everything I needSo I"m reaching ...Whatever it takes to get to youWhatever it takes to break throughWhatever it takes you are my reasonfor everything I doWhatever it takes(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes to get to you(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes(Whatever it takes)What would it take?to make you fall for methe way I fell for youWhat would it take?to make you right for methe way I always fought for youI don"t know whyyou bring me to my kneesBut I can"t unwindfrom how you"ve twisted meBut I"m reaching...To get to youTo get to youTo get to you
2023-07-18 10:05:501

谁有{安东尼科里亚}的whatever it takes的歌词

whatever it takes whenever you"re near, you take my breath away. I "ve nothing to fear, When you have your arms around me. No one could ever get close to me. Until your love came along. Whatever it takes, I"ll be there for you. I"ll follow my heart, If only you tell me to. Wherever you go,whatever you do. I"ll give you my heart if only you"d ask me to. Whenver you leave, you take a part of me And I can"t believe This feeling inside of me Now I know you"ll always be there for me, until forever is gone. Whatever it takes, I"ll be there for you. I"ll follow my heart, If only you tell me to. Wherever you go,whatever you do. I"ll give you my heart if only you"d aske me to. Only you can save me. From the pain I feel inside, And you need to know is, Right now, all you need to know is, right now... Whatever it takes, I"ll be there for you. I"ll follow my heart, If only you tell me to , Wherever you go, whatever you do. I"ll give you my heart if only you"d ask me to. Whatever it takes, I"ll be there for you. I"ll follow my heart, If only you tell me to , Wherever you go, whatever you do. I"ll give you my heart if only you"d ask me to. If only you"d ask me to ... If only you"d ask me to ... Whatever it takes, I "ll be there for you Whatever it takes, I "ll be there for you I "ll be there for you
2023-07-18 10:05:581

Whatever It Takes (Woven In Time Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes (Woven In Time Album Version)歌手:Steve Green专辑:Woven In TimePillar - Whatever It TakeWhat would it taketo make you see methe way I see youWhat would it taketo make you want me the wayI"ve always wanted youI don"t know whyyou"re in everything I seeI can"t denythat you"re everything I needSo I"m reaching ...Whatever it takes to get to youWhatever it takes to break throughWhatever it takes you are my reasonfor everything I doWhatever it takes(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes to get to you(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes(Whatever it takes)What would it take?to make you fall for methe way I fell for youWhat would it take?to make you right for methe way I always fought for youI don"t know whyyou bring me to my kneesBut I can"t unwindfrom how you"ve twisted meBut I"m reaching...To get to youTo get to youTo get to you
2023-07-18 10:06:051

Whatever It Takes 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes歌手:Mere Fate专辑:Light Of DayPillar - Whatever It TakeWhat would it taketo make you see methe way I see youWhat would it taketo make you want me the wayI"ve always wanted youI don"t know whyyou"re in everything I seeI can"t denythat you"re everything I needSo I"m reaching ...Whatever it takes to get to youWhatever it takes to break throughWhatever it takes you are my reasonfor everything I doWhatever it takes(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes to get to you(Whatever it takes)Whatever it takes(Whatever it takes)What would it take?to make you fall for methe way I fell for youWhat would it take?to make you right for methe way I always fought for youI don"t know whyyou bring me to my kneesBut I can"t unwindfrom how you"ve twisted meBut I"m reaching...To get to youTo get to youTo get to you
2023-07-18 10:06:131

Whatever It Takes 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever It Takes歌手:Lifehouse专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 28Whatever It TakesLifehouselyrics By Larry ChengA strangled smile fell from your faceIt kills me that I hurt you this wayThe worst part is that I didn"t even knowNow there"s a million reasons for you to goBut if you can find a reason to stayI"ll do whatever it takesTo turn this aroundI know what"s at stakeI know that I"ve let you downAnd if you give me a chanceBelieve that I can changeI"ll keep us together whatever it takesShe said "If we"re gonna make this workYou gotta let me inside even though it hurtsDon"t hide the broken parts that I need to see"She said "Like it or not it"s the way it"s gotta beYou gotta love yourself if you can ever love me"I"ll do whatever it takesTo turn this aroundI know what"s at stakeI know that I"ve let you downAnd if you give me a chanceAnd give me a breakI"ll keep us together, I know you deserve much betterBut remember the time I told you the way that I feltThat I"d be lost without you and never find myselfLet"s hold onto each other above everything elseStart over, start overI"ll do whatever it takesTo turn this aroundI know what"s at stakeI know I"ve let you downAnd if you give me a chanceand believe that I can changeI"ll keep us together whatever it takesLarry Cheng ~~share with you~~find more hits in my blog : )
2023-07-18 10:06:201

Whenever you go, whatever you do …是一首英文歌的歌词,请问有人知道这是什么歌吗?还有完整歌词。

歌名:Right Here Waiting演唱者:Richard Marx
2023-07-18 10:06:292

whenever you go,whatever you do是哪首歌的歌词

Right Here Waiting歌手是马克思!
2023-07-18 10:06:578

一首英文歌,歌词里有whereever you go whatever you do

we are never getting back together
2023-07-18 10:07:193

Whatever you do ,wherever you go ,是哪首英文歌的歌词?

Right here waiting
2023-07-18 10:07:443

谁有Whatever it Takes 的完整,正确的歌词...谢咯

欧美歌手 > Lene Marlin Whatever It Takes 歌词 tell me i"m wrong you see, i"ve heard this thing about you some sad stories about you i look at you know as always, you"re keeping a straight face acting like, like you truly love this place (but) you see, i"m told that the place that you long for is where the shadows won"t dance on your walls anymore where the nightmares will leave you alone i"ll keep the lights out, i"ll tell you fairy tales whatever it takes to make you feel safe i promise you now, they will disappear i"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there tell me i"m wrong you see, i"ve heard this thing about you some sad stories about you please, understand i need you to tell me the truth now no more hiding or lies now i"ll keep the lights out, i"ll tell you fairy tales whatever it takes to make you feel safe i promise you now, they will disappear i"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there i"ll keep the lights out, i"ll tell you fairy tales whatever it takes to make you feel safe i promise you now, they will disappear i"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there i"ll keep the lights out, i"ll tell you fairy tales whatever it takes to make you feel safe i promise you now, they will disappear i"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there i"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there
2023-07-18 10:08:061

有句歌词whatever it takes,or how my heart breaks的是什么歌曲

歌曲:怎么样歌手:彭羚曲 : 郑 博 深词 : 林 夕比起枕头你的心不太软比起我走过的路亲吻不算太长可是我渴望很多人爱来爱去不痛不痒很多人只能倚靠记忆互相取暖我还想怎样爱到我眼睛不敢看话也不敢大声讲一口气也不能用力喘爱到我忘记了习惯灯也不敢随便关怕没办法确认你身在何方比起羽毛你怀抱不太软比起迷路的蝴喋爱你不算傍徨可是我渴望很多人爱来爱去过后就忘很多人走在一起只是害怕麻烦我还想怎样怎么样 怎么样 不怎么样很不安 很不安 却很好玩怎么样 怎么样 不怎么样会受伤 会受伤 却是我的信仰会受伤 会受伤本站歌词来自互联网
2023-07-18 10:08:142

有句歌词whatever it takes,or how my heart breaks的是什么歌曲

Right here waiting for you
2023-07-18 10:08:232

whatever it takes-Lene Marlin的歌词中文意思

Tell me I"m wrong You see, I"ve heard this thing about you Some sad stories about you I look at you know As always, you"re keeping a straight face Acting like, like you truly love this place (but) you see, I"m told that the place that you long for Is where the shadows won"t dance on your walls anymore Where the nightmares will leave you alone I"ll keep the lights out, I"ll tell you fairy tales Whatever it takes to make you feel safe I promise you now, they will disappear I"ll take you back home, they won"t find you there
2023-07-18 10:08:302

有一个地方只有我们知道里面的一首英文歌是?歌词有 wherever you go whatever you do

infinite--back apink - luv maria arredondo - burning My Dilemma Illa Illa Remember The Name 都是我很喜欢的,
2023-07-18 10:08:392

“wherever you go whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you”出自哪首歌

2023-07-18 10:08:475

此情可待是不是一首英文诗啊,记得以前英语课本上上过,不知道是不是!和歌曲right here waitting for you

2023-07-18 10:09:112

wherever you go whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you

2023-07-18 10:09:193

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 中文

2023-07-18 10:09:405

spit on a stranger的歌词翻译```

2023-07-18 10:09:583

求一首歌名字 里面歌词 whatever you do whatever you go 说唱风格的 女声 很激情的歌

I"ll be there for you
2023-07-18 10:10:063