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α-磷酸甘油穿梭(α-glycerophosphate shuttle)


Why soldiers hate March

为您解答这是双关语,march既有三月之意,也有行军之意。行军多累啊。It"s a pun.

san E的luvuhater中文歌词

记得采纳哦~LuvUHater –San E 中文歌词【自译 有错误的地方请多多包涵】转载请说明cr.SanEthebigboyyyuc548ub155 haters warup 你好 hateruc7a0uae50uc77cub8e8uc640ubd10uc9c8ubb38ub0a0uc54cuc544 过来一下 我知道你的疑问uadfcub370uc5b4ub5bbuac8cuadf8ub9acuc785ub180ub9acuc9c0 可是怎么能那样卖弄嘴皮blah blah blahub110uc704ud55cuc120ubb3c fuck you 这是为你准备的礼物 fuck youjust kidding thank youactually I fucking love youhater hater ma hater haterI fucking love youhater hater ma hater hater (hater)ub0a0uc9c8ud22cud574 你对我嫉妒不已ub09cub2c8uc9c8ud22cub97cuba39uace0uc0b4uc544 (hater) 而我以此糊口ub0a0ubbf8uc6ccud574 你对我厌恶不已ub09cub2c8ubbf8uc6c0uc73cub85cub355ubcf8uc0acub78c 而我因此得益you hate hateWhy you hate why you hateI ain"t mad at you I ask againWhy you hate why you hateuc65cub300ub2f5ubabbud558ub294ub370 look at my face为什么无言以答 look at my facebitch you a coward bitch你是一个胆小鬼uac81uc7c1uc774 pussyub2e4uc6cc 胆小鬼 像个孬种ub10cuce58ud0a8uce58ud0a8uce58ud0a8 你是chicken chickenchickenuc5b4uc81cuc2dcud0a8ub2educc98ub7fcubf08ub9ccub0a8uc5b4 就像昨天昨天点的炸鸡一样只剩下骨头ub2c8uc9c8ud22cubbf8uc6c0uc2dcuae34ub0b4uac8cub294 你的嫉妒 厌恶 猜忌 对我而言uc591ub150ud6c4ub77cuc774ub4dcud30cub2ed 就像调味炸鸡 原味炸鸡葱鸡ub9dbuc788uac8cuba39uaca0uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4 我会好好享用的ud55cuac00uc9c0uc870uc2ecud574uc57cub420uac70uc598ub124ub294 但有一点要注意的是uc554uc720ubc1cud574uc554uc554uc720ubc1cud574ub10c 致癌 致癌 你uc554uc720ubc1cud574uc554uc554uc720ubc1cud574ub10c 致癌 致癌 你uace0uac1dub2d8ubcf4ud5d8uc0c1ud488ud558ub098uad8cuc7a5ud560uac8cuc598ub124ub294 尊敬的顾客 给您推荐一款保险产品uc554uc720ubc1cud574uc554uc554uc720ubc1cud574ub10c 致癌 致癌 你uc548ub155 haters warup 你好hateruc7a0uae50uc77cub8e8uc640ubd10uc9c8ubb38ub0a0uc54cuc544 过来一下 我知道你的疑问uadfcub370uc5b4ub5bbuac8cuadf8ub9acuc785ub180ub9acuc9c0可是怎么能那样卖弄嘴皮blah blah blahub110uc704ud55cuc120ubb3c fuck you这是为你准备的礼物 fuck youjust kidding thank youactually I fucking love youhater hater ma hater haterI fucking love youhater hater ma hater hater (hater)ub0a0uc9c8ud22cud574 你对我嫉妒不已ub09cub2c8uc9c8ud22cub97cuba39uace0uc0b4uc544 (hater) 而我以此糊口ub0a0ubbf8uc6ccud574 你对我厌恶不已ub09cub2c8ubbf8uc6c0uc73cub85cub355ubcf8uc0acub78c 而我因此得益you hate hateub7a9uc744uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74uacc4uc18dud560uac8cub7a9uc744 如果想要rap 我会继续下去ub7a9ubabbud574uc8fduc740uadc0uc2e0ubd99uc740uac83ucc98ub7fcub0b4ub7a9uc740就像被rao糟糕得要死的鬼神附身一样 我的rap365ub9f4ub3ccuc544uad34ub86dud78cub2e4ub2c8ub124ub97c365天都在你们身边 折磨你们ub2c8ub1ccub97cuc7a0uc2ddud560ub54cuae4cuc9c0uc644uc804ud788 直到完全侵蚀你们的大脑为止彻彻底底uadf8ub2c8uae4cuc58cuc804ud788ub044ub5a1uc5ec 所以都给我老实点(uaf2cuaf2c) ub2edub300uac00ub9acucc98ub7fc 像小鸡一样ub2c8uba74uc0c1 (uadf9ud610) ub2edub300uac00ub9acuc370uc5b4 你的脸(极度讨嫌)砍下那个鸡脑袋ub315uac15uc820uc7a5uc0c8uc2a4uc6e8ud130uc5d0ud53cud280uacbcub124uc138ud0c1哎哟我去 血溅到我的新毛衣上 得拿去清洗uc5d0ud5f4uc5d0ud5f4ub0a9uc168ub124uc120ube44ub2d8咳咳 咳咳 前辈您来了呀uc81cuac00uc0acuc218uc900ud3c9uac00ud558ub7ecuc624uc168ub098uc694 是来评价我的歌词水平吗uac11uc9c8ud558uba74uc11c 其实是来装逼uc5ceub4dcub824uc808ubc1buace0uc2f6uc5b4uadf8ub798ub23cub23cub23c 想让别人都给你跪地行礼吧uc0c8ud574uc5ffub9ceuc774ubc1buc73cuc138uc694 新年多吃点X吧uc774ubc88uc5d4uc9c4uc9dcub85c fuck you 这次是真的fuck youliarsud615uad11ubb3cuc9c8ucc98ub7fcuc598ub124ub294liars 就像荧光物质的你们ubc1cuc554uc720ubc1cud574 ubc1cuc554uc554uc720ubc1cud574ub10c 致癌 致癌 你ubc1cuc554uc720ubc1cud574ubc1cuc554uc554uc720ubc1cud574ub10c 致癌 致癌 你ud638uac31ub2d8ubcf4ud5d8uc0c1ud488ud558ub098uad8cuc7a5ud560uac8cuc598ub124ub294尊敬的顾客 给您推荐一款保险产品jealous pussy motherfuckeruc554uac83ub3c4uc720ubc29uc5d0 huh 还有乳房癌 huhuc548ub155 haters warup 你好hateruc7a0uae50uc77cub8e8uc640ubd10uc9c8ubb38ub0a0uc54cuc544 过来一下 我知道你的疑问uadfcub370uc5b4ub5bbuac8cuadf8ub9acuc785ub180ub9acuc9c0 可是怎么能那样卖弄嘴皮blah blah blahub110uc704ud55cuc120ubb3c fuck you 这是为你准备的礼物 fuck youjust kidding thank youactually I fucking love youhater hater ma hater haterI fucking love youhater hater ma hater hater (hater)ub0a0uc9c8ud22cud574ub09cub2c8uc9c8ud22cub97cuba39uace0uc0b4uc544 (hater)你对我嫉妒不已 而我以此糊口ub0a0ubbf8uc6ccud574ub09cub2c8ubbf8uc6c0uc73cub85cub355ubcf8uc0acub78c你对我厌恶不已 而我因此得益you hate hate

Chateau Raphael的相关资料?

Chateau Raphael(法国 拉菲尔堡)年份: 1998年市场参考价格:RMB 82.001234年,这一时代的法国,修道院遍布大小村庄城镇,位于波尔多浩瀚广阔的吉隆特河岸边的圣米歇尔山(Mont-St.Michel)修道院正是今天的拉菲城堡所在。拉菲城堡从14世纪起属于中世纪领主的财产,此时很可能已经有人在这里的土地上栽种葡萄树。维克多。拉菲尔(victor Raphael)是早期在拉菲城堡建起了葡萄园的,时间约在1690年左右到1700年代初期。他的儿子保罗。拉菲尔(polo Raphael)于1695年继承了葡萄园,创立了“拉菲尔”品牌,这是拉菲尔口感:10年以上树龄的葡萄令酒质更醇,更有力。单一的葡萄品种令口感上缺失复杂性,但对于厚却有绝对的正面提升。开瓶后经过30分钟以上的氧化,你就能品尝到我们为您准备的真正解伯纳醇厚的果香葡萄酒。酒精度数:12% VOL饮用温度:18 摄氏度葡萄品种:赤霞珠推荐:一款颇受女性消费者欢迎的红酒。价格不高,清爽的口感,不带有旧世界红酒的高雅元素,因此完全不存在酸,涩味,品味简单。在空气中暴露一段时间后,酒精味完全散失,保持温度味道更佳。

5-enolypyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase是什么东西?

5 enolypyruvylshikimate - 3 -磷酸合酶



怎么写韩舞(hate)和(shake it)舞蹈串烧的串词急求!!!


i hate myself fou loving you的歌词

Midnight gettin" uptight 午夜时分,气氛正好 where are you 你在哪里?You said you"d meet me 你说会来找我 now it"s quarter to two 但现在已经一点四十五分 I know i"m hangin" but i"m still wantin" you我明白自己犹豫不决,但我依然需要你Hey jack it"s a fact they"re talkin" in town 嘿,杰克,人们真的议论纷纷I turn my back and you"re messin" around 我置若罔闻,你却越闹越大I"m not really jealous don"t like lookin" like a clown 我不是真的吃醋 只是不想被人当小丑看待I think of you ev"ry night and day 我日日夜夜都想着你 You took my heart then you took my pride away 你带走了我的心,然后又夺走了我的尊严 I hate myself for loving you 我恨自己爱上了你Can"t break free from the the things that you 无法从你的所作所为中泰然自若 do I wanna walk but i run back to you 我曾经离开,却又回到你身边 that"s why I hate myself for loving you 那就是我恨自己爱上了你的原因 Daylight spent the night without you 白天了,我没有你而过了一晚 But i"ve been dreamin" "bout the lovin" 白天了,我没有你而过了一晚 you do I won"t be as angry "bout the hell you put me through 你对我那麽糟,但我已经没那麽生气了Hey man bet you can treat me right 嗨,老兄,我打赌你会对我好You just don"t know what you was missin" last night 你只是不清楚昨晚错过了什麽 I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite 我想看看你,告诉你忘掉这些不愉快

是先有刘德华的《我恨我痴心》,还是先有《i hate myself for loveing you 》


实用英文| How to hate 如何表达厌恶、不满

生活中总有一些让你讨厌或受不了的人事物,用英文要怎么说呢? How to hate 1. Verb 极度厌恶、讨厌 I loathe…. I detest…. I abhor…. I resent…. 很常用在别人恶意批评你的时候 ex: I resent that ment. 我强烈反对那则留言。 I despise… ex: I despise sales calls. 我极度厌恶推销电话。 同意对方的话 “I loathe waiting.” “Me too.” 「我超讨厌等待。」「我也是。」 2. 就算是你平常可能喜欢或没特别感觉的人事物,也会有让你厌烦或反感的时候,这时可以用这些表示: ….irritates me ex: At the moment, hot weather irritates me. 现在我不喜欢太热的天气。 ….infuriates me ex: What I saw on the news last night infuriated me. 昨晚的新闻让我非常生气。 ….angers me ….upsets me ….bothers me 让我感到困扰 想强调什么状况会让你生气,可以用when: It annoys me when my roommate talks on the phone loudly at night. 我很受不了室友常常晚上很大声的讲电话。 3. 将正面的动词转为负面 I don"t like… I don"t appreciate… 通常用在对方对你不礼貌或说你坏话的时候 ex: I don"t appreciate it when you call me names. 我很不喜欢你帮我乱取绰号。 I don"t understand… 这里的用法不是单纯听不懂,而是觉得很挫折,不了解你为何要这样讲不好听的话 I don"t get… I can"t stand… I can"t bear… I can"t abide… 如果有人说I can"t stand carrots. 我讨厌吃红萝卜。而你想表达同意,要说:Me neither. hate, 厌恶

i hate it when they talk wth their mouth full of food.此句中的when能否换成that?其它的我都明白。谢谢




随便,哪个都可以。英文怎么说? whatever吗 还是用哪个 ?还是 which one is OK

Any one is ok.

求i hate k pop歌词

是这个么?!《i hate k pop》歌词I recall, a time in the past 【我记得,在过去的一段时间When the Canto Pop was nothing but the best 【粤语流行曲是最好的How we scream and sing With the Four Heavenly Kings【 我们如何尖叫和唱随着四大天王Andy Lau, Aaron Kwowk, Jacky Cheung and Lai Ming 【刘德华,郭富城 ,张学友和黎明Everyone, even the Malay and Indian【每个人,甚至是马来西亚和印度Would know the Chinese Song for PeterStuyvesant【都由PeterStuyvesant知道这首中文歌(Peter Stuyvesant :香烟牌子 曾用海阔天空作马来西亚版广告背景音乐)Now it"s all in vain 【现在,这一切都枉然We wont see those days again.. 【我们不会再看到那些日子..Because suddenly, a korean bugger came His name was RAIN 【因为突然之间,一个韩国家伙来到,他的名字是RAINHe just stood there showing off his body【他只是站在那里炫耀自己的身体What a guy...【一个人...Becasue his english TAK BOLEH PAKAI~ 【因为他的英语TAK BOLEH PAKAI~u301c (TAK BOLEH PAKAI:马拉话解"不能使用")He was the first to invade our world【他是第一个侵略我们的世界Followed by those Bloody Wonder Girls 【其次是血腥的的Wonder Girls的Nobody Nobody but you~ K-pop crap ! 【K- pop的废话!Its so boring, Its so lame 【它的那么枯燥,它如此无说服力的And is it me 【而且他们是不是我Or do these assholes look the same? 【或者说这些混蛋看起来是一样的?Plastic surgery 【整形外科Face in perfect symmetry 【面部完美对称Like a product from Samsung or LG 【像三星或LG的产品Yet our youngsters pay good money 【然而,我们的青少年付钱To see their favourite K-pop Band 【去看自己喜欢的K- Pop乐队Thats why they hutang PTPTN Oh no~ 【这就是为什么他们令马来西亚国家教育基金负债(PTPTN - 马来西亚国家教育基金)They eat Kimchi 【他们吃泡菜And learn Tae Kwan Do 【还有学习跆拳道Instead of Selamat Pagi 【不说 Selamat Pagi (马拉话早上好)They say Annyeong haseyo~!! 【他们说Annyeong haseyo u301c !(韩语早上好.....Because Cantopop stars has been damned 【粤语流行明星已经死了Caught having sex with one man 【因为被抓到和一个男人做爱Edison Chen【 陈冠希粤语:原谅我这一生不羁放纵爱自由也会怕有一天会跌倒背弃了理想谁人都可以那会怕有一天只你共我背弃了理想谁人都可以那会怕有一天只你共我


hate 是动词,用以表达“憎恨、讨厌、烦”等意思nuisance (注意拼法)是名词,意指“让人反感的人、事、物”

whatever ,however这类词是派生词还是合成词?


憎恨、憎恶英文怎么说?秒懂 hate/ hatred/ dislike 中文意思!

憎恨、憎恶英文 怎么说?常见的说法有三个,分别是 hate、hatred、dislike,这三个英文单字都可以表达某种程度上的讨厌、不喜欢。 下面整理了「憎恨、憎恶」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.hate 讨厌、憎恶 hate的意思是指「to dislike someone or something very much」,也就是指你非常不喜欢某个人或某样东西。hate 本身可以当成动词或是名词。 下面列出hate 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Jenny hates her teacher. 珍妮厌恶她的老师。 例: Tom hates travelling by plane. 汤姆讨厌乘飞机旅行。 2.hatred 憎恨、憎恶 hatred 的意思是指「an extremely strong feeling of dislike」,也就是强烈的不喜欢的意思。hatred 本身是名词,不当动词用。 下面列出hatred 英文例句与中文意思。 例: She gave me a look of intense hatred. 她给了我强烈的仇恨表情。 例: He looked at me with hatred. 他怀着仇恨看着我。 3.dislike 讨厌、不喜欢 dislike的意思是指不喜欢某物或是某人的意思,like 本身是指喜欢,而dislike 是like的反义词。dislike 本身可以当动词或是名词。 下面列出dislike 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Why do you dislike her so much? 你为甚么这么不喜欢她? 例: She took an instant dislike to me. 她立刻不喜欢我。 dislike, dislike 中文, dislike 意思, hate, hate 中文, hate 意思, hatred, hatred 中文, hatred 意思, 憎恨 英文, 憎恶 英文


t and really see itu2026u2026live itu2026u2026and never give it

Recipe For Hate...Warhorse 歌词

歌曲名:Recipe For Hate...Warhorse歌手:Megadeth专辑:The World Needs A HeroEach day my shortcomings pick my pocketsMy faults were letters carved in stoneAs meaningful to you as words written in waterI"m left to walk this world aloneFill solos - MustaineIn a broken mold they made meThe black sheep of the familyWorth less than zero my opinionAnd room temperature IQI did something, now I"m nothingAlways wrong with this or thatPoisoned with fear watch it twistMy measly brain madSolo - PitrelliTalk about me when my bac is turnedNext time we meet it will be to lateThe memory burned in my ears of what you saidAnd now I"ve got a recipe for hate. Taste itFill solos - MustaineDark clouds on the horizonMake it hard to breatheA walking mistake but every timeI run away, I just come back for moreThe choice is clear I can quitAnd fall on my sword or light a fireTo see who runs or staysAnd plays the confidence gameSolo - Pitrelli...WarhorseI"m feeling quite invisibleI feel just like thin airThe truth taunts meSolo - MustaineI see the earth below meI watch it spinning thereDoes someone, somewhereOut there hear me?Solo - PitrelliSentenced to walk in PurgatoryMy life is running downI can"t believe what they"ve done to meSolo - MustaineI"m left riding a WarhorseA man without a countrySolos - Mustaine, Pitrelli, Mustaine, Pitrellihttp://music.baidu.com/song/13845597

求lordi的hate at first sight歌词

They"re both convinced that a sudden passion joined them. Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still. Since they"d never met before, they"re sure that there"d been nothing between them. But what"s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways -- perhaps they"ve passed each other a million times? I want to ask them if they don"t remember -- a moment face to face in some revolving door? perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd? a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver? but I know the answer. No, they don"t remember They"d be amazed to hear that Chance has been toying with them now for years. Not quite ready yet to become their Destiny, it pushed them close, drove them apart, it barred their path, stifling a laugh, and then leaped aside. There were signs and signals, even if they couldn"t read them yet. Perhaps three years ago or just last Tuesday a certain leaf fluttered from one shoulder to another? Something was dropped and then picked up. Who knows, maybe the ball that vanished into childhood"s thicket? There were doorknobs and doorbells where one touch had covered another beforehand. Suitcases checked and standing side by side. One night, perhaps, the same dream, grown hazy by morning. Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through. 翻译为Love at First Sight 一见钟情 They"re both convinced 他们彼此深信 that a sudden passion joined them. 是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇 Such certainty is beautiful, 肯定的刹那是如此的美丽 but uncertainty is more beautiful still 但不确定的瞬间却更为美丽 Since they"d never met before, they"re sure 虽然他们从未见过面,但他们确定 that there"d been nothing between them. 在他们之间没有任何东西阻碍他们 But what"s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways— 可是街上的,阶梯上的字句是什么 perhaps they"ve passed each other a million times? 也许他们已错过对方百万次 I want to ask them 我要问他们 if they don"t remember— 如果他们不记得 a moment face to face 面对面的那一刻 in some revolving door? perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd? 也许一句对不起已在人潮中 a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver? 一句拨错号码曾在电话中 but I know the answer. 可我知道答案 No, they don"t remember 不 他们并不记得 They"d be amazed to hear 他们听了会觉得不可思议 that Chance has been toying with them 那机会一直在作弄他们 now for years. 那么多年 Not quite ready yet 还不是准备得很好 to become their Destiny, 以成为他们的命运 it pushed them close, drove them apart, 它让他们亲近 也让他们分开 it barred their path, 让他们在两条平行线 stifling a laugh, 一笑置之 and then leaped aside. 然后放在一边 There were signs and signals, 是有迹象可寻的 even if they couldn"t read them yet. 就算他们没能解读 Perhaps three years ago 也许是在三年前 or just last Tuesday 或只是在上星期二 a certain leaf fluttered from one shoulder to another? 从一个肩膀到另一个 Something was dropped and then picked up. 有些东西掉了然后又被捡起 Who knows, maybe the ball that vanished 谁知道 into childhood"s thicket? 在童年的时刻 There were doorknobs and doorbells 有敲门声也有门铃声 where one touch had covered another 在接触的时刻 beforehand. Suitcases checked and standing side by side. 行李检查了被置放在一边 One night, perhaps, the same dream, 在一个夜晚 也许 在同一个梦中 grown hazy by morning. 在早晨起雾 Every beginning 每一个开始 is only a sequel, after all, 只不过是一个 and the book of events 书中的章节 is always open halfway through. 一直都是在半途中

Chateau Palmer,一个三级酒庄,为什么可以卖到超二级酒庄的价格?


whatever ,whichever , whoever,whomever可以引导让步状语从句

Whatever you do,don"t miss this party.

[A] whenever[B] whichever[C] whatever[D] however

【答案】:C[答案] C[考点]宾语从句[解析]只有whatever可以同时充当主句“the term has commonly been used to describe…”中及物动词describe的宾语和从句引导词并在从句中充当宾语成分,故选C。


可以把它们分别简单地理解为 no matter which / no matter what;可以用在句首或句中例子如:I am willing to pay whatever price you ask for.Whichever toy you choose, you have to pay.

any 与 whatever,whichever有何区别?

whichever意为哪一个,无论哪一个,而whatever是什么,无论什么,也可以表示动作,物体any 与他俩没有可比性,whichever=any ...that


Whatever的用法主要有以下两点: (一)引导名词性从句,相当于anything that,意思是“所……的任何事情”,在语气上比what更加强调。例: Whatever she did was right. 她所做的一切都是对的。 Take whatever you want. 你想要什么就拿什么吧。 (二)引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,意思是“无论什么”,“不管什么”,whatever在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语或定语。例: Whatever happens,you mustn"t lose your heart. 无论发生什么事情,你都不要丧失信心。<作主语> Whatever you do,do it well. 无论你做什么事情都要把它做好。<作宾语> Whatever I am,it is useful to know foreign languages. 无论我干什么,懂几门外语总是有用的。<作表语> You have to go on whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难你都得进行下去。<作定语> which的用法: whichever引导的名词性从句man""whichever的意思“……的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语或定语。如:You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. 你们谁第一谁就能得奖。We"ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。 Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。求采纳



whichever前面有个范围, whatever没有。

whichever前面必然有个范围,前面铺垫了一下;whatever就没有范围。whichever 无论哪一个,通常用来修饰一个名词,或表示一种选择关系。例如: Take whichever seat you like. 你喜欢哪一个座位, 就选哪一个。 It has the same result, whichever way you do it. 不论你怎么做,结果都一样。whichever 英 [wɪtʃ"evə] 美 [wɪtʃ"ɛvɚ] pron. 任何一个;无论哪个adj. 无论哪个;无论哪些whatever无论什么。例句: Do whatever you like.(作like的宾语) 做任何你喜欢做的事。 Keep calm, whatever happens.(作主语) 无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。whatever 英 [wɒt"evə] 美 [wət"ɛvɚ] adj. 不管什么样的pron. 无论什么;诸如此类conj. 无论什么


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: "whatever"作代词或形容词。 1."whatever"作代词,/no matter what /"无论什么"、"无论如何"。 例如: ①Keep calm,whatever happens②Whatever (No matter what) you may say, I will go. 2."whatever"作代词,/anything or everything that/"任何的事 物"、"每一……的事物"。 例如 ①Do whatever you like. ②Whatever I have is at your service. 3.作代词"or whatever""或任何东西"、"诸如此类" 例如:He"d have difficulty in learning any language ——Greek, Chinese,or whatever. 4.作代词,"到底(究竟)什么"。 例如 Whatever can he mean by that? 5.作形容词,"任何的"、"无论什么的"、"任何种类、程度等的"。 例如Take whatever measures you consider best. 6.作形容词,在否定句中,置于名词之后,强调否定语气 例如①There can be no doubt whatever about it. ②I have no intention whatever of resigning. "Whichever" 作代词或形容词 1."Whichever" 作代词,/anything or everything "无论哪些"、 "无 论哪个"。 例如 ①Whichever (Anything that) you want is yours. ②Take o of the fou

whatever 和whichever有什么区别

whatever 无论什么和whichever无论哪一个


"whatever"作代词或形容词.1."whatever"作代词,/no matter what /"无论什么"、"无论如何".例如:①Keep calm,whatever happens ②Whatever (No matter what) you may say,I will go.2."whatever"作代词,/anything or everything that/"任何的事 物"、"每一……的事物".例如 ①Do whatever you like.②Whatever I have is at your service.3.作代词"or whatever""或任何东西"、"诸如此类" 例如:He"d have difficulty in learning any language ——Greek,Chinese,or whatever.4.作代词,"到底(究竟)什么".例如 Whatever can he mean by that?5.作形容词,"任何的"、"无论什么的"、"任何种类、程度等的".例如Take whatever measures you consider best.6.作形容词,在否定句中,置于名词之后,强调否定语气 例如①There can be no doubt whatever about it.②I have no intention whatever of resigning."Whichever" 作代词或形容词 1."Whichever" 作代词,/anything or everything "无论哪些"、 "无 论哪个".例如 ①Whichever (Anything that) you want is yours.②Take two of the fou




指人:whoever whomever 指物:whatever whichever。 whoseever表示所属关系,可以指人也可指物:whoseever window, whoseever son。

Give the message to ______ is at the desk. A. whomever B. whatever C.whichever D.whoever


初中英语语法:whatever, whoever, whichever引导名词性从句

【 #英语资源# 导语】欢迎阅读 !   1. whatever引导的名词性从句   Whatever的意思是“所…的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语:   Whatever he did was right. 无论他做什么都是对的。   Give them whatever they desire. 他们想要什么就给他们什么。   I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。   Goats eat whatever (food) they can find. 山羊找到什么(食物)就吃什么(食物)。   I"m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes. 我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西。   He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。   Talk to me about whatever is troubling you. 给我谈谈任何使你烦恼的事。   One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。   She would tell him whatever news she got. 她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。   You can have whatever allowance you like. 你想要多少津贴就给你多少津贴。   2. whoever引导的名词性从句   whoever的意思“任何…的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who。whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语:   I"ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。   She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。   Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。   Whoever comes will be welcome. 谁来都欢迎。   Whoever you invite will be welcome. 任何你邀请的人都欢迎。   Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine. 违反本法者应予以罚款。   I"ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。   【注意】   (1) whoever既用作主格也用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)。   (2) 注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:   误:Who wins can get a prize. / Anyone wins can get a prize.   正:Whoever wins can get a prize. / Anyone who wins can a prize. 谁赢了都可以获奖。   3. whichever引导的名词性从句   Whichever的意思“…的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语:   Buy whichever is cheapest. 买的。   Take whichever you like. 哪个你喜欢你就拿哪个。   Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪个哪个就是你的。   I"ll take whichever books you don"t want. 你不要的任何书我都要。   Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize. 无论(你们)谁先到都可以得奖。   Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。   【注意】   whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句,相当于no matter what (who, which)。如:   Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。   Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 一不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。   I"ll post that letter whatever Wilson says. 不管威尔逊说什么,这封信我都要发出去。   He won"t eat you, whoever he is. 不管他是谁,他也不会吃了你。   Whoever you are, you can"t pass this way. 不管你是谁,都不能从这里过去。   Whoever rings, tell him I"m out. 不管谁来电话,都告诉他我不在家。   Whichever side wins, I shall be satisfied. 不管哪边赢,我都会感到满意。   It has the same result whichever way you do it. 不管你怎么做结果都一样。   Whichever you choose, they will be offended. 不管你选哪个,他们都会不高兴。


一、基本用法概说   英语中的-ever 词主要包括 whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however 等,其中可引导名词性从句的主要有whatever, whoever, whichever。这里所说的名词性从句主要指主语从句和宾语从句,它们通常不用于引导同位语从句,同时也很少用于引导表语从句。如:   Whatever he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的。(引导主语从句)   I don"t believe whatever he said. 无论他说什么我都不信。(引导宾语从句)   在某些特定的语境中,也可用于引导表语从句。如:   What he wants to get is whatever you have. 他想得到的是你所拥有的一切。   二、whatever引导的名词性从句   whatever的意思是“所……的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语。如:   Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。   I don"t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。   Goats eat whatever food they can find. 山羊找到什么食物就吃什么食物。   三、whoever引导的名词性从句   whoever的意思“任何……的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who。whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语。如:   I"ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。   Whoever says that is a liar. 说那话的人是个骗子。   She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。   I"ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 谁想要这票,我就把它给谁。   Tell whoever you like — it makes no difference to me. 你爱告诉谁就告诉谁吧,对我是无所谓的。   注:whoever既用作主语也可用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)。另外,注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:   谁赢了都可以获奖。   误:Who wins can get a prize.   误:Anyone wins can get a prize.   正:Whoever wins can get a prize.   正:Anyone who wins can get a prize.   四、whichever引导的名词性从句   whichever的意思“……的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语或定语。如:   You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。   Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. 你们谁第一谁就能得奖。   We"ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。   Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。   五、引导状语从句的用法   whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句,分别相当于 no matter what, no matter who, no matter which。如:   I"ll stand by you whatever [=no matter what] happens. 无论如何我都支持你。   Whoever [=No matter who] wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I"m busy. 不管谁要我接电话,就说我现在正忙。   Whichever [=No matter which] you buy, there is a six-month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保修期。

whatever 和whichever有什么区别

"whatever"作代词或形容词.1."whatever"作代词,/no matter what /"无论什么"、"无论如何".例如:①Keep calm,whatever happens ②Whatever (No matter what) you may say,I will go.2."whatever"作代词,/anything or everything that/"任何的事 物"、"每一……的事物".例如 ①Do whatever you like.②Whatever I have is at your service.3.作代词"or whatever""或任何东西"、"诸如此类" 例如:He"d have difficulty in learning any language ——Greek,Chinese,or whatever.4.作代词,"到底(究竟)什么".例如 Whatever can he mean by that?5.作形容词,"任何的"、"无论什么的"、"任何种类、程度等的".例如Take whatever measures you consider best.6.作形容词,在否定句中,置于名词之后,强调否定语气 例如①There can be no doubt whatever about it.②I have no intention whatever of resigning."Whichever" 作代词或形容词 1."Whichever" 作代词,/anything or everything "无论哪些"、 "无 论哪个".例如 ①Whichever (Anything that) you want is yours.②Take two of the fou


正确写法是which ever和what ever。what ever是无论什么的意思,是泛指所有东西的;而which ever是无论哪一个的意思,是有选择性的,是指多个事物中无论哪一个,是在多个事物中选择。 which ever造句 1、Choose whichever you prefer to use. 2、Agents could subscribe to whichever message streams interested them. 3、You may take whichever(=any) seat you like. 4、Whichever shows trend of depreciation, countries can abandon the currency; whichever demonstrates trend of appreciation, countries can buy in the currency. 5、We will let you sign up for whichever recitation makes sense for you. what ever造句 1、I"ll try to do whatever is right. 2、People play indoor sports whatever the weather. 3、We must fulfill the plan, whatever happens. 4、The willful child would not listen to whatever you say. 5、Use your camera strap (or whatever) as a brace.

我有一瓶 chateau juliette红酒 大瓶装的 瓶身上就只有一个蝴蝶的油画 想请教 这个是什么红酒 大概值多少

这是一瓶很有意思的酒。罗纳河谷村级酒庄的酒,查到的网上报价是21欧元。这个价位的酒己经算非常好的了。酒的中文名字和酒庄介绍可以直接google里捜索chateau juliette就有其中文网站,我就不赘述了,有兴趣自己搜下就行。


无所谓英文whatever是一个英语单词,词性为介词和形容词。在介词词性的意思是无论什么,任何事物,什么都可以。在形容词的词性时,则表示无论怎样…都。主要表达说话人的语气强烈。一、whatever 音标:英 [wtev(r)] 美 [wtevr]释义:(非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣,在语气上比较不屑,常用来抱怨、争执,不要用whatever去表达“我都可以”的意思)。例句:1、Whatever you decide, it"s okay by me. 无论你怎么决定对我来说都行。2、Do whatever you like. 你喜欢做什么就做什么。3、I can do whatever I want. 我想干什么就可以干什么。二、be ok (fine) with 释义:对……无碍,不要紧;和……相处得好;对某方面不介意的例句:1、I"ll be fine here with hearty. 我和心意在这儿很好。2、Which would be fine with me at this point. 现在对我来说并无不可。3、That would be fine with most of us. 大多数人都不介意此事。三、give a damn 音标:英 [ɡv dm] 美 [ɡv dm]释义:不在乎, 不感兴趣(永远用于否定形式)例句:1、I don"t give a damn what they say. 我才不在乎他们怎么说。2、We don"t give a damn whether he goes with us or not. 他跟不跟我们一道去我们毫不在意。

Chateau Lafite Rothschild怎么读

u0283u0259du lu0259fit ru0254:θtu0283ild

法国红酒:Chateau Mouton Rothschild 武当(木桐)庄园 1975年的市面价是多少钱

很贵的 要是1975的话

罗丝希尔酒园-沙都拉菲(chateau Lafite Rothschild )

好酒出自名庄,在世界上各国各地,各门各派的酒王中,最出名的酒王应算是法国波尔多-菩依乐村的拉菲庄了。“一千零一夜”是1925年一问世就掀起了滔天巨浪,被评为“疯狂时代的代表作”。   葡萄酒中的“皇后”   拉菲庄有悠久的历史,由一名姓拉菲(Lafite)的贵族创园于1354年,在14世纪已相当有名气。到了1675年她由当时世界的酒业一号人物希刚公爵(J. D. Segur)购得。希刚当时在酒界叱咤风云,他同时拥有顶级的历史名庄拉图(Chateau Latour)、武当王(Chateau Mouton)和嘉龙希刚(Chateau Calon-Segur)。法王路易十四曾说希刚家族可能是法国最富有的家族。在17世纪,法国基本上是布根地(Burgundy)酒的天下。而当时上流社会的著名“交际花”法王路易十五的情妇庞巴迪却对拉菲情有独钟。令拉菲往往成为凡尔赛宫贵族们的杯中佳物。  1755年希刚家族的第三代掌门人去世后,拉菲产权曾进入了一段较为混乱的历史时期。但拉菲酒的品质依旧不令人失望。直至1868年詹姆士·罗富齐爵士(Baron James Rothschild)在公开拍卖会上以天价440万法郎中标购得。该家族拥有拉菲庄一直至今,而且一直能把拉菲庄的质量和世界顶级葡萄酒的声誉维持至今。   拉菲的品质和个性是无与伦比的。能拥有世界顶级的优秀品质,当然首先是拉菲庄园的土壤及所处地方微型气候(Micro Climate)得天独厚。拉菲庄园总面积90公顷,每公顷种植8500棵葡萄树。其中嘉本纳沙威浓(Cabernet Sauvignon)占70%左右,梅乐(Merlot)占20%左右,其余为嘉本纳弗郎(Cabernet Franc)。平均树龄在40年以上。每年的产量大约三万箱酒(每箱12支750ml算)。此产量踞所有世界顶级名庄之冠。以此产量及其能维持的价格相比,拉菲庄的成就真是无人能比。  拉菲庄的葡萄种植采用非常传统的方法,基本不使用化学药物和肥料,以小心的人工呵护法,让葡萄完全成熟才采摘。在采摘时熟练的工人会对葡萄进行树上采摘筛选,不好不采。葡萄采摘后送进压榨前会被更高级的技术工人进行二次筛选,确保被压榨的每粒葡萄都达到高质量标准。在拉菲庄,每2至3棵葡萄树才能生产一瓶750ml的酒。为了保护这些矜贵的葡萄树,如没有总公司的特约,拉菲庄一般是不允许别人参观的。除此之外,拉菲庄还是出了名的不惜花重本雇用最顶级酿酒大师的名庄。拉菲酒的个性温柔婉细,较为内向,不像同产于菩依乐村的两大名庄拉图和武当王的刚强个性。拉菲的花香、果香突出,芳醇柔顺,所以很多葡萄酒爱好者称拉菲为葡萄王国中的“皇后”。

极品飞车 luv me or hate me中文歌词

Yeah  It"s officially the biggest midget in the game...   这是最大的侏儒比赛  I dunno   我不知道  Make way for the Ess Oh Vee   让路给Sov(Lady Sovereign)  Love me or hate me it"s still an obsession   爱我或者恨我 这仍然是个迷惑  Love me or hate me that is the question   爱我或者恨我 这是个问题  If you love me then thank you   如果你爱我 那么谢谢你  If you hate me then fuck you   如果你恨我 那么F..K you  I"m fat I need a diet   我很胖 我需要食物  Na in fact I"m just too light and   事实上是因为我太轻了  I aint got the biggest breast-s-s   并且没有最大的胸部  But I wrote all the best disses   但是我写过最棒的迪斯  I got hairy armpits   我的腋窝有很多毛  But I don"t walk around like this   但是我不会直接这样走出来  I wear a big baggy T-shirt   我穿着一件大大的松垮T恤  That hides that nasty sh*t   这样就能够隐藏那些肮脏  Ugh... never had my nails done   饿...从来不修理自己的指甲  Bite them down until they"re numb  把它们咬到麻木  I"m the one with a non-existent bum  我是个不存在的流荡者   I don"t really give a UGH   我不是真的给一个ugh   I"m missing my shepherd"s pie   当我失去铺着马铃薯泥的肉饼  Like a high maintenance chick missing herdiamonds   就像一个生活费用很高的女孩失去了她的钻石  I"m missing my Clipper lighters   我失去我的Clipper lighters   Now bow down to your royal highness   现在像皇室成员弯腰鞠躬  No, I don"t own a corgi   不,我没有拥有一只威尔士爱脚狗  I had a hampster   我有一只hampster   It died cos I ignored it   因为我的忽视 他死了  Go on then, go on report me   继续这样 继续告发我  I"m English, try and deport me   我是英国人 争取驱赶我  Love me or hate me it"s still an obsession   爱我或是恨我 这仍然是个迷惑

我讨厌交际 翻译 I hate social

I hate to communication

whatever, no matter what在用法上有什么区别?


Whatever和no matter what用法上有什么区别?

引导状语从句时可以互换引导名词性从句时(做主语, 宾语等)只能用Whatever如:I believe whatever he says.(此句不能是no matter what, 因为是宾语从句)如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

no matter what 和whatever 有什么区别


whatever和no matter怎么区别啊?


whatever和 no matter what的区别

  1. whatever 可用作连接词或连接副词,引导让步状语从句,表示“无论,不管”的意思。此时,可用 no matter wha t结构来替换其意完全相同。位置前后置都可以。  2. whatever 还可以引导名词性从句,同时起先行词和关系代词的作用。相当于anything that或all that,有任何一切这类意思。此时不能用 no matter what 替换。  3. what 和 ever 分开写,则作“到底,究竟”解,这时它和 on earth,in the world 相同,起强调作用。e.g. What ever do you mean? = What do you mean on earth?  4. what 也可以引导名词性从句意为 “the thing which” 与 “whatever” 含义相同。  5. 用法完全与 whatever 相同的词还有whichever,whoever。

no matter what 与whatever的区别


求ISSAXSoulja - I hate U的罗马音和中文歌词翻译

ISSA x SOULJA (ソルジャ) x ROLA I Hate U nakitakute, nakenakutesakebitai koe hisshi ni koraekurushikute maji itakutekono mune kara eguri torerunarabaisso temee e noomoi wo keshi saritai kedodoushite shashin no youniyakisu terare naindarou...Girl maji de imasara imi wakara nee yo, nani kangae tenda yoore to omae tsukiaidashite, mou asobi no reberu korae tendarou?ore no ie no kagi mo watashiteita, ore no oya ni mo kao wo awaseteitafutari joudan majiri "itsukane" no gakin namae mo kimetari shitetanoni yoru ie ni kaereba kimi no koe ga shite, hitori janakutekoe wo agete, shiranai namae,naguritakute, dekinakutesakebitai koe hisshi ni koraekurushikute maji itakutekono mune kara eguri toreru narabaisso temee e noomoi wo keshi saritai kedodoushite shashin no youniyakisu terare naindarou...hey wait i dont think i understand i mean...i said wait i dont think you understand majiitsu naze dokode? usoda arieneekao sura mitaku nee get da fuck up out my faceafter all that we"ve been through you done threw it all awaymou nidoto modore wa shineeomoide mo sono usonakimotsukuri waraimo subete uso darouso fuck you very much although i wish it wasn"t so,muda ni sugoshita jikan arigatoyoomoide sonnano iraneeima wa tada nido to kimi wo yurusenakute but sukisugitesakebitai koe hisshi ni koraekurushikute maji itakutekono mune kara eguri torerunarabaisso temee e noomoi wo keshi saritai kedonidoto kimi no koto wotsugou ga ii toki shikayou never hold me closenanoni doushite watashi no koto ga suki dato ierunoI don"t understand it babyotagaisama nanoniwhy do you hurt me?imasara nani wo yuwaretemo subete ga kowaretaget da fuck awaynakitakute, nakenakutesakebitai koe hisshi ni koraekurushikute maji itakutekono mune kara eguri torerunarabaisso anata e noomoi wo keshi saritai kedodoushite shashin no youniyakisu terare naindarou...I love uI hate u i love ui hate u 找不到中文歌词 抱歉喔

Hate & War 歌词

歌曲名:Hate & War歌手:The Clash专辑:The Clash (Us Version)/London Calling/Combat Rock (3 Pak)Jay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/8728690

Hate & War 歌词

歌曲名:Hate & War歌手:The Clash专辑:The Essential ClashJay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/7491083

Hate & War 歌词

歌曲名:Hate & War歌手:The Clash专辑:The Clash (Us Version)Jay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/8736552

Moist的《Hate》 歌词

歌曲名:Hate歌手:Moist专辑:CreatureJay-Z Ft. Kanye West - Hate(Jay-Z)Haters,Haters,These n-ggas haters, and I made myself so easy to love,(Kanye West)Yeh, yehHow much they hate itVery!Kiss girls like Katy Perry,I am never sprung but I Springer Jerry,Don"t try this at home,Results may vary,King like T.I But in the Chi, Larry,(Jay-Z)Hoover, Hova,Both are American Gangsters,You choose whose colder,Rappers get nasty in the booth but I can"t even stomach myself,Ulcer!More realer cos I"m closer,Had girlies in girdles wearing more than they supposed ta,Poser, no sir,My hussle, so Russell,I stretch work, Yoga,You know i got it down dog, Al Roker,I used to knock pounds off,It ain"t nothing for me to knock nails off,These MC"s praying for my downfall,They just haters, I wave at you,I"m so player,I"ll never be done, I"m so reyer,(Kanye West)We killing the game, its not fair,You muthaf-ckers stay right there,Cos we too high up in the air,We blasting off just like a laser,N-gga, pee-une, pee-une, pee-uneGimme back, gimme room room room,DB9 like vroom vroom vroom,Youing Hov what we doin doin doin?(Jay-Z)We ballin b-tches,Eating food leaving ya"ll dishes,Why these n-ggas always talking Lear talk Ye?Why I never see em at the clear port Ye?Why always here they at the Airport?Why i fly daily like i"m in the Airforce?Therefore, please stop talking my ears off,Millionnaire talk,You haters, you mad at me cos y"all paper,Need to get his muthaf-cking weight up,Hold up,Waiter, I ain"t done,Name one thing I ain"t done,It hurts when you say that I aint the one,You haters,How did i came your favorite,I need to know because i care-ah,I need you to love me cos i swear-ah,Look here-ah, see Ye is running the Chi like ya Sayers,Im running new york, i go the payer on my pager,You can"t fade us, you haters,I need you, stay back, i breathe you,Like air-ah, air-ah, air-ah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah-aYeah yeah yeah yeah-aWhere are my haters, i love all my hatersLove all my haters, I love all my haters,Uh uh uh, haters,http://music.baidu.com/song/16600490

whatever和 no matter what的区别

1whatever可用作连接词或连接副词,引导让步状语从句,表示“无论,不管”的意思。此时,可用no matter what结构来替换其意完全相同。位置前后置都可以。2whatever还可以引导名词性从句,同时起先行词和关系代词的作用。相当于anything that或all that,有任何一切这类意思。此时不能用no matter what替换。3what和ever分开写,则作“到底,究竟”解,这时它和on earth, in the world相同,起强调作用。e.g. What ever do you mean? = What do you mean on earth?4what也可以引导名词性从句意为“the thing which”与“whatever”含义相同。5用法完全与whatever相同的词还有whichever,whoever.


whatever:①(任何)事物,每样事物,引导名词性从句,谓语用单数。例:whatever she did was righteveryone:有每人人人的意思,和everybody类似。




Whatever的用法一是引导名词性从句,二是用于引导让步状语从句。whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever,what on earth等。 Whatever的用法:用于引导名词性从句 I"m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes.我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西。 College students are seen doing whatever work they can find.我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。 Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace.她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。 One should stick to whatever one has begun.开始了的事就要坚持下去。 She would tell him whatever news she got.她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。 Whatever的用法:用于引导让步状语从句 Whatever you do,I won"t tell you my secret.不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。 We"ll go along together whatever happens.不管发生什么情况我们都要起干。 Whatever happens,the first important thing is to keep cool.不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet.不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。


  一、用于引导状语从句   它们都可用来引导状语从句(让步状语从句),其大意为“无论什么(是谁、哪一个、什么时候、什么地方、如何)”等,相当于英语中的 no matter what (who, which, when, where, how)。如:   Whatever [No matter what] you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。   Whoever [No matter who] telephones, tell them Iu2019m out. 不管是谁打电话,,都说我出去了。   Whichever [No matter which] day you come, Iu2019ll be pleased to see you. 无论你哪天来,我都欢迎。   Whenever [No matter when] you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。   We found the people friendly wherever [no matter where] we went. 无论我们走到哪里,我们都发现人们很友好。   However [No matter how] much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃多少,他都不发胖。   Phone me when you arrive, however late it is. 你到达之后就给我打电话,不论多么晚也要打。   【三点补充说明】   1. 有时从句谓语可用情态动词。如:   无论他在哪里,我都要找到他。   正:Iu2019ll find him, wherever he is.   正:Iu2019ll find him, wherever he may be.   无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。   正:Keep calm, whatever happens.   正:Keep calm, whatever may happen.   2. whoever 的宾格也是 whoever, 而不是 whomever, 后者在现代英语已基本不用,有的词典已不收录此词。如:   Whoever you marry, make sure he can cook. 不管你跟谁结婚,他一定要会做饭才行。   3.有时可省略从句中的"动词be。如:   The building must be saved, whatever the cost (is). 一定要挽救这座建筑,不管花多大代价。   Whatever your argument (is), I shall hold to my decision. 不管你有什么理由,我都坚持我的决定。   I refuse, however favorable the conditions (are). 不管条件如何有利,我都不干。   4.有时可省略从句中的动词be及其相应的主语。如:   Iu2019d rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room. 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个人住一间,也不愿意与别人合住一个房间。   A grammar rule, however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood. 一条语法规则,不管如何正确,除非能懂,否则毫无用处。   二、引导名词性从句   除引导状语从句外,whatever, whoever, whichever等还可引导名词性从句(主语从句或宾语从句)。如:   He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。   I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。   Whoever breaks the rules will be punished. 谁违反这些规则都将受到处罚。   Iu2019ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。   Whichever team gains the most points wins. 哪个队得分最多,哪个队就赢。   Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。   三、用于加强语气   有时这些词可用于加强语气,含有“究竟”“到底”之义。如:   Whatever [What ever] do you mean? 你到底是什么意思?   Whenever [When ever] did you find time to do it? 你什么时候有空做这事?   Wherever [Where ever] can the children be? 孩子们究竟会在哪里呢?   Whoever [Who ever] told you that? 到底是谁告诉你的呢?   Whichever [Which ever] did you choose? 你到底选了哪个?   However [How ever] did you escape? 你到底是怎样逃出来的?   四、用于固定搭配中   1. or whatever 诸如此类,类似的东西   You plug it into a computer or whatever and it does the rest. 把它插入计算机之类的东西,其他的工作就由它来完成了。   Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police. 警察看见谁拿着袋子、箱子或别的什么东西,就叫住谁。   2. or whenever 或其他什么时候,或随便什么时候   He might come on Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever. 他也许星期一来,也许星期二来,或者其他随便哪个时候来。   3. or wherever 或其他类似地方,或随便什么地方   You may hear the song at home, at school, or wherever. 在家,在学校或随便在哪里,你都可以听到这首歌。   4. or whoever 或者其他什么人,或者随便谁   When youu2019re done with the book, just give it to Mary or Shelley or whoever. 当你看完这本书的时候,就把它交给玛丽,或谢莉,或其他什么人。   5. whatever you do 要紧的是,无论如何   Donu2019t miss the train, whatever you do. 千万不要误了火车。   Whatever you do, donu2019t mention my name. 无论如何,不要提起我的名字。


I"m free to be whatever i 我可以自由地选择 whatever i choose 选择我的人生轨迹 and i"ll sing the blues if i want 如果我愿意我就唱起歌 i"m free to say whatever i 我可以自由地表达 whatever i like 表达我的想法 if it"s wrong or right it"s alright 它可能偏激 或者迂腐 都无伤大雅 always seems to me 因为那就是我 真实的我 you only see what people want you to see 你只看到了人们想让你看到的东西 how long"s it gonna be 我们还要等上多久 before we get on the bus 才可以踏上自由的旅程 and cause no fuss 无忧无虑 get a grip on yourself 随心所欲 it don"t cost much 而不付出太大的代价 free to be whatever you 你可以自由地表达 whatever you say 表达你的想法 if it comes my way it"s alright 如果那符合内心就没有问题 you"re free to be wherever you 你可以自由地选择 wherever you please 选择你喜欢的生活 you can shoot the breeze if you want 如果你愿意你甚至可以朝天鸣枪 it always seems to me 因为那就是真实的自己 you only see what people want you to see 你只看到了人们想要你看到的东西 how long"s it gonna be 我们还要等上多久 before we get on the bus 才可以踏上自由的旅程 and cause no fuss 无忧无虑 get a grip on yourself 随心所欲 it don"t cost much 不需要付出太大的代价 i"m free to be whatever i 我可以自由地选择 whatever i choose 选择我的人生轨迹 and i"ll sing the blues if i want 如果愿意我就唱起歌 here in my mind 在我的思想里 you know you might find 你或许可以找到 something that you 有些东西 you thought you once knew 带着你曾经的影子 but now it "s all gone 但如今那些都不存在了 and you know it"s no fun 你知道这不是个玩笑 yeah i know it"s no fun 我知道这并不可笑 oh i know it"s no fun 这并不可笑 i"m free to be whatever i 我可以自由地选择 whatever i choose 选择我的人生轨迹 and i"ll sing the blues if i want 如果我愿意我就唱起歌 i"m free to be whatever i 我可以自由地选择 whatever i choose 选择我的人生轨迹 and i"ll sing the blues if i want 我可以唱我想唱的歌 whatever you do 无论你怎么做 whatever you say 无论你怎么说 yeah i know it"s alright 没关系 我们都是自由的 whatever you do 无论你怎么做 whatever you say 无论你怎么说


whatsoever是whatever的强调形式,并且用法比较正式,大都用来加强否定句的语气,其作用相当于at all。一般用于句中或者句后。 例句: The police found no suspicious document whatsoever. 警察未发现任何可怀疑的文件。My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics . 我的学校在体育方面无所作为。2. whatever一般用在句首或者句中。在肯定句中用作定语时,一般放在他所修饰的名词前。 例: Give me whatever books you have on this subject.Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。  



whatever 等于什么? 如题

whatever 等于 no matter what “不论什么” 同理 whoever等于 no matter who “不论是谁”however等于 no matter how “不论怎样”


单词whatever的用法:一:代词pron.任何(事物),每样(事物)Iwilldowhateveryouwish.我会对你言听计从。2.无论什么,不管什么Wewillnevergiveupworking,whateverhappens.无论发生什么事,我们都不会放弃工作。3.(用于问句,表示惊讶或困惑)到底是什么,究竟是什么4.(用于回应,表示不在乎或不感兴趣)或许吧,无所谓5.(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以二:形容词adj.任何,什么…三:副词adv.1.任何 2.一点儿都(不);丝毫(不);什么都(没有)3.不管发生什么ever用法:1)ever是副词,它的意思是根据与它搭配的词而定.理解其中意思要也要根据上下文而定,可当曾经讲,也可当究竟讲常见的搭配有:forever永远eversince自从everso非常everandagain偶尔everfavorites是永远最喜欢的.句子有:HaveyoueverbeentoBeijing?2)ever与疑问词连用.whatever,however,whenever,whoever,wherever,等等.例如:Tomcandowhateveryouwanthimtodo.Iwillcooknoodleforhimwheneverhecomes.Iwon"tworryaboutJimwhereverhegoes.二:其他相近词用法Whenever连接词conj.1.在任何…的时候;无论何时;在任何…的情况下Youmayleavewheneveryouplease.你愿意什么时候离开就什么时候离开。2.每当,每次Wheneverwemeethimwespeaktohim.每次我们见到他,我们都和他讲话。3.别的什么时候(也可以);任何时间(都行)副词adv.1.(究竟)在什么时候,什么场合Wheneverdidyoubuythat?那你到底是什么时候买的?Wherever连接词conj.1.无论什么地方Iwillfindhimwhereverhemaybe.无论他在哪儿,我都要找到他。Whereverpossible,theillustrationsaretakenfromliterature.只要有可能,例证都取自文学作品。2.各处,处处Whereverthefilmstargoes,therearecrowdsofpeoplewaitingtoseeher.这位电影明星所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。副词adv.1.(究竟)在哪儿Whereverareyoutakingme?你究竟要把我带到什么地方去?However副词adv.1.不管到什么程度,无论如何,不管怎么I"llcomehoweverbusyIam.我不管怎么忙都会来的。2.然而,可是,不过,仍然Later,however,hemadeuphismindtogo.可是,后来他决定去了。It"sraininghard.However,Istillwanttogothere.虽然下着大雨,我还是想去那儿。连接词conj.1.不管怎样ButIamverymuchbelievable,however,you"llgethimtocome.我相信你不管怎样都能把他请来。Whoever代词pron.1.(引导名词性从句)谁Whoeverwantsthebookmayhaveit.谁想要这本书都可以拿。I"lltakewhoeverwantstogo.谁要去我就带谁去。2.无论谁,不管谁I"llfindthepersonwhodidthis,whoeverheis.我要找出干这件事的人,不管他是谁。3.究竟是谁Whoevercouldhavedonesuchadreadfulthing?




whatever英 [wu0252tu02c8evu0259(r)] 美 [wu0259tu02c8evu0259(r)] pron.无论什么;任何(事物);诸如此类;(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以adj.无论什么…都;无论怎样…都;任何…也

whatever用法 whatever用法有哪些

1、Whatever有两个用法,一是引导名词性从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句),二是用于引导让步状语从句。 what用作关系代词,也即连接代词,引导名词性从句, 可以作主语、宾语、定语。 2、whatever用作代词,意为“任何(事物)”、“每样(事物) 无论什么”、“不管什么”,可引导名词性从句或状语从句。


在不同的语境里面它的口语意思是不一样的。例如:不管怎么样,无论如何等。总体而言,whatever它是一个连接词,就是它前面说的是主要是一句话的铺垫,后面要说的才是重点。 whatever的用法 whatever可以用作代词 whatever用作强调的关系代词时,意思是“任何(事物),每样(事物)”,用于引导名词性从句。所引导的从句作主语时,谓语要用单数形式。 whatever经常用于疑问句中,可加强语气,意思是“无论什么,不管什么”。 whatever用作连接代词时,还可以用在让步状语从句中表示“无论什么”,引出的从句可以放在句首或句尾。当whatever所引导的从句如果是不说自明的,可以省略一部分。 whatever用作代词的用法例句 We shall remain friends whatever may betide.无论发生什么事,我们将永远是朋友。 Whatever nonsense the papers print, some people always believe it.不管报纸胡说什么,总有一些人信以为真。 Whatever requests you make will be granted.你提的任何请求都会得到许可




whatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。1. 用于引导名词性从句 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。 Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。 You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。 One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。 2. 用于引导让步状语从句 Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。 Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。 Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。 Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 3.whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如: Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事? Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么意思? 4.Whatever从句有时可以省略。如: Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。


1、what 做代词,意为“…的事物”,“(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么、多少”,可用来引导名词性从句,并在从句中做主语或宾语;2、whatever用作代词,意为“任何(事物)”、“每样(事物) 无论什么”、“不管什么”,可引导名词性从句或状语从句;no matter what意为“无论如何”、“不管怎样”。比如: 1.This dictionary is just what I want for my study.这部词典正是我学习要用的工具。 2.What is the price?价钱多少? 3.I will do whatever you wish.我会对你言听计从。 4.We will never give up working, whatever happens.无论发生什么事, 我们都不会放弃工作。


一、Whatever的用法:用于引导名词性从句I"m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes.我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西。College students are seen doing whatever work they can find.我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace.她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。One should stick to whatever one has begun.开始了的事就要坚持下去。She would tell him whatever news she got.她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。二、Whatever的用法:用于引导让步状语从句Whatever you do,I won"t tell you my secret.不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。We"ll go along together whatever happens.不管发生什么情况我们都要起干。Whatever happens,the first important thing is to keep cool.不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet.不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。

no matter whatever和however的区别

no matter whatever是无论你做什么however是虽然但是的那个但是,表示转折关系


whatever,whoever,whichever引导名词性从句 一、基本用法概说英语中的-ever 词主要包括 whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however 等,其中可引导名词性从句的主要有 whatever, whoever, whichever等,其中可引导Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family: "Times New Roman"">。这里所说的名词性从句主要指主语从句和宾语从句,它们通常不用于引导同位语从句,同时也很少用于引导表语从句。如:Whatever he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的。(引导主语从句)I don"t believe whatever he said. 无论他说什么我都不信。(引导宾语从句)在某些特定的语境中,也可用于引导表语从句。如: What he wants to get is whatever you have. 他想得到的是你所拥有的一切。 二、whatever引导的名词性从句whatever的意思是“whatever所……的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语。如:Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。I don"t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。 Goats eat whatever food they can find. 山羊找到什么食物就吃什么食物。 三、whoever引导的名词性从句whoever的意思“任何……的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who。whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语。如:I"ll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。Whoever says that is a liar. 说那话的人是个骗子。She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。I"ll give the ticket to whoever wants it. 谁想要这票,我就把它给谁。Tell whoever you like — it makes no difference to me. 你爱告诉谁就告诉谁吧,对我是无所谓的。注:whoever既用作主语也可用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)。另外,注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:谁赢了都可以获奖。PAN>误:Who wins can get a prize.误:Anyone wins can get a prize. 正:Whoever wins can get a prize. 正:Anyone who wins can get a prize. 四、whichever引导的名词性从句man""whichever的意思“……的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语或定语。如:You can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. 你们谁第一谁就能得奖。We"ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。 Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。 五、引导状语从句的用法五、引导状语从句的用法whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句,分别相当于 no matter what, no matter who, no matter which。如:I"ll stand by you whatever [=no matter what] happens. 无论如何我都支持你。Whoever [=No matter who] wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I"m busy. 不管谁要我接电话,就说我现在正忙。Whichever [=No matter which] you buy, there is a six-month guarantee. 不管买哪个都有六个月的保修期。


whatever包含随便的意思。英[wu0252t'evu0259(r)]释义:det.任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓pron.无论什么;诸如此类adj.都,任何adv.一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样conj.任何事物int.(非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣)短语:Whatever It Takes不计代价;爱的代价;天子寻龙;不计一切近义词:however英[hau028a'evu0259(r)]释义:adv.无论如何;不管怎样(接副词或形容词);然而;可是conj.无论以何种方式;不管怎样短语:However they attack无论他们如何诋毁我们;不管别人怎样攻击


what :单独使用,只能引导【名词性从句】,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等,意思是【什么(事、情况、内容等)】.例如:What we need is more practice.主语从句He told me what had happened to him on the island.宾语从句This is what we have got from the project.表语从句whatever :既可以引导名词性从句,也能引导【让步状语从句】,意思是【无论/不管什么(事、情况、内容等)】.相互转化:只有在【引导让步状语从句】时,whatever=no matter what.Whatever happens will never change my Chinese heart.主语从句I"d like to do whatever I can to help you.宾语从句对比:Whatever happens will never change my Chinese heart.Whatever happens,it will never change my Chinese heart.=No matter what happens,it will never change my Chinese heart.祝你开心如意! 望采纳


whatever用法介绍如下:whatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。1. 用脊虚于引导名词性从句Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。2. 用于引导让步状语从句Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。3.whatever还仿野枣可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如:Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事?Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么备拆意思?4.Whatever从句有时可以省略。如:Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。


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