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要在PAJ数据库中检索关于“expansion joint”的专利,应该

2023-07-19 07:47:06


A中IPC是国际专利分类号的入口,关键词“expansion joint”不是分类号,


“expansion joint”是伸缩接头(一种机械连接结构),是一个关键词,所以应当用连接词and



2023-07-18 07:15:455

extension 与expansion有什么区别

extension是比较具体化的东西 比如说 延长公路 延长期限而expansion则是比较抽象画的东西,拓展研究之类的
2023-07-18 07:16:124


2023-07-18 07:16:251


2023-07-18 07:16:366


根据牛津词典,explanation在表示解释、说明时,既是可数也是不可数名词。作可数名词的情况较多,如举例的some explanations;作不可数名词的情况一般存在于一些固定用法中,如without explanation。 扩展资料   1、It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation.   应该强调的是,这只是一种可能的解释。   2、"I had to see you," he said, by way of explanation.   “我当时必须来找你。”他解释道。   3、She didn"t give an adequate explanation for being late.   她没有给出充分的理由说明迟到的`原因。   4、The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.   最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。   5、The facts allow of only one explanation.   这些事实只可能有一种解释。
2023-07-18 07:16:521


2023-07-18 07:17:234


医学术语 不太懂 但是语义是知道 一个是增殖的意思 一个是蔓延 扩散。
2023-07-18 07:17:322

希捷 Backup Plus和 Expansion 区别

都看你的预算了,预算足够的话还是建议Backup Plus,Expansion中文叫睿翼,是希捷的低端产品,产品质感和功能上跟前者差距还是挺大的。希捷Backup Plus中文叫睿品,是希捷的中高端产品线可以到官网看一下详情:硬盘里包含了Dash Board备份软件,还提供了4GB的免费云空间;外观上,Backup Plus是硬盘本身与来USB适配器分开的,我们也叫盘线分离,这样在发生问题时,很容易区分是硬盘本身的问题,还是USB适配器和连接线源的问题;Backup Plus采用USM接口,盘线分离,盘体本身更可以直接连接到许多支持USM规范的设备,比如一些高清播放机和硬盘底座等,通过zhidaoUSM-SATA接口高速传输数据;Expansion中文叫睿翼,是希捷的低端产品。一体化设计,硬盘不能单独拿出,硬盘里也没有备份软件提供。
2023-07-18 07:17:411

星际争霸1。08Original 和Expansion有什么区别

2023-07-18 07:17:502


2023-07-18 07:17:571

希捷 Backup Plus和 Expansion 区别

存储容量 500GB500GB硬盘尺寸 2.5英寸硬盘2.5英寸硬盘接口类型 有线(USB3.0)有线(USB3.0)外形设计 红色、蓝色、银色和黑色外形尺寸 14.5*81.1*123.4mm122.3*81.1*15.5mm产品重量 224g170g硬盘附件包装清单 希捷 Backup Plus 硬盘18英寸USB3.0连接线硬盘中预安装有希捷仪表板快速入门指南硬盘内预装的适用于 Mac 的 NTFS 驱动程序1 3 年有限责任质保USB 3.0 接口适配器
2023-07-18 07:18:072

多极展开(Multipole expansion):(一)简单推导

这次我们简单推导一下多极展开(Multipole expansion)。 我们现在有一个电荷分布函数 ,要求这个电荷密度分布下的库伦势函数 : 如果电荷密度 的对称性比较好,那么我们还是有可能纯靠纸笔就能把上边积分搞定的。然而,现实并不总是那么美好。这时,我们就该用级数展开的办法。上式子中,关键的部分为 ,多极展开的功能也正在于此。这里,我们设 为了写起来方便,设 ,上边的式子就变成 。我们知道,对于形如 (这里 )的式子在 处泰勒展开如下: 而这里的情形是 ,把上式代入等式(2)中得到 同样,对上式中的 进行一下调整。令 以及 ,这样 。把这个再放回等式(4)中: 上式中最后一步是将 具有相同指数的项放在了一起。仔细观察你会发现有些东西比较面熟。下边给个提示: 观察一下下边的勒让德多项式: 似乎我们可以把相应的勒让德多项式代入式(5)中: 我们最终的目的是要求电子密度函数产生的库伦势函数,这样我们有: 这里注意 是 和 的夹角的余弦,因此勒让德多项式 此外,这里定义了一个物理量—— 极距: 也就是说,当 时,为单极距;当 时,为偶极矩;当 ,为四极矩;当 时,为八极矩。以此类推。
2023-07-18 07:18:131


拓展由於有好几个,看前後文而定业务拓展 Business (Development)公司规模拓展, Corporate Size (Expansion)
2023-07-18 07:18:361

求bacchikoi expansion pack

这是你要的 密码:ugpm。如果满意请给采纳谢谢,要做一个有良心的伸手党。
2023-07-18 07:18:441


2023-07-18 07:18:543


一、区别:1)希捷Backup Plus 新睿品 2.5英寸(500GB)优点:模块接口真的很好用。 单碟500GB技术,读写速度好快,和台式机硬盘有的一比。 安静、温度低。缺点:方方正正。总结:值得购买,模块化接口。2)希捷Expansion 新睿翼 2.5英寸 500GB(STBX500300)优点:静音,数据传输稳定,很快,很美观。缺点:硬盘转速不高。总结:外观漂亮,使用方便,USB3.0的速度不错。二、主要参数
2023-07-18 07:19:031


希捷GoFlexPro超便携式硬盘,希捷GoFlex智能扩展底座,预装的加密备份软件,希捷GoFlexUSB2.0接口适配器,标准希捷GoFlexUSB2.0连接线。能在Windows系统和Mac系统之间实现文件转换,希捷GoFlex硬盘在设计时突破了接口限制,用户能以多种方式使用硬盘,将GoFlex电视高清媒体播放器与数字设备连接,用户就可以在自家电视上尽情享受1080p高清电影,DIY照片,环绕立体声音乐。支持USB3.0,3 年有限责任质保。希捷睿翼系列只保2年,也不带什么软件,只有一个备份软件。GoFlexPro功能更强大,但是价格比睿翼系列高一些
2023-07-18 07:19:232

expansion joint是什么意思

2023-07-18 07:19:444


2023-07-18 07:20:001


前面罗嗦的定义我没有看,就题论题:1. 不及物动词是绝对没有被动语态的!所以你的问题本身就是错的。你举例的两个动词,break 和close都是及物动词,才有被动的用法。2. dedicated to raising和dedicated raising两个短语怎么样让人评论是不是谓语呢?一定要有完整的句子才分析的出来。3.我开始跟你一样想选because。后来想了想其实这个题考两个地方: 首先是判断后面半句是不是句子。不是。为什么?By 1872 the US had 70 engineering colleges, 逗号前面已经是个完整的句子,你看到了吗?主谓宾都齐了。所以后面只可能是一个补充的部分,不会有谓语,不是一个句子。其次,credit的意思。是“归功于”,credited to这个分词词组本身就有表示原因的意思在里面,不需要连词because。4. stage bare of scenery 你可以这样看stage (which is)bare of scenery,相当于定语从句。或者bare of scenery 看成名词,某些名词本身可以修饰名词,相当于形容词。比如啊a book shop。
2023-07-18 07:20:095

希捷Expansion 这2T的移动硬盘能拆出来吗

2023-07-18 07:20:401

join us in greating entrepreneur and celebaing expansion

2023-07-18 07:20:484

希捷expansion 新睿翼3tb有驱动不显示怎么办

1.下载安装驱动精灵双击快捷方式2.驱动精灵就会开始检查,如果有的驱动没有装,它会弹出对话框提醒是否要安装3.检查好点击立即解决. 4.选择想要的更新的驱动或安装驱动(一般是全选)点击 下一步.5.在点击立即解决(这里是在下载对应的驱动).
2023-07-18 07:21:431

求助大神 the expansion of sail该如何翻译

正确意思应该是:扬帆起航 sail(帆)expansion(扩张)
2023-07-18 07:22:004


2023-07-18 07:22:151


2023-07-18 07:22:242

硬盘驱动的问题。 我的移动硬盘插在电脑上不显示。用驱动人生检测出是expansion驱动的问题。

2023-07-18 07:22:331


进入星际之后点击“multiplayer”选项进入“select game type”后,一定要选择进入下面的“Expansion”选项,再进去就是选择游戏局域网类型,记住:如果你只有一台电脑,没和别人连成局域网或者没有上浩方平台的话(你只能电脑打星际),要从第5个选项——Local Area Network[UDP]双击进入。3、如果你和别人连成局域网了或者上了浩方平台的话选择进入从上往下数的第2选项——Local Area Network[IPX],进去之后选择你的游戏ID后点画面右下方的“OK”进去之后就可以看到别人建立了很多游戏,你双击任意一个游戏名,就进入了别人建立的游戏。(当然你要选对手就要自己建立游戏:点击“Creat Game”,点旁边的game type选择“top vs bottom”类型,再选择地图,再点击“OK”,就建立了一个游戏。4、等别人进来之后,那把原来在上面的人选择“move to awayteam”,这个人就下去了;如果你要把原来在下面的人弄上去,就点那个选择“move to hometeam”,这个人就上去了)。5、步骤大致就是:6、进入星际→mutiplayer→select game type→Expansion选择不同选项。7、自己一台电脑的话→Local Area Network[UDP]双击进入。8、与朋友连局域网或者进了浩方等平台→Local Area Network[IPX]→双击任意游戏名,进入别人建立的游戏。9、选对手自己建立游戏→creat game→game type→top vs bottom→选地图。
2023-07-18 07:23:101

future expansion是什么意思

未来的扩展; 未来的扩张...
2023-07-18 07:23:182

dose escalation and expansion啥意思

dose escalation and expansion剂量递增与扩大重点词汇dose剂量,药量; 一服,一剂; 一回,一次,一番; 配料,增味剂; 服药; 给药; 给…服药; 把配分剂量; 在中加料escalation扩大,增加
2023-07-18 07:23:241

希捷 Expansion 睿翼 3TB 移动硬盘 3T移动存储 特价 USB3.0硬盘 质量行不行?

没用过3T的,我的希捷 Expansion 睿翼2T USB3.0移动硬盘用了一年多了,感觉还可以,用3.0接口一般速度有五六十M,用2.0接口只有十多M,暂时没发现什么缺点。
2023-07-18 07:23:311

有买希捷Expansion 2TB 2.5英寸移动硬盘 (STEA2000400)的吗,原装数据线的字是什么啊,和同学的弄混了

活动硬盘盒的数据线都是通用的,可以相互之间交换使用,原配置的新睿翼希捷活动硬盘盒,原装数据线长度是44CM,一头是双接口micro B接口,一头是蓝色USB3.0接口,3.0接口上,印了SS两个字母,代表高速度的意思,
2023-07-18 07:23:381


expansion pass释义扩充内容通行证(游戏《巫师》中的道具,Expansion Pass)
2023-07-18 07:23:471


进入星际之后点击“multiplayer”选项进入“select game type”后,一定要选择进入下面的“Expansion”选项,再进去就是选择游戏局域网类型,记住:如果你只有一台电脑,没和别人连成局域网或者没有上浩方平台的话(你只能电脑打星际),要从第5个选项——Local Area Network[UDP]双击进入;如果你和别人连成局域网了或者上了浩方平台的话选择进入从上往下数的第2选项——Local Area Network[IPX],进去之后选择你的游戏ID后点画面右下方的“OK”进去之后就可以看到别人建立了很多游戏,你双击任意一个游戏名,就进入了别人建立的游戏。(当然你要选对手就要自己建立游戏:点击“Creat Game”,点旁边的game type选择“top vs bottom”类型,再选择地图,再点击“OK”,就建立了一个游戏,等别人进来之后,那把原来在上面的人选择“move to awayteam”,这个人就下去了;如果你要把原来在下面的人弄上去,就点那个选择“move to hometeam”,这个人就上去了)步骤大致就是:进入星际→mutiplayer→select game type→Expansion选择不同选项自己一台电脑的话→Local Area Network[UDP]双击进入已与朋友连局域网或者进了浩方等平台→Local Area Network[IPX]→双击任意游戏名,进入别人建立的游戏7选对手自己建立游戏→creat game→game type→top vs bottom→选地图
2023-07-18 07:23:561

星际争霸1 那个版本 一开始进入时有两个模式选择,进入Expansion这个模式

2023-07-18 07:24:171


把那个文件删了 然后用暴雪修复器下载一个同样的文件(最好是重置并检查所有文件) 然后再复制一次试试?
2023-07-18 07:24:241


2023-07-18 07:24:321


2023-07-18 07:24:435

为什么我刚买的希捷Expansion新睿翼500G移动硬盘 USB3.0插上后电脑显示无法识别的USB设备?

2023-07-18 07:24:592

@echo off & setlocal enabledelaydexpansion

@echo off & setlocal enabledelaydexpansion::关闭回显并开启变量延迟for /r %%1 in (*) do (set moon=%%~x1::遍历当前目录,并且设定MOON这个变量为%%~x1 (实际上就是扩展到文件后缀名,假设你的目录中存在2.txt,3.exe,4.cmd,那么MOON的值就为.txt .exe .cmd,为求方便下面MOON的值我就假设为.txt)if not exist !moon:~1!mkdir!moon:~1!::判断当前目录下是否存在txt这个文件夹,如不存在则新建。copy "%%1" moon:~1!::复制文件至刚刚新建的txt文件夹)pause这个批处理的作用很简单:假设您的目录下有.txt .exe .cmd三种类型的文件。运行后会在当前目录下面新建名称为 txt、 exe、 cmd的三个文件夹,并将后缀为.txt .exe .cmd分别复制到对应名称的文件夹下。当然,我只是假设,如果你有10中类型的文件,它会自动新增10个以文件后缀为名称的文件夹,并 复制相应文件进去。结论:这就是一个整理(分类)文件的批处理。
2023-07-18 07:25:071

expansion port3是什么接口?有什么用途?

expansion port 3是HP家用笔记本独有的接口,可以外接扩展底座。。。目前正在销售的包括XB2000和XB3000。。这种底座售价在1200-1800之间。。。并带一套无线键鼠。。虽然价格挺贵,但是这种底座带哈曼卡丹的喇叭,还能放置3.5寸的硬盘。。。还有笔记本支架的功能,卖1K多点并不算贵,比其它品牌的扩展坞便宜,功能还比其它品牌的多
2023-07-18 07:25:231


1 influence "Treaty of Versailles" for the outbreak of World War II "Versailles" is a post-First World War, the victors (the Allies) to the vanquished (the Allies) and about, its main purpose is to punish and weaken Germany. Long before the Paris Peace Conference, France, Britain and the United States have shown that the different purposes and will. France due to injury by the war and to the history of the German invasion of France several times to advocate severe punishment and possibly weakening Germany, the Treaty of Versailles on Germany were severely punished, a large number of claims, one seventh of the land, a tenth of a a whole lost population, Lenin put it called on Germany to knock fractures marrow exploitation. Thus, the social contradictions in Germany is very sharp, very large. ; The United Kingdom for the traditional policy considerations hoping to maintain a relatively strong and economically self-sufficient German to keep the European balance of power; United States hopes to establish as soon as possible to ensure a lasting peace in the system and benefit from the system, while advocating Germany war compensation. Three main purpose is not the same as the Allies even contradictory, although the three countries have made concessions eventually agreed, but the result is that the parties have made compromises but neither side fully achieved its purpose. Germany has not been completely undermined did not get appease, this result indicates that both for the victors or vanquished, so that the whole of Europe and even the world is not a stable factor. Impact of the economic crisis on World War 2 broke out The outbreak of World War II has its social roots, and that is the capitalist world economic crisis intensified the conflict at home and abroad, the economic crisis is the root cause of the outbreak of World War II. 20 years after World War I between the capitalist countries in the economic and political forces of uneven development, industrial development in Germany and Japan, more prominent, the economic strength of significant growth, Britain, France and America have stagnated over the situation. 1929 and 1937, twice the capitalist world of serious economic crisis. To get rid of the economic, political and social crisis countries, Germany, Italy, Japan and fascist rule of the road onto the militarization of the national economy, in politics also increasingly fascist, and gradually formed the United States, Britain, France and Germany, Italy, Japan the two major political and military groups. Because of the economic crisis so that each colonial powers tried to carve up the output of goods, while Germany by the "Treaty of Versailles" limit, not the development of armaments, and no colonies of national life into an abyss of misery, which is characteristic of Hitler"s Nazi propaganda and make the German people and this middle class landowners rulers chose Hitler. 3. The direct cause of the outbreak of World War II is the rapid rise of the fascist regime. German and Japanese fascists came to power, the formation of the Eurasian two hotbeds of war, aggression and expansion. Germany, Japan, Italy and fascist state to become the new hotbeds of war Italy and France after the party came to power in October 1922, for the establishment across the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Balkans "Great Italian Empire" crazy pursued an aggressive policy of expansion, conquest of Libya in 1931 , 1935 invasion of Ethiopia in 1936, together with the German armed intervention in Spain. German Nazi party came to power in January 1933 after developing expansion plans, the first attempt to establish a "big German" in Central Europe, and then beat the Franco-Soviet win continental hegemony, and finally to overseas development, defeated the Anglo-American, to dominate the world. To break through the Versailles system, Germany in the same year in October exit Geneva Disarmament Conference and League of Nations; 1935 tore up the "Treaty of Versailles" German armaments terms of the restriction, increased military spending, the implementation of universal compulsory military service, public military buildup; March 1936 announced the abolition "Locarno Convention", troops occupied the Rhineland demilitarized zone; same year in October and Italy signed the "Agreement on German and Italian axis" form Berlin - Rome axis. Germany, Italy, Europe"s hotbeds of war. 6 to July 1927, the Japanese Cabinet convened Eastern Conference, determined to seize "Manchuria and Mongolia", after taking Chinese, and then conquer Asia, dominate the general principle of the world. 1931, Japan China launched the "September 18" incident, in March 1933 to exit the League of Nations. March 1936 Japan and France sign wide Koki regime established by the Cabinet took office in August to establish the status of the East Asian continent and ensure its five strategic objectives with respect to meeting the expansion of Southeast Asia, to the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and other classified imaginary country. Japan became hotbeds of war in the Far East. November 25, 1936, Germany and Japan signed the "Anti-Comintern Pact." The following year, November 6, Italy joined the agreement, the Group initially formed fascist aggression. September 27, 1940, Germany, Japan and Italy signed a treaty of alliance, a formal military alliance (see "Germany, Italy and Japan alliance treaty"). 1930 local war Germany, Japan, Italy has launched, is an important step towards their World War. 4. "Appeasement" of agitation General explanation "appeasement" are: the Western powers in order to prevent war to his head, at the expense of weaker countries seek security at the expense of their own in exchange. March 7, 1936, Hitler brazenly tore up the "Treaty of Versailles", 35,000 Germans were ordered into the Rhineland demilitarized zone. At that time the Germans both quantity and quality are stationed in the French army across the Rhine there is a big gap, but the French government in the face of Hitler"s challenges balked, the British government has adopted a "detached" attitude, Hitler Challenge "Versailles" of the first action succeeded. Subsequently, the German invasion of Austria, the whole process was carried out surprisingly well, so Hitler figured out the "appeasers" those cards. The "Munich Agreement" relating to Germany, Czech and Slovakia omission is "appeasement" directly reflects, but this is not as a "policy of appeasement" has finally hit the bitter fruit of appeasement"s own head 1939 September 1 Japanese, German blitzkrieg manner with the invasion of Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany was forced to rush, World War II broke out. 5 Hitler"s personal influence on the outbreak of World War II Hitler was anti-socialist, anti-Semitism, pan-Germanic nationalism, build a big believer in the German Empire. November 8, 1923, Hitler launched a failed coup in Bavaria, although they are failed, but had a great influence, and to be written with "Mein Kampf" This book, to promote his own political views Hitler he said that this book must be a war with France in order to solve the contradiction between Germany and France to fundamentally improve statehood Germany; second is the future existence. German future living space, living space in the East, is Eastern Europe. He said Germany must reassure the Russians march along the road of ancient Teutonic Knights, the acquisition of land by the German sword for the German plow, get daily bread for the German people. He said that peace can not be used as a means to solve the time, then speak with their fists. Throughout the "expansion." Along these two ideas is the "expansion." The economic crisis has given him an opportunity to promote personal political views, and ultimately win the support of the majority of the people. January 30, 1933, almost the entire Berlin turned out, shouting four sentences: a head of state; one political party; one nation; cast one"s vote - Adolf Hitler u2022 "who chose Hitler, who chose war" soon drowned them in four sentences.
2023-07-18 07:25:381

星际争霸 Single Player-StarCraft(Expansion)人族的第八关怎么过??

2023-07-18 07:25:586

希捷expansion desktop drive 2T外置式硬盘插电脑上吱吱响不识别

2023-07-18 07:26:163

希捷移动硬盘expansion portable drive500g modelSRD00F1 帮我看下是什么型号和真假

2023-07-18 07:26:251


系统总线(Bus)是CPU与其他部件之间传送数据、地址和控制信号的公用通道。从物理上讲,系统总线是计算机硬件系统中各部分相互连接的方式;从逻辑上讲,系统总线是一种通信标准,是关于扩展卡能在PC中工作的协议。 微机中总线的分为数据总线、地址总线和控制总线,分别用于传输数据、数据地址和控制信号。参考资料:《大学计算机-计算思维导论》,清华大学出版社2019
2023-07-18 07:26:424

希捷expansion portable硬盘怎么卸开?

2023-07-18 07:27:201

为什么打开WPS时总弹出 WPS Office Expansion tool已停止工作?

清理后重新安装WPS。点击“开始-运行”,输入:regedit 进入注册表 1.HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareKingsoftOffice 选中office,点击右键-删除 2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREkingsoftOffice 选中office,点击右键-删除 3.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataKingsoftoffice6 将整个office6文件夹删除。 注册表以及路径清除干净后,点击“开始-所有程序-WPS office-wps office工具-卸载”。卸载的最后不要保留配置信息。
2023-07-18 07:27:283

Cheking Expansion File什么意思?

2023-07-18 07:27:541


2023-07-18 07:25:201