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plum blossom怎么读

2023-07-18 05:50:17
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plum blossom【pl∧m "blоsu0259m】(有个c反过来的音标打不出,我用了о代替..|||


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plum blossom是什么意思

plum blossom梅花双语对照词典结果:plum blossom[英][plu028cm u02c8blu0254su0259m][美][plu028cm u02c8blɑsu0259m]n.梅花; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The fragrance of winter"s plum blossom comes from the bitter cold.
2023-07-18 03:39:541

plum blossom是什么意思

plum blossom 英[plu028cm u02c8blu0254su0259m] 美[plu028cm u02c8blɑsu0259m] n. 梅花; [网络] 梅; 一剪梅; 李花; [例句]Japanese poets have great affection for plum blossom and oriental cherry.梅花和樱花是深受日本诗人青睐的名花。
2023-07-18 03:40:011


plum blossom 梅花
2023-07-18 03:40:114


不会曲解。。。因为梅子本来就叫plum....你如果说plum blossom的话。。。外国人是不会会错意的....
2023-07-18 03:40:192


梅(植物学名词):prunus mume 梅花:plum blossom 梅子:plum
2023-07-18 03:41:071


Dong Mei......................
2023-07-18 03:41:263


祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水 祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水,我们都知道,不同的香水会有不同的香调,会有不同的味道,祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水也是如此。祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水一共有三款香水,每一款香水的味道都是不一样的。下面让我们具体来看看吧! 祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水1 祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水有哪几款香水 Jo Malone 2017年春季香港限定 Blossom Belle 花蕾丛林系列 产品描述:系列包含梅花、桂花和合欢花三款香水 Plum Blossom 梅花 以梅子的清新果香为前调,随后绽放出细致花香中调,醇厚檀木香与洁净白麝香衬托出迷人美景,构成这季节的醉人庆典。 Osmanthus Blossom 桂花 白色小花捕捉了甜杏与皮革柔软的相对特质。苦橙叶气息混合着甜美的白桃与橙花,以羊绒木香演绎性感芬芳。 Silk Blossom 合欢花 合欢花流絮般的粉红花球释放出甜美诱惑,杏桃为其增添一缕清爽,青苔上散发着松软轻盈的.天芥菜韵味。 祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水味道梅花 梅花开放在微寒的初春,香气丰厚圆浑。 这款香水的前调是清新果香,由黄梅果实和佛手柑构成。后调为白麝香的木本香调,沉稳成熟。 桂花 桂花是一种很经典的东方花朵,但是香水中却不常用。祖玛珑将桂花和另一种冷门的成分羊绒木结合,以木本香气将桂花衬得清新淡雅。 配方中还含有蒸馏提纯的苦橙叶、青涩的柑橘和雪松木,用中性翠绿的气息中和了桂花的浓郁香气。 合欢花 百花盛放的春日,合欢花的粉色花球是一道甜美的风景。这款香水的前调采用了胡椒、香柠檬和杏桃。 甜美清爽中加入一抹辛香。中调是合欢花、茉莉和玫瑰,满满的迷人花香。橡木苔和天芥菜构成后调的余味,柔软清新。 祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水上市时间 三款香水将在2017年4月初上市。 趁着繁花初绽的的春天,香水品牌祖玛珑(Jo Malone)推出了花蕾丛林(Blossom Belle)系列香水,包含梅花、桂花和合欢花三款香型。一反祖玛珑简约冷清的素色包装风格,花蕾丛林系列的包装颜色非常鲜艳,还配有甜美的蝴蝶结装饰。 祖玛珑花蕾丛林系列香水2 Jo Malone London此次推出的2021新款Blossoms限量系列古龙水,设计灵感来自于异国的海岸,瓶身以全新的圆弧玻璃瓶取代了方形设计,搭配圆圆脑袋的瓶盖,看起来就像是五彩缤纷的水晶球,十分可爱。瓶盖和吸管根据不同的香型,还有不同的颜色,充满活力又极具浪漫! 该系列香水共有四款香型,其中有两个新的限定香Red Hibiscus红芙蓉和Yellow Hibiscus黄芙蓉,前者是淡淡的茉莉花香,带着生动的香草气息,活泼又迷人~ 后者同属于花香基调的香水,与玫瑰、白麝香搭配,让人想起灿烂阳光的春天~ 另外两款香水都为祖玛珑的经典复刻款,Nashi Blossom水梨花蕾香水以水梨花的香甜为主调,搭配清甜柠檬与白麝香的温润,将微醺氛围表现得恰到好处。 另外一瓶Frangipani鸡蛋花古龙水,则融合了茉莉花瓣的香味,并在基底加入了融化奶油香气的檀香,充满着阳光的温暖与香甜气息。 此外,该系列还推出了Nectarine Blossom&Honey杏桃花与蜂蜜身体喷雾,以及Silk Blossom合欢花室内藤条扩香。
2023-07-18 03:41:361


我给你一丛花 1.菊花,chrysanthemum 2蝴蝶兰,phalaenopsid 3天堂鸟,bird of paradise 4勿忘我,forget-me-not 5满天星,baby"s breath 6兰花,orchid 7美人蕉,cacca(或Indian shot) 8风信子,hyacinth 9郁金香,tulip 10夜来香,evening primrose 11梅花,plum blossom(或wintersweet) 12牡丹,peony 13杜鹃花,azalea 14水仙,narcissus 15蓝色妖姬,blue dream 16荷花,lotus 17凌霄,Chinese trumpet creep(学名campsis grandiflora) 18仙人掌,cactus 19竹子,bamboo 20梅花.plum blossom(或wintersweet)
2023-07-18 03:41:431


But our national flower—— the plum blossom blooms in winter. The plum blossom flourishes no matter how cold the winter is. The plum blossoms ability to endure is symbolic of the Chinese spirit. The Chinese not only can endure but also flourish in any environment. In all kind of flowers, I like plum blossom best. Because plum flower is small. Her flower is snow white. It looks like a beautiful girl. It"s so clear and pure. Two years ago, I am a pupil of Grade Three. I had to learn many subjects at school. I remember that when I was 10 years old, I studied English for the first time. English is quite difficult for me. And my English is not so good. I was worried about it. At that time, my mother always told the story about plum blossom. And told me learn from the plum blossom. My mother said: my dear, you should learn from the plum blossom. However the environment is difficult, it always flourishes. Now, you have some trouble in studying English, never mind, just try your best, and you"ll be succeed. After that time, I always look plum blossom as my “idol”. Now, I make great progress in English. Last term, I won the “Fast Reading Competition”. I like plum blossom, not only its flower but also its spirit.追问: 花卉是不计其数,丰富多彩。当春天来临时,地球与花朵鲜艳。黄色的小花朵,有时他们的头点头欢迎路人。柳树花舞稀里糊涂地与他们的长期软分支机构。脸红的玫瑰是在陌生人面前。然而,当北风开始吹花,他们的笑容消失了。他们脸红面临消失。但我们的国花 - 梅花盛开在冬季。梅花茂盛无论多么寒冷的冬天。赏梅承受能力,是中华民族精神的象征。在中国,不仅可以承受,而且在任何环境中蓬勃发展。在所有种类的花,我最喜欢梅花。由于梅花小。她的花是雪白色。它看起来像一个美丽的女孩。它是如此清晰和pure.Two年前,我是三年级的学生。我曾在学校学习很多课题。我记得,当我10岁,我第一次研究了英语。英语对我来说是相当困难的。而我的英语不太好。我很担心它。当时,我的母亲总是告诉了梅花的故事。并告诉我从梅花学习。我的母亲说:亲爱的,你要学习梅花。然而,环境是困难的,它始终盛行。现在,你有在学习英语的麻烦,没关系,只要尽你所能,你会成功。此后,我总是看我的“偶像”梅花。现在,我在英国作出的巨大进步。上学期,我赢得了“快速阅读竞赛”。我喜欢梅花,不仅它的花,而且它的精神。追问: 我们的国花是梅花吗?回答: 中国自近代以来,国花同国旗、国歌、国徽等并成为国家标志。清朝时期,慈禧太后曾以懿旨形式将牡丹定为国花。现在中华民国的国花为梅花,但中华人民共和国的国花长期未定。 来自维基百科。 所以,梅花可暂定为国花,以前我们老师告诉我们的国花就是梅花。
2023-07-18 03:41:521


2023-07-18 03:42:094

plum blossom(梅花)的复数形式

是的,如果有复数 那就是加 s了查了下,有人这么用
2023-07-18 03:42:211


花魁的解释(1) [the first of flower]∶百花的魁首 (2) [plum blossom]∶多指梅花 (3) [unsurpassed beauty]∶绝色 佳人 (4) [the most popular courtesan]∶旧时也 比喻 有名的妓女 详细解释 (1).百花的魁首。梅花开在百花之先,故有“花魁”之称。亦有以兰花为“花魁”的。 《说郛》 卷六二引 宋 王贵学 《五氏兰谱·白兰》 :“榦叶花同色,萼修齐,中有薤黄, 东野 朴 守 漳 时品为花魁。” 宋 卢炳 《汉宫春》 词:“因 何事 ,向岁晚,搀占花魁。” 柯岩 《美的 追求 者· 造化 无极》 :“人们都 赞美 梅花,好像她是 唯一 傲霜 斗雪的花魁,我不这样看。” (2).喻指绝色佳人。 《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》 :“这些富豪公子,慕其容貌,都备着厚礼求见……求诗求字的,日不离门。弄出天大的名声出来,不叫他 美娘 ,叫他做 花魁 娘子 。” 《初刻拍案惊奇》 卷三一:“小道该死, 冒犯 花魁, 可怜 见小道则个。” 郁达夫 《毁家诗纪》 之七:“省识三 郎肠 断意, 马嵬 风雨葬花魁。” 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和 颜色 ,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 魁的解释 魁 í 为首的,居第一位的:魁首。 魁星 (a.北斗星中第一星,又第一星至第四星的总称;b. 中国 神话中所说的 主宰 文章 兴衰的神)。魁元。罪魁祸首。夺魁。 高大:身魁力壮。 魁梧 。魁伟。 笔画数:; 部首 :鬼
2023-07-18 03:42:281


Snow plum
2023-07-18 03:42:375


gladiolus 剑兰 plum blossom 梅花 peach blossom 桃花 oleander 夹竹桃 camellia 茶花 azalea 杜鹃花 peony 牡丹 chrysanthemum 菊花 violet 紫罗兰 poppy 罂粟 sali *** 白籣花 cock *** 鸡冠花 paeonia 芍药 morning glory 牵牛花 water lily 荷花 lotus 莲花 hibiscus 芙蓉 canna 昙花 poinsettia 圣诞红 perpetual 月季花 cactus 仙人掌 tuberose; evening primrose 夜来香 daffodil 水仙 2008-06-07 00:33:53 补充: Hong Kong orchid 洋紫荆--------red daisy 红菊花--------magnolia 玉兰 convallaria 铃兰------------ornamental 贺春梅---------calyx canthus 蜡梅 cattleya 洋兰------------aragus fern 文竹----------hyacinth 风信子 2008-06-07 00:45:53 补充: rose 玫瑰------------cherry blossom 樱花-----pond lily 睡莲--------iris 蝴蝶花 lilac 紫丁香---------caval cine 海棠---------hydrangea 绣球花-------sunflower 向曰葵 mechilia 含笑花-----carnation康乃馨--------dandelion 蒲公英------tulip 屈金香 Azalea~ 杜鹃花 Bauhinia~洋紫荆 Bird Of Paradise~天堂鸟 Carnation~康乃馨 Chrysanthemum~ 菊花 Cock *** ~鸡冠花 Daffodil~ 水仙 Daisy~雏菊 Gladiolus ~剑兰 Gypsophila~瞿麦(满天星) Holly~冬青 Hyacinth~风信子 Hydrangea~绣球花 Lavender~薰衣草 Lily~百合花 Lotus~莲花 Orchid~兰花 Peony~ 牡丹 Rose~玫瑰花 Statice~海石竹(无忘我) Sunflower~向日葵 Tulips~郁金香 Violet~ 紫罗兰 Windflower~银莲花
2023-07-18 03:43:021


1.平行四边形=parralelogram2.六边形=hexagon3.梯形=trapezium4.五边形=pentagon5.等腰三角形=isoceles triangle6.直角三角形=right triangle 7.椭圆形=oval8.正方形=square
2023-07-18 03:43:122


《望江南·池阳道中》 (宋·李纲) 归去客,迂骑过江乡。茅店鸡声寒逗月,板桥人迹晓凝霜。一望楚天长。 春信早,山路野梅香。映水酒帘斜扬日,隔林渔艇静鸣榔。杳杳下残阳。 To the Tune: Gazing to the South. On the Road of Chiyang The guest riding horse passed by the Yangtze village.He heard the crowing from the small hotel under the cold moon and saw the early frost on the wooden bridge with human footmarks, gazing to the remote south. The wild sweet plum blossom with on the mountain road brought the information of early spring.The fluttered bush of the bar was reflected in the water under the sun and the fishing boat across the forest was softly tapping the boat"s rail with the darkening sunset.
2023-07-18 03:43:191

west lake 西湖的景色,英语作文,急呀

Charming West Lake, Hangzhou, the Four Seasons, "a paradise on earth" with an embedded shining pearl, it is that the West Lake. West Lake of the Four Seasons is the United States. Spring in the West go to the flourishing of Bai Di, Sir Georg Solti on a lake view, the only sparkling lake, the waves Adventure, like precious stones such as the San Tan Chinese Restaurant embedded in the lake. Liu Si breeze from time to time your cheek, from time to time in gently over his head, shoulders Reinforced with a slight shake to organizations and the sound of distant and pleasant sound, that is how people intoxicated with it! In the summer, the lake"s West Lake, the lotus leaf, lotus hard squeeze hard squeeze. Most notably that of white jade flowers, demure, Su-jie, is "emerge unstained from filth." Jingying those holding lotus leaves, such as agate-like dew, and guard the arch of flowers and fat Huagu Duo, is a large picture of the artist or the beautiful landscape. In the fall of the West Lake is one of the mature landscape. Ten shore of the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance you really make people to and from the lingering; the lake, the lotus leaf as the shy little girl, the lower the head, went into hiding, and waiting for them to remind people to take under Flanagan"s Lotus then . At this time, Hua Zhao light of the boat, humming a ditty of leisurely, gently take the next lotus root. That only a lotus root it, Baibaipanpang, a naked truth of Doll Xiao Pang, people love. If you are from the basket, on a random selection, the bite on a clean wash, Cuisheng sheng, it has been able to taste sweet to your heart. West Lake in winter is no exception. Although the flowers have to thank, but the lake bottom is clear, the plum blossom in full bloom is very beautiful; snow, snow-wrapped, the edge of the embankment in the cheerful children"s play, laughter, the sound Xuefei, the co - Together, turned into a beautiful symphony. Ah! West Lake! You"re a bright, bright pearl you! U.S. West 迷人的西湖四季 杭州这个“人间天堂”里镶嵌着一颗闪亮的明珠,那就是西湖. 西湖的四季是美的.春回大地,走在西湖百花齐放的白堤、苏堤上眺望着湖面,只见湖面上波光粼粼,轻舟荡漾,三潭映月如宝石般嵌在湖面.柳丝时而轻拂你的脸颊,时而在轻轻地掠过头上、肩上,再配上轻微地摇橹声和远处动听地琴声,那是多么让人陶醉呀! 夏季,西湖的湖面上,荷叶、荷花挨挨挤挤.最引人注目的是那洁白如玉的荷花,娴静、素洁,真是“出污泥而不染.”荷叶托着那些晶莹、如玛瑙般的露珠,又守护着亭亭玉立的荷花和胖胖的花骨朵,就简直是一幅用大画家的画卷也不上的美丽风景画. 秋季的西湖,是一派成熟的景色.岸边十里飘香的桂花呀,真让人留恋往返;湖面上,荷叶像害羞的小女孩,都低下了脑袋,躲藏了起来,她们在提醒和等着人们去采那根下的莲藕呢.这时候,人们划着轻快的小船,哼着悠闲的小曲,轻轻地采下莲藕.那一只只莲藕呀,白白胖胖的,真象一个个一丝不挂的小胖娃娃,让人爱不释手.你要是从筐子里随便拣上一只,洗洗干净咬上一口,脆生生的,那味儿一直能甜到你心里. 西湖的冬天也不例外.虽然花儿都谢了,但湖水还是清澈见底,盛开的梅花更是美丽无比;雪天,银装素裹,河堤边的孩子们在欢快的玩耍,欢笑声,雪飞声,合在一起,变成了一首美妙的交响曲. 啊!西湖!你真是一颗明亮、璀璨的明珠呀! 西湖美
2023-07-18 03:43:261


Without a cold to the bone, which have the plum blossom fragrance pubi谢谢望采纳
2023-07-18 03:43:332


  有一个外国朋友,并且经常交流,可以帮助你提高自己的英语水平。那就给他写一份信吧。接下来是我整理的给朋友的一封信英文翻译内容,欢迎阅读。   给朋友的一封信英文翻译范文篇一   Dear Robert,   亲爱的罗伯特:   I"m glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.   我很高兴收到你的来信。现在我会告诉你期末考试后我的暑假计划。首先,我会去学开车。我觉得学会开车是很有用的。其次,我会参加一些英语课程。第三,我会参观一些旅游景点。肯定很激动人心。最后,我会在假期中去阅读。你呢?我希望你能有一个完美的假期。   John约翰   给朋友的一封信英文翻译范文篇二   Dear Amy,   亲爱的艾米:   Long time no see. How is everything going? I am writing to tell you a good new about me. I received my high school admission this morning. It is No.1 high school in my hometown. You know that it is my dream school. I am so excited to share this good news with you. You will be happy for me, right? Now, it is your turn. How about you? Have you receive you admission yet? Have you e back from your Guangzhou trip? I am eager to know your life recently. Look forward to your replying.   很久不见。最近怎么样了?我写这封信给你是想告诉你我的一个好讯息。我今早收到高中入学通知书了。是我家乡的第一高中。你知道的,那是我梦想中的学校。我真的很激动,所以急于跟你分享这个讯息。你会为我感到高兴的,是吗?现在,该轮到你了。你怎么样了?收到通知书了吗?你的广州之旅结束了吗?我很想了解你的近况。期待你的回信。   Best wishes,Li Hui李慧   给朋友的一封信英文翻译范文篇三   Dear Mercy,   亲爱的梅斯,   How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English well. Don"t worry. I think you have to improve your English step by step. And I will right behind you. In my view, you should develop you interest on English first. According to my experience, I think watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Internet would be helpful. Secondly, you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class. I know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be concentrated. A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English. The left steps I will tell next time. By the way, we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year ago. Have you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the ing Summer vacation. Looking forward to your reply.   过得可好。上次你说你现在很焦虑因为你觉得很难学好英语。别担心。我觉得要提高英语你得一步步来。我会帮你的。在我看来,首先应该要培养你对英语的兴趣。根据我的经验,我认为看英文电影,听美妙的英文歌曲以及在网际网路上与他人用英语交流会有很大的帮助。其次,你要预习,这样可以让你理解老师在课堂上说的东西。我知道你觉得上英语课很无聊,但你必须强迫自己聚精会神的听。一段时间后,你会感觉到学习英语变得容易些了。剩下的步骤下一次我会告诉你的。顺便提一下,自从一年前你们家搬到湖南后我们就没见过面。你有没有想过暑假的时候回来看看我,我们可以一起学习英语。期待你的回复。   Best wishes,Li丽   致朋友的一封英文信篇四   Hello   Before, when we play together, and bee a good friend. Do you remember? This summer, I would like to invite you to my home.   My hometown is located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. It is a picturesque tourist resort, there in spring flowers everywhere, flowers; summer, tree lined, birds chirping; fruitful autumn, ten fragrance; winter snow to heaven and earth for a white dress, the kids some play snowball fights, some snowman. Everybody played very happy.   My hometown is picturesque, because there is a beautiful mountain, beautiful water, flowers more beautiful. Flowers of particular types, there are plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, etc.! Known as meilanzhuju said. The scenery is beautiful and colorful poetic, picturesque. The most famous is the plum, a lot of tourists to see the plum blossom style, all the way to where we plum. White plum snow, powder, like Xia, a variety of colors hanging on the branches, look far into the distance, as if a rainbow suspension in the mountains as, is not very beautiful picture?   After listening to my introduction, you must have a heart! Think of my hometown to play? I will open my arms and wele you to e.   I wish you   Happy life!   你好!   以前,我们在一起玩的时认识了,并成为了好朋友。还记得吗?今年暑假,我想请你到我家做客。   我的家乡坐落在浙江绍兴,那是个如诗如画的旅游胜地,那儿春天花开遍野,鸟语花香;夏天绿树成荫,鸟叫虫鸣;秋天硕果累累,十里飘香;冬天雪儿给天地换上了一件雪白的衣裳,小朋友们有的玩打雪仗,有的堆雪人,大家都玩得很高兴。   我的家乡之所以如诗如画,是因为那里山美、水美、花更美。花的种类尤其多,有梅花、兰花、竹子、菊花等!素有梅兰竹菊之称。那里的风景就如诗般秀丽,如画般多彩。最有名的当属梅花了,很多游客为了一睹梅花的风采,千里迢迢到我们那里赏梅。梅花白的雪,粉的像霞,各种颜色挂在树枝上,远远看去,好像一条七色彩虹悬挂在山上一样,是不是很美的一幅画呢?   听了我的介绍,你一定心动了吧!想到我的家乡去玩吗?我会张开双臂,随时欢迎你的到来。   祝你   生活愉快!   致朋友的一封英文信篇五   Dear John,   Long time no see, how is your summer vacation? I"m really sorry for writing so late. I have been too busy at this moment. I am happy to hear that you have traveled to Tibet at this summer holiday. How I wish I could go there with you!   Let me tell you something about my summer holiday. My summer holiday is rich and colorful. My parents take me to Hong Kong. That"s a beautiful place. I buy a lot of funny things at there. Such as pretty dresses, cute dolls and the snacks I never eat before. I really want to stay there and never e back! In a word, I really appreciate the life there.   I"m really looking forward to your reply!   亲爱的约翰:   好久不见,你的暑假过得还好吗?很抱歉那么晚才写信给你。这段时间我真的太忙了。我很高兴听说暑假你去了 *** 旅游。我真希望我也和你一起去。   让我告诉你我的暑假趣事吧。我的暑假过得丰富多彩。我父母带我去了香港。那是个美丽的地方。我在香港买了很多新奇的玩意。比如漂亮的裙子,可爱的娃娃和一些从来没有吃过的零食。我真想待在那里再也不回来了。一句话,我喜欢那里的生活。   我很期待你的回复!
2023-07-18 03:43:411

谁知道一个韩国电影,金来元主演的,他从小在一个寺院里,叫什么名字,这个电影从哪里能看。我会加分的 金来沅 Rae-won Kim 作品列表演员-金来沅 Rae-won Kim 仁寺洞丑闻 Insadong Scandal (2009) 371794 214791食客 sikgaek (2008) .....成灿 2874花影 Hankage (2008) .....孙肃悟 向日葵 Sunflower (2006) Haebaragi你来自哪颗星 Which Star Are You From (2006) .....崔承熙 87 2585 172319 2591苏格拉底先生 Mr. Socrates (2005) .....Ku Dong-hyeok 我的小小新娘 My Little Bride (2004) .....Park Sang-min 小小新娘 / 吾妻16岁Eorin shinbuYoung Bride对我说我爱你 "Saranghanda malhaejwo" (2004) .....金秉秀 17966399 016733爱在哈佛 Love Story in Harvard (2004) .....金贤宇 "Rubeusutori in Habeodeu"0715215705 37 690393悬浮 (2003) .....车成俊 雪人891791恋爱进行时 ……ing (2003) .....Yeong-jae 恋爱进行时ing……...ing屋塔房上的小猫 (2003) .....李庆民 屋塔房上小猫 / 阁楼男女285002 792033Oktapbang goyangi益守速递 2424 (2002) .....Han Ik-su 钻石惹的祸 / 侦缉行动红豆女之恋 "Nae sarang Patjwi" (2002) .....金贤成 8917965639鸟身女妖 Harpy (2000) .....Hyeon-su 网络妖姬6961青春 Cheongchun (2000) .....Ja-hyo Plum BlossomYouth
2023-07-18 03:43:481


1、浪花,从不伴随躲在避风港的小表演,而始终追赶着拼搏向前的巨轮。 Waves, never with hid in the small show the safe haven, always chasing fight and the ship forward. 2、逆境是成长必经的过程,能勇于接受逆境的人,生命就会日渐的茁壮。 Adversity is the process of shaping, to have the courage to accept adversity, life will be increasingly strong. 3、人生最大的遗憾不是拥有无法实现的梦想,而是没有?试著去实现它。 Life"s greatest regret not have unable to realize the dream, but not to try to achieve it. 4、如果说我懂的道理比别人多一点,那是因为我犯的错误比别人多一点。 If I know a little more than others, it is because my mistakes more than others. 5、环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。 The environment will never be perfect, negative people affected by environmental control, positive people control environment. 6、简单的生活之所以很不容易,是因为要活的简单,一定不能想的太多。 Simple life is not easy, because want to live simple, must not think too much. 7、凡是想获得优异成果的人,都应该异常谨慎地珍惜和支配自己的时间。 All people who want to get good results, abnormal should be careful to cherish and control their own time. 8、回首,留不住岁月。凝眸,牵不住时光。于是,我们淡然微笑,释然。 Looking back, do not leave time. Gaze, lead time. So, we smile calmly and relief. 9、一个人若已到了没有任何东西可以依赖的时候,往往会变得坚强起来。 If a person has arrived when there is nothing to rely on, tend to become strong. 10、人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。 Stage of the life should be open at any moment, the key is you willing to performance, still choose to avoid. 11、别人只能给你指路,而不能帮你走路,自己的人生路,还需要自己走。 Others can only give you directions, but can"t help you to walk, his own life, also need to go. 12、成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。 Success need to cost, time is also a kind of cost, to cherish time is to cost savings. 13、即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。 Even if the bumpy road, the wheels also advance; Even choppy rivers, the ships navigation. 14、做人需简单,不沉迷幻想,不茫然未来,走今天的路,过当下的生活。 Life should be simple, do not indulge fantasy, not a loss in the future, today"s way, live the life of the Psent. 15、伟大的成就,来自为远大的目标所花费的巨大心思和付诸的最大努力。 Great achievements, the great heart from cost by big goal and put it into the best. 16、如果别人背叛你一次,那是他的错;如果他背叛你两次,那是你的错。 If someone betrays you once, it"s his fault; If he betrays you twice, it"s your fault. 17、乐观的人能重整旗鼓东山再起,悲观的人因缺乏自信,往往一败涂地。 Optimistic people can rally stage a comeback, pessimistic people due to a lack of self-confidence, tend to lose. 18、当你强大了,你才会遇到比你更强大的;当你变好,你才配得起更好。 When you are strong, you will encounter more powerful than you; When you get better, you better is good enough. 19、人们常常慨叹生活中缺少美,那是因为他们缺少了一双发现美的眼睛。 People often lament the lack of beauty in life, it is because they lack a pair of eyes to find beauty. 20、要克服对死亡的恐惧,你必须要接受世上所有的人,都会死去的观念。 To overcome the fear of death, you must accept all of the people in the world, the idea of dies. 21、如同磁铁吸引四周的铁粉,热情也能吸引周围的人,改变周围的情况。 Around like a magnet attracts iron powder, also can attract the people around you, change the situation around. 22、别人的辛酸史,听得再多也无法使你成长,不如亲自尝尝辛苦的滋味。 Other people"s bitter history, listen to also cannot make you grow, more than to taste the taste of hard. 23、有话说给知人,有饭送给饥人。其他时候选择倾听,谁倾的多谁就牛B。 Have words to known, have rice to hungry people. Other choice to listen, who leans forward more cattle B. 24、大江歌罢掉头东,邃密群科济世穷。面壁十年图破壁,难酬蹈海亦英雄。 Great river song "turn east, abstruse and full of poor families and helpful. The wall, side wall decade figure resentment and ped hero. 25、过去,我已不能改变;未来,我还不能预测;但至少,现在它由我把握。 In the past, I cannot change; In the future, I can"t Pdict; But at least now I grasp it. 26、运气不可能持续一辈子,能帮助你持续一辈子的东西只有你个人的能力。 Luck cannot last forever, can help you only your personal ability to last a lifetime. 27、沙漠里的脚印很快就消逝了。一支支奋进歌却在跋涉者的心中长久激荡。 The footprints of the desert soon gone. The inpidual endeavour song but in the heart of wayfarers agitate for a long time. 28、用最少的悔恨面对过往。用最少的挥霍面对现在。用最多的梦面对未来。 Face the past with the regret at least. Face the Psent with the least amount of waste. With the most dream to face future. 29、时间是由分秒积成的,善于利用零星时间的人,才会做出更大的成绩来。 Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make greater achievement. 30、莫怨时间够不够,莫叹机会有没有,自古成功靠努力,何必坐着等白头。 Don"t complain time is enough, don"t sigh a chance ever, success depends on hard since ancient times, why sit hoary head, etc. 31、熊熊的热忱,凭着切实有用的知识与坚忍不拔,是最常造就成功的品性。 Burning passion, with practical and useful knowledge and perseverance, the success of character are the most common. 32、用最少的悔恨面对过去;用最少的浪费面对现在;用最多的梦面对未来。 Face the past with the least lamentation; Face Psent with the least waste. With the most dream to face future. 33、在等待的日子里,刻苦读书,谦卑做人,养得深根,日后才能枝叶茂盛。 Waiting for the day, study hard, humble person, have deep roots, can be wide sPading in the future. 34、记住你的价值,它不因你的外观的不雅而贬值,是金子总有发光的一天。 Remember your value, it is not because of your indecent and dePciation, the appearance of the gold always shine one day. 35、低头不是认输,是要看清自己的路;仰头不是骄傲,是看见自己的天空。 Bowed their heads and not give up, it is to see his own way; Please not proud, is to see their own sky. 36、美丽属于自信者,从容属于有备者,奇迹属于执着者,成功属于顽强者。 Beauty belongs to the confident, calm belongs to be Ppared, miracle belongs to obsession, success belongs to the strong. 37、不要沉溺于过去,不要幻想未来,集中精力,过好眼下的每一分每一秒! Don"t indulge in the past, don"t fantasy future, focus and a good now every minute and second! 38、人们似乎每天在接受命运的安排,实际上人们每天在安排着自己的命运。 People seem to be in every day to accept fate, in fact people every day in the arrangement of his own fortune. 39、读书要去实践,不要相信书,但是并不妨碍你多读书,记得一定要实践。 Book reading to practice, don"t believe, but does not Pvent you read more books, remember must practice. 40、嫉妒者总是拿放大镜看别人的优点,自卑者总是拿放大镜看自己的缺点。 Envy always take a magnifying glass to see others" advantages, inferior always take a magnifying glass to see their own faults. 41、一堆沙子是松散的,可是它和水泥、石子、水混合后,比花岗岩还坚韧。 A pile of sand is loose, but it mixed with cement, stone, water, the toughness than granite. 42、青年的朝气倘已消失,前进不己的好奇心已衰退以后,人生就没有意义。 If lost youth vigor, forward own curiosity has not recession, life is meaningless. 43、人生要有所作为,今天就得行动起来,而不是明天下决心,后天作保证。 Want to do something in life, today have to act, rather than determined to tomorrow, the day after tomorrow as a guarantee. 44、今天不成功还有明天,明天不成功还有后天,不管在哪里,都会有明天。 Today is not successful and tomorrow, tomorrow not successful and the day after tomorrow, no matter where, there will be tomorrow. 45、实力加自信就是一把坚韧不摧的利剑也是通往成功的船票实力决定成败。 The strength and confidence is a tough break, sword is the ticket to success decides success or failure. 46、在无法预知所要遇见的人是什么样时你有大把的时间去让自己变得更棒。 In the unPdictable, and to meet people is what you"ll have plenty of time to allow yourself to become better. 47、每个人都经历过青春,相信在你的青春中也有那么一段令你值得回忆的。 Everyone experienced youth, believe in your youth also have so a make you memorable. 48、我不能忍受游手好闲,因此,我以为只要我能够做,我就会继续做下去。 I can"t stand idle, so I think that as long as I can do, I will continue to do it. 49、你是你的敌人,只有你能力打倒你;你是你的上帝,只有你才干拯救你。 You is your enemy, only you can take you down; You are your god, only you talents to save you. 50、人要像梅花一样,只要凌寒傲霜,积极向上,才能开出美丽而芳香的花。 People like the plum blossom, as long as the ling cold resists the frost, active and can produce beautiful and fragrant flowers. 51、人不要脸了鬼都怕,你要学不会不要脸那你就学如何忍受别人的不要脸。 People don"t wanna the ghosts are afraid of, you have to learn not shame on you that you learn how to bear other people"s shameless. 52、希望你的笑容都是发自内心的,希望你那么忙,做的都是自己热爱的事。 Hope your smile is from the heart, hope you are so busy, do all of our love. 53、懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体;经常用的钥匙,总是亮闪闪的。 Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. The key to often used and is always bright. 54、每个人的价值观都不一样,不要拿你自己的去评判别人的,这就是尊重。 Everyone"s values is different, don"t take your own to judge others, it is respect. 55、鹰,向往太阳,终生向着太阳飞翔;我,憧憬未来,不断向着未来迈进。 The eagle, the sun, a lifelong fly toward the sun. I, looking forward to the future, and constantly moving towards the future. 56、永远不要埋怨你已经发生的事情,要么就改变它,要么就安静的接受它。 Never blame you already happened, or change it, or quiet accept it. 57、时间不可空过,惟用之于有益的工作;一切无益的行动,应该完全制止。 Time is not empty, but use of useful work; All unprofitable operations, should be completely stopped. 58、人的追求与结果是一一对应的,有什么样的追求,就会有什么样的结果。 The pursuing of people and the result is one-to-one, what kind of pursuit, there will be what kind of results. 59、青春是一个普通的名称,它是幸福美好的,但它也是充满着艰苦的磨炼。 Youth is a common name, it is happiness, but it is also full of hard training. 60、不要拿装B的人当人看,那样是纵容他。除非你有所图,那就配合他一下。 When people look at. Don"t pack B, is letting him like that. Unless you have figure, then cooperate with him. 61、一个人只要他有纯洁的心灵,无愁无恨,他的青春时期,定可因此而延长。 One as long as he has a pure heart, without sorrow without regret, of his youth, the set can be extended. 62、人生不过是一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,然后,各自修行,各自向前。 But life is a journey, you pass by me, I pass by you, then, their practice, their forward. 63、明智的人决不坐下来为失败而哀号,他们一定乐观地寻找办法来加以挽救。 A wise man will not sit down and cry for the failure, they must be looking for ways to save them with optimism. 64、把艰辛的劳作看作是生命的必然,即使没有收获的希望也心平气和的继续。 Hard work is considered an inevitable life, even no harvest of hope and peace. 65、内心充满忌妒,心中不坦白,言语不正的人,不能算是一位五官端正的人。 Heart filled with envy, not frankly in the heart, a man of words not be a man who is belowed. 66、不要不敢承认自己的错误。犯了错误并不是一种罪行,犯错不改才是罪过。 Don"t be afraid to admit your mistakes. Made a mistake and didn"t make it a crime, not to change is sin. 67、理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; Without direction, there is no life. 68、眼睛就是身上的灯。眼睛若明亮,全身就光明;眼睛若昏花,全身就黑暗。 The eye is the lamp. If the eyes bright, whole body shall be full of light; If the eyes are dim, the whole body is dark. 69、过了才明白,往事是用来回忆的,幸福是用来感受的,伤痛是用来成长的。 To understand, is used to recall the past, happiness is a feeling, pain is used to grow. 70、无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。 No matter how much knowledge can be distinguished, if lack of enthusiasm, have no paper starts conceals. 71、思恋一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Thoughts of a person"s taste like to drink a large glass of ice water, then use a long time into tears. 72、如果缺少破土面出并与风雪拚搏的勇气,种子的前途并不比落叶美妙一分。 If a lack of ground surface and the snow was the courage to struggle, the future of the seed leaves than beauty.
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1.有关英雄的英语名言 A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。 A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 A bully is always a coward. 色厉内荏。 A burden of one"s choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。 A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 A cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命。 A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以打量国王,意为人人平等。 A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。 A constant guest is never welcome. 常客令人厌。 Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 Adversity leads to prosperity. 穷则思变。 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。 A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 A fox may grow gray, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。 2.关于英雄的英语作文 第一篇 Everyone"s heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit. So far,I can"t forget a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person I can"t understand why he was so friendly,but I really know,he was a hero in my heart.I looked up upon him.and I will do all things I can do,I want to be the 2nd Leifeng.第二篇 Li zhunji, My Hero Have you seen the Korean TV series call “Hero”? The hero of the story is a actor called Lizhunji. Lizhunji, he is my hero. I admire most of the characters he acted in the movies and TV dramas, such as the romantic and free spirited Xu Zheng yu in “My Girl”, the tough man in “the times of the wolf and dog”, and the legendary hero in “the plum blossom”. Beside this, I admire him as an actor. He challenges himself as an actor and chooses to act totally different type of rolls. He said to his fans, “If one day I forgot my dream and chased after money and fame, I wouldn"t be me anymore. Please abandon me then.” I"m not an actor, but I want to be like him to challenge myself and live in the dream to achieve, not to sit back and enjoy the success.李准基,我的偶像 你看过一部叫做《英雄》的韩剧吗?这个故事中的主角就是一个叫做李准基的演员演的,他就是我的偶像。 我喜爱他演的大部分电视剧和电影中的角色。《我的女孩》中浪漫又富有自由精神的徐政宇,《狼与狗的时间》中的硬汉,还有传奇性的人物《一枝梅》。 除此之外,我还欣赏他做为一个演员,挑战自身,演完全不同的角色。他对影迷们说:“有一天如果我忘记了我的梦想开始追求金钱和名誉而演戏,我就不再是我了,你们就抛弃我吧。” 我不是演员,但我愿意像他一样挑战自身,为梦想和成就而生,而不是松懈和享受成功。第三篇 The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.If you ask brother chun much stronger? The arms unbend had 19 practice, follow the rockets running. Racing Twenty feet into football, break son unique. Brother chun is playing in Germany, Brazil cowering rig surrender. If nobody asked how much power? A call a tornado thirty, learn to write round his pupil. Forty xi, the British library endorsement. Yu spring wave, leaning worship created universe hero.。 3.关于hero的英语句子 hero 英[u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028a] 美[u02c8hu026arou028a] n. 英雄,勇士; 男主角; (古代神话中的) 神人,半神的勇士; [例句]Daniel Boone, the great hero figure of the frontier 丹尼尔·布恩&西部伟大的英雄形象 [其他] 复数:heroes ----------------------------- 希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力! 4.关于英雄或勇气的名言(要英语的) Wherenbsp;therenbsp;isnbsp;anbsp;will,therenbsp;isnbsp;anbsp;way.nbsp;有志者,事竟成。 nbsp;Nothingnbsp;isnbsp;toonbsp;diffcult,ifnbsp;younbsp;putnbsp;yournbsp;heartnbsp;intonbsp;it.nbsp;世上无难事,只怕有心人。nbsp;Asnbsp;everynbsp;threadnbsp;ofnbsp;goldnbsp;isnbsp;valuable,nbsp;sonbsp;everynbsp;momentnbsp;ofnbsp;time.nbsp;一寸光阴一寸金。 nbsp;Allnbsp;thingsnbsp;innbsp;theirnbsp;beingnbsp;arenbsp;goodnbsp;fornbsp;something.nbsp;天生我才必有用。nbsp;Therenbsp;isnbsp;nothingnbsp;permanentnbsp;exceptnbsp;change.nbsp;唯有变化才是永恒的。 nbsp;Anbsp;crookednbsp;sticknbsp;willnbsp;havenbsp;anbsp;crookednbsp;shadow.nbsp;身不正,影必斜。nbsp;Wisdomnbsp;isnbsp;tonbsp;thenbsp;mindnbsp;whatnbsp;healthnbsp;isnbsp;tonbsp;thenbsp;body.nbsp;知识之于心灵正如健康之于身体。 nbsp;Anbsp;wordnbsp;oncenbsp;spokennbsp;cannotnbsp;benbsp;takennbsp;backnbsp;evennbsp;bynbsp;anbsp;teamnbsp;ofnbsp;fournbsp;horses.nbsp;一言既出,驷马难追。nbsp;Verynbsp;oftennbsp;anbsp;changenbsp;ofnbsp;selfnbsp;isnbsp;needednbsp;morenbsp;thannbsp;anbsp;changenbsp;ofnbsp;scene.nbsp;改变自己往往比改变环境更为需要。 nbsp;Anbsp;mannbsp;isnbsp;notnbsp;oldnbsp;asnbsp;longnbsp;asnbsp;henbsp;isnbsp;seekingnbsp;something.nbsp;Anbsp;mannbsp;isnbsp;notnbsp;oldnbsp;untilnbsp;regretsnbsp;takenbsp;thenbsp;placenbsp;ofnbsp;dreams.nbsp;只要一个人还有所追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 nbsp;Betternbsp;annbsp;eggnbsp;todaynbsp;thannbsp;anbsp;hennbsp;tomorrow.nbsp;今日一只蛋,胜过明天一只鸡。nbsp;Therenbsp;isnbsp;nonbsp;friendnbsp;sonbsp;faithfulnbsp;asnbsp;anbsp;goodnbsp;book.nbsp;最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书。 nbsp;Brevitynbsp;isnbsp;thenbsp;soulnbsp;ofnbsp;wit.nbsp;言贵简。nbsp;Deliberatenbsp;slowly,nbsp;executenbsp;promptly.nbsp;谋虑要慢,行动要快。 nbsp;Friendshipnbsp;cannotnbsp;standnbsp;alwaysnbsp;onnbsp;onenbsp;side.nbsp;友谊是双方的事。nbsp;Onenbsp;treenbsp;doesnbsp;notnbsp;makenbsp;anbsp;forest.nbsp;独木不成林。 nbsp;Barkingnbsp;dogsnbsp;don"tnbsp;bite.nbsp;吠狗不咬人。nbsp;Whatnbsp;isnbsp;donenbsp;bynbsp;nightnbsp;appearsnbsp;bynbsp;day.nbsp;若要人不知,除非已莫为。 nbsp;It"snbsp;nevernbsp;toonbsp;latenbsp;tonbsp;mend.nbsp;改过不嫌晚。nbsp;Mannbsp;proposes,nbsp;Godnbsp;disposes.nbsp;谋事在人,成事在天。 nbsp;Runningnbsp;waternbsp;doesnbsp;notnbsp;getnbsp;stale;nbsp;anbsp;door-hingenbsp;isnbsp;nevernbsp;worm-eaten.nbsp;流水不腐,户枢不蠹。nbsp;Sweepnbsp;beforenbsp;yournbsp;ownnbsp;door.nbsp;正人先正已。 nbsp;Anbsp;heronbsp;isnbsp;nothingnbsp;butnbsp;anbsp;productnbsp;ofnbsp;hisnbsp;time.nbsp;时势造英雄。nbsp;Itnbsp;isnbsp;betternbsp;tonbsp;trustnbsp;tonbsp;valournbsp;thannbsp;tonbsp;luck.nbsp;*运气不如*勇气。 nbsp;Ignorancenbsp;isnbsp;thenbsp;mothernbsp;ofnbsp;impudence.nbsp;无知是鲁莽之源。nbsp;Onenbsp;carelessnbsp;movenbsp;maynbsp;losenbsp;thenbsp;wholenbsp;game.nbsp;一步不慎,满盘皆输。 nbsp;Wordsnbsp;arenbsp;likenbsp;bees,nbsp;theynbsp;havenbsp;honeynbsp;andnbsp;anbsp;sting.nbsp;言语象蜜蜂,有蜜也有刺。nbsp;It"snbsp;onlynbsp;thenbsp;idlenbsp;willnbsp;benbsp;tired.nbsp;只有闲人才会感到疲倦。 nbsp;Therenbsp;arenbsp;twonbsp;tragediesnbsp;innbsp;life.nbsp;Onenbsp;isnbsp;tonbsp;losenbsp;yournbsp;heart"snbsp;desire,nbsp;thenbsp;othernbsp;isnbsp;tonbsp;gainnbsp;it.nbsp;失去心中所欲的。 5.句子中有hero的英语名言至少5句,要句子中有出现hero哈~最好有中文 1.So call hero,bandit or criminal,are only interpretations from different angles.所谓英雄、匪徒或罪犯,只是站在不同的角度.2.A hero is known in the time of misfortune.时势造英雄.3.No man is a hero to his valet.在最贴身的人眼中,谁也充不了伟人.4.A hero only appears once the tiger is dead.老虎死了英雄才出现.5.One cannot always be a hero,but one can always be a man.人难一世称雄,但可一生为人.6.Sometimes you have to be your own hero.有时候,你必须做自己的英雄.7.You are not a hero unless you climb on the GreaWt all.不到长城非好汉.8.A hero is no braver than an ordinary man,but he is braver five minutes.生死关头方见英雄本色.9.Kills one person"s person is a murderer,but kills one hundred people"s person is a hero.--Caesar.杀1个人,那是凶手杀100个人,那是英雄.--凯撒。 6.用英语描写英雄人物 Lu Xun (traditional Chinese: 鲁迅; simplified Chinese: 鲁迅; pinyin: Lǔ Xùn) or Lu Hsün (Wade-Giles), was the pen name of Zhou Shuren (traditional Chinese: 周树人; simplified Chinese: 周树人; pinyin: Zhōu Shùrén; Wade-Giles: Chou Shu-jen) (September 25, 1881 – October 19, 1936) is one of the major Chinese writers of the 20th century. Considered the founder of modern baihua (白话) literature, Lu Xun was a short story writer, editor, translator, critic and essayist. He was one of the founders of the China League of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai. Lu Xun"s works exerted a very substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement to such a point that he was lionized by the Communist regime after 1949. Mao Zedong himself was a lifelong admirer of Lu Xun"s works. Though highly sympathetic of the Chinese Communist movement, Lu Xun himself never joined the Chinese Communist Party despite being a staunch socialist as he professed in his works. 7.求有关英雄的名言,事迹(英语) A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。 A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 A bully is always a coward. 色厉内荏。 A burden of one"s choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。 A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 A cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命。 A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以打量国王,意为人人平等。 A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。 A constant guest is never welcome. 常客令人厌。 Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 Adversity leads to prosperity. 穷则思变。 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。 A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 A fox may grow gray, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。 8.写一篇关于英雄的英语作文80字 The Hero in My Heart When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is around me, who gives me more love than others. She is my mother, the hero in my heart. My mother isn"t great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star. She does nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn a lot. When I was a baby, she taught me how to walk and how to speak. When I go to school, she helps me solve many problems. She also tells me be kind to others. When I do badly in study, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up. My mother is a teacher, and she is always busy with her work. When she corrects students" homework, she is always very serious. My mother is responsible to all of her students. She cares much about students study and life, and she tries her best to help students in need. My mother is a loving mother, a qualified teacher, and a real hero in my heart. 《翻译》 英雄在我的心里 当人们说“英雄”这个词,你会怎么想?你心中有一个英雄吗?也许你的英雄是一个著名的歌手,电影明星或一个伟大的人。但是我的英雄是我周围,谁给我比别人更多的爱。她是我的母亲,英雄在我的心里。我妈妈不是伟大的著名歌手或电影明星。她没有大,但她让别人差。从她的,我学到很多东西。 当我还是个婴儿时,她教我如何走路,如何说话。当我去上学时,她帮助我解决许多问题。她还告诉我善待他人。当我在学习时,她鼓励我,并试图使我振作起来。我妈妈是一个老师,她总是忙于她的工作。当她批改学生的家庭作业,她总是很认真的。我的母亲负责她所有的学生。她多关心学生的学习和生活,她试着最好的帮助需要帮助的学生。 我的母亲是一个慈爱的母亲,一个合格的老师,一个真正的英雄在我的心里。 9.关于hero的英语句子是个作业,帮我找些有关HERO的英语句子 玛丽亚.凯丽 - 英雄 there"s a hero if you look inside your heart you don"t have to be afraidof what you arethere"s an answerif you reach into your souland the sorrow that you knowwill meit awayand then a hero comes alongwith the strength to carry onand you cast your fears asideand you know you can surviveso when you feel like hope is gonelook inside you and be strongand you"ll finally see the truththat a hero lies in youit"s a long roadwhen you face the world aloneno one reaches out a handfor you to holdyou can find loveif you search within yourselfand the emptiness you felt will disappearand then a hero comes alongwith the strength to carry onand you cast your fears aside[02;14]and you know you can surviveso when you feel like hope is gonelook inside you and be strongand you"ll finally see the truththat a hero lies in youlord knows.dreams are hard to followbut don"t let anyonetear them away hold onthere will be tomorrow in time you"ll find the awayand then a hero comes alongwith the strength to carry onand you cast your fears asideand you know you can surviveso when you feel like hope is gonelook inside you and be strongand you"ll finally see the truththat a hero lies in youthat a hero lies in you。 that a hero lies in you.「知无不言.言无不尽.百人誉之不加密.百人毁之不加疏.」-- 诸葛廷栋。
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1、累了可以休息,但跟放弃没关系。 Tired can rest, but with give up no matter. 2、只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。 Only a bad ax, there is no chopping firewood. 3、有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 Where there is hope, there is joy in the pain. 4、不是境况造就人,而是人造就境况。 It"s not the circumstances that make man, but man made. 5、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 Their choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 6、微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。 More than a smile frown look good, than natural shouted requests. 7、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。 Happy to know how to share, to be more happy. 8、不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香? Without a cold biting cold, how fragrant plum blossom? 9、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 All of his wise men, all of them fools. 10、人生难得几回搏,此时不搏何时搏。 Life is rarely a few back, at this time not to fight when. 11、明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 Tomorrow"s hope, let us forget today"s pain. 12、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, there will be no shadow. 13、只要心中有希望存在,就有幸福存在。 As long as there is hope in the heart, there will be happiness. 14、比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。 More than others, you will be a little more persistent, you will create a miracle. 15、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。 When the external Pssure is increased, the inner motive force should be enhanced. 16、人的价值,在遭受**的一瞬间被决定。 The value of a man is determined in a moment of temptation. 17、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过於家。 Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world. 18、没有了爱的语言,所有的文字都是乏味的。 Without the language of love, all the characters are boring. 19、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 People always treasure the ones that haven"t been, but forget what they have. 20、最不会利用时间的人,最会抱怨时间不够。 Most people will not use the time, most will complain about the time is not enough. 21、此刻打盹你将做梦,而此刻学习你将圆梦! This moment will nap you will have a dream but this moment study, you will interPt a dream! 22、父母还在为你拼,你有什么理由不去努力。 Parents still fight for you, you have no reason not to work hard. 23、年轻不是你玩的理由,而是你奋斗的资本。 Youth is not the reason you are playing, but the capital you are fighting for. 24、不要在乎别人的眼光,这样我们会生不如死。 Don"t care about others, so we will die. 25、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 Greed is the real poverty, satisfaction is the most real wealth. 26、当天空黑暗到一定程度,星辰就会熠熠闪光。 When the sky is dark to a certain extent, the stars will shine. 27、每天醒来,敲醒自己的不是钟声,而是梦想。 Wake up every day, knocking on their own is not the bell, but the dream. 28、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 The greeting is not necessarily very careful, but must be sincere. 29、要铭记在心;每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 Be engraved on my heart; every day is the best day of the year. 30、愚者用**监视心灵,智者用心灵监视**。 Fool soul with physical surveillance, physical surveillance wise heart. 31、思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。 Ideas such as drill, we must focus on the forces that can be drilled. 32、努力吧,只有站在足够的高度才有资格被仰望。 Work hard, only standing at the height of enough to be eligible to be looked at. 33、生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。 Life without a friend is a life without a sun. 34、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。 Don"t say you love is who, life is still very long, can not Pdict tomorrow. 35、世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。 The easiest things in the world, the most difficult to delay time. 36、踏实一些,不要着急,你想要的,岁月都会给你。 Practical some, do not worry, you want, years will give you. 37、不管你了不了解这个世界,这个世界都不会让着你。 No matter you don"t know the world, the world will not let you. 38、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes. 39、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。 Tomorrow is the world"s fastest increase in the value of a piece of land, because it is full of hope. 40、当你不再急于否认错误时,你就学到了重要的一课。 You learn an important lesson when you are no longer in the rush to deny it. 41、如果你觉得现在走的辛苦,那就证明你在走上坡路。 If you think it"s hard now, then you"re walking up the hill. 42、明日复明日,明日何其多,我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。 Tomorrow, tomorrow, I was born to be tomorrow, everything is wasted. 43、有一种成功,叫永不言弃;有一种成功,叫继续努力。 There is a success, a success that never give up; and continue to call. 44、人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。 People"s activities, if not ideal, will become empty and small. 45、瀑布对悬崖无可畏惧,所以唱出气势磅礴的生命之歌。 The falls have no fear of the cliff, so sing the song of life of great momentum. 46、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。 Prime not to - day difficult morning. Timely when encouraged, time waits for no one. 47、谁看不起你都和你没关系,可是自己不能看不起自己。 Who look down on you and you have no relationship, but they can not look down on their own. 48、记住,别松懈,别指望,别依靠,一个人给我站稳了! Remember, don"t let up, don"t count on it. Don"t count on it. A man can stand on my feet! 49、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。 God never complains people"s ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of God. 50、行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧。 Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation will continue to nourish fear. 51、幸运并非没有恐惧和烦恼;厄运并非没有安慰与希望。 Happiness is not without fear and worry; adversity is not without comforts and hopes. 52、成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权力。 Success is a concept, getting rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power. 53、要想捉大鱼,不能怕水深。要想摘玫瑰,就得不怕刺。 If you want to catch a big fish, not afraid of water depth. If you want to pick a rose, you have to be afraid of it. 54、真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度心灵的宽度灵魂的深度。 True love should surmount the length of life, the width of the soul and the depth of the soul. 55、第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。 The first youth is given by God; the second youth is to rely on their own efforts. 56、所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道。 All the victories, compared with the conquest of their own, are insignificant. 57、生活就是上帝发给你的一张手牌,无论多烂,你都得拿着。 Life is a hand which God sends to you, no matter how bad you are, you have to hold it. 58、当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有价值的人。 When a man begins to struggle within himself, he is a man of value. 59、如果没有人为你遮风挡雨,那就学会自己披荆斩棘,面对一切。 If you find no shelter, then learn to break, in the face of all. 60、自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。 To defeat oneself is the most pathetic failure, and the most valuable victory is to defeat yourself. 61、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 A long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach. 62、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not in the future, but from the moment it is decided to do it, it will continue to accumulate. 63、还能冲动,表示你还对生活有**,总是冲动,表示你还不懂生活。 Can impulse, that you still have passion for life, always impulsive, said you do not understand life. 64、有梦想什么时候都不算晚。尽管可能会失败,但是知道自己尽力了。 When you have a dream, it"s not too late. You may fail, but you know you have tried your best. 65、虽然我没书,没笔记,没上课,没复习,但是我有一颗不想挂科的心。 Although I have no book, no notes, no class, no review, but I have a heart don"t want to fail the exam. 66、与其在别人的故事里留着自己的泪,不如在自己的故事里笑得很大声。 It is better to laugh loudly in your own story than to keep your tears in the stories of other people. 67、谁没有过去,谁没有未来,就我的过去不光彩但不代表我的未来不精彩。 Who is not in the past, who has no future, on my past is not brilliant but not on behalf of my future is not exciting. 68、找不到坚持下去的理由,那就找一个重新开始的理由,生活本来就这么简单。 Can not find a reason to go on, then find a reason to start again, life is so simple. 69、你觉得你过不去的坎的时候,有一天也会乐观的和别人分享。或许这就是成长。 You think you can not go to the Hom, one day will be optimistic to share with others. Maybe this is growth. 70、人不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。许多人为了逃避苦一阵子,却苦了一辈子。 People will not bitter life, but always hard for a while. Many people in order to avoid suffering for a while, but bitter life. 71、人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。 Life is a journey, not a destination, care should be the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery. 72、不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭就哭出激动的泪水,要笑就笑出成长的性格。 Don"t compare with others, but to go beyond their own, want to cry to cry out tears, laugh out of growth character. 73、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独,没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要奋斗一生。 No one to accompany you for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to the lonely, no one will help you a lifetime, so you have to struggle for life. 74、试着放纵自己,却总牵绊于过多的束缚,依循着规律生活的只是一具失去灵魂的躯壳。 Try to indulge yourself, always trying to too many restrictions, to follow the law of life is a lost soul. 75、生活是一面最认真不过的镜子,你对它笑,它报之以笑,你对它哭,它也会回以泪水。 Life is the most serious mirror, you smile at it, it is reported to smile, you cry on it, it will back to tears. 76、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独,没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要一直奋斗。 No one to accompany you for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to the lonely, no one will help you for a lifetime, so you have to struggle. 77、老要靠别人的鼓励才去奋斗的人不算强者;有别人的鼓励还不去奋斗的人简直就是懦夫。 Always rely on others to encourage people to struggle is not strong; there are other people to encourage people not to struggle is simply a coward. 78、障碍与失败,是通往成功最稳靠的踏脚石,肯研究利用它们,便能从失败中培养出成功。 Obstacles and failures, is the most stable to the success of stepping stone, willing to study and use them, they can develop a successful failure. 79、曾经拥有的不要忘记,难以得到的更要珍惜,属于自己的不要放弃,已经失去的留作回忆。 Once owned, do not forget, it is difficult to get more to cherish, do not give up their own do not give up, have lost memories. 80、我们自己选择的路,即使跪着也要走完;因为一旦开始,便不能终止。这才叫做真正的坚持。 We choose our own way, even if we have to go down on our knees; for once we begin, we will not be able to stop. That"s what it really is.
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2023-07-18 03:44:387


The winter is so cold.It"s snowy . I want to build a snowman with my friends.
2023-07-18 03:44:5713


谚语 和 名言 是不同的,谚语是劳动人民的生活实践 经验 ,而名言是名人说的话。谚语是人们生活中常用的现成的话,以下是我精心收集整理的经典常见的英文谚语,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 经典常见的英文谚语篇1 1、凡事欲其成功,必要付出奋斗。 In order to succeed in everything, it is necessary to work hard. 2、拼命去争取成功,但不要期望一定会成功。 Desperately strive for success, but don"t expect to succeed. 3、万里不惜死,朝得成功。 Wanli is willing to die to succeed. 4、书本也是好老师,活用才能成功。 Books are good teachers too. Only when they are used flexibly can they succeed. 5、宁向直中取,决不跪着曲。 Better go straight than kneel down. 6、成人不自在,自在不成人。 Adults are uncomfortable and uncomfortable. 7、寒冷到了极致时,太阳就要光临。 When the cold comes to its extreme, the sun will come. 8、成功的领导人不是温度计,而是恒温器。 Successful leaders are not thermometers, but thermostats. 9、勤勉是成功之母。 Diligence is the mother of success. 10、不经一翻彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 How can plum blossom smell without a thorough cold turn? 11、有很多人是用青春的幸福作了成功的代价。 Many people pay the price of success with the happiness of youth. 12、学问之根苦,学问之果甜。 The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit of learning is sweet. 13、才华是血汗的结晶。 Talent is the crystallization of blood and sweat. 14、成功是结果,而不是目的。 Success is the result, not the end. 15、只要路子对,不要怕 摔跤 。 As long as the way is right, don"t be afraid of wrestling. 16、一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains, no gains. 17、最困难之时,就是我们离成功不远之日。 The most difficult time is when we are not far from success. 18、学在苦中求,艺在勤中练。 Learn in pain, and practice in diligence. 19、不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。 How can you see a rainbow without going through the storm? 20、只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。 As long as you are facing the sunshine, you will not see the shadow. 21、不在乎别人是否赏识他的人,必然成功。 He who does not care whether others appreciate him or not is bound to succeed. 22、成功的艺术处理的最高成就就是美。 The highest achievement of successful artistic processing is beauty. 23、成功的人找 方法 ,失败的人找借口。 Successful people find ways, and unsuccessful people find excuses. 24、立志在坚不在锐,成功在久不在速。 The determination is not in the sharp, the success is not in the fast for a long time. 25、千锤成利器,百炼成纯钢。 Thousands of hammers make sharp weapons and hundreds of steels. 26、成功不在于有无天资,而在与无理想。 Success does not lie in having talent, but in having no ideal. 27、不信任有传染性,但是信任也如斯。 Trust is contagious, but so is trust. 28、躺在被窝里的人,并不感到太阳的温暖。 People lying in bed do not feel the warmth of the sun. 29、你不怕困难,困难就怕你。 You are not afraid of difficulties, difficulties are afraid of you. 30、药农进山见草药,猎人进山见禽兽。 Drug farmers see herbs in the mountains, hunters see animals in the mountains. 31、世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 32、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。 Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves. 33、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves. 34、要成功一项事业,必须花掉毕生的时间。 It takes a lifetime to succeed in a business. 35、要为天下奇男子,须历人间万里程。 To be a man of wonder in the world, one must go through thousands of miles in the world. 经典常见的英文谚语篇2 1、萝卜上了街,大夫没买卖。 The radish went to the street and the doctor didn"t buy it. 2、喊人不蚀本,舌头打个滚。 If you shout, your tongue will roll. 3、吃饭不言,睡觉不语。 Eat silently, sleep silently. 4、衣不如新,人不如故。 Clothes are not as good as new ones, but people are not as good as old ones. 5、不随地吐痰。 Don"t spit everywhere. 6、有钱难买少年时,失落光阴无处寻。 When money is hard to buy a teenager, lost time is nowhere to be found. 7、人见利而不见害,鱼见食而不见钩。 Everyone sees the advantage but not the harm. Fish sees the food but not the hook. 8、人穷可致富,志高能成事。 Poverty makes a man rich, and ambition makes him successful. 9、冻死迎风站,饿死不弯腰。 Frozen to death in windward station, hungry to death without bending down. 10、药补不如食补。 Food is better than medicine. 11、宁向直中取,不向曲中求。 Better to go straight than to go straight. 12、天凭日月,人凭良心。 Every day depends on the sun and the moon, and every man on his conscience. 13、邻居好,赛金宝。 Good neighbor, Sai Jinbao. 14、睡多容易病,哭多伤眼睛。 It"s easy to get sick when you sleep, but it hurts your eyes when you cry. 15、水浸千年松,日晒万年樟。 Water-soaked Millennium Pine, sun-dried Millennium Camphor. 16、天大的事,由地上的人做。 Great things are done by people on earth. 17、生冷不入口,防病保长寿。 Cold does not enter, disease prevention and longevity. 18、勤洗澡、常换衣,保证身上不招虱。 Bath regularly and change clothes regularly to ensure that you don"t attract lice. 19、宁可无肉,不可无豆。 Better without meat than without beans. 20、心如磐石固,志比松柏坚。 The heart is as solid as a rock, and the ambition is stronger than the pine and cypress. 21、一场春雨一场暖,一场秋雨一场寒。 One spring rain, one warm, one autumn rain, one cold. 22、七窍踩开,随意往来。 The seven orifices are stepped aside and come and go at will. 23、人怕劝,车怕垫。 People are afraid of persuasion and cars are afraid of cushions. 24、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 Do not let evil be small, or good be small. 25、宁叫嘴受穷,莫教病缠身。 Better cry out and suffer from poverty than teach illness. 26、记得少年骑竹马,转身便是白头翁。 I remember that when a teenager rides a bamboo horse, he turns around and is a white-headed man. 27、大路不走草成窝,人不挺胸背成驼。 The road does not take grass to form a nest, people do not stand upright chest and back into a hunch. 28、有志不在年高,无志空长百岁。 The ambition is not to be old, but to be a hundred years old. 29、夜间有风响,早晨无风有大霜。 There is wind at night, and there is no wind and frost in the morning. 30、一日两个苹果,毛病绕道走。 Two apples a day make a detour. 经典常见的英文谚语篇3 1、快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。 Happiness lies not in things, but in ourselves. 2、快快活活活了命,气气恼恼恼成病。 Happy to live, angry to get sick. 3、眼不见,心不烦。 Out of sight, out of mind. 4、自私自利的人永远找不到快乐。 Selfish people will never find happiness. 5、快乐,是人生中最伟大的事! Happiness is the greatest thing in life! 6、心胸宽阔的人,喝水也会胖。 A broad-minded person will gain weight if he drinks water. 7、要想活得痛快,身上不能背债。 If you want to live happily, you can"t get into debt. 8、不气不愁,能活白头。 You can live a white head without worrying. 9、谁笑在最后,谁笑的最好。 Who laughs last, who laughs best. 10、苦尽甘来。 All sufferings have their reward. 11、女儿如母高,能做母之友。 Daughters are as tall as mothers and can be friends of mothers. 12、天天不发愁,活到百出头。 Don"t worry every day, live to the top of a hundred. 13、童年时快乐的人是幸福的。 Happy people are happy in childhood. 14、要美好,就要受苦。 To be good, we must suffer. 15、人逢喜事精神爽,闷上心来瞌睡多。 People feel refreshed at happy events, and they feel sleepy when they are bored. 16、没有苦就没有乐。 No pain, no pleasure. 17、人逢喜事精神爽。 People are refreshed at happy events. 18、笑一笑,十年少。一日三笑,不用吃药。 Laugh, ten years old. Laugh three times a day without taking medicine. 19、未出险境,先莫高兴。 Don"t be happy until you are out of danger. 20、得快活,且快活。 Be happy, and be happy. 21、对愚人最好是使他高兴,而不是惹他发怒。 It is better to make a fool happy than angry. 22、常拜的神殿,常伴的子女。 The Temple of constant worship, the children of constant companion. 23、快乐的源泉是劳动。 Labor is the source of happiness. 24、笑口常开,青春常在。 Laughter is always open, youth is always there. 25、笑一笑,少一少;恼一恼,老一老;愁一愁,白了头。 Laugh a little, less; worry a little, old; worry a sad, white head. 26、快乐是成功的副产品。 Happiness is a byproduct of success. 27、耳不烦,心不恼。 Don"t worry about your ears, don"t worry about your heart. 28、快活光阴容易过。 Happy times pass easily. 29、快乐时光去如飞。 Happy time flies. 30、心广体胖。 Of wide girth and ample heart. 经典常见的英文谚语集锦大全相关 文章 : ★ 经典常见的英文谚语精编集锦 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语2020归纳集锦 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语精选100句 ★ 常见经典英语谚语集锦 ★ 常用经典英文谚语大全 ★ 经典常用英语谚语集锦 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语精编汇总 ★ 最新常见的英文谚语集锦 ★ 经典常见的英文谚语90句精华
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1、要想捉大鱼,不能怕水深。要想摘玫瑰,就得不怕刺。 If you want to catch a big fish, not afraid of water depth. If you want to pick a rose, you have to be afraid of it. 2、世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。 The world will give way to those who have goals and vision. 3、人生如果错了方向,停止就是进步。 If you are in the wrong direction, stop is progress. 4、不举步,越不过栅栏;不迈腿,登不上高山。 Don"t move, but the fence; not stride, not on board the mountain. 5、向往成功的桂冠,就别空费每一天。 To make the crown, don"t waste every day. 6、人生是没有穷尽的,所以也就没有什么所谓的归宿。 Life is endless, so it"s not what the so-called fate. 7、人生的意义就在于人的自我完善。 The meaning of life lies in the self perfection of man. 8、在人之上,要视别人为人;在人之下,要视自己为人。 In the person, to be regarded as other people; under the person, to see themselves as people. 9、人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。 Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy work. 10、若要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 If time is deep, perseverance will Pvail. 11、天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨。 The day will be down to the great man also, must suffer the labor of their bones. 12、我自信,故我成功;我行,我一定能行。 I am confident that I can succeed; I can do it. 13、失败的唯一原因是专注被打破了。 The only reason for failure is that the focus has been broken. 14、人的一生一定要有一段让你回想起来热泪盈眶的日子。 A person"s life must have a let you tears of the day in retrospect. 15、一切利己的生活,都是非理性的,动物的生活。 All self interested in life, are irrational, the animal"s life. 16、明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 Tomorrow"s hope, let us forget today"s pain. 17、莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。 Don"t find excuses for failure, only to find a reason to succeed. 18、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。 The value of life, that is, the work done by the people for the contemporary scale. 19、当天空黑暗到一定程度,星辰就会熠熠闪光。 When the sky is dark to a certain extent, the stars will shine. 20、人不怕死,但是最怕不知道怎么活。 Man is not afraid of death, but the fear of not knowing how to live. 21、失败的是事,绝不应是人。 Failure is a matter, should not be a person. 22、我不是天生的王者,但我骨子里流着不服输的血液。 I wasn"t born a king, but I inwardly unyielding blood flow. 23、不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己。 Do not forgive all sentient beings, do not forgive all sentient beings, is suffering from your own. 24、仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。 Out laughing, I Basil how people. 25、真理和美女都是赤裸裸的。 Truth and beauty are all naked. 26、你的时间有限,所以别浪费时间去过别人的生活。 Your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life. 27、我们的安全感,来自于充分体验不安全感。 Our sense of security comes from the full experience of insecurity. 28、不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香? Without a cold biting cold, how fragrant plum blossom? 29、捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。 Energy-saving, such as the dead suddenly go. 30、人生成功的秘诀是当好机会来临时,立刻抓住它。 The secret of success in life is better when the opportunity comes, seize it immediately. 31、与积极的人在一起,可以让我们心情高昂。 With the positive people together, can let us be in a high mood. 32、登高山务攻绝顶,赏大雪莫畏严寒。 Climbing the mountain is of extremely, admire the snow Mowei cold. 33、壮志与毅力是事业的双翼。 Ambition and perseverance is the cause of the wings. 34、才华是血汗的结晶。才华是刀刃,辛苦是磨刀石。 Talent is the sweat of the crystal. Talent is a blade, hard whetstone. 35、真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。 True, sincere to also, not fine not sincere, not moving. 36等待机会,是一种十分笨拙的行为。 Waiting for the opportunity, is a very clumsy behavior. 37、博观而约取,厚积而薄发。 Bo concept and about to take, thick and thin hair. 38、努力去做是我们的责任,而结果通常是上帝的事了。 It is our duty to try to do it, and the result is usually a matter of God. 39、每天醒来,敲醒自己的不是钟声,而是梦想。 Wake up every day, knocking on their own is not the bell, but the dream. 40、害怕攀登**的人,永远在山下徘徊。 People who are afraid to climb the peak, always hovering in the mountains. 41、与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光。 With heaven and earth, and the sun and the moon. 42、生活中其实没有绝境,绝境在于你自己的心没有打开。 In fact, life is not despair, despair in your heart is not open. 43、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 Life is not to live long and short, but in the early and late. 44、战胜困难,走出困境,成功就会属于你。 Overcome difficulties, get out of the difficult situation, success will belong to you. 45、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。 There is an ideal place, hell is heaven. 46、真正的人生,只有在经过艰难卓绝的斗争之后才能实现。 Real life, only after a difficult struggle to achieve. 47、这个世界不是因为你能做什么,而是你该做什么。 This world is not because of what you can do, but what you should do. 48、当时间的主人,命运的主宰,灵魂的舵手。 When the master of time, destiny, soul helmsman. 49、成功的秘诀在于对目标的执着追求。 The secret of success lies in the pursuit of goals. 50、以智慧时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。 Wisdom from time to time to correct the deviation, to be convenient to people everywhere. 51、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose their own. 52、牢记所得到的,忘记所付出的。 Bear in mind what has been gained, and forget what has been paid. 53、成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权力。 Success is a concept, getting rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power. 54、年轻时躺在玫瑰上,年老时就会躺在荆棘上。 As a young man lay on a rose, and when he was old, he would lie down on a thorn. 55、发光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。 Shining is not the sun"s patent, you can also shine. 56、不同的信念,决定不同的命运! Different beliefs, different destiny! 57、一无所有是一种财富,它让穷人产生改变命运的冲动。 Nothing is a treasure, it makes the poor have the impulse to change the fate. 58、奋斗是生命中的一部分,生命不息,奋斗不止。 Struggle is a part of life is life, struggle. 59、没有等出来的辉煌;只有走出来的美丽。 Did not wait for the glory; only come out of the beautiful. 60、只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。 Only a bad ax, there is no chopping firewood. 61、不达成功誓不休。 Not to the success of the oath endlessly. 62、忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 Forget about your failures, but don"t forget the victories you"ve won. 63、如果你想攀登**,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。 If you want to climb the peak, do not regard as the rainbow. 64、自卑心最伤害自己,是最大的障碍。 Inferiority complex, the most hurt themselves, is the biggest obstacle. 65、健儿须快马,快马须健儿。 Athletes must have a horse, horse athletes. 66、树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。 Saplings if Patong and refused to trim, you will never grow. 67、愚者用**监视心灵,智者用心灵监视**。 Fool soul with physical surveillance, physical surveillance wise heart. 68、梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。 Dream is the soul of the mind, is our secret truth. 69、成功者绝不给自己软弱的借口。 Winners never give themselves a weak excuse. 70、不要为已消逝之年华叹息,须正视欲匆匆溜走的时光。 Don"t sigh for the lost time. 71、思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。 Ideas such as drill, we must focus on the forces that can be drilled. 72、骄傲是胜利的敌人,努力是成功的朋友。 Pride is the enemy of victory, and hard work is the friend of success. 73、不怕你不懂不会,就怕你不学不干。 Afraid you will not understand, but you do not learn to do. 74、一百次心动不如一次行动。 One hundred times less than one action. 75、犯错,就诚实地认错。狡辨、诿过只会害了你自己。 Be honest and admit mistakes. Defense, when only hurting yourself. 76、博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。 Erudite, questioning, deliberative, discernment, and faithful. 77、经受了火的洗礼泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。 Through the baptism of the fire will also have a strong body of mud. 78、勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。 Hard work, is to enter the door of the success of the pass. 79、我成功因为我志在成功! I succeeded because I willed it to be a success! 80、要培养各方面的能力,包括承受悲惨命运的能力。 To foster the ability of all aspects, including the ability to withstand the tragic fate.
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1、即使你不爱我,我会一生保护你。 Even if you don"t love me, I will protect you forever. 2、我们,离彼此很近,离幸福很远。 We, it is very close to each other, far from happiness. 3、人的寂寞,有时候很难用语言表达。 Lonely people, it is sometimes hard to exPss in words. 4、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。 You are always on my mind, just ratio changed. 5、想你的我在想你,想我的你在想我吗。 Miss you, for you, I think I you are thinking of me? 6、给你最大的报复,就是活的比你幸福。 Give you the biggest revenge, is to live than you happiness. 7、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。 I was lost in my mind, it is you that led me out of loneliness. 8、只要你一直在我身边,其他东西不再重要。 As long as you are always by my side, other thing no longer important. 9、你是否很早以前,就预计了我们这场离别。 Whether you long time ago, it is expected to us the departure. 10、往往刻苦铭心的爱恋,通常,没有好结果。 Often hard and eternal love, usually, there is no good results. 11、别因为知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。 Don"t because you know I will wait for you, just hang in there waiting for me. 12、对于现在的我们,连一句问候都觉得奢侈。 For now we, even a greeting all feel luxury. 13、只要和你一起,我不管要付出怎样大的代价。 As long as together with you, I no matter how big price to pay. 14、人会变,月会圆,惟独我对你的爱永恒不变。 People will change, month circle, but my love for you is eternal. 15、同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你。 Similarly, he does not love you love you can"t Ptend. 16、将你心再加上我的心,就算痛苦滋味也愿意尝。 Will you heart plus my heart, even if the pain taste also willing to try. 17、如果没有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回忆。 If have no you, not worth looking forward to tomorrow, yesterday is not worth memories. 18、找不到对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。 Can"t find the right person, actually is likely to be, don"t change wrong yourself. 19、啊!我真的真的好爱……好希望跟你一起走到老! Ah! I really really good love... Good hope to go with you to the old! 20、我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远。 I will still believe in love, just won"t believe love can forever. 21、如果我用你待我的方式来待你,恐怕你会恨死我。 If I use the way you treated me to treat you, I"m afraid you will hate me. 22、不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上只有我孤独的身影。 Don"t want to wake up, desk lamp projection on the wall only my lonely figure. 23、我总是害怕,有一天你会发现,我没你想的那么好。 I am always afraid of, one day you will find that I not as good as you think. 24、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱;有事做;有所期待。 Happiness is really very simple: someone love; Have something to do; Looking forward to. 25、我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。 I good a person, with what ran into someone else"s life when episode. 26、如果全世界都背叛了你,我会站在你背后背叛全世界。 If the world betrayed you, I will stand behind you rebelled against the world. 27、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。 Precious things are rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world. 28、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person"s that moment start. 29、如果我说我想一个人静一静,其实我比任何时候都需要你。 If I said I want to a person be quiet, in fact, I need you now more than ever before. 30、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。 Fall in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get him. Afraid to lose him. 31、请宝贝不要在我面前哭泣,因为这样比别人抄刀砍我还难受。 Please baby don"t cry in front of me, because this copying knife cut I also uncomfortable than others. 32、人生的大部份时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。 In most of the time of life, commitments equals is bound, helpless we aspire to bondage. 33、如果爱你是一种错误的话,那我情愿错上加错,哪怕错一辈子! If love you is a mistake, that I would mistake, even if the wrong all my life! 34、不管将来发生什么事,你变成什么样子,你依然是我最爱的人。 No matter what happen in the future, you become what appearance, you still are my favorite people. 35、句有时候不是不信任你,只是因为我比别人更在乎,更怕失去你。 Sometimes not don"t trust you, just because I care more than others, more afraid of losing you. 36、我们通常忽略那些疼爱我们的人,而我们疼爱那些忽略我们的人。 We often ignore those who love us, and we love those who ignore us. 37、不管地域的界限是多么遥远,亲爱的!想你的距离在每次心跳之间! No matter the region boundary is how remote, dear! Think you the distance between each heartbeat! 38、如果秋天走了,我会在雪中爱你如果世界消失了,我会在天堂爱你。 If autumn is gone, I"ll love you in the snow if the world disappears, I will love you in heaven. 39、我爱你,请你相信我。我会让你幸福的!我对你说的一定会做到的! I love you, please believe me. I"ll let you happy! I say to you will do it! 40、无论我此时是如何的彷徨迷茫,最终,我都要过上自己想要的生活。 Whatever I now is how to stray lost, finally, I have to live a life you want. 41、在乎我的人,我会加倍在乎。不在乎我的人,你凭什么让我继续在乎。 Care about me, I"ll double care. Don"t care about my people, what makes you let me continue to care about. 42、该笑的时候没有快乐,该哭泣的时候没有眼泪,该相信的时候没有诺言。 The moment the smile is not happy, it was time to cry no tears, no promise when should believe in. 43、每一次的离别,都是没有眼泪的人。我们留给彼此的,是风吃过的声音。 Every parting, is the person who without tears. We leave each other, the voice of the wind had. 44、我爱你时你对我不屑一顾,当你转过头想爱我时我已经不在原地等你了。 I love you you ignored me, when you turned to want to love me when I"m not in situ waiting for you. 45、海,并不是我生你的气,我是真得很想你,好想好想你可以和我在一起。 Sea, is not I am angry with you, I"m really miss you very much, really want to good think you can and I together. 46、想你想你好想你,找个画家画下你,把你贴在杯子里,天天喝水亲亲你。 Think you think you good think you, find a painter under you, stick you in a cup, drink water every day kiss you. 47、没有你我的世界毫无意义,但是,对不起,亲爱的,我只能陪你到这里。 My world is meaningless without you, but, I"m sorry, my dear, I can only accompany you here. 48、在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树! When you are dePssed, I am your happy fruit. When you are sad, I will make you great sorrow! 49、当我保留了你的短信,在没有人的时候悄悄回味,我就知道我已经爱上你了。 When I kept your SMS, when no one is quietly aftertaste, I will know that I"ve been in love with you. 50、你是山中的一枝梅,我是天上的喜鹊飞,喜鹊歇在梅花上,风吹雨打也不飞。 You are in the mountain plum, I am the magpies fly in the sky, the magpies rest on a plum blossom, the wind and rain don"t fly. 51、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 I love you, not because you is a how of person, but because of who I am when I am with you. 52、我们是如此的担心着未来可能会发生的事情,因此,忘记了慢下来享受现在。 We are so worried about the future may happen, therefore, forget the slow down to enjoy now. 53、我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识相信你不会离开我。胡闹原来是一种依赖。 I only love temper with you, because I subconsciously believe that you will not leave me. Mischief is a kind of dependence. 54、当一个女孩告诉你她得问题,并不代表她在跟你抱怨,其实那代表她相信你。 When a girl tells you her problems, doesn"t mean she complained with you, actually it means she trust you. 55、当爱情来临的时候,每一个女孩都是仙女。而我不当仙女,已经很久,很久了。 When love comes, every girl is a fairy. And I must not be a fairy, has been a long time, for a long time. 56、我看到你,我怕触电;我看不到你,我需要充电。如果没有你,我想我会断电。 I see you, I"m afraid to get an electric shock; I can"t see you, I need to recharge. Without you, I think I will power outages. 57、这一辈子,我需要的不多,一碗饭一杯茶而已,但是我希望饭是你做的,茶是你泡的。 In my life, I don"t need much, just a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope you do is rice, tea is your bubble. 58、只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。 As long as you like, when you lost frustrated when most in need of a shoulder, tell me, I will immediately appear. 59、想你了,却不敢联系你!爱你了,却不敢告诉你!恨你了,却更忘不了你!这就是爱! Miss you, but I can"t contact you! Love you, but dare not tell you! Hate you, but never forget you! This is love! 60、我一直想谢谢你,谢谢你出现在我的生命里。我一直想告诉你,告诉你我真的很爱你。 I"ve always wanted to thank you, thank you appear in my life. I"ve always wanted to tell you, tell you I love you. 61、你看到的,就是最真的我!一种永无止尽的感动!感动这世界有你与我这最美的存在! You see, is the true me!!!!!!! A kind of endless touched! Moved the world will have you and I am the most beautiful! 62、最远的距离莫过于我在你面前你却不知我爱你;最远的距离莫过于我爱你却不能陪伴你! The furthest distance is I in front of you but you don"t know I love you; The furthest distance is I love you but can"t accompany you! 63、不论你去何处,我的心追寻着你的踪影,你落在地上的每一个足印,都会使我激动不已。 No matter where you go, my heart for you, you fall to the ground each footprints, can make me excited. 64、我终于发现,这世界上有丰厚的爱,我不能辜负。于是我想对你说,我爱你,请你倾听。 I finally found, this world have a good love, I can"t live up to. So I want to say to you, I love you, please listen. 65、让我亲手给你沏杯茶,加进一块冰糖,再注入一腔热情,把我的爱恋,一点点地溶进茶中。 Let me give you a cup of tea, add a piece of rock candy, injected a chamber enthusiasm, my love, little by little dissolve into the tea. 66、亲爱的宝贝,最近天气降温了,睡觉前记得泡脚喝牛奶,再涂点护手霜,盖上厚厚的被子。 My dear baby, recently the weather is cool, remember to soak the foot drink milk before you go to sleep, then put some hand cream, covered with thick quilt. 67、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 Think of you is a kind of beautiful sadness of sweet melancholy, the in the mind noodles, is a kind of in any language cannot exPss the warmth. 68、真正的爱情是什么?它是一种信任,不是猜疑。懦弱的心理和猜疑,只会让对方离你越来越远。 What is the true love? It is a kind of trust, not suspicion. Psychological and suspicion of weakness, it will only make you more and more far away. 69、心里,有时很大,可以用来撑船,但对于你和我,又好小好小,因为那里只有我和你,不是吗? The in the mind, sometimes is very big, can be used to ship, but for you and me, and good little good small, because there is only you and me, isn"t it? 70、我是你夏天里的雪糕,冬天里的棉袄,黑暗里的灯泡,饥饿时的面包!我好想对你说"我爱你"! I am your ice cream in the summer, winter cotton-padded jacket, darkness of the light bulb, hungry bread! I really want to say to you "I love you"!
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azalea 杜鹃 hyacinth 风信子 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 narcissus 水仙 oriental cherry 樱花 plum blossom 梅花 rose 玫瑰 tulip 郁金香
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8月18日 热恋 槭葵(Hibiscus coccineus)
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Plum blossom tree
2023-07-18 03:46:153


问题一:白杨树英语怎么说? White poplar. 问题二:一仆二主里树苗教杨树的那句英语怎么说 Your eyes closed,i dead;your eyes open,i e back.your eyes closed and open again and again,i dead and e back time after time. 问题三:一仆二主里面杨树的英文名字叫什么来着。博傲什么来着? 博傲普勒 问题四:《一仆二主》里面杨树向唐红表白的那段英文是什么? Grow old along with me,the best thing is yet to be. 问题五:一仆二主 杨树苗最后替杨树写的表白信英文版? Your eyes closed,I died;Your eyes open,I e back;Your eyes closed and open again and again,I died and e back time after time . “Your eyes closed”、“Your eyes open”和“Your eyes closed and open again and again”是独立主格结构,作条件状语。 译文:你闭上眼睛,额就死了;你睁开眼睛,额又活了;你眼睛一眨一眨的,额死去活来千百回。 PS: 真心喜欢一仆二主这部剧,张嘉译和闫妮的陕西方言真心搞笑! 问题六:关于植物的英文单词 rose玫瑰 China rose月季 Begonia 海棠(四季海棠) plum blossom梅花 peony牡丹,芍药 rhododendron 杜鹃花 snowdrop 雪莲花 mon Hyacinth风信子 Centaurea cyanus矢车菊 G厂rden Iris鸢尾花 epiphyllum昙花 Narcissu水仙 Calla海芋 ginkgo银杏 metasequoia 水杉 cycad苏铁 Populus杨树 willow柳树 camphortree樟树 Cherry Blossom樱花 pine松树 去youdao上面搜,一搜一大把
2023-07-18 03:46:211

大学英语作文:窗外的树(The Trees Outside my Window)

  窗外的树(the trees outside my window)   from the window of my room, i could see a tall cotton-rose hibiscus. in spring, when green foliage was half hidden by mist, the tree looked very enchanting dotted with red blossom. this inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working. i gradually regarded it as my best friend.   nevertheless, when i opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before. struck by the plight, i was seized with a sadness at the thought “all the blossom is doomed to fall”. i could not help sighing with emotion: the course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs, twists and turns. the vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another. isnu2019t it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?   this event faded from my memory as time went by. one day after i came home from the countryside, i found the room stuffy and casually opened the window. something outside caught my eye and dazzled me. it was a plum tree all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset. the surprise discovery overwhelmed me with pleasure. i wondered why i had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when i was grieving for the hibiscus.   when the last withered petal dropped, all the joyful admiration for the hibiscus sank into oblivion as if nothing was left, until the landscape was again ablaze with the red plum blossom to remind people of lifeu2019s alternation and continuance. canu2019t it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious
2023-07-18 03:46:361


Cherry warm, pure, noble, after the severe winter of its first breath of spring to bring the Japanese people, the Japanese government each year March 15 to April 15 as "Cherry Blossom Festival." In this season of flowers, people bring their relatives, invited the friends, Xiejiu sat on the floor with a meat dish in the cherry tree, side-kun, while a drink is really one of life"s great pleasures. Cherry blossoms in Japan over 1,000 years of history. In the Nara period (710-794 years) when it comes to flowers, means plum blossom, to the Heian Period (794 - 1192), Cherry became the protagonist, Wing cherry song to song than Yongmei spend more than 5 times. And the Japanese have long had Hanami activities. The 7th century, the emperor who unified particularly fond of cherry blossoms, many trips to Nara Yoshino mountain cherry blossoms viewing. In addition, reportedly the first time in Japanese history, cherry blossom is the 9th century Emperor Saga of the General Assembly held under the auspices. At first, kun only become widespread among dignitaries to the Edo period (1603-1867 years) was spread to the civilian population in the form of traditional folk customs. Sakura"s life is very short. In Japan there is a Minyan said: "Sakura 7" is a cherry blossom to wither and fall from the open about 7 days, Zheng Ke from the flowering cherry tree to thank the whole about 16 days to form a cherry while splitting off the features. This feature is what makes it so much the charm of cherry blossoms. Revered as a national flower, not only because of its charming delicate and charming, but more importantly is that it immediately after the experience of the brilliant short withering of "heroic." "To ask big and soul, Chaoyang beneath the mountains Sakura." The Japanese believe that life is short, live as we should, as a brilliant cherry blossoms, even death, but also the determination to leave. Cherry litter, the non-pollution is not dyed, very simply, title of the Japanese spirit. In addition, the cherry blossoms also as a friendly envoy of the Japanese people have been in full bloom in many parts of the world. In 1972, Sino-Japanese diplomatic normalization, the Chinese presented a pair of giant pandas in Japan, the Japanese government is far from the light-cho, Hokkaido, elected 1000 cherry seedlings by the then Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka"s visit to China presented to China, these cherry blossom seedlings planted in Beijing. Later, almost every year, the Japanese government or private groups or friendly organizations cherry gifts to China. The profit situation is contained and just cherry blossoms, so that between the two peoples more than a friendship, more of a warm
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用三个是造句 最可恨的是谣言总是在背后传播,你不能确知别人是否造了谣,即使确知,也不可能门到户说地去解释,去澄清。 有的单位不是实事求是,而是虚报产量,骗取荣誉,这种唱筹量沙的做法,造成了不良的影响。 不管是刮风不管是下雨,他们总是拼搏在最前线。 虽然大家都是朋友,但是对于是非原则问题还是应该坚持,所谓君子和而不同,正是这个意思。 她之所以流泪,是因为惧怕打雷,是因为害怕孤单,是因为无人陪伴。 母爱是伟大的,也是无私的,也是含蓄的,也是飘荡的,也是浓浓的。 都说你像雾,像风,又像云的,就是不像人,女人要是贱到你那种程度,也算是修成正果了。 在鱼缸里,尽管它不是最漂亮的,却是最大的,也是长得最快的。 她们一群人天天不是逛街就是打牌,真是物以类聚。 大自然总是留给我们很多美好的东西,我最喜欢的还是流星,也许是因为每当流星划过时,闭上眼许下愿望,就有可能会成真。 奶油在早餐是金、午餐是银、晚餐是铅,过犹不及。 门当户对不是绝对,但是是相对的。 夏天是美丽的。墙上爬满了各种各样的植物。弯弯曲曲的小路旁边长满了野花,有的是紫色,有的是粉色,有的是蓝色,还有的是黄色。它们五颜六色,形态各异。一阵风吹来,还会有淡淡的清香呢! 李明是我的同学,又是我的一字之师,我的好多作文都是经他手改的。 小明是个好学生,他每天放学后不是赶紧写作业,就是在复习功课。 他固然是毫不足取,是个没出息的东西,可是那主要应该怪我自己。 临危不惧是高情商的表现,遇事不慌是高智商的表现,视财不贪是高德商的表现。 虽然我是第一名,可是我觉得我不是靠运气的。 自信是一种情节,它可以使人变得高雅:自信是一种心态,它可以使人变得高大:自信是一种气节,它可以使人信服。 不管是同学还是朋友前来办事,他都是一本正经,公事公办,从不徇私舞弊。 懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。平安是幸,知足是福,清心是禄,寡欲是寿。 明天就是篮球比赛了,我们队不是赢就是输,当然,最希望的是赢。 心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。心愿的风,吹着快乐的帆,载着对小朋友祝福的船,漂向快乐的你,轻轻地问候:六一节快乐! 人或者是懒惰的,或者是勤奋的,都是看自己愿不意去做。 这真是旷古奇闻,如果不是亲眼所见,无论如何是不会相信的。 若是你支吾其词,那不仅是欺骗他,也是欺骗你自己。 有的汽车是红色的,有的汽车是灰色的,还有的汽车是黑色的。 尊重生命、尊重他人也是尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心理健康的一个条件。弗洛姆 不知小明是不是出了什么事?怎么老是一副畏首畏尾的样子? 磨难是暴风骤雨之后的那道彩虹,磨难是漆黑深夜之后的黎明曙光,磨难是辛勤耕种之后的累累硕果.,磨难是看我回帖之后你的喜悦。 对领导崇敬到了丁是丁,卯是卯的程度,未免就是个人崇拜了。 大海就是母亲那博大的胸怀,就是父亲那深沉的爱怜,就是人类智慧的源泉。 小刚总是很粗心,不是忘记带钢笔,就是忘记带书本。 你是否在受挫折的时候沮丧,你是否在你沮丧的时候哭泣,你是否在你哭泣的时候想起什么…… 爱是缘份,爱是感动,爱是习惯,爱是宽容,爱是提升,爱是体谅,。。爱是一辈子的诚诺。 总有人去验证人心不古,但是很多人缺的不是人心,而是他们本就无情。 无论是体力劳动还是脑力劳动,都是为社会创造财富。 桔子,先是绿色的,在是绿中带着淡黄,成熟了的桔子就是橘黄色的。没有成熟的桔子,又酸又甜,熟透了就甜津津的叫人越吃越爱吃,就可以知道四川橘子的味道如何了。 情如鱼水是夫妻双方最高的追求,但是我们都容易犯一个错误,即总认为自己是水,而对方是鱼。 可怜的小树上,枯黄的叶子已经发卷,卷的想辣椒似的。这棵树的叶子是爱心形的,它的堇是深绿色的,叶膜是浅绿色的。我还发现有许多叶片的叶膜和叶堇被吃出一个个大洞一定是被可恶的小虫咬的,我一定不会放过它。 突然,远处传来了几声低沉的雷鸣声,”轰隆隆。“”轰隆。“我向远处望去,天地之间已经没有什么界限,而是融合在一起了,分辨不出哪里是天,哪里是地了。 做老师最失败的就是让学生在课堂上总是感觉莫衷一是的。 不要被他西装笔挺的打扮给蒙骗了,以为是个什么大人物,其实是到处混吃骗喝,根本是虚有其表。 一个事故的发生,或许是人为的原因,或许是机器的故障,总是有原因的。 不是吹牛,办这点事我是易如反掌,肯定是马到成功。 是不是太多心了,也许是随着年龄的增长自寻烦恼吧! 我们的毛巾有的是绿色的,有的是白色的,还有的是紫色的。 学习是艰苦的过程,若是知难而退,是不会取得好成绩的。 小刚总是很粗心,不是忘记带钢笔,就是忘记戴红领巾。 自己的路自己走,无论是苦是累,甚至是失败,都要去承担,只要是自己的选择,就无怨无悔。 若是这家伙也算是正人君子,我是怎么也想不通的。 雪是洁白无暇的,是可爱的,是多姿的。雪给孩子们带来了无穷的欢笑,也给冬日增添了一丝温暖。我爱冬日的雪,爱它的纯洁,爱它的无私,它把最美的景色送给了大地。 困难与折磨对于人来说,是一把打向坯料的锤,打掉的应是脆弱的铁屑,锻成的将是锋利的钢刀。 无论是刮风,是下雨,还是打雷,我们都要上学。 我是父母的好孩子,是老师的乖学生,还是祖国的未来。 判断一个人的是非功过要实事求是,以己度人是不对的。 )梅花,小小的花瓣,细而有劲的枝,淡淡的粉白,缠绕在周身的芳香。那是一种在冬天才傲然开放的花,那是一种在雪中才显得更加纯白的花,那是一种雪花压不到的花。是的,那就是梅花。在冬雪中傲然挺立的风景线。 为什么我这次没考好?是不够细心,是没读懂题,还是考试前复习得不够认真? 尽管我不是这样的人,可是我还是做了这样的人。 你看,他是先进生产者,她是优秀教师,他俩的婚姻真是天作之合。 秋天,就是一幅美丽的画,也可以说是一束永不凋谢的花,总之秋天是美丽的。 有效的沟通并不只是说话就行的,应该是言简意赅,也就是用最少的话把意思表达清楚。 他就是不会说话,本来是做好事,但最后总是不得人心。 无论是美女的歌声,还是鬣狗的狂吠,无论是鳄鱼的眼泪,还是恶狼的嚎叫,都不会使我动摇。 他不是失窃,就是生病,真是多灾多难。 农民的身上流淌着汗水,不,那不是汗水,它是农民是播出的勤奋的种子。 秋天是甘美的酒,秋天是壮丽的诗,秋天是动人的歌。如果说日月轮回的四季是一幕跌宕起伏的戏剧,那么秋天就是戏剧的 *** 。 你别当我不知道,你这些钱都是不义之财,不是赌来的就是骗来的。 这个讲题虽是冠冕堂皇,可是其论点和论据却只是皮相之谈。 凡事不要轻信,首先是明辨是非,其次是以微知著,要敢于坚持真理,抵触歪风。 三个是什么写一句话英文造句 海,是平凡的,是普通的,但海又是那么富有气魄,有着一种神韵而又有着与世无争的感觉。 The sea, is ordinary, is ordinary, but the sea is so full of spirit, has a verve and a sense of aloofness. 弟弟在玩玩具时,自言自语地说:“这是你,这是我,这是他,我们一起玩吧!”听了弟弟的话,我真感动好笑。 While playing with toys, the younger brother said to himself, "this is you, this is me, this is him, let"s play together!" I"m so moved and funny to hear what my brother said. 树叶是一台氧气制造机,是蚂蚁的小船,还是虫子的被子。 Leaves are an oxygen generator, an ant"s boat, or an insect"s quilt. 冬天不止是白雪皑皑,不止是银装素裹,不止是冰天雪地,更是梅花迎霜而开的时候。. Winter is not only snowy, not only covered in silver, not only in snow, but also when plum blossom opens in the face of frost. . 妞妞比较贪吃、贪玩。每顿饭吃一大碗,比我吃的还多。每次看到我吃东西它总是跳着想要让我给它吃一些,它闲着无聊不是啃木头就是咬玩具。它总是找机会趁人不注意,从门缝里挤进家中。 Niuniu is more greedy and playful. A big bowl for every meal, more than I eat. Every time he sees me eating, he always wants me to give him something to eat. He is idle and bored, either eating wood or toys. It"s always looking for an opportunity to squeeze into the house through the crack of the door when people don"t pay attention. 家是什么?是一方温馨的港湾,是一把育树的黄土,是一点柔和的荧光,是一把慈爱的花伞,是天边一抹最美丽的云彩。 What is home? It is a warm harbor, a loess for tree cultivation, a little soft fluorescence, a kind flower umbrella and the most beautiful cloud in the sky. 莉莉是舞蹈学校才来的新生,无论是在教室排练还是在饭厅用餐都小心翼翼,生怕出了差错! Lily is a new student from dance school. She is careful whether she rehearses in the classroom or eats in the dining room. She is afraid of making mistakes. 日积月累有很多种方法积累,比如学习讲得是坚持,坚持是成功,成功是学习的积累下来的。 There are many ways to accumulate over time. For example, learning is perseverance, persistence is success, and success is the accumulation of learning. 刚开始我跳的时候,我摇的绳子总是被我的脚绊住,不是我的手摇的快,就是我的脚跳的快,总是对不上点。没一会儿就把我弄得手忙脚乱、满头大汗,我都有些泄气了。 At the beginning of my jump, the rope I was shaking was always tripped by my feet. Either my hands were shaking fast or my feet were jumping fast, which was always not right. After a while, I was so busy and sweaty that I was a little frustrated. 理想是一把利剑能帮你扫清障碍,理想是一盏明灯给你照亮前程,理想是一座丰碑帮你见证辉煌。 Ideal is a sharp sword that can help you clear the obstacles, an ideal is a bright light to illuminate your future, and an ideal is a monument to help you witness the glory. 一会儿是锣鼓喧天,紧接着就是鞭炮齐鸣,真是热闹。 For a while, gongs and drums are noisy, and then firecrackers are blaring. It"s really lively. 这件事的是是非非对于大家来说是很明了的。 The right and wrong of this matter are very clear to everyone. 夏天是多姿多彩的,沉静的是湖蓝,纯洁的是乳白,高贵的是米黄,热烈的是大红,典雅的是银灰,庄重的是墨黑……缤纷的色彩把温煦的夏日画满了。清雅的雏菊、馥郁的郁金香、娇艳的山茶花、妖娆的牡丹…… Summer is colorful, calm is lake blue, pure is milky white, noble is beige, warm is red, elegant is silver grey, solemn is black... The warm summer days are full of colors. Elegant daisies, fragrant tulips, charming camellia, enchanting peonies... 信任是一种有生命的感觉,信任也是一种高尚的情感,信任更是一种连接人与人之间的纽带。 Trust is a feeling of life, trust is also a noble emotion, trust is a link between people. 现在是关键时刻了,是冲上去战胜敌人,还是退下来保存自己,何去何从,你要早作决定。 It"s a critical moment. You need to decide early whether to rush to defeat the enemy or to retreat and save yourself. 横扫一切拖沓、迟滞、犹豫与懒惰。自信是什么?自信是战鼓,是号角,是旌旗,催人勇往直前,大胆前进,日日精进。自信是什么?自信是阳光,是雨露,是琼浆,助人思维敏捷,精神抖擞,挥洒自如。 Sweep away all procrastination, delay, hesitation and laziness. What is confidence? Confidence is a drum, a trumpet, a flag. It urges people to move forward bravely, boldly and make progress day by day. What is confidence? Self confidence is sunshine, rain and dew, it is Qiongjiang, which helps people to think quickly, be energetic and free. 这些工作人员每天长时间工作,吃的是粗茶淡饭,住的是冰冷的窑洞,点的是黯淡的油灯。 These workers work long hours every day, eating simple food, living in cold caves and lighting dim oil lamps. 外国的东西并不是都好,就是那些称之为好的东西中,也有些是盛名之下,其实难副的。 Foreign things are not all good, and some of the things that are called good are well-known, but they are not. 孩子是父母的希望,也是祖国的希望,还是人类的希望。 Children are the hope of their parents, the hope of their motherland and the hope of mankind. 小树是森林的儿子,阳光是保姆,溪流是乳汁小鸟、松鼠是玩伴。 The little tree is the son of the forest, the sunshine is the nanny, the stream is the milk bird, the squirrel is the playmate. 不承认这是动机,是一种强烈的动机,完全是自欺欺人。 It"s a strong motive not to admit it. It"s all self deception. “惹是生非”是不好的行为,所以大家不要惹是生非。 "Making trouble" is a bad behavior, so we should not make trouble. 那个人是我的慈祥的父亲,是我妈妈的值得依靠的丈夫,还是我奶奶的孝顺儿子。 That man is my kind father, my mother"s trustworthy hu *** and, or my grandmother"s filial son
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plum or May
2023-07-18 03:47:594


2023-07-18 03:48:264


有的人说天气开始变得反常 一冷起来如冬日酷寒,一热起来如夏日炎炎 那么春天去哪里呢 春暖花开,就是春天来过的气息 春天群花争艳,无论是自家楼下,还是路旁,公园 都可以看到形色各异的鲜花,那么如何用英语来表达这么春暖花开呢? 下面我就为大家来整理关于鲜花的一些词汇和短语!赶快拿起笔记起来! 比如: The red plum have begun to bloom . 大多数红梅已经开放。 In the park, the flowers are in full bloom. 公园里,鲜花盛开。 I want a life in full bloom. 我想要怒放的生命。 These children are blooming with good health. 这些孩子茁壮成长。 【点睛】 英文中还有一个著名的成语从bloom引申而来:late bloomer,原义指“开花晚的植物”,经常比喻“大器晚成的人”。造句: Jack Ma is a late bloomer, who gradually gained his fame and fortune in his late 40s. 马云是一个大器晚成的人,在40岁中后期逐渐获得名气和财富。 其次,表示开花的另一种说法,就是blossom,它的用法直接可以用来替代bloom。 比如: The cherry blossom came out early this year. 樱花今年开得早。 【补充】 杏花apricot blossom 梨花pear blossom 梅花plum bossom Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom. 开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。 换句话说,上文所有用bloom的地方都可以替换成blossom 雌蕊(pistil)柱头(stigma)花柱(style) 子房(ovary)雄蕊(stamen)花药(anther) 花丝(filament)花瓣(petal)萼片(sepal) 花粉(pollen)【授粉是pollination】花托(receptacle)桃花peach blossom樱花cherry blossom杏花apricot blossom 梨花pear blossom油菜花cole flower水仙lily 荷花lotus菊花chrysanthemum茉莉arabian Jasmine 牡丹peony玫瑰rose丁香花lilac 紫罗兰violet桂花osmanthus梅花plum 茉莉花jasmine flowers向阳花sunflower 腊 梅 wintersweet flowers azalea 杜鹃花 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花 carnation康乃馨 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花 daisy 雏菊 epiphyllum 昙花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 India canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 narcissus 水仙花 oleander 夹竹桃 orchid 兰花 peony 牡丹 setose asparagus 文竹 tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰
2023-07-18 03:48:401


颜色英语 红色类 红色red 朱红vermeil;vermilion;ponceau 粉红pink;softred;rosebloom 梅红plum;crimson;fuchsiared 玫瑰红rosemadder;rose 桃红peachblossom;peach;carminerose 樱桃红cherry;cerise 桔红reddishorange;tangerine;jacinth;salmonpink;salmon 石榴红garnet 枣红purplishred;jujubered;datered 莲红lotusred 浅莲红fuchsiapink 豉豆红beanred 辣椒红capsicumred 高粱红Kaoliangred 芙蓉红hibiscusred;poppyred;poppy 胭脂红rogueredcarmine;cochineal;lake 鲑鱼红salmon 玳瑁红hawksbillturtlered 海螺红cadmiumorange 宝石红rubyred 玛瑙红agatered 珊瑚红coral 金红bronzered 铁红ironoxidered 铁锈红rustred 镉红cadmiumred 铬红chromered 砖红brickred 土红laterite;reddle 郎窑红lang-kilnred 均红Jun-kilnred 釉底红underglazered 威尼斯红Venetianred 法国红Frenchvermilion 茜红alizarinred;madderred 洋红carmine;magenta 品红pinkishred;magenta 猩红scarletred;scarlet;bloodred 油红oilred 紫红purplishred;madderred;winered;wine;carmine;amaranth;claret;fuchsia;magenta;heliotrope;mauve 玫瑰紫红rosecarmine;rosemauve 深紫红prune;mulberry 深藕红conchshell 棕红henna 暗红darkred;dullred 鲜红scarletred;scarlet;brightred;freshred;bloodred; madder;ruby;cerise;cherry 血红bloodred;incarnadine 血牙红shellpink;peachbeige 绯红scarlet;crimson;geraniumpink 米红silverpink 深红deepred;crimson 淡红lightred; 黄色类 黄色yellow 桔黄orange;crocus;gamboge;cadmiumorange 深桔黄,深橙deeporange 浅桔黄,浅橙clearorange;lightorange;rattan 柠檬黄lemonyellowlemoncitrinecitron 玉米黄maize 橄榄黄oliveyellow 樱草黄primroseyellow 稻草黄strawyellow 芥末黄mustard 杏黄apricot;apricotbuff;bronzeyellow 蛋黄vitelline;yolkyellow;eggyellow 藤黄rattanyellow 鳝鱼黄eelyellow 象牙黄ivory 日光黄sunnyyellow 石黄mineralyellow 土黄earthyellow;yellowishbrown;yellowocher;goldenapricot 砂黄sandyellow 金黄goldenyellow,gold 铁黄ironoxideyellow;ironbuff 镉黄cadmiumyellow 铬黄chromeyellow 钴黄cobaltyellow 深黄,暗黄deepyellow 棕黄tan 青黄bluishyellow 灰黄isabelsallowgreyyellow 米黄apricotcreamcream 嫩黄yellowcream 鲜黄cadmiumyellowcanary 鹅黄lightyellow 中黄midiumyellow 浅黄lightyellow;paleyellow;buff 淡黄jasmin(e);primrose 绿色类 绿色green 豆绿peagreenbeangreen 浅豆绿lightbeangreen;asparagusgreen 橄榄绿olivegreenolive 茶绿teagreencelandinegreenplantation 葱绿oniongreenpalegreen 苹果绿applegreen 原野绿fieldgreen 森林绿forestgreen 洋蓟绿artichokegreen 苔藓绿mossgreenbrackengreen 草地绿,草绿grassgreenmeadowgreenolivergreenolivedrab 水草绿watergrassgreen 深草绿junglegreen 灰湖绿agategreen 水绿aquagreen 海水绿marinegreen 酸性绿acidgreen 水晶绿crystalgreen 玉绿jadegreen 石绿mineralgreen 松石绿spearmint;viridis 铜绿verdigris 铜锈绿patinagreen 镉绿cadmiumgreen 铬绿chromegreen 钴绿cobaltgreen 孔雀绿peacockgreen 威尼斯绿Venetiangreen 巴黎绿Parisgreenking""sgreen 墨绿blackishgreengreenblack;jasper;darkgreendeepgreen 墨玉绿emeraldblack 深绿darkgreenpetrol;Chinesegreen;bottlegreen 暗绿sapgreendarkgreendeepgreen 青绿darkgreen 碧绿azuregreen;turquoisegreenviridity 翠绿emeraldgreen;jadegreenbrightgreenverdancyviridity 深翠绿viridian 蓝绿bluegreenaquamarine 黄绿yellowgreen 灰绿greygreensagegreenhedgegreen;mignonette;seaspray;celadon 褐绿breen 品绿lightgreenmalachitegreen 鲜绿cleargreen;emeraldgreenvividgreen 嫩绿pomonagreenverdancy 中绿mediumgreen;golfgreen 浅绿lightgreen 淡绿palegreen 蓝色类 蓝色blue 天蓝skyblue;azureceleste;azureceruleanblue;Parisianblue 蔚蓝azure;skyblue 月光蓝moonblue 海洋蓝oceanblue 海蓝seablue 湖蓝acidblue 深湖蓝vividblue 中湖蓝brightblue 浅湖蓝canalblue 清水蓝waterblue 冰雪蓝ice-snowblue 孔雀蓝peacockblue 宝石蓝sapphire;jewelry 粉末蓝powderblue 铁蓝ironblue 钴蓝cobaltblueking""sblue 普鲁士蓝Prussianblue 北京蓝Beijingblue 士林蓝indanthreneblue 品蓝reddishblueroyalblue;king""sblue 靛蓝indigo;indigoblue;benzoblue 菘蓝woadedblue 石磨蓝stone-washedindigo 藏蓝purplishblue;navyblue;navy 海军蓝navyblue;navy 宝蓝royalblue 墨蓝blueblack 绿蓝turquoiseblue 紫蓝hyacinth;purplishblue 浅紫蓝Dutchblue 青蓝ultramarine 深灰蓝blueashes 深蓝deepblue;darkbluenavybluemandarinblueAntwerpbluemazarinesmaltultramarine 暗蓝deepblue;darkblue 鲜蓝clearblue 中蓝mediumblueazureblue 浅蓝lightblue 淡蓝palebluebabybluecalamineblue 青色类 青色ceruleanbluebluegreen 豆青peagreen;beangreen 花青flowerblue 茶青teagreen 葱青oniongreen 天青celeste;azure 霁青sky-clearingblue 石青mineralblue 铁青electricblueriverblue 蟹青turquoiseinkblue 鳝鱼青eelgreen 蛋青eggblue 影青mistyblue;whiteblue 黛青bluish 群青,伟青ultramarine 暗青darkblue;deepcerulean 藏青navyblue;darkblue;Mingblue 靛青indigo 大青smalt 粉青lightgreenishblue 鲜青clearcerulean 浅青lightblue;lightcerulean 淡青paleceruleanlightgreenishblue 紫色类 紫色purple;violet 紫罗兰色violet 紫藤色lilac 紫水晶色amethyst 葡萄紫grape 茄皮紫aubergine;wineberry 玫瑰紫roseviolet 丁香紫lilac 钴紫cobaltviolet 墨紫violetblack 绛紫darkreddishpurple 暗紫violetdeep;dullpurple;damson 乌紫raisin 蓝紫royallight 鲜紫violetlight 深紫amaranth;modena 浅紫greyviolet 淡紫palepurplelavender;lilac;orchid 淡白紫violetash 青莲palepurple;heliotrope 深青莲amaranthpurple 雪青lilac 墨绛红purpleblack 暗绛红purpledeep 浅绛红purplelight 黑色类 黑色black 土黑earthblack 煤黑coalblack 碳黑carbonblackcharcoalblack 古铜黑bronzeblack 铁黑ironoxideblackironblack 橄榄黑oliveblack 棕黑sepia;brownblack 青黑lividity 深黑,漆黑pitch-blackpitch-dark 暗黑dullblack 白色类 白色white 象牙白ivorywhite;ivory 牡蛎白oysterwhite 珍珠白pearwhitegraylily 玉石白jadewhite 银白silverwhite 铅白flakewhite;leadwhite;cerusewhite 锌白zincwhite 锌钡白lithopone;pearlwhite 羊毛白woolwhite 米白off-white;shell 乳白milky-white 雪白snow-white;snowywhite 灰白greyishwhite;off-white 青白bluishwhite 纯白crisp-white;purewhite 本白rawwhite;off-white 粉红白pinkywhite 淡紫白lilacwhite
2023-07-18 03:49:001


  寒假作业虽然多,但是也有高兴的地方,那就是玩。你的寒假生活过的如何呢?写成英语作文和我们一起分享吧。下面是我给大家整理的,供你参考!   篇1   Whenever I see pictures of people celebrate the Spring Festival the pleasant goat and program, I will involuntarily thought of fifth this year I did a "stupid".   Fifth is also called "break five", is to send in meaning, traditional send years also want to eat dumplings, but also more package dumplings money, dates, sugar, six in each sample package. Means: if eating the dumplings to take money, this year will be rich, if eat jujube dumplings, this year   To earlier will be good luck; If eat the sugar dumplings, this year will be the "sweetness" of a family will HeHeMuMu. 6 is auspicious number. Although it"s just people expect of the New Year, but we are still inherited the traditional home.   Fifth in the evening, we eat dumplings take years. When dad eat dumplings first, only hear the sound "hitched", the first money was eating by my dad, he *** iled satisfiedly *** ile. At this time, the mother also learn to dad"s appearance say: "you guess this stuff dumplings?" I would like to: mom always joking around. Confidently say: "no!" The results for the first piece of candy is mother to eat again. Now I have not eating! I am very worried. Finally, I ate 20 dumplings, eat only out of the three lumps of sugar, 25 mother ate dumplings, eat four money, two lumps of sugar, dad had 30 dumplings, eating out of the two money, one piece of candy and three dates, now only 10 dumplings, I unwilling behind thought: the 10 dumplings must have three dates, though, I have to eat very full, but still jujube dumplings impetuously   篇2   Winter vacation is rich and colorful, like cabbage, strip can"t finish the peel, layer upon layer has many meanings, sometimes surprise.   On New Year"s eve that night, we went to my grandparents" house we bought several cases of the Chinese New Year firecrackers, I under the noctilucent waiting, finally, I can"t help holding a torch firecrackers, our whole family happy, also feel the fireworks is very good-looking, the next New Year"s day, also want to buy some more, my stomach is growling, after we can eat dinner soon, we are in the process of eating and laughing, I still sang many songs, I feel very warm! It also suggests that big one year old, I have such a big family reunion dinner, we will formally set off firecrackers. Let"s put a ray, the epicenter, the firecrackers quality is really good, because in the process of put, not only a deafening noise, and qi qi open for fireworks, colorful, very beautiful. A plum flower is put in three lane, first of all, the shape and the subject of the three characters is quite consistent, because the appearance of a triangular pyramid, let out the fireworks or the shape of the plum blossom; Have ﹑ derviser carp jump, a heavyweight, this good start can"t di *** iss, the height of the strong start straight into the sky, each put a gun to the sky, there will be a few toys like parachute drop down, there is a big note, write "kung hei fat choi, doors" eight gold, let us look very happy, to laugh.   篇3   This year"s winter vacation, I had a tense and meaningful.   In this winter holiday, I in addition to plete the teacher in charge teacher as signing homework this holiday, also went to English cram school, the cause for celebration, top a on my English exam, the teacher had sent me a prize, also take photos with us English top students, although the prize not so generous, photography is also very normal, but this for me is to increase the interest and confidence of learning English. In addition, I also prepare the grade three Chinese and maths in the next semester, in order to consolidate what I learned knowledge, my mother bought me the daily for five minutes and the unit. The final sprint, "let me do, although every time the busy, sometimes feel very tired, but I also want to get better grades at school, so tired, I think it"s worth it.   In this winter holiday, I also went to grandma"s house, where I met a lot of friends, we play games together, is very happy.   In addition, in this winter vacation, I also learned to make Fried rice with egg, the egg Fried rice and mon, is my study in the inside of the television. Even the mother to eat the most critical said my cooking class, ha ha, I am so happy!   In short, this winter holiday I had a tense and meaningful! 1.我的寒假生活英语作文60词带翻译 2.寒假生活英语作文 3.我的寒假生活英语作文 4.寒假生活的英语作文带翻译 5.写寒假生活的英语作文 6.我的寒假生活小学英语作文 7.我的寒假生活初二英语作文
2023-07-18 03:49:491


God see you thirsty, made of water; God see you hungry, creating meters; God saw you don"t have a lovely Neighbor, made me; But he also saw that there is no idiots in the world, by the way, also creating you上帝看见你口渴,创造了水;上帝看见你饿,创造了米;上帝看见你没有可爱的邻居,创造了我;然而他也看见这世界上没有白痴,顺便也创造你Peony as you have a wealth of appearance, the plum blossom as tenacious quality, the lotus as clean and pure mind, peach blossom as sweet smile, like sunflower the charm of the brave, I left see right to see, you should be just a anthomaniac!你有牡丹一样富贵的外表,梅花一样坚韧的品质,荷花一样纯洁的心灵,桃花一样甜美的笑容,葵花一样飒爽的风姿,我左看右看,你活脱脱就一个花痴嘛!
2023-07-18 03:49:573


Listen, who"s footsteps off the biting winter and usher in the warm spring it? Yes, spring girls. Spring girl came to us with a smile, in every corner of the seeds are bathed in a happy, let them take root, to nourish the earth, Let the earth days, new mothers have a child. Ah, spring is beautiful ... ... Look, the animals are still hibernating in winter, motionless. How to spring one opened their big eyes, move around out? Ah, ah, spring is a wonderful ... ... Come here, flew back, the sky appeared a group of geese are flying back, with a heart filled with pleasant flight back. Peach ah, ah azaleas, apricot ah, ah plum blossom, narcissus ah. ... ... Are opened, blossom, Colorful. Ah, spring is lovely ... ... Earth mother put on the green new clothes, to not snow one, and everywhere filled with strong feelings of spring. Ah, spring is full of vitality ... ... Looking for wind, warm sun of spring, the spring of hope ... ... Cao Shu Zhichun soon return, Fangfei Purpurin every possible way fight. YANG Hua Yu pod no creativeness, However, for Xuefei Xie sky.
2023-07-18 03:50:094


2023-07-18 03:51:021


Hi!(好啊)My name is chenjie。(我的名字叫陈洁)I‘m (年龄)years old 。(我今年x岁)I"m friendly to everyone,so many people like me .(我对人很友好,所以很多人都喜欢我)。I"m (身高)cm tall。(我有xcm高)I"m very lovely,too!(我也很可爱)My favourite subject is English . and i like sports very much . (我最喜欢的科目是英语,而且我很喜欢运动)English brings lots of fun . and sports makse me happy .(英语带给我很多乐趣,而且运动使我快乐)I like this sentence:“ nothing is impossible。”(我最喜欢的一句话就是:一切皆有可能。)So i always try my best to do everything well,and never give up easily.(所以我每一次总是尽力做好每一件事情,从来都不轻易说放弃)So this is me ,i hope to make friends with you all.(这就是我,我希望和大家都能成为朋友。)
2023-07-18 03:51:126

一根8字尾电源线,如何判断电源线的正负? 有什么办法!!!

梅花尾电源线,和品字尾电源线怎么翻译,不懂这方面的就不要试了,最好给出处。Plum blossom tail, and product suffix power cord, don"t understand how to translate this don"t try, had better give citations.
2023-07-18 03:51:392


“各种颜色”用英语说成various colors。例句:There are flowers of various colors in the garden(园子里有各种颜色的花)。
2023-07-18 03:51:498


2023-07-18 03:42:001