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2023-07-18 03:12:57

4minute的《crazy》是Trap Hip-Hop风格。


作曲 : 徐在宇/임광욱/Ryan Kim/Mistazo

作词 : Misfit



Yeah I"m the female monster

耶 我就是女恶魔

You know that


Everybody let"s get crazy right now


Let go


주변 사람들이 나보고 미친 것 같대


너도 날 보고 지금 좀 미칠 것 같대


이해해 나도 내가 좀 미친 것 같아

我理解 我也觉得我像疯了

난 좀 미친 것처럼 리듬에 맞춰 춤도 춰


한번 떴다 하면 여기저기 난리 나


이 밤이 다 가도록 우리 모두 난리 나


답은 정해져 있어 넌 그저 Ok

有了答案 你就ok

그저 아무렇게 그렇게 너도 나도 난리 나

就是像没事那样的 你和我都很嗨

더는 널 외롭게 하지 마


눈앞에 세상에


이제 숨겨온 널 찾아봐 Tonight


미쳐 소리 질러 즐겨 봐


또 이 밤이 가잖아


다 뛰어 흔들어


날 보고 미쳐


C R A Z Y 따라 해

C R A Z Y 跟着疯

C R A Z Y 모두 다 미쳐

C R A Z Y都一起疯

미친 것처럼


그래 미친 것처럼

没错 就是像疯了

좀 더 미친 것처럼


미쳐 미친 것처럼

疯 疯了一样

미미 미친 것처럼

疯 疯了一样

이미 미친 것처럼


지금 내게 미친 것처럼


다 같이 다 같이 미쳐


I`m the crazy girl around here like gossip girl

我是一个疯狂的女孩 绯闻很多的女孩

못 믿겠으면 전화 걸어


Hey call my boyfriend

嘿 打给我男朋友

따라올 수 없는 Class

跟不上的 Class

미쳐 어딜 가든

疯了 不管去哪

New York Paris Milano Tokyo London

纽约 巴黎 米兰 东京 伦敦

한번 작정하면 여기저기 난리 나

有一次写作 这里就会嗨

이 몸이 지나가면 우리 모두 난리 나

过了这身体 就会嗨

답은 정해져 있어 넌 그저 Ok

已经有了答案 你就是ok

그저 아무렇게 그렇게 너도 나도 난리 나


더는 널 외롭게 하지 마


눈앞에 세상에


이제 숨겨온 널 찾아봐 Tonight

现在就把藏着的你找出来 Tonight

미쳐 소리 질러 즐겨 봐


또 이 밤이 가잖아


다 뛰어 흔들어


날 보고 미쳐


C R A Z Y 따라 해

C R A Z Y 跟着做

C R A Z Y 모두 다 미쳐

C R A Z Y都一起疯

미친 것처럼


그래 미친 것처럼

没错 像疯了

좀 더 미친 것처럼


미쳐 미친 것처럼

疯 疯了一样

미미 미친 것처럼

疯 疯了一样

이미 미친 것처럼


지금 내게 미친 것처럼


다 같이 다 같이 미쳐


넌 내게 미쳐 나만 믿고

你因为我疯了 只相信我

넌 내게 미쳐 봐


널 내게 맡겨 나만 믿고


널 내게 맡겨 봐


아무것도 묻지 말고 나와 놀아

什么都不用问 和我玩

오늘만은 따라와


오늘만 날 따라 미친 척해

就今天跟着我 装疯吧

날 보고 미쳐


C R A Z Y 따라 해

C R A Z Y跟着做

C R A Z Y 모두 다 미쳐

C R A Z Y都一起疯吧

미친 것처럼


그래 미친 것처럼

没错 就像疯了

좀 더 미친 것처럼


미쳐 미친 것처럼

疯 疯了一样

미미 미친 것처럼


이미 미친 것처럼


지금 내게 미친 것처럼


다 같이 다 같이 미쳐

都一起 都一起


朋克 hip-pop k-pop



是Body Mist,不是boby mistBody mist 直译可以译为“身体薄雾”。Body Mist 是一种浓度极淡的香水,是最基本的香体喷雾,可以中和皮肤自然分泌的薄薄汗液与油脂,取代止汗膏容易在深色衣服上残留白痕的尴尬,又能随时补香让自己“荡漾”在若有若无的清香中,因此很快在欧美极度依赖室内空调而呈封闭式状态的职场环境中流行开来。近年不断改良,香型更多变,并与心爱的沐浴品配套发售,更添加润肤、防晒、清凉的功能。含润肤成分,如甘油、香精油,虽然不能取代传统润肤乳的滋润浓度,却不需涂涂抹抹,亦没有防晒乳的黏腻,还能轻易喷洒到背后等不易抹匀的部位。其喷口设计,令液体均匀释放,接触到肌肤时,已不呈水珠,而是一股透心凉的“雾气”,直接渗透,在夏日尤其大受欢迎。
2023-07-17 21:00:331

body mist 是什么啊??

2023-07-17 21:00:422

body mist 什么意思

2023-07-17 21:00:503


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很多人会误以為香水喷於腋下可以遮盖体味,其实不然。香气一旦混合体味反而会產生一股怪味,所以正确使用香水的方法你必须知道。 1、香水应喷於不易出汗,脉搏跳动明显的部位,如耳后、脖子、手腕及膝后。 2、使用香水时不要一次喷得过多,少量而多处喷洒效果最佳。 3、不要把香水喷於浅色的衣物上,以免留下污渍。 4、沐浴后身体湿气较重时,将香水喷於身上,香味会释放得更明显。 5、若想製造似有似无的香气,你可将香水先喷於空气中,然后在充满香水的空气中旋转一圈,令香水均匀地落於身上。 注意:皮肤敏感者可将香水喷於内衣,手帕或裙襬处。 衣服上可以洒香水的位置:通常香水不宜直接洒在衣服上,以免形成色痕。但随著香水的无色透明化,色痕的形成有时不会太明显,但还是应避免於高档服装的显眼部位,在一些隐蔽的位置喷洒香水,既可减少香水对皮肤的刺激,又可提高使用效果。尤其是秋、冬季著厚衣时,洒到身体的某些部位往往不如洒到衣服上效果更佳。这些位置是: 1、围巾、帽子、衣领、手套和胸前内领口。 2、内衣。 3、裙角花边或裙角裡衬。 4、衣襟、袖口裡衬等。 香水的分类 香水可以因酒精和香料的浓度不同而分成几个等级,一般来说,香水有香精、香水、淡香水、古龙水、清淡香水五种等级。不同等级的香水其持久性和价钱亦有别。 无酒精:香露(ALCOHOL-FREE FRAGRANCE/BODY MIST) 10%以下:古龙水(EAUDE COLOGNE) 10-20%:香水(EAU DE TOILETTE) 20-30%:淡香精(EAU DE PARFUM) 30%:香精(PARFUM) 含量越多,味道越浓烈。反之亦然。 目前市面上销售的以淡香水(EAU DE TOILETTE)和香水(EAU DE PAEFUM)為主,通常情况下均把这裡的淡香水(EAUDETOILETTE)和香水(EAU DE PAEFUM)通称為香水,也有把香水(EAU DE PAEFUM)称為香氛。 种类香精 香水淡香水 古龙水 清淡香水 PARFUM/ EAU DE PAEFUM/ EAU DE TOILETTE/ EAU DE COLOGNE/EAU DE FRAICHEUR 持续时间 5-7小时 /5小时以内 /3小时 / 1-2小时 / 1小时以内 香精浓度 15-30% /10-15% / 5-10% / 2-5% / 2%以下 酒精浓度 70~85% / 80%以上 / 80% / 80% / 80%以下 价格等级 1[最贵]* /2 / 3 / 4 / 5[最便宜] 关於前味 中味 后味 你一定注意到了,每一瓶香水在介绍香味时,都会註明前味、中味、后味。那麼,你是不是有小小疑问,為什麼要这样分呢? 先来举个例子,譬如檀香木,它是一种非常持久的香味,起初闻时并不觉得香味有什麼特殊,但时问经过愈久愈能散发馥郁的香气。而柠檬等柑橘系的香味恰恰相反,刚开始呼地散发清爽诱人的芳香,之后反倒没有那麼强烈,很快就消失了。 至於花类的香味则多属於中间。所以呀,所谓前味,就是在香水擦后10分鐘左右散发的香气;中味是在擦后30~40分鐘才能显现,后味则需30分鐘至—小时的时间才能闻到香气.那麼,你是不是有点明白了,因為每一瓶香水都由不同的香料调配而成,而不同的香料所需散发出来香气的时间都不同,於是,每一瓶香水就有了它独特而丰富的前中后味的变化啦! 不同季节场合香水使用的技巧 如果你是一个有品味的女性,相信你一定不会往自已身上胡乱堆放香水,因為那样只会一团糟。不同味道的香水在调製之初就预约好了适合它的顾客群,选定了它适合的场合、季节。 1. 為季节配搭香水 春天:温度偏低,但气候已开始转向潮湿,香氛挥发性较低,适宜选用清新花香或水果花香的香水。(如Gucci的Envy .NinaRicci的Les Bellesde Ricci.Giorgio Armani的Gio) 夏天:气候炎热潮湿,动輒汗流浹背,一定要气味清新挥发性较高的香水,中性感觉的清涩植物香和天然草木清香都是理想选择。(如:CalvinKlein的Ckone.Kenzo的L"eau Kenzo {生活百科}满意请采纳
2023-07-17 21:01:361


  澳洲本土天然有机护肤品有很多,那么你知道有哪些品牌吗?下面我给大家介绍澳洲本土护肤品品牌,希望对你有用!   澳洲本土护肤品品牌1.Mukti Botancials 慕迪   品牌介绍:   Mukti 成立于2000年,是一个通过澳洲有机产品认证的护肤、护发和身体保养品牌。该品牌承诺不添加任何非天然及石油生化提炼成分和动物性成分,含有活性的天然维生素和抗氧化剂,适合敏感肌肤使用。其产品曾多次被澳洲、中国、韩国等地的生活、时尚类杂志所推荐。   王牌产品:   Calendula Creme金盏花修护乳霜:以金盏花、芦荟叶汁为主要成分,由无香精、无核果植物配方精制而成的保湿滋润乳霜,可有效舒缓干燥的肌肤状况,且具有强力镇静修护功效,痘痘肌和敏感肌都可以放心使用;   Macadamia& Honey Lip Balm有机夏威夷果仁蜜糖润唇膏:这款有机含量为100%的润唇膏含有有机蜂蜡、夏威夷果仁油、玫瑰油等,成分天然安全,甚至可以食用。它可有效舒缓、深入滋润双唇,另有防晒保护功效,曾被评为是世界上最棒的护唇膏;   Botanique Shampoo草本轻盈护理洗发乳:这款百分百不含化学成分的草本植物配方洗发乳可帮助秀发维持理想的pH值,拥有很好口碑。   澳洲本土护肤品品牌2.Natio   又一个澳洲平价品牌。它家产品系列就广多了。包括,护肤、彩妆、防晒/身体/护肤、SPA、Wellness、男士系列、酒店系列。不过这个分类也是有相互涉及的,总之它家产品很多就对了。   护肤,也有好多产品线。普通的,ageless,renewradiance,face lift results,young,sensitive,whitening。   我的感觉是,这个牌子很不像之前提到的澳洲传统的有机品牌,有机的特色很不明显。倒是颇有点澳洲的露得清的感觉,产品线丰富到该有的都有。而且,这个品牌的每个产品都很便宜,单品基本不超过20刀,完全是平价了无敌的。但是相对于露得清有很多经得起推敲的好产品,这个牌子的东西似乎广为推荐的不多,至少我目前感觉是每个产品都平平,没有太大特色,或许它家特色就是内容多且便宜吧。   澳洲本土护肤品品牌3.Trilogy   它家其实是新西兰的一个品牌,但从来都和澳洲的一起卖,姑且一起讨论了。   它家的产品线分的很清楚。Face care, Age proof, Sensitive skin, Everything balm,Men, Body care, Hair care。   Face care。清洁:Cream cleanser和Balancing gel cleanser。水:HydratingMist Toner。Rosehip oil必需的。Moisturiser:Vital moisturising cream(带SPF15和不带各一,估计是日霜和晚霜区别),Energizing face lotion,Ultra hydrating face cream,应该是针对偏油和偏干的对应产品。眼霜,磨砂,清洁面膜各一。   Age proof。清洁:Active enzyme cleansing cream。Daily defence moisturiser spf15, replenishing night cream,分别做日霜和晚霜。精华有Nutrient plus firming serum和CoQ10 booster serum两款。还有CoQ10Eye recovery concentrate和triple action line smoother。   Sensitive skin。清洁:Very gentle cleansing cream。滋润一款。还有一个Very gentle calming fluid,颇有雅漾水的感觉。   Body care。有沐浴露、肥皂、滋润油、身体乳液、霜各一。外加一个rose hand cream。   Hair care。shampoo和conditioner有三组,一组是clean+balance,一组是smoothshine,一组是gentle moisturising。外加发膜一款。   看下来,它家的基础也是常规路线,清洁——水——resehipoil——日霜/晚霜。不过明显可以发现,它家的age proof内容相对就丰富一点,不知是否拳头产品。话说我很喜欢它家的包装,干净简洁又很有质感,看着就舒服。   澳洲本土护肤品品牌4.MooGoo   品牌介绍:   MooGoo是专业的牛奶蛋白护肤品牌,其产品由纯天然牛乳制成,是具有代表性的牛奶护肤品。虽然其产品成分简单、性质温和,却拥有卓越的品质。   MooGoo的品牌拥簇者中,很多都是婴幼儿父母或是有问题肌肤的成人,皆因MooGoo产品对常见问题皮肤,如湿疹、痤疮和银屑病等具有相当不错的护理效果。有消费者甚至反应其久治不愈的皮肤顽疾--湿疹竟在使用MooGoo的Milk Wash不久后消失。   虽然此类“治疗系产品”完全可以将其成分保密,然而MooGoo认为消费者享有知情权,坚持将其产品配方清晰标注于产品外包装上。   王牌产品:   Natural Milk Shampoo天然牛奶洗发水:配方天然无害,是Moo Goo的明星产品之一。   Eczema & Psoriasis Cream 湿疹银屑病乳霜:非常符合湿疹和银屑病皮肤护理需求的舒缓保湿霜。
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问题一:女士各种护肤品英文怎么说? 1.护肤化妆术语 ,护肤品术语 护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/ *** oothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/plexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion, 霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 2. 护肤专业术语 Ae/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸硷) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) bination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和用) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) Remover(去除、卸妆) Repair(修护) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) Solvent(溶解) Sun block(防晒用) Toning lotion(化妆水) Trentment(修护) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水) 3. 化妆工具及其他术语 工具: co *** etic applicators/accessories 彩妆: co *** etics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (pact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/......>> 问题二:女性擦脸时的护肤霜,用英语怎么说这个单词啊,谢谢啦 skin cream 问题三:有关化妆品方面的英语单词 护肤: skin care: 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash (Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent(紧肤水 firming lotion,柔肤水 toner/ *** oothing toner) facial mist/facial spray/plexion mist 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams(保湿 moisturizer,隔离?,防晒 sun screen/sun block,美白whitening,露 lotion,霜 cream,日霜 day cream,晚霜 night cream) 眼霜: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining? 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 彩妆: co *** etics: 遮瑕膏: concealer 粉底: foundation (pact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder(散粉 loose powder,闪粉 shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder?, (眉笔)brow pencil 眼线液:(眼线笔)liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss?) 唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸装水: makeup remover 卸装乳: makeup removing lotion 帖在身上的小亮片: body art 指甲: manicure/pedicure: 指甲油-去甲油: nail polish, nail polish remover 发: hair products/accessories: 洗发水: shampoo 护发素: hair conditioner 锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse 发胶: styling gel 问题四:护肤品英文名称 基本上全了,希望能帮到你。 护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/ *** oothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/plexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Ae/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(赋活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) bination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和的) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) Remover(去除、卸妆) Repair(修护) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) Solvent(溶解) Sun block(防晒用) Toning lotion(化妆水) Trentment(修护) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水)...>> 问题五:洗面奶英文怎么写 洗面奶常用的英文是:(Deep cleaning cream)或者(Foaming cleanser) 给你举我用的两个牌子的洗面奶上的英语:LANE(兰蔻):Deep Purifying and Cleansing Foam. AUPRES(欧泊莱):Balancing Cleaning Foam. 问题六:化妆品的总称用英语怎么说 5分 make up.maquillage 或者 co *** etics 问题七:洗发水和护发素的英语怎么写 洗发水 shampoo 护发素hair conditioner
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  随着人们健康观念的增强,消费能力的提高,社交范围的扩大,追求美丽、完善自我形象的意识,不再仅仅局限于女性朋友。下面我给大家介绍美容美体英文翻译,希望对你有用!      美容美体:beauty   面部美容:facial reshaping   美容美体养生馆:beauty and body health museum   瘦身:weight loss    *** :body massage   跳有氧舞:aerobic dance.   护肤品英语术语   眼膜: eye mask   护唇用:Lip care   口红护膜:Lip coat   磨砂膏: facial scrub   去黑头: ***deep*** pore cleanser/striper pore refining   去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub   润肤露***身体***: body lotion/moisturizer   护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer   沐浴露: body wash   护肤: skin care   洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash***Foaming,milky,cream,Gel***   爽肤水: toner/astringent   紧肤水:firming lotion   柔肤水:toner/ *** oothing toner ***facial mist/facial spray/plexion mist***   护肤霜: moisturizers and creams   保溼:moisturizer   隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block   美白:whitening   露:lotion,   霜:cream   日霜:day cream   晚霜:night cream   眼部GEL: eye gel   面膜: facial mask/masque
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  冬天的天气最为寒冷,但是它偏偏就是在冬天才能够坚持每天早起读英语。下面是我给大家整理的冷的英语怎么说,供大家参阅!   冷的英语怎么说   英 [ku0259u028ald] 美 [kou028ald]   cold   adj. 寒冷的; 冷淡的,无情的; 失去知觉的; [艺]有冷感的,冷色的;   n. 寒冷; 感冒,伤风;   adv. 完全地;   冷的英语例句   1. I stepped outside and pulled up my collar against the cold mist.   我走出门,竖起衣领抵御冷雾。   2. Sweden is lovely in summer— cold beyond belief in winter.   瑞典的夏天非常宜人——冬天却冷得让人难以置信。   3. "You"re well out of it," Christopher said with unconscious brutality.   “幸亏没你什么事儿,”克里斯托弗无意中冷冷地说道。   4. Blasts of cold air swept down from the mountains.   强冷气流从山上疾掠而下。   5. "I"ll see you in the morning," Hugh said coldly.   “明天早上见。”休冷冷地说。   6. Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede.   通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。   7. It was freezing out there even in his buttoned-up overcoat.   外面非常冷,即使穿上大衣扣上扣子也不顶事。   8. The body may be less resistant if it is cold.   天冷时,身体的抵抗力会下降。   9. It"s too cold to schlepp around looking at property.   天太冷,不适合到处去看房子。   10. Heat, cold, tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour.   热、冷、触觉和其他感觉构成了食物风味的一部分。   11. The dark nights and cold weather are closing in.   黑夜降临,天气开始变冷。   12. Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.   用一把硬刷子在冷自来水下冲洗贻贝。   13. Kim opted for cooler blues and yellows in the master bedroom.   金为主卧室挑选了偏冷色调的蓝色和黄色。   14. The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.   纽约清晨的空气会冷得让人难以忍受。   15. The woman eyed him coldly. "Don"t be facetious," she said.   妇人冷冷地看着他,说道:“别没正经了。”   冷cold的双语例句   1. The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face.   雾蒙蒙,寒冷的空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。   2. Basal metabolism is much lower for creatures in cold water.   冷水中生物的基础代谢速度要低很多。   3. Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.   维多利亚式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。   4. Whenever I have a cold I get a nosebleed.   每次我感冒都会流鼻血。   5. A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract.   感冒是上呼吸道的感染。   6. "That is correct, Meg," he answered in his cold, dead voice.   “没错,梅格。”他用冰冷、阴沉的声音答道。   7. Her nostrils were pinkish, as though she had a cold.   她的鼻孔略带粉红,好像患了感冒似的。   8. The rage in his eyes made her blood run cold.   他眼中的怒火吓得她汗毛倒竖。   9. I stepped outside and pulled up my collar against the cold mist.   我走出门,竖起衣领抵御冷雾。   10. Sweden is lovely in summer— cold beyond belief in winter.   瑞典的夏天非常宜人——冬天却冷得让人难以置信。   11. The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.   同时,媒体对这件事的态度表现得忽冷忽热。   12. He must have come inside to get out of the cold.   他肯定是进来避寒的。   13. Let"s dry our hair so we don"t catch cold.   我们把头发吹干,这样就不会感冒。   14. I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person.   我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。   15. His mother"s voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly.   母亲的声音是他很熟悉的:冰冷、无情。   
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day and night
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问题一:护肤品上面美白的英文是写的什么? 美白:whitening 只会看"美白可不行,你也必须知道上面写的其他作用吧?我给你做个统计吧,方便你查找. 护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/ *** oothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/plexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Ae/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(赋活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) bination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和的) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) Remover(去除、卸妆) Repair(修护) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) Solvent(溶解) Sun block(防晒用) Toning lotion(化妆水) Trentment(修护) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水) 问题二:美容养颜英文怎么说 maintain beauty and keep young maintain[英][me?n?te?n][美][men?ten] vt.保持; 保养; 坚持; 固执己见; beauty[英][?bju:ti][美][?bjuti] n.美好; 美人; 完美; 突出的范例; 问题三:美白补水套装用英语怎么说 美白补水套装 Whitening hydrating set 问题四:它们对美白很好,用英语怎么说??? 15分 they are very beneficial of the skin whitening. 我英语专业的 拜托给个最佳答案嘛 谢喽 问题五:美白丸怎么吃用英语怎么说 美白丸怎么吃 How to eat the whitening pills? 相关单词学习: whitening 英 ["hwa?t?n??] 美 ["hwa?tn??] n. 白粉;变白;美白 v. 使…变白(whiten的ing形式) [例句]But luckily for us, there are tons of whitening products to choose from. 但是幸运的是,有许多美白牙齿的产品可供选择。 问题六:谁能帮忙用英文翻译"美白有技术"这句话,多谢 Whitening technology 问题七:意大利美白针用英语怎么说 你好! 意大利美白针 Italian whitening needle
2023-07-17 21:03:391


  第一回 新索匹加  这是我们冒险的第一站,亦可以说是我们最初的根据地。把信交给酒馆内的安多佛,波特贝罗后,可以得到一笔资金来好好装备一下自己。  在索匹加,我们除了要消灭城外的恶鬼和初级法师外,还要征服恶鬼观察遗弃的神殿,以完成新索匹加城市市议会等所给予我们的任务,在完成任务的同时,我们可以赚取金钱和积累经验值。当经验值足够升级时,可以到训练场或是新索匹加城内居住的专家处进行各项能力的升级,增加自己的实力。注意在新索匹加入口处喷泉内的水可以恢复生命点数,而位于两旁的两口喷泉分别可以恢复魔法点数和增强力量。在训练场旁的井水可以增加我们的幸运点数。  第二回 铁拳城堡  铁拳城堡比新索匹大很多,城镇分为两部分,一是位于山下的铁拳村和另一部分是位于山上的铁拳堡。在铁拳城堡的版图内包括:影子公会藏匿所,柯而艮的旧居两所所巴之魔殿,史耐加的洞窟和龙骑兵洞穴等的地点。地形可谓是颇为复杂,千万不要随便进入一些地点,因为有些地点的敌人过于强大。以我们现在的力量,最多只能到巴之魔殿、影子集团藏身处和龙骑兵洞穴三处地方去冒险,其它地点对现阶段的我们来说,太危险了。  第三回 米斯特岛  米斯特岛是一个有五部分的岛屿,但包括的地点并不多,包括有:白银战盔骑士前哨站和智慧之庙在牛顿城的泉水可以同时增加智慧,人格和元素抗力三项指标,在米斯特岛上除了在港口的水井、喷泉和牛顿城的泉水外,其它的水都不能饮,它们都充满了毒素。  第四回 布特雷格湾  在布特雷格湾由许多的小岛组成,要去冒险的地点共有四个:大阳殿、灿吒的魔殿、拳之神殿和火火领主大厅。同样,在这一时期我们只须到拳之神殿和火领大厅完成任务就可以了。在这一关如果我们已经救了美乐迪。席佛(Melody Silver)和王子,而队伍内又有神圣战士,就可以升级为十字军。  第五回 自由港  自由港是一个范围广阔的地域,而自由港的城市是安罗斯大陆最古老、最繁华的。自由港包括有:自由港下水道、龙骑兵要塞、月之神殿和疯子艾瑟克之墓穴四个地点。在自由港内,如果你的队伍有武士的话,就可以升级为骑士,但这并不是容易完成的喔!在自由港有一个村庄和一座城市,分别是洛克罕村和自由港城,千万不要忽略了这个村庄,里面有不少我们需要的东西。  第六回 诅咒的沼泽  在诅咒的沼泽内什么也没有,有的只是一些怪物和鬼魂,唯一的一座城也都是鬼影憧憧、阴森可怖。所以,在这个黑暗沼泽村里没有什么好东西,值得注意的是在往城镇北边的山上走去龙穴的途中,似乎路到中途就断了,无路可走,其实只要勇敢的向前走就可以了——有一条透明的桥。在黑暗沼泽包括三个地点:龙穴(Long fang Wither hide)、黑暗诅沼泽城堡和贝耐加铁矿。  第七回 银湾  银湾也是一座繁盛的城市,是最大的渔货交易中心。在银湾城里有许多的大师级的人物,我们一定要抓住机会多学一点本领以应付后期的恶战。在银湾要小心不要乱喝水,特别是岛上东部水池的水,它会使人神经错乱。银湾也是一个范围很大的地域,要把银湾游遍也要花不少的功夫。  在银湾有四个地点要攻打:战斗领主的堡垒、巨大石碑、银盔骑士团堡和弗雷斯城堡。(Eellnfested Waters )  要到鳗鱼出没的水域,就要在银湾北方的小岛坐船。而且只在每星期的星期四才有船可搭。  在鳗鱼出没的水域地区最重要的是有一位圣光系的法术大师,可以学到最强的圣光系法术,但要完成许多艰难珠任务。在这里可以找到一把石中剑,12*5*2,队伍若有3巫师,基本上天下无敌。  而且费的魔力不多,恢复很快。  第九回 冰冻高原  地如其名,冰冻高原终年都是冬天,所以在出发前一定要做好御寒的措施。冰冻高原分为三个地区:西北边的白帽城区、东北的坚忍圣地和东部的石头城地区。在白帽地区里学校最强大,也是最邪恶的暗黑系法术。在冰冻高原有两处要清扫的地方,分别是冰风堡垒和幻影集团。攻破冰风堡垒后就可以升级为荣誉部战斗法师和荣誉魔法战士。  第十回 布雪克郡  布雪克郡的范围并不大,在黑郡城里有贩卖圣光系法术的魔法商店,如果要学习这种法术就千万不能错过。在布雪克郡也要小心不要乱吃乱喝,在黑城最南方的水井里的水会使人石化,到时候真是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵了。布雪克郡有两处可怕的地方:狠穴和蛇庙。  第十一回 克理葛斯拜耳  克理葛斯拜耳是个特别的地方,在克理葛斯拜耳村的街道上没有走来走去的闲人。而在这个村里的水井特别多。  在众多的水井中,特别要注意的是村里南方的那口井,它可以容许你用钱买经验值,在村庄中央的水池可千万别喝,它是全安罗斯大陆上最强的水井,喝了以后立即根除Game over.  克理葛斯拜耳所包括的地点很多,要完成任务的地点有四处:龙骑士团洞、高级巴之魔殿、亚格的实验场和克理葛斯拜耳城,进入巴之魔殿一定要有巴之魔教披风(Cloak of Baa),因为它只允许信徒进入。  第十二回 天堂山谷  在天堂山谷可以得到另一把上古神器:弓箭Artemis.在艾登河之谷的村庄里住着一位可怕的暗黑系法术大师,要想学习高级的暗黑系法术,就要取得最坏的名声,把评价降到恶名昭彰(Notoriors)级。  第十三回 隐士之岛  要到隐士之岛,就一定要坐凯瑟琳王后这艘船才可以到达。而到坐上这艘船,就必须到铁拳城堡的摄政王处申请。隐士之岛是一处比较偏僻的地方,没有什么地方可去,就只有一座至高无上巴之魔殿。  第十四回 恶龙沙漠  恶龙沙漠是个非常可怕的地方,如果级数不够的话,就千万不要走进这片死亡沙漠。  在死亡沙漠西南方海湾的小岛上,有一座神之祭坛,可以永久增加20点各种属性及无素抗力。在恶龙沙漠有一座神之祭坛,如果在学习暗黑法术时声誉受到影响,可以用钱在此恢复。在恶龙沙漠事,法老王金字塔也是一个必到的地方,以取得爆机要用到的“葵花宝典”(Ritual of the Void)。不要以为名字叫甜水镇这个地方就很“甜”,这个“镇”简直是满目苍痍,惨不忍睹。  来到甜水镇只有一个目标,——消灭大魔头—— Demon Queen。这个魔头就藏身在甜水镇的进入大魔王的房间前,一定要具备以下条件:一、在自由港的控制制中心取得Blaster或 Blaster Rifle;二、在恶龙沙漠取得 Ritnal of thd Vrid;三、所有成员都升到了最高级别。具备了以上3个条件后,就可以与 Demon Queen 决一死战了……  在经历了无数次的战争后,终于打败了恶势力,拯救了这颗美丽的的行星,安罗斯大陆也恢复了往日的平静和平。    *****操纵*****  Esc: 游戏选择画面/离开视窗  Tab: 所选择的角色  Q: 查看所接下的任务  A: 攻击/射击/跳过  Z: 快速检阅画面  C: 施展新法术  S: 施展备用法术  R: 休息  Space: 启动物件/搜寻身体  N: 自动笔记功能  M: 查看地图  X: 跳跃  上/下/左/右:前进/后退/左转/右转  Shift+上下: 跑步  Ctrl+左右: 侧移  PageDown: 向上看  End: 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2000+20% 魔法技巧+4 一般  兵器大师 400+4% 兵器技巧+3 一般  扈从 600+6% 铠甲&兵器技巧+2 一般  点化师 1000+10% 元素抗力+20 一般  绘图者 200+2% 专家魔力神眼 垃圾  管道工 300+3% 大师天赐神力2H 一般  僧徒 200+2% 大师圣灵佑佐2H 一般  引水大师 1000+10% 凌波微步3H 一般  呼风大师 2000+20% 飞行奇术2H 一般  护门大师 2000+20% 时空之门 初期必备  补锅匠 200+2% 拆卸+4 初期必备  锁匠 300+3% 拆卸+6 初期必备  夜盗 降声誉 拆卸+8 初期必备  铸甲匠 200+2% 修补铠甲 垃圾, 不如修补术  工匠 200+2% 修补兵器 垃圾, 不如修补术  练金师 400+4% 修补魔法物品 垃圾, 不如修补术  厨师 300+3% 每天食物+1 垃圾  行李搬运工 100+1% 食物消耗-1 垃圾  军需大师 200+2% 食物消耗-2 垃圾  木匠 X X 修复自由天堂神庙  石匠 X X 修复自由天堂神庙  诗人 1000+10% 声誉加速发展 垃圾;想坏可以杀人, 想好可以捐献  农夫 X X 垃圾  工人 X X 垃圾  猎人 X X 垃圾  补鞋匠 X X 垃圾  织布者 X X 垃圾  裁缝 X X 垃圾  制陶者 X X 垃圾  设陷井者 X X 垃圾  抄写员 X X 垃圾  公务员 X X 垃圾  卫兵 X X 垃圾  小丑 X X 垃圾  农奴 X X 垃圾  乞丐 X X 垃圾  贵族 X X 垃圾  赌徒 X X 垃圾  传教士 X X 垃圾  羊鸣教徒 X X 垃圾  ****** 车 ******  出发地 目的地 班次 路程 费用  新索匹格 铁拳城堡 周一.三.五 2天 25  铁拳城堡 竞技场 周日 1天 50  铁拳城堡 新索匹格 周一.三.五 2天 50  自由天堂东 布莱克郡 周一.四 3天 150  自由天堂东 克里格斯 周二.五 3天 150  自由天堂东 白帽镇 周三.六 3天 150  自由天堂西 银湾镇 周一.四 4天 100  自由天堂西 铁拳城堡 周二.五 4天 100  自由天堂西 黑摩尔 周三.六 5天 100  银湾镇 自由天堂 周一.五 4天 200  白帽镇 自由天堂 周一.四 3天 200  布莱克郡 自由天堂 周二.五 3天 250  黑摩尔 自由天堂 周一.五 5天 250  克里格斯 自由天堂 周三.六 3天 250  ******** 船 ********  出发地 目的地 班次 路程 费用  新索匹格 浓雾镇 周二.四.六 3天 100  铁拳城堡 浓雾镇 周一.三.五 2天 100  铁拳城堡 新索匹格 周二.四.六 2天 100  铁拳城堡 布特雷格 周二.五 3天 100  浓雾镇 铁拳城堡 周一.三.五 2天 250  浓雾镇 布特雷格 周二.四.六 2天 250  浓雾镇 银湾镇 周一.四 3天 250  自由天堂 浓雾镇 周一.四 4天 300  自由天堂 银湾镇 周二.四 3天 300  自由天堂 铁拳城堡 周三 5天 300  布特雷格东 西 周一.三 1天 150  布特雷格西 铁拳城堡 周二.四 4天 150  银湾镇 浓雾镇 周一.四.六 3天 400  银湾镇 自由天堂 周二.五 3天 300  银湾镇 北岛 周三 1天 250  南岛 北岛 周六 1天 200  北岛 银湾镇 周一 2天 400  ***** 药水配置 *****  1.基本  名称 配方 作用  红 草莓+空瓶 恢复10点生命力(HP)  黄 黄花+空瓶 1小时内暂时增加10点所有基本属性  蓝 板蓝根+空瓶 恢复10点法力(MP)  2.混合  橙 红+黄 暂时增加10点防护力  紫 红+蓝 解毒药  绿 黄+蓝 暂时增加10点所有元素抗力  3.防护  天赐神力 红+橙 施展天赐神力并持续6小时  超级能量 黄+橙 暂时增加20点所有属性  攻击加速 黄+绿 施展加速术并持续6小时  护体石肤 蓝+橙 施展石化皮肤术并持续6小时  圣灵佑佐 蓝+紫 施展祝福术并持续6小时  超级防御 蓝+绿 暂时增加20点所有元素抗力  超级保护 橙+绿 暂时增加20点护甲等级  变形 紫+绿 治疗除石化和死亡之外的任何状况  4.能力  力量精髓 红+天赐神力 +15力量-5智力  速度精髓 红+攻击加速 +15速度-5个性  智力精髓 蓝+护体石肤 +15智力-5力量  准确精髓 黄+圣灵佑佐 +15准确-5运气  运气精髓 紫+超级防御 +15运气-5准确  耐力精髓 黄+超级保护 +15耐力-1其余属性  个性精髓 蓝+变形 +15个性-5速度  5.年龄  神力药剂 紫+超级能量 暂时+20级+1岁年龄  神奇魔法药剂 绿+超级防御 +100魔力+1岁年龄  神医药剂 橙+变形 +100生命值+1岁年龄  返老还童 绿+超级能量 -1岁年龄-1所有属性  ****法术、技巧资料****  照明术(Touch Light):功能如同名字,花一点法力,持续时间是1小时  火焰箭(Flame Arrow):会发射一支燃烧中的箭,这个法术出名的不准。花两点法力,而且在再度施 展之前,得要先恢复精力才行。它的效用是立即的,能够造成1~8点的伤害。 专家级的人施法时只需耗用1点法力,而且可以较快速的回复  防止火焰伤害(Protection from Fire):增进该人物对火的抵抗力:所增加的抵抗点数和火系魔法技能 的等级相同。耗费3点法力,施法后必须花时间来恢复。技能等级每一级可以让 此术有效时间维持1小时。专家可以让所增加的抵抗力加倍  火弩术(Fire Bolt): 对单一目标射出一团小型火球..我认为这是魔法师最忠实的依  靠。耗费4点法力,且施法后必须花时间恢复,才能再使用。施术后立刻发射  风火极速(Haste): 可以将施法或挥动武器后所须的恢复时间缩短25秒。注意:该名人物在此术效 能消失之后的六小时会变得比较虚弱。此术需花费5点法力,而且需要时间恢复 。基本的维持时间是4分钟,每级火系魔法技能可以延长1分钟。  火球术(Fireball): 虽然是针对单一目标来施展,可是当火球爆炸时,会伤害到周围的生物。看起来十分壮观,不过你的队伍最好还是离远一点;如果靠得太近,队友可是会受 伤的。所耗的法力是8点,而且要花上一段时间才能恢复。施法后立刻就可以看到结果,爆炸威力会在半径10尺内造成伤害,每级火系魔法技能可以有1~6点的 损害。  火焰结界(Ring of Fire):能够在队伍5尺的范围产生环状的火焰,对碰触到它的敌人造成伤害,而且不会影响到队友。耗费法力10点,不会恢复时间颇长。该术的效果是立即的, 所造成的基本伤害是6点,每级火系魔法技能在追加1点。专家所产生的果是立即的,所造成的基本伤害是6点,每级火系魔法技能再追加1点。  烈火暴击(Fire Blast):会朝着队伍所面对的方向发射强力的火焰。所发射出来的烈火弹并没有魔法导向的功能,所以要练习瞄准。耗费15点法力,而且施法后的休息是免不了的。 一次打出3发烈火弹,每发所造成的基本伤害是4点,每级火系魔法技能可以再增加1~3点。专家休息的时间会减少  流星雨(Meteor Shower):会从天空降下8颗燃烧中的陨石,轰击半径10尺之内的目标区。除非你很想进医院躺一躺,否则还是离远一点比较好。耗费20点法力,而且施法之后一定要 花时间调节身体的能量。施法后立即生效,每颗陨石的基本伤害是8点,每级火系魔法技能可再追加1点。专家恢复的速度比较快,而且可以召唤12颗陨石;大师花不了多少时间就能复原,而且一次可以召来16颗陨石!还好这项法术只能 在室外使用.  地狱之火(Inferno): 直接烧烤视线内的所有怪物;放心,不会烧到自己的队伍。施个一两次就可以 很轻松地把满是弱小或是中等强度怪物的房间清光。仅仅花费25点法力,不过 恢复时间是很可观的。对一只怪物的伤害是12+火系魔法技能的等级。  火葬术(Incinerate): 是一种最强力的直接伤害性法术,可以重创单一目标。印像中只有最强力的怪物才能在中了这种法术后存活下来。(不过如果对方挨了一记没死,那就换成 你要考虑生存的问题了!)耗费30点法力,而且施法完毕一定要花时间恢复。施法后立即见效,一次烧掉的基本生命点数是15点,每级火系魔法技能可再多 一点。  巫师之眼(Wizard Eye):能够在自动地图上显示出怪物而人物的位置。有效时间1小时,施展需花费1点 魔法点数。专家和大师看到的东西会比学徒级的施法者要多。  静电术(Static Charge):会针对单一怪物发出静电。虽然伤害不大,不过百发百中。花费2点法力。施用它也是会累的,放完电后要休息一下。施法后立刻作用,造成的基本伤害是1 点,每级风系魔法技能可再追加1~5点的伤害。专家隔没多久就可以再次使用该 法术。  防止电击伤害(Protection from Electricity):增加全体队员对电的抵抗力:增加的点数和施法者的 风系魔法技能点数相同。花费3点法力,施展完后施法者必须花时间恢复。作用 时间是(1*风系魔法技能等级)个小时。专家施法后的效果加倍.  星星之火(Sparks): 会射出3颗小型的电光球,它们会一直弹来弹去,直到击中物体或能量散尽为止。由於实在很难控制弹跳的方向,所以此法术最适合拿来清除满是小型怪物的 房间。不过自己队伍要躲开一点就是了。花费4点法力,每颗电光球会造成2+(1*风系魔法技能等级)的伤害。专家施法后恢复较快,而且一次可以发射5颗  清如鸿毛(Feather Fall):可以减缓坠落的速度,可以在队伍从10尺以上的高度往下掉时,避免落地冲 击所受到的创伤。此法术需耗费5点法力,而且需要时间来恢复。持续时间是( 5*风系魔法技能等级)分钟。专家则是(10*风系魔法技能等级)分钟  护盾术(Shield): 可以减缓投射武器的攻击(像是箭..落石等等),而且可以削弱一半的伤害。 护盾术需耗费8点法力,由於恢复得花上一段时间,所以请考虑施用的地点和时 机。每个风系魔法技能等级可以让护盾维持5分钟  闪电术(Lightning Bolt):会从手中放出电能,攻击单一目标。它不但百发百中,而且造成的伤害还满 显着的。我很乐意地称它为魔法师的最爱。它需要10点法力。施法后立刻见效 ,每级风系魔法技能可以造成1~8点的伤害。专家和大师的恢复不需要时间。  跳跃术(Jump): 让整个队伍能够以四十五度腾空跃起,跳到一定的距离而不会受到损伤。它只 花费15点法力,而且风系魔法技能越高,恢复得越快。专家和大师的恢复不需 要时间。  气压爆裂(Implosion):是各可怕的法术,它会将某目标周围的空气抽离,接着你将会看到外面的空气 向内挤压,轰的一声,基本伤害就有10点,每级风系魔法技能还可追加1~10点 的伤害。这个法术耗费20点法力,而且施法后必须休息一阵子。  飞行术(Fly): 让你的人物有飞行的能力。每个风系魔法技能等级可以让你持续飞5分钟。只能 在室外使用。飞行术一开始要花掉25点法力,可是在飞行的时候,会缓慢地消 耗法力。小心不要飞得太高;飞得越高,摔得越重!  星爆术(Starburst): 会从天上召唤8颗星星,轰击半径20尺内的敌人。可不要靠得太近,以免被流弹 波及。花费30点法力,而且恢复的时间很可观。每颗星星的伤害力是20+1*风 系魔法技能等级。专家可以减少恢复的时间,而且可以召来12颗星星;  唤醒术(Awaken): 会自动将所有队员从正常的睡梦中唤醒,或是减少施加在队员身上催眠法术的 有效时间。此术需要1点法力,施法之后也需要一些恢复时间。每一级水系魔 法技能可以减少3分钟的睡眠时间。专家级所减少的时间以小时来计算  冷冻光束(Cold Beam):会在一刹那间对单一怪物射出一到极冷的光束。伤害不大,只有2~6点,不过百 发百中。花费2点法力。虽然恢复时间仍旧必要,不过随着技能的增长,所需的 时间就会减少。专家恢复得更快;而大师级的人物施法时不需耗费法力  防止寒冷伤害(Protection from Cold):增加全体队员对寒冷的抵抗力:每级水系技能可以提升1点抵 抗力。花费3点法力,而且需要时间恢复。  喷毒术(Poison Spray):会针对队伍面前的怪物射出一到毒液。虽然直接的伤害不大,但是只有少数怪物对毒有防护力,所以要给它们好看的话,这是一个满简便的方式。花费4点 法力,且需要时间恢复。直接伤害对方2点,每级水系魔法技能还可再多伤害 1~2点的生命点数。专家恢复得较快,而且一是喷出3发;大师则可以在更短的 时间内恢复。  水上飘(Water Walk):可以让你的队伍在水面上行走,每级水系魔法技能可以让你走5分钟。只能在 室外使用。施展该魔法需花费5点法力,不过你一定会感觉到在水上游走时, 会持续地消耗法力。专家每技能等级可以走10分钟  夺命寒冰(Ice Bolt):会对单一目标射出一道冰柱。准确率高达百分之百,而且伤害还不小:每技能 等级可以打伤对方1~7点。花费8点法力。  强化物品(Enchant Item):可以赋予一般物品魔法的能力。成功的机率和水系魔法技能成正比。除非施 法者是一名大师,否则不白费力气在武器上了。施法时耗费10点法力。  酸爆术(Acid Burst): 对单一怪物喷出一道酸液,造成的基本伤害是9点,每级水系魔法技能还可 以让对方多损失1~9点的生命,此术消耗15点法力。  城镇传送(Town Portal):会将队伍传送到最近所造访的城镇。一般初学者只能在室外使用此法术。而且初学者还要注意的是,这个法术能正常运作的机会不大;不过随着你的水系 魔法技能等级的增加,这种情形就会逐渐改善。花费25点法力,而且恢复时间颇长。专家可以在室内施用此术;而大师还可以选择要前往哪座城镇。  冰爆术(Ice Blast):会对施法者所面对的方向射出一颗冰球,当它碰触到物体时就会碎裂成7块碎片,分别向7个方位飞散,只有施法者所处的方位能够幸免。碎片会持续飞行,直到击中物体,造成基本伤害12点,每级水系魔法技能还可再追加1~2点的伤害,或者就此融化。要注意的是,这些碎片可能会击中你的队伍,尽管它们一开 始飞行的方向不是朝你而来。消耗25点法力,而且需要时间恢复。专家和大师的恢复时间会缩短一些。  洛伊指标(Lloyd"s Beacon):可以让你在某地点设立标记,日后可以传送回到此处。标记的效力和你的水系魔法技能等级有关:有效时间是(1*技能等级)个小时。每次耗费30点法力。专家最多可以设立3个指标,而且有效时间以天计算;大师最多可以设立 5个,有效时间是以星期计算的。  1 按下列键  rich 加钱  poor 加钱,加经验(极其BT,慎用!)  2 输入以下键和数字后,按回车  w 商店,行会,等等  注:78 羊鸣庙,除了石化死亡灭绝都能治,费用极低  j 地图传送  f 各类物品  注:463 马靴(技能)  447 扑克(加本月属性,日历显示半月时用最好)  e 触发当前地图的各种事件,开箱子,机关等等  3 无限连击(回合制不可用)  当一个人物攻击后需要一段时间才能恢复(选取),但是如果你的队伍里还有人可以行动时,按i键打开物品栏,然后切换到所要进攻的人物就可以再次行动。这里有个技巧就是按住右键可以暂停游戏,以便赢得时间来按其他键。想想看神龙吐珠的连射是什么效果……  4 一击必杀  前提是你有隔空取物卷轴,到物品栏拾起它,然后关闭物品栏,在任意一个人物头像上点击右键,就可以抹消视野中离你最近的一个敌人(无论他有多强),并得到其身上的物品,不过经验恐怕……(这个技巧可以配合F键来用,记得好像是254)  5 门缝杀人法  游戏里规定,只要距离够近,而且你能看到敌人,就可以用近身攻击。有很多门是缝隙的,只要调整好角度,站在那里按住a键,不一会世界就清静了。  二,控制指令  F1 调出一个敌人,每按一次都会更新,可以用来完成悬赏任务  F4 全屏/窗口切换(必须是16位色彩模式)  三,任务  1 方尖塔任务  访问大陆上15个方尖塔后(新索匹革那个在北方一个火山口里),到飞龙沙漠金字塔背面发现一个由几块小石头围成的石阵,中间那块就是箱子,里面有神器和终极魔法书。这个箱子每次打开都会加钱,但物品只能拿一次。  2 Q  布莱克郡的巨蛇庙里有暗门(用魔力神眼看),里面有一个血超多的家伙,打死他后可得一个角,可以显示怪物的生命值。注意那几个箱子的机关非常厉害,我7级拆卸大师似乎都躲不过。  四,技巧  1 杀不会飞的高级生物(野外)  这里主要指飞龙沙漠,天堂谷这类地方,血厚攻高近战危险的生物。需要的魔法有三种,飞行术,流星火雨,群星飞落。方法是飞到有效施法范围内,进入回合模式,然后根据敌人的免疫来选择释放两种魔法,当敌人攻击时,可以按飞行的上升或下降键来躲避攻击。  2 屠龙(野外)  各类高级怪物里,龙是最难对付的,不但会飞,防御又高,像火球闪电这类魔法攻击力显然不足,贴身放钢镖又太冒险,所以这里推荐威力强大的流星雨和群星飞落。  龙虽然是飞行生物,但根据游戏设定,初始化地图时,他们都是在地面上的,这样,只要他们不飞起来,我们就可以用群星飞落来打。如何办到这一点?不知大家注意过没有,无论怪物还是玩家,都是有攻击范围的。超过这个范围(头像上显示绿灯),即使你用强制攻击,也造成无法伤害;同样,攻击范围之外,即使你能看见怪物,他也不
2023-07-17 21:03:473


我选的都是弓手,成神剑手后就能一次放2箭了,4个人一次8根 ,,在成为专家后他会提示你在哪成大师,在大师那会提示你在哪成神手.你按F键在输入100到999之间就能调出好东西 宝物 神器什么都有 马蹄会提升属性 忘了是多少了还有牌 提升抗性你自己调吧
2023-07-17 21:03:552


1护肤化妆术语 ,护肤品术语护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸碱)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bag
2023-07-17 21:04:181

lamer是什么牌子 lamer是哪国的

2023-07-17 21:04:272


2023-07-17 21:04:3615


问题一:求助,英语翻译请将“皮带轮转动灵活无卡滞现象 The belt pulley rotates *** oothly without blocking. 个人见解,欢迎采纳哦。 问题二:急求助,英语翻译~~ 提问者,您好! 是: Belt pulley rotation 珐imble non-freezing phenomenon 问题三:翻译成英文 5, water curtain spray booth and dust-proof room How it works: In the spraying process, the room air distribution inside the lower part of the horizontal exhaust filter, formed by the overflow trough overflow water curtain and sink of water in front of the mist, mist curtain or sink hit the water surface will be adsorbed , accumulate in the tank, coagulant chemical treatment by the mist, so that paint residue on the surface of the sink float back to the sedimentation tank clean up regularly. Not met by the water curtain curtain of mist into the spray chamber the lower back, the mist from the nozzle, washing, filtering and folding folding maze board three times a filtered spray systems, exhaust fan venting to the atmosphere by , the structural features are as follows: 1, set the duplex curtain spray booth. 2, tank using steel and Q235 steel production, thickness 4mm. Curtain plate stainless steel plate, spray nozzle for the spray nozzle to capture, exhaust fan with explosion-proof fan. 3, chamber body assembly plate connection between the use of bolts, installation, removal, fast and convenient. 4, configuration, special explosion-proof spray room lighting, interior lighting sufficient light. 5 mist treatment with water curtain, shower folding capture plus maze can efficiently remove the paint mist. 6, circulation pump with an area of *** all, simple installation and pipeline pumps. 7, Room δ1.5mm steel and steel body is made of. 8, dust chamber body is made of EPS board, has en......>> 问题四:大哥有时间没,帮忙翻译一点东西,偶英语不是很好,翻译出来的东西意思表达的不是很准确,谢谢! 刚才才看到你的翻译,不好意思,手工翻译,希望对你有帮助,祝你工作顺利O(∩_∩)O哈! 里面有几个专业以及行业术语,翻译不是很准确。 The invalid information for EGR valve as follows:( The information es from assembly car factory, not after sales and there is not any note with the car) 1) The situation of car: When the car get to be off from on-line to check, it has been founded the engine has failure, but the lamps light up. 2)The failure code:The test for X-431 is that the EGR valve doesn"t have signal. 3)Maintenance record: Revise the new EGR valve and solve the faiture. 4) Traveled distance of car: The failure car is founded at the final assembly line as there is no any record and the car doesn"t go out factory. 5)The appearance of pieces for checking: The spool of EGR valve stagnated and there is a *** all piece of flake article and others are not deffective. 问题五:3DMAX2012英文版渲出来的图摄像机前方有一道白光 看样子不像是镜头问题。若有其它镜头。替换一下试试看。应该也会有相同问题的 若已排除反光问题。 机身快门单元出问题的可能性大一些。比如快门运行过程中可能卡滞。 问题六:电机卡滞时是不是容易烧坏 电动机被卡住不动的时候,堵转电流是额定电流的5到7倍,电流过大,线圈发热量大增,绝缘损坏,所以烧电机...
2023-07-17 21:05:011


  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家整理的高三英语作文10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 高三英语作文 篇1   Dear my teacher ,   Leaving you lovely junior school life , I have so many words from my heart to say.   We have lived and studied for three years. During the three years, you work very hard and you always make you lessons interesting. You teach us so well. You are kind to us.You are strict in your work andyou love us very much. We get along well with each other.   You always help me with my study when Ifail in the exam, you always encsurage me to study hard. I have learnt a lot from you. With your help. I have made much progress.   Iam very glad to be your student.   Thank you again for what you are done for us! All the best to you!   yours   student 高三英语作文 篇2   I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my health and make me catch up with the time.   我喜欢做各种各样的运动,早上,我会做一些慢跑,在晚上,有时候我会和朋友去体育馆。我最喜欢的运动是打网球,网球给我的生活带来了很多的乐趣,我可以一边和朋友愉快地聊天,一边看网球比赛。做运动可以改善我的健康状况,让我与时俱进。   When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn"t move my eye away from the match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many matches and got to know more about the game.   当我还小的.时候,一天,当我放学回家后,我觉得很无聊,打开电视机,然后看到了网球比赛。两个美丽的女孩子正在激烈地打着球,比赛很精彩,我的目光无法转移。从那时候起,我开始爱上了网球,我看了很多网球比赛,对网球有了更多的了解。   Tennis sport is the combination of power and asthetics. The tennis players dress the beautiful clothes and their power make the ball fly quickly. The other tennis players will return the tennis ball with their rightly power. The game is so wonderful, if we watch the match alive.   网球运动是力与美的结合。网球运动员穿着美丽的衣服,他们的力量让球快速飞走。另一个网球运动员会正确地使用他们的力量,让球返回去。比赛很精彩,如果我们在现场看的话。   There is no doubt that I am a big fan of the tennis sport. I find so much fun from it, it enriches my life.   毫无疑问,我是网球运动的超级粉丝。我在网球中找到了很多乐趣,网球也丰富了我的生活。 高三英语作文 篇3   I like reading in my free time. I"ve read all kinds of books which are written by many famous writers from all over the world. But I like a Chinese writer best. His name is Xu Zimo.   Xu Zimo was born in a big family. His parents were good at writing and his father taught little Xu by himself. When Xu Zimo was very young, he was interested in reading. Fables, stories or novels were his favorites and he often nearly forgot eating and sleeping.   When Xu was about six years old, he began to write some short stories. He was always practising writing and he did better and better. But he still kept on reading, because he always believed that “Reading makes a full man, a ready man and an exact man.”   When he grew up, his life dream came true. He became a world-famous writer. Not only Chinese but also people from other countries worshiped Xu Zimo. His writing was enjoyed by all the people. Everybody thought that Xu"s works were so nice and great. From his writing, people can understand a lot. I have learnt that if someone wants to be a great person, he must work hard!   Now, let"s enjoy one of Xu"s verses:   On Leaving Cambridge Again Quietly I leave, Just as I quietly come, I quietly wave, Saying goodbye to the bright clouds of the western sky.   What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.   You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.   In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.   Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.   What"s more, I think friends are an important part of one"s health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don"t. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.   By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy. 高三英语作文 篇4   The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.The cat was curling up quiet in her bed.The mouse was sleeping carefree in his gallery.The dog was lying swwet on the sofa.Even the earth itself was sleeping in tranquility,exept that some house door faintly creaked upon its hinge,telling us a remote inward warmth.Nature was at her midnight work with feathery flakes whirling down in the wind,as if she was showering her silvery seeds over the fields.   Finally I woke up.The floor creaked under my feet as I moved towards the window.The snow as warm as cotton was lying calmly upon the window sill and the stillness of the morning was extremely impressive.   The roofs were standing under their snow caps,while the eaves were wearing their glittering ornaments.The trees raised white arms to the sky on every side,and where there was a wall,there were some fantastic forms of snow stretching exhilarated in the dim landscape,as if Nature had carved her fresh desighs by night as models for man"s art.   Silently,I opened the door and stepped outside to face the cutting air.The moon had already lost some of its glow and the land was bathed in a dull mist.A lurid light in the east proclaimed the approach of day while the weatern landscape was bleak with some spooky stillness like a wizard kingdom.What you could only hear was the creepy sounds,seemingly out of the hell----the barking of dogs,the hammering of blacksmith,the lowing of cows and the crying of pigs under the butcher"s knife.   Gradually,the lurid light darkened and spread across the west.Every flower,every tree and   every weed were bathed in the sunshine.Suddenly,it turned out that all the sounds were not for any melancholy they suggested,but for their twilight bustle which was too solemn and mysterious for me.   I moved om,treading briskly along the road,the dry and crisped snow crunching under my feet. 高三英语作文 篇5   Wherever you are,and whoever you may be, there is one thing in which you and I are just alike, at this moment, and in all the moments of our existence. We are not at rest; we are on a journey. Our life is not a mere fact; it is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal. We are gaining something, or losing something, every day. Even when our position and our character seem to remain precisely the same, they are changing. For the mere advance of time is a change. It is not the same thing to have a bare field in January and in July. The season makes the difference. The limitations that are childlike in the child are childish in the man.   Everything that we do is a step in one direction or another. Even the failure to do something is in itself a deed. It sets us forward or backward. The action of the negative pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as the action of the positive pole. To decline is to accept the other alternative.   Are you richer today than you were yesterday? No? Then you are a little poorer. Are you better today than you were yesterday? No? Then you are a little worse. Are you nearer to your port today than you were yesterday? Yes, you must be a little nearer to some port or other; for since your ship was first launched upon the sea of life you have never been still for a single moment; the sea is too deep, you could not find an anchorage if you would; there can be no pause until you come into port. 高三英语作文 篇6   As the development of the Internet, the traditional way of reading daily news has been challenged, more and more people trend to read news online, while still some people insist on reading it on the newspaper. People argue which is the best way for reading news, in my opinion, there is no best way, different people choose different manner.   随着网络的发展,阅读新闻的传统方式已经受到了挑战,越来越多的人倾向于在网上看新闻,然而仍然有一部分人坚持看报纸。人们争辩哪种是看新闻的最好方式,在我看来,没有最好的方式,不同的人会选择不同的方式。   Reading news online is fast and paying for free. Most young people get used to it, they use the computer every day, so that they count on the computer to receive the all kinds of information. Reading the newspaper is troublesome, they don"t like to hold the paper, it is not convenient.   在网上看新闻快速且不用钱。大部分年轻人习惯这个方式,他们每天使用电脑,因此他们依赖电脑来接收各种信息。看报纸很麻烦,他们不喜欢拿着报纸,很不方便。   While still many people like to read on the newspaper. Especially the old generation, before the popularity of computer, they read the news from the newspaper, they get used to this manner, even the computer is convenient, they just like to keep this habit.   然而仍然有很多人喜欢看报纸。特别是老一代,在电脑流行前,他们通过报纸来看新闻,习惯了这种方式,即使电脑很方便,他们还是喜欢保持看报纸的习惯。   The ways to read news are various, there is no need to compare them. I"d prefer to read it on the Internet, but sometimes I find reading it newspaper brings me fun when I have breakfast.   看新闻的方式是多种多样的,没有必要进行对比。我比较喜欢在网络上看,但是有时候在吃早餐时看报纸能给我带来乐趣。 高三英语作文 篇7   There are many memorable things, I have had a particularly memorable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called "white".   "The day before the white", we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, , sound. There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I can"t sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of"white".   The second day, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesive beautiful balloon. 高三英语作文 篇8   A Boom in Adult education   Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic A Boom in Adult Education. You should write no less than 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 高三英语作文 篇9 Dear Dick,   One of my best friends Wei Dong has just won a scholarship to study for one year in the United States. He"ll be leaving soon, and, believe it or not, he will be in the same school with you. I have told him a lot about you and he will go to see you right after his arrival. Since he is new there, I hope you could do whatever you can to help him begin a new life.   Wei Dong is a handsome tall boy of 18. He is a diligent student as well as a good guy to get along with. Besides his study, he has a wide range of interests, such as country music and basketball. I hope you can learn from each other and become good friends.   Best wishes. 亲爱的迪克,   我最好的朋友之一魏东刚刚赢得了一笔到美国留学一年的奖学金。他很快就要走了,而且,不管你信不信,他会跟你在同一所学校。我已经告诉过他很多关于你和他他到了之后会见到你。因为他是新生,我希望你能尽你所能帮助他开始新的生活。   魏东是一个高大英俊的18岁的男孩。他是一个勤奋的且和人很好相处的学生。除了他的学习,他兴趣广泛,如乡村音乐和篮球。我希望你们可以互相学习,成为好朋友。   最好的祝福。 高三英语作文 篇10   Practice Makes Perfect   The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices.   For example, when we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don't do enough exercises, it is certain that you can't understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly.   There is another example. A famous singer can sing very welt. Of course, his talent is very important, but practice is necessary. It is necessary to practice to make the singer sing better and better.   It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect.
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1、维多利亚的秘密全球最著名、性感内衣品牌之一,隶属于美国知名中高档服装生产商Limited Brands集团,定位于年轻女性,产品包括女士内衣、文胸、内裤、泳衣、休闲女性、女鞋、化妆品和各类配套服装、豪华短裤、香水、化妆品以及相关书籍。2、MISTLLEE顶级时尚品牌,产品有内裤以及香水,旗下还有Mr.li等品牌,其产品具有深厚的文化内涵和惟美的艺术气息。3、法曼儿源于法国巴黎,在中国有多间加盟店,其产品包括文胸、内裤、保暖内衣、美体内衣、家居服、泳衣、睡衣等,美打产品是调整型内衣。产品风格经典、时尚、华贵、雅致。4、仙黛尔仙黛尔始创于1876年,其产品采用高级面辅料,穿着舒适无压迫感。在产品的设计和制造上非常注重每个细节。仙黛尔是最早使用弹性织物制作内衣的品牌。5、Lise Charmel法国著名内衣品牌Lise Charmel在面料的选用上采用大量的蕾丝和刺绣,把工艺发挥到极致,是现代时尚女性的最爱。6、黛安芬黛安芬于1886年成立于德国,国际化内衣企业之一。旗下产品有魔术文胸、T恤文胸、美肤文胸、仙乐娇系列、FashionStyle以及BeeDee少女内衣等,所有产品设计时尚、做工精巧、穿着舒适。7、雅芳美国品牌雅芳创立于1886年,其内衣产品采用东方剪裁,内衣曲线合身,从款式选料到制作由设计师以专业时尚的眼光层层把关。8、华歌尔著名日本品牌,成立于1949年,1986年开始进入中国。通过收集大量日本、台湾、大陆等地的女性人体数据,使产品最适合亚洲女性特点,外观也非常文雅。有大量束臀裤和束衣可供选择,也是该品牌的一大特点。10、安莉芳安莉芳是创办于1975年的香港内衣品牌,产品设计时尚、制作精巧,其产品包括文胸、内裤、紧身衣、泳装、睡衣、韵律服、袜裤、哺乳内衣、孕妇内衣等。10、欧迪芬欧迪芬是一家专业生产女士内衣的台湾品牌,成立于1980年。欧迪芬倡导新时代女性优雅、时尚、舒适的穿衣理念,旗下有妮的秘密、伊维斯、曼妮芬、兰卓丽、乔百仕、bodybeauty六个品牌,产品特点:华丽、简洁、都会、时尚。
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紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion 霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash 彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss) 唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸装水: makeup remover 卸装乳: makeup removing lotion 帖在身上的小亮片: body art 指甲: manicure/pedicure 指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel 去甲油:nail polish remover 护甲液:Nail saver 发: hair products/accessories 洗发水: shampoo 护发素: hair conditioner 锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse 发胶: styling gel 染发: hair color
2023-07-17 21:05:501


1. 关于怎样去上学的英语作文 Nowadays, there are many ways students used to go to school. The most mon one is to be fetched by their parents. However, it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by helicopter. This will certainly spoil the children making them materialistic. In fact, student should be encouraged to walk or cycle to school. It does not just reduce the pollution and prevent the traffic jam, yet this can be treated as an exercise. Students can get healthier by doing this, besides it too can train them to be independent.。 2. 写一篇关于怎样去上学的英语作文 Everyday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure everything I ought to take have been taken. After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to school by myself. I like to go to school,I like studying ,too. That"s all ,thank you! 3. 怎样写《你怎样去上学 I live near my school. So I usually go to school on foot. I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body. Because I walk to school every day, I"m stonger than before. Sometimes I go to school by bike because I"m nearly late for school. But I don"t like riding my bike to school, because I"m afraid of my bike being stolen. So I like walking to school best.。 4. 我怎样去上学的英语作文 6am, I get up, eat breakfast, I happily go to school carrying a bag. At this time, the morning fog still floating, Mengmenglonglong, walking on the road, like walking in the same territory earlier. there is one kilometer from my home to the school , I found a few *** all crystal dew on the grass. At this time, the wind quickly came doll, *** all dew quickly jumped into the grass and disappeared. At this time, the sun would wake up, he put the light sprinkling the earth, to make the world bright. Soon the fog lifted, everything around clear and bright. Ah, what a beautiful morning it! I love it.。 5. 写你自己怎么去上学的英语作文五句话 介绍朋友是怎么上学的英语作文五句话 how my best friend get to school my class mate li hua lives very far away from school. his home must be more than five kilometres in distance. so, he can"t walk to school like i do. but must get up very early in the morning. he need to eat his breakfast very quickly and then hurry to the bus station taking an early bus to school. though he is never late. and he is my best friend . i like him very much. 应该超过了五句。 很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步! 6. 用英语说你怎么去上学 在很多学生学习英语当中,不知道英语的初中作文应该怎么写,对此感到非常的烦恼,并且因为这个原因拉低了这个科目的整体分数,那么英语初中作文应该怎么写? 使用英文词语的搭配 其实英语初中作文和中文的写作都有一个相同的地方,那就是需要选择合适的词汇来进行写作,只有这样才可以更好的表达文章的思想,别人看到后才能更确切的知道作者的想法,我们可以通过选择日常的单词、避免用词的错误,尽量使用具有包容性质的词来完成这篇作文. 英语初中作文写作还要比语文写作难的很多,因为使用的语言不一样,在英语的运用方面很多的人还是有一定的不熟悉不可以像母语那样使用得当,那么我们如何在英语初中作文写作中选择合适的词呢?下面这些建议可以帮助到你. 英语初中作文写作注意要点 一、选择日常的单词:英语有很多丰富多彩的词,但是我们只选择一小部分进行写作就可以了,这样不仅可以保证语法的正确还能保证单词的正确,因为一些不常见的单词,我们可能做不到很熟悉. 二、避免错误的的使用:由于一些词语可能会使用不当,让他们失去了原来所具有的的功能,可能会让读者误会你的意思,或者对你的观点产生质疑; 三、选择合适的词汇:在英语中,有很多的同义词,虽然意思相同但用法却截然不同,这就造成了文章在别人眼中看下来感觉是特别怪的,所以在写作中一定要多使用中式的词汇. 四、尽量使用具有包容性质的词:你所使用的词应该是不存在偏见的,可以选择适当的,不刻板的词. 最后,一定要积累自己的词汇量,这样你在写作时才能有更多的词来使用. 扩大词汇量,你会有更多的词汇可供选择,这意味着你可能会找到一个最精确传达信息的单词,阅读是一个学习新单词的好办法.然而,在使用新单词之前,一定要查词典确认新单词的含义. 英语词语的用法 以上就是英语初中作文怎么写的内容,在经过以上的建议学习之后,在写作的方面会有一定的提升,并且这个科目的分数可以有一定的改善,当然见到成效之后需要坚持才可以. 7. 一篇写自己怎么上学英语作文 On the Way to School This morning, my brother took me to school by bike. I sat at the back of the bike, eating a banana. After I ate it up, I threw the skin onto the street randomly. No sooner had I done this than I realized that I had done something bad to our environment. And maybe someone would step on it and tumbleover. I must pick it up. Thinking of these, I asked brother to stop. I jumped offthe bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. Seeing this, brother praised me and I felt very happy. In future I will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more about others. 8. 英语作文《去上学》 One morning, my back schoolbag happily go to school.At this time, the morning mist still wanders, mengmenglonglong, walk on the road, like walking in the same first exit.Walked, I found a few tiny crystal dew on the grass. At this time, the wind doll quickly came, Small dew jumped into the grass, no see. I think, they are probably playing hide and seek! Wind dolls to flyThe grass look closely, but finally did not find, he left disappointed 这时,晨雾还在飘荡,蒙蒙胧胧,走在路上,如同走在先境里一样。 走着走着,我发现草叶上有几颗晶莹的小露珠。这时候,风娃娃飞快地走过来, 小露珠赶紧跳进草地里,不见了。我想,他们大概是在玩捉迷藏吧!风娃娃飞到 草地上仔细地寻找,可最后没找到,他失望地离开了。 一天早上,我背着书包高高兴兴的去上学。 这时,晨雾还在飘荡,蒙蒙胧胧,走在路上,如同走在先境里一样。 走着走着,我发现草叶上有几颗晶莹的小露珠。这时候,风娃娃飞快地走过来, 小露珠赶紧跳进草地里,不见了。我想,他们大概是在玩捉迷藏吧!风娃娃飞到 草地上仔细地寻找,可最后没找到,他失望地离开了。
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1、她身上穿着一件新制的绿色花布青衫,从弹簧箍上撑出波浪纹的长裙,配着脚上一双也是绿色的低跟鞋。 She . 16、穿着一件略嫌简单的素白色的长锦衣,用深棕色的丝线在衣料上绣出了奇巧遒劲的枝干,桃红色的丝线绣出了一朵朵怒放的梅花,从裙摆一直延伸到腰际,一根玄紫色的宽腰带勒紧细腰,显出了身段窈窕。 an in a white blouse ocean, cut very tight and narrow, revealing a pair of trousers under Jane wear white shoes feet, face with a thin layer of powder. 22、一个身穿白色绣着淡粉色的荷花抹胸,腰系百花曳地裙,手挽薄雾烟绿色拖地烟纱,风鬟雾鬓,发中别着珠花簪。眼神有神,眼眉之间点着一抹金调点,撩人心弦,果真是一位绝色佳人! looking like a small butterfly, beautiful body, and soft color. 33、金黄色的云烟衫绣着秀雅的兰花,逶迤拖地黄色古纹双蝶云形千水裙,手挽碧霞罗牡丹薄雾纱。云髻峨峨,戴着一支镂空兰花珠钗,脸蛋娇媚如月,眼神顾盼生辉,撩人心怀。 The yellow shirt embroidered with elegant orchid Yunyan, meandering yellow butterfly shaped cloud pattern of ancient mopping thousands of water mist skirts, hand Bi Xialuo peony yarn. Cloud wearing a lofty, hollow orchid bead Chai, charming face such as eyes, charming and attractive, tantalizing. 34、大朵牡丹翠绿烟纱碧霞罗,逶迤拖地粉色水仙散花绿叶裙,身披金丝薄烟翠绿纱。低垂鬓发斜插镶嵌珍珠碧玉簪子,花容月貌出水芙蓉。 Big peony green smoke yarn Bixia Luo, pink narcissus flower green skirt meandering mopping the floor, wearing a gold thin smoke green yarn. Hair drooping Xiecha inlaid pearl jade hairpin, Huarongyuemao. 35、红玫瑰香紧身袍袍袖上衣,下罩翠绿烟纱散花裙,腰间用金丝软烟罗系成一个大大的蝴蝶结,鬓发低垂斜插碧玉瓒凤钗,显的体态修长妖妖艳艳勾人魂魄。 Red rose tight sleeveless robe robe, under the cover of green smoke flower skirt waist with gold yarn, soft smoke Luo tie into a big bow, hair drooping Xiecha jade Zan Feng Chai, the slender Red Hook demon demon soul. 描述秋天的英文句子 1、秋天的美是成熟的它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。 Autumn is mature it is not so shy the spring and summer is so open, so to ing, the fruit is ripe. The pears, red apple, sparkling grape. 7、秋光绚丽,金风送爽,如海的高粱举起火把,无边的大豆摇响铜铃。 The gorgeous autumn light, cool breeze, such as the torch raised sorghum, soybeans endless ringing bells. 8、秋风,凉丝丝的,吹拂着花草树木,好像一位温情的母亲正轻轻地哼着催眠曲把自己的子女送进甜蜜的梦乡。 The autumn b, an independent cold autumn taste. 21、秋,收获的季节,金黄的季节同春一样可爱,同夏一样热情,冬一样迷人。 Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season with the same as the spring of the same spring, as warm as summer, as charming as winter. 22、金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。 The ing, the fruit is ripe. The pears, red is apple, sparkling grape. A cool breeze blo of rapeseed. 38、清风涤荡你的肺腑,天籁拨动你的心音。一泓流水,一弦丝竹之音和鸣,你便知道,你该去看看秋天了。 Breeze cleanse your heart, your heart sound Teana slide. A pool of water, a string string and wind music sounds, you know, you should go to see the autumn. 39、秋天的美是成熟的。它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。 The beauty of autumn is ripe. It is not so shy the spring, summer is so open, so to winter. 40、秋天的天很高,好象盘古还在撑着天和地;天那样蓝,好象有位画家在天空中涂了蓝色的颜料。 High autumn day, as if heaven and the earth pangu also; days as blue, as if there afar, the ing, chrysanthemum opened. There are red, yelloe on! Flying into my textbook, looking like a flame in rolling. 58、秋天,叶子一片片落下,带着一丝丝的遗憾,投向大地母亲的怀抱。她们跳跃着,旋转着,轻舞飞扬着,翩然落下。 Autumn, leaves a piece of falling, the vie Hui, sitting in the autumn day high light cloud ridge near the tree birds, US, a distant sound symphony rises in your heart. 65、走进田野,就像置身于金色的海洋。在阳光的照耀下,闪闪发光,天与地也融为一体,到处都是金黄一色。 Into the field, as in the golden sea. In the sun, shining, shining, and the earth is integrated, everywhere is golden. 66、不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗? I do not know when, you gently fall on my bright red sweater, you put me as a flower, too? 67、稻田里,一片黄澄澄的稻谷随着秋风翻起金波,绿油油的菜地里,肥嫩的菜叶上闪耀着晶莹的露珠。 In the rice field, a piece of yellow rice with the wind turned Jin Bo, green garden, fat and tender leaves sparkle sparkling dew. 68、风,轻轻地,温和的吹着,是美丽的秋姑娘姗姗而来。 The wind, gently, gently blowing, is a beautiful autumn girl came. 描述爱情的英文句子 1、爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 Love is ever lasting. The aspect may change, but not the essence. 2、我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识认定你不会离开我。胡闹也是一种依赖。 I only love to lose your temper, because I subconsciously that you eone is to be sitting right beside them knoething. 17、谁捡走了我的玻璃鞋,寻找遗失的玻璃鞋。 orroe people are doomed to eone eones life when the episode. 50、我多么希望,有那么一个人拼了命的爱我。 How I wish, there is such a man to fight the life of love me. 描述性格的英文句子 1、我是一根筋的脾气,好钻牛角尖,不撞南墙不回头。 I am a reinforcement of the temper, good get, do not hit the south the stool, a pressure then on, I never spoke to anyone, he let them all in silence to study hard. 10、婶婶做事一向小心,走一步看三步,遇事总是多准备几手。 My aunt aletimes, he also helps me to tidy up the room, tidy up things for me. 12、枪声一响,两个姑娘如离弦之箭,向前冲去。她们动作协调有力,在冰面上轻快地飞驰,仿佛两只飞燕,在紧贴地面飞翔,你追我赶,互不相让。最后,在教练员和观众热情的加油声中,两人几乎同时像一隈旋风冲过终点。 The sound of gunfire, te face, high nose, like a radish like. The man e outstanding features, perfect face, especially the left ear flashing dazzling bright diamond earrings, to his handsome join sunshine. 16、我们院里来了两个乡下小孩。一个是姐姐,梳着小辫,穿着小花褂。一个是弟弟,脑门上留的头发,就像扣了个茶壶盖。 There are t time to time drops rolled in, also sho small to large, he is never give up and never give up. 23、爷爷爱酒,所以以前每到商场,他总在卖酒的柜台前转悠,看着橱窗中各种各样的酒。 Grandpa loves . 28、爸爸长得瘦瘦的,中等个,长着一双不大不小的眼睛,留着**头,高挺的鼻子显得更有精神。棱廓分明的嘴唇上长满了像钢针似的胡子。爸爸的知识可多了,经常给我讲许多神奇有趣的科学小故事,想出许多方法来锻炼我。 A medium father looks thin and long, e up e the physical defects, and finally admitted to the university. 34、她,一张白净的瓜子脸,眉毛弯得像月亮,眼睛又亮又黑,像发亮的黑珍珠,鼻子有点儿翘,嘴巴不大不小,黑里带黄的头发上扎着一条粗粗的辫子。 She, a time to time, the children on the kindergarten to wear glasses, really like a little adult.
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1.给几个关于爱情的英文诗句 Without you?I\"d be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I\"d be an emotion without a heart.I\"m a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I\"m just a flame without the heat. ----Elle Kimberly Schmick If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. ----Hannah Jo Keen If I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you.Your eyes, your smile,The way you laugh,The things you say and do.Take me to the places,My heart never knew.So, if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you. ----Ed Walter Forgive me for needing you in my life;Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul;Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old. ---Sandra Robbins Heaton 短幅传世名句: If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。 I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 *****推荐: To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在。 I miss you so much already and I haven"t even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。 You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。 在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。 In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you. 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much. 在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意! Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true! 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩! Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream! 常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。 很想你,很想你…… Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much…… 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.。 2.关于青春的英文诗 Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm, wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bow the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being"s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 3.求几句关于爱情的英语诗句,或短文,或小诗 smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。 2.the mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty.雾,象爱情一样,在山峰的心上游戏,生出种种美丽的变幻。 3.light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love. 在我的心头燃点起那休憩的黄昏星吧,然后让黑夜向我微语着爱情。 以上都选自泰戈尔的飞鸟集,希望对你有帮助。 好运! 4.有关青春的英文小诗 Burning Passion is sweet Love makes weak You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go Follow your fate Love and hate Never fail to seize the day But dont give yourself away . Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I Said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous Oh the thought keep spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If your the rock I"ll crush against Trapped in a crowd The music is loud I said I love my freedom too Now I"m not so sure I do All eyes on you Rings so true Better quit while you"re ahead Now I"m not so sure I am Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I Said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous Oh the thought keep spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If your the rock I"ll crush against My soul my heart If you"re near or if you"re far My life my love You can have it all。.ooohaaaah. Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I Said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous Oh the thought keep spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If your the rock I"ll crush against 5.关于青春的英文诗 The Arrow And The Song 箭与歌 I shot an arrow in the air, 我向空中射了一箭, It fell to earth, I knew not where; 它已落到地面,我不知道其去向; For so swiftly it flew, the sight 因它飞得如此地快速 Could not follow it in its flight. 视力无法跟得上它的飞驰。 I breathed a song into the air, 我向空中轻歌一曲, It fell to earth, I knew not where; 它已落地而停,我不知其去向; For who has sight so keen and strong, 谁有这么敏锐的视力, That it can follow the flight of song? 能跟得上歌声的飞驰? Long, long afterward, in an oak 很久,很久以后,在一棵橡树上, I found the arrow still unbroke; 我发现它依然完好无损; And the song, from beginning to end, 而这首歌,从头到尾, I found again in the heart of a friend. 我发现又深印在一位友人的心上。Love is more than a word it says so much. When I see these four letters, I almost feel your touch. This is only happened since I fell in love with you. Why this word does this, I haven"t got a clue. Love不单是一个字, 它还代表了许多意涵, 当我看到这四个字母的时候 我几乎能感受到你内心的感动 但是这只是发生在, 我爱上你之后, 为何这个字有如此的魔力, 我也不清楚 Thank you for comfotting me when I"m sad Loving me when I"m mad Picking me up when I"m down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am. 感谢你在伤心时安慰我, 当我生气时感谢你护着我, 当我沮丧时你拉拔我, 感谢你作为我的朋友并且在我身旁, 告诉我爱的意义是什么, 当我需要动力时你鼓励我, 但我最想感谢你的是, 爱上像我这样的一个人。 Sweetheart, My thoughts are deep into you From the moment that I wake up And to the whole day through Happy Valentine"s Day 亲爱的, 我深深地想念着你, 从我每天早上起来的那一刻起, 每一分每一秒直到一天结束。 情人节快乐!Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do I hope you"re as happy with me As I am with you 感谢你永远支持我, 不论我作了些什麽, 我希望你跟我在一起永远开心, 就像我跟你在一起时那么地快乐。 If I could save time in a bottle the first thing that i "d like to do is to save every day until eternity passes away just to spend them with you if I could make days last forever if words could make wishes come true I"d save every day like a treasure and then again I would spend them with you 如果我能把时间存入一个瓶子, 我要作的第一件事就是, 把每一天都存下来直到永恒, 再和你一起慢慢度过。 如果我能把时间化作永恒, 如果我的愿望能一一成真, 我会把每天都像宝贝一样存起来, 再和你一起慢慢度过。 To sweetheart or friend, words can mean much. Valentine heart to heart, conveys a loving touch. 给我的爱人或是朋友, 一句话可以代表许多意思, 让我们传递著情人节的讯息, 也传送出爱的感觉。You"re always there for me When things tend to go wrong It"s that faith you have in me That makes our love strong 当我需要你时你永远在那里, 就算是我犯了错误也没关系, 是你对我坚定的信心, 让我们的爱更加茁壮。 It"s your loving and your caring And knowing that you"re near That gentle touch you have Make my troubles disappear 是你的爱意和呵护, 知道你就在我的身边, 还有你的温柔和体贴, 让我所有的麻烦全都不见。A better love I couldn"t ask for With your sweet and gently way And knowing that your love for me Grows more everyday 我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人, 能比你更加温柔和体贴, 我也深深地相信, 你对我的爱一天比一天更深。 We share so much together And you always pull me through Thank you for standing behind me In all that I do 我们分享生命中的每一天, 感谢你带领着我 感谢你一直支持着我 不论我做了些什么。 6.关于爱情的英文诗句、求经典的、最好长一点 No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. If I know what love is, it is because of you 7.谁有长一点的关于爱情的英文诗句 When You Are Old When you are and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book , And slowly read ,and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true; But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you , And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly ,how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead, And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. 8.有关爱情的经典名句(英文) 原发布者:羊婷儿 1.我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. Nomattertheendingisperfectornot,youcannotdisappearfrommyworld. 2.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言 Loveisacarefullydesignedlie. 3.承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 Promisesareoftenlikethebutterfly,whichdisappearafterbeautifulhover. 4.凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去 Fadingistruewhilefloweringispast 5.为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我. WhyIhavenevercatchedthehappiness?WheneverIwantyou,Iwillbeaccompanyedbythememoryof。 6.爱情…在指缝间承诺指缝….在爱情下交缠. Love,promisedbetweenthefingers Fingerrift,twistedinthelove 7.如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了 Ifyouweepedforthemissingsunset,youwouldmissalltheshiningstars 8.感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然 tofeeltheflameofdreamingandtofeelthemomentofdancing,whenalltheromanceisfaraway,theeternityisalwaysthere 9.茹菓只遈遇见,吥能停畱,吥茹吥遇见. Ifwecanonlyencountereachotherratherthanstaywitheachother,thenIwishwehadneverencountered. 10.宁愿笑著流泪,嘢不哭著说后悔心碎了,还需再补吗? Iwouldlikeweepingwiththesmileratherthanrepentingwi 9.关于爱情的英文诗歌谁知道呢 Robert Burns (彭斯), 红红的玫瑰. O, my love is like a red, red rose, That is newly sprung in June. O, my love is like the melody, That is sweetly played in tune. As fair are you, my lovely lass, So deep in love am I, And I will love you still, my Dear, Till all the seas go dry. Till all the seas go dry, my Dear, And the rocks melt with the sun! O I will love you still, my Dear, While the sands of life shall run. And fare you well, my only Love, And fare you well a while! And I will come again, my Love, Although it were ten thousand mile!
2023-07-17 21:06:261


  经典 文章 和 寓言 故事 中蕴含着丰富的人生道理,远胜过一般人苦口婆心的说教。下面是我带来的经典英语文章段落,欢迎阅读!   经典英语文章段落欣赏   枪口   The Muzzles   徐光兴   Xu Quangxing   官复原职的N省建材局杨局长和李秘书,走在篙草丛生、芦荻疏落的湖边。“烟中列峋青无数,雁背夕阳红欲暮。”西风,秋水,雁阵,衔着落日的远山,交融在一起,更增添打猎者的无限兴致。   Yang had just been sent back to his former post, Chief of the Provincial Building Material Bureau. Later one afternoon he was walking with Secretary Li, hunting beside the lake where wormwood grew abundantly among scattered reeds. There were seemingly endless green mountain ranges stretching into thin mist, and wild geese silhouetted against the glow of the setting sun. An autumn stream ruffled by the west wind, and the lines of wild geese set against the background of distant mountains embracing the sinking sun, harmoniously merged to enhance the joy of the hunters.   “嘎——”传来一声水禽被惊动的鸣叫。杨局长从李秘书手里接过一支崭新的猎枪,爱抚地摸了一下。它是双筒枪管,枪身瓦蓝铮亮,枪口黑黝黝的,有一股逼人的寒气。货三十多年前他打游击时,也没拿到过这样的枪。   "Quack!” came the cry o# a startled water bird. Bureau Chief Yang took the brand-new hunting gun from Secretary L and caressed it with affection. It was a double-barreled shotgun with a shining blue body and a pair of chilling black muzzles. He had never held such a fine weapon, not even in those days of guerrilla warfare thirty years before.   “吱嘎——嘎呷”,从附近湖面的荷梗残苇中,窜出几只白颈黄蹼、羽毛灰麻麻的水鸭子,在空中扑腾乱飞,惊悸声声。赶着猎狗的捕猎社员,也悄悄地摸到这儿。好几支猎枪的枪口,同时瞄准了这些空中猎物。   "Quack! Quack!" Out fluttered into the air several grey-feathered ducks with white necks and yellow webbed feet. The commune hunters stole to the lakeside, their hounds at their heels. Several muzzles at once aimed at the fleeing birds in the air.   “砰——”老杨开枪了。一缕白烟消散,一只水鸭子像断线的风筝,从半空中坠下。   "Bang!" Old Yang fired. A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite.   “打中喽,打中喽!杨局长,你真不愧是当年游击队里的神枪手。”李秘书像个孩子似的跳着嚷着,奔过去捡猎获物。   "You"ve scored a hit! Chief Yang, you did deserve to be called the crackshot in the guerrilla warfare days!" Secretary Li jumped and shouted with joy like a child and rushed to pick up the shot bird.   老杨只是“嘿嘿”笑了几声,拍着枪连声说:“好枪,好枪!”   Old Yang chuckled, patted the gun and said, “ Excel lent shotgun! Excellent indeed!"   他俩朝熄了引擎的黑色小轿车走去。老杨说:“老王这家伙,介绍的地点还蛮不错呢。”   As they were walking to the waiting black car, Old Yang remarked, “That fellow Wang recommended a fairly good spot to us for hunting.”   李秘书试探地凑上前去说:“他是您的老部下嘛。这次他请您批50吨建材物资给他u2026u2026”   Seizing the opportunity, Secretary Li cut in probingly, “He used to be your subordinate, didn"t he? This time Ws asked you to grant him 50 tons of building material . . .   “你不要为他做说客。不批,半个字也不批;针尖大的洞,也会刮进斗大的风。咱党员干部,那歪门邪道不要搞。”他停了一下,朝烟波迷茫、水天一色的湖面瞧去。“好景致,可惜婷儿没有同来。”   "Don"t you ever try to talk me into consenting on his behalf. I won"t agree, not or any account! A tiny opening will let in a gust of wind. We Party cadres should not engage in any under-the-counter business." Yang stopped to glance over the misty lake where the water joined the sky. "What a nice view! It"s a pity that my daughter Ting hasn"t come with us, " he concluded.   “她今天有更高兴的事儿。”李秘书故作神秘地笑笑说,“王主任托了 文化 局的老马,同意把您的女儿调到省实验话剧团工作。”   "There is something nicer in store for her today," Secretary Li smiled with an air of mystery and went on. "Director Wang has managed to get your daughter transferred to the Provincial Drama Troupe with the help of Old Ma of the Cutural Bureau. "   “嗯?”老杨的眉毛拧了个结。李秘书只当没察觉,坐进轿车,手扶在车门上,仿佛自言自语地说:“就拿这辆车来说吧,也是王主任出力调拨给您的。那回大姐犯病进院,还多亏这辆车接送。”   "Really?" Old Yang knitted his brows. Secretary Li pretended not to notice it and got into the car, and with his hand still on the door, murmured as if to himself, "As for this car, it was allocated to you through the effort of Director Wang too. When your wife fell ill, she was rushed to hospital in the same car. "   “该死,早把我当猎物给瞄上了。”他下意识地摄紧枪把想。李秘书一眼溜到枪上,像又想起什么说:“王主任知道您喜欢打猎,这支猎枪,就是他特意托人专程送到您家的u2026u2026”   "Damn it? I have long been aimed at as a target!" Old Yang thought as he subconsciously tightened his gasp on the shotgun. Secretary Li took a swift glance at the gun, and seeming to have been reminded of something, said, "Director Wang knew that you were fond of hunting, so he had this shotgun sent especially to your home. . ."   车发动了。老杨陡然一惊,不觉倒抽一口冷气:黑黝黝双筒枪口,冒着寒气,就像两只黑洞洞的眼睛,死死地瞄准了他u2026u2026   The engine started. Old Yang was taken aback and couldn"t help drawing his breath sharply. The chilling black muzzles glared coldly at him lust like a pair of black eves.   经典英语文章段落赏析   鸲鹆   The Story of a Myna   蒲松龄   Pu Songling   王汾滨言:其乡有养八哥者,教以语言,甚押习,出游必与之俱,相将数年矣。一日,将过绛州,而资斧已罄,其人愁苦无策。鸟云:“何不告我?送我王邸,当得善价,不愁归路无资也。”其人云:“我安忍。”鸟言:“不妨。主人得价疾行,待我城西二十里大树下。”其人从之。携至城,相问答,观者渐众。有中贵见之,闻诸王。王召入,欲买之。其人日:“小人相依为命,不愿卖。”王问鸟:“汝愿住否?”言:“愿住。”王喜。鸟又言:“给价十金,勿多予。”王益喜,立界十金。其人故作懊恨状而去。王与鸟言,应对便捷。呼肉淡之。食已,鸟曰:“臣要浴。”王命金盆贮水,开笼令浴。浴已,飞檐间,梳翎抖羽,尚与王喋喋不休。顷之,羽燥,翩趾而起,操晋声曰:“臣去呀!”顾盼已失所在。王及内侍,仰面咨磋。急觅其人,则已渺矣。后有往秦中者,见其人携鸟在西安市上。毕载积先生记。   Wang Fenbin said that in his village there was a man who had a myna. He trained it to speak and they got attached to each other. Wherever he went he took it with him. They had been together for years. When he was arriving at 3iangraou one day, he found that tie had run out of money. He was upset, riot knowing what to do. The myna said, "Why not sell me? Take me to the prefect and you can sell me for a good price and traveling expenses will be no problem." The man said, "I can"t bear to sell you." The myna said, "That"s nothing. As soon as you get the money, get away from here quickly and wait for me under a big tree about twenty R west of town." The man took its advice. Re went to town with the bird, engaging it in brief conversations. Soon they attracted marry onlookers. The steward of the prefect saw the bird and told the prefect about it. The prefect summoned the man to his house and he wanted to buy the bird. The man said, "We depend on each other for survival. I cannot sell it to you." The prefect asked the bird, "Do you like to stay with me?" The bird answered, "Yes, I do." The prefect was delighted to hear it. Then the bird said again, "Give him ten liang of silver and no more." The prefect was all the more delighted. He gave the man ten hang of silver. The man left, with a feigned look of dejection. The prefect asked the bird questions and the bind answered with great readiness. He ordered to give it meat to eat. The moment it finished the meat, the bird said, "I want to take a bath." The prefect ordered to bring a gold basin, fill it with water, open the cage and let it bathe in it. When the bath was over, the bird flew up to the eave where it shook off the water and trimmed its plumage, in the meantime, chattering away with the prefect. In another moment its plumage was dried and the bird fluttered up, saying in the local accent, "I am going, sir, " When they looked up to gee, the bird was out of sight. The prefect and his servants could do nothing but sigh toward the sky. When servants were sent to look for the birdman he was nowhere to be found. Later someone, traveling to Shaanxi, saw the man with his bird in Xi" an. This story is told by Mr. Bi Zaiji.   经典英语文章段落品析   铜镜   The Bronze Mirror   我们在参观博物馆时,常常看到各种古代铜镜。它是我国古代人民用来整容的家庭日用品。这些铜镜大多是从古墓中出土的,也有少数是传世之物。   Whenever we visit a museum, we see various types of ancient bronze mirrors. Used as a household necessity for dressing by the ancient Chinese people, these bronze mirrors were mostly unearthed from ancient tombs, while some are kept as heirlooms.   早在公元前11世纪,我国先民已经使用铜镜了。战国时期,铜镜在民间盛行。镜的正面磨光发亮,背面有的饰单层或双层花纹,常见的有兽面纹、花叶纹、龙凤纹等。西汉时期,铜镜较厚重,纹饰多几何图案、神人和禽兽纹等。并有铸刻铭文,每句仅三至四字,例如:“长相思”、“毋相忘”、“常富贵”、“乐未央”等。内容多是通俗的吉祥语。宋、元时期出现了圆镜、长方镜、菱镜、八棱镜和带柄手镜等。清代以后,逐渐被玻璃镜所代替。   Our ancestors started to use bronze mirrors in as early as the 11th century B.C. During the Warring States Period, bronze mirrors prevailed among the populace. The front side of the mirrors, after being polished, glistens while the backside is embellished with single-layered or double-layered patterns, among which the commonly seen are thus- of animal faces, flowers and leaves, dragons and phoenixes. During the Western flan Period, the bronze mirrors used to be relatively thick and heavy. Most of the decorative patterns were of geometrical forms, supernatural figures, or fowls and animals, accompanied by inscriptions of only three or four characters with such meanings as "eternal love", "never to forget", "wealth for ever" and "everlasting happiness". The content frequently dealt with common well-wishings. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties the bronze mirrors appeared in all shapes: round, rectangular, rhomboidal, octagonal, and those with a handle. Since the Qing Dynasty, however, the bronze mirror has gradually given way to the glass mirror.   上海博物馆展出一件铜镜——“透光镜”,它是西汉时期的珍品,直径为11 .5厘米。这面铜镜与普通铜镜一样,背面有图案,还有铭文。奇怪的是,当一束光线照到镜面,。反射投影在墙壁上,墙上的光亮圈内竟出现铜镜背面的图案和文字,好像从镜背“透”过来的,故称“透光镜”。对于这种现象,在过去很长的时间里,连科学家们都感到惊奇,人们把它称做“魔镜”。今天,我国已可仿制出售,作为旅游纪念品,很受外国游客的欢迎。   In Shanghai Museum, one finds a treasure of the Western Han Period, the "penetrative bronze mirror", measuring 11.5 cm. in diameter. Like ordinary bronze mirrors it bears patterns and inscriptions on the back. But what amazes people is that when a bundle of rays is projected onto the surface of the mirror, which, in turn, reflects the light on the wall, the patterns and inscriptions on the backside are shown in the ring of the light, as if they had penetrated the whole thickness of the mirror. Hence the name of the mirror. For a long time in the past, even scientists were so puzzled at the phenomenon that it was called a "magic mirror". Today, reproductions of this mirror are being made and sold as souvenirs and they appeal very much to tourists.   我国古代常把铜镜当做随葬品。在古墓中,往往发现铜镜放置在死者的头顶或胸侧。有时把铜镜和木梳一起放在漆匣内或小荷包里。在发掘古墓时,还发现有的铜镜放在墓顶上方,据说这是为了“辟邪”和“降妖”。   In ancient times, bronze mirrors were very often used as sacrificial objects. In the ancient tombs, one can always expect to find bronze mirrors placed on top of the head or beside the chest of the dead. Sometimes, bronze mirrors and combs were put together in lacquer boxes or small pouches. In unearthing ancient tombs, bronze mirrors were sometimes discovered on the inner topsides, in order to keep away evil spirits and subdue demons, so it was said.
2023-07-17 21:06:351

求英文歌 男声 里面有很多Shake your hands with your friends

是不是Shake your body(Michael的?)
2023-07-17 21:06:421

有首歌是一个级细的女生唱的,什么lonely,imist lonely

对 阿肯的
2023-07-17 21:06:502

fragrance mist是什么意思

2023-07-17 21:06:596

I can not almost move my body then.正确吗

很少听说过这种,一般用hardlyI can hardly move my body then.
2023-07-17 21:07:143

only when i sleep李恩珠 歌词的翻译

你就是我理想的情人 梦之船航行在我的脑海你游弋在我神秘的海洋珊瑚蓝 珊瑚红你的气味是燃烧的香你的抚摸是丝绸的柔遍及我的肌肤抓住我的心房灵魂深处感动但是只有当我入睡我才能见你在梦中你使我不停地旋转 旋转头晕目眩 天旋地转只有在我梦乡的某个地方我才能听见你的呼吸(我躺在床上 不需要擦干我梦中的眼泪)使我不停地旋转 旋转头晕目眩 天旋地转但是只是当我入睡当我从睡梦中醒来你的身影不见你的气息就像海上的薄雾围绕着我的身体白天我一直在工作但是到了该休息的时候我躺在我的床上倾听着我的呼吸从唇边飘落耶 耶 耶只是当我入睡噢 耶 耶直到苍天那里有天使在飞我永远都不会死的只是当我入睡2005年4月5日,清明节,特意将Only When I sleep翻译成中文,作为献给恩珠的礼物。
2023-07-17 21:07:212


2023-07-17 21:07:455


英文版 To The Oak Shu ting If I love you I won"t wind upon you like a trumpet creeper upvalue myself by your height If I love you I will never follow a spoony bird repeating the monotone song for the green shade not only like a springhead brings you clean coolness whole year long not only like a steepy peak enhances your height, sets off your straightness even sunshine and spring rain No, all these are not enough! I must be a ceiba by your side as a tree standing together with you our roots melt underneath our leaves merge in clouds when wind breezes we greet each other but no one can understand our peculiar words you have your strong stem and branches like knives and swords and like halberds I have my red ample flowers like heavy sighs and heroic torches as well we partake cold tide,thunder storm,firebolt together we share brume,flowing mist,rainbow as if we separate all the time actually we forever rely on each other this is great love loyalty lives here Love not only your giant body but also the position you stand,the earth under your feet
2023-07-17 21:08:023

Only When I Sleep歌词的谐音

You"re only just a dream boat Sailing in my head You swim my secret oceans 这句---又思维木迈西可瑞特欧神子 Of coral blue and red这句---夫烤肉布鲁暗的ruai的 Your smell is incense burning这句----又儿私卖偶一子阴森思柏宁 Your touch is silken yet这句--幼儿它吃一子系肯也他 It reaches through my skin这句一踏瑞尺死如迈死根 Moving from within And clutches at my breast这句----暗的刻录吃子安踏迈不锐斯塔 CHORUS: But it"s only when I sleep See you in my dreams Got me spinning round and round Turning upside down But I only hear you breathe Somewhere in my sleep Got me spinning round and round Turning upside down But it"s only when I sleep And when I wake from slumber Your shadow"s disappeared这句---幼儿山豆子第四批儿 Your breath is just a sea mist这句----幼儿不ruai思一子炸死特饿西米斯特 Surrounding my body这句色如昂定迈宝地 I"m working through the daytime But when it"s time to rest I"m lying in my bed Listening to my breath Falling from the edge这句fao灵夫绕亩则爱知 But it"s only when I sleep... (Up to the sky) (Where angels fly)这句外儿暗咒福来 (I"ll never die) (Hawaiian high)这句哈为一海
2023-07-17 21:08:102


中文:电浆球内充填着低压的惰性气体,中央金属球接上高电压,通常是高频交流电或高频脉冲式直流电,其电压高达数千至一万伏特,频率则可能高达数十千赫,但电流小,可能小到一毫安培以下,由于电流过低,流经人体并不会有电击的感觉。电浆球内填充的气体为氪或氙与氖的混合气体,氪、氙使球内的光看起来比较像闪电的形状,而非气流形状。电浆球通电时,在中心金属球与玻璃外壳之间会有电流通过,带电粒子撞击到球内气体时,会发出各种颜色的光线,这一点和霓虹灯(其实应叫氖灯)非常类似。球内填充的气体种类不同,光线的颜色也不同,例如:氦-淡黄到橙;氖-暗红到橙;氮-白或粉红或橙;氩-紫;氪-白或灰,低压时绿;氙-蓝白或蓝灰,除气体种类外,电流大小及球内气压也会影响电浆球发出的颜色。英文(软件翻译,凑活着看吧):Filled with the low-voltage inert gas the electric thick liquid ball, the central metal game connects the voltage of climbing to a high place, it is usually high-frequency alternating current or high-frequency pulse-duct direct current, its voltage is up to between thousands of and 10,000 volts, frequency may be up to several dozen kilohertz, but the electric current is small, may get under a fine long hair ampere small, because the electric current is too low, flowing through the human body will have no feeling shocked by electricity. Gas that electric thick liquid pack in the ball krypton or xenon and mist of neon, krypton, xenon make light of ball seem, compare the form like the lightning, but not air current form. When the electric thick liquid ball is energized, there will be electric current that will be passed between metal ball of the centre and glass outer cover, when the charged particle is struck to the gas in ball, will emit the light of different colors, this with the neon lamp " Should in fact call the neon lamp) Very similar. Gas kinds packed in the ball are different, colors of the light are different too, for example: Helium - Yellowish to get orange; Neon - Dark red to get orange; Nitrogen - White or pink or orange; Argon - Purple; Krypton - Green when being white or gray, low-voltage; Xenon - Blue and white bluish grey, besides gas kind, electric current size and ball atmospheric pressure can influence electric thick liquid that ball send out too.
2023-07-17 21:08:192

我的家乡英语作文80字 (牡丹江) 速度进

Mudanjiang city is a major industrial city in Heilongjiang Province, she is located in the southeast of Heilongjiang province. North of Harbin, west ofSonghua River area, Jilin province to the south, bordering the East andJidong County, Jixi city and russia.Mudanjiang Manchu peony ula to the transliteration, meaning curved river.She is a young city, it is a sparsely populated tal yellow, in 1903 the construction of the railway in the Middle East, Russia to set up a station here,because is located in Mudanjiang River, and named the Mudanjiang.Mudanjiang City terrain with mountains, hills, as the main body, commonly known as the "eight hill half water half minutes of cropland". Is in the temperatecontinental monsoon climate, known as the north "small Jiangnan".The frontier region of Mudanjiang city is located in China"s open border, the geographical position is superior, city construction accelerate themodernization process, various styles of buildings, hotels, restaurants,entertainment facilities, the wide flat city road, the beautiful environment of theresidential area, displaying the country North Pearl style.Mudanjiang rich tourism resources and unique charm, between the beautifullandscape, dotted with charm Qixiu Lake Jingpo, a wide expanse of mist-covered waters of Lotus Lake, green with peony peak, attractive volcanoforest, has a long history of the Tang Dynasty ruins of Bohai country, snow"Chinese snow village" - Shuangfeng, make known to every family of thetiger, Yang Zirong the tomb, eight female cast Jiang Qundiao, coupled with the distinctive characteristics of the ice snow tourism, forest tourism, folklore tourism and the Sino Russian border tourism, every year, many Chinese and foreign tourists sorption. The area of Mudanjiang is also the landscapebeautiful, such as ski resort Yabuli, Sino Russian boundary Lake Xingkai Lake, river Wusu in Jilin River, Changbai Mountain Province, Russia"s Vladivostok is the world-famous resort.Mudanjiang is an attractive lies in the fact that she is a blend of many kinds ofdiet culture city, the mutton slices cooked in hot pot, barbecue, fish feast,pancakes, gluten cake, noodles have their own characteristics, the most famous being the pig food and Korean dog meat feast. In the enjoyment offood more delicious, and a cup of fresh and delicious beer Lake Jingpo, it is a great pleasure in life. There are thousands of years of Gongmi Xiangshui rice,sweet and refreshing, sweet and crisp Ning"an watermelon Dongning apple pear, no pollution of delicacies, Pinggan Mingmu of Bear gall powder products and so on, these products elsewhere to see. If they are interested, you cango to Xiangshui rice planting base of ornamental stones by how long you wantrice, picking fruit in the orchard, it must bring their own special happiness.
2023-07-17 21:08:442


2023-07-17 21:08:556

Malysa的《Reminisce》 歌词

歌曲名:Reminisce歌手:Malysa专辑:Bad Boy Joe Presents: Freestyle New Generation 3ReminisceReminiscing about the time,back in the day when youwere mine, wish that i couldpress rewind, reminisceabout the time.Chillin wit my clic on da beach,remember when you walked by, eye locked on ya cheeksyou just smile, i ran for a fewyards and finally caught upwith, the opening line, whagwan love, spent a day justchillin and talking, playing andwalking, you and me for twoweeks, just striaght falling inlove we had fights in the sand,kissed in the sea, passionatenights, on the beach you andme, rubbing my hands up yasmooth brown legs, kissingya body, from ya toes to yahead, the memories that iwanted to always last, notthe future the present, was stuck in the past, the bestthing, you didn"t know i wasa star, spending late nightschillingout at the bar, the lastday we had spent kissing,talking bout missing, and nowi"m reminiscing, bout you.I wish i could reminisce, butit"s just a mist of memories, nythoughts are deep, engraveslike headstones in cemeteries,i never dwell in the past, thepain is too much, i keep myhead in the future, even planmy lunch, but this one clickmaybe remember bout, howwe used to do those thingsyo can mention that, hold uprewind, to the times when weloved it woz unusual how didi just find this, woz it just luck,or woz it just me, or woz i justdown for the, a crazy nightinvolved us 20 girls in the back of a truck,"theback of a what?"yeah i said the backof a truck parked on the beachblocking off the back of thehut, where we chilled coz backin the day, we never did much,made love i never done anything of the sort, it"s just such ashame how we can"t we"reunderage, that woz then nowi made it to 16 wid my ninebest friends, now i"m.Got me thinking about ya,every single day of the week,what i would do just to haveya, back here with me,girl you"re my fantasy.I sit down think back to dayswe were alone we were sowarm together missing thedayswhen we had fun,but we lost each other nowit"s too late, memories ofwhat"s been and gone,they"ll always be in my mind,i reminisce things that we"vedone, i can"t give up my lovefor you was so true, i can"tstop thinging about yadreaming, i don"t know wahtto do, i reminisce days whenyou looked so fine, comeback into my arms into mylife coz you should be mine.
2023-07-17 21:09:191

the lief of middle school作文

THE FRIST DAY OF MIDDLE SCHOOL When people talk about the middle school, they always describe it as a golden time. Frankly speaking, even though our middle school is not a very famous one in our city, every primary student is excited to come there. But to me, the first day there is the loneliest day of all my life. After my father took me there on the first day in the morning, we began to read the name-list hanging on the wall. Then I got a shock. Two of my former classmates were in class two. But my name was under class one. That was to say, we had been divided into two parts, and I was the only single one. From then on, we could not play and have classes together. The good old days would not come once more. All seemed like a nightmare. Then an other shocked occurred to me. After my parents put all my luggage in order, they started to leave. A mist came before my eyes. Through the blur, I saw the tears in my mother"s eyes. I knew they were also very sorrow to leave myself at school. My father told me to look after myself well and didn"t forget to study hard. I nodded my head without saying anything. We walked to the school gate and then they left. Their back views became smaller and smaller, and at last disappeared. I didn"t remember how I walked back to the dormitory. The only memory was that still there was nobody. I could imagine that students in the class dormitory must have been talking and laughing. They must have been familiar with each other. A strong lonely feeling occupied my heart. “Is it the middle school life I have been dreaming of?” I asked myself several times. From then on, my middle school career started and all my life was changed. I tried my best to accept the new life and to let it accept me. And at the very beginning, I tasted the loneliness.
2023-07-17 21:09:261


2023-07-17 21:09:403


  爬山可以强身健体,也可以培养自己的忍耐力,当我们历尽千辛登上山顶之后,便可一览众山小。下文是作文频道我为大家准备的《关于爬山英语作文》,希望对大家有所帮助。   【关于爬山英语作文】   We had a seven-day holiday for May Day. So my family and I went to climb Country Mountain.   We went there by my father"s car. It took about an hour. It was long and dull.   At about nine ou2019clock, we began to climb the mountain. We enjoyed it and we didn"t feel tired at all. We sang and chatted while we were climbing the mountain. When we got to the top of the mountain, we found ourselves sweating and out of breathe. We sat on the stones in the sunshine to have a rest. There were many pine trees around us. The grass was getting green; the wind was soft and fresh. Everything was so beautiful that all of us couldn"t help shouting to the mountain loudly, “We love nature!”   【爬山的英语作文】   Everyone has different ways to spend time on holidays or weekends,and so have I .As time goes by, my interests change too. I don"t want to live as before. I"m looking for a special way to have a healthy body. Instead of spending my vacation staying at home,surfing the Internet or sleeping all day,I choose moutain climbing.And I like it very much.   Why I like moutain climbing? Let me tell you.At first,moutain climbing is good for my health and I can take exercise at the same time.Secondly,it can help me to build up my endurance and it"s helpful to me in my studies. I also can get close to nature. I usually go for moutain climbing in my holiday with my friends. We often set out in the morning .Because at that time, the air is better. As we go , we can enjoy the beautiful scenery around us . Especially when we reach the top of the mountain we can enjoy the scenery of the city that we live in .   Don"t stay at home , go out ! Climb mountains with us together.   【爬山的作文】   It"s spring now. The weather is warm and comfortable. It"s a good time for hiking. Therefore, my teacher organized a climbing for us. There is a beautiful mountain in my city and it"s target this time. We took bus there and arrived there at 9 p.m.. After we took off the bus, we started to climb. The mountain is high but the scenery is beautiful. We are so excited that we climbed fast at first. But after a while, some of us were tired,especially girls. They did not want to go on anymore. But some others encouraged and helped them. All of us slowed down our speed, so that no one was left behind. About 11:00 p.m., we got to the top of the mountain. We were so happy that we did it. We feel that all the tiredness were worth it.   【以爬山为题的作文】   Before departure, the mist is dispersing, this is the last night, the baptism of reasons. open the door, and a fresh wind with the wind, the weariness of my face suddenly disappeared.   We all along the sidewalk, sucking in the rain had to bring our good air. well, since the last few day is always the sun was fierce, the entire city seemed as if a large steamer, we find to a breath of fresh air, as it matches a few days. i have more and stay in an air-conditioned room. go over the delay in the plan. but today i can finally my days have been a dream of plan!! I finally came to the top, i hailed. this is my father was so excited i say "daughter : look!" my dad her finger along the direction and the hangzhou! i was most surprised by the sweat! i don"t shed in vain, in my trip to hangzhou this has been a great longing, that was hope you can see the whole hangzhou, i don"t think i have been limited to a small space, i"ll see more. the god give me a handsome present.   Yes, all good things and are not initially can be found, you is a persevering endeavor. my life is also true, but i was not daunted by difficulties in learning and hard to put forward, my life will have a good result.   【我爱爬山】   It was sunny and warm today. I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim. It took us twenty minutes to get there by bike. We walked on the beach, played games, swam in the sea and built up a sand castle. We didn"t go home until 5:00 in the afternoon. Although we felt tired, we were happy because we really had a good time.
2023-07-17 21:10:021


化妆品店铺名字大全 开一个化妆品店的头件大事便是给自己的商店取一个好名字。所谓好名字,就是好听,好记,切题,并且让人有美好的联想。这四点是化妆品店取名的要点,给化妆品店取名必须遵循这四点来展开,为什么呢?因为(此处省略10万字),总之实战经验告诉我们,这四个化妆品取名的要点只要遵循了,就很容易获得好名字,然后那个好名字就会带来好收益。 开化妆品店命名要好听,所谓好听,就是听起来顺耳,不别扭,也不产生异议。比如移花宫,卓越,莎莎等。好听与否尽管见仁见智,不过还是在这里提供个方法外面没有的,就是拿你想的名字到处问下朋友,不要给他们看,就念给他们听,如果70%以上的人说好听,记住,一定要70%以上,为什么,此处再需要10万字来解释,就省点篇幅吧,反正经验和算法告诉我们70%通过,那么就用这个音。其实许多人听歌的时候都听旋律的,内容第一次就很清晰的倒不多,也就是说,好听,就是名字念起来响亮,悦耳。此处应该避免一些在认知上不好的谐音,例如“bufa”(不法,不发),“pochan”(破产),“huirong”(惠荣=毁容!)等容易引起误会的谐音。 开化妆品店名字需要好记忆,是对命名的第二个要求,所谓好记,就是让顾客一看就印象深刻的名字,如何让顾客印象深刻呢?如果能够有相关事件引申出去的,就好记忆,比如“好又多”,“美之界”,“脂粉世家”等,也就是字简单出现频率高,组词顺畅,有含义的词是比较好记忆的,如果是生僻字,和拼凑词则是比较难记忆的,比如“秕恧”相信只有文学硕士毕业以上学历的顾客会有印象,特别是英文需要稍微注意一下,有些商店为了展现酷,或者说时尚,用了英文,其实也没什么,但是字母限定在五个以内比较好,超过,顾客记住与否就看你运气了。而且英文兼顾好拼音含义,英文内容最好自带好翻译放出去,不然顾客产生异议就不好了。比如有一间商店的英文名“si”,明显是没有考虑拼音习惯的,如果招牌上再贴多个“思”也可以,可惜店家偷懒了,结果路过的顾客都疑惑,怎么会有一个叫“死,尸,屎”的店?记忆的确深刻,不过就是超级烂的记忆。 开化妆品店名称需要切题,切题的意思是说,您的名字一看就会让顾客大概知道是干什么的,当然这里有个很好的技巧,就是名称后面直接加后缀就可以了,比如“蓝贝贝化妆品店”或“珠元元化妆品店”等。千万不要名字和题不相关,比如招牌上就“豆丁”两字,怎么会让顾客知道你干什么的呢?有些词好记,又切题当然是最佳的比如“美妆公馆”“护肤之家”等,切题就是让人容易理解,当然反过来,容易理解也容易让顾客记住你。开化妆品店名称还需要给顾客产生联想,这个是命名高手需要做的,一般命名的时候如果考虑一下名称后面的背书,也许这个就不难发掘出故事和联想了,比 如移花宫这个名字,背书是什么呢?古龙小说里移花宫是天下女性精英集中地,移花宫的女人个个武艺高超,貌美如花。古龙小说,影视都把移花宫定位了,这时候用来做化妆品店的店名,当然会让顾客有比较好的联想。联想当然是往好的方向取,不一定要有什么惊天动地的故事,原则是让顾客看见了愉快,并觉得自己成为其中一份子也是可以接受的事。 !!!化妆品店开店必备工具>>>“金蝶kis店铺版”帮你轻松管店!!! 化妆品店名叫什么好 化妆品店铺名字大全 一直美化妆品 求个性好听的化妆品店店名? 要看你的店面开在什么地方咯,如果比较繁华那么一定要起个雅而不俗的名字,如果是一般的县城之类的无所谓品位什么的呢,那就选个大众化的而且念起来顺口的。而且在牌子的设计方面一定要下工夫,一定要醒目而且颜色不要太妖艳。这里有几个店名,不是很好,算是让你做个参考吧:名美妆,蝶妆,丽人坊美妆,新自然美妆,真美,唯美,靓妆……其弗如果你代理的品牌不错的话开个专卖店最好了,因为我觉得一般稍微上档次的人都不会在这种自己起名字的美妆店去买东西而会选择去大商场的柜台。你不如代理个好品牌,其实现在好多新出的品牌也是利润不错的不象OLAY利润低的很,现在好多二线的比如婷美,高泊丝,泊莱雅什么的,听说利润也不错,在市场上也很走俏呢。 所有的化妆品名称大全 护肤: skin care   洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)   爽肤水: toner/astringent   紧肤水:firming lotion   柔肤水:toner/ *** oothing toner (facial mist/facial spray触7;plexion mist)   护肤霜: moisturizers and creams   保湿:moisturizer   隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block   美白:whitening   露:lotion 霜:cream   日霜:day cream   晚霜:night cream   眼部GEL: eye gel   面膜: facial mask/masque   眼膜: eye mask   护唇用:Lip care   口红护膜:Lip coat   磨砂膏: facial scrub   去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining   去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub   润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer   护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer   沐浴露: body wash   彩妆: co *** etics   遮瑕膏: concealer   修容饼:Shading powder   粉底: foundation (pact,stick)   粉饼: pressed powder   散粉:loose powder   闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter   眉粉: brow powder   眉笔:brow pencil   眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner   眼影: eye shadow   睫毛膏: mascara   唇线笔: lip liner   唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)   唇彩: lip gloss/lip color   腮红: blush   卸装水: makeup remover   卸装乳: makeup removing lotion   帖在身上的小亮片: body art   指甲: manicure/pedicure   指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel   去甲油:nail polish remover   护甲液:Nail saver   发: hair products/accessories   洗发水: shampoo   护发素: hair conditioner   锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment   摩丝: mousse   发胶: styling gel   染发: hair color 如何给化妆品店起名字 好听个性的 开一家化妆品加盟店的首要事情就是要给商店取好名。什么叫好名字,就是既好听又好记,还符合自己的商店情况,并且让人看了会联想到美好的事物。这四点就是给化妆品加盟店取名的注意事项,给化妆品加盟店取名务必要沿着这四点来展开,原因是因为(此处省略10万字),总而言之经历告诉我们,给化妆品加盟店取名遵循这四点,那么这家化妆品加盟店就很简单能取得到好的名字,接着这个好名字将会带给商店好运。给化妆品加盟店取名还必须让人觉得好记,这是对取名的第二个要求,什么叫好记,就是让顾客一眼就能记住的名字,怎样能让顾客一眼就记住呢?假如能引申出相关的事情,就能让顾客一眼就记住。比如“好又多”,“美之界”,“脂粉世家”等,这些字虽然简单,出现的次数也多,读起来不拗口,让人一眼能记住的词语都是有含义的。但是如果是少见的字,或者拼凑的词语很难让人记住,比如“秕恧”,相信低学历的人绝对不能记住。一些商店引用英文,这是需要注意的,有些商店为了展现自己的个性,让顾客觉得自己走在潮流尖端,用英文来给自己的商店命名,这其实也没大碍,但是字母限定在五个以内比较好,如果超过了限定字数,顾客能否记住你的店名就讲不准了。而且英文兼顾好拼音含义,店名用英文最好自带翻译,不然让顾客误解就不好了,比如有一间商店的英文名“si”,显然店主没有考虑到拼音的习惯,其实英文旁边再多贴一个“思”字也好,不过店主太懒,导致过路的顾客都会对这家店产生误解,怎么这家店会取名为“死,尸,屎”,虽然店名是让人过眼难忘了,但是却让顾客都产生了误解。给化妆品加盟店取名还要让顾客有好的联想,这个是高手才能做到的,在给化妆品加盟店取名的时候要考虑一下名字的背景故事,这样就会容易给顾客产生联想了,比如移花宫这个名字,背书是什么呢?古龙小说里移花宫是天下女性精英集中地,移花宫的女人个个武艺高超,貌美如花。古龙小说,影视都把移花宫定位了,这时候用来做化妆品加盟店的店名,当然会让顾客有比较好的联想。要给顾客产生好的联想,店名的背景故事不一定要惊天动地,只要顾客看了感觉愉悦,并且能感觉自己成为其中一份子,这个店名就成功了。开化妆品店应该叫什么名字?取怎样的名字才能吸引顾客?推荐一些名字给大家做参考1. 蝶雅化妆品店铺 2. 千彩化妆品店铺 6. 尚彩化妆品店铺 7. 美伊儿化妆品店铺 8. 凯丽雅化妆品店铺 9. 国色添香化妆品店铺 10. 集颜堂化妆品店铺 11. 美镜化妆品店铺 12. 响彩化妆品店铺 13. 素容化妆品店铺 14. 水飞飞化妆品店铺 15. 流星化妆品憨铺 16. 美研化妆品店铺 17. 天籁化妆品店铺3. 玫瑰花园化妆品店铺 4. 雪肤化妆品店铺 5. 倍斯柔化妆品店铺 求比较好的护肤品店铺名字 10分 如花 哈哈 其实如果想不到什么好的 所以起个英文名字吧 或者大众通用的 我就是这样 化妆品起名字,求经典 姗凝 SHINING。 Icey 就是“冰”+y,纯净的意思,艾斯。 柯翎 CLEAN。Iris 高挑 苗条 细致。 SEA FOR 欣芙尔 好听好记的化妆品店名字 10分 滋美堂(仅供参考)。 护肤品团队名字大全要霸气 我的名是JiA正品美妆
2023-07-17 21:10:101


Those that have gone have gone for good, those to come keep coming; yet in between, how swift is the shift, in such a rush? 去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着,去来的中间,又怎样的匆匆呢? When I get up in the morning, the slanting sun marks its presence in my small room in two or three oblongs. The sun has feet, look, he is treading on, lightly and furtively; and i am caught, blankly, in his revolution. 早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳。太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我也茫茫然跟着旋转。 Thus - the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence. I can feel his haste now, so I reach out my hands to hold him back, but he keeps flowing past my withholding hands. 于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。我觉察他去的匆匆了,伸出手遮挽时,他又从遮挽着的手边过去。 In the evening, as I lie in bed, he strides over my body, glides past my feet, in his agile way. The moment I open my eyes and meet the sun again, one whole day has gone. I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh. But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh. 天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身边跨过,从我脚边飞去了。等我睁开眼和太阳再见,这算又溜走了一日。我掩着面叹息。但是新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。 What can I do, in this bustling world, with my days flying in their escape? 在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢? Nothing but to hesitate, to rush. What have I been doing in that eight-thousand-day rush, apart from hesitating? Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind, or evaporated as mist by the morning sun. What traces have I left behind me? 只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了;在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟却被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢? Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? I have come to the world, stark naked; am I to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness? It is not fair though: why should I have made such a trip for nothing! 我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸地回去罢?但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊? You the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return? 你聪明的,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返了呢?
2023-07-17 21:10:181

用reach out to造句

1.And david showed me how one without any words can reach out to another person. 戴维让我看到了一个人如何不用任何语言向另一个人伸出援手。2.He had used it to reach out to his adversaries. 拉宾通过它向敌人们伸出了和平之手。3.Reach out to someone who needs comfort. 对需要安慰的人伸出援助之手。4.Employees should also extend their networks beyond their friends who think like them and reach out to people who are creative in different ways. 员工们还应该拓展社交人脉,与那些想法新颖、别具创意的人士多多接触,而不是只局限于志同道合的小团体。
2023-07-17 21:09:141

imageready 怎么打开动画窗口

2023-07-17 21:09:162


2023-07-17 21:09:201

ps cs6 里有imageready吗,在哪啊?

有啊 cs6里面的动画面板在窗口菜单下 名字改啦 叫做时间轴
2023-07-17 21:09:092

reach out for ,reach out 的区别

2023-07-17 21:09:051


2023-07-17 21:09:041