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process customer complaint和handle customer complaint.哪个正确。

2023-07-17 11:06:33

两个都正确。process 肯定有处理的意思,比如我们经常说的电脑CPU(central processing unit),中央处理器。



用第二个handle,处理的意思,和deal with./cope with差不多意思。


例,handle the problem处理问题

process the project推进项园的进程,过程!


handle 或deal with customers" complaint.是正确的。




客户处理投诉 customer complaint handling



complaint英 [ku0259m"pleu026ant] 美 [ku0259m"plent] n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈其他含义:1. 抱怨,诉苦,抗议;不满,不平,苦情;怨言2. 不满的缘由;痛苦根源3. 【法律】控诉,控告4. 疾病,失调,不适词组短语complaint about 投诉;对…抱怨lodge a complaint 投诉;对…提出控告complaint center 投诉中心make a complaint 提出投诉;抱怨complaint handling 投诉处理双语例句I have no complaint at all. 我一点也没有抱怨。My wife"s complaint really drugged me. 我老婆的抱怨简直搞得我不得安宁。He understood her suggestion as a complaint. 他认为她提出的意见不过是向大家诉苦。
2023-07-17 09:38:291


1. 什么是complaint?Complaint是英语中的名词,意为“抱怨、投诉”等。在商业、政府、社会生活中,投诉是一种很常见的现象,人们经常在购物、用餐、旅游、交通等方面遇到问题时,会选择向商家或相关部门提出投诉。而在自己的个人生活中,也会面临各种不如意的情况,需要通过投诉解决问题。2. Complaint可数吗?Complaint属于可数名词,可以统计数目。例如,如果一家商店收到了100份投诉,商家可以准确地知道有多少人对他们的服务不满意。对于企业和政府部门来说,研究投诉数量及种类可以得出顾客或公众的需求和问题,有助于改进服务和提高满意度。3. 投诉的必要性投诉虽然给人们带来了不便,但是它也是保障消费者权益的重要手段。投诉可以迫使商家改进服务、提高产品质量,同时也可以让政府部门更加关注公众的利益和需求,加强监管和执法。如果不投诉,则商家和政府部门可能没有意识到问题的存在,而消费者权益也难以得到保障。4. 如何投诉?如果遇到不满意的事情,需要投诉时,应该选择合适的方式和渠道。一般来说,可以通过以下几种方式进行投诉:向商家或服务提供者投诉。可以通过电话、邮件、信函、网站等渠道向商家或服务提供者提出投诉。在投诉时应该表达清楚自己的意见和要求,并提供必要的证据或凭证。向相关部门投诉。如果投诉对象是政府机构、公共事业或监管部门,则可以通过电话、邮件、信函等方式向相关部门投诉。在投诉时应该提供详细的情况和证据,以便相关部门进行调查和处理。向消费者协会投诉。如果遇到消费权益受损的情况,可以向消费者协会投诉。消费者协会不仅可以为消费者提供法律援助,还可以对商家和服务提供者进行监督和评价。5. 投诉需要注意的问题投诉是一种解决问题的方式,但是在投诉时需要注意以下几点:态度要诚恳。在投诉时要保持冷静,表达自己的意见和要求时要注意措辞,避免过于激动或用语过激。证据要充分。在投诉时需要提供足够的证据或凭证,以便对方或相关部门进行核实和处理。抱怨的方式要正确。有些人可能会采取不正确的方式进行投诉,例如恶意攻击对方或发布不实信息。这种抱怨方式不仅无益于问题的解决,还容易引起不必要的纠纷。了解自己的权利。在投诉时,需要了解自己的权利和法律法规,以便在问题解决不了时选择其他的解决方式。6. 投诉后如何应对?在进行投诉后,可能会遇到不同的反应。商家或服务提供者有可能会采取积极的措施解决问题,也有可能会对消费者的意见置之不理。无论遇到什么情况,消费者都需要尽量保持冷静,合理向对方表达自己的想法和要求。如果事情无法得到满意的解决,可以考虑向相关部门或消费者协会寻求帮助。7. 投诉的价值虽然投诉可能会给人们带来不便,但是它也有很大的价值。投诉可以促使商家和政府部门改进服务、提高管理水平,从而增加消费者的信任和满意度;投诉可以让公众表达自己的意见和要求,加强公共管理和公共决策的透明度和民主性。因此,投诉是一种解决问题和促进进步的有效手段,也是维护消费者权益和公共利益的重要途径。8. 总结投诉虽然给人们带来不便,但是它也是解决问题和维护权益的有效手段。在投诉时,需要注意措辞、提供证据、了解自己的权利,尽可能保持理智和礼貌,以期更好地解决问题。同时,投诉也促进了商家和政府部门的改进和进步,提高了公众的满意度和信任度,具有积极的社会价值。
2023-07-17 09:39:191

complaint 与 complanation的区别

2023-07-17 09:39:281


2023-07-17 09:39:394

请英语高手讲解complaint about和complaint on的区别,最好能够给出一些例句,谢谢了!

complaint about 是和什么有关的投诉complaint on 是投诉的,
2023-07-17 09:39:492


2023-07-17 09:40:111


委屈to feel wrongedto nurse a grievance to put someone under great inconvenience
2023-07-17 09:40:214

美国法律中 complaint 和 petition区别

2023-07-17 09:40:491

How to Write a Letter of Complaint(如何写投诉信)

2.写投诉信时应注意的几点。 [写作导航]产品和服务不令人满意是常有的事,如果遇到,应投诉,以实现退换或索赔。投诉信可促使商家做到这点;写投诉信时要很客气,但语气要坚定;另外要证明责任确实在商家;最后要明确问题出在哪儿及你的具体要求,还可加上由此而给你来的不便或伤害,以加强投诉信的分量。 [范文]Not every service or product meets our satisfaction. When we are dissatisfied, we should voice our dissatisfaction. In this way, we can have the seller or provider replace the defective goods, re supply the service, or refund our money. No seller likes to do any of these, but our carefully written letter of complaint may motivate him to do so. When we write a letter of complaint, we will do well to keep these tips in mind: First, be courteous though firm. We will not win the seller"s cooperation by anger. Secondly, be reasonable. Show logically and factually that the responsibility lies with the seller. The >>点此投稿
2023-07-17 09:41:261


2023-07-17 09:41:371


2023-07-17 09:42:177


tu014du su016bnu012b
2023-07-17 09:42:377


omplaint是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈”。双语例句:1、Doctor: I can do nothing for your complaint.“医生:”对你的抱怨我无能为力。3、They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint.他们经听任于生活的艰苦挣扎而不抱怨。4、But if we become aware of the existence of the libel on our system, by complaint or any other means, and do nothing about it, we will be liable, along with the student.但是如果我们都意识到了这条帖子的诽谤性质,除了抱怨或其他一些牢骚,却对它无动于衷,那我们就和这个学生一样需要承担法律责任了。
2023-07-17 09:43:111


2023-07-17 09:43:441


2023-07-17 09:43:523

英文作文 complaint letter

格式: sender"s address date receiver"s titer receiver"s address greeting reason for writing plain (s) subject ask for action closing signature sender"s name ============================================================= 我作的 12 Hong Kong Road Chai Wan Hong Kong 4th June 2007 The Manager XX Restaurant 8/F Golden Plaza 24-28 Sugar Street Chai Wan Hong Kong Dear Sir/Madam: Re : Complaint about XX Restaurant I am writing to plain about XX Restaurant. My friend and I went to your restaurant to have our dinner on 3 June at seven o"clock. I thought your restaurant is the highest quality"s restaurant. So we came into your restaurant to celebrate my friend"s birthday. When I came into your restaurant I felt so disappointed. First I wanted to plain the quality of the food services hygienic situation and your manager. When we came into your restaurant the floor is wet. And I saw the corner by o walls had a rat. Then I went to the toilet. The toilet was so dirty and a rat was eating some food in there. The hygienic situation had to improve. After that we ordered the dinner of the set A and B. Your waiter was so loudly to tell us their dinner of the set B had already sold out. It is so rude for us. When I was eating my dinner I found a dead cockroach in my soup. And the quality of the food was so bad. The vegetables were not fresh and the meet was *** elly. When I told to your restaurant"s manager about the waiter"s behavior and the food"s problem. He told to us and said “If you have any problem you can go to plain our pany. ” Finally I wanted to have a refund with my dinner .And I want your waiter to write an apology letter for me. If you don"t do that I would go to the consumer council to plain about your pany. Yours sincerely Raymond Chan Raymond Chan 参考: 格式系向我本英文书度既(Target).... 格式 Jim Smith ABC Company 123 Main Street New York City NY 12345 Dear Mr. Smith: I have been a pleased customer with your ABC Friendly Mart for seven years. On my most recent visit June 1 2000 at 2 PM I received poor service that I felt I should bring to your attention. I was in the store to purchase a *** all bag of chips and a *** all fountain soda. When I got into the checkout lane the cashier who was wearing a nametag that read "Jane" told me that I would have to wait for a few minutes until her freshly painted fingernails had dried before she could ring me up. She was also on the phone talking to a friend during this time. After ten minutes she got off the phone and proceeded to ring me up. Imagine my surprise when my bag of chips and *** all drink totaled $7.98. I told her that I thought there must be some sort of error. She proceeded to tell me that she didn"t set the prices and that if I didn"t like the prices that I should shop elsewhere. Needless to say I went across the street to the XYZ Quick Shop for my purchase. I was extremely disappointed with the service I received that day. If you would please address this issue with your cashiers I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy shopping at your store however if I receive this type of treatment again I will take my business elsewhere. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 2007-06-03 21:13:23 补充: 注意唔好用怒的语气 客气小小写经理个名唔好等多个一星期 2007-06-03 21:15:24 补充: 讲明原因点解决(有乜保常) 2007-06-04 08:33:25 补充: 你要格式嘛 比D英文字你 曱甴 = cockroach 2007-06-04 08:38:24 补充: 可以参考上面话 I ordered a xx soup (汤名) when I put my spoon in the soup I found a dead cockroach at the bottom of the bowl. (死曱甴在汤碗底) 2007-06-04 08:42:34 补充: 你可以话同个伙记讲又唔理你 话放你枱之前见唔到有曱甴I talked to a waiter called Tom he said "I can"t see any cockroach when I put it on your table" 2007-06-04 08:45:01 补充: 然后你话想见经理Tom又话他不在When I ask tom to see you the restaurant manager he said you were away and cannot help me. 2007-06-04 08:47:14 补充: 然后参考上面最后一段I was extremely disappointed with the service I received that day. If you would please address this issue with your waiter and chef I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoy dining at your store however if I receive this type of treatment again I will take my business elsewhere. 参考: mdmd.essortment/writingplain_repi
2023-07-17 09:44:001

complaint 与 complanation的区别

2023-07-17 09:44:211


complaint, 后面的搭配介词一般用about或者on
2023-07-17 09:45:052

complaint about

complaint about 对…的不满: a complaint about working conditions 对工作条件的不满 complaint on 关于…的投诉: 关于住宅质量投诉的调查研究 Survey of the Complaint on Residence Quality
2023-07-17 09:45:131


2023-07-17 09:45:221

the bill of information and complaint 是什么意思啊?法律英语

the bill of information and complaint信息和控诉的账单issue a complaint发起一个控诉
2023-07-17 09:45:437

make a complaint是什么意思

make a complaint投诉双语对照词典结果:make a complaint[英][meik u0259 ku0259mu02c8pleint][美][mek e ku0259mu02c8plent]抱怨; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He has streamlined the local bureaucracy, put every child in school and opened his office to anyone who wants to make a complaint. 他一改当地官僚作风,保证每一个孩子都有学上,对所有提意见的公众敞开他的办公室。
2023-07-17 09:46:261

make a complaint是什么意思

翻译:抱怨She always makes a complaint about the noise in the neighbourhood.
2023-07-17 09:46:373

英语作文 关于抱怨 300字,怎么写啊?

ComplaintComplaint is common in life. There are always things not satisfactory to people. It is easy to criticize and find fault with others. The nagging person is always complaining. He complains about his leader, his colleagues and even his wife. His grievnnee and grumbling makes both himself and others unhappy. Complaint mends no holes. Instead it results ha hostility between beth the giver and the receiver of the complaint.The man who is a failure is loud of picking holes in others. A man of success is always praising others for their merits, for he sees only the strong points of others and learns from their strong points to enlarge his own ego.The man who complains only sees the weak points of others and he thinks that he himself is perfect. So he learns little or nothing from others, and, by and by. he loses his own superiority.What we should do is the opposite of complaint-- praise. An ounce of praise is worth a pound of criticism. A man of good wishes always respects others and appreciates their work and efforts. He congratulates others on their achievements and succeoses. He feels happy about them as it they were his own. He speaks highly of them. In return, he himself is respected and appreciated.So, let us complain less and praise more, in order to make our world full of good wishes.
2023-07-17 09:46:441


翻译成英语:We received a complaint from you
2023-07-17 09:47:191

a complaint letter什么意思

2023-07-17 09:47:524

chief complaint是什么意思

chief complaint [英]tu0283i:f ku0259mu02c8pleint [美]tu0283if ku0259mu02c8plent 主诉 [例句]But mr mcconnell "s chief complaint is with the means mr reid would have to use to impose his plan.不过mcconnell先生主要的不满是reid先生硬要计划实施而用的手段。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-17 09:48:001

抱怨做某事 用英语怎么说

2023-07-17 09:48:073


complain -vi 1.表示不满;抱怨,埋怨 2.(病人等)诉说(of) 3.投诉,申诉 -vt 表示不满说,抱怨说;诉说;
2023-07-17 09:48:141


2023-07-17 09:47:051


当然能的吖!爱思助手 就是苹果的产品
2023-07-17 09:47:065


What a brave and kind girl! She is a rich family"s princess,her father really love Alice ago,However, once her father had something wrong in the accident,so the teacher was cruelty to Alice,but I find that the Alice is very brave and outgoing,she never said someting scared or something bad,she just continue and grow,soon,a mircle was that Alice get a friend of her father,so she could get a good life and start a happy life again,yeah, Alice is a good princess, As a little princess, she didn"t hate nobody even her teacher a terrible miss. At the moment, I just want to say that something you should insist,a good sentence,All road lead to the Rome,and Everything is possible, she can be a severnt from a princess,but after she insist,so she bee a princess again, I like the girl-Alice,   what a brave and kind girl! she is a rich family"s princess,her father really love alice ago,however, once her father had something wrong in the accident,so the teacher was cruelty to alice,but i find that the alice is very brave and outgoing,she never said someting scared or something bad,she just continue and grow,soon,a mircle was that alice get a friend of her father,so she could get a good life and start a happy life again,yeah, alice is a good princess, as a little princess, she didn"t hate nobody even her teacher a terrible miss. at the moment, i just want to say that something you should insist,a good sentence,all road lead to the rome,and everything is possible, she can be a severnt from a princess,but after she insist,so she bee a princess again, i like the girl-alice, 这个呢? 第1篇 even by the standards of the worst financial crisis for at least a generation, the events of sunday spetember14th and the day before were extraordinary. the weekend began with hopes that a deal could be struck, with or without government backing, to save lehman brothers, america"s fourth-largest investment bank. it ended with lehman"s set for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and the bank preparing to wind itself up after those efforts failed. other vulnerable financial giants scrambled to sell themselves or raise enough capital to stave off a similar fate. merrill lynch, the third-biggest investment bank, sold itself to bank of america (bofa), an ershile lehman suitor, in a $50 billion all-stock deal. american international group (aig) brought forward a potentially life-saving overhaul and went cap-in-hand to the federal reserve. on sunday night the situation was still fluid, with bankers and regulators working to limit the fallout. they w
2023-07-17 09:47:081


线性,非线性:线性指两个变量x,y间满足y=ax+b的关系。x每增加 Δx,则y增加Δy=aΔx齐次和非齐次:方程或方程组化成某种形式后,右边的f(x)是0的话就是齐次的。非零就是非齐次。
2023-07-17 09:47:099


美西主要港口:Seatlle西雅图,Los Angeles洛山叽,San franciso旧金山,san jose圣乔治关东主要港口:日本的Main Ports分关东(Kanto)地区与关西(kansai)地区Ⅰ)关东:Tokyo Yokohama(横滨)、Nogoya(名古屋)(关东:日本东北地区)关西主要港口:Ⅱ)关西:Kobe(神户)、Osaka(大阪)、Moji(门司)(关西:日本西南地区)其他Side Ports(小型港口)有:Hakata(博多)、Tokuyama(德山)、Tomakomai(苫小牧)、Shimizu(清水)、Kawasaki(川崎)
2023-07-17 09:47:201


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2023-07-17 09:47:233


将阳关汽车展厅购买下后就可以收集在地下车库旁的一张纸“汽车通缉令",每收集了一辆车了,旁边的“汽车通缉令”上就会划掉一辆车的名字。一共要收集四组车辆,车名和出现位置如下。第一组车辆:Landstalker(通向中心岛的那座桥的附近)、Idaho (在小哈瓦那就有很多)、Esperanto(市区和罪恶角)、Stallion (市区和小哈瓦那)、Rancher (大洋海滩,小哈瓦那和罪恶角)、Blista Compact(大洋海滩)。第二组车辆:Sabre (市区)、Virgo(市区)、Sentinel(汽车展示厅里就有一辆,开车撞碎玻璃开出来)、Stretch(中心岛豪宅处)、Washington (华盛顿海滩)、Admiral(华盛顿海滩)。第三组车辆:Cheetah (大洋海滩和东岛码头)、Infernus (中心岛豪宅)、Banshee (大洋海滩)、Phoenix(大洋海滩)、Comet(大洋海滩和高尔夫球场门口)、Stinger (大洋海滩)。第四组车辆:Voodoo(小哈瓦那)、Cuban Hermes(小哈瓦那)、Caddy(高尔夫球场附近)、Baggage Handler(埃斯科巴机场停车坪)、 Mr.Whoopee (冰激凌厂)、 Pizza Boy(匹萨店)。收集完了这四组车辆,(每组汽车必须按顺序找,完成第1组才可以再找第2组)汽车展览厅任务就完成了,每天可以盈利9000元,并可以在汽车展览厅里增加隐藏的赛车和越野车。扩展资料侠盗飞车罪恶都市任务系统:《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》的任务包括许多关于主角的任务。还有可选择的支线任务,增加了游戏的可玩性和自由度,主角要完成许多任务,有些任务前的一些细节看起来并不重要,比如在开始一些任务前要不要去武器商店买些武器做好充分的准备。不过,这些细节的决定可能会决定任务的成败。主角所做的决定虽然对于该游戏不算重要,但是这些决定也是会有可能影响任务结果的。事实上,可以说是玩家的控制与主角本身使主角走向成功。主角需要到任务点触发任务,任务只有一种方法可以完成。该游戏的主线任务有约60个。支线任务,自由发挥的要素,玩家可以朝自己喜好的方向发展,支线任务之间无关联。主线任务中间随着剧情的发展转折变化。游戏为固定的难度、模式,无法选择或更改。另外,游戏中有一些彩蛋,如隐藏在浴室墙壁中的斑驳血迹和里面的电锯,来自于电影《电锯惊魂》中用电锯折磨主角的情节。还有,当玩家达到五星级的通缉,会有一些FBI的探员开着一辆类似于Ferrari Testarossa的汽车来追主角,这些都是来自《迈阿密风云》中Don Johnson和Philip Michael Thomas的样子来刻画。当完成所有任务以后,主角会得到一件带有文字的T恤衫。
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美西主要港口:Seatlle西雅图,Los Angeles洛山叽,San franciso旧金山,san jose圣乔治关东主要港口:日本的Main Ports分关东(Kanto)地区与关西(kansai)地区Ⅰ)关东:Tokyo Yokohama(横滨)、Nogoya(名古屋)(关东:日本东北地区)关西主要港口:Ⅱ)关西:Kobe(神户)、Osaka(大阪)、Moji(门司)(关西:日本西南地区)其他Side Ports(小型港口)有:Hakata(博多)、Tokuyama(德山)、Tomakomai(苫小牧)、Shimizu(清水)、Kawasaki(川崎)
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2023-07-17 09:47:041


Vicissitudes of a country with every citizen of this country together, the future fate of the individual and the state are inseparable, so concerned about national affairs is an important manifestation of patriotic consciousness of every citizen, citizens should have the quality. We are social beings, when known social thing. High school students, especially high school students, will soon become the builders of the state and society, concerned about national affairs, growth and success of our internal needs. Not into the world community and the Prophet, may take up the task of nation-building for our future and lay a good foundation. We should always keep pace with the times, to maintain close contact with the community, to improve and enhance their social adaptability. Concerned about current events, but also with our intentions to learn cultural knowledge as a whole. Leaving aside the big reason do not speak, even starting from the exam, such as liberal arts candidates, there are political events detection selection requirements; if we usually always have such awareness, concern the news bit by bit, it will not be hard to memorize dorsal feel boring, he appeared to forget and remember, remember the forgotten pure examination of the negative phenomena. Baijuyi advocated "the article together is sometimes a" college entrance essay now works hard to find, most of the students repeated the arguments material used is the "exile Qu Yuan, is Fu" Lament "; Zuo Qiu Being Blind, Guoyu Being Born" "" and some old-fashioned The material, in addition to Confucius, Li Bai, the ability to turn things not seasonal, so there are thousands of people face similar sense of monotony. If we can skillfully use the events as the material used on the front view of things, the more prone to resonate with the teacher grading. This requires that we usually have enough events accumulate. Well, first of all high school students should be concerned about what events where? I think, political, economic, cultural, livelihood, should fall within the scope of. Expo, the Olympics, the six-party talks, the Diaoyu Islands dispute, financial crisis, APEC, Shenzhou VI, the moon program, the Middle East situation, the United Nations team reorganization, and so, we can not just stop at once heard, and asked the vague dimension . Only on the basis of possession of a large amount of material, we can make the process of their growth and success is no darkness in diving, but from a strategic height, calm logistics. We can split up the attention, learn and absorb knowledge of current events, then use to reach installment savings-type effect. We should cultivate such good habits, to learn from time to time for use from time to time. We are now heavy academic burden, learning time is tight, but we can learn this and cultural integration, because that in itself is an integral part of our school. We want to cultivate the habit of reading newspapers every day, the combination of extensive reading and intensive reading, browsing and research combined. Every day after lunch, after the library, there was twenty minutes of short-term view, it will allow you to benefit a great deal, even for life. Each class provides newspapers, I wonder if our class teacher is in place to provide students with such a reading condition? Are our students make good use of good reading resources that reach? We have no interest at the time of the first edition of the newspaper? In addition, we can also listen to the radio through the students can watch the TV news, the animation becomes news, the drama to big events, do not have to concentrate too much time, ten minutes a day, long-term adherence, we can gather the sand into a tower. We can also expand grasp current political field, which can be the only exam without exam. Our school has repeatedly been the formation of the school debate team, we have good performance in the provinces of the game. I very much hope that only a few students who embody success, can become the most universal human consciousness and ability, and that our academic and literacy will certainly heights, will irksome and vision, with admiration. When we encounter someone "Toward world affairs," when we can not only participate, but also to dominate the "Forum" in the center, with their erudition, Bo knows, knowledgeable led similar, but not on the disappointed look, bowed back body, only with the teacher said "off brand to wow?" We"re not going to see what the limelight, we just want to know should know something. Determination if we have concerned about national affairs of consciousness, the "rise and fall, everyone is responsible", more "world prosperity, but myself," the vision, then we are the masters of this world.
2023-07-17 09:47:021


2023-07-17 09:46:591


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2023-07-17 09:46:571

英语unanimous agreement怎么翻译?

一致行动 take concerted action, take a concerted action 例句: The meeting adopted a resolution to take a concerted action against the financial crisis. 会议通过决议,决定将采取一致行动抵御金融危机。
2023-07-17 09:46:522


用spy函数对矩阵可视化问题现有矩阵B=[1,2,0,0; 3,4,0,0; 0,0,5,6; 0,0,7,8];spy(B)可以画出矩阵B中非零元素的分布情况,图中左上角和右下角分别有4个点
2023-07-17 09:46:521


一次函数:linear function二次函数:quadratic function指数函数:exponential function对数函数:logarithmic function
2023-07-17 09:46:482


Disney theme park in Shanghai, is a foregone conclusion. As early as ten years ago, the Hong Kong and Shanghai competing Disney, I had big parade, today adhere to this view.  Main reason for this is that Disney"s this American culture, has lagged behind, in fifty or sixty years ago was new, strange mice to make money again today by a few meters, perhaps kids got tired of it? France Disneyland had poor, Hong Kong Disneyland has been suffering losses and even Ocean Park climbed to localise.  Shanghai authorities are carefully studying the trend of American culture, then go into this murky, indeed a sigh!  Disneyland has been aging, and if not, why many tourism countries, Europe, Spain, and Italy, Asia, India, and Thailand not to introduce it? China amusement park-style playground was enough, but never heard of a thriving and profitable.  Again and again, lack of new ideas, which is the main reason hasn"t favored visitors. Said Hong Kong Disneyland is built, tourists from the Mainland increased by 30%. The beginning may have a 3rd "fresh" effect, but for now, I"m afraid not much specifically to visit Disney.  Tourists from the Mainland, mainly for the shopping, specifically for the tour of Disney, believe is negligible. Disney and Hong Kong cooperation built Park, in fact, is to sell a "brand". This brand is worth, you have asked of him, asking price is higher, brand prices shall not prevail. In Shanghai, is the current United States economic downturn is a good time to Disney prices, if this is the case depends on Shanghai"s "urgent need". When negotiating with Disney in Hong Kong, at a disadvantage. Reason is that Hong Kong is going through a financial crisis that year, hopes to build a Disneyland "joyous", to attract mainland tourists. Negotiations with Disney, has asked of him, and thus very adverse conditions on the Hong Kong side. To attract mainland tourists don"t care if there is a Disneyland, but relaxed the various provinces and municipalities in the Mainland to come to Hong Kong free of policy. Shadows, and then expand Hong Kong"s loss. Shanghai, not to learn from Hong Kong, still wants something from him, the outcome, not subject.
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