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2023-07-16 21:25:36

1、 allinanchor:

anchor是一处说明性的文字,它标注说明了这个链接可能跳转到其它的网页或跳转到当前网页的不同地方。当我们用allinanchor提交查询的时候,Google会限制搜索结果必须是那些在anchor文字里包含了我们所有查询关键词的网页。例[ allinanchor: best museums Sydney ] ,提交这个查询,Google仅仅会返回在网页anchor说明文字里边包含了关键词”best” “museums” 和”Sydney”的网面。


当我们用allintitle提交查询的时候,Google会限制搜索结果仅是那些在网页标题里边包含了我们所有查询关键词的网页。例[allintitle: detect plagiarism],提交这个查询,Google仅会返回在网页标题里边包含了”detect”和”plagiarism”这两个关键词的网页。



plagiarism 英[u02c8pleu026adu0292u0259ru026azu0259m] 美[u02c8pledu0292u0259u02ccru026azu0259m] n. 抄袭; 剽窃; 剽窃物; 抄袭物; 全部释义>> [例句]It is fine for artists to joke about plagiarism.艺术家们拿剽窃问题开玩笑似乎无伤大雅。
2023-07-16 20:40:452


2023-07-16 20:41:141


2023-07-16 20:41:311


plagiar斜的+ism做不正当事→剽窃。plagiarism 英 ["pleu026adu0292u0259ru026azu0259m]   美 ["pleu026adu0292u0259ru026azu0259m]    n. 剽窃;剽窃物Punishments for plagiarism differ in schools.每个学校剽窃的惩罚是不同的。近义词piracy 英 ["pau026aru0259si]   美 ["pau026aru0259si]    n. 盗版;剽窃;著作权侵害;海盗行为We are in favor of fighting against piracy.我们支持打击盗版。
2023-07-16 20:42:061

thesis plagiarism什么意思

thesis plagiarism论文抄袭GRETOEFLplagiarism生词本英 [u02c8pleu026adu0292u0259ru026azu0259m] 美 [u02c8pledu0292u0259u02ccru026azu0259m]n.剽窃; 抄袭; 剽窃物; 抄袭物网 络剽窃;抄袭;学术道德;剽窃物复数: plagiarisms派生词:plagiarist plagiaristic 报 错大家都在背: 新概念1 美剧迷宝典 零基础英语sweetpotato是什么?双语例句词根词缀同反义词更多资料1. There were accusations of plagiarism. 曾有过关于剽窃的指控。来自《权威词典》2. He"s accused of plagiarism. 他被指控剽窃。
2023-07-16 20:42:201


I don"t know what do you say.
2023-07-16 20:42:287


其实理解Plagiarism有哪些形式就好了:1. 逐字引用没有标明或错误标明出处这可能是最常见的Plagiarism的形式,在书籍、期刊、网页等等一切可以分享观点的地方复制粘贴下来,然后放在你的论文中,却有意或者无意地没有写明出处,通俗点说就是Ctrl C+V。举个例子(错误示范,不要学):Qualitative research refers to a research strategy that usually emphasizes words rather than quantification in the collection and analysis of data.这一句话乍一看没什么毛病,可是对一定义明显不可能完全是作者本人的观点,所以需要引出他人观点的出处。在原文引用别人作品中的句子或段落时务必要使用引号标注引用,并且标明出处,而例子中的句子显然并没有这样做。因此,这句话便是一处非常典型的 Plagiarism。你需要标明作者和这段文字在原文中的页码,并且在文章最后的Bibliography/References里也要把这个引用信息写清楚。正确的例子是:Bryman (2008, p.366) defines qualitative research as “a research strategy that usually emphasizes words rather than quantification in the collection and analysis of data”.不过大多数情况下,出现较多的则是对作者某篇文章与观点的概括和综述,这样的情况只要标明作者和年份就好,不对页码有硬性要求。2. 词语的替换与句子结构的改变(Mosaic Plagiarism)转述了别人作品中的某些话,并且将句子中的某些词汇替换成了同义词,但并没有标识这些句子的原始出处,这样的Plagiarism被称为Mosaic Plagiarism,通俗讲就是“找找近义词改改语序改改句子结构就不算抄袭”的文字替换法。这样写出来论文的Similarity一般不会高,但是绝对有可能涉嫌Plagiarism,请相信你们导师有足够的能力一眼看出你的论文是否涉及到Plagiarism。还拿刚刚的那句Qualitative Research的定义举例子(错误示范):Qualitative research is a type of research that focuses more on analysing information in the conversation rather than quantifying analytical items from the conversation.我们可以看出,这句话对原文进行了简单的词语和句式结构替换,但依然没有改变句子所要表达的核心思想,并且这个核心思想并不是来源于作者本人,而是参考文献的作者,所以如果不标明引用,这句话仍旧是一个典型的Plagiarism。正确的例子为:Qualitative research is a type of research that focus more on analysing information in the conversation rather than quantifying analytical items from the conversation (Bryman, 2008).3. 没有标明“非你所想”的部分这种情况会比较容易出现在Teamwork当中,某一位同学的论文或者报告中可能会涉及到部分内容是通过合作的方式完成的,或者某一份研究成果中有部分内容是在别人的帮助下完成的,但在成文中却没有对这部分合作的内容加以说明。所以,在这样的论文或者汇报当中,如果有分工合作的,就需要详细写明哪些部分是你的,哪些部分是别人的。如果是自己完成,但受到别人较大帮助的,就需要写清受到别人帮助的部分。顺带一提,你导师和Proof-readers(文章校对者)对你文章的帮助并不用特意在论文的内容中提及,只要在文章中的Acknowledgment部分写清楚就可以,不用多次澄清。4. 自我抄袭与一稿多投(Self-Plagiarism)绝对!不可以!把你之前的作业!重复提交给一个新的课程!绝对!不要!调戏!数据库的文章数量!一些同学因为时间紧任务重,可能会把国内写过的作业翻译成英文,当作一次新的作业上交,甚至有的人会将留学期间写的作业重复递交。殊不知,即使都是你自己写的,重新提交也是很严重的Plagiarism哦!英国所有的高等院校在Plagiarism都有着非常严谨的检查措施和非常严厉的处罚方式!曾听说过一个的真实案例便是有一个小伙子因为DDL赶不上,又因为课程A的期末论文和之前做过的课程B的期中论文是一个课题,因此他耍小聪明,将课程B的期中论文上交给课程A的老师作为期末作业。结果出分数的手那个男生这门课程的成绩是0分。他不服气,去学校Argue,校方反馈的理由便是涉嫌Self-Plagiarism,0分没商量。希望对你有帮助,望采纳
2023-07-16 20:42:452


2023-07-16 20:42:535


【 #澳大利亚留学# 导语】不同的文化,也就有不同的规则,不管是在社会中,还是在课堂里。澳洲和中国的文化不同,学习方式,风格也就有所不同。盘点澳洲的Learning文化,留学党必知,否则很容易挂科,退学,甚至….好了,随 具体来看看。    1.Plagiarism(剽窃)是绝对不允许的! Plagiarism:“Thepracticeoftakingsomeoneelse"sworkorideasandpassingthemoffasone"sown.”窃用别人的作品或者想法,并把它们当做自己的;   剽窃是禁止的,这应该在全球范围内都是通用的一点,但问题是,哪些行为被可能认为是剽窃,在国家之前可能有所不同。   在澳洲,即使你没有窃取别人作品的意识,但你用了别人的作品就别认为是偷的一种行为,有可能因为学术上的不诚实行为而被开除。   每个学校都有自己相关的plagiarismpolicy(剽窃政策),所以,确保你清楚哪些行为会被算做事plagiarism   这个意思并不是说,你在自己的作品中绝对不能提到别人的作品,而是你在引用/参考的时候,要注明出处,也就是下一个要说的问题…    2.Referencing   引用/参考了被人的作品,注明原作者或者来源也是避免剽窃现象的一种方式。   标注方式有很多种,例如哈佛引用HarvardReferencing,AGLC澳大利亚法律引用指南(AustralianGuidetoLegalCitation),Chicago,APA;   澳洲每个大学都有自己引用/参考规则,或者每个课程,特别一个老师也会有自己的规则,所以在开始一个新学校,或新课程的时候一定要注意这一点;    3.Workingingroups   澳洲的大学和工作都比较看重团队合作,基本上不管你选择什么专业,在澳洲大学里总会有各种小组作业。即使是当地的澳洲学生都会有压力,所以,如果你是做小组作业,会觉得有点难度。   在小组作业中,你的分数不仅仅是和自己有关,也和其他人的努力有关。你们小组的表现取决于小组如何管理,如何沟通,如何一起实现目标。过程中可能会犯很多错误,但同样也能学到不少。   Google的一个小组研究发现,想要让一个小组的更有效率,需要有以下因素:   dependability可靠性;   structureandclarityaboutrolesandplans关于每个人的角色和计划;   feelingpsychologicallysafe心理安全;   knowingthatyourworkwillhaveanimpactandhasmeaning清楚你的工作将会对小组产生影响,并存在一定的意义;    4.Independentthinking   澳洲的大学非常看重创造性思维,澳洲的学习风格鼓励新方法,创造性也批评思维,不管是什么专业,从工程到传媒。澳洲的老师并不会为你能总结教科书中的东西而满意,而是更看重学生的独立,批判分析和课堂参与辩论和谈论中。    5.Lowpowerdistance   在文化维度理论中,文化被定义为‘highpowerdistance"和‘lowpowerdistance"文化;   权利距离Powerdistance是用来表示人们对组织中权利分配不平等情况的接受程度;   澳大利亚是一个低权利距离的文化,在课堂,这也就意味着很多老师可以直呼名字,学生可以对老师的想法提出质疑,同样如果你对学校有想法,也可以投诉。    6.作业,而不是考试   在澳洲,很多课程的分数看重作业,论文,而不是最终的考试,当然,考试也很重要。你的最终分数会在你学期中的每一份作业论文中体现,而不是单纯靠你在后2个小时的表现。   这也就意味着时间安排非常重要,因为在一学期的课程中,你可能会有很多的作业,也就有很多的deadline。作业的形式有很多种,澳洲大学里流行的就是essay,等你读完澳洲的课程,你估计就是这方面的专家了。
2023-07-16 20:43:071


人非生而知之,总有学习的过程。思想需要学习,知识需要学习,写作也需要学习,在学习的过程中消化吸收前人的思想、知识、写作风格并用自己的方式表达出来,这正是做学问光明正大的路径。至于在表达的时候,以何种方式呈现——直接引用、间接引用、或者用自己的话重述——则根据行文需要,各有不同。抄袭(plagiarism)与重述(paraphrase)往往只有一线之隔,但前者违反学术规范,后者则是正当的研究手法,甚至是研究和写作的必备技能。我觉得讨论这个问题,比揪着汪晖不放,对日后学术规范的改善有更好的作用。什么是抄袭?我不会像王彬彬那样自己去列个标准。我手头的参考书是《The Craft of Research》by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams,这本书是美国大学本科生课普遍使用的参考书,教学生怎么做研究写论文,其中也包括教学生什么是抄袭。三位作者都是美国一流大学(两位芝加哥大学,一位是伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)英语系的知名教授。他们的定义,我想大部分人应该觉得是权威的吧。如果一定要有人挑刺,说为什么用西方的定义,我就实在没有办法了,所谓现代学术规范本来就是西方概念,如果非要有人弄出一套中国自己的规范(如王彬彬式的),那也要学术共同体接受才行吧。……有些抄袭是故意的,例如买文章、抄高年级学生的文章、从其他文章里面大段抄录这种事情,不消多说每个人都知道是错的(按:老实说这才是如今学术界的大问题,这些基本的错应该先纠正了)。但是,大部分的抄袭并不是有意的,或者因为作者记笔记的时候不小心,或者因为他不明白什么是抄袭,或者因为他根本没意识到自己在做什么。11.5.1 抄袭的定义当你用了别人的文字或观点,但没有注明出处,你就是在抄袭,无论是有意还是无意。当你注明了出处,但是直接引用了他的话而没有用引号或使用大段引文格式,这也是抄袭。你写的文字要是与原文非常接近,以至于对比你和原作者的文字,你发现如果没把原文放在边上,你不可能写出这样的话,这也是抄袭。有人在收到抄袭指责的时候,会辩解:“我一定是记住那段文字了。我写的时候,我肯定以为那是我自己的想法。”这种借口没多少人会接受。11.5.2 直接抄袭文字当你想用材料中的原话,停下来想一想,然后:1. 用引号或者大段引文格式2. 一字不差地如实引用原文(如果有改变,用括号省略号等标出)3. 标注引文信息这是用别人原话的三个重要步骤,要非常明确地标出你引用原文的开始和结束处,……如果你省了第一和第三步,那么不论你是否有意,你抄袭了。11.5.3 直接抄袭观点如果有些观点是你自己的,但后来发现有人比你先发表了,或者有人先发表的文章与你的观点很接近。……即使你不是抄袭,也最好在脚注中提到并且说明一下,以避免抄袭的嫌疑。11.5.4 间接抄袭文字当你归纳和重述别人文字的时候,更难界定是否是抄袭。这两者是不同的,但是他们之间的差别是如此之细微,你可能不会意识到你已经从归纳变成了重述,接着越了界成了抄袭。无论是否你的本意,太过接近的重述(paraphrase)很可能变成抄袭,即使你已经注明了出处。不同学科对于抄袭和重述之间的界线划分各有不同。比如法律中,经常会以非常接近的文字重述法律条文和法庭判决。在科学论文中,也经常会非常接近地重述其他文章中提到的主要发现。但是在习惯上大量使用直接引文的学科,如历史和文学,这样接近于原文的重述是非常危险的。比如以下是对本节第一段文字的抄袭,因为重述时太接近原文了:当涉及归纳和重述时,要定义抄袭就更困难了。尽管它们是不同的,它们之间的界线其实很模糊,作者可能不知道她已经越过了界线,从归纳到重述,从重述到抄袭。撇开是否有意不谈,很接近的重述就是抄袭,即使引用了出处。(Booth,Colomb,and Williams, 169)(按:我想看到这段话,大部分学者要发疯了,啊,自己曾经做过多少抄袭的事情啊。是的,根据这个标准,汪晖同学的少作有不少抄袭;我想,很少有人能白璧无瑕,因为很多人真的不知道这也算抄袭! 我是直到去美国读书以后才知道的。这也是我觉得有必要好好谈谈何为抄袭的原因。)下面这段文字则是有抄袭的嫌疑(borderline plagiarism)因为很难辨认与归纳和重述之间的界限何在,作者可能非常危险地接近抄袭,而自己还不知道,即使他已经标注了出处而且也并不有意抄袭。 (Booth, Colomb,and Williams)以上两段话都太接近于原文了,以至于任何读者都会发觉如果作者不是同时正在读原文就写不出这些话来。而以下这是对这段话的概括,这样写的话就不算抄袭。根据Booth,Colomb,Williams的说法,有时候作者会无意识地抄袭,因为他们觉得他们是在归纳,而事实上他们正在以非常接近原文的方式重述,这样做就算是抄袭,即使作者本人并非有意抄袭而且出处也已经注明了。(169)11.5.5 意识到你正在抄袭以下是衡量你是否正在抄袭的简单方法:注意你在写的时候眼光落在何处。当你手指在键盘上飞快打字的同时,眼光同时注视着你的材料,小心了,你很可能正在抄袭。要是你非常多地用到某个材料,比较你自己的文字和原文。如果你觉得有人会指着你的句子,从中发现原文的同义词或者同义词组,而且以差不多同样的顺序出现,那么你最好还是重写这句吧。如果你在写作的时候,不同时看着你的材料,而是看着你自己的屏幕或者纸,而且你转述原文的时候是通过你自己的理解的,那就不太可能抄袭。(按:根据这个标准,汪晖的《反抗绝望》中肯定是有抄袭的地方,王彬彬那篇文章的写作口吻让人生厌,但是指出的问题也没有错。让我生气的是,现在很多网上的人一定要揪着汪晖不放,让他道歉,让他认错,我觉得这种站在道德制高点上打太平拳的心态实在可鄙。更何况,汪晖当年写文章的时候还没有这么严格的学术规范,“不教而惩是为虐”,有人说的好,这是“关公战秦琼”的闹剧,最好少演演。我倒是希望大家努力将来,把学术规范真正落实到本科生、研究生、博士生的教育中去,天天讲、月月讲、年年讲。学术圈的每个人,无论是知名学者还是一年级本科生,都以同样的要求要求自己,若人人都严于律己,抄袭现象自然会慢慢减少。这样我们国家的学术研究才真正会上轨道吧。)还有,补充一句。Booth等人的书中没有提到引用其他语言材料的问题。引外文材料更容易出现前面说的间接抄袭文字的现象,更是需要我们每个人都要注意的地方。
2023-07-16 20:43:261

Plagiarism(剽窃)is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song, or even idea a

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:B 试题分析:本文叙述了人们在写论文时的十种剽窃行为,本文以图片及文字解释的形式来呈现给考生。小题1:细节理解题。根据Each of the 10 most common types of plagiarism is defined below. The types are ranked in the order of the seriousness of intention. 可知这些剽窃行为是按照严重程度顺序来排列的,故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据HYBRID下的文字说明可知应选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据404 ERROR下面的文字说明可知,故选B。点评:细节题为阅读考题的重头戏,所占比例高达80% ,相对而言较简单,因为这类题虽然要求理解准确,但基本上限于字面意义的理解,范围也限于局部,因此是我们可望得高分的部分。细节题绝大部分体现“中心思想是解”这一原理。本文都是细节理解题,在文中比较容易找到答案
2023-07-16 20:43:331

作弊 的英文是什么X

2023-07-16 20:43:413


2023-07-16 20:43:505

名为plagiarism 的英语作文

Nowadays, there are more and more case of plagiarism in Chinese colleges. Why do those people , even some famous professors copy theses? Maybe the reason can be listed as follows. The first one is that so many colleges consider the number of theses to be very important. Besides,the development of Internet makes it easy to get others" theses. As a result, common people lose confidence in those scholars. For instance,several months ago a report says the total number of Chinese theses is ranked the second in the world, but too many people don"t believe the quality of those theses. It is high time that something were done about this problem. On the one hand, colleges shouldn"t uate someone solely by the number of his/her theses. The quality is more important. On the other hand, we should strengthen morality education, helping more people know more clearly that honesty is a Chinese traditional virtue. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of academic plagiarism.
2023-07-16 20:44:071


  抄袭、剽窃别人的学术成果和作品一项是英国学术界的大忌,学者或学生一旦被发现有此类行为将会接受非常严厉的惩罚。接下来就告诉你英国留学考试作弊被发现怎么办?   Plagiarism Conference 用中文翻译,应该是"抵制抄袭/剽窃大会"吧。在国际学术领域, plagiarism是绝对的大事,所以在英国一年举办两次这样的会、今年已经进行到第四届、每一届的参加人数不断增加等等等等,也就不足为奇了。   现在已经是六月末了,英国各大学的考试接近尾声。留学生们少则一两千字,多至五六千字的论文,应该已经都交到导师教授手里。在不到一个星期的时间里,我已经听到不下五位朋友、同学告诉我各种各样关于plagiarism的故事。    故事一: 某大学认为一国际学生的英语水平无法写出他交上去的论文中那样标准的英文用法,要求这位同学作出解释。针对同学给出的"找高人修改了英语语法及用词"的解释,学校要求学生递交与高人通信或电邮的证据。    故事二 :几位同学组成互助小组,针对论文命题中晦涩的词句展开讨论,并把各自写好的部分电邮给大家,分享、启发、互动。结果其中一位原封不动引用另外一位的段落,两人同时被请到教授办公室,澄清原委真相。    故事三 :以动手操作为主的实践课作业中,学生作品使用了某人的音乐片断,因为没有说明此段音乐出处,学生被召至导师办公室,解释此段乃至整篇作品的构思、想法,何处引用了谁的什么创作等等等等。   英国大学非常重视学生的原创性。学术领域里,你的想法可以简单,不完美,甚至简陋,经不起推敲,但是这想法必须是你自己的,而不是从别人那里看到的、明明是别人的却硬说是自己的。一旦学生被发现有剽窃的嫌疑,严惩不贷。轻则论文重写,重则开除出校。   朋友、同学告诉我这些故事的时候也征询我的意见,惶惶之中担心毕业会成问题。我建议说,一定要镇静----如果自己有理,那么把自己的理一一说清;一定不要像受了惊吓的兔子一样,唯唯诺诺,本没有什么罪过,却好像已经被定了罪一样,气势上先短了三分。摆事实,讲道理。这样的态度,到哪里都行得正,不会有问题。   万一真的被冤枉了该怎么办呢?我认为大家应该敢于上诉,因为在英国留学倾注的不仅是学生自己的精力和时间,也倾注了家人们的心血和期望,千万不要因为怕麻烦而放弃。
2023-07-16 20:44:141


plagiarism checking抄袭检测Some citation norms are expounded, such as avoiding plagiarism, citingprofessional books, annotating volume and chapter, checking citations, highlightingtranscends and respecting predecessors. 以清代陈澧《引书法示端溪书院诸生》为例,阐述了引文应按规范,即杜绝抄袭,当引雅书,注明篇卷,核对引文,标出创获及尊重前人。
2023-07-16 20:44:241

plagiarism tutorials and tests什么意思

plagiarism tutorials and tests抄袭教程和测试plagiarism tutorials and tests抄袭教程和测试
2023-07-16 20:44:311


只能说危险派对和say so前奏较为相像。《危险派对》是由王以太、YUN、球球作词,王以太、YUN、张怿龙作曲,王以太、刘至佳演唱的歌曲,发行于2021年9月17日。歌曲歌词:你的光芒闪耀像是gold 逐渐入侵了我眼眸 到底要怎么样的口吻 才能让你内心点头 是我猜不透你的味觉。才能让你内心点头 是我猜不透你的味觉 是我察觉不到的危险 别把离开挂在嘴边 当你慢慢靠近我 是我没把握你心跳的节奏。
2023-07-16 20:44:383


根据《现代汉语词典》的解释,它有三个含义:1 绕道袭击敌人; 2 把别人的文章、作品私自照抄作为自己的去发表,并且实质性相似3 不顾实际,照搬别人的思想、方法、经验等。抄袭行为在文学界,是一种严重侵犯他人著作权的行为,同时也是在著作权审判实践中较难认定的行为。
2023-07-16 20:45:005


Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public focus.The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet identically.Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of creation. They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of originality. what"s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality-makers. This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society .For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this issue.  For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honesty  What"s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on campus.  With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future.以上回答你满意么?
2023-07-16 20:45:181

how do you look at the issue of academic dishonesty?

Academic dishonesty is an assault upon the basic integrity and meaning of a University. Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities are serious acts which erode the University"s educational and research roles and cheapen the learning experience not only for the perpetrators, but also for the entire community. It is expected that UCSB students will understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity and that they will be willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. Materials (written or otherwise) submitted to fulfill academic requirements must represent a student"s own efforts. The fundamental purpose of this page is to emphasize that any act of academic dishonesty attempted by any UCSB student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. CHEATINGCheating is the unauthorized use of information or study guides in any academic exercise. The methods of cheating are varied and well-known. Cheating includes: Copying from others during an examination.Sharing answers for a take-home examination.Using illegal notes during an examination.Taking an examination for another student.Asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.Tampering with an examination after it has been corrected, then returning it for more credit than deserved.Submitting substantial portions of the same academic work for credit in more than one course, without consulting the second instructor (and the first instructor if the courses are concurrent at UCSB).Preparing answers or writing notes in a blue book before an examination.Allowing others to do the research and writing of an assigned paper (for example, using the services of a commercial term paper company). PLAGIARISMPlagiarism is academic theft. It refers to the use of another"s ideas or words without proper attribution or credit. An author"s work is his/her property and should be respected by documentation. Credit must be given: For every direct quotation.When a work is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in your own words.For information which is not common knowledge. (It appears in several sources about the subject.) UCSB History Professor Sears McGee advises: ``Generally, if a student writes (part of their paper) while looking at a source or while looking at notes taken from a source, a footnote should be given."" Each professor should announce his/her specific requirements to guide students in their research; students who do not receive such guidance from their professors will be well served to request it from each of their course instructors. COLLUSIONAny student who knowingly or intentionally helps another student to perform any of the above acts of cheating or plagiarism is subject to discipline for academic dishonesty. There is no distinction between those who cheat and plagiarize and those who willingly allow it to occur. In some courses, professors may announce that it is allowed for students to work together. In such cases, all students should write up their work independently of one another, unless the professor has given explicit approval to a common write-up. Students should always write on their paper the names of the other students with whom they have collaborated. PROCEDURESAcademic misconduct violates University Regulation 51.10a: ``Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, altering graded examinations for additional credit, or having another person take an examination for you. Discipline for academically dishonest behavior is exercised on two levels: The professor of the course has the authority to handle an incident of student misconduct directly, by any of the following means: reprimand, assignment of additional work, reexamination, exclusion from the course, lowering the grade. If the professor elects to impose any or all of these remedies he must notify both the student and his department chairperson and submit a Faculty Report Form for Academic Misconduct to the Offices of the Dean of Students.If the professor believes that the offense was an especially serious one, s/he will recommend that action be taken by the Student-Faculty Committee on Student Conduct. Administrators and staff members are also encouraged to report incident of student misconduct and recommend disciplinary action, should they be directly involved in or witness to a conduct code violation. Allegations referred to the Committee will be investigated by the Office of the Dean of Students. The Assistant Dean will interview the reporting party, all witnesses, and any person(s) alleged to have violated the University regulation. All persons accused will be informed in writing of the nature of the charge, his/her rights, and the procedures to be followed. If the preliminary investigation does not result in the withdrawal of charges, the case will be heard by either the Student-Faculty Committee on Student Conduct or a University hearing officer. Persons involved in the Conduct Hearing process have the following rights and responsibilities:The Student:Shall be served with a written notice of the specific charges, the time and the place of the hearing, and a copy of the procedures which will govern the hearing at least five calendar days prior to the hearing. May be accompanied by an advisor or an attorney. Generally, students will be expected to speak for themselves. Is entitled to be present during the hearing while evidence is being presented and may remain until the committee or hearing officer beings deliberations. Shall have the right to produce witnesses and confront and cross-examine all witnesses. The Hearing Body:Shall base its findings upon the preponderance of evidence. Shall make all decisions by majority vote. Shall submit its findings and recommendations within three working days following the conclusion of the hearing. Shall keep summary minutes of the hearing which will be available to the student within seven working days following the hearing. The student shall receive written notice within five working days following the hearing informing him/her of any recommendations made as a result of the hearing body"s deliberations, including recommended sanctions, if applicable. Student appeals must be made in writing and submitted within ten working days after the notification of the imposition of sanctions. SANCTIONSIndividuals found guilty of violating University policies or regulations may receive the following sanctions: Warning:Written notice to the student that continued or repeated violations of specified policies or regulations may be cause for further disciplinary action.Disciplinary Probation:Suspension of a recommended sanction for a period of time during which any other violation would be cause for immediate implementation of the previously suspended sanction.Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities:Specific exclusions or loss of privileges will be at the Dean"s discretion and will be for a specified academic term or terms.Suspension:Termination of student status for a specified term or terms.Dismissal:Termination of student status for an indefinite period. Students who are dismissed may not return to UCSB without the express permission of the Chancellor.Other disciplinary sanctions:The following additional disciplinary sanctions, may be imposed instead of or in addition to the sanctions listed above.In cases where a determination of academic misconduct has been made and where close supervision of a student"s academic conduct seems appropriate, course instructors may be requested to specifically monitor or separately test that student for a specified period of time.Work, research projects, or community service projects may be assigned.Violations of any of the conditions imposed under this section can be cause for further disciplinary action, usually in the form of loss of privileges and exclusion from activities, suspension, or dismissal.Sanctions are assigned with the intent of maintaining consistency and fairness, and the degree of sanction is primarily correlated with the extent and severity of the violation. Adjustment of the sanction is sometimes made, based on considerations that may include: Degree of premeditation or spontaneity when the violation was committed. Acknowledgment of the violation and consequences. Indirect hardships, such as loss of monetary support, loss of U.S. residency, eligibility for military service, and loss of athletic eligibility. Health, personal, and family related problems. Academic record. MAINTENANCE OFDISCIPLINARY RECORDSDisciplinary records will be maintained in the Office of the Dean of Students for five years and then destroyed unless the Dean of Students determines there is good reason to retain the records beyond that date. In order to insure that minor and non-recurring infractions do not negatively impact the student"s academic career beyond UCSB, all disciplinary records will be reviewed by the committee of jurisdiction in order to determine whether the student"s records should be expunged. A student may petition for such review approximately two years from the date the initial sanction was imposed, or upon graduation from the University, whichever comes first. It is fairly common for potential employers, governmental agencies, or other institutions of higher education to solicit information about a student"s conduct while attending UCSB. If the student has signed a release form accompanying such a solicitation, the Office of the Dean of Students will review the disciplinary records file to determine if the student has been found guilty of misconduct. In those cases where the student has such a record the information will be provided to the requesting party. RESPONSIBILITIESAll citizens of the academic community have a responsibility to insure that scholastic honesty and integrity are safeguarded and maintained. Cheating and plagiarism are unfair, demoralizing, and demeaning to all of us. Students are expected to:Refrain from cheating and plagiarism.Refuse to aid or abet any from of academic dishonesty.Notify professors during an examination (or immediately after) about any observed incident of cheating. Anthropology Professor Brian Fagan has written: ``If there is one major impression I have gained... it is that faculty must assume responsibility equally with students for reducing academic dishonesty."" Preventing and curtailing the opportunities for academic misconduct are necessary first steps in tackling the problem. Professors, teaching assistants, administrators, and staff members are expected to: Report all incidents of academic misconduct to the Dean of Students Office.Announce openly and specifically their policies and procedures concerning cheating and plagiarism.Protect the security of all examinations by destroying all waste copies and dittos.Insure that examinations are diligently proctored by a sufficient number of persons. The professor"s appearance during exams will heighten the effectiveness of proctors.Arrange at least one empty seat between students taking a test, if possible. Overflow rooms can be scheduled for test days.Revise test questions and format regularly.Make two or more versions of exams, varying the order of questions and the precise answers to specific questions. Some care is needed to insure that answers to different questions will not accidently be identical.Check identification of students, both through familiarity with the students, and inspection of registration cards.Require students to sit in assigned seats on the test day.Number the examination, and have students write the examination number in their blue book.Restrict the use of take-home examinations and the pre-test distribution of possible essay questions.Individually return homework and assignments rather than placing papers in a public and unattended location.Collect notes, outlines, and rough drafts, as well as the final draft of a paper, to reduce the likelihood of plagiarism.Maintain a file of previous student papers.
2023-07-16 20:45:271


2023-07-16 20:45:388


2023-07-16 20:46:074

谁能给我一份名为“Stop Academic Cheating on Campus”的英语作文啊

Stop Academic Cheating on CampusRecently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public focus.The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet identically. Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of creation. They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of originality. what"s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality-makers. This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society .For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this issue.For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honesty.What"s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on campus.With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future.
2023-07-16 20:47:371


2023-07-16 20:47:461

选词填空英语In a study conducted in the UK

In a study conducted in the UK在英国进行的一项研究 。
2023-07-16 20:47:552


2023-07-16 20:48:0312


   (一)University Students" Pursuit of Famous   1. 现在很多大学生都追求穿,用   2. 你对这种现象的看法   ● 审题概述●   这是一篇论述对大学生追求和使用看法的文章。第一段,详述大学生热衷追求、使用的情形以及人们的看法。第二段,重点谈你对此的看法。   【范文】   University Students" Pursuit of Famous Brands   “What perfumes are you wearing?” “Aren"t your shoes Nike"s latest release?” “I like the Mickey bag you bought yesterday.” “I hear the Jack & Jones store is on sale this week. Do you wanna come along?” Don"t feel surprised if you hear them coming out of the mouth of college students. It"s quite common to hear and see college students swapping information about the brands they like and the products they use. In fact, discussions about brand names have become one of the college students" favourite pastimes. They learn about the latest fashion from each other, exchange tips about when and where to get the item, and buy it at their earliest convenience. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is their conviction – “If the Joneses have it, how could I have not?” About this current mindset of the college students, many people may hasten to show their disapproval. They"ll probably take it to be a reflection of the students" vanity and superficiality. And they may lecture them on the virtue of being thrifty. However, I beg to differ. For one thing, name-brand products are usually quality products. As such, they are something beautiful, endurable, and reliable. “The love of beauty is common to all,” goes the proverb; therefore, there"s nothing to blame about the pursuit of famous brands. For the other, college students are old enough to make their own decisions. Likewise, they must abide by the consequences if they make an ill-advised one. If they let their pursuit of brands eat into their budget for other more important issues, they should be able to correct their mistakes and keep everything in moderation. So this becomes no other than a good chance to learn management, isn"t it?   ◇第一段思路点评:本段分为两个部分,即详细陈述大学生追求和使用的情况,以及人们对此的看法。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)keeping up with the Joneses要在地位和物质上比得上周围的人   (2)conviction坚定的信仰、看法   (3)vanity and superficiality虚荣心和面子观(肤浅、表面、浅薄)   ◇第二段思路点评:本段应辩证地分析大学生追求、使用的现象,既有对此肯定的看法,也有否定的看法,即大学生在追求和使用中汲取经验教训并学会管理。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)abide by the consequences自食其果   (2)ill-advised考虑不周的、不明智的   (3)in moderation适度、不过分    (二)Knowledge and Diploma   1. 目前社会上存在这样一种说法:文凭越高越吃香   2. 而有些人则认为文凭不等于知识   3. 你的观点   ● 审题概述●   这是一篇论述高文凭与知识关系的文章。第一段,概述社会上文凭越高越吃香的看法。第二段,主要论述有些人文凭不等于知识的观点。第三段,重点阐述你对此的看法。   【范文】   Knowledge and Diploma It is generally believed that a high diploma guarantees a promising future. Some people identify high diplomas with profound knowledge and exceptional competence. Companies also tend to emphasize the academic achievement of a job candidate. Like it or not, there does exist a social reality – the higher diplomas one gets, the more popular he becomes. On the contrary, other people claim that a high diploma doesn"t automatically translate into knowledge. A diploma, in their eyes, is only the acknowledgment of one"s educational experience rather than a guarantee of one"s ability. Therefore, we can never measure the depth of one"s knowledge by the grade of one"s diploma. Besides, many knowledgeable people don"t have a high diploma. Take Bill Gates for example. His dropping out of college cannot deny the fact that he is one of the world"s most learned men. So I must say no one should ever equate a diploma with knowledge, because a diploma is nothing but a proof of a short-term study while genuine knowledge needs one"s lifelong devotion.   ◇第一段思路点评:先陈述人们对高文凭高能力的看法,再点出这是一种社会现实。   ◇语言点提示:   job candidate求职者、应聘者   ◇第二段思路点评:详细论述文凭并不等于能力。   ◇语言点提示:   Acknowledgment承认、致谢、感谢、答谢   ◇第三段思路点评:使用一个长句阐述了你对文凭与知识辩证关系的认识。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)equate a diploma with knowledge 把文凭与知识划等号   (2)nothing but a proof of a short-term study只是短期学习的证明    (三)The Rise of Shanzhai Culture   1. 最近兴起了一股“山寨热”   2. 你如何看待山寨现象   ● 审题概述●   本文是一篇论述山寨现象以及人们和你对此看法的文章。第一段,概述方兴未艾的山寨热。第二段,阐述山寨产品的优势以及给人们带来的好处。第三段,论述人们和你对山寨现象的反对立场和观点,即山寨产品的非法性。   【范文】   The Rise of Shanzhai Culture The vast array of knockoff name-brand products, such as cell phones, DVDs, MP3 players, have made “shanzhai” the hottest word of the year. Now we wear shanzhai watches, talk through shanzhai cell phones, play shanzhai video games, use shanzhai computers, even watch shanzhai TV shows. Once a term used before some electronic products to suggest a copycat version of inferior quality, shanzhai now suggests to many Chinese creativity and trendiness. With the media all over the rise of shanzhai culture, public opinions are clearly divided. Advocates invariably associate it with innovation, stylishness, the DIY spirit, open-mindedness and practicality, as shanzhai products often mix imitation with innovation – a similar skin but a different heart. The end products are usually more functional and much cheaper than the original. Besides, they respond to the market more swiftly and they are more considerate in design. Thanks to them, more people at the grassroots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology. However, other people, including myself, hold more reserved attitudes towards the shanzhai fever. For all the popularity it has won, a copycat is a copycat. The mockery of the prestige products not only steals their profits but also upsets market competition. Moreover, shanzhai products thrive on the current legal loopholes. Under the disguise of anti-dominance slogans, they make illegal profits by violating intellectual property rights and evading taxes. And to top it off, the so-called innovation is only senseless talk as true innovation always faces huge costs and potential failures, while plagiarism simply builds success on other people"s risks.   ◇第一段思路点评:综述山寨热现象。   ◇语言点提示:   …public opinions are clearly divided此句起承上启下的作用   ◇第二段思路点评:主要阐述山寨产品的优势。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)mix imitation with innovation混淆模仿与创新   (2)respond to the market对市场做出反应   ◇第三段思路点评:主要阐述对山寨产品侵权、扰乱市场等方面的看法。   ◇语言点提示:   (1)The mockery of the prestige products拙劣地模仿   (2)thrive on茁壮成长、蓬勃发展、繁荣   (3)legal loopholes法律漏洞(空子)   (4)Under the disguise of anti-dominance slogans在反垄断口号的伪装下   (5)violating intellectual property rights违反知识产权   (6)evading taxes逃税   (7)plagiarism剽窃、抄袭
2023-07-16 20:48:251

piracy 和 plagiarism的区别

plagiarism[英][ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm][美][ˈpledʒəˌrɪzəm]n.剽窃; 抄袭; 剽窃物; 抄袭物; piracy[英]["paɪrəsɪ][美][ˈpaɪrəsi]n.海上抢劫; 盗版行为,非法复制;
2023-07-16 20:48:521


剽窃的英文:pirateplagiarismto plagiarize参考例句:plagiarize; to lift; to purloin; to pirate; to crib rism; piracy剽窃Literary piracy著作的剽窃Plagiarism Exposed at University暴露在大学里的剽窃Originality is undetected plagiarism.独创性,是未被觉察的剽窃。University Plagiarism Statement校方剽窃申明Joseph Worcester borrowed a lot from Webster约瑟夫?伍斯特随便剽窃韦伯斯特的词典。The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material.剽窃行为,侵犯专利行为未经授权却使用或复制受专利权保护的物品。To take(something)by piracy.剽窃,盗用通过剽窃途径获得
2023-07-16 20:48:591

名为plagiarism 的英语作文

Nowadays, there are more and more case of plagiarism in Chinese colleges. Why do those people , even some famous professors copy theses? Maybe the reason can be listed as follows. The first one is that so many colleges consider the number of theses to be very important. Besides,the development of Internet makes it easy to get others" theses. As a result, common people lose confidence in those scholars. For instance,several months ago a report says the total number of Chinese theses is ranked the second in the world, but too many people don"t believe the quality of those theses. It is high time that something were done about this problem. On the one hand, colleges shouldn"t uate someone solely by the number of his/her theses. The quality is more important. On the other hand, we should strengthen morality education, helping more people know more clearly that honesty is a Chinese traditional virtue. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of academic plagiarism.
2023-07-16 20:49:151


危险派对歌曲抄袭的是《Blatant Plagiarism》,该曲采样自《Last Summer Whisper》。
2023-07-16 20:49:222

解释incremental plagiarism的具体含义(增量剽窃)

incremental plagiarism英文的直译是“增量”“剽窃”,但具体到不同性质文本中则有“胆大妄为地剽窃”及“大规模大范围侵犯”(知识产权等)的行业涵义!再就是这可能是影视作品名!--寂寞大山人
2023-07-16 20:49:291


Copy sb. "s homework拓展plagiarizev.剽窃;抄袭copy v.复制;复印;模仿;仿造;临摹;抄写;誊写;效法;仿效;作弊lift v.举起;(被)提起;抬高;吊起;移开;移动;空运;解除,撤销,停止(限制);高兴起来;消散;偷盗;剽窃;挖出,刨出,拔起(蔬菜或植物);提高borrow v.借;借用;借入(款项);(向…)借贷;引用,借用(思想、言语等)例句:那个作家被抄袭的建议激怒了  The author bristled at the suggestion of plagiarism. 模仿并不意味着抄袭。  Imitating does not mean copying.  他因考试时抄袭而被罚。  He was punished for copying during the examination.
2023-07-16 20:49:481


plagiarism detection 剽窃检测 = 查重重复率我觉得可以说 similarity rate
2023-07-16 20:50:092

cultural plagiarism 和cultural appropriation的区别

cultural plagiarism 和cultural appropriation的区别 ,用法上不同 cultural appropriation 文化拨款尊重文化差异By Grant Loveless Learning to understand a culture that is different than your own is so important in becoming a mindful citizen and leader. Developi。
2023-07-16 20:50:291


2023-07-16 20:50:371


Academic Plagiarism 学术抄袭Academic Plagiarism can be also called cheating. It is an action of using other author"s imitation and present them other as your own one. Academic plagiarism are considered as academic dishonesty. People who did it may include students, professors, or researchers. People who did academic plagiarism cannot improve their academic. Currently, because of most people own a computer, academic plagiarism has developed rapidly on internet, where information appear as electronic text. So people did their work easily by copy and paste from webpage or books.People who did academic plagiarism will get punished. In some school, the weakest punish for student who did academic plagiarism is send a warning to their parents, and the strongest punish is kicked out of school.I suggest people not to do academic plagiarism because it"s illegal, it is very helpful for people to use their own imitation.
2023-07-16 20:50:461


CFA一级《职业伦理道德》科目考试中,对不当陈述这一知识点进行考查时,主要考查资质和抄袭的内容。深空网对相关知识点进行了相关整理,赶快来看!不当陈述的知识要点1.Social Media:通过不同媒体渠道发布的信息都应当是一致的;2.Investment Practice:真实表述自己及公司的服务资质,A company is prohibited from saying“we can provide all services you need”(service list is a better choice);在使用外部经理的意见时,需要披露,不能直接使用;3.Performance Reporting:合适的benchmark;no cherry-picking;no guarantee;4.Omission:不能故意遗漏重要内容(no cherry-picking;opinion不等于fact);5.Plagiarism:引用的时候一定要规范标明引用,否则视为抄袭;Exception:Information from recognized financial and statistical reporting services may not be cited(e.g.GDP,unemployment rate,stock price);6.Work Completed for Employer:使用同事(含离职同事在职期间的)研究成果不算违反;离职后,成果归公司,原公司仍可使用,离职人员不可再使用。知识点考察方式1.考查对资质的描述,判断是否为错误陈述;2.多考查抄袭的知识点,注意例外情况。更多有关CFA一级、二级、三级知识点,可点击下方图片↓,立即领取资料包,你想要的资料,这里都有,赶快戳↓
2023-07-16 20:50:531


2023-07-16 20:50:591


违反保密规定的表现形式包括: 在评审程序之外与他人分享所审稿件内容。 擅自公布未发表稿件内容或研究成果。审稿人干扰评审程序的表现形式包括:1.剽窃(plagiarism):采用不当手段,窃取他人的观点、数据、图像、研究方法、文字表述等并以自己名义发表的行为。2 伪造(fabrication):编造或虚构数据、事实的行为。3 篡改(falsification):故意修改数据和事实使其失去真实性的行为。4 不当署名(inappropriate authorship):与对论文实际贡献不符的署名或作者排序行为。5一稿多投(duplicate submission;multiple submissions):将同一篇论文或只有微小差别的多篇论文投给两个及以上期刊,或者在约定期限内再转投其他期刊的行为。6 重复发表(overlapping publications):在未说明的情况下重复发表自己(或自己作为作者之一)已经发表文献中内容的行为。
2023-07-16 20:51:181


Copy homework
2023-07-16 20:51:377

anti-plagiarism software的意思

anti-plagiarism software防剽窃软件We review each and every page of your order with state of the art anti-plagiarismsoftware. 我们会利用最先进的反剽窃软件来审查作业的每一页。
2023-07-16 20:52:031

"the penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation ."最后三个单词啥意思呀.

situation是处境 情况这句话说 剽窃的惩罚视情况而改变
2023-07-16 20:52:232


2023-07-16 20:52:321


这些错误大体上可以分为三类:一类是限于客观条件而发生的错误。这类错误难以避免,也难以觉察,随着科学的进步才被揭示出来的,犯错误的科研人员没有责任,不该受到谴责。一类是由于马虎、疏忽而发生的失误。这类错误本来可以避免,是不应该发生的,但是犯错者并无恶意,是无心造成的,属于“诚实的失误”。犯错者应该为其失误受到批评、承担责任,但是是属于工作态度问题,并没有违背学术道德。还有一类是学术不端行为。这类错误本来也可以避免,但是肇事者有意让它发生了,存在主观恶意,违背了学术道德,应该受到舆论谴责和行政处罚,乃至被追究法律责任。 学术不端行为是指违反学术规范、学术道德的行为,国际上一般用来指捏造数据(fabrication)、窜改数据(falsification)和剽窃(plagiarism)三种行为。但是一稿多投、侵占学术成果、伪造学术履历等行为也可包括进去。学术不端行为在世界各国、各个历史时期都曾经发生过,但是像中国当前这样如此泛滥,严重到被称为学术腐败的地步,却是罕见的。这不仅表现在违反者众多、发生频繁,各个科研机构都时有发现,而且表现在涉及了从院士、教授、副教授、讲师到研究生、本科生的各个层面。由于中国高校缺乏学术规范、学术道德方面的教育,学生在学习、研究过程中发生不端行为,经常是由于对学术规范、学术道德缺乏了解,认识不足造成的。因此,对学生——特别是研究生——进行学术规范、学术道德教育,防患于未然,是遏制学术腐败、保证中国学术研究能够健康发展的一个重要措施。 不同研究领域的学术规范、学术道德有共同的特点,但是在某些细节上也存在差异。本文主要针对的是理工科领域,特别是生物医学领域的学术规范和学术道德问题。 数据的处理 研究结果应该建立在确凿的实验、试验、观察或调查数据的基础上,因此论文中的数据必须是真实可靠的,不能有丝毫的虚假。研究人员应该忠实地记录和保存原始数据,不能捏造和窜改。虽然在论文中由于篇幅限制、写作格式等原因,而无法全面展示原始数据,但是一旦有其他研究人员对论文中的数据提出疑问,或希望做进一步了解,论文作者应该能够向质疑者、询问者提供原始数据。因此,在论文发表之后,有关的实验记录、原始数据仍然必须继续保留一段时间,一般至少要保存5年,而如果论文结果受到了质疑,就应该无限期地保存原始数据以便接受审核。 如果研究人员没有做过某个实验、试验、观察或调查,却谎称做过,无中生有地编造数据,这就构成了最严重的学术不端行为之一——捏造数据。如果确实做过某个实验、试验、观察或调查,也获得了一些数据,但是对数据进行了窜改或故意误报,这虽然不像捏造数据那么严重,但是同样是一种不可接受的不端行为。常见的窜改数据行为包括:去掉不利的数据,只保留有利的数据;添加有利的数据;夸大实验重复次数(例如只做过一次实验,却声称是3次重复实验的结果);夸大实验动物或试验患者的数量;对照片记录进行修饰。 近年来人们已习惯用图像软件对图像数据进行处理绘制论文插图,因此又出现了窜改数据的新形式。例如,由于原图的阳性结果不清晰,就用图像软件添加结果。
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2023-07-16 20:53:264


不是,你可以x 选我们来改正
2023-07-16 20:54:523