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Ray Conniff & His Orchestra & Chorus的《Scarlet》 歌词

歌曲名:Scarlet歌手:Ray Conniff & His Orchestra & Chorus专辑:The Essential Ray ConniffLynch. - SCARLET作词:叶月作曲:叶月わずかな隙间が许したあなたの歌声确かな体温に触れて 涙が零れおちた绯く染まりはじめたこの空は今にも闇に変わっていくけど例えばあなたの世界がこの胸に咲いて儚さ 揺らめいたすべて终わらせられりゃいいのにそれでも星はひとつひとつと辉いて孤独を知らせるよMy scarlet tears and my scarlet emotionsI wish it was all just a mistakeMy scarlet tears and my scarlet intentionsI had it all but now it"s all gone爱とはそれだけの犠牲闻こえるならねぇ どうか もう怖がらないでI"ll say this now So just hear me outAll alone for so long Lost all remorseBut now I"m full of this emptinessBecause of you My world is gone鲜やかに 黒く染まりはじめたこの空は今にも仆を饮み込むだろう胸を引き裂いて瞬く星はひとつひとつと辉いて孤独を知らせるよMy scarlet tears and my scarlet emotionsI wish it was all just a mistakeMy scarlet tears and my scarlet intentionsI had it all but now it"s all goneMy scarlet tears and my scarlet emotionsI wish it was all just a mistakeMy scarlet tears and my scarlet intentionsI had it all but now it"s all goneまたひとつ咲く花揺らめく星よ 影におわり

Verse Chorus Verse 歌词

歌曲名:Verse Chorus Verse歌手:Nirvana专辑:NevermindAnd if you save yourselfYou will make him happyHe"ll keep you in a jarAnd you"ll think you"re happyHe"ll give you breathing holesAnd you"ll think you"re happyHe"ll cover you with grassAnd you"ll think you"re happyNowYou"re in a laundry roomYou"re in a laundry roomConclusion came to youAhhAnd if you cut yourselfYou will think you"re happyHe"ll keep you in a jarAnd you"ll make him happyHe"ll give you breathing holesAnd you"ll think you"re happyHe"ll cover you with grassAnd you"ll think you"re happyNowYou"re in a laundry roomYou"re in a laundry roomConclusion came to youAhhYou"re in a laundry roomYou"re in a laundry roomConclusion came to youAhhAnd if you fool yourselfYou will make him happyHe"ll keep you in a jarThen you"ll think you"re happyHe"ll give you breathing holesThen you will seem happyYou"ll wallow in your shitThen you"ll think you"re happyNowYou"re in a laundry roomYou"re in a laundry roomYou"re in a laundry roomConclusion came to youAhh

pre- chorus和chorus区别在哪里?

【pre-chorus和chorus有什么区别】1. pre-chorus的翻译是“副歌前奏”,指的是在主歌和副歌之间的部分。pre-chorus通常用来过渡主歌和副歌之间的节奏、旋律或情感变化。2. chorus的翻译是“副歌”,指的是一首歌曲中重复出现的部分,通常具有相同的旋律和歌词。副歌通常是歌曲中最重要、最容易记住的部分,也是歌曲中表达主题和情感的重要方式之一。语法详解:- pre-chorus(副歌前奏)是由两个单词组成的词组,其中"pre-"是一个前缀,表示“在...之前”,而"chorus"是名词,表示“副歌”。- chorus(副歌)是一个名词,用作歌曲结构中的一个独立部分,并且可以与其他部分(如verse、bridge等)相互对比。英文的具体用法举例:1. 以下是一首歌曲的歌词示例,展示了pre-chorus和chorus的区别: Verse 1: Every time you go away (pre-chorus) You take a piece of me with you And every time you say goodbye (pre-chorus) I feel a little more alone Chorus: But I will survive (chorus) Even without you by my side I"ll find the strength to carry on "Cause I"m stronger than before 这首歌的pre-chorus部分用来过渡每个verse和chorus之间的情感变化或旋律上的变化。而chorus则是歌曲中重复出现的部分,表达了歌曲的主题和情感。2. 另一首歌的例子展示了如何使用pre-chorus和chorus来构建歌曲结构: Verse 1: I"ve been searching for something Something that"s real and true But every time I get close I end up feeling blue Pre-Chorus: And I can"t help but wonder If love is just a lie "Cause every time I try Chorus: Love slips through my fingers (chorus) Like sand in the wind I"m left here wondering Will true love ever find me? 这首歌中的pre-chorus用来引入主歌的情感和主题,而chorus则是表达主题和情感的部分,重复出现以增加歌曲的吸引力和易记性。

Chord Mojo 一秒变音乐播放机, Chord 推出 Mojo 专用模组 Poly

英国 Chord 在平价机种以 FPGA 撰写机能取代传统 DAC 晶片,获得不少发烧友的好评,而旗下最小型且内建电池的 Mojo ,也是不少玩家透过 OTG 模式连接手机播放音乐的热门机种; Chord 针对随身音乐播放的需求,推出 Mojo 专用的套件模组 Poly ,装上去后, Mojo 就可化身高音质播放机,不用再连接到其它装置。 Poly 价格落在 499 美金。 Poly 模组内建有 microSD 卡插槽以及无线模组,能播放记忆卡内的音乐或是透过无线网路 DLNA 播放网路硬碟、 NAS 内的音乐档案,亦可支援苹果的 AirPlay 或是透过蓝牙方式接收音乐串流播放;支援的格式达 PCM ˇ刹、 DSD 22.4MHz 。由于 Poly 模组上面没有控制按键,仍须透过手机利用 MPD 方式进行远端控制才能播放音乐。 新闻与图片来源: AV.Watch

Nanodet:手机端的 97FPS 的 Anchor-free 的目标检测模型

参考资料: YOLO之外的另一选择,手机端97FPS的Anchor-Free目标检测模型NanoDet现已开源~ 1、什么是 Nanodet Nanodet 是一个速度超快和轻量级的移动端 Anchor-free 目标检测模型,是基于 FCOS 模型进行轻量化改进而来的2、Nanodet 跟其他模型的性能对比华为 P30 上用 NCNN 移植跑 benchmark,一张图片仅需 10.23 毫秒,比 YoloV4-Tiny 快 3 倍,参数量小 6 倍,COCO mAP(05:0.95) 能够达到 20.6。而且模型权重文件仅有 1.8m 由此可见,Nanodet 能够在有较低参数量和较小的模型权重文件情况下,能够拥有跟 YoloV4-Tiny 一样的 mAP3、Nanodet 的网络结构图backbone 是 ShuffNetV2 1.0x,去掉最后一层的卷积层,并且抽取 8/16/32倍下采样率的特征输入到 PAN 中做多尺度的特征融合4、Nanodet 相对于 FCOS 的改进① 检测头 FCOS:共享检测头权重 Nanodet:不共享检测头,因为在移动端是使用 CPU 来进行计算的,共享检测头权重并不会对推理过程加速;共享检测头会使得其检测能力进一步下降 ② 归一化方式 FCOS:使用 Group Normalization Nanodet:使用 Batch Normalization 来取代 Group Normalization,因为后者虽然比前者有很多优点,但却有一个缺点:Batch Normalization 可以在推理时将其参数融入到卷积核中,节省这一步计算可以节省时间 ③ 检测头大小 FCOS:检测头大小为 4 个 256 通道数的卷积核组为一个分支,因此边框回归和分类两个分支,则总共需要 8 个 256 通道数的卷积 Nanodet:将 4 个卷积核组减少为 2 个卷积核组。在通道数上将 256 维降低为 96 维。将边框回归和分类共享检测头,然后再切割成两份,分别去预测边框回归和分类。 ④ FPN 层 FCOS:没有该模块 Nanodet:基于 FPN 改进为 PAN,原版的 FPN 在对高层特征图使用线性插值后,再使用 3*3 卷积。但是 Nanodet 去掉了 FPN 中线性插值后再使用的 3*3 卷积,只保留从骨干网络特征提取后的 1*1 卷积来进行特征通道维度的对齐。同时 FPN 只是在多层特征融合端使用了自上而下的特征融合,而 PAN 则不仅使用了自上而下的特征融合,而且还使用了自底向上的特征融合,使用的方法也是线性插值。5、Nanodet 的算法步骤6、Nanodet 的损失函数7、Nanodet 的优点 ① 速度快 ② 模型参数权重文件小8、Nanodet 的缺点 ① mAP 不高

Anchoring screw是什么意思



锚定效应(anchoring effect),一般又叫沉锚效应,是说以一个位置为锚,其变动范围受这个锚的限制。所以这个锚的位置其实已经大约决定了最后的结果。指当事人过于依赖旧信息,对新信息反应不足,以致于确定一个特定的初始值进行估计和调整,并将其作为决策的依据。这种调整通常是不充分的,不同的初始点会产生不同的估计,这就易于偏离其初始价值。不同的决策者依据各自的“初始点”作出不同的“锚定”。锚定效应有一个广为人知的故事最为生动。 有两家粥店挨在一起,结果一家惨淡经营,一家生意红火。那家惨淡经营的店主怎么也想不明白,然后只好跑去侦察,终于被他找到了秘密,其实两家粥的味道,分量,服务都差不多,只是一家在问客人要什么样的粥时是“要不要鸡蛋”,另一家则是“要一个还是两个鸡蛋”。

请问如何更积极更快乐的工作-Shawn Achor Ted英语演讲视频(文)

「我们相信工作会带来幸福快乐,但是能不能反过来想呢?」其实,每个人幸福的程度可以由身处的外在环境来预测,可是事实是就算能够知道你所处的外在环境,也只能预测你10%的长期幸福程度,另外的90%不能以外在环境预测的部分,是取决于你的脑子如何看待这个环境。 Whatever it is, instead of deleting you, what I want to do is study you. Because maybe we can glean information -- not just how to move people up to the average, but how we can move the entire average up in our companies and schools worldwide.The reason this graph is important to me is, when I turn on the news, it seems like the majority of the information is not positive, in fact it"s negative. Most of it"s about murder, corruption, diseases, natural disasters. And very quickly, my brain starts to think that"s the accurate ratio of negative to positive in the world. What that"s doing is creating something called the medical school syndrome -- which, if you know people who"ve been to medical school, during the first year of medical training, as you read through a list of all the symptoms and diseases that could happen, suddenly you realize you have all of them.I have a brother in-law named Bobo -- which is a whole other story. Bobo married Amy the unicorn. Bobo called me on the phone from Yale Medical School, and Bobo said, "Shawn, I have leprosy." (Laughter) Which, even at Yale, is extraordinarily rare. But I had no idea how to console poor Bobo because he had just gotten over an entire week of menopause.(Laughter)See what we"re finding is it"s not necessarily the reality that shapes us, but the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality. And if we can change the lens, not only can we change your happiness, we can change every single educational and business outcome at the same time.When I applied to Harvard, I applied on a dare. I didn"t expect to get in, and my family had no money for college. When I got a military scholarship two weeks later, they allowed me to go. Suddenly, something that wasn"t even a possibility became a reality. When I went there, I assumed everyone else would see it as a privilege as well, that they"d be excited to be there. Even if you"re in a classroom full of people smarter than you, you"d be happy just to be in that classroom, which is what I felt. But what I found there is, while some people experience that, when I graduated after my four years and then spent the next eight years living in the dorms with the students -- Harvard asked me to; I wasn"t that guy. (Laughter) I was an officer of Harvard to counsel students through the difficult four years. And what I found in my research and my teaching is that these students, no matter how happy they were with their original success of getting into the school, two weeks later their brains were focused, not on the privilege of being there, nor on their philosophy or their physics. Their brain was focused on the competition, the workload, the hassles, the stresses, the complaints.When I first went in there, I walked into the freshmen dining hall, which is where my friends from Waco, Texas, which is where I grew up -- I know some of you have heard of it. When they"d come to visit me, they"d look around, they"d say, "This freshman dining hall looks like something out of Hogwart"s from the movie "Harry Potter," which it does. This is Hogwart"s from the movie "Harry Potter" and that"s Harvard. And when they see this, they say, "Shawn, why do you waste your time studying happiness at Harvard?"Embedded within that question is the key to understanding the science of happiness. Because what that question assumes is that our external world is predictive of our happiness levels, when in reality, if I know everything about your external world, I can only predict 10 percent of your long-term happiness. 90 percent of your long-term happiness is predicted not by the external world, but by the way your brain processes the world. And if we change it, if we change our formula for happiness and success, what we can do is change the way that we can then affect reality. What we found is that only 25 percent of job successes are predicted by I.Q. 75 percent of job successes are predicted by your optimism levels, your social support and your ability to see stress as a challenge instead of as a threat.I talked to a boarding school up in New England, probably the most prestigious boarding school, and they said, "We already know that. So every year, instead of just teaching our students, we also have a wellness week. And we"re so excited. Monday night we have the world"s leading expert coming in to speak about adolescent depression. Tuesday night it"s school violence and bullying. Wednesday night is eating disorders. Thursday night is elicit drug use. And Friday night we"re trying to decide between risky sex or happiness." (Laughter) I said, "That"s most people"s Friday nights." (Laughter) (Applause) Which I"m glad you liked, but they did not like that at all. Silence on the phone. And into the silence, I said, "I"d be happy to speak at your school, but just so you know, that"s not a wellness week, that"s a sickness week. What you"ve done is you"ve outlined all the negative things that can happen, but not talked about the positive."The absence of disease is not health. Here"s how we get to health: We need to reverse the formula for happiness and success. In the last three years, I"ve traveled to 45 different countries, working with schools and companies in the midst of an economic downturn. And what I found is that most companies and schools follow a formula for success, which is this: If I work harder, I"ll be more successful. And if I"m more successful, then I"ll be happier. That undergirds most of our parenting styles, our managing styles, the way that we motivate our behavior.And the problem is it"s scientifically broken and backwards for two reasons. First, every time your brain has a success, you just changed the goalpost of what success looked like. You got good grades, now you have to get better grades, you got into a good school and after you get into a better school, you got a good job, now you have to get a better job, you hit your sales target, we"re going to change your sales target. And if happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there. What we"ve done is we"ve pushed happiness over the cognitive horizon as a society. And that"s because we think we have to be successful, then we"ll be happier.But the real problem is our brains work in the opposite order. If you can raise somebody"s level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage, which is your brain at positive performs significantly better than it does at negative, neutral or stressed. Your intelligence rises, your creativity rises, your energy levels rise. In fact, what we"ve found is that every single business outcome improves. Your brain at positive is 31 percent more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed. You"re 37 percent better at sales. Doctors are 19 percent faster, more accurate at coming up with the correct diagnosis when positive instead of negative, neutral or stressed. Which means we can reverse the formula. If we can find a way of becoming positive in the present, then our brains work even more successfully as we"re able to work harder, faster and more intelligently.What we need to be able to do is to reverse this formula so we can start to see what our brains are actually capable of. Because dopamine, which floods into your system when you"re positive, has two functions. Not only does it make you happier, it turns on all of the learning centers in your brain allowing you to adapt to the world in a different way.We"ve found that there are ways that you can train your brain to be able to become more positive. In just a two-minute span of time done for 21 days in a row, we can actually rewire your brain, allowing your brain to actually work more optimistically and more successfully. We"ve done these things in research now in every single company that I"ve worked with, getting them to write down three new things that they"re grateful for for 21 days in a row, three new things each day. And at the end of that, their brain starts to retain a pattern of scanning the world, not for the negative, but for the positive first.Journaling about one positive experience you"ve had over the past 24 hours allows your brain to relive it. Exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters. We find that meditation allows your brain to get over the cultural ADHD that we"ve been creating by trying to do multiple tasks at once and allows our brains to focus on the task at hand. And finally, random acts of kindness are conscious acts of kindness. We get people, when they open up their inbox, to write one positive email praising or thanking somebody in their social support network.And by doing these activities and by training your brain just like we train our bodies, what we"ve found is we can reverse the formula for happiness and success, and in doing so, not only create ripples of positivity, but create a real revolution.Thank you very much.(Applause)4. Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work5. Arianna Huffington: How to Succeed?

介绍一下吉他上的major chords和minor chords


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《The Anchor Book》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry》(Tony Barnstone 编)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: irby书名:The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry作者:Tony Barnstone 编出版社:Anchor出版年份:2005-2-8页数:512内容简介:Unmatched in scope and literary quality, The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry spans three thousand years, bringing together more than six hundred poems by more than one hundred thirty poets, in translations–many new and exclusive to the book–by an array of distinguished translators.作者简介:Tony Barnstone is the Albert Upton Professor of English at Whittier College and has a Masters in English and Creative Writing and Ph.D. in English Literature from UC Berkeley. His books of poems include Tongue of War: From Pearl Harbor to Nagasaki (BKMK Press, 2009, winner of the John Ciardi Prize in Poetry), The Golem of Los Angeles (Red Hen Press, 2008, winner, Benjamin Saltman Award); Sad Jazz: Sonnets (Sheep Meadow Press, 2005); and Impure: Poems by Tony Barnstone (University Press of Florida, 1998), in addition to the chapbook Naked Magic (Main Street Rag). He is also a distinguished translator of Chinese poetry and literary prose and an editor of literary textbooks. His books in these areas include Chinese Erotic Poetry (Everyman, 2007); The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry (Anchor, 2005); Out of the Howling Storm: The New Chinese Poetry (Wesleyan, 1993); Laughing Lost in the Mountains: Poems of Wang Wei (UP of New England, 1991); The Art of Writing: Teachings of the Chinese Masters (Shambhala, 1996); and the textbooks Literatures of Asia Africa and Latin America, Literatures of Asia, and Literatures of the Middle East (all from Prentice Hall Publishers). Among his awards are a fellowship from the NEA, a fellowship from the California Arts Council, a Pushcart Prize in Poetry, and 1st place in in the 2008 Strokestown International Poetry Prize.


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为什么UPS寄东西到美国的第一站都是安克雷奇(Anchorage, AK, United States)


我想问一下有谁知道印尼南加里曼丹岛马晨市的这个港口Taboneo Anchorage的中文名称吗?谢谢大家!


sof中waited for berthing at anchorage什么意思

waited for berthing at anchorage停泊在锚地等待

at berth / at anchorage 什么意思?区别?

没有具体语境只能直接翻译at berth :在码头。(一个实际的地点)at anchorage :在锚地。(在哪下锚在哪,可以不在码头的任何地方)

anchorage ak是哪里

安克雷奇(Anchorage, KY),是美国肯塔基州的一座城市。 Anchorage is a city in eastern Jefferson County, Kentucky, UnitedStates. KY = Kentucky =肯塔基州 安克雷奇(Anchorage, UT),是美国犹他州的一座小城市,犹他州的首府为盐湖城。

anchorage ak是哪里

安克雷奇(Anchorage, KY),是美国肯塔基州的一座城市。 Anchorage is a city in eastern Jefferson County, Kentucky, UnitedStates. KY = Kentucky =肯塔基州 安克雷奇(Anchorage, UT),是美国犹他州的一座小城市,犹他州的首府为盐湖城。


anchorage是安克雷奇,是美国阿拉斯加州最大的城市,位于阿拉斯加中南部。安克雷奇是美国最北方的主要城市。安克雷奇得过四次全美城市奖,分别为1956、1965、1984、1985和2002年。 anchorage是安克雷奇,是美国阿拉斯加州最大的城市,位于阿拉斯加中南部。安克雷奇是美国最北方的主要城市。安克雷奇得过四次全美城市奖,分别为1956、1965、1984、1985和2002年。


anchorage是安克雷奇,是美国阿拉斯加州最大的城市,位于阿拉斯加中南部。安克雷奇是美国最北方的主要城市。安克雷奇得过四次全美城市奖,分别为1956、1965、1984、1985和2002年。地理安克雷奇坐落在一个三角形的半岛的边缘,也位于楚加奇山(Czugach Mountains)的东边,库克湾的西北方,另一个小湾-坦纳根海湾(Turnagain Arm)的西南边。安克雷奇位于太平洋的北岸。虽然安克雷奇缺乏海滩,但是有广阔、变化莫测的潮泥滩。与安克雷奇相邻的分别是:马塔努斯卡-苏西特纳自治市镇(北边)、基奈半岛自治市镇(南边)与瓦尔迪兹-科尔多瓦人口普查区(东边)。根据美国人口普查局(US Census Bureau)的资料,安克雷奇自治市的总面积是5,079平方公里,陆地上面积是4,395.8平方公里,水域面积是683.4平方公里,水域面积占总面积的13.46%,安克雷奇的面积比罗德岛州还大。

什么叫做cord anchorage







Kodiak 科迪亚克熊 Dutch Harbor 荷兰港口 在网上看的 你自己确定一下

anchorage, ak离纽约多远


Muara Satui Anchorage是什么?

Muara Satui 是印尼的一个港口,Anchorage 是锚地的意思这个单词意思是Muara Satui 这个港口的锚地。锚地一般给船舶使用的


美国阿拉斯加安克雷奇Anchorage安克雷奇AK英[ei, u0259kei]美[ei, u0259kei]释义美国阿拉斯加邮递区号阿拉斯加州(Alaska State)百科:1、是一个位于美国西北太平洋沿岸的州,第49个加入美利坚合众国的州,其也是美国最大的州、世界最大的飞地地区,该州的邮政缩写是AK。“阿拉斯加”一名最可能源于阿留申语的“Alyeska”,意思是“很大的陆地”。2、阿拉斯加州东接加拿大的育空、英属哥伦比亚,南邻阿拉斯加湾、太平洋,西频白令海、白令海峡、楚科奇海,北临北冰洋。





household chores是什么意思

household chores n. 家务活 [例句]He says the children have become keener on household chores.他说孩子们现在在家务中更积极了。



anchor companies什么意思?


请问大家anchor对象 和link对象的区别,貌似我看了都是html里的链接对象哇,有啥区别,嘿嘿~




anchor chart什么意思

anchor chart锚图chart[英][tu0283ɑ:t][美][tu0283ɑ:rt]n.图表; 航海图; 排行榜; vt.绘制地图; 记录; 记述; 跟踪(进展或发展); 第三人称单数:charts过去分词:charted复数:charts现在进行时:charting过去式:charted例句:1.What makes a popular chart? 什么算是受欢迎的图表呢? 控件的Anchor属性如何写?

.Anchor =AnchorStyles.Bottom or AnchorStyles.Left or AnchorStyles.Right or AnchorStyles.Top

C#中,使用 Anchor 和 Dock 排列控件有什么区别


我找了很多翻译都不确切 原文出自Anchor-Mindy Gledhill的歌词 一句是you anchor me back down



商标,制作工艺。 查看原帖>>

Anchor – Mindy Gledhill 歌词的中文什么意思

When all the world is spinning round 当整个世界都在旋转Like a red balloon way up in the clouds 像一只红色气球,漂浮在云端And my feet will not stay on the ground我的双脚离开地面 You anchor me back down 是你把我牢牢拴在这里I am nearly world renowned 我将要享誉世界 As a restless soul who always skips town 灵魂却焦躁不安 But I look for you to come around但我寻找你来到我身边 And anchor me back down 当我迷失方向,是你让我找回了自己There are those who think that I"m strange有人认为我很怪异 They would box me up and tell me to change他们锁住我并告诉我去改变自己But you hold me close and softly say但你抱紧我温柔地说 That you wouldn"t have me any other way 你爱本色的我

Misery Signals的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Misery Signals专辑:Mirrors能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me

Cave In的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Cave In专辑:Antenna能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me

Eddie Kirkland的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Eddie Kirkland专辑:Kings & Queens能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me

Alejandro Escovedo的《Anchor》 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor歌手:Alejandro Escovedo专辑:Street Songs Of Love能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me

Anchor (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Anchor (Acoustic)歌手:Satellites & Sirens专辑:Anchor - Ep能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI stand with a blank expression nowand I can"t believe myselfwill someone tell me howdid I get hereI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchorit seems that I lost track of timeand I can"t believe my mindwould you save me ifI reached out to youI"m waiting, watching, standingI am reachingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahI am walkingchanging slowlyI am chasingclimbing closerI know that I"ll never be aloneyou will never let me goyou are my anchorhold my handwhile I"m sinking in the sandno one else could understandyou are my anchor yeahanchor yeahanchor yeahcan you hear mehear mecan you hear me






就是指的是选项的意思,比如非常同意 比较同意 不同意就是anchor


有anchorKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 锚;锚状物2. 赖以支撑的人(或物),靠山Her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison.她对他忠贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。3. 【美】(电台或电视台)新闻节目主播(anchorman, anchorwoman, anchorperson)An anchor coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports.新闻节目主播在新闻节目中综合整理若干记者的报导。4. 【俚】汽车煞车[P]


"Anchor"是一个英语单词,它有多种不同的含义和用法。下面将从不同的角度进行解释和举例说明anchor的含义:铁锚:在航海和船舶领域,anchor通常指的是铁锚,用于固定船只。例如:The ship dropped anchor in the harbor.(船只在港口扔锚。)The anchor was too heavy to lift by hand.(这个铁锚太重了,无法手动升起。)主持人:在电视、广播和新闻领域,anchor通常指主持人或新闻主播。例如:She"s been the anchor of the evening news for over a decade.(她已经担任晚间新闻的主播超过十年了。)The TV station is looking for a new morning show anchor.(这个电视台正在寻找一个新的早间节目主持人。)支撑物、基准线:在科学和工程领域,anchor通常指支撑物或基准线。例如:The bridge"s anchor points were reinforced to withstand high winds.(桥梁的支撑点被加固以承受大风。)The survey team used the mountain as an anchor point for their measurements.(测量团队以山峰为基准线进行测量。)



anchor 的三种面积和比例什么意思



喊“安可”~就是encore 返场的意思。






  ①二者的名词差别明显,dock为码头,moor为高沼、或摩尔人(大写)  ②二者动词比较:  dock在词典中的解释为  if a ship docks, or if the captain docks it, it sails into a dock so that it can  unload.  中文意为:靠岸;(使船)靠码头。  侧重于让船“靠近”。  moor在词典中的解释是  to fasten a ship or boat to the land or to the bottom of the sea using ropes or  an anchor.  中文意为:使停泊, 系泊。  侧重于用绳索或锚使船“停泊”。  ③一般而言,整个船入港或码头的过程,是先dock,再moor。


anchor是csgo什么位置基于faster-rcnn中anchor的理解写下了本文,根据原图使用不同的卷积层生成不同的feature map,feature的尺寸不一,在resnet的深层使用anchor generator生成不同尺度的anchor,例如原图的尺寸为320x320,feature map的尺寸为32x32,则在特征图上根据每个特征点生成大小、比例不一的anchor,例如每个特征点生成8个anchor,则在anchor集合中一共生成了32x32x8个anchor,将他们映射到原图中,可以将一个特征点当作10x10的像素点映射,选择像素点的中心为bounding box的中心点,根据预设好的尺度及大小,生成相应的bbx,个数反映在anchor的维度上,根据生成的box和gt的iou判定为positive和negative,筛选positive的topk和negative经过roi pooling进入后续精炼网络




anchor() 方法用于创建 HTML 锚。stringObject.anchor(anchorname)参数描述anchorname 必需。为锚定义名称。 实例在本例中,我们会为文本添加一个锚:<script type="text/javascript">var txt="Hello world!"document.write(txt.anchor("myanchor"))</script>上面的代码将输出为纯粹的 HTML:<a name="myanchor">Hello world!</a>
















anchor的意思:给以安全感的人(或物);精神支柱;顶梁柱;抛锚;下锚;使固定;扣牢;系牢;使扎根;使基于anchor造句:1、The Fed knows there is a risk that inflation will spiral out of control and is trying toanchor inflation expectations through talk.美联储知道,存在着发生那种难以控制的物价一工资螺旋式通胀上升的风险,也正努力通过与市场和公众对话来锚定通胀预期。2、He let go of his anchor, clung with his hands to the edges of the hole, and tried topush himself in.他松开了他的锚,用他的手紧紧抓住洞边,并试图把他自己推进去。3、Today"s system has no tie to gold or any other anchor, and contains a variety ofexchange-rate regimes and capital controls.当下的货币体系包括了五花八门的汇率体制和资本管制,与黄金无关,与其他什么也无关。4、Called a bow roller because a block at the front end of the fitting rolls as theanchor line comes in or goes out.由于锚缆放出或收回时,该装置的前端有滑轮随之滚动,因此被称为“bowroller”



卫星通信中“anchor station”如何翻译?0分

固定的通讯站anchor有 固定、系住的意思


女主播或女主播(女主播是其女性形式)是选择“独自生活在祈祷中,不断地、无分心地敬拜上帝”的人. 虽然其他基督教禁欲主义者也有女主播的目标,例如生活在沙漠中的隐士,但有某些特征将前者与后者分开. 一般来说,锚定者是指被“围成一个小牢房的人,这个牢房依附或“锚定”在教堂或演说家里. ”锚定者的传统在不列颠群岛特别普遍,锚定者牢房紧挨着前修道院的老本笃会修道院废墟,位于爱尔兰韦斯特梅斯郡劳琳北部. (Geography/CC BY-SA 2. 0),“anchorite”一词来源于希腊语“anachorites”,而希腊语“anachorites”又来源于动词“anachorite”,意思是“撤回”. 因此,安chorite本质上是一个为了更接近上帝而从这个世界撤退的人. 安chories以及其他基督教禁欲主义运动的灵感来源于施洗者圣约翰和耶稣基督本人的福音人物,他们都曾在沙漠中度过时光. 最早的基督教禁欲主义者在埃及和叙利亚的沙漠中找到了避难所,他们住在洞穴和坟墓中. 起初,苦行僧们只是被他们对上帝的强烈渴望所引导. 然而,很快,教会和诸如圣帕科米乌斯大帝(被认为是基督教圣诺比提修道会的创始人)和埃及圣安东尼(被认为是有组织的基督教修道会之父)等灵性大师都提供了指导. 基督教僧侣主义将从埃及和叙利亚沙漠向西传播到欧洲,并发展自己的传统. 安东尼大帝,基督教僧侣主义之父和早期安chorite. (Afanous/Public Domain),其中一个是安chorite传统,在中世纪盛行于英国. 英国最早的凤尾鱼传统可追溯到11世纪,两个世纪后达到顶峰. 在这一时期,大约有200种锚定植物被发现. 锚碇传统的一个重要特征是锚碇的牢房,也被称为锚碇,通常与教堂相连或建在教堂附近. 在14世纪,人们开始使用坚固的石头结构,尽管在此之前,大部分的主播都是靠在木制结构上的,由保罗·乌切洛(Paolo Uccello)、凯丹广场(Galleria dell"Accademia)和佛罗伦萨(Firenze)制作. (公共领域),男性和女性都被允许成为主播,前者大多是牧师. 研究还发现,在整个中世纪,女性凤尾鱼的数量超过了男性凤尾鱼. 其中一个可能的原因是,由于这一时期对妇女的许多偏见,更多的妇女从事这一职业. 另一方面,有人认为,对妇女开放的宗教职业范围小于对男子开放的宗教职业范围,因此将她们引向安chorite传统,即Teodor Axentowicz的“安chorite”. ( Domain),在允许一个人成为锚定者之前,已经采取了几个步骤. 这些措施包括调查候选人的精神可靠性、经济安全、他/她的预期住所,以及颁发封闭许可证. 在成为主持人之前的最后一步就是所谓的圈地仪式. 这一仪式的最早记录来自12世纪的一本教皇(一本礼仪书),书中详细描述了一位女主播在世界上生活的最后的礼仪时刻. 因为这样的仪式象征着一个女主播世俗生活的结束,所以它充满了死亡的修辞. 从某种意义上说,这个圈地相当于以色列基德隆山谷中的一个隐居室. (vadiml/Adobe),虽然一个主持人已经放弃了这个世界,但这并不意味着他/她不与其他人交流. 友谊,特别是与志同道合的人的友谊是允许的,甚至是鼓励的理由是认为完全脱离人与人之间的对话而生活的信念可能会伤害灵魂. 因此,虽然凤尾鱼被关在牢房里,但他们有窗户,通常是一扇可以看到教堂的窗户,教堂可以看到祭坛,另一扇可以看到教堂外面的窗户,这样他/她可以和来访者交谈,凤尾鱼的牢房在斯基普顿. (以马努埃尔·吉尔/公共领域),在英国,主持人的传统一直延续到16世纪. 亨利八世下令解散修道院,有效地结束了安chorite传统. 尽管如此,凤尾鱼所使用的细胞仍然存在,并一直是考古学家研究的课题. 上图:提拜德,保罗·乌切洛,凯丹广场,佛罗伦萨. 公共领域,吴明仁,我是一名大学学生,获得考古学学士学位. 我的兴趣从对考古/文本/图片数据集的“传统”到“激进”解释. 我相信,来自两个极端的倡导者的智力投入将有助于.阅读Mor.

mooring winch,anchor winch,windlass有什么区别

mooring winch:系泊绞车,安装在船舶上或岸上用于泊船装载或卸载的绞车。anchor winch:起锚机,安装船舶上的一种大甲板机械,用来收、放锚和锚链。起锚机通常和绞车(windlass)配合使用。windlass :绞车,应用于建筑、水利工程、林业、矿山、码头等的物料升降或平拖,还可作现代化电控自动作业线的配套设备。

Pretty 3 Chords 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty 3 Chords歌手:Joyside专辑:Drunk Is BeautifulPretty 3 chordsjoysidenow open your eyes see this modern world what can you doi"m awake with my anger with my hungerthis cold city with cold hearts driving me madsomething"s always ugly and i will always sicki can"t wait if i"m gonna losehow can i run there"s no place to gonow stop your crying it"s time to shoutpretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!i could smile but never be as happy as i used towhen you still stand there i will turn around i want morei can"t wait if i"m gonna losehow can i run there"s no place to gonow stop your crying it"s time to shoutpretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!you are the only one and my last joy i"ve promisedi could never dream again just sing aloud that"s all i can doi can"t wait if i"m gonna losehow can i run there"s no place to gonow stop your crying it"s time to shoutpretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!with hatred in my heart i will be born again

Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska.是什么意思




after she weughed anchor,the ship sailed out of the harbour.



没有这个单词,您要找的是不是:chary adj. 谨慎的;仔细的;吝啬的;怕羞的chary 英[u02c8tu0283eu0259ri] 美[u02c8tu0283eri] adj. 谨慎的; 小心的; 节省的; 舍不得的; [例句]I am rather chary of making too many idiotic mistakes.我小心翼翼避免犯太多的愚蠢错误。

Pokko山,OWada Anchorage港口,Ljinkan北野异人馆,谁能给出中文???

第一个地名的拼写应为Rokkō,中文译名为六甲山Owada Anchorage是指大轮田泊Kitano Ljinkan是指北野异人馆

求What I Did For Love (From A Chorus Line)- Martine McCutcheon歌词

没中文歌手名:martine mccutcheon歌曲名:what i did for loveWhat I Did For Love- Martine McCutcheonKiss today goodbye,-The sweetness and the sorrow.Wish me luck, the same to you,But I can"t regretWhat I did for love, what I did for love.Look my eyes are dry.The gift was ours to borrow.It"s as if we always knew,And I won"t forget what I did for love,What I did for love.Gone,Love is never gone.As we travel on,Love"s what we"ll remember.Kiss today goodbye,And point me t"ward tomorrow.We did what we had to do.Won"t forget, can"t regretWhat I did for love.What I did for love.What I did forLoveLove is never goneAs we travel onLove"s what we"ll rememberKiss today goodbyeAnd point me t"ward tomorrowWe did what we had to do.Won"t forget, can"t regretWhat I did for love.What I did for love.What I did for love.


I am you (Kim Taylor)
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