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2023-05-19 16:57:49

chance 英 [tʃɑ:ns] 美 [tʃæns]

n. 机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气 v. 偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现 adj. 意外的;偶然的;碰巧的

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机会; 机遇; 次机会; 机会的 复数:chances 过去式:chanced 过去分词:chanced 现在分词:chancing 第三人称单数:chances


1. They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married.



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chance意思是:n.机会;(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性;机遇;时机;风险;冒险;偶然。v.冒险;拿…去冒风险;偶然发生;碰巧。adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的。第三人称单数:chances。复数:chances。现在分词:chancing。过去式:chanced。例句:1、You will each be given the chance to state your case. 你们每人都有机会陈述理由。2、Come off it! We don"t have a chance. 别胡扯了!我们没机会。3、It was a chance meeting that would change my life. 那次偶然的会面改变了我的一生。第三人称单数:chances第三人称复数:chances现在分词:chancing过去分词:chanced过去式:chanced 基本解释 名词 机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气 动词 偶然发生; 冒险; 碰巧; 偶然被发现 形容词 偶然的; 意外的; ...
2023-01-03 14:06:141


机会的英文确实是chance,但是这个单词“chance”还有其他的意思,这里呢,带大家来了解一下---n.    (尤指希望发生的事的)可能性; 机会; 机遇; 时机; 风险; 冒险; 偶然,碰巧,意外; (抽彩售货或抽彩给奖中的)彩票,奖券;    v.    冒险,拿…去冒风险; 偶然发生,碰巧; 对…的后果听其自然;    adj.    意外的; 偶然的; 碰巧的;    [例句]The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success.这次手术成功的可能性是50%。[其他]    第三人称单数:chances 复数:chances 现在分词:chancing 过去式:chanced 过去分词:chanced    
2023-01-03 14:06:261


chance意思有:机会、碰巧等。n.机会,际遇;运气,侥幸;可能性。vt.偶然发生;冒……的险。vi.碰巧;偶然被发现。adj.意外的,偶然的,碰巧的。n.(Chance)人名;(英)钱斯。过去式chanced。过去分词chanced。现在分词chancing。第三人称单数chances。复数chances。双语例句:1.A chance party made me meet this beautiful girl.一次偶然的聚会让我认识了这个美丽的女孩。2.I chanced to meet my old friends in the street today.今天我碰巧在街上遇见了我的老朋友。3.He can"t chance the risk with his career.他不能用自己的前程去冒这个险。4.The government gave every prisoner a chance to turn over a new leaf.政府给每一个犯人改过自新的机会。5.If you give me a chance to speak,I"ll explain.要是你给我个说话的机会我会解释的。6.Mother"s Day is a chance for you to honor the sacrifices your mother made when raising you.母亲节是向抚养你长大母亲表示感恩的好机会。7.Whatever you do,don"t sign anything until you"ve had a chance to read it over properly.无论如何,别急着签名,先把内容好好完整读一遍再说。8.You don"t stand a chance against him.You"ll lose for sure.你不可能和他抗衡。你肯定会输的。9.They only have a slim chance of winning because they"re not very good.他们获胜的机会渺茫,因为他们的水平不够。10.If I stand a chance of passing the exam,then I want to try.如果我有希望通过考试,那我想试试。
2023-01-03 14:06:421


  chance的中文意思   英 [tʃɑ:ns] 美 [tʃæns]   第三人称单数:chances第三人称复数:chances现在分词:chancing过去分词:chanced过去式:chanced   基本解释   名词 机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气   动词 偶然发生; 冒险; 碰巧; 偶然被发现   形容词 偶然的; 意外的; 碰巧的   相关词组   1. by any chance : 万一;   2. chance one"s arm : 冒险一试;   3. give sb. the chance : 给(某人)以机会;   4. chance it : 碰碰运气看;   5. take one"s chance : 碰运气;   6. by chance : 偶然;   7. as it may chance : 要看当时情况;   8. on the chance of : 期望;   chance的词典解释   1. 可能(性);机会   If there is a chance of something happening, it is possible that it will happen.   e.g. Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?...   你认为他们有可能击败澳大利亚吗?   e.g. This partnership has a good chance of success...   这个组合获胜的希望很大。   2. 机会;机遇   If you have a chance to do something, you have the opportunity to do it.   e.g. The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote...   选举委员会宣布,所有有资格者都将获得投票的机会。   e.g. Most refugee doctors never get the chance to practice medicine in British hospitals...   多数去避难的医生永远没有机会在英国医院行医。   3. 偶然的;意外的;凑巧的.   A chance meeting or event is one that is not planned or expected.   e.g. ...a chance meeting.   偶遇   4. 碰巧(做);偶然发现   If you chance to do something or chance on something, you do it or find it although you had not planned or tried to.   e.g. A man I chanced to meet proved to be a most unusual character...   我邂逅了一个人,后来发现他是个极为与众不同的家伙。   e.g. It was just then that I chanced to look round.   就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。   5. 冒…的险   If you chance something, you do it even though there is a risk that you may not succeed or that something bad may happen.   e.g. Andy knew the risks. I cannot believe he would have chanced it...   安迪知道有风险,我不敢相信他竟然甘冒其险。   e.g. He decided no assassin would chance a shot from amongst that crowd.   他认定,没有刺客会冒险混在人群里开枪。   chance的情景对话   求职面试   B:How do you handle your failure?   你怎样对待自己的失败?   A:None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.   我们大家生来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。   投标   B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.   我们希望能有机会投标这笔生意。   A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .   我们将在下个月接受报价。   B:Will you let us have the specifications ?   规格说明书可以给我们吗。   A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .   没问题,什么时候到我办公室来拿都可以。   A leap in the dark-(冒险举动)   A:Are you sure you can make profits out of the investment?   你确信这次投资一定能获利吗?   B:I am not sure. It"s only a leap in the dark.   我也没有把握。这只是一次冒险。   A:And it"s the only chance for you to lead your company out of difficulties, isn"t it?   而且这也是你带领公司走出困境的唯一机会,是吗?   B:Yeah. So I have to have a try.   是的。所以我必须一试。
2023-01-03 14:07:401


1.偶然;运气,命运;偶然事件;意外事件 (opp. necessity)。2.机会,良机;幸运,侥幸;机缘。3.〔常 pl. 〕概率,机率,或然率,可能性,或然性,把握,希望;形势。4.〔美国〕危险,冒险;赌博;彩票。5.〔美俚〕大学校长。6.〔美俚〕时间;大量,许多。a game of chance 碰运气的游戏;没有把握的行动;碰运气的(偶然的)事情。 If chance will have me king. 万一我做国王。 I will give you a chance. 我姑且给你一个改过的机会〔下次不再宽恕了〕。 The chances are against it. 形势不利。 I stood there a pretty considerable chance. 〔美国〕我在那儿站了很久。 a smart [powerful] chance of apples 〔美国〕许许多多苹果。 a dog"s chance 极微小的一点儿机会。 a fat chance 机会“多得很”〔反语〕。 an off chance 万一的希望,很小的可能。 by any chance 万一,碰巧。 by chance 偶然,意外地( by the merest chance完完全全是偶然的,极意外地)。 by some chance 不知道为什么。 even chance 胜败各半,成败相等。 fighting chance 虽有可能性但很难得到的机会。 have no chance whatever 谈不上;没有任何希望。 leave things to chance 听天由命,听其自然。 lose no chance for 不放松,抓紧。 on the chance of 指望,期待 (I came on the chance of finding you. 我来是想碰到你)。 on the off chance 适值千载难逢的机会,侥幸。 run a chance of failure 〔美国〕有失败的危险。 stand a good [fair] chance of 有相当把握,大有希望。 stand no chance against 对…不操胜算[无把握]。 stand one"s chance 听天由命。 take a (long) chance = take (long) chance 冒险一试。 take one"s [the] chance 好歹试试看。 the main chance 最有利的机会,绝好机会;赚钱机会( have an eye to the main chance 追求个人利益,唯利是图,竭力钻营)。偶然的,意外的。 a chance meeting 邂逅。 a chance child 私生儿。偶然发生,料不到会,偶然得到。 I chanced to meet him. 偶然碰到了他。 He chanced to be present. 他碰巧在场〔此义现在一般用 happen〕。冒…的险;〔口语〕〔常作chance it〕试试看,碰碰看;〔美俚〕抓住(机会)。 I will chance it. 好歹试试看,碰碰运气看。 and chance it 〔俚语〕无论怎样,好歹。 as it may chance 按当时形势。 chance on [upon] 偶然发现,碰巧看见。 chance one"s arm 〔口语〕冒险一试;抓牢机会。 chance the consequence 成败由天。
2023-01-03 14:07:466


2023-01-03 14:08:094


chance     [英] [tʃɑːns]     [美] [tʃæns]n.可能性; 偶然; 巧合; 机会; 机缘; 天意adj.偶然的; 碰巧的v.偶然; 碰巧; 冒险做; 碰巧发现; 偶然看见过去分词:chanced现在分词:chancing过去式:chanced第三人称单数:chances复数:chances双语例句:His first chance in over fifteen years to regain respect in the business.他在该行业超过15年后重获尊重的首次机会。We gave them all the chance to have a share in the profits.我们向他们提供了所有分享利润的机会。
2023-01-03 14:08:231


chance 英 [tʃɑ:ns] 美 [tʃæns] n.机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气; v.偶然发生; 冒险; 碰巧; 偶然被发现 adj.意外的; 偶然的; 碰巧的; 变形 复数: chances 过去式: chanced 过去分词: chanced 现在分词: chancing 第三人称单数: chances希望对你有帮助
2023-01-03 14:08:321


chance英[tʃɑ:ns]美[tʃæns]n. 机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气v. 偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现adj. 意外的;偶然的;碰巧的[例句]What chance do you have?你还有什么机会呢?
2023-01-03 14:08:382

chances 怎么读?

2023-01-03 14:08:503


chance[英][tʃɑ:ns] [美][tʃæns] 生词本简明释义n.机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气v.偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的复数:chances第三人称单数:chances过去式:chanced过去分词:chanced现在分词:chancing易混淆的单词:ChanceCHANCE以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-VAR可能(性);机会If there is a chance of something happening, it is possible that it will happen. Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?... 你认为他们有可能击败澳大利亚吗?This partnership has a good chance of success...
2023-01-03 14:09:021


chance的英语读法是[tʃɑːns]。chance是可能性、机会、风险或者意外的意思。chance的复数形式是chances,第三人称单数形式是chances,过去式形式是chanced,过去分词形式是chanced,现在分词形式是chancing。可造句如下:1、They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married.他们在大学偶遇,最后结了婚。2、If cancers are spotted early there"sa high chance of survival.如果癌症在早期发现的话,存活的几率会很高。3、He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland.他没有机会更深入地了解波兰。4、He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。
2023-01-03 14:09:081

chances are (that)用法

chances are (that)的用法是什么? chance is that表示“有可能……”如: (1)The chance is (that)she"s already heard the news.可能她已听到那则讯息了。 (2)Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器可能明天到。 (3)Such things aren"t within the pass of my power.这些事不在我力可能及的范围之内。 (4)We are on the scent of an important discovery.我们掌握了一条可能导致重要发现的线索。 chance 1、音标:英 [tʃɑːns] 、美 [tʃæns]     2、解释: n. 可能性;机会;偶然性 v. 偶然发生;碰巧;冒 ... (的险) 3、双语例句: (1)That would be a daunting task with little chance of suess. 那样做的话任务过于艰钜,且成功的可能性微乎其微。 (2)Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight"s performance? 有可能得到今晚演出的票吗? (3)Please give me a chance to explain. 请给我个机会让我解释一下。 (4)I never miss a chance of playing football. 我从不错过踢足球的机会。 (5)We may lose a lot of support, but that"s a chance we"ll have to take. 我们或许会失去很多支援,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。 take chances 与take risks的用法区别? take chances 冒一冒险,碰碰运气,利用一下机会 take risks 冒险做可能失败的事 You can"t get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。 there aren"t so many chances for spreading the care of elderly relatives.这句话中for是什么用法呢? 首先,翻译:没有那么多机会照顾年长的亲戚。 其次,句型:There be a chancechances for doing sth. 意为 :有一个(多个)机会去做某事 显然,for 在这句话里是一个介词,用于名词之后,引出更多资讯或指出相关行为。 Boy have more chances than we do 。 不用has?Boy has more chances than we do boy这里是代表一类人 是复数含义 所以用have take chances还是seize chances take chance比较常用,比如take chance to do sth. seize的话一般说seize the chance或者seize a chance比较顺 chances are that与chances are good that一样吗 应该是不一样的。高中英语中常用前面一个。翻译成“很可能是.....” if用法 be going to的用法 if 有两个词义 1. 是否 用于名词性从句 比如I want to know if you can go with me. 2. 如果 用于条件状语从句 If you have any time, you can help me with my English be going to 表示将要 后面加动词原形 I am going to buy a book near from 用法和near用法 near from不算是一个固定搭配,只是在句子中常常同时出现,和far from一个道理 比如:it"s very near from my home to school. 1. near 可以直接接名词 比如: Don"t let it e near me! 2. 也可以是 near to something 比如:He crouched as near to the door as he could. to 后面也可能是某些状态,而不是具体事物 比如:He was near to madness. She was believed to have died in near poverty 也可以是时间 比如:He got home when it was near midnight. 3. 片语draw near,表示“即将来临” 比如:Christmas is drawing near every day. near的用法有很多,以上是常用的 contact用法大全 用法 名词 n. 1.接触,触碰[U][(+with)] 2.交往;联络,联络[U][(+with)] He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。 I finally made contact with her in Paris. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联络。 3.熟人,门路[C] He made contacts with wealthy people in raising money for the project. 为该项工程筹款他与许多有钱人拉关系。 I have a useful contact in New York. 我在纽约有个有用的人可以联络。 4.【电】接点,触点;接触器[C] The switches close the contacts and plete the circuit. 这些开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。 5.【医】刚接触传染病而有带菌嫌疑者 6.隐形眼镜 形容词 a. 1.接触的 2.接触传染的 The little boy was kept home from going school because of his contact skin rash. 那个小男孩不上学待在家,因为他患有接触传染的面板病。 及物动词 vt. 1.与...接触;与...联络 I will contact him by telephone. 我将打电话和他联络。 不及物动词 vi.
2023-01-03 14:09:201


chancen. 机会,际遇;运气,侥幸;可能性vt. 偶然发生;冒……的险vi. 碰巧;偶然被发现
2023-01-03 14:09:267

chances are 是什么意思

chances are机会是Chances Are[电影]回到阴阳界; 祝你生活愉快,学习进步!答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-01-03 14:09:512


一、意思不同。1、opportunity:机会,时机。2、chance:(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性,时机,风险,冒险。二、用法不同。1、opportunity:作名词。例句:Such opportunities should not be missed。这样的机会不应该失去。2、chance:可作名词,可作动词,也可作副词。例句:The chances that the miners will survive are small。矿工们生还的可能性不大。三、侧重点不同。1、opportunity:是对机遇的一种比较正式的说法,一般比较正式的场合才会使用,而且这种一般情况下是人为造成的机遇。2、chance:是比较随意的感觉,而且一般情况下是在位置的情况发生,有可能没有人为因素造成这样的结果。
2023-01-03 14:10:003

chances are (that)的用法是什么?

chance is that表示“有可能……”如:(1)The chance is (that)she"s already heard the news.可能她已听到那则消息了。 (2)Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器可能明天到。(3)Such things aren"t within the compass of my power.这些事不在我力可能及的范围之内。(4)We are on the scent of an important discovery.我们掌握了一条可能导致重要发现的线索。chance1、音标:英 [tʃɑːns] 、美 [tʃæns]    2、解释:n. 可能性;机会;偶然性v. 偶然发生;碰巧;冒 ... (的险)3、双语例句:(1)That would be a daunting task with little chance of success.那样做的话任务过于艰巨,且成功的可能性微乎其微。(2)Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight"s performance?有可能得到今晚演出的票吗?(3)Please give me a chance to explain.请给我个机会让我解释一下。(4)I never miss a chance of playing football.我从不错过踢足球的机会。(5)We may lose a lot of support, but that"s a chance we"ll have to take.我们或许会失去很多支持,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。
2023-01-03 14:10:274


2023-01-03 14:11:004


1. The piano he newly bought takes up 2/3 space of the study.2. Whether middle school students should wear school uniforms is a topic everyone takes interest in.3. The research group is rewarded by the government because of finishing task before schedule.4. If the car sets out on time, we have chances to arrive at the camp before sunset.5. Someone thinks that it is quite natural for middle school students to study abroad.
2023-01-03 14:11:154


chance意思是:n.机会;(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性;机遇;时机;风险;冒险;偶然。v.冒险;拿…去冒风险;偶然发生;碰巧。adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的。第三人称单数:chances。复数:chances。现在分词:chancing。过去式:chanced。例句:1、You will each be given the chance to state your case. 你们每人都有机会陈述理由。2、Come off it! We don"t have a chance. 别胡扯了!我们没机会。3、It was a chance meeting that would change my life. 那次偶然的会面改变了我的一生。
2023-01-03 14:11:331


2023-01-03 14:11:453

chances are 是什么意思

意思是:可能是...句型:Chances are that...例句:Chances are that she"s already heard the news.可能她已经知道这消息了。Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars.人类有可能最终登陆火星。The chances are a hundred to one that he will win.他只有百分之一赢的可能性。The chances are ten to one that a storm will come.弱者常有可能战胜强者。十之八九,暴风雨会来。Chances are she"s already heard the news.可能她已经知道这消息了。The chances are ten to one that we will win.我们十之八九会赢。The chances are ten to one that you will win.你十之八九会赢。The chances are that he will elected the president.他有可能被选为总统。The chances are that the guest team will win.客队有可能会获胜。The chances are that you will win the prize.你可能会获奖。Chances are that our team will win the game.我们队可能会赢的。
2023-01-03 14:11:573

chance作“几率,概率”解 时,是chance还是chances呢?

1 It reduces the rate of casualty to half or over 2 The chances of seeing helicopters / The chances to see helicopters
2023-01-03 14:12:132

chance可数吗? 有复数形式吗?

是可数名词 n.机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气 v.偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现 adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的 复数:chances 第三人称单数:chances 过去式:chanced 过去分词:chanced 现在分词:chancing 易混淆的单词:CHANCE Chance
2023-01-03 14:12:231

chance 的用法

2023-01-03 14:12:293


[tʃɑ:nsiz, tʃænsiz]
2023-01-03 14:12:402


Chances are that you will not fall sick because of eating food picked up from the floor. Chances are (that) 从句(主+谓)= It is likely that...很可能…… Chances are that they are cheap.= It is likely that they are cheap.
2023-01-03 14:12:489

the chances are是什么意思

the chances are指的是:大概是,很可能是,例如:The chances are that if you pull apart one of the calculators you won"t get it back together again.你要是把一台计算器拆开的话,很可能就装不起来了。Among other things, for example, the chances are small that the schema will be stored under the same name on different computers.此外还有一些问题,例如,模式以相同的名称存储在不同计算机上的可能性很小。
2023-01-03 14:13:442

chance可数吗? 有复数形式吗?

是可数名词 n.机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气 v.偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现 adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的 复数:chances 第三人称单数:chances 过去式:chanced 过去分词:chanced 现在分词:chancing 易混淆的单词:CHANCE Chance
2023-01-03 14:13:521


2023-01-03 14:14:013


2023-01-03 14:14:137

second chances为什么chance要用复数? 那a second chance和the second chance呢

second chances是指另外的机会,不一定是只有第二个机会; a second chance是second chances的单数型式,也是指另一个机会,不是光指代第二次机会,因为英语里可数名词如果前面没有不定冠词a/an的话,后面所用的单数名词就需要用复数,比如:I like apples,A horse is a useful animal...或者Horses are useful animals. 但是the second chance就是指第二次机会了,序数词前加定冠词.
2023-01-03 14:14:391

Westlife的《Chances》 歌词

歌曲名:Chances歌手:Westlife专辑:GravityWestlife - ChancesTake all your chances while you canYou never know when they"ll pass you byLike a sum the mathematician cannot solveLike me trying my hardest to explainIt"s all about your cries and kissesThose first steps that I can"t calculateI need some more of you to take me overTake me overIf I had the chance to start againThen you would be the one I"d come and findLike a poster of Berlin on my wallMaybe there"s a chance our walls might fallIt"s all about your cries and kissesThose first steps that I can"t calculateI need some more of you to take me overIt"s all about your cries and kissesThose first steps that I can"t calculateI need some more of you to take me overI know because I can"t calculateHow to start againHow to start againHow to start againHow to start againIt"s all about you
2023-01-03 14:14:451

chance作“几率,概率”解 时,是chance还是chances呢??

作为机率的时候是有复数的it will half the chances of injury and fatality.The chances of seeing a helicopter.而且你经常会用,what are the chances,就是机率是多少啊
2023-01-03 14:14:511


表语从句,顾名思义,就是做表语的从句。所以说,只要是那个从句代替了一般表语的位置,就是表语从句。比如:You 主语are nice。系动词+表语你说的那句:( The)chances 主语are that... 系表结构
2023-01-03 14:14:562

求westlife chances的中文歌词!

Westlife - ChancesTake all your chances while you can尽你所能抓住机会You never know when they"ll pass you by你永远不会知道他们什么时候会从你身边溜过Like a sum the mathematician cannot solve像一笔不能解决的数学题Like me trying my hardest to explain像我用尽努力去解释It"s all about your cries and kisses那都是关于是你的声音、吻Those first steps that I can"t calculate那些我无法计算的第一步I need some more of you to take me over我需要你的更多来安慰我Take me over来安慰我If I had the chance to start again如果我有机会重新开始Then you would be the one I"d come and find那么你就会是我想来找到的那一个Like a poster of Berlin on my wall就像我墙上的一张柏林海报Maybe there"s a chance our walls might fall也许有一个我们的墙(隔阂)倒塌的机会It"s all about your cries and kisses那都是关于你的声音、吻Those first steps that I can"t calculate那些我无法计算的第一步I need some more of you to take me over我需要你的更多来安慰我It"s all about your cries and kisses那都是关于你的声音、吻Those first steps that I can"t calculate那些我无法计算的第一步I need some more of you to take me over我需要你的更多来安慰我I know I because I can"t calculate我知道我因为我不能估计How to start again如何重新开始How to start again如何重新开始How to start again如何重新开始It"s all about you那都是关于你的
2023-01-03 14:15:041


一、意思为:某事的可能性很大chances 机会,可能性good表示(可能性)很大,(机会)很好that 后接从句,作chances的同位语二、例如:Chances are good that you will discover there is little substance and lots of exaggeration.你会发现实际物质很少,更多的是夸张.However, chances are good that you will not soon go out jogging again.但是, 你极可能近期就不再出去跑了.Chances are good that the person you see yourself with will not reciprocate honestly.机会很好,但你感兴趣的那个人并不会真诚地对你.
2023-01-03 14:15:101

chance 词组

2023-01-03 14:15:161

Five For Fighting的《Chances》 歌词

歌曲名:Chances歌手:Five For Fighting专辑:SliceFive For Fighting - ChancesChances are when said and doneWho"ll be the lucky onesWho make it all the way?Though you say I could be your answerNothing lasts foreverNo matter how it feels todayChances are we"ll find a new equationChances roll away from meChances are all they hope to beDon"t get me wrong I"d never say neverCause though love can change the weatherNo act of God can pull me away from youI"m just a realistic manA bottle filled with shells and sandAfraid to love beyondwhat I can lose when it comes to youAnd though I see us through yeahChances are we"ll find two destinationsChances roll away from meStill chances are more than expectationsThe possibilitiesOver meEight to five, two to oneLay your money on the sununtil you crash what have you done?Is there a better bet than love?What you are is what you breatheYou gotta cry before you singChances chancesChances lost are hopes torn up pagesMaybe this timeChances are we"ll be the combinationChances come and carry meChances are waiting to be takenAnd I can seeChances are the fascinationChances won"t escape from meChances are only what we make themAnd all I need
2023-01-03 14:15:211


chances的读法如下:chances的英式发音为[ˈtʃɑːnsɪz];美式发音为[ˈtʃænsɪz]。中文释义:1、当词性为名词时,意为机会;运气;可能性;侥幸;偶然;(chance的复数)。2、当词性为动词时,意为偶然发生;碰巧;冒……的险(chance的第三人称单数)。词组短语:1、chances are有可能。2、Taking Chances爱的契机;冒险一试。3、Don"t let chances pass by不失时机。4、take chances冒险;投机;冒险试一试;碰运气。5、the chances are十有八九;大概是。双语例句:1、I rated my chances as zero.我觉得我根本没有机会。2、I am sceptical about his chances of winning.我怀疑他取胜的可能性。3、We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.我们必须实事求是地估计我们获胜的可能性。4、I think I"ve just sunk my chances of getting the job.我想,我是葬送了得到那份工作的机会。5、That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.正是这个错误断送了他得到那份工作的机会。6、I was still very doubtful about the chances for success.我仍然不能肯定成功的可能性有多大。7、He"s hoping to get the job but I don"t fancy his chances.他希望得到那份工作,不过我认为他的机会不大。8、He"s been very unlucky that no chances have fallen to him.他很不走运,没有任何机会落到他身上。9、Failure now could fatally damage his chances in the future.现在的失败能严重地毁掉他将来的机会。10、You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning.你可以通过合理的计划增加盈利的机会。
2023-01-03 14:15:311

chances 是什么意思

2023-01-03 14:16:142


机会的英文是chance。一、发音英:[tʃɑːns];美:[tʃæns]二、中文翻译n.(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性;机会;机遇;时机;风险;冒险;偶然,碰巧,意外v.冒险,拿......去冒风险;偶然发生,碰巧;对......的后果听其自然adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的三、形式第三人称单数:chances复数:chances现在分词:chancing过去式:chanced过去分词:chanced四、短语搭配chance of success 成功的可能性fair chance 较大的可能性get a chance 获得机会五、双语例句Please give me a chance.请给我一次机会吧。I met him by chance at school.我碰巧在学校遇见了他。
2023-01-03 14:16:221


2023-01-03 14:16:273


机会 机遇
2023-01-03 14:16:383

chances啥意思 l chances什么意思

chances are (that):可能Chances are she"s already heard the news.可能她已经知道这消息了。但写为 Chances are good that 指的是“做某某事的机会是好的”
2023-01-03 14:16:571


chance的意思是:机会。短语搭配:1、by chance偶然,碰巧;take chance to do抓住机会去做;catch the chance抓住机会;providea chance for为…提供机会;takea chanceto抓住机会;havea chance有机会。2、a good chance很有可能,一个好机会;offera chance提供机会;take chances抓住机会;把握机会;冒险碰运气;no chance不可能;byany chance或许,可能;abig chance好机会;take your chances碰运气;as chance would haveit凑巧,碰巧。3、chance your arm冒险一试,碰碰运气;stand the chance有机会;chance would beafinething成功固然好,只惜良机少;苦于没有机会;takea chance冒险;standa chance有(成功或生存的)希望;sporting chance获胜的合理机会。
2023-01-03 14:17:021


一、possibility的用法possibility后不能接动词不定式,可接“of sth/ v -ing”结构或that同位语从句。二、possibility的相关信息    1、读音:英[ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti]    美[ˌpɑ:səˈbɪləti]    2、释义n.    可能,可能性;希望,可能发生的事物;   3、例句There is the possibility that hypothermia can go unrecognized.人们有可能察觉不到体温的过低。There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.这种合作很有可能会行不通。4、 复数:possibilities    扩展资料一、possibility的短语搭配bare possibility 缺乏可能性Loves possibility 爱的可能serious possibility 如重大可能性 ; 非常大的可能性 ; 很大的可能性oil possibility 含油可能性failure possibility 损坏可能性 ; 失效概率 ; 破坏概率 ; 失效可能性impossible possibility 不可能的可能性possibility set 可能集 ; 可能性集二、possibility的近义词:chance chance    英[tʃɑ:ns]    美[tʃæns]    n.    机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气;v.    偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现; adj.    偶然的;意外的; 碰巧的; Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?你认为他们有可能击败澳大利亚吗?第三人称单数:chances 复数:chances 现在分词:chancing过去式:chanced 过去分词:chanced
2023-01-03 14:17:141


chance[英][tʃɑ:ns][美][tʃæns]n.机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气; v.偶然发生; 冒险; 碰巧; 偶然被发现; adj.意外的; 偶然的; 碰巧的; 第三人称单数:chances过去分词:chanced复数:chances现在进行时:chancing过去式:chanced 1.Cotton has a good chance to win. 科顿获胜的机会很大。2.You got a one percent chance that is truly catastrophic. 这百分之一的可能性会带来巨大的灾难。
2023-01-03 14:17:231


可数啊,chances,表示机会。如You have many chances to participate this kind of game
2023-01-03 14:17:323


答: Chance可表示可能性、机会和风险等意思。单词chance当chance表示机会和机遇的意思时,那么它是可数名词举例子,I have a chance to a big company.我有一个去大公司的机会;当chance表示可能性风险等意思时,为不可数名词,举例子, Chance of winning.获胜的可能性。希望对你有帮助~
2023-01-03 14:17:4211