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2023-05-19 16:56:32


2、v.咏唱; 反复唱; 反复呼喊; 唱圣歌; 反复地吟咏祷文; 单调重复地唱;

3、n.圣歌; 反复呼喊的话语; 重复唱的歌词; 反复吟咏的祷文; 单调的吟唱;

4、[例句]Some types of yoga also involve meditation and chanting.一些瑜伽也会伴随着冥想和咏唱。

5、[其他]第三人称单数:chants 复数:chants 现在分词:chanting 过去式:chanted 过去分词:chanted。



chants的意思如下:1、词性为名词时,意为圣歌;合唱;儿歌。是chant的复数。2、词性为动词时,意为吟唱;颂扬。是chant的第三人称单数。短语:1、Les Chants de Maldoror马尔多罗之歌。2、Jazz Chants爵士乐;节奏韵文。3、Songs and Chants歌谣;歌曲儿歌。4、Dhol Chants巨噬蠕虫赞歌。5、wymondham chants怀蒙德汉圣歌。6、Chants d"Auvergne唱片名。7、recite Buddhist chants诵念佛经。8、Christmas Chants圣诞圣咏;英文名称。双语例句:1、The chants can be sung by using six-note patterns called hexachords.圣歌可以用称为六度音阶的六音符模式来唱。2、Philo Judaeus"s description of the Egyptian Therapeuts gives a general impression of how these chants were used.斐洛对埃及疗法的描述让我们对这些圣歌是如何被使用的有了一个大致的印象。3、Then there is the chants passengers.接着就是乘客的叫喊声。4、I enjoy listening to monastic chants.我喜欢听修道院的圣歌。5、Children love to sing songs and chants.孩子们喜欢唱的歌曲和口号。6、Did the chants from the stands annoy you?看台上的圣歌对你们有影响吗?7、The crowd of thousands repeated the chants back.数千群众高声重复这些口号。8、Prepare some short plays,songs,chants,games.准备一些短剧,韵句和游戏。9、The chants were going on inside the Capitol,too.而在国会大厦内部也是喊声一片。10、Amidst the drumbeats and jovial chants,time passed.时间在鼓声和愉快的圣歌声中流逝。
2023-01-03 13:46:101


n.反复而有节奏的短句;短小乐段;圣歌;颂歌;圣叹调;单调的歌曲;反复的吟唱v.反复说;反复喊;唱;吟咏相关例句:The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是"给大家工作"。扩展资料:一、单词变形:1、过去分词:chanted2、现在分词:chanting3、过去式:chanted4、第三人称单数:chants5、复数:chants二、词义辨析:chant, carol , descant, hymn, sing, troll, warble这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。其区别在于:1、sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。2、chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。3、carol专指用年轻、充满活力的声音愉快地歌唱。4、hymn指唱赞美诗。5、troll指用洪亮的声音歌唱,尤指人们在欢乐时或庆祝伟大事件时高声歌唱。6、descant指和声歌唱。7、warble特指用柔和的颤音歌唱。
2023-01-03 13:46:586


chants,是一个化妆品品牌--创美时的英文名字,也是它的商标。chants右上角有个tm(一般是大写TM)是trademark(商标)的缩写,意思是该商标已经申请,正在注册当中,已经被国家商标局受理。等注册通过后,TM会换成R(Registered ,意思是已经注册)。
2023-01-03 13:47:281


一、chant读音:英 [tʃɑːnt] 美 [tʃænt]二、chant 中文意思:1、bain. 圣歌;赞美诗2、vt. 唱;诵扬3、vi. 唱歌;反复地唱歌三、例句:There is a suggestion to make kids chant it at schools.现在正有关于让孩子在学校唱圣歌的提议。扩展资料:chant的第三人称单数:chants 复数:chants 现在分词:chanting过去式:chanted过去分词:chanted
2023-01-03 13:47:332

chant 这个单词怎么读

chant [t??ɑ:nt] 产特
2023-01-03 13:47:534


chant的意思是:赞美诗;旋律;喊叫一、读音:英 [tʃɑːnt]     美 [tʃænt]    二、意思是:n. 圣歌;赞美诗;旋律;喊叫v. 吟唱;诵扬;叫喊三、词汇搭配:Gregorian chant 〈宗〉格列高利圣咏... chant horses 骗卖四、例句:The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是"给大家工作"。扩展资料词汇辨析:chant, carol , descant, hymn, sing, troll, warble这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。其区别在于:1.sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。2.chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。The protesters chanted in the street below.在下面的街上,抗议者们有节奏地反复喊口
2023-01-03 13:48:096


读音:英 [tʃɑ:nt]  美 [tʃænt]chant解释:vt.吟颂,咏唱; 反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等);n.咏唱,咏唱的话语;变形:复数: chants 过去式: chanted 过去分词: chanted 现在分词: chanting第三人称单数: chants例句:1. He was greeted by the chant of "Judas! Judas!".  人们看见他就反复不停地喊:“犹大!犹大!”2. Her father had been a mer-chant seaman, absent for much of her child-hood.  她爸爸曾是商船船员,在她童年的大部分时光里都不在她身边。3. Worldly people chant the name of God, but there is no zeal behind it. 世人唱着神的圣名,却没有了热诚。4. Sohar passed the headland at Muscat to a chant.  在歌声中,“苏哈尔”号越过马斯喀特的陆岬。5. The chant of the crowd was " Work for all ".  群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是 " 给大家工作 "。
2023-01-03 13:48:372

c h a n t 是什么意思

chant圣歌双语对照词典结果:chant[英][tʃɑ:nt][美][tʃænt]vt.吟颂,咏唱; 反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等); n.咏唱,咏唱的话语; 第三人称单数:chants过去分词:chanted复数:chants现在进行时:chanting过去式:chanted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.After introductions, the women broke into a powerful chant. 双方相互介绍后,女工们开始高呼口号。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-03 13:48:543


chant [tʃænt; tʃɑ:nt]《源自拉丁文“唱歌”的意思》可数名词1 歌; 歌唱2 圣歌; 咏唱3 咏唱调; 单调的语调4 反覆被提起的意见 [词句,口号]及物动词1 唱 <歌、圣歌>2 (以咏唱成诗歌的方式) 赞美3 重覆 <赞词>; 单调 [反覆] 地说He ~ed his own praisesin a droning voice.他以单调的语调反覆地自夸不及物动词1 咏唱; 唱圣歌2 以单调的语调 [反覆地]说
2023-01-03 13:49:043


2023-01-03 13:49:158

chant是什么意思 chant的中文意思

1、chant含义: 2、n.反复呼喊的话语; 重复唱的歌词; 圣歌; 反复吟咏的祷文; 单调的吟唱; 3、v.反复唱; 反复呼喊; 唱圣歌; 反复地吟咏祷文; 单调重复地唱; 4、[例句]He was greeted by the chant of Judas! Judas!.人们看见他就反复不停地喊:“犹大!犹大!” 5、[其他] 第三人称单数:chants 复数:chants 现在分词:chanting 过去式:chanted 过去分词:chanted
2023-01-03 13:49:501


chant音标:英 [tʃɑːnt]  美 [tʃænt] 释义:n. 圣歌;赞美诗vt. 唱;诵扬vi. 唱歌;反复地唱歌n. (Chant)人名;(英)钱特用法:[ 复数 chants 第三人称单数 chants 现在分词 chanting 过去式 chanted 过去分词 chanted ]短语:Chant of Light 光明圣典Water Dragon Chant 水龙吟例句:He was greeted by the chant of "Judas! Judas!"他迎来的是不绝于耳的呼喊“叛徒!叛徒!”。扩展资料:同根词:chanter音标:英 [ˈtʃɑːntə(r)]  美 [ˈtʃæntər] 释义:n. 吟唱者;唱弥撒的神父;风笛的笛管;骗卖者n. (Chanter)人名;(法)尚特尔;(英)钱特用法:[ 复数 chanters ]短语:Chanter La Terre 歌颂大地Artful Chanter 狡猾的吟颂者Practice Chanter 练习笛例句:The voice of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer. 哀恸的领唱人的声音向哀伤的祷告者呼唤。
2023-01-03 13:49:562


chant的意思:1、n. 圣歌;赞美诗2、vt. 唱;诵扬3、vi. 唱歌;反复地唱歌chant 读法 英 [tʃɑːnt]  美 [tʃænt] 词汇搭配:gregorian chant 格列高利圣咏(教皇格列高利一世采用,常无伴奏)示例:Muslims chanted and prayed.穆斯林唱了圣歌并祈祷了。词义辨析:chant, carol , descant, hymn, sing, troll, warble这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。其区别在于:1、sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。2、chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。3、carol专指用年轻、充满活力的声音愉快地歌唱。4、hymn指唱赞美诗。5、troll指用洪亮的声音歌唱,尤指人们在欢乐时或庆祝伟大事件时高声歌唱。6、descant指和声歌唱。7、warble特指用柔和的颤音歌唱。
2023-01-03 13:50:222


2023-01-03 13:50:483

chant怎么读 chant如何读

1、chant英[tʃɑːnt]美[tʃænt]。 2、v.咏唱; 反复唱; 反复呼喊; 唱圣歌; 反复地吟咏祷文; 单调重复地唱; 3、n.圣歌; 反复呼喊的话语; 重复唱的歌词; 反复吟咏的祷文; 单调的吟唱; 4、[例句]Some types of yoga also involve meditation and chanting.一些瑜伽也会伴随着冥想和咏唱。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:chants 复数:chants 现在分词:chanting 过去式:chanted 过去分词:chanted。
2023-01-03 13:51:021


chant释义:  n. 圣歌;赞美诗;旋律;喊叫v. 吟唱;诵扬;叫喊读音:英 [tʃɑːnt] 美 [tʃænt]   单词变形:1、副词: chantingly  2、过去式: chanted  3、过去分词: chanted  4、现在分词: chanting 5、第三人称单数: chants双语例句:The angels chant the chorus all day long.天使们整天唱着圣歌扩展资料:近义词1、recite  读音:英 [rɪ"saɪt]  美 [rɪ"saɪt]    vt. 背诵;朗诵;叙述;列举vi. 背诵;回答问题I don"t like reciting in public.我不喜欢当众朗诵。2、sing  读音:英 [sɪŋ]  美 [sɪŋ]    v. 唱;鸣叫;歌颂;称赞;<俚>告密n. 合唱会abbr. 单数的(=singular)I"m sorry that I can"t tell jokes,I can"t sing either.很抱歉,我既不会讲笑话,也不会唱歌。
2023-01-03 13:51:081


chant的三单 chants过去式和过去式 都是直接加ed即 chanted
2023-01-03 13:51:183


sing是一般的唱歌chant是圣歌 赞美上帝的歌
2023-01-03 13:51:377


n. 歌; 咏唱, 吟诵; 曲子; 赞美诗, 圣歌v. 唱; 吟诵; 反复地唱; 歌颂; 唱歌; 吟诵; 反复地唱歌
2023-01-03 13:52:126

chant做名词是什么意思 比如make chants 准确来说是什么意思

名词 n. [C]1.歌;曲子2.咏唱,吟诵The chant of the crowd was "Work for all". 群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是"给大家工作"。 3.赞美诗,圣歌4.唱赞美诗的语调;单调的语调make chants 作曲
2023-01-03 13:52:372


2023-01-03 13:52:462


chant as bitches歌谣的婊子chant[英][tʃɑ:nt][美][tʃænt]vt.吟颂,咏唱; 反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等); n.咏唱,咏唱的话语; 第三人称单数:chants过去分词:chanted复数:chants现在进行时:chanting过去式:chanted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.So just chant the thing seven more times, then you never have to do it again. 所以,就请你再吟唱七天吧,之后永远不用再去碰它。
2023-01-03 13:53:031

then chant是什么意思

then chant的意思是然后吟唱。1、chant含义:2、n.反复呼喊的话语; 重复唱的歌词; 圣歌; 反复吟咏的祷文; 单调的吟唱;3、v.反复唱; 反复呼喊; 唱圣歌; 反复地吟咏祷文; 单调重复地唱;4、[例句]He was greeted by the chant of Judas! Judas!.人们看见他就反复不停地喊:“犹大!犹大!”5、[其他] 第三人称单数:chants 复数:chants 现在分词:chanting 过去式:chanted 过去分词:chanted近义词:recite。recite一、含义:vt. 背诵;朗诵;叙述;列举vi. 背诵;回答问题二、用法recite的基本意思是“背诵”,引申可作“详述,列举”解。在美式英语中,此词可用于指“背课文”“回答老师关于课文的提问”。recite可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。I like to recite his poetical works.我喜欢背诵他的诗。
2023-01-03 13:53:081

can you chant是什么意思

can you chant你能吟颂吗?chant[英][tʃɑ:nt][美][tʃænt]vt.吟颂,咏唱; 反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等); n.咏唱,咏唱的话语; 第三人称单数:chants过去分词:chanted复数:chants现在进行时:chanting过去式:chanted例句:1.After introductions, the women broke into a powerful chant. 双方相互介绍后,女工们开始高呼口号。2.So just chant the thing seven more times, then you never have to do it again. 所以,就请你再吟唱七天吧,之后永远不用再去碰它。
2023-01-03 13:53:292


Free downloadable English chants for children learning English这个网站上有超多chants的, 快去看一下吧~~ 还有影片喔~
2023-01-03 13:53:433

make up your new chants

2023-01-03 13:54:002

only time的中文意思是什么?

歌名:only time 作词:Roma Ryan作曲:Enya歌曲原唱:Enya[恩雅]Who can say where the road goes,谁能说出,道路伸向何方Where the day flows岁月流逝何处Only time...唯有时光And who can say if your love grows,又有谁能说出是否爱在成长As your heart chose如心之所愿Only time...唯有时光(chants)Who can say why your heart sighs,谁能说出,你的心何以叹息As your love flies当爱已飞走Only time...唯有时光And who can say why your heart cries,又有谁能说出,你的心为何哭泣When your love dies当你的爱死去Only time...唯有时光(chants)Who can say when the roads meet,谁能说出何时道路在此汇聚That love might be,这可能是爱In your heart.在你的心里And who can say when the day sleeps,又有谁能说出何时白昼将睡去If the night keeps all your hearts是否黑夜全部占据你的心Night keeps all your heart...夜晚全部占据你的心(extended chants)Who can say if your love grows,谁可以说是否你的爱已成长As your heart chose如心之所愿Only time...唯有时光And who can say where the road goes,谁又能说出路将延伸至何方Where the day flows时光流逝至何处Only time...唯有时光Who knows谁知道Only time...唯有时光Who knows谁知道Only time...唯有时光扩展资料:《only time》获2002年的流行单曲奖。很多美国人将这首寓意深刻的歌曲作为抚慰自己脆弱心灵的良方。也是《甜蜜十一月》的主题曲。十二年后由著名动作演员尚格·云顿为沃尔沃货车拍摄的精彩广告“伟大的劈腿”(The Epic Split)也采用此曲当背景音乐。创作背景:Enya于1999年遭遇了一场严重的车祸,在医院里昏迷了三天三夜。自小与Enya音乐观念不合并多年未见的姐姐Moya知道后连夜写下新曲为她祈福。与死亡擦肩而过的Enya醒来得知姐姐的心意,压抑多年的感情终于暴发了出来,写下了触及灵魂的旋律《Only Time》。
2023-01-03 13:54:131

法语法语je les méchants的意思

2023-01-03 13:54:282


vt.吟颂,咏唱;反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等)n.咏唱,咏唱的话语1、复数:chants第三人称单数:chants;过去式:chanted过去分词:chanted;现在进行时:chanting2、例句:用作名词 (n.)Surviving books which contain complete written repertories of the chant with music do not appear before the tenth century, and are well established in the eleventh.一些保存下来的古书中完整记载着十世纪音乐还没出现前的圣歌和在十一实际已经很好的配上音乐的圣歌。What we call Gregorian chant today first appears distinctly in the Roman repertory of the fifth and sixth centuries.我们现在说的格立高圣歌最早清楚的出现在5和6世纪的罗马剧目中。The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是"给大家工作"。用作动词 (v.):The angels chant the chorus all day long.天使们整天唱着圣歌。They decide to chant beethoven"s symphony no.9 on the mayor"s birthday.他们决定在市长生日那天咏唱贝多芬的第九交响曲。3、近义词:recite、sing4、词义辨析:chant, carol , descant, hymn, sing, troll, warble这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。其区别在于:sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。The protesters chanted in the street below.在下面的街上,抗议者们有节奏地反复喊口号。She led the group in chanting their slogans.她带领人群高呼口号。The crowd chanted slogans and waved banners.人群有节奏地呼喊口号并挥舞旗帜。carol专指用年轻、充满活力的声音愉快地歌唱。例如:We often go carolling at Christmas.我们在圣诞节常去唱圣歌。hymn指唱赞美诗。troll指用洪亮的声音歌唱,尤指人们在欢乐时或庆祝伟大事件时高声歌唱。descant指和声歌唱。warble特指用柔和的颤音歌唱。
2023-01-03 13:54:471


vt.吟颂,咏唱;反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等)n.咏唱,咏唱的话语1、复数:chants第三人称单数:chants;过去式:chanted过去分词:chanted;现在进行时:chanting2、例句:用作名词 (n.)Surviving books which contain complete written repertories of the chant with music do not appear before the tenth century, and are well established in the eleventh.一些保存下来的古书中完整记载着十世纪音乐还没出现前的圣歌和在十一实际已经很好的配上音乐的圣歌。What we call Gregorian chant today first appears distinctly in the Roman repertory of the fifth and sixth centuries.我们现在说的格立高圣歌最早清楚的出现在5和6世纪的罗马剧目中。The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".群众反复有节奏地呼喊的是"给大家工作"。用作动词 (v.):The angels chant the chorus all day long.天使们整天唱着圣歌。They decide to chant beethoven"s symphony no.9 on the mayor"s birthday.他们决定在市长生日那天咏唱贝多芬的第九交响曲。3、近义词:recite、sing4、词义辨析:chant, carol , descant, hymn, sing, troll, warble这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。其区别在于:sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。例如:The choir chanted in the background.唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗。The protesters chanted in the street below.在下面的街上,抗议者们有节奏地反复喊口号。She led the group in chanting their slogans.她带领人群高呼口号。The crowd chanted slogans and waved banners.人群有节奏地呼喊口号并挥舞旗帜。carol专指用年轻、充满活力的声音愉快地歌唱。例如:We often go carolling at Christmas.我们在圣诞节常去唱圣歌。hymn指唱赞美诗。troll指用洪亮的声音歌唱,尤指人们在欢乐时或庆祝伟大事件时高声歌唱。descant指和声歌唱。warble特指用柔和的颤音歌唱。
2023-01-03 13:54:531

lets chant是什么意思

2023-01-03 13:54:592


chant[英][tʃɑ:nt] [美][tʃænt] 生词本简明释义vt.吟颂,咏唱;反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等)n.咏唱,咏唱的话语复数:chants第三人称单数:chants过去式:chanted过去分词:chanted现在分词:chanting易混淆的单词:Chant以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT不断重复的话A chant is a word or group of words that is repeated over and over again. He was greeted by the chant of "Judas! Judas!".人们看见他就反复不停地喊:“犹大!犹大!”2.N-COUNT(反复吟诵的)圣歌,祷文A chant is a religio
2023-01-03 13:55:081


Words in songs,Chants and Rhymes歌曲,颂歌和押韵中的单词
2023-01-03 13:55:141

chanson de toile 的歌词

2023-01-03 13:55:191


Only TimeMusic: Eithne Ní Bhraonáin - Lyrics: Roma RyanWho can say where the road goes,谁可以预知路去向何方Where the day flows日子流向何处Only time...只有时间And who can say if your love grows,谁可以告诉我你的爱如何成长As your heart chose当你的心灵关闭Only time...只有时间(chants)Who can say why your heart sighs,谁可以告诉我心灵为什么叹息,As your love flies让你的爱飞翔 Only time...只有时间And who can say why your heart cries,谁可以告诉我你的心为何哭泣When your love dies当你的爱死亡Only time...只有时间(chants)Who can say when the roads meet,谁可以告诉我何时相遇That love might be,爱情也许存在In your heart.在你的心里And who can say when the day sleeps,谁可以知道何时白天沉睡If the night keeps all your heart当夜晚充满了你的心灵Night keeps all your heart...夜晚充满了你的心灵(extended chants)Who can say if your love grows,谁可以知道爱何时成长As your heart chose当你的心关闭Only time...只有时间And who can say where the road goes,谁可以知道路去向何方Where the day flows日子流向何处Only time...只有时间Who knows谁能知道Only time...只有时间club 8--love in decemberso this is love这就是爱情in the end of december在十二月末quiet nights安静的夜晚quiet stars安静的星辰and i"m here我在这里monday to sunday从周一到周日cause you"re fragile使你变得脆弱and i"m weak我也是无力的……so you fall所以你堕落了when the nights grow longer当夜晚变得越来越长into sleep睡着and won"t wake up不会醒来and i"m here我在这里outside here beside you外面是你站着and i"m weak我也是无力的……until rhe spring直到春天到来don"t you worry你不要担心i"ll be there for you我会在那儿等着你don"t worry about me不要为我担心you know me better than that你知道我很聪明don"t you worry不必担心i"ll be there for you我会在那儿等你i"ll catch you if you would fall当你堕落的时候我会抓住你(music)so you drift所以你漂走了when the days grow colder当天气变得越来越冷away from me远离我and won"t look back并且不再追忆far away远离and i can"t guide you我不能支配你but i"m here我在这儿til the spring直到春天don"t you worry你不要担心i"ll be there for you我会在这儿等你don"t worry about me不要为我担心you know me better than that你知道我很有头脑don"t you worry不要担心I"ll be there for you我会在这儿等你i"ll catch you if you would fall当你堕落的时候我会抓住你don"t you worry 不要为我担心I"ll be there for you我会在这儿等你don"t worry about me不要为我担心you know me better than that你知道我很懂事啊don"t you worry不要担心I "ll be there for you我会在这儿一直等你i"ll catch you if you would fall当你堕落的时候我会抓住你i"ll catch you if you would fall当你堕落的时候我会抓住你……
2023-01-03 13:55:251


l do not like saying chants,
2023-01-03 13:55:314

问两个香水牌子:1.上面写着CHANTS Perfume,是个粉色的蝴蝶状瓶子的香水2.上面有eau de Charms的字样...

CHANTS Perfum是创美时香水eau de Charms就不知道了 从你给的字面上看是魅力香水
2023-01-03 13:55:441


Words in songs and chants在歌曲的词
2023-01-03 13:55:503

l like saying chants改一般疑问句

Do you like saying chants ?..
2023-01-03 13:56:052

ne pas céder, les méchants vont rire.什么意思

2023-01-03 13:56:142

Danses是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

跳舞 danser 的单数第二人称格式
2023-01-03 13:56:222

急需英文Rap的英文简介 好的给高赏

Rap is a music genre.Its hated by many people that believe in the stereo type that only blacks make rap and its always about shooting cops, drugs, money and sex. Which leads to another stereo type that says all blacks like rap... 1.Not all blacks like rap. 2.Rap"s not only for Blacks. 3.Not all rap is about money drugs and sex... 4.Not all people who like rap are black People who don"t like rap, usually say "Rap is crap that has artists like 50 Cent." These are people who know nothing about rap, and judge it by what they see on TV. If you REALLY know what rap is then you"d know 50 Cent sucks balls and isn"t a good rapper at all.See the people who like rap, and actually understand rap know 50 Cent is not a good rapper.Rap is poetry, despite what any other person says. Rap is like poetry with attitude,poetry with a bit of gangsterism. Look at Mos Def. That is a real rapper. Somebody like 50 Cent or Cassidy has nothing on somebody like Mos Def. Most people say that rap degrades women. I don"t really think so, because people need to realize.. A bitch is a bitch. A hoe is a hoe. A whore is a whore. And a lady is a lady. Rap has something called a beat to it, something that sounds catchy and something you can dance to.For instance Tupac"s California Love is something you can dance to. And anybody that tries to say thats not a good song...well isnt there a rock song that goes "I"ve got 2 tickets to paradise, pack your bags we"ll leave tonight." Some people say rap is senseless and doesnt talk about anything. Wake up people thats what music is. The ability to say express yourself, and it just so happens rap expresses itself more than others.And anybody who doesn"t like rap, thats fine, but dont talk shit about it when you don"t even know about it.
2023-01-03 13:56:313

l like saying chants改为否定句

你好!l like saying chants改为否定句l don"t like saying chants
2023-01-03 13:56:423

求chanson de toile的中文音译

法语Chanson de toile----Emilie Simon这首歌叫chanson de toile 星星之歌法国女歌手EMILIE SIMON的歌歌词和翻译如下Je viendrai te prendre我将走来把你搂入(怀中)Je saurai te défendre我将你庇护Au-delà des frontières超越界限Je foulerai la terre行走于这大地上Je tisserai des chants我编织着歌声Au soir et au levant日夜不停Un point pour chaque étoile为夜空中星星穿针引线Chanson de toile织成帆布,承载着歌声Je tisserai des chants我编织着歌声Au soir et au levant日夜不停Un point pour chaque étoile为夜空中星星穿针引线Chanson de toile织成帆布,承载着歌声Nul ne part en guerre没有人在混战Pour revenir solitaire(没有人想)孤单的回来Je saurai t"attendre我知道要将你等待Chanson de toile(织成)帆布,承载着歌声Je tisserai des chants我编织着歌声Au soir et au levant日夜不停Un point pour chaque étoile为夜空中星星穿针引线Chanson de toile织成帆布,承载着歌声Je tisserai des chants我编织着歌声Au soir et au levant日夜不停Un point pour chaque étoile为夜空中星星穿针引线Chanson de toile织成帆布,承载着歌声Si loin de ton ciel距离你那片天如此遥远Si loin de mon appel与我的召唤相距(万里)Entends-tu mon coeur我心依旧Entends-tu ma ferveur忠诚为证Je tisserai des chants我编织着歌声Au soir et au levant日夜不停Un point pour chaque étoile为夜空中星星穿针引线Chanson de toile织成帆布,承载着歌声Je viendrai te prendre我将走来把你搂入(怀中)Je saurai te défendre我将你庇护Au-delà des frontières超越界限Je foulerai la terre行走于这大地上Je tisserai des chants我编织着歌声Au soir et au levant日夜不停Un point pour chaque étoile为夜空中星星穿针引线Chanson de toile织成帆布,承载着歌声
2023-01-03 13:56:531

Emilie Simon的Chanson de Toile中文歌词

法语Chanson de toile ----Emilie Simon 这首歌叫chanson de toile 星星之歌 法国女歌手EMILIE SIMON的歌 歌词和翻译如下 Je viendrai te prendre 我将走来把你搂入(怀中) Je saurai te défendre 我将你庇护 Au-delà des frontières 超越界限 Je foulerai la terre 行走于这大地上 Je tisserai des chants 我编织着歌声 Au soir et au levant 日夜不停 Un point pour chaque étoile 为夜空中星星穿针引线 Chanson de toile 织成帆布,承载着歌声 Je tisserai des chants 我编织着歌声 Au soir et au levant 日夜不停 Un point pour chaque étoile 为夜空中星星穿针引线 Chanson de toile 织成帆布,承载着歌声 Nul ne part en guerre 没有人在混战 Pour revenir solitaire (没有人想)孤单的回来 Je saurai t"attendre 我知道要将你等待 Chanson de toile (织成)帆布,承载着歌声 Je tisserai des chants 我编织着歌声 Au soir et au levant 日夜不停 Un point pour chaque étoile 为夜空中星星穿针引线 Chanson de toile 织成帆布,承载着歌声 Je tisserai des chants 我编织着歌声 Au soir et au levant 日夜不停 Un point pour chaque étoile 为夜空中星星穿针引线 Chanson de toile 织成帆布,承载着歌声 Si loin de ton ciel 距离你那片天如此遥远 Si loin de mon appel 与我的召唤相距(万里) Entends-tu mon coeur 我心依旧 Entends-tu ma ferveur 忠诚为证 Je tisserai des chants 我编织着歌声 Au soir et au levant 日夜不停 Un point pour chaque étoile 为夜空中星星穿针引线 Chanson de toile 织成帆布,承载着歌声 Je viendrai te prendre 我将走来把你搂入(怀中) Je saurai te défendre 我将你庇护 Au-delà des frontières 超越界限 Je foulerai la terre 行走于这大地上 Je tisserai des chants 我编织着歌声 Au soir et au levant 日夜不停 Un point pour chaque étoile 为夜空中星星穿针引线 Chanson de toile 织成帆布,承载着歌声
2023-01-03 13:56:591


   泼水节 来自于我国傣族传统节日,它还有另外一个名称叫宋干节。如今泼水节文化已经传播到海外,越来越多的外国人莫名而来,想要感受这个特殊节日气氛。那么这时候,向他们介绍泼水节文化就很重要了,所以我特意准备了一篇英文版介绍泼水节,大家一起看看。 Water-Splashing Festival Of The Dais The Dai is the biggest ethnic group in Yunnan Province,which is home to about half of China"s 55 minority nationalities.Legend goes that in ancient times,the ancestors of the Dai people tried to find a place to settle down.They walked along rivers,from on place to another.At least,they found an oasis on the Tropic of Cancer.Since then they have had close relation with water. That oasis today is known as Xishuang Banna,a beautiful place in the southern part of Yunnan Province.The area is subtropical,with plenty of rainfall.According to Chinese documents of the ninth century,the Dai had a fairly well developed agriculture.They used oxen and elephants to till the land,grew lots of rice and had an extensive irrigation system.But when referring to the Dai nationality,people think about water.The custom of water-splashing is an unforgettable experience to many tourists.An American tourist,who had no idea about the custom until he visited a Dai village,describes his experience this way: I was intrigued by the Dai people"s custom of splashing water on one another.When a lovely,young Dai girl approached me with a pail of water,at first she dunked a small branch of leaves in the water,then touched me gently with the wet leaves.But shortly afterward,the fun began.At least for her!She and other Dai ladies threw entire buckets of water on unsuspecting me and everyone else who happened to be enjoying this little ritual. The water-splashing reaches a climax in the Water-Splashing Festival,by which the Dai people ring out the old and bring in the new,as the festival marks the beginning of a new year in the Dai calendar. There are a lot of folk tales about the origin of the festival.Here is one.Long long ago,there lived a tyrant in the Dai village.He stopped at no evil.He burned,killed and looted wherever he went.No one could get rid of him,because he was very powerful.He was afraid of neither water nor fire.One day,he came across a beautiful Dai girl.He already had six wives and he wanted that girl as his seventh.So he married her.His wives,all kind-hearted women,utterly detested the barbarous acts of the tyrant and decided to kill him in order to protect the innocent people.However,they were too weak to challenge him.They had to wait.One day,the tyrant came back with lots of trophies.That night,he got drunk.The seventh wife,his favorite,thought it was the right time to act.Your Majesty, she said to the tyrant,You"re the strongest person in the world.So,you can live as long as you want. The tyrant was overjoyed.Being drunk,he was not as cautious as usual.My dear, he said,I have a fatal weakness.If my hair twists around my neck,I"ll die. His wife memorized those words.When the tyrant fell asleep,the women began to act.They twisted his hair around his neck,and the tyrant died.But as soon as his head feel onto the ground,a big fire began.The women had no choice but to hold his head with their hands,doing it in turns,one for a year.Each time one wife finished her turn and passed on the head,the others would splash water on her to wash away bloodstains.And splashing water on one another became a way to vanquish the devil and symbolically express the wish for better times ahead.Water splashing became a symbol of good luck,a way to wish good fortune to strangers,friends and family alike. The Water-Splashing Festival is in mid-April and lasts three to five days.During the festival,the door of every home is decorated with multicolored paper-cuts.All the villagers dress in their holiday best.Sheep and cows are slaughtered for feasting,plus delicious glutinous rice cakes,rice noodles,and rice wine.The occasion is marked by a variety of entertainment,including singing and dancing,fireworks-displaying,boat-racing and exhibiting air-borne lanterns.But the most popular event is still water-splashing.An American tourist tells what he sees there:The first day of the mid-April Water-Splashing Festival is devoted to a giant market.On the second day,there are dragon-boat races.And the third day is what I"ll call a water-splashing "free for all".It"s impossible to get too hot,because the Dai people will drench you with water all day long.Dancing and game-playing occupy the evenings during the festival.With the Dai people"s sincere wish for your good fortune,as they sprinkle you lightly,then soak you to the skin,to be sure,your days will be filled with the greatest possible prosperity and happiness. Water is the most precious thing to the Dai people. In the song Ode to Dripping Water,we discover that water for the Dai is the source of life and the embodiment of justice and truth.Dripping water,you soak into the fields,/ You turn the ground into a green ocean,/ To make the world cool and refreshing forever./ Dripping water,you"re the source of life,/ When you nurture the creatures on earth,/ Wash away all their worries and misfortunes,/ Cleanse them of their selfishness and greediness,/ And keep them safe and sound forever.Most Dai villages are on the plains,near rivers and streams,and among clusters of bamboo.No important ceremonies,such as those of wedding,funeral and birth,will take place without water.When a young couple get married,the old man who presides over the wedding ceremony will sprinkle water on them to wish a happy time and a good future. Most of the Dai people still prefer water burials.Before the ceremony,a respected old man will recite a funeral oration.Holding a gourd which is full of water,he chants:Pour out the holy water,Like tears rolling down our cheeks,As drop by drop,it falls on the sorrowful land.If you miss your descendants on earth,Please turn into a big bodhi tree,Standing by the roadside,Soothing everyone passing by,Serving as a straw hat on hot summer days,And as an umbrella in the rain.As the funeral oration indicates,religion is also an important element in Dai people"s life.They are generally followers of Buddhism.There are many Buddhist temples in the countryside.Boys at the age of seven or eight will go to the temples to learn to read,write and chant scriptures.Some Dai festivals are closely related to religious activities.The Door-Closing for example,marks the start of the three months of intensive religious activities beginning in the middle of the sixth month on the lunar calendar.As it is the hot season with a lot of rain,people do little farm work.They stay home to pray or go to temples to pay religious homage to Buddha.Marriage is forbidden during the Door-Closing period.So when the Door-Opening comes round,it means the return to normal life.Young men and women choose their lovers by tossing embroidered balls.Once they have picked their partners,they sing and dance together. 小结:用流利地英语想外国人介绍自己民族传统节日,是一件非常骄傲的事情,有利于把我国优秀传统文化弘扬到海外,所以在泼水节前期,大家赶快预习一下,做好准备。顺便告诉大家,泼水节可是相当于中国的春节。
2023-01-03 13:57:041

英文歌 小要求O(∩_∩)O~

  Standfast-Lullaby for Lucas  Lullaby for Lucas  给卢卡斯的摇篮曲  The night has come now  夜幕笼罩  The sun has gone to rest  太阳歇脚  All birds stop singing, hiding in their nest  鸟儿停止歌唱,回到它的归巢  The stars are sparkling in the deeply sky  星星持续闪耀,夜色分外妖娆  For the man in the moon hill can hear the tide inside  月桂中的神明,聆听着那汐潮  Hush now baby, it"s time to go to sleep  安静吧宝贝,是时候入睡  Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep  爸爸和妈妈,绵羊都数累  Hush now baby, don"t you cry  安静吧宝贝,别涌出泪水  Mummy and Daddy are always by your side  爸爸和妈妈,宠溺你一万岁~  The playground to still now  操场静谧  Shadows dance around  光影迷离  Raindrops are falling softly to the ground  雨滴亲吻地面,温柔掉落泥里  Tomorrow"s waiting for some that in her hand  明天等待某君,听从她的指令  More time to play and draw pictures in the sand  明天继续玩耍,涂鸦写在沙粒  Hush now baby, it"s time to go to sleep  安静吧宝贝,是时候入睡  Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep  爸爸和妈妈,绵羊都数累  Hush now baby, don"t you cry  安静吧宝贝,别涌出泪水  Mummy and Daddy are always by your side  爸爸和妈妈,宠溺你一万岁~  The verve-The Drugs Don"t Work  All this talk of getting old  所有这些关于死亡的话语  It"s getting me down my love  亲爱的,那会使我很沮丧的  Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown  就像一只给人用麻袋困扼住的猫,无奈又无助地被人淹死  This time I"m coming down  这次我要崩溃了  And I hope you"re thinking of me  我希望你正在想着我  As you lay down on your side  当你躺下的时候  Now the drugs don"t work  现在用毒品来麻醉自己都不管用  They just make you worse  它们只会使人更消沉  But I know I"ll see you* **ce again  但我知道我会再见到你的  Now the drugs don"t work  现在用毒品来麻醉自己都不管用  They just make you worse  它们只会使人更消沉  But I know I"ll see you* **ce again  但我知道我会再见到你的  But I know I"m on a losing streak  但我知道我正在一条茫然无助的路上疯狂飞奔  Cause I passed down my old street  因为我穿过了我以前那美好回忆的旧街  And if you wanna show, then just let me know  如果你想看我,就让我知道吧  And I"ll sing in your ear again  我会再一次靠近你的耳边轻轻地唱  Now the drugs don"t work  现在即使用毒品麻醉自己都不管用  They just make you worse  它们只会使人更消沉  But I know I"ll see you* **ce again  但我知道我会再见到你的  Cause baby, ooh,  因为,亲爱的,呜~~~~~~~~~  if heaven calls,  如果你在天堂那边叫我  I"m coming, too  我会马上到那里  Just like you said  就像你以前说的那样  I"m better off dead  我最好现在就和你一起死去  All this talk of getting old  所有这些关于死亡的话语  It"s getting me down my love  亲爱的,那会使我很沮丧的  Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown  就像一只被人用麻袋困扼住的猫,无奈地被人淹死  This time I"m comin" down  这次我要崩溃了  Now the drugs don"t work  现在毒品都不管用  They just make you worse  它们只会使人更消沉  But I know I"ll see you* **ce again  但我知道我会再见到你的  Cause baby, ooh,  因为,亲爱的,呜~~~~~~~~~  if heaven calls,  如果你在天堂那边叫我  I"m coming, too  我会马上到那里  Just like you said  就像你以前说的那样  you leave my life  你消然远逝  I"m better off dead  我最好现在就和你一起离开  But if you wanna show, just let me know  如果你想看我,就让我知道吧  And I"ll sing in your ear again  我会再你的耳边轻轻地唱  Now the drugs don"t work  现在毒品都不管用  They just make you worse  它们只会使人更消沉  But I know I"ll see you* **ce again  但我知道我会再见到你的  Yeah, I know I"ll see you* **ce again  我知道我会再见到你的  Yeah, I know I"ll see you* **ce again  我知道我会再见到你的  Yeah, I know I"ll see you* **ce again  我知道我会再见到你的  Yeah, I know I"ll see you* **ce again  我知道我会再见到你的  I"m never going down, I"m never coming down  到那时候,我就不会再消沉痛苦了  No more, no more, no more, no more, no more  永远不再了…………  I"m never coming down, I"m never going down  到那时候,我就不会再消沉痛苦了  No more, no more, no more, no more, no more  永远不再了………… 永远不再了…………  Eels—I Need Some Sleep【我真的要休息一下】  i need some sleep.  you can"t go on like this.  i try counting sheep,  but there"s one i always miss.  everyone says, "i"m getting down too low"  everyone says, "you just gotta let it go"  you just gotta let it go  you just gotta let it go  i need some sleep  time to put the old horse down  i"m in too deep  and the wheels keep spinning round  everyone says, "i"m getting down too low"  everyone says, "you just gotta let it go"  you just gotta let it go  you just gotta let it go  you just gotta let it go  you just gotta let it go  you just gotta let it go  我真的要休息一下  你(指自己)不能在这样继续下去了  我尝试着数羊(去入睡为不再想你)  但我总会不时会去想她  每个人都对我说“你陷的太深了(指爱情)”  每个人都对我说“还是让这段感情过去吧”  还是让这段感情过去吧  还是让这段感情过去吧  我真的要休息一下  去忘却已往的感情  (但)我陷的太深而且无法抹去对她的回忆  每个人都对我说“你陷的太深了(指爱情)”  每个人都对我说“还是让这段感情过去吧”  还是让这段感情过去吧  还是让这段感情过去吧  还是让这段感情过去吧  还是让这段感情过去吧  Joni Mitchell-Both Sides Now这首歌好像不那么悲伤..词很棒.还有别的版本,如果听不惯可以听其他人唱的,不过原唱的确比较有回味  Both Sides Now  Rows and flows of angel hair  And ice cream castles in the air  And feather canyons ev"rywhere  I"ve looked at clouds that way  But now they only block the sun  They rain and snow on ev"ryone  So many things I would have done  But clouds got in my way  I"ve looked at clouds from both sides now  From up and down, and still somehow  It"s cloud illusions I recall  I really don"t know clouds at all  Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels  The dizzy dancing way you feel  As ev"ry fairy tale comes real  I"ve looked at love that way  But now it"s just another show  You leave "em laughing when you go  And if you care, don"t let them know  Don"t give yourself away  I"ve looked at love from both sides now  From give and take, and still somehow  It"s love"s illusions I recall  I really don"t know love at all  Tears and fears and feeling proud  To say I love you right out loud  Dreams and schemes and circus crowds  I"ve looked at life that way  But now old friends are acting strange  They shake their heads, they say I"ve changed  Well something"s lost, but something"s gained  In living ev"ry day  I"ve looked at life from both sides now  From win and lose and still somehow  It"s life"s illusions I recall  I really don"t know life at all  两面看待  蝴蝶结与飘落的天使发丝  空中的冰淇淋城堡  如羽毛般的覆盖峡谷  我曾那样看著云  但它们现在遮蔽了太阳  在人们身上降雨飘雪  我原本可以做很多事  云却来坏事  我曾从上下两面  看著云朵,但不知为何  我想到云的幻象  我真的一点都不了解云  月亮、六月天和摩天轮  那种令人晕眩的舞步  每则童话都成真  我曾经那样看待爱情  但是现再这只是另一场戏  你在众人的讪笑中离开  如果你在乎,别让他们知道  别泄露自己的心事  我曾经从施受两面  看待爱情,但不知为何  我想起爱情的虚幻  我真的一点都不了解爱情  泪水、恐惧和骄傲  大声说出我爱你  梦想、计画和马戏团小丑  我曾经那样看待人生  但现在老友们举止怪异  他们摇头,说我变了  有失必有得  这是每天生活都一样的  我曾经从得失两面  看待人生,但不知为何  我想到人生无常  我真的一点都不了解人生  Chanson de toile - Emilie Simon  Je viendrai te prendre  我将走来把你搂入(怀中)  Je saurai te defendre  我将你庇护 ,  Au-dela des frontieres  超越界限 :  Je foulerai la terre  行走于这大地上  Je tisserai des chants  我编织着歌声  Au soir et au levant  日夜不停 ;  Un point pour chaque e toile  为夜空中星星穿针引线  Chanson de toile  织成帆布,承载着歌声  Je tisserai des chants  我编织着歌声  Au soir et au levant  日夜不停  Un point pour chaque e toile  为夜空中星星穿针引线 ,  Chanson de toile  织成帆布,承载着歌声  Nul ne part en guerre  没有人在混战  Pour revenir solitaire  (没有人想)孤单的回来  Je saurai t"attendre  我知道要将你等待  Chanson de toile  (织成)帆布,承载着歌声  Je tisserai des chants  我编织着歌声  Au soir et au levant  日夜不停  Un point pour chaque e toile  为夜空中星星穿针引线  Chanson de toile  织成帆布,承载着歌声 )  Je tisserai des chants  我编织着歌声  Au soir et au levant  日夜不停  Un point pour chaque e toile  为夜空中星星穿针引线  Chanson de toile  织成帆布,承载着歌声  Si loin de ton ciel  距离你那片天如此遥远  Si loin de mon appel  与我的召唤相距(万里)  Entends-tu mon coeur  我心依旧  Entends-tu ma ferveur  忠诚为证  Je tisserai des chants  我编织着歌声  Au soir et au levant  日夜不停  Un point pour chaque etoile  为夜空中星星穿针引线  Chanson de toile  织成帆布,承载着歌声  Je viendrai te prendre  我将走来把你搂入(怀中)  Je saurai te defendre  我将你庇护  Au-dela des frontieres  超越界限  Je foulerai la terre  行走于这大地上  Je tisserai des chants  我编织着歌声 `  Au soir et au levant  日夜不停  Un point pour chaque etoile  为夜空中星星穿针引线  Chanson de toile  织成帆布,承载着歌声  其实还有不少,不过没翻译就不放上来了。第一次答案这么长,也许挑的几首比较冷门,不过绝对是精品。试听你就自己找喽~
2023-01-03 13:57:107


五名成员:队长 SI,学建筑的 Soo ,基础教育专业的 Erika、计算机工程的 WonJong 和 Kwon。MayTree 是来自韩国的阿卡贝拉团体。按照队长 SI 的说法,这个组合的存在完全是因为大家对无伴奏合唱的热爱。大学时代主修化学的 SI 一直有一个想要成为无伴奏合唱歌手的梦想。唱歌是他课余时间最喜欢的活动,虽然没有经过任何系统性的专业训练,爱唱、会唱是他习惯给自己的标签。2000年,他开始公开招募,决定组建一个团体。学建筑的 Soo 是第一个被录取的,她目前在乐队里负责女中音部分。之后,陆陆续续又有 3 个成员加入了团队。他们分别是基础教育专业的 Erika、计算机工程的 WonJong 和 Kwon。那个时候,从男低音到女高音,MayTree 已经具备了一个无伴奏合唱乐队该有的配置。相关信息:阿卡贝拉(意大利:Acappella )即无伴奏合唱,其起源可追溯至中世纪的教会音乐,当时的教会音乐只以人声清唱,并不应用乐器。最具代表性的阿卡贝拉曲种,是格列高利圣咏(Gregorian Chants)。多声部的阿卡贝拉音乐约于公元第10世纪出现。
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歌名:Himne Del Fc Barcelona歌手:Various Artists作词:Various Artists作曲:Various ArtistsTot el camp体育场内es un clam群情激昂som la gent Blau Grana我们是巴萨球迷Tan se val d"on venim无论身在何处Si del sud o del nord不论东南西北ara estem d"acord,estem d"acord现在我们团结着,团结着una bandera ens agermana.一个标志把我们聚集在一起Blau Grana al vent红蓝旗帜随风飘扬un crit valent勇敢的一声呐喊tenim un nom,el sap tothom我们有一个名字,每个人都知道BARCA, BARCA, BARCA.巴萨,巴萨,巴萨Jugadors球员们Seguidors球迷们tots unit fem forca团结在一起的我们是强大的son molts d"anys plens d"afanys我们无坚不摧son molts gols que hem cridat我们屡屡进球i s"ha demostrat,s"ha demostrat我们已经证明,已经证明que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer没有人能打败我们Blau Grana al vent红蓝旗帜随风飘扬un crit valent勇敢的一声呐喊tenim un nom ,el sap tothom我们有一个名字,每个人都知道BARCA, BARCA, BARCA巴萨,巴萨,巴萨扩展资料:《Himne Del Fc Barcelona》是歌手Various Artists演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的作词作曲也是由Various Artists担任创作,歌曲收纳于专辑《最新热歌慢摇90》之中,专辑包含了111首歌曲,专辑于2014年1月1日整理发行。《Himne Del Fc Barcelona》作为巴塞罗那队歌,这首歌曲简短精炼,深受球迷的喜欢,这首歌曲也被收纳于专辑《Barça Total (F.C. Barcelona Anthems & Chants)》之中,专辑于1995年1月1日开始发行。
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