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求Robert Burns的一首诗歌A red red rose 英文主题赏析。

2023-07-15 12:07:07
这首诗习惯上被翻作“我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰”,而我习惯地翻作“我爱的人像朵红红的玫瑰”,一来,我觉得“爱人”这个词在汉语里可能会有多重含义,比如说有“丈夫会妻子”的含义,而我觉得Burns这里所指的大约是“恋人”或者“honey”的意思,所以我宁愿用后者。这首诗也是Burns的抒情诗里的名作,同样表现人类一种共通的感情。这首诗200多年以来一直是作为一首爱情名诗广泛被吟唱,据说“红玫瑰”与爱情之间的联系也源于这首诗,只不过对于这种说法我没有进行进一步的考证。读着Burns这优美的爱语,我想即使普通人都会产生强烈的感情冲击,何况是对于热恋中的情人们呢。“诗人本是风流客”,这其实是对Burns很好的写照,Burns虽然一生虽短,但从他15岁第一次恋爱开始,一生有过很多情人和风流韵事,自然他也写出了不少情诗,他的处女作《呵!我爱过》就是一首情诗,其它著名的情诗还包括:《玛丽·莫里逊》、《天风来自四面八方》、《约翰·安特森,我的爱人》、《一次亲吻》、《高原的玛丽》、《走过麦田来》等等,可以说,诗人前期的创作基本上是围绕了爱情这条主线,这条线索甚至几乎贯穿了诗人的创作生涯。This poem customarily Fanzuo "My wife duo, like red roses," I used to Fanzuo "I love the portraits duo red rose," the one, I think "love" is the word in Chinese Lane may have multiple meanings, for example, the "husband would a wife" has the meaning, and I think about Burns referred to here as "Lovers" or "honey" meant, so I would prefer the latter.
This poem is lyrical poetry of Burns masterpiece, the same performance for a common human feeling. This poem has been more than 200 years as a famous poem of love is widely singing, said to be "Red Rose" and also the source of the link between love this poem, but I do not have this argument further verified. Burns reading this beautiful words of love, I think even ordinary people will have a strong emotional impact, let alone the people for couples in love do.
"This is a romantic poet-off," Burns This is indeed a good reflection of, Burns though life is short, but from his first love of 15-year-old began his life had a lot of love and romance, naturally he also wrote the non - little poems, and his debut, "Oh! I loved "is a love poem, and other well-known poems include:" Malimoli Xun "," days the wind comes from all directions, ", my love, "" a kiss "," Plateau Mary, "" wheat field came to ", etc., can be said that the creation of the early poet of love basically revolves around this main line,
This thread is almost even throughout the poet"s creative career.



2023-07-15 06:28:161


  很多著名吉他手的签名型号实际跟原型有不小的差距,而Burns Brian May Signature Model却是例外.Brian May在这个型号的开发中给予英国的制琴师很多的建议:他否决了22个方案,最终有了你看到的这把.  这把琴的原型是Red Special,由May和他的父亲手工制作的.在Queen的很多唱片中都有这把琴的声音.乐队的全盛时期,May的音色绝对是鹤立鸡群的,非常的独特.那种独特的弹奏感觉好像将Start和Les Paul融合在一起后的声音.  这把唯一的手工吉他后来成为很多吉他的原型,而Burns的这把是最新的.制造这把琴的公司因在吉他制造方面善于破旧立新而闻名.最初的版本由Burns USA发型,目的是重新唤起那些60年代经典的Burns吉他在人们头脑中的印象.  木料和工艺  Burns的这把吉他大的方面和May的相同:桃花心木的琴颈琴体,以粘接的方式连接.24品的黑檀木指板.琴体是半空心的,能够增加声音的共鸣并减少了重量.  中等尺寸的品格圆滑的安装在琴颈上,保证了手感.琴颈比较圆-有些接近Gibson但锥形没有Gibson明显.这种琴颈在推弦时是最爽的.一点不同的地方是:May的琴有0品.这种设计会有一点buzzy(不知是说杂音还是音准),Burns的吉他消除了这个问题.  琴颈琴身在19品处接合,两边的凹肩在21品处.这个设计非常特别.低音弦那边的凹肩更明显些,于是高把位的弹奏和推弦就非常便利.24英寸的弦长,比一般的rock guitar要短一点,高把位的品间距也相应小一些.但是这不大影响使用.  硬件部分  Burns Brian May Signature Model使用了浮动的琴桥(与fender类似)和Grover的卷弦器.琴桥的操纵性很好,卷弦器在上弦的时候能够自动将弦锁死,这个设计很有趣.当然,不会发生跑弦的问题了.  所有的金属部分都是镀铬的,包括拾音器的盖板,在黑色的护板和粉红的漆面下格外显眼.简单的点状镶嵌朴素自然.好像一辆老式跑车,外观简朴却十分的现代.它能够完全表现出你的想法.  电路部分  Brian May独特的音色来自非传统的电路设计.这把签名型号使用了3个Burns手工制作的单组拾音器,由master volume和master tone控制.设计者完美的捕捉了May的音色.  每个拾音器都有三档开关,可以打开,关闭或是反相,大概有14种不同的组合(实际的组合数目更多,只是一些相位的变换听着差不多).这三个拾音器是串连的,而不像一般这种组合的吉他那种并联.当你组合2到3个拾音器的时候,音色会变的肥厚.Start上琴颈和中间的拾音器连用是很funky的感觉,但在这个吉他上却是咆喉.  拾音器对触弦的反映非常灵敏,即便在同时使用2个或3个的时候,甚至失真很强也能表现出来.如果接上过载的电子管音箱,这把琴就能发出May的那种lead音色,很适合优美的旋律.在音箱的clean设置下,这把吉他也适合演奏乡村,blues.将一个拾音器反相,声音就会稍带一点funky.还有一点让人欣喜:这个吉他还能制造出很jazz的声音.
2023-07-15 06:29:041

Be careful, paper burns easily. 为什么burn要用s?

2023-07-15 06:29:123


2023-07-15 06:29:311


烧伤作名词 Burning 比如气门烧伤 Valve Burning. 也可用Burns 比如 Burns are classified by depth of skin damage 烧伤作动词 be/get burned 比如 I am burned 我被烧伤 have the burns 也可以那么表达 He also wouldn"t have the burns.
2023-07-15 06:29:511

come back to me 和burns 歌词..1.。

2023-07-15 06:29:596

求一首歌,刚开始:gimigimigimi qiliqiliqi???

2023-07-15 06:30:157

Auld lang syne歌词及翻译

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?老朋友能够被忘记而且永远不被想起吗?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,for the sake of auld lang syne.看在昔日美好时光的份上,老朋友能够被忘记吗?If you ever change your mind若你改变心意But I living, living me behind而我还活着Oh bring it to me哦,将它带给我Bring me your sweet loving将你甜蜜的爱带给我Bring it home to me带回家给我 bring it home to me.Yeah~ Yeah~带回家给我.Yeah~ Yeah~<Waterloon Bridge>a good love story with this beautiful sound trackIt"s my favorit.Thank you for download .I wanna be your friend,please add me !)I"ll give you jewelry and money too.我会给你珠宝和钱财That" s all all I"ll do for you.就这些,我愿为你做的一切Darling you know I laughed when you left,but now I know that I only hurt myself.亲爱的,你知道当你离开的时候我笑了,可是现在我才发现那只是自己伤害自己。Please bring it to me,bring your sweet sweet love,bring it home to me, bring it home to me.请将它带给我,把你甜蜜的爱带给我,带回家给我,带回家给我。For auld lang syne my dear,为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的,for auld lang syne,为了昔日美好的时光,we"ll take a cup of kindness yet让我们干一杯友谊的酒 for the sake of auld lang syne 为了昔日美好的时==================Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?老朋友能够被忘记而且永远不被想起吗?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syne?能够忘记老朋友和昔日美好的时光吗?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的,为了昔日美好的时光We"ll take a cup o" kindness yetFor auld lang syne.昔日美好的时光,我们将为友谊干杯Boney M.Boney M.(人名)We twa hae run aboot the braes我们俩在山周围跑And pou"d the gowans fine;摘下美丽的春白菊We"ve wander"d mony a weary foot我们经常迷失方向,双脚疲惫Sin" auld lang syne.自从那段美好的昔日以来。We two hae paidled i" the burn,我们在川流中运动Frae mornin" sun till dine;从太阳升起的时候到晚饭的时候;But seas between us braid hae roar"d可是隔在我们之间的宽广的海洋在咆哮Sin" auld lang syne.自从那段美好的昔日以来And here"s a hand, my trusty friend,这里有只手,我信赖的朋友And gie"s a hand o" thine;把你的手给我We"ll take a cup o" kindness yet让我们为友谊干杯Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?老朋友能够被忘记而且永远不被想起吗?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syne?能够忘记老朋友和昔日美好的时光吗?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的,为了昔日美好的时光We"ll take a cup o" kindness yetFor auld lang syne.为了昔日美好的时光,让我们为友谊干杯For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup o" kindness yetFor auld lang syne.为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的,为了昔日美好的时光为了昔日美好的时光,让我们为友谊干杯
2023-07-15 06:30:447

皮特彭斯的Personal life 个人生活

Burns in 1978 married a woman, Lynne Corlett, with whom he remained married for 28 years, until 2006. [ 9 ] That year, on 9 February, he announced his engagement to his partner, Michael Simpson, on Channel 4 "s daytime television show Richard & Judy , where he displayed their matching engagement rings designed by Vivienne Westwood .伯恩斯在1978年结婚的妇女林恩科利特,与他结婚28年仍然是,直到2006年。 [9]这一年2月9日,他宣布订婚,他的合作伙伴,迈克尔辛普森,他的第4频道的日间电视节目显示理查德和朱迪 ,在那里他展示了他们设计的匹配订婚戒指由Vivienne Westwood的 。 The following day, Simpson called off the engagement citing that he was finding it difficult to deal with the newfound fame, although their engagement was soon back on and their civil partnership took place on 6 July. Burns appeared on Celebrity Wife Swap , which aired on 30 September 2007, where he lived with Neil Ruddock for five days.第二天,辛普森取消了订婚为由,他发现自己很难对付的善举虽然他们订婚后不久就和他们的配偶七月举行了6。 伯恩斯出现名人妻交换 ,与9月30日播出的2007年,这里住着他尼尔拉多克五天。 Simpson also took part in the program.辛普森也参加了该计划的一部分。 The couple separated in May 2008. Burns made a statement saying that gay marriage does not work and that it is better to be married to a woman. 这对夫妻分居2008年5月。 伯恩斯发表声明说,同志婚姻不工作,而且最好是嫁给一个女人。In November 2006, Burns recounted his and others" experiences with complications of cosmetic surgery in a TV special entitled Pete Burns" Cosmetic Surgery Nightmares for the UK ITV network. Paparazzi followed Burns around following his arrest, and his attempts to revive his career, in the documentary Pete Burns Unspun on Living TV . 2006年11月,伯恩斯在讲述他的美容手术和并发症的体会他人的电视特别节目题为皮特彭斯的整形外科手术的恶梦为英国ITV的网络。 狗仔队围绕以下伯恩斯随后逮捕他的,他试图恢复他的职业生涯,在伯恩斯Unspun纪录片皮特在客厅电视 。 In January 2007 Burns announced that he was planning to sue the cosmetic surgeon who performed his lip surgery, for &pound;1 million. [ 10 ]伯恩斯2007年1月宣布,他打算起诉他的嘴唇进行手术,为100万英镑的美容外科医生是谁。 [10]In March 2009, Burns was admitted to a London hospital after collapsing, due to kidney failure. 2009年3月,烧伤被送往伦敦一家医院倒塌后,因肾功能衰竭。 He was diagnosed with seven large kidney stones, which were removed with laser surgery. [ 11 ]他被诊断为肾结石七个大,这是用激光手术切除。 [11]
2023-07-15 06:32:051


Burns 抢Maggie的糖,抢的时候身上的手枪掉到Maggie的手上,砰。。。
2023-07-15 06:32:242

burns inside 歌词

歌曲名:burns inside歌手:Bleak专辑:burns insideWhy too blindTo see insideCouldn"t read it rightThere, between the linesBehind those shiny eyesShe hides in the lightsWell, I"ll reside in the nightWith my silent criens when "Angels" have all diedAnd it burns insideWhen I turn out the lightsI could burst out cryingfor your liesHow I"ve triedI"ve fallen for the skiesSo why should I try to smileI"m trying to cry. How can I rise?When it burns insideWhen I turn out the lightsI could burst out cryingfor your words were all liesToo late(All the things you said to me)(All the things you said to me)(All the things you said to me)Coz it burns insideWhen I turn out the lightsOh, I could burst out cryingfor your words were all liesYeah, it burns insideNow it"s too late, and now you sayYou"re sorry but that won"t do.It"s too late, and now you say you"re sorryBut that won"t do, for you.All the things you said to meAll the things you said to meAll the things you said to meAll the things you said.
2023-07-15 06:32:311

怎么理解“paper burns”的语法?

因为纸是主语,而烧烧纸具体来说应该叫燃烧的纸,burning paper。burns是谓词,不能用做形容词
2023-07-15 06:32:391


2023-07-15 06:33:073


变革型领导风格不包括即时奖励。变革型领导(Transformational Leadership),是指领导者通过领导魅力、领导感召力、智力激发和个性化关怀等,让员工意识到所承担的责任及任务的重要性, 激发其更高层次的需要,从而使其最大限度地发掘自身的潜力来取得最高水平的绩效表现。变革型领导概念最早由BURNS提出,是继领导特质论、领导行为论、领导权变论之后,在上个世纪80年代由美国政治社会学家詹姆斯·麦格雷戈·伯恩斯在他的经典著作《领袖论》中提出的一种领导类型 。变革型领导理论具有很大的包容性,它对领导力的作用过程进行了广泛的描述,包含了领导过程中多层次多角度已有广泛基础的观点,是一门很有理论和实践意义的领导学理论。伯恩斯(BURNS)认为,领导行为包括以下2种:交易型领导,主要通过满足下属即刻的、与自我直接相关的利益来激励下属;变革型领导,主要通过与下属之间的互动来提升彼此的成熟度和动机水平。这两者是一个连续体的2个极端,前者强调交易,后者强调改变。BURNS进一步发展了有关研究,将变革型领导定义为通过让员工意识到所承担任务的重要意义,激发下属的高层次需要,建立互相信任的氛围,促使下属为了组织的利益牺牲自己的利益,并达到超过原来期望的结果。
2023-07-15 06:33:151


Mike"s book ;
2023-07-15 06:33:432


当代历任联邦储备委员会主席: 马瑞纳.伊寇斯(MarrinerEccles),一九三四年至一九四八年 托马斯.麦克凯(ThomasMcCabe),一九四八年至一九五一年 小威廉.迈克切斯内.马丁(WillianMcChesneyMartiniJr.),一九五一年至一九七0年,连任五届 阿瑟.伯恩斯(ArthurF.Burns),一九七0年至一九七八年 威廉.米勒(G.WillianMiller),一九七八年至一九七九年 保罗.沃尔克(PualA.Volcker),一九七九年至一九八七年 艾伦.葛林斯潘(AlanGreenspan),一九八七年至现在
2023-07-15 06:33:502

谁了解作家robert burns。帮我回答个问题?

2023-07-15 06:33:592

Jason Chen的《Burns》 歌词

歌曲名:Burns歌手:Jason Chen专辑:burnsJason Chen – Burns LyricsYou left me on the porchWith a rose in my handHow could you be so coldHow could you make the door slamI can deal with a lot of painBut this I don"t knowIt"s like another levelI have never felt beforeWill I ever fall in love again (yeah)Will I ever be the same again (no)Cuz I lost what I hadAnd I"ll never get it backNo matter what I try to doCuz every time I think about youI think about painI remember every single word you"d sayLike de ja vuYou say we"re throughAnd now that"s all I think aboutWhen I think about youAnd it burnsAnd It burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsI"ve come a long wayBut then I see you againI can"t believe you"d sayThat you still wanna be friendsI guess you moved onI wish that I"d done the sameBut I"m still black and blueJust can"t forget that dayWill I ever fall in love again (yeah)Will I ever be the same again (no)Cuz I lost what I hadAnd I"ll never get it backNo matter what I try to doCuz every time I think about youI think about painI remember every single word you"d sayLike de ja vuYou say we"re throughAnd now that"s all I think aboutWhen I think about youAnd it burnsAnd It burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsToo many times that I"ve tried to forget your nameBut I still feel the sameHow long will I have to wait till I feel okayCuz every time I think about you…I think about painI remember every single word you"d sayLike de ja vuYou say we"re throughAnd now that"s all I think aboutWhen I think about youAnd it burnsAnd It burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsburnsburnsso me burns
2023-07-15 06:34:561


歌词:You left me on the porch你把我丢在走廊With a rose in my hand玫瑰在我手中拿How could you be so cold你怎么变得如此冷漠How could you make the door slam你怎么用力把门关上I can deal with a lot of pain我可以承受这些痛苦But this I don"t know但是我真的不明白It"s like another level这好像另一种感觉I have never felt before我从来没有感受过Will I ever fall in love again (yeah)我还可以在此爱你么Will I ever be the same again (no)我们可以回到从前么Cuz I lost what I had因为我失去了所有And I"ll never get it back我将再也找不回来No matter what I try to do我怎样尝试都无济于事Cuz every time I think about you我每时每刻都在想着你I think about pain想着你给的伤痛I remember every single word you"d say我记得你说过的每一句话Like de ja vu就像刚刚发生的那样You say we"re through你说我们的感情已经到了尽头And now that"s all I think about现在我回忆着我们的过去When I think about you每当我想起你And it burnsAnd It burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burns我的心在燃烧,燃烧,燃烧I"ve come a long way现在我好多了But then I see you again但又见到你时I can"t believe you"d say真不敢相信你居然会说That you still wanna be friends你依然是想和我在一起I guess you moved on你依然是想和我在一起I wish that I"d done the same我希望我也可以如此But I"m still black and blue但是我现在遍体鳞伤Just can"t forget that day我永远无法忘记那一天Will I ever fall in love again (yeah)我还可以在此爱你么Will I ever be the same again (no)我们可以回到从前么Cuz I lost what I had因为我失去了所有And I"ll never get it back我将再也找不回来No matter what I try to do我怎样尝试都无济于事Cuz every time I think about you我每时每刻都在想着你I think about pain想着你给的伤痛I remember every single word you"d say我记得你说过的每一句话Like de ja vu就像刚刚发生的那样You say we"re through你说我们的感情已经到了尽头And now that"s all I think about现在我回忆着我们的过去When I think about you每当我想起你And it burnsAnd It burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burns我的心在燃烧,燃烧,燃烧Too many times that I"ve tried to forget your name很多时候我试着让自己忘掉你的名字But I still feel the same但是我办不到How long will I have to wait till I feel okay我要等多久才能恢复到一切正常Cuz every time I think about you我每时每刻都在想着你I think about pain想着你给的伤痛I remember every single word you"d say我记得你说过的每一句话Like de ja vu就像刚刚发生的那样You say we"re through你说我们的感情已经到了尽头And now that"s all I think about现在我回忆着我们的过去When I think about you每当我想起你And it burnsAnd It burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burnsAnd it burns我的心在燃烧,燃烧,燃烧BurnsBurnsSo me burns
2023-07-15 06:35:031

翻译Jason chen - Burns的歌词

2023-07-15 06:35:101


2023-07-15 06:35:313

《Cheisea Burns》歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-15 06:36:091

jason chen burns中文歌词

Jason Chen – Burns LyricsVerse 1:You left me on the porch               你把我留在了门边With a rose in my hand                我手里捧着玫瑰How could you be so cold               你到底能有多冷漠How could you make the door slam          怎么弄够这样重的甩上门I can deal with a lot of pain              我能接受很多种疼痛But this I don"t know                但是这种我不明白It"s like another level                像是到了另一种程度I have never felt before                我以前从没感受过Will I ever fall in love again (yeah)          我以后还能再一次这样的爱吗?Will I ever be the same again (no)          我以后还会再次像现在这样吗?(不会Cuz I lost what I had                 因为我失去了And I"ll never get it back              而且它永远不会再回来No matter what I try to do              不管我怎么去尝试HookCuz every time I think about you           因为每次我想到你I think about pain                  我总是想到疼痛I remember every single word you"d say       我记得你说过的每一个字Like de ja vu                    像是记忆画面You say we"re through              你说我们结束了And now that"s all I think about          现在他回荡在我脑海When I think about you               当我想到你And it burns                    它伤到我And It burns                    疼痛And it burns                    疼痛And it burns                    疼痛And it burns                    疼痛And it burns                    疼痛Verse 2:I"ve come a long way               我经历了很多But then I see you again              然后我又一次见到你I can"t believe you"d say            我不敢相信你说的That you still wanna be friends           你还是想做朋友I guess you moved on               我猜你往前走了I wish that I"d done the same           我希望我也可以But I"m still black and blue            可是我还是呆在原地忧伤Just can"t forget that day            不能忘记那一天(Pre-hook)(hook)Bridge:Too many times that I"ve tried to forget your name   很多时候我试着忘记掉你的名字But I still feel the same                可我还是一样的感受How long will I have to wait till I feel okay        我能有多久的时间来等伤口痊愈Cuz every time I think about you…           每次我想到你…
2023-07-15 06:36:161


2023-07-15 06:36:241

翻译Jason chen - Burns的歌词

2023-07-15 06:36:301


2023-07-15 06:36:391


英语诗歌划分音步By Edgar Alan Poe——Annabel Lee The Night Has a Thousand Eyes——Francis William Bourdillon When You Are Old——William Butler Yeats A Red ,Red Rose——Bobert Burns Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer"s Day——William Shakespeare How Do I Love Thee?——Elizabeth Barrett Browning When,in Disgrace with Fortune and Men"s Eyes——William Shakespeare The Arrow and the Song——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2023-07-15 06:36:474


2023-07-15 06:37:051

萧敬腾 写一首歌 歌词中的英文是什么意思

2023-07-15 06:37:443

burn all that burns

all (that) paper filled it with water tries---tried surprises--surprise such---so asked for,去掉for which---who how to ask---how to answer he could (to) help interesting---interested
2023-07-15 06:37:521


2023-07-15 06:37:591


2023-07-15 06:38:071


英文名 Mr. Burns(Charles Montgomery Plantagenet Schicklgruber Burns)中文名伯恩先生
2023-07-15 06:38:131

The Fire Burns Forever 歌词

歌曲名:The Fire Burns Forever歌手:Hammerfall专辑:Steel Meets Steel: Ten Years Of GloryFire, burns. Fire, burns. Fire, Burns.You danced with the devil.Now your soul is bruised and scarred.There ain"t no pride and dignity.We"ve been down the rusty boulevard.You lived your life, thought you"d be immortalized.The moral of your story, what goes up must come back down.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever More.A moment of silence.Just before you hit the stage.This is your day of reckoning.To pay back all the dues and turn the page.You hit rock bottom and you stood the count to ten.Came back to harvest glory, now your star will shine forever.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever More.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever More."Cause every step, the light races follow."Cause every move we make, might be our last mistake.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever More.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever.Fire, burns.The Fire Burns Forever More.
2023-07-15 06:38:201


2023-07-15 06:38:271


2023-07-15 06:38:521

英国burns cobra电吉他怎么样

2023-07-15 06:39:211


2023-07-15 06:39:291


外文名称:The Brothers McMullen导演:爱德华·伯恩斯 Edward Burns编剧: 爱德华·伯恩斯 Edward Burns演员信息 制作人 Produced by:Bill Baldwin ....associate producerAnthony Bregman ....associate producer爱德华·伯恩斯 Edward Burns ....producerEdward J. Burns ....executive producerDick Fisher ....producerTed Hope ....executive producerJudy Richter ....associate producer詹姆士·沙姆斯 James Schamus ....executive producerMary Jane Skalski ....associate producer类型:剧情 / 喜剧更多中文片名:他们和他们的情人片长:98 min国家/地区:美国对白语言:英语发行公司:20th Century Fox Home Entertai上映日期:1995年1月 美国
2023-07-15 06:39:551


2023-07-15 06:40:071

Ring Of Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Ring Of Fire歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Bootleg, Vol. 3: Live Around the WorldLove is a burnin" thingIt makes a fire ringBound by wild desireI fell in to your ring of fireI fell in to that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAhh, ahh, ahhhI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames, they got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireThe taste of love is sweetWhen souls like I always meetI fell for you like a little childOhhh, and flames got wildI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAhh, ahh, ahhhI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames, they got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fire
2023-07-15 06:40:251

Ring Of Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Ring Of Fire歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Country: The American TraditionLove is a burnin" thingIt makes a fire ringBound by wild desireI fell in to your ring of fireI fell in to that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAhh, ahh, ahhhI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames, they got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireThe taste of love is sweetWhen souls like I always meetI fell for you like a little childOhhh, and flames got wildI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAhh, ahh, ahhhI fell into that burning ring of fireI went down, down, downAnd the flames, they got higherAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fireAnd it burns, burns, burnsThat ring of fireThat ring of fire
2023-07-15 06:40:321

急求Robert Burns的致谄媚者英文原文及翻译,蟹蟹

《致谄媚者》And would some Power give us the giftTo see ourselves as others see us!It would from many a blunder free us,And foolish notion:What airs in dress and gait would leave us,And even devotion!翻译:你尽夸结交了多少权贵,说昨夜同侯爵碰杯但跳蚤毕竟是跳蚤,即使它爬进了王后的发缝。
2023-07-15 06:40:401


2023-07-15 06:40:543

it burns,it does 什么意思

要看看情景.~it burns可以说它烧起来了~所以这句翻译为:它烧起来了,真的烧起来了~还有一种意思~it burns可以表示,当你被火烧到,被枪打到~任何带有火热引起的疼痛~都可以这样说~所以这句也可以翻译为:好痛阿,真的好痛阿..~觉得回答好请指下我名字,看看我的个人资料~谢谢了,请多多支持~~嘻嘻,做做广告,宣传,又不能太明显~~~唉~~~
2023-07-15 06:41:361


There is a growing tendency nowadays that people in mounting numbers show great enthusiasm for volunteer works. They are willing to do voluntary work in many fields varying from offering services in sports events to keeping passengers in line at the bus station and so forth.Ample reasons can account for this phenomenon. In the first place, with the development of people"s living standard,people should not necessarily be busy earning money to support their families. Instead, they can make better use of their spare time by do something valuable and helpful to others, such as being a volunteer. In the second place, influenced by the education campaign launched by Chinese governments, Chinese people"s awareness of being a volunteer has been greatly enhanced. Last but not least, doing volunteer work is also a source of happiness and gratification for most people.Being a volunteer is anything but an easy job. It is required that those who want to be a volunteer should possess a strong desire to help others and serve the society. It is unimaginable that those who lack love and a sense of responsibility can bring happiness to others and contribute to society.
2023-07-15 06:41:442


高中英语作文,100字左右,在线急救! during the 12 years we study in our school,we"ve spend lots of time to read books.well,if we can"t avoid the thing which many people maybe think it boring,we should try to find the advances that it can bring to us. first,as every body kown,reading will made us learn more things,that means we"ll get a clearly understanding of ourselves, other people and the world .then it also improve the writting,increase the intelligence,and so on.the lase one,but the most important.we can relax our body and brain when we devote the sea of kownladge,we"ll feel happy as well as subtantial. so in my opinion,it"s really a good choice to us,i"m already addicted to it,how about you? 总体思路差不多这样,我写作文老会有小错- -用的话就在查查看吧关于急救的英语作文 but they can reflect the importance of first aid, we help her with cold water Kurashiki forehead, when we encountered such an accident, she just had. Although it is a trivial matter, we need to know first aid. Students recall another bloody noseThere are many accidents in life。 烧伤类英语作文 要求高二水平 写出烧伤一二三级分类 及其急救措施 The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun"s harmful rays. The functions of your skin are also very plex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of bums.Causes of burns You can get burned by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation (by being close to high heat or fire, etc), the sun, electricity or chemicals.Types of burns There are three types of burns. Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending onwhich layers of the skin are burned.◎ First degree burns These affect only the top layer of the skin. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a mordent.◎ Second degree burns These affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. These bums are serious and take a few weeks to heal. Examples include severe sunburn and bums caused by hot liquids.◎ Third degree burns These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe injuries and the victim must go to hospital at once.Characteristics of burnsFirst degree burns ◎ dry, red and mildly swollen ◎ mildly painful ◎ turn white when pressedSecond degree burns ◎ rough, red and swollen ◎ blisters ◎ watery surface ◎ extremely painfulThird degree burns ◎ black and white and charred ◎ swollen; often tissue under them can be seen ◎ little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injured area.译文:皮肤是人体的一个不可缺少的组成部分,也是人体最大的器官。 人体的皮肤分为三层,作为阻隔病菌、有毒物质和太阳有害辐射的保护性屏障。皮肤的作用也是非常复杂的:保持人体的冷暖;防止散失过多的水分;感知冷、热、疼痛以及获得外部的触觉。 所以你也就能够想象到,如果皮肤被灼伤(烧伤),会是一件非常严重的事情。在对待灼伤(烧伤)时,急救是非常重要的第一步。 皮肤灼伤(烧伤)引起的原因引起皮肤灼伤(烧伤)的物质有很多,例如热的液体、蒸汽,火,辐射(当接近于热源或者火源时),太阳,电以及化学品。皮肤灼伤(烧伤)的种类共有3种,分别为一级、二级和三级。 分类取决于皮肤灼伤(烧伤)的层数。一级灼伤(烧伤)仅仅影响到皮肤的最上层。 这种伤害并不严重,通常一到两天就会见好。例如轻度的晒伤或者触碰到热锅、热炉等热的钢铁制品。 二级灼伤(烧伤)伤及到皮肤的最上层和第二层。这种伤害以及很严重了,通常需要几个星期才能恢复。 例如皮肤曝晒或者被热的液体烫伤。三级灼伤(烧伤)伤及到皮肤的全部三层以及皮下的组织或者器官。 例如遭受电击灼伤,体表着衣起火或者遭受严重的汽油火灾。这类灼伤(烧伤)会引起严重的伤害,受害者须立即就医。 灼伤(烧伤)的特征一级灼伤(烧伤)皮肤 干燥、红肿或者轻度肿胀 轻度疼痛 挤压受伤处皮肤变白二级灼伤(烧伤)皮肤 粗糙、红肿或者肿胀 起水泡或者脓包 脓状表面 极度疼痛三级灼伤(烧伤)皮肤 发黑或者变白或者烧焦 脓肿;通常通过表皮能够看见皮下组织 无疼痛或者轻微疼痛(如果皮下神经组织已遭破坏);受伤区域边缘可能会出现疼痛现象。 介绍中毒急救知识英语作文 希望可以帮到你,方便你更好的理解,也顺便附上相关的译文,要记得采纳哦Frist aidIt is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing 急救 在日常生活中,学习一些急救知识,对一个人来说很重要。假如一个人发生车祸,在医生到来之前,需要对他进行医疗护理,做急救时,应注意以下二点。首先,如果他停止了呼吸,掰开他的嘴巴看看喉咙口有无食物。其次,假如他不能呼吸,就采取人工呼吸的方法,尽快使他开始呼吸。再其次,如果他伤的很重,应立即止血,然后送往医院。如果他失血过多,达三分之一,那么他有可能会死。 许多意外事件也有可能在家里发生。因此,家长们应掌握一些急救常识,以便应付一些发生在孩子身上的事件。假如孩子被动物咬伤,先用自来水冲洗伤口,然后送去看医生。如果孩子被烫伤,先用自来水冲洗,降温,然后用一块干净的干布盖住伤口。假如烫伤很严重,应去看医生。如果割伤了手指,应先将伤口处理干净,然后用一块纸包扎伤口。人人都应学习急救知识,这样才能救其他人的性命。 介绍中毒急救知识英语作文 希望可以帮到你,方便你更好的理解,也顺便附上相关的译文,要记得采纳哦Frist aidIt is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing 急救在日常生活中,学习一些急救知识,对一个人来说很重要。 假如一个人发生车祸,在医生到来之前,需要对他进行医疗护理,做急救时,应注意以下二点。首先,如果他停止了呼吸,掰开他的嘴巴看看喉咙口有无食物。 其次,假如他不能呼吸,就采取人工呼吸的方法,尽快使他开始呼吸。再其次,如果他伤的很重,应立即止血,然后送往医院。 如果他失血过多,达三分之一,那么他有可能会死。许多意外事件也有可能在家里发生。 因此,家长们应掌握一些急救常识,以便应付一些发生在孩子身上的事件。假如孩子被动物咬伤,先用自来水冲洗伤口,然后送去看医生。 如果孩子被烫伤,先用自来水冲洗,降温,然后用一块干净的干布盖住伤口。假如烫伤很严重,应去看医生。 如果割伤了手指,应先将伤口处理干净,然后用一块纸包扎伤口。人人都应学习急救知识,这样才能救其他人的性命。 邀请专家发表有关急救知识的演讲英语作文 It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth to mouth way. Third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. Then take him/her to a doctor. If a person loses one third of his/her blood, he/she may die.Many accidents may happen at home. All parents should know first aid in order to deal with mon injuries which may happen to their children. When a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. Then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. If the person is badly burnt, take him/her to the doctor. If a person cuts his/her finger, clean it and put a piece of paper round the cut. Every bodyrshould know some first aid in order to save othe people"s lives.急救常识英语作文二:急救小常识的重要性"Green card" nickname (because of the color) of the United States Permanent Resident Card,an identification document issued by the United States of America affording non-citizens of that country some of the rights its citizens enjoy,sometimes with the prospect of naturalization.A United States Permanent Resident Card,also known as a green card,is an identification card attesting to the permanent resident status of an alien in the United States of America.Green card also refers to an immigration process of being a permanent resident.The green card serves as proof that its holder,a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR),has been officially granted immigration benefits,which include permission to reside and take employment in the USA.The holder must maintain permanent resident status,and can be removed from the US if certain conditions of this status are not met.Green cards were formerly issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).That agency has been absorbed into and replaced by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS),part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).Shortly after re-organization BCIS was renamed to U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services急救常识英语作文三:急救知识My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday. When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried. I did"t know how to swim, but I had to save my friend"s live. I was shouting and asking someone to help. After that, the most impressive thing happened which was a young solder that jump into the lake without thinking, swimmed to the palace where my friend were, and got him out of the lake. After the young solder checked if there was nothing wrong with my friend, he went away. In conclusion, this young solder is the one who i respect a lot!急救常识英语作文四:溺水急救常识If someone bees the victim of a near-drowning , this fast-action rescue plan can prevent a tragedy.Your first priority is to get the drowning person out of the water as quickly as possible. If he isn"t breathing, place him on his back on a firm surface. Immediately begin rescue breathing , and have someone call for help at the same time.. Don"t assume it"s too late to save a someone"s life -- even if he"s unresponsive, continue performing CPRcardiopulmonary resuscitation and do not stop until medical professionals take over.。
2023-07-15 06:42:121

bobbie burns这个牌子怎么样

BOBBIE BURNS 是2001年新兴的街头年轻品牌,倡导舒适,自由,风靡欧美韩国。来自瑞士,艳色系依然是今年的主题,在韩国受时尚范们垂青的休闲系列鞋,以舒适、简约、性价比高,一度是明星们鞋柜的新宠。 在日本和韩国都有销售```
2023-07-15 06:42:211

求Robert burns .A red red rose译文

我转的,呵呵,希望对你有用A Red,Red Rose by Robert BurnsO my luve is like a red, red rose,That"s newly sprung in June;O my luve is like the melodieThat"s sweetly played in tune.As fair thou art, my bonie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a" the seas gang dry.Till a" the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi" the sun;And I will luve thee still , my dear,While the sands o" life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again, my luve,Tho"it wre ten thousand mile!译诗一我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰 王佐良 译呵,我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰,六月里迎风初开;呵,我的爱人象支甜甜的曲子,奏得合拍又和谐。我的好姑娘,多么美丽的人儿!请看我,多么深挚的爱情!亲爱的,我永远爱你,纵使大海干涸水流尽。纵使大海干涸水流尽,太阳将岩石烧作灰尘,亲爱的,我永远爱你,只要我一息犹存。珍重吧,我惟一的爱人,珍重吧,让我们暂时别离,但我定要回来,哪怕千里万里!译诗二一朵红红的玫瑰 袁可嘉 译啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰,它在六月里初开,啊,我的爱人像一支乐曲,美妙地演奏起来。你是那么美, 漂亮的姑娘,我爱你那么深切;亲爱的, 我会永远爱你,一直到四海枯竭。亲爱的, 直到四海枯竭,到太阳把岩石烧裂!我会永远爱你,亲爱的只要是生命不绝。我唯一的爱人,我向你告别,我和你小别片刻;我要回来的,亲爱的,即使万里相隔!译诗三 红玫瑰 郭沫若 译吾爱吾爱玫瑰红,六月初开韵晓风;吾爱吾爱如管弦,其声悠扬而玲珑。吾爱吾爱美而殊,我心爱你永不渝,我心爱你永不渝,直到四海海水枯;直到四海海水枯,岩石融化变成泥,只要我还有口气,我心爱你永不渝。暂时告别我心肝,请你不要把心耽!纵使相隔十万里,踏穿地皮也要还。
2023-07-15 06:42:301


2023-07-15 06:42:371