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2023-07-15 10:14:36


天水cd 举报


举报 sharrylee


天水cd 举报


举报 sharrylee

天水cd 举报


天水cd 举报


举报 sharrylee


天水cd 举报


天水cd 举报


天水cd 举报


天水cd 举报


举报 sharrylee


天水cd 举报


举报 sharrylee


天水cd 举报

985510990 985510990,是不是,12版13印人教初中英语GO for it,1,



2023-07-15 01:28:591

《角色扮演》。。。英文是什么? 急啊。。。

role play
2023-07-15 01:29:115


paly a role
2023-07-15 01:30:043


2023-07-15 01:30:101


问题一:角色扮演用英语怎么说 应该是COSPLAY 问题二:角色扮演用英语怎么说 role playing v. 角色扮演( role play的现在分词 ); [例句]The exercise routines bine yoga breathing techniques and laughter simulation with stretching, chanting and role playing. 这种瑜伽将瑜伽呼吸技巧、大笑模仿与伸展、吟唱和角色扮演等活动结合在了一起。 role 英[r??l] 美[ro?l] n. 作用; 角色; 地位; [例句]Fiscal policy has a big role to play. 财政政策需要扮演一个重要角色。 问题三:“角色”用英文怎么说? role [rEul] n. 角色, 任务 role role 也作 r??le AHD:[r??l] D.J.[roul] K.K.[rol] n.(名词) A character or part played by a performer. 角色:表演者扮演的角色或剧中人物 The characteristic and expected social behavior of an individual. 职分,责任:个人特征或期望的社会行为 A function or position.See Synonyms at function 功能,职位参见 function French r??le 法语 r??le from Old French rolle [roll of parchment (on which an actor"s part was written)] 源自 古法语 rolle [羊皮纸卷(上面写着演员的台词)] from Latin rotula [diminutive of] rota [wheel] * see roll 源自 拉丁语 rotula [] rota的小后缀 [车轮] *参见 roll Considering the various great roles in the theater, such as Hamlet or Lear, or the various roles we play, such as parent or teacher, employer or employee, it is difficult to think back to a time in the history of the word role when none of these important associations was present. Role, which is first recorded in English in 1606, came to us from French with the sense “a part one has to play.” Obviously the development of the sense familiar to us had already occurred in French, where the word r??le in its earlier history (Old French rolle ) had meant “a roll, as of parchment,” particularly with reference to a manuscript roll. The word could also mean “a legal document” or “a list or register.” From such use it also came to refer to the text from which an actor learned a part. This use brought the word into the world of the theater where it has played an important role ever since. 考虑到剧中各种各样的伟大人物,如哈姆莱特或李尔王或我们所扮演的家长、老师、老板或雇员等各种角色,如果不想到这些......>> 问题四:扮演一个小角色用英语怎么说 Play aminer role 希望帮助到你,若有疑问,川以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 问题五:扮演某人的角色用英语怎么说?要三种。 楼主您好,很乐意为您解答: 1 play the role of *** 2 act the role of *** 3 part the role of *** (这个不太确定) 只能想到这三种了 下面那个不需要character 提醒一下part of 加名词 不能直接跟人 欢迎追问 问题六:(扮演者重要的角色)用英文怎样翻译? 5分 play an important role/part 问题七:扮演重要角色用英语怎么说? big形容大角色,很重要的部分。可以说big one。 问题八:你在这部电影中扮演什么角色用英语怎么说 What role did you play in this film ? 祝学习进步,天天快乐!万事如意,满意请采纳!谢谢!:) 问题九:每个人在生活中都扮演着不同的角色用英语怎么说 每个人在生活中都扮演着不同的角色 ------ Every one of us plays a different role / part in life. 问题十:角色扮演用英语怎么说 roll play [词典] 角色扮演; [例句]The students will bee main body in learning system according to roll play and decision-making in mini-surroundings of academy. 学生通过校园微型专业环境中的角色扮演与决策,成为学习系统的主动者。
2023-07-15 01:30:301

Let‘s role play这句话有语法错误吗?因为role是名词,这样用觉得有点奇怪

有啊let"s do a role play要这样才对
2023-07-15 01:30:392

role play 翻译

2023-07-15 01:30:481

英语老师们!role play是名词,role play the interview.怎么解释

2023-07-15 01:31:051


2023-07-15 01:31:121

cosplay和role play有什么不同

2023-07-15 01:31:204

ROLE-PLay the conversation.翻译

2023-07-15 01:31:422


2023-07-15 01:31:571


【导读】:新生代超人气偶像鹿晗解锁全新MINI专辑《Venture》中的第二首歌《敢(Roleplay)》歌词是什么?鹿晗新歌《敢(Roleplay)》表达了什么意思?   《敢 Roleplay》歌词 专辑:Venture 歌手:鹿晗    作词:AR(刘夫阳)&鹿晗 作曲:A-Dee&&KEPLER    制作:A-Dee&Deekei    躲藏在暗处算计 马戏团小丑的把戏    围绕我跳转着圈    You just wanna play a game    我能看出    别再对我装天真无辜    不可能跟的上我走的步    妄想能把我抓住    瞬间在你眼前消失就像魔术表演    Can"t you see 看你周围    Come try me 我随时奉陪    Come get me    You got no way    到处偷窥你该带个头盔    别惹我 you don"t want no problem    别罗嗦 you don"t want no problem    Play with me 没有好结果    劝你快点认错 不然你们会被    Hold that boy    Hold back boy    追着我在跑不分昼夜 boy    你疯了 boy    Imma get you boy    惹怒我和我的 crew    You don"t want that boy    擅自侵入我的生活    音响开大耳膜都震破    Talk that talk what you mean    当我一出现 你的脸色就变青   别再来我家的地库    再被我们见到就不会饶恕    嘴里没一句是 truth    再尝试这么做我就给你嘴巴上锁    I"m the boss you don"t want no problem    别怪我 you don"t want no problem    Play with me 没有好结果    劝你快点认错不然你们会被    Hold that boy    Hold back boy    追着我在跑不分昼夜 boy    你疯了 boy    Imma get you boy    惹怒我和我的 crew    You don"t want that boy     《敢(Roleplay)》表达了什么意思? 鹿晗的新歌《敢(Roleplay)》用截然不同的街头风格带给乐迷不同的音乐惊喜。以鹿晗本人的真实经历作为创作主体,表达出鹿晗自己在面对过度的窥探、不懂分寸的打扰等现象时的态度。前卫的trap曲风、犀利的rap将鹿晗真实而率性的一面展露无疑,松弛而充满趣味的编曲亦体现出鹿晗大胆用音乐表达,“有话直说”的精神。 《敢(Roleplay)》不仅是鹿晗唱出自己的心声的一首歌,更是为互联网时代下隐私保障、生活中被过度打扰等种种现象发声,鼓励所有在相同境遇下的人都能够“敢”于站出来表达自己的态度,让勇敢的灵魂在此刻能够感同身受。同时,在今日曝光的MV中,鹿晗更大秀舞蹈,纯白的立体空间与纯黑的LED屏地板两个场景之间的切换极具视觉冲击力,而鹿晗极具力量感的舞蹈动作与音乐节奏将身体动作展现到极致,对于肢体间轻重的平衡更把握地炉火纯青。舞蹈时节奏的律动和呈现出的爆发力与鹿晗坚定的眼神更是诠释着《敢(Roleplay)》中所蕴含的态度,在面对生活被“打扰”、隐私被“侵犯”的情况下,应该以更加勇敢的态度为自己正名。
2023-07-15 01:32:051

英语role play剧本6人

服务员:A 顾客:B/C/D B:Would you like to have supper with me? C:I"d like to,let"s go! D:Me too! B:Great!let"s go together! RESTRUANT A:Welcome!What would you like to eat? B:Some bread and some milk,please. C:en.a cup of tea. A:Do you want to have some chicken? D:Sure!I want to have some chicken and some beaf! A:Anthing else? All:NO! A:Sure,please wait for a moment. End B:how much is it? A;$50. B:Here you are. A:Have a good time ,bye! B:Thank you!
2023-07-15 01:32:141

求写一个英语ROLEPLAY 要速度!在线等! 写得好追加50分! 急!!!!

California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 Andrew Wilson Lancaster University, UK When Contextualization Cues Mislead: Misunderstanding, Mutual Knowledge, and Non-Verbal Gestures Gumperz (1995: 120) has commented that a “lack of shared background knowledge leads initially to misunderstandings”. Most discussions of linguistic indirectness (e.g. Thomas 1995) have also focussed on the role of contextual knowledge as a help rather than a hindrance to interpreting indirect utterances. In this brief note, however, I hope to demonstrate that a presence of shared background knowledge can be equally responsible for misunderstandings. I believe that this is all the more remarkable since the example in question – a personal experience of mine – actually concerns a non-verbal rather than a verbal communication act. A couple of years ago, I had lunch in Berlin with a recent acquaintance. We chose to eat in a small bistro and were shown to a rather cramped table for two with a wall on one side. When we sat down, I noticed that the ashtray had been placed more or less in the centre of my place setting. Since the salt and pepper containers had been placed against the wall on my side of the table, I decided to move the ashtray into the same position on my acquaintance"s side of the table, where there was space for it. However, as I moved the ashtray into this position, my acquaintance said to me: Ich habe keine Zigaretten mit. ‘I haven"t got any cigarettes with me." Now, my intention in moving the ashtray into this position was simply to create space for our (and especially my) food and drinks. However, my acquaintance clearly understood it to be a (non-verbal) invitation for her to smoke. We had not met in person before, but, prior to our California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 2 lunch meeting, we had exchanged several e-mails and got to know each other quite well. One thing that had emerged from our correspondence was that my acquaintance was an occasional smoker, and I had told her that she was quite welcome to smoke when we met, although I did not smoke myself. If my acquaintance had been a non-smoker, and she knew that I knew this, she would almost certainly not have interpreted my action as being an invitation to smoke: that latter interpretation relied wholly on mutual knowledge. So what thought process led my acquaintance to misinterpret my action? We can draw mainly on Gumperz"s notion of contextualization cues (Gumperz 1992). A contextualization cue has been defined as “any feature of linguistic form that contributes to the signalling of contextual presuppositions” (Gumperz 1982: 131). For instance, it might be a rising intonation signalling a need for encouragement (Gumperz 1982: 147) or the switching between T-type and V-type pronouns to signal how one wishes to be seen on the dichotomy between power and intimacy (Ostermann 2003). However, non-verbal behaviour can also function as a contextualization cue – for example, laughter signalling humour (Kotthoff 2000) – hence Levinson"s (2002) definition of a contextualization cue as “an encoded or conventional reminder, like a knot in a handkerchief, where the content of the memo is inferentially determined” may be more apt. In any case, the contextualization cue serves to activate and retrieve the necessary background knowledge base so that a contextually appropriate process of inference can take place. In my acquaintance"s case, the ashtray served as a contextualization cue. The conceptual link between ashtrays and smoking caused her to retrieve from her memory our exchange of e-mails about her smoking. This then became foregrounded in her mind as the basis for interpreting what I had just done. From that point on, she used this retrieved knowledge base within the normal inferencing process: she inferred herself to be the addressee of an indirect (non-verbal) California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 3 communication act and took my action to have the illocutionary force of an invitation, against the backdrop of my much earlier general statement that she could smoke if she wished to. We can learn a number of valuable lessons from this tiny misunderstanding. Firstly, it shows that something may be perceived as a contextualization cue by a receiver when it is not intended as such by a sender, leading to an incorrect interpretation of the sender"s utterance or non-verbal act. Secondly, it serves to confirm that non-verbal communication and verbal communication should be considered as equal partners within a multimodal concept of communication, since non-verbal acts are subject to the same pragmatic principles and inference strategies as verbal utterances. Thirdly, it demonstrates that non-verbal acts of all kinds may potentially function as contextualization cues, especially if there is a primary conceptual link between an aspect of the cue and an aspect of the retrieved knowledge base. Fourthly, as is one of the main arguments of Thomas (1995), it highlights the importance of considering both intended speaker (or, better, sender) meaning and message understanding within a model of pragmatics: misunderstandings like this can only be comprehended fully by recourse to both parties" cognition. And finally, it may perhaps serve as an incentive to further studies in which the pragmatic theories developed primarily in relation to verbal language may also be applied to situations which are made up wholly or mainly of non-verbal acts. California Linguistic Notes Volume XXIX No. 1 Summer, 2004 4 References Gumperz, John J. 1982. Discourse strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gumperz, John J. 1992. Contextualization and understanding. In: Duranti, A. / Goodwin C. (eds.).Rethinking context: language as an interactive phenomenon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 229-52. Gumperz, John J. 1995. Mutual inferencing in conversation. In: Marková, I. / Graumann, C.F. / Foppa, K. (eds.) Mutualities in dialogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 101– 123. Kotthoff, Helga. 2000. Gender and joking: on the complexities of women"s image politics in humorous narratives. Journal of Pragmatics 32: 55-80. Levinson, Stephen C. 2002. Contextualizing ‘contextualization cues". In: Eerdmans, S. / Prevignano, C. / Thibault, P. (eds.) Language and interaction: discussions with John J. Gumperz. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 31-39. Ostermann, Ana C. 2003. Localizing power and solidarity: pronoun alternation at an all-female police station and a feminist crisis intervention center in Brazil. Language in Society 32: 351-381. Thomas, Jenny. 1995. Meaning in interaction: an introduction to pragmatics. London: Longman.
2023-07-15 01:32:232


2023-07-15 01:32:301

role-play是动词吗?我们老师说是名词,但是为什么后面又接了the conversation

2023-07-15 01:32:391


2023-07-15 01:32:482


2023-07-15 01:33:071

大学生英语role play 的话题有哪些呀?

Fairy tale: Prince &Princess Reference: snow white, cinderellaClassic comics: Tom& JerryTV Series: Friends, 2 Broke Girls......Pick several scenes that attracts you very well and organize it into a well-made play.
2023-07-15 01:33:151


2023-07-15 01:33:251


评价学生role play的英语水平应该从以下几个方面考虑,并分别给予一定分值:学生表演是否自然、是否落落大方。这是最主要的。扭扭捏捏的分值要低。学生英语表达是否自然,是否使用了简明易懂的,通俗易懂的句式和单词。简单背诵的分值要低。角色演的是否到位,是否担当了应该担当的职责。
2023-07-15 01:33:341

为什么角色扮演翻成roll play ,而不是role play

2023-07-15 01:33:412

大家有知道适合3人role play的英语电影或美剧吗?要搞笑的,可以活跃气氛的,十分感谢!

2023-07-15 01:33:505

Role play的中文意思是什么?

"Role play"角色扮演是一种互动情景教学 采用活动情景教学及角色扮演,通过角色扮演来增强语言学习的趣味性和真实性,让每个同学都有机会开口大胆和老师说英语,用英语思考问题,轻松地投入有趣的课堂,使学习更有效。
2023-07-15 01:34:321

Role Play (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Role Play (Album Version)歌手:Trey Songz专辑:Trey DayTrey Song - Role PlayAyI just got a idea.You know,thinking of some things we could do.Spice things up...Fa sho"If I snuck up in yo bedroom,touch you while you sleep,would you act suprised as if you didn"t know it"s me?I came to steal your heart, girl, don"t call the police.I only want a part, girl, really just a piece.If you show me the money, thenI"m gon" show you the beast.If you give me your honey, girlI promise I"ll be sweet.Then, I"m gon" sneak out the backso nobody will notice me.Then we can run it back girl,it"s your turn to go on me.We can...We can try some role play,you can do what I say,I can do what you say.You can have it your way.We can try some role play.I can do what you say,you can do what I say.I can have it my way.We can try some role play,you can do what I say,I can do what you say.You can have it your way.We can try some role play.I can do what you say,you can do what I say.I can have it my way.The room is spinnin" ridiculous,my body freezing cold.I can"t even remember what I did the night before.I don"t know where I am, girlbut I gotta go.I can"t feel my legs,somebody help.If you come in and rescue me,I don"t know what to do.I say I need a remedy,you say the cure is you.Then you tell me relax,and get ready for surgery.Baby fix me fast,you know it"s an emergency.We can try some role play,you can do what I say,I can do what you say.You can have it your way.We can try some role play.I can do what you say,you can do what I say.I can have it my way.We can try some role play,you can do what I say,I can do what you say.You can have it your way.We can try some role play.I can do what you say,you can do what I say.I can have it my way.You got your picture,in your mind.Let me see,now that we"re together, girl.Don"t be shy, now,it"s alright.You"ll start to see (show me how)show me your direction, girl.You got your picture,in your mind.Let me see,now that we"re together, girl.Don"t be shy, now,it"s alright.You"ll start to see (show me how)show me your direction, girl.We can try some role play,you can do what I say,I can do what you say.You can have it your way.We can try some role play.I can do what you say,you can do what I say.I can have it my way.We can try some role play,you can do what I say,I can do what you say.You can have it your way.We can try some role play.I can do what you say,you can do what I say.I can have it my way.Role play, role play.You can have it your way.Role play, role play.I can have it my way.Role play, role play,I can have it my way.Role play, role play.You can have it your way.Role play, babe...
2023-07-15 01:34:581


Have we ever done roleplayuff1f
2023-07-15 01:35:072


准备服装 化妆 台词 角色扮演 兴表演(互动)。
2023-07-15 01:35:171

求一个三分钟左右的英语role play对话,关于朋友借钱不还 我该怎么说的内容

2023-07-15 01:35:342


do roleplay这个短语用汉语表达翻译为: 做(玩)角色扮演
2023-07-15 01:35:431

role- playing的中文意思是什么?

Role-play the conversation. 角色扮演对话。Anna:Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell mell me how?安娜:山姆,我想为星期六的聚会做俄罗斯汤。你能告诉我怎么做吗?Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage,four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables.山姆:当然。首先,买一些牛肉,一个卷心菜,四个胡萝卜,三个土豆,五个西红柿和一个洋葱。然后,把蔬菜切碎。Anna: What"s next?安娜:接下来是什么?Sam:Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.山姆:接下来,把牛肉,胡萝卜和土豆放进锅里,加一些水。然后,煮30分钟。然后,加入卷心菜,西红柿和洋葱,再煮10分钟。Anna: OK,that"s it?安娜:好的,就这样吗?Sam: No, one more thing. Finally, don"t forget to add some salt.山姆:不,还有一件事。最后,别忘了加点盐。
2023-07-15 01:35:521

Role- play the conversation什么意思?

Role-play the conversation. 角色扮演对话。Anna:Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell mell me how?安娜:山姆,我想为星期六的聚会做俄罗斯汤。你能告诉我怎么做吗?Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage,four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables.山姆:当然。首先,买一些牛肉,一个卷心菜,四个胡萝卜,三个土豆,五个西红柿和一个洋葱。然后,把蔬菜切碎。Anna: What"s next?安娜:接下来是什么?Sam:Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.山姆:接下来,把牛肉,胡萝卜和土豆放进锅里,加一些水。然后,煮30分钟。然后,加入卷心菜,西红柿和洋葱,再煮10分钟。Anna: OK,that"s it?安娜:好的,就这样吗?Sam: No, one more thing. Finally, don"t forget to add some salt.山姆:不,还有一件事。最后,别忘了加点盐。
2023-07-15 01:35:591


没有15分钟 但你可以加内容.(英文自己翻译哦~~) 希望你能接受 两个小女孩1 2 抢劫犯3 路人4 黄飞鸿5 1:我想逛商场,姐姐。陪我嘛。 2:饿 好的。(其实你不愿意)其实我不愿意,我会回来的(对着观众小声地说) 2:你说什么? 2:饿 没有啊!我什么都没讲。 (在路中) 2:哦 我忘记带钱出来了。我得回去一趟。 1:我有,借给你。 2:哦 我忘记带伞出来了。 1:(掏出伞)我有 2:恩~~~~ 哦 我忘记带宠物出来了! 1:好吧 我在这等你。 (冷溜走) 3:美丽的女士 一个人吗?(很温柔)要钱要命?(很凶) 1;救命呀!救命啊! 3:不要叫 女士!(掏出扫把)小心我杀了你! 1:(哭) 4:啊 有人抢劫!!我必须告诉我师傅黄飞鸿。恩?我的手机呢?哦(按黑板擦) 5:你好,这是黄飞鸿。 4:师傅,有抢劫犯。 5:好 我来了!在哪呢? 4:就在你眼前。 (5唱着歌出现) 5:去死吧!可恶的人。 3:啊~~ 5:你已经没事拉,小妹妹 88
2023-07-15 01:36:082

求一个三分钟左右的英语role play对话

A: Hi, B, How"ve you been? B: Fine, you? A: Fine, just that I don"t eat very well these days. I"m really tired of the food they served in our schook dinning hall. B: Oh, I"m sorry to hear that, then, why don"t you go out and eat in those small restaurants? A: Yeah, the restaurants are not bad, but it"s a little expensive. So I was thinking that maybe I should learn how to cook chinese dishes at home. B: Hm, that"s a good idea! A: Yeah, so, do you know how to cook? I"d like to learn cooking from you! B: Well, to be honest, I"m not good at cooking, you know, I spend most of my time on study and some school activities. A: Oh, what a pity! B: But, I know how to make Dumplins (jiaozi). If you think it"s cool, I"d like to teach you. A: Really, that"s very nice of you. B: It"s my pleasure. OK, let"s see what we need! Hm, flour, smashed meat, some vegetable, I think that"s pretty much! A: Yeah, so, we can begin? B: Yeah, first, mix the flour with some water, and then make the cover into hand-sized round pieces. A: OK, that"s not a easy job. B: Then, put some meat and sliced vegetable in the middle of he cover. Fold it, press the edge. See, that"s it. A: Cool! B: Last step is to put them into boiled water and wait for about ten minutes! A: Hm, it"s interesting. B: Yeah, but a little time-consuming. A: Yeah, I think I can do that in weekends. Thank you so much! B: You are welcome!
2023-07-15 01:36:181

关于一个英语的Role play 对话剧本 简单一点不需要太长,内容是关于饭店吃饭的,四人对话

2023-07-15 01:36:483

大学英语老师要求两个人做role play,怎么办?求简短易懂的剧本!

AWhere are you going this weekend? 这个周末你打算去哪儿?BI"m going to Hainan.我会去海南。AOh really? It"ll be nice and warm there. Have you been there before? 噢是吗?那里的天气肯定很暖和。你以前去过吗?BYes, actually it"s my second visit. I was there last October.去过,这次其实是我第二次去了。我去年十月去过一次。AI see. What"s it like there? 噢,那里怎么样?BWell, the life style is much more relaxed than here in the city. And the seafood is tastier!那里的生活方式比在这里城市中要放松多了,而且那里海鲜也很好吃。AWell, have a great time! 好,那祝你玩得快乐!类似的还有,你可以说一个topic话题我帮你找-----------------------------------------------------------------五星级回答,一定要采纳哦,不要辜负我的辛苦劳动!【来自英语牛人团】
2023-07-15 01:36:551

in groups do a role-play怎么读?

有一种说法是,role play是名词role-play是形容词。role-play the conversation,强调对话,但是角色扮演的对话。好像很有道理。但也有是名词说法的,成为名+名的组合名词。
2023-07-15 01:37:052

Role play.Work in groups of three

2023-07-15 01:37:133

求一段6-7分钟左右的英语role play对话

2023-07-15 01:37:202

英语role play,演什么好,我找的好辛苦,大家帮忙找一下,适合四个人的那种,拜托了

2023-07-15 01:37:403

do a role-play的中文翻译

2023-07-15 01:37:482

英语role play,背景是迎新晚会上,大一新生向大四的学长学姐进行大学生活的交流,包括学习和生

2023-07-15 01:37:553

急求关于空姐的role play。主要描述在飞机上遇到的比较搞笑的事。大概在3分钟以内。英文剧本。

、(登机中,空姐MM在机门口迎客,上来一位帅哥……)     空姐MM:“欢迎您登机,请问您是什么座?”     帅哥:“我是天蝎座,你呢!”     空姐(一脸害羞状):“真的嘛,好巧噢,我也是天蝎座耶……”     后面排队的乘客晕倒。   2、(登机完毕,广播响起……)     空姐:“女士们,先生们,欢迎乘坐本次航班,请您坐在跑道上,系好安全带,我们的飞机马上就要起飞了……”     乘客暴寒……      3、(飞机处于起飞状态中,轰鸣声甚大,空姐A与空姐B坐在头等仓闲聊……)     空姐A:“看,那个旅客的鼻毛露出来了,呵呵~”     空姐B:“ 听不见,你说什么?”     空姐A只好又大声重复了一遍,结果空姐B依然摇头示意听不见 。     这时,那名旅客走了过来,凑到空姐B耳边说:“小姐,她说我的鼻毛露出来了!” 4、(飞机终于“爬”上高空,进入平稳飞行状态,空姐开始送饮料……)     “叮咚~”     一名男乘客按响了呼唤铃。     空姐:“先生,请问有什么需要帮助吗?”     男乘客默然。(可能第一次坐飞机,他有点紧张。)     空姐解释:“这是呼唤铃,如果有什么需要再按它,我们会及时帮助您!”     乘客男点点头。     可还没等空姐MM回到坐位,呼唤铃又响了。空姐MM回头一看,只见乘客男站起来,嘴对着呼唤铃大声喊到:“可乐~加冰~”     空姐:……      5、(空姐继送饮料中……)     “太太,您好!请问要喝点什么吗?”     中年女乘客不好意思地说:“不喝,不喝。”     于是空姐小声地说:“免费的哦……”     女乘客:“啊?免费的啊!我要一杯橙汁,一杯可乐,一杯咖啡,还要……”     说完,这名女乘客想想,又从包里拿出一个瓶子说:“再给我灌点豆浆在里面!我要把飞机票喝回来。”     空姐晕眩…… 6、(空姐打起精神继送饮料中……)     空姐:“先生您是喝橙汁还是喝苹果汁?”     旅客:“你们这儿的橙汁有苹果味儿的吗?”     空姐继续晕眩中……   7、(空姐扶墙送饮料中……)     空姐:“您好,请问有什么可以帮您的吗?     旅客:“能要一杯水吗?”     空姐:“当然可以,矿泉水吗?”     旅客:“有果汁吗?”     空姐:“有,橙汁和桃汁请问需要哪一种?”     旅客:“有可乐吗?”     空姐:“有,需要加冰吗?”     旅客:“那给我一咖啡吧!”     空姐:@%¥@^&×…… 8、(空姐MM手拿两 咖啡回?客舱……)     这时,一位旅客指着窗外问空姐:“小姐,这是什么湖啊?”     空姐MM回答:“咖啡壶。”     旅客晕眩中……      9、(叮咚,呼唤铃又响了……)     旅客:“小姐,有指甲剪吗?”     空姐:“您当我是小叮当啊……”      10、(机舱集体无语中,飞机平稳地飞行着,这时,广播里传来了机长愉快的声音……)     “女士们,先生们,我是你们的机长,欢迎大家乘做本次航班,我想告诉大家的是…     …啊!天哪!!”     机长话说了一半,突然发出了一声KB的惊叫,之后,广播里就再没有声音了。这时,所有的乘客都吓话坏了,连空姐也害怕的不知所措,机舱内鸦雀无声……     过了好一会,广播终于传来了机长的声音:     “女士们、先生们,真对不起,让大家受惊了。发生了一点小小的意外,刚才乘务员给我到咖啡的时候,不小心把咖啡撒在了我的衬衣上,不信你们来看,都湿透了!”     这时,机舱里响起一个乘客怒气冲天的抱怨声:“衬衫湿了算什么,你来看看我的裤裆!”     机长晕眩中…… 11、(不知不觉,供餐时间又到了,空姐MM开始送食品……)     空姐:“先生,我们有鸡肉米饭和鱼肉米饭,请问您吃哪种?”     旅客:“排骨!”     空姐:“先生,我们有鸡肉米饭、鱼肉米饭,请问您选哪种?”     旅客:“排骨!”     空姐(沉默片刻后):“我们有鸡排骨和鱼排骨,您吃哪种?”   12、(空姐继续送饭中……)     空姐:“鱼肉米饭和猪肉米饭请问要哪种?”     旅客:“我们两个要猪,他要鱼!”     13、(空姐继续晕眩送饭中……)     空姐:“请问牛和鱼您喜欢哪种?”     乘客:“好的,我要‘牛和"。”     空姐:“是牛,和鱼。”     乘客:“哦!那我要‘和鱼"。”  14、(用餐完毕,空姐开始收餐盘……)     一个旅客指着吃得干干净净的餐盘(连根菜叶都没剩下)抱怨道:“小姐,你们的餐食太差了,简直就是狗食!”     空姐无语中……      15、(大多数乘客都递上餐盘便于乘务员收取,而一名靠窗的乘客无动于衷,空姐MM伸手够不着,于是……)     空姐:“先生,麻烦您把餐盘递一下好吗?”     那名乘客傲慢地回答:“你是服务员,还是我是服务员?”     空姐很礼貌地回答:“是的,先生!我是服务员,但我不是长臂猿!”   16、(飞机飞临北京上空,准备降落中……)     飞机落地前,空姐要做好签封工作,可是刚签封完就有一名旅客向空姐要可乐。     空姐:“对不起,我们都‘封"了”。     旅客怒答:“至于嘛!我就要个可乐,你们就疯啦?”     空姐:…… 17、(飞机还在滑行中,旅客就已经都站起来拿行李了,为了安全,空姐又拿起了广播……)     原本,空姐MM应该说:“女士们,先生们,我们的飞机还在滑行,请您坐好,并关闭头顶上方的行李架。”结果,她一着急广播成了:“女士们,先生们,我们的飞机滑得还行……”     这时候,“叮咚~”内话机又响了,里面传来机长的声音:“谁夸我呢?”     空姐崩溃中……      18、(飞机终于停下了,空姐MM心里老想着赶班车去东直门肯德基餐厅和男友约会,于是     广播又传来如下温馨提示……)     “女士们,先生们,我们的飞机已经抵达首都北京东直门肯德基机场……再见~”     旅客疯了 …… 自己凑一起编编 你要的真没 自己翻译英文吧
2023-07-15 01:38:151

Role play.Work in groups of three.Use the role play cards have a conversation.Then change roles and

不知道你要求做什么,提供翻译和一段对话供参考。翻译(有必要的添加) 角色游戏 人物:学生A, 学生B, 学生C, 游戏方式:三人一组进行,用角色游戏卡进行会话,然后转换角色重新游戏。 游戏一 —— 你在家里,B和C在B家做家庭作业,你想让B把后面的口信捎给C:C借了你的夹克没有归还,你想知道C为什么没有归还,还想知道夹克在什么地方。 游戏二 ——: 你在家,C在你家做作业,A打电话给你让你捎口信给C。请把这个口信告诉C,然后把C的回答告诉A。 游戏三—— 你在B家做作业,你拿了A的夹克,假如你应该在今天上午与他在公交车站见面归还夹克,但是A没有去公交车站。按游戏一的要求编写的对话 对话(dialogue) A (to B on the phone): Good morning. This is A speaking. Is that B over there?(电话中对B讲)你好,我是A,请问你是B吗? B: Oh, it"s you. This is me and what do you want me to do? 哟,是你呀。我是B,想找我有什么事吗? A: Have you seen C? 你见到C了吗? B: Yes, he is at my house doing a homework project with me. Can I help you? 是的,他正在我家和我一起做作业。找他有什么事呀? A: C has borrowed my jacket. Let him answer the phone, shall he? C借走我的夹克,让他接电话好吗? B: Ok. 好吧。 ..... B (to C): You are wanting on the phone. A is calling you. (对C说)你的电话,A找你。 C: Hello, A. What"s up? 喂,A,怎么了? A: It"s high time you returned my jacket. Where is it now? 你早该把夹克还给我了。现在夹克什么地方? C: My God!. I"ve forgotten to return it in time and I‘ve left it behind at home. I am really sorry about it. 啊呀,我忘了还了,我把它落在家里了。实在对不起。 A: Well, remember to bring it with you to the school tomorrow. 记住明天随身带到学校。. C: No problem. (Hang up the phone.) 没问题(挂上电话)。
2023-07-15 01:38:251

It is interesting________________(do) role play.

to do句型it is adj. to do do sth 是真主语,it 是形式主语记得采纳哦亲
2023-07-15 01:38:331

Do the role play with your family.这个的意思是什么呢下急用!快啊

Do the role play with your family.这个中文的意思是‘"和你的家人一起扮演角色吗?‘"
2023-07-15 01:38:481

Role-play is helpful in developing English speaking是什么意思

2023-07-15 01:38:583

you play,you play .this is our role play

you play,you play .this is our role play你玩,你玩,这是我们的角色扮演you play,you play .this is our role play你玩,你玩,这是我们的角色扮演
2023-07-15 01:39:081


role play the conversation角色扮演对话
2023-07-15 01:39:171

do role play的过去式

play的过去式是played。play 英[ple_] 美[ple_] n. 游戏; 比赛; 戏剧; 赌博; vt. 玩; 演奏; 演出; 参加比赛; vt. 扮演; 担任,充当的角色; 演出; 装扮; 短语1、play basketball 打篮球2、play cards 打牌3、play chess 下棋
2023-07-15 01:39:441