barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 23:12:49
TAG: 函数 外贸

We always supply our customers with high-quality goods ___d_____ reasonable prices.





We are looking forward___c____ your trial order.





Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue for gloves, __b___ details of your terms of payment.





Please note that our quotation remains valid __d___ Dec.30





Quotations and samples will be sent ___b__ receipt of your specific enquires.





The goods of your specifications are ___d__ short supply.





We anticipate your prompt response __d___ this respect.





We should be glad to know whether they have the reputation __b__ paying promptly.





Damage __b___ the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit .





We need a regular supply of Bitter Apricot Kernels ___a__ cakes and candies.





You may rest assured that the fabric quality will remain same __a___ what we developed earlier.





All goods must be packed ____d____ waterproof material.





In virtue of its high standard__d___ craftsmanship, our products have become very popular in EU.





This product is now ___d___ great demand.





The goods ___b__ if your L/C had arrived by the end of December last.

a、would be already shipped

b、must have already shipped

c、had been already shipped

d、would have been already shipped

In view of the heavy demand ____a___ this line, we advise you to send us your first order as soon as possible.





We would be grateful if you could have your team prepared __a____ tomorrow morning"s meeting at 9.00 am with all information on Fabric, Trims, Sample approvals & factories.





We suggest that you make some allowance, say 5% __a___ your quoted prices.





About a year ago an action was brought __b___ the firm by one of its suppliers.





We agree to this price and would ask you to accept this order-letter ____c____ our official order.







2023-07-14 21:49:517


2023-07-14 21:50:143


quotation的意思:引文;引语;引用;引证;牌价;报价;挂牌;空铅;嵌块。quotation的例子:1、The book began with a quotation from Goethe.这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。2、The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources.作者旁征博引以阐明自己的观点。3、You need to get a written quotation before they start work.你得在他们开工之前拿到报价单。4、The latest quotations from the Stock Exchange.股票交易所的最新行情。5、He illustrated his argument with quotations from Pasternak...他引用帕斯捷尔纳克的话来证明自己的论点。6、The second quotation is from an essay that D H Lawrence wrote in the nineteen-twenties.第二段引文出自D. H. 劳伦斯20世纪20年代写的一篇文章。
2023-07-14 21:50:571


hello大家好,今天我们要学习的单词是quotation,quotation是一个名词,作为名词的意思是报价单、引用语、引证,quotation的复数形式是quotations,quotation这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词可以划分为三个音节【quo】【ta】和【tion】,第一个音节quo的发音为【kwou028a】,第二个音节ta的发音为【teu026a】,第三个音节tion的发音为【u0283n】,合在一起的话它的发音就是【kwou028au02c8teu026au0283n】,quotation还有些近义词,例如citing、citation;我们再来看一下用法,quotation通常翻译为报价单,例如,You need to get a written quotation before they start work,你得在他们开工之前拿到报价单,还有下面这一句这里翻译为引用,The writer illustrates his point by quotation,from a number of sources,作者旁征博引以阐明自己的观点,还能翻译为引语,Each chapter begins with a quotation,每一章的开头都有引语,quotation还有些短语词组,例如,direct quotation直接标价、直接报价,quotation mark引号、双引号、设置引用标志、引用符号,actual quotation实际报价、实际价位,quotation这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-14 21:51:161


quotation是专业词汇 意思是:行情, 时价; 报价, 估价。商业金融上用得比较多。price比叫生活化和口语化。价格,费用的意思。而且英文有个不变的规则,两个意思相同的单词,一定是长的那个更正式,多用于书面语和正式场合。
2023-07-14 21:51:441


quotation 是指引用的那句话citation 是指引用的那句话的出处,eg,网站,杂志的名称, 著作的作者,and so on.
2023-07-14 21:52:012


quote 英 [ kwu0259u028at ] 美 [ kwou028at ] vt.& vi. 引述,引用vt. 报价; 引述vi. 引用n. 引用; 报价; 引号变形 复数: quotes 过去式: quoted 过去分词: quoted 现在分词: quoting 第三人称单数: quotes 双语例句权威例句句式用法.1 What was that marvellous quote that she came out with?她引用的那句妙语是什么来着?2. Always get a written quote for any repairs needed.每次进行修理都索要一份书面的报价单。3. We"ve only had an "average", quote, unquote, kind of recession.我们只有过一次被称作“一般性的”经济衰退。quotation 英 [ kwu0259u028au02c8teu026au0283n ] 美 [ kwou028au02c8teu026au0283n ] n. 引用,引证; [商业]行情,行市; 行市表,估价单; 引用语变形 复数: quotations 双语例句权威例句句式用法1. The book began with a quotation from Goethe.这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。2. He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.他讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的语录.3. The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible.说故事的那位来宾,指那句话是出自圣经!
2023-07-14 21:52:162

求citation和quotation的区别(apa format)

最简单来说吧,quotation 是引用原话的。也有时候同意改写,不过大部分都是引用文献的话,只有个别同意改写后跟原文也没什么太大差别的时候,也算quotation。citation 是告诉读者文中的某句话,某个研究,某个发现,或者某个东西是出自于哪里。一般分 in-text 和 bibliography。 in-text 就是话后面跟括号,原作者名,年份。或者你在写 as James Smith stated that 的时候,因为作者名字已经出来了,此时可以在作者后面跟括号,年份。 bibliography 是统一编制在最后。也就是 in-text citation 更详细的解释。比如我看到文章中有出自 James Smith 的研究,我想更详细看看到底出自哪个刊哪个文章,于是就在后面的 bibliography 里通过查 James Smith 开头的 citation 就获知。比如前面引用了James Smith,后面的 bibliography 相应就有 James Smith, 某某年年,文章名,年刊,期号,页数等。
2023-07-14 21:52:241

citation 和 quotation 的区别是什么?

A citation from a book or other piece of writing is a passage or phrase from it. 引文A quotation is a sentence or phrase taken from a book, poem, speech, or play, which is repeated by someone else. 引文; 引语citation与quotation都有引用和引文的意思,但是由英文翻译可以明显发现,前者可以指代大片段落的引用,而后者仅仅指代一个短语或者一句话的引用。
2023-07-14 21:52:432


2023-07-14 21:52:491

做报价是make quotes 还是make quotations ?做报价对比英语该怎么翻译呢

make quotations
2023-07-14 21:52:572


人类青春语录的翻译应该是Human young quotes
2023-07-14 21:53:054

行情 英文怎麼说

2023-07-14 21:53:137

what do these quotations suggest are the qualities of a successful salesman?这句话是不是有问题?

这是一个含有主语从句的复合句。首先,我们先来了解一下主语从句,主语从句是指一个句子在复合句中充当主语。那么这个句子不应该使用问号。其次,主语从句应该使用陈述语序,其通常结构为“引导词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他成分”。所以从句应改为:What these quotations suggest......再者,主语从句的使用要注意主谓一致关系,谓语动词用单数还是复数,取决于所跟的表语的单复数。这里,表语为the qualities of...是复数概念,所以这里的are没有问题。总之,这句话的确有问题:1、不应该用问号结尾;2. 从句应该使用陈述语序。以上是我的解析,希望有助于你!
2023-07-14 21:53:307


2023-07-14 21:54:002


纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是美国全国证券交易商协会于1968年着手创建的自动报价系统名称的英文简称。纳斯达克的特点是收集和发布场外交易非上市股票的证券商报价。它现已成为全球最大的证券交易市场。目前的上市公司有5200多家。纳斯达克又是全世界第一个采用电子交易的股市,它在55个国家和地区设有26万多个计算机销售终端。 纳斯达克指数是反映纳斯达克证券市场行情变化的股票价格平均指数,基本指数为100。纳斯达克的上市公司涵盖所有新技术行业,包括软件和计算机、电信、生物技术、零售和批发贸易等。世人瞩目的微软公司便是通过纳斯达克上市并获得成功的。
2023-07-14 21:54:132


道琼斯工业股票指数 The Dow Jones industrial index纳斯达克指数 The Nasdaq composite index纽约财经时报指数 New York Financial Times index
2023-07-14 21:54:421


2023-07-14 21:55:189


NEEQ(National Equities Exchange and Quotations),全国中小企业股份转让系统,是经国务院批准设立的全国性证券交易场所,全国中小企业股份转让系统有限责任公司为其运营管理机构。2012年9月20日,公司在国家工商总局注册成立,注册资本30亿元。上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所、中国证券登记结算有限责任公司、上海期货交易所、中国金融期货交易所、郑州商品交易所、大连商品交易所为公司股东单位。
2023-07-14 21:55:451


deal with the quotations
2023-07-14 21:55:542

请翻译quote unquote成中文

2023-07-14 21:56:058


2023-07-14 21:56:244


2023-07-14 21:56:436


你好,美股交易时间:美国东部时间(EST):周一至周五9: 30 –16: 00北京时间(冬令时11月 - 次年3月):22 : 30 – 隔日凌晨5 : 00北京时间(夏令时3月 - 11月):21 : 30 – 隔日凌晨4 : 00
2023-07-14 21:56:5811


2023-07-14 21:59:211


Proverbs ;Words of famous people ;famous quotations
2023-07-14 21:59:284


询盘,又称为询价进出口交易通常先从市场调查开始,然后建立业务关系,接着是询盘(enquiries),报价(quotations)和发盘(offers),接受(acceptance),发货(delivery of goods),押汇(negotiation for documents).而对于一笔特定的交易而言,询盘则是商业谈判中实质性的第一步. 询盘是指交易的一方欲购买或售出某种商品,向对方询问买卖该种商品的各项交易条件(如商品的品质,规格,价格,装运等).询盘实质上是邀请对方发盘(invitation of offers),在商法上属于邀请要约. 询盘,又称为询价,可以分成两种.一种只询问价格,索取商品目录或样品,被称为一般询盘(General Enquiries);另一种询盘则包括特定商品的各项交易条件,被称为具体询盘(Specific Enquiries). 发盘(Offers)通常是以广告,传单,信件或回应询盘的方式发出的。 发盘的定义为:交易的一方为了销售或购买一批商品,向对方提出有关的交易条件,并表示愿按这些条件达成一笔交易,这种意思表示的行为称作发盘。发盘可以分成两类:实盘(Firm Offer)和虚盘(Non-firm Offer)。二者的区别一定要清楚,因为不仅是它们的表达方式不同,更重要的是它们的法律效力是不一样的。 实盘是发盘人(Offerer)按其提供的条件以达成交易目的的明确表示。实盘具有法律效力.受盘人(Offeree)一旦在有效期限内接受实盘上的条件和内容,发盘人就无权拒绝售货.一项实盘必须具备: 1) 发盘的内容和词句必须肯定,不能用‘大约(about)",‘参考价(reference price)"等摸棱两可的词。 2) 发盘的内容明确完整,其内容应包括商品品质(Quality),数量(Quantity),包装(Packing),价格(Price),装运(Shipment),支付(Payment),有效期(Validity )等。 3) 发盘中不能有保留条件如:以我方最后确认为准 subject to our final confirmation 以货物的未售出为准 subject to goods being unsold 虚盘是发盘人所作的不肯定交易的表示.凡不符合实盘所具备的上述三个条件的发盘,都是虚盘.虚盘无须详细的内容和具体条件,也不注明有效期.它仅表示交易的意向,不具有法律效力.出现下列一类的词句者,皆为虚盘: -Without engagement. 不负任何责任. -subject to prior sale 有权先售 -All quotations are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated. 所作报价,除特别注明外,须经我方确认后方能生效. -Our offer is subject to approval of export licence. 出口许可证准许签证,我方报价才有效.询价机制所谓“询价机制”,是指主承销商先确定新股发行价格区间,召开路演推介会,根据需求量和需求价格信息对发行价格反复修正,并最终确定发行价格的过程。一般时间为1~2周。例如此次建行最初的询价区间为1.42~2.27港元,此后收窄至1.65~2.10港元,最终发行价将在10月25日前确定。询价过程只是投资者的意向表示,一般不代表最终的购买承诺。
2023-07-14 21:59:381


1.通用条款:本采购订单(无论是作为要约,接受要约,或者是合同确认)都受其条款的约束及限制。通过执行或承认本采购订单(“合同”)收据,卖方同意其规定的所有条款和条件。 “产品”在下文表示卖方提供的货物和/或服务。诺(“买方”)不接受任何卖方报价单,认知单,接受订单通知书或类似的文件中包含的不同条款或附加条款。在此提到的规格,图纸和其他附件或文件将被纳入本合同,作为本合同的一部分。2.交货及所有权条款。卖方承认在按合同封面上规定的日期交货或提供服务时,按期交货或按期提供服务至关重要。原材料,补给及产品组成设备的所有权会在买方所在地或其他交货地点发生转移。所有权的转移不会免除卖方在合同下的任何责任义务。
2023-07-14 21:59:481


2023-07-14 21:59:553


As indicated in the table, separate offer, for your reference.
2023-07-14 22:00:055


我一直很留意象形文字思维与拉丁字母思维表现在文字上的差异。象形文字思维好像呈连续直线型,而拉丁字母思维则呈扩散点状型。最典型的例子,就是英语句子中经常会出现插入语(Parenthesis),把本来很连贯的句子意群切断,例如:The first thing a right-minded girl must do, if only for a second, is take a look around her.Seedpods are furtively placed into our bedrooms while we sleep, and the next thing we know, we"re craving feminine-hygiene deodorant and Hamburger helper.在中文里,这种现象比较罕见。汉语也有插入语,但大多出现在句首或句末,不会把完整的句子拦腰切断。例如:不好意思,我来晚了。你的确来晚了,我必须说。当然,这种出现在句首的插入语,也经常出现在英语句子中:Before we know it, acquaintances will shun us on the street.To some extent, the selection of the quotations represents the personal opinions of the compiler.但更经常出现的,还是那种切断句子的插入语:But things, as they will, went sour.We cannot, as much as I think it is right and just that we should, have our cakes and eat them too.I really was, unbeknown to myself, deeply despondent.She accused me, in no uncertain terms, of chewing her ear off.You, and you alone, know that he is the most intriguing man on earth.Some girls are, no kidding around, sophisticated.Colombo"s All-Time Great Canadian Quotations is, as its title states, the compiler"s selection of the great or essential quotations connected with Canada.英语这种插入语的应用,显示了一种思维的点状跳跃,作为言犹未尽的一种补充,让本来的句子无法表达的额外意思借机表达出来。有意思的是,它不仅没有破坏原句子的思路,反而显出一种活跃灵动的脑力活动。反之,汉语句子的表达趋向一气呵成首尾连贯,比较不习惯在表达一个内容的句子同时,突然半路杀出个程咬金,把话题扯开,再拉回来。了解中英文插入语的使用习惯,不仅有助于英语复杂句式的阅读理解,若使用得当,这种插入语可以让你的英文显得更为地道。
2023-07-14 22:00:231

eRFQ是什么意思和RFQ的意思一样?都是Request For Quotations询价的意思?

一般加上e 都是电子的意思 好像e-mail 所以eRFQ 应该是电子报价询价
2023-07-14 22:00:331


A:“询价单” 用标准的商务英语用词是这样中译英:1:“询价单”标准英语全写是:Request for Quotations2:“询价单”简写是:RFQ3:“询价单”蛮邦美国英语是:Request for Quotes B:“询价单” 用本地崇尚的游乐场中式英语是:Inquiry Lists
2023-07-14 22:01:531


报价单请以此份为准1) Quotations are subject to the specifications stipulated in this copy, thank you. 2) Please refer to this version for quotations, thank you.
2023-07-14 22:02:091


问题一:经典用英语怎么说? 肯定是classic,没错!!! 问题二:经典语录用英语怎么说 【经典语录】 classical quotations (classic是优秀的,典雅的。而classical才有‘经典的"意思) 问题三:“名篇经典”用英语怎么说 Masterpiece classic 这是有道上给你解释,希望可以帮到你 问题四:“经典歌曲”用英文怎么写 圣诞歌用英语写 问题五:经典语录英语怎么说 您好,我们可以下面这个短语表示: 英文原文: Classic quotations 英式音标: [?kl?s?k] [kw?(u028a)?te??(?)nz] 美式音标: [?kl?s?k] [kwo?te??nz] 问题六:经典语录英文怎么说 Classic Quotations 问题七:经典诵读用英文怎么说 经典诵读 [网络] classic reading; classic 英[?kl?s?k] 美[?kl?s?k] adj. 典型的; 传统式样的; 著名的; 有趣的; n. 文豪; 文学名著; 优秀的典范; 古希腊与古罗马的文化研究(尤指对其语言与文学的研究); [例句]The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy 主流媒体上的辩论是英国式虚伪的典型例子。 问题八:请问“经典电影推荐”用英文怎么说 请问“经典电影推荐”用英文怎么说 Classic movies remendation 或是: Classic films remendation 都可以。 很希望会对你有帮助。 问题九:经典片段的英文怎么说? 你是指揣活中的片段还是电影中的片段或是记忆片段? 电影经典片段,额,还是用Classic Scenes~~谢谢,楼上回答也不错。 问题十:有什么比较好听的英文单词 根据投票的结果,排在前70名的最优美的英语单词为: 1. mother 母亲 2. passion *** 3. *** ile 微笑 4. love 爱 5. eternity 永恒 6. fantastic 奇异的 7. destiny 命运 8. freedom 自由 9. liberty 自主 10. tranquillity 安宁 11. peace 和平 12. blossom 花丛 13. sunshine 阳光 14. sweetheart 情人,爱人 15. gorgeous 绚丽的 16. cherish 珍爱 17. enthusia *** 狂热 18. hope 希望 19. grace 优美 20. rainbow 彩虹 21. blue 蓝色 22. sunflower 向日葵 23. twinkle 闪烁,闪耀 24. serendipity 意外新发现 25. bliss 福佑 26. lullaby 催眠曲 27. sophisticated 精细的 28. renaissance 复兴 29. cute 可爱 30. cosy 舒适的 31. butterfly 蝴蝶 32. galaxy 银河 33. hilarious 欢闹的 34. moment 瞬间 35. extravaganza 娱乐表演 36. aqua 水 37. sentiment 柔懦情感 38. cos转帖olitan 四海为家的人 39. bubble 气泡 40. pumpkin 南瓜 41. banana 香蕉 42. lollipop 棒棒糖 43. if 如果 44. bumblebee 大黄蜂 45. giggle 咯咯笑 46. paradox 似非而是的论点 47. delicacy 精美 48. peek-a-boo 躲猫猫 49. umbrella 雨伞 50. kangaroo 袋鼠 51. flabbergasted 目瞪口呆地 52. hippopotamus 河马 53. gothic 哥特风格的 54. coconut 椰子 55. *** ashing 极好的 56. whoops 哎哟! 57. tickle 发痒,胳肢 58. loquacious 爱说话的 59. flip-flop 夹趾拖鞋 60. *** ithereens 碎片 61. hi 打招呼,引起注意 62. gazebo 凉亭 63. hiccup 打嗝 64. hodgepodge 大杂烩 65. shipshape 整齐 66. explosion 迸发 67. fuselage (飞机的)机身 68. zing 生命力 69. gum 口香糖 70. hen-night 女子婚前单身派对 望采纳!...>>
2023-07-14 22:02:161


1、The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.摆脱诱惑的唯一方法就是屈服于诱惑(意思是说当遇到诱惑时,别想着抵抗,乖乖顺从吧)。我这样翻译的原因是,我查了下这句话的由来,发现是Oscar Wilde说的,而他还说过一句话,就是“I can resist everything, except temptation." 翻译是“我可以抵抗任何事物,除了诱惑。”2、Oscar wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德(英国作家)
2023-07-14 22:02:277


美国为了鼓励外国人投资美国股票,买卖美国股票的资本利得是免税的,但美国公司给予您的股利要扣10%的税,这和当前中国大陆股市基本一致。买卖美国股票的手续费,不以“交易金额”的比率计算,而以“交易笔数”为基准,而且因券商的不同而有异,此外网络下单也比电话委托下单便宜的多。像在知名网络券商e*trade开户交易,每笔交易手续费为14.99~19.99美元,若在拥有中文网站并有中文客户服务的嘉信理财charles schwab交易,每笔手续费为29.95美元,
2023-07-14 22:03:481


Here is the apply to your aquirement:1. the power of these equipments is mentioned in the quotations2. the warranty of all equipments is available within 1 year3. security check depends on the circumstances, and check lines and bearings 1 month or more4. discountant is dependant on your order. According to your order, I shall give varity discountant.
2023-07-14 22:03:563


感觉两个都硬梆梆,我的建议是 Quotations of young people !
2023-07-14 22:04:021


2023-07-14 22:04:112


1. By Mr. BOSWELL, we learned that your company"s name and address. 2. Willing to establish business relations with your company 3. The company hardware products for many years, a statement of excellence, with a reliable sales channel 4. To make your company a better understanding of my company, my company first sent a brochure 5. look forward to an early reply, English business letter format, with the ordinary English is not the same.
2023-07-14 22:04:322


Quotations from Chairman Mao ZedongThe Little Red Book
2023-07-14 22:04:404


2023-07-14 22:05:004


I thought we will future be able to have well gather Along with further understood, the quoted price and the commercial provision can more reasonable somewhat anticipations will next time cooperate
2023-07-14 22:05:097


1. To familiarize ourselves with your products, we need some technical details. Please send us literatures, brochures, or leaflets dealing with your products. 为使我们熟悉贵公司的产品,我们需要一些技术方面的细节。请寄有关产品的说明书,小册子或者活页目录。 2. We are also enclosing a catalog showing a brand new addition to our line, Model E331. 附寄一本目录,上面有本公司系列产品中增添的最新型号E331。 3. We hope the enclosed brochure will be helpful to you. 我们希望附寄的小册子对您有所帮助。 4. We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export. 现寄去一份有关我公司目前可供出口的各式自行车的小册子。 5. Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you? 请寄我公司一份贵公司进口的商品清单。 6. Will you please send me a copy of your catalogue and pricelist of desktop computers and copies of any descriptive leaflets that I could pass to prospective customers. 请寄我一份台式计算机的目录本和价目单,或者任何说明小册子,以便本公司分给潜在的顾客。 7. Many thanks for your letter dated September 6, we have enclosed the current brochure from which you may have a better understanding of our new products. 感谢你方9月6日来函,先附上一册最新商品目录,从中你会对我们的新产品有更多的了解。 8. Thanks for your enquiry dated May 18, we are now sending you our latest pricelist for your reference. 感谢你方5月18日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。 9. Our quotation is subject to change without notice. 我方报价如有变更不另通知。 10. There is a big demand for Chinese microware ovens. We shall appreciate your quoting us competitive prices for models available now. 我国对中国微波炉的需求很大,请你们对目前能供应的型号向我方报有竞争性价格,非常感谢。 We highly appreciate your immediate reply to our Enquiry Note No.2436 regarding hard drivers. 11.非常感谢及时回复我方关于硬盘的第2436号询单。 Several of my customers have recently expressed interest in your waterproof garments and enquired about their quality. We should be glad if you could send us samples and quotations. 12.我们有几个客户表示对你们的防水服装感兴趣并询问了质量情况。如能寄来样品和报价,将十分感谢。 The attached bulletin will give you complete information on vacuum cleaners. 13.附上的简报有关于真空吸尘器的详细信息。 There is likely to be enquiry or order for men"s shirts, therefore ,please send us quotations and samples in advance. 14.很可能有男衬衫的询单甚至定单,所以请提前寄来报价和样品。 This is a technical question, which I will have to refer to our technical department. 15.这是一个技术性的问题,我得找我们的技术部门。 We are expecting to receive your earliest reply to this enquiry. 16.我们在等待你早日答复这一询函。 We have an enquiry for silicon carbide and would like to ask you to send us your offer for 1000 metric tons for shipment during September. 17.我们得到一个碳化硅的询盘,请你报我1000公吨9月交货。 We have received an inquiry for Men"s Shirts and request you to send us your offer not later than the end of this month. 18.我们收到的一个男衬衫的询盘,要求你们在本月底以前给我们报盘。 We have recently received many inquiries from retailing shops in New York area about the captioned items and are sure that there would be very brisk demands, We shall appreciate your quoting us your most competitive prices on a CIF New York basis for the following. 19.我们近期收到许多来自纽约地区的零售商的关于标题货物的询函,我们肯定那儿的需求一定很旺。如能报我以下产品的CIF 纽约的竞争的价格,将十分感谢。 We have seen your advertisement in the Textile journal and should be glad if you would send us patterns and prices of quality cotton piece goods available from stock.. 20.我们看到了你们在《纺织品杂志》上刊登的广告,如能给我们寄来可现货供应的优质布匹的花稿和剪样,将十分高兴。 1. Because of the rapid development of our business in Asia, we think it"s necessary to open branches at the following addresses. 鉴于我们在亚洲地区业务的迅速发展,有必要在下列地点设立分公司。 2. Congratulations on your newly-opened business in Atlanta. We hope it will mark the beginning of our close cooperation in the years to come. 祝贺你们亚特兰大市公司开张!我们希望它成为今后我们多年紧密合作的契机。 3. In the course of our negotiations we have come to a much better understanding of each other, which bears a lot for our future business. 在谈判过程中,我们相互增强了理解,这对我们今后的业务很有意义。 4. It is our sincere wish that we will have the privilege of serving you soon.. 我们忠诚的希望不久能为你服务。 5. It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit. 如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。 6. Thank you for your manner of business cooperation. 我们对你们的合作态度非常满意。 7. The conclusion of the deal is certainly not the ending. It is only the beginning, and a good one , of the long and friendly business relations between us. 这笔交易的达成当然不是结束。它仅仅是个开端,一个我们之间长期友好业务关系的开端。 8. The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade. 市场萧条导致贸易停滞。 9. The company you enquired about has proved their competitive ability and has a fine credit reputation. 你们询问的那一家公司证实了他们是具有竞争力的,并且是信誉良好的。 10. These two grades are very much in demand. 这两种等级(的货)目前需求甚殷。 To merit your confidence and goodwill is our aim at all times. 11.获得你的信任和友善是我们一贯的目的。 We are grateful to you for having offered us the information about your local markets. 12.感谢你们向我们提供当地的市场情况。 We are happy to have concluded the business with you. Our work was not wasted. The time-taking negotiations were worth our while. 13.与你方达成了交易,很高兴。我们的工作没有白做,这种费时的磋商还是值得的。 We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to U.S.A. 14.我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。 We look forward to reactivating our business relationship. 15.我们盼望我们的业务关系重新启动起来。 When looking back, we are happy to see we have come a long way and finally succeeded in securing the transaction. 16.回顾过去,我们高兴地看到经过漫长的道路我们最终达成交易。 Your communication of October 27 addressed to our Head Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply, as the products you require fall within the scope of our business activities. 17.你方10月15日发给我们总公司函已转交我公司办理,因为你所询问的商品是我们经营的。 Enclosed is our latest catalog in which Page 14 details the unique features of our laser printers. 18.随函附上最新的商品目录,其中第14页详细地介绍了我们的激光打印机的特色。 I have seen one of your safes in the office of a local firm with whom I have regular dealings and they have recommended you as a maker of reliable and inexpensive safes. Please send me a copy of your catalogue. I am particularly interested in safes suitable for a small office. 19.曾经在本地一老顾客办公室中,看到贵公司所制之保险柜,他们特别向我们推荐,贵公司制造的保险柜,可靠且价格合理。请寄一份目录给我们,本公司尤其对小间办公室使用的保险柜感兴趣。 We will allow you 10% discount if you purchase 5000 dozens or more. 20.如果你方能订购5000打或5000打以上,我们将给予10%的折扣。
2023-07-14 22:05:241


  询盘信,是客户与我们建立合作关系的第一步,我们的英语措辞方面也要注意。下面是我给大家整理的商务英文询盘信范文,供大家参阅!   商务英文询盘信范文1   Dear Mr. Smith,   We purchased a large quantity of your products a few months ago and found them very satisfactory.   Currently, we are in need of the same quantity of the item and would like to consider ordering them from your company again, this being subject to provided terms and conditions that could be more favorable than our previous order.   As you are probably aware, due to the import from third countries, the price for steel products has been going down since this year and up to now has not reached the same level that of last year. Provided that you can provide us with the same quality products,   we would be extremely pleased to have your firm offer and samples sent to us. We look forward to having a good cooperation with you.   Yours Sincerely, Zhang San   商务英文询盘信范文2   Subject: Enquiry   Dear Sir,   We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.   We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.   We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.   We look forward to hearing from you by return E-mail.   Sincerely,   Xxx   主题:询盘   亲爱的先生:   本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤运抵英国利物浦的成本价运费价格。如蒙惠赐上述报价单,不胜感激。如能惠寄样本和价格表,亦必感激不尽。   本公司素来从其他公司购买此类货物,闻悉贵公司货物质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系。   盼复。   你真诚的xxx   商务英文询盘信范文3   Dear Sirs,   We have your name and address from the Commercial Counselloru2019s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana. We wish to inform you that we specialize in both industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you.   To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specifications and means of packing. Quotations and samples will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquiries.   Business between us will be concluded on the basis of shipping quality and weight while testing and inspection will be made by Shanghai Commodity and quantity of the shipment will, of course, be provided.   We look forward to your early reply with much interest.   Yours sincerely   China National Import & Export Corp.   Manager   商务英文询盘信范文4   Dear Sirs,   We visited your stand at the Canton Fair last month, and we are interested in your silk neckties displayed in your showroom. Now we are writing to inquire about these products.   We would be pleased to receive a copy of your catalogue, together with some samples of your newest commodities. We would also be grateful if you could send us your best offer indicating packing, specification, quantity available, terms of payment and the earliest time. It would be highly appreciated if you quote your lowest price on CIF London.   Should your goods are satisfactory and the price be found competitive, we would place large orders from with you. We are looking forward to your prompt reply.   Yours faithfully,   Michelle Johns   英文询盘典型句型   (1) Could you give us some idea about your price?   请介绍贵方的价格好吗?   (2) Do you offer FOB or CIF ?   你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?   (3) How long does your offer remain valid/firm/open?   你们的报价多长时间有效?   (4)Will you let us know what your terms of payment are?   能否告知贵方付款条件?   (5)Please make us an offer within this month since we have made an inquiry for your products.   我们已对你们的产品进行询价,请在本月内给予报盘。   (6)Please send us your best offer by Internet stating payment terms and time of shipment.   请用互联网向我们报最优价,说明支付条件和装运期。   (7)Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.   请详告价格、质量、可供数量及其它有关情况。   
2023-07-14 22:05:301


Tea is the essence of zen meditation, blindly, its purpose lies in meditation, Japanese tea ceremony has been focused on feeling is the beauty, including tea, tea meaning beauty, beauty of tea, brown will beauty, beauty, and have no taste of beauty in life, choose tea beauty, optional choose water of beauty, choose its beauty, beauty of choice, anyhow, raised completely pursue a Japanese tea ceremony, zen tea of zen buddhist meaning is a Japanese tea ceremony of the above. Japan several big tea people said more can prove this Japanese tea ceremony in zen above view: Tea means zen. Therefore gave off no zen tea. Don"t know zen, also don"t know that tea flavor. - quoted include: peace ZongZe ta-pa-ni ze chan tea" This is customary in zen tea, so the same word words and meditation, what is more, can show not. Quotations quoted ZongDan 1000 - Small tea table, the most important of the ceremony, in order to uphold dharma fulfillment. The divorced from 1000 - quotations The Japanese in meditation, established artistic tea culture, namely in meditation and Confucianism, added many art elements, Japan will combine with the zen tea with Japanese characteristic, is much more surface, and Angle inprove. A western religion, moral training, and explore the art, in separate the contact, often feel wonderful, but you want to go in, it is completely very difficult. Zen and tea Tea is introduced into Japan by QianTangShi Japanese comprehensive learning China civilization, tea is doubly, precious and novelty, tea is fashionable, and tea lover is putting on the dog. A few jins aristocratic home, it is the tea as a symbol of wealth. Widely used a long-distance transportation of tea, taste and limited amount, to ensure that the party will turn to the key natural eat up the party. Japan"s diet or oily food with nobility, tea oil, can disappear after dinner. After the song dynasty, the method of tea into the water again too thick, hollow drink will stimulate the gastric mucosa, so drink tea with eat stew also. Thousands of the leisure invented drinking method, is a bowl of tea, regardless of how many people, must come from the same position tea bowl, you want to last just drink.
2023-07-14 22:05:411

我们提供两份报价,一份是国产报价,一份是日本进口产品报价。 英语翻译

we can provide you with two quotations,thereinto one for domestic products and the other for products imported from Japan.
2023-07-14 22:05:564

交易行情 英文翻译

stock exchange market
2023-07-14 22:06:074


Note: 1. Quotations of the tax; 2. Quotations of the non-tax; 3. Orders amounting to 500 yuan, including freight steam; 4. Non-freight 5. Quotations valid for 20 days. 6. For in return for 7 days, thank you!
2023-07-14 22:06:416