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西方国家的饮食文化 Food Culture in Western Countries

2023-07-14 22:25:03

In England

people always havesome bread and milk for breakfast on weekday which is always in a hurry. But onweekends

breakfast is a big feast with bacon






and so on.


As for lunch

it"s always sosimple. People usually have a sandwich or a hot dog. Some people also eat in a fast-foodrestaurant nearby. This meal won"t last very long.


Dinner is the biggest meal withpotato




and some desserts. At this meal

people usuallysit around the table and talk about their daily events. This is the best timefor family gathering.


Cheese is the most popular foodin European countries and the United States. According to different dishes andwine

different cheese is tied in. The simplest cheese is to put a certainamount of all kinds of cheese on a plate

called cheese dish.


Jewish usually eat apples withhoney on New Year"s Day

in order to celebrate the happiest New Year.



急!!!!杭州有这个酒店吗 Best Western Premier Ocean Hotel

2023-07-14 19:57:534


2023-07-14 19:58:021


2023-07-14 19:58:091


凯宾斯基国际酒店集团;雅高集团;海逸国际酒店集团;BEST WESTERN酒店管理集团;香格里拉酒店集团;喜达屋国际酒店集团;圣达特国际集团;希尔顿酒店集团公司;洲际国际酒店集团;万豪国际酒店集团公司。
2023-07-14 19:58:191


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2023-07-14 19:58:373


酒店名称:铜锣湾华丽精品酒店酒店星级:四星级酒店英文:Best Western Hotel Causeway Bay地理位置:港岛区 铜锣湾房间总数:258间开业时间:2011年6月开业地址: 香港铜锣湾宝灵顿道38号
2023-07-14 19:58:461

想知道:香港特别行政区 从香港国际机场到华丽精品酒店(Best Western Hotel Causeway Bay)怎么坐公交?

公交线路:机场快线 → 港岛线,全程约39.1公里1、从香港国际机场步行约1.6公里,到达机场站2、乘坐机场快线,经过3站, 到达香港站3、步行约10米,换乘港岛线4、乘坐港岛线,经过3站, 到达铜锣湾站5、步行约650米,到达华丽精品酒店
2023-07-14 19:59:042


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2023-07-14 20:00:051


2023-07-14 20:00:131


第一天:北京—飞机12小时—洛杉矶 住宿:洛杉矶 路况:城市道路第二天:洛杉矶—40KM/25MI(30分钟)—环球影城—洛杉矶 住宿:洛杉矶 路况:城市道路第三天:洛杉矶—430KM/268MI(4.5小时)—拉斯维加斯 住宿:拉斯维加斯(酒店不含早) 路况:洲际公路第四天:拉斯维加斯一地(驱车到奥特莱斯1~2MI(3KM左右)第五天:拉斯维加斯—200KM/125MI(2.5小时)—死亡谷国家公园—570KM/355MI(6小时)—弗雷斯诺 住宿:弗雷斯诺 路况:山路第六天:弗雷斯诺—97KM/60MI(1.5小时)—优胜美地国家公园—222KM/138MI(3小时)—都柏林 住宿:都柏林 路况:山路第七天:都柏林—56KM/35MI(1小时)—旧金山—192KM/119MI(2.5小时)—蒙特雷 住宿:蒙特雷 路况:城市道路+洲际公路第八天:蒙特雷—7KM/4.5MI(10分钟)—卡梅尔、大苏尔—2802KM/175MI(3.5小时)—圣玛利亚 住宿:圣玛利亚 路况:海岸公路+山路第九天:圣玛丽亚—58KM/36MI(1小时)—丹麦小镇—205KM/128MI(2.5小时)—洛杉矶 住宿:洛杉矶 路况:海岸公路第十天:洛杉矶——北京(+1天)
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2023-07-14 20:01:021

The important of learning English?

2023-07-14 20:01:101


2023-07-14 20:01:193


宁德新天地小区地址:蕉城区蕉城区蕉城南路(宁德一中对面,实验小旁)。周边直线1KM范围内交通配套资源有(市建行,金南门(蕉城区人社局),金南门,南_路口,小场路口,南门兜,下宅园路口,人民影院,荷园新村,东湖市场)等。直线2KM范围内教育资源有10个(千禧托辅中心(蕉城南路),优化全科培训,贝尔安亲(宁德蕉城校区),树德学校,宁德市社区大学,远英教育,韦纳教育(宁德校区),爬数教育,好老师教育机构,明英剑桥教育)等。周边2KM医疗资源有9个,其中蕉城区妇幼保健院距离小区289米,宁德人民医院-急诊距离小区799米,宁德人民医院距离小区820米,蕉南社区卫生服务中心距离小区858米,宁德人民医院-住院部距离小区881米,宁德市医院(蕉城院区)距离小区950米,市中医院距离小区1050米,宁德东方医院距离小区1333米,宁德蕉城时代医院距离小区1346米,为医疗需求提供保障。宁德新天地周边商业配套有:(Best Western宁德财富酒,金强电动工具维修经营部,舒华体育用品,步乐体育,百佳超市,妈妈集市,福万佳百汇(金南门店),百佳超市,万佳购物广场(新亚店),东方康宁购物广场(宁德店))等。点击查看更多:宁德新天地小区详细信息
2023-07-14 20:01:261


我想说一句就是:你打的词语可能有点出错,可能打错了,所以有几个单词我用英文写了亲爱的陈先生, 谢谢您的询问。请检查下面的引进澳洲袋鼠肉,让我知道你看到的潜力,如果你需要任何进一步的细节。 我们一直在这个产品出口到越南超过7年。这是完全接受和响应很好的亚洲风格的烹饪marinades和香料等。 这肉是一种野味和充分风味,而不是强有力的,它有一个非常漂亮的纹理。这是不同于优质牛肉在大多数的筹备工作,并增加吸引力,几乎被脂肪免费的。 我们可以提供定期的装运冷冻肉袋鼠在各种削减和包装,从全体胴体骨准备向零售品牌真空包装的牛肉原始削减。 价格从约美元4.00/Kg至11.00/Kg澳大利亚港口离岸价根据您的要求。 整个去骨腿很受欢迎( WK9 )它包括臀,顶,银方面,转向节和小腿。这些包装可作为一个单独的削减如果需要的话,价格可以谈判取决于削减和数量是必需的。 (见WK14 - 17 ) WK11是相同的一块肉的小腿和关节中,小腿和关节的低质量最好的削减用于长期缓慢烹调等stews WK12是一样的,但WK11的臀删除,我们不建议以此作为臀是非常好的一块肉。 腿部肉是适合很多菜,也可以分离到rumps ,顶, silverside削减如果需要的话。 如果肉可以用来在这一形式,通常是最经济的购买,因为它需要较少的加工和包装比其他削减。 全体腿通常是单独销售真空包装,并在15二十零公斤主纸箱。 在臀和上部可烤然而鱼片是最好的西式牛排和更加昂贵( WK27 ) 臀,顶silverside和鱼片通常是准备在零售套有明确的顶端。
2023-07-14 20:01:363


对于考英语四级的朋友来说,英语作文这一块是高分题,只有把握好了才能得分。以下是我收集的四级英语作文范文,欢迎阅读参考!希望对大家有帮助。 英语四级作文范文 第一篇 On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success. The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers" feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.” All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved. 第二篇 A volunteer activity was organized by the Student Union in our University on 5th June last week. The activity was designed to visit and help the elderly people in the neighborhood. Twenty students actively took part in the activity and contributed to giving care and love to the elderly. They helped to clean up the houses and chatted with the senior people in the morning. In addition, they played games with the elderly people and delivered a series of art programs to the welcoming seniors. This volunteer activity is meaningful and valuable. With the activity, we can cultivate mutual trust, understanding and good relationship between us and the elderly. The society and family must give priority to helping the elderly, which is indispensable for not only their mental and physical health but also for the long-term development of the society. 第三篇 Sample: Moral Building on Campus Recently, if you search the internet or other media, you would see reports on demoralization now and then. Universities are no exception. These demoralization shows in the following aspects: theft, lack of credibility, cheating in examinations, plagiarism in papers, improper interaction with the opposite sex etc. In sum, moral building on campus is of critical importance in students" all-round development. On one hand, this requires the universities to attach great importance to natural environment planning and building. A good campus environment plays an active role in cultivating students" ideology and moral education. On the other hand, the staff in the university should find the best in both Chinese and Western culture to educate the students. Students can learn important lessons from Western cultures, adding to our profound morality. We, as students in the university, should be aware of the importance of moral building. We should do something to support the moral building work, starting from little things around us. Students Union should organize some activities for students to take part in, highlighting the importance of moral building. 第四篇 Ideals Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another. My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving people"s lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. 第五篇 Fast Food Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won"t be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurant. However, I think that fast food isn"t healthy enough because it does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. 英语四级作文必背万能句子 一、用于作文开头的万能模板 1、Many people insist that... 很多人(坚持)认为…… 这句话乍看没亮点,但将众人皆知的"think"换为"insist"有没有觉得高大上了许多? 2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that... 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…… 这个可是我当年的"杀手锏"啊,虽谈不上洋气,但正确率百分百啊,还超好记! 3、A lot of people seem to think that... 很多人似乎认为…… "think"终于闪亮登场,但"seem to"为整个句子增添了点婉转之感,这种客观的方式貌似较受老外(尤其腐国人)喜爱。 二、引出不同观点的万能模板 1、People"s views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that.... 人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为…… 看这个长度就已然鹤立鸡群。其实,也是一个蛮简单也好记的模板。 2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。 乍一看,跟上句的开头神似,其实就是省略掉了"people"s",不仅清爽而且好像高端了一些。 3、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。 又是一个婉转的句子,展示其客观性。 4、There are different opinions among people as to... 关于……人们的观点大不相同。 "different"虽拉低了水准,但"as to"又拯救了回来。 5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。 这句话貌似亮点不多,顶多一个"hold",但也是安全牌,容易理解。 三、得出最终结论的万能模板 1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that... 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论…… 很完全的答法,"take sth into consideration"短语的应用,加分。 2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that... 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论…… "Take into account sth"短语似乎又比上句的"take sth into consideration"提升了一个层次。 3、Hence/Therefore, we"d better come to the conclusion that... 因此,自然我们得出以下结论。。。 "Hence"一词用在文章中大气吧,但别平时口语中用,否则即使老外也用一种看老古董的眼神看你。。。 再特意提一句:"we"d better"在这里不是“不得不”或“最好”的意思,而是一种自然而然,水到渠成的得出结论。 4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点。 短语"there is no doubt that"上线,同时运用我们的老朋友"as well as"增加看点。 5、All in all, we cannot live without... But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有……是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。 这句话一般用于作文结尾,属万能句式,句式较为简单,方便操作。
2023-07-14 20:01:541


  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是我精心整理的英语话题作文300字10篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 英语话题作文300字 篇1    约定 The Appointment   Last night, my best friend and I see a funny movie. In the movie, the little boy made an appointment with his friends in ten years. So I was inspired, we also decided to make an appointment. We wrote something in the books and we hided it. We promised to see it in five years. It must be very interesting when we see it.    【参考译文】   昨晚,我和我最好的朋友看了一部有趣的电影。在电影中,小男孩和他的朋友有个十年之约。因此,我受到了启发。我跟我朋友也决定来个约定。我们在书上写了一些话,并且藏起来。我们承诺五年后再看。当我们看的时候,一定会非常有趣。 英语话题作文300字 篇2   I think healthy habits are very important for us.All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies.Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don"t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once. 英语话题作文300字 篇3   Would you please tell us something about your favorite singer(s)?   What animal do you like best? Why? How do you practice your oral English? Which scientist do you like best? Why?   Which do you like best, Chinese food or western food? Why?   How do you like to celebrate your birthday? Can you tell us something about your hobby?   What kind of school activities do you like best? Why? 英语话题作文300字 篇4   I"ve been wanting to become a doctor since childhood. It hurts my heart to see the patients suffering from various physical and mental diseases. I understand that it is a long road to become a doctor, but I am resolute to pay the work. Still in middle school, I will start reading books and magazines concerning basic biological information and new medical advances. Of course, math and science are the foundation of all academic subjects, so I will try to do my best in these classes. I plan on finishing a graduate"s degree and turn my dream of helping the needy into reality. 英语话题作文300字 篇5   我最喜欢的运动是篮球。在电视上看起来很酷,因为我几乎没有什么篮球明星,所以我对篮球明星很着迷。   篮球要求速度,高度和技能。我跑,跳,切换,并尝试打!我身体的所有部分都在这项运动中锻炼。我觉得我就像是在操场上的风,我的目标,这让我感觉很好!   篮球运动需要快速反应和决定。当机会来临时,它可能会在下一秒消失。我应该让一只眼睛注视着老鹰,决定和迅速地把它当作一只豹,并把它当作狼来奔跑。   此外,篮球运动不仅仅是运动,它还需要团队合作。没有人能发挥自己。一个团队应该一起工作。所以我学会在这个游戏中与他人合作。我应该了解我的队友在做什么,他需要我为他做什么。在另一边,我应该学会展示我的队友,我需要什么。同时,我需要一个完整的游戏,了解如何是我们的`团队的情况,以及如何是其他团队。它涉及更多的合作和战略。   我打篮球大约5年了。我有许多好朋友在体育。为我的团队和我的学校赢得荣誉是我的骄傲。我还和我的朋友们一起享受所有的游戏。篮球将是我最好的朋友,在未来和我最好的记忆有关学校生活。 英语话题作文300字 篇6   Teachers and students should live in harmony with each other.Firstly, teachers respect the personalities and characteristics oftheir students. Secondly, teachers should love their studentsattentively and treat each student fairly. On the other hand,students should respect their teachers and admit their work andachievements although they have different opinions from theirteachers. Only in this way can teachers and students trust eachother and get along well. 英语话题作文300字 篇7    素质教育   (山东省卷)今年我省出台了系列推进素质教育的新政,其中对学生的作息时间做了严格规定。学生课外时间增多了,他们都在干些什么?他们的负担减轻了吗?下面是English Online杂志社就这些问题对某市部分初中生进行问卷调查的结果。请根据该调查结果写一份80~100词的调查报告,并简单谈谈你的意见和看法。文章的开头已给出,不计入词数。   How many students60%5%   What do they doStudy, read books or do homework Watch TVPlay computer gamesDo sports or play outdoors   English Online made a survey on what junior middle school students do in their spare time. Here is the result._____________________________________________________________________ 英语话题作文300字 篇8   Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich.   Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well.   Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties. 英语话题作文300字 篇9   I like style A very much。I think wearing such school uniforms can make us look not only smart but also sporty。And we may feel energetic when we wear them。I like the colours as well。It"s good for boys to wear blue and white。They are a good match。They can make us feel less stressed。And red is also a good colour for girls。Red makes us feel full of energy and passion。It can make us take action easily。 英语话题作文300字 篇10   Dear classmates:   I"m Li Hua , After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spend too much time. They think exercise builds body and can keep them healthy. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective.   On the other hand, 30% students believe taking exercise is tiring and it"s a waste of time. They say that after having sports they are too excited for a long time to focus on their lessons. And it"s possible to be hurt while doing sports.
2023-07-14 20:02:071


2023-07-14 20:02:188


Welcome to Beijing(欢迎来北京)
2023-07-14 20:02:475


.... 跟到感觉走
2023-07-14 20:03:045


Fisherman"s Wharf is a neighborhood and popular tourist attraction in San Francisco , California . It roughly encompasses the northern waterfront area of San Francisco from Ghirardelli Square or Van Ness Avenue east to Pier 35 or Kearny Street. The F Market streetcar runs through the area, the Powell-Hydecable car lines runs to Aquatic Park, at the edge of Fisherman"s Wharf, and the Powell-Mason cable car line runs a few blocks away.Fisherman"s Wharf gets its name and neighborhood characteristics from the city"s early days during the Gold Rush when Italian immigrant fishermen settled in the area and fished for the Dungeness crab.From then until the present day it remained the home base of San Francisco"s fishing fleet. Despite its redevelopment into a tourist attraction during the 1970s and 1980s, the area is still home to many active fishermen and their fleets. In 2010, a $15,000,000 development plan was proposed by city officials hoping to revitalize its appearance for tourists, and to reverse the area"s downward trend in popularity among San Francisco residents, who have shunned the locale over the years.One of the busiest and well known tourist attractions in the western United States, Fisherman"s Wharf is best known for being the location of Pier 39, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, the Cannery Shopping Center, Ghirardelli Square, a Ripley"s Believe it or Not museum, the Musée Mécanique, the Wax Museum at Fisherman"s Wharf, The floating Forbes Island restaurant and restaurants and stands that serve fresh seafood, most notably Dungeness crab and clam chowder served in a sourdough bread bowl. Some of the restaurants, including Fishermen"s Grotto, Pompei"s Grotto and Alioto"s, go back for three generations of the same family ownership. Nearby Pier 45 has a chapel in memory of the "Lost Fishermen" of San Francisco andNorthern California.Other attractions in Fisherman"s Wharf area are the Hyde Street Pier which is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the USS Pampanito, a decommissioned World War II era submarine, and the Balclutha, a 19th century cargo ship.Fisherman"s Wharf plays host to many San Francisco events, including a world-class fireworks display for Fourth of July, and some of the best views of the Fleet Week air shows.One of the city"s most popular figures is a harmless but controversial resident of Fisherman"s Wharf called theWorld Famous Bushman, a local street performer who sits behind some branches and startles people who walk by. He has gained notoriety during the 30 years he has been doing this.
2023-07-14 20:03:271


A "language differencesIn Chinese, "summer sorching summer," and "hot", with intense heat in summer. While in Shakespeare"s sonnets in a poem have such a plan, I thee a bother /?" Thou art more lovely/domain and temperate (can I get you? / compared with summer than you, and as more lovely summer).The poet"s compared to the summer, lovely and sweet-scented birk shades. "Summer" to the Chinese and British association was so different. Reason lies in geographic location, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate, the four seasons, the most obvious feature of the summer is hot scorching, tough. Britain is located in north temperate climate, beautiful, summer, pleasant. And, of course, many examples of this aspect, for example, in the "dongfeng" make people think of warm sunny side, is called a person gutty icy flavor. While western opposite. Two reasons, in different geographic location, feel different.此段对应中文:一`语言差异 在中国人的心目中,"夏日炎炎"、“火辣夏日”,夏天总与酷暑炎热联系在一起。而在莎翁的一首十四行诗中却有这样的诗句,Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?/Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(我能不能拿夏天同你相比?/你啊,比夏天来得可爱和照。) 诗人把情人比作夏天,可爱而温煦。"夏天" 带给中国人和英国人的联想竟是如此的迥异。原因就在于所处的地理位置不同,中国位于亚洲大陆,属于大陆性气候,四季分明,夏天最明显的特征便是骄阳似火,炎热难熬。而英国位于北温带,属海洋性气候,夏天明媚温和,令人惬意。当然还有很多这方面的例子,例如,在汉语中的 "东风" 使人想到温暖和煦,西风则叫人有种寒风刺骨的味道。而在西方则相反。原因也是一样,两地所处地理位置不同,带来感觉就不同 。 Second, productive laborEnglish and aquaculture, ship relevant words very much, such as fish air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (the boat), to weirdo (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason lies in the water, the aquatic product around the UK economy in the fishing industry and navigation in life, so many occupies an important position in such words. While in China only coastal areas and fishing nets are fishermen, these words are relatively few.To express "physical" luck with negative verbs in Chinese language has many, such as ", the Netherlands, pick up, back, and clothing, negative, and take "etc, every word has certain negative of things with (e.g., soil, water, box), is very close. In English, but only to a nearby the tuyuhun. The Chinese will this verb fine distinction, probably because in the long run China agricultural society, especially because of the many physical labor.We will meet in the Chinese LaoHuangNiu "like", "the same work QiZhuangRuNiu" word in English, to express the same meaning, like a horse would have said, as strong as a horse, flog a horse category. Why Chinese "cow" and use English with horse? The answer is the Chinese have to plow fields, with cattle early britons use kampong farming. Cows and horses in the production process were divided into two americans won the good helper, the people, and also have the words above usage.此段中文翻译:二、 生产劳动 英语中与水产、航船有关的词语非常多,如 fish in the air (缘木求鱼 )、an odd fish(怪人)、miss the boat (错过机会) 等。汉语中这类词语就少得多。原因在于英国四周环水、水产捕捞业和航海业在其经济生活中占有重要地位,故而多此类词语。而在中国只有沿海地区才有渔民结网捕鱼,所以该类词语相对较少。 要表达“用体力负运东西" 的动词在汉语中有许多,如 "扛、 荷、挑、担、抬、背、驮、负、提、挎" 等,每个词都有一定的负运的东西与之相应(如,挑土、担水、提箱子),真是细密之极。在英语中却只有一个 carry来泛指这个动作。汉语之所以将这个动词细加区分,大概因为中国长期处于农业社会,体力劳动特别多的缘故。 汉语中我们会遇到"像老黄牛一样干活" 、"气壮如牛 " 等词 ,英语中要表达同样的意思,会说 work like a horse, as strong as a horse, flog a willing horse 。为什么汉语用 "牛 " 而英语用horse 呢? 答案是中国人向来用牛来耕田种地,早期的英国人却用马来耕作。牛和马在生产过程中分别分成了两国人的好帮手,博得了人们的好感,词语中也就有了如上用法。Third, the customAddress: 1, the title and learn English, we found that the English name of Chinese appellation is much less. For example, a word in English, Chinese cousin cousin, cousin, cousin and cousin, etc. We see that the relationship between Chinese Cousins, very strict to speak, and gives the size of gender, don"t like English general one word. This language phenomenon produces due to China"s two or three thousand years of rule of feudalism. This kind of feudal society, special attention related stressed, advocate the difference between his birthright, cherish and orderly. Kinship relationship, his face and gender million, rights and obligations, and with the difference between appellation appear to strictly and close. In English, except for a few titles, mum, dad, aunt, uncle grandpa often use several appellation, almost all of the other. In Anglo-American countries, people call in Chinese people against each other, and the reasonable impolite, no corrections. Example: the children do not put grandpa"s grandmother grandpa and grandma called, but use first names, this approach is appropriate, kind, fulfills the young person, often buried in the elderly, just before the surname, Mrs Or to add to Mr. This reflects the westerners, pursue equality in their eyes, appellation itself meant not equal.2, honorific modest words: the same as the title, English words are only honorific far less than Chinese. In English, regardless of age, and other high position, I was, I was like, don"t like Chinese with many such as "you, director and engineer" honorific. Chinese is one of the reasons for this phenomenon is China"s feudal society hierarchy patriarchal system. It requires people to elder siblings or higher, even when speaking to use honorific, otherwise think misnomer and discourteous, even appear haughty, About yourself, use, such as not only, also can be considered rude. Another reason is the Chinese traditional ideas of thousands of years, don"t let up, always think "modesty" is a kind of virtue. And in English words such less two reasons:Westerners love is equal, they long to respect personal value, and emphasizes on individual self-confidence. Under the domination of above concept, accept praise westerners, congratulate reaction was also have very big distinction. Chinese people listen to these words will say kind words of modesty, while the westerners will not hesitate to say: "I have," Amy from newspaper seen such a joke, at a party, an American to praise a Chinese woman say: "you of the receiver connected step (look very beautiful today." The Chinese woman hurried said modestly Where (Where), (Where). "the American people feel very strange, then said a sentence: escape in a boat." (everywhere,According to western habits when they praise others, total want others to hum or frank acceptable manner, otherwise they will answer for each other on their misunderstandings judgement. And Oriental is more modest, cautious, even if the mind is very happy, also won"t have accepted the recognition or praise.And if academic journals published literature or paper title. Chinese post title except that the article content, often have a sign of humility. Such as "2000c...", "try..." , "and"... "Etc, and English article title is straightforward, often without any modification, such as the train and Linguistics (Science) with language.此段中文:三、风俗习惯 1、称谓及称呼: 学习英语时,我们发现英语中的称谓名称比汉语中的要少得多。例如,英语中cousin一词,对应于汉语的表兄、表弟、表姐和表妹等。我们看到,汉语把表亲关系区分得非常严格,既要说出性别,又要分出大小,根本不像英语笼统一个词了事。这种语言现象的产生归因于中国二、三千年之久的封建统治。这种封建社会高度重视血缘关系,特别强调等级间的差异,提倡长幼、尊卑有序。亲属关系亲疏,长幼和性别等万面不同,权力和义务也随着出现区别, 故称谓区分得严格而细密。英语中的称谓为数不多 , 除 dad, mum, grandpa, aunt, uncle等几个称谓经常使用外,其它的几乎都不用。在英美国家,人们的相互称呼在中国人看来有违情理,且不礼貌,没教养。比如: 小孩子不把爷爷奶奶称作grandpa和grandma,而是直呼其名,这种做法却是得体,亲切、合乎常埋的,年轻人称老年人,只在其姓氏前加 Mr, Mrs 或Miss。他们这些做法体现了西方人追求人人平等的思想,在他们眼中,称谓本身就意味着不平等。 2、敬语谦词: 像称谓一样,英语中的敬语谦词也远远少于汉语。在英语中,不管对方年龄多大,地位多高,you 就是 you,I 就是 I,用不着像汉语那样用许多诸如 "您、局长、工程师 " 等敬语。汉语产生这种现象的原因之一还是中国封建社会等级森严的宗法制度。它要求人们跟长辈或上级、甚至同辈说话时,要用敬语,否则就认为用词不当而失礼,甚至显得高傲;谈及自己时则要用谦词,如不使用,也会被认为没有礼貌。另一原因,便是中国人几千年来的传统思想的影响,不愿突出自己,总认为"谦虚" 是一种美德。而在英语中这类词较少的原因有两个: 一是西方人喜爱追求平等,二是他们长期以来尊重个人价值,乐于表现自己,强调培养个人自信心。受以上观念的支配,中西方人接受赞扬、祝贺时的反应也明显有很大区别。中国人听此类话语后会说一类谦虚的话语,而西方人则会毫不犹豫地说: “ Thank you”我曾从报上看到过这样一则笑话,在一次舞会上,一位美国人赞扬一位中国女士说:“You look very beautiful today (你今天很漂亮) 。” 这位中国女士赶忙谦虚地说:Where(哪里 ), where(哪里 )." 而这位美国人感到非常奇怪,然后只好说了句: everywhere(到处)。" 根据西方人的习惯,当他们赞扬别人时,总希望别人以道谢或爽快接受的方式作答,否则他们会误解为对方对自己的判断力表示怀疑。而东方则比较谦虚、谨慎,即使心里非常高兴,也不会坦然认同或接受对方的赞扬。 又如学术刊物上发表的文献或论文的标题。汉语文章的标题除说明文章的内容外,往往有表示谦虚的字眼。如"浅谈…… " 、"试论……" 、 "、“……初探" 等,而英语文章的标题常常是直截了当,不加任何修饰,如 Science and Linguistics (《科学与语言》) 。
2023-07-14 20:03:411


翻译为:That"s the best western food I"ve ever had
2023-07-14 20:04:003


2023-07-14 20:04:072


I think it is important for everyone to learn English well. 我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money. 首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak English. That will bring you more happiness. 其次,如果你能说英语你能交到很多朋友。那会带给你更多的乐趣 Thirdly, you can get high scores in your English exams if you learn English well, which will please your parents and English teacher. 第三,如果你能学好英语,你能在英语测验中取得高分,能使你的父母和老师觉得欣慰 Fourth, if you learn English well, you can go to study abroad. Then you"ll be able to gain more knowledge and learn about Western cultures and customs, and absorb the best of both Western and Chinese education, which will be of benefit to you in the future. 第四,如果你能学好英语,你能去国外学习。然后你能获得更多的知识,学习关于西方的文化传统,更好的吸收中西方德教育体系 Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life. 最后,如果学好了英语,你能获得一份很好的职业,获得高薪。那就意味着你能享受高质量的生活 From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English. 综上所述,你能发现学习英语的重要性,因此,努力学习英语。
2023-07-14 20:04:141


我选第一个 i want to be a basketball player in the future.playing basketball is my favourite sport,and i have played for many years. i remember that basketball has brought me lots of joys and funs when i was a, i am a player in our school basketball team and i am proud of that.everytime when our school have match with other schools,i will very happy that i can be one of the representive of my school,and the time when i heard the students who watched the match cheer for us,i would try my best to favourite basketball player is Yaoming,i hope i can represent my country one day. 我的愿望是成为职业男球手。打篮球是我最喜爱的运动,我打篮球已经有好多年了。我还记得,在我还是小孩子的时候,篮球给我带来了很多的欢乐。现在,我是我们学校篮球队里的一员,我觉得很自豪。每当我们学校与其他学校有比赛,我都很高兴,因为我能代表我的学校参加。当我听到看比赛的同学在为我们欢呼的时候,我会很努力地进球。我的偶像是姚明,我希望终有一天我也能够代表我们的国家去比赛。 采纳哦
2023-07-14 20:04:222


分类: 人文学科 >> 外国文学 问题描述: 拜托了! 急用。! 解析: Rabindranath Tagore was born in Calcutta, India into a wealthy Brahmin family. After a brief stay in England (1878) to attempt to study law, he returned to India, and instead pursued a career as a writer, playwright, songwriter, poet, philosopher and educator. During the first 51 years of his life he achieved some success in the Calcutta area of India where he was born and raised with his many stories, songs and plays. His short stories were published monthly in a friend"s magazine and he even played the lead role in a few of the public performances of his plays. Otherwise, he was little known outside of the Calcutta area, and not known at all outside of India. This all suddenly changed in 1912. He then returned to England for the first time since his failed attempt at law school as a teenager. Now a man of 51, his was acpanied by his son. On the way over to England he began translating, for the first time, his latest selections of poems, Gitanjali, into English. Almost all of his work prior to that time had been written in his native tongue of Bengali. He decided to do this just to have something to do, with no expectation at all that his first time translation efforts would be any good. He made the handwritten translations in a little notebook he carried around with him and worked on during the long sea voyage from India. Upon arrival, his son left his father"s brief case with this notebook in the London subway. Fortunately, an honest person turned in the briefcase and it was recovered the next day. Tagore"s one friend in England, a famous artist he had met in India, Rothenstein, learned of the translation, and asked to see it. Reluctantly, with much persuasion, Tagore let him have the notebook. The painter could not believe his eyes. The poems were incredible. He called his friend, W.B. Yeats, and finally talked Yeats into looking at the hand scrawled notebook. The rest, as they say, is history. Yeats was enthralled. He later wrote the introduction to Gitanjali when it was published in September 1912 in a limited edition by the India Society in London. Thereafter, both the poetry and the man were an instant sensation, first in London literary circles, and soon thereafter in the entire world. His spiritual presence was awesome. His words evoked great beauty. Nobody had ever read anything like it. A glimpse of the mystici *** and sentimental beauty of Indian culture were revealed to the West for the first time. Less than a year later, in 1913, Rabindranath received the Nobel Prize for literature. He was the first non-westerner to be so honored. Overnight he was famous and began world lecture tours promoting inter-cultural harmony and understanding. In 1915 he was knighted by the British King Gee V. When not traveling he remained at his family home outside of Calcutta, where he remained very active as a literary, spiritual and social-political force. In 1919, following the Amritsar massacre of 400 Indian demonstrators by British troops, Sir Tagore renounced his Knighthood. Although a good friend of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, most of the time Tagore stayed out of politics. He was opposed to nationali *** and miltiari *** as a matter of principle, and instead promoted spiritual values and the creation of a new world culture founded in multi-culturali *** , diversity and tolerance. He served as a spiritual and creative beacon to his countrymen, and indeed, the whole world. He used the funds from his writing and lecturing to expand upon the school he had founded in 1901 now known as Visva Bharati . The alternative to the poor system of education imposed by the British, bined the best of traditional Hindu education with Western ideals. Tagore"s multi-cultural educational efforts were an inspiration to many, including his friend, Count Hermann Keyserling of Estonia. Count Keyserling founded his own school in 1920 patterned upon Tagore"s school, and the ancient universities which existed in Northern India under Buddhist rule over 2,000 years ago under the name School of Wisdom. Rabindranath Tagore led the opening program of the School of Wisdom in 1920, and participated in several of its programs thereafter. Rabindranath Tagore"s creative output tells you a lot about this renaissance man. The variety, quality and quantity are unbelievable. As a writer, Tagore primarily worked in Bengali, but after his success with Gitanjali, he translated many of his other works into English. He wrote over one thousand poems; eight volumes of short stories; almost o dozen plays and play-lets; eight novels; and many books and essays on philosophy, religion, education and social topics. Aside from words and drama, his other great love was music, Bengali style. He posed more than o thousand songs, both the music and lyrics. Two of them became the national anthems of India and Bangladesh. In 1929 he even began painting. Many of his paintings can be found in museums today, especially in India, where he is considered the greatest literary figure of India of all times. Tagore was not only a creative genius, he was a great man and friend to many. For instance, he was also a good friend from childhood to the great Indian Physicist, Bose. He was educated and quite knowledgeable of Western culture, especially Western poetry and Science. This made him a remarkable person, one of the first of our pla to bine East and West, and ancient and modern knowledge. Tagore had a good grasp of modern - post-Newtonian - physics, and was well able to hold his own in a debate with Einstein in 1930 on the newly emerging principles of quantum mechanics and chaos. His meetings and tape recorded conversations with his contemporaries such Albert Einstein and H.G. Wells, stand as cultural landmarks, and show the brilliance of this great man. Although Tagore is a superb representative of his country - India - the man who wrote its national anthem - his life and works go far beyond his country. He is truly a man of the whole Earth, a product of the best of both traditional Indian, and modern Western cultures. The School of Wisdom is proud to have him as part of its heritage. He exemplifies the ideals important to us of Goodness, Meaningful Work, and World Culture.
2023-07-14 20:04:301


关于礼仪的大学英语作文(精选10篇)   英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型。关于礼仪的大学英语作文应该怎么写?以下是我收集整理的关于礼仪的大学英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇1   Good manners are necessary, for one is judged by his manner. A person"s manner not only shows what kind of education, he has received, his social status, but they also often indicate what he has.   Good manners means good communication in society. A man of good manners is always a good companion, for he is always in the thoughts of others and of others. He did not force his way through the crowd, but waited for his turn to advance quietly. Politeness is not a particularly advanced story, but they can tell you who owns them is the highest standard.   Good manners, all the first time we have to remember, they respond to other people and ways from their daily actions, his way, his behavior in front of people. To be a good presence, he has to be truly polite and respectful to others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.   良好的礼貌是必要的,因为一个是由他的举止来判断。一个人的举止,不仅显示什么样的教育,他已收到,他的社会地位,但他们也往往表明他有什么性质。   良好的礼貌是指在社会沟通良好的行为。具有良好的举止的人总是称心如意的`伴侣,因为他总是对他人和尊重他人的思想。他不会强迫穿过人群,而是等待轮到他悄悄地推进。礼貌不是特别的先进事迹,但他们可以告诉大家,谁拥有它们的人是一个最高标准的人。   学好礼仪,我们必须牢记的所有第一次出现,他们从自己的日常行为,他的方式回应他人和方式,他在人们面前的行为。要成为一个良好的风度的人,他必须真正对他人的礼貌和尊重他人展示。总之,礼貌不费分文而可赢得一切。   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇2   China has 5000 years history, People called China "A country of polite". Chinese people are always very friendly and kind, but what you should pay attention to is that Chinese people also has their own ways to get on with others.   When you meet a Chinese, if you want to start a talking with him or her, you"d better ask like this;Have you eat your meal? But not like English people:"What"s the weather?"   You can also shake hands with Chinese people when you first meet him. When you having a meal with Chinese people , the most important thing you should pay attention to is do not put the chopsticks into the bowl, because Chinese people don"t think it"s good.   In China 8 and 6 are the most popular number, because they means earn money and lucky in China. China really has lots of polity cultures, They are waiting for you to find.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇3   Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life.Everyone likes a person with good manners.But what are good manners?   How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?   Well,here are some common examples.A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble.Instead,he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person.   When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man,he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him.He doesn"t interrupt other people when they are talking.   He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.   He does not spite in public places.Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions.For example,people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings,whereas in China,kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else.   So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region.   But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇4   China Dining Custom Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food.   Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality. And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇5   Table manners in China Different country have different table manners.The western country is different from eastern country,such as China and France.In China,old people eat first.We aren"t supposed to talk aloud while we are eating.If you don"t want to eat next,you are supposed to say I"m full. And you aren"t supposed to eat fruit at once.Chinese eat food with chopsticks.It is rude if you point at someone with your chopsticks.All of them will be helpful to you.It can make you a polite person.So we must know more about the manners around the world.   Dear Marc, How are you? I am very happy that you want to learn about Chinese eating manners. Chopsticks should be used when eating, but you are not allowed to stick in the food and point at any others, because it is very rude. Please try to keep silence when eating, especially when your mouth is filled. You cal hold the bowl to eat, it is very convenient. When eating with friends and relatives, you must toast to those people who are older than you. In China, we also share the food in one meal. Welcome to China oneday, I would take you to feel it instantly. Your sincerely, Kai Liu   The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇6   At noon today, I as usual on the way from school, I have been thinking about at noon to eat what rice, suddenly picked up, mom and dad will be driving I drive to the direction of the direction is not home, I wonder of ask: "barbie, let"s go to?" "Let"s go and get together with another old classmate of mine," he said. I thought, "what can I do?" Suddenly I thought of the etiquette on the table that our school played at noon every day.   Into the farmhouse we saw dad classmates are waved to us, as we walked on, under the guidance of his we walk into a room, there are four people, because of being so there must be a person to stand up, I stood up, and without hesitation and said: "the kids leg soft, should give more station." Everyone laughed, and I laughed too. Such as food, staple food all together after, we began to eat, I found my mother did not move chopsticks, I think "mom why don"t you eat? Oh -- -- -- -- -- - yes, at the dinner table to older people to clip a geometric her, can eat." Thought of here I picked up the chopsticks hand back again, in order not to make the scene embarrassed I took with relish the drinking cups, everyone eat later, I began to eat, is an aunt sit beside me, to show politeness, every time I eat food before we give him or other people once again after to himself; Every time a cup of tea I will see if someone else"s cup is water, if not I will give him and then pour yourself...... all this I did not care about, but the opposite uncle, said: "the child is really understand, there is a kind of gentleman poise." I smiled and said, "nothing. It"s all for every child." To tell the truth, I said it but it was pretty good. My mother seemed to be complimented because I was the one who brought it up, so she always had a smile on her face. This meal not only let me eat the taste, more let me eat a person"s basic principle.   Etiquette has no size, although is to ask a sound good, but not etiquette is very terrible, so I hope that everybody will have etiquette, in this way can our society become more peaceful, more harmonious.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇7   Related to the use of the napkin, everyone must wait after sit down, they can use. After the napkin is spread out, it should be laid flat on your lap. Don"t put it in your collar, because the three year old girl may be very cute, but it will be a bit too bad for the thirteen year old.   In addition, the main function of the napkin is to prevent food from dirty clothes, and wipe off the oil stains on the lips and hands. Please don"t wipe your nose when you forget to bring tissue, because it is neither elegant nor sanitary.   Some people may worry about the sanitation of the tableware, so it is very impolite to use the napkin to wipe the tableware, which can cause the embarrassment of the restaurant or the host. After you have finished eating, you should fold your napkin and put it on the table before you leave.   In the order of the use of knives and forks in Western food, the principle is from outside to inside. First use the cutlery placed on the outermost side of the dinner plate, and use a knife and fork after each meal. After eating, the knife and fork sit side by side in the middle of the plate, and the waiter will take the initiative to take the plate away. Besides being used for cutting food, dishes are also used to move food, because it is impolite to turn plates on formal occasions.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇8   There are a lot of the same place between table manners in modern China and ancient times. But in some small places it has changed because of western influence. The seating order is the same as western dinner etiquette, the first chief guest sit right to the host, the other guest sit in the host"s left or right of the first chief guest. Depends on the specific situation it is flexible.   The host should servemealstart from the guests on the right,the first is chief guestserve, than the host,first female guest, after the gentlemen.Tea is not the same important as before.People sometimes use other drinks like wine instead of tea. Wine glass can"t be poured too full. It still maintaining the traditional order of food, serve cold food than the hot food, at last, there are desert and fruit. If there are whole chicken, duck, fish and other plastic dishes, the head of them should nottail toward the chief guest. These programs can not only make the whole process of a harmonious and orderly, but also make the identity of host and guest clearly and easy for emotional expression and communication. Therefore, the table manners can make feasts activities successfully.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇9   As we all know,different countries have different table manners. Today, I"d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners. It"s very necessary to learn table manners in China. In China, table manners are too much. For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks.   Chinese usually use chopsticks instead. But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food. But we are supposed to pick up our bowl to eat. And we are supposed to let the old start eating first. And we are allowed to talk at the table. However, you can"t talk too loud and laugh too crazily. In fact, in China, table manners are not so serious . so , you don"t need to worry about them so much.   礼仪的大学英语作文 篇10   Today, I learned from teacher"s composition class that British parents started education children from the table, which inspired me a lot.   I read it carefully and found that British parents were very careful to encourage their children to eat. This is nothing, but British children have been trying to eat since their first birthday. Want to know, when I was a child, want to eat a meal, but "sprung, ssi thousand coax coax the, I can only eat so a two, it was in the primary schools, or parents to feed me occasionally. I also know that the British parents let children around the age of five children to help do some chores, you can reach in the kitchen, they argue, such not only can reduce the burden of parents, but also the ability to exercise him child labor. Looking back at me, at the age of seven, I have not yet helped my parents do anything in the kitchen. Sometimes, I think of it. Originally wanted to put the tableware, mom and dad again afraid I fell, in a meal, another three four, please please please don"t move, ssi called several times, should be several voice, only heart unwilling situation than to go out. Naturally, work before a meal is not done. After dinner, "clap your ass" and go!   The more I look at it, the more I"m surprised, the little kids are so small that they can help my parents do something, but I"m so big that I haven"t done anything for my parents. And, the British children, grew up learning dining etiquette, for example, have a guest to home for dinner, British children let guests to dinner, and then himself, but as for me, at ordinary times, have guests to dinner, I don"t care "one", was a Wolf. They don"t usually eat that way, and the guests seem to have to be more than the guests. It"s a little guilty to think of it.   Originally, he also let us accept some education. When I woke up, I suddenly realized that I must help my parents do something I can do, whether it be the table or the life. I can"t be better than my younger child. ;
2023-07-14 20:04:371

western festivals的作文50字

My faVorite western holidays is Christmas ,let me tell you someting about it.On December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. Christmas has so many traditions and symbols associated with it, that it"s hard to determine exactly how it came to be the celebration it is todayAh! Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while it"s still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it, shake them to guess what"s inside, and then maybe they"ll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a "Merry Christmas!"All in all,I like Christmas best
2023-07-14 20:04:582

WESTERN LIFE里面四个人都叫什么啊

westlife是来自爱尔兰的合唱团,由shane kian nicky bryan mark五位优秀的年轻人组成。早在1998年,boyzone的经济人louis walsh发现shane、mark、与kian共组的6人体,他决定继bz后再组一个团,在都柏林办微试,找到nick和bryan,重新整合成5人组合。walsh找ronan来为他们上"艺人养成课",原本取名westside并且已经累积相当人气,但是因为美国有一个同名团,为了避免纠纷,也为了将来进军美国,在1999年正式改名为westlife。当时的westlife在1998年底为11月加入偶像杂志的巡回演唱会(smash hits road show),也和师傅boyzone五年前一样,获得该杂志「best new act award最佳演出新人奖」。 Westlife的前身可以说是IOU,由其成员Shane和Mark先后认识了Kian,Nicky和Bryan后组队,Westlife的成名可谓英格兰岛上的又一传奇,他们以清纯的外表和抒情流行的演唱风格,一经出道就夺取了千百万欧陆少年的心,其势头不可阻挡,就连外来的成功组合Back Btreet Boys和N"SYNC等等都难以招架。成为续take that和boyzone以来又一支令人疯狂热爱的男孩组合。
2023-07-14 20:05:081


2023-07-14 20:05:281

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2023-07-14 20:06:043

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2023-07-14 20:06:121

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你好!best western paris gare saint lazare最佳西方巴黎圣来到码头
2023-07-14 20:06:252

the best never rest是什么意思?

2023-07-14 20:06:483


2023-07-14 20:07:157


Anyting else? I can"t decide which sweater to buy. Western-style clothes I"m afriad that it is the cheapest/most expensive hereIt"s too expensive, is there any one cheaper? It"s suitable for me, I"ll take it. flowers in the hands
2023-07-14 20:07:303

1.Amy likes eating____(比萨饼)best of all the Western food.泛指披萨不可数)2.B【上文提到过什么东西了,才用none】比如:Are there any pencils in your bag?——None求采纳!谢谢【俊狼猎英】
2023-07-14 20:07:403


我个人非常喜欢taylor swift的歌:love story 讲的是一对恋人十分相爱,虽然受到父亲的阻扰,但最终修成正果。这首曲调较欢快。you belong with me讲的是女孩与邻家男孩之间有趣的恋爱故事。这首曲调轻快活泼。crazietaylor为《乖乖女是大明星》电影演唱歌曲。这首taylor声音空灵。our song讲的是恋人之间调皮、暧昧的一些小举动。这首偏乡村摇滚。mine讲的是一对恋人相遇、相恋、相爱的过程,虽有矛盾,但最终和好如初。这首偏乡村摇滚。meantaylor受到行内、媒体一些苛刻的批评时写的一首歌,在沮丧时鼓舞自己。曲调清新励志。I new you were troubletaylor与前男友Harry Styles分手时写的。(貌似霉霉与男友分手都会写首歌吐槽= - =)enchanted据说taylor的enchanted 是写给Adam Young的。歌曲高潮阶段乡村摇滚。the best days of your lifetaylor与好友kellie pickler作曲并演唱。taylor唱低声部。曲调欢快。high way don"t caretaylor和tim mcgraw演唱歌曲。歌词带点悲伤,男生哀哀诉说:高速公路不在乎你,但我在乎。redtaylor有两个版本的red。一个版本是合唱,另一个是原版。个人喜欢原版带点摇滚。back to december写给当红男星泰勒·洛特纳的道歉信。曲调淡淡哀伤。we are never ever geting back together听taylor的第一首歌,她的成名曲。节奏快。if this a movie听这首时刚开始觉得不好听,后来的高潮就上去了。歌词带点悲伤,呼唤爱人回家。teardrops on my guitar当你心爱的男生在你面前兴致勃勃的谈论另一个女生,此时你心里是什么感受?taylor根据真实经历写下了这首歌。曲调悲伤。tim mcgraw写此歌时taylor当时的男朋友搬家离开了,这意味着两人恋情的结束。taylor写下了歌作为这段恋情的见证。曲调带着离别的悲伤和依依不舍。brought up that way一个父爱的故事。歌曲感人。taylor的曲风多变,甚至声音都会变(我木有开玩笑>,<)!她的歌基本上我是循环播放的。啊啊啊!我纯手打了这么多!望采纳啊!!
2023-07-14 20:08:142


第一届(1959)  最佳西部乡村音乐: The Kingston Trio《Tom Dooley》  第二届:无  只有最佳民谣音乐: The Kingston Trio《The Kingston Trio At Large》  第三届  最佳西部乡村音乐: Marty Robbins《El Paso》  第四届  最佳乡村音乐: Harry Belafonte Singers 《Belafonte Folk Singers At Home And  Abroad》  第五届  年度最佳乡村音乐唱片: Burl Ives《Funny Way Of Laughin"》  年度最佳乡村音乐录音: Peter, Paul And Mary《If I Had A Hammer》  第六届  最佳西部乡村唱片: Bobby Bare《Detroit City》  第七届  最佳乡村音乐新人: Roger Miller《Best New Country & Western Artist》  最佳乡村歌曲: Roger Miller《Dang Me》  最佳西部乡村男艺人: Roger Miller《Dang Me》  最佳西部乡村女艺人: Dottie West《Here Comes My Baby》  第八届  最佳西部乡村音乐女艺人: Jody Miller《Queen Of The House》  最佳西部乡村音乐男艺人: Roger Miller《King Of The Road》  最佳西部乡村歌曲: Roger Miller《King Of The Road》  最佳西部乡村专辑: Roger Miller《The Return Of Roger Miller》  最佳乡村音乐新人: The Statler Brothers《Best New Country & Western Artist》  我个人喜欢的:  jambalaya(on the bayou) 什锦菜_美国乡村音乐经典  Any man of mine  You"re still the one 这两首都是仙妮吐恩的歌  Seven danfodill 七朵水仙花  devoted to you  2010  36、最佳乡村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance):《White Horse》Taylor Swift  37、最佳乡村男歌手(Best Male Country Vocal Performance):《Sweet Thing》Keith Urban  38、最佳乡村乐队/组合(Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals):《I Run to You》Lady Antebellum  39、最佳乡村合唱(Best Country Collaboration With Vocals):《I Told You So》Carrie Underwood & Randy Travis  40、最佳乡村乐器演奏(Best Country Instrumental Performance):《Producer"s Medley》Steve Wariner  41、最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song):《White Horse》Taylor Swift  42、最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album):《Fearless》Taylor Swift  2009  最佳乡村女歌手: Carrie Underwood《Last Name》  最佳乡村男歌手: Brad Paisley《Letter To Me》  最佳乡村乐队/组合:《Stay》Sugarland  最佳乡村合唱: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss《Killing The Blues》  最佳乡村乐器演奏:《Cluster Pluck》Brad Paisley, James Burton, Vince Gill, John Jorgenson, Albert Lee, Brent Mason, Redd  Volkaert & Steve Wariner  最佳乡村歌曲: Jennifer Nadles《Stay》  最佳乡村专辑: George Strait《Trabador》  最佳兰草专辑:《Honoring The Fathers Of Bluegrass: Tribute To 1946 And 1947》Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder  2008  最佳乡村女歌手: Carrie Underwood《Last Name》  最佳乡村男歌手: Brad Paisley《Letter To Me》  最佳乡村乐队/组合:《Stay》Sugarland  最佳乡村合唱: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss《Killing The Blues》  最佳乡村乐器演奏:《Cluster Pluck》Brad Paisley, James Burton, Vince Gill, John Jorgenson, Albert Lee, Brent Mason, Redd  Volkaert & Steve Wariner  最佳乡村歌曲: Jennifer Nadles《Stay》  最佳乡村专辑: George Strait《Trabador》  最佳兰草专辑:《Honoring The Fathers Of Bluegrass: Tribute To 1946 And 1947》Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder  2008  最佳乡村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance) :《Before He Cheats》  Carrie Underwood  最佳乡村男歌手(Best Male Country Vocal Performance)《Stupid Boy》  Keith Urban  最佳乡村乐队/组合(Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With  Vocals) 《How Long》Eagles  最佳乡村合唱(Best Country Collaboration With Vocals) 《Lost Highway》Willie Nelson & Ray Price  最佳乡村乐器演奏(Best Country Instrumental Performance)《Throttleneck》 Brad Paisley  最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song)《Before He Cheats》Josh Kear & Chris Tompkins, songwriters (Carrie Underwood)  最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album) 《These Days》Vince Gill  最佳兰草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album) 《The Bluegrass Diaries》Jim Lauderdale  2007  36、最佳乡村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance):菲丝-希尔(Faith hill)  37、最佳乡村男歌手(Best Male Country Vocal Performance):约翰尼-卡斯(Johnny Cash)  38、最佳乡村乐队组合(Best Country Performance By A Duo OrsgroupsWith Vocal):南方小鸡  39、最佳乡村音乐对唱(Best Country Collaboration With Vocals):《Mendocino County Line》/Willie Nelson With Lee Ann Womack  40、最佳乡村乐演奏(Best Country Instrumental Performance):《Lil" Jack Slade》/南方小鸡  41、最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song):《当世界停止旋转时,你在那里》/阿兰-杰克逊 (Where Were You (When The World Stopped  Turning), by Alan Jackson)  42、最佳乡村乐专辑(Best Country Album):《家》/南方小鸡 (Home, by Dixie Chicks)  43、最佳蓝草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album):《迷失在寂寞松林》/(Lost In The Lonesome Pines, by Jim Lauderdale, Ralph Stanley &  The Clinch Mountain Boys)  2006  36.最佳乡村女歌手  (Best Female Country Vocal Performance) The Connection  Emmylou Harris  Track from: The Very Best Of Emmylou Harris: Heartaches & Highways  [Warner Bros. Records/Rhino]  37.最佳乡村男歌手  (Best Male Country Vocal Performance) You"ll Think Of Me  Keith Urban  [Capitol Records Nashville]  38.最佳乡村乐队/组合  (Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal) Restless  Alison Krauss And Union Station  Track from: Lonely Runs Both Ways  [Rounder]  39.最佳乡村合唱  (Best Country Collaboration With Vocals) Like We Never Loved At All  Faith Hill & Tim McGraw  Track from: Fireflies  [Warner Bros.]  40.最佳乡村乐器演奏  (Best Country Instrumental Performance) Unionhouse Branch  Alison Krauss And Union Station  Track from: Lonely Runs Both Ways  [Rounder]  41.最佳乡村歌曲  (Best Country Song) Bless The Broken Road  Bobby Boyd, Jeff Hanna & Marcus Hummon, songwriters (Rascal Flatts)  Track from: Feels Like Today  [Lyric Street Records; Publishers: Careers-BMG Music, Floyd"s Dream Music, Jeff Diggs Music.]  42.最佳乡村专辑  (Best Country Album) Lonely Runs Both Ways  Alison Krauss And Union Station  [Rounder]  43.最佳兰草专辑  (Best Bluegrass Album) The Company We Keep  The Del McCoury Band  [McCoury Music/Sugar Hill Records]  2005  36.最佳乡村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance )  Redneck Woman  Gretchen Wilson  37.最佳乡村男歌手(Best Male Country Vocal Performance )  Engine One-Forty-Three  Johnny Cash  In My Own Mind  Lyle Lovett  Live Like You Were Dying  Tim McGraw  You Are My Flower  Willie Nelson  Youll Think Of Me  Keith Urban  38.最佳乡村乐队/组合(Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group WithVocal)  Top Of The World  Dixie Chicks  39.最佳乡村合唱(Best Country Collaboration With Vocals )  Portland Oregon  Loretta Lynn & Jack White  40.最佳乡村乐器演奏(Best Country Instrumental Performance )  Earls Breakdown  Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Featuring Earl Scruggs, RandyScruggs,Vassar Clements & Jerry Douglas  41.最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song )  Live Like You Were Dying  Tim Nichols & Craig Wiseman, songwriters (Tim McGraw)  42.最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album )  Van Lear Rose  Loretta Lynn  43.最佳蓝草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album )  Brand New Strings  Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder  2004  37.最佳乡村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance )  《Keep On The Sunny Side》June Carter Cash  38.最佳乡村男歌手(Best Male Country Vocal Performance )  《Next Big Thing》Vince Gill  39.最佳乡村乐队/组合(Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal )  《A Simple Life》Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder  40.最佳乡村合唱(Best Country Collaboration With Vocals )  《How"s The World Treating You》James Taylor & Alison Krauss  41.最佳乡村乐器演奏(Best Country Instrumental Performance )  《Cluck Old Hen》Alison Krauss & Union Station  42.最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song )  《It"s Five O"Clock Somewhere》Jim "Moose" Brown & Don Rollins, songwriters (Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffett)  43.最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album )  《Livin", Lovin", Losin" - Songs Of The Louvin Brothers》群星,Carl Jackson, producer  44.最佳蓝草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album )  《Live》Alison Krauss & Union Station
2023-07-14 20:08:221

英语作文:《my faVorite western holidays》40字

My favorite western holiday. My Favorite western holiday is Halloween! It"s on the
2023-07-14 20:08:322

求写2篇英语作文,不要复制或者用翻译软件翻译的哦,谢谢拉... 1、western festival 2、the stress

Nowadays , western festivals are so hot in China .The festivals mainly incorporate Christmas Day , Valentine"s Day , April Fool"s Day ,etc . When these festivals come along , many young people become quite exuberant .They exchanges gifts with classmates , friends , colleagues , valentines. They chat , sing , and laugh happily .And they go to the pubs and restaurants . When Christmas falls , there are a variety of decorates such as Christmas trees , miscellaneous toys , vermilion hats , little candies , elaborate cards , blessings, ribbons and festoons in various stores , the campuses , offices , houses, etc . And on Valentine"s Day , the streets are stuffed with cerise roses . People send boxes of chocolates, diamond rings , and write love poems to the their beloved . And they sit drinking the grape wine in the bar and kissed each other on the streets . To cut long story short , many young people are really fascinated by the western festivals . While some stress is actually necessary for you to function at your best, too much takes a mental and physical toll. it"s necessary to learn to manage stress levels to prevent anxiety, depression and other conditions.You can turn bad stress into something positive, to energize your life and advance your goals. Just follow these steps:write down everything you have to do when you"re feeling overwhelmed; concentrate on one task at a time; manage your energies wisely, prioritize your workload and put in less effort for low-priority jobs, and avoid expending energy on unimportant tasks; Take small breaks during work; exercise regularly to maintain your health and release stress, or take up a hobby. Don"t push your self too hard, cause healthy is much important than anything.望采纳 呵呵
2023-07-14 20:08:391


泡利不相容原理(Pauli exclusion principle)又称泡利原理、不相容原理,是微观粒子运动的基本规律之一。它指出:在费米子组成的系统中,不能有两个或两个以上的粒子处于完全相同的状态。在原子中完全确定一个电子的状态需要四个量子数,所以泡利不相容原理在原子中就表现为:不能有两个或两个以上的电子具有完全相同的四个量子数,或者说在轨道量子数m,l,n确定的一个原子轨道上最多可容纳两个电子,而这两个电子的自旋方向必须相反。这成为电子在核外排布形成周期性从而解释元素周期表的准则之一。
2023-07-14 20:08:483

西安哪里有卖dr pepper饮料啊??????请留一下详细的地址~~万分感谢

同求ING MARK一下 看看有答案没哈~~~
2023-07-14 20:08:411