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western 曝光为什么有时候能抱出来marker

可能的原因有, maker加的量少,半干法转膜的时候转缓液加多了,maker没有保存好,如长期放在室温分解了,也可能是跑电泳的胶的问题。跑胶的时候电压越小条带相对弥散些,不过还不至于maker不清楚。




在Western实验中,蛋白Marker可以监控蛋白质在SDS-PAGE中的迁移,监控蛋白的转膜效率,确定蛋白分子量大小。选择正确的蛋白Marker是western blot实验成功的必备条件之一。蛋白Marker分为两种:一种是未预染的Marker,即宽分子量蛋白标准,高分子量蛋白标准及低分子量蛋白标准;另一种是预染的Marker,即单色预染和多色预染。 一、未预染蛋白Marker 未预染的蛋白Marker是最简单,也是最准确的一种,由于没有附带染料分子或者标记大小正好是蛋白原本的大小,是精确判断蛋白大小必须的。现在的Marker多数选用预混合的marker,方便不同大小蛋白的比较。 二、预染蛋白Marker 预染蛋白Marker是一些纯化较好的蛋白混合物,通过与染料共价偶联,在电泳过程中或者转膜时可以直接观察到。预染Marker的出现方便了我们的实验,这种蛋白分子量标准可以帮助我们在电泳时,电泳后,以及转膜后检测电泳情况和估计迁移率。值得注意的是预染蛋白Marker与染料共价偶联,所以在不同的缓冲条件下电泳时迁移特性可能会发生某些变化,可能导致一些偏差,所以不太适合精确定位蛋白。 同科生物现货供应即用型的蛋白Marker,无需煮沸可以直接上样,而且条带尖锐,颜色稳定,转膜效率高。

Kanye West的paranoid里有这样一句歌词:"...fore we be done for good"请问是什么语法及意思

应该不是歌词原句是:Coz I can make it good I can make it hood I can make you come I can make you goHOOD是 hoodlum的缩写 是 无赖 地痞 邪恶 的 意思 意思大概 估计你也知道 我能让事情好也能让事情坏 能让你来 也能让你走 大概就是 操控自如的意思吧 。。

Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and was ready f

【答案】16-20:C B A D B21-25: C A D C B26-30: A D B C D31-35: C A B D C 【解释】这是一篇记叙性短文,叙述了主人公Jenna 在进入高中之后所经历的变化与不同以及她逐渐适应变化的过程,与考生的经历相近,符合学生的心理,便于学生理解。16.通过空前“was ready for” “准备好” 以及下文所描述的困难,可知Jenna 已经准备好了迎接高中期间新的“挑战”且与最后一句相呼应。17.尽管做了准备,然而,高中还是不一样的。同上文为转折关系。18.通过上文描述“very talented girls(非常有才华的女孩们)” 可知竞争非常激烈,“她”要被选上有“困难” 19.宣布第二轮选拔赛名单的人应是“裁判员” C 项为干扰项"candidate”“申请人,候选人”20. 通过句意可知当名单读完还没有“她”的名字的时候,“她”的心情应该是“沮丧”,选项B “sank”“下沉”与 “her heart”连用,表心情不好。21. 选拔赛失利,“她”当然怀着“不好”的心情回家。选项C “awful” 含义为“极坏的22. 通过句中可知,此处为转折的关系,“她”以前很擅长数学,但现在不这样了。选项 A “struggling” 含义为“(艰难的)奋斗”23. 通过句意可知,在“她”转学英语与历史后,发现“她”在这些科目上没有遇到麻烦,与前面的数学相比,心情当然是“轻松的”选项D "relieved” 含义为“宽慰的,放心的”24. 句意 :感觉好多了,“她”决定暂时不再为数学“烦恼”25.通过第27空所在句中的”newspaper” 可找出答案26.通过的话可知“她”并不像那样对这件事热情,感兴趣。B “artistic”含义“爱好艺术的,有艺术才能的” C “sympathetic”含义“同情的,表示同情的” D “realistic”含义“实事求是的”27. 句意:很抱歉,但我们的报纸已经有足够的作者了。28.被拒绝,Jenna当然“无力”的一笑。29.呼应第二段第一句可知,Jenna感叹高中与初中“不同”30.通过第三段可知,Jenna有问题的是数学,因此,“她”是在数学课上全心解决问题。31.问题带来的当然是“麻烦”32.通过上句可知,“她”解决了数学难题,获得了信心,所以,当Jenna收拾课本的时候,“她”决心继续努力的去“适应”新的学校。33.“try”与句中succeed 相呼应,句意:“她”不确定是否会成功,但“她”知道“她”必须去“尝试”。34. 通过前后两句含义可知“大池塘里的小鱼”同“小池塘里的大鱼”是对比关系,“instead of ““而不是”表对比35.句意:挑战就在于成为你能成为的最好的鱼。

天堂执法者第二季lori weston的演员很迷人,谁有她的资料

她的扮演者叫Lauren German,1978年11月29日生于加利福尼亚州奥兰治县亨廷顿滩市(Huntington Beach)出演过的影视剧及扮演的角色Down to You (2000) as Lovestruck Woman Undressed: Season 3 (2000) as Kimmy Shotgun Love Dolls: "Pilot" (2001) as Beth 7th Heaven: "Apologize" (2001) as Marie Going to California: "A Little Hard in the Big Easy" (2002) as Tiffany A Walk to Remember (2002) as Belinda Dead Above Ground (2002) as Darcy Peters A Midsummer Night"s Rave (2002) as Elena The Lone Ranger (2003) as Emily Landry The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) as Teenage Girl u211e: aka Simple Lies (2005) as Melissa Standing Still (2005) as Jennifer Sex, Love & Secrets: episodes 1–8 (2005) as Rose Piggy Banks: aka Born Killers (2005) as Gertle Surrender, Dorothy (2006) as Maddy It Is Fine. Everything Is Fine! (2007) as Ruth Spin (2007) as Cassie Love and Mary (2007) as Mary Hostel: Part II (2007) as Beth What We Do Is Secret (2007) as Belinda Carlisle Mating Dance (2008) as Abby Made for Each Other (2009) as Catherine Dark Country (2009) as Gina Happy Town: all episodes (2010) as Henley Human Target: "Kill Bob" (2011) as Angie/Natalia The Divide (2011) as Eva Memphis Beat: two episodes (2011) as Kaylee Slater (Mark"s Neighbor) Hawaii Five-0 (2011) as Lori Weston

someones mother has 4 son west north southuff1f


英国Net West 和 TSB银行怎么查询存款余额?


ext中viewport问题?分三部分top west center其中west是菜单树,点击菜单会在center中显示其主要内容。。

<%@ Register Assembly="Coolite.Ext.Web" Namespace="Coolite.Ext.Web" TagPrefix="ext" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><head runat="server"> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> function GetTree(node) { var eIdtd = document.getElementById("txtTitle"); var enumPare = document.getElementById("txtContent"); eIdtd.innerHTML ="编号:"+ node.id; enumPare.innerHTML ="内容:"+ node.text; } </script> </head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <ext:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </ext:ScriptManager> <ext:ViewPort ID="ViewPort1" runat="server"> <Body> <ext:BorderLayout ID="BorderLayout1" runat="server"> <North MarginsSummary="5 5 5 5"> <ext:Panel AllowDomMove="true" ID="Paneles" Height="250" runat="server" Title="top" Icon="Information" Header="true" Collapsed="true" Collapsible="true"> <Body> <div style="float:left; white-space:normal; padding-left:5px; width:50%; vertical-align:middle; "><p> 导航:这是上边! </p></div> </Body> </ext:Panel> </North> <West MinWidth="225" MaxWidth="400" Collapsible="true" Split="true" MarginsSummary="0 0 0 0" CMarginsSummary="0 0 0 0"> <ext:TreePanel ID="treePark" Header="false" Frame="false" Title="Tree" Width="300" Lines="false" BodyBorder="false" RootVisible="false" runat="server"> <Root> <ext:TreeNode Text="Composers" Expanded="true"> <Nodes> <ext:TreeNode Text="Beethoven" Icon="UserGray"> <Nodes> <ext:TreeNode Text="Concertos"> <Nodes> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="1" Text="No. 1 - C" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="2" Text="No. 2 - B-Flat Major" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="3" Text="No. 3 - C Minor" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="4" Text="No. 4 - G Major" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="5" Text="No. 5 - E-Flat Major" Icon="Music" /> </Nodes> </ext:TreeNode> <ext:TreeNode Text="Quartets" > <Nodes> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="6" Text="Six String Quartets" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="7" Text="Three String Quartets" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode NodeID="8" Text="Grosse Fugue for String Quartets" Icon="Music" /> </Nodes> </ext:TreeNode> <ext:TreeNode Text="Sonatas" > <Nodes> <ext:TreeNode Text="Sonata in A Minor" Icon="Music" /> <ext:TreeNode Text="sonata in F Major" Icon="Music" /> </Nodes> </ext:TreeNode> </Nodes> </ext:TreeNode> </Nodes> </ext:TreeNode> </Root> <Listeners> <Click Handler="Javascript:GetTree(node);" /> </Listeners> </ext:TreePanel> </West> <Center> <ext:Panel ID="panel1" Height="500px" BodyBorder="false" Frame="false" AutoScroll="true" runat="server"> <Body> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%" border="0"> <tr> <td height="20" colspan="2" > <span style=" font-size:xx-large; text-align:center "> 这是中间部位 </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20" height="20" rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top"> </td> <td style="height: 50px; vertical-align: bottom; overflow: scroll;" align="center"> <asp:Label ID="txtTitle" runat="server"></asp:Label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" id="txtContent1"> <asp:Label ID="txtContent" runat="server"></asp:Label> </td> </tr> </table> </Body> </ext:Panel> </Center> </ext:BorderLayout> </body> </ext:ViewPort> </div> </form></body></html>这个直接建一个页面,粘贴进去就可以用了!

natalie westling和vittoria ceretti为什么分手


Bugge Wesseltoft的《Lone》 歌词

歌曲名:Lone歌手:Bugge Wesseltoft专辑:New Conception Off Jazz LiveLonelyNaNaI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Remember first time we met day oneKids in the garden" playin" games heaven" funExcitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mineFeel my heartbeat and for real friend of mineFace to face and eye to eyeUsin" our hands to buy and supplyChillin" is cool from january to juneAnd we still stiked together like the glueAnd know the rulesForever you and i and believe it was clearIf i ever should fall i could count on you with no fearRunnin" out of time i see who"s fakeAlone without protection from all them snakesAll for one one for all i was toldBlack white yellow no matter if your young or oldNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat i see is how i fell and damn I"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceTaht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyTaht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyCheppin" thru the streets at night after a fuss and fightTears in my eyes i"m a man lookin" for the lightDark is the path i know he will rescue meThe lord is my shepard i"m cool despite emergencyWhom shall i fear exept the godThank you for the blessin" and the skils on the micFive years we know there"s no diggityFree at last see the light in meWhat goes up must come downI"ll be around while you heading towards deathtownAllways look forward hardly never look backSo many tears and the snakes on my jockNow i"m riding in my big fat rideYour ass is late so look for the lineNana in the house to let you knowWhat i see is how i feel so leave me aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceKnock on my door whom you lookin" forA dream or reality enemies at my doorEyes i realize it"s fantasize i must be highSo let me live before i dieOnce again grab the bottle twist the cap to surviveYour life is yours my life is mineNo emotions in this world full of liesStep by step and be versatileLove peace and cash that"s what is"s all aboutAlone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt aboutI"m always into something making moves to improveWhat would you do if you were in my shoesBoom a letter oops another suicideMeet me for a ride at the boulevardNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat i see is how i feel and damn i"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all i needI know i got to pay the priceI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Taht"s why i"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonely lonely in my lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8210138

kanye west的mercy歌词

[Hook x4]Lamborghini MercyYour chick she so thirstyI"m in that two seat LamboWith your girl she tryna jerk me[Big Sean]Drop it to the floorMake that *ss shakeWoah make the ground move, that"s an *ss quakeBuilt a house up on it, that"s an *ss stateRoll my blunt on it, that"s an *ss traySay Ye, say Ye, don"t we do this err" day-day?I work them long nights, long nights to get a pay dayFinally got paid, now I need shade and a vacayAnd n*ggas still hatin", so much hate I need an AKNow we out in Paris, yeah I"m Perrierin"White girls politicin" that"s that Sarah PalinGettin", Californicatin"I give her that D, cause that"s what"s born and raised in[Hook][Pusha T]It"s prime time, my top back, this pimp gameI"m red leather, this , I"m Rick JamesI"m bill droppin", Ms. Pacman is pill poppin"This pill popped, I"m poppin" tooThese blue dolphins need two coffinsAll she want is some heel moneyAll she need is some bill moneyHe take his time, he counts it outI weighs it up, that"s real moneyCheck the neck, check the wristThem heads turnin", that"s exorcistMy Audemar like Mardi GrasThat"s Swiss time and that"s excellenceTwo door preferenceRoof gone George JeffersonThat white frost on that pound cakeSo your Duncan Heinz is irrelevantLambo, Mercy-lago, she go wherever I goWherever we go we do it pronto[Hook][Kanye West]Let the suicide doors upI threw suicides on the tour busI threw suicides on the private jetYou know what that mean, I"m fly to deafI step in Def Jam building like I"m the sh*tTell ‘em “give me fifty million or I"mma quit”Most rappers taste level ain"t at my waist levelTurn up the bass "til it"s up in your face levelDon"t do no press but I do the most press, kidPlush out my-my , make yours look like PreciousTalkin" "bout Mary she gone off that MollyNow the whole party is melted like DhaliNow everybody is movin" they bodyDon"t sell me apartment, I move in the lobbyn*ggas is loiterin" just to feel importantYou gon see lawyers and n*ggas ? gettin Jordans[2 Chainz]Can"t ? to my campaignCoupe the color of mayonniaseI"m drunk and high at the same timeDrinkin" champaign on the airplaneSpit rounds like the gun rangeBeat it up like a rampage100 bands, country girl now your girl need a bandaidGrade A, A1, chain the color of AkonPlatinum diamonds backpack around meCosigned by Louis VouttonHorse power, horse powerAll this Polo on I got horse power? wrist cost 4 thousandI make it rain, she want more showersRain pourin", all my cars is foreignAll my broads is foreign, money tall like Jordan[Hook]From.Lin Bros

Westernhagen (Wea)的《Hey Mamma》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mamma歌手:Westernhagen (Wea)专辑:WesternhagenCam"ron - Hey MaHey ma, what"s up, lets slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYou smoke, I smoke, I drink, me too, well goodCause we gon get high tonightGot drops, got Coups, got Trucks, got juice, all rightCause we gon take a ride tonightSo ma, what"s up, let"s slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYo, Now I was downtown clubbin", ladies nightSeen shorty she was crazy rightAnd I approach baby likeMa, What"s your age and type?She looked at me and said use a baby rightI told her, I"m 18 and live a crazy lifePlus I"ll tell you what the 80"s likeAnd I know what ladies likeNeed a man that"s polite, listens and takes adviceI could be all three, plus I can lay the pipeCome with me come stay the nightShe looked at me laughin", like boy your game is tightI"m laughin" back like show you rightGet in the CarAnd don"t touch nothing Sit in the carLet discuss Somethin"Either we lovin" or I"ll see you tommorowNow we speeding up the WestsideHand creepin" up her left side, I"m ready to do itReady to bone, ready for dome55th exit, damn, damn, already we homeNow let"s get it onNow That I got a girl, my Ex wanna holla and spitTold me to acknowledge her quickShe like Cam stop frontin"On that Dave Hollister TipCome over lets swallow and sipI"m like momma that"s itI promise you dick, usually have a problem with chicksThey all say I"m rotten and richBut not her, booby"s realHigh heel dooby feel, plus got them Gucci nails, uhYou a cutie still, and this my down girl tooAin"t no groupie dealWe left the movies with Uzies, Suzuki wheels,To the Jocose, I tell you my booby"s realI mean she do be winning, luey spinninGo to the crib she got the Gucci linen"I see booby grinningShe looked and said Cam, I know that you be sinningNaw, I"m a changed man, look at the range maimI got a whole new game planLooked and said that"s nothing but game CamShe was right; she was up in the Range manDroped her off at the L, now I"m flippin" the cellThat"s right I had to call up LYou L, what up, I hit, what else, plus dome, say wordAnd we got it on tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7403567



Kanye West的flashing lights的歌词!~~~

Kanye West Flashing Lights Lyrics (intro)Flashing LightsFlashing LightsFlashing LightsFLashing Lights(Verse 1)She dont belive in shooting starsbut she belives in shoes and carsWood floors in the new apartmentCouture from the store"s departmentYou more like love to start s**tIm more of da, trips to floridaorda the orderves, views of da waterstrait from a page of your favorite authorAnd the weather is so breazyman why cant life always be this eazyshe in the mirror dancing so sleazyI get a call, like where are you deazyI tried to hit you with the o wokietill i got flash by the popuratzidang these niggas got mei hate these niggas more than nazis(chorus)As i recall I know you love to show offBut I never thought that you would take it this farBut what do i knowFlashing LightsWhat do I knowFlashing Lights(verse 2)[Flashing Lights lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]I know its been a while sweetheart, we hardly talkI been doing my thangi know it was style babay a bay lately, u been all on my brainand if somebody would of told me a month ago fronten thoYo i wouldn"t wanna knowif somebody would of told me a year ago it a go would get this difficultfeelin like katrina with no femalike martin with no ginalike a flight with no visafirst class with the seat back i still see yain my past you on the otherside of the glassof my memories museumim just sayinhey Mona Lisacome home you know you cant Rome without Ceasar(chorus)as i recall I know you love to show offbut i never thought that you would take it this farbut what do i knowflashing lightswhat do i knowflashing lights(chorus)as you recall you know i love to show offbut you never thought that i would take it this farbut what do you knowflashing lightswhat do you knowflashing lightsflashing lightsflashing lights



Westlife的《Mandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Mandy歌手:Westlife专辑:Forever Friends - Mum In A MillionMandywestlifeI remember all my lifeRaining down as cold as iceShadows of a manA face through a windowCrying in the nightThe night goes intoMorning, just another dayHappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memoryI never realizedHow happy you made me oh MandyWell you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need you today, oh MandyI"m standing on the edge of timeI"ve walked away when love was mineCaught up in a world of uphill climbingTears are on my mindAnd nothing is rhyming, oh MandyWell you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need you today, oh MandyYesterday"s a dream I face the morningCrying on a breezeThe pain is calling, oh MandyWell you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need you today, oh MandyYou came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyYou kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need youOh Mandy won"t you listen to what I"ve got to sayOh baby don"t let me throw it all it awayOh Mandy won"t you listen to what I"ve got to sayAnd I need you today...Oh Mandy...http://music.baidu.com/song/7500743

Westlife的《Mandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Mandy歌手:Westlife专辑:Greatest HitsMandywestlifeI remember all my lifeRaining down as cold as iceShadows of a manA face through a windowCrying in the nightThe night goes intoMorning, just another dayHappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memoryI never realizedHow happy you made me oh MandyWell you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need you today, oh MandyI"m standing on the edge of timeI"ve walked away when love was mineCaught up in a world of uphill climbingTears are on my mindAnd nothing is rhyming, oh MandyWell you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need you today, oh MandyYesterday"s a dream I face the morningCrying on a breezeThe pain is calling, oh MandyWell you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need you today, oh MandyYou came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyYou kissed me and stopped me from shakingAnd I need youOh Mandy won"t you listen to what I"ve got to sayOh baby don"t let me throw it all it awayOh Mandy won"t you listen to what I"ve got to sayAnd I need you today...Oh Mandy...http://music.baidu.com/song/12486402


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求To Cyriack Skinner 和Composed Upon Westminster Bridge的英文翻译~~谢谢了!



a short history of western painting翻译 艺术是受一个民族的风俗和信仰影响。西方艺术风格经历了多次变革。因为西方艺术多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。因此,本书只谈及从公元六世纪开始以来最重要的几种艺术风格。 中世纪(5到15世纪)在中世纪时期,画家的主要目的是把宗教主题表现出来。这一时期传统的艺术家无意于如实地展现自然和人物。这时的典型绘画充满了宗教的特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴和敬重。但是,13世纪时绘画观念在改变是显而易见的,像乔托这样的画家开始以一种更现实的方式来画宗教场景。文艺复兴时期(15世纪到16世纪)在文艺复兴时期,新的思想和价值观逐渐取代了中世纪的思想和价值观。人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。同时画家们回到罗马、希腊的古典艺术理念上。他们力争如实画出人物和自然。富人们想拥有自己的艺术品,这样就可以装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅。他们出价聘请著名艺术家不仅让他们画他们的活动和成就,还要他们画自己的肖像、房子和所有物。 在此期间,最重要的发现之一就是如何用透视法来画出事务。这一手法是1428年由马萨乔第一次使用的。当人们第一次看到他的画时,还以为是透过墙上的小洞来观看真实的场景,并对此深信不疑。如果没有发现透视法,就没有人能画出如此逼真的画。巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。没有新的颜料和新的手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。印象派(19世纪后期到20世纪初期)19世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会转变成了以工业为主的社会。许多人从农村迁入到新城市。有许多新发明和社会变革。这些变革也自然地促成了新的绘画风格。在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。印象派画家是第一批室外写景的画家。他们急切地想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影呈现出来。然而由于自然光的变化很快,印象派画家们必须很快地作画,因此,他们的画就不像以前那些画家们的画那样细致了。起初,很多人不喜欢这种画法,甚至还怒不可遏。他们说这些画家作画时漫不经心,粗枝大叶,而他们的作品更是荒谬可笑。 现代艺术(20世纪到今天) 在印象派作品的创建初期,他们是存在着争议的,但是如今已经被人们接受而成为我们现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。这是因为印象派鼓励画家用一种崭新的视角看待他们的环境。如今,现代艺术风格有好几十种,然而如果没有印象派,那么这许多不同的风格也许就不可能存在。一方面,有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中展现物体的某些品质特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。而另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那么真实,看上去就像是照片。这些风格如此不同。谁能预言将来会有什么样的绘画风格?


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Vue项目中使用swiper组件,swiper中的数据是接口返回,得到接口的数据再初始化swiper,但是开始的时候,swiper无法拖动,看了半天官方文档,发现有个width属性,可以控制swiper的宽度,主要是针对隐藏情况下初始化swiper。 这样就解决了无法拖动的问题。 swiper的width设置官方文档: https://www.swiper.com.cn/api/parameters/274.html



谁知道westlife的beautiful in whit歌词的中文意思

我也是个城迷,西城的歌,不要仅仅去用歌词理解,西城本身就是一首意味深长的歌曲。Shane唱的这首歌,淡淡的感觉,想想Shane&Kain&Nicky都已经结婚,而且Shane的可爱女儿,(And if our daughter is what our future holds)就不免这首歌的内容联系到Shane自己身上。这首歌确实很棒,很喜欢。淡淡的爱情,淡淡的承诺,美好的未来。这首歌的歌词和节奏都很棒!








Nicky 中国歌迷中喜欢叫他 美人 因其美若天仙

westlife现场版my love 中中间的那个黄头发的成员是谁啊



Brian McFadden、Mark Feehily、Nicky Bryne、Shane Filan、Kian Egan




除了基本的 你还想了解什么


nicky 开放分类: 明星、歌手 Nicky全名: Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne 中文译名: 尼基·柏恩 小名: Nico Nix 出生日期: 1978年10月9日 星座: 天平座 身高: 176厘米 眼睛颜色: 蓝色 头发颜色: 金色 家庭成员: 老婆Georgina 曾就读学校: Plunkit College 以前的工作: 利兹俱乐部的守门员 心中的英雄: Bruce Wills 最差的学科: 数学 最好的学科: 英语还有地理 爱好: 足球、唱歌 最喜欢做的事: 足球、在外面吃饭、购物、回爱尔兰看家人 最不喜欢做的事: 吸烟、肮脏和下流的人 喜欢的颜色: 蓝色还有白 喜欢的运动: 足球、诺克斯 (台球) 最喜欢的男演员: Bruce Willis 、 Brad Pitt 最喜欢的女演员: Demi Moore 、Cameron Diaz 最喜欢的男歌手: Phil Collins 最喜欢的女歌手: Natalie Imbroglio 最喜欢的影片: 《Titanic》《 Die Hard Armageddon》 最喜欢的食物: 日本料理 最喜欢的饮料: 百事可乐 最想住的地方: 都柏林的家里 最想去的地方: 加勒比和纽约、悉尼 最喜欢的香水: CK Eternity 最喜欢的球队: 曼联 最喜欢的乐队: Boyzone 最喜欢的歌曲: Flying Without Wings & Aganist All Odds 生活准则: 不认为别人比我优秀,也不认为我比别人优秀 口头禅: La Gra (爱尔兰语 大意是沐浴在爱中) 如果你是动物 你想做: 老虎 最想看见的人: PHIL COLLINS & MADONNA 喜爱的乐器: 钢琴 Nicky喜欢Gucci牌子的衣服 老婆是爱尔兰总理的千金 很喜欢Ronan 即使有机会也不要看女朋友的日记 讨厌坐电梯 宁可爬12层楼也不坐 Nicky有一对幸运袜 不论什么演出他都会穿哦 如果没有加入Westlife他会做警察 这样喜欢他的小孩都会避他 Nicky觉得这世界有外星人 样子就像Bryan 爱尔兰的歌迷长去找女朋友聊天 Nicky的妈妈会请歌迷们喝茶 都柏林出生的Nicky在音乐的环境中长大,爸爸尼可拉斯(Nicholas)是一个名叫Nikki And Studz的餐馆驻唱乐团的主唱,希望他儿子能成功的干掉他!Nicky说:“靠着音乐过活一直是我老爸的梦想,搞不好因为我们这个团,他现在有更多的场子可唱呢!”早在80年代,Nicky经常到位于Baldoyle一地的跑道旅店Racecourse Inn帮忙老爸架乐器,后来,男孩特区合唱团(Boyzone)的团员Shane、Keith、Ronan曾经来跑道旅店畅饮呢!虽然出身于音乐家庭,Nicky差点就成了足球国手,一度是Newcastle、Everton、Leeds等热门分区联队争相邀请加盟的选手,Nicky最后加盟Leeds联队,原本希望自己能被选为守门员,虽然有着五呎十吋的壮硕体型,球队还是觉得他太矮了!深感挫折之余,Nicky回到都柏林,一时之间不知道该做什么,曾经考虑加入爱尔兰的Gardai警察队。 Nicky 档案原名:Sura Teerakol艺名:Nicky出生地:泰国生日:1979年1月21日星座:水瓶座身高:179 cm 体重:71 kg血统:1/2泰国1/2中国家庭: 哥哥&妹妹宗教: 基督徒学历:美国加利福尼亚山地高中 曼谷Tonburi 大学职业:模特、歌手、演员语言:英语、泰语喜爱的汽车: 本田喜爱的颜色: 白色喜爱的品牌: Fubu 05喜爱的运动: 足球 橄榄球喜爱的足球队: 曼彻斯特喜爱的动物: 狗喜爱的节日:圣诞目标:全面国际艺人唱片:Nicky (2001)Thug Life (2002)Hip Hop in Love (2003)Hot (2004)Nicky Pimp (2005)电视剧:《Kratook Nuad Suah》《Nueng Fah Lanka Deiw》《Wai Son》广告:“SPY”冰酒“In Hand”Cologne“Euro”蛋糕电影:《子弹青少年》《Lub Lae Kon Mahasajun》《恶魔火车》《Narok Sao Tarutoa》《Sang Tai, Haam Tai》《Puchai Pai Leung》《Puchai See Muang》奖项:2000年泰国新秀大赛2003-2005年泰国最性感男明星2005年泰国“Rath ”报纸评选性感明星第5名

Matthew West的《Survivors》 歌词

歌曲名:Survivors歌手:Matthew West专辑:The Story Of Your LifeNow that you"re out of my lifeI"m so much betterYou thought that I"d be weak without youBut I"m strongerYou thought that I"d be broke without youBut I"m richerYou thought that I"d be sad without youI laugh harderYou thought I wouldn"t grow without youNow I"m wiserThough that I"d be helpless without youBut I"m smarterYou thought that I"d be stressed without youBut I"m chillin"You thought I wouldn"t sell without youSold 9 millionI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)Thought I couldn"t breathe withoutI"m inhalingYou thought I couldn"t see without youPerfect visionYou thought I couldn"t last without youBut I"m lastin"You thought that I would die without youBut I"m livin"Thought that I would fail without youBut I"m on topThought it would be over by nowBut it won"t stopThought that I would self destructBut I"m still hereEven in my years to comeI"m still gon be hereI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m wishin" you the bestPray that you are blessedBring much success, no stress, and lots of happiness(I"m better than that)I"m not gon blast you on the radio(I"m better than that)I"m not gon lie on you and your family(I"m better than that)I"m not gon hate on you in the magazines("m better than that)I"m not gon compromise my Christianity(I"m better than that)You know I"m not gon diss you on the internetCause my mama taught me better than thatI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)Oh (oh) oh (oh)...After of all of the darkness and sadnessSoon comes happinessIf I surround my self with positive thingsI"ll gain prosperityI"m a survivor (What?)I"m not gon give up (What?)I"m not gon stop (What?)I"m gon work harder (What?)I"m a survivor (What?)I"m gonna make it (What?)I will survive (What?)Keep on survivin" (What?)http://music.baidu.com/song/2832392



我有一块手表 是WEST END WATCH CO的,下面是PRIMA。一个朋友送我的,有人知道这块手表市场价么?


我奶奶留给我一块手表,男土的 圆形 正面是west endwatch 中间是prima 标记是

west end,也就是俗称的"瓦斯针"手表,是瑞士知名手表,创立于1886年。因为避震非常好,因此在二战时期,很多国家的军队将瓦斯针手表作为军表。战后也有很多军队沿用这个品牌的手表,在当时的条件下,瓦斯针手表避震出色,夜光强悍,有传言说瓦斯针手表的夜光,在夜间甚至能用来照明看清书籍上的文字。可见其夜光犀利。在上世纪50年代前后,在我国的军队中,一般也要一定级别的干部才能佩戴一块瓦斯针手表,在当时,佩戴瓦斯针手表是身份的象征,现在存世的一些瓦斯针的老手表,很大一部分都来自部队的老军人,老干部。过去五六十年了,估计表已经很旧了,但是有很好的收藏价值,可以好好保管,是很难得的藏品。

求Westlife :You raise me up 歌词

when I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; 当我消沉之时,我的灵魂无所依附When troubles come and my heart burdened be; 困难来袭之时,我的心不堪重负Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, 寂静如斯,我依然静静地在这等待Until you come and sit awhile with me. 直到你到我的身边You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; 你鼓舞了我,我才能立于山巅You raise me up, to walk on stormy sea; 你鼓舞了我,我才能遨游怒海I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; 靠在你的肩上,我才变得坚强You raise me up... To more than I can be. 你鼓舞了我,让我超越极限You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... To more than I can be. You raise me up... To more than I can be.

欢迎光临西餐厅的英文是Welcome to Western Restaurant还是Welcome Western Restaurant



我们应该遵守规则。We should obey the rules.





Pacific Northwest是什么意思


east west south north英文怎么读?

东西南北的英文分别是east,west,south,north。表示方向的英语单词还有northeast,northwest,southeast,southwest等等。1、东east读音:英[iu02d0st];美[iu02d0st]词义:adj.东方的;adv.向东方2、西west读音:英[west];美[west]词义:n.西;西方;西部;西方国家;adj.西方的;西部的3、南south读音:英[sau028aθ];美[sau028aθ]词义:n.南;南方;adj.南方的4、北north读音:英[nu0254u02d0θ];美[nu0254u02d0rθ]词义:adj.北方的;北的;adv.向北方例句1、游客到达时搞不清东西南北了。The tourists were very mixed up when they arrived.2、方位基点就是东西南北。The cardinal points of the compass are north,south,east and west.



Western reports say troops have been ____ i

stationn. 车站;驻地;地位;身分vt. 配置;安置;驻扎



西三一大学Trinity Western University好不好


灌注固定后过的脑组织可以做western blot,pcr,elisa等吗

大鼠灌注取脑;用途:;1.用于常规HE染色,免疫组化分析;2.冰冻切片可以不做脑组织固定;3.不可用于westernblot和PCR;4.如果观察脑组织的缺血、损伤或其它病变时,不作;原理:;心脏灌流术能够快速冲净血液并在动物死亡前进行组织;必要性:;1.脑组织较软,且细胞成分不易保留,脑组织是较易;2.经前固定后,取脑操作时,可减少脑组织损伤;3.脑内血液大鼠灌注取脑用途:1.用于常规HE染色,免疫组化分析。2.冰冻切片可以不做脑组织固定。3.不可用于western blot和PCR。4.如果观察脑组织的缺血、损伤或其它病变时,不作灌注固定,而是在取出脑组织后作固定,将大大影响效果。原理:心脏灌流术能够快速冲净血液并在动物死亡前进行组织的前固定,避免了组织的自溶现象,是脑组织切片观察的常用方法。多聚甲醛使组织蛋白发生交联,以保持蛋白的原位和表面结构不变,从而能使其对应的抗体准确检测其表达位置和量。必要性:1.脑组织较软,且细胞成分不易保留,脑组织是较易软化的组织之一,血供也较为丰富,所以最好是在取脑组织前用4%多聚甲醛灌注固。2.经前固定后,取脑操作时,可减少脑组织损伤。3.脑内血液都在,HE染色后,可去除红细胞背景影响。大鼠灌注取脑标准操作规程(SOP):流程:1) 麻醉 2)开胸 3)心脏左心室穿针,剪开右心耳 4)生理盐水冲水 5)4%多基甲醛固定 6)取脑 7)保存或切片.具体过程:大鼠经深度麻醉后,固定于自制的手术木板上,置于解剖盘中,开胸暴露并游离出心脏,经左心室插入灌流针并固定, 切开右心耳,先灌注冰冻无菌生理盐水(4℃)XmL,直到肝和肺脏颜色转白及右心房流出液澄清,后再灌注冰冻(4℃)4%多聚甲醛XmL,断头取脑,多聚甲醛浸泡固定24小时。Tips:1.多聚甲醛的配置:一般方法为:4%多聚甲醛PBS缓冲液配法:称取40g PFA溶于装有500mlDEPC水的玻璃容器(烧杯或烧瓶)中,持续加热磁力搅拌至60~65℃,使成乳白色悬液。用1.0mol/L的NaOH值至7.4,使呈清亮状(滴加),再加入约500ml PBS,充分混匀(在冰浴或冷水浴中),可再检测一下pH,过滤后定容至1000ml,室温或4℃保存备用。简便方法:先配好PBS,称好相应的多聚甲醛,37℃水浴或温箱密封放置2天,就能全溶。若是很急,55℃水浴一天,期间不时震荡。注意,4%的多聚甲醛需临用前配制,配制后需过滤去除小的杂质,避免心脏灌流时造成栓塞影响灌流效果。2.制作灌注装置,用两瓶塑料包装的输液瓶装灌注液。同时配好输液器备用。3.10%水合氯醛按4mL/100g的剂量腹腔注射麻醉动物。4.沿两侧肋弓剪开皮肤,打开腹腔,用一血管钳夹持剑突并向上提拉,用弯剪在膈肌与胸骨柄相连处剪一小口,造成人工气胸,然后向两侧顺延,剪断膈肌及肋骨,夹持剑突的血管钳将剑突连带胸廓上翻固定,充分暴露心脏,直视下穿刺针左心室心尖处,用血管钳固定。5.快速滴注生理盐水(室温),同时剪开右心耳。约注入100~150mL,至流出液体血色较浅基本澄清,停止灌注。肝脏、眼珠、爪子迅速变白是排出血液的有效观察指标。6.继续用4%多聚甲醛灌流250ml固定。7.后固定:灌流后的脑组织置于4%PFA置4度冰箱内进行后固定,时间>2h,过夜最好。补充:还有一种省时省剂的方法。夹闭腹主动脉:只灌注上肢及头脑,固定的好又快,又省试剂。先灌注生理盐水约100ml,见到老鼠两前肢及两肺变白可改灌注多聚甲醛。多聚甲醛用100ml以下即可。灌注成功的标志:刚开始灌注时老鼠前肢剧烈抽动(下肢不抽动证明腹主动脉夹闭完全);前肢及颈部僵硬;所灌注的脑组织白而硬。


流式细胞仪当然可以检测细胞内蛋白,这一点,并不是很难,当然要比检测细胞表面抗原复杂些,好在都已经有现成的方法,不成问题。不过流式的应用原理主要还是抗原和抗体反应和western、免疫组化没有本质差别,但是由于免疫组化和western都有酶催化底物的放大体系,因此, 流式不适合检测低表达的蛋白,低表达的还是采用western(尤其是化学发光底物更佳)和免疫组化更好。当然,流式最大的一个特点就是,可以定量(百分 比),如果是高表达的用流式细胞仪非常有优势。 流式检测时要求有抗体,可以是直接标记或简介标记的荧光抗体。细胞需要预先固定处理,常用的是多聚甲醛、TritoonX-100、75%乙醇等,具体步骤可参考相关文献,都有详细说明。………………详细资料请参考:on http://product.bio1000.com/100228/

Westernhagen的《Rosen》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosen歌手:Westernhagen专辑:In Den WahnsinnANNA inspi"NANA (BLACK STONES) - rose作词:ANNA作曲:宫崎あゆみ编曲:宫崎あゆみWhen I was darkness at that time 当陷于阴暗的那时震える唇 颤抖的嘴唇部屋の片隅でI cry 蜷在屋子一角,哭了起来もがけばもがくほど突き刺さるこの伤 越是拼命挣扎,越是将伤口撕裂破られた约束 hurt me 那被打碎的约定,伤害了我Nobody can save me 没人可以拯救我神様ひとつだけ 神灵只有一位止めて裂くような my love 能止住开裂的 是我的爱I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰舞い散る 悲しみ your song 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌居场所 ない 孤独なmy life 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰Oh baby, help me from frozen pain 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救with your smile, your eyes, 用你的微笑,你的眼眸and sing me, just for me 你的歌,只为了我I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I"m a broken rose 我是朵残破的玫瑰I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱When you are with me at that time 当你在身边的那时贵方 の影を追いかけて 追逐着你的影子裸足(はだし)でかけ泣けてstop me 赤着脚狂奔 请停下我闭ざせば闭ざすほどもつれてくこの爱 越是闭上眼,越是被爱纠缠やるやけに优しく kiss me 轻缓温柔的,请亲吻我Nobody can save me 没人可以拯救我冻える蔷薇のように 像封冻的玫瑰优しく眠りたいmy tears 想要温柔的睡去 留下眼泪I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰彼 落ちる 悲しみ my soul 凋零坠落的悲伤,是我的灵魂离れてく孤独なlittle girl 因离别而孤独的,小女孩I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰Oh baby, help me from frozen pain 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救with your smile, your eyes, 用你的微笑,你的眼眸and sing me, just for me 你的歌,只为了我I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I"m a broken rose 我是朵残破的玫瑰I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰舞い散る 悲しみ your song 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌居场所 ない 孤独なmy life 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰Oh baby, help me from frozen pain 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救with your smile, your eyes, 用你的微笑,你的眼眸and sing me, just for me 你的歌,只为了我I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I was a broken rose 我是朵残破的玫瑰I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/936141

western blotting 和ELISA的区别


The other Wes Moore 中文版 中文名生命分叉

The Other Wes Moore 是一本关于两个黑人男青年的传记,在亚马逊上得分四星半。我本来就喜欢看普通人的传记,网页上的剧透更吸引了我:两个姓名一样、素不相识的男孩“在类似的邻里生长、度过了父亲缺失的艰难童年;他们曾在相仿的街角混迹于相仿的人群,都曾与警察有过不愉快的遭遇。”步入成年人的行列之后,其中一个,成为知名的罗德奖学金获得者,而另一个,却因为参与抢劫、枪杀警察而被判终身监禁。这本书的作者,自然是前一个Wes Moore,写书的目的,是“意在表现生活在这个国家最摇摇欲坠的角落中的我们的命运——它是如何因为一个趔趄而跌入错误的轨迹,又如何因为一步试探而走上正轨。”这段话让我想起小时候爸爸曾指着中国地图让我看:黄河与长江的源头如此接近,入海口却隔得这么远,中间流经的地域更是完全不同。他说这正如人生的际遇,在生命的早期看起来所差无几的人,有时一步踏错,就会渐行渐远,终于走上完全不同的道路。这个比喻多年来一直存在我心里,虽然它的教育性意义早已非常淡薄,而且我也不再相信在机遇众多的现代社会还有那么多“一步错步步错”的人生故事,更怀疑表面上“所差无几”的人生早期其实早就深埋下确定日后不同命运的种子,然而有关个人的生命轨迹如何发端、延展、转折、成型的故事与思考却总能吸引我的兴趣。带着对窥探命运轨迹的期待,我去图书馆借了这本书,一口气看完。序言从2000年作者拿到罗德奖学金讲起——这一消息被登在巴尔的摩太阳报上,同期另一则新闻报道中,却提及另一个Wes Moore的抢劫枪杀案。也许仅仅因为同名的巧合,作者一直对此无法忘怀,从牛津毕业之后,他返回巴尔的摩,开始与另一个Wes Moore的通信、去狱中与他见面、并且采访了对方(与自己)的亲朋好友,在这些谈话中,两条生命路线渐渐变得清晰:“令人惊心的事实是,他的故事可能成为我的故事;而悲剧在于,我的故事原本可以成为他的故事。”(The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.)这本书文字相对简单(但并不出色),叙事流畅,作者的思路也很容易跟随,总的来说是一本很易读的书。从硬货上来讲,两个人的经历故事确实都有可圈可点之处,基于我对美国社会一点粗浅了解,应该说反映了黑人青年成长挣扎的真实故事,无论是失败的Wes还是成功Wes,都算是相当典型。都市中贫穷的黑人社区在很大程度上被隔离、同时也被很许多“正常人”遗忘忽略、或避之唯恐不及。一代代年轻男孩在满是是犯罪、毒品、暴力、辍学、未婚少女妈妈的环境里成长起来,身不由己地踏上了父兄的覆辙。而能从既定命运轨道中脱出的那些,往往是众多力量合作的结果——一个或几个靠谱而值得尊敬的长辈亲属、家庭对教育的重视、成长中遇到的导师、以及偶然的机遇。展现这些内外因和力而为下的命运轨迹,怎么说都是好看的。然而作为一本得分四星半的书,它多少有点让我失望。主要问题源于年轻的作者无力深刻地理解和分析庞大复杂的社会、社区以及家庭与个人命运之间的关系,以至于整本书停留在一种隔衣搔痒的状态,也许找准了大致位置,也许偶尔能浅度地涉及关键之处,却总是无法透彻、爽快、鞭辟入里、一针见血地刺入症结所在。这当然并不是说一本好书的作者必须唠叨不绝地阐述自己的观点体现自己的分析,事实上,有时候纯描述性的传记更能见出作者思考的功力:这种功力在取舍用墨、遣词造句、营造气氛的方方面面都能体现出来,就如一副会留白会点睛的作者画出的白描作品。然而,这种功力,本书的作者Wes Moore显然是不具备的。不过,虽然失望,我并不认为这段阅读经历是浪费时间。这恰是基于作者对于许多关键事件平实而详尽的描写,能让读者自行思考他提出却没有解答的问题:究竟为什么这两个青年走上如此不同的道路?而且,大约也正是因为作者无力形成自己强有力的观点、无法将预设的结论强加于人,以至于读者享有广阔的思考空间。这,也未见得不是一种有益的阅读体验。这本书留给我最强烈的感受,是再一次加深了我一直以来坚信的信念:人生早期的经历——尤其是家庭教育——对生命轨迹有着至关重要的决定性作用。事实上,在合上书之后我饶有兴趣地思考这样一个问题:如果把两个五岁时的Wes Moore摆在我的面前,让我预测哪一个长大以后会更为成功,我能否猜对呢?表面上看来,他们那时的境遇相当相似:家境普通、由母亲及母系亲属抚养、父亲将不会出现在他们生活之中、生活在少数族裔集中、成分复杂的社区(巴尔的摩和纽约的Bronx),街角多的是游手好闲或者以贩毒为生的男青年。但仔细分析下去,却能发现许多不同:首先,作者Wes Moore的父母是合法夫妻,父亲缺失的缘故是因病去世;而另一个Wes Moore的母亲是少女妈妈,醉鬼父亲根本没有想过要在子女的生活中占有一席之地;其次,作者Wes Moore的母亲受过正规大学教育,而另一个Wes Moore的母亲虽然已经是家庭里的佼佼者,却也只不过是在社区大学拿了基本学位而已;至于外公外婆方面的区别就更加显而易见,作者的实际上是牙买加移民的第二代,他的外祖父母坚韧、勤劳、富有梦想和冒险精神,并且受过良好教育,而另一个Wes Moore的外婆有着与他母亲相似的经历,是城市贫民窟里代复一代无望死循环中的一员……谁能受到更好的家庭教育,岂不是相当明显?事实上,作者确实从小被母亲不惜一切代价送入附近最好的学校,而另一个Wes则在巴尔地摩城中城外的各个学校辗转来去。以此早期经历猜测两个Wes的成年轨迹,虽然有事后诸葛亮之嫌,但似乎也并不是偶然。


on tuesday i"ll play with my friend 在星期二,我将和我的朋友一起玩

哪里能下载宠物店男孩Go west 的伴奏?

Pet Shop Boys---GO WEST 试听地址:http://idisk.mac.com/lucien0407/Public/mp3/Go_West_PetShopBoys.mp3





什么是west union


求The Celebration of Western Festivals英语作文

参考答案: 逢山开路,遇水搭桥。

journey to the west的中文意思是什么?

Journey to the West" 的中文意思是 "西游记"。这是中国古代一部非常著名的小说,讲述了孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧三人带着唐僧西天取经的故事。小说深入浅出地讲述了西天取经过程中的各种冒险经历、传说故事和道德寓意。

GoodRide , WestLake,KUMHO,GT 分别是哪国轮胎品牌,中文名称是什么

WestLake 杭州中策橡胶所制造的轮胎 西湖牌GoodRide 好骑牌KUMHO,GT 韩国锦湖

The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

【答案】:C这条河在开始转向西时,大大拓宽了。 A.弯曲 B.延伸c.使……变宽,扩展 D.弯曲 【解 析】考查动词。题干划线词widen意为“加宽,(使)变宽”,所以正确答案为C。

Wes Montgomery的《People》 歌词

歌曲名:People歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Movin" WesThenewno2 - PeopleSeeing thingsBristlyI don"t believeThis imagerySeeing thingsDifferentlyI don"t believeThis imageryWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, inflated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peopleFortune tellers predict bad weatherStock market sellers huddle togetherLost in the thick of itNow things are differentAnother day tripMust be the governmentWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, overrated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peopleWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, inflated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peoplehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7550816

Nick Laird-Clowes的《Raid》 歌词

歌曲名:Raid歌手:Nick Laird-Clowes专辑:Battle For HadithaRaid - 50 CentI"m only in the company of KingsI made a power move and it"s everything it seemsBefore ‘Ye signed me, I was getting out my dreamStanding on the shoulders of 20,000 fiendsEverytime a n-gga wanna try and turn a profitFolks rush in, 3 letters try and stop itF-B-I-R-S-D-E-A (FBI, IRS, DEA)One letter short but still muthaf-ck the DA.We play by the rules as they try and crack the codeCombination locks to the kilo"s that I holdLeopard print Louboutin"s, prowlin" the concreteRoller balls come alive just like JumanjiYou know where to find meGreenhouse a circle of top whoresMandarin, gears of war, any of them top floors35 large took you right out the top drawStill got a throwaway phone in my sock drawIt"s like rain, spraying on you roachesThe AK is an animal, it is ferociousA n-gga wanna sing but he is the dopestWatch that n-gga disappear, hocus pocusRing, ring the n-gga wanna singRing, ring, I keep that bitch cleanRing, ring the n-gga wanna singUnless he is an insomniac, he dying to dreamYou can tell I went to school on a small yellow busNever bothered me, strong arm robberyI went from countin" Jelly donuts to taking the mostFrom my high school sweetheart to f-cking with hoesLook I"m all grown up and I dun blown upN-gga aint much changed, in fact, things are the sameI"m the definition of shooter, gun of choice the rugerYou"ll take my word for it or make me do it to yaI"m a magnet to murder, when I"m in the moodGet convicted through the forensics when you walk in my shoesI"m bad news, you n-ggas know the verdict, I"m filthyDrop Phantom is milkyWhite on white, 24 inch blades of steelRed eye smoking that bomb shitN-ggas surprised, 50 back on fire50 back running round this bitch strappedHitman for hirehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7861321


Westlife: Walk AwayAlbum:World Of Our OwnTitle:Walk AwayHere we are Just a little older Time goes by But did I ever tell you why I want you so much It came to me When you were not around You"ll always be The one to understand that"s why I can"t miss your touch All my life I waited for someone And all this time You were the one So If you want a man that is here to stay Swearing he"s forever true I"ll never walk away I"ll never give up on you And if you want a love that will save the day No matter what you"re going through I"ll never walk away I"ll never walk out on you I"ve been a fool I didn"t see behind The friend in you And baby don"t you ask me why It just couldn"t be love Cause from the start You would be the one To cure my heart But I just didn"t look this way And now I can"t get enough All my life I waited for someone And all this time You were the one, so If you want a man that is here to stay Swearing he"s forever true I"ll never walk away I"ll never give up on you And if you want a love that will save the day No matter what you"re going through I"ll never walk away I"ll never walk out on you And with a kiss you turned my world around The greatest rush of all was to be found Oh yeah You changed my whole life Coloured up the dark skies And this I promise you If you want a man that is here to stay Swearing he"s forever true I"ll never walk away I"ll never give up on you And if you want a love that will save the day No matter what you"re going through I"ll never walk away I"ll never walk out on you

westlife shadow 歌词


West in chosun beach hotel(首尔威斯汀朝鲜海滨酒店)在中国的预定电话是多少



https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K-7fCMQm6VYrbmvZxmKtaA 提取码:vleqhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1bLERaueF0WdFabbDbh45gw 提取码: 6914宫崎骏所有动画作品1968年《太阳王子霍尔斯的大冒险》、1981年《鲁邦三世:卡里奥斯特之城》、1984年《未来少年柯南特别版剧场版》、《风之谷》、1986年《天空之城》、1988年《龙猫》、1989年《魔女宅急便》、《红发少女安妮 》。1991年《岁月的童话》、1992年《红猪》、1994年《百变狸猫》、1997年《幽灵公主》、2002年《猫的报恩》、2004年《哈尔的移动城堡》、《胶卷咕噜咕噜转》2010年《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》、2011年《虞美人盛开的山坡》、2013年《起风了》、《空想的飞行机械们》、《酵母君与鸡蛋公主》、《竹取物语》、《毛毛虫菠萝》、《胡桃夹子与老鼠王》。编剧动画片:1972年《熊猫家族》、2001年《千与千寻》、《风之谷》、 《侧耳倾听》 、《地海战记》、《Yadosagashi》、《种下星星的日子》《小狗克罗历险记》、《悬崖上的金鱼公主》、《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》、《阿尔卑斯山的少女》。宫崎峻的动画片是能够和迪士尼、梦工厂共分天下的一支重要的东方力量。宫崎峻的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存、和平主义、女权运动这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。他这份执着,不单令全球人产生共鸣,更受到全世界所重视,连美国动画王国迪士尼,都要斟介宫崎骏的动画电影发行版权(亚洲地区除外)。宫崎峻在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪士尼称其为泰戈尔曾说过:世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死的距离,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。这就是我与你的距离,虽然就站在你面前,但这触手可及的距离、有时也遥不可及。

Simon West这个英文名好吗?有什么寓意?我自己起的

simon 西蒙 这是个英文中比较普遍的名字,希伯来文,意为听者。SIMON被视作强壮魁梧的男子,若非有着安静样的个性就是聪明而富创造力。 这个名字还蛮好的west好像是个姓氏,就不必要了吧。

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WESTERN UNION境外汇款程序:1.申请书要用英文准确填写。2.汇款货币及金额(阿拉伯数字)。3.收款人姓名及地址。4.收款人在开户银行的账号。5.收款人开户银行名称、SWIFT代码(SWIFT CODE)或地址。WESTERN UNION:西联汇款是国际汇款公司(Western Union)的简称,是世界上领先的特快汇款公司,迄今已有150年的历史,它拥有全球最大最先进的电子汇兑金融网络,代理网点遍布全球近200个国家和地区。西联公司是美国财富五百强之一的第一数据公司(FDC)的子公司。

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