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CDMA无线网络优化方法探讨及案例分析 毕业论文

2023-07-14 19:01:42


中文摘要 I


1 引言 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.1.1 移动通信行业发展 1

1.1.2 CDMA技术的发展现状 1

1.2 本课题研究的目的和意义 2

1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 3

2 基本原理 4

2.1 CDMA基本概念 4

2.2 DS-CDMA的关键技术 4

2.2.1 功率控制技术 4

2.2.2 PN码技术 5

2.2.3 RAKE接收技术 5

2.2.4 软切换(Soft Handoff)技术 5

2.3 CDMA网基本结构系统 7

3 CDMA无线网络优化流程和方法 8

3.1 CDMA无线网络优化概述 8

3.2 CDMA无线网络优化的发展 8

3.3 CDMA无线网络优化的分类 9

3.3.1 工程优化 9

3.3.2 运维优化 10

3.4 CDMA无线网络优化的通常流程 10

3.5 CDMA无线网络优化的方法 12

3.6 CDMA无线网络优化的主要内容 13

3.6.1 优化准备工作 13

3.6.2 现场测试 14

3.6.3 CLUSTER级的调整和优化 14

3.6.4 系统级优化(有负载) 15

4 CDMA网络优化典型案例分析 16

4.1 CDMA无线掉话常见原因分析及优化 16

4.1.1 处干覆盖范围以外的掉话 16

4.1.2 导频污染引起的掉话 18

4.1.3 前反向链路不平衡引起的掉话 19

4.1.4 干扰引起的掉话 20

4.2 CDMA网络中切换问题 21

4.2.1 硬切换 21

4.2.2 软切换及更软切换 22

4.2.3 典型案例分析 25

4.3 总结 28

5 结束语 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31


CDMA是为满足现代移动通信网在大容量、高质量、综合业务、软切换、国际漫游等方面的要求而设计的一种先进移动通信技术,它具有抗干扰性好,抗多径衰落,保密安全性高等诸多优点。CDMA网络是中国电信的主推品牌,CDMA2000 (3G)业务的发展直接影响到中国电信的成败,而CDMA业务的发展必须依赖完善的网络才能顺利进行。因此,CDMA系统在运营过程中需要不断地进行网络优化,一是为了能够给系统当前的用户提供更加优质的服务,二是为了提高系统容量,以接纳越来越多的系统未来用户。

本文的研究目标是对投入运行的网络进行参数采集、数据分析,找出影响网络运行质量的原因,通过技术手段或参数调整使网络达到最佳运行状态的方法,使网络资源获得最佳效益,同时了解网络的增长趋势,为扩容提供依据。具体的网络优化主要包括以下几方面内容: 网络覆盖问题;掉话问题;二次呼叫问题;越区切换问题;与其他网络手机用户的互连互通等。




CDMA is a kind of advanced mobile telecommunication technology, which fulfill great capacity and quality、synthetical operation、soft switch and international ramble. It possesses lots of merits such as repellence of interference and attenuation of multiple paths. The security is also great trait of CDMA. CDMA is the main operation that China Unicorn extend .The progress of CDMA right result in the success of China Unicom,and the development of operation must depend on perfect network. Therefore, in the process of management, it is completely necessary to optimize CDMA wireless network constantly On the one hand, the purpose of optimizing CDMA wireless network is to provide more consummate service, and on the other hand, it is to extend system capacity in order to take up more and more consumers.

The purpose of this task is to investigate the best methods that can optimize CDMA wireless network by collecting data of network which is in operation and analyzing the data in order to find the cause which influences the quality of the network. The advantage of CDMA is application of power control and soft switch, so they are usually the emphases during base station optimizing. On the other hand, data optimizing is also important and difficult. Concretely, methods of optimizing are as following: l、the issue of network coverage 2、dropped calls problem 3、the second call issues 4、handoff issues 5、with other network users, such as the interconnection.

The main research topics of CDMA wireless communications network are dropped calls and switching analysis and optimization. Covered by the basic situation of the district, network coverage quality and traffic analysis. Applying of existing theory and technology, the basis of pre-engineering to improve the coverage of CDMA networks and optimized networks is practical designed. Makes network capacity, quality, cost-effective, competitive edge to achieve the desired target set, and ultimately meet customer needs of the market.

Keywords: wireless network optimization, CDMA, th



concrete的意思是:混凝土。concrete的英音是/u02c8ku0252u014bkriu02d0t/,美音是/u02c8kɑu02d0u014bkriu02d0t/。第三人称单数: concretes,复数: concretes,现在分词: concreting,过去式: concreted,派生词: concretely。含有concrete的双语例句1、The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material.罗马人首先使用混凝土作建筑材料。2、The concrete wall that used to divide this city has now all but gone.曾经将这座城市分隔开的混凝土墙现在已几乎不复存在。3、Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.最终,水会渗透进周围的混凝土中。4、The prison was made of reinforced concrete.监狱是钢筋混凝土结构的。
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具体来说: specifically My major is A, which specifically focuses on B.
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4.C in the way挡道,在此不能理解为在路上的意思。
2023-07-14 17:29:202


你好!具体来说say concretely;In particularSpecifically speaking
2023-07-14 17:29:271


针对......具体而言:As to......
2023-07-14 17:29:387


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服务理念service idea
2023-07-14 17:30:243

“具体地说” ,在句首时 用英文怎麽翻?

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English is a course with very strong fulfillment, the key of the language study lies in learn, not lies in teach.The student can carry on the independence study to have very great influence to English study, but network it is abundant to study a resources with commonly shared English with other of sometimes can let actively, the student has definite view ground, investigating sex ground to carry on a study, can carry on English study availably. The Tarone of the United States.E & The Yule.G(2000) concretely elaborated learner in the language the study of important position, put forward taking the language learner as central standpoint, still inquiried into in addition how to satisfy the concrete demand of the different language learner in English teaching.Choose to also take learner as point of departure originally, try to make the independence study more valid. Along with cognize the doctrine and the construction or purchase doctrine study theories development in our country, taking student as the center has already become a hot issue of the educational circles, LI3 GONG MEI2(2001) elaborated the content and the necessity of the independent study.Accompany with the network flies to develop soon, the discussion concerning the network and English also is put forward continuously, explaining a network to the educational profound influence such as the horse and the people and WU2 RUI4 JUN(2002), and analyzed a student at the position in the network with the active;MA3 YING3 FENG(2005) uses the standpoint of[with] the system theory to under the information technique condition of the network teaching and study mode problem carried on a research, generalizing to include the independence study at inside of a few network environments under of study mode. With recognition of Cognitivism and Constructivism theories in China, student-centered education is now a hot topic in the Chinese education field, and Li Hongmei (2000) has discussed the meanings and necessities of autonomous learning. Along with the rapid development of Internet, many researchers have also studied the relationship between Internet and English learning; for instance, Ma Hemin and Wu Ruijun (2000) have presented the significant implication of network technologies in education to analyze the status and independence of students in online learning; Ma Yingfeng (2005) has conducted a systematic research on the online learning and study model in modern information technology environment and developed a series of study models in online learning, including autonomous learning. However, the Internet"s impact on English learners is not always positive, and there is negative side as well. Cao Mei (2000) has argued that it is necessary to enhance monitoring on online learning, and Bao Dewang (2006) has also conducted research into web-based English study models to discuss the importance and feasibility of self-monitoring. In order to ensure learning efficiency, this research project is trying find to best combination of online technologies and autonomous English learning to make the process easier and more interesting for learners.
2023-07-14 17:32:145


Design and study of fluxgate signal processing circuit 磁 通门 信号处理电路的设计与研究 Airborne flux - gate magometer 航空磁 通门 磁力仪 Gradient flux - gate magometer 磁 通门 磁力梯度仪 Precision improvement of digital frequency counter with match strobe signal 用选 通门 匹配方法提高计数式频率计的测量精度 With the developing of the technology of automatic magic data processing , fluxgate magometer is widely used in geomagic observation now 随著地磁数据自动化处理的发展,磁 通门 磁力仪在地磁观测中的应用也越来越广泛。 Due to mission requirements , the pd depth control arithmetic is designed and the simulation result is provided . in order to reduce heading control bias , the pass data bias is corrected 为提高航向控制精度,对航向控制系统中的磁 通门 传感器的误差进行分析,并提出了误差校正的方法。 The pletion of the project on drinking water for xaitongmoin county in xigaze prefecture put an end to the days when the local people , numbering about 2 , 500 now , had to drink water heavily charged with fluorine 后藏日喀则地区的谢 通门 县建成饮水工程,当地2500多人祖祖辈辈饮用高氟水的历史终子划上句号。 Abstract : this paper summarizes flux - gate phenomenon and its position , and concretely introduces the principle , circuit and applying method in guidance system of pendulum biaxial flux - gate pass 文摘:文章概述了磁 通门 现象及磁通门系统的构成,具体介绍了二轴磁通门、罗盤的原理、电路及在导航系统中的应用方法。 Fluxgate magometer is a kind of vector magometer which has the abipty of measuring the ponents of magic field directly . the fluxgate instrument is variometer based on magization non - pnearity of " soft " magic material 磁 通门 磁力仪是直接测量地磁场分量的矢量磁力仪,是一种基于“软”磁材料磁化特性的非线性的地磁相对记录仪器。 Three kinds of mon methods ( called as tuning and magnifying method , short circuit method , apparent coercive field strength method ) for fluxgate magometer signal detecting and their advantages and disadvantages are described in this paper 本文还介绍了三种常用的磁 通门 磁力仪信号检测方法:调谐放大检测、短路偶合检测和视矫顽场强度检测方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点。
2023-07-14 17:32:301


  每一篇英语作文都有与之相对应的题目,你想知道六年级的英语作文有哪些题目和范文吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的6年级上册英语作文题,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   6年级上册英语作文篇1   The Good Book   I go to bookstore today, I want to find some interesting books to read. After walking around for a while, I stop in the travel books zone. I open the books, there are so many beautiful pictures. I am attracted deeply. I buy two books about introducing Egypt and India. I am so curious about their culture. Some day I must go there and have a look.   我今天去逛书店,想找一些有趣的书籍来读。在走了一圈后,我旅游书籍区停了下来。我打开书本,里面有很多美丽的图片。我深深地被吸引了。我买了两本书关于介绍埃及和印度的书。我很好奇他们的文化。有一天我一定要去那里看看。   6年级上册英语作文篇2   "Wisdom is knowledge and good judgment based on experience; being wise. 2. wise conduct; wise words. 3. scholarly knowledge."   It seems to me that the dictionary"s authors have relied upon an extraverted measure of wisdom based upon what can be known about another"s thoughts and actions. However, a person"s wisdom need not always to be seen for it to be present in significant measure. How, then, can one approach such an extremely complicated and ephemeral state such as wisdom?   One approach bases itself upon the fact that any concept which has a significant unknown aspect can be approached through antinomies -- the presentation of two sides which appear to be opposition with each other. When one defines the phenomenon of wisdom solely by measurable, earthly standards only one pole is used -- the material pole and the other dimension -- the spirtual pole, or what we might call the "its unknown dimension" that is present in any wise action whether it be in word or deed -- is ignored. While a one-sided definition may work in some situation, in others it distorts the reality of the situation. It is this "unknown dimension" of wisdom, what we might also call its introverted side, that I wish to emphasize now.   I might say without much risk of over-stating my case that the missing dimension in Western life is the acceptance that balanced wisdom, the term I am using to express wisdom that includes the above two poles, requires a transaction with wisdom"s opposites, that is, its antinomian nature. I have presented five antinomies of wisdom for you to consider:   Earthly (material / instinctual / lumen naturae) and Spiritual (its unknown aspects / archetypal / lumen dei)   Individual and Collective   Knowledge and Relationship   Wisdom and Foolishness   Good and Evil   Traditional Judeo-Christian religion speaks much about wisdom, the chief text being embodied in the book of Proverbs, which I conside to be the "primer" on helping one understand wisdom"s unknown pole. One cannot go very far in their understanding or growth in wisdom if they completely disregard a statements in Proverbs like: "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov. 1:6). Whether one is religious or not, an understanding of and a non-denigrating attitude -- toward wisdom"s unknown pole demands an serious exploration of a relationship with the imago dei, for how else can one fully grasp that in the Scriptures, wisdom is personified or embodied. Through personification we can relationally embrace wisdom rather than it being solely an abstract knowledge or be left as only a "definable goal." It is my opinion that wisdom can be embraced and loved only when it is personified. One might call this "the engaging wisdom"s heat" to distinguish it from the cooler aspects of embracing wisdom only as concept.   The quest for balanced wisdom is an elusive thing, much like going toward a destination to which one never arrives. Instead of this making one impatient, I encourage you to consider that all noble things are difficult, costly, and time-consuming. Furthermore, unlike the usual trips we take in life, wisdom"s path often diverts us from our conscious intention; we find ourselves in unknown and disorienting places. These two aspects of the pursuit of wisdom are perceived intuitively as the tension between knowing that the path leads to greater connectedness and increase yet at the same time deconstruction and lack of definiteness. Without this uncomfortableness, inherent in its pursuit, wisdom cannot be manifested, remaining dead, or perhaps inert.   The pursuit of wisdom is, in part, a battle of the heart in which the pursuit of pleasure and lessening of discomfort, pain, or obligation continually pull us away from engaging its unknown pole. The Scripture, "out of the heart flows the issues of life," just touches the depths of such a confrontation. Concretely, the "issue of life" is blood without which there can be no further life or only a life that is stagnant. I encourage you to make the pursuit of wisdom as precious to you as your own blood and the blood of others.   6年级上册英语作文篇3   Whether students of Grade Nine should take after-school activity or not cause the attention of many teachers students and parents" attention. They say colorful after-school activities can help the students reduce their study pressure. And at the same time it can make them be strong and heathy. Some people don"t agree because they think it"s a waste of time to take part in it and students may get tired easily which will influent their study.   In my opinion I think it"s good for the students to take part in after-school activity because it is not only good for their health but also can help them be refresh so that they can study well.   九年级的学生是否应该把课外活动或不会导致许多老师的注意学生和家长的注意。他们认为丰富多彩的课外活动可以帮助学生减少学习压力。同时它可以使他们坚强和健康。有些人不同意因为他们认为这是浪费时间参加学生可能容易疲劳会影响他们的学习。   在我看来我认为这是有利于学生参加课外活动因为它是不仅对他们的健康有益还能帮助他们被刷新这样他们可以好好学习。
2023-07-14 17:32:371


2023-07-14 17:32:452

具体来说 英文翻译

to tell in details/specifically/in specifics
2023-07-14 17:32:545


10 anniversary schoolmates get together planning the outline one think about party number party marriage partner: The Tec of Guangzhou University business affairs in 1999 English shift graduate considers a factor: Former business affairs English shift has 100 people presumedly in 10 , think that the schoolmate gets together first to the queen who graduates in 10, the telephone that many 10 leaves in the front has maybe changed , can only depend on the family telephone liaison , still had direct hair inviting a letter to arrive at address registered by that very year. Above the first step being estimated , being having 80 with the people that the family telephone liaison arrives at. Two thinks that the party place considers a factor: Schoolmate inside the university comes from the different place , needs to choose one centre place , convenient schoolmate. Because the first step plan gets together will hold minitype Games in the morning , the preliminary aggregation place learns municipal administration technical school enthusiastically in Alma Mater Guangzhou,the place that everybody all knows very well, returns to Alma Mater add the significance getting together more. Three think that the time getting together considers a factor: Because of everybody all is to have worked, therefore getting together out now, best time is Saturday, day. Hold minitype Games for convenience in Alma Mater , be summer holidays best when not having a student , be July 11 , 2009 therefore the first step plans time. Four think that cost considers a factor: The all-in cost getting together originates from the old boy Dutch treatment getting together. Because of the first step does not go deep into know to arrive at economic conditions of the old boy. Entertainment consumption is less because of our party gives first place to healthy party, all schoolmate basic easy to can bear it. The first step thinks that cost drinks a fee mainly including that fare still has a meal , still have the fragmentary cost holding out other getting together , cost is insisted on keep within 200 RMB. The accommodation cost as for the schoolmate does not include within party cost then. Five asks for criticisms contacting the schoolmate to the party first , the first step ascertains the number participating in a party, and asks for criticisms , reaches the final idea unification, know support rate and participation degree getting together to this time , feel out this time of schoolmate party participating in the number and schoolmate psychology. Under the situation of asking for major schoolmate agree with broadly, the activity deciding to hold this time of schoolmate party , the idea exercising content concretely after everybody discusses that the schoolmate takes out a first step waiting. Six sets up organization , is to get together preparing. And 1 schoolmate party prepares a group , is responsible for exercising the scheme drafting and work out concretely, the organization who gets together and agenda arrangement job. 2, club or committee affairs group: Being responsible for registering , traffic , board and lodging being arranged for and so on. 3, financial affairs group: The budget being responsible for working out per capita cost, charges , expense payment and financial affairs wait to work in an open manner. 4, propagates a group: Film , the address book make , party CD Rom establishment, gives out the scene being responsible. 5, contacts a group: Invite being responsible to school leader and let impose connection on a teacher. Analyse a number from the address staying distributing condition , assign the people easy to get in touch with and, because of there is difference in the schoolmate habitancy place one by one, every place has representative be the number counting contact person , final be obliged to. Alma Mater who is in the same school needing to go back when getting together, asks seven liaison party local units to contact school in advance , gets to say yes. Contact a party having a meal the place, ensures that having sufficient location to have a meal. The contact a vehicle , ready vehicle opens out the hotel getting together from Alma Mater. Contact a party performing
2023-07-14 17:33:263


Judging from character, translate changing being information way. Say concretely , translate being to build the practice activity above knowledge and the technical ability basis, the experience summary can improve the translation personnel"s level, help them to have conversion rule and principle of reciprocity between source language and target language in hand. As far as whose learning value be concerned, translation is one science , is one kind of art, fairly ought to have higher the quality synthesizing culture , adept language to express artifice and fine translating is morals because of successful translation demands a translator besides except needing to be good at source language and target language. As far as the person and relation of job marriage partner be concerned, translation serves in being also one kind in market economy.
2023-07-14 17:33:343


山,means the mountain,
2023-07-14 17:33:434


2023-07-14 17:33:513


说的是快乐卡是快乐了我为了扩大了的欧美而我佩服的我飞度电视剧嫉妒 化的设计啊额的的肌肤 的肌肤即可发的你的健康的可实际得分的会计法时间的会计法发达时开发违法幅度扩大收费比较快的说法降低开发 基辅号发卡方按快了吧为了方便即可发布大几了打发我发完了
2023-07-14 17:34:163


1.Selling party should from contract product, the gearing adjusts to try to complete and check and accept qualified juniors to go formally through the buyer free protect to fix a service.(Among them the easy 损 piece protect to fix to expect with the factory house rule of protecting and fixing period for quasi-).Protect to fix period inside, if the contract product take place breakdown, the selling party has to send a person to the buyer to be on the scene carry on maintaining in 48 hours after receiving the notice of buyer. Protect to fix a service to according to this contract enclosure two. 2.After protecting to fix period, if the contract product take place breakdown, the selling party has to send a person to the buyer to maintain on the scene in 48 hours after receiving the notice of buyer.Always become to the battery system of maintain, zero partses replace etc., the selling party takes a material cost fee only. 3.The selling party should provide appropriation knife to have, tongs, enclose and submit, the technique data of the molding tool, such as this contract under of product"s producing stage fixed-point in the batch quantity be produced a manufacturing by the selling party, the output appropriation knife in this contract then has, tongs, enclose and submit, the molding tool expenses shouldn"t repeat a charge, should arrive to button up in the unit price of fixed-point spare parts.(concretely arrive the method for buttonning up an another line a consultation)Such as this contract item under of the spare parts belong to a time development to manufacture on a trial basis, the appropriative knife then has, tongs, enclose and submit, the ownership of molding tool should belong to buyer all
2023-07-14 17:34:262


可以是可以,不过稍显生硬。你可以说It means,就表示这意味着什么什么。
2023-07-14 17:34:566


please show me the step of manipulate
2023-07-14 17:35:155


这是无主句,有时也会有人写,旧好比中文的“精彩” 用意个例子说明A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。 这句话读起来别扭的第一个原因,是因为它根本就不是一个句子。句首省略了this is 。这种用一个词代替一个句子的方式如果在书面语中出现,只能出现在高级英语中,因此我们以前的英语学习中从未遇到过。其形式类似于我们中文的“精彩”是“这句话真是精彩”的省略形式。 desire后跟着两个大的修饰成分,一个是to throw over reality a light,其中的a light 是被倒装到了over reality之后,正常应是throw a light over reality.不过这个便装部分与throw距离不远,看得还算懂。关键是第二个修饰成分。注意:从that开始直到句尾结束的长长的定语从句不是修饰其前的light的,而是修饰一开始的desire的。 第二个修饰成分中又来了一个倒装,由于作者为了强调never,所以将其提前,引发了定语从句中的倒装:正常语序应该是that might never be given away,倒装后系动词was被提前,given因为在情态动词might之后所以变成了原型give。A give way to B,是A让位于B,而A be given way to B, 则是A取代B。on the part of 之后的部分修饰后面的desire,what引导的从句现场阅读时可以看成一个名词。What从句中的不定式to recored exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower中又有一个避免头重脚轻的倒装,正常语序应该是to recored the structure and texture of a flower exactly and concretely。
2023-07-14 17:35:302

Female teachers in my eyes

Female teachers in my eyes我眼中的女教师
2023-07-14 17:35:453

[翻译] 你能说得具体点吗?

Can you give any details?Can you give me an image?Can you describe it more vividly?
2023-07-14 17:36:455


这是无主句,有时也会有人写,旧好比中文的“精彩” 用意个例子说明A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(这是一种)照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。 这句话读起来别扭的第一个原因,是因为它根本就不是一个句子。句首省略了this is 。这种用一个词代替一个句子的方式如果在书面语中出现,只能出现在高级英语中,因此我们以前的英语学习中从未遇到过。其形式类似于我们中文的“精彩”是“这句话真是精彩”的省略形式。 desire后跟着两个大的修饰成分,一个是to throw over reality a light,其中的a light 是被倒装到了over reality之后,正常应是throw a light over reality.不过这个便装部分与throw距离不远,看得还算懂。关键是第二个修饰成分。注意:从that开始直到句尾结束的长长的定语从句不是修饰其前的light的,而是修饰一开始的desire的。 第二个修饰成分中又来了一个倒装,由于作者为了强调never,所以将其提前,引发了定语从句中的倒装:正常语序应该是that might never be given away,倒装后系动词was被提前,given因为在情态动词might之后所以变成了原型give。A give way to B,是A让位于B,而A be given way to B, 则是A取代B。on the part of 之后的部分修饰后面的desire,what引导的从句现场阅读时可以看成一个名词。What从句中的不定式to recored exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower中又有一个避免头重脚轻的倒装,正常语序应该是to recored the structure and texture of a flower exactly and concretely。
2023-07-14 17:36:591


He has written a few novels
2023-07-14 17:37:083


2023-07-14 17:37:241


1. he is a qualified machinist, but he afterward actually had done the international trade. 2. he the computer elementary knowledge in spare time entering for training, but has not been able to stand out. 3. principal after the interview, chose several outstanding university graduates to be engaged in the teaching profession. 4. this contract is important to our company, therefore writes concretely is better. I must chat well with mine colleagues. 5. that young boy has suffered from the serious leukemia (leukemia), must change to the big hospital to accept further treats. 6. when he knew the father after the school already went out of business, the tears tumble down from his cheeks.
2023-07-14 17:37:342


which kind of product do you like?
2023-07-14 17:37:564


2023-07-14 17:38:053


As a hero for the struggling young people. He has two fathers, so he found two life path. He has two lovers, and he has two emotions. He had a kind of ideal, but lead to another kind of reality. He has one of the most valuable spirit, which is constantly struggling. Contemporary urban themes: Performance of contemporary people face life, love, career and other issues of attitude, specific to each figure. The spiritual level is a positive, progressive, self-adhere to, tenacious unyielding. Involved -- Love and career: People in the pursuit of perfection, and in the pursuit of the process of facing the confusion and predicament. (I in this story, so they sent to the life they were called "accidents gift", that is, ask them dumbfounding gift, that is their only accept the "reality.") The friendship between two girls, jealousy, understanding, and so on. One of the women tenacious struggle, the only woman to win the respect of another. Men"s competitiveness. Men and women of women to men of the so-called "dual needs."
2023-07-14 17:38:153


The rope skipping source to the Chinese Southern Song Dynasty time,has the glorious history. Originally belongs to the garden game class,latter develops the folk athletics movement. Now, the rope skipping also often treats as each special movementtraining the assistance practice method. The rope skipping also is theprofessional boxer exercises the leg strength the method. If you want to practice the rope skipping, then you must control therope skipping the training time and the intensity. The rope skippingtime length is different from person to person. If is continuously thequick rhythm rope skipping, should better not have to surpass 10minutes, otherwise the heart can be unable to withstand the heavyburden. If is jumps a while to rest a while, as is each time suitabletake 30 minutes. The concrete physiological load of exercise actsaccording to individual physical strength as well as the requiredquantity decides. Surely do not force oneself certainly to have toachieve any standard. The rope skipping is one kind of physiological load of exercise biggeroutdoors activity, before the practice certainly must complete thebodily various spots the warming-up exercise, specially the fullmalleolus, the skill and the shoulder joint, the elbow joint certainlymust move start. Starts when the idling speed, along with persistedthe time the growth, may gradually enhance the rope skipping thespeed. The idling speed maintains in average each minute jumps60¨D70; Quicker speed hold in average each minute 1.40116 million.Winter in the outdoors rope skipping unavoidable perspiration, getsdown when the stop, must promptly put on the coat. The rope skippingnot only is child"s game, or healthy body good way. The healthy bodyamateur may act according to own program arrangement and the exercisetime, participates in the collective, in among realized the multi-people skip rope pleasure.参考一下吧,
2023-07-14 17:38:263

英语作文演讲what are the responsibilities ofcollege student

转载来的两篇、可以以此作为模板根据自己实际需要修改、仅作参考!1:Concretely speaking, being a current university student, we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country. The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly. Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design, self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems. Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work, collectivity,cooperation and other. In one word, the sense of responsibility is being exalted, but the sense of social duty should be enhanced. Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility: First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less. Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly. They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society. Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. Being into contact with them for long, you may get extreme ideology, for example, thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure, individual recept, so as to ignore the collective advantage. Being a current university student, you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body. Because you"ve had attainder and civic consciousness, you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty. 责任,从具体的方面来说,既有对自己、对家庭的责任,又有对社会、对国家的责任。 现在的大学生自我责任意识已明显增强,对自我设计、自我实现、自我价值的发展要求也比较高。但同时也存在一些问题,如家庭责任意识不强,爱情、婚姻责任观念比较混乱,职业责任认识比较模糊,他人责任和集体责任观念淡化,合作意识不强等。总体来说,责任意识在提升,但社会责任感还有待增强。 大学生缺乏社会责任感,主要有三个方面的原因: 第一,在校学生与社会的直接沟通越来越少。 第二,在校学生与社会的沟通环节不畅。他们所能参与的社会活动,十分有限,不能使同学们完全地认知这个社会,因而,也就不能树立起强烈的社会责任感。 第三,“亚文化”在校园内大行其道,外来文化和网络文化十分盛行,其中有不少都是具有浓重的个人主义、自由主义色彩的文学、影视作品。长期接触,不免也会沾染其中一些不良思想,如过分看重个人得失、个人感受,从而忽略整体利益。 作为当代大学生,已经成为也必须成为责任主体,因为他已经具备公民权利、公民意识,也必须具备责任意识。要正确认识权利和责任的关系。 2:(演讲稿)Many people would say, it is clear that student"s responsibilities are to make sure to learn well all different subjects and be a good learner. It is correct but not enough. The responsibilities of students are far more than study. We have to pay close attention to job market. If what we are learning means difficult to get a job, then we either to change a subject or take another. We have to do investigation about the house market to get a clear picture where to work and live. Otherwise we may be stuck in a large city and become a bee-like worker with no idea which cell to live. As girl students we have to look around us to find a good boyfriend otherwise we can be a single for the entire life. So you see we have a lot of responsibilities.
2023-07-14 17:38:351


genreally speaking!不知道有没有写错`
2023-07-14 17:38:433

求the responsibilities of college students为主题的英语演讲稿

可以具体一点,说大学生的社会责任感,复制粘贴的,感觉写得不错关于大学生的社会责任感(The Major Social Responsibilities of Being a College Student) Concretely speaking, being a current university man/college man,we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country. The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly. Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design, self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems. Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work, collectivity,cooperation and other. In one word, the sense of responsibility is being exalted, but the sense of social duty should be enhanced. Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility: First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less. Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly. They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society. Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. Being into contact with them for long, you may get extreme ideology, for example, thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure, individual recept, so as to ignore the collective advantage. Being a current university man, you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body. Because you"ve had attainder and civic consciousness, you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty. Being a current university man, you must know what"s success and what"s happiness. What"s happiness? It"s not concerned how much money you have earned, now it"s not strange that a millionaire suicides.It"s a real happiness for people who has a peaceful and simpatico heart. And what is success? It"s not becoming a president or a famous star, those are in the minority. where the shoe pinches is that you have a sound constitution , a fine personality and also a career which you are falling over yourself for. The students must have an idea to develop a fine personality. Of course, there must be many difficulties and problems when you are trying . You need a profound consciousness and strong willpower to face and deal with these problems , difficulties and venture. 责任,从具体的方面来说,既有对自己、对家庭的责任,又有对社会、对国家的责任。 现在的大学生自我责任意识已明显增强,对自我设计、自我实现、自我价值的发展要求也比较高。但同时也存在一些问题,如家庭责任意识不强,爱情、婚姻责任观念比较混乱,职业责任认识比较模糊,他人责任和集体责任观念淡化,合作意识不强等。总体来说,责任意识在提升,但社会责任感还有待增强。 大学生缺乏社会责任感,主要有三个方面的原因: 第一,在校学生与社会的直接沟通越来越少。 第二,在校学生与社会的沟通环节不畅。他们所能参与的社会活动,十分有限,不能使同学们完全地认知这个社会,因而,也就不能树立起强烈的社会责任感。 第三,“亚文化”在校园内大行其道,外来文化和网络文化十分盛行,其中有不少都是具有浓重的个人主义、自由主义色彩的文学、影视作品。长期接触,不免也会沾染其中一些不良思想,如过分看重个人得失、个人感受,从而忽略整体利益。 作为当代大学生,已经成为也必须成为责任主体,因为他已经具备公民权利、公民意识,也必须具备责任意识。要正确认识权利和责任的关系。 作为大学生,首先要正确认识什么是成功,什么是幸福。 什么是幸福?不是你赚了多少钱,现在百万富翁自杀的也不少。心灵的宁静与和谐才是幸福。 什么是成功呢?并不是要成为总统、成为名人,那毕竟是少数,关键在于有一个健康的体魄和完善的人格,有一份自己热爱的事业。大学生要增强健全自己人格的观念。 当然,在实际生活中,这样做会遇到很多问题,关键在于如何去面对和处理这些问题,如何应对风险和困难,这需要有深刻的思想认识,又要有坚强的毅力。
2023-07-14 17:38:521

英文作文:responsibilities of college studengts

The Major Social Responsibilities of Being a College Student) Concretely speaking, being a current university man/college man,we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country. The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly. Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design, self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems. Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work, collectivity,cooperation and other. In one word, the sense of responsibility is being exalted, but the sense of social duty should be enhanced. Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility: First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less. Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly. They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society. Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. Being into contact with them for long, you may get extreme ideology, for example, thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure, individual recept, so as to ignore the collective advantage. Being a current university man, you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body. Because you"ve had attainder and civic consciousness, you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty. Being a current university man, you must know what"s success and what"s happiness. What"s happiness? It"s not concerned how much money you have earned, now it"s not strange that a millionaire suicides.It"s a real happiness for people who has a peaceful and simpatico heart. And what is success? It"s not becoming a president or a famous star, those are in the minority. where the shoe pinches is that you have a sound constitution , a fine personality and also a career which you are falling over yourself for. The students must have an idea to develop a fine personality. Of course, there must be many difficulties and problems when you are trying . You need a profound consciousness and strong willpower to face and deal with these problems , difficulties and venture.
2023-07-14 17:39:131


2023-07-14 17:39:232


This contract is extremely important to our company, therefore writes concretely may be better.I must have a good chat with my colleagues.
2023-07-14 17:39:401

帮我用英语翻译这篇文章 谢谢

Thought for a long time, finally decided to use a period as the title, and this period also represents a lot of sense. In the last analysis, is now an end.A lot of thinking, today is the day, but also somebody his friends and mature day, people might be over, one day, the flank have personal in total want to listen, and will want to know something, and finally make a dare, or no thought before the decision, this is life.And let today can come out to drink shot after shot, bin ChouChou frowsty smoke. In fact, it is oneself burger too long can say the outbreak, people feeling not humbled too long, long easily. Want to find people who are hidden in the heart of pain. Talk out I don"t want be stupid to climb to the top alone to play again, hammer wall wall to use nicotine to attack their nerve, that really painful, so I really will collapse.In point of a few root evil, concrete dam, I don"t know the whole people all want to collapse, I would never have thought of suicide, I haven"t get married, I haven"t honor your father and your mother, that everything is still unknown. Eventually assume alone all these different people, I want my two brothers out, I will talk for a long time did not tell they buried the heartache of all, said it would like this without soul like a doormat.In the dining room buy a box of wine, with just bought two countries today let things go, and death.Silence is blown head began to feel dizzy, two bottles, people began to feel, and I tell them something today, but something really strange, slowly, spoke, today"s role should not I, today"s biggest winner is root, contrast, today I not protagonist, apparently injured in the deepest feelings, life, more miserable, and others, and these will appear in front of him is not worth mentioning. If I have no time, today is not to drink three brothers came to talk, the root of this life pain could never understood, it will never hidden in the bottom of the unknown, who hopes to get hurt of always I. Don"t smoke in the unexamined only know how much smoke, feel that we have three hours enough to tell who have uncovered the heart of scar, is far from enough.Maybe because we too young, perhaps because we are stupid, no ability to pay for their own actions, no capital to say true love a person, how can the love in the future, and all is still unknown today, I want to take what to give the future orientation, today"s a fast to leave much regret tomorrow is a mystery, but always results is sure to hurt someone, absolutely, that I can do, only for his own heart, and temporary relief to face it would be tragic, I can"t, I won"t, for us.Actually I do decide to end time promised them not, but in the end I was relaxed went back, because I know how to do it.With its make a now is ignorant of her face a may harm the facts, he let her for a reduction of friends, friends he unimportant, still can get injured have a scar, never wash not to drop the scar, I don"t want to leave her, because the girl had left in himself a similar scar, I know that taste.All these all blame yourself, too emotionally, think oneself again after the defeat for a family will let yourself better, I thought I finally found a dispel the chest of a dull ache in another, result just detection oneself just fell into another unknown deep. Fortunately I lost the rope, I want to climb up to the full of sunshine, the place, as golden sun shines through the whole time, I would have finished all this, leaving only their own shadow.Sorry, friend, I will leave you!
2023-07-14 17:39:554


"俗语、谚语、俚语等。它是经过 习语翻译 比喻形象 地传达原文含义"等这些词不能直译,所以即使翻译也不通顺。
2023-07-14 17:40:066

水浒传 英文简介

Great Chinese Classical Novel: Outlaws of the MarshOutlaws of the Marsh, classic novel in 3 volumes. By Shi Nai"an and Luo Guanzhong, Tr. by Sidney Shapiro. 3 volumes, 1,605 pages, illustrated, 21 x 13 cm. Hardcover with cloth. Published by Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 1995.One of the best known and best loved of the ancient Chinese novels which have come down through the ages. Outlaws of the Marsh is set mainly in the final years of Hui Zong, a Song Dynasty emperor who reigned from 1101 to 1125. It tells why and how one hundred some-old men and women banded together on a marsh-girt mountain in what today is Shandong Province, became leaders of an outlaw army of thousands and fought brave and resourceful battles against pompous, heartless tyrants.Historians confirm that the story is derived from fact. Some of the events actually happened, some of the persons actually existed. Their rebellious deeds struck a responsive chord in the oppressed masses and gradually evolved into folk legends. Professional story-tellers further dramatized and embellished them in performances at market fairs and amusement centers.Elegant Chinese prose with an exciting, twisting story, will keep you coming back for more every time.A novel of political corruption, murder, love, martial arts. Stunning portrayal of 14th century china. Intertwining tales of bold heroes, corrupt officials, jealous lovers, and chivalrous martial artists. Probably you have never enjoyed a book like this. It"ll leave you wanting more! A must read!!! (The above text refers to the translator"s note and reader"s review.) 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)……
2023-07-14 17:40:492


What"s your address?
2023-07-14 17:41:085

In the United States, teaching is very important. If teachers do not teach well, students compl...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:B 略
2023-07-14 17:41:251


What are (I would like to know) the main responsibilities of this position?
2023-07-14 17:41:334