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stephen crane 的。.的分析。。英文版的。

2023-07-14 13:09:40

“The Open Boat” is a fictionalized account of a very traumatic personal experience in Crane"s life: a ship on which he was a passenger sank off the coast of Florida, and he found himself one of four men in a tiny open dinghy, struggling to make it through a narrow strip of rough sea and pounding surf that separated them from dry land.

As it was, the men were forced to remain for thirty hours in the boat, rowing frantically against the tide and bailing constantly to keep the craft afloat in the treacherous water, before they were able to come ashore at Daytona Beach. We would expect that this story would be written as a heart-pounding adventure tale; yet it is very cerebral in its approach, focusing less on the adrenaline rush of danger than on the philosophical question of man"s relationship to the world of nature that so completely overwhelms him.

As Crane shows in this story, the protagonist"s salvation is dependent upon whether or not he will adapt to his surroundings and help his fellow man, not whether or not he can conquer nature. As he demonstrates, this is a moot point, because it is impossible to conquer nature; it is too big, and too impersonal, and man is just a speck against its awesome power. The best one can do is learn nature"s ways and work with, not against, them.

This sense of complete absorption in the struggle against nature is illustrated by the famous first line of the story: “None of them knew the color of the sky.” The reason for this is soon made obvious; the imperiled survivors could not take their eyes off the waves, for to let their guard down for a moment would mean certain death. Significantly, Crane does not deal with the question of heroism; the men in the boat do not feel heroic, nor do they ask us to think of them in those terms. They are simply doing what they need to in order to survive, and supporting one another in this effort.

Interestingly, however, this does not make Crane"s story realistic; it actually creates a kind of hyper-realism, an excruciatingly vivid nightmare state, in which waves resemble horses “scrambl[ing] over walls of water,” “carpets on a line in a gale,” and “white flames,” to mention only a few of the dozens of metaphors. The homeliness of these images does not make the Crane"s rendering of the experience any less profound; they simply call attention to the inability of mere words to convey it.

They also accentuate the gulf between an objective journalistic rendering of going down with a ship and the only way to convey the full horror of this experience. Crane borrows, in his fierce and startling imagery, something from Gothic romantics such as Poe; but in no other respect is this story romanticized. On the contrary, the threat of death is not in any way sensationalized, because it does not need to be; the usage of such extreme imagery makes it even more terrifyingly real.

In addition to vivid language, Crane uses carefully-chosen anecdotes to make the situation seem harrowing. The extent to which these men are poised on the brink of life and death is illustrated by the seagull that lands on the captain"s head; as Crane says, “The captain naturally wished to knock it away with the end of the heavy painter, but he did not dare do it, because anything resembling an emphatic gesture would have capsized this freighted boat; and so, with his open hand, the captain gently and carefully waved the gull away.” To have remained in this state for thirty hours seems almost incomprehensible.

Crane"s remarkable use of rhythm in this story reminds one of the motion of the sea; while each phrase has a distinct sense of rising and falling, each one is also a different length, just like the waves -- some of which are huge and rolling, while others are merely little swells. One can feel this in the lines “The craft pranced and reared, and plunged like an animal. As each wave came, and she rose for it, she seemed like a horse making at a fence outrageously high.” In his imagery, in his rhythm, Crane never allows us to forget the story"s setting, even for a second; the huge and harrowing presence of nature, poised to destroy the insignificance which is man, commands our attention at all times.

But the most significant aspect of this struggle lies in the men"s attempts to help one another survive. Consider this passage where Crane describes the time “when we were swamped by the surf and making the best of our way toward the shore”. “But finally [the correspondent] arrived at a place in the sea where travel was beset with difficulty. He did not pause swimming to inquire what manner of current had caught him, but there his progress ceased. The shore was set before him like a bit of scenery on a stage, and he looked at it and understood with his eyes each detail of it. -- As the cook passed, much farther to the left, the captain was calling to him. ‘Turn over on your back, cook! Turn over on your back and use the oar." -- ‘All right, sir." The cook turned on his back, and paddling with an oar, went ahead as if he were a canoe.”

There is no fighting the sea; it cannot be conquered; but one can learn to bob along on its surface, and aid to the best of one"s ability those fellow human beings who are also caught in the grip of nature"s immense indifference.


不定冠词a加形容词是什么意思?例句:It helped see her through a harrowing。其中harrowing是形容词

2023-07-14 03:16:442


2023-07-14 03:17:154

求助一个英语句子成分分析这里有例句!助你分析a mere 40 -minute drive from Detroit本句15-minute drive应指15分钟的行程 drive用作名词
2023-07-14 03:17:224


It is a problem that whether existence or extinction.Bear the fate"s hits in silence,or fight against the sea of woes,get rid of the distress with armaments.Which behavior is more noble?Death means nothing but sleeping,if it can conclude the pain on body and the giant , unavoidable hits in the sleeping of death,it"s what we expected ending exactly.Go death ,go sleeping.May be a dream will come to if you have a sleep!It is where the obstruction is.When we get out of the noises of world,what dream will come to ?That makes us in deep consideration,makes us be willing to bear the long times" disaster. 先翻译一段,你看行不?行的话在告诉我哩!
2023-07-14 03:17:414


2021.1.8真题原文对比A 真题A 338 词 1.More than 25 years ago, Saroo Brierley lived in rural(农村) India. One day, he played with his brother along the rail line and fell asleep. When he woke up and found himself alone, the 4-year-old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front of him—so he got on.2.That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city. He lived on the streets, and then in an orphanage(孤儿院). There, he was adopted by an Australian family and flown to Tasmania.3.As he writes in his new book, A Long Way Home, Brierley couldn"t help but wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but since he didn"t know his town"s name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country proved to be impossible.4.Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his hometown in the program"s satellite pictures. In 2011, he came across something familiar. He studied it and realized he was looking at a town"s central business district from a bird"s-eye view. He thought, “On the right-hand side you should see the three-platform train station”—and there it was. “And on the left-hand side you should see a big fountain”—and there it was. Everything just started to match.5.When he stood in front of the house where he grew up as a child, he saw a lady standing in the entrance. “There"s something about me,” he thought—and it took him a few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.6.In an interview Brierley says, “My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion(核聚变). I just didn"t know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her.”文章大意:走失的孩子寻找家乡,与母亲重逢。21. Why was Brierley separated from his family about 25 years ago? 细节题A. He got on a train by mistake. B. He got lost while playing in the street.C. He was taken away by a foreigner. D. He was adopted by an Australian family.22. How did Brierley find his hometown? 细节题 第四段A. By analyzing old pictures. B. By travelling all around India.C. By studying digital maps. D. By spreading his story via his book.23. What does Brierley mainly talk about in the interview? 概括 笔墨较多A. His love for his mother. B. His reunion with his mother.C. His long way back home. D. His memory of his hometown.原文与真题语篇逐句对比:原文:934原文More than 25 years ago, Saroo Brierley was one of many poor children in rural India. At 4 years old, he couldn"t read: He didn"t even know the name of his hometown. His mother was raising four children on her own, and they were constantly hungry. Brierley"s older brothers would hop trains to nearby towns to search for scraps to eat.One day, Brierley tagged along to the next city down the rail line. He took a nap in the station, and when he woke up, he couldn"t see his brother. Finding himself alone, the 4-year-old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front of him — so he hopped on.真题1.More than 25 years ago, Saroo Brierley lived in rural(农村) India. One day, he played with his brother along the rail line and fell asleep. When he woke up and found himself alone, the 4-year-old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front of him—so he got on.逐句对比:转述原文was one of many poor children in rural India为lived in rural(农村) India;删除第一段原文后面的句子。真题的第二句话进行了改写,不过根据真实故事改编的电影情节,此处不是玩而是为了生计出去赚钱。不过这样改写也没问题,把走失的情节说清楚了。删除, he couldn"t see his brother,将Finding改为and found;将hopped on替换为 got on。原文"It was just an impulse decision," Brierley says, "that, in fact, changed my destiny for life."That train took him across the country to Kolkata (then called Calcutta), where he spent five harrowing months. He was more than a thousand miles from his home, in a city where he did not speak the language.He lived on the streets, then in a juvenile home and, finally, in an orphanage. There, he was adopted by an Australian family and flown to Tasmania.真题2.That train took him a thousand miles across the country to a totally strange city. He lived on the streets, and then in an orphanage(孤儿院). There, he was adopted by an Australian family and flown to Tasmania.逐句对比:改动整合较大,将一段话(38词)改为较短的一句话(15词)。在第二句中,删除a juvenile home and, finally, 留下后面的in an orphanage,并加上孤儿院的中文注解,降低难度。原文As he recounts in his new book, A Long Way Home, Brierley couldn"t help but wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but since he didn"t know his town"s name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country proved to be impossible.真题3.As he writes in his new book, A Long Way Home, Brierley couldn"t help but wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but since he didn"t know his town"s name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country proved to be impossible.逐句对比:词段改动较少,替换recounts 为writes。原文Article continues after sponsor messageThen he found Google Earth. He spent years searching for his hometown in the program"s satellite images, zooming in and out of the map, exploring the web of railway lines criss-crossing India. Then, in 2011, he came across something familiar.Brierley tells NPR"s Arun Rath about his years-long search for his family and their emotional reunion.Interview HighlightsOn what he was looking for, and eventually found, in Google EarthI thought to myself, "Well, the first thing you"re gonna see before you come to your hometown is the river where you used to play with your brothers, and the waterfall, and the architecture of this particular place where you used to visit quite a lot." It has to be exactly the same, otherwise, if it"s not, I"d just fly over and go somewhere else.Google Maps YouTubeSo I studied it very carefully — extremely carefully — and this architecture of this particular place where I used to play with my brothers in the water was exactly the same. And I questioned myself: "Well, that"s a bit unusual, but there could be other places that look exactly the same too, you never know." So I thought, well, why don"t we just scroll a little bit more. ... Before you know it, I was looking from a birds-eye view at the town"s central business district. ...I thought, "On the right-hand side you should see the three-platform train station" — and there it was. "And on the left-hand side you should see a big fountain" — and there it was. Everything just started to match. ... So I traced a road back that I would follow back as a child, and before I knew it I was looking at the suburb where I had grown up, and just on the right of it was the house I had grown up in. ...真题4.Then he found a digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his hometown in the program"s satellite pictures. In 2011, he came across something familiar. He studied it and realized he was looking at a town"s central business district from a bird"s-eye view. He thought, “On the right-hand side you should see the three-platform train station”—and there it was. “And on the left-hand side you should see a big fountain”—and there it was. Everything just started to match.逐句对比:进行了大量的细节删除,然后对余下的语句进行改写,Google Earth替换为a digital mapping program。原文I couldn"t sleep for that whole night.On what happened months later, when he took a trip back to that house and found it emptyI had come all the way to find something I"d found on Google Earth. And now I"m standing there, here"s the house where I grew up as a child, and the door"s shut, and it"s locked, and there"s no one there. And I can"t believe how small it is.Saroo Brierley was born in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh, India, and currently lives in Hobart, Tasmania.Richard Malone/ Courtesy of G. P. Putnam"s SonsAnd I just thought the worst, I thought perhaps everyone"s gone, my whole family"s died, they"ve passed away. But lucky for me this lady came out of a doorway holding a baby, and she said, "Can I help you?" ... And I said to her, my name is Saroo and these are my family members" names. ... Another person comes in and I sort of spill my mantra to them as well.That went on quite a few times with other people that kept wanting to know this person that"s a foreigner that"s coming to a town that"s never seen a foreigner ... And by the time the fourth person had come, they said, "Just stay here for a sec," and within 10 minutes they came back around and they said, "Now I"m going to take you to your mother."And I couldn"t believe it, because when I went around the corner, which was only 10, 15 meters around the corner, there [were] three ladies standing in front of an entrance to a house. And I looked at the second one and I thought, "There"s something about you" — and it took me a few seconds but I decrypted what she used to looked like. ...真题5.When he stood in front of the house where he grew up as a child, he saw a lady standing in the entrance. “There"s something about me,” he thought—and it took him a few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.逐句对比:删除路上找寻的过程,保留到达目的地的关键情节。将decrypted改为remembered。整合句子进行表述。原文She looked so much shorter than I remembered when I was a 4 1/2-year-old child. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my emotions and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion. I just didn"t know, really, what to say, because I never thought this point in time or ever seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her.真题6.In an interview Brierley says, “My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion(核聚变). I just didn"t know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her.”逐句对比:删除无关紧要的细节when I was a 4 1/2-year-old child.;emotions改为feelings。总结:1 删除段落较多,词数减少了五六百字。2 大胆整合,改写句子。3 删除细节。4 替换生僻词汇5 增加部分语言,以表达具体等以下分析来自一位学生(仅供参考)
2023-07-14 03:17:481


所有形容心情的英语单词 怀念,同情 。年幼的鲁迅被善良朴实的长妈妈默默的爱震惊了,这是真爱的标志,尽管长妈妈有着这样那样的不尽人意,长得也实在不好看,但掩盖不了她的真诚和朴实,她的故去,足以令人怀念,这使鲁迅长舒胸臆而发出一声:仁厚黑暗的地母啊,愿在你的怀里永安她的魂灵。荡人心魄,感人之深,这也是全篇感情的最高升华,尽管仍然是一种最朴素的方式和语言表达出来。辞了人世30年,连姓名都不知道,“我终于不知道她的姓名”,作者满怀圣洁的感情,发出的一声感叹逝者长已,来者深追。 欢乐、高兴 Joy愉快的、欢悦的 Cheerful乐意的、欢喜的 Glad 愿意的、乐于的 WillingPleasure愉快、满足 Satisfied满意的、满足的 Elated兴高采烈的 Delight欣喜的、快乐 Thrill兴奋的、快乐的 ost,失落drowsy,心情低下wreainess劳累boring乏味tired疲惫colourful炫彩的excellent精彩绝伦的busy忙碌的 dull枯燥的puzzled感到困惑的worried担心funny有趣的intrested有意思的 高兴 be delight with delight joy lift up one"s head rejoice rejoicing happy 开心 animal spirits animation vitality be exasperated against 伤心 grief grieve hurt *** art from teen 生气 animal spirits animation vitality be exasperated against get angry 高兴:delight,joy,rejoice,rejoicing 伤心:grief,grieve,hurt, *** art from,teen 生气:animal spirits,animation,vitality, be exasperated against,get angry 担忧:be afraid of,be anxious for,misgivings,uneasy about 烦恼:bother,be vexed,trouble,fret,imitate,worry, vexation,annoyance sad 伤心exciting愤怒angry生气cry哭泣weep大哭laugh大笑 *** aile微笑brighten愉快delight喜悦exhilaration振奋pleasure愉悦agitate 下次这类问题百度先 形容心情的英语单词 Joy 欢乐、高兴 Cheerful愉快的、欢悦的 Glad 乐意的、欢喜的 Willing愿意的、乐于的 Pleasure愉快、满足 Satisfied满意的、满足的 Elated兴高采烈的 Delight欣喜的、快乐 有哪些形容心情的的英语单词 欢乐、高兴 Joy愉快的、欢悦的 Cheerful乐意的、欢喜的 Glad 愿意的、乐于的 Willing Pleasure愉快、满足 Satisfied满意的、满足的 Elated兴高采烈的 Delight欣喜的、快乐 Thrill兴奋的、快乐的 lost,失落drowsy,心情低下wreainess劳累boring乏味tired疲惫colourful炫彩的excellent精彩绝伦的busy忙碌的 dull枯燥的puzzled感到困惑的worried担心funny有趣的intrested有意思的 高兴 be delight with delight joy lift up one"s head rejoice rejoicing happy 开心 animal spirits animation vitality be exasperated against get angry 伤心 grief grieve hurt *** art from teen 生气 animal spirits animation vitality be exasperated against get angry 高兴:delight,joy,rejoice,rejoicing 伤心:grief,grieve,hurt, *** art from,teen 生气:animal spirits,animation,vitality, be exasperated against,get angry 担忧:be afraid of,be anxious for,misgivings,uneasy about 烦恼:bother,be vexed,trouble,fret,imitate,worry, vexation,annoyance sad 伤心exciting愤怒angry生气cry哭泣weep大哭laugh大笑 *** aile微笑brighten愉快delight喜悦exhilaration振奋pleasure愉悦agitate 激荡 求h开头的形容心情的英语单词!~ haggard 憔悴的, 野性的, 形容枯槁的 hagridden 受恶梦惊扰的, 困于恶梦的 halcyon halcyon 平静的, 太平的 half-crazed=creazed harf-hearted 缺乏热情的;不热心的;无精打采的 hang-up 情绪上的困饶或问题 happy hardheaded 冷静的, 脚踏实地的, 无懈可击的, 顽固的 hardhearted 无情的, 冷酷的, 心肠硬的 基本解释 hardnosed 顽固的 harmonious 和谐的, 协调的, 和睦的, 悦耳的 harrowing 痛心的, 悲惨的 基本解释 healthy 健康的, 健壮的, 有益于健康的 hesitant 犹豫的, 吞吞吐吐的, 犹豫不决 hollow 空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的, 凹的 hopeful 怀有希望的, 有希望的 hostile 敌对的, 敌方的 hypersensitive 非常敏感的, 敏感的 hysterical 歇斯底里的, 异常兴奋的 hypercritical 苛评的, 吹毛求疵的 haywire(口) 乱糟糟的,失去控制的 headstrong 不听命令的, 顽固的, 刚愎的, 任性的 heartbreaking 悲伤或失望到难忍程度的, 无聊的, 讨厌的 heavyhearted 心情沉重的;悲哀的 higgledy-piggledy(口) 杂乱无章;乱七八糟 有哪些形容心情的的英语单词只要是形容 happy愉快的 sad悲伤的 nervous紧张的 frightened害怕的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 upset心情沮丧的 annoyed心烦气燥的 blue抑郁的 worried焦虑 形容心情的所有词语 愉快,高兴,兴奋,喜悦,惊喜,快乐,愉悦 ,开心,高兴,快乐,愉悦 ,欣喜 ‘爽快"‘快活" 愉悦、欢喜,愉悦 愉快 畅快 大喜 狂喜 我实在想不出来了 所有表示心情的英语单词 Admiring Adore Agreeable Anticipate Ardent Aroused Assure Avid Bliss Brave Calm Capable Careful Caring Cautious Centered Charitable Comfort Compassionate Concern Considerate Consoled Contented Delighted Devoted Eager Ecstasy Elated Empathy Enjoyment Enthusiastic Excessive Excitement Exhilarated Faith Fanatical Fancy Fearless Ferocious Fervent Fidelity Fond Freedom Friendly Fulfilled Glad Gleeful Good Happiness Harmony Heartache Heartfelt Honorable Hope Intimacy Irritated Joy Keen Kind Lost Love Manic Mindful Mollified Moved Murky Nervous Nowhere Obsessive Obstructed Passionate Peaceful Placated Please Pleasure Powerful Proud Regretful Rejoice Relieved Reserved Respectful Rested Safe Satisfied Sentiment Soothe Speedy Spirited Stimulated Stormy Support Surprised Sympathy Tender Thrilled Trust Well Wonderful Worshipful Zealous ---------------------------------------------- 敬佩崇拜愉快期望热心被激起保证热中强有力骄傲懊高兴解除的极乐勇敢的安静可胜任的仔细的关心的谨慎被集中的慈善舒适慈悲的关心考虑周到被慰问的满足的欢欣的虔诚热切的销魂兴高采烈的同情享受热心过份兴奋兴奋的信念狂热花梢无所畏惧的凶猛慷慨激昂的保真度喜欢自由友好的被履行的高兴的高兴的好幸福和谐心伤衷心高尚的希望亲热被激怒的喜悦敏锐的亲切的失去的爱狂躁记住被减轻的被移动的黑暗的紧张的无处萦绕被阻碍的多情平安的被安抚的请乐趣后备的恭敬的休息的安全满意的情绪安慰迅速Spirited 被 *** 的风雨如磐的支援惊奇的同情招标兴奋的信任井美妙虔诚热忱 情感态度题的词语选项一般可以分为以下几种: (1)褒义词:positive (肯定的, 积极的), optimistic (乐观的), useful (有用的, 有益的), admiring (赞赏的, 钦佩的), interesting (有趣的), instructive (有益的, 教育性的), enthusiastic (热心的, 热情的), supportive (支援的), support(支援), approval (赞成, 承认), approving (满意的), confident (自信的, 确信的), impressed (留下印象的), reverent (尊敬的), polite (有礼貌的, 文雅的) (2)贬义词:negative (否定的, 消极的), pessimistic (悲观的, 厌世的), subjective (主观的, 个人的), disappointed (失望的), frustrated (失败的, 落空的), critical (批评的), questioning (质疑的), doubtful (可疑的, 不确的), promising (妥协的), dissatisfied (不满意的, 不高兴的), biased (有偏见的), satirical (讽刺的), tolerant (容忍的, 宽恕的), puzzling (迷惑的), suspicious (怀疑的), gloomy (令人沮丧的), scared (恐惧的), cynical (愤世嫉俗的), oppose (反对), opposition (反对), disgust (令人反感), disgusting (令人厌恶的), worried (闷闷不乐的), depressed (沮丧的), contemptuous (轻蔑的, 侮辱的), hostile (敌对的), opinionated (武断的) (3)中性词:objective (客观的), impartial (公平的, 不偏不倚的), indifferent (无关紧要的), impassive (冷漠的), detached (超然的,不偏不倚的), concerned (关心的), unconcerned (不关心的), uninterested (不感兴趣的), neutral (中性的), cautious (谨慎的, 小心的), humorous (滑稽的, 诙谐的), apathetic (缺乏兴趣的), disinterested (无私的), sensitive (敏感的), factual (事实的, 实际的), informative (提供资讯的), persuasive (说服的), personal (个人的,), formal (正式的), informal (非正式的), casual (偶然的), *** ytical (分析的) 高考常用形容人心情的英语单词 高兴:delight,joy,rejoice,rejoicing 伤心:grief,grieve,hurt, *** art from,teen 生气:animal spirits,animation,vitality, be exasperated against,get angry 担忧:be afraid of,be anxious for,misgivings,uneasy about 烦恼:bother,be vexed,trouble,fret,imitate,worry, vexation,annoyance
2023-07-14 03:18:091

痛苦的 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-14 03:18:184

找狄金森《夏之逃逸》的英文版,满意的加分。 或者说出英文题目也行,这个不加分了。

As imperceptibly as Grief The Summer lapsed away-Too imperceptible at lastTo seem like Perfidy-A Quietness distilledAs Twilight long begun,Or Nature spending with herselfSequestered Afternoon-The Dusk drew earlier in-The Morning foreign shone-A courteous, yet harrowing Grace,As Guest, that would be gone-And thus, without a WingOr service of a KeelOur Summer made her light escapeInto the Beautiful.
2023-07-14 03:18:411


2023-07-14 03:18:512

《Night》 Elie Wiesel, 埃利·维瑟尔的《夜》中文版!

Night 《夜》Elie Wiesel埃利·维瑟尔 SynopsisLike Wiesel himself, the protagonist of Night is a scholarly, pious teenager racked with guilt at having survived the genocidal campaign that consumed his family.It is a terrifying account of the Nazi death camp horror that turns a young Jewish boy into an agonized witness to the death of his family...the death of his innocence...and the death of his God.His memories of the nightmare world of the death camps present him with an intolerable question: how can the God he once so fervently believed in have allowed these monstrous events to occur? There are no easy answers in this harrowing book, which probes life"s essential riddles with the lucid anguish only great literature achieves.故事梗概和维瑟尔本人一样,《夜》的主角也是一位文质彬彬,笃信虔诚的十几岁小男孩。作为家族中唯一从种族灭绝集中营中幸存下来的孩子,他总是感到深深的内疚。故事讲述了这位年轻的犹太男孩如何在纳粹集中营中痛苦地看着家人、天真的本性和心中的上帝被杀戮、毁灭。在死亡集中营的噩梦记忆使他不得不思考一个问题:他虔诚信仰的上帝怎么能允许这样恐怖的事情发生?在本书中,作者没有给出答案,与众多伟大的作品一样,它通过痛苦的经历探索生命的真谛。CommentNobel laureate Elie Wiesel"s wrenching attempt to find meaning in the horror of the Holocaust is technically a novel, but it"s based so closely on his own experiences in Birkenau, Auschwitz, and Buchenwald that it"s generally--and not inaccurately--read as an autobiography.评价诺贝尔奖获得者埃利·维瑟尔渴望通过小说的形式找出恐怖大屠杀的意义,但书中很多内容都是基于他自己在比尔克瑙集中营、奥斯维辛集中营和布痕瓦尔德集中营的可怕经历,因此这本书也可堪称一部自传了。Introduction of Author● Name: Elie Wiesel● Age: September 30th, 1928● Nationality: America● Position: Writer, lecturer ●Experience:Elie Wiesel was born in Romania. At 16 he was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, where his family perished. After the war, he studied at the Sorbonne. In the 1950s he was a correspondent for Israeli, American, and French newspapers. After living in France and Israel, he settled in the United States in 1956 and became a citizen in 1963. 作者简介○ 姓名:埃利·维瑟尔○ 年龄:1928年9月30日○ 国籍:美国○ 地位:作家,讲师○经历: 埃利·维瑟尔出生于罗马尼亚。十六岁时被关进奥斯维辛和布痕瓦尔德集中营,家人被杀害。战后,他在巴黎大学学习。二十世纪五十年代,他为以色列、美国和法国报纸作记者。在法国和以色列居住过一段时间后,他于1956年搬到美国,1963年成为美国公民。
2023-07-14 03:18:591


页:< <幺北和丽贝卡的惨痛历程的Cammisa回家的路上Matthew-Lee Erlbach | | 05.25.2011公布的世界阅读更多:南美,移民改革、走私、强奸、非法移民、绑架、中美洲、非法移民、火车、墨西哥、洪都拉斯、移民,移民,危地马拉的世界新闻- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -“很多人认为只是容易出现在移民美国的边界”,Camissa说。“但是艰难的旅程开始Mexico-Guatemala边境的地方。"阅读后分享你的脚底分布鞋子需要的人Razoo | | | Razoo张贴05.25.2011回家阅读更多:危地马拉,国内新闻- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -在1999年,当旅行蒙娜·Purdy在中美洲,她看见孩子们画的焦油鞋底,这样他们可以赤脚跑比赛一定…整个故事读洪都拉斯:当政府任期的限制人们得益尼尔森页| | 05.25.2011巴尔德斯公布的世界国际货币基金组织的成员遇到官员在马尔代夫。美国的承诺而展开的斗争的新资金时…整个故事读墨西哥毒品暴力滑入了危地马拉洛杉矶时报05.25.2011 | |公布的世界阅读更多:危地马拉城暴力、墨西哥、危地马拉、药物战争、药物暴力、外事、墨西哥、危地马拉、毒品、毒品暴力,危地马拉毒品战争、墨西哥毒品暴力,危地马拉黑帮暴力、墨西哥毒品战争、倡导的世界新闻当局提高了安全措施以来在危地马拉城逮捕监狱的成员,Zetas暴力毒贩集团来自墨西哥....整个故事读危地马拉的男子被捕后,发送消息。呢喃《卫报》05.25.2011 | |公布的世界阅读更多:危地马拉,危地马拉呢喃,琼,费尔南德斯Anleu呢喃,Banrural世界新闻- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -警方逮捕了一名在瓜地马拉着用户,并没收了他的电脑金融恐慌”后“煽动他敦促人们走来去除基金…整个故事读危地马拉的律师死左视频责备总统为他的死(电视)胡安·卡洛斯LLORCA |美联社危地马拉城市——一个律师被持枪歹徒在周末出现在一个录影带出现星期一allegin…在公园的历史中心附近的城市,一个公共汽车司机危地马拉最近被开枪打死,今年的数十个。丹尼斯Enamorado等beyon…
2023-07-14 03:19:082

关于 救世杀机

2023-07-14 03:19:152

follow in the footsteps是什么意思

あのとき仆に灯った光はこれからも変わらず世界を照らすだろう仆の心に咲く花すべて摘み取って束ねて君に捧げてもいい君の幸せ一つ愿う度仆の星空は ああ 広がっていく今日の空が青かったこと
2023-07-14 03:19:355


(1)在 Hogwarts 的哈利第四个夏天和未来年被 Quidditch 世界杯和来自三所不同的男巫学校的学生代表在一系列的逐渐挑战性的竞赛中竞争的 Triwizard 巡回赛作记号. 然而, Voldemort"s 的死亡吃的人正在得到力量和平坦的创造提供证据黑暗的公爵准备好再一次上升的黑暗马克. 在年轻的男巫和巫婆的无怀疑生命中在 Hogwarts 竞争者被火的有脚杯选择, 今年发动一个非常令人惊讶的公告: Hogwarts 将会有巡回赛的二个代表, 包括哈利波特! 当赶上学校的时候,哈利将会能够为三体帆船对挑战上升男巫的巡回赛吗,否则挑战将会连同 Voldemort"s 的再生一起是太多对于年轻的英雄吗? (2)在哈利波特和火的有脚杯中,哈利已经神秘地被选择在享有声望的 Triwizard 巡回赛中竞争 - 一个毛骨悚然的国际竞争那一个坑他反对来自 Hogwarts 和二所竞争的欧洲学校的更年长和多富有经验的学生. 同时, 哈利的报应支持者 - 邪恶的公爵 Voldemort- 当他们的黑暗马克在 Quidditch 世界杯使烧焦天空的时候,在男巫的社区各处送一个恐惧的激波 , 向 Voldemort"s 的回返作信号使~有力量. 要不是哈利, 这不是唯一的痛心新闻引起他焦虑 - 他是然而为 Hogwarts" 耶稣圣诞节球跳舞找一个日期. 在 Hogwarts 为另外的令人兴奋的年参加哈利和他的朋友 Ron 和荷密欧妮!
2023-07-14 03:19:501


Chapter 51In this chapter, all the significant remaining gaps in the tale are filled. Dickens has ingeniously fitted the pieces together by stages, enlightening all of the characters while subjecting the reader to a minimum of repetition. One last mystery is dispelled in the process — the mysteries of Rose Maylie"s origin. That issue was hinted at — a technique called foreshadowing — in Chapter 49, when Brownlow guessed that the time would come when Rose might have great "need of firmness."There is a strong theatrical flavor in Harry Maylie"s renouncing his hereditary place in society to play the role of a humble clergyman. Remember, training in the English universities of the time was still basically ecclesiastical, so that a man with a degree could reasonably be considered eligible to take religious orders as Harry did, at any time.There is delicious irony in Bumble"s complaint that the law is idiotic if it supposes that he has any authority over his loving bride. The irony of Bumble"s position must be indeed overpowering if it can penetrate his obtuseness.At this point, the novel might seem to be finished. Order has been restored. The faithful lover has won the peerless girl. The villains have been foiled and virtue is rewarded. Present joy with prospects of future happiness is established as the chapter ends. However, while the sun shines upon scenes of human rejoicing, clouds are ever hovering near, ready to cast a shadow. Dickens adds a pathetic ending: "Poor Dick was dead!"52The courtroom is packed with people, "a firmament, all bright with gleaming eyes" — and every one fixed on Fagin. As the judge delivers his charge to the jury, the accused searches their faces in vain for signs of hope. Looking about at the spectators, he discerns nothing but unanimous desire for his being convicted. While the jury is out, Fagin"s attention is occupied with trivia, although he is never completely free from "one oppressive overwhelming sense of the grave . . . at his feet."The jury returns and the verdict is delivered — guilty. There is a roar of approval from the people at the word that Fagin will die on Monday. This approval is echoed by the crowd outside. When asked if he has anything to say, Fagin can only mutter that he is an old man. While the sentence of death is pronounced, the condemned man stands dumb and motionless. He mechanically goes with the jailers, overcoming his disbelief enough to shake a fist at the prisoners" visitors, who greet him with taunts and shouts.After being searched, the old criminal is left alone in a cell for the condemned. He sits on a stone bench and tries to collect his thoughts. Gradually the words of the sentence come into focus: he is to be hanged by the neck until dead. He remembers the men he has seen die on the scaffold, "some of them through his means." Victims of his villainy may have spent their last days in this very cell, like many others awaiting execution.In terror, Fagin beats his hands raw against the door and walls, screaming for light. A candle is brought, and a man who is to watch the prisoner enters the cell. Through the dreadful night, the church bell tolls away the remaining hours of the old culprit"s life.When the religious come to pray with him, he repels them with curses. Saturday passes and that night Fagin is aware that he will live through but one more night after this. He is oblivious to the men who take turns standing the death watch. Most of the time he just sits, "awake, but dreaming."As he counts off the hours of his last night of life, Fagin realizes with devastating impact the finality of his position. He becomes delirious and so agitated that two men are provided to share the evil old wretch"s company.Outside Newgate Prison, the news that no reprieve has been granted is received gratefully, and loiterers discuss with anticipation Fagin"s last moments. Preparations for the execution are in progress when Mr. Brownlow comes with Oliver and presents an order admitting them to see the condemned prisoner. Brownlow agrees with their guide that it will be no sight for children, but that Oliver should endure it since the object of the visit concerns him. They are conducted through the prison to Fagin"s cell.Fagin is having hallucinations and imagines himself among his old companions. When the turnkey recalls him to his surroundings, he looks up "with a face retaining no human expression but rage and terror." As Fagin recognizes his visitors, he shrinks from them. Brownlow inquires about some papers Monks had entrusted to him. Fagin obliges by whispering the hiding place to Oliver. Then the crazed old man fancies that Oliver can spirit him out of the prison. As the visitors depart, Fagin struggles with the attendants, screeching insanely.After this ordeal, Oliver is so undone that he is unable to walk for about an hour. When Brownlow and the boy emerge from the prison, it is dawn and a vast throng has already gathered to enjoy the spectacle of Fagin"s final torments.分析:In this grim depiction of Fagin"s last days, Dickens presents a harrowing picture of the ultimate penalty of a life of evil. Again we see excruciating isolation visited upon the criminal. In the courtroom, the accused loses all feeling except the crushing awareness that no human being has an interest in him except to see him die, just as he had so completely pursued the destruction of others. He has been an unswerving enemy of society, and now all men are united against him.The final price of roguery is degradation and death. Here there is no dashing figure posturing bravely before admiring crowds, as some authors would have us believe. Instead, there is a complete disintegration of the living person, culminating in a ghastly death. There are no compassionate supports nor any solaces of repentance, courage, or dignity.The visit of Brownlow and Oliver to the prison is a clever dramatic way to demonstrate that the boy and the ladies have now been told about the fates that have come to members of the gang. This is accomplished without a single mention of detail already well-known to the reader. Dickens"s subtle selective touch is also apparent in his omission of the execution of Fagin. We have already witnessed the grisly death of Sikes. Given the impact of Nancy"s death on the reader, Dickens may have decided that he"d gone far enough in the service of making his point.53Within three months, Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie are married in the bridegroom"s church. They immediately occupy their country parsonage, and Mrs. Maylie comes to live with them.The property remaining in Monks"s possession would, if divided equally, yield three thousand pounds a year for each share. Although Oliver is entitled to everything, Brownlow suggests allowing Monks to keep half, thus giving him a chance to salvage his life. Oliver readily agrees to this.Monks retains his alias and goes off to a remote part of the New World. After squandering his resources, he returns to a life of crime and, consequently, dies in prison. The other principal members of Fagin"s old gang also perish, transported far from England.Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver. The old gentleman completes the boy"s happiness by settling with him and Mrs. Bedwin within a mile of the parsonage.Mr. Losberne, having been deprived of his friends in Chertsey, rationalizes a need for a change and sets up a bachelor establishment outside the village. He applies himself with relish to all sorts of rural pursuits. A friendship develops between the doctor and Mr. Grimwig, so Grimwig is a frequent visitor of the doctor"s and vigorously takes part in his activities.For testifying against Fagin, Noah Claypole receives a full pardon. In search of a light occupation, he becomes an informer, assisted by the able Charlotte. On Sunday during church time, they practice their duplicity. The woman pretends to faint in front of a pub and Noah gets some brandy to revive her. Then they report the establishment for selling a drink and are awarded half of the fine.After losing their positions, the Bumbles sink into deep poverty. In the end, they both become inmates of the workhouse in which they once were such tyrants.Giles and Brittles remain in their old situations. Their services are extended not only to the household at the parsonage but also to the homes of Brownlow and Mr. Losberne.Charles Bates was so shocked by Sikes"s gory crime and painful death that he gives up his dishonest ways. He works hard and succeeds as a herdsman in Northamptonshire.The members of the little community centered in the village parsonage all lead a life of simple happiness, united by ties of affection and gratitude. They are as happy as it is granted to human beings to be: "And without strong affection and humanity of heart, and gratitude to that Being whose code is Mercy, and whose great attribute is Benevolence to all things that breathe, happiness can never be attained."
2023-07-14 03:19:591


2023-07-14 03:20:087


为了寻找1912年在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号和船上的珍贵财宝-价值连城的“海洋之心”,寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜,不料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描-一位佩戴着钻石项链的年轻女子。这则电视新闻引起了一位百岁老妇人的注意,老人激动不已,随即乘直升飞机赶到布洛克的打捞船上。原来她名叫罗丝道森,正是画像上的女子。 看着画像,往事一幕幕重新浮现在老人的眼前:1912年4月12日,准备首航的泰坦尼克号停泊在港口,码头上人山人海,争相目睹人类有史以来最庞大、最豪华的轮船。罗丝,一位美丽漂亮而又不乏气质的贵族小姐与她的母亲及未婚夫-钢铁大王之子卡尔霍利一同登上了头等舱。与此同时,影片的另一位主人公-年轻的流浪画家杰克道森靠赌博幸运地赢到了三等舱的船票,高喊着“我们是世界上最幸运...”的他在最后一刻登上了巨轮。泰坦尼克号启航了,早春的大西洋上风和日丽,碧波万里,杰克和他的伙伴站在船头眺望前方,高声欢呼,兴奋不已,仿佛此时世界已属于他们。 罗丝在上层社会的交际圈中生活,早已厌倦了贵族们的无聊谈话,感觉自己无异于笼中之鸟,她愁眉不展地来到甲板上眺望远方,排遣愁情。杰克一看到罗丝,就被她的气质所深深吸引。夜幕降临,又一场灯红酒绿之后,罗丝对未来和婚姻感到万分无奈;她冲向甲板,试图跳入大海结束一生。杰克及时发现并且在关键时刻以自己的真诚和独到的幽默说服了罗丝。尽管卡尔很不情愿,但为答谢杰克的救妻之恩,他只好邀请杰克到头等舱里进餐。卡尔本想借机寒碜杰克一番,没想到杰克在餐桌前的坦诚之言竟博得满堂喝彩。杰克和罗丝两人从此相识并开始了解对方,罗丝向杰克吐露心中郁闷:"我觉得这一生不外如此,就象已经活了一辈子似的。无数的宴会、舞会、游艇赛、马球赛,能接触到的都是思想狭隘、有口无心的人。我感觉就象站在悬崖边,没人拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会。”在杰克的开导和陪伴下,罗丝找回了失去已久的快乐,灿烂的笑容终于重新洋溢在她的脸庞。 罗丝的未婚夫卡尔发现了杰克和罗丝的来往之后,心中十分不快,他送给罗丝一条价值连城的钻石项链“海洋之心”,并对她表白了自己的心迹意图博得罗丝的欢心。然而在罗丝的眼里,卡尔只是一个十足的势利小人,她从心底里不愿嫁给他。可是在母亲与未婚夫的压力之下,罗丝不得不有意回避杰克的感情,可正因为这样罗丝才意识到自己已经深深的爱上了杰克。 从相知到相爱,虽然只是短短几天时间,罗丝和杰克已经无法分开。在卧室中,罗丝戴上了“海洋之心”,由杰克绘出了那张令她永生难忘的画像。罗丝决定无视家庭和礼数的压力在泰坦尼克号靠岸后与杰克一起生活,幸福似乎距离这对情侣仅咫尺之遥。 白星航运公司经理布鲁斯伊斯梅为了让泰坦尼克号创造横跨大西洋的最快纪录,不顾潜在的冰山威胁暗示船长史密斯提高船速。14日夜晚,海面出奇的平静,泰坦尼克号仍然全速行驶。了望台发现正前方的冰山后立刻通知了驾驶舱和大副,可是惯性极大的轮船已来不及躲避, 船身右侧被冰山割裂,六个舱室进水。号称永不沉没的泰坦尼克号将在两小时内沉没。而此时船上的救生艇只够一半乘客使用,船上陷入一片恐慌。 不料,这时杰克却被霍利以偷窃钻石之名栽赃陷害,并被关在下层船舱。不明真相的罗丝随众人一起在甲板上等候救生艇,可她终究还是相信杰克是无辜的。罗丝不顾一切回到空无一人的船舱寻找杰克,并在紧要关头找来救生斧救出他。两人来到甲板,罗丝在杰克的劝说下上了救生艇。救生艇徐徐放下,罗丝神情恍惚,突然她放弃了也许是最后的逃生机会跳回泰坦尼克号,这对情侣紧紧地拥抱在一起。 “梦幻之船”泰坦尼克号开始缓缓下沉,一幕悲剧开始上演。漆黑的海洋和天空连成一片,无情的吞噬着绝望的乘客。杰克带着罗丝跑到船尾,爬上栏杆(也就是他们爱情开始的地方)坚持到最后,直到泰坦尼克号沉没。两人全力挣扎出巨大的漩涡之后,杰克将罗丝推上一块漂浮木板,自己却浸泡在冰冷的海水中。 几个小时之后,救援船返回救起了奄奄一息的罗丝,而此时早已冻僵的杰克却被冰海无情的吞没。罗丝信守对杰克许下的诺言,勇敢地活着。 八十四年后,罗丝又来到泰坦尼克号沉没的地方,将“海洋之心”抛入海中,以告杰克在天之灵……
2023-07-14 03:21:046


Han Chinesen. 汉族,汉人(美国式表达方法,等同于Han nationality)例句:1、School with the Han Chinese and the Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches Jinian calculation.并且学用汉族农历的天干、地支计算纪年。2、But the problem is in inner Mongolia the majority is Han Chinese rather than Mongolians.但问题是中国内蒙古的大部分居民是汉族,而不是蒙古族。3、Mainland TV has shown harrowing tales of Han Chinese burnt to death in their shops.中国电视播放了汉人在自己店里被活活烧死的惨剧。
2023-07-14 03:21:192


2023-07-14 03:22:083


《Morgawr The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara 3》(Brooks, Terry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: f3yd书名:Morgawr The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara 3作者:Brooks, Terry页数:416内容简介:Harrowing confrontations with the merciless Ilse Witch and the monstrous Antrax have taken their toll on the intrepid heroes aboard the airship Jerle Shannara. But their darkest adversary now snaps at their heels, in the form of the Morgawr - feeder upon the souls of his enemies and centuries-old sorcerer of unimaginable might with a fleet of airships and a crew of walking dead men at his command. The Morgawr"s goal is twofold: Find and control the fabled ancient books of magic, and destroy the dark disciple who betrayed him - the Ilse Witch. Now at the mercy of those who seek vengeance against her, the Ilse Witch"s only protector is her long-lost brother, Bek Ohmsford, who is determined to redeem his beloved sister...and to fulfill her destiny.
2023-07-14 03:22:151

The Harrowing Years 歌词

歌曲名:The Harrowing Years歌手:Insomnium专辑:Across The DarkThe Harrowing YearsInsomniumAcross The DarkInsomnium--The Harrowing Years--lndjove--.........This I have learnt:World forces all of us downthe fleeing years bend our backslove but smears our heartsHere I now lie still like a broken bowsoul sullen and rigidwith the will to diesighing after the days long since gonecursing every step on this ill-fated trail"In vain I try (to forget)In vain I try ( to forgive)Black bird from evening skyRaven from heaths of nightcome and take my carescarry away the griefbereave me of my new woesrend off these earthly throesfly them to deepest lakesto the starlit shores"..........This I have learnt:even the sweetest wine turns sourwe work our fingers to the boneall our efforts of no availHere we all are but troubled guestson darkling earthlost echoes that pine awayinto the dusknothing more than the wind to rely onnothing more than the deathto comfort us in the end"In vain I try (to forget)In vain I try ( to forgive)Black bird from evening skyRaven from heaths of nightcome and take my carescarry away the griefbereave me of my new woesrend off these earthly throesfly them to deepest lakesto the starlit shores"..........This I have heard:all ends in serene sleepall these sorrows are washed awayas we lapse into the night..........But I know it`s a lie..........
2023-07-14 03:22:281

Hebenon Vial 歌词

歌曲名:Hebenon Vial歌手:Cinema Strange专辑:Cinema StrangeStuck on with dynamite,live in disgrace like the fool that you told you to!Dancing like philanthropist and cutting and scraping the dogs that lick at you!Padlock the door to the basementand swing down the stairs on the back of the lizard andwatch every inch when you are building the walls that cover you!Shine like a dagger and poison in woodlandand laugh like a wet-nurse with a sword through your breast!Funny, like thumbscrews and ripe guillotinesand maidens when drowning and electric chairs!Shine like a dagger and poison in woodlandand laugh like a wet-nurse with a sword through your breast!Funny, like thumbscrews and ripe guillotinesand maidens when drowning and electric chairs!Murder most foul!Incestuous sheets!Hebenon vial!"Twere madness discreet!Murder most foul!Incestuous sheets!Hebenon vial!"Twere madness discreet!Consanguinity and the bastard"s aloof with a nose just like a pig"s!Assassins are sleeping and the man in the orchard"s a King with a Queen!Giggling beastly and prey on the birdy fly low over stone and banshees...Hopscotch for bombs in your bedand believe what you hear from the pervert who hides under...Shine like a dagger and poison in woodlandand laugh like a wet-nurse with a sword through your breast!Funny, like thumbscrews and ripe guillotinesand maidens when drowning and electric chairs!Shine like a dagger and poison in woodlandand laugh like a wet-nurse with a sword through your breast!Funny, like thumbscrews and ripe guillotinesand maidens when drowning and electric chairs!Murder most foul!Murder most foul!Incestuous sheets!Incestuous sheets!Hebenon vial!Hebenon vial!"Twere madness discreet!"Twere madness discreet!Murder most foul!Incestuous sheets!Hebenon vial!"Twere madness discreet!Batty and bruises on cheek and the porcelain shards of the sink stuck in your face!Shoelaces dragging in wet and the cold of the dungeon allures like a finger!Holding in calm dimension the harrowing phantom aloft in your courtyard...Fading in crown, rapier, he stills the blood of the "jack that runs through your veins!Shine like a dagger and poison in woodlandand laugh like a wet-nurse with a sword through your breast!Funny, like thumbscrews and ripe guillotinesand maidens when drowning and electric chairs!Shine like a dagger and poison in woodlandand laugh like a wet-nurse with a sword through your breast!Funny, like thumbscrews and ripe guillotinesand maidens when drowning and electric chairs!Murder most foul!Incestuous sheets!Hebenon vial!"Twere madness discreet!Murder most foul!Incestuous sheets!Hebenon vial!"Twere madness discreet!
2023-07-14 03:23:131


Chuck Noland, an engaged, workaholic Federal Express inspector, travels around the world testing the effectiveness of international shipping offices. His frenetic schedule puts a strain on his relationship with longtime girlfriend Helen. But when a plane crash leaves him stranded and isolated from other human beings on a remote Pacific island for four years, Chuck slowly becomes transformed both mentally and physically as he attempts to survive. This harrowing personal struggle ultimately brings him to a simple Zen-like understanding of what things in this world -- in his world -- are truly important. 转载自百度知道
2023-07-14 03:23:461

《The Pain Chronicles》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Pain Chronicles》(Thernstrom, Melanie)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: qe5m书名:The Pain Chronicles作者:Thernstrom, Melanie出版年份:2010-8页数:368内容简介:Each of us will know physical pain in our lives, but none of us knows when it will come or how long it will stay. Today as much as 10 percent of the population of the United States suffers from chronic pain. It is more widespread, misdiagnosed, and undertreated than any major disease. While recent research has shown that pain produces pathological changes to the brain and spinal cord, many doctors and patients still labor under misguided cultural notions and outdated scientific dogmas that prevent proper treatment, to devastating effect.In The Pain Chronicles , a singular and deeply humane work, Melanie Thernstrom traces conceptions of pain throughout the ages—from ancient Babylonian pain-banishing spells to modern brain imaging—to reveal the elusive, mysterious nature of pain itself. Interweaving first-person reflections on her own battle with chronic pain, incisive reportage from leading-edge pain clinics and medical research, and insights from a wide range of disciplines—science, history, religion, philosophy, anthropology, literature, and art—Thernstrom shows that when dealing with pain we are neither as advanced as we imagine nor as helpless as we may fear.Both a personal meditation and an intellectual exploration, The Pain Chronicles illuminates and makes sense of the all-too-human experience of pain—and confronts with extraordinary grace and empathy its peculiar traits, its harrowing effects, and its various antidotes.
2023-07-14 03:23:521


剧院的英语theatre读[u02c8θu026au0259tu0259(r)]。theatre。英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂”。短语搭配Globe Theatre环球剧场;环球剧院;全球大剧院;莎士比亚环球剧场lecture theatre大教室;大讲堂;阅览室Experimental theatre实验剧场;实验戏剧;小剧场;实验剧Theatre Square剧院广场Cort Theatre考特剧场;科特剧院Kodak Theatre柯达剧院;柯达剧场;柯达戏院;柯达影院Cuvilliés Theatre屈维利埃剧院;屈维列剧场movie theatre电影院;影院;电影剧场;电影赏析Orpheum Theatre奥芬剧院;奥芬大剧院双语例句When did you go to the theatre?你是什么时候去剧场的?At what theatre did you perform?你们在哪个剧场演出的?It all seemed to him to have disappeared as though behind the curtain of a theatre.他感到所有这一切好象都消失在剧院的一块幕布后面。Wasserstein never planned for a career in the theatre.瓦瑟斯坦从没设想过其职业是在剧院。His interests include riding,tennis and the theatre.他的爱好包括骑车、网球和观赏戏剧。But for others,one-on-one theatre can be harrowing.但对其他人来说,一对一剧场可能是令人痛苦的。
2023-07-14 03:24:051

《The Lost Throne》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Lost Throne》(Kuzneski, Chris)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: cavd书名:The Lost Throne作者:Kuzneski, Chris出版年份:2009-7页数:512内容简介:The hardcover debut of national bestselling author Chris Kuzneski, author of "Sign of the Cross, Sword of God," and "The Plantation." In 1890, a man collapses near the Piazza della Santa CaritA in Naples, Italy. Strangers manage to revive him, but he is unable to speak. Police carry him to the nearest hospital, where he is not admitted because he has no money or identification. Frantically trying to communicate, he scribbles notes in ancient Greek and German that would have told the world about a discovery of immense importance-if anyone had read them. . . . Reaching from the wonders of ancient Greece to a harrowing quest in modern-day Europe, "The Lost Throne" features Jonathon Payne and D. J. Jones, former members of a top secret, very special unit of the armed forces. Now as private citizens they still get recruited from time to time for the most delicate -and dangerous-missions. Payne and Jones must race to recover the lost treasure that could rewrite history, before it is destroyed by a group of men who will stop at nothing to conceal the secret.
2023-07-14 03:24:361

有没有美丽心灵的英文简介呀 最好是长一点的

美丽心灵A biopic of the meteoric rise of John Forbes Nash Jr., a math prodigy able to solve problems that baffled the greatest of minds. And how he overcame years of suffering through schizophrenia to win the Nobel Prize. Written by Anonymous From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experienced it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over his tragedy, and finally - late in life - received the Nobel Prize. Written by Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures At Princeton University, John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graduate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia"s help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today. Written by rmlohner John Nash goes through a myriad of highs and lows from his time as a Mathematics student in graduate school at Princeton in the late 1940"s to his Nobel Prize win for Economics in 1994. A brilliant but somewhat arrogant and antisocial man, Nash preferred to spend his time with his thoughts, which were primarily of seeing mathematical formula associated with everyday occurrences, than with people. Two people he did make a connection with were Charles, his roommate at Princeton, and Alicia Larde, one of his students when he was teaching at M.I.T. in the early 1950"s. He and Alicia eventually marry. As time goes on, Nash lives more and more within himself which causes major problems in his life. But Alicia stands by her husband to his redemption to the Nobel Prize win. Nash learns that his graduate school colleagues, with whom he had a cordial but somewhat distant relationship, are closer friends than he imagined, although in his later life he really does miss Charles" company more than anything despite knowing that spending time with Charles is not in his or anyone"s best interest.Written by Huggo
2023-07-14 03:24:491

每一个痛苦的现在,都有一个不够努力的曾经。 用英语怎么说

2023-07-14 03:24:562


Certain expressions in Nashe"s preface to the 1589 edition of Robert Greene"s Menaphon may be said to have started a whole world of speculation with regard to Kyd"s activity. Much of this is still very puzzling; nor is it really understood why Ben Jonson called him sporting Kyd. In 1592 there was added a sort of prologue to The Spanish Tragedy, called The First Part of Jeronimo, or The Warres of Portugal, not printed till 1605. Professor Boas concludes that Kyd had nothing to do with this melodramatic production, which gives a different version of the story and presents Jeronimo as little more than a buffoon. On the other hand, it becomes more and more certain that what German criticism calls the Ur-Hamlet, the original draft of the tragedy of the prince of Denmark, was a lost work by Kyd, probably composed by him in 1587. This theory has been very elaborately worked out by Professor Sarrazin, and confirmed by Professor Boas; these scholars are doubtless right in holding that traces of Kyd"s play survive in the first two acts of the 1603 first quarto of Hamlet, but they probably go too far in attributing much of the actual language of the last three acts to Kyd. Kyd"s next work was in all probability the tragedy of Soliman and Perseda, written perhaps in 1588 and licensed for the press in 1592, which, although anonymous, is assigned to him on strong internal evidence by Mr. Boas. No copy of the first edition has come down to us; but it was reprinted, after Kyd"s death, in 1599.In the summer or autumn of 1590 Kyd seems to have given up writing for the stage, and to have entered the service of an unnamed lord, who employed a troop of players. Kyd was probably the private secretary of this nobleman, in whom Professor Boas sees Robert Radcliffe, afterwards fifth earl of Sussex. To the wife of the earl (Bridget Morison of Cassiobury) Kyd dedicated in the last year of his life his translation of Gamier"s Comedia (1594), to the dedication of which he attached his initials. Two prose works of the dramatist have survived, a treatise on domestic economy, The House-holders Philosophy, translated from the Italian of Tasso (1588); and a sensational account of The Most Wicked and Secret Murdering of John Brewer, Goldsmith (1592). His name is written on the title-page of the unique copy of the last-named pamphlet at Lambeth, but probably not by his hand. That many of Kyds plays and poems have been lost is proved by the fact that fragments exist, attributed to him, which are found in no surviving context.Towards the close of his life Kyd was brought into relations with Marlowe. It would seem that in 1590, soon after he entered the service of this nobleman, Kyd formed his acquaintance. If he is to be believed, he shrank at once from Marlowe as a man intemperate and of a cruel heart and irreligious. This, however, was said by Kyd with the rope "round his neck, and is scarcely consistent with a good deal of apparent intimacy between him and Marlowe. When, in May 1593, the lewd libels and blasphemies of Marlowe came before the notice of the Star Chamber, Kyd was immediately arrested, papers of his having been found shuffled with some of Marlowe"s, who was imprisoned a week later. A visitation on Kyd"s papers was made in consequence of his having attached a seditious libel to the wall of the Dutch churchyard in Austin Friars. Of this he was innocent, but there was found in his chamber a paper of vile heretical conceits denying the deity of Jesus Christ. Kyd was arrested and put to the torture in Bridewell. He asserted that he knew nothing of this document and tried to shift the responsibility of it upon Marlowe, but he was kept in prison until after the death of that poet (June 1, 1593). When he was at length dismissed, his patron refused to take hun back into his service. He fell into utter destitution, and sank under the weight of bitter times and privy broken passions. He must have died late in 1594, and on the 30th of December of that year his parents renounced their administration of the goods of their deceased son, in a document of great importance discovered by Professor Schick.The importance of Kyd, as the pioneer in the wonderful movement of secular drama in England, gives great interest to his works, and we are now able at last to assert what many critics have long conjectured, that he takes in that movement the position of a leader and almost of an inventor. Regarded from this point of view, The Spanish Tragedy is a work of extraordinary value, since it is the earliest specimen of effective stage poetry existing in English literature. It had been preceded only by the pageant-poems of Peele and Lyly, in which all that constitutes in the modern sense theatrical technique and effective construction was entirely absent. These gifts, in which the whole power of the theatre as a place cf general entertainment was to consist, were supplied earliest among English playwrights to Kyd, and were first exercised by him, so far as we can see, in 1586. This, then, is a more or less definite starting date for Elizabethan drama, and of peculiar value to its historians.Curiously enough, The Spanish Tragedy, which was the earliest stage-play of the great period, was also the most popular, and held its own right through the careers of Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and Fletcher. It was not any shortcoming in its harrowing and exciting plot, hut the tameness of its archaic versification, which probably led in 1602 to its receiving additions, which have been a great stumblingblock to the critics. It is known that Ben Jonson was paid for these additional scenes, but they are extremely unlike all other known writings of his, and several scholars have independently conjectured that John Webster wrote them.Of Kyd himself it seems needful to point out that neither the Germans nor even Professor Boas seems to realize how little definite merit his poetry has; he is important, not in himself, but as a pioneer. The influence of Kyd is marked on all the immediate predecessors of Shakespeare, and the bold way in which scenes of violent crime were treated on the Elizabethan stage appears to be directly owing to the example of Kyd"s innovating genius. His relation to Hamlet has already been noted, and Titus Andronicus presents and exaggerates so many of his characteristics that Mr. Sidney Lee and others have supposed that tragedy to be a work of Kyd"s, touched up by Shakespeare. Professor Boas, however, brings cogent objections against this theory, founding them on what he considers the imitative inferiority of Titus Andronicus to The Spanish Tragedy. The German critics have pushed too far their attempt to find indications of Kyd"s influence on later plays of Shakespeare. The extraordinary interest felt for Kyd in Germany is explained by the fact that The Spanish Tragedy was long the best known of all Elizabethan plays abroad. It was acted at Frankfurt in 1601, and published soon afterwards at Nuremberg. It continued to be a stock piece in Germany until the beginning of the 18th century; it was equally popular in Holland, and potent in its effect upon Dutch dramatic literature.
2023-07-14 03:25:031


The Pianist Movie Review The Pianist, Roman Polanksis harrowing depiction of survival in war torn Warsaw is now out to own on DVD. The director reached deep into his own past to deliver the true story of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Jewish pianist of some repute who is forced to eek out an existence amidst the events of The Second World War, where the fear of death at the hands of Polands Nazi occupiers was always close at hand. Szpilmans story in many ways mirrors Polanskis own tale. His mother was sent to her death at Auschwitz, and he wandered the Polish countryside alone passing from family to family until being reunited with his Jewish father, who survived the concentration camps, after the war ended. No director could be better placed to do justice to Szpilmans unique story. The film won the Palme Dor at Cannes last year and further acclaim at the Academy Awards in 2003, picking up the accolades for best picture, best actor for Adrien Brody who plays Szpilman, and most unexpectedly for Polanski himself. Despite measures in place to prevent the diminutive Pole from setting foot on US soil due to alleged sex crimes committed in the late seventies, Polanski picked up the award through the time honoured proxy of a video message, After a successful cinematic run on both sides of the Atlantic the film has been given the customary DVD treatment. Padded out with a range of extras and one particularly interesting documentary about the historical background to the story, where Polanski reveals his own methods of surviving the Polish occupation. Polanskis most personal film by far in terms of its content, The Pianist re-evaluates the directors pre-occupation with the darker recesses of the human soul explored throughout his career, often in elaborately macabre ways. A sinister yet plainly demarcated force of evil is an ever present in Polanskis films. Whether it is the elderly couple from Rosemarys Baby who conspire on behalf of the Devil himself, John Houstons Noah Cross the wealthy land developer in Chinatown, or the shadowy kidnappers who quietly steal Harrison Fords wife in Frantic. The central character is continually terrorised and tested in the face of overpowering evil, which, once ultimately unmasked appears to reside closer to home than is often comfortable to reconcile. Wadyslaw Szpilman, a local celebrity famed for his recitals on the city radio station, treats the German invasion of Poland with the same quiet unease and vigilance as his family and friends. The relatively peaceful early days of the occupation, coupled with news that Great Britain and France have declared war on Germany, buoy the Szpilmans hope that all will soon be resolved without too much blood letting. Swiftly Polanski pulls the rug out from beneath the Szpilmans, unravelling their comfortable family lifestyle, with a steady current of persecution, turning to humiliation and then outright debasement. After being segregated into the Warsaw Ghettos and closed off from the rest of the city, Polanski exposes mans survival instinct in all its brutal rawness. Individual episodes that scour the depths of human depravity, showing Jews turning on one another for money and scraps of food are handled in Polanskis customarily matter-of-fact style. After his family are transported to the death camps, Szpilman is forced to exist alone in deserted and ruined buildings, at the mercy of sympathisers and under the constant threat of capture. From a collective depiction of the Jewish struggle in the first half of the war the story gradually becomes more sharply focused upon Szpilman himself. Within the sweeping historical context of the first hour of the film Wladyslaw exists within the family unit, trying desperately to stay as such. After his family is split asunder, an historical sweep turns to penetrating character study, ingrained with palpable moments of suspense. Gone are the overcrowded streets of the ghettos full of dead bodies rotting in the sunshine; Adrien Brodys quiet, waif like presence absorbs the majority of the screen time. Outliving everyone, Szpilman soon begins to reassert his sense of self despite such a raw existence. He re-establishes contact with the life he once knew through old friends who harbour him in relative safety and by maintaining his meticulous love of music. In one of the most arresting scenes in the film we see Szpilman miming the piano with his hands hovering over the keys in order to not make a sound and be detected. Polanski pares down the story to one mans plight in the midst of 6 million others and it works resoundingly well. Soon we begin to believe that Szpilman is the only human being left in a devastated Warsaw, held completely at the mercy of outside forces, his loneliness and desperation is acutely observed. From the street-fighting between Polish resistance fighters and the Nazis observed from afar, to the tank shells and bombs that rip through his makeshift home, Szpilmans fate becomes tensely poised with Polanski milking each scene for all its worth so that even in the absence of any notable dialogue or music to enhance the action, it becomes impossible to take your eyes from the screen. 。
2023-07-14 03:25:302


  Unit One   Passage 1   The physical distribution of products has two primary aspects: transportation and storage. Both aspects are highly developed and specialized phases of marketing. The costs of both trans-porting and storing are built into the prices of products. Transportation can be by truck, rail-   way, ship, or barge. For some items, such as exotic plants and flowers, or when rapid delivery is essential, air freight may be used.   Storage, or warehousing, is a necessary function because production and consumption of goods rarely match: items generally are not sold as quickly as they are made. Inventories build up, both in warehouses and at retail establishments, before the foods are sold. The transporta-tion function is involved in bringing goods to a warehouse and taking them from it to retail stores.   Storage performs the service of stabilizing market price. If, for example, no agricultural product could be stored, all food would have to be put on the market immediately. This would, of course, create a glut and lower prices drastically. There would be an immediate benefit to consumers, but in the long run they would suffer. Farmers, because of low prices, would be forced off the land, and the amount of food produced would decrease. This, in turn, would raise consumer prices.   Warehouses for storage are of several types. Private warehouses are owned by manufactur-ers. Public warehouses, in spite of their name, are privately owned facilities, but they are in-dependent of manufacturer ownership. General-merchandise warehouses store a great variety of products. Cold-storage warehouses store perishable goods, especially food products. Grain ele-vators are a kind of warehouse used to keep wheat and other grains from spoiling. A bonded warehouse is one that stores foods, frequently imported, on which taxes must be paid before they are sold. Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are common examples.   The distribution center is a more recently developed kind of warehouse. Many large com- panics have several manufacturing plants, sometimes located outside the country. Each plant does not make every company product but specializes in one or more of them. The distribution center allows a manufacturer to bring together all product lines in one place. Its purpose is to minimize storage and to ease the flow of goods from manufacturers to retailers rather than build up extensive inventories. It reduces costs by speeding up product turnover. Very large corporations will have several distribution centers regionally or internationally based   1. The main subject of this passage is______.   A) transportation and storage B) storage of products   C) distribution center D) two main aspects of product distribution   2. Warehousing is important in that _   A) inventories build up before the goods are sold   B) the prices will go down   C) more goods are produced than can be consumed   D) the food has to be put on the market immediately   3. How many types of warehouses for storage are discussed in the passage?   A) 3. B) 4. C) 6. D) 7.   4. Where might one find meat and milk?   A) Grain elevator. B) Cold-storage warehouse.   C) Private warehouse. D) Bonded warehouse.   5. What is NOT true of a distribution center?   A) It is a relatively new type of warehouse.   B) Product is replaced more quickly and costs are down.   C) Some distribution centers are not built in the sane country as the factory   D) It builds up extensive inventories to minimize storage.   Passage 2   How much pain do animals feel? This is a question which has caused endless controversy. Opponents of big game shooting, for example, arouse our pity by describing tile agonies of a badly-wounded beast that has crawled into a comer to die. In countries where the fox, the hare and the deer are hunted, animal-lovers paint harrowing pictures of the pursued animal suffering not only the physical distress of the chase but the mental anguish of anticipated death.   The usual answer to these criticisms is that animals do not suffer in the same way, or to the same extent, as we de. Man was created with a delicate nervous system and has never lost his acute sensitiveness to pain; animals, on the other hand, had less sensitive systems to begin with and in the course of millions of years, have developed a capacity of ignoring injuries and disorders which human beings would find intolerable. For example, a dog will continue to play with a ball even after a serious injury to his foot; he may be unable to run without limping, but he will go on trying long after a human child would have had to stop because of the pain. We are told, moreover, that even when animals appear to us to be suffering acutely, this is not so; what seems to us to be agonized contortions caused by pain are in fact no more than muscular contractions over which they have no control.   These arguments are unsatisfactory because something about which we know a great deal is being compared with something we can only conjecture. We know what we feel; we have no means of knowing what animals feet. Some creatures with a less delicate nervous system than ours may be incapable of feeling pain to the same extent as we do: that as far as we are entitled to do, the most humane attitude, surely, is to assume that no animals are entirely exempt from physical pain and that we ought, therefore, wherever possible, to avoid causing suffering even to the least of them.
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2023-07-14 03:25:542

英语 急 在线等

2023-07-14 03:26:023

潘德的预言 潘德达利安为什么不是潘德王国

原文:Darlion was raised in hiding by an old grizzled loyal veteran Knight of the Griffon, Sir Pauldemar. Pauldemar believed that Darlion was indeed the last heir. Thus Darlion believes this also, as for his entire life he has had this drilled into him daily by the only family he knew. An ex member of the Knights of the Griffon, Sir Pauldemar.Is Darlion related to the player? Yes, but not by the blood of the Old Kings.During the escape from Pendor, which was a harrowing experience involving fires, assassins and a lot of confusion, Darlion as a baby, was mistaken for the player as he was the same age and had a griffon medallion signifying he was of the bloodline of Cavalas. One Knight was escorting the sister of one of the players parents and her child, when they were attacked by assassins. The assassins were defeated, but the Knight and the sister were slain. Sir Pauldemar, who was not privy to all of the events of the evening, happened upon the scene, and seeing the child and the medalion took it upon himself to protect what he thought was the Royal Heir.He spirited the child away into the night, firmly believing that the other Knights of the Griffon were dead, and he was honoring his oath by raising in secret, this child and keeping him safe.翻译:达利昂被一个头发苍白的老精锐狮鹫骑士,保尔代马尔爵士隐藏并养大。保尔代马尔相信达利昂就是最后的继承人。因此达利昂也这么认为,毕竟他的一生都被这个唯一的家人,这个叫保尔代马尔的前狮鹫骑士,灌输了这个观念。那么达利昂爵士和玩家有关系吗?是的,但是并没有古王室的血脉关系。在逃离潘德的充满了拼杀,行刺和谜团的惊险过程中,还是婴儿的达利昂因为和主角同龄并有一个狮鹫纹章而被误认为了卡瓦拉斯的血脉。一个骑士当时正在护送主角父亲的一个姐妹(就叫姑姑吧)和她的孩子的时候遭到了刺杀。尽管刺客被击败了,但是骑士和姑姑被杀了。保尔代马尔爵士,在并不知晓事情全貌的晚上,恰好遭遇了这个场景,见到了婴儿和纹章的他发誓要保护这个他认作了王室继承人的人。他趁夜将婴儿偷偷带走,坚信除了他之外的狮鹫骑士已经全灭,并立誓保守住这个秘密将孩子养大。所以达利昂那身黑甲是来自这个前精锐狮鹫骑士喽。
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2023-07-14 03:27:337


   英语诗歌 是英语语言的精华。它以最凝练的文字传递时间与空间、物质与精神、理智与情感。诗歌本身包含的丰富社会生活内容和艺术内涵,诗歌语言的独特的美与和谐都使它们具有无穷的魅力。我精心收集了关于优美的英语诗歌带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!  关于优美的英语诗歌带翻译:I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud   我如行云独自游   William Wordsworth   威廉 华兹华斯   I wandered lonely as a cloud   我如行云独自游,   That floats on high o"er vales and hills,   在河谷与群山之上飘浮,   When all at once I saw a crowd,   蓦然间,我看到一大片   A host, of golden daffodils;   —大片,金黄的水仙;   Beside the lake, beneath the trees,   在湖畔,在树下,   Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.   在微风中翩翩起舞。   Continuous as the stars that shine   连绵不断,像繁星闪亮,   And twinkle on the milky way,   闪烁在银河,   They stretched in never-ending line   沿着水弯的边缘,   Along the margin of a bay:   它们伸展成无穷无尽的行列;   Ten thousand saw I at a glance,   我一眼便看到成千上万朵水仙,   Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.   欢蹦乱跳,点头晃脑。   The waves beside them danced ; but they   他们身边的湖波也在舞动,   Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:   但花儿比闪亮的水波舞得更欢。   A poet could not but be gay,   有这样欢乐的花们为伴,   In such a jocund company:   诗客怎能不开心颜?   I gazed-and gazed-but little thought   久看水仙未遑思,   What wealth the show to me had brought:   此景竟成我才源。   For oft, when on my couch I lie   当我躺在卧榻之上,   In vacant or in pensive mood,   或者茫然,或者沉思,   They flash upon that inward eye   此时水仙会闪现在我的心中,   Which is the bliss of solitude;   这是孤寂中无上的幸福;   And then my heart with pleasure fills,   我心因此而倍感快乐,   And dances with the daffodils.   与水仙翩然共舞。   关于优美的英语诗歌带翻译:As Imperceptibly as Grief   夏之逃逸   Emily Dickinson   艾米莉 狄金森   The Summer lapsed away   不知不觉地,有如忧伤,   Too imperceptible at last   夏曰竟然消逝了,   To seem like Perfidy-   如此的难以察觉,   A Quietness distilled   简直不像是有意潜逃。   As Twilight long begun,   向晚的微光很早便开始,   Or Nature spending with herself   沉淀出一片寂静, 不然便是消瘦的四野   Sequestered Afternoon-   将下午悄悄幽禁。   The Dusk drew earlier in-   黄昏比往日来得更早,   The Morning foreign shone-   清晨的光彩已陌生   A courteous, yet harrowing Grace,   一种拘礼而恼人的风度, 像即欲离开的客人。   As Guest, that would be gone-   就像如此,也不用翅膀,   And thus,without a Wing   也不劳小舟相送,   Or service of a Keel   我们的夏日悄悄逃去,   Our Summer made her light escape Into the Beautiful.   没入了美的境中。   关于优美的英语诗歌带翻译:Goodbye Again, Cambridge   再别康桥   Xu Zhimo   徐志摩   I leave softly, gently,   轻轻的我走了,   Exactly as I came.   正如我轻轻的来,   I wave to the western sky,   我轻轻的招手,   Telling it goodbye softly, gently.   作别西天的云彩。   The golden willow at the river edge   那河畔的金柳,   Is the setting sun"s bride.   是夕阳中的新娘,   Her quivering reflection   波光里的艳影,   Stays fixed in my mind.   在我的心头荡漾。   Green grass on the bank   软泥上的青荇,   Dances on a watery floor   油油的在水底招摇;   In bright reflection.   在康河的柔波里,   I wish myself a bit of waterweed   我甘心做一条水草   Vibrating to the ripple. Of the River Cam.   那榆荫下的一潭,   That creek in the shade of the great elms   不是清泉,   Is not a creek but a shattered rainbow,   是天上虹;   Printed on the water And inlaid with duckweed,   揉碎在浮藻间,   It is my lost dream.   沉淀着彩虹似的梦。   Hunting a dream? Wielding a long punting pole   寻梦!撑一支长篙,   I get my boat into green water,   向青草更青处漫溯,   Into still greener grass.   满载一船星辉,   In a flood of starlight, On a river of silver and diamond   在星辉斑斓里放歌。   I sing to my heart"s content.   但我不能放歌,   But, I cannot sing aloud   悄悄是别离的笙箫。   Quietness is my farewell music;   夏虫也为我沉默,   Even Summer insects heap silence for me   沉默是今晚的康桥!   Silent is Cambridge tonight!   悄悄的我走了,   I leave quietly As I came quietly.   正如我悄悄的来,   Gently I flick my sleeves   我挥一挥衣袖,   Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.   不带走一片云彩!
2023-07-14 03:27:481

如何评价英剧inside no.9/9号秘事

两天之内看完了两季还卖出去一份安利。趁印象还深刻,来一集一集地说说看这部剧。也可以当做卖安利指南阅读。首先整体上说,九号秘事让我想到的不是黑镜而是希区柯克,可能九号在表现手法和背景设置上都偏古典。如同舞台剧,每一集中的“九号”就像舞台,演员上场退场,时间不断推进,纹丝不乱。每一集只有一个布景,却能把故事讲清楚,足以体现功力。尤其是S1E1“沙丁鱼”,最后打火机亮起,本集就结束了,不由让人想到希区柯克的经典比喻:“炸弹决不能爆炸。”我们都知道会发生什么,但不会直白地表现出来。很多时候这种只存在于我们脑中的焦虑和震撼力远超于亲眼看到炸弹爆炸来的深刻。S1E2“静夜”,其实我个人不是很喜欢这集,虽然算是高潮迭起,但入室盗窃发生的种种阴差阳错多少也算老生常谈,最后的反转也在意料之中。但这集的优点在于没有几句台词,但观众都能明白现在是什么情况,表现力惊人。这一点要归功于编剧和演员。因为无声,让我想到了很多喜剧默片,甚至是一些老动画。中间有几个梗非常有趣,用厨房纸巾做的假画足以鱼目混珠,算是对某些不知所云的现代艺术的嘲讽。S1E3“汤姆和洁瑞”,这集我不太好在不剧透的情况下评价,只能说这一集很多形象都是象征性的,仔细想想,编剧给出的结尾并不是唯一的答案,可以衍生出很多不同的理解。S1E4,不记得中文翻译是什么了,英文原意是死前的最后一口气。这一集的戏剧冲突可谓经典,“气球”这个存在,代表了最尖锐的那个点,围绕它创作出了一个典型到几乎符号化的场景。作为一个法律学生,他们争气球的时候,我在脑海里把Property Law的要点又过了一遍【。相比于这个绝妙的故事过程,最后的结尾稍微平淡了些。个人觉得如果在隔着玻璃看到那个小哥举起靠垫的一瞬间结束,才是更优雅的选择。S1E5“替角”,如果你读过莎士比亚的麦克白,这一集对你来说会有趣很多,也更容易被误导。这一集给人的感觉就像是大方地把一切真相摊在你眼前,但你偏偏看不见。顺便说一句,莎翁的文字真是美丽到极点,被一流演员表演出的那种张力,简直可以用不可方物形容。有机会请一定要去伦敦看一次莎剧演出。S1E6,英文名叫“The Harrowing”,我看完这一集之后还特意去搜了评论,才确认我没有漏掉什么。在报纸上它的评价趋向两极,一部分人认为这一集是本季最佳,甚至有几个镜头被评为了年度最佳电视剧镜头。但也有人觉得这一集拉低了整季的水平。我个人很欣赏这一集气氛的营造,但对结尾略有失望。S2E1,卧铺火车,我非常喜欢这一集,看前半集的时候边看边点头【。简直感同身受。最后的反转也足以称道。S2E2,克里斯汀的十二日,前半集悬念迭起,有点恐怖片的氛围,最后谜底揭开,前面的一切都有道理起来,回头一想,一切从一开始就告诉你了,那首歌已经公布了结局,但没有人懂。这一集适合重复看。S2E3,伊丽莎白盖齐的审讯,这一集黑色幽默到极点,荒诞中带有冷酷,从头到尾我都觉得编剧在冷笑。最后十几秒忽然倒吸一口凉气,直到出字幕了我张开的嘴都没合上。S2E4,冰冷的安慰。这集通过监控的几个小方块画面向我们展现了一个故事。这个表现手法很让人惊喜。这也算是在本剧十二集中最独特的一集。S2E5,奶奶的生日宴。这集结尾女儿和妈妈离开稍欠力度,之前挥刀的场景倒是相当有震撼力。这集演员表现很出彩。S2E6,跟上季最后一集一样,有评价认为故弄玄虚。我觉得这集众演员的吐槽简直把整个行业都狠狠黑了一把,鬼怪本身倒不重要了。要安利这部剧,不要作为“喜剧”安利,作为一部黑色幽默剧,跟一般的情景喜剧受众是有很大差异的【虽然也不是毫无重合,我就是两个都喜欢。】但如果当喜剧卖安利,对方必然会觉得“这个不好笑啊”。插个话,S1E2里开门进狗和S1E6逆行者迈克尔杰克逊的两个瞬间我都狂笑起来,非常迷。然后也不要作为恐怖片安利,虽然有恐怖元素,但一旦你抱有看恐怖片的期待,就一定会失望。何况很多人【尤其是妹子】根本不吃恐怖片安利。如果非要归类,就作为悬疑片吧。祝大家好好享受这部剧,开开心心卖安利。
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9号秘事第六集是相当出彩的一集,出彩的地方就在于它只是一个普通的故事。观众通过之前的五集已经预料到了所有的剧情都是不可预料的,那么,编剧就编了一个有头无尾的故事,告诉你这一集就是一个恶作剧,你所有期待的终将落空,而这落空,正是观众之前从未预料到的。 《9号秘事》简介:《9号秘事》(Inside No. 9)是由大卫·科尔,吉列尔莫·莫拉莱斯导演,绅士联盟成员史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿和里斯·谢尔史密斯自编自演,联合BBC推出的一部英国黑暗喜剧。该剧一集一个故事,每集的故事都是独立的。第一季六集于2014年2月5日开始在英国首播 ,第二季于2015年3月26日首播。
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running man160103 E280背景音乐,插曲,歌曲资源[RMFW]00.00.09 开头介绍曲:Electric Light Orchestra -《Twilight》00.03.03 预告新一年回归的惩罚制度:Tony Naylor & Russell McKenna -《I Yi Yi Mambo》00.03.23:成员开始用SNS:Jav3x -《Eclipse (Original Mix)》00.04.27 haha开始选择食物:The Ventures -《Hawaii Five-O》00.15.33 光子粉丝淘气捣乱选: SEGA -《Theme Of False Emperor》00.16.47 大神选到想要的葡萄: New Kids On The Block -《Step By Step》00.17.54 国儿甚至对网民发号施令: 이주한 (윈터플레이) -《 Chop Chop Chop》00.19.17 Gary至关重要的选择: Jonathan Pierre -《 Soldiers Arise》00.48.00 国儿开始上传视频: Antonio Coppola -《Mad Rag》00.54.54 大神边自拍边祈祷祈祷目标不是国儿: Fall Out Boy -《 The Phoenix》00.56.10 确定目标时间:Fall Out Boy -《The Phoenix》01.23.55 结束语:Gary Feat. Gaeko -《Lonely Night》补充:00.01.36 美食当前: “Schon Rosmarin” Fritz Kreisler00.11.47 自己选食物: “작업킹 vs. 작업퀸” 작업의 정석OST00.19.44 比赛继续: “프롤로그” 작업의 정석OST00.25.55 第二场地: “Showtime” Steve Mushrush00.29.50 揭晓绕口令: “Daybreak Symphony” 焼きたて!!ジャぱんOST00.36.36 黑芝麻: “One Man Army” Prodigy, Tom Morello00.41.26 王鼻子开始: “Cartoon Car Tune” Reliable Source Music00.42.26 光洙扮老鼠: “Magazine” Bob Bradley, Noel Dennis00.46.21 智孝做动作: “Shade Tree (Full Mix)” Eve Dowdle00.50.21 锡辰还是钟国: “Point Blank” Marco Beltrami, Hitman: Agent 47 OST00.50.46 用尽运气: “니가 사는 그 집” 朴轸泳00.51.14 居然有人估中: “Congratulations” Cliff Richards00.51.57 最後任务: “Lost Kingdom” Brand X Music00.53.32 大家期望: “B-Flop (Original Mix)” Phil Disco00.54.50 悲壮上传: “Take You Down” Daniel Pemberton, The Man from UNCLE OST00.59.46 两组会合: “Cat Blues” The Seatbelts, Cowboy Bebop OST01.00.32 国洙相遇: “Kidding” Super Monkey Returns OST01.01.37 果然哈哈: “A Little Sensual” Zero No Tsukaima OST01.02.21 无语出局: “Saint Agnes and the Burning Train” Sting01.03.31 暗藏杀机: “Fire Head (Rock Only)” Epic Score01.04.41 大神上传: “Soonik” Jack D01.05.23 互相怀疑: “Pleasantly” 林ゆうき, BOSS OST01.06.07 突袭Gary: “The Good, Bad and the Ugly (Polka Version)” Madagasar 2 OST01.06.57 王鼻子转目标: “간미제약” 돌연변이OST01.07.46 三人商议: “Irritated (Spy)” Zero no Tsukaima OST01.08.26 突然发难: “The Shagadelic Medley” George S. Clinton, Austin Powers OST01.10.13 买名牌: “Austin"s Theme” The James Taylor Quartet01.12.17 围捕国儿: “The Fall” Harry Gregson-Williams, Total Recall OST01.13.00 发现踪迹: “Enraged” Epic Score01.14.17 大神目标是智孝: “우리끼리” 범죄와의 전쟁OST01.14.59 糖果对峙: “Cries and Whispers” Old Boy OST01.15.56 锡兄弟对决: “Immortals” Fall Out Boy01.18.33 大神中奖: “End of the World (No Vocals)” Epic Score01.20.32 第四位是谁: “Harrowing (No Vocals)” Epic Score01.20.45 狂喜鍻辰: “Doctor Rocker” Nicholas Nolan01.21.46 今年国洙: “Backfire” Thomas Newman, Spectre OST01.23.06 钟国胜利: “Rent” Jonathan Larson, Rent OST01.23.24 选择惩罚中: “Strolling Blues – Main Mix” Frank Mizen, Chris Norton01.25.11 你们都疯了: “그녀의 정체” 그녀는 예뻤다OST01.27.22 下期预告: “Opening” 광해 왕이 된 남자OST
2023-07-14 03:30:191

英语作文 一场车祸咋写

a car accident「一场车祸」  第一篇:  a car accident of which i was the victim occurred a few months ago at hoping road and chiho road. the memory of that harrowing experience can still make my heart go pit-a-pat. one day when crossing a street intersection i was suddenly enthralled by the sight of a beautiful girl in miniskirt walking on the sidewalk. for a moment i was oblivious of the onrushing traffic then shrills of alarm arose and i woke up from my daydream with a start. but it was too late, i was hurtled to the ground by a passing car. i can"t think why i was so careless at that point. what a fool i was to cross a busy intersection when i was dangerously distracted by the sight of an attractive girl. if only such a terrible experience had never happened to me! i wish i could see her again, but certainly not at a street intersection and not when i was behaving like a fool.  第二篇:  whenever i look in the mirror and see the scar on my face i remember that cad accident. i t was a dirk night. i had a very good time at a marvelous birthday party thrown for a friend of mine. we ate and drank and danced happily. i thought i had drunk too much to drive home; however, when the party was over, i jumped into my car and drove away lightheartedly. there were only a few cars on the highway, so i drove faster and faster. suddenly i screamed and fell unconscious. the next thing i knew was that i was in a hospital, and a few days later when i checked out i found my face was indelibly scarred. i was so put out by the accident. i wish it hadn"t happened. why on earth didn"t i drive more slowly? i f only i hadn"t drunk so much and what a fool i was to have a drunken driving. that accident has surely taught me a lesson and i think it is not only a good lesson but also an unforgettable experience.  第三篇:  on a holiday morning i drove home from my uncle"s. the streets were as usual not crowded. i enjoyed a leisurely driving. nearing a crossroads, i saw the yellow traffic light flashing off and on. a highway bus was running toward me, but it was still a safe distance away. i drove on. then, to my horror, i was aware that the big bus was rushing head-on to me. i swerved my car and applied the brake, but it was too late. i heard a loud crash when the bus sideswiped the right door of my car in the middle of the street. at the sight of the big bus standing close by, i was rather frightened. why on earth didn"t i stop and wait till it passed? i should have remembered that caution is all that matters in safe driving. the bus driver seemed to give me a warning; a small car should yield its right of way to a bigger one. what a fool i was to put myself at the mercy of a big bus! i have learned that it is better to give way to a big bus than to take a chance with the dubious considerateness of its driver and be ruined. if only my small car were as strongly built as a tank!  第四篇:  at the roundabout of the west-gate mall in taipei have you ever seen a high hoarding that shows in numerical figures the incidence of traffic accidents registered daily in taipei? it is of course a warning to car drivers. i used to see those figures, however, with nonchalance. although i had a motorbike and rode it to work everyday, most to the time i rode it carefully, and only once in a while i sped on the road for fear of being late to work for a date. a car accident would never victimize me, i thought. i was always lucky. but, alas, i eventually became the victim of a car accident which forced me to lie in a hospital for about fourteen months and become a news-maker in spite of myself. that day a bus was running in my direction and not far from it was bus stop. i was so na?ve as to think that the bus driver would pay heed to me. no sooner and i seen that bus approaching me than i sensed i was hurled off my motorbike. when i woke up feeling pain and soreness from head to toe, a nurse told me that i was in a critical condition upon arrival at the hospital and that i was lucky because the doctors decided to operate on me instantly. now i am alive and well, though i have ugly scars all over my body as a result of eight operations and a maimed leg to boot. i have paid really much too much for a careless driver.  第五篇:  whenever i start my car i cannot help recalling a nightmarish experience. that experience was connected with a car accident in which i nearly got killed. the accident came a few months ago when i was turning the corner of a hillside within a short distance of my home. having driven non-stop for many hours, i was clean done in; so i stopped my car and opened the door to get out to take a breather. i was so absorbed in the thought that i would soon see my folks after a long absence that i did not pay attention things around me. then, just as i got off the car, something hit me and i fell and lay in a puddle of blood. despite my blurred vision i saw a motorcycle pass by at full speed. then i became unconscious. when i woke up i found myself in a hospital. my leg, forehead and elbows were all bound up in white bandage. furthermore, many places on my body were bruised. i had been hospitalized for fourteen days. i can"t think why i was so careless at that point; had i been more careful i would have avoided that terrible accident. if only such a harrowing experience had never happened! but i think i have learned a lesson from it. we chinese have a saying, "one who has narrowly escaped a tremendous disaster will live happily ever after." i hope such prediction will come true soon.
2023-07-14 03:30:301


两天之内看完了两季还卖出去一份安利。趁印象还深刻,来一集一集地说说看这部剧。也可以当做卖安利指南阅读。首先整体上说,九号秘事让我想到的不是黑镜而是希区柯克,可能九号在表现手法和背景设置上都偏古典。如同舞台剧,每一集中的“九号”就像舞台,演员上场退场,时间不断推进,纹丝不乱。每一集只有一个布景,却能把故事讲清楚,足以体现功力。尤其是S1E1“沙丁鱼”,最后打火机亮起,本集就结束了,不由让人想到希区柯克的经典比喻:“炸弹决不能爆炸。”我们都知道会发生什么,但不会直白地表现出来。很多时候这种只存在于我们脑中的焦虑和震撼力远超于亲眼看到炸弹爆炸来的深刻。S1E2“静夜”,其实我个人不是很喜欢这集,虽然算是高潮迭起,但入室盗窃发生的种种阴差阳错多少也算老生常谈,最后的反转也在意料之中。但这集的优点在于没有几句台词,但观众都能明白现在是什么情况,表现力惊人。这一点要归功于编剧和演员。因为无声,让我想到了很多喜剧默片,甚至是一些老动画。中间有几个梗非常有趣,用厨房纸巾做的假画足以鱼目混珠,算是对某些不知所云的现代艺术的嘲讽。S1E3“汤姆和洁瑞”,这集我不太好在不剧透的情况下评价,只能说这一集很多形象都是象征性的,仔细想想,编剧给出的结尾并不是唯一的答案,可以衍生出很多不同的理解。S1E4,不记得中文翻译是什么了,英文原意是死前的最后一口气。这一集的戏剧冲突可谓经典,“气球”这个存在,代表了最尖锐的那个点,围绕它创作出了一个典型到几乎符号化的场景。作为一个法律学生,他们争气球的时候,我在脑海里把Property Law的要点又过了一遍【。相比于这个绝妙的故事过程,最后的结尾稍微平淡了些。个人觉得如果在隔着玻璃看到那个小哥举起靠垫的一瞬间结束,才是更优雅的选择。S1E5“替角”,如果你读过莎士比亚的麦克白,这一集对你来说会有趣很多,也更容易被误导。这一集给人的感觉就像是大方地把一切真相摊在你眼前,但你偏偏看不见。顺便说一句,莎翁的文字真是美丽到极点,被一流演员表演出的那种张力,简直可以用不可方物形容。有机会请一定要去伦敦看一次莎剧演出。S1E6,英文名叫“The Harrowing”,我看完这一集之后还特意去搜了评论,才确认我没有漏掉什么。在报纸上它的评价趋向两极,一部分人认为这一集是本季最佳,甚至有几个镜头被评为了年度最佳镜头。但也有人觉得这一集拉低了整季的水平。我个人很欣赏这一集气氛的营造,但对结尾略有失望。S2E1,卧铺火车,我非常喜欢这一集,看前半集的时候边看边点头【。简直感同身受。最后的反转也足以称道。S2E2,克里斯汀的十二日,前半集悬念迭起,有点恐怖片的氛围,最后谜底揭开,前面的一切都有道理起来,回头一想,一切从一开始就告诉你了,那首歌已经公布了结局,但没有人懂。这一集适合重复看。S2E3,伊丽莎白盖齐的审讯,这一集黑色幽默到极点,荒诞中带有冷酷,从头到尾我都觉得编剧在冷笑。最后十几秒忽然倒吸一口凉气,直到出字幕了我张开的嘴都没合上。S2E4,冰冷的安慰。这集通过监控的几个小方块画面向我们展现了一个故事。这个表现手法很让人惊喜。这也算是在本剧十二集中最独特的一集。S2E5,奶奶的生日宴。这集结尾女儿和妈妈离开稍欠力度,之前挥刀的场景倒是相当有震撼力。这集演员表现很出彩。S2E6,跟上季最后一集一样,有评价认为故弄玄虚。我觉得这集众演员的吐槽简直把整个行业都狠狠黑了一把,鬼怪本身倒不重要了。要安利这部剧,不要作为“喜剧”安利,作为一部黑色幽默剧,跟一般的情景喜剧受众是有很大差异的【虽然也不是毫无重合,我就是两个都喜欢。】但如果当喜剧卖安利,对方必然会觉得“这个不好笑啊”。插个话,S1E2里开门进狗和S1E6逆行者迈克尔杰克逊的两个瞬间我都狂笑起来,非常迷。然后也不要作为恐怖片安利,虽然有恐怖元素,但一旦你抱有看恐怖片的期待,就一定会失望。何况很多人【尤其是妹子】根本不吃恐怖片安利。如果非要归类,就作为悬疑片吧。祝大家好好享受这部剧,开开心心卖安利。
2023-07-14 03:30:461


2023-07-14 03:30:531


ue83d BA 第四声 去声同“耙”的新华字典第一种读音BA的解释 1、把土块弄碎的农具;2、用耙弄碎土块
2023-07-14 03:31:072


两天之内看完了两季还卖出去一份安利。趁印象还深刻,来一集一集地说说看这部剧。也可以当做卖安利指南阅读。首先整体上说,九号秘事让我想到的不是黑镜而是希区柯克,可能九号在表现手法和背景设置上都偏古典。如同舞台剧,每一集中的“九号”就像舞台,演员上场退场,时间不断推进,纹丝不乱。每一集只有一个布景,却能把故事讲清楚,足以体现功力。尤其是S1E1“沙丁鱼”,最后打火机亮起,本集就结束了,不由让人想到希区柯克的经典比喻:“炸弹决不能爆炸。”我们都知道会发生什么,但不会直白地表现出来。很多时候这种只存在于我们脑中的焦虑和震撼力远超于亲眼看到炸弹爆炸来的深刻。S1E2“静夜”,其实我个人不是很喜欢这集,虽然算是高潮迭起,但入室盗窃发生的种种阴差阳错多少也算老生常谈,最后的反转也在意料之中。但这集的优点在于没有几句台词,但观众都能明白现在是什么情况,表现力惊人。这一点要归功于编剧和演员。因为无声,让我想到了很多喜剧默片,甚至是一些老动画。中间有几个梗非常有趣,用厨房纸巾做的假画足以鱼目混珠,算是对某些不知所云的现代艺术的嘲讽。S1E3“汤姆和洁瑞”,这集我不太好在不剧透的情况下评价,只能说这一集很多形象都是象征性的,仔细想想,编剧给出的结尾并不是唯一的答案,可以衍生出很多不同的理解。S1E4,不记得中文翻译是什么了,英文原意是死前的最后一口气。这一集的戏剧冲突可谓经典,“气球”这个存在,代表了最尖锐的那个点,围绕它创作出了一个典型到几乎符号化的场景。作为一个法律学生,他们争气球的时候,我在脑海里把Property Law的要点又过了一遍【。相比于这个绝妙的故事过程,最后的结尾稍微平淡了些。个人觉得如果在隔着玻璃看到那个小哥举起靠垫的一瞬间结束,才是更优雅的选择。S1E5“替角”,如果你读过莎士比亚的麦克白,这一集对你来说会有趣很多,也更容易被误导。这一集给人的感觉就像是大方地把一切真相摊在你眼前,但你偏偏看不见。顺便说一句,莎翁的文字真是美丽到极点,被一流演员表演出的那种张力,简直可以用不可方物形容。有机会请一定要去伦敦看一次莎剧演出。S1E6,英文名叫“The Harrowing”,我看完这一集之后还特意去搜了评论,才确认我没有漏掉什么。在报纸上它的评价趋向两极,一部分人认为这一集是本季最佳,甚至有几个镜头被评为了年度最佳镜头。但也有人觉得这一集拉低了整季的水平。我个人很欣赏这一集气氛的营造,但对结尾略有失望。S2E1,卧铺火车,我非常喜欢这一集,看前半集的时候边看边点头【。简直感同身受。最后的反转也足以称道。S2E2,克里斯汀的十二日,前半集悬念迭起,有点恐怖片的氛围,最后谜底揭开,前面的一切都有道理起来,回头一想,一切从一开始就告诉你了,那首歌已经公布了结局,但没有人懂。这一集适合重复看。S2E3,伊丽莎白盖齐的审讯,这一集黑色幽默到极点,荒诞中带有冷酷,从头到尾我都觉得编剧在冷笑。最后十几秒忽然倒吸一口凉气,直到出字幕了我张开的嘴都没合上。S2E4,冰冷的安慰。这集通过监控的几个小方块画面向我们展现了一个故事。这个表现手法很让人惊喜。这也算是在本剧十二集中最独特的一集。S2E5,奶奶的生日宴。这集结尾女儿和妈妈离开稍欠力度,之前挥刀的场景倒是相当有震撼力。这集演员表现很出彩。S2E6,跟上季最后一集一样,有评价认为故弄玄虚。我觉得这集众演员的吐槽简直把整个行业都狠狠黑了一把,鬼怪本身倒不重要了。要安利这部剧,不要作为“喜剧”安利,作为一部黑色幽默剧,跟一般的情景喜剧受众是有很大差异的【虽然也不是毫无重合,我就是两个都喜欢。】但如果当喜剧卖安利,对方必然会觉得“这个不好笑啊”。插个话,S1E2里开门进狗和S1E6逆行者迈克尔杰克逊的两个瞬间我都狂笑起来,非常迷。然后也不要作为恐怖片安利,虽然有恐怖元素,但一旦你抱有看恐怖片的期待,就一定会失望。何况很多人【尤其是妹子】根本不吃恐怖片安利。如果非要归类,就作为悬疑片吧。祝大家好好享受这部剧,开开心心卖安利。
2023-07-14 03:31:151


没别的 我感觉就是讽刺 前2/3左右大抵都是讽刺中国式买单各种退让或积极请客但是后面就变身阴谋了 我感觉最后一个镜头 前一个骗局的男的成了他们的帮凶 应该是讽刺或者说是类似传销组织的
2023-07-14 03:31:332


The last of evening pght was fading away . 傍晚最后一抹亮光消失了。 R(l)is the ampptude of the tran *** itted pght . R(L)是透射光振幅。 Light was ing through in the corner flat . 角上那幢公寓映出灯光。 The pghts of the traffic dazzled him . 车辆的灯光晃得他睁不开眼睛。 Light sets the speed pmit for nature . 光速限定了自然界的速率极限。 He saw the matter in its true pght . 他明明白白地看清这回事的真相。 Bright pght is the painter"s best friend . 明亮的光线对画家最有利。 The plates are insensitive to red pght . 这些干片均对红光感觉迟钝。 The cream-coloured walls glowed with pght . 乳色的墻壁上荡漾著光辉。 The inverse of its slope is the speed of pght . 其倾斜的倒数是光速。 The reflection of flames pghted the sky . 熊熊火焰把天空映得通红。 She seemed younger, pghter of heart . 她似乎更年轻了,心也更轻浮了。 We should not set pght by the advice of our seniors . 我们不应轻视。 His pght hair was very long and silky . 他的浅色头发很长,很光滑。 The driver pulled up at the traffic pghts . 司机在红绿灯前把车停住。 They see themselves in a new pght . 她们从一个新的角度来认识自己。 Lighting fixture must be installed at once . 必须立即安装照明设备。 The lamp shed soft pght on the desk . 台灯柔和的光线照射在桌面上。 They pt a fire to keep wild animals off . 他们燃起篝火防止野兽接近。 The river was visible through a pght mist . 透过薄雾那河隐约可见。 The flashing red pght drew close behind . 闪闪的红光紧紧在后尾随著。 The breeze swelled out his pght clothes . 微风鼓起了他那轻薄的衣衫。 An example is the emission of pght from matter . 物质的发光即为一例。 The pghts were showing in the temporary hospital . 临时病房里亮著灯。 The speed of pght is an invariant constant . 光速是一个不变常数。 I pt a cigarette to calm my nerves . 我点了一支烟,镇静一下紧张情绪。 In his eye there was a doubtful pght . 他的眼睛闪烁著一种怀疑的光芒。 All plants [flora] need water and pght . 一切草木都需要水和阳光。 The pghter was hard to get going in the wind . 打火机在风中很难打著。 In a few hours the pght would fail . 再过些时候,阳光就要消失了。 The pght was put out, and the family retired . 熄了灯,全家就睡觉了。 A pght of gratitude came into her eyes . 从她的眼神可以看出她很感激。 Light passes into the eye through the pupil . 光通过瞳孔进入人眼 I saw him mix up with music and pght . 我看见他沐浴在音乐和灯光之中。 A pght harrowing will follow to cover the seed . 再用轻耙在后面盖种。 In spring the evenings start to get pghter . 春天天渐渐黑得晚了。 All at once thunder and pghting began . 眨眼间,传来霹雳和闪电。 The austerely pghted garage was quiet . 灯光黯淡的车库静悄悄的。 A match ignited her pght summer dress . 火柴突然燃著她身上薄薄的夏装。 A pght was still burning in his study . 他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃。 Dim your pghts when a car is ing . 当有车开过来时,把你的车灯弄暗。 The tungsten shines and gives a good pght . 钨丝发亮而射出耀眼的光芒。 Switch on the pght at the wall-socket . 把电灯接通在墻上的电源插座上。 Again i spun the pghter with my thumb . 我用拇指重又开燃打火机。 I hate pghts being shone in my face . 我不喜欢灯光正对著我的脸。 Spur leaves must have good pght . 短果枝的叶片必须有充分的光照。 The pght of that conflagration will fade away . 这熊熊烈火会渐渐熄灭。 Subtle pghting helps people relax . 光线暗淡有助于人们松弛精神。 A single pght burned in the empty house . 那所空房子里有一盏孤灯亮著。 The burning boat pt up the waters . 这条著火的船把这一片水域照得通亮。
2023-07-14 03:31:411