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2023-07-14 12:38:05

用什么词要看文章整体的风格,用词也不是越高级越好,恰当才是最好。英语用词有word register(语域)之分,不同场合选用适当的词才是正确的。像at the same time日常口语到日常写作、写议论文,而simultaneously语域高一些,日常写作文、正式演讲、议论文可用。其次,用介短还有副词也要看句子结构。


英文里用介词短语还是副词主要看文章的需求,副词修饰动词,do quickly. 介词短语大多修饰名词做定语 man on the bench.



simultaneously adv. 同时地simultaneously 同义词: at the same time
2023-07-14 02:00:194


simultaneously同时双语对照词典结果:simultaneously[英][u02ccsu026amu0259l"teu026anu026au0259slu026a][美][sau026amu0259lu02c8tenu026au0259slu026a]adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Once again, we learned of yahoo"s decision simultaneously with the media. " 我们又一次地与媒体同时得知雅虎的决定。”
2023-07-14 02:00:262


adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐; 精锐长宁天山中心
2023-07-14 02:00:352


simultaneously[英][u02ccsu026amu0259l"teu026anu026au0259slu026a][美][sau026amu0259lu02c8tenu026au0259slu026a]adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;
2023-07-14 02:01:223


2023-07-14 02:01:382


你好 原型是 simultaneous
2023-07-14 02:02:113


可用作副词,作副词时意为“同时地”。拓展资料单词发音simultaneously:英[u02ccsu026amlu02c8teu026aniu0259sli]美[u02ccsau026amlu02c8teu026aniu0259sli]助记提示1、simul-t-aneous+-ly.simul-"at the same time".2、其中的字母t是模仿单词instantaneous、spontaneous等的形式而来,但是这些单词中的字母t是词根的一部分,而simultaneous中的字母t则不是,因此这种模仿只是模仿其表象、形式而已。3、后缀-aneous来源于拉丁语后缀:-aneus,由后缀-ane(它是后缀-an的一种变体,用于分化出有关联的新含义)和-us复合而成,由于在很多情形下,英语后缀-ous等价于拉丁语后缀-us,所以:-aneus=>-aneous.短语搭配receiving simultaneously节点集同步接收achieved simultaneously同时获得;同时达到sample simultaneously同步采样;试样同时note simultaneously同时记录reach simultaneously同时达到sing simultaneously同一时间地歌唱labour simultaneously同时劳动abandon simultaneously同时放弃fight simultaneously暂时斗争双语例句1、But simultaneously.但同时。2、They almost touch the wall simultaneously.他们几乎是同时触壁的。3、Both airlock doors should not be opened simultaneously.气闸室的两个门不可以同时打开。
2023-07-14 02:02:181


meanwhile 一般用在句子中间simultaneously 英[u02ccsu026amu0259lu02c8teu026aniu0259sli] 美[u02ccsau026amu0259lu02c8teu026aniu0259sli] adv. 同时; 联立; 急切地; [例句]The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneouslymeanwhile 一般用在句子中间simultaneously 英[u02ccsu026amu0259lu02c8teu026aniu0259sli] 美[u02ccsau026amu0259lu02c8teu026aniu0259sli] adv. 同时; 联立; 急切地; [例句]The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。meanwhile 英[u02c8miu02d0nwau026al] 美[u02c8miu02d0nwau026al] adv. 同时; 与此同时; 其间; (比较两方面) 对比之下; n. 其时,其间; [例句]Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。与此同时,在厚锅中加热剩余的油。
2023-07-14 02:02:453


2023-07-14 02:02:555


simultaneously[英] [sau026amu0259lu02c8teu026anu026au0259slu026a] [美] [sau026amu0259lu02c8tenu026au0259slu026a] adv. 同时地;一壁;齐;一齐;
2023-07-14 02:03:122


2023-07-14 02:03:201


不能at the same time 较为口语化simultaneously则书面化,而且含有一种“两件东西并行发生,两个过程并作”的内涵
2023-07-14 02:03:281


不可以。simultaneously主要指时间上的同步性与一致性,而少有用于上一种用法。The two guns fired almost simultaneously
2023-07-14 02:03:351

At the same time和Simultaneously能替换吗

两个都有同时的意思 但前者既可以指“同时(但两件事)相反.如:we worked hard,at the same time,they just played. 而后者主要指时间上的同步性与一致性,而少有用于上一种用法. The two guns fired almost simultaneously 部分参考”词霸“
2023-07-14 02:03:421


这四个副词,均可用放缩法记忆. 前三个单词:都是从名词到形容词,再到副词.(只需记住其名词形式即可) 最后一个单词:从形容词到副词.(分小节记忆,如con tempo rary,然后变y为i,再加ly) 我个人就是这么记的.希望对你有所帮助,谢谢!
2023-07-14 02:03:501


问题一:保持一致用英语怎么说? keep consistent keep pace with 与……保持一致 问题二:同步英文怎么说啊??? 同步英文 synchronized learning of English 问题三:同步开发用英语怎么说,貌似缩写是“SE” 名词短语:simultaneous / synchronous development; simultaneous / synchronous exploitation同步开发 动词短语:simultaneously/synchronously develop; simultaneously / synchronously exploit 同步开发 问题四:同步时间的英语翻译 同步时间用英语怎么说 同步时间 [词典] [计] lock-in time; [例句]由于新的基于SOA的系统是围绕类似于实时的事务设计的,因此现在将导致同步时间问题。 Because the new SOA-based systems are designed around near-real-time transactions, data synchronisation timing issues now result. 问题五:产品同步开发用英语怎么说 写成句子应该是: The product will be developed simultaneously. 问题六:“与u30fbu30fbu30fb保持同步”用英语怎么说(短语) Keep pace with 问题七:中英文同步翻译 百度在线翻译 问题八:同步 英文翻译 信 问题九:保持一致用英语怎么说? keep consistent keep pace with 与……保持一致 问题十:产品同步开发用英语怎么说 写成句子应该是: The product will be developed simultaneously.
2023-07-14 02:04:081


“同时地”的英文表达是simultaneously。一、发音英:[/u02ccsau026amu0259lu02c8teu026aniu0259sli/];美:[/u02ccsau026amu0259lu02c8teu026aniu0259sli/]二、中文翻译adv. 同时地;共时地三、短语搭配1. occur simultaneously 同时发生2. work simultaneously 同时工作3. appear simultaneously 同时出现4. broadcast simultaneously 同时广播5. run simultaneously 同时运行6. exist simultaneously 同时存在四、双语例句1. They arrived simultaneously.他们同时到达。2. We received the message simultaneously.我们同时收到了消息。3. Two birds flew off simultaneously.两只鸟同时飞走了。4. These two events occurred simultaneously.这两件事同时发生了。5. They were simultaneously happy and sad.他们同时感到快乐和悲伤。6. Several programs can run simultaneously on the computer.电脑上可以同时运行几个程序。五、用法1. "Simultaneously" 作为副词,表示事物在同一时间发生或存在。例如:They arrived at the station simultaneously.(他们同时到达了车站。)2. "Simultaneously" 常用于描述两个或多个事件或行动在同一时间发生,例如:The phone rang and the doorbell chimed simultaneously.(电话铃和门铃同时响了。)3. "Simultaneously" 可用于描绘一种具有对比或矛盾的状态,其中两种或多种情绪或特性在同一时间存在。例如:She was simultaneously excited and nervous about the upcoming trip.(她对即将来临的旅行既感到兴奋又感到紧张。)4. "Simultaneously" 可与许多动词搭配,如:occur simultaneously, appear simultaneously等,表示“同时发生”或“同时出现”。例如:These problems occurred simultaneously.(这些问题同时发生了。)六、同义词adv. 同时地contemporaneously,synchronously
2023-07-14 02:04:152

同时 这个单词用英文怎么写

at the same time!
2023-07-14 02:04:246


at the same time
2023-07-14 02:04:414


nevertheless 然而:It"s raining outside.Nevertheless,I still want to go out for a walk.Hence因此:跟therefore用法相同provided that如果:跟if 用法相同
2023-07-14 02:05:003


2023-07-14 02:05:105


simultaneously,(比较复杂的用法,不跟句子连接一起使用,必须先用 simultaneously,逗号后,才能继续)(简单的)alsoand也可以被当作亦用
2023-07-14 02:06:011

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

in the meantime 同时*In the meantime,they took part in various contests and games.与此同时,他们参加了各种比赛和游戏。at the same time 1.同时;一起*I know he is untrustful,but at the same time,I must admit he is a good worker.我知道,他不可信。但是同时我必须承认他是个好工人。*Don"t all speak at thesame time.大家不要同时说话。2.尽管如此;虽然;但是*It will cost a lot ofmoney. At the same time,I think we shall need it and it will certainly beuseful.这将花费好多钱,但是我认为我们需要它而且它一定会有用途的。
2023-07-14 02:06:103

8. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations _______.

2023-07-14 02:06:251


我认为是一样的都可以用"at the same times"
2023-07-14 02:06:562


2023-07-14 02:07:134


China is one of the oldest ancient cultures.Many elements made up of the foundation of the world all come from China.The economy is growing the fastest in China.And China is going through a new industrial economy.Besides,China has set up ambitious space exploring plans including building a space station until 2020.So far,China has been one of the biggest export nations and is attracting a lot of foreign invest.Besides,it has invested billions of dollars overseas.China overtook Japan in 2011 to become the world"s second biggest economy.
2023-07-14 02:07:375


simultaneously [simu0259lu02c8teiniu0259sly] adv. 同时地 simultaneous [u02ccsu026am(u0259)lu02c8teu026anu026au0259s] adjective occurring, operating, or done at the same time 同时出现的;同时操作的;同时进行的;同步的 a simultaneous withdrawal of troops. 同时撤军。
2023-07-14 02:08:053


simultaneously英 [,su026aml"teu026anu026au0259slu026a]美 [sau026amu0259l"tenu026au0259sli]adv. 同时地[网络短语]simultaneously 同时地,同,并举receiving simultaneously 节点集同步接收Simultaneously Proposed 同时提出希望我的回答能帮助到你。
2023-07-14 02:08:131


同时双语对照词典结果:simultaneously[英][u02ccsu026amu0259l"teu026anu026au0259slu026a][美][sau026amu0259lu02c8tenu026au0259slu026a]adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-07-14 02:08:211


2023-07-14 02:08:302

simultaneously 单词

simultaneously是一个英滑凯语单词,副词。1、receiving simultaneously节点集同步接收。2、achieved simultaneously同时获得;同时简绝达到。3、sample simultaneously同步采样;试样同时。4、谈让首note simultaneously同没银宏时记录。5、reach simultaneously同时达到。6、sing simultaneously同一时间地歌唱。7、labour simultaneously同时劳动。8、abandon simultaneously同时放弃。9、fight simultaneously暂时斗争樱谈含数。双语例句1、They almost touch the wall simultaneously.他们几乎是同时触壁的。2、Both airlock doors should not be opened simultaneously.气闸室的两个门不可以同时打搏山开。
2023-07-14 02:08:361


simultaneouslyadv.simultaneous的变形simultaneous [,simu0259l"teiniu0259s]adj.1.同时发生(或存在)的;同时进行的,同步的2.【数学】方程等联立的
2023-07-14 02:08:591


simultaneously可以位于句首.再如: Simultaneously,the meshes must be kept compact to allow for efficient culling. 同时地,网格必须保持紧凑的以允许有效的剔除. 此外,你写的这个句子没有错误. 祝进步.
2023-07-14 02:09:091

At the same time和Simultaneously能替换吗

不能at the same time 较为口语化simultaneously则书面化,而且含有一种“两件东西并行发生,两个过程并作”的内涵
2023-07-14 02:09:171

At the same time和Simultaneously能替换吗

2023-07-14 02:09:263


simultaneous的音标: 英音 [ siml"teinju0259s ] 点击发音; 美音 [ siml"teinju0259s ] 点击发音simultaneous的意思是:adj.【无比较级,最高级】同时的,同时发生的词形变化:副词:simultaneously;名词:simultaneousness,simultaneity。同义词:coincident,coincidental,coinciding,concurrent,co-occurrent,cooccurring。英语句子A simultaneous interpreter同步口译员Simultaneous occurrence;coincidence.巧合同时发生;巧合
2023-07-14 02:09:331


2023-07-14 02:09:523

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

2023-07-14 02:10:073

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

in the meantime 在…期间,同时; 与此同时,意思是指,在一件事未结束之前,另一件事也发生了.与此同时并不是指特定的一个时间点儿.例如:You go back to school to learn a new trade and hope you can keep the family together in the the same time 往往强调事情同时发生,例如:I can"t attend to everything at the same time 我不能同时处理每件事
2023-07-14 02:10:472

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

in the meantime 在…期间,同时; 与此同时, 意思是指,在一件事未结束之前,另一件事也发生了。与此同时并不是指特定的一个时间点儿。例如:You go back to school to learn a new trade and hope you can keep the family together in the meanwhile. at the same time 往往强调事情同时发生,例如:I can"t attend to everything at the same time 我不能同时处理每件事
2023-07-14 02:11:041

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

in the meantime 在…期间,同时; 与此同时,意思是指,在一件事未结束之前,另一件事也发生了.与此同时并不是指特定的一个时间点儿.例如:You go back to school to learn a new trade and hope you can keep the family together in the the same time 往往强调事情同时发生,例如:I can"t attend to everything at the same time 我不能同时处理每件事
2023-07-14 02:11:211

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

2023-07-14 02:11:542

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

In the meantime1.火车要再一小时才会来, 这期间(同时)你要做些啥事呢?The train won"t come for an hour. What do you want to do in the meantime?2.我们现在没有你要的药, 不过现在(这同时)我可以给你另一种药。We don"t have any more of your pills. In the meantime, I can offer you an alternative.3.你的电脑要礼拜四才会送来.这期间(同时)你可以先用Jude的电脑。Your computer won"t be arriving till Thursday. In the meantime, you can use Jude"s.所以 in the meantime 用在: 前提有个事情无法达成, 所以同一时间做其它选择。 At the same time1.你怎么能同时走路又看书呢?How can you walk and read at the same time?2.我妈都不给我们同时看电视又吃饭的. My mom never allows us to eat and watch TV at the same time.3.我妈在煮饭,同时,我爸在摆餐桌.My mom is cooking and at the same time, my dad is setting the table.= My mom is cooking. At the same time, my dad is setting the table.所以 at the same time 用在: 两件事情同一时间发生, 它可以放在句子里,或者自己独立出来, 连接两件同时发生的事情
2023-07-14 02:12:122

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

2023-07-14 02:12:412

In the meantime 和at the same time 的区别

In the meantime在同一时间 和at the same time 在相同的时间
2023-07-14 02:12:581


have expressed clearly that he did not apologize, I was a senior student at the school. Love transportation design applications for Product Design intern. Simultaneously as the German master Colani-designed truck and car, and I believe that if you can design rooms in such a good job not only to exercise their professional skills. I will also make its own contribution to the brand.
2023-07-14 02:13:163

According to John Austin, what three kinds of acts are done simultaneously?答案

2023-07-14 02:13:232

求翻译!instead,selves and objects simultaneously arise out of and create a shared culture,

2023-07-14 02:13:323


2023-07-14 02:13:511