barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 11:34:10



1. 帘;窗帘;门帘;帷幔

Please draw the curtains.


2. (舞台上的)幕;开幕;落幕

The curtain rises.


3. 幕状物

A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view.


4. 【俚】横死;完蛋[P][(+for)]


1. 给...装上帘子

I bought some material to curtain the house.


2. (用帘子)遮掉,隔开[(+off)]



curtain,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“幕;窗帘”,作动词时意为“遮蔽;装上门帘”。单词发音:英[u02c8ku025c:tn];美[u02c8ku025c:rtn]。短语搭配1、Shutter curtain 快门帘幕2、fire curtain 防火幕;防火挡板;防火卷帘;火幕3、curtain gauze 窗帘纱双语例句1、She wonders whether it go with the curtain.她不晓得它跟窗帘是否协调。2、I shall be upstairs in my room peeping through curtain.我会在楼上自己的房间透过窗帘窥视的。3、THE QUESTION IS, HOW do we keep using the Internet while maintaining some curtain ofprivacy around our cyber glass house?问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
2023-07-13 23:14:571


2023-07-13 23:15:276

curtain是什么意思 详解curtain的含义和用法?

1. 窗帘curtain在剧院中指的是舞台布景,通常被用于隐藏舞台上的演员和道具,以便更好地营造出舞台效果。舞台布景的形式和材料各异,有单层和多层、有色和无色、有贴花和无贴花等不同种类。2. 舞台布景作为最常见的curtain,窗帘是一种用于遮挡窗户的装饰物,可分为实用型和装饰型两种。实用型窗帘通常由布料或其他材料制成,旨在阻挡阳光和视线,以提供隐私和保持室内温度。装饰型窗帘则更注重外观,通常采用丝绸、绸缎等高档面料,以增加房间的美感和气氛。作为最常见的curtain,窗帘是一种用于遮挡窗户的装饰物,可分为实用型和装饰型两种。实用型窗帘通常由布料或其他材料制成,旨在阻挡阳光和视线,以提供隐私和保持室内温度。装饰型窗帘则更注重外观,通常采用丝绸、绸缎等高档面料,以增加房间的美感和气氛。curtain一词源于古法语“cortine”,意为“帷幕”,指的是挂在窗户、门口、舞台等处的遮挡物。在英语中,curtain不仅仅是指窗帘,还可以指其他遮挡物,如舞台布景、帐篷等。下面是关于curtain的详细解释和用法。
2023-07-13 23:15:523


2023-07-13 23:16:012


2023-07-13 23:16:234


bSweat is the lubricant of success.,
2023-07-13 23:16:383


2023-07-13 23:16:561

curtain怎么读音 英语curtain怎么读

1、curtain英[u02c8ku025cu02d0tn]美[u02c8ku025cu02d0rtn]。n.窗帘; 帘; 幔; (遮隔房间的)帷幔; 床帷; (舞台上的)幕,幕布,帷幕; 覆盖物;vt.给(窗户或房间)装上帘子。 2、[例句]She pulled the curtain aside.她把窗帘拉向一边。
2023-07-13 23:17:191


2023-07-13 23:18:083


2023-07-13 23:18:252

curtain是什么意思 详解curtain的含义和用法?

2. 舞台布景curtain在剧院中指的是舞台布景,通常被用于隐藏舞台上的演员和道具,以便更好地营造出舞台效果。舞台布景的形式和材料各异,有单层和多层、有色和无色、有贴花和无贴花等不同种类。curtain一词源于古法语“cortine”,意为“帷幕”,指的是挂在窗户、门口、舞台等处的遮挡物。在英语中,curtain不仅仅是指窗帘,还可以指其他遮挡物,如舞台布景、帐篷等。下面是关于curtain的详细解释和用法。3. 帐篷1. 窗帘
2023-07-13 23:18:473

curtain是什么意思 curtain的中文翻译和用法?

除了美化室内环境和遮挡阳光外,curtain 还有着隔断、保温、隔音、防火等多种功能。例如,在剧院中,curtain 用于隔断舞台和观众席,起到美化舞台、增加观赏效果的作用。在家庭中,curtain 可以隔断不同房间,增加隐私性和独立性。在办公室中,curtain 可以起到隔音、保温的作用,提高工作效率。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。总之,curtain 是一种非常实用的家居装饰品,除了美化室内环境外,还有着多种功能。在选择 curtain 时,需要根据实际需要和个人喜好选择合适的款式和材质。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。总之,curtain 是一种非常实用的家居装饰品,除了美化室内环境外,还有着多种功能。在选择 curtain 时,需要根据实际需要和个人喜好选择合适的款式和材质。
2023-07-13 23:19:492


n. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 [例句] The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house? 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
2023-07-13 23:19:571

curtain是什么意思 curtain的中文翻译和用法?

除了美化室内环境和遮挡阳光外,curtain 还有着隔断、保温、隔音、防火等多种功能。例如,在剧院中,curtain 用于隔断舞台和观众席,起到美化舞台、增加观赏效果的作用。在家庭中,curtain 可以隔断不同房间,增加隐私性和独立性。在办公室中,curtain 可以起到隔音、保温的作用,提高工作效率。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。总之,curtain 是一种非常实用的家居装饰品,除了美化室内环境外,还有着多种功能。在选择 curtain 时,需要根据实际需要和个人喜好选择合适的款式和材质。
2023-07-13 23:20:042


2023-07-13 23:20:231


curtainn. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house?问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
2023-07-13 23:21:073


curtain:也有落幕的意思,但是一般讲做名词窗帘讲。 n.窗帘;帘;幔;(遮隔房间的)帷幔;床帷;(舞台上的)幕,幕布,帷幕 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 扩展资料   例句:   The audience was waiting for the curtain to rise.   观众在等待开幕。   We left just before the final curtain.   我们刚好在演出结束前离开。   As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent.   幕启时,观众安静下来。   A bead curtain separated the two rooms.   一挂珠帘子把两个房间分开。
2023-07-13 23:21:221


问题一:窗帘用英语怎么写 curtain 问题二:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题三:窗帘的英文是什么? curtain 窗帘 问题四:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题五:窗帘的英语怎么说? cur钉ain 名词 希望对您有帮助 如果还有问题可以加我137741898 问题六:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题七:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题八:窗帘用英语怎么说? curtain n. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house? 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘? 问题九:怎么用英语表达各种窗帘? 窗帘 blinds drape curtain window hangings curtain gauze 窗帘纱 roll-up window 卷帘窗 air port screen 舷窗帘 cotton curtain 棉窗帘 revolving shutters 卷帘窗 overdrape 厚窗帘 structured curtain 装饰窗帘 priscillas 褶皱窗帘 curtain lace 花边窗帘 tambour curtain 刺绣窗帘 synthetic fiber curtain 化纤窗帘 Venetian blind 百叶窗帘 tulle curtain 网状窗帘 curtain net 网眼窗帘 velvet curtain 丝绒窗帘 lace curtain 挑花窗帘 gauze curtain 纱罗窗帘 问题十:窗帘英语怎么说 窗帘 curtain; blind; traverse; sunblind; purdah; [例句]窗帘上容易积上灰尘。 Curtains are dust collectors.
2023-07-13 23:21:571


窗帘的英语是curtain。例句:1、I clean the bathtub and the showercurtain.(我清洗浴缸和浴帘。)2、Light beamed through a hole in thecurtain.(光线透过窗帘上的一个孔照射进来。)3、It looks like a greatcurtain.(它看起来像是一个很大的窗帘。)4、She pulls thecurtain closed.(她拉上窗帘。)5、Why is thecurtain drawn over her?(为什么用帘子盖上她?)6、The lights in the theatre dimmed as thecurtain rose.(幕布升起,剧场内的灯光暗了下来。)7、I like the pinkcurtain.(我喜欢粉色的窗帘。)8、Which kind ofcurtain do you prefer?(你比较喜欢什么样的窗帘?)
2023-07-13 23:22:161


问题一:窗帘用英语怎么写 curtain 问题二:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题三:窗帘的英文是什么? curtain 窗帘 问题四:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题五:窗帘的英语怎么说? cur钉ain 名词 希望对您有帮助 如果还有问题可以加我137741898 问题六:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题七:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题八:窗帘用英语怎么说? curtain n. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house? 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘? 问题九:怎么用英语表达各种窗帘? 窗帘 blinds drape curtain window hangings curtain gauze 窗帘纱 roll-up window 卷帘窗 air port screen 舷窗帘 cotton curtain 棉窗帘 revolving shutters 卷帘窗 overdrape 厚窗帘 structured curtain 装饰窗帘 priscillas 褶皱窗帘 curtain lace 花边窗帘 tambour curtain 刺绣窗帘 synthetic fiber curtain 化纤窗帘 Venetian blind 百叶窗帘 tulle curtain 网状窗帘 curtain net 网眼窗帘 velvet curtain 丝绒窗帘 lace curtain 挑花窗帘 gauze curtain 纱罗窗帘 问题十:窗帘英语怎么说 窗帘 curtain; blind; traverse; sunblind; purdah; [例句]窗帘上容易积上灰尘。 Curtains are dust collectors.
2023-07-13 23:22:231


draw the curtain百度嫌我字数不够
2023-07-13 23:22:333


2023-07-13 23:22:519


2023-07-13 23:23:081


  你知道窗帘的英文读音吗?一起来学习一下吧!    窗帘的英文读音 :curtain英 [u02c8ku025c:tn]美 [u02c8ku025c:rtn]   窗帘的英文例句:   1. A casement is a window that opens by means of hinges at the side.   竖铰链窗是一种用边上的铰链开启的窗户.   2. This paper introduces the TIG _ welding technology of repairing stainless   1. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend"swife.   我意识到自己在帘子后面吻着至友的妻子。   2. A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another.   帘子作为分隔物将这间教室和另一间分开。   3. The shops also offer a keenly priced curtain-making service.   这些商店也提供价格优惠的窗帘制作服务。   4. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.   他看到一个黑漆漆的东西从浓密的树叶后消失了。   5. The curtain came down after the first act.   第一幕过后,幕布落了下来。   6. They took 23 curtain calls.   他们谢幕多达23次。   7. She pulled the curtain aside.   她把窗帘拉向一边。   8. He was carrying out the plan behind the curtain.   他在秘密地执行那项计划.   9. Corrupt officials always try to draw the curtain over their corruption.   贪官污吏总是企图掩盖自己的腐败行为.   10. Do you think you can piece this torn curtain?   你认为你能把这撕破的窗帘补好 吗 ?   11. Drawing the curtain aside, he looked down into the street.   他将窗帘拉到一边, 俯视街道.   12. His wife hung a beautiful curtain over the window.   他的妻子把漂亮的窗帘挂在窗户上.   13. The land is enveloped in a curtain of darkness.   夜幕笼罩着大地.   14. The curtain fell to the loud applause of the audience.   在观众热烈掌声中闭幕.   15. Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.   我们的步兵在炮兵火力掩护之下.
2023-07-13 23:23:161


你好ur [u0259:]curtain :窗帘["ku0259:tn] 希望回答对你有所帮助
2023-07-13 23:24:194

curtain 复数形式

2023-07-13 23:24:372


2023-07-13 23:24:481


2023-07-13 23:25:172


2023-07-13 23:25:274


2023-07-13 23:25:592

人名:幕 是用英文curtain 还是screen好 注意哇 是人名 谢谢大神了

用curtain 比较好 ,作为人名的话,读起来也比较好听点~~
2023-07-13 23:26:403


curtain 窗帘
2023-07-13 23:26:513


2023-07-13 23:27:101


英文原文:和curtain英式音标:[u02c8ku025cu02d0t(u0259)n] 美式音标:[u02c8ku025dtn]
2023-07-13 23:27:311


window curtain
2023-07-13 23:27:412

Curtain Falls 歌词

歌曲名:Curtain Falls歌手:Blue专辑:Best Of BlueCurtain FallsWe come from humble beginnings andWho could have guessed it whenYou sit and doubt it andThings aint all that brightBut we made it though the nightIt"s like a game of truth or dareIf you can make it hereYou"ll make it anywhereThat"s what we"ve been toldBut the stories getting oldTogether we faced the cold outsideNo one can say we didn"t tryAnd I will never give you up or let you goTogether we faced our final fearsRemember the moments that we sharedThat"s why I"ll never give you up or let you goWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesOohh (oohh)In the script of my lifeWe started out many years agoNo one will ever knowHow far we"ve really comeSince we walked awayAnd no more words to sayAnd we made a lot of sacrificeUndid a lot of tiesFought a lot of fightsTo get where we are nowJust don"t ask me howTogether we faced the cold outsideNo one can say we didn"t tryAnd I will never give you up or let you goTogether we faced our final fearsRemember the moments that we sharedThat"s why I"ll never give you up or let you goWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesOohhIn the script of my lifeWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesIn the script of my lifeWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesOohh(oohh)In the script of my life
2023-07-13 23:27:501


  你要的是英式还是美式呢?是指iraier的发音吗?  英式:sir→[u0259:]curtain→[u0259:]her→[u0259:]  美式:sir→[u0259]curtain→[u0259]her→[u0259]所以英式与美式的结果都是一样的,sir、curtain、her发音相同。望采纳~(*^__^*)谢谢~
2023-07-13 23:28:021


艺术源于生活 高于生活 基本上的经历是相同的
2023-07-13 23:21:504


somang所望牛奶护手霜涂完手滑滑的,有淡淡的香味,用起来方便。那么所望牛奶护手霜怎么样?所望牛奶护手霜好用吗?所望牛奶护手霜怎么样 牛奶精华形成皮肤保护膜,维持皮肤中的水分,同时供应营养让皮肤柔和。能让肌肤长效保湿,是清爽无油腻的护手霜。给暴露于外部的手和指甲周围供应水分和营养,使手更加健康和光滑。柔嫩效果和保湿效果,有效护理容易干燥的双手。 【主要成分】牛奶萃取物,橄榄油,发芽糙米等 【主要功效】手部润滑去角质,滋润干燥肌肤、温和平衡肌肤,补充水分,有效去除肌肤角质,锁水保湿 【使用方法】洗手后,取适量涂抹,轻轻按摩让肌肤吸收就可以了。所望牛奶护手霜好用吗 韩国所望护手霜,甄选新西兰阳光牧场牛奶萃取物,添加橄榄油,发芽糙米,富含维生素精华,能软化角质,清爽保湿,水嫩滋养,光滑肌肤。不是那种粘稠的,很容易推开。80ml的容量,在护手霜里算比较多的了,性价比很不错。 朋友从韩国带回来的护手霜。这是我现在很喜欢的一款。算不上清爽也不是油腻。味道是很香的牛奶味。我不是很喜欢香味的人但是就是很喜欢这款护手霜。很好用。韩币大概10几。后来在国内官网又买了一支。人民币大概30左右。虽然和朋友从韩国带的有点不一样。但是没大差别还是接受了。所望牛奶护手霜心得 所望牛奶身体乳,平价好用!大家应该知道资生堂小红罐护手霜什么的之所以好用是因为里面添加了尿素,尿素对于皮肤干燥真的非常有效,尤其是角质层干燥发硬,所以手脚皲裂的人去药店买尿素维E乳膏通常可以解决问题。 这个身体乳里就加了尿素成分,滋润效果相对就好一些。拿我来说,我身上的皮肤很干,尤其是小腿,以前冬天几乎一直在起皮,今年用了甜蜜蜜蜂神奇护肤膏之后改善了很多,但是还是有些起皮,之后用这个身体乳我就直接惊呆了,起皮没有了!而且也不容易再痒了,真的很有效。 便宜大碗是最大的好处,但是不好的地方就是太香了,有点像以前国货里哪款霜的味,不过到第二天味变淡了就可以接受。
2023-07-13 23:21:511


2023-07-13 23:21:513


调用的是自子类的方法,这就是所谓的多态。比如说class Shape { public void draw() { System.out.println("画一个图形"); }}class Square extends Shape { public void draw() { System.out.println("画一个正方形"); }}在main方法中:public static void main(String[] args) { Shape shape = new Square();// Square向上转型为Shape shape.draw();//输出:画一个正方形。这就是所谓的多态。}
2023-07-13 23:21:522


嘿,好奇先生 他们所说关於你的话都是真的吗 你会害我吗 你已经照顾了一只猫 帮忙那些觉得它是负担的人 是真的吗 或者只是八卦呢 说它是谜或什 也好 只要你打给我就好 你有没有收到我给你的讯息 说这个灾难性的事件 原本不该造成伤害 但认定一切都没错本身就是个问题 我这次在找寻爱 听来充满希望却使我哭泣 爱是个难解的谜 好奇先生... 回来我这里 我是个伺候先生又从来没耐心,你看不出来吗 跟你离开我的时候一样,离开我 匆匆地去检查我的拼音 我已经被忌妒的绿色画了底线 还有铅笔红 而且我已忘了你说过的 你是否会为了死者停下工作而回来 好奇先生我需要一点灵感 今天我生日而我找不到庆祝的动机 事态严重,但你若救了我,我会勇敢一点 整个情况被传闻所充满 我这次在找寻爱 听起来充满希望却使我哭泣 这爱是个谜 好奇先生 嘿先生拜托你 来找我 来吧 我这次在找寻爱 听起来充满希望却使我哭泣 (试著别问为什 ) 因为爱是难解的谜 好奇先生 嘿,先生拜托 一定要来找我当你时机不对的时候,爱是盲目的 但我又是谁,有资格乞求能有所不同呢 在远方的顷刻寻找爱 但我不介意 噢爱,至少我尝试过了
2023-07-13 23:21:531

I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) 歌词

歌曲名:I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)歌手:Aretha Franklin & George Michael专辑:Pure... LoveArtist: Aretha Franklin And George MichaelTitle: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)Aretha Franklin:Like a warrior that fightsAnd wins the battleI know the taste of victoryThough I went through some nightsConsumed by the shadowsAnd was crippled emotionallyGeorge Michael:Somehow I made it through the heartaceI escapedI found my way out of the darkness, kept my faithKept my faithAretha Franklin and George Michael:And the river was deep I didn"t falterWhen the mountain was highI still believedWhen the valley was lowIt didn"t stop meI knew you were waitingKnew you were waiting for meAretha Franklin:With and endless desireI kept on searchingSure in time our eyes would meetAnd like the bridge is on fireThe hurt is overOne touch and you set me freeGeorge Michael:I don"t regret a single momentLooking back, when I think of all those disappointmentsI just laugh, I just laughAretha Franklin and George Michael:And the river was deep I didn"t falterWhen the mountain was highI still believedWhen the valley was lowIt didn"t stop meI knew you were waitingKnew you were waiting for meAretha Franklin and George Michael:So we were drawn together through destinyI know this love we share was meant to beKnew you were waiting, Knew you were waitingI knew you were waitingKnew you were waiting for meI didn"t falter, I didn"t falterI still believedWhen the valley was lowIt didn"t stop meI knew you were waitingKnew you were waiting for meI didn"t falter... (fade)
2023-07-13 23:21:571


lick off lick cunnilingus tongue
2023-07-13 23:21:582

A Rose Is Still A Rose 歌词

歌曲名:A Rose Is Still A Rose歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:Beautiful Ballads & Love SongsA Rose Is Still A RoseAretha FranklinDoo doo doo doo doo doo mmmDooby dooby doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo doo mmmThere was a rose I knew, I met her once or twice beforeShe was a pretty sweet thing, not the least bit insecureThen you came with your slick game and played with her youthUnashamed of the way you lied, played with the truth, hey, heyMmm, she never knew what hit herSteal her honey, then forget herA roseShe wears a flowerTryin" to forget about you‘Cause a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youDarlin", you hold the powerNow believe me when I tell you that I"ve been hurt myselfWhen he tells you that he loves you and sees nobody elseAnd now you"re so tough tryin" to wear tight clothes and thingsTossin" and flossin", tryin" to fill the void heartbreak bringsOh…oh…yeahWhen she faces the mirror, yeahShe"s cryin", you can"t hear herNow the rose is still a roseShe wears a flower, tryin" to forget about you‘Cause a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youBaby, girl, you hold the powerSee a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youDarlin", you hold the powerLet your life be in the sunshineNot the darkness of your sorrowYou may see your all todayWhen you know it"ll come tomorrowTough to be, but life ain"t overJust because your man is goneGirl, love yourself and love to loveDo your love him life goes onWithout him your life goes onWithout him your life goes on‘Cause a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youBaby, girl, you hold the powerSee a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youDarlin", you hold the power
2023-07-13 23:21:501


一、写作思路“二十年后的我”属于架空的题目,也可以理解为自己的梦想。因为是想象类的,可以重点往梦想方向去写,比较简单和容易。开头一句话引出自己的理想,中间可以用排比句的形式列举一些可能性,结尾可以一句话总结即可。二、双语范文参考如下题目:二十年后的我我们每个人都有自己的梦想,我也常常梦想二十年后的我的样子:二十年后的我是也许是一个出色的演员,可以为所有的观众带来一份欢乐。二十年后的我也许是一个优秀的医生,可以挽救许多病人的生命,贡献出自己的一份力量。二十年后的我也许是一个歌星,让所有的歌迷认识我,聆听我的歌声。二十年后的我也许是一个电脑工程师,帮助人们更好的使用电脑。二十年后我一定要贡献出自己的一份力量!What Will I be In Twenty YearsEach of us has his own dream, and I often dream of what I will be like in twenty years:Twenty years later, I may be an excellent actor who can bring joy to all the audience.Twenty years later, I may be an excellent doctor, who can save the lives of many patients and contribute my part.Twenty years later, I may be a singer, let all fans know me and listen to my song.Twenty years later, I may be a computer engineer to help people use computers better.In a word, I must contribute my part in twenty years.三、双语写作模板参考如下题目:二十年后的我我们每个人都有自己的梦想,我也常常梦想二十年后的我的样子:二十年后的我是也许是一个.....................二十年后的我也许是一个.............................二十年后的我也许是一个.......................二十年后的我也许是一个...........................二十年后我一定要贡献出自己的一份力量!What Will I be In Twenty YearsEach of us has his own dream, and I often dream of what I will be like in twenty years:Twenty years later, I may be .........................Twenty years later, I may be...........................Twenty years later, I may be ........................Twenty years later, I may be a..............................In a word, I must contribute my part in twenty years.
2023-07-13 23:21:451


2023-07-13 23:21:431

Aretha Franklin的《People》 歌词

歌曲名:People歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:The Queen In Waiting (The Columbia Years 1960-1965)Artist: Sophie ZelmaniSong Title: PeopleI can wake up to a bad dayI know how to go from thereBut youI can"t handleIt"s not that you"re not welcomeYou"re amazing in my eyesIt"s me that change too mucharound youYou are one of those peopleI can think of a million reasonstimes when I should shut my mouthBut I feel like a fool around youYou are one of those peoplethat just ain"t good for everyoneI have nothing against you peopleBut I don"t like what I becomeWe will never know each otherIt"s not much to cry aboutBut why I get so strange around youmight be something to work outYou are one of those peoplethat just ain"t good for everyoneI have nothing against you peopleBut I don"t like what I become
2023-07-13 23:21:431

透过天空、你猜我看到了什么 LOVE

2023-07-13 23:21:421


somang所望牛奶身体乳很容易摸开,吸收很快,涂完后香香的。那么所望牛奶身体乳怎么样?所望牛奶身体乳好用吗? 试客背景 职业:自由职业者品牌喜好:日韩系品牌星座:白羊肤质:敏感性皮肤问题:易过敏个性标签:其他年龄:18-24岁性别:女 宝贝整体 打开包装很Surprise!500ml的容量,很扎实!淡淡的香味闻着很舒服,很喜欢这个味道,清新不浓郁的香味。瓶身也很细心的贴了中文的详细介绍,包括使用方法注意事项甚至成分也很详细的列出来了。亮点细节 500ML的净含量以及成分表。下方条纹码可以查防伪。成分也都是护肤品中对皮肤比较好东西噢。使用方法以及注意事项,企业等相关资料,果然正品才有这个自信写的这么详细啊!底部批号和小标志也是可以真假对比的一个小细节噢!试用过程 开箱立马上手,对比了下之前用的,所望小奶牛的比较滋润容易推开,我个人比较偏爱这种上手容易推开不黏腻的。下面这小坨用着不容易推开,而且黏黏的涂完穿衣服也会感觉黏黏的不止滋润还能美白噢,效果还是很不错的,效果如图试用心得 优点:瓶身容量大,味道清新不浓郁,乳液属滋润型,易推开不黏腻,介绍详细! 缺点:整体从盒子到包装都很细心但是缺了一个外包装的感觉。
2023-07-13 23:21:421