barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 11:32:10














curtain,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“幕;窗帘”,作动词时意为“遮蔽;装上门帘”。单词发音:英[u02c8ku025c:tn];美[u02c8ku025c:rtn]。短语搭配1、Shutter curtain 快门帘幕2、fire curtain 防火幕;防火挡板;防火卷帘;火幕3、curtain gauze 窗帘纱双语例句1、She wonders whether it go with the curtain.她不晓得它跟窗帘是否协调。2、I shall be upstairs in my room peeping through curtain.我会在楼上自己的房间透过窗帘窥视的。3、THE QUESTION IS, HOW do we keep using the Internet while maintaining some curtain ofprivacy around our cyber glass house?问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
2023-07-13 23:14:571


2023-07-13 23:15:276

curtain是什么意思 详解curtain的含义和用法?

1. 窗帘curtain在剧院中指的是舞台布景,通常被用于隐藏舞台上的演员和道具,以便更好地营造出舞台效果。舞台布景的形式和材料各异,有单层和多层、有色和无色、有贴花和无贴花等不同种类。2. 舞台布景作为最常见的curtain,窗帘是一种用于遮挡窗户的装饰物,可分为实用型和装饰型两种。实用型窗帘通常由布料或其他材料制成,旨在阻挡阳光和视线,以提供隐私和保持室内温度。装饰型窗帘则更注重外观,通常采用丝绸、绸缎等高档面料,以增加房间的美感和气氛。作为最常见的curtain,窗帘是一种用于遮挡窗户的装饰物,可分为实用型和装饰型两种。实用型窗帘通常由布料或其他材料制成,旨在阻挡阳光和视线,以提供隐私和保持室内温度。装饰型窗帘则更注重外观,通常采用丝绸、绸缎等高档面料,以增加房间的美感和气氛。curtain一词源于古法语“cortine”,意为“帷幕”,指的是挂在窗户、门口、舞台等处的遮挡物。在英语中,curtain不仅仅是指窗帘,还可以指其他遮挡物,如舞台布景、帐篷等。下面是关于curtain的详细解释和用法。
2023-07-13 23:15:523


2023-07-13 23:16:012


2023-07-13 23:16:234


bSweat is the lubricant of success.,
2023-07-13 23:16:383

curtain怎么读音 英语curtain怎么读

1、curtain英[u02c8ku025cu02d0tn]美[u02c8ku025cu02d0rtn]。n.窗帘; 帘; 幔; (遮隔房间的)帷幔; 床帷; (舞台上的)幕,幕布,帷幕; 覆盖物;vt.给(窗户或房间)装上帘子。 2、[例句]She pulled the curtain aside.她把窗帘拉向一边。
2023-07-13 23:17:191


2023-07-13 23:18:083


2023-07-13 23:18:252

curtain是什么意思 详解curtain的含义和用法?

2. 舞台布景curtain在剧院中指的是舞台布景,通常被用于隐藏舞台上的演员和道具,以便更好地营造出舞台效果。舞台布景的形式和材料各异,有单层和多层、有色和无色、有贴花和无贴花等不同种类。curtain一词源于古法语“cortine”,意为“帷幕”,指的是挂在窗户、门口、舞台等处的遮挡物。在英语中,curtain不仅仅是指窗帘,还可以指其他遮挡物,如舞台布景、帐篷等。下面是关于curtain的详细解释和用法。3. 帐篷1. 窗帘
2023-07-13 23:18:473

curtain是什么意思 curtain的中文翻译和用法?

除了美化室内环境和遮挡阳光外,curtain 还有着隔断、保温、隔音、防火等多种功能。例如,在剧院中,curtain 用于隔断舞台和观众席,起到美化舞台、增加观赏效果的作用。在家庭中,curtain 可以隔断不同房间,增加隐私性和独立性。在办公室中,curtain 可以起到隔音、保温的作用,提高工作效率。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。总之,curtain 是一种非常实用的家居装饰品,除了美化室内环境外,还有着多种功能。在选择 curtain 时,需要根据实际需要和个人喜好选择合适的款式和材质。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。总之,curtain 是一种非常实用的家居装饰品,除了美化室内环境外,还有着多种功能。在选择 curtain 时,需要根据实际需要和个人喜好选择合适的款式和材质。
2023-07-13 23:19:492


n. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 [例句] The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house? 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
2023-07-13 23:19:571

curtain是什么意思 curtain的中文翻译和用法?

除了美化室内环境和遮挡阳光外,curtain 还有着隔断、保温、隔音、防火等多种功能。例如,在剧院中,curtain 用于隔断舞台和观众席,起到美化舞台、增加观赏效果的作用。在家庭中,curtain 可以隔断不同房间,增加隐私性和独立性。在办公室中,curtain 可以起到隔音、保温的作用,提高工作效率。curtain的中文翻译是“窗帘”,在中国的家庭、酒店、剧院等场所都有广泛的应用。curtain 的种类也非常丰富,有布艺窗帘、卷帘、罗马帘、竹帘、木质窗帘等多种类型。不同种类的窗帘有着不同的颜色、款式、材质和功能,可以根据需要选择。总之,curtain 是一种非常实用的家居装饰品,除了美化室内环境外,还有着多种功能。在选择 curtain 时,需要根据实际需要和个人喜好选择合适的款式和材质。
2023-07-13 23:20:042


2023-07-13 23:20:231


curtainn. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house?问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
2023-07-13 23:21:073


curtain:也有落幕的意思,但是一般讲做名词窗帘讲。 n.窗帘;帘;幔;(遮隔房间的)帷幔;床帷;(舞台上的)幕,幕布,帷幕 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 扩展资料   例句:   The audience was waiting for the curtain to rise.   观众在等待开幕。   We left just before the final curtain.   我们刚好在演出结束前离开。   As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent.   幕启时,观众安静下来。   A bead curtain separated the two rooms.   一挂珠帘子把两个房间分开。
2023-07-13 23:21:221


是可数n.[C]1. 帘;窗帘;门帘;帷幔Please draw the curtains.请把窗帘拉上.2. (舞台上的)幕;开幕;落幕The curtain rises.戏开演.3. 幕状物A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view.一层浓雾遮蔽群山.4. 【俚】横死;完蛋[P][(+for)]vt.1. 给...装上帘子I bought some material to curtain the house.我买了一些料子给房子装上窗帘.2. (用帘子)遮掉,隔开[(+off)]
2023-07-13 23:21:501


问题一:窗帘用英语怎么写 curtain 问题二:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题三:窗帘的英文是什么? curtain 窗帘 问题四:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题五:窗帘的英语怎么说? cur钉ain 名词 希望对您有帮助 如果还有问题可以加我137741898 问题六:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题七:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题八:窗帘用英语怎么说? curtain n. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house? 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘? 问题九:怎么用英语表达各种窗帘? 窗帘 blinds drape curtain window hangings curtain gauze 窗帘纱 roll-up window 卷帘窗 air port screen 舷窗帘 cotton curtain 棉窗帘 revolving shutters 卷帘窗 overdrape 厚窗帘 structured curtain 装饰窗帘 priscillas 褶皱窗帘 curtain lace 花边窗帘 tambour curtain 刺绣窗帘 synthetic fiber curtain 化纤窗帘 Venetian blind 百叶窗帘 tulle curtain 网状窗帘 curtain net 网眼窗帘 velvet curtain 丝绒窗帘 lace curtain 挑花窗帘 gauze curtain 纱罗窗帘 问题十:窗帘英语怎么说 窗帘 curtain; blind; traverse; sunblind; purdah; [例句]窗帘上容易积上灰尘。 Curtains are dust collectors.
2023-07-13 23:21:571


窗帘的英语是curtain。例句:1、I clean the bathtub and the showercurtain.(我清洗浴缸和浴帘。)2、Light beamed through a hole in thecurtain.(光线透过窗帘上的一个孔照射进来。)3、It looks like a greatcurtain.(它看起来像是一个很大的窗帘。)4、She pulls thecurtain closed.(她拉上窗帘。)5、Why is thecurtain drawn over her?(为什么用帘子盖上她?)6、The lights in the theatre dimmed as thecurtain rose.(幕布升起,剧场内的灯光暗了下来。)7、I like the pinkcurtain.(我喜欢粉色的窗帘。)8、Which kind ofcurtain do you prefer?(你比较喜欢什么样的窗帘?)
2023-07-13 23:22:161


问题一:窗帘用英语怎么写 curtain 问题二:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题三:窗帘的英文是什么? curtain 窗帘 问题四:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题五:窗帘的英语怎么说? cur钉ain 名词 希望对您有帮助 如果还有问题可以加我137741898 问题六:窗帘的英语怎么写? curtain ["k?:t?n] n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 问题七:窗帘的英语单词怎么写 简明汉英词典 窗帘 blind curtain purdah window curtain 问题八:窗帘用英语怎么说? curtain n. 窗帘,门帘;帐幕之物,幕布;启幕,落幕 vt. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;掩蔽 The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house? 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘? 问题九:怎么用英语表达各种窗帘? 窗帘 blinds drape curtain window hangings curtain gauze 窗帘纱 roll-up window 卷帘窗 air port screen 舷窗帘 cotton curtain 棉窗帘 revolving shutters 卷帘窗 overdrape 厚窗帘 structured curtain 装饰窗帘 priscillas 褶皱窗帘 curtain lace 花边窗帘 tambour curtain 刺绣窗帘 synthetic fiber curtain 化纤窗帘 Venetian blind 百叶窗帘 tulle curtain 网状窗帘 curtain net 网眼窗帘 velvet curtain 丝绒窗帘 lace curtain 挑花窗帘 gauze curtain 纱罗窗帘 问题十:窗帘英语怎么说 窗帘 curtain; blind; traverse; sunblind; purdah; [例句]窗帘上容易积上灰尘。 Curtains are dust collectors.
2023-07-13 23:22:231


draw the curtain百度嫌我字数不够
2023-07-13 23:22:333


2023-07-13 23:22:519


2023-07-13 23:23:081


  你知道窗帘的英文读音吗?一起来学习一下吧!    窗帘的英文读音 :curtain英 [u02c8ku025c:tn]美 [u02c8ku025c:rtn]   窗帘的英文例句:   1. A casement is a window that opens by means of hinges at the side.   竖铰链窗是一种用边上的铰链开启的窗户.   2. This paper introduces the TIG _ welding technology of repairing stainless   1. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend"swife.   我意识到自己在帘子后面吻着至友的妻子。   2. A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another.   帘子作为分隔物将这间教室和另一间分开。   3. The shops also offer a keenly priced curtain-making service.   这些商店也提供价格优惠的窗帘制作服务。   4. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.   他看到一个黑漆漆的东西从浓密的树叶后消失了。   5. The curtain came down after the first act.   第一幕过后,幕布落了下来。   6. They took 23 curtain calls.   他们谢幕多达23次。   7. She pulled the curtain aside.   她把窗帘拉向一边。   8. He was carrying out the plan behind the curtain.   他在秘密地执行那项计划.   9. Corrupt officials always try to draw the curtain over their corruption.   贪官污吏总是企图掩盖自己的腐败行为.   10. Do you think you can piece this torn curtain?   你认为你能把这撕破的窗帘补好 吗 ?   11. Drawing the curtain aside, he looked down into the street.   他将窗帘拉到一边, 俯视街道.   12. His wife hung a beautiful curtain over the window.   他的妻子把漂亮的窗帘挂在窗户上.   13. The land is enveloped in a curtain of darkness.   夜幕笼罩着大地.   14. The curtain fell to the loud applause of the audience.   在观众热烈掌声中闭幕.   15. Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.   我们的步兵在炮兵火力掩护之下.
2023-07-13 23:23:161


你好ur [u0259:]curtain :窗帘["ku0259:tn] 希望回答对你有所帮助
2023-07-13 23:24:194

curtain 复数形式

2023-07-13 23:24:372


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2023-07-13 23:25:172


2023-07-13 23:25:274


2023-07-13 23:25:592

人名:幕 是用英文curtain 还是screen好 注意哇 是人名 谢谢大神了

用curtain 比较好 ,作为人名的话,读起来也比较好听点~~
2023-07-13 23:26:403


curtain 窗帘
2023-07-13 23:26:513


2023-07-13 23:27:101


英文原文:和curtain英式音标:[u02c8ku025cu02d0t(u0259)n] 美式音标:[u02c8ku025dtn]
2023-07-13 23:27:311


window curtain
2023-07-13 23:27:412

Curtain Falls 歌词

歌曲名:Curtain Falls歌手:Blue专辑:Best Of BlueCurtain FallsWe come from humble beginnings andWho could have guessed it whenYou sit and doubt it andThings aint all that brightBut we made it though the nightIt"s like a game of truth or dareIf you can make it hereYou"ll make it anywhereThat"s what we"ve been toldBut the stories getting oldTogether we faced the cold outsideNo one can say we didn"t tryAnd I will never give you up or let you goTogether we faced our final fearsRemember the moments that we sharedThat"s why I"ll never give you up or let you goWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesOohh (oohh)In the script of my lifeWe started out many years agoNo one will ever knowHow far we"ve really comeSince we walked awayAnd no more words to sayAnd we made a lot of sacrificeUndid a lot of tiesFought a lot of fightsTo get where we are nowJust don"t ask me howTogether we faced the cold outsideNo one can say we didn"t tryAnd I will never give you up or let you goTogether we faced our final fearsRemember the moments that we sharedThat"s why I"ll never give you up or let you goWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesOohhIn the script of my lifeWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesIn the script of my lifeWe"ll be ready when the curtain might fallFeel my heart beating when the crowd callsI gotta read between the linesCuz I"m living out the script of my lifeCuz we all got a part we must playAnd I"ve done it but I"ve done it my wayI gotta read between the linesOohh(oohh)In the script of my life
2023-07-13 23:27:501


  你要的是英式还是美式呢?是指iraier的发音吗?  英式:sir→[u0259:]curtain→[u0259:]her→[u0259:]  美式:sir→[u0259]curtain→[u0259]her→[u0259]所以英式与美式的结果都是一样的,sir、curtain、her发音相同。望采纳~(*^__^*)谢谢~
2023-07-13 23:28:021


2023-07-13 23:16:563


2023-07-13 23:16:571

A Rose Is Still A Rose 歌词

歌曲名:A Rose Is Still A Rose歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:A Rose Is Still A RoseA Rose Is Still A RoseAretha FranklinDoo doo doo doo doo doo mmmDooby dooby doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo doo mmmThere was a rose I knew, I met her once or twice beforeShe was a pretty sweet thing, not the least bit insecureThen you came with your slick game and played with her youthUnashamed of the way you lied, played with the truth, hey, heyMmm, she never knew what hit herSteal her honey, then forget herA roseShe wears a flowerTryin" to forget about you‘Cause a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youDarlin", you hold the powerNow believe me when I tell you that I"ve been hurt myselfWhen he tells you that he loves you and sees nobody elseAnd now you"re so tough tryin" to wear tight clothes and thingsTossin" and flossin", tryin" to fill the void heartbreak bringsOh…oh…yeahWhen she faces the mirror, yeahShe"s cryin", you can"t hear herNow the rose is still a roseShe wears a flower, tryin" to forget about you‘Cause a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youBaby, girl, you hold the powerSee a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youDarlin", you hold the powerLet your life be in the sunshineNot the darkness of your sorrowYou may see your all todayWhen you know it"ll come tomorrowTough to be, but life ain"t overJust because your man is goneGirl, love yourself and love to loveDo your love him life goes onWithout him your life goes onWithout him your life goes on‘Cause a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youBaby, girl, you hold the powerSee a rose is still a roseBaby, girl, you"re still a flowerHe can"t lead you and then take youMake you and then break youDarlin", you hold the power
2023-07-13 23:17:011


2023-07-13 23:17:034

twenty years中英文对照歌词

歌手:placebo 专辑:once more with feeling: singles 1996-2004 There are twenty years to go,and twenty ways to knowwho will wear,who will wear the hat,There are twenty years to go,the best of all i hope,join the ridethe medicine show,And thems the breaksfor we designer fakeswe need to concentrateon more than meets the eyeThere are twenty years to go,the faithful and the lowthe best of startsthe broken hearts, the stoneThere are twenty years to go,the punch drunk and the blowthe worst of startsthe mercy part, the phoneAnd thems the breaksfor we designer fakeswe need to concentrateon more than meets the eyeThems the breaksfor we designer fakesbut it"s you i take"cause you"re the truth not i,There are twenty years to go,a golden age i knowbut all will passwill end too fast you knowThere are twenty years to go,and many friends i hopethough some may hold the rosesome hold the ropeAnd that"s the end, and that"s the start of it,that"s the whole, and that"s the part of it,that"s the highs, and that"s the heart of it,that"s the long, and that"s the short of it,that"s the best, and that"s the test in it,that"s the doubt, the doubt the trust in it,that"s the sight, and that"s the sound of it,that"s the gift, that"s the trick in it,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i.
2023-07-13 23:17:051


高兴第一个帮助你。There was no gym five years ago.五年前这儿没有健身房。Now there is a new one.现在有一家新的(健身房)。请采纳, 谢谢!!
2023-07-13 23:17:052

求Aretha Franklin的Angle的歌词

spend all your time waitingfor that second chancefor a break that would make it okaythere"s always one reasonto feel not good enoughand it"s hard at the end of the dayi need some distractionoh beautiful releasememory seeps from my veinslet me be emptyand weightless and maybei"ll find some peace tonightin the arms of an angelfly away from herefrom this dark cold hotel roomand the endlessness that you fearyou are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverieyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you findsome comfort there(music)so tired of the straight lineand everywhere you turnthere"s vultures and thieves at your backand the storm keeps on twistingyou keep on building the liethat you make up for all that you lackit don"t make no differenceescaping one last timeit"s easier to believe in this sweet madness ohthis glorious sadness that brings me to my kneesin the arms of an angelfly away from herefrom this dark cold hotel roomand the endlessness that you fearyou are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverieyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you findsome comfort thereyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you findsome comfort here
2023-07-13 23:17:082

Aretha Franklin的《Pitiful》 歌词

《Pitiful》歌手:Aretha Franklin所属专辑:《The Queen Of Soul》唱片公司:Rhino Entertainment Company发行时间:1991年06月11日歌词:Oh pitiful, pitifulI feel so sorry for mePitiful, it"s pitifulFeel so sorry for meThough you don"t love meYou sayBut still you won"t set me freeOh set me freeI wonder whyI wonder whyI wonder why you do me like you doOh yes I doI wonder, I wonder, I wonderI wonder, I wonder whyWhy you do me like you doOh yeahWhen you know that I love you babyAnd you know I wouldn"t do it to youNo noIt looks like it makes you happyJust to see me cryPlease have mercy onThis aching heart of mineLooks like you"re trying to seeJust how mean you can beWell listen I wouldn"t do my dogThe way you do meOh pitiful, pitifulFeel sorry for myselfPitiful oh pitifulFeel sorry for myselfWhen you know that you don"t want me babyBut you ain"t gonna let me have nobody elseCome on and tell me the truth nowYeah I go onI"m so pitifulYeah pitiful, pitifulFeeling sorry, feeling sorry for myselfBut tell me the truth now babe...
2023-07-13 23:16:542


"God is crazy" series is about in the kalahari region of Africa, and a natural disposition is optimistic, content of the bush family native, two years for living in isolation. Although only six hundred miles from modern city but they knew nothing about modern things. The kalahari is a semi-desert areas, drought nine months of the year, many animals have left unable to adapt to the environment, but it is the bush people in the eyes of heaven - they do not need to rely on surface water can life, have rich experience in living.
2023-07-13 23:16:481

Aretha Franklin的《My Guy》 歌词

歌曲名:My Guy歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:So Damn Happy/Les IndispensablesMy Guy (My God)Performed by Deloris & The SistersHail girlsHail Mary, what"s upWell, Juism"s become a real dragEverybody hates meNah-ah, not that Guy over thereWho HimThey all say He"s differentThey say He"s really weirdWe don"t care what people sayTo us He"s always thereReallyNothing you could sayCould tear me awayFrom my God (my God)Nothing you could doCause I"m stuck like glue toMy God (my God, my God)I"m sticking to my GodLike a stamp to a letterLike birds of a featherWe stick togetherI"m tellin" you from the startI can"t be torn apart from my GodNothing you could doCould make me untrue to my God (my God)Nothing you could buyCould make me tell a lieTo my God (my God, my God)I gave my God my word of honorTo be faithful and I"m gonnaYou best be believingI won"t be deceiving my GodAs a matter of opinion I think he"s topsMy opinion is he"s the cream of the cropAs a matter of taste to be exactHe"s my ideal as a matter of factNo muscle bound manCould take my handFrom my God (my God)No handsome faceCould ever take the placeOf my God (my God, my God)He may not be a movie starBut when it comes to bein" happyWe areThere"s not a man todayWho could take me away from my God(Cool it down now, ladies)There"s not a man todayWho could take me away from my God(Give them some of that deep shoulder action)There"s not a man todayWho could take me away from my God
2023-07-13 23:16:471

Aretha Franklin的《Good Times》 歌词

歌曲名:Good Times歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:Original Album SeriesAll Star United - Good TimesGimme the keys to the CadillacMyu muscle tee with the Union JackI wanna party like it"s 1999Pump it up in the fast lanePop the cork on the champagneDon"t need nothing but a good time to feel alrightHey, give me the good timesDon"t let the sunshine fade awayGive me the good times every dayDo you feel a little so soHave you forgotten how to disco?Don"t let Bono tell you what you should or should not doLearn how to drown out the bad newsAre you down with the summertime blues?Ask your doctor if the good times are good for youSide effects of the good timesinclude dizziness, blurred vision,shallow personality, mediocrity,depression, a general feeling of malaise,and a haunting sense that one might bewasting one"s life. In the eventthat happiness lasts longer thanfour hours, seek medicalattention immediately.
2023-07-13 23:16:401


,,You stupid cunt !..........cunnilingus penis vagina............文二代有一个会写小说的爹..........粪丝特别羡慕呕像滴............妞逼哦 粪斗哦...............呕像穿增高鞋 呕像戴增高假发.............呕像完蛋咯 .......文坛算个屁,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,某个中学退学生就是一泡屎 , 还冒充妓巴思想导师 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,你可以玩.B ,但是你不能冒充妓.巴作家玩.B...........,,,,,,,,,,你可以骗.钱 ,但是你不能冒充妓.巴作家骗.钱.......,,,,,,,,,你可以装.B ,但是你不能冒充妓.巴作家装.B................,,,,,,,,,,某个中学退学生 ,冒充妓.巴文化人 .......祝骗子玩.B.快乐 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,``【提问7】为什么你从不在大家面前谈论自己的作品呢?为什么别人一问起你的作品,你不是说“忘了”就是“不记得了”。什么时候你会面向你的读者谈谈自己的创作心得和写作体会呢?.............  `【提问8】在面对方舟子指责你有代笔的时候,为什么不选择和他当面对话?和他谈自己的作品。而选择逃避。一个作家谈自己的作品不难吧?你不觉得这个是最好的消除代笔嫌疑的方式吗?这个方式比打官司要有说服力1万倍。 ............. `【提问11】你自己都说了英语不及格,那么你是如何做到在《三重门》里引应用到了大量英文?而且那么流畅。有什么诀窍?  ............`【提问13】你的作品《三重门》里引经据典,涉及到的书有几十种。你什么时候有时间和你的粉丝在公开场合谈谈你的读书心得?不谈赛车不谈女人。 .........   `【提问14】你以前说过:不出席任何商业活动,不做任何代言。可你没做到。在方舟子指责你有代笔的时候你说:不回应。但是最后还是回应了。你说用2000万悬赏,最后自己又推翻说是个玩笑。作为****人物这样出尔反尔。你认为会不会对自己形象有所损害?  ...........   `【提问15】韩寒。在你成名之前,你的父亲一直有作品发表。而且文笔很好。很受欢迎,但是从你出名后,你的父亲就再没发表过任何作品。你怎么看你父亲前后的表现?他是江郎才尽了吗? ................``【提问19】《三重门》里有《红楼梦》的诗句,可韩寒在很多公开场合却说从没看过 《红楼梦》而《三重门》里还引用了很多名著的精彩段落。这些书你都看过吗?你对读这些名著有什么体会?..............   `【提问20】在《求医》一文中描写的是疥疮症状,而且宣称是自己真实经历。而后段有专业医生指出,这个是肝炎的症状,而韩仁均恰恰是因为肝炎不得不从华师大退学的。《说说我自己》里有自己得肝炎的描述。问:这一段到底是真实经历还是根据父亲描述写的?  ............  `【提问21】韩寒你在写《杯中窥人》时。手边并无参考资料。你是如何会拼写这个拉丁文而且知道意思的。据网友考证。这个拉丁文出自《马克思恩格斯全集》里。是不是这样的?  ............  `【提问22】你声称:“不参加研讨会,交流会,笔会,不签售,不讲座,不剪彩,不出席时尚聚会,不参加颁奖典礼,不参加演出,接受少量专访,原则上不接受当面采访,不写约稿,不写剧本,不演电视剧,不给别人写序。”有人说:肚里无货!做贼心虚!言多怕失!你是否准备参加交流会,笔会,讲座来证明自己?  ..........  `【提问23】你在《三重门》里说到的高中课程有:文艺美学、西方文学、中国文学史。而且还参加文学社。可这些都是大学里中文系才开设的课程。你怎么能在高中就学上了这些课程呢?  ............  `【提问24】你公布的手稿太整洁,没有出版社编辑的校对。那说明是原始稿子。内容和书里的差别在哪里?你可以更详细的展示吗? ..............    `【提问25】你说你是一个对文字有洁僻的人。出版社改动你哪怕一个标点你都不允许。可你在网易的访谈中说书里最出彩的那段话不是你写的。为什么会出现这样的情况? .....   `【提问26】韩寒你在接受网易采访的时候在回答对抵制日货的看法:“我的原则是不买日本车不开日本车”也表示不参加任何代言。可你最后却去为斯巴鲁汽车(日本富士重工)做了代言。你认为是什么使你没有说到做到?  ......  `【提问27】韩寒你在2010年7月23日香港书展上公开宣称:今年至少会捐出100万元,作为大家“错爱”你的感谢。请问:你捐给那家机构了?什么时候捐的?  ....  `【提问28】香港《文汇报》以33栏的宏大规模认定你是代笔。你是否会起诉《文汇报》?或者出来为自己辩解?  ......  `【提问29】在南都对你的专访里。你说:“我就在北京的三年没有写书,光顾着玩了。”你在北京三年是2001~2003这三年,韩寒署名仍出版了三本书:《像少年啦飞驰》、《通稿2003》和精选集《毒》。那么这前三本书是谁写的?  .......它就是文二代,,,它有会写小说的爹.....妞逼哦...粪斗哦...粪丝羡慕滴...呕像完蛋咯...神马妓巴天才作家...粪丝舔呕像的粪 ......You stupid cunt !...4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.......
2023-07-13 23:16:407


选中某间谍,在信徒面板的颜色栏里选择要伪装的敌人部落的颜色,然后就溜进敌人部落去放火,要小心躲开传教士,否则会被召唤走~~ 间谍没什么实际大用处,一般用来探开黑雾,或者在准备总攻前破坏敌人设施才用一下~ 这是一种答案,还有一种是我在全攻略上抄的, 我们的巫师被监禁,在有限的时间内必须将她救出来。将十名勇士训练成间谍,乘坐两艘小船到监禁处。这时你会看到有三个哨塔呈三角形监视着监狱,派一个间谍分别点燃三个哨塔(不会被发现),与此同时用两个间谍将旁边的十几棵树烧掉(否则敌人会用木材来维修监狱),然后再进攻监狱。注意进攻路线,不能让沙滩上的敌人发现你。救出巫师后用一次降火术,干掉沙滩上的敌人,再从三角塔求得火山术,在山脊上用一次足以让村里的敌人全部完蛋。
2023-07-13 23:16:381