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1929―1933的美国经济危机 用英文简单说下

2023-07-13 09:50:15

The Great Depression began on "Black Tuesday" with the Wall Street Crash of October, 1929 and rapidly spread worldwide. The market crash marked the beginning of a decade of high unemployment, poverty, low profits, deflation, plunging farm incomes, and lost opportunities for economic growth and personal advancement. Although its causes are still uncertain and controversial, the net effect was a sudden and general loss of confidence in the economic future. The usual explanations include numerous factors, especially high consumer debt, ill-regulated markets that permitted malfeasance by banks and investors, cutbacks in foreign trade, lack of high-growth new industries, and growing wealth inequality, all interacting to create a downward economic spiral of reduced spending, falling confidence, and lowered production.

The initial government response to the crisis exacerbated the situation; protectionist policies like the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in the U.S. strangled global trade as other nations retaliated against the U.S.[citation needed] Industries that suffered the most included agriculture, mining, and logging as well as durable goods like construction and automobiles that people postponed.The economy eventually recovered from the low point of the winter of 1932-33, with sustained improvement until 1937, when the Recession of 1937 brought back 1934 levels of unemployment.


From October 29 to November 13, about 30 billion US dollars flew to drain in America and this was just the beginning of the economic crisis. All kinds of chaining effects occurred such as the bankrupcy of banks, the strikes of workers, the scandals from the government, the protests of the organizations. All these impaired the stability and the economy of America substantially. However, the Hoover Government was totally messed with the crisis that it did nothing to redeem it but let the situation get worse. And then, at the beginning of 1933, more than half banks in America were striken down, 130,000 enterprises closed and the number of unemployed totalled to 13.000.000. The complains and dissatisfaction of the public rose from murmurs to uproars.




Actually in actualityEssentiallyin essence
2023-07-13 05:12:182


2023-07-13 05:12:275

It is anticipated that this contract will substantially increase sales over the next three years.

2023-07-13 05:12:521


1、absurd 荒谬的;不合理的;违反常理的 2、adequate 足够的;适当的 3、ample 广大的;宽敞的;充足的 4、decent 合宜的;得体的;适当的 5、dreadful 令人恐怖的;令人害怕的 6、exceptional 异常的;例外的;特别优秀 7、exquisite 精细的;精美的;敏锐的;细致的 8、farfetched 牵强的;不大可信的;不自然的 9、in light of 按照;根据 10、ingenious 有巧思的;有创意的;灵敏的 11、instant 立即的;(食品)快速方便的 12、legitimate 合法的;正当的;婚生的 13、moderate 中等的;适度的;有节制的;温和的 14、oblivious 遗忘的;遗忘的;不注意的;不在意的 15、random 随便的;无目的的. 16、relevant 有关的;切题的;有实际价值或重要性的 17、substantially 相当大的;基本上;本质的 18、temporary 暂时的临时的 19、unprecedented 史无前例的;空前的 20、versatile 多才多艺的;有多种用途的
2023-07-13 05:12:591


  相当,指两方面差不多。下面就由我为大家带来关于相当的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于相当的相关短语   相当独特 fairly individual ; fairly unique   相当差 pretty bad ; Very Poor   相当自信 Quite confident   相当长 very long   实质相当 substantially equivalent   相当便宜 Fairly cheap   实力相当; match each other in strength; be well matched in strength   关于相当的相关短句   1.(两方面差不多; 配得上或能够相抵) match; balance; correspond to; be equivalent to; be equal to; be commensurate with [to]:   of about the same age; be well-matched in age;   年龄相当   The gains balance the losses.   得失相当。   The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of American Secretary of State.   法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。   The two football teams are well-matched.   两个足球队实力相当。   2.(适宜; 合适) suitable; fit; appropriate:   suitable person; fit person;   相当的人选   suitable words; appropriate words;   相当的字眼   We haven"t found a fit person for this job yet.   这工作没有找到相当的人   3.(程度高) quite; fairly; considerably:   quite a success;   相当成功   fairly good;   相当好   quite a lot [number; few; bit; amount]   相当多   关于相当的词语辨析   quite, rather, pretty, fairly这组词都有“相当,颇”的意思,其区别是:   quite 含义比fairly稍强,与不定冠词连用时,一般放在不定冠词之前。   rather 语气比quite强,褒意贬意无可使用。可与too和比较级连用。   pretty 用法与rather相似。常用于非正式文体。   fairly 语意最弱,多用于褒义,表示适度地、尚可的意思。不可与too或比较级连用。   关于相当的相关例句   1. Harry inherited the house and a sizeable chunk of land.   哈里继承了这座房子以及相当大的一片土地。   2. She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.   她相当顽固,宗教观念极强。   3. Substantial numbers of rank and file members ignored their union"s advice.   有相当一部分普通员工不理睬工会的建议。   4. By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP.   到1973年,政府财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。   5. I gradually got rather disillusioned with the whole setup of the university.   渐渐地,我对大学的整个体制感到相当失望。   6. He made a remarkable recovery from a shin injury.   他的胫骨伤恢复得相当不错。   7. I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person.   我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。   8. "Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "A little startling," Mark agreed.   “坦白说我觉得这相当可怕。”——“是有点吓人,”马克表示同意。   9. She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.   她头脑相当灵光,是个非常棒的作家。   10. Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels.   我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。   11. He said there was a need for proportionality in sentencing.   他说量刑时应当做到罚罪相当。   12. Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well.   有些粮食作物歉收。但棉花的收成仍相当不错。   13. The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.   每天相当于两大汤匙多重不饱和油的量就足够了。   14. They rather looked down their noses at anyone who couldn"t speak French.   他们相当瞧不起不会说法语的人。   15. We have a fairly good idea of what"s going on.   我们对正在发生的事有着相当清楚的认识。   关于相当的双语例句   假期过后,我觉得健康恢复得相当不错。   I feel quite restored to health after my holiday.   铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。   Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature.   他总的健康状况相当令人满意。   His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.   这是一本相当不错的书。   It"s a fairly good book.   我认为我是一个相当有耐心的人。   I think I am quite a patient person.   这篇论文说明你最近的工作取得了相当大的改进。   This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work.   说到那个蜕皮,相当累人,也相当花时间。   Molting was tiring and took a lot of time.   我看是相当认真、严肃,也相当仔细了。   I think we have been rather careful and conscientious in this matter.   相当多的,相当大的。   The damage which the earthquake did to the building was considerable.
2023-07-13 05:13:061


sharp Significant
2023-07-13 05:13:165

诊断的准确性大幅上升。翻译成: The accuracy of diagnosis increases significantly?

2023-07-13 05:13:334


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在图3.2A,考虑一正式宣布“平价两美元的价值”,实质上是一英镑相对于它进行估值过高的1.60美元的速度每磅。英国官员宣布他们会支持英镑对1%低于票面价值(1.98美元),而美元在1%水准之上(大约为2.02美元)。在图3.2A时,就会被迫通过保证有正式对外汇市场的干预,购买£50亿美元(和销售99美元亿美元,相当于50亿次£19.8美元每磅)。这种干涉填补了nonofficial AB之间供求19.8美金兑换率。只有这样,我们才能会总需求量磅,私人加上官员3200亿个,纯正的货币供给。如果他们用美元购买磅,暂时不能满足需求总量的供应和价格都低于得到官方的支持,价格为$ 1.98。然而,英国官员希望保卫在固定汇率可能没有足够储备金美元来把价格固定无限期点,我们将把几次其余的书。 另例官方干预防御的固定汇率如图3.2B。瑞士政府官员已经宣布票面金额的SFr瑞士法郎(50美分)美国,货币,支持点50.5美分,49.5%美分。供给曲线的需求都被吸引是被大幅低估了法郎在这个利率固定,相对于为$ 0进行每法郎。来保卫他们的固定利率,政府官员必须干预外汇市场与卖到100亿法郎来满足需求的旺盛在50.5美分。如果瑞士政府官员也不能忍受购买足够的美元来把差距乘积AB与将汇率保持在低水平,可以在50.5美分放弃,让物价上涨了。 外汇汇率变化是给你们
2023-07-13 05:14:222

appreciate sth和 thank you for sth 的区别,用法上有什么不同?

2023-07-13 05:14:311


有不同的类型债券。债券由特定资产承诺巩固叫做抵押债券或被巩固的债券。无担保债券称公司债券; 它的价值休息在发布的公司的一般信用。大公司以好信用评级广泛地使用无担保债券。可能被转换成普通股在债券持有人的选择的债券是可兑现金债券。可兑现金债券有是有吸引力的对股票持有人和对发行人的特点。转换经常提供债券持有人机会有益于如果普通股的市场价极大地增加。此外, 直到转换, 债券持有人接受兴趣在债券。发行人, 债券比如此没有兑换选项的可比较的债务证券卖以一个更高的价和支付更低的利率。发行公司能退休在陈述的美元数额在成熟之前的债券是可赎回的债券。当所有者的名字向发布的公司登记, 债券是登记的债券。付款利益由每半年检查付被邮寄对登记的所有者。债券没登记叫做持票人或优惠券债券。优惠券债券有兴趣优惠券附上; 每六个月在生活政券期间这些的当中一个优惠券变得适当。债券持有人分开优惠券和放置它与一家银行为汇集。囤户的名字不向公司登记。
2023-07-13 05:14:382

英语 中国家庭结构的转变

The percent of three-generation family households in 2000 increased considerably as compared to 1990 and 1982; the proportion of two-generation nuclear family households substantially dropped by about 17 percent in 2000 as compared to 1990. Such change, however, does not mean that Chinese families are returning to the more traditional structure. This is mainly caused by the demographic effects: given that most old parents still live with one married child (although declining), generations born after the early 1970s who have much fewer siblings have a smaller chance of moving out of the parental home to form an independent nuclear family household when they reach the family formation stage. In fact, the one-person and one-couple-only households have been increasing quickly; average household size decreased significantly; the proportions of elderly who did not live with children and elderly-couple only households substantially increased in 2000 as compared to 1990. We conclude that the family transformation in contemporary China was caused by the tremendous fertility decline and by significant changes in social attitudes and economic mobility related to co-residence between old parents and adult children
2023-07-13 05:14:452


应该是constrain to的词组吧,不会限制劳动力提高产量
2023-07-13 05:14:565


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: A team from the University of Southern Denmark looked at 21,653 same-sex ins born beeen 1870 and 1930 and established cause of death in the years beeen 1943 and 1993. When the researchers pared the suicide rates of ins against death rates in the general population, they discovered that ins, regardless of gender, had a substantially lower rate of suicide. The study"s authors say this supports the view that strong family ties reduce the risk of suicidal behavior. The authors add that it was particularly interesting to discover that ins are slightly more likely than the general population to have mental illness - the strongest risk factor for suicide. The researchers argue that this would suggest that a higher proportion of ins should mit suicide. However, they add, "Our findings show exactly the opposite, further underscoring the importance of strong family ties." The study describes the relationship beeen ins as unique. "They not only share the same family and social environment at least for the first part of their lives, but they also show a higher level of closeness both in terms of the number of years spent together before leaving the parental home and in the frequency of contacts afterwards," the researchers said. 谢谢了~~ 解析: A team from the University of Southern Denmark looked at 21,653 same-sex ins born beeen 1870 and 1930 and established cause of death in the years beeen 1943 and 1993. 一个南丹麦大学的研究团队在1943年到1993年期间观察了21,653对同性别的双胞胎并建立起了对这些人死亡病历研究。 When the researchers pared the suicide rates of ins against death rates in the general population, they discovered that ins, regardless of gender, had a substantially lower rate of suicide. 当研究人员把这些双胞胎的自杀率与普通人相比的时候,他们发现双胞胎,不管性别如何,自杀率比普通人低很多。 The study"s authors say this supports the view that strong family ties reduce the risk of suicidal behavior. The authors add that it was particularly interesting to discover that ins are slightly more likely than the general population to have mental illness - the strongest risk factor for suicide. 学术研究者表示这个事实支持了一个观点:牢固的家庭关系可以减少导致家庭成员自杀的风险。并且研究者补充说,他们很有兴趣的发现双胞胎比普通人得精神疾病的几率要高些,精神疾病---是导致自杀的最重要因素。 The researchers argue that this would suggest that a higher proportion of ins should mit suicide. However, they add, "Our findings show exactly the opposite, further underscoring the importance of strong family ties." 研究者们争论这会暗示着双胞胎将会有高的自杀率。然而,他们补充说:“我们的发现证明了事实与此大相径庭,再一次强调了牢固家庭关系的重要性。” The study describes the relationship beeen ins as unique. "They not only share the same family and social environment at least for the first part of their lives, but they also show a higher level of closeness both in terms of the number of years spent together before leaving the parental home and in the frequency of contacts afterwards," the researchers said. 这项研究形容双胞胎的关系是独一无二的。“他们不仅在他们人生的初期处在同样的家庭和社会环境,并且他们在离开父母之前和之后都有比普通人着更亲密的关系并保持比比普通人更多的联系”研究人员说。
2023-07-13 05:15:541


2023-07-13 05:16:047

和平,安定,统一能极大地促进一个民族的发展用contribute to翻译?

和平,安定,统一能极大地促进一个民族的发展Peace, stability and unification can substantially contribute to the development of a nation.
2023-07-13 05:16:191


太复杂了。。。翻译了一点 还是算了,觉得不怎么对劲
2023-07-13 05:16:273


A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed between the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially rigid transition shim is operable for coupling the spherical elastomer bearing member to the flat elastomer bearing member. The damper assembly further including a tension member attached to the substantially rigid transition shim, wherein the tension member is operable for precompressing the spherical elastomer bearing member and increasing the cocking stiffness of the damper assembly会不会有点难?还找了一个:An extreme sport (also called action sport and adventure sport) is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger, and that are counter-cultural. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.The definition of an extreme sport is not exact — for example, although studies show that (road) cycling ranks as the sport with the highest rate of injury, it is not considered an extreme sport because it is not counter-cultural. The term"s origin is also unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games.History The origin of the divergence of the term "extreme sports" from "sports" may date to the 1950s in the appearance of a phrase usually, but wrongly, attributed to Ernest Hemingway[10]. The phrase is"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games." The implication of the phrase was that the word "sport" defined an activity in which one might be killed. The other activities being termed "games". The phrase may have been invented by either writer Barnaby Conrad or automotive author Ken Purdy.In recent decades the term extreme sport was further promoted by X Games, a multi-sport event created and developed by ESPN. The first X Games (known as 1995 Extreme Games) were held in Newport, Providence, Mount Snow, and Vermont in the United States.A history of the sports was published in 2004. Amped: How Big Air, Big Dollars and a New Generation Took Sports to the Extreme. The book provided an overview of the history, culture, and business of the sports and included interviews with athletes, company owners, and marketers.对不起啦,没有翻译
2023-07-13 05:16:502

英文翻译SOS急啊 在线等```

With A tender compassion is "equivalent". It is A picture in translations. Freebie"re attempt to reproduce the seldom of language - don"t returned expression
2023-07-13 05:16:584


2023-07-13 05:17:085


Filed Lu Xun, often make people think of the mountains of Huashan, cold and steady. He substantially decreased and the cedar tree on the hilltop overlooking the Divine.
2023-07-13 05:17:241


根长度生产的季节式样表示一积极的对 IL 治疗 (图 1) 的回应. 因为氮一个限制生长的因素在研究位置, 肥料的申请造成了对根的增加生物量配置。 增加的对根的生物量配置和降低薄的纱织品的比率成交量典型地与低的土壤营养物有效有关在北极的生态系统 (剃削者和 Chapin 1991) 中. 液体施肥在八月实质上增加了根生产当茎木材生产到达了它的山顶的时候 (M. Str?mgren,未出版的数据). 树在实验的位置生产了较多的罚款根进入两者的控制和在瑞典南部超过树施肥了情节(Majdi 和 Kangas 1997). 这可能反映氮的角色如一个限制生长的因素在实验的位置 (Bergh etal。 1999)。 通常植根pe from prison mortalitywas lowduring 成长的季节在和增加的所有治疗情节中在成长人结束的时候在 IL 情节 (图 1) 的季节. 与 C 情节相较, 营养的而且水附加在深度降低了根长命0-10 cm(图 2). 在所有的情节中的低根必死的命运在那学习与另外的调查相关的位置 (Majdi 和 Kangas1997) 似乎指出氮有效不主要对于如 Aber et 所建议的根必死的命运是有责任的al。 (1985) 而且 Nadelhoffer 以及其他人。 (1985)。 在因素之中那可能影响好的根长命是土壤温度,分岐次序和 mycorrhizal 开拓殖民。 有证据那不分枝 mycorrhizal 根有较长的生活跨越胜于被分枝的根 (Majdi 以及其他人。 2001)。 Majdi 和Nylund(1996) 报告超过 95% 的挪威颇为干净的根是 mycorrhizal 。 mycorrhizal 根诀窍的数字(<1mmin 直径) 每一单位,根长度增加当固体肥料被应用 (比较 Eissenstat 1992) 。 Fransson 以及其他人。 (2000) 在 IL 发现较多的 mycorrhizal 植根pe from prison 顶端计画翻译比较的到C 在研究位置计画翻译。 土壤核心数据表演在研究位置的好根是相等地在 LFH 和矿物土壤层中集中了(0-30 cm), 哪一个不同于较早的瑞典人的结果研究在 LFH 层中指出高根集中(也就是, Persson 1980). 然而, 土壤核心数据蒙受高度易变, 和不允许一项根动力学的详细研究(Majdi 1996). 虽然营养物和水有效增加植根pe from prison 生物量而且植根pe from prison 生产 (图 1 和表 1), 这些效果是季节的而且可能从一年变化到另外一靠在气候上的因素身上, 也就是, 太阳的光发射和温度。 然而, 高根生产和低的长命在研究位置的施肥情节中意味着树投资比例较多的在根上比做树具有长的生活跨越在一个南方的瑞典人位置先前学习了 (Majdi 和Kangas 1997)。
2023-07-13 05:17:321


2023-07-13 05:17:404


协议 1任命 三十人特此指定XXX ,要购置和提供服务,至XXX及其相关公司,为长远的回报,为收费所界定的第3条 3收费 1月3日在审议该所承担的义务在XXX了XXX ,应在期限内缴交三十共一笔xxxxxxx的应缴XXXX的平等支付,从生效日期,不包括支出,隐瞒税,服务税和排他的第三党费用及服务税,对这样的党的第三所支付的费用,代表xxx和其相关的公司(以下简称“收费” ) 。 3.2支付的费用由为XXXXX和任何其他人士或相关公司所委任的年月日至完成服务(定义在第4条,以下简称)在表现的服务应开具发票至XXX ,并在发生时计入费用,和三十应解决的支出在充分三十( 30 )天从发票日期起计。 3.3尽管任何在此包含的是相反的,其他任何税,征收的税款,职责,不折不扣的现金支付,支付的费用,如空中旅行,当地的旅行,住宿和食品的开支等,应由三十。 4服务 1月4日在审议该支付的费用了XXX ,此公约,并同意遵守和履行服务内容已载列于本条文(以下简称“服务” ) : - 4.1.1提供----服务,其中包括,但不仅限于,如下: 37.1 ------ 37.2 -- -- - A.3的任何其他服务当作有关和必要的工程完成。 六为XXXXX的义务 6.1服务 三十,应在本协议期限内购置并提供服务,为xxx和其相关公司和承诺的服务,应提供其雇员及代理人在一个专业,认真和勤奋的方式。 6.2保密 6.2.1三十承诺在任期内不提供第三方当事人和采取一切合理措施,以防止未经授权出版或披露任何机密资料,根据× × ×及其相关公司( “机密资料” ) 。 6.2.2尽管第6.2.1以上了XXX ,可能会透露的机密资料: - ( a )至其职员,雇员,代理人及顾问完成的目的,这同时透露,只要在尊重根据× × ×的代理人或顾问了XXX ,应合理地努力,这种代理人或顾问签署的信中赞成三十载有大致相同的保密条款; ( b )在任何其他当事人与事先书面同意,根据× × × ;或 ( c )如果法律规定或授权在XXX 。
2023-07-13 05:17:471


  英语美文题材丰富,涉及面广,大多蕴涵人生哲理。引导学生欣赏美文,不仅能提高他们的阅读理解能力,而且能使他们得到美的熏陶,从而提高学生对周围事物的认识。下面是我带来的每日欣赏一篇英语美文,欢迎阅读!  每日欣赏一篇英语美文篇一   Evolution of Sleep   睡眠的进化   Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic sense we share it with all the primates and almost all the other mammals and birds: it may extend back as far as the reptiles.   睡眠自古就有。从脑电图上看,我们人类和所有灵长目动物以及几乎所有的哺乳动物和鸟类都一样需要睡眠;甚至爬行类动物也有睡眠。   There is some evidence that the two types of sleep, dreaming and dreamless, depend on the life-style of the animal, and that predators are statistically much more likely to dream than prey, which are in turn much more likely to experience dreamless sleep. In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli. Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep.   有证据显示,有梦睡眠和无梦睡眠这两种类型的睡眠取决于该动物的生活方式。从统计上看,食肉动物比被捕食动物有更多的有梦睡眠,而被捕食动物更多地无梦睡眠。动物在有梦睡眠时,被有效地解除动作能力,并且对外界刺激缺乏反应。无梦睡眠则要浅得多。我们都看到过猫和狗在显然的酣睡中,有一点响动耳朵就会竖起来。   The fact that deep dream sleep is rare among prey today seems clearly to be a product of natural selection, and it makes sense that today, when sleep is highly evolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized by deep sleep than the smart ones. But why should they sleep deeply at all? Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved? Perhaps one useful hint about the original function of sleep is to be found in the fact that dolphins and whales and aquatic mammals in general seem to sleep very little. There is, by and large, no place to hide in the ocean.   被捕食动物很少有深度的有梦睡眠,这看来显然是自然选择的结果。而且这一点是有道理的:当睡眠高度进化以后,愚笨的动物比聪明的动物更少在深度睡眠状态下丧失动作能力。但是动物为什么要进入深度睡眠呢?为什么这样的无动作状态也会进化出来呢?海豚、鲸鱼以及水生哺乳动物睡眠都极少,这一事实可以给睡眠的根本功能提供有用的线索。海洋中是没有藏身之处的。   Could it be that, rather than increasing an animal"s vulnerability, the function of sleep is to decrease it? Wilse Webb of the University of Florida and Ray Meddis of London University have suggested this to be the case. It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quiet on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. The point seems particularly clear for the young of predatory animals. This is an interesting notion and probably at least partly true.   会不会是这样,睡眠不但不增加动物受伤害的可能性,反而是减少了这种可能性呢?佛罗里达大学的Wilse Webb和伦敦大学的Ray Meddis认为情况就是如此。可以想像得出,在危险的时刻,那些由于太愚笨而不能自动保持安静的动物,会不由自主地变得动弹不得。这一点在食肉动物的幼兽身上表现得特别明显。这是一个很有意思的看法,它至少是部分正确的。   每日欣赏一篇英语美文篇二   世界上9种独特的交通工具Venice u2013 Traghetto   威尼斯摆渡船   Along the 3.5km stretch of Venice"s Grand Canal there are just three bridges, so how do you get across? By Traghetto (meaning "ferry" in Italian), of course. The unglamorous sibling of the gondola; these no-frills boats get passengers from one side of the canal to the other for a meagre fee. You can pick up a Traghetto from any of the seven piers along the canal - just look for the yellow signs pointing you towards the landings. Each boat is rowed by two oarsmen - one at the bow and one behind the passengers, as in a gondola - if you want to ride like a Venetian, stand for the short journey.   总长3.5公里的威尼斯大运河上,一共只有三座桥梁,那你要怎么过河呢?当然是坐Traghetto(意大利语的“渡船”之意)啦。这种摆渡船和著名的贡多拉很像,但是没贡多拉那么精致迷人。这些无装饰的船只将乘客从运河的一边送到另一边,只收取很少的费用。你可以在运河沿岸七个码头中的任意一个搭乘Traghetto——会有一些黄色指示牌指示你在哪里登船,只要找到它们即可。每艘船有两个桨手,像贡多拉一样,一个在船头,一个在所有乘客身后。如果你想像威尼斯人一样出行,那就忍受一下这趟短途旅程吧。   Pakistan - Tangah   巴基斯坦马车   Save yourself a few bucks in Pakistan and ride on a Tangah, rather than the more commonly used rickshaws and taxis. A Tangah is a carriage, sitting atop two large wooden wheels (not exactly designed for comfort, so expect a sore bottom on a long journey! ), pulled by one or two horses. They have a low-glamour, but high fun factor and have become more widely used in Pakistan for enjoyment, rather than as a functional way of getting around. Just beware that they"re not the speediest way to travel!   想在巴基斯坦省点钱,那就坐坐Tangah吧,而不要选择更常用的人力三轮车或出租车。Tangah是架在两个大木轮上(木轮可不是为了舒适而设计的,所以做好心理准备,这趟漫长旅程中你的屁股可要受罪了!)、由一两匹马拉的马车。Tangah的样子不怎么迷人,但却非常有趣。在巴基斯坦,它越来越多地作为一种娱乐方式被广泛使用,而不是一个功能性的交通工具。只是要注意,它们可不是速度最快的旅行方式哟!   Cambodia - Bamboo train   柬埔寨竹火车   Those with a strong constitution may want to ride a Cambodian bamboo train - known locally as a nori. Passengers sit on a makeshift bamboo "train" (basically just a bamboo platform) powered by an electric generator engine, travelling at up to 40km/h. The unmaintained railway tracks make for a bumpy ride and the closest you"ll get to luxury is sitting on a grass mat. But the fares are low and this is a once in a lifetime experience, as all the locals use them for getting around..   体格强壮的人也许想要试试坐柬埔寨竹火车——也被当地人称作nori。乘客坐在一个临时搭建的用发电机引擎供电的竹“火车”上(基本上是一个竹子平台),以每小时40公里的速度行驶。无人维护的铁路轨道让旅途颠簸不平,而铺上一张草垫子再坐在上面已经是最奢侈的方式了。但是竹火车的票价很低,而且这是一次千载难逢的经历,所有的当地人都使用它们出行。   Philippines - Jeepney   菲律宾吉普尼   The exhaust-belching people-carriers powered by ancient diesel car engines that careen around Filipino city streets are actually pieced-together former World War II army Jeeps. Adorned with painted flags, eagles, and starbursts, jeepneys are traditionally given names such as "Taurus" and "Mr. Lover Boy." They travel at breakneck speed overloaded with people and produce, often failing to come to a complete stop for passengers to leap on and off. These dirty, decrepit workhorses and their doctored diesel are responsible for a particularly toxic form of air pollution as well as health problems.   这些采用古老的柴油发动机、在菲律宾城市街道上猛冲、一副喷气都喷不动样子的车,实际上是第二次世界大战军用吉普车的组装车。装饰着彩旗、鹰和四射亮光,吉普尼传统上被赋予了"Taurus"和"Mr. Lover Boy"之类的名字。它们过度运载人和货,并以极速运行,常常不能完全停下让乘客们上下车。这些肮脏破旧的机器和它们所装配的柴油机对一种特殊有毒气体的产生负有主要责任,会造成空气污染和健康问题。   Thailand u2013 Tuk Tuk   泰国嘟嘟车   Brightly colored, three-wheeled tuk tuks beetle about Bangkok, cramming passengers into their covered back seats as they battle insane traffic and hurtle about in the heat, humidity, and pollution. The impatient drivers of these rusting, souped-up golf carts hurtle from one lane of traffic to another, barely registering the presence of lumbering buses, thundering trucks, and the mosquito fleets of other tuk tuk drivers. As you idle, you"ll have the chance to really enjoy how the noisy vehicles themselves contribute substantially to pollution. Tourists often find themselves delivered to an extra, unexpected stop en route as tuk tuk drivers attempt to get a cut of commission at stores where they happen to take a detour.   颜色鲜艳的三轮嘟嘟车在曼谷快速穿梭,将乘客都塞入其后排座位,和疯狂的交通作斗争,在高温、潮湿和污染中横冲直撞。没耐心的司机驾驶着这些生了锈的、加大了马力的 高尔夫球 车从一条小巷猛冲到另一条小巷,几乎无视笨重的巴士、雷鸣般的卡车、以及如蚊子舰队般众多的其他嘟嘟车的存在。当你无所事事,你将有机会真正体会到这些嘈杂的车辆本身是如何对污染作出重大“贡献”的。途中,游客常常会发现自己在一个莫名其妙的地方停了下来,那是因为嘟嘟车司机带他们走的弯路上碰巧有可以赚外快佣金的商店。   India - Elephant Howdah   印度象轿   "Howdah" translates as "throne," a throwback to the days when the ornate platforms transported India"s royalty from one place to the next. These days, it tends to be an array of tourists rather than the traditional aristocratic loads with which these big beasts of burden are encumbered. Howdahs can range from a simple seat and canopy to an opulent, gilt and jewel-encrusted carriage, complete with windows.   Howdah被翻译为“宝座”,把我们带回过去印度王族乘坐这种华丽“工具”从一个地方去到另一个地方的日子。现在,这些庞然大物负载的往往是一群普通游客,而不是什么传统贵族。 印度象轿可以是一个简单的座椅和华盖,也可以是一个镀金并镶有宝石、还带有窗子的豪华车厢。   Alaska u2013 Sled Dog   阿拉斯加雪橇犬   In Alaska or the Yukon, dog-pulled sleds have been replaced by snowmobiles in some communities. But hard-core husky enthusiasts still opt for canine power. Used in areas such as Denali National Park where motorized alternatives are illegal, deliveries, vet calls, and even Census visits in Alaska are still sometimes done by sled.   在阿拉斯加和育空(加拿大一地区),一些社区已经用雪地车取代了狗拉雪橇。但是顽固不化的爱斯基摩犬 爱好 者仍然选择用狗作为动力。在德纳里国家公园等地区,使用雪橇犬作为电动的替代品是非法的;但是在阿拉斯加,发送货物、呼叫兽医、甚至是人口普查访问,有时仍然用狗拉雪橇。   Peru u2013 Barco de Totora   秘鲁托托拉船   Totora is a reed which is grown in Peru, most notably on Lake Titicaca. The Uros are a group of people who live on the lake on floating islands fashioned from the reed. They also make Barco de Totora from bundles of the dried reeds, and these boats have become an icon of Peru. If you"re visiting Lake Titicaca, the Barco de Totora is a wonderful, unique method of getting across the vast and beautiful stretch of water.   托托拉是一根生长在秘鲁的芦苇,是喀喀湖上最瞩目的风景线。乌鲁斯人是生活在喀喀湖中由芦苇形成的浮岛上的一群人。他们还可以用一捆捆的干芦苇制作托托拉船,这些船已成为秘鲁的象征。如果您正在喀喀湖游览,乘坐托托拉船是越过这片广袤而美丽的湖水的独特好方式。   London - DUKW   伦敦水陆两用军车   DUKW, widely pronounced "duck", are amphibious trucks that were designed by the American military during World War II to transport equipment and troops over both land and water. Nowadays, you can take a trip in a DUKW in central London, on the aptly named Duck Tours. On a tour you"ll drive past famous London landmarks like Big Ben, the London Eye and Trafalgar Square before dramatically launching into the River Thames to get a view from the water. They"re the only way to experience the sights of central London by land and river - without leaving the comfort of your seat!   DUKW,通常发成"duck"的音,是第二次世界大战期间由美军设计的水陆两栖车,可以在陆地也可以在水上运输装备或搭载部队士兵。现在,你可以在伦敦市中心坐一回水陆两用军车,进行所谓的Duck Tours。途中你会经过伦敦著名的标志性建筑,如大本钟、伦敦眼和特拉法格广场,然后引人注目地开进泰晤士河,在河上观赏风景。这是在伦敦市中心水陆两地享受风景的唯一方式,而且都不用离开你舒适的座位哟!   每日欣赏一篇英语美文篇三   人的左脑可以过滤噪音   An undated image of the human brain taken through scanning technology. Researchers from Japan, Canada and Germany have found that it is our left brain that picks out the desired sounds from a cacophony of loud, competing sounds.[Agencies]   Ever wondered how we are able to conduct a conversation at a noisy party? Researchers from Japan, Canada and Germany have found that it is our left brain that picks out the desired sounds from a cacophony of loud, competing sounds.   "In daily life, we are always exposed to several noises at the same time and we have to pick up important signals, for example, speech sounds, from the background noises," wrote researcher Ryusuke Amiga from Japan"s National Institute for Physiological Sciences.   "We found that the left hemisphere is generally dominant for auditory processing in noisy environments," he wrote in an email response to questions from Reuters.   It is well known that speech signals are processed in the left brain.   But this study, led by Hidehiko Okamoto and Christo Pantev at the University of Muenster in Germany, furthers our understanding of how the human brain is able to zero in on the specific sounds it wants and process them.   In the latest issue of the online journal BMC Biology, the scientists said they used neuroimaging and observed neural mechanisms in volunteers who were exposed to different combinations of tests and background sounds.   "Test sounds were played either to the left or to the right ear, while the competing noise was presented either to the same or to the opposite ear," they wrote.   "By monitoring the brain"s response to these different sound combinations, the team observed that the left hemisphere was the site of most neural activity associated with processing sounds in a noisy environment."
2023-07-13 05:18:091

雅思写作 形容词与副词如何运用

 雅思写作 形容词与副词如何运用   1.形容词adj.副词adv的比较级,最高级   形容词,副词的比较级和最高级是基本内容,例如   1)单音节词,比较级+er,最高级+est   原形比较级最高级   smallsmallerSmallest   deepdeeperDeepest   例外: good, better, best; bad, worse, worst   有些单音节词,最后一个字母需要双写再+er, est,如: big, bigger, biggest.   2)多音节词,比较级more+adj./adv.原形,最高级most+adj./ adv.原形   原形比较级最高级   StrikingMore strikingMost striking   TerribleMore terribleMost terrible   例外: Pretty, prettier, prettiest,Clever, cleverer, cleverest   2.最高和最低   在图表写作时,有时候要对图表的最高点或最低点进行描述:   Thehighest   Thelargest   Thegreatest   Thesmallest   ThelowestProportion of beverages sold is beer,   Number of people travel by car.   3.比较   最高和最低时对图表的一个部分进行描述,当对图表的两个部分进行对比时:   1)比较相同和不同的基本词汇   相同不同相同不同   动词 Verb:Resemble EqualDifferent from   contrast with   distinguish   between介词   PrepLike Similar to Equal toUnlike Different from As opposed to   连词 ConnectorSimilarly Likewise Correspondingly In the same wayHowever   In contrast   On the other hand   But   Although   Whereas   While名词   NounA likeness, A similarityA difference A variation A dissimilarity   形容词   AdjEqual Same SimilarDifferent Dissimilar   副词   AdvEqually SimilarlyDifferently   例句   (1)相同:   The sales volumes of beer and wine are almost equal.   The sales volume of beer equals to that of wine.   (2)不同:   The sales volume of beer is different from that of fruit juice.   The sales volume of beer is high, however, that of fruit juice is low.   2)用于比较的一些苦丁用法   (1)as manyu2026as   twice as manyu2026as   four times as manyu2026as   not as manyu2026as   例句   Three times as many people travel by car by bus.   People who travel by cars are three times as many as those by bus.   (2)more/less   far/much/many/substantially/considerably/slightly + more/ less   例句   Substantially more people travel by car than by bus.   Car is substantially more common than bus.   Considerably less people travel by bus than by car.   Bus is much less common than car.   巧妙掌握比较和对比的技巧,相信图表题不再是一个难题!
2023-07-13 05:18:151


Civil engineering is that branch ofengineering which aims to provide a comfortable and save living for the people.As is known to us all, It has a long history, but it is also full of vigorous. Civil engineering is theengineering that deals with the design and construction of structures that areintended to be stationary, such as buildings and houses, tunnels, bridges,canals, highways, airports, port facilities, and road beds for railroads. Civilengineering offers a particular challenge because almost every structure orsystem that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique. One structurerarely duplicates another exactly. Even when structures seem to be identical,site requirement or other factors generally result in modification. Largestructures like dams, bridges, or tunnels may differ substantially fromprevious structures.
2023-07-13 05:18:301

dependant type 加拿大申请表怎么填这个问题

A:be under the age of 22 and not have a spouse or common-law partnerBdepend substantially on the financial support of a parent and have been continuously enrolled and in attendance as full-time students in a post-secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority since before the age of 22 (or since marrying or entering into a common-law relationship, if this happened before the age of 22)Cdepend substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22 and be unable to provide for themselves due to a medical condition.
2023-07-13 05:18:394


1.It 主语will have touched谓语 the surface 宾语of some portions of the essay without providing adequate explanation or convincing detail表语从句. 2.If you find it easy to produce an outline from your draft, this means that there is a clear logic to the flow of the content. 3. If it is substantially longer than the stated limit, you have to consider reducing the supporting material.4.Let me tell you one way to revise paragraphs: isolate a paragraph at a time, and make sure it runs smoothly and is not merely a bunch of unrelated statements put together.5.Try to write as much as possible with nouns and verbs than primarily with adjectives that slow the pace and reduce impact.
2023-07-13 05:18:481


在这个句子中,“that”引导的宾语从句的主语是"technical improvements"。句子的结构可以解读为:“In metals and mining, technical improvements (that saved substantially on raw materials and fuel) were available, causing prices to drop.” 这里的“that saved substantially on raw materials and fuel”是一个限制性的定语从句,用来进一步修饰和说明"technical improvements"。所以,该从句的主语实际上是存在的,即"technical improvements"。
2023-07-13 05:19:021


2023-07-13 05:19:221


As we all know, years after the 1980s, the Japanese corporate management faced a new environment, with the internationalization of economic activity in Japan, Japan"s national strength, the rapid development of powerful, technological innovation and modernization of management has been the focus of world attention. This unique enterprise education and training are inseparable. Education and training in Japanese companies is based on Japanese companies as the main base, to shape the corporate human purpose, adhere to people-centered, quality education is the focus of an education and training mode. Internal education and training has become a powerful force for economic development. The definition of education and training in Japanese companies, the development of changes in characteristics and specific mode of education, methods and techniques simple. And draw our corporate education and training should learn from Japan"s internal education and training, holding its essence, a positive attitude to its dregs, Yangchangbuduan, so as to promote China"s economic development.
2023-07-13 05:19:304


It cannot be denied, 主语: It (形式主语),真正主语是that in the past two centuries of rural development the main attention was directed towards increased agricultural production without adequate regard to associated environmental changes. 谓语:系表结构( cannot be denied)
2023-07-13 05:19:382

nonbank public 在经济学中代表什么

非银行公众,指的就是除银行以外的其他社会公众、团体等,这个概念主要是货币银行学领域。主要是为了区分银行与银行间的同业往来业务产生的货币问题。比如Of the total, currency held by the non-bank public increased substantially by 13.8 per cent on a month-on-month basis in December. 其中,由非银行公众人士持有的货币在十二月大幅增长,按月计增幅达13.8%,按年计增幅为22.6%。
2023-07-13 05:19:461


下列家庭成员可以包含在您的应用程序: 你的配偶 您的受抚养子女 其他供养亲属。 家庭成员必须符合下列资格的所有要求。 配偶 您的配偶必须是你的人一起生活的丈夫或妻子,在法律上结婚或在事实上的关系。 受抚养子女 你的孩子(天然,通过或继子女)被认为是一个依赖时,它们是下列之一: 未满18岁 年满18岁或以上,并已被完全或实质上依赖你的工作(期间的基本需要大量食物,衣服和住所) 任何年龄和丧失工作能力(不论是否与申请人迁移)。 任何年龄的孩子不被视为依赖如果是已婚,从事要结婚或在事实上的关系。
2023-07-13 05:19:542

escape hatch中文翻译

The united states embassy was no longer a haven or an escape hatch . 美国使馆不再是个避难所或逃跑的出口了。 They " re kiiiing us . where " s the escape hatch 他们要杀我们,逃生通道在哪里? Leave yourself one escape hatch and get on with it 给你自己留条后路,必要时可以利用它。 The escape hatch of bus 客车安全顶窗 The clr also provides many of the runtime safety features of a jvm though with escape hatches that substantially dilute the safety guarantees Clr还提供了jvm的许多运行时安全特性(尽管有严重削弱安全保证的逃离出口) 。 We have drummed into ( 6 ) their heads their " need to be understood , " and they would be less than human not to use this ready - made excuse as an escape hatch for their natural high spirits 我们为断地在他们耳边说: "他们需要得到理解" ,因此,如果他们不把这现成的借口用作他们不安分守已这种自然现象的挡箭牌,那才是不近人情哩。 It just is the think - style of metaphysics which has being with us for long time forms this . heidegger thinks the only escape hatch of man is think . only when man learn think , technology will be real technology , and man will be genuine man 造成这一局面的是人们长期以来的形而上学的对象性思考。海氏认为人的唯一出路是召唤思,只有人学会思,技术才归于正位,人才是真正的人。 For all the times in china when a few extra dollars separates you from the masses , pfts you out of the frustrations and inconveniences they suffer every day , i was for all the world a regular schmo , deprived of the usual escape hatch 在中国,有那么一些多余的钞票总可以把你和老百姓区分开来,还可以每天把你从他们所遭受的挫折和不便中解放出来,但不管有多么诱惑,我还是一个正常的愚人,不会走歪路。 )
2023-07-13 05:20:121


SLP加速汇编和模拟的Verilog u2022它不再需要使用- O5论据编译( alog )使SLP加速构建Verilog的行为。只有- O5论据模拟器(阿西)是必需的。在以前版本的活性高密度的, O5论据阿西启用SLP仅用于加速时间和门级仿真。启用SLP加速行为构成汇编源文件要求的, O5论点(然后,通过- O5论点的阿西命令) 。 u2022了为数可观的行为构成现在加速SLP 。这意味着,所有类型的Verilog设计,包括设计,模拟主要行为守则现在大大加快,而前一版本的Active -脂蛋白如果SLP已启用。u2022在以前版本的主动一些高密度脂蛋白的Verilog物体可能使SLP加速度是不可能的。 (启用SLP加速模拟初始化导致拟订失败,因此加速了SLP被禁用的完整的设计。 ) 这些物体包括: trireg载体,信号的SystemVerilog的任何类型(除逻辑型) ,信号驱动的过渡,盖茨模块生成报表, SystemVerilog的接口,非静态分布时滞和社会进步联盟与12个以上的投入。这些文物现在都加快了SLP或模拟不SLP加速。 (即使他们不是加速,加速可以使其余的物体的设计。 ) u2022收件,可启用的Verilog登记加速SLP 。在以前版本的活性高密度,只有读取可以启用。要启用写入权限,使用+接入+ R的+瓦特论点的阿西命令。参阅脚本部分或说明阿西命令以获得更多信息。 u2022 SLP加速物体尊重+ delay_mode_distributed , + delay_mode_path , + delay_mode_unit , + delay_mode_zero论点编译( alog ) 。 u2022图形用户界面的设计设置SLP加速汇编和模拟的Verilog已被修改。启用SLP加速选项仿真| Verilog的种类已改名为加速的Verilog仿真
2023-07-13 05:20:204


如果一方当事人(受影响的一方) ,是防止在全部或部分履行其义务,根据该协议,或延迟在这样做时,由于不可抗力事件受影响的一方必须在切实可行范围内尽快通知另一方。该通知必须: (一)订明的义务,以及在何种程度上受影响的一方不能履行这些义务; (二)充分说明不可抗力事件; (三)估计的时间在该不可抗力事件将继续; (四)具体措施,拟采取的补救或减少的影响,不可抗力事件; ( 2 )受影响的一方必须使用所有合理的努力,以消除造成的不可抗力事件,除了受影响的一方也没有义务解决任何劳资纠纷的条款不能接受的。 ( 3 )如果以下通知,不可抗力事件,根据第11 ( 1 ) ( a )条,不可抗力事件大幅阻止受影响的一方履行它的义务,根据该协议在任何指明的期间内,或暗示,在该协议为履行这些义务,期间,这些义务要履行,或进行应延长为一期,以平等的期间履行义务的是大幅防止由于不可抗力事件。 ( 4 )如果不可抗力事件持续90天以上和第11 ( 1 ) ( a )和第11 ( 2 )得到遵守,任何一方均可,以书面通知另一方,选出取消该协定。 ( 5 )即使有任何载于本条例草案第11条,买方是不是有权暂停接受交付的产品发表在按照第2.1条。
2023-07-13 05:20:271

请人速帮我翻译一下 要连接规范哦~

Etiquette in interpersonal relationships, to a certain, common procedures, the approach to the performance of self and respect the process. Worn, exchanges, communication, EQ, and other content. From the perspective of personal accomplishment, courtesy of a person can be said to be an inherent quality of the cultivation and external performance. Communication from the point of view, the rituals can be said that interpersonal relationships in the application of a kind of art, a kind of communication or communication methods. Interpersonal relationships is common in people to show respect and friendly practices.Etiquette can be said to be in the interpersonal relationships of mutual communication skills. If the request can be roughly divided into the Chief etiquette, business etiquette, service etiquette, social etiquette, such as the five branches of foreign-related rituals. But the so-called five major branches, because etiquette is the subject of comprehensive, is relative. Various branches of etiquette mix of content, most of the contents are substantially the same ritual. The primary function of etiquette, from a personal point of view, first, help to improve people"s self-cultivation and the other is to beautify their own and beautify life; contribute to the promotion of people"s social contacts, improve people"s interpersonal relationships and also Help to purify the social atmosphere.China is a long history of ancient civilization thousands of years created a splendid culture and formed a lofty moral standards, the integrity of the protocol norms, the people of the world known as "countries with ancient civilizations, Liyizhibang." Li Jizhong from this can come to such a conclusion. The entire East and Southeast Asia"s cultural heritage is the essence of Chinese civilization is confirmed. China has 5,000 years of civilization, known as "Liyizhibang" said the Chinese people with its Bin Bin polite style is known the world. Ceremonial civilization of the Chinese traditional culture as an important part of China"s social and historical development of a wide range of far-reaching impact, is rich in content. Etiquette involved in a wide range, almost infiltration in the ancient society in all its aspects. Ancient China"s "Man" and "instrument", is actually two different concepts. "Man" is the system, rules and a social awareness of the concept of "instrument" is "at" the specific form of expression, it is based on the "Man" and the provisions of the content, form a system and the integrity of the process. In ancient China, the etiquette is in order to meet the needs of the community at that time, from the clan system, Guijian derived from the hierarchy in, it generated with the result that the characteristics of the times and limitations. Today, the modern and ancient rituals of etiquette have been very different, we must give up those services for the exploiting class etiquette norms, focusing on selected still active today, universal significance of the traditional rituals of civilization, such as respect for the old Jingxian, LAU Is still appropriate, courtesy others, may have the entire instrument, to transform and heritage. This accomplishment good personal qualities, coordinating harmonious interpersonal relationships, shape and civilized society, a socialist spiritual civilization construction, with modern values.
2023-07-13 05:20:362

机械产品图中arced relief notches是什么意思?

The chamber has a multiplicity of stress relief notches (also known as flex ports) formed on both sides at the base of the chamber Substantially along the entire length of the chamber. Each stress relief notch is formed between a respective pair of protruding ribs along substantially the entire length of the chamber so the chamber can flex in an accordion-like or caterpillar-like manner. The chamber may be molded to include the strain relief notches.对照上文意境,可推断:arced relief notches 弧形的应力释放槽
2023-07-13 05:20:431

firms that use

D 使用计算机的那些公司早就发现质量控制所需要的工作人员数量可以大幅度减少. 这句话主要结构: Firms..have found that the number of the staff.can be...reduced. that use computers 定语从句修饰firms, 使用计算机的公司 that is needed for quality control 定语从句修饰the number of the staff,质量控制所需要的人员数量 在此,that指代the number of the staff what不能引导定语从句,先排除C. 因为that在从句中作主语,再排除A. as单独不能引导限制性的定语从句,也排除. 所以选D.
2023-07-13 05:20:511


2023-07-13 05:21:224

英文的文献综述怎么写?(the main barrier in improving the English reading speed

Not surprisingly speed reading has a lot to do with taking good notes because comprehension of what we read increases significantly with the kind of notes we take and how often we review those notes. (See "Taking Notes" chapter.) Effective speed reading increases comprehension. If you practice the skills in this chapter you should double or triple your reading speed and increase your comprehension. Reading to understand the material is better than reading to remember, for you cannot really remember information that you do not understand except in the short term. This chapter deals with reading for understanding. The chapter is divided as follows: 1. Personal Reading Position, 2. Preparation of Reading Material, 3. Reading with Purpose, 4. Speed Reading. Personal Reading Position Reading while laying on your bed or sitting in your best old worn chair may be very comfortable but these are the worst possible positions if you want to comprehend and remember what you have read. Reserve your leisurely positions for your leisure reading. There are two positions that are best for effective reading: 1. sitting in a firm chair with your feet curled under the chair; the book is propped up in front of you at a 45 degree angle so that your eyes do not have to refocus as you go up and down each page, 2. standing with your reading material again at a 45 degree angle. You can make a platform for your book on a high chest of drawers or similar piece of furniture so that it acts as a podium. These positions are effective because they involve you using body energy to maintain these positions. You need to use approximately 20% of your body energy to be active enough to read comprehensively and with increased speed. As we use so little of our mental capacity (less than 10% on average) we need to activate our body energy so that our reading is not sleep inducing. This really works! To read effectively we must also eat proper meals especially sufficient proteins, calcium, potassium and iodine phosphates. Sufficient sleep will also increase your abilities substantially. Preparation of the Reading Material Before you read any book you need to prepare it so that you do not struggle with the book"s pages while preserving the book"s binding. Begin at the outside of the book (the front and rear covers) and take a few pages from each end and make a fold along the binding at the bottom of the pages. Take the following few pages from each end and fold along the binding again repeating this process until you reach the middle of the book. In this way the pages have been bent so that the book will stay open at any page without worrying about breaking the binding or having the pages fall out. Reading with Purpose Often people ask if speed reading results in less comprehension. If you imagine reading a book of 500 pages and reading 1020 pages per day as many of us do, it could take us over a month to read the whole book (if we ever complete it at all!). When you have finished such a book ask yourself how much you remember from the beginning of the book or even the previous chapter and you will recognize that no one remembers 100% of any book. In fact, reading at a average speed usually means that you forget most of what you read, remembering only the details of what you have read within the last hour or so. Therefore, reading more quickly can actually increase comprehension! We are taught to read in elementary school by reading words aloud. Most people speak at about 200300 words a minute so that our average reading speed is about the same. At such a rate we would read a normal page in about 2 minutes. We could be reading it at a much more productive rate of 2030 seconds. Not only is our reading limited by how fast we can "say" the words we are reading but we also do two other things to slow us down. The first is called regressing. When we read about 100 words on a page our eyes often stop 10 or 11 times to rest on a word or to go back to a word we have already read to make sure we understand it. This dramatically reduces our reading rate. If that is not enough to slow us down we waste about 20% of our reading time turning pages! Next time you read, watch how much time you might fumble turning the pages: licking a finger to get a good grip, or separating the pages so you turn only one. The greatest mistake we make is to begin reading on page 1 and continuing until we get tired. We know very little about the book, how it is structured, why the author wrote it, what conclusions will be reached, and how much of the information is important for us to understand and retain. Reading with purpose gives you CONTROL over the material rather than the other way around. You begin by asking yourself: · how worthwhile is this material relative to other information on this subject? · what do I really need to understand and remember (specifically) from this material? Having an idea of the importance of your material you can begin to divide the material into manageable units. This is done as follows: 1. ask yourself the basic questions (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY & HOW); 2. preview the book to get a brief idea of it"s content (much like a television guide summary of a movie); 3. add questions and ideas based on your preview to those you have already written down; 4. read units (chapters or sections) one at a time; 5. take notes to answer your questions and add further questions/ideas; 6. quickly review the unit just completed to add any final notes; 7. review your notes as outlined in the "Taking Notes" chapter.
2023-07-13 05:21:321

towards evening为什么不需要加the

towards evening 傍晚不是特指,所以不用加the短语Towards The Evening 傍晚将至TV programs towards the evening 傍晚电视新闻 ; 傍晚电视新闻"Ascends towards Flowered Evening" 《朝花夕拾》傍晚at duskThis water is formed in the morning, substantially lost by lunar midday, and reformed as the lunar surface cools towards evening. 这些水在早晨形成,到月球的中午基本上都消失了,快到傍晚月球表面凉下来时,又重新形成。
2023-07-13 05:21:401

英汉翻译原理 3

Unit 3   I. 课外练习参考译文:   我最初开始散步是作为一种脱身之计。在办公室里忙了一个上午之后,我发现午饭时出去走一走,吸一口新鲜空气,享受一下阳光,十分令人神清气爽。我还发现,在夜间充满寒意的空气中散步也是一种使人心旷神怡的放松办法。   一个冬夜,经过了医院里好几个小时精疲力竭的工作后我漫步在空旷无人的大街上,那种感觉永远都无法忘却。我一下子发现自己不再感到紧张疲劳。什么病人的病情、个人的烦恼,似乎就像寒夜中呼出的热气,一下子都烟消云散了,   我把散步纳入了每天的日程,不仅精神振作了,而且体重和血压也逐渐下降了。我开始查阅有关散步的医学文献。通过研究,还通过从事家庭保健医生工作中的临床观察,我发现,无论年龄大小,散步都能健身瘦身,延年益寿。   散步同游泳、骑车、跑步等一样,是一种有氧运动,能够增加皮肤和肌肉的供氧,从而增进体能和耐力。这种运动可成为预防心血管疾病的主要因素。   散步是一种最不激烈、最为安全的有氧运动,对绝大多数人都极其合适。以舒适的速度步行能促进心肺活动,从而提高心肺功能,虽然比起其他各种运动方式来散步的作用较为缓慢。   II. 英汉翻译原理第二讲:什么是好的译文?(续)   「例14」There is a mix of confrontation and cooperation between them.   「译文」他们之间既有对抗,又有合作。   「例15」He died, and was survived by wife and three children.   「译文」他死了,撇下了妻子和三个孩子。   「例16」Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.   「译文」司法部门如果对此不闻不问,那就是失职。   「例17」Evidently he had the first quality of an angler, which is not to measure the pleasure by the catch.   「译文」他显然具备了垂钓者的首要品质,即以钓为乐,钓多钓少无所谓。   「例18」Nothing out of its place is good, nothing in its place is bad.   ×身外之物无一是善,身内之物无一是恶。   「译文」凡事不当无一是好,凡事得当无一是坏。   「例19」Happiness is like manna; it is to be gathered and enjoyed every day.   ×幸福似甘露,日日可享用。   「译文」幸福犹如甘露,要天天采集才能日日享用。   忠实原文是指译文与原文实质内容上的一致,而不是形式上的一致。译者由于对原文理解不深,不能透过原文的形式掌握其实质内容,仅见其形,未见其神,这样译出的文字形式上似乎与原文一致了,但与原文的意思却相去甚远。这便是犯了翻译上的形式主义。但是灵活出了格,过分强调译文的流畅,而不受原文意思的约束,闹了独立性,在原文的思想内容之外随意添枝加叶,这种译法称之为自由主义。   「例20」This was one of the secrets of his great popularity, but it was a popularity which was as unsettled as the waves. It swelled, and bubbled, and foamed for a while, only to recede, and be lost to its former possessor.   ×这是他名噪一时的一个秘密,但这种名声如同波涛一样起伏不定:在短暂的时间内如日中天,盛极一时,炙手可热,但转瞬间又烟消云散,终于在原来有些声望的人身上消失了。   「译文」这是他名噪一时的一个秘密,但这种名声如同波涛一样起伏不定:一时间奔腾高涨,汹涌澎拜,转瞬间又一落千丈,终于在原来享有这种声望的人身上荡然无存。   佳译欣赏:   「例21」A thief is a thief.   「译文」贼性难改。   「例22」There was no snow, the leaves were gone, the grass was dead.   「译文」天未下雪,但叶落草枯。   「例23」Human affairs are all subject to changes and disasters.   「译文」人世间,事不由己,变迁灾祸,难以逆料。   「例24」It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silences at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm.   「译文」绿草萋萋,白云冉冉,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此清新;蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声歇,大地音寂,这日子是如此安静。然而并非安静,因为万物各以其独特的节奏,或动,或摇,或震,或起,或伏。   III. 课堂练习(努力按照忠实原文和译文流畅两项标准,把下列句子译成汉语,翻译时既要避免拘泥于原文结构的形式主义译法,又要防止偏离原文内容的自由主义译法):   1.He who idles away the time is nothing but a living death.   2.No greater misfortune befalls a country than to be governed by a tyrant.   3.He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.   4.The expectation of collision informed British frontier policy in this period.   5.Every day now, the suppression of truth and the organizing of public ignorance shame journalism.   6.I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.   7.Accident may put a decisive blunderer in the right, but eternal defeat and miscarriage must attend the man of the best parts, if cursed with indecision.   8.In their rush, these companies have neglected the hardest part of doing business in China: the people part. The result is that many have jeopardized their performance in the long run.   IV. 课堂练习参考译文:   1.虚度年华者,虽生犹死。   2.国之大难莫过于暴君当道。   3.他有一种习惯让人受不了,意见反复不定,一会儿一个变化。   4.英国预计到了将会发生冲突,并据此对这一时期的边境政策作了调整。   5.现在,天天都在隐瞒真相,愚弄公众,这种做法是新闻界的耻辱。   6.我走到售票台。女售票员一看见我,她那原本颇为动人的脸刷地一沉,变得怒气冲冲。   7.出错者若处事果断,仍可意外取得成功;才干出众者若优柔寡断,必然屡屡失误。   8.这些公司在一拥而入之中忽略了在中国经营最艰巨的问题,即人的问题,结果许多公司严重损害了他们的远期经营业绩。   V. 课外练习(努力按照忠实原文和译文流畅两项标准,把下列短文译成汉语):   Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce larger volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are noxious. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified. This will involve ever-increasing quantities of agricultural chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.   There are two ways by which the pollution problem can be dwindled. The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard. This involves the processing of solid wastes “prior to” disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the water or minimize pollution upon final disposal.   A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained. Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste products into marketable byproducts. Other industries are exploring potential economic uses for their waste products. (256 words)
2023-07-13 05:21:461


Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and lossesAbstract:This paper provides evidence that firms manage reported earnings to avoid earnings decreases and losses. Specifically, in cross-sectional distributions of earnings changes and earnings, we lind unusually low frequencies of small decreases in earnings and small losscs and unusually high frequencies of small increases in earnings and small positive income. We find evidence that two components of earnings, cash flow from operations and changes in working capital, are used to achieve increases in earnings. We present two theories, based on stakeholder use of information-processing heuristics and prospect theory, about the motivation for avoidance of earnings decreases and losses.Several recent studies offer more systematic evidence of incentives to maintain consistent increases in earnings. Barth et al. (1995) report that firms with a consistent pattern of earnings increases command higher price-to- earnings multiples, after controlling for earnings levels. Additionally, they find that this premium is larger for longer series of earnings increases and that the premium is eliminated or reduced substantially when the established pattern of earnings increases is broken. These findings are similar to those in DeAngelo et al. (1996), who document that firms breaking a pattern of consistent earnings growth experience an average of 14% negative abnormal stock return in the year the pattern is broken. Thus, there seem to be strong incentives for earnings manage- ment to aviod the reporting of earnings decreases, and the incentives appear to be increasing in the length of the preceding string of earnings increases. There is also much anecdotal evidence of incentives to maintain positive earnings. References to the desirability of "consistent profitability" are common- place in annual reports, news releases, and press coverage, suggesting that there are incentives to aviod losses. A recent paper by Hayn (1995) reports more direct evidence that firms try to aviod reporting losses: Interestingly, there is a point of discontinuity around zero. Specifically, there is a concentration of cases just above zero, while there are fewer than expected cases (assuming the above normal distribution) of small losses (i.e., just below zero). The frequency of observations in both the region just above and that just below zero departs significantly from the expected frequency under the normal distribution at the 1% significance level using the binomial test. These results suggest that firms whose earnings are expected to fall just below the zero earnings point engage in earnings manipulations to help them cross the "red line" for the year.中文翻译:盈余管理,以避免利润下降和亏损 摘要:本文提供的证据表明,企业管理财报,以避免收入下降和损失。具体来说,在横截面分布收益和收益的变化,我们林德异常低频率小的收入减少和小losscs和异常的高频率的小型增加收入和小的收入。我们发现的证据表明,两个组成部分的收益,运营现金流变化,周转资金,用于实现增加收入。我们目前的两种理论的基础上,利益相关者利用信息处理启发式和前景理论,关于避税的动机和收入减少的损失。 最近的几项研究提供更系统的证据,奖励措施,保持一致的增加收入。 Barth et al.巴特等1995年报告说,公司一贯收益更高的价格增加命令到本益比,在控制了收益水平。 此外,他们还发现,这个溢价是较大较长一系列增加收入,而保费取消或大幅减少时,既定模式收入增加被打破了.这些调查结果类似迪安龙等人的文件,公司打破了一贯的模式,盈利增长的经验,平均14 %的负异常证券交还在今年的格局被打破了。因此,似乎有强有力的激励收益管理,以避免报告盈利下降,以及奖励办法似乎是在增加的长度字符串前的收入增加。 也有很多传闻证据的奖励,保持积极的收益。参考资料是可取的,持续盈利,是常见的,在年度报告,新闻发布,以及新闻报道,这表明有奖励避免的损失。:最近的一项文件Hayn ( 1995年)的报告更直接的证据表明,公司试图避免汇报损失。有趣的是,有一个点的不连续性在零附近。具体来说,有一个集中的情况下仅略高于零,但也有少于预期情况下(假设上述正态分布)小的损失(即低于零) 。频率的意见都略高于该地区,并略低于零背离预期的有很大的频率下正常分配的1 %显着性水平使用二项式测试。这些结果表明,公司的盈利预计将下降略低于零收益点进行盈余操纵,帮助他们越过"红线"的一年。
2023-07-13 05:22:101

跪求 谁能帮我翻译一下英文呗!

摘要" 一个重载子午线轮胎,包括三个或四个带 在钢绳的层合轻微的角度 尊敬的轮胎在中央圆周方向 外面的一部分的尸体。一个中间带 邻近的最外层,层有绳带层 强度至少120倍比 层的腰带是在说国际米兰- 调解带层。最后的中间 那是减少皮带腰带强度的intermedi - 吃带层大体上是相等的 iayer绘制带。
2023-07-13 05:22:303


备考BEC必背商务英语词汇   BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试;剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力。下面是我整理的商务英语词汇,希望能帮到大家!   petty cash n. 零用现金   phase out n. 分阶段停止使用   pick v. 提取生产用零部件或给顾客发货 picking list n. 用于择取生产或运输订货的表格 pie chart n. 饼形图 pilot n. 小规模试验 pipeline n. 管道,渠道   plant capacity n. 生产规模,生产能力 plot v. 标绘,策划   plough back n. 将获利进行再投资 point of sale (POS) n. 销售点 policy n. 政策,规定, 保险单   portfolio n. (投资)组合 portfolio management n. 组合证券管理 post n. 邮件,邮局;职位 position n. 职位   potential n. 潜在力,潜势 power n. 能力   purchasing power 购买力   PR=Public Relations 公共关系   preference shares n. 优先股 price n. 价格   market price 市场价,市价 retail price 零售价   probation n. 试用期 product n. 产品   production cycle n. 生产周期 production schedule n. 生产计划 product life cycle n. 产品生命周期   product mix n.产品组合(种类和数量的组合) productive adj. 生产的,多产的 profile n. 简介形象特征 profit n. 利润 operating profit n. 营业利润 profit and loss account n. 损益账户 project v. 预测 promote v . 推销 promotion n. 提升,升级 proposal n. 建议,计划 prospect n. 预期,展望   prospectus n. 计划书,说明书 prosperity n. 繁荣,兴隆 prototype n. 原型,样品 publicity n. 引起公众注意 public adj. 公众的,公开的 go public 上市   public sector 公有企业 publicity n. 公开场合,名声,宣传 publics n.公众,(有共同兴趣的)人或社会人士punctual adj. 准时的 punctuality n. 准时   purchase v. & n. 购买   purchaser n. 买主,采购人 QC(=Quality Circle) n. 质检人员 qualify v. 有资格,胜任   qualified adj. 有资格的,胜任的,合格的 qualification n. 资格,资格证明 quality n. 质量   quality assurance n. 质量保证 quality control 质量控制,质量管理   quarterly adj./adv. 季度的,按季度 questionnaire n. 调查表,问卷 quote n. 报价,股票牌价 quotation n. 报价,股票牌价   R&D Research and Development 研究与开发 radically adv. 根本地,彻底地   raise n.(美)增薪v.增加,提高;提出,引起 range n. 系列产品 rank n./v. 排名 rapport n. 密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛 rate n. 比率,费用 fixed rate 固定费用,固定汇率 going rate 现行利率,现行汇率 rating 评定结果 ratio n. 比率 rationalize v. 使更有效,使更合理 raw adj. 原料状态的,未加工的   raw material n. 原材料 receive v. 得到 receipt n. 收据 receiver n. 接管人,清算人 accounts receivable 应收帐   receivership n. 破产管理 recession n. 萧条 reckon v. 估算,认为   recognize v. 承认 reconcile v. 使u2026u2026相吻合,核对,调和 recoup v. 扣除,赔偿 recover v. 重新获得,恢复   recovery n. 重获,恢复 recruit v. 招聘,征募 n. 新招收的人员 recruitment n. 新成员的吸收 red n. 红色 in the red 赤字,负债   reduce v. 减少 reduction n. 减少 redundant adj. 过多的,被解雇的 redundancy n. 裁员,解雇 reference n. 参考,参考资料   reference number (Ref. No.) 产品的参考号码 refund n./v. 归还,偿还 region n. 地区   reimburse v. 偿还,报销   reject n./v. 拒绝 reliability n. 可靠性   relief n. 减轻,解除,救济 relocate v. 调动,重新安置 remuneration n. 酬报,酬金 rent v. 租 n. 租金   rep (代表)的缩写 report to v. 低于(某人),隶属,从属 reposition v. (为商品)重新定位 represent v. 代表,代理 representative n. 代理人,代表 reputation n. 名声,声望   reputable adj. 名声/名誉好的 reserves n. 储量金,准备金 resign v. 放弃,辞去 resignation n. 辞职 resistance n. 阻力,抵触情绪 respond v. 回答,答复 response n. 回答,答复 restore v. 恢复   result/results n. 结果,效果 retail n./v. 零售 retailer n. 零售商 retained earnings n. 留存收益 retire v. 退休 retirement n. 退休   return n. 投资报酬   return on investment (ROI) n. 投资收入, 投资报酬 revenue n. 岁入,税收 review v./n. 检查 reward n./v. 报答,报酬,奖赏 rework v. (因劣质而)重作 risk capital n. 风险资本 rival n. 竞争者,对手 adj.竞争的 rocket v. 急速上升,直线上升,飞升 ROI Return on Investment 投资利润 roughly adv. 粗略地 round adj. 整数表示的,大约 round trip 往返的`行程   royalty n. 特许权,专利权税 run v. 管理,经营 running adj. 运转的 sack v. 解雇 sales force 销售人员 sample n. 样品v. 试验;抽样检验 saturation n. (市场的)饱和(状态) saturate v. 饱和 save v. 节省,储蓄 savings n. 存款   scale n. 刻度,层次 scapegoat n. 替罪羊   scare adj. 缺乏的,不足的 scrap n. 废料或废品 seasonal adj. 季节性的   section n. 部门 sector n. 部门 securities n. 债券及有价证券 segment n. 部分v. 将市场划分成不同的部分 segmentation n. 将市场划分成不同的部门 semi-skilled adj. 半熟练的 settle v. 解决,决定 settlement n. 解决,清偿,支付 service n. 服务,帮佣 services n. 专业服务 settle v. 安排,支付 set up v. 创立 share n. 股份   shareholder n. 股东   shelf-life n. 货架期(商品可以陈列在货架上的时间   shift n. 轮班   showroom n. 陈列室   simulation n. 模拟 shop n. 商店   closed shop 限制行业(只允许本工会会员)open shop 开放行业(非会员可从事的工作)shop steward 工会管事 shop floor 生产场所   shortlist n.供最后选择的候选人名单v. 把u2026u2026列入最后的候选人名单 sick leave 病假   sick note 病假条 sick pay 病假工资   skilled employee n. 熟练工人   skimming n. 高额定价,撇奶油式定价   slogan n. 销售口号 slump n. 暴跌   a slump in sales 销售暴跌 soft-sell n.劝诱销售(术),软销售(手段) software n. 软件   sole adj. 仅有的,单独的   sole distributor 独家分销商 solvent adj. 有偿付能力的 sourcing n. 得到供货 spare part n. 零部件 specification n. 产品说明 split v. 分离   spokesman n. 发言人   sponsor n. 赞助者(为了商品的广告宣传) spread n. (股票买价和卖价的)差额 stable adj. 稳定的 staff n. 职员   stag n. 投机认股者v. 炒买炒卖 stagnant adj. 停滞的,萧条的 statute n. 成文法 statutory adj. 法定的 steadily adv. 稳定地,平稳地 stock n. 库存,股票 stock exchange n. 证券交易所   stockbroker n. 股票经纪人 stock controller 库房管理者 storage n. 贮藏,库存量   strategy n. 战略 streamline v. 精简机构,提高效率 stress n. 压力,紧迫 strike n. 罢工 structure n. 结构,设备   subcontract v. 分包(工程项目),转包 subordinate n. 下级adj.下级的 subscribe v. 认购 subsidiary n. 子公司   subsidize v. 补贴,资助 subsidy n. 补助金   substantially adv. 大量地,大幅度地 summarize v. 概括,总结 superior n. 上级,长官 supervisor n. 监督人,管理人 supervisory adj. 监督的,管理的 supply n./v. 供给,提供 survey n 调查 ;
2023-07-13 05:22:371


1, personal income tax system in different taxable items and tax rates for different and different tax rates for the project. Our current personal income tax for two: one is the excess progressive tax, namely the salary income for 5-45% of the excess progressive tax rate, the individual income from production and business operations of enterprises or institutions and contracted leased operation for 5-35% of the excess progressive tax rate,2, the income from remuneration for personal services for other income tax rate of 20%. This system will have the same properties of labor income and wages, salaries paid them apart, use different rate, the same income tax. Britain"s capital and labor income will be handled separately obtained.Three of the trust property, Britain, income, income tax, fringe benefits, retirement income, remuneration, director of capital and profit from different sources are more complex and delicate, more accurate measurement calculating taxable income, no definite division and measurement.In contrast, can be seen above the taxable income, compared with the British metrology into details. Income tax take decomposition methods, thus influence from individual income tax for income effect, and improper or not into nature, may make taxpayers will convert between different project on income tax and influence.By instilling personal income tax system of relevant provisions, credit, periods of contrast can see:1, China on income from wages and salaries of the cost is the income tax deduction, and norm of Britain is the difference between population and family structure, how much support population, marital status factors are deducted.2, the British reductions, deduct the credit, covering a wider age, personal reductions, personal income tax exemption and assignees, deduct interest deductions, pension investment, encourage breaks and dividend, stock plan individual collects the credit, and have the detailed each reductions.Our only according to the income tax himself to determine the taxable capacity is substantially reduce motivation level one the unfair measures, meanwhile the reductions more detailed classification of the British metrology, compared to weaken our personal, income tax on the income distribution, but also adjust Co., LTD provides easy for taxpayer evade taxes, affect overall tax effect. 武汉大学外语系翻译......谢谢
2023-07-13 05:22:502

英文翻译 急!!!!!!!!!

With the fast economic development of our country, more and more foreign-owned enterprises swarm into China"s market, bringing not only direct impacts of economics, but also a series of indirect ones, including cultivation of talents in the 21st century. The reason is that, in this competitve environment, if one wants to accomplish his personal development, he must noly possess excellent professional quality, but also certain level of foreign language competence. However, if his english is not that eminent,he will have no advantage in competitons such as job-hunting, studying and so on.Therefore, when english has become a common tool for communication, some unpopular languages are gradually winning social needs. The needs for unpopular language stelents are on the rise in job market, so for many people, studying a second foreign has become a way or means to pursue higher development. This marketing plan will analyze the current situation of unpopular language educational market in contemparary China and put forward solutions for the actual situations and problems of New Oriental Education & Technology Group.
2023-07-13 05:22:572