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2023-07-12 20:44:08

lollipop 英[u02c8lu0252lipu0252p] 美[u02c8lɑ:lipɑ:p]

n. 棒棒糖;

[例句]Now, can I have the lollipop?


[其他] 复数:lollipops





糖果 [táng guǒ] [释义] candy; sweet; bonbon; sweetmeats; comfit; 满意请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-12 17:58:488


棒棒糖 。。。。
2023-07-12 17:59:144


  lollipop英 [u02c8lu0252lipu0252p] 美 [u02c8lɑ:lipɑ:p]  n.棒棒糖;  [网络]糖果; 棒糖;  [例句]When Gollum eats a whole fish, it"s actually Andy Serkis chewing on a fish-shaped lollipop.  咕噜生吃一整条鱼的那个镜头实际上是安迪·瑟金斯在吃一个鱼形棒棒糖。  [其他]复数:lollipops
2023-07-12 17:59:511


咯丽破拍死太累人了 你上个金山词霸在线查个发音吧
2023-07-12 17:59:593


2023-07-12 18:00:081

lollipop 可数吗?

2023-07-12 18:00:295

loly pop是什么档次

lollipops包属于高端档次。 法国棒棒糖(Lollipops)是中档包包配饰品牌,一个包包1000多。Lollipops以独特的设计和产品的多样性闻名。产品主要为女性配饰,包括各种包,钱夹,鞋,丝巾,腰带,帽子等。LOLLIPOPS的理念是注重都市时尚女人气息的同时兼顾个性化的体现,引领时尚的设计风格,变化多样的款式及丰富多彩的色系是其最大优势。
2023-07-12 18:00:461


法国棒棒糖 (Lollipops) 以独特的设计和产品的多样性闻名,创建日期于1994年,品牌产地为法国。法国棒棒糖(Lollipops) 一直以来都是紧随流行的最新趋势,能满足十分讲究的顾客,产生高销售额也是由于大家有目共睹认为它所销售的是最热卖的商品。标准的商店就像一个专卖流行衣服的小商店,或是像洋娃娃的世界,之所以比较小是为了能够让一种新的趋势或色彩一直被展现在眼前.算是中等偏上的牌子
2023-07-12 18:00:531

法国lollipops包包的质量怎么样啊 ···

2023-07-12 18:01:034


A lollipop, pop, lolly, sucker, or sticky-pop is a type of confectionery consisting mainly of hardened, flavored sucrose with corn syrup mounted on a stick and intended for sucking or licking. They are available in many flavors and shapes.TypesLollipops are available in a number of colors and flavors, particularly fruit flavors. In the Nordic countries, Germany and the Netherlands, salmiak-flavored lollipops are also available, but these are largely unknown in other parts of the world. With numerous companies producing lollipops, the candy now comes in dozens of flavors and many different shapes.
2023-07-12 18:01:191


2023-07-12 18:01:282

lollipops pro怎么断开

lollipops pro断开,直接关闭蓝牙就可以了漫步者lollipods pro开关机:开机:充电盒开盖自动开机,白灯亮2秒关机:耳机放入充电盒,合盖关机。漫步者萝莉Pro主动降噪蓝牙耳机特点:蓝牙芯片采用蓝牙5.0恒玄BES2300; 支持AAC和SBC音频解码;Ai语音降噪,通话更清晰;IP54级防尘防水; 充电满电续航: 降噪开约4h(耳机)+12h(充电仓) 降噪关约5h(耳机)+15h(充电仓) 耳机充满电1小时、充电仓充满电2小时;8MM动圈单元,低频声场强大;支持 APP功能扩展,可以更自由的设置耳机功能。
2023-07-12 18:02:011

漫步者lollipops pro和漫步者fitpods买哪个更好一些...

推荐漫步者fitpods,毕竟目前刚推出,预定的价格,还能比Pro稍便宜一些,还有外观会好看一些。但是两款耳机整体相差不大,还是需要看个人需求选择。两款耳机的具体情况如下:1、漫步者LolliPods Pro这款只有白色选择,单只耳机4.6g,在有主动降噪的蓝牙耳机里算轻的了,除了外型像苹果Airpods之外没什么特别的地方。佩戴感:打9分,因为在这个价位段的入耳蓝牙耳机能真的说得上戴着舒适,长戴也没有不适感真的不多,如果是怕入耳式戴不舒服的朋友这款蓝牙耳机是值得试下的。主动降噪:38dB降噪深度,这绝对是这款蓝牙耳机的最大卖点之一,300的价格做到38dB的降噪没有其他了。音质:这款低频比较特殊,想听个响的话这个是真的够响,其他没太多可说,比起100多的蓝牙耳机音质还是好不少的。其他方面的话这款开了游戏模式延迟很低,吃鸡王者什么的完全没问题,唯一缺点是续航确实不太够,开着降噪4小时就要充电了,总体性价比高但是现在建议先考虑下面的FitPods。2、漫步者FitPods这个新出的FitPods就是漫步者LolliPods Pro的套娃版,配置是完全一样的,配置介绍可以往上拉再看一遍LolliPods Pro的,两款的区别只有两个地方稍微改善了一点。一个是FitPods的充电仓外观线条设计会“圆”一点,另一个是可以不用app的情况下敲击切换游戏模式和自定义双击三击功能,使用上方便了一些。另外通话降噪上的技术削弱了,从Pro的大象声科改成了,没有有名字定义的通话降噪技术,但其实相差不大。毕竟这个价格段都是成差不多的。两款价格平时是一样的,黑色只有这个型号有,喜欢黑色可以买这一款。
2023-07-12 18:02:071


2023-07-12 18:02:301


Star lollipop
2023-07-12 18:02:404


2023-07-12 18:02:481


嗯 内地专卖好像只有上海有 你可以去淘宝看看 有一家专门卖LOLLIPOPS的 早淘宝很出名 一搜就出来了
2023-07-12 18:02:551


喜欢吃棒棒糖的女孩子----Like to eat lollipops girl
2023-07-12 18:03:021


2023-07-12 18:03:111


marshmallow ,jelly dropsFruit lollipops
2023-07-12 18:04:074

泰国 grand资料 中文名字,她演过《爱在旅途》吗?角色的名字?

昵称:Grand/Wonder Grande (u0e41u0e01u0e23u0e19u0e14u0e4c)   星座:天秤座   生肖:马   出生:曼谷   流派:Hop,hip-hop,R&B   姐妹:Grace(2004年选美皇后) & Grant莲宝快乐的一家(5张)  教育程度:兰实大学修营销与交流   喜欢颜色: 粉红,白色   喜欢的食物:都喜欢   喜欢的动物:鱼   喜欢的电影类型:喜剧片   喜欢的运动:游泳   喜欢的日韩歌手:Berryz工房,Wonder Girls,Shinee,super junior,东方神起,少女时代  Lollipops:中学时因为喜欢跳舞,和朋友组建了一个乐队叫Lollipops。Lollipops参加过4次活动和比赛   2007年2月10日,Tokyu department   2007年3月25日,Milk Plus MBK   2007年5月13日, Paragon   2007年5月27日, Paragon bie的演唱会StrawBerry cheese cake节目:第二代主持。   THE STAR 5: 获得比赛第五名,有dancing princess之称。   2009年作为嘉宾出席同门师兄Bie的“爱无限”演唱会   2011年和《穿越时空寻找爱》剧组作为嘉宾出席Bie的“爱不怕怕不爱”演唱会
2023-07-12 18:04:164


lollipops来自法国,品牌名称为"棒棒糖"的意思,以皮包、饰品、鞋子等配件类为主,在法国店里都有准备着可爱的棒棒糖送给客人哦! 是现在法国很受欢迎的流行品牌,整间粉红色调的店让人怀念起青春的少女时光,什么也不惧怕,爱情无敌只想做自己的年纪。
2023-07-12 18:04:251


ice cream 不要听别人的用 谐音记,就记正宗的,希望你学学音标,多加练习,用谐音记是一种错误的方法,这样会害了你的,所以,学英语主要是先学音标,
2023-07-12 18:04:341


lollipop 英[u02c8lu0252lipu0252p] 美[u02c8lɑ:lipɑ:p] n. 棒棒糖; [例句]I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop.我吃了爆米花,玉米,香蕉和棒糖。[其他] 复数:lollipops也就是棒棒糖的意思
2023-07-12 18:05:151


意思是:棒棒糖隐藏。重点词汇:lollipop。英['lu0252lipu0252p]释义:n.棒棒糖(=lollypop);<英>棒冰;<非正式>通俗易懂的短小古典音乐乐曲。[复数:lollipops]短语:Lollipop Chainsaw电锯甜心;电锯糖心;链锯棒棒糖。例句:用作名词(n.)Licking on a lollipop left by your luck.舔着你自己幸运的棒棒糖。The child put out his tongue and licked his lollipop.那孩子伸出舌头舔着棒棒糖。
2023-07-12 18:05:241


2023-07-12 18:06:071


当然是candy(糖果),而且是可数名词,就是我们超市里的一颗一颗的糖果 sugar 不可数 是指用来做调料的糖. 楼下说的sweet是形容词,甜蜜的意思 我这还有许多糖果品种的英文(有很多后边都包含这个candy): lollipops 棒棒糖 chocolate 巧克力 hard candies 硬糖 hard filled candies夹心硬糖 chewing gum 口香糖 bubble gum泡泡糖 filled candies夹心糖 mints薄荷糖 toffee 太妃糖 candies with vitamin C 含维C的糖果 fruit candies水果糖 colourful fruit hard candies 彩色水果硬糖 milk candies 或 cream candies奶糖 fuit milk candies果味奶糖 fuit jelly果冻 toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果 fruit gummy candies果味软糖 gummy jelly弹性软糖 cream prune candies低脂糖果 orange candies桔子糖 fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖
2023-07-12 18:06:411


2023-07-12 18:06:523


问题一:糖果英语怎么读 Candy,Sweets 问题二:糖果用英语怎么读?糖果用英语怎么说 sweet bonbon candy fit 问题三:糖果用英语怎么读 candy 英 ["k?ndi]   美 ["k?ndi] n.糖果 v.用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖 问题四:糖果用英语怎么说 好多种说法呢,你到超市里去,糖果一大类叫confectionary 小小的豆子形的糖叫jellybean 一般的糖果叫candy 棒棒糖叫lolly 太妃糖叫taffy sweets这个词是基本上不用(反正我在澳洲从来没听到过这个词) 问题五:糖果的英文单词怎么写 糖果 英文单词: candy; sweet; bonbon; sweetmeats; fit; [例句]桌上放着堆满了糖果的碟子。 On the table were dishes piled high with sweets 问题六:糖英语怎么说 candy sugar sweets都可以 问题七:糖果,用英语怎么拼写! 当然是candy(糖果),而且是可数名词,就是我们超市里的一颗一颗的糖果 sugar 不可数 是指用来做调料的糖。 楼下说的sweet是形容词,甜蜜的意思 我这还有许多糖果品种的英文(有很多后边都包含这个candy): lollipops 棒棒糖 chocolate 巧克力 hard candies 硬糖 hard filled candies夹心硬糖 chewing gum 口香糖 bubble gum泡泡糖 filled candies夹心糖 mints薄荷糖 toffee 太妃糖 candies with vitamin C 含维C的糖果 fruit candies水果糖 colourful fruit hard candies 彩色水果硬糖 milk candies 或 cream candies奶糖 fuit milk candies果味奶糖 fuit jelly果冻 toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果 fruit gummy candies果味软糖 gummy jelly弹性软糖 cream prune candies低脂糖果 orange candies桔子糖 fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖 问题八:糖果英文怎么读 candy 问题九:糖果英语怎么读 Candy,Sweets 问题十:糖果用英语怎么读 candy 英 ["k?ndi]   美 ["k?ndi] n.糖果 v.用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖
2023-07-12 18:07:131


各类糖果的英文名称: lollipops 棒棒糖; chocolate 巧克力; hard candies 硬糖; hard filled candies夹心硬糖; chewing gum 口香糖; bubble gum泡泡糖 扩展资料   filled candies夹心糖;   mints薄荷糖;   toffee 太妃糖;   candies with vitamin C 含维C的.糖果;   fruit candies水果糖;   colourful fruit hard candies 彩色水果硬糖;   milk candies 或 cream candies奶糖;   fuit milk candies果味奶糖;   fuit jelly果冻;   toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果;   fruit gummy candies果味软糖;   gummy jelly弹性软糖;   cream prune candies低脂糖果;   orange candies桔子糖;   fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖
2023-07-12 18:07:421


lollipops 棒棒糖 chocolate 巧克力 hard candies 硬糖 hard filled candies夹心硬糖 chewing gum 口香糖 bubble gum泡泡糖 filled candies夹心糖 mints薄荷糖 toffee 太妃糖 candies with vitamin C 含维C的糖果 fruit candies水果糖 colourful fruit hard candies 彩色水果硬糖 milk candies 或 cream candies奶糖 fuit milk candies果味奶糖 fuit jelly果冻 toy candies做成各种娃娃或小动物形状的糖果 fruit gummy candies果味软糖 gummy jelly弹性软糖 cream prune candies低脂糖果 orange candies桔子糖 fruit jump candies果味跳跳糖
2023-07-12 18:07:531


Chupa Chups a lollipop pany founded by the Spanish employer Enric Bernat in 1958 and owned by multinational corporation Perfetti Van Melle. It is pronounced ["tu0283uu02d0patu02ccu0283uu02d0ps] (or["tu0283u028cpu0259tu0283u028cps] in English) and es from the Spanish verb chupar meaning "to suck". 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/thumb/1/19/Chupa_chups.PNG/100px-Chupa_chups.PNG Products 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /en/0/00/Logo_ *** int_hp2 Smint logo Among the products produced by Chupa Chups are: Natural-Sugar Products Chupa Chups -- lollipops 珍宝珠Heli Pop -- spinner with a lollipop attachedMelody Pops -- lollipop on a whistlePhoto Pop -- camera with a lollipop attachedTerrifics -- lollipop served out of a horror-movie character"s headUFO Pop -- alien-themed toy shooter with a lollipop attachedVision Pop -- tinted safety lenses with a lollipop attached Sweet Sugar-Free Products Bubbly -- gum lollipopsCremosa -- sugar-free lollipopsCuore di Frutta -- 2-flavored sugar-free lollipopsSmint -- artificially sweetened breath freshenerschupachups/ 唔知系唔系呢一个u359e....Treasure no. 3 gunpowder tea 我估有好多个名.. 我的中文名字叫珍宝珠 西文名是Chupa Chups(直译为秋巴秋甫斯)。 大约在1950年 Enric Bernat先生在美丽的西班牙巴赛隆纳成立了我的家.别忘了 我的祖先Josep Bernat是西班牙制造糖果的第一人!当时Bernat先生发现西班牙吃糖果最大的问题是糖太大了 无法在短时间内吃完 所以Bernat先生灵机一动,想到为何不加上根棒子呢?方便又 有趣。因而 在1958年我就出生了. 因为我的酷炫长相和人见人爱的味道 很快我就成为西班顶顶有名的人物.为了让全世界人民都认识我 从70年代 我便征战全球各地 如德、法、美、英、俄甚至远播至日本、韩国、中国等东亚区域。 珍宝珠官方网站。 chupachupsgroup chupa chups group chupachups 珍宝珠既英文名系:Chupa Chups 希望可以帮倒你啦>c 都系叫 lollypop ahhhhh! 参考: ask me 珍宝珠:Treasure no. 3 gunpowder tea 参考: babelfish.altavista/
2023-07-12 18:08:151


2023-07-12 18:08:231


sugar散糖candy 糖块
2023-07-12 18:08:333

Les sucettes的歌词翻译

2023-07-12 18:08:401


Lollipops Lollipops are candies that you put a stick through. So their shape looks like a circle with a line through it. Usually in American or European countries, hand-made lollipops are bright coloured and disk-shaped. But a lot of the factory made ones are smaller and spherical.Chocolate Chocolates are perhaps the most classic and popular of all the candies. It is made from the ingredients cocoa, milk and sugar. It comes in all sorts of shapes and forms: blocks, bars, balls, toffee, ice cream etc. The reason it is popular (besides its splendid sweet taste) is the belief that by eating chocolate, you get a sensation of falling in love (which is why we receive it on Valentine"s Day!).Chewing Gum Chewing gums have a lot of flavours: peppermint, strawberry, lime, blueberry etc. And new sugar free ones have been roaming the market in recent years. Although dentists propose that chewing sugar-free gum is actually good for your teeth, a lot of public places (especially schools) still reject chewing gums mainly because it leaves a lot of mess if not thrown into the bin.Bubble gum Bubble gums are much the same as the chewing gums mentioned above: they are both lollies that you keep in your mouth but do not swallow. But bubble gums are significantly less dense and usually come in larger pieces. This is so that you can make bubbles out of them. They are a great fun at parties.Jelly beans They are those colourful, pretty and sweet little beans that kids really love. Often different colour would signify a different flavous. Thus there is all sorts of discoveries that you can make in a packet of jelly beans.
2023-07-12 18:08:591


2023-07-12 18:09:061


2023-07-12 18:09:132

Lollipop Luxury 酷我歌词

Lollipop Luxury-Jeffree StarS-T-A-RS-T-A-R, what?S-T-A-RJeffree Star and Nicki MinajQueen BitchS-T-A-RI"m on the top , there"s no luck.Never turned around to stop.Make my move, make you move...Make you wanna hear me talk, see me walk, see me fuck, see me suck a lollipop.Wanna get messy?I"ll make you hot, make you rock.I"ll leave the world in shock.I"ma tease, I"m your fuel.I just wanna see you drool, on your knees, pretty please...You wish you were my main squeeze.Like luxury...Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your eyes off me. I make you wanna fuck me just to get somewhere. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your hands off me. I know you wanna suck me, what you waiting for? Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be. Mmm hot damn, here I come. Tell me how you want it done... At the mall, in the hall, on your mommas bedroom wall. You can choose, either way you will end up on the news.(Just like you wanted, right?)Ahhh, do I make you wet?It"s all about the C.U.N.T. I wanna hear you say: "Love my pink knife." You wish you had a slice of me... I"m a celebritease. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your eyes off me. I make you wanna fuck me just to get somewhere. Fuck me - I"m a celebrity. Can"t take your hands off me. I know you wanna suck me, what you waiting for? Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be.omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always it"s time for you to go.【so what , so what】omg , lol , i"m sure that sex will always it"s time for you to go.【so what, so what】oh my god , can"t you mmmm makes you wanna i all set?【not yet , not yet.】oh my god , can"t you mmmm makes you wanna i all set?【not yet , not yet.】Lipgloss lollipop - Lets rock, I wanna pop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m all that you can see. Lipgloss lollipop - I"ll make your booty drop. Cant take your eyes off me. I"m everything you wanna be.
2023-07-12 18:09:273


ice cream冰激凌
2023-07-12 18:09:389


2023-07-12 18:10:214


  Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.   In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.   In the afternoon at o o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played puter games for o hours and then went to bed.   Today I"m very happy!   翻译:   今天是五一劳动节。我的母亲父亲和我去公园野餐,然后看望了我的爷爷奶奶。   上午九点,我们去公园野餐,我们带了果汁,玉米片,苹果,橘子,棒棒糖,香蕉,冰淇淋,芒果等。我也拿了玩具,如玩偶,球,气球,滑板和一个风筝。   到了下午两点钟,我们去拜访我的爷爷奶奶。我帮爷爷做一些家务。我和妹妹玩滑板和玩偶。八点钟,我们就回家了,玩了两个小时电脑游戏,然后就去睡觉了。   今天,我非常高兴!
2023-07-12 18:10:281


1. 因为的英文怎么写 because; for; on account of simply because 。 只是因为。 not merely because 。 不仅仅是因为。 Just because they make more money than we do, they think they"re so superior. 就因为他们钱挣得比我们多, 他们就认为高人一等。 The flight was postponed on account of bad weather. 因为天气恶劣, 飞行延期了。 2. 英文作文怎么写 你可以写你都做了什么,或是有什么有趣的事。时态最好是用一般过去时。因为事情都发生了。下面就给你几个事例: (1)Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa. In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite. In the afternoon at o o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played puter games for o hours and then went to bed. Today I"m very happy! (2)MY HAPPY WEEKEND OK, let me tell you something about my weekend. I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show. And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that"s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy. This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me? 3. 英语的作文怎么写 new high school life is both exciting and challenging for me. first, i"m in a new environment with my new teachers and new clas *** ates. many of them are all from top middle schools in the area. i"m so excited to meet them all. the new school building is designed creatively and attractively. i loved it . my new teachers are nice and them teach very weel. they are always willing to answer my questions at the end of the class. second, i have to take some new subjects and choose some subjects myself. i liked that because it gives students freedom and i can develop more in my areas of interest. third, i"m glad to join into some of the clubs and activities in my school. they are very interesting and i could learn more social experience through those activities. i"m proud to be in this new school and i wish that i can unleash my potential and achieve my best in this school.。 4. 英文作文怎么写 第一步. 写文章的基本步骤 读题,分析题目。 一个论点,正反论证永远都是最有力的。列大纲,就那种简单的大纲就行。 列一个大纲最多就四五分钟,除非遇到很变态的题目要想很久。 写论文的时候,我不知道大家一般都在想什么,但我一般就写这一段主旨句的时候,脑子里就赶快想例子。 写例子的时候,脑子里就赶快想这一段的结尾句怎么措辞。写结尾句的时候,就想下一段的主旨句怎么写。 这样比较快! 最后,检查。有人有检查的习惯,我没有这个习惯,但是如果有时间的话,检查一下语法啦拼写啦之类会有好处。 第二步. 关于一篇文章的写作架构 说中国文章是八股文,但其实英文文章才是最八股的八股文。这一点经过过去一年狂读老外的论文得到了证实。 为啥现在读国外的东西越来越快呢?主要是因为他们的文章写的太清晰易懂了,每段话的第一句就是这段的主旨句,然后一个例子,然后一个结尾句,论点、论据、论证三部分特别容易找到,所以一篇很长的文章很快就可以读完。所以我说,咱们写文章也要这样,他们老外觉得这是好文章,你考托福雅思GRE,为了得高分,也得写成他们喜欢的这种样子。 所以,要严格记住,一个文章的架构,要这样: 第一段:开头段:明确点名中心,必须有中心句 第二段:论证一段(正面论证) 1. 某东西重要,为啥重要,提出第一个理由,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,用实际的例子来证明为啥要有这个理由。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第三段:论证二段(正面论证) 1. 某东西重要,为啥重要,提出第二个理由,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,用实际的例子来证明为啥要有这个理由。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第四段:论证三段(反面论证) 1. 某东西重要,没有了某东西就会有怎样不好的后果,提出一个坏的后果,必须要有本段的主旨句! 2. 论据:就是举例子,举一个没有了这个东西以后的坏结果的实例。 3. 结尾句:其实结尾句就是本段主旨句的paraphrase,用另外一种说法说一遍就行! 第五段:结尾段:明确重申中心,必须必须必须必须必须有结尾句!结尾句就是本篇文章中心句paraphrase! 这里说一下,这种结构里,第一段必须有,任何情况下都必须有!第二段到第四段,你想说几个理由就说几个理由,一般至少要两个理由,这两个理由可以是一正一反,也可以是两正,我鼓励大家写一个反的理由,主要是1.为字数考虑;2. 为论证逻辑的严密性考虑。 最后一段结尾段,一般国外大学写论文时,可以没有结尾段,但是如果考托福雅思GRE,那么时间允许的情况下,尽量要写出结尾段,这样可以让文章更完整。 第三步,如果字数不足 字数其实是很好凑的,一可以用例子来凑字,二可以用正反论证来凑字。 比如,如果你写了两个理由以后,发现两个自然段加起来字数还是不够,那么就可以写一个反的段落,两段变成三段,论证的是一个论点,字数也上去了。 第四步,文章的修改以及互改 对文章进行修改是一定能进步的,可以自己修改,可以找别人修改。 我一般是自己修改,后来写得多了以后,写来写去也没啥可改的。如果希望对文章进行修改的话,最好再一开始练习写作的时候,就和水平较好的筒子组成写作小组,大家要写一起写,写一样的题目,一起掐时间,每次练习都当成模考一样练,然后彼此给对方互相改,这样比较有效。 如果大家写的题目不一样,人家一是不太有心情看你的文章,二是对你这个题目不熟悉,就不容易改出好建议来。关于互改小组,现在太傻寄托之类的都会有这种小组,这种小组我以前参加过一天,也学着别人发一个帖子,诸如“某某题处女作,欢迎批砖”一类的,发现要么是没人给改,要么就是别人敷衍式地给你改改、主要是希望你帮他改。 对于这样的互改小组,如果能参加到一个非常好、互动很强的、组长很有组织性和主动性的小组,那么进步会很大的。所以要参加,就找个好的,要么就干脆别参加。 第五步. 关于例子 现在网上有很多那种作文论据例子集合啊、大全啊之类的,这种东西下载两三个,稍微背背就行了,永远要记住,例子不是关键,关键是你的论点和你论证的方式,例子只是让你的论点论证过程更充实更饱满,例子不等于全部。如果花了五个小时在背例子上,却花了30分钟写文章,那就不对了。 背一堆例子发现不会用,也是白搭。所以,不要总花很多时间逛论坛、并 *** 地以收集例子为借口,其实你就是 *** 地不想写不想下笔练习嘛。 你还是得应该逼自己动笔才行。一般例子的来源有两大种,一是平时博览群书的长时间的积累;二是为了应付考试临时从网上下载例子来背。 两种方法都可以,哪个对你更有效就用哪个。 第六步. 写出来的东西过于简单,肤浅 四六级的东西不要怕简单,句子简单不代表一定很幼稚。 外国作家有的人的东西很简单,从来不用复杂句,但人家写出来的东西不得不让人佩服。所以不要妄想通过复杂句来让自己的文章变得有思想,要知道,思想是思想,句子形式只是表象而已。 如果你有了思想。 5. 英语作文怎么写 如果给了中文意思就逐句翻译,给了中文或英文关键词就自己编,有给表格或信息的就按这些写.题目中给出的一切信息都要在你的作文中表现出来. 单给一个题目就围绕题目自己联想,有些带问题或要求的一定要在你的作文中能找到题目所问问题的答案或满足题目中的要求. 总之题里所给的所有东西都不要漏掉就行了. 一定要有开头和结尾.这个自己可以多看一些英语短文,就会写开头结尾了.看课本上的课文就可以.特别是结尾一定要有总结句.比如写自己理想职业的作文,开头可以写"Everyone has a dream.Do you want to know my dream?",结尾可以写"So I have to study hard in order to be a engineer in the future.What"s your dream?". 关于作文字数的问题,如果单是写了题目中给的信息一般字数肯定不够,这就得要你自己加东西.可以加从句感叹句之类的.形容词也可以多用.大概加一两个从句就行了. 最好在文章里用上一些自己知道的比较难的词组和句型,因为有的老师扣分狠,即使满篇没有语法错误也会因为语言太过平淡而不给你满分. 最后一定要检查语法有没有问题.一般的老师都会在语法错误上扣分.还有最好用一些不同的连词把全文贯穿起来.连词用得不合适或是缺少连词也都会扣分.
2023-07-12 18:10:501

Emma的《Maybe》 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe歌手:Emma专辑:Free MeZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere in spaceLooking forward to see youMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere but not in spaceLooking forward to kill youMaybe looking forward to join youTo play death say hello to me again and againMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-Maybe
2023-07-12 18:10:591


导语:五一国际劳动节,又称国际劳动节、劳动节,是世界上大多数国家的劳动节。下面是我为大家带来的难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。   难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文1 My clas *** ates threion party at our middle school principle‘s parents ed to the ybody ed about the holiday.I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.I also visiting my relatives h my parents. to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in r that day,ayed for the night. The next day,I shopping h my cousins. some brand name T-shirts and the afternoon,my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highhey also taught me hou to drive their fancy car,so I tried to do some turning and easy I learnt d home h many gifts from our trip.I tried to get some night,I chatted h my clas *** ates on the phone,and I ched CCTV before going to e last Friday,I started to finish up my homes on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments e r I finished the homehem to my teachers.   难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文2 Today is May mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa. In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on.I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite. In the afternoon at o o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa.I helped grandpa to do some house sister and me played skateboard and eight o"clock we went home, and played puter games for o hours and then went to bed. Today I"m very happy!   难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文3 May first is a it is the Labor"s mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the a fine day! Let"s go to park,"So my mother, my clas *** ate and I went to the took some foods in my the way to the park.I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds.I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so w the trees, there are several kinds of "s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white.I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky.I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo.I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! 标签: 五一劳动节 四年级 作文 难忘 英语
2023-07-12 18:11:061

Harry Nilsson的《Maybe》 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe歌手:Harry Nilsson专辑:Original Album ClassicsZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere in spaceLooking forward to see youMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere but not in spaceLooking forward to kill youMaybe looking forward to join youTo play death say hello to me again and againMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-Maybe
2023-07-12 18:11:141

Harry Nilsson的《Maybe》 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe歌手:Harry Nilsson专辑:Without Her - Without You - The Very Best Of Nilsson Vol.1Zarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere in spaceLooking forward to see youMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere but not in spaceLooking forward to kill youMaybe looking forward to join youTo play death say hello to me again and againMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-Maybe
2023-07-12 18:11:221

Harry Nilsson的《Maybe》 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe歌手:Harry Nilsson专辑:The Best Of Harry NilssonZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere in spaceLooking forward to see youMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeI think I saw you somewhere but not in spaceLooking forward to kill youMaybe looking forward to join youTo play death say hello to me again and againMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-MaybeMaybe in the end of the worldWe can find you next to a lollipopsYou"re licking on it seems so disappointingZarahn-Maybe
2023-07-12 18:11:291


2023-07-12 18:11:381

do you enjoy eating lollipops 为什么用eating

2023-07-12 18:11:461