barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 16:32:57






一、sweeping的音标是:英 [ˈswiːpɪŋ]美 [ˈswiːpɪŋ]二、单词含义:adj.面广的;大幅的;广阔的;规模大的;笼统的;概括的n.扫集的尘土打扫三、例句:1、We must reverse the growing tide of racism sweeping Europe.我们必须扭转日益高涨的种族主义席卷欧洲的势头。2、Racism is a cancer sweeping across Europe.种族主义是席卷欧洲的痼疾。3、The river flows in sweeping meanders.河水沿着大幅度弯道滚滚流去。4、Sweeping measures to curb official graft.为制止官方腐败所采取的大刀阔斧的措施。沙尘暴席卷美国
2023-01-03 06:12:391


sweeping是清扫的意思。例句:1、Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.幸运的是,干清扫落叶这个活儿是值得的。2、Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups.上一部电影昨天在广场剧院结束,几分钟后,员工们正忙着清扫爆米花和捡可乐杯。3、Her book covers the long sweep of the country"s history.她的著作涵盖了该国漫长的历史。4、Give the room a good sweep.把房间好好打扫一下。5、He indicated the door with a sweep of his arm.他一挥胳膊指向门。
2023-01-03 06:13:041


2023-01-03 06:13:303

sweep的单三 过去式 现在分词 过去分词形式?

sweepsswept swepting
2023-01-03 06:13:404

Sweep 的过去式是什么

2023-01-03 06:14:221


2023-01-03 06:14:332


sweep意思是打扫。释义如v. 扫去,清除;迅猛地推送,吹走;席卷,横扫;步态轻盈地走;挥动;迅速传播;扫视,搜索,检查;掠过;梳头发;蜿蜒;n. 打扫;挥动;巡行,搜索;扫描;地貌呈缓坡或曲线延伸的地带;广度,范围;囊括全部胜利。过去式swept;过去分词swept;现在分词sweeping;第三人称单数sweeps;复数sweeps。sweep的基本意思是指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来,即扫,打扫。sweep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。sweep例句The news that the leader had been arrested swept through crowd.领导人被捕的消息传遍了人群。The sweep of this latest infrared instrument can never go wrong.这个最新红外仪的扫描绝不会出错。The tornado swept across the whole coastal city.这场龙卷风横扫了整个沿海城市。The teacher asked us to sweep the playground.老师让我们去打扫一下操场。The room had been emptied and swept clean.房间已经清理出来 打扫干净了My roommate is so messy. B: You should talk. You never sweep the floor!我室友太邋遢了。B:你还说别人呢。你从来不扫地!Are you crazy? If we do it tomorrow then we sweep away all the good luck!你疯了吗?如果我们明天这么做,那么我们就把所有的好运都扫走了!Wintry weather continues to sweep across Colorado.寒冬气候继续席卷科罗拉多州。
2023-01-03 06:14:411


拖地用英语怎么说   拖地用英语怎么说,打扫卫生是我们日常生活中经常都要做的一件事情,这也是为了我们有一个更好的居住环境,对于英文也是我们需要学习的,尤其是日常用词,以下来了解拖地用英语怎么说。   拖地用英语怎么说1   “拖地”英语:mop the floor   例句:I was asked to mop the floor、   我被分配去拖地板。    词汇解析:   1、mop   英 [mp] 美 [mɑ:p]   vt、用拖把拖;擦拭   vi、用拖把拖;擦拭;搭拉着脸   n、拖把;蓬松的头发;鬼脸   2、floor   英 [fl:(r)] 美 [flr, flor]   n、楼层;地面,地板;底部;议员席   vt、铺地板;击败,打倒    扩展资料   词义解析   clean,clear,sweep,dust,mop,wipe,scrub   这些动词均有“使干净”之意。   clean是这些动词中最常用的词,指将某物或某处的污物等清除掉,弄干净。   clear指清除不要的东西。   sweep指用扫帚等进行清扫,也用作比喻。   dust指将积落在物体表面的尘土抹去、掸掉或擦去以保干净。   mop侧重指用拖把擦洗地板,有时也指擦干净或擦去。   wipe多指用布、纸等物把东西擦净,也指擦掉某物。   scrub指用硬刷、肥皂或水用力地擦洗某物。   拖地用英语怎么说2   1、扫地:Sweeping   2、拖地:Mopping   3、擦桌子:Clean the table   4、洗碗:Washing dishes    一、Sweeping   1、读音:英 [swip] 美 [swip]   语法:基本意思是指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来,即“扫,打扫”。    二、Mopping   1、读音:英 [mp] 美 [mɑp]   2、语法:mop侧重指用拖把擦洗地板,有时也指擦干净或擦去。    三、Clean the table   1、读音:英 [klin tebl] 美 [klin tebl]   2、语法:clean是这些动词中最常用的词,指将某物或某处的污物等清除掉,弄干净。    四、Washing dishes   1、读音:英 [w dz] 美 [wɑ dz]   2、语法:用作动词的基本意思是“洗涤”,即用水、洗涤剂、肥皂等洗掉物体或身体某一部分的脏东西。   扩展资料   Clean the table的近义词:wipe the table   1、读音:英 [wap tebl] 美 [wap tebl]   2、释义:擦桌子。   3、语法:wipe主要用作及物动词。作“擦”解时,其宾语可以是桌椅、自行车等物品或眼睛、额头等器官,作“擦去”解时,其宾语则是灰尘、眼泪等被擦去的东西。   4、例句:Tommy dont forget to wipe the table after dinner。 别忘了饭后要擦桌子。   拖地用英语怎么说3    拖地的英语说法   mop the floor   sweep the floor    拖地的"相关短语   拖地大网 seine   拖地滚筒 Wiping roller   拖地桶 tobo para coleto   拖地拉网 sweep net    拖地的英语例句   1、 The young women are splendidly dressed, some in floor-length ball gowns、   年轻女子们都穿得非常漂亮,有些还穿着拖地的舞裙。   2、 She wore a floor length bridal gown、   她穿着一件拖地长婚纱。   3、 A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair、   她身着拖地的淡紫色的长睡衣,与她那耀眼的红头发很不协调、   4、 I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed、   我路过时注意到一个男子独自在自助餐厅里拖地。   5、 Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you dont trip up over them、   别让拖地的皮线挡了道,这样你就不会被绊倒。   6、 Are you planning to attach a train to it?   准备加拖地裙摆 吗 ?   7、 The brides long dress began to drag along ground、   新娘的长连衣裙开始拖地前行、   8、 Who is that sad sack mopping in the corner?   在角落里拖地的那个不中用的人是谁?   9、 Her green floor length dress complemented her tall lean good looks、   她那绿色拖地长裙正好和她修长的优美身材相配、   10、 When I was cleaning the windows, my brother was sweeping the floor、   我在擦窗时, 我弟弟在拖地、   11、 I want to have a rest, Lets stop sweeping floor、   我想休息一下, 让我们停止拖地吧、   12、 She was wearing a full - length skirt which swept the ground、   她穿着一身拖地长裙、   13、 Salesgirl Are you planning to attach a train to it?   店员:你是不是准备加拖地裙摆?   14、 And use the water after washed clothes to clean the floor、   我也会用家里洗了衣服的水来拖地、   15、 Tina: OK, but we have to sweep and mop the floor first、   蒂娜: 好, 但我们必须先扫地和拖地、
2023-01-03 06:14:551


  sweep既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道sweep做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来sweep的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   sweep作名词的意思:   打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜   sweep作动词的意思:   扫除;打扫,清理;彻底搜索;掠过   sweep的英语音标:   英 [swi:p] 美 [swip]   sweep的时态:   现在分词: sweeping   过去式: swept   过去分词: swept   sweep的英语例句:   1. With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets.   她手一挥掀开了床单。   2. The anti-drug sweep had netted nearly 900 kilogrammes of cocaine.   扫毒行动已缴获了近900千克的可卡因。   3. Get a broom and sweep up that glass will you?   拿扫帚把那些玻璃清扫干净好吗?   4. Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises.   两名士兵立即开始搜索该建筑物。   5. In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside.   战争时期,政府经常对人权置之不顾。   6. The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.   转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。   7. The commission"s conclusions sweep away a decade of denials and cover-ups.   委员会的结论将十年来的否认和掩饰无情地揭开。   8. Wintry weather continues to sweep across Britain.   寒冷的天气继续席卷整个英国。   9. Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.   即使最强壮的游泳者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走。   10. the latest fitness craze to sweep the country   最近风靡全国的健身热   11. to sweep the floor   清扫地板   12. Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won"t be noticed.   把落叶扫到墙角去,那儿不会被人注意.   13. You"d better damp down the ground and then sweep it.   你最好先在地上洒一层水,然后再打扫.   14. With a sweep of his sword he cut through the rope.   他用剑一挥把绳子砍断了.   15. Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.   报纸社论论述了清除腐败的必要性.
2023-01-03 06:15:001


I am sweeping.
2023-01-03 06:15:0811


2023-01-03 06:15:453


can help me wash disherdont forget to make could use you computerlend to parent-parentssome-anysweeping-sweep
2023-01-03 06:15:569


现金侨汇额(Sweeping)。现金余额集中即扫账,它是通过银行在每日的某个时点,将下属企业收支子账户中的侨汇额,划存入集团总部资金管理中心的总部账户中,将子账户中的侨汇额自动清零。这种方法是通过现金实物地转移来达到资金归集的目的。以下是对你的问题的回答补充望对你有用。A sweep is an investment mechanism offered by banks and securities firms that automatically moves balances from an account at the close of a business day, invests the funds overnight, and returns the investment to the account the following morning. Interest is calculated and paid daily on the invested balances. Does Sweep Account Mean?A bank account that, at the close of each business day, automatically transfers amounts that exceed (or fall short of) a certain level into a higher interest earning investment option. Commonly, the excess cash is swept into money market funds.
2023-01-03 06:16:251


在影响高等教育发展的各种力量中,出国留学是影响最广泛的sweeping是指影响力广泛的,shape是塑造,影响的意思shaping不是主语,不是more doing than doing,sweeping只是形容词
2023-01-03 06:16:403


sweep的短语:sweep up(v.+adv.)清扫 clean (a room), as with a brushAfter all the guests had left,I swept up.客人都走后,我清扫了房间。The poor women of the area were employed to sweep up after office hours.该地区的贫苦妇女们被雇来每天下班后打扫卫生。clean sweep1.完全消除,彻底肃清 completely clear awayI want to make a clean sweep of all the old books.我想清除所有的旧书。He had to make a clean sweep of all his debts.他不得不偿清全部债务。2.压倒优势的胜利 completely winHe won the election by a clean sweep.他在选举中大获全胜。sweep before(v.+prep.)接连取得成功 be continuously successfulJim won every race that afternoon, sweeping all before him.那天下午吉姆屡战屡胜,在几次赛跑中均名列第一。sweep aside(v.+adv.)1.推到一边 push (sb/sth) to one side with a brush or one"s handSweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front.她把别人都推开,挤到了前边。2.不予考虑 refuse to pay attention to (sth)He was so full of his own schemes, that he swept aside reasonable doubts.他很有一套自己的办法,对别人合理的怀疑也不予理会。sweep along(v.+adv.)1.(使)轻快地前进 (cause to) move forward easily, as driven by the windWith all the sails up, the little boat swept along in the pleasant wind.小舟张起全部风帆在和风中轻快地前进。2.打动,感染 persuade (sb, usually a crowd) of the truth of one"s speechThe speaker had the ability to sweep his listeners along with him.这个演说者有打动听众的能力
2023-01-03 06:16:521

囧囧肚肚 此处句中的sweeping的意义?

犯愁的意思是:担心,发愁,为一些麻烦的事情所折磨。在这句中的意思: 积累的词汇多了,在写作的时候就不怕(不用担心)找不到合适的词汇了。
2023-01-03 06:16:571

sweeping generalization是什么意思

翻译为:一概而论例句:Make a sweeping generalization, accusation, etc. 做出笼统的推论、指责等。O(∩_∩)O~
2023-01-03 06:17:074


sweep 作动词的时候vt. (不及物)扫除;猛拉;掸去 ,此时 等于clean off, broom vi. (及物)扫,打扫;席卷;扫视;袭击 等于 clean, do out sweep 作名词的时候n. 打扫,扫除;范围;全胜 等于 extent, boundary, region, spectrum, territory, area
2023-01-03 06:17:216


2023-01-03 06:17:443

floor sweepings什么意思?

2023-01-03 06:17:566

sweeping the floor是什么意思

2023-01-03 06:18:184


sweep是打扫的意思。读法:英 [swiːp],美 [swiːp]。v.打扫,扫,清扫,扫去,清除n.扫,打扫,清扫,掠,挥动,(道路、河流、海岸等)一长段,绵延弯曲的地带,呈缓坡状的地带,广泛性,巡行,全胜的一系列比赛。第三人称单数sweeps,现在分词 sweeping,过去式swept,过去分词swept。例句:The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.陈列室已经清理出来,打扫干净了。用法:1、sweep用作动词的基本意思是指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来,即“扫,打扫”。用于比喻可指“横扫”“环视”“掠〔拂〕过”“席卷”等。2、sweep既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。sweep还可作“鞠躬”解,接双宾语。可用于被动结构。3、sweep的宾语多是“房间”“地”等被清扫物,如接被清扫掉的灰尘、泥土,则常在sweep后加副词away、out等。
2023-01-03 06:18:311


2023-01-03 06:18:461


不用双写p,因为只有重读闭音节词,以一个元音字母加一个辅音结尾时,才要双写辅音字母加ing:而sweep这个单词里,是以ee两个元音字母加p结尾的,所以直接加ing就行了. :)
2023-01-03 06:18:511


扫除; 打扫,清理; 彻底搜索; 掠过
2023-01-03 06:18:564

sweeping generalization是什么意思

sweeping generalization全面推广双语例句1This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。2For example, we might feel that “ all welfare should be abolished immediately. ” That is avery sweeping generalization.举例来说,我们可能认为所有的福利制度都该立刻废除,这样太过于笼统了。
2023-01-03 06:19:152

sweeping the board中文意思

几乎全胜的意思 * Their party swept the board in the election. 他们的党在选举中几乎获全胜。 * Switzerland swept the board in the skiing competition. 瑞士在滑雪比赛中囊括了所有的奖项。
2023-01-03 06:19:271


sweep读法:英 [swiːp],美 [swiːp]。翻译:v.打扫,扫,清扫,扫去,清除,(迅猛地)推送,吹走,冲走,带走,猛烈吹过,步态轻盈地走,挥动,舞动(手、臂等),突然袭来,迅速传播,扫视,(使)轻轻掠过,轻轻擦过,梳,蜿蜒,(在系列比赛中)获得全部胜利,囊括各项冠军。n.扫,打扫,清扫,掠,挥动,(道路、河流、海岸等)一长段,绵延弯曲的地带,呈缓坡状的地带,广泛性,巡行,全胜的一系列比赛。第三人称单数sweeps,现在分词 sweeping,过去式swept,过去分词swept。例句The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.陈列室已经清理出来,打扫干净了。She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket.她把面包屑扫进废纸篓里。The little boat was swept out to sea.小船被吹到大海的深处去了。
2023-01-03 06:19:321


  扫地,指用扫帚等工具清扫地面。下面就由我为大家带来关于扫地的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于扫地的相关短语   扫地 sweep the floor   扫地 to clean the floor   扫地 ground sweeping   道德扫地 moral leprosy   扫地出门 job clean up   扫地式 Floor-sweeping pose ;   威信扫地with one"s dignity in the dust;   在扫地 In sweep   洒水扫地 sprinkle water and sweep the floor   名誉扫地 lose one"s reputation   关于扫地的相关例句   1. The City"s reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd"s.   类似劳埃德保险公司的那些丑闻令伦敦名声扫地。   2. He says his accusers are trying to discredit government foreign-aid policies.   他说他的责难者试图使政府的对外援助政策名声扫地。   3. Alec blotted his copybook — got sent home for bad behaviour.   亚历克因为行为恶劣被遣回了家,一下子名声扫地。   4. He started working for a gallery sweeping up and making the tea.   他开始在画廊做扫地沏茶的工作。   5. The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.   现在前任政府已经名声扫地。   6. The hotel fell into disrepute after the shooting incident.   枪击事件发生后,这家旅馆便声誉扫地.   7. She is sweeping with a broom.   她在用扫帚扫地.   8. His reputation has been blown up completely.   他名声扫地.   9. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.   我进去的时候这家商店的店主正在扫地。   10. "We don"t want to name the man to spare his blushes," said a police spokesman.   “为了不让当事人颜面扫地,我们就不指名道姓了,”一位警方发言人说道。   11. He"ll get a bad name for himself if he ogles at every girl he meets.   他要是对他碰见的每个姑娘都使媚眼,就会名声扫地.   12. Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the window.   我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃.   13. His biting words at the meeting blasted his reputation.   会上尖刻的话语使他声誉扫地.   14. George has made himself cheap by his dishonorable behaviour.   乔治品行不端,使自己名声扫地.   15. Let s shift the beds so that we can sweep the floor.   咱们把床移动一下,这样,我们可以扫扫地.   关于扫地的双语例句   他们叫这个女孩打扫地板。   They had/made the girl clean the floor.   他停止扫地,倚着扫帚休息。   He stopped sweeping and rested on the broom.   他在起居室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。   He is vacuuming a rug in the sitting room.   谁负责扫地?   Who will see to sweeping the floor?   放学后,洒水扫地。   Sprinkle water and sweep the floor after school.   裤长一般盖住鞋跟,走起路来,兼有扫地的功能。   The pants were long enough to cover the heel and swept the floor while walking.   枪击事件发生后,这家旅馆便声誉扫地。   The hotel fell into disrepute after the shooting incident.   要不要人帮忙扫地?   Will you like anyone to help sweep the floor?   你的第一项工作就是扫地。   Your first job will be to sweep the floor.
2023-01-03 06:19:441


  sweep表示打扫,清理; 扫除的意思,那么你知道sweep的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了sweep的短语搭配,希望能帮到大家!   sweep的短语   sweep up(v.+adv.)   清扫 clean (a room), as with a brush   After all the guests had left,I swept up.客人都走后,我清扫了房间。   The poor women of the area were employed to sweep up after office hours.该地区的贫苦妇女们被雇来每天下班后打扫卫生。   clean sweep   1.完全消除,彻底肃清 completely clear away   I want to make a clean sweep of all the old books.我想清除所有的旧书。   He had to make a clean sweep of all his debts.他不得不偿清全部债务。   2.压倒优势的胜利 completely win   He won the election by a clean sweep.他在选举中大获全胜。   sweep before(v.+prep.)   接连取得成功 be continuously successful   Jim won every race that afternoon, sweeping all before him.那天下午吉姆屡战屡胜,在几次赛跑中均名列第一。   sweep aside(v.+adv.)   1.推到一边 push (sb/sth) to one side with a brush or one"s hand   Sweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front.她把别人都推开,挤到了前边。   2.不予考虑 refuse to pay attention to (sth)   He was so full of his own schemes, that he swept aside reasonable doubts.他很有一套自己的办法,对别人合理的怀疑也不予理会。   sweep along(v.+adv.)   1.(使)轻快地前进 (cause to) move forward easily, as driven by the wind   With all the sails up, the little boat swept along in the pleasant wind.小舟张起全部风帆在和风中轻快地前进。   2.打动,感染 persuade (sb, usually a crowd) of the truth of one"s speech   The speaker had the ability to sweep his listeners along with him.这个演说者有打动听众的能力。   sweep的 同义词 辨析   clean, clear, sweep, dust, mop, wipe, scrub   这些动词均有"使干净"之意。   clean : 是这些动词中最常用的词,指将某物或某处的污物等清除掉,弄干净。   clear : 指清除不要的东西。   sweep : 指用扫帚等进行清扫,也用作比喻。   dust : 指将积落在物体表面的尘土抹去、掸掉或擦去以保干净。   mop : 侧重指用拖把擦洗地板,有时也指擦干净或擦去。   wipe : 多指用布、纸等物把东西擦净,也指擦掉某物。   scrub : 指用硬刷、肥皂或水用力地擦洗某物。   sweep的短语例句   1. With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets.   她手一挥掀开了床单。   2. The anti-drug sweep had netted nearly 900 kilogrammes of cocaine.   扫毒行动已缴获了近900千克的可卡因。   3. Get a broom and sweep up that glass will you?   拿扫帚把那些玻璃清扫干净好吗?   4. Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises.   两名士兵立即开始搜索该建筑物。   5. In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside.   战争时期,政府经常对人权置之不顾。   6. The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.   转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。   7. The commission"s conclusions sweep away a decade of denials and cover-ups.   委员会的结论将十年来的否认和掩饰无情地揭开。   8. Wintry weather continues to sweep across Britain.   寒冷的天气继续席卷整个英国。   9. Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.   即使最强壮的 游泳 者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走。   10. the latest fitness craze to sweep the country   最近风靡全国的健身热   11. to sweep the floor   清扫地板   12. Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won"t be noticed.   把落叶扫到墙角去,那儿不会被人注意.   13. You"d better damp down the ground and then sweep it.   你最好先在地上洒一层水,然后再打扫.   14. With a sweep of his sword he cut through the rope.   他用剑一挥把绳子砍断了.   15. Newspaper editorials spoke of the need to sweep away corruption.   报纸社论论述了清除腐败的必要性. 猜你喜欢: 1. sweep的用法和例句 2. sweep的同义词辨析 3. sweep的过去式和用法例句 4. sweep的同义词是什么 5. mount是什么意思
2023-01-03 06:19:491


sweep英 [swi:p] 美 [swip] vt. 扫除;打扫,清理;彻底搜索;掠过vi. 打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展n. 打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜第三人称单数: sweeps 现在分词: sweeping 过去式: swept 过去分词: swept
2023-01-03 06:19:553


  扫地指用扫帚等工具清扫地面;也用于比喻名誉、威信等全部丧失。语出《孔子家语·致思》:“於是夫子再拜,受之。使弟子扫地,将以享祭。”那么你知道扫地用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   扫地英语说法1:   sweep    扫地英语说法2:   sweep the floor    扫地的相关短语:   昨天扫地 Yesterday sweep   道德扫地 moral leprosy   扫地式 Floor-sweeping pose ; Sweep the Floor   威信扫地 Discredited ; with one"s dignity in the dust; forfeited prestige; be thoroughly discredited   在扫地 In sweep ; In the sweeping   洒水扫地 sprinkle water and sweep the floor   名誉扫地 Discredited ; lose one"s reputation ; be bankrupt in reputation ; to fall into disrepute    扫地的英语例句:   1. The City"s reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd"s.   类似劳埃德保险公司的那些丑闻令伦敦名声扫地。   2. He says his accusers are trying to discredit government foreign-aid policies.   他说他的责难者试图使政府的对外援助政策名声扫地。   3. Alec blotted his copybook — got sent home for bad behaviour.   亚历克因为行为恶劣被遣回了家,一下子名声扫地。   4. He started working for a gallery sweeping up and making the tea.   他开始在画廊做扫地沏茶的工作。   5. The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.   现在前任政府已经名声扫地。   6. The hotel fell into disrepute after the shooting incident.   枪击事件发生后,这家旅馆便声誉扫地.   7. She is sweeping with a broom.   她在用扫帚扫地.   8. His reputation has been blown up completely.   他名声扫地.   9. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.   我进去的时候这家商店的店主正在扫地。   10. "We don"t want to name the man to spare his blushes," said a police spokesman.   “为了不让当事人颜面扫地,我们就不指名道姓了,”一位警方发言人说道。   11. He"ll get a bad name for himself if he ogles at every girl he meets.   他要是对他碰见的每个姑娘都使媚眼,就会名声扫地.   12. Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the window.   我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃.   13. His biting words at the meeting blasted his reputation.   会上尖刻的话语使他声誉扫地.   14. George has made himself cheap by his dishonorable behaviour.   乔治品行不端,使自己名声扫地.   15. Let s shift the beds so that we can sweep the floor.   咱们把床移动一下,这样,我们可以扫扫地.
2023-01-03 06:20:181

我的世界附魔sweeping Edge是什么意思

2023-01-03 06:20:293


打扫 英文Clean
2023-01-03 06:20:406


be in cleaning
2023-01-03 06:21:027


2023-01-03 06:21:2615


扫地的英文:Sweeping。sweepthefloor/groundsweep英[swi:p]美[swip]vt扫除;打扫,清理;彻底搜索;掠过vi打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展n打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜扫地的相关短语:昨天扫地 Yesterday sweep。道德扫地 moral leprosy。扫地式 Floor-sweeping pose ; Sweep the Floor。威信扫地 Discredited ; with one"s dignity in the dust; forfeited prestige; be thoroughly discredited。在扫地 In sweep ; In the sweeping。洒水扫地 sprinkle water and sweep the floor。名誉扫地 Discredited ; lose one"s reputation ; be bankrupt in reputation ; to fall into disrepute。
2023-01-03 06:22:201


扫地的英文:Sweeping。sweepthefloor/groundsweep英[swi:p]美[swip]vt扫除;打扫,清理;彻底搜索;掠过vi打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展n打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜扫地的相关短语:昨天扫地 Yesterday sweep。道德扫地 moral leprosy。扫地式 Floor-sweeping pose ; Sweep the Floor。威信扫地 Discredited ; with one"s dignity in the dust; forfeited prestige; be thoroughly discredited。在扫地 In sweep ; In the sweeping。洒水扫地 sprinkle water and sweep the floor。名誉扫地 Discredited ; lose one"s reputation ; be bankrupt in reputation ; to fall into disrepute。
2023-01-03 06:22:341


2023-01-03 06:22:541

sweep 的英文怎么说?

2023-01-03 06:23:003

Sweep 的过去式是什么

2023-01-03 06:23:126

动画片宝拉里面sweeper,no sweeping什么意思

sweep属于词根,可以做名词和动词。v.扫去,清除;推送,吹走;席卷,横扫;步态轻盈地走;挥动;迅速n.打扫;挥动;巡行,搜索;呈缓坡或曲线延伸的地带;广度,范围它可以加词缀ing/ly/er等,变成新的派生词adj. swept 扫频的;sweeping 彻底的adv. sweepingly 扫荡地;彻底地n. sweeping 扫除;sweeper 清洁工v. swept 扫除;sweeping 打扫;扫除
2023-01-03 06:23:491

Sweeping The Ashes歌词及中文翻译,谢谢

Wish you would"ve told me, 但愿你不曾告诉我while I was young. 当我还年轻When I had space to fill, 当我如同一片白纸and someone to become. 需要写上些什么东西Oh, oh. Cause darlin" I"m beside myself, 亲爱的我注视着自己and I don"t think that you 我想你还不知道know which of me, 你与之交谈的这个我you are talkin" to. 究竟是哪一个I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hidin" truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Let me feel, let me feel what I"m feeling tonight. 再一次,再一次让我体会今夜的感受OooOoooOoooh oh. Wish you would"ve warned me, 但愿你不曾警告我 before today. 在今日之前But you had fallen out; 但你已扯破脸皮your love had gone away. 你的爱已消失殆尽Oh, oh. Cause darlin" I"m beside myself, 亲爱的我注视着我自己and I don"t think that you 我想你还不知道know which of me, 你与之交谈的我you are talkin" to. 究竟是哪一个I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hiding truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Let me feel, let me feel what I"m feeling tonight. 再一次,再一次让我体会今夜的感受OooOoooOoooh oh. Oooh ooh oooh oooh.. OooOoooOoooh oh. Oooh ooh oooh oooh.. Wish I coulda stopped you, before you left. 但愿我能挽留你,在你离去之前Was a lesson that you left behind instead. 但你只留给我一个教训Oh, oh. I guess I was beside myself, 我想我注视着自己and didn"t know that you 尚且不知道knew which one of me 你已经明了,与你交谈的我you were talkin" to. 究竟是哪一个I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hidin" truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Takin" the easy way out every time. 每次都选择平坦的道路I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hidin" truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Let me feel, let me feel, 让我感受,让我感受Let me feel, let me feel, 让我感受,让我感受 Let me feel, let me feel, 让我感受,让我感受 what I"m feeling tonight. 让我今夜再一次感受OooOoooOoooh oh. OooOoooOoooh oh.
2023-01-03 06:23:551

wishing you"d come sweeping,sweep是什么意思?

2023-01-03 06:24:034

sweep 过去式 名词 英文

2023-01-03 06:24:222


扫黑风暴这部剧的英文名叫Crime Crackdown,crime是“犯罪”的意思
2023-01-03 06:24:313


2023-01-03 06:24:433

sweep ing形式用不用双写如题

sweep英 [swi:p] 美 [swip]vt.扫除;打扫,清理;彻底搜索;掠过vi.打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展n.打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜第三人称单数: sweeps现在分词: sweeping过去式: swept过去分词: swept
2023-01-03 06:24:551


sweep vt.打扫,清理;扫除;彻底搜索;掠过 vi.打扫;扫过;蜿蜒;大范围伸展 n.打扫;延伸;挥动;全胜 第三人称单数:sweeps过去式:swept 过去分词:swept现在分词:sweeping
2023-01-03 06:25:011


过去式: swept 过去分词: swept 现在分词: sweeping 名词复数: sweeps 希望能帮到你
2023-01-03 06:25:071