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以“Tomb-sweeping Day"为题,写一篇英语作文

Tomb-sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival that people attach much significance to it. It is a time for remembering loved ones who have departed. People visit their ancestors" graves to sweep away the dirt. Nowadays, the ways people pay their respect become green and environmental.Compared with traditional tomb- sweeping customs, offering flowers, presenting condolence cards and online memorials are more popular among young generations. Lighting firecrackers and burning joss paper damages the environment and can also cause fires easily. Flowers are much better. Some people don"t have the time to really go to the tomb site. But still, they need to express their feelings. So the online cemetery is a convenient way for them. It is a good way to avoid the crowds, and most people believe true feelings of love and respect toward late family members are more important than how you commemorate them. However, the elder generation still thinks that going to the site in person and cleaning the tomb by hand is the best way to show your respect and love to the ancestors. In this case, other green tomb sweeping traditions are easier to accept. Planting a tree instead of building a tomb is another offering that is being accepted by a growing number of people. It saves land and at the same time improves the environment. The government also encourages us to practice a green tomb sweeping way.There is no restriction for people to express the grief. What the ancestors wish is that we can enrich our life. Why do we burn so much and cause so heavy smoke? There is no harm in trying sweeping tombs in a low-carbon and green way.

Tomb-sweeping Day的简介

清明节全国年节及纪念日放假办法〉的决定》(第二次修订),规定自2008年1月1日起将清明、端午、中秋定为法定假日,清明、端午、中秋当日放假一天。清明节是个充满神秘色彩的节日,在这个日子里,路上的行人都为思念去世的人们而深感悲哀!清明节,又称扫坟节、鬼节、冥节,与七月十五中元节及十月十五下元节合称三冥节,都与祭祀鬼神有关。并且已有2500多年的历史了。清明节,又叫踏青节,按阳历来说,它是在每年的4月4日至6日之间,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游(古代叫踏青)的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的习俗。 清明节古时也叫三月节,已有2000多年历史。公历四月五日前后为清明节,是二十四节气之一。在二十四个节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明。我国古代将清明分为三候:“一候桐始华;二候田鼠化为鹌;三候虹始见。”意即在这个时节先是白桐花开放,接着喜阴的田鼠不见了,全回到了地下的洞中,然后是雨后的天空可以见到彩虹了。由于二十四节气比较客观地反映了一年四季气温、降雨、物候等方面的变化,所以古代劳动人民用它安排农事活动。《淮南子·天文训》云:“春分后十五日,斗指乙,则清明风至。”按《岁时百问》的说法:“万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净。故谓之清明。”清明一到,气温升高,雨量增多,正是春耕春种的大好时节。故有 “清明前后,点瓜种豆”、“植树造林,莫过清明”的农言。可见这个节气与农业生产有着密切的关系。但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是我国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。汉族和一些少数民族大多都是在清明节扫墓。按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气氛。 直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行。清明节是我国民间重要的传统节日,是重要的“八节”(上元、清明、立夏、端午、中元、中秋、冬至和除夕)之一。一般是在公历的四月五号,但其节期很长,有十日前八日后及十日前十日后两种说法,这近二十天内均属清明节。清明节的起源,据传始于古代帝王将相“墓祭”之礼,后来民间亦相仿效,于此日祭祖扫墓,历代沿袭而成为中华民族一种固定的风俗。

大家帮忙看看口语这样讲地道吗:I will be on leave tomorrow.I m go to tomb sweeping in Hong Kong.谢谢

I will be on leave tomorrow.I"m going tomb sweeping in Hong Kong.

tomb-sweeping festival是什么意思

tomb-sweeping festival清明节网络释义1. 清明节例句:1.Tuesday"s increase fell on the tomb-sweeping festival holiday,marking the latest in a string of oddly timed rateannouncements. 周二的加息正值中国清明节,此前中国有一系列的加息举措是在出人意料的时间宣布的.__________________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明节-------------------------------------------------------------

Tomb-Sweeping Day的英文介绍

Tomb-sweeping Day n.清明节

"Tomp-Sweeping Day"是什么意思?

楼主,您的题目有问题哦。正确的应该是这样:Tomb-Sweeping Day清明节到了要记得扫墓哦...!但愿人长久,千里共婵娟!!

翻译句子。(2年级) Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, my

如下:Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, my father took me to the botanical garden to play.清明节放假了,爸爸带着我去植物园玩。As soon as I entered the door, I saw many people flying kites in the competition. The colorful kites were flying in the blue sky.一进门就看到许多人在比赛放风筝,那五颜六色、千奇百怪的风筝,在蓝蓝的天空中飞舞。Go inside, the willows in the grove grow buds, and the long willows dance in the spring wind.往里走,小树林里的柳树长出了嫩芽,长长的柳丝在春风中舞蹈。I saw the fragrant peach blossoms again. The bright flowers gathered like going to the market, forming a dazzling spring.我又看到了香气扑鼻的桃花,鲜艳的花朵像赶集似的聚拢来,形成了光彩夺目的春天。In the middle of the garden is a pond. The water in the pond is clear to the bottom, like a transparent mirror. There are countless small fish in the pond. Small fish swim around in the water, occasionally sticking out their heads to blow out strings of small pearls.园子的中央是一个池塘。池塘里的水清澈见底,像一面透亮的镜子,池里有许多数不清的小鱼,小鱼在水里游来游去,偶尔探出头来吹出一串串的小珍珠。The setting sun put a golden coat on the earth, and we reluctantly left the botanical garden.夕阳夕下,为大地披上了一层金色的外衣,我们才依依不舍地离开了植物园。

Tomb-Sweeping Festival


Tomb-Sweeping Day的英文介绍


Tomb-sweeping Day是什么意思


tomb sweeping day是什么意思?

Tomb-sweeping day, a traditional Chinese festival, falls at the turn of mid-spring and late spring.(清明节,中国传统节日,又称踏青节、行清节等,节期在仲春与暮春之交。)Tomb-sweeping day originated from ancestral beliefs and Spring Festival customs in ancient times.(清明节源自上古时代的祖先信仰与春祭礼俗,兼具自然与人文两大内涵。)It is both a natural solar term and a traditional festival.(既是自然节气点,也是传统节日。)Tomb-sweeping day is a big traditional Spring Festival.(清明节是传统的重大春祭节日。)It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times.(是中华民族自古以来的优良传统。)扩展资料清明节习俗:1、踏青中华民族自古就有清明踏青的习俗。踏青古时叫探春、寻春等,即为春日郊游,也称“踏春”。一般指初春时到郊外散步游玩。2、植树清明前后,春阳照临,春雨飞洒,种植树苗成活率高,成长快。因此,就有清明植树的习惯,有人还把清明节叫作“植树节”。植树风俗一直流传至今。清明节植树的习俗,据说发端于清明戴柳插柳的风俗。

tomb sweeping day什么意思

tomb sweeping day的意思是清明节。清明,是二十四节气之一,春季的第五个节气。斗指乙,太阳到达黄经15°,便为清明。清明时,气清景明,万物皆显,因此得名。清明是反映自然界物候变化的节气,这个时节阳光明媚、草木萌动、百花盛开,自然界呈现一派生机勃勃的景象。中国南方地区,此时已呈气清景明之象;北方地区开始断雪,气温上升,春意融融。清明,既是节气,又是节日,清明节气在时间和天气物候特点上为清明节俗的形成提供了重要条件。清明节气,与岁时物候相关,常以指导农事,有天朗气清、春耕时宜之意;清明节日,是人们扫墓祭祖、慎终追远的日子;因为二者相融,让清明兼具自然和人文内涵。清明节,又称踏青节、行清节、三月节、祭祖节等,节期在仲春与暮春之交。清明节源自上古时代的祖先信仰与春祭礼俗,是中华民族最隆重盛大的祭祖大节。清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是自然节气点,也是传统节日,扫墓祭祖与踏青郊游是清明节的两大礼俗主题。

Tomb-sweeping Day是什么意思


在国外入住酒店时,服务员应该说:House Sweeping还是Clean the house

Clean the house

我的世界v1.11.2sweepingedje有什么用 攻略

sweeping edge就是横扫之刃附魔会增加剑类武器的横扫伤害。3级附魔会使横扫伤害和普通伤害相同。

Tomb-sweeping Day的音标是什么

tomb: [ tu:m ] sweeping: [ "swi:piŋ ] day: [ dei ] Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节

sweeping statementas怎么翻译




Wishing you"d come sweeping 中文意思


英语作文sweeping robot

A sweeping robot, comprising a main unit (100) and a dust box (200); the main unit (100) is provided with a cavity (110); the dust box is embedded in the cavity; the dust inlet (210) of the dust box is disposed corresponding to the dust outlet (120) of the dust channel of the main unit; an optical signal transmitter (130) and a first optical signal receiver (140) for outputting a dust concentration signal to a control unit are respectively disposed on the side wall of the cavity, and at two ends of the dust outlet of the dust channel; and the dust box (200) is of transparent material. The sweeping robot has a dust concentration sensor disposed on the side wall of a cavity, such that a user can simultaneously clean the light transmitting plate of a light transmitting element and a light receiving element of a dust sensor while cleaning a dust box, thus solving the problem in the prior art that the light transmitting plate of a dust sensor fails to be effectively cleaned.

_____the floor 添sweep还是sweeping?

这句话可以根据祈使句来完成,表示命令。Sweep the floor! 去扫地板!

sweeping the floor改成特殊疑问词是什么

Who is sweeping the floor ?谁在打扫地板?

Tomb-Sweeping 的由来以及它的简介(英文)

MILLIONS of Chinese observed Qingming Day, the traditional Tomb-sweeping Day, to pay tribute to the dead in various forms around the country Saturday. The Chinese Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival, falls on April 5 every year. In Xi"an and Baoji cities, Shanxi Province, tens of thousands of people from home and abroad attended two separate ceremonies to commemorate Yandi and Huangdi, two legendary founders of the Chinese nation. Large sums have been spent to build statues and other projects in memory of China"s forefathers, and senior local officials always attend the annual memorial ceremonies. Meanwhile, over 30,000 people including many overseas Chinese visited Hongdong County, Shanxi Province, North China, to look for their ancestral roots. According to historical records, the government of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) launched large-scale relocation of people 18 times from 1368 to 1417. Each time, before they were resettled, people had to first gather in Hongdong County. Many Chinese believe their ancestors came from that county. In Shanghai, tens of thousands of people, including many students and outside visitors, paid tribute to martyrs who died in wars against foreign invasions and the Kuomintang regime. In Chongqing, a southwestern municipality, local people did something different, holding a special memorial service, for the third successive year, to remember those who had donated their bodies for medical research. All the donors" names are to be carved on the memorial stones. Nowadays, many Chinese, especially young people, show their respects to the dead in new ways, such as planting trees or placing flowers in front of tomb stones instead of burning incense. Some people paid tribute online as many "virtual memorials" have been set up in recent years. However, some were criticized for using government cars in traveling to sweep the tombs of their family members. The media also blamed some businessmen for selling funeral goods such as paper products of mistresses, cars and cellphones to burn in front of tomb stones.

英语中“垃圾”之间的区别,garbage, junk ,litter, muck ,offal, rubbish ,sweeping, trash, waste.

junk → 指回收的旧汽车或大型机器,也指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不指垃圾。litter → 是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物sweeping → 指清洁卫生的时候产生的垃圾muck → 粪土,淤泥之类的垃圾

sweeping remarks什么意思

笼统的附记(备注、讲话)语境不同,翻译不同His sweeping remarks offended many people. 他笼统的讲话冒犯了许多人。 希望能帮到你,不明白hi我。

wishing you"d come sweeping,sweep是什么意思?


Sweeping The Ashes歌词及中文翻译,谢谢

Wish you would"ve told me, 但愿你不曾告诉我while I was young. 当我还年轻When I had space to fill, 当我如同一片白纸and someone to become. 需要写上些什么东西Oh, oh. Cause darlin" I"m beside myself, 亲爱的我注视着自己and I don"t think that you 我想你还不知道know which of me, 你与之交谈的这个我you are talkin" to. 究竟是哪一个I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hidin" truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Let me feel, let me feel what I"m feeling tonight. 再一次,再一次让我体会今夜的感受OooOoooOoooh oh. Wish you would"ve warned me, 但愿你不曾警告我 before today. 在今日之前But you had fallen out; 但你已扯破脸皮your love had gone away. 你的爱已消失殆尽Oh, oh. Cause darlin" I"m beside myself, 亲爱的我注视着我自己and I don"t think that you 我想你还不知道know which of me, 你与之交谈的我you are talkin" to. 究竟是哪一个I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hiding truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Let me feel, let me feel what I"m feeling tonight. 再一次,再一次让我体会今夜的感受OooOoooOoooh oh. Oooh ooh oooh oooh.. OooOoooOoooh oh. Oooh ooh oooh oooh.. Wish I coulda stopped you, before you left. 但愿我能挽留你,在你离去之前Was a lesson that you left behind instead. 但你只留给我一个教训Oh, oh. I guess I was beside myself, 我想我注视着自己and didn"t know that you 尚且不知道knew which one of me 你已经明了,与你交谈的我you were talkin" to. 究竟是哪一个I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hidin" truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Takin" the easy way out every time. 每次都选择平坦的道路I"m tired of tryin" to make it up to you, 我厌倦了尝试着对你的弥补sweeping the ashes and hidin" truth. 扫尽了灰烬,隐藏了真相I"m tired of pretending everything"s alright. 我厌倦了伪装得完美无瑕Let me feel, let me feel, 让我感受,让我感受Let me feel, let me feel, 让我感受,让我感受 Let me feel, let me feel, 让我感受,让我感受 what I"m feeling tonight. 让我今夜再一次感受OooOoooOoooh oh. OooOoooOoooh oh.

动画片宝拉里面sweeper,no sweeping什么意思

sweep属于词根,可以做名词和动词。v.扫去,清除;推送,吹走;席卷,横扫;步态轻盈地走;挥动;迅速n.打扫;挥动;巡行,搜索;呈缓坡或曲线延伸的地带;广度,范围它可以加词缀ing/ly/er等,变成新的派生词adj. swept 扫频的;sweeping 彻底的adv. sweepingly 扫荡地;彻底地n. sweeping 扫除;sweeper 清洁工v. swept 扫除;sweeping 打扫;扫除



我的世界附魔sweeping Edge是什么意思


sweeping generalization是什么意思

sweeping generalization全面推广双语例句1This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。2For example, we might feel that “ all welfare should be abolished immediately. ” That is avery sweeping generalization.举例来说,我们可能认为所有的福利制度都该立刻废除,这样太过于笼统了。

sweeping the board中文意思

几乎全胜的意思 * Their party swept the board in the election. 他们的党在选举中几乎获全胜。 * Switzerland swept the board in the skiing competition. 瑞士在滑雪比赛中囊括了所有的奖项。

sweeping the floor是什么意思


floor sweepings什么意思?


囧囧肚肚 此处句中的sweeping的意义?

犯愁的意思是:担心,发愁,为一些麻烦的事情所折磨。在这句中的意思: 积累的词汇多了,在写作的时候就不怕(不用担心)找不到合适的词汇了。

sweeping generalization是什么意思

翻译为:一概而论例句:Make a sweeping generalization, accusation, etc. 做出笼统的推论、指责等。O(∩_∩)O~


现金侨汇额(Sweeping)。现金余额集中即扫账,它是通过银行在每日的某个时点,将下属企业收支子账户中的侨汇额,划存入集团总部资金管理中心的总部账户中,将子账户中的侨汇额自动清零。这种方法是通过现金实物地转移来达到资金归集的目的。http://blog.163.com/lpjatjge@126/blog/static/50173853200901253213850/以下是对你的问题的回答补充望对你有用。A sweep is an investment mechanism offered by banks and securities firms that automatically moves balances from an account at the close of a business day, invests the funds overnight, and returns the investment to the account the following morning. Interest is calculated and paid daily on the invested balances.http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3257/is_n10_v48/ai_16339968/What Does Sweep Account Mean?A bank account that, at the close of each business day, automatically transfers amounts that exceed (or fall short of) a certain level into a higher interest earning investment option. Commonly, the excess cash is swept into money market funds. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sweepaccount.asp






sweeping是清扫的意思。例句:1、Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.幸运的是,干清扫落叶这个活儿是值得的。2、Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups.上一部电影昨天在广场剧院结束,几分钟后,员工们正忙着清扫爆米花和捡可乐杯。3、Her book covers the long sweep of the country"s history.她的著作涵盖了该国漫长的历史。4、Give the room a good sweep.把房间好好打扫一下。5、He indicated the door with a sweep of his arm.他一挥胳膊指向门。


一、sweeping的音标是:英 [ˈswiːpɪŋ]美 [ˈswiːpɪŋ]二、单词含义:adj.面广的;大幅的;广阔的;规模大的;笼统的;概括的n.扫集的尘土打扫三、例句:1、We must reverse the growing tide of racism sweeping Europe.我们必须扭转日益高涨的种族主义席卷欧洲的势头。2、Racism is a cancer sweeping across Europe.种族主义是席卷欧洲的痼疾。3、The river flows in sweeping meanders.河水沿着大幅度弯道滚滚流去。4、Sweeping measures to curb official graft.为制止官方腐败所采取的大刀阔斧的措施。沙尘暴席卷美国

sweeping views 意思

广阔的视野酒店里常用比如说我们的房间有sweeping views意思是我们酒店房间的窗口视野很好