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decision drafted是什么状态

2023-05-19 16:29:10

decision drafted是起始状态,延伸的意思是起草的决定,最开始的想法和决定。



读音:英 [dɪˈsɪʒn]   美 [dɪˈsɪʒn]  




1、We"ll make a decision on that further down the line. 


2、Cost was a key element in our decision. 


3、He is really bad at making decisions. 




2023-01-03 04:54:0914


2023-01-03 04:55:012


未定案的稿子,讨论稿exposure“陈列,曝光”的意思,draft是“草稿,稿件" 的意思。
2023-01-03 04:55:104


2023-01-03 04:55:447


draft,读音:英 [drɑːft]   美 [dræft]  。n.草稿;草案;草图;汇票;运动员选拔制(某些职业运动队每年在大学生中选拔新队员)adj.初步画出或(写出)的;(设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的;以草稿形式的;草图的。vt.起草;草拟;选派;抽调。第三人称单数: drafts复数: drafts现在分词: drafting过去式: drafted过去分词: drafted。draft与以下词性连用组词 draft最终的草稿rough draft粗略的草稿v.revise a draft修改草稿write a draft写草稿dodge the draft逃避兵役n.draft a letter草拟信件draft a speech草拟演讲稿bank draft银行汇票例句:I know that this draft text will need to be edited. 我知道这篇草稿需要校订。I"ve made a rough draft of the letter. 我已经写好这封信的草稿。
2023-01-03 04:56:161


draft[英][drɑ:ft][美][dræft]n.汇票; 草稿; 选派; (尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的)(小股)气流; vt.起草; 制定; 征募; vi.拟稿; 绘样; 作草图; adj.初步画出或(写出)的; (设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的; 以草稿形式的; 草图的; 第三人称单数:drafts复数:drafts现在进行时:drafting过去式:drafted过去分词:drafted例句:1、Can I get that draft I left?我能把那份草稿拿回来了吗?2、Draft something! Quick!快发公告先顶着!
2023-01-03 04:56:282


draft:草稿、英[drɑːft]、美[dræft]n.草稿;草案;草图;汇票;运动员选拔制(某些职业运动队每年在大学生中选拔新队员);adj.初步画出或(写出)的;(设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的;以草稿形式的;草图的;I know that this draft text will need to be edited.我知道这篇草稿需要校订。final draft最终的草稿rough draft粗略的草稿revise a draft修改草稿现在分词drafting过去式drafted过去分词drafted复数drafts第三人称单数draftsdraft与以下词性连用、final draft  最终的草稿、rough draft  粗略的草稿.revise a draft  修改草稿write a draft  写草稿I know that this draft text will need to be edited.  我知道这篇草稿需要校订。I"ve made a rough draft of the letter.  我已经写好这封信的草稿。This is only the first draft of my speech.  这只是我演讲的初稿。Payment must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK bank.  付款必须用英国银行承兑的汇票。The legislation is still in draft form.  这条法规还只是项草案。Can you shut the door? There"s a draft in here.  你关上门好吗?这里有穿堂风。They were drafted into the army.  他们应征入伍。During the Second World War, he was drafted into the US Army  二战期间,他应征加入了美国陆军。I faxed a first draft of this article to him.  我将这篇文章的初稿传真给他了。
2023-01-03 04:56:361


Thirsty fans even drank dry the draft supplies of Tsingtao beer. Manager Greg Dover said: "We haven"t had that before, but luckily we had other beers on draft.结合上下文,draft在这里是散装啤酒的意思~~~~首先,给FANS们聚会喝酒,一般都选择用散装酒。不过,第一句里,drank dry,不合文法,应该是“drank out”才是“喝光、喝干”的意思。draft[ drɑ:ft ]n.草稿, 草案, 草图vt.起草, 为...打样, 设计v.草拟draftn.Abbr. dft.(名词)缩写 dft.A current of air in an enclosed area.气流:封闭空间中的气流A device that regulates the flow or circulation of air.调节气流的装置:调节空气流动或循环的装置The act of pulling loads; traction.拖拽:拖动装载物的行为;牵引Something that is pulled or drawn; a load.负荷物:被拉或拖动的东西;装载物A team of animals used to pull loads.驮重物的兽群队伍:用来拉重物的一群牲口Nautical The depth of a vessel"s keel below the water line, especially when loaded:【航海】 吃水深度:船的龙骨在吃水线下的深度,尤指载重(时的吃水深度):a river vessel of shallow draft.吃水浅的河船A heavy demand on resources.强大需求:对资源的强大需求A written order directing the payment of money from an account or fund.汇款:指示直接从户头或基金付款的书面命令A gulp, a swallow, or an inhalation.吞、饮或吸入The amount taken in by a single act of drinking or inhaling.吸入量:由一次动作饮入或吸入的量A measured portion; a dose.一定的量;一剂The drawing of a liquid, as from a cask or keg.汲取:汲取液体,如从桶中An amount drawn:汲取液体的量:ordered two drafts of ale.定了两份麦芽酒The process or method of selecting one or more individuals from a group, as for a service or duty:挑选:从团体中选出一个人或若干人来承担某种服务或职责的方法或过程:a candidate who did not pursue the nomination, but accepted a draft by the party convention.一位不谋求提名,但接受党的会议征召的候选人Compulsory enrollment in the armed forces; conscription.征兵:军队的义务服役的注册;征兵A body of people selected or conscripted.被选出或征召服役的一群人Sports A system in which the exclusive rights to new players are distributed among professional teams.【体育运动】 选拔新队员权制度:在职业性球队之间分配新运动员专有权的一种制度The act of drawing in a fishnet.拖鱼网The quantity of fish caught.捕鱼量A preliminary outline of a plan, document, or picture:草稿:计划、文件或图画的初步草案:the first draft of a report.一份报告的初稿A representation of something to be constructed.代表:所构想的某种东西的表现A narrow line chiseled on a stone to guide a stonecutter in leveling its surface.琢边:在石头上刻下的引导切石工磨平其表面的窄线A slight taper given a die to facilitate the removal of a casting.转子:嵌在模具上的细长拨销,使铸件容易被切割An allowance made for loss in weight of merchandise.折价:商品的重损耗折扣v.(动词)draft.ed,,及物动词)To select from a group for some usually compulsory service:选拔:为某种,通常是义务性的服务而从一群人中选拔:drafted into the army.被征召入伍To draw up a preliminary version of or plan for.起草:为…制定草案或计划To create by thinking and writing; compose:拟稿:通过思考或写作来创造;创作:draft a speech.拟一份演讲稿v.intr.(不及物动词)To drive close behind another vehicle to take advantage of the reduced air pressure in its wake.车的尾流优势:驱车紧跟在另一辆车的后面以便利用其尾流里被减弱的空气压力的优势adj.(形容词)Suited for or used for drawing heavy loads:适于或用于牵引重物的:oxen and other draft animals.牛和其它牵引重物的动物Drawn from a cask or tap:从木桶或酒桶中汲出的:draft beer.生啤酒on draftDrawn from a large container, such as a keg.散装的,直接汲取的:从一个大容器中汲取的,如酒桶
2023-01-03 04:56:487


2023-01-03 04:57:269


2023-01-03 04:58:0012


2023-01-03 04:58:543


Payment details: 付款详细资料1.Cheque/Bank Draft should be crossed and made payable to "International Tradement Co.Ltd"1.支票/银行汇票需要过户并且有支付效力收款人要填为“对外贸易股份有限公司”2.We only accept Cheque/Bank Draft which to be draft at local bank. 2.我们只接受可以在当地银行兑换的支票/银行汇票 3.Personal and post dated cheques will not be accepted. 3.不认可个人的支票和已过期的支票For and on behalf of International Tadement Co.Ltd 谨代表外贸易股份有限公司的利益Please note that our office had been removed to Units 751-759,7/F,HITEC请注意我们的地址已经搬到 Units 751-759,7/F,HITEC
2023-01-03 04:59:0611

工业设计手绘 专业英语怎么说

Hand Drawing of Industrial Design
2023-01-03 04:59:453


4.drafted in 1827
2023-01-03 04:59:573

langmuir 投稿状态 draft 是什么意思

draft draft[英][drɑ:ft][美][dræft]n.汇票; 草稿; 选派; (尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的)(小股)气流; vt.起草; 制定; 征募; vi.拟稿; 绘样; 作草图; adj.初步画出或(写出)的; (设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的; 以草稿形式的; 草图的; 第三人称单数:drafts过去分词:drafted复数:drafts现在进行时:drafting过去式:drafted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Greece presented an ambitious draft budget for 2011. 希腊提交了一份宏伟的2011年预算草案。
2023-01-03 05:00:081


draft和draught为什么意思有差别。这两个词没有太大区别,考试中一般不用去辨别。draft n.1.草稿,草图[C]He had painfully written out a first draft.他辛苦写出了首稿.2.汇票,汇款单[C]He went to the bank to cash a draft.他去银行兑现一张汇票.3.【美】征兵,征集[U]They were unwilling to register for the draft.他们不愿意登记入伍.4.【美】被征入伍者[U]5.【美】通风;气流;通风装置[C][U]Turn the electric fan on and make a draft.打开电扇通一下风.6.一饮;(药水等一次的)服用量[C]He drank the glass of wine at one draft.他一口喝干了那杯酒.7.【美】(职业运动的)选拔制度[U]8.(车等的)拉曳,牵引[U]9.【美】(船的)吃水(深度)[C]The boat has a shallow draft.这条船吃水浅.vt.1.起草;设计I had to draft a cable home.我得写一份发往家里的电报稿.2.选派3.【美】征(兵);征集[(+into)]Her brother was drafted into military service.她哥哥应征入伍.
2023-01-03 05:00:141


draft n.1. 草稿,草图[C]He had painfully written out a first draft.他辛苦写出了首稿。2. 汇票,汇款单[C]He went to the bank to cash a draft.他去银行兑现一张汇票。3. 【美】征兵,征集[U]They were unwilling to register for the draft.他们不愿意登记入伍。4. 【美】被征入伍者[U]5. 【美】通风;气流;通风装置[C][U]Turn the electric fan on and make a draft.打开电扇通一下风。6. 一饮;(药水等一次的)服用量[C]He drank the glass of wine at one draft.他一口喝干了那杯酒。7. 【美】(职业运动的)选拔制度[U]8. (车等的)拉曳,牵引[U]9. 【美】(船的)吃水(深度)[C]The boat has a shallow draft.这条船吃水浅。vt.1. 起草;设计I had to draft a cable home.我得写一份发往家里的电报稿。2. 选派3. 【美】征(兵);征集[(+into)]Her brother was drafted into military service.她哥哥应征入伍。 这两个词没有太大区别,考试中一般也不会让你辨别
2023-01-03 05:00:201


2023-01-03 05:00:421


2023-01-03 05:00:523


Your May 10 of the fax had been received. You drafted a "letter of intent" and "memorandum" on the terms of our reply is as follows:1. The total investment issues. Our goal is to build a new annual output of 100,000 tons of glass. We agree with the minimum investment for maximum benefit. How much total investment that we can attempt to gauge the feasibility study. But the 800,000 estimate is not enough, we should not be subject to government approval authority one million constraints. Regardless of how much the total investment, we will be responsible for obtaining the legal approval procedures.2. The proportion of funding between the two. Does your party consider raising the proportion of capital contribution. Because our country has to implement revenue-sharing, the greater the foreign invested joint venture companies pay taxes to the local government"s revenue contribution to the greater. Therefore, local governments would give more support to such enterprises.3. Contribution form. To determine the proportion of funding from both sides, all the investment should be regarded as a joint venture behavior. In the operation, we will give full play to both sides advantages, such as your side are familiar with the advantages of technology and equipment, we are familiar with land acquisition, plant construction, and the advantages of supporting the local utilities. However, investment in these expenditures would be subject to confirmation by both parties, and afterwards by the Chinese registered accountants to audit, under-expenditure of any party to the original investment proportion of funds should be to complement the ratio of investment in part of the excess funds by the joint venture company to make repayment. If the final actual total investment exceeds the investment budget, the two sides should be the proportion of the original funding additional investment.3. For your company visit scheme, we warmly welcome. Unfortunately, Chang-cause something to go out, we should be back at the end. Therefore, if visiting the date can not be changed, then I will negotiate with you, Mr. Lee is responsible for, I believe that the two sides of the sincerity and efforts, our cooperation will be successful.
2023-01-03 05:01:042


1. The seller at his own factory or warehouse to deliver the goods to the buyer 2. The seller must deliver the goods to the buyer"s designated carrier 3. Shipment and post shipment caused by events in the disappearance and damage of goods. 4. The burden of bringing the goods to the destination country all the necessary costs and risks 5. Uniform the goods to the named port of destination the necessary costs and freight6.since卖方拿出保险benfit买方,他将不知道买方的精确要求 7.Under的协会货物保险条款所起草iustitute伦敦保险商,保险可在“最低限度的包括”根据第角他8.If他希望卖方安排这样的保险,他必须责令因此,在这种情况下,卖方必须提供这种onsurance如果procurable 。
2023-01-03 05:01:142

I was drafted into the ...谁能帮我分析一下这个句子?

第一个and后面是一个插入语,可以先抛开不看,与后面的句子就接上了,而这个and链接的是两个并列的句子,所以都有自己的动词,但第二个句子的主语I就省略了,事实上是:I was drafted into the Army at the end of my junior year.I had no inclination to return to finish college.
2023-01-03 05:01:233


Prime task content: The staff enters the duty, to be put on regular status, to adjust the procedure which the hillock, the promotion, leave job to handle, the interview reception, arrangement training, checking attendance statistical data-processing and the daily surveillance, the office supplies and the hardware facility maintenance and the management, completes other matters concerned which the company turns over the handling, and solves the problem promptly., prime task content: After before each rules and regulations" surveillance and the execution, the plan company annual meeting, the conference arrange (meeting, prepares, at meeting summary, meeting, reorganization), the office supplies purchase, various departments office supplies to lead with, the copy clerk draft, establish the staff file, to handle the staff file to put on file the procedure, to participation society have guaranteed handle, receive the guest, the computer printing photocopying scanning, the express item and facsimile receiving and dispatching and the transmission.1: proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, office Office software 2: after the computer the senior secretarial office system of professional training obtained vocational certificate 3: skilled in use of copiers, printers, fax machines, scanners, cash register Myself am open and bright, the manner sincerely, optimistic positive upward, to have the affinity, to work rigorously, earnest, steadfast am willing to do, adaptiveness, is engaged in two year desk work, the familiar work flow, has certain communication ability and organization coordinated ability, carries out strength, to is competent this work to have confidence Proficiency in English language daily basic
2023-01-03 05:01:365


1、如果要选A,那么应该是the life of the army 因为of 后面加可数名词单数必须用 the
2023-01-03 05:01:562


2023-01-03 05:02:056


The Big Fundamental其实,邓肯是马刺双塔组合之一,和大卫罗宾逊(已退役)一起的。他的个性和防守、心态都像石塔一样的冷静,美国那边都叫他石塔。可是到了中国就被传成石佛了,很无奈啊。CCTV5的于嘉(戴眼镜的那个)和徐济成(平头的)都说了好多遍了,他们也无奈。记住了,邓肯真正的外号叫石塔。英文名就是上面那个The Big Fundamental,有强大的基础的意思。
2023-01-03 05:02:306


2023-01-03 05:02:5315


American Independence Day sources Independence Day is one of the major U.S. legal holiday. July 4, 1776, Jefferson drafted by the "Declaration of Independence" in Philadelphia at the Continental Congress formally adopted the United States solemnly declared independence from Britain. Declaration of Independence "is a great world-historic literature, through the" Declaration of Independence "The day is also a holiday commemorating the American people forever, as the U.S. Independence Day. Time: July 4, America"s most important non-religious holiday, the equivalent of other countries, "National Day." Americans are generally a direct call "on July 4."
2023-01-03 05:03:472


1.draft 释义为征(兵),draft as soldiers 征兵,征兵去做(打仗)draft to do sth.2.这里的空格做consider 的宾语,故不能用主格
2023-01-03 05:04:002


The American revolutionary war, began with the British empire and its north American colonies thirteen states revolutionaries and several European powers. Since the British colonial exploitation seriously hindered the development of capitalism, in order to fight against the British economic policy, led to the struggle of the people of North America. Lexington gunfire began in April 1775, the continental congress on July 4, 1776 through the written by Thomas Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence, declared the birth of the United States. After north American people"s hard struggle, finally forced Britain granted independence to the United States in 1783. The war of independence ended the British colonial rule, realized the national independence, establishes a more democratic bourgeois democratic system, promotes the development of capitalism, and the French revolution in Latin America.
2023-01-03 05:04:093


Kevin Maurice Garnett (born May 19, 1976 in Mauldin, South Carolina) is an American professional basketball player for the NBA"s Boston Celtics. After graduating from Farragut Career Academy, he was the fifth player drafted in 1995. He became the first NBA player drafted directly out of high school in 20 years. His accomplishments include being voted Most Valuable Player of the 2003-04 season, NBA Defensive Player of the Year of the 2007-08 season and being named to twelve All-Star teams and nine All-NBA and All-Defensive Teams, respectively.[1] He is also the all-time leader in NBA seasons played with averages of at least 20 points, 10 rebounds, and 5 assists per game. Garnett was drafted with the fifth pick of the 1995 NBA Draft by the struggling Minnesota Timberwolves, and became the first player to be drafted directly out of high school since 1975.[5] After joining the NBA for the 1989-90 season, the Timberwolves had not won more than 29 games in any season.[6] In Garnett"s rookie season, the Timberwolves were in the midst of a transition phase; they replaced Bill Blair with Flip Saunders as head coach early in the season and made several trades. Garnett initially came off the bench in his rookie year, but moved into the starting lineup soon after Saunders became head coach. In his rookie year, Garnett and fellow newcomer Tom Gugliotta carried the scoring load. Garnett did not immediately leap to stardom as later prep-to-pro prospects such as Amare Stoudemire, LeBron James and Dwight Howard would, but he did have a very respectable rookie year. He averaged 10.4 points, 6.3 rebounds and 1.8 assists per game and was voted into the All-Rookie Second Team.[1] Despite having some promising players, the Timberwolves suffered through their seventh consecutive sub-30 win season and failed to make the playoffs. At the time Garnett was the youngest NBA player in history at 19 years and 11 months of age.[
2023-01-03 05:04:222


 On July 4 of every year, the United Sates of America celebrates its independence from Britain. Independence Day regarded as the birthday of the U.S.A. Independence can be a good thing. The implicit meaning of “Declaration of Independence” not only reflected the attitude of those who strove to separate themselves from England, but has also guided the principles of freedom for a nation for well over two-hundred years.  Although many people have heard of the “Declaration of Independence”, not all have read the text. And I am the person who have not read the text until today. I feel regretful that I have not read “Declartion of Independence” early, which perhaps has had a more profound influence upon our world than any other documents in the history. I also amazed that this document is not an essential text in our teaching material in high school and college. A big mistake on our educational system.  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” I was greatly impressed by this sentence. It told the world that everyone wanted to and should deserve their independence. A very significant Sentence.  The Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, is the fundamental statement of what government is and from what source, it derives its powers. It begins with a summary of those inalienable rights that are belong to everybody and the society. And all the powers to protect those rights only can be exercises by government. In 1776, after all of the thirteen colonies approved the Declaration of Independence and America – the United States of America was born.  “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” Can you recognize this sentence? Yes, the phrase of “Declearation of Independenc” was also quoted by Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Everyone who has read “Declaration of Independence”, will be inspired by its spirite.  I think “Declaration Of Independence” means that we live in a country where freedom is still protected, our rights is protected. Anyone of us should apprecieate that we live in a peaceful, freedom life.
2023-01-03 05:04:311


2023-01-03 05:04:373


你可以试试练rap 我就这样的
2023-01-03 05:04:504

the heads of terms 什么意思

2023-01-03 05:05:051


科比退役战最后的演讲中英文全文:1、Man,Man,guys.You know,it"s a…I can"t believe how fast 20 years went by,I mean this is crazy,this is absolutely crazy. And you know to be stand here,at the center court with you guys,my teammates behind me and appreciate all of this.2、嘿,伙计们,真不敢相信20年过的这么快,这种感觉真的很疯狂,我今天站在这个赛场中央,和你们一起,背后还有我的队友。我非常感恩所有的这一切。3、I grew up a die-hard,I mean a die-hard laker fan. Die-hard!I mean I knew everything about every play that"s ever played here. So to be drafted and then trained to this organization,and to spent 20 years here,I mean,you can"t write some better than this.4、我一直以来都是一个铁杆,我的意思是一直都是湖人队的铁杆粉丝,我熟悉在这里打过的每一场比赛,每一件在这里发生的事情。被甄选然后来到这里训练,我这这里度过了20年,我想不到还有比这更好的事情了。(哽咽)5、And I more proud of the fact the not about the championships,but about the down years. Because we never run,we never run,we played through all that stuff,we got our championships and we did the right way.6、让我更骄傲的并不是关于夺冠,而是那些艰难的岁月,因为我们没有逃跑,我们从来也没有准备逃跑,我们一起经历了那些艰难的岁月,然后我们做对了,并且重新夺冠。7、And all I can do here is thank you guys, thank you guys for all the years" support! Thank you guys for the motivation,!thank you for all the inspiration!8、我所能做的真的就是感谢,感谢你们这么多年的支持,感谢你们的不离不弃,感谢你们的鼓励!9、And you know,that was funny,the thing that had me cracking upall night long with the fact that I go through 20 years of everybody is screaming to pass the ball. On last night,they"d like:Don"t pass it,(Ahahah)It"s been absolutely beautiful you guys,I can"t believe it"s comes to an end. 10、你知道,特别好玩儿的是,过去的20年,所有人都在为我的传球呐喊,但是最后一场球的时候他们都和我说:不要传球!不要传球!(投球投球),我觉得这很疯狂,哈哈。这真的是最最美好的东西,伙计们,我真的不敢相信我退役的时刻真的就这么来了。11、My family,it"s my family,my wife Vanessa,my daughter Natalie and Agina. Thank you guys for all your sacrifice. You know for all the hours I spent in gym working and training. Vanessa。12、关于我的家庭,我想说的是,我的太太瓦妮莎,我的女儿娜塔丽,亚吉娜。感谢你们为支持我所付出的所有牺牲,在我必须要工作和训练的时候,是我的太太瓦妮莎承担起了照顾家庭的责任。13、And what can I say? Mamba out.14、我还能说什么呢?曼巴谢幕了。扩展资料:科比在退役最后一场比赛的评价:1、他盖帽,他造犯规,他投三分,他跳投,他罚球,这个夜晚,仿佛浓缩了他的整个职业生涯,蛰伏了整整一个赛季,科比用最燃烧自己的方式,用最极致的进攻表现,用最嗜血的求胜欲望,祭出了这场60分。2、38岁的科比,用整整50次投篮——要知道,如此高强度的比赛和防守强度,投篮50次是多么让人精疲力尽的事,用最擅长的“美如画”中投反超比分,用自己最得意的砍分模式,完美阐述了个人英雄主义,他尝试用24号来隐藏自己“自私”的8号,可在这个夜晚,他还是暴露了。3、比赛终场笛鸣起,全场球迷早已起立,在人群簇拥下,科比走到球场中央,他笑着说“刚刚有人对他讲他今晚不传球,我今晚就是不传球”,他深情地感谢这支球队和整座城市,他向所有球迷致敬,最后,他说“还能说什么呢?”——“Mamba OUT”。4、这就是科比的退役终点站,他用尽全部力气,去投自己职业生涯中的最后48分钟,他清楚地知道,以后再也没有这个机会了。科黑们,你们曾想尽办法去黑的这个人,在NBA球场上,也再也不见了。5、这就是科比的退役终点站,回忆起来,科比是我们这一代青春走过的记忆,无论是美好的,还是厌恶的,你都无法否定他,无视他。自科比之后,我想,没有谁如他这般冷酷绝情和广受争议,被众多的人喜爱又被更多的人仇恨。6、这就是科比的退役终点站,以后值得发明一个形容球场表现的形容词,就叫“Kobe”——这就是他最标志性的比赛方式,用尽一切办法去进攻,耗尽所有力气去捕杀。Kobe"sLAST game is so KOBE。参考资料:百度百科-科比
2023-01-03 05:05:128


  超车,即车辆到了另外一辆车的侧面,从后面跨越后面同标的目的行驶的车辆。超车是汽车在行驶中不可避免的一种比较危险的行为。需掌握熟练的技术和技巧,防止意外和事故发生。那么你知道超车用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来超车的英语说法,欢迎各位同学们学习!   超车的英语说法1:   overtake   超车的英语说法2:   overtake other cars on the road   超车相关英语表达:   超车动作 passing maneuver;   超车距离 passing distance;   超车视距 passing sight distance   超车的英语例句:   1. Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.   越线超车时,轿车和一辆厢式货车迎 面相 撞。   2. He was stopped when he tried to cut in on the queue.   他试图超车的时候被人拦住了.   3. He flashed his headlights and jumped lanes whenever a gap opened up.   只要前面出现一点空隙他就会亮起前车灯并超车.   4. I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche.   一个开保时捷的疯子超车抢了我的道.   5. He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook.   一个女司机在他超车时不停地闪着车前灯,这让他火冒三丈。   6. The red car was pulling out ready to overtake.   那辆红色汽车驶离车列准备超车。   7. Never attempt to overtake on the crest of a hill.   在坡顶绝不要企图超车.   8. A speeding car cut in and nearly caused an accident.   一辆开得飞快的汽车超车抢档,差点造成事故.   9. It is dangerous to overtake at a corner.   转弯时超车危险.   10. It"s dangerous to overtake on a bend.   在转弯处超车十分危险.   11. Men in motors were hustling to pass one another in the hustling traffic.   开汽车的人在繁忙的交通中急急忙忙地互相超车.   12. Drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause accidents sooner or later.   习惯于超车的驾驶员迟早要出车祸.   13. Well, I crashed into the car in front of me when I tried to overtake it.   嗯, 我想超车的时候,撞到了我前面的那辆车.   14. Lewis Hamilton drafted his opponent until the final lap.   路易斯.汉密尔顿紧跟对手,直到最后一圈才超车.   15. The thief"s car cut out consistently when the policemen were tracing behind.   在警察的追踪下,小偷连续超车.
2023-01-03 05:05:551


propose的意思vt.提议,建议; 打算,计划; 推荐,提名; 求婚vi.做出计划,打算; 求婚;变形过去式: proposed 过去分词: proposed 现在分词: proposing 第三人称单数: proposes
2023-01-03 05:06:013

草稿:draft 可数么?

2023-01-03 05:06:172


1、n.草稿;草案;草图;汇票;运动员选拔制(某些职业运动队每年在大学生中选拔新队员)2、adj.初步画出或(写出)的;(设计、草图、提纲或版本)正在起草中的,草拟的;以草稿形式的;草图的3、v.起草;草拟;选派;抽调词汇搭配:1、draft tube 尾水管;通风管;引流管2、draft at sight 即期汇票3、draft contract 合同草案扩展资料词语用法:1、draft用作动词的基本意思是“起草,草拟,画草图”,也可作“选派,抽调”“征募,征召…入伍”解。draft可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语或动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。2、draft与draght实际上属一个词,但是使用上有一些区别:当“支取款项”和“汇票”时,只能用draft。军队的“分遣”,“(打)草稿(或图)”等含义中,draft也比较常用。在其他常用的含义中,draft也更常用,draught是英国的用法;3、draft表示“汇票”时,后面可接for或of再接款额,但是接for比较常用,如a draft for ¥300; draft表示“汇票”时,后面还可接on再接银行名,如a draft on the Bank of China。常用短语:draft out (v.+adv.)草拟,勾勒出make rough notes for sth; give a general idea of sthThe government has drafted out its plan for future laws.政府已草拟了未来法律的规划。
2023-01-03 05:06:251

英文问题求解。。。高手进知道的答 ,翻译器走开谢谢

2023-01-03 05:06:391

be drafted into是什么意思

be drafted into征召……入伍;征招入伍双语例句1Be drafted into the army应征入伍2Despite a fundamental horror of violence, John allowed himself to be drafted into the army.约翰尽管生来就憎恶暴力,还是应征当了兵。3Wang Zhizhi, became the first Asian player to be drafted into the NBA when he was picked by the Dallas Mavericks.王治郅被达拉斯小牛队选中成为了?一位进入NBA的亚洲选手。
2023-01-03 05:06:441


draft 英[drɑ:ft] 美[dræft] n. 汇票; 草稿; 吃水; 选派; (尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的) (小股)气流; vt. 起草; 制定; 征募; vi. 拟稿; 绘样; 作草图; [例句]I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name我把他的草稿重新改写,并以我的名字发表了。[其他] 第三人称单数:drafts 复数:drafts 现在分词:drafting 过去式:drafted过去分词:drafted
2023-01-03 05:06:491

oncology reports中draft状态是什么意思

draft 英[drɑ:ft] 美[dræft] n. 汇票; 草稿; 选派; (尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的) (小股)气流; vt. 起草; 制定; 征募; vi. 拟稿; 绘样; 作草图; [例句]I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name.我把他的草稿重新改写,并以我的名字发表了。[其他] 第三人称单数:drafts 复数:drafts 现在分词:drafting 过去式:drafted过去分词:drafted
2023-01-03 05:06:541

accepted draft 是什么意思

2023-01-03 05:06:592

draft included in the tolerance是什么意思

draft included in the tolerance草案包括在公差draft included in the tolerance草案包括在公差
2023-01-03 05:07:072


Franklin D. Roosevelt commonly known by his ltltinitials FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States.[2] A Democrat, he was elected four times and served from March 1933 to his death in April 1945. He was a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic depression and total war. A dominant leader of the Democratic Party, he built a New Deal Coalition that realigned American politics after 1932, as his New Deal domestic policies defined American liberalism for the middle third of the 20th century.Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York in 1882 to a prominent New York family. He attended Groton School and Harvard College, graduating in 1903. In 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt, with whom he had six children. He entered politics in 1910, serving in the New York State Senate, and then as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson. In 1920, he was the Democratic nominee for Vice-President of the United States, but was defeated by Calvin Coolidge. Roosevelt was stricken with polio in 1921, which cost him the use of his legs and put his political career on hold for several years. After returning to political life by placing Alfred E. Smith"s name into nomination at the 1924 Democratic National Convention, Roosevelt was asked by Smith to run for Governor of New York in the 1928 election. Roosevelt served as a reform governor from 1929 to 1932, and promoted the enactment of programs to combat the Great Depression that occurred during his governorship.Roosevelt defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depth of the Great Depression. Energized by his personal victory over polio, FDR used his persistent optimism and activism to renew the national spirit.[3] Assisted by key aide Harry Hopkins, he worked closely with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan in World War II.In his first hundred days in office, which began March 4, 1933, Roosevelt spearheaded major legislation and issued a profusion of executive orders that instituted the New Deal—a variety of programs designed to produce relief (government jobs for the unemployed), recovery (economic growth), and reform (through regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation). The economy improved rapidly from 1933 to 1937, but then relapsed into a deep recession. The bipartisan Conservative Coalition that formed in 1937 prevented his packing the Supreme Court. For the rest of his days in office, it blocked all proposals for major liberal legislation (apart from a minimum wage law). It abolished many of the relief programs when unemployment practically vanished during the war. Most of the regulations on business continued in effect until they ended about 1975–1985, except for the regulation of Wall Street by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which still exists. Along with several smaller programs, major surviving programs include the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which was created in 1933, and Social Security, which Congress passed in 1935.As World War II loomed after 1938, with the Japanese invasion of China and the aggression of Nazi Germany, Roosevelt gave strong diplomatic and financial support to China and Great Britain, while remaining officially neutral. His goal was to make America the "Arsenal of Democracy," which would supply munitions to the Allies. In March 1941, Roosevelt, with Congressional approval, provided Lend-Lease aid to the countries fighting against Nazi Germany with the United Kingdom. With very strong national support, he made war on Japan and Germany after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, calling it a "date which will live in infamy". He supervised the mobilization of the U.S. economy to support the Allied war effort. As an active military leader, Roosevelt implemented an overall war strategy on two fronts that ended in the defeat of the Axis Powers and the development of the world"s first nuclear bomb (commonly called the atom bomb at the time). In 1942 Roosevelt ordered the internment of 100,000 Japanese American civilians.During the war, unemployment dropped to 2%, relief programs largely ended, and the industrial economy grew rapidly to new heights as millions of people moved to new jobs in war centers, and 16 million men and 300,000 women were drafted or volunteered for military service. All economic sectors grew during the war. Farm output went from an index (by volume) of 106 in 1939 to 128 in 1943. Coal output went from 446 million tons in 1939 to 651 in 1943; oil from 1.3 billion barrels to 1.5 billion. Manufacturing output doubled, from an index of 109 in 1939 to 239 in 1943. Railroads strained to move it all to market, from an output of 13.6 billion loaded car miles in 1939 to 23.3 in 1943.[4] However, Roosevelt"s health seriously declined during the war years, and he ultimately died three months into his fourth term while vacationing at the polio treatment center he established at Warm Springs, Georgia.Roosevelt dominated the American political scene during the twelve years of his presidency, and his policies and ideas continued to have significant influence for decades afterward. He orchestrated the realignment of voters that created the Fifth Party System. Roosevelt"s New Deal Coalition united labor unions, big city machines, white ethnics, African Americans, and rural white Southerners. His work also influenced the later creation of the United Nations and Bretton Woods. Roosevelt is consistently rated by scholars as one of the top three U.S. Presidents, along with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
2023-01-03 05:07:151


选秀大会。。很离谱的解释。。。draft 草稿, drafted 起草。。 undrafted。。。
2023-01-03 05:07:251

关于美国独立战争后议后的Virginia Plan

The Virginia Plan  1、Branches-----Three - legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature was more powerful, as it chose people to serve in the executive and judicial branches.2、Legislature-----Two houses (bicameral). The House of Representatives was elected by the people and the Senate was elected by the state legislatures. Both were represented proportionally.3、Other Powers-----The legislature could regulate interstate trade, strike down laws deemed unconstitutional and use armed forces to enforce laws.The New Jersey Plan1、Branches-----hree - legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature appoints people to serve in the executive branch, and the executive branch selects the justices of the Supreme Court.2、Legislature-----One house (unicameral). States would be represented equally, so all states had the same power.3、Other Powers-----The national government could levy taxes and import duties, regulate trade, and state laws would be subordinate to laws passed by the national legislature.As mentioned in the dossiers file, James Madison was one of the prominent delegates to the Constitutional Convention. However, he was thinking about the convention before he even got there. It was clear at the time that the current government under the Articles of Confederation was just not cutting the mustard, and something had to be done to remedy the situation. So, he drafted a plan for a new national government, which was presented at the convention as "The Virginia Plan" (see table for details). Essentially, the Virginia Plan proposed a strong national government that could make and enforce laws, and collect taxes. The people would be governed by two governments - the state and national. A system such as this is known as a Federal system of government. Additionally, both houses of the legislature would feature proportional representation; basically, this means that the more people a state has, the more representatives it gets in the legislature. Clearly, larger states favored this plan.Smaller states were pretty scared about it, though. If this plan passed, it would mean that smaller states would have almost no say in the government. The debate over the Virginia Plan grew quite heated, and finally the small states asked for time to draw up their own plan, known as the New Jersey Plan (see table for details). Its legislature only had one house which featured equal representation - each state gets the same number of representatives. This way, smaller states had the same power in the legislature as larger states.Ultimately, the New Jersey Plan was rejected as a basis for a new constitution. It was really a continuation of the old style of government under the Articles of Confederation. However, some ideas from it were used in the new constitution. The Virginia Plan was used, but many delegates felt that any new government would need new powers and a new organization to exercise those powers fully.That"s all i have. and if you want more. u have to work by your own.
2023-01-03 05:07:311


I prepared a send back the agreement in English, please confirm the content. If not, please scan the original will be signed and sealed by me.
2023-01-03 05:07:403