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白日梦想家中 上直升机那 的插曲 就是那个女的弹吉它 唱的那首歌叫什么 ? Of Monsters and Men乐队里没

2023-07-11 22:42:31
Space Oddity (feat. Kristen Wiig) [Mitty Mix] - David Bowie

Space Oddity (feat. Kristen Wiig) [Mitty Mix] - David Bowie,,,真是这首





【美国恐怖故事第4季第3集插曲在线试听 】    Gods and Monsters歌词:    来自: American Horror Story美国恐怖故事    演唱: 兰格   In the land of Gods and Monsters   在这神与鬼的地方   I was an angel   我是一个天使   Living in the garden of evil.   住在邪恶的花园   Screwed up, scared,   不堪畏惧   doing anything that I needed   无所不用其极   Shining like a fiery beacon.   像灯塔一般火热发亮   You got that medecine I need   你有我需要的良药   Fame, liquor, love,   名誉、美酒、爱情   give it to me slowly.   慢慢地给我吧   Put your hands on my waist,   揽住我的腰   do it softly.   动作温柔   Me and God we don"t get along,   我和上帝我们合不来   so now I sing   所以我唱歌   No one"s gonna take my soul away   谁都别想夺走我的灵魂   I"m living like Jim Morrison.   我像吉姆莫里森一样活着   Headed towards a messed up holiday   直奔一个乱七八糟的节日   Motel, sprees, sprees   在汽车旅馆撒疯   And I"m singing   我放声歌唱   Oh, yeah, give it to me   都来吧   This is heaven   这是天堂   What I truly want   是我想要的   It"s innocence lost   天真不在   Innocence lost   天真不在   When you talk it"s like a movie   你的言语像电影一般   And you"re making me crazy   你让我如痴如醉   "Cause life imitates art   因为生活来自艺术   If I get a little prettier   如果我再美一点   Can I be your baby?   我能做你的宝贝吗   You tell me"Life isn"t that hard"   你告诉我生活没有那么艰难   No one"s gonna take my soul away   谁都别想夺走我的灵魂   I"m living like Jim Morrison   我像吉姆莫里森一样活着   Headed towards a messed up holiday   直奔一个乱七八糟的节日   Motel, sprees, sprees   在汽车旅馆撒疯   And I"m singing   我放声歌唱   Oh, yeah, give it to me   都来吧   This is heaven   这是天堂   What I truly want   是我想要的   It"s innocence lost   天真不在   Innocence lost   天真不在   以上就是美国恐怖故事第4季第3集的兰姨在万圣节之夜演唱的好听歌曲,这首《Gods and Monsters》有没有打动你呢?喜欢美国恐怖故事的好听插曲的朋友,请持续关注365语录台词网站,我们将持续为你更新美国恐怖故事第4季中的最新插曲与歌曲。
2023-07-11 17:45:081

gods and monsters 谁唱的

2023-07-11 17:45:153


Journey to the West"Journey to the West" is a classic Chinese novel written by Wu Cheng"en during the Ming Dynasty. It tells the epic tale of the Buddhist monk named Xuanzang who embarks on a perilous journey to obtain sacred Buddhist scriptures from India.The story is filled with mythical creatures, supernatural beings, and incredible adventures. Xuanzang is accompanied by his disciples, including the mischievous Monkey King Sun Wukong, the greedy and lustful pig demon Zhu Bajie, and the sensible and courageous sand monk Sha Wujing. Together, they face numerous challenges and encounter various demons and monsters as they travel through treacherous mountains, vast deserts, and raging rivers.Throughout their journey, Xuanzang and his disciples encounter both allies and enemies. They receive assistance from the Bodhisattva Guanyin and confront powerful demons who seek to hinder their progress. Along the way, they learn important lessons about compassion, humility, and the Buddhist teachings.The novel is not only an exciting adventure but also carries deeper philosophical and moral messages. It explores themes such as the power of faith, the triumph of good over evil, and the importance of self-discovery and personal growth."Journey to the West" has been widely celebrated for its creativity, rich cultural symbolism, and vibrant characters. It has become one of the most beloved and influential works of Chinese literature, inspiring numerous adaptations in various forms, including television shows, films, and stage plays.This timeless masterpiece continues to captivate readers and audiences worldwide, as it teaches valuable lessons about perseverance, friendship, and the pursuit of enlightenment. Xuanzang"s journey serves as a metaphor for the spiritual quest that we all undertake in search of truth and fulfillment.西游记《西游记》是明代吴承恩创作的一部中国古典小说。它讲述了一个惊险的故事,主人公是一位名叫玄奘的佛教僧侣,他踏上了一段危险的旅程,前往印度取得神圣的佛教经典。故事中充满了神秘的生物、超自然的存在和不可思议的冒险。玄奘带着他的弟子们,包括调皮捣蛋的猴王孙悟空,贪婪好色的猪妖猪八戒,以及明智勇敢的沙僧沙悟净。在穿越险恶的山脉、广袤的沙漠和急流的河流时,他们共同面对许多挑战,并遭遇各种恶魔和妖怪。在他们的旅程中,玄奘和他的弟子们遇到了盟友和敌人。他们得到了菩萨观音的帮助,并与那些试图阻碍他们前进的强大恶魔对抗。在这过程中,他们学到了有关慈悲、谦卑和佛教教义的重要教训。这部小说不仅是一次激动人心的冒险,还传达了更深层次的哲学和道德信息。它探讨了信仰的力量、善恶对立的胜利以及个人发现和成长的重要性。《西游记》因其创意、丰富的文化象征和生动的人物而广受赞誉。它成为中国文学中最受喜爱和有影响力的作品之一,激发了无数电视剧、电影和舞台剧的改编。这部永恒的杰作继续着全球读者和观众的心灵,它教导了有关坚持、友谊和追求启蒙的宝贵教训。玄奘的旅程成为我们所有人在寻求真理和实现内心追求的精神追求的隐喻。
2023-07-11 17:45:442


Kitty Hudson《M.I.A.》,《Everybody loves you(when you"re dead)》... 我估计你都找不到这支乐队的歌!I AM KLOOT,专辑《GODS AND MONSTERS》~无意中淘到的碟,很不错的专辑!Echo And The Bunnymen,专辑《Flowers》~同样是无意中淘到的,喜欢!The Good,The Bad&The Queen,同名专辑,还是无意中淘到的,居然是blur主唱参与的有一支乐队,赚到了,很有感觉~这是我的一些推荐,希望喜欢!
2023-07-11 17:45:511


2023-07-11 17:45:596


yes or nouff0c
2023-07-11 17:46:266


2023-07-11 17:46:433

雷斯特 德尔 雷 一位科幻作家的资料和作品(名字如上)

Lester Del Rey中文名:雷斯特·德尔·雷Lester del Rey (June 2, 1915 – May 10, 1993) was an American science fiction author and editor. He was the author of many books in the juvenile Winston Science Fiction series, and the editor at Del Rey Books, the fantasy and science fiction imprint of Ballantine Books, along with his fourth wife Judy-Lynn del Rey.作品列表《臭名昭著》Badge of Infamy 《管制你的星球》Police Your Planet《天快塌了》The Sky Is Falling《胜利》VictoryNovels[edit]Marooned on Mars (1952)Rocket Jockey as Philip St. John (1952)Attack from Atlantis (1953)Battle on Mercury as Erik Van Lhin (1953)The Mysterious Planet as Kenneth Wright (1953)Rockets to Nowhere as Philip St. John (1954)Step to the Stars (1954)For I Am A Jealous People (1954)Preferred Risk (1955) with Frederik Pohl [as by Edson McCann]Mission to the Moon (1956)Nerves (1956)Police Your Planet as Erik Van Lhin (1956)Day of the Giants (1959)Moon of Mutiny (1961)The Eleventh Commandment (1962)Outpost of Jupiter (1963)The Sky Is Falling (1963)Badge of Infamy (1963)The Runaway Robot (1965) was published with del Rey"s byline, but was actually ghost-written by Paul W. Fairman based on an outline by del Rey.[15]The Infinite Worlds of Maybe (1966)Rocket from Infinity (1966)The Scheme of Things (1966)Siege Perilous (1966)Tunnel Through Time (1966)Prisoners of Space (1968)Pstalemate (1971)Weeping May Tarry (1978) with Raymond F. JonesShort fiction collections[edit]... And Some Were Human (1948)Robots and Changelings (1957)The Sky is Falling and Badge of Infamy (1966)Mortals and Monsters (1965)Gods and Golems (1973)The Early del Rey (1975)The Early del Rey: Vol 1 (1976)The Early del Rey: Vol 2 (1976)The Best of Lester del Rey (1978)War and Space (2009)Robots and Magic (2010)Nonfiction[edit]Rockets Through Space (1957)Space Flight, General Mills, Inc. 1958, 1957; Golden Press, 1959The Mysterious Earth (1960)The Mysterious Sea (1961)The Mysterious Sky (1964)The World of Science Fiction, 1926-1976: the History of a Subculture (1980)As editor[edit]The Year After Tomorrow with Carl Carmer & Cecile Matschat (1954)Best Science Fiction of the Year #1-#5 (1972–1976)
2023-07-11 17:46:521


2023-07-11 17:47:133


作文标题: Mythology 关 键 词: Mythology 高中高三 1500字 字 数: 1500字作文 本文适合: 高中高三 作文来源: 本作文是关于高中高三1500字的作文,题目为:《Mythology》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 欢迎阅读《作文:Mythology》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“高一作文”,请随时关注! Mythology   The book Mythology written by Edith Hamilton presents a modern view of the Greeks and Romans" social beliefs. The word Mythology came from a Greek term Mythologia, which refers to a body of folklores and legends. They aren"t necessarily tall tales but show a basic understanding of natural events in a non-scientific way. And now, scientists look back at what was thought “superstition”, they could keep track of the happenings in early years. 来自:作文大全  Interestingly enough, the early Greeks had different understandings than the commons, according to their explanation of the creation of mankind. First there was chaos. Then Chaos gave birth to Night and Erebus (now considered as hell). Love was born from these two. And Love somehow gave birth to Light and Day by itself. All of a sudden Earth appears, without an explanation. Earth gives birth to Heaven. Earth and Heaven gave birth to Cyclops (monsters with only one eye, Polyphemus was famous among them), Titans. Finally, Titans bore Gods.  来源:作文网  So instead of “God created the universe” as Christians say, the Greek believed that it was the other way around. Now that"s a relief. Not only Gods aren"t the father of everything, they were pretty carried away with their mortal emotions. They were not Mr. and Mrs. Perfect, but shows lots of human features. Zeus" love or desire we should say to possess woman, Hera"s green as envy and hatred towards the innocents, all backed up this argument. Hera"s desire to be judged as the fairest Goddess was probably the leading cause of the great Trojan War.    There were in total twelve Gods living in Mount Olympus. Zeus being the chief, Hera being his wife, his brother Poseidon and Hades, his kids Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Mount Olympus was a place where it never rained, but shouldn"t be confused with heaven. Then there was the Earth gods led by Demeter, goddess of Corn and Dionysus, Goddess of wine. The sea world was ruled by great Poseidon. And Hell was ruled by Hades and his wife, together with a three headed dog and judges.   The stories contained magnificent details, so well preserved that it is hard to believe they were passed down from centuries ago. It was told that mulberries were once white, until a pair of lovers died tragically, it turned to dark crimson. And once a maid was in love with Apollo, the sun god, but he could find nothing adorable in her and refuses to see her. The maid died in solitude and hence grow into a flower forever turning towards the sun.    I could tell many great writers where inspired by Mythology. Shakespeare was one of them. His most famous play script, Romeo and Julius refers to the story Pyramus and Thisbe. One was attacked by lions but managed to escape, leaving blood trails which caused the other think she was dead. Then the other committed suicide, eventually this one dies out. Same thing happened in Romeo and Julius. The move Star Wars also contains many elements and motifs from the ancient mythology.   Those mythologies, comic or tragic, were told in a very delighted tone. The world of fantasies almost seemed too farfetched beyond our ability to understand the ancient times. However, ancient life in Greece was not easy. People faced hunger and disease, no merrier than people today. But they were able to think outside of the box and created such wonderful tales with their incredible imaginations, which really shows how civilized, how spiritually developed ancient Greeks were.    《Mythology》这篇优秀的“高一作文”由作文网收集,来源于互联网和会员投稿,仅供参考和学习,转载请注明出处。
2023-07-11 17:47:201


(1)不要画太多画,尽量写多写字。 (2) 尽量把整张4K纸填满,不要留空。 (3)你可以找些学习周报来看看,或向别人借。 (4) 你要看他给出什么题目,再查找资料。 (5)先画一个方框,再装饰。
2023-07-11 17:47:303


2023-07-11 17:47:484


美国恐怖故事第四季第一集兰姨唱的Life on Mars美国恐怖故事第四季第三集兰姨唱的Lana Del Rey的《Gods and Monsters》
2023-07-11 17:47:572


Spirited Away (千与千寻) Chihiro,a 10-year-old girl in the midst of a move to the suburbs with her parents,wanders into a mysterious town.It"s the "other world" of gods and monsters,ruled over by a witch.There,humans are changed into animals and disappear.Chihiro,who has a listless disposition,must start working at a huge bath house to survive.Can she return to her own world? Story Introduction : Through the tunnel, There was a town of wonder. It was an inconceivable place, Where inconceivable things happened. A world existed right next to the humans" world, A world humans could never see. Local gods and various lesser deities, Goblins and monsters. It was a hot springs town, Where old gods came to heal their illness and wounds. 10 year-old Chihiro wanders into this world, Where humans shouldn"t enter. Chihiro can only survive in this world if she accepts two conditions: To work for Yu-baaba,an avaricious witch Who rules the huge bath house at the center of the town. And to be deprived of her name and become a non-human. Chihiro lost her name,and began working under her new name,Sen. In the town of surprise and wonder,Chihiro comes to know A huge sense of helplessness...and a small amount of hope. However,in this difficult world,she discovers many things, And Chihiro becomes more lively than she ever was. Kamajii,the boiler keeper with his rich life experience. Rin,who teaches Chihiro the work at the bath house. Susuwatari,who carry coal. Bou,the son of Yu-baaba. The god of the river,a refugee from the human"s world,who is covered with trash and sludge. Kaonashi,the masked man. Zeniiba,the twin sister of Yu-baaba. Unimaginable things keep happening. Chihiro"s sleeping "power to live" Has gradually begun to awaken. And Chihiro meets Haku,a handsome but mysterious boy. The encounter of a boy and a girl,tied together by a promise. With awakening memories, They understand and help each other. Can Chihiro take her name back, And return to the humans" world.
2023-07-11 17:48:111


《Odd and the Frost Giants》([英国] 尼尔·盖曼)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:cost书名:Odd and the Frost Giants作者:[英国] 尼尔·盖曼豆瓣评分:8.0出版社:HarperCollins出版年份:2009-11-1页数:128内容简介:In this inventive, short, yet perfectly formed novel inspired by traditional Norse mythology, Neil Gaiman takes readers on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back. In a village in ancient Norway lives a boy named Odd, and he"s had some very bad luck: His father perished in a Viking expedition; a tree fell on and shattered his leg; the endless freezing winter is making villagers dangerously grumpy. Out in the forest Odd encounters a bear, a fox, and an eagle—three creatures with a strange story to tell. Now Oddis forced on a stranger journey than he had imagined—a journey to save Asgard, city of the gods, from the Frost Giants who have invaded it. It"s going to take a very special kind of twelve-year-old boy to outwit the Frost Giants, restore peace to the city of gods, and end the long winter. Someone cheerful and infuriating and clever . . . Someone just like Odd .作者简介:作者简介(1万字以内);[英]尼尔·盖曼尼尔·盖曼是近十年来欧美文坛崛起的最耀眼的明星。被视为新一代幻想文学的代表。其创作领域横跨幻想小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说、儿童小说、漫画以及歌词。他的作品部部畅销。获纽伯瑞儿童文学奖等奖项。代表作品有《美国众神》《北欧众神》《坟场之书》《好兆头》《星尘》等。姚向辉又名BY,青年译者,译作有《教父》《七杀简史》《漫长的告别》《马耳他之鹰》等。
2023-07-11 17:48:321

冰与火之歌里面的old and the new gods是什么意思

2023-07-11 17:48:463

谁有BoundGods-Spencer reed and noah brooks(13143)资源,我迅雷下不了,可能比较冷门,求好心人发我

再给也只会是种子,最多不同版 且你都知道冷了,挂著线自己做种呗
2023-07-11 17:49:261

scary monsters and nice sprites 歌词 写的什么啊

2023-07-11 17:49:332


《正义联盟:神魔之战》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: 523c导演: 刘山姆编剧: 艾伦·伯内特 / 布鲁斯·提姆 / 鲍勃·凯恩 / 威廉·马斯顿 / 杰里·西格尔 / 乔·舒斯特 / 约翰·奥斯特兰德 / 约翰·伯恩 / 马文·沃夫曼 / 杰里·奥德威 / 露易丝·西蒙森 / Jon Bogdanove / Bob Rozakis / Jose Delbo / 尼尔·亚当斯 / 杰克·科比 / 伽德纳·福克斯 / 乔治·佩雷斯主演: 本杰明·布拉特 / 迈克尔·C·豪尔 / 塔玛拉·泰勒 / 帕姬·布鲁斯特 / C·托马斯·豪威尔 / 詹森·艾萨克 / 迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 / 艾瑞克·鲍扎 / 拉里·塞达尔 / 理查德·查伯兰 / 特雷弗·德瓦 / 丹·吉尔维赞 / 格蕾·德丽斯勒 / Daniel Hagen / 佩妮·约翰逊 / 乔什·基顿 / 阿里夫·S·金成 / 尤里·洛文塔尔 / 卡尔·卢波利 / 吉姆·麦司奇门 / 泰勒·帕克斯 / 卡里·佩顿 / 塔莫·潘尼凯 / 安德莉亚·罗马诺 / 安德烈·索格利扎索 / 布鲁斯·托马斯 / 劳伦·汤姆 / 凯瑞·华格伦 / 布鲁斯·提姆类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 动画制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2015-07-28(美国)片长: 76分钟又名: 正义联盟:神明与怪物 / 正义联盟:神魔世界 / 正义联盟:神与魔 / 正义联盟:众神与野兽本片是完全原创故事,超级英雄们不再是熟悉的样子,超人成为了佐德的儿子,蝙蝠侠成为吸血鬼,神奇女侠是“新神”,正义联盟为了摆脱被诽谤的罪名对科学家遇害事件展开调查。
2023-07-11 17:50:001


Spirited Away (千与千寻)Chihiro, a 10-year-old girl in the midst of a move to the suburbs with her parents, wanders into a mysterious town. It"s the "other world" of gods and monsters, ruled over by a witch. There, humans are changed into animals and disappear. Chihiro, who has a listless disposition, must start working at a huge bath house to survive. Can she return to her own world?**************************************Story Introduction :Through the tunnel,There was a town of wonder.It was an inconceivable place,Where inconceivable things happened.A world existed right next to the humans" world,A world humans could never see.Local gods and various lesser deities,Goblins and monsters.It was a hot springs town,Where old gods came to heal their illness and wounds.10 year-old Chihiro wanders into this world,Where humans shouldn"t enter.Chihiro can only survive in this world if she accepts two conditions:To work for Yu-baaba, an avaricious witchWho rules the huge bath house at the center of the town.And to be deprived of her name and become a non-human.Chihiro lost her name, and began working under her new name, Sen.In the town of surprise and wonder, Chihiro comes to knowA huge sense of helplessness... and a small amount of hope.However, in this difficult world, she discovers many things,And Chihiro becomes more lively than she ever was.Kamajii, the boiler keeper with his rich life experience.Rin, who teaches Chihiro the work at the bath house.Susuwatari, who carry coal.Bou, the son of Yu-baaba.The god of the river, a refugee from the human"s world, who is covered with trash and sludge.Kaonashi, the masked man.Zeniiba, the twin sister of Yu-baaba.Unimaginable things keep happening.Chihiro"s sleeping "power to live"Has gradually begun to awaken.And Chihiro meets Haku, a handsome but mysterious boy.The encounter of a boy and a girl, tied together by a promise.With awakening memories,They understand and help each other.Can Chihiro take her name back,And return to the humans" world....?
2023-07-11 17:50:131

哪有带字幕的the daily show with trevor noah

复仇祸害 Furry Vengeance (2010) ..Dan Sanders 森林大反攻 / 野蛮大对决 / 毛毛大反击De Bonte BrigadeDeu a Louca nos BichosThis Side of the Looking Glass (2010) ..Ben (rumored) 良医妙药 Extraordinary Measures (2010) ..John Crowley 克罗利CrowleyThe Crowley Project特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起 G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009) ..S. Stone (uncredited) 特种部队 / 义勇群英之毒蛇风暴 / 百战英雄G.I. JoeDark Sky: First Strike吉米·法伦深夜秀 Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (2009) ..Himself (2 episodes, 2010) 木乃伊3:龙帝之墓 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) ..里克·欧康纳 木乃伊3 / 盗墓迷城3 / 神鬼传奇3The Mummy 3Untitled Rick O;Connell Adventure墨水心 Inkheart (2008) ..Mo ;Silvertongue; Folchart 魔法天书Inkheart - mustesydauml;nTintenherz地心历险记 Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) ..Trevor Anderson 地心历险记3D / 地心游记3D / 地心冒险 / 地心探险记Journey to the Center of the Earth 3DMatka maan uumeniin我呼吸的空气 The Air I Breathe (2007) ..Pleasure 交错效应Akraies katastaseisAr Que Respiramos, OSingularity (2006) The Invaders大选年 So Goes the Nation (2006) ..Himself Ohio: An American VoteThe Battleground最后一次 The Last Time (2006) ..Jamie Infieles, LosTeleia pagida, I暗夜旅程 Journey to the End of the Night (2006) ..Paul The Little Thief101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004) ..Himself (archive footage) 撞车 Crash (2004) ..Rick Cabot 冲击效应CollisionСблъсъци华纳巨星总动员 Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) ..DJ Drake/Himself/Voice of Tasmanian Devil and She-Devil 乐一通反斗特工队Looney Tunes Back in Action: The MovieLooney Tunes: The Movie过气童星 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) ..Himself (uncredited) Dickie Roberts:沉静的美国人 The Quiet American (2002) ..Alden Pyle 情场战场Stille Amerikaner, DerThe Spy木乃伊2 The Mummy Returns (2001) ..Richard ;Rick; O;Connell 盗墓迷城2The Mummy 2Momia regresa, La实习医生风云 Scrubs (2001) ..Ben Sullivan (3 episodes, 2002-2004) 实习生风云2001 MTV Movie Awards (2001) ..Himself 蹦蹦猴 Monkeybone (2001) ..Stu Miley 碰碰猴Untitled Monkeybone Project神鬼愿望 Bedazzled (2000) ..Elliot Richards/Jefe/Mary 魔女搵老衬Teuflisch仙巴历险记 Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (2000) ..Sinbad (voice) 辛巴:超越薄雾的面纱超时空宠爱 Blast from the Past (1999) ..Adam Webber 超时空恋爱铁骑惊魂 Dudley Do-Right (1999) ..Dudley Do-Right Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary (1999) ..Himself - Audience Member 神与兽的世界:与詹姆斯·怀勒携游 The World of Gods and Monsters: A Journey with James Whale (1999) ..Himself - Actor (Gods and Monsters) (also archive footage) 第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) ..Himself - Presenter: Best Live Action Short Film 木乃伊 The Mummy (1999) ..Richard ;Rick; O;Connell 盗墓迷城 / 神鬼传奇Momia, LaA Múmia众神与野兽 Gods and Monsters (1998) ..Clayton Boone 神与魔鬼 / 魂断梦工场 / 神与魔The Father of FrankensteinDeuses e Monstros金色黎明 The Twilight of the Golds (1997) ..David Gold Jumalten hauml;mauml;rauml;L;orgoglio di un figlio森林泰山 George of the Jungle (1997) ..George, the King of the Jungle 至野一族 / 丛林王乔治 / 森林王子Джордж из джунглейAz ouml;serdouml; houml;se爱情口难开 Still Breathing (1997) ..Fletcher McBracken 希望尚存 / 甜梦俏佳人Rakkauden happeaSonhei Contigo光荣的迷惑 Glory Daze (1996) ..Doug Uacute;ltima llamadaDías de gloria麻雀变凤凰 Mrs. Winterbourne (1996) ..Hugh/Bill Winterbourne 致命糖衣锭 Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (1996) ..Cameo appearance (placebo patient) (uncredited) Brain CandyEfectos secundarios乔恩·斯图尔特每日秀 The Daily Show (1996) ..Himself (2 episodes, 1999-2003) Daily Show, Ha-Jon Stewart战栗女人香 The Passion of Darkly Noon (1995) ..Darkly Noon Darkly NoonPassion des Darkly Noon, Die那些日子以来 Now and Then (1995) ..Vietnam Veteran (uncredited) 此时彼刻The Gaslight Addition乞丐博士 With Honors (1994) ..Montgomery ;Monty; Kessler 金牌天兵 In the Army Now (1994) ..Link (uncredited) You;re in the Army Now摇滚总动员 Airheads (1994) ..Chester ;Chazz; Darvey Cabezas huecasAirheads - sekopauml;auml;t梦幻青春 Younger and Younger (1993) ..Winston Younger 宝贝新官人 Son in Law (1993) ..Link (uncredited) 高校风云 School Ties (1992) ..David Greene Auszlig;enseiter, DerCódigo de honor沉睡野人 Encino Man (1992) ..Link California Man无罪的判决 Guilty Until Proven Innocent (1991) ..Bobby McLaughlin Douml;md fouml;r mordNada Mais Que a Verdade索男撒错网 Dogfight (1991) ..Sailor 1 (as Brendon Fraser)
2023-07-11 17:50:201


2023-07-11 17:50:391

1. Who are the Twelve Olympian Gods, and what are their powers? 2. Who was Prometheus?

Q1 -In general, the Olympians are the gods who live on Mount Olympus, all of them somehow related to the supreme godZeus. More specifically, theTwelve Olympiansare the major deities of the Greek pantheon:Zeus,Hera,Poseidon,Demeter,Athena,Hestia,Apollo,Artemis,Ares,Aphrodite,Hephaestus, andHermes.Their powers - 资料太多,自己去查吧,就不一一列举了。2 -PROMETHEUS was the Titan god of forethought and crafty counsel who was entrusted with the task of moulding mankind out of clay.
2023-07-11 17:51:003

《The Foodofthe Gods》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Food of the Gods, and How It Came to Earth》(Wells, H. G.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: pd34书名:The Food of the Gods, and How It Came to Earth作者:Wells, H. G.出版年份:2012-1页数:370内容简介:The Food of the Gods, and How It Came to Earth by Wells, H. G..
2023-07-11 17:51:071

Us 2 Little Gods 歌词

歌曲名:Us 2 Little Gods歌手:Dido专辑:Safe Trip HomeDido - Us 2 Little GodsWalking home, burnt and redSticky thin, he saidlet us go down in the woodscan you be careful she saidus 2 little gods with the world at our feetSticky thin, how you"ve grown they saidYou"ll never fit in your long white dressWhen"s he going to try and get a jobI"m thankful for what we"ve got she saidus 2 little gods with the world at our feetJust in this life, I need no otherJust this day, I need no moreJust this moment, let it all stop hereLet it all stop here I"ve had my fill.Summers here, early againLets take the kid and go and celebrateDrinking beer, moon on the leftand there"s the sun, hold my hand he saidus 3 little gods, with the world at our feetJust in this life, I need no otherJust this day, I need no moreJust this moment, let it all stop hereLet it all stop here I"ve had my fill.Just in this life, I need no otherJust this day, I need no moreJust this moment, let it all stop hereLet it all stop here I"ve had my fill.Just in this life, I need no otherJust this day, I need no moreJust this moment, let it all stop hereLet it all stop here I"ve had my fill.
2023-07-11 17:51:191

War of the Gods 歌词

歌曲名:War of the Gods歌手:amon amarth专辑:Surtur Rising (Limited Edition Digibook)标题:War Of The GodsAmon Amarth我——TD——珞珈山梦境联盟缔造者!war, the mirthless war of our worldwhen the treacherous wench is killedthree times burned, the three times bornby fear it claims was gullveig torndeath, odin held his spear up with great forcedeep into the great god of fearbattle horns gave off their soundand asgard was razed to the groundthe vanir failed to see haenir was foolwithout mirnir at his side haenir could not rulein a field of violent rage mimir"s blood was shedand to odin"s court they sent mimir"s severed headtruce, so a brittle and frail ease was forgedinto a shattered piece to makenjordr and freyr to asgard cameand haenir and mim to vanaheimdeath, see the furious gods washed in bloodand odin knew that the way to warwould not bring them any gainjust leave a black and bitter stainodin tog huvudet och smorde det med ortersom hindrar det fran att ruttnahan kvad sina trollsanger over detsa att mimer ater kunde tala till honom我们的聚集地:66032164the vanir failed to see haenir was a foolwithout mimir at his side haenir could not rulein a field of violent rage mimir"s blood was shedand to odin"s court they sent mimir"s severed headthe vanir failed to see haenir was a foolwithout mimir at his side haenir could not rulein a field of violent rage mimir"s blood was shedand to odin"s court they sent mimir"s severed head珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-07-11 17:51:261

希腊神话日神是Apollo,酒神是dionysus,who know the other gods ?

2023-07-11 17:51:384

《American Gods A Novel》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《American Gods》(Neil Gaiman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 8cxw书名:American Gods作者:Neil Gaiman豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:William Morrow出版年份:2001-6-19页数:480内容简介:American Gods is Neil Gaiman"s best and most ambitious novel yet, a scary, strange, and hallucinogenic road-trip story wrapped around a deep examination of the American spirit. Gaiman tackles everything from the onslaught of the information age to the meaning of death, but he doesn"t sacrifice the razor-sharp plotting and narrative style he"s been delivering since his Sandman days.Shadow gets out of prison early when his wife is killed in a car crash. At a loss, he takes up with a mysterious character called Wednesday, who is much more than he appears. In fact, Wednesday is an old god, once known as Odin the All-father, who is roaming America rounding up his forgotten fellows in preparation for an epic battle against the upstart deities of the Internet, credit cards, television, and all that is wired. Shadow agrees to help Wednesday, and they whirl through a psycho-spiritual storm that becomes all too real in its manifestations. For instance, Shadow"s dead wife Laura keeps showing up, and not just as a ghost--the difficulty of their continuing relationship is by turns grim and darkly funny, just like the rest of the book.Armed only with some coin tricks and a sense of purpose, Shadow travels through, around, and underneath the visible surface of things, digging up all the powerful myths Americans brought with them in their journeys to this land as well as the ones that were already here. Shadow"s road story is the heart of the novel, and it"s here that Gaiman offers up the details that make this such a cinematic book--the distinctly American foods and diversions, the bizarre roadside attractions, the decrepit gods reduced to shell games and prostitution. "This is a bad land for Gods," says Shadow.More than a tourist in America, but not a native, Neil Gaiman offers an outside-in and inside-out perspective on the soul and spirituality of the country--our obsessions with money and power, our jumbled religious heritage and its societal outcomes, and the millennial decisions we face about what"s real and what"s not. --Therese Littleton, Amazon.com作者简介:尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)当代大师级幻想小说家,1960年生于英国。尼尔u2022盖曼是当代欧美文坛耀眼的新星,也是幻想文学的代名词。《美国众神》是他的代表作,一出版就迅速横扫所有世界级幻想小说大奖,成为当之无愧的幻想文学经典。《纽约时报》评价它“用灵巧的手为我们 编织神话”。2017年,《美国众神》被改编为电视剧,引发全球收视热潮。学生时代,盖曼曾组建朋克乐队,梦想成为摇滚明星,但并未想过成为作家。1989年,他以漫画《睡魔》开始了创作之路。其后,他的创作逐渐涵盖了小说、漫画、诗歌、剧本等多个领域。因其作品的独特风格和想象力,《迈阿密新时报》认为他已经成为“文学界的摇滚巨星”;惊悚小说大师斯蒂芬u2022金则认为他“创作力之丰沃与作品水准之高,既神奇又吓人”。
2023-07-11 17:51:571

Free your Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Free your Soul歌手:LIV MOON专辑:THE END OF THE BEGINNING「Free your Soul」作词∶Koichi Ogita英语词∶AKANE LIV作曲∶KYOSUKE HIMURO歌∶LIV MOONLong before Vikings arrivedEarth was Nordic gods" playgroundOdin mixed love and jealousyBright summer nights turned cold darkWas gods" love a myth we made?终わる事のない 血涂られた梦伤つけ 伤つき 何を求める冻てついた空に 舞う红い雪永远に続く 真冬の神话には描かれてる贪りあう浅ましい姿In gods" playgroundOnly brave souls were brought back to life古き神々が残した教えに 従うままに戦场 駆け抜け 破灭へと走る眠れぬ夜を越えてWas gods" love a myth we made?白夜の森へと 足を踏み入れさまよいさすらう 黄昏の国白い太阳が 空に留まり闇を缔めだして 眠りを夺うから目覚めながら梦に迷う落日を求めIn gods" playgroundOnly brave souls were brought back to lifeRagnarok 神话が残した教えに导かれたら世界の终わりが まだ见ぬ明日に繋がる筈と 気付くLong before Vikings arrivedSing with us! Be brave! Free your soul!Did Valhalla gods make love like us?Playing love and jealousy Valhalla!Sing with us! Be brave! Free your soul!Free your soul!In gods" playgroundOnly brave souls were brought back to lifeRagnarok 无慈悲で 残酷なまでの 死への诱惑流れる血潮が 氷を溶かして冬の终わりを告げるSing with us! Be brave! Free your soul!Sing with us! Free your soul!今でも 世界は眠れない夜にうなされ続けている终わり
2023-07-11 17:52:091

《Godsand Fighting Men》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Gods and Fighting Men》(Lady Gregory)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: r2kc书名:Gods and Fighting Men作者:Lady Gregory出版社:Colin Smythe出版年份:1976-06页数:368内容简介:Now it chanced at that time there were three brothers of the Tuatha de Danaan living together in a place that was called Druim na Teine, the Ridge of the Fire, Goibniu and Samthainn and Cian. Cian was a lord of land, and Goibniu was the smith that had such a great name. Now Clan had a wonderful cow, the Glas Gaibhnenn, and her milk never failed. And every one that heard of her coveted her.
2023-07-11 17:52:161

Of Monsters and Men的《Dirty Paws》 歌词

歌曲名:Dirty Paws歌手:Of Monsters and Men专辑:My Head Is An Animalti:dirty pawsar:Of Monsters And Menby:hibernisJumping up and down the floorMy head is an animalAnd once there was an animal,It had a son that mowed the lawn.The son was an ok guy,Thay had a pet dragonfly.The dragonfly it ran awayBut it came back with a story to say.Her dirty paws and furry coat,She ran down the forest slope.The forest of talking trees,They used to sing about the birds and the bees.The bees had declared a war,The sky wasn"t big enough for them all.The birds, they got help from below,From dirty paws and the creatures of snow.And for a while things were cold,They were scared down in their holes.The forest that once was greenWas colored black by those killing machines.But she and her furry friendsTook down the queen bee and her men.And that"s how the story goes,The story of the beast with those four dirty paws.
2023-07-11 17:52:291

Monsters are real and ghosts are real,too.They live inside us.And sometimes they win.

一 The earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. 1). If you want to watch dancing, you can call_______.   A.4668736    B.4021877   C.4886888   D.46k86788   2).You can see the whole of Chinese history at_______ in April in Anhui Museum.   A.3 p.m. every day       B.9 p.m. from Monday to Friday   C.7 a.m. at weekends       D.7 p.m. every day   3).You can enjoy_______ at Jack Stein"s.   A. American jazz         B. Scottish dancing     C.12,000 pieces on show     D. yourself all night 4). Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for _____ months of the year.   A. nine    B. ten     C. eleven    D. twelve 5). You have ¥148, and you can ________ in May .   A. listen to Jazz       B. watch Scottish dancing   C. go to Anhui Museum  D. stay in Sun Hotel for a night 三 Mr. Knight was the manager (经理)of a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr. Knight said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy.  Mr. Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked them if they would share a room. The three men said they would. Mr. Knight said the room would be thirty dollars: ten for each one. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room.  Mr. Knight soon began to feel sorry. "Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room." he thought. He called his assistant over and said, "Here is five dollars. Take it to the men in Room 418. I asked too much for their room. "  The assistant took the money. While he was on the way there, he started to think, "How can three men divide (分配) five dollars? I"ll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for myself. The men will be happy to get something back. And Mr. Knight will never know. " So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.  Each man had at first paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned them one dollar each, each had actually paid nine. There were three men. The assistant kept $2.  Where is the missing dollar? l. The three men were not happy because ________.   A. there was a large meeting     B. it was weekend   C. there was only one small room   D. they wouldn"t have a place to stay   2. With the help of the manager, the three men ____.   A. went to another hotel            B. each got a small room for the night   C. stayed together in a small room      D. got a small room Mr. Knight kept for himself 3. At first  ____.   A. $27 was paid by the three men    B. $10 was paid by the three men   C. $25 was paid by the three men    D. $30 was paid by the three men   4. The assistant ____.   A. helped the men to divide the money   B. kept two dollars for himself   C. returned three to the men and two to the manager   D. kept three dollars for himself 5. Where is the missing dollar ?   A. There wasn"t any missing dollar.     B. It was taken by the assistant, too.   C. It was taken by Mr. Knight.        D. It was taken by the three men. 四 Please Write to Me     Do you want to write to a pen-friend in England?    Here"s a letter from Becky in Chesterfield.                     23 Old Road                   Chesterfield  Hello!    My name is Becky Sharp. I"m eleven years old. I"ve got one brother--his name"s Joson and he"s fourteen. I haven"t got any sisters.    I live with my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield,in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.    Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I"m brilliant but he isn"t very good.    I"ve got seven pets--a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesn"t like them.    Please write to me.                          Becky   1. The girl wants to find a __.   A. sister        B. brother       C. girlfriend      D. pen-friend   2. What is the girl"s surname(姓)?   A. sharp       B. Becky   C. Becky Sharp      D. none of the above   3. The girl"s family live in ____.   A. a big room       B. a cinema   C. the west of England   D. the north of England   4. Does the girl play football well?a   A. Yes,she does.     B. No,she doesn"t.   C. She"s not very good.   D. We don"t know.   5. The girl"s mother doesn"t like ____.   A. the tortoise or the goldfish         B. the tortoise or the dog   C. a dog or a cat              D. the goldfish or the cat 参考答案  一 1-5  B C A D B二 1)从第二则短新闻中可知要看舞蹈上拨电话4021877 即B。  2)第三则短新闻可知星期一~星期五全天,而周末是9:00a.m~9:00p.m所以两者综合为A。  3)选B。从第二则新闻可知在Jack  Stein"s 能欣赏到苏格兰舞蹈。  4)根据上文四月份不开放,所以只有11个月。选C。  5)第一、二、四则短新闻中的活动价格都高于148元,只能选C。 三  1.D.是细节题,在文章的第一自然段能找到答案。  2.C.是单句理解题。文中的share a room的意思是stay together in a room,故选C。  3.D.细节题,在第二自然段可找到答案。  4.B.  5.A.此题很容易让学生产生错觉,其实“the missing dollar” 根本就不存在。 四   1. D   2. A   3. D   4. A   5. C
2023-07-11 17:52:371

monsters是凯蒂·斯凯的一首歌曲,出自专辑《The Tune

Monsters - Katie Sky (凯蒂·斯凯)//Lyrics by:Catherine Cheadle/The Tune Park//I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters我看到你内心的怪兽时I"ll stand there so brave我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走In the dark we we我们在黑暗中We stand apart we we被迫分开Never see that the things we need are staring right at us却不知道 我们需要的东西就在眼前You just want to hide hide你一味地躲避Hide never show your smile smile从来不肯露出笑容Stand alone when you need someone it"s the hardest thing of all世间最难的事情 是你需要帮助时却四下无人That you see are the bad bad你想到的只有痛苦的过去Bad memories take your time and you"ll find me不要着急 我很快就会出现的I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走I could see the sky sky我可以看到Sky beautiful tonight night今天的夜空绚烂多彩When you breathe why can"t you see that the clouds are in your head当你呼吸时 请看看头顶的云彩I would stay there there我一直都在那里There"s no need to fear fear不要害怕And when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust当你需要和信任的人倾诉时What you see are the bad bad你想到的只有痛苦的过去Bad memories take your time and you"ll find me不要着急 我很快就会出现的I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走I"ll chase them all away我会将它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light你一定能看到光明Even in the darkest night即使是在最漆黑的夜晚And I"ll be here like you were for me我会一直陪着你 就像你曾经守护着我一样So just let me in所以 让我走进你的心里吧Cause I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I"ll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑 我会帮你解决的I"ll be your lighthouse I"ll make it okay我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙When I see your monsters I"ll stand there so brave我看到你内心的怪兽时 我会勇敢地站出来And chase them all away将它们赶走
2023-07-11 17:52:441


原唱:Katie SkyI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayIn the dark we weWe stand apart we weNever see that the things we need are staring right at usYou just want to hide hide hideNever show your smile smileStand alone when you need someoneIt"s the hardest thing of allThat you see are the bad bad bad memoriesTake your time you"ll find meI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayI can see the skyBeautiful tonightWhen you breathe why can"t you seeThe clouds are in your headI would stay thereNo need to fearWhen you need to talk it out with someone you can trustWhat you see are the bad bad bad memoriesTake your time you"ll find meI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayYou"ve got the chance to see the lightEven in the darkest nightAnd I will be here like you were for meSo just let me inI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayWhen I see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveI see your monstersI see your painTell me your problemsI"ll chase them awayI"ll be your lighthouseI"ll make it okayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayWhen I see your monstersI"ll stand there so braveAnd chase them all awayProgram:孔潇一人声指导:尹约音乐总监:梁翘柏混音:林梦洋PGM:董音键盘:董音吉他:谷粟贝斯:宣一亨鼓:褚伟明合音:梁古驰
2023-07-11 17:52:511

Of Monsters and Men的《Sloom》 歌词

歌曲名:Sloom歌手:Of Monsters and Men专辑:My Head Is An AnimalOf Monsters And Men - SloomQQ : 349777127The sea said goodbye to the shoreso the sun wouldn"t noticethe seaweed that wrappedit"s arms around you.The carpet on my cheekfeels like a forestand I run though the tall treeswith your hand chasing me.The books that I keep by my bedare full of your storiesthat I drew up from a little dream of minea little nightmare of yours.To be asked to take this plungeto forgive and forgetand be the better manto be a better man, to be a better man.So love me motherand love me fatherand love my sister as wellThe cat"s silhouette,as big as a monster,in this concrete jungle,with street lights hanging their heads.So make all your last demandsfor I will forsake youand I"ll meet your eyesfor the very first time, for the very last.So love me motherand love me fatherand love my sister as wellSo love me motherand love me fatherand love my brother as wellSo love me motherand love me fatherand love my sister as wellSo love me motherand love me fatherand love my brother as wellI met a man todayand he smiled back at me,now there are thoughts like thesethat keep me on my feet,that keep me on my feet.Of Monsters And Men - SloomQQ : 349777127
2023-07-11 17:53:041

群星的《The Gods》 歌词

歌曲名:The Gods歌手:群星专辑:Body & Mood: Life MoodsThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo
2023-07-11 17:53:111

Of Monsters and Men的《Your Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Bones歌手:Of Monsters and Men专辑:My Head Is An AnimalOf Monsters And Men - Your BonesQQ : 349777127In the spring we made a boatout of feathers, out of bones.We set fire to our homes,walking barefoot in the snow.Distant rhythm of the drumas we drifted towards the storm.Baby lion lost his teeth,now they"re swimming in the sea.Troubled spirits on my chestwhere they laid to rest.The birds all left my tall friendas your body hit the sand.Million stars up in the skyformed a tigers eyethat looked down on my face,out of time and out of place.So hold on,hold on to what we are,hold on to your heart.Eyes Set To Kill - Your BonesQQ : 349777127Awaken by the soundof a screaming owl.Chasing leafs in the wind,going where we"ve never been.Said goodbye to you my friend,as the fire spread.All that"s left are your bonesthat will soon sink like stonesSo hold on,hold on to what we are,hold on to your heart.Eyes Set To Kill - Your BonesQQ : 349777127
2023-07-11 17:53:541

scary monsters and nice sprites表达了啥意思

2023-07-11 17:54:031

电音《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》出自哪位制作人之手

Skrillex。《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》的制作人是美国电子舞曲制作人Skrillex制作的一首音乐作品,被收录在他的迷你专辑《Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites》中,电音非常经典荣获多种奖项。
2023-07-11 17:54:101


2023-07-11 17:54:172

Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (The Juggernaut Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (The Juggernaut Remix)歌手:Skrillex专辑:More Monsters and Sprites EPSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.EndSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
2023-07-11 17:54:491


2023-07-11 17:54:561


  I see your monsters, I see your pain.   我看到你心里的野兽 看到你的痛苦   Tell me your problems,Ill chase them away.   告诉我你的麻烦 我会把它们赶走   Ill be your lighthouse.   我会是你的灯塔   Ill make it okay.   我会保护你   When I see your monsters   当我看到你内心的野兽   Ill stand there so brave,   我会勇敢地站出来   and chase them all away.   把它们全部赶走   In the dark we, we, we,   在黑暗里我们.....   stand apart we, we,   分开站着.....我们   never see that the things we need are staring right at us.   永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们   You just want to hide, hide,   你只是想逃避,逃避   never show your smile, smile, smile.   从不展现你的友好,友好,友好   Stand alone when you need someone   当你需要陪伴时我旁观   its the hardest thing of all   是最困难的事情   that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories   因为你所想都是坏的回忆   take your time, youll find it.   别着急,你会找到的   I see your monsters,   我看到你的野兽   I see your pain.   你的痛苦   Tell me your problems,   向我倾诉你的麻烦   Ill chase them away.   我会把它们赶走   Ill be your lighthouse.   我会是你的灯塔   Ill make it okay.   我会保护你   When I see your monsters   当我看到你内心的野兽   Ill stand there so brave,   我会勇敢地站出来   and chase them all away.   赶跑它们   I can see the sky, sky, sky,   我看到天空,天空,天空   beautiful tonight, night   美好的夜晚   when you breathe why cant you see   当你呼吸时为何没看到   the clouds are in your head   你头顶的乌云   I will stay there there, there, there,   我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿   no need to fear, fear,   不要害怕,怕   when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust.   当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉   What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories   你所想都是坏的回忆   take your time youll find it.   别着急,你会找到的   I see your monsters,   我看到你的野兽   I see your pain.   你的痛苦   Tell me your problems,   向我倾诉你的麻烦   Ill chase them away.   我会把它们赶跑   Ill be your lighthouse.   我会是你的灯塔   Ill make it okay.   我会保护你   When I see your monsters   当我看到你内心的野兽   Ill stand there so brave,   我会勇敢地站出来   and chase them all away.   把它们全部赶走   Ill chase them all away   我会把它们全部赶走   Youve got the chance to see the light,   你已经有机会看到灯光   even in the darkest night   即使在最黑暗的夜里   And I will be here like you were for me,   我会像你一样为我   so just let me in.   所以就让我加入吧   Cause... I see your monsters,   因为...我看到你的野兽   I see your pain.   你的痛苦   Tell me your problems,   向我倾诉你的麻烦   Ill chase them away.   我会把它们赶走   Ill be your lighthouse.   我会是你的灯塔   Ill make it okay.   我会保护你   When I see your monsters   当我看到你内心的野兽   Ill stand there so brave,   我会勇敢地站出来   I see your monsters,   我看到你的野兽   I see your pain.   你的痛苦   Tell me your problems,   向我倾诉你的麻烦   Ill chase them away.   我会把他们赶走   Ill be your lighthouse.   我会是你的灯塔   Ill make it okay.   我会保护你   When I see your monsters   当我看到你内心的野兽   Ill stand there so brave,   我会勇敢地站出来   and chase them all away.   把它们全部赶走
2023-07-11 17:55:021

Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites歌手:Skrillex专辑:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites EpScary Monsters and Nice SpritesSkrillexI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.
2023-07-11 17:55:221


《Monsters》歌曲原唱:Katie Sky歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain.我看到你心里的野兽 看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away.告诉我你的麻烦 我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走In the dark we, we, we,在黑暗里我们.....stand apart we, we,分开站着.....我们never see that the things we need are staring right at us.永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们You just want to hide, hide,你只是想逃避,逃避never show your smile, smile, smile.从不展现你的友好,友好,友好Stand alone when you need someone当你需要陪伴时我旁观its the hardest thing of all是最困难的事情that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories因为你所想都是坏的回忆take your time, you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.赶跑它们I can see the sky, sky, sky,我看到天空,天空,天空beautiful tonight, night美好的夜晚when you breathe why cant you see当你呼吸时为何没看到the clouds are in your head你头顶的乌云I will stay there there, there, there,我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿no need to fear, fear,不要害怕,怕when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust.当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories你所想都是坏的回忆take your time you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶跑I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走I"ll chase them all away我会把它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light,你已经有机会看到灯光even in the darkest night即使在最黑暗的夜里And I will be here like you were for me,我会像你一样为我so just let me in.所以就让我加入吧Cause... I see your monsters,因为...我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把他们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走
2023-07-11 17:55:401

Blue Oyster Cult的《Monsters》 歌词

歌曲名:Monsters歌手:Blue Oyster Cult专辑:Cultosaurus ErectusMichael Jackson Ft. 50 Cent - MonsterYou can look at them coming out the wallsYou can look at them climbing out the bushesYou can find them when the letter"s bout to fallHe be waiting with his camera on focusEverywhere you seem to turn there"s a monsterWhen you look up in the air there"s a monsterPaparazzi got you scared like a monster(too bad)Oh oh Hollywood it"s got you jumping like you shouldIt"s got you bouncing off the wallIt"s got you drunk enough to fall(too bad)Oh oh Hollywood just look in the mirrorAnd tell me you likeDon"t you don"t you like itMonsterHe"s a monsterHe"s an animalMonsterHe"s a monsterHe"s an animalHe"s coming at yaComing at ya rather too fastMama say mama got you in a zig zagAnd you"re runningAnd you"re running just to scape itBut they"re gunning for the moneySo they fake itEverywhere you seem to turn there"s a monsterWhen you look up in the air there"s a monsterWhen you see them in the street that"s a monster(too bad)Oh oh Hollywood it"s got you jumping like it shouldIt"s got you bouncing off the wallIt"s got you drunk enough to fall(too bad)Oh oh Hollywood just look in the mirrorAnd tell me you like what you seeMonsterHe"s a monsterHe"s an animalMonsterHe"s a monsterHe"s an animalWhy are they never satisfied with and all you give(you give them your all)(they"re watching you fall)And they eat your soul like a vegetableBREAKToo badOh oh Hollywood it"s got you jumping like it shouldIt"s got you bouncing off the wallIt"s got you drunk enough to fall(too bad)Oh oh Hollywood just making it clearerAnd tell me you likeDon"t you don"t you like itMonsterHe"s a monsterHe"s an animalMonsterHe"s a monsterHe"s an animal
2023-07-11 17:55:481


《Monsters》歌曲原唱:Katie Sky歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain.我看到你心里的野兽 看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I"ll chase them away.告诉我你的麻烦 我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走In the dark we, we, we,在黑暗里我们.....stand apart we, we,分开站着.....我们never see that the things we need are staring right at us.永远看不到需要的东西都在盯着我们You just want to hide, hide,你只是想逃避,逃避never show your smile, smile, smile.从不展现你的友好,友好,友好Stand alone when you need someone当你需要陪伴时我旁观its the hardest thing of all是最困难的事情that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories因为你所想都是坏的回忆take your time, you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.赶跑它们I can see the sky, sky, sky,我看到天空,天空,天空beautiful tonight, night美好的夜晚when you breathe why cant you see当你呼吸时为何没看到the clouds are in your head你头顶的乌云I will stay there there, there, there,我会留在那儿,那儿,那儿no need to fear, fear,不要害怕,怕when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust.当你需要倾诉时可以向你所信任的挚友倾诉What you see are the bad, bad, bad memories你所想都是坏的回忆take your time you"ll find it.别着急,你会找到的I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶跑I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走I"ll chase them all away我会把它们全部赶走You"ve got the chance to see the light,你已经有机会看到灯光even in the darkest night即使在最黑暗的夜里And I will be here like you were for me,我会像你一样为我so just let me in.所以就让我加入吧Cause... I see your monsters,因为...我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把它们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来I see your monsters,我看到你的野兽I see your pain.你的痛苦Tell me your problems,向我倾诉你的麻烦I"ll chase them away.我会把他们赶走I"ll be your lighthouse.我会是你的灯塔I"ll make it okay.我会保护你When I see your monsters当我看到你内心的野兽I"ll stand there so brave,我会勇敢地站出来and chase them all away.把它们全部赶走扩展资料:《Monsters》是一首由Katie Sky演唱的一首英语歌曲。这首歌歌曲时长为3分41秒,于2014年05月11日正式上线。该歌曲一上线就受到了广泛的关注,收获了众多听众的喜爱。《Monsters》收录于2014年5月的同名专辑《Monsters》中,该专辑只收录这一首歌曲。英国创作女歌手Katie Sky单曲《Monsters》, 歌曲中Katie通过温柔且富有力量的嗓音向对方传递坚定果敢的信念,不要害怕,因为我一直在你身旁。
2023-07-11 17:56:111

fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.

渔民和水手声明说曾在海中看到过水怪。to prep,(介词)
2023-07-11 17:56:362

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Zedd remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Zedd remix)歌手:Skrillex专辑:Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesI am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need... I am just like you... (REVERSED)YES OH MY GOSH!I am just like you... You don"t need me I"m a count... I am just like you... (REVERSED)Open your eyes...I"m a coward, tooYou don"t need to hide, my friendFor I am just like you.EndSkrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
2023-07-11 17:56:421

No Gods, No Masters 歌词

歌曲名:No Gods, No Masters歌手:Arch Enemy专辑:Khaos Legions (Japanese Edition)No Gods, No Masters -- Arch EnemyAlbum - 《Khaos Legions》 2011Here I am, back to the wallI picked the fight against the timeFree at last I go my own wayI will resist them till the day I dieee!I am who I amMy time has comeI am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTERS!My time has comeThere is no second placeNo perfect worldYour head is wholeFreedom in your heartBE STRONG! TAKE THIS CHANCE!Make your wayA better future comesss!I am who I amMy time has comeI am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTER!My time has comeNO GODS, NO MASTERS!NO GODS, NO MASTERS!What doesn"t kill us make us strongerLocked and loaded ready to strikeYou stand loud and proudUnited as one, United As One!!!ERUH! ERUH! ERUH!I am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTERS!My time has comeI am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTERS!My time has come
2023-07-11 17:56:491