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2023-05-19 16:22:37


v. 建立;确立(establish的ing形式)

New York has followed the example of Paris in establishing a brigade of police dogs.




2023-01-03 02:46:593


establishingv.建立( establish的现在分词 ); 确定; [植物学]使(植物)定植; 使成为; 例句:1.But perhaps the biggest challenge is establishing distribution networks. 但最大的挑战或许是建立经销网络。
2023-01-03 02:47:091


establish 英[ɪˈstæblɪʃ] 美[ɪˈstæblɪʃ] vt. 建立,创建; 确立或使安全; 使被安排好; 使成为; [例句]It is impossible to establish democracy amid economic chaos.经济秩序混乱不堪,是不可能建立民主的。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-01-03 02:47:191


2023-01-03 02:47:243


2023-01-03 02:47:352


establish意思是:建立。动词意思,设立;建立;制定;确立;使(风俗;信仰;惯例;制度)得到永久承认;证实;查明;确定;使…花色所剩的牌都能赢。第三人称单数: establishes现在分词: establishing过去式: established过去分词: established短语搭配:establish connection建立连接establish contact接通;建立联系establish communication建立通信;建立沟通establish system设立制度;建立系统establish policy建立政策;制定政策。双语例句:1、He had a year in which to establish his fitness for the office。他有一年时间来使自己的任职资格得到承认。2、The remark was enough to establish his woeful ignorance about the theatre。那评论足够证实他对戏剧的无知到了可悲的地步。3、He went to great lengths to establish his liberal bona fides。他不遗余力使人接受他慷慨的诚意。4、These techniques can help parents re-establish their role as authority figures。这些方法能帮助父母亲重新确立其作为权威人物的地位。5、Clinical trials must establish whether the new hip replacements are working。临床测试必须确定髋关节替代物是否有效。
2023-01-03 02:47:421

establish与set up有什么区别?

establish - 成立setup - 设立,设定build/construct - 建立
2023-01-03 02:47:573


vt. 建立;创办;安置vi. 植物定植
2023-01-03 02:48:114


2023-01-03 02:48:243


2023-01-03 02:48:374


2023-01-03 02:48:503

enterprise-establishing 是什么意思

2023-01-03 02:49:031


establishv.建立;确立;创办;安顿We have established trade ties with these regions.There is an urgent need to establish a strict responsibility system.急需建立严格的责任制度。
2023-01-03 02:49:083

establishing shot是什么意思

establishing shot远景;定场镜头;建构性镜头;建立镜头Of course, in an establishing shot the animation is usually subordinate to thebackground or location, but you don"t want the audience to feel too far away andout of the story. 当然,在建立拍摄动画通常是从属的背景或位置,但您不想让观众觉得太遥远出的故事。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
2023-01-03 02:49:181


2023-01-03 02:49:232

establishing shot 是什么意思?

词典结果:establishing shot远景; 例句:1.Set up what"s called an "establishing shot" before you launch into the main activity. 成立什么所谓的“建立开枪”之前,你发射到的主要活动。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-01-03 02:49:311

电脑启动时出现initializing and establishing link是什么意思?

电脑启动时出现”initializing and establishing link“的意思是说启动失败,没有从设备上找到操作系统。这是因为主板支持网络启动,而且网络启动比硬盘启动优先。解决方法如下:如果本身不是物品启动,在BOIS里取消掉网络启动就可以了。如果是网络启动却启动不起来的,一般是由于网线不通造成的。原因主要是水晶头松动、接触不良、网卡损坏。服务器上的MAC地址错误也可能会出现这个提示  。可以尝试进BIOS,把第一启动项设为硬盘,关闭网络启动。总而言之,就是电脑的系统出现问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以修复的,且安装速度非常快。但关键是,要有兼容性好的(兼容ide、achi、Raid模式的安装)并能自动永久激活的、能够自动安装机器硬件驱动序的系统盘,这就可以全程自动、顺利重装系统了。方法如下:  1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了;2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作。(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料!)
2023-01-03 02:49:361


就是建立作战连线的意思,它游戏的意图就是将你这个指挥官模拟在沙盘上作战,在连线之前,战场不归你控制,而是会出现过场或者剧情,过了以后就会battlefield online 这以后指挥权交给玩家了,就是这意思而已。。 谢谢求采纳
2023-01-03 02:49:451


1 If there is no nature reserves, is likely more animals will be extinct. 2 of the natural environment are examples of great changes. 3 create a wildlife conservation area is the protection of animals, another effective measures. 4 He found that to catch up with the progress of physics is difficult. 5 Now, China can compete with most countries in the world. 6 These warships are equipped with nuclear weapons. 7 We are very pleased that he can survive a heart attack. 8 tiger extinction in our country can not be ignored.
2023-01-03 02:49:504

英语单词 ing 动词

加-ing的几种情况1.作主语2.现在进行时3.一般将来时4.过去进行时5.固定搭配 1.V+ing, 2.V+to do(不定式),还有些是to省略,直接加do, 3.省略介词,V+ing关于那什么形容词的字不够打不说了
2023-01-03 02:50:046


IDEAL珠宝品牌是作为深圳爱迪尔公司的三大品牌中的主打品牌。 IDEAL最新产品的炫彩系列,而且已经发展到了第二代——蝶变。蝶变是一个更加出色的加工工艺,使得在一定克数的钻石上体现出比传统工艺更加高的色彩亮度。 基本介绍 外文名 :Individualized Dosing Efficacy vs. flat dosing to Assess optimaL pegylated interferon therapy 缩写 :IDEAL 类型 :珠宝品牌 公司 :深圳爱迪尔公司 IDEAL珠宝品牌,IDEAL试验,IDEAL拉链,IDEAL模型,起始阶段(Initiating ),诊断阶段(Diagnosing),建立阶段(Establishing),行动阶段(Acting ),检讨阶段(Learning), IDEAL珠宝品牌 深圳市爱迪尔珠宝股份有限公司自2002年4月正式运营以来,坚持以“关爱”为注脚点、以“非凡”为制高点的文化方向,坚持“以品牌建设为中心,构建科学的管理体系、优秀的共赢团队和优质的市场网路,成为以关爱指导服务的非凡公司。”的战略方针。 2002年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证, 2003年成为上海钻石交易所会员, 2004-2006年聘请著名影星蒋雯丽为代言人, 2007至今是著名演员濮存昕,先后成为国家、省、市行业协会常务理事单位,公司总部拥有员工520人,在全国166座城市拥有300余座爱迪尔珠宝品牌加盟网点,与比利时SUNDIAMOND、印度Hari Krishna、SWAROVSKI等国际公司和深圳航空结成市场战略合作伙伴; 与天津商业大学、长春工程学院、无锡商业职业技术学院、深圳职业技术学院、云南国土资源学院、中国地质大学(武汉)等数家高校联合举办“爱迪尔珠宝班”,结成人才战略合作伙伴;与中国关心下一代工作委员会公益文化中心结成“关爱”文化战略合作伙伴。公司旗下拥有三大品牌,分别是:爱迪尔珠宝IDEAL、帝尔珠宝DIER·ER及由SWAROVSKI提 *** 品支持的INSONNE彩宝品牌。 IDEAL试验 IDEAL是(Individualized Dosing Efficacy vs. flat dosing to Assess optimaL pegylated interferon therapy)的首字母缩写, 目的是头对头比较按体重给药的佩乐能与单一剂量的聚乙二醇干扰素alfa-2a,治疗C型肝炎的疗效和安全性. IDEAL试验是全球第一个,也是唯一的直接,头对头,大样本科学比较两种长效干扰素治疗C型肝炎的临床试验. IDEAL(Individualized Dosing Efficacy vs. flat dosing to Assess optimaL pegylated interferon therapy)研究是全球第一项头对头比较两种美国FDA批准的C型肝炎标准治疗方案的大规模、随机临床研究,旨在比较按体重给药的聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(佩乐能)与单一固定剂量聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a分别联合利巴韦林治疗基因1型C型肝炎的疗效和安全性。此外,该研究还同时观察了佩乐能小剂量联合利巴韦林方案的疗效。 IDEAL研究原计画纳入2880例(每组960例)初治的基因1型C型肝炎患者(基因1型是全球最常见、也是最难治的C型肝炎病毒亚型),实际有3070例患者接受随机分组: ①佩乐能1.5 μg/kg/周+利巴韦林800~1400 mg/d (佩乐能标准剂量组); ②佩乐能1.0 μg/kg/周+利巴韦林800~1400 mg/d (佩乐能小剂量组); ③聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a 180 μg/周+利巴韦林1000~1200 mg/d (聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a标准剂量组)。 三组患者均接受48周的治疗,随访24周,其中两个佩乐能组中的利巴韦林均按患者体重给药。 研究结果显示,3组的主要终点持续病毒学应答率(SVR)相似,佩乐能标准剂量组、佩乐能小剂量组和聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a标准剂量组SVR分别为40%、38% 和41%,3组间无显著差异。然而很重要的一点是,虽然聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a组在治疗结束时应答率较高,但佩乐能组停药后的复发率更低(3组分别为24%、20%和32%)。3组的总不良反应发生情况相似,“流感样症状”仍是最常见的不良反应,3组患者因不良反应而停药的发生率也相似,分别为13%、10%和13%。 IDEAL是一项随机、平行分组的Ⅲb 期研究,在美国的118 个中心进行。研究共纳入3070 例基因1型成年慢性C型肝炎患者,其中 82%的患者为高病毒载量(≥6×105 IU/ml),11%的患者存在 F3/4 级肝纤维化或肝硬化, 19 % 的患者为非洲裔美国人。在患者的人口统计学或疾病特征方面,3个治疗组之间没有显著差异。 比较佩乐能两种剂量[1.5 μg/(kg·w)和 1.0 μg/(kg·w)]治疗方案是对美国FDA的承诺(进行佩乐能上市后研究),佩乐能联合治疗方案与聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a联合治疗方案之间的比较是这项上市后研究的附加研究。 进行这项附加研究的原因是:到目前为止,还没有比较两种长效干扰素的头对头随机对照研究,既往两种药物的相关临床研究由于在研究设计、研究人群和检验标准上存在差异,所以无法进行科学的对比。 IDEAL试验的全面结果将在国际权威杂志上全文发表. IDEAL拉链! IDEAL拉链 理想拉链集团于1936年在纽约创立,时至是全球发展最快之跨国拉链公司。理想拉链集团是全球第二大拉链生产商,其生产工场及办事处遍布亚洲、美洲、欧洲及中东地区。理想拉链集团是众多欧美顶级衣履品牌之拉链供货商,其中包括Coach、CK、DKNY、Armani Exchange、POLO、Michael Kors、American Eagle、Nautica等欧美众多知名品牌。 IDEAL模型 起始阶段(Initiating ) 奠定成功的基础。这是模式的起点,在这个阶段,组成改善计画的基础架构,定义 组织内每个角色及其职掌,根据组织的愿景、策略及过去的经验,拟定改善的计画。可 分为下面四个部分: (1)改革的 *** (StimulusforChange) 对企业而言,了解组织改革的诱因是非常重要的。这个要求改革的 *** 可能来自内 部管理阶层的命令,亦可能是一个突发事件,不论这个 *** 是什么,它都可能影响所投 入的人力,执行的方法及最后的结果。为改变而改变,通常不会有明显的改善;唯有要 求改革的动机越强,成功的机率才越大。 (2)设定工作内容(SetContext) 一旦了解改革的动机,管理阶层就必须设定工作的内容。工作的内容表示投入的努 力需符合组织的策略和经营目标,改革是否影响其他的工作,所得到的回收是多少。工 作的内容及可能的影响会随着改革的进行而越来越明显,但我们尽可能在初期定义越清 楚越好。 (3)高层的支持(BuildSponsorship) 来自高层的支持是改革的重要因素之一,尤其在改革初期,常会面对许多不确定的 因素及混乱的情况,管理阶层的支持在初期是非常重要的。而给予基本资源的承诺是另 一个重要项目。 (4)建立基础架构(Charterinfrastructure) 一旦改革的动机和工作内容都已了解,高层亦承诺支持这项行动,便可建立一个机 制来管理改革的实施细节。这个机制可能是临时或永久的,它的大小和复杂度亦随着改 革的特性而变,对于一个小的改革,可能只需要一个 *** 的员工;对于一个大的改革, 可能需要整个组织 2%–3%的人力。  诊断阶段(Diagnosing) 诊断工作模式,并界定未来的目标。首先确定需要执行的基准评鉴项目及种 类,以确保软体流程改善计画的要点与组织的经营需要是一致的。然后规划并收集所得 的实际资讯,最后制作调查结果及建议报告。可分为下面两个部分: (1)了解目前的状况及期望的目标(CharacterizeCurrent&DesiredStatus) 了解状况及期望的目标就好像旅程的起点与终点,主要专注在与改革相关的 项目上。 (2)发展建议方案(DevelopRecommendations) 诊断工作通常由一组具有丰富经验的人或专家所负责,他们所提出的建议方案通常 会影响高阶管理阶层的决定。  建立阶段(Establishing) 拟定一个计画,说明需如何达到目标。在此阶段组织需决定改善的行动和其优先顺 序,并寻找适当的解决方案,转换在起始阶段所定义的一般流程改善目标为可度量的目 标,并制作监控基准,建立组织全体的共识,核准软体流程改善的策略计画,并配置行 动所需的资源。可分为下面叁个部分: (1)设定优先顺序(Setpriorities) 根据可能的因素设定优先顺序,许多因素都必须考虑,如有限的资源,建议事项彼 此的关联,可能影响的外部因素等等。 (2)研究可行的方法(DevelopApproach) 结合对工作的了解及优先顺序的准则,我们可拟定策略和界定可用的资源。技术方 面可能包含新的技术或技能,和使用新技术的知识;非技术方面包含:企业文化、可能 的阻力、赞助者的位阶及市场的力量。 (3)规划行动方案(PlanActions) 方法确定后,就可以规划详细的执行计画,它包含时程、工作和里程碑、资源、责 任、度量、降低风险的策略及任何组织需要的项目。  行动阶段(Acting ) 根据计画,确实执行。此时完成改善的细部计画,处理诊断阶段所发现的问题, 并提出解决方案。试行可能的解决方案后,选出最适合组织需要的,然后将经过证实的 解决方案推广至全组织。可分为下面四个部分: (1)提出解决方案(CreateSolution) 结合所有可用的资源,提出一个可行的最佳方案,这些资源可能是工具、流程、既 有的知识,或者是新的技术,外界的支援。这个方案可能非常复杂,通常由技术工作小 组提出。 (2)试行可能的解决方案(Pilot/TestSolution) 一旦提出可行的方案,它必须经过测试,证实有效。 (3)修正解决方案(RefineSolution) 根据测试中所得到的知识和经验,我们可能会做某种程度的修正,这些测试修正的 过程可能历经数回,直到达成一个满意的方案。但是一个完美的解决方案不是必要的, 因为可能会拖延整个进度。 (4)推展解决方案(ImplementSolution) 一旦解决方案是可行的,就可以将其推广至整个组织。可使用不同的方法来执行, 如由上而下(Top-down):从组织的最高层往下推广;及时(Just-in-Time):一个专案接 著一个专案推动。没有哪一种方法是最好的,根据组织的环境和改善的特性来决定使用 哪种方法。  检讨阶段(Learning) 从经验中学习并改善自我的能力,来吸收未来更新的技术。进行模式下一个循环时, 收集先前的各项学习心得,确保所使用的策略、方法及组织架构是最佳的,修正或调整 改善流程,使下一循环的软体流程改善更有效率。可分为下面两个部分: (1)分析与验证(AnalyzeandValidate) 在这个过程中,我们要检讨下列问题,改善的努力是否达到预期的目标?哪些项 目改善了?哪些项目变得更有效率?在整个过程所学得的体验,都将收集,分析,汇 总及记录成档案。 (2)提出未来行动建议(ProposeFutureActions) 根据分析与验证的结果,提出未来的改善方案供决策者参考
2023-01-03 02:50:241


2动词3动名词 句型 include doing
2023-01-03 02:50:294

establish battlefields control stand by

这个任务有点艰巨…… 不过可以告诉楼主 一开始说的是establishing battle field control,stand by 意思是 正在建立战场控制,请准备
2023-01-03 02:50:411

翻译 请各位高手尽己所能吧,谢谢

1:You should solve the problems once it appeared,but not do them once a time.2:May the Communist Party of China will forever.3:
2023-01-03 02:50:462

ABB变频器上电就报错,提示Re-establishing drive connection?

2023-01-03 02:50:581

Error establishing a database connection是怎么回事啊

2023-01-03 02:51:047


MOORING LINE HOOK-UP系泊线连接Diag.198 Detail of deck operations on an A:HTS to recover mooring chain ,crosshaul messenger and pull in chain,connect and prepare for crosshaul to FPSOdiag.198甲板操作的一个细节:HTS恢复系泊链,在链拉横向装运的信使,连接和准备横向装运到FPSO1.1。End of anchor chain recovered on board CHV (chain handling vessel) and hauled. forward as far as required for connection and marking of stopper and hang-off link—secured in jaws 1端锚链(链板脱落恢复处理容器)和拖。向前的连接和标记的塞子和挂断安全的下巴12.2。End of 200m installation chain from FPSO pulled onto stern - secured using jaws 2最后200m安装链拉到船尾的FPSO利用爪2担保with suitable tail for connection.有连接的合适的尾巴。3.三.Free end of anchor chain pulled aft to connect to installation chain , using lug less link.锚链自由端拉到安装链,使用无耳连接。Work wire connected to anchor chain with "fuse wire" as far outboard as possible consistant with winch being able to take the load of both chain parts.工作线连接到锚链“保险丝”尽可能符合绞车能够两链部分负荷远外侧。4.4。Winch takes load of both chain parts - both sets of jaws released.Winch需要两个链部分的负载-这两套颌骨释放。CHV work winch to pay out, with FPSO heaving up chain to keep bight as small as possible - avoid contact with FPSO bilgeCHV工作绞车交出来,与FPSO托起链保持尽可能的小海湾为避免与FPSO舱底接触559五百五十九MOORING LINE HOOK-UP系泊线连接Diag.199 Event sequence for mooring line pull-in -internal turret系泊线拉在内部炮塔diag.199事件序列Pull-in winch (chain gypsey)牵引绞车(链gypsey)Pull-in winch牵引绞车Pre-rigged messenger前帆的信使Messenger chain信使链P&A winch wire绞车钢丝绳1. Connect pre-rigged messenger wire to messenger chain. .1。将预安装的信使线连接到信使链。。2.Pass messenger to AHT.2通过信使AHT。3. Slack messenger chain to AHT. AHT moves to ISV .三.松弛信使链AHT。AHT移动ISV。4.AHT hands over messenger chain to ISV4.aht交信使链ISV5. ISV connects messenger chain to mooring line top chain and P&A winch.5。ISV将信使链锚泊线顶链和P和绞车。1. ISV slacks out on P&A wire.1。ISV的长裤在A线。2. FPSO heaves in on messenger chain.2。FPSO凸起在Messenger上链。3. Once FPSO has mooringliIle in, connect catenary - cut loose P&A wire with ROV,三.一旦有mooringliile FPSO,连接链切割松P &导线与ROV,4. Continue recovery of messenger chain with mooring line. Top chain is reached and stopped off4。带锚链的信使链的继续恢复。顶部链达到并停止ROV monitors catenaryROV监督链ROV cuts looseROV削减宽松P&A wire电线和电线560五百六十MOORING LINE HOOK-UP系泊线连接Diag. 200 Set up of messengers and PIW for crosshaul - external turretDiag. 200建立信使和PIW为横向装运外炮塔1.Establishing connection for PIW crosshaul1。建立连接,加强横向装运Use line-throwing gun使用线投掷枪Rocket gun火箭枪Rocket line火箭线200m 32mm messenger200m 32mm信使100m x 76mm polypropylene messenger100m×76mm聚丙烯信使Diver LARS潜水员LarsPull-in winch牵引绞车80mm pull-in80mm拉Chain table链表Chain stopper止链器Bring FPSO to within 50m of vessel把FPSO在50米的容器(ISV)holding mooring line(ISV)控股的锚泊线Establish messenger connection建立通讯连接Crosshaul messenger横向装运的信使
2023-01-03 02:51:552


Before, there were many old buildings in Kaiping.
2023-01-03 02:52:0314

为什么提示Error establishing socket?

2023-01-03 02:53:112

error establishing a database connection怎么办

Error establishing a database connection=无法连接到数据库,请检查用户名、密码觉得问题可能在数据库的用户权限限制上,因为这问题出的最明显的时候是在试用了主题atahualpa后,这个主题功能强大,但是有个说法说他对数据库的读取量大(几十倍???)于是用默认主题。问题出现的时间段对于在美国的主机在北京时间的晚上刚好是人家大兵早上工作上网的高峰时间(服务器负荷大)。先在自己空间中控制数据库的访问量,可删除文章访问数统计插件WP-PostViews(因为每有一个人去访问WordPress它就需要访问一个数据库去更新数据)。总结:Error establishing a database connection问题的出现不一定真是数据库有了错误,而可能是同一时间内数据库的访问量大耳出现主机的暂时限制(无法访问),所以要停用一些增加数据库读取的插件或主题。PS:网上找的,不知有否帮助?
2023-01-03 02:53:201


你好!他成功的建立了一个公司He succeeded in establishing a company.
2023-01-03 02:53:262


With most employees changing jobs every two to four years, retention is a major challenge for human resource professionals. In 1990, Roger Herman tackled retention in the first edition of Keeping Good People. This expanded, updated version discusses the five major reasons people leave their jobs and offers nearly 200 practical techniques for reducing turnover.The book is divided into three major sections. The first section discusses the value of good people, what good people want and why they leave. The second section, which discusses strategies for retaining good people and includes the aforementioned practical tips, makes up the bulk of the book. The third section covers tactics for implementing strategies and retention as a strategic business issue. It also discusses the future workforce.Chapter 5 discusses the five major reasons good people leave: corporate culture, lack of appreciation, lack of resources, no opportunity for advancement and compensation that does not meet their needs. Chapters 6-9 discuss environmental, relationship, support, growth and compensation strategies, respectively.Strategies for dealing with the business environment or corporate culture include clarifying the corporate mission; communicating positive feelings; supporting telecommuting, family leave and privacy; establishing clear policies; and insisting on workplace safety.Some of the relationship strategies discussed in Chapter 7 include understanding behavioral styles, resolving conflicts, facilitating open communication, showing respect for others, trusting your people, balancing praise and criticism, and listening. Support strategies include providing challenges, removing barriers to task accomplishment, being patient, welcoming new ideas, defining responsibilities and giving clear direction.Strategies for creating growth include establishing a learning culture, supporting formal education, investing in career planning, establishing a corporate university, providing cross-training or experience and engaging in organizationwide succession planning.Compensation strategies for keeping good people include paying for performance, designing reward systems to stimulate employee involvement, considering employee stock ownership, offering creative benefits, providing employee assistance programs and coordinating special visits or outside events.Once strategies for retaining good employees have been designed, managers should implement them by involving subordinate managers, peers and higher-level managers. They should also adequately research and plan their strategies before acting. The author predicts that future companies will be less hierarchial, performance-driven, more flexible and will work harder to balance employees" needs between work, family and society as a whole.Three appendices are also included.COPYRIGHT 1999 Society for Human Resource ManagementCOPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group
2023-01-03 02:53:341

证券英语翻译:plain-vanilla common stock是什么意思?

2023-01-03 02:53:401


The introduction of construction
2023-01-03 02:53:454


Oriental Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in alloy production of large high-tech enterprises, the company is located in Zhongguancun Beijing Science Park Changping Park, Beijing is the only specialized in rare metal alloy manufacturing enterprises, is China Group (tantalum niobium materials and products division) formed by the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of tantalum and niobium industry core enterprises.Company existing staff 100 people, have an expert, Professor, Ph. D. in alloy, master as the backbone of the integrated talent team, strong technical foundation of alloy processing has more than 20 years, has a domestic first-class production equipment and testing platform, formed a complete alloy processing industry chain, can produce various kinds of high quality alloy products.The first company in the industry will be the service consciousness into the large manufacturing enterprises, efforts to achieve the production oriented to market-oriented transformation, the transformation of enterprise by the supplier to service providers; and constantly improve the service system construction, explore the implementation of service new mode; establishing customer manager, customer service representative and customer engineer "the Trinity" mode of service, customer centered, dedicated, professional, sincere, hard service, make your purchase is simple, smooth and pleasant.The company regards quality as life, regards the product as the fundamental. In quality control, the company to develop scientific rigor and continuously improve the management system, process and strict quality control inspection measures and standards; advocating people-oriented management concept, sincerely treat every employee, pay attention to the emotional incentive employee in the company of masters of the heart, by actively work, with excellent quality, the company returns customers and society; part of the outsourcing process, the company also strict selection cooperation qualification and send professional and technical personnel on-site supervision and guidance, operations or even help if necessary. From the details and strictly control the quality of the products. The company also with a number of universities and colleges in Beijing city to establish a long-term cooperation in scientific research, University of Science and Technology Beijing is professional powder metallurgy and materials processing engineering professional production, learning, research and test the supporting base and the Beijing University of Technology comprehensive, is a material with a number of research institutes in Beijing alloy designated supplier direct. Products are exported to the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India and Taiwan and other countries and regions, enjoy a good reputation in the industry.After nearly 20 years of development, the company strictly follow the ISO9001:2000 international quality system for production and quality management, the alloy manufactured products are divided into three categories: tantalum and tantalum alloy products, niobium and niobium alloy products, beryllium and beryllium alloy products.Company uphold the "integrity, professional, efficient, innovative" spirit of enterprise, the East China in support of the majority of customers continue to grow. And drink from the source, we always forget from "God" of the trust and support, the only constant efforts, development and production of competitive products to our customers, all the staff look forward to working with you hand in hand, a total exhibition grand
2023-01-03 02:54:003


establish意思:建立。释义:v:建立,创立;确立;获得接受;查实,证实。变形:过去式established.过去分词established.现在分词establishing.第三人称单数establishes.常用搭配:1、establish oneself in.在…落户,定居在。2、establish as.确立为…;使成为…。3、establish a business.创业;设立商店。4、unable to establish.不能成立。双语例句:1、Medical tests established that she was not their child.医学化验证实她不是他们的亲骨肉。2、The two countries have established a close relationship.两国建立了亲密的关系。3、It"s not easy to establish a new business.开创新事业并不容易。4、These ways of working were established in the last century.这些工作方法是上个世纪创立的。5、The country is looking to establish new trade deals that could rejuvenate their economy.该国正在寻求建立新的贸易协定,以振兴经济。
2023-01-03 02:54:181


语境不同 意思也会不同 弄个 有道 查查就好
2023-01-03 02:54:303

establish与set up有什么区别?

1、含义不同1)establish 英 [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]   美 [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]  v.建立;创立;设立;建立(尤指正式关系);确立;使立足;使稳固第三人称单数: establishes 现在分词: establishing 过去式: established 过去分词: established例句:We had already established contact with the museum. 我们已经和那家博物馆建立了联系。2)set up 英 [ˈset ʌp]   美 [ˈset ʌp]  创建;建立;安排;组建;建起;设立;设置;安装,装配,调试(设备或机器)。例句:They set up a working party to look into the issue. 他们设立了一个特别工作组来调查这个问题。2、用法不同1)establish v. 建立,设立强调稳固地建成,可指建立国家、政府、学校或商店等,也可指建立信仰、名誉、法律、制度、关系等。例句:A good friendship was established between the two countries.两国之间建立了良好的友谊。2)set up phr.v. 建立,创立侧重指开始着手创建公司、机构、委员会等。例句:Those three postgraduate students wanted to set up their own export business.那3个研究生曾想成立自己的出口公司。扩展资料:同义词辨析1、build v. 建造,建设普通用词,应用范围最广,既可用于表示建造具体有形的建筑,又可用于表示抽象意义上的建立、构建。例句:The government plans to build new houses for local people.政府计划为当地居民建造新住宅。2、construct v. 建造,建立强调按照一定设计建造规模较大、结构较复杂的物体,特别指按照图纸构筑某种建筑物。例句:It takes them about three years to construct such an plane.他们造这样一架飞机大约需要3年时间。3、erect v. 建立,竖立指建造高而垂直的建筑物,强调有一定高度。例句:A monument will be erected in this town.该城市将建造一座纪念碑。
2023-01-03 02:54:411


establish英 [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]美 [ɪˈstæblɪʃ]vt.建立,创建;确立或使安全;使被安排好;使成为第三人称单数:establishes  过去分词:established  现在进行时:establishing  过去式:established  例句百科同反义词例句1.It is impossible to establish democracy amid economic chaos.经济秩序混乱不堪,是不可能建立民主的。2.You can establish a community with different rule sets.员工可以创建一个具有一系列不同规则的社区。3.The team ran Net.Data first to establish a baseline.团队先运行Net.Data建立一个基准值。
2023-01-03 02:54:491


establish建立双语对照词典结果:establish[英][ɪˈstæblɪʃ][美][ɪˈstæblɪʃ]vt.建立,创建; 确立或使安全; 使被安排好; 使成为; 第三人称单数:establishes过去分词:established现在进行时:establishing过去式:established以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Attempts to establish a cycle of regular duration and amplitude have failed. 建立一个在时限和振幅方面都有规律的经济周期的所有尝试都失败了。
2023-01-03 02:54:551


近义词是set up
2023-01-03 02:55:002

established 有没有词根

establish[英][ɪˈstæblɪʃ][美][ɪˈstæblɪʃ]vt.建立,创建; 确立或使安全; 使被安排好; 使成为; 第三人称单数:establishes过去分词:established现在进行时:establishing过去式:established以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-01-03 02:55:081

establishing simple rituals汉语什么意思

2023-01-03 02:55:142

establishing secure connection是什么意思

2023-01-03 02:55:221


establishing link建立链接
2023-01-03 02:55:301

电脑启动时出现initializing and establishing link

别人机器上的镜相文件,不能在另一台机器上恢复。 你现在报的这个错,应该是这个问题。
2023-01-03 02:55:368

establishing secure connection是什么意思

2023-01-03 02:56:072


2023-01-03 02:56:162

Wordpress总出现:Error establishing a database connection,应该如何配置服务器?

2023-01-03 02:56:243

Error establishing a database connection是怎么回事啊

原因是网站调用数据库的配置文件没有配置正确,无法正常调用 Mysql。出现以上错误的解决方法如下:1.配置wordpress目录下的wp-config.php文件。需要修改的有以下几个参数:2.代码内容如下:3.完成后,登录时需要先登录wp-admin/install.php,安装配置wordpress。如下图所示: 4.还是有报错,原因是mysql用户名没有正确创建。5.进入mysql环境,创建wordpress数据库并退出。6.配置完成后,登录即可开始使用。正常的安装界面如下: 
2023-01-03 02:56:351