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public static void main 是什么意思

public static void main函数用来开启服务器

能介绍一下dota 里面的英语和一些比较专业的语言都是什么意思吗?比如gank cd aoe blink Bkb 什么的…


behavior是不可数名词么?可为什么又有behaviors in public?

behavior是不可数的名词behaviors in public是因为抽象名词前面加上形容词,这个时候是可数名词Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior.                   言语不是艺术,但两者都是人类的行为方式。

behavior是不可数名词么?可为什么又有behaviors in public

behavior是不可数的 你遇到可数的情况是因为抽象名词前面加上形容词,这个时候才可数

A group of alumni ,highly established in their careers ,got together to visi


Public relationship是什么意思

public relationship 公共关系Moreover, I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. 另外,我还很好地掌握了商务英语和基本理论,以及秘书公共关系学



publish biography 可以选no么

在投稿的时候,有的会议或者期刊会要求所有作者附上biography。作为科研小白(部分在读硕士、博士研究生),如何简单明了的写一个biography呢?本文给出一个简易模板供参考。XXX(作者名字) received the B.S. degree in Automation(改成自己的本科专业名字) from XXX University, City, China,(改成自己的本科院校信息) in 20XX(改成自己的本科毕业年份) and the M.S. degree in Automation(改成自己的硕士专业名字)from XXX University, City, China,(改成自己的硕士院校信息) in 20XX(改成自己的硕士毕业年份). He/She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Automation(改成自己的博士专业名字)with the Department/School of XXX, XXX University, City, China.(改成自己的博士院校信息) His/Her research interests include XXX, XXX and XXX.


1:额 你可以下载一个SharedMedia 共享材质包 也是放到插件位置里 素材就多了2: aloft 这个插件 占用游戏内存太多了 不建议使用 还有问题就留言

智利 Republic of Chile 的首都?

首 都:圣地亚哥 所 在 洲:美洲...智利共和国位于南美洲西南部,面积756626平方公里,人口1285万,其中90%以上是混血人种,西班牙语为官方语言,居民中85%信奉天主教。智利北部是沙漠气候,也是世界上最干旱的地区之一;中部为亚热带地中海气候,南部属温带气候。圣地亚哥是智利首都,也是智利最大城市及政治、经济、文化、交通中心。智利有丰富的矿藏和森林、水产资源,铜的藏量居世界第一,还有硝石、金、银、铁、煤、铝、石油、天然气。智利经济以工矿业为主,工矿业产值占国内生产总值37%,其中铜的开采居首位,出口量列世界第一,约占智利出口总额的50%,其次是铁、铝、银、碘、硝石等,大铜矿和煤矿多为国营企业掌握。制造业的主要部门是造纸、钢铁、水泥、木材加工、纺织、石油。由于智利森林资源丰富,木材加工及造纸业发展迅速,成为国民经济的重要部门,木材及其加工品是智利仅次于铜的出口大项。智利农业发展比较缓慢,粮食不能自给,农牧业产值占国内生产总值的9.6%,主要农产品有小麦、燕麦、水稻、玉米。近些年来,水果类的种植和出口发展显著,成为农业的重要部门,主要产品有葡萄、苹果、柑桔、桃、柠檬等。智利海岸线漫长,水产丰富,盛产鳕鱼、鳗鱼、沙丁鱼、金枪鱼、虾,这些水产品主要用于加工罐头和鱼粉,供出口用。智利是世界第五渔业大国,鱼粉出口世界第一。智利是个发展中国家,80年代中以来,政府为发展经济采取了一些改革措施,特别注重调整国内经济结构、扩大出口、发展外向型经济,取得了一定成效。智利国民生产总值约254亿美元,人均国民生产总值1975美元。对外贸易在智利经济中占重要地位,1991年出口总额89.29亿美元,进口总额73.53亿美元。贸易出口以矿产品为主,政府为改变单一依赖铜出口的贸易结构做了很大努力,使智利出口逐渐多样化,目前,除铜外,水产品、木材、纸制品、水果都是智利出口大项。70年代末以来,由于政府取消关税保护、开放市场,使大量外国商品涌入,进口量大增。主要进口机电设备、交通工具、通讯设备、机械、化工产品、食品、纺织品。主要贸易对象是美国、日本、欧共体、巴西、阿根廷等拉美国家。中智1970年12月建交,两国签有贸易、海运、经济技术合作、电信合作等协议。1991年智利向中国出口7940万美元,从中国进口约1亿美元。我国向智利出口纺织品、工艺品、化工产品、医药。从智利进口铜、纸浆、鱼粉、硝石、木材等。

英语语法:Many people attend various public lectures, chiefly to themselves familiar with the XX.


a blind alley是什么意思

死胡同 或者 死路

turn a blind eye是什么意思?

turn a blind eye的意思是“to ignore something that you know is wrong”,即“熟视无睹,视而不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼”。turn a blind eye是turn the deaf ear and the blind eye的简写。其最早可能出现的文本是1698年出版的《A Discourse of Walking by Faith》:to turn the deaf ear, and the blind eye to all those Pomps and Vanities of the world…这句习语可能源于霍雷肖·纳尔逊(英国风帆战列舰时代海军将领及军事家)。在1801年哥本哈根海战中,当时他右眼失明,他的上级希望他撤退,他用右眼看望远镜,表示自己看不到发出命令的信号。据说他曾经说过这样一句话:I have only one eye, I have the right to be blind sometimes.后来这场战争胜利了。因为他用自己看不到的右眼来看望远镜,表示自己看不到上级发出的信号,所以人们将turn a blind eye这句习语引申为了“视而不见”这样的含义。当你想表示某人假装不知道某事,就可以用这句习语来描述。例句:I can"t turn a blind eye to what they"re doing.我不能对他们的所作所为坐视不管。I can"t turn a blind eye when someone is being robbed.当有人遭到抢劫时,我不能视而不见。下面再介绍一个关于blind的短语:a blind alley。a blind alley的意思是“a situation or method that is not effective or will not produce results”,即“绝境,死胡同”。alley的意思是“小巷,胡同”。 查《柯林斯词典》可知,blind这个词有“无窗的,无门的,没有开口的,封死的”的含义。某个胡同是“封死的”,那自然是“死胡同”。有些人给这个短语赋予了比喻含义,当你在人生路上遇到“死胡同”,走不出去,那自然是陷入了“绝境”。因此a blind alley有“绝境”这样的含义。例句如下:When he invested in that business, he went up a blind alley.当他投资做那个生意时,他就走上了一条绝路。


有obliviate这个单词。obliviate音标:英 [ˈɒblɪɡeɪt]  美 [ˈɑːblɪˌɡeɪt] 意思:一忘皆空,一忘皆空遗忘咒(《哈利·波特》中的咒语)。例句:(1)Obliviate: Memory spell that makes the subject forget.一忘皆空。遗忘咒。(2)Rowling"s wizards also use a different kind of memory magic, the Obliviate charm, to erase Muggles" memories.罗琳的巫师也是用另一种记忆魔法,“一忘皆空”魔法,来消除麻瓜的记忆。

As a public relations officer, he is said ____ some very influential people.精析

作为公共关系官员,据说他认识(熟悉)很多有影响的人物。he is said 是一个被动语态形式。相当于people say he,。。。类似的结构还有:1) he is reported ,。。。。据报道2)it is known to us, 众所周知3)allegedly 据说

英文翻译中 制定合作协议的制定用哪个词啊? construct or establish

draw up cooperation agreement

sublime alignment插件怎么用

官方说是 ctrl+alt+a ,但是我这里不行,你可以试试,同求答案。 我找到原因了,可能是QQ和这个冲突了,我设置了一下快捷键就可以用了。打开 Preferences=>Package Settings=>Alignment=>Key Bindding - User然后写入[{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "alignment" }]或者改成其他不冲突的快捷键即可

sublime text 3的alignment怎么用


sublime text 3的alignment怎么用

使用Sublime text 3 编写代码是一种享受,使用Sublime text 3 格式化HTML代码,需要安装插件,具体安装步骤如下: 1、打开菜单->首选项->插件控制,输入 install package 2、等待程序进入插件管理功能,再输入插件名称:TAG 3、点击安装插件。


publisher出版者, 发行人press 新闻社前者是出版社,比较官方的用法,后面出版的是一般称谓,比较通用

one republic的all we are歌词翻译!

All We Are 活在当下[00:18.67]I tried to paint you a picture" 我曾尝试为你作画[00:22.42]the colors we"re all wrong 但所有的颜色都不配[00:25.09]Black and white didn"t fit you" 黑色和白色不适合你[00:28.49]and all along 一直以来[00:30.87]we"re shaded with patience" 我们都凭借着耐心[00:34.75]and strokes of everything 对待一切[00:36.96]That I need just to make it" 我需要的仅仅是这样[00:40.69]and I can see that... 如我看见……[00:42.73]Lord knows I"ve failed you" time and again 主知道我再一次的失败于你[00:49.23]But you and me are all right 但你我都没有错[00:54.93]We won"t say our goodbye"s" 我们不会说再见[00:58.15]you know it"s better that way" 你知道这是更好的方式[01:00.93]We won"t break" we won"t die" 我们不会破碎,我们不会死亡[01:03.89]it"s just a moment of change 这只是一时的改变[01:07.19]All we are" all we are ,is everything that"s right 活在当下,活在当下,一切都很好[01:13.14]All we need" all we need", a lover"s alibi我们所需的,我们所需的,恋人的托辞[01:25.41]I walked a minute in your shoes" 我穿着你的鞋行走了一会[01:29.17]they never would have fit 它们不曾合适[01:31.46]I figured there"s nothin to lose" I need to get 我设想什么都没有失去,我需要获得[01:37.55]Some perspective on these words" before I write them down 在我写下它们之前,已洞察这些话语[01:43.76]You"re an island and my ship has run aground 你是一座岛屿,我的船在旁搁浅了[01:49.66]Lord knows I"ll fail you time and again" 主知道我再一次的失败于你[01:55.74]But you and me we"re alright 但你我都没有错[02:01.71]We won"t say our goodbye"s" 我们不会说再见[02:04.95]you know it"s better that way"你知道这是更好的方式[02:07.72]We won"t break" we won"t die" 我们不会破碎,我们不会死亡[02:10.75]it"s just a moment of change 这只是一时的改变[02:13.79]All we are" all we are is everything that"s right 活在当下,活在当下,一切都很好[02:19.96]All we need" all we need" a lover"s alibi 我们所需的,我们所需的,恋人的托辞[02:31.67]And every single day that I can breathe" 我呼吸着每一个单独的日子[02:34.60]You change my philosophy"你改变了我的哲学[02:37.57]I"m never gonna let you pass me by 我从不想错过你[03:46.32][03:09.89][02:44.25]So don"t say our goodbye"s" 所以不要说再见[03:49.69][03:12.98][02:47.35]you know it"s better that way"你知道这是更好的方式[03:53.74][03:16.15][02:50.16]We won"t break" we won"t die"我们不会破碎,我们不会死亡[03:19.06]it"s just a moment of change 这只是一时的改变[03:22.49]All we are" all we are is everything that"s right活在当下,活在当下,一切都很好[03:28.24]All we need" all we need" a lover"s alibi我们所需的,我们所需的,恋人的托辞

issue 和publish 的区别

issuen.出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, 论点, 问题, 结果, (水, 血等的)流出vi.发行, 流出, 造成...结果, 进行辩护, 传下vt.使流出, 放出, 发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等)发给[律]子女, 后嗣issuen.(血、水等的)流出, 放出; 流出物出口; 河口结果, 结局发行(物); 一次发行量; (报刊)期号问题; 争端; 论点【律】子女, 后嗣(土地、地产等)收益an issue of blood流血decide the issue of the battle决定战斗胜败monetary issue货币发行the latest issue最近一期(报刊)the burning issue of the day燃眉之急的问题die without issue死后无嗣vt.使流出; 放出发布; 发行发给, 配给issue an order发布命令issue a statement发表声明issue winter clothing to troops给部队发冬装vi.出来, 流出, 涌出由...得出; 由...产生(from); 导致, 造成(in)(报刊)发行; 发布(根据法律或事实)提出抗辩, 进行辩护传代, 传下a mistake issuing from carelessness因粗心而产生的错误Blood issued from the cut.血从伤口流出。The students issued out into the street.学生涌到街上。The oversight issued in heavy losses.疏忽造成重大损失。 issue在争论中; 不一致, 有分歧; 待裁决的bring an issue to a close把问题解决die without issue死时无子嗣duck an issue回避[忽视]问题force an issue强迫对方对某事[某问题]作出决定或表态in issue在争论中; 结果, 结局in the issue结果, 到头来join issue(=take issue)争论, 进行辨论【律】双方共同把争论点提交法院审理【律】接受对方提出的争论点make an issue of sth.使某事成为有争论的问题put to the issue使对问题便于做出决定put upon an issue使对问题便于做出决定put to an issue使对问题便于做出决定put upon the issue使对问题便于做出决定raise a new issue提出新论点ride off on a side issue专谈枝节问题(用以规避主要问题)take issue against反对issue from从...流出[冒出、传出]issue sb.把某物发给某人issue sb. with sth.把某物发给某人anniversary issue周年纪念特刊, 纪念专号back issue过期刊物bonus issue红利股(即作为红利发行的股票)capital issue股票发行conversion issue证券转换发行, 调换发行currency issue货币发行current issue现期刊物, 即期custom union issue关税同盟争论debenture issue债券发行economic issue经济问题excess issue超额发行, 限外发行expiry issue迄期期次, 最末供应的一期extralimit issue限外发行fiduciary issue信用发行, 保证准备发行(即以政府证券作准备的发行)fractional free issue小额免费发行证券free issue自由发行government issue公债券发行, 国家证券发行guaranteed issue保证发行hot issue上市后不久价格猛涨的股票initial issue(债券等的)首次发行intra-limit issue限内部发行live issue尚在争论中的问题long standing issue长期存在的问题low price issues冷门股票marketable issue适销证券maximum issue发行极度missing issue期刊缺期monetary issue货币发行new issues(纸币、证券等的)新发行; 新的争论点new bond issues新债发行new capital issues新发行的资本股票new foreign bond issues新的外国债券nonrecurring issue【军】非重复军品non-supplied issues未供应卷期note issue纸币发行, 通货发行over issues过量发行的印刷品par issue平价发行public issues公开发行有价证券quarterly issue按季度出版的期次, 季刊refunding bond issue偿债债券或调换债券的发行right issue有购股权的证券发行securities issue证券发行scrip issue发行红利股special issue(美国以政府特种基金为对象的)公债特别发行stock issue发行股票tap issue(为吸收游资而发行的)美国国库债券tender issue of treasury bill英国国库券的公开[内部]发行tap issue of treasury bill英国国库券的公开[内部]发行issue at the market price按市价发行issue of bonds公司债券的发行issue of bank notes钞票的发行issue of bill of exchange签发汇票issue of fact【律】事实上的争论点issue of law【律】关于引用法律的争论点issue of loan发行公债issue of shares发行股票issueof tickets客票的发售---------------------------------------------------------------publishv.出版, 刊印vt.公布, 发表publishvt.公开发表; 宣布(结婚等); 宣传发[刊]行; 出版; 出书, 出报使用(假钞票等)publish the news发布消息The book was published in 1988.这本书是1988年出版的。publishvi.发表著作publishableadj.可发表的publishern.见 declare

issue 和publish 的区别

二者的区别在于:issue主要指货币、股票的发行,publish主要指图书的出版。例句辨析:issue1、Last night he issued a statement denying the allegations.昨晚他发表声明否认那些指控。2、On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars ofemployment.正式任命时,你会拿到一份关于雇用细则的书面声明。3、A tinny voice issued from a speaker. 扬声器里传出了细微的声音。publish1、John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose. 约翰·列侬抽时间出版了两本幽默散文。2、To write and publish this poem was a daring, transgressive act. 创作并发表这首诗是一个大胆越轨的举动。3、His latest book of poetry will be published by Faber in May. 他的最新诗集将由菲贝尔出版公司于5月出版。



Public Image Ltd的《Memories》 歌词

歌曲名:Memories歌手:Public Image Ltd专辑:The Greatest Hits... So FarMemories作词:SmileR(スマイラー)作曲:SmileR(スマイラー)编曲:SmileR(スマイラー)呗:SmileR feat.初音ミク翻译:Cilde Jeiz Ulinby:CHHKKE目覚めて一人つぶやく/醒来之际独自一人低语著キラめく星のメロディー/那叙叙闪耀的星之旋律ねぇ、ほら少しでいいの/呐,只是一下下也好君がいれば何もいらない/若是有你在我就什麼都不需要了泣きたくて、会いたくて/想要哭泣,想要见你そんなとき君の优しい声/当那样的时刻,请传达而来闻かせてよ、届けてよ/请让我听听你那温柔的声音何よりも幸せに思えた场所/在那令我觉得无比幸福的场所强がってばかりいつまでも/总是逞强著总是将自己的心情気持ち隠して君を见つめてる/深深藏起而静静注视著你抱きしめていて/紧紧拥抱住手を伸ばせばきっと届くよ/伸出手去一定能够触及到的二人のため道は続く/道路将会为了两人继续延伸下去ふわり...と漂うキセキ/轻飘飘地…摆汤著的奇迹何回も探してきた/已寻寻觅觅了无数次そう、ただ心の中で/是的,不过只是在内心中切なく揺れる君の声/悲伤的摇曳著的你的声音伤ついて、笑って/受到伤害,展露笑容そんな日々いつまでも続くと/这样的日子会永远持续下去思ってた、感じてた/原是这般认为,原有这种感觉それなのに时间がジャマをしてる/可是时间却成为了阻碍巡りゆくそのトキメキだって/历经多少岁月的这分悸动今まで溶けたことはない/到了现在仍然没有因而消减たとえば君の気持ちが消えそうになっても/就算你的心情已淡薄地不如过往今も梦を描いている/如今我也依然描画著梦想时は过ぎて君は変わって/飞逝的时光令你改变了许多涙こらえ、ここで立ち止まる。。/强忍住泪水,在此处停下了脚步…その先に一筋の光/出现在前方的是一线光芒梦の続き君と过ごす日々/梦想的延续是与処

什么是性别盲视(gender blind)和性别中立(gender neutral)?二者有什么区别? 需要学术一点的解释

性别盲(Gender Blind)「性别盲」的概念乃是扣紧男人没有能力已看到自己是男人,对此,女性主义学者批判传统「男流」(male-stream)论述的相关谬误,包括:(一)以男性观点为主,并且隐含合理化男性利益的理论推演;(二)将以男性样本的研究发现,类推为人类全体的经验或以男性经验为所有人类的经验常模(norm);(三)排除或漠视女性经验及其女性切身的相关议题;(四)当研究包括女性时,视女性为附属或偏差,并以扭曲和歧视方式来呈现女性;(五)很少把性别(sex and gender)视为重要的解释变项;(六)当性别被纳入分析变项时,则是仅仅检视两性的差异,并且主要是立基於个人层次的分析,倾向於将差异归因於两性先天的不同,而没有处理女性相对且整体的弱势处境,更没有探讨造成此一现象的结构性原因,如此一来,反而是提供了两性教育机会分配不均的正当性基础。准此,将这种视男性经验为常规与常态,进而排除或扭曲女性经验,以至於漠视性别权力不平等的社会现实现象,称之为「性别盲」,其作用往往也是用以合理化并且巩固父权体制中的性别不平等,就此而言,自然是缺乏所应该要有的性别敏感、敏觉和敏锐。资料来源:维基百科

英语their obligatory 24-hour rest怎么翻译?


medical establishment是什么意思

medical establishment 英[ˈmedikəl isˈtæbliʃmənt] 美[ˈmɛdɪkəl ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] [词典] [医] 医疗机构; [例句]A medical establishment run by a group of medical specialists.由一群医学专家经营的医疗机构。


duty, obligation, responsibility, function这些名词都有“义务”或“职责”之意。duty: 指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。obligation: 指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。responsibility: 指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所应尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。function: 指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。liability: liability n. 责任, 义务, 倾向, 债务, 负债, 与assets相对


Blimp n.软式小型飞船, 肥胖的人Kirov 基洛夫[苏联东欧平原东北部城市](旧称维亚特卡)Bomb n.炸弹 vt.投弹于, 轰炸Airship n.飞艇, 飞船小型飞船被基洛夫的飞船轰炸。

On this happy occasion, I"d like to say that we are _____ much obliged to you fo


注册会计师的英文全称是什么?Certified Public Accountant还是Certificate Public Account?



certified public accountants注册会计师请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

注册会计师的英文翻译为什么是Certified Public Accountant?其中的“Public”是什么意思?

国际注册会计师的缩写是什么?国际注册会计师实际上是特许公认会计师公会ACCA(The Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants)的缩写,它是英国具有特许头衔的4家注册会计师协会之一,也是当今最知名的国际性会计师组织之一。ACCA资格被认为是"国际财会界的通行证"。许多国家立法许可ACCA会员从事审计、投资顾问和破产执行工作。ACCA在欧洲会计专家协会(FEE)、亚太会计师联合会(CAPA)和加勒比特许会计师协会(ICAC)等会计组织中起着非常重要的作用。 注册会计师,是指取得注册会计师证书并在会计师事务所执业的人员,英文全称Certified Public Accountant,简称为CPA,指的是从事社会审计/中介审计/独立审计的专业人士,在其他一些国家如国际会计师,简称AIA,比如英国、澳大利亚、加拿大。在国际上说会计师一般是说注册会计师,而不是我国的中级职称概念的会计师。注册会计师考试科目为《会计》、《审计》、《财务成本管理》、《经济法》、《税法》、《战略与风险管理》。至2010年底累计有15.8万人取得了全科证书。像一般大家会觉得ACCA比CPA难考,是因为ACCA对于英语的要求比较高,不过大家也不要对英语有太大的恐惧感,ACCA改卷的考官对于非英语系国家的考生,语法错误、拼写错误等都不会扣分,只要你的语句把知识点表达出来能切到题目的要害即可。小编再送一个2018年考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频ACCA的学习过程中英语能力也会随之慢慢提高,附上ACCA英语学习的三个建议一、学会用英语的方式思维,在学习过程中要培养自己用英语进行思维的习惯、发散性分析能力和归纳能力,另一方面要从最基本的要义和逻辑分析入手,培养自己在复杂环境下的决策、判断能力和心理承受能力。二、抓住ACCA考试的规律性,ACCA考题的规律性比较强,不会出偏题和怪题,重点内容会反复出现在历年的考题中。考生不妨尝试分析历年考试内容,找出考官的出题规律,针对这些重点反复练习,但这种分析是须建立在对书本内容全面理解的基础上的。三、扩大知识面除了要掌握课本和习题上提供的知识外,还要充分学习、利用热点资讯,不断扩大自己的知识面,了解时事信息和接受不同的观点。小编再送一个2018年考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频 急速通关计划 ACCA全球私播课 大学生雇主直通车计划 周末面授班 寒暑假冲刺班 其他课程

certified public accountant是什么意思

certified public accountant[英][ˈsə:tifaid ˈpʌblik əˈkauntənt][美][ˈsɚtəˌfaɪd ˈpʌblɪk əˈkaʊntənt]会计师,审定会计师; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Various accounting, bookkeeping, billing and tax preparation services in any form,handled not necessarily by a certified public accountant. ( See# 1.) 没有必要由注册会计师事务所从事的(见第1项)各种会计、记帐、各种形式的计费和准备报税服务。2.Certified public accountant auditing will lose existing value if it is lack ofindependence. 没有独立性,注册会计师审计也就失去了存在的价值。

AHBLite 总线是什么意思

[AMBA AHB-Lite]AHB-LiteAHB: Advanced High-performance Bus用于高表现力高clock频率的系统. 最经常的使用是连接 internal memeory device, external memory interface, 以及 high bandwidth 外围. 其基本组元是: Master, Slave, Decoder, Multiplexor.在 address/control phase 与 data phase 中, 存在 fixed pipeline.AHB: 仅仅支持 AMBA AXI protocol 的功能子集(subset).AHB-Lite: 如果除去在 master 与 slave IP 开发中不需要的部分, 则 AHB protocol 的这个 subset 则定义为 AHB-Lite.

public corporation是什么意思

public corporation生词本[ˈpʌblik ˌkɔ:pəˈreiʃən]n.公开招股的公司; 公营公司; 市镇的自治机关; 市政机关网 络公营公司;公众公司;股份有限公司;上市公司双语例句1. Nowadays, the truthfulness of operational performance evaluation of public corporation reduces greatly. 目前, 上市公司经营业绩的真实性因管理当局的盈余管理而大大降低.2. The public corporation almost by definition, carries a fragmented set of owners. 公开招股公司,从定义上来讲, 它的所有者就是分散的.3. I don"t know whether they"re cooking the books like every other public corporation or not. 我不知道他们是否跟其他大企业一样都在作帐时动手脚.4. Jensen, Michael C . Eclipse of the Public Corporation . Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review, September 1989. 《上市公司光芒渐蚀》麻州波士顿哈佛商学院评论, 1989年9月.5. Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation. 一些公众会迫不及待地想要抓住机会成为这家公司的持股人。

美国agrarian republic什么意思

agrarian republic土地革命双语对照例句:However, it was written when our country was a small agrarian republic.!如有不懂,请追问。 !

publish poem 是什么意思

发表诗歌祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class CEGUI::System & __cdec


海明威 A Man of The World 一条好汉 讲的是什么?请问Blindy把Sawyer怎么样了?

  参考大学英语第四册里面的原文,很隐晦,I told him on a cold night like this he"d ought to bundle up so the whole inside of his face wouldn"t catch cold.  之前Blindy说真想亲眼看看Sawyer怎么样。  加上Sawyer载了Blindy,说明BLINDY把他鼻子割了。因为BLINDY很大气味。  具体前后逻辑也不太明白,那句话就说Sawyer脸上有洞,但是洞到底是眼睛还是鼻子?  会不会是眼睛呢?也可能。就是BLINDY在车上行凶了,然后Sawyer失明无法继续开车。  会不会是鼻子呢?答案是鼻子,原因是他闻不到气味,而且可能Sawyer还能继续开车。  书上的答案是,鼻子被BLINDY割了。  就是个有仇必报的短篇故事。很重口血腥。还给你点玩味。  原文以及翻译:  A Man of the World  Ernest Hemingway  1 The blind man knew the sounds of all the different machines in the Saloon. I don"t know how long it took him to learn the sounds of the machines but it must have taken him quite a time because he only worked one saloon at a time. He worked two towns though and he would start out of The Flats along after it was good and dark on his way up to Jessup. He"d stop by the side of the road when he heard a car coming and their lights would pick him up and either they would stop and give him a ride or they wouldn"t and would go on by on the icy road. (1) It would depend on how they were loaded and whether there were women in the car because the blind man smelled plenty strong and especially in winter. But someone would always stop for him because he was a blind man.  一条好汉  欧内斯特·海明威  那个盲人对酒馆里不同机器发出的声响了如指掌。我不知道他用了多久才把各种机器的声音一一辨清,但这事儿准花了他不少时间,因为他一次只在一家酒馆做。不过他在两个镇上都有活,他会在弗拉特先做,一直到天全黑了,再前往杰塞普。听见有车开过来他就会在路旁停下来,车灯照见他,有时他们会停下车来带他一程,有时则不,径直在冰冻的路面从他身旁开过。带不带他要看车上有没有坐满,有没有女士,因为瞎子身上气味很重,尤其在冬天。但总会有人停车让他上去,因为他是个盲人。  2 Everybody knew him and they called him Blindy, which is a good name for a blind man in that part of the country, and the name of the saloon that he threw his trade to was The Pilot. Right next to it was another saloon, also with gambling and a dining room, that was called The Index. Both of these were the names of mountains and they were both good saloons with old-days bars and the gambling was about the same in one as in the other except you ate better in The Pilot probably. Blindy probably preferred The Pilot because the machines were right along the left-hand wall as you came in and faced the bar. This gave him better control over them than he would have had at The Index where they were scattered on account it was a bigger place with more room. On this night it was really cold outside and he came in with icicles on his mustache and he didn"t look really very good. (2) Even his smell was froze but that wasn"t for very long and he started to put out almost as soon as the door was shut. It was always hard for me to look at him but I was looking at him carefully because I knew he always rode and I didn"t see how he would be frozen up so bad. Finally I asked him.  人人都认识他,叫他盲汉,在那一带,这是对盲人表示尊重的称呼,他干活的那家酒馆叫派勒特。就在隔壁又是一家酒吧,也有赌博机和餐厅,店名叫做印岱克斯。这两家店名原来都是山名,两家酒馆都不错,都有那种旧式的吧台,赌博机也都没什么两样,只不过派勒特的菜肴可能略好一些。盲汉可能喜欢派勒特,因为进门就是吧台,赌博机都沿左墙一溜儿摆放。赌博机集中摆放,他就容易控制,不像在印岱克斯,因为地方大,空间多,机器四处摆放着。这天晚上,外面冷得够呛,他进来时胡茬上还挂着冰柱,那样子看上去不太对劲。连他的臭味也冻住了,但冻住的时间不长,门一关上,他身上又发出气味了。过去我总是不忍心看他,不过那晚我却仔细打量了他,因为我知道他总能搭上便车,我纳闷,他怎么会冻成这样。我终于问他了。  3 "Where you walk from, Blindy?"  4 "Willie Sawyer put me out of his car down below the railway bridge. There weren"t no more cars come and I walked in."  5 "What did he put you afoot for?" somebody asked.  6 "Said I smelled too bad."  “你从哪儿走过来的,盲汉?”  “威利·索亚在铁路桥下面把俺撵下车。一直没别的车开过来,俺就一路走来了。”  “他干嘛要让你下去走?”有人问。  “说俺身上气味重。”  7 Somebody hit on a machine but it wasn"t any heavy hit. Blindy moved on it just the same. It was a quarter machine and the young fellow who was playing it gave him a quarter sort of reluctantly. Blindy felt it before he put it in his pocket.  有人玩吃角子机赢了,可没有赢多少。盲汉还是走了过去。那是台25分币的吃角子机,在玩的那小伙子不很情愿地给了他一个2角5分的硬币。盲汉摸了摸硬币,然后放进衣袋。  8 "Thank you," he said. "You"ll never miss it."  9 The young fellow said, "Nice to know that," and put a quarter back in the machine and pulled down again.  10 He hit again but this time pretty good and he scooped in the quarters and gave a quarter to Blindy.  11 "Thanks," Blindy said, "You"re doing fine."  12 "Tonight"s my night," the young fellow who was playing said. “多谢了,”他说。“你准会赢的。”  年轻人说:“那敢情好,”说罢又投了个2角5分的硬币进去,再往下拉了一下。  他又赢了,可这次赢了不少。他捞起大把大把2角5分的硬币,给了盲汉一个。  “多谢,”盲汉说,“打得不错。”  “今晚咱运气好,”正在玩的年轻人说。  13 (3) "Your night is my night," Blindy said and the young fellow went on playing but he wasn"t doing any good any more and Blindy was so strong standing by him and he looked so awful and finally the fellow quit playing and came over to the bar.  “你走运,俺沾光,”盲汉说。年轻人继续在玩,可不再像刚才那样赢钱;站在他旁边的瞎子气味实在难闻,样子又那么惹人厌烦,年轻人终于歇手不玩了,向酒吧间走去。  14 "What will yours be, Tom?" Frank the bartender asked me. "This is on the house."  15 "I was figuring on shoving."  16 "Have one first then."  17 Frank asked the young fellow what he would drink and the young fellow took the same. The whisky was Old Forester.  “你想喝什么,汤姆?”名叫弗兰克的酒吧间侍者问我。“酒店请客。”  “我想回去了。”  “那就先喝上一杯吧。”  弗兰克问年轻人要喝什么,年轻人要了同样的酒。是老林务员威士忌。  18 I nodded to him and raised my drink and we both sipped at the drinks. Blindy was down at the far end of the machines. I think he figured maybe no one would come in if they saw him at the door. Not that he was self-conscious.  我朝他点点头,举起酒杯,两人都呷了一口。盲汉站在那排赌博机的最尽头。我想,他这是估摸着要是见他在门口,没人会进来。这倒不是他怕难为情。  19 "How did that man lose his sight?" the young fellow asked me.  20 "In a fight," Frank told him.  21 "I wouldn"t know," I told him.  22 "Him fight?" the stranger said. He shook his head.  23 "Yeah," Frank said. "He got that high voice out of the same fight. Tell him, Tom."  24 "I never heard of it."  “那个人是怎么失明的?”那年轻人问我。  “打架闹的,”弗兰克告诉他。  “我不清楚,”我对他说。  “他打架?”陌生人说。他摇摇头。  “是啊,”弗兰克说。“他那尖嗓子也是那一架给打出来的。跟他说说,汤姆。”  “我从来没听说过。”  25 "No. You wouldn"t of," Frank said. "Of course not. You wasn"t here, I suppose. Mister, it was a night about as cold as tonight. Maybe colder. It was a quick fight too. I didn"t see the start of it. Then they came fighting out of the door of The Index. Blackie, him that"s Blindy now, and this other boy Willie Sawyer, and they were slugging and kneeing and gouging and biting and I see one of Blackie"s eyes hanging down on his cheek. They were fighting on the ice of the road with the snow all banked up and the light from this door and The Index door, and Hollis Sands was right behind Willie Sawyer who was gouging for the eye and Hollis kept hollering, "Bite it off! Bite it off just like it was a grape!" Blackie was biting onto Willie Sawyer"s face and he had a good pull and it gave away with a jerk and then he had another good pull and they were down on the ice now and Willie Sawyer was gouging him to make him let go and then Blackie gave a yell like you"ve never heard. Worse than when they cut a boar."  “对了。你是不会知道的,”弗兰克说。“当然不知道。我想那时你还没来这儿。先生,那天晚上差不多就跟今晚一样冷。可能更冷些。那一架打得快。我没见到是怎么打起来的。只看到他们从印岱克斯的门里扭打出来。布兰奇,如今叫盲汉了,还有那个叫威利·索亚的家伙,两人又打又踢,又抓又咬,我看到布兰奇的一个眼珠掉了出来挂在脸上。两人在冰冻的路面上打,路旁都堆着雪,这扇门里,还有印岱克斯店门里透出灯光,霍利斯·桑兹就站在威利·索亚的身后,威利·索亚正要挖那个眼珠,霍利斯不停地嚷嚷着:‘咬下来!咬下来,就当是个葡萄!"布兰奇咬进威利·索亚的脸,他狠狠一咬,猛地咬下一块,接着又大咬一口,两人都倒在冰上,威利·索亚掐他的眼睛,逼他松手,就在这时,布兰奇惨叫一声,没听见过叫得那么怕人的。比杀猪叫还吓人。”  26 Blindy had come up opposite us and we smelled him and turned around.  27 " "Bite it off just like it was a grape,"" he said in his high-pitched voice and looked at us, moving his head up and down. "That was the left eye. He got the other one without no advice. Then he stomped me when I couldn"t see. That was the bad part." He patted himself.  这时盲汉已经走到我们对面,我们闻到他身上的气味,便转过身去。  “‘咬下来,就当是个葡萄,"”他尖声说,一边看着我们,一边摇头晃脑。“那是左眼珠。他连声警告也没有就把另一只也咬下了。俺什么也看不见了,他却狠命踩俺。那才叫惨哪。”他拍了拍自己。  28 "I could fight good then," he said. "But he got the eye before I knew even what was happening. He got it with a lucky gouge. Well," Blindy said without any ill feeling, "that put a stop to my fighting days."  “那时俺可真能打架,”他说。“可俺还没明白过来是怎么回事他就咬着我的眼珠了。他下手下得巧。唉,”布兰奇说着,不带一点敌意。“这下俺打架的日子也就到头了。”  29 "Give Blackie a drink," I said to Frank.  30 "Blindy"s the name, Tom. I earned that name. You seen me earn it. That"s the same fellow who put me adrift down the road tonight. Fellow bit the eye. We ain"t never made friends."  “给布兰奇来杯酒,”我吩咐弗兰克。  “叫俺盲汉,汤姆。这个名字是俺打架打出来的。你都亲眼见到的。就是今晚把俺扔在路上的那个小子。咬眼珠的那个小子。俺两个一直就没和好。”  31 "What did you do to him?" the stranger asked.  32 "Oh, you"ll see him around," Blindy said. "You"ll recognize him any time you see him. I"ll let it come as a surprise."  33 "You don"t want to see him," I told the stranger.  34 "You know that"s one of the reasons I"d like to see sometimes," Blindy said. "I"d like to just have one good look at him."  35 "You know what he looks like," Frank told him. "You went up and put your hands on his face once."  “你拿他怎么了?”陌生人问。  “啊,你会在附近见到他的,”盲汉说。“你一见到他就会认出他。俺要让你见了觉得出乎意料。”  “你见了他会害怕的,”我跟陌生人说。  “要知道,就为了这,有时俺也希望有双眼睛能亲眼瞧瞧。”盲汉说。“俺只想好好瞧他一眼。”  “你知道他现在的模样,”弗兰克对他说。“有次你走上去摸过他的脸。”  36 "Did it again tonight too," Blindy said happily. "That"s why he put me out of the car. He ain"t got no sense of humor at all. (4) I told him on a cold night like this he"d ought to bundle up so the whole inside of his face wouldn"t catch cold. He didn"t even think that was funny. You know that Willie Sawyer he"ll never be a man of the world."  “今晚俺又摸了一次,”盲汉得意地说。“就为这他把俺给撵下了车。他一点玩笑都开不起。俺对他说,今晚这么冷,他应当穿得暖暖的,这样他脸庞里边就不会着凉感冒了。他压根儿没觉得这话挺逗。你知道威利·索亚,成不了汉子。”  37 "Blackie, you have one on the house," Frank said. "I can"t drive you home because I only live just down the road. But you can sleep in the back of the place."  “布兰奇,喝一杯,不收钱,”弗兰克说。“我不能开车送你回家,因为我就住在路的那头。不过你可以在屋子后边睡。”  38 "That"s mighty good of you, Frank. Only just don"t call me Blackie. I"m not Blackie any more. Blindy"s my name."  39 "Have a drink, Blindy."  40 "Yes, sir," Blindy said. His hand reached out and found the glass and he raised it accurately to the three of us.  41 "That Willis Sawyer," he said. "Probably alone home by himself. That Willie Sawyer he don"t know how to have any fun at all."  “你真好,弗兰克。可别叫俺布兰奇。俺不再是什么布兰奇。俺叫盲汉。”  “喝,盲汉。”  “喝,老兄,”盲汉说。他伸出手来摸到了杯子,很准地对着我们三人举杯。  “威利·索亚那小子,”他说。“没准一个人呆在家里呢。威利·索亚那小子一点儿不会取乐。”

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广告Advertising,促销Promotion,宣传Publicity,公共关系Public relation的区分

一、广告(Advertising):指商业企业、政府和其它非营利组织和个人作为广告信息中明确的主办者,以有偿付费、非个人沟通方式通过各种媒体传递有关物品、服务、组织、人、地点和观念方面的消息。现代的广告宣传要比这些早期的叫卖攻势大得多。如今美国的广告商每年要花去1500多亿美元。尽管广告主要是为商业公司所用的,它同时也为许许多多的非营利组织、职业和社会机构所采纳。它们利用广告向各种公众对象作宣传。二、 促销(Promotion)指利用各种沟通方式向人们就一个组织或个人的物品、服务、形象、观念、社区义务或对社会的影响等进行通告、说服、提示和行为激励。 促销是市场营销组合中的一个关键要素。新产品面世,必须先向人们通告这个产品及有关特性,之后人们才有可能喜欢这些产品。客户已经了解的产品,促销重点则在于说服:要将了解变为喜欢。对于家喻户晓的产品,促销重点则在于提醒:强化消费者已有的新年。下列各种活动均属于促销行为:1) 为公司及其物品和服务建立一种形象;2) 沟通物品和服务的特点;3) 让人们意识到新物品和服务;4) 保持已有物品和服务受欢迎的程度;5) 可以将滞销的物品和服务重新定位或者加以利用;6) 激发渠道成员的热情;7) 提示在什么地方可以买到物品和服务;8) 可以说服消费者购买价格更贵的产品;9) 告诫消费者不要轻易买便宜货;10) 调整(理顺)物品和服务的价格;11) 解答消费者的疑问;12) 扩大和完成交易;13) 完成交易后为消费者提供服务;14) 对忠诚的消费者以强化;15) 使企业及其产品置身于比竞争对手更为有利的位置。三、公众(a public)是指对公司实现其目标的能力具有实际的或潜在的兴趣或影响力的任何群体。四、公共关系与(public relations ):设计面向公众或其它利害关系者的各种方案以推广和/或保护公司形象或它的产品形象的活动;那么通俗的说就是公司与外界沟通传达信息的桥梁。

广告Advertising,促销Promotion,宣传Publicity,公共关系Public relation的区分

一、广告(Advertising):指商业企业、政府和其它非营利组织和个人作为广告信息中明确的主办者,以有偿付费、非个人沟通方式通过各种媒体传递有关物品、服务、组织、人、地点和观念方面的消息。现代的广告宣传要比这些早期的叫卖攻势大得多。如今美国的广告商每年要花去1500多亿美元。尽管广告主要是为商业公司所用的,它同时也为许许多多的非营利组织、职业和社会机构所采纳。它们利用广告向各种公众对象作宣传。二、 促销(Promotion)指利用各种沟通方式向人们就一个组织或个人的物品、服务、形象、观念、社区义务或对社会的影响等进行通告、说服、提示和行为激励。 促销是市场营销组合中的一个关键要素。新产品面世,必须先向人们通告这个产品及有关特性,之后人们才有可能喜欢这些产品。客户已经了解的产品,促销重点则在于说服:要将了解变为喜欢。对于家喻户晓的产品,促销重点则在于提醒:强化消费者已有的新年。下列各种活动均属于促销行为:1) 为公司及其物品和服务建立一种形象;2) 沟通物品和服务的特点;3) 让人们意识到新物品和服务;4) 保持已有物品和服务受欢迎的程度;5) 可以将滞销的物品和服务重新定位或者加以利用;6) 激发渠道成员的热情;7) 提示在什么地方可以买到物品和服务;8) 可以说服消费者购买价格更贵的产品;9) 告诫消费者不要轻易买便宜货;10) 调整(理顺)物品和服务的价格;11) 解答消费者的疑问;12) 扩大和完成交易;13) 完成交易后为消费者提供服务;14) 对忠诚的消费者以强化;15) 使企业及其产品置身于比竞争对手更为有利的位置。三、公众(a public)是指对公司实现其目标的能力具有实际的或潜在的兴趣或影响力的任何群体。四、公共关系与(public relations ):设计面向公众或其它利害关系者的各种方案以推广和/或保护公司形象或它的产品形象的活动;那么通俗的说就是公司与外界沟通传达信息的桥梁。

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ros publish和advertise的区别

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急需One republic这个乐队的英文介绍,字数越多越好

OneRepublic is an American, self-proclaimed "genreless" band from Colorado Springs, Colorado.[1] Formed in 2002 by Ryan Tedder and Zach Filkins, the band achieved success on MySpace, becoming the most prominent un-signed act on the website. They signed onto Mosley Music Group in 2006, and released their debut album, Dreaming Out Loud in 2007.OneRepublic made radio history when with their first single, "Apologize" received the largest amount of airplay in history with 10,331 plays in one week, the record only being broken again by Bleeding Love, a song Tedder also wrote himself. The remix version, featured on Timbaland"s album Shock Value was a massive hit internationally, reaching number-one in sixteen countries and gaining 10 million downloads (the largest number of digital downloads for any song to date)[2]. The band also achieved national success with their second single, "Stop and Stare". Dreaming Out Loud was certified gold in the United States, Austria, Australia and Canada.The band"s second album, Waking Up, was released on November 17, 2009.[3] The lead single from the album, "All the Right Moves" charted in the top ten in Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland and in the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100.Origin (1996)The first incarnation of what evolved into OneRepublic formed in 1996 after Ryan Tedder and Zach Filkins befriended each other during their senior year at Colorado Springs Christian High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. During a drive home, as Filkins and Tedder discussed favorite musicians including Fiona Apple, Peter Gabriel and U2, they decided to put together a band. They enlisted a few musical friends and named their rock act This Beautiful Mess—a phrase which first attained cult prominence a year earlier when Sixpence None the Richer released its award-winning sophomore album, This Beautiful Mess. Tedder, Filkins & Co. had a few small gigs at Pikes Perk, attended by friends and family. Senior year ended, and Tedder and Filkins parted ways, each attending different colleges.[4]Early career (2002–07)Reuniting in Los Angeles in 2003, Tedder and Filkins formed their second band under the moniker Republic. Tedder, by then an established songwriter and record producer, had convinced Filkins who was living in Chicago to relocate. Nine months later, they were signed to Columbia Records. After a few line-up changes, they finally settled with Tedder on vocals, Filkins on guitar and backing vocals, Eddie Fisher on drums, Brent Kutzle on bass and cello, and Drew Brown on lead guitar. They later changed the band name to OneRepublic after their record company mentioned that the name Republic might cause controversy with other bands.[5]They worked in the studio for two and a half years and recorded their first fulllength album. Two months before their album was due to be released, (with "Sleep" as their debut single), they were dropped by Columbia Records. The band was beginning to gain prominence on MySpace, becoming the number-one unsigned act on the site.[6] The band caught the attention of a number of labels, including Timbaland"s Mosley Music Group. The band soon signed onto the label, becoming the first rock band to do so.[7]Dreaming Out Loud and mainstream breakthrough (2008–09)OneRepublic"s first single, "Apologize", was released in its original version from the band"s debut album Dreaming Out Loud. The song was also prominently featured as a remix on Timbaland"s 2007 release of Shock Value.The single, featured on Shock Value, was a major hit both in the United States and internationally. The song was the biggest radio airplay hit in the history of the Top 40 radio in North America, with 10,331 plays in one week, until its record was broken by Leona Lewis"s "Bleeding Love," which was also co-written by Ryan Tedder.[8] It peaked at number-one for eight consecutive weeks on the Billboard Pop 100 chart and reached the top-three on the Billboard Hot 100. The song sold 4.3 million digital downloads in the U.S. and was certified 4x platinum.[9] The song was a massive hit internationally, reaching number-one in 16 countries, including Nepal, Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, Egypt, Turkey, and the Netherlands. It spent thirteen weeks at number-one in Canada.The second single from the album, "Stop and Stare", released in March 2008, hit the top twelve on the Hot 100 chart and reached number 9 on the Pop 100 chart. The song, while not as successful as "Apologize", brought the band further into the limelight. Their third single, "Say (All I Need)", was released in the UK and the US in June 2008. In September 2008, the band released their fourth and final single from the album, "Mercy". The album was released in the United States on November 20, 2007, with international release dates staggered throughout early 2008. Dreaming Out Loud has sold 822,458 copies in the US and over 2 million worldwide as of 2009. It has been certified gold in the U.S.[10] However, critical reception to the album ranged from negative to mixed. Allmusic gave the album a modest review, stating the "album sounds derivative" but also "sounds cohesive and smoothly pleasant".[11] Robert Christgau gave the album a negative review, and termed it a "dud".[12] Rolling Stone gave the album 2 out of 5 stars, but placed the band in their "Artists to Watch" list, which featured ten artists that, according to the magazine, "...are bringing the future of music, today."[13]The band performed Say (All I Need) live on Fox"s So You Think You Can Dance in August 2007. In 2008, OneRepublic toured with Maroon 5 and Brandi Carlile. On May 21, 2008, the band appeared on the American Idol finale performing a duet of "Apologize" with finalist David Archuleta. In August 2008, OneRepublic performed "Apologize" and "Stop and Stare" at MTV Asia Awards 2008 in Genting Highlands, Malaysia. They won the Best Hook-Up Award for "Apologize (song)|Apologize", beating Beyoncé Knowles, Shakira and Rihanna.[14]The song "Come Home" was featured in an episode of Cold Case and The Vampire Diaries.Waking Up (2009-2010)On September 24, 2008, the band stated during a concert at the London Forum in England, they were working on new songs for a new album to be released in the summer of 2009. The band played one of the newly recorded songs titled, "All the Right Moves". The band relocated to Denver, Colorado to complete work on the album. It was mistakenly believed that the name of the album would be Today.The album, titled Waking Up, was released on November 17, 2009. A deluxe version of the album was released with four bonus tracks.[15] Three singles have been released from the album: "All the Right Moves", "Secrets", and "Marchin On"."All The Right Moves" peaked at #18 on the Billboard Hot 100. The album received mixed reviews from critics. It peaked at #21 on the Billboard 200 chart and has sold over 200,000 copies in the United States.[16]"Secrets" was prominently used in the 2010 film The Sorcerer"s Apprentice and in promotional material for the TV series Pretty Little Liars and Nikita and was featured in 90210 as well. It is also used as the music for Polo"s "The Big Pony Collection" men fragrance. Two songs were featured on The Vampire Diaries, "Marchin On" in season 1, and "All This Time" in season 2. Other songs have also been featured on the TV series One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, and Castle. The song "Good Life" is featured on the advertisements for the film Eat Pray Love.OneRepublic was featured on Leona Lewis"s sophomore album Echo on the track "Lost Then Found". OneRepublic also collaborated for the second time with Timbaland on his album, Shock Value II, on the track "Marchin On".In January 2010, the band performed a live set for the UK"s The Sun newspaper, which included a cover version of Robbie Williams" song "Millennium".[17] On March 31, 2010, OneRepublic performed "All The Right Moves" on The Tonight Show.On June 5, 2010, the band supported P!nk on her Funhouse Summer Carnival Tour at Innsbruck.OneRepublic supported Bon Jovi at The O2 Arena on June 17, 19, and 20, 2010.[18]The band also went on to perform at The Today Show in April during the second half of the program. They were again featured as the guest for the show"s Summer Concert Series on May 28, 2010. On September 12, 2010, they played at the Help for Heroes gig in Twickenham Stadium, London.[19]The band is supporting Maroon 5 on their Fall 2010 tour. In addition, unconfirmed reports say that the group will be opening for JLS on tour in December 2010/January 2011.Third Album (2010-present)Rumors have been spreading amongst fans that OneRepublic has been working on a third album during while touring. Excitement grew when guitarist, Zach Filkins, posted a video on YouTube on the set of their music video "Good Life" that a third album was coming soon. A recent interview with Filkins by Alternative Addiction states that the album will further exemplify their sound and evolution: “We"ve been playing the songs on Waking Up for a while, and I think we are all beginning to feel like we are ready to have something new coming up."[20]Musical style and influencesOneRepublic"s varied style of music has been described by Ryan Tedder: "We"re no respecter of genre. If its a good song or a good artist whether rock, pop, indie or hip hop, they"ve probably influenced us on some level...nothing"s new under the sun, we"re a sum of a bunch of parts." They cite The Beatles and U2 as heavier influences on their music. OneRepublic has expressed a desire to move listeners onstage the way U2 does.[21][22]However, OneRepublic has often been compared to bands like The Fray, Maroon 5 and Coldplay. Allmusic commented on the band"s sound, "...OneRepublic recalls the melodies of the Fray and the vocal acrobatics of Maroon 5"s Adam Levine....and often favors cathartic, cranked-up choruses that Chris Martin has yet to tackle."[23] However, Tedder downplays Coldplay as an influence; "Their influences are our influences. The big difference, though, is that I come from a much wider hip-hop and urban background. I"ve been producing, writing and performing urban stuff, and I try to bring that into the group because we"re not trying to be a British band." Drew Brown also stated: "We aren"t all die-hard Coldplay fans, but because of the comparisons, we"ve done our research, and I"m sure we"ve got a large handful of common influences."

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summer sibling什么意思

summer sibling的意思如下:summer sibling:夏季同胞。sibling是兄弟,姐妹的意思。sibling名词,意思是:兄弟姊妹;同胞。【人类】氏族成员;【生物学】同科,同属adoptive sibling收养的同胞,bastard sibling私生同胞,half-sibling异父同胞,legal sibling法定同胞,move to sibling移到同层材质。sibling造句1、A surprising feature of the higher fungi, in the small sample available, is the number of cryptic or sibling species.在合用的小样本中高等真菌的一种惊奇性状是同形种或姊妹种的数量。2、To the first sibling node of the current node.移动到当前节点的第一个同级节点。3、Siblings:younger sister fav colours:purple and yellow.喜爱的颜色:紫色和黄色。


词典释义讲解0:40n.义务;职责;责任;(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM8 / GRE变形名词复数:obligations 双语例句全部债务义务责任证券契约恩惠1.The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens美国将为自己的公民尽其应尽的义务。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation?如果您打算出售房产,何不打电话让我们作免费估价呢?《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee"s recommendations.部长不必非得听从委员会的建议。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4.I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.我对我的当事人负有道义上的责任。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》5.His commitments to the stepchildren will not reduce his obligation to his natural children.他对继子女的关爱和投入不会减少他对亲生孩子的责任。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》6.South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law南卡罗来纳州声称有权力免除该州公民遵守联邦法规的义务。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》7.We are all prisoners of our childhood and feel an obligation to it我们都无法忘记自己的童年时代,觉得仍然为它所缚。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》8.When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.当老师布置家庭作业的时候,学生们通常觉得做作业是分内之事。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》9.They are under to obligation to repay debts incurred by the old regime.他们没有偿还旧债的义务。《汉英大词典》10.Co-operation was more than just an attractive option, it was an obligation合作不仅仅是诱人的选择,它也是一种责任。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》11.They felt under no obligation to maintain their employees.他们觉得没有义务为员工提供生活费。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》12.The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their parents.;儿女们都认为应当孝敬父母。《汉英大词典》13.It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service.依照法律服兵役是每个公民的义务。百度翻译例句库14.She is under an obligation to her adoptive mother.她有义务赡养她的养母。百度翻译例句库15.I"m under no obligation to do it.我没有义务去做那件事。百度翻译例句库16.His social obligation compels him to make a round of visits.他的社会职责使得他不得不进行一系列访问。百度翻译例句库17.Every player is under an obligation to keep the rules.每个选手都必须遵守这些规则。百度翻译例句库以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考18.However, not all the countries that have signed the treaty have fulfilled this obligation.然而并不是所有签署了这项协约的国家已经完全履行了这一义务。www.douban.com19.It should be said that is a responsibility and obligation to it!应该说,这是一种责任和义务吧!word.hcbus.com20.You have an obligation to your family.你对你的家有责任。provided by jukuu


名词 义务 职责 债务

英译汉:outgoing,funny,athletic,serious,quieter,in common,be different from,in public。

outgoing ["aut,ɡəuiŋ] adj. 外出的;即将离职的;乐于助人的n. 外出;流出;开支v. 超过;优于(outgo的ing形式)funny ["fʌni]adj. 有趣的;滑稽的;奇异的n. 滑稽人物athletic [æθ"letik]adj. 运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的serious ["siəriəs, "si:r-] adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的;庄重的;危急的serious about 严肃;认真对待 quieter ["kwaiətə] n. 消音装置;消声器adj. 更安静的(quiet的比较级)n.消音装置;消声器in common 共同享有的,公有,共用;共同,(与…)有共同处be different from 与……不同in public 公开地,当众



英语问题!China saw mounting number of museums offering free admissons to the public recently.

saw是see的过去式就是看见的意思 后边加ing是因为of是介词 admissons是因为复数加s


SHU LUN PAN是指立信的创建人----中国会计泰斗潘序伦博士,所以立信的英文名是没有LI xin而是用SHU LUN PAN代替。

Blink-182的《Carousel》 歌词

歌曲名:Carousel歌手:Blink-182专辑:Cheshire CatForza MilanBy EricCarouselBlink182BuddhaI talk to you every now and thenI never felt so alone againI stop to think at a wishing wellMy thoughts send me on a carouselHere I am standing on my ownNot a motion from the telephoneI know not a reason whySolitudes a reason to dieJust you wait and seeAs school life is aIt is a woken dreamAren"t you feeling alone?I guess its just anotherI guess its just anotherI guess its just another night aloneNow as I walk down the streetI need a job just to sleep in sheetsBuying food every once in a whileBut not enough to purchase a smileA tank of gas is a treasure to meI know now that nothing is freeI talk to you every now and thenI never felt so alone againJust you wait and seeAs school life is aIt is a woken dreamAren"t you feeling alone?I guess its just anotherI guess its just anotherI guess its just another night alone

英语作文Behave Yourself in Public

Many people do not behave themselves in public places. They talk loudly, litter freely, jump queues, and ignore traffic regulations. Some even scratch in tourist attractions, leaving marks on scenic spots.It is important to behave politely in public. On the one hand, uncivilized behaviour in public places causes trouble. It brings inconveniences to others, pollutes the environment and makes one unpopular or even disgustful. On the other hand, when one behaves well in public, he can always win friendship and respect from others. Therefore, he is more likely to succeed in the fierce competition.In order to create a harmonious society, we all should behave ourselves in public. As the Chinese saying goes, ”Don"t do to others what you do not want to be done to you.” If we were all considerate and behave well in public places, this world would be a better place to live in.

无线网卡配置里的ADHOC 11N是选择disablie 还是Eablie 哪个好啊



既成事实,既定事实,确定的事实具体语境下可以意译,如:Some people hold that one should read those books that are about real events , real people , and established facts 有的人认为读书就要读那些写真人真事和铁板事实的书。


established英 [ɪˈstæblɪʃt] 美 [əˈstæblɪʃt] adj. 已建立的; 已设立的; 已制定的; 确定的;v. 建立( establish的过去式和过去分词); 确定; [植物学]使(植物)定植; 使成为;

old and established什么意思

old and established,老的和成熟的(完善的);established[ɪˈstæblɪʃt][美] [əˈstæblɪʃt]adj.已建立的; 已设立的; 已制定的; 确定的;v.确定; 建立( establish的过去式和过去分词); [植物学]使(植物)定植; 使成为;[例句]Their religious adherence is not to the established church.他们信仰的不是国教。[原型]establish



完型:开头是:A group of graduates have hightly been established in their careers.

A group of graduates,highly established in their careers,got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and in life.offering his guests coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups——plastic,glass,crystal(水晶),some plain—looking,some expensive,some fine——telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,the professor said:“If you noticed,all the nice—looking,expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress.” “What all of you really wanted was coffee,not the cup,but you consciously went for the best cups and were eyeing each other"s cups.” “Now consider this:Life is the coffee and the jabs,money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life,and do not change the quality of life.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup,we fail to enjoy the coffee.So,don"t let the cups drive you...enjoy the coffee instead.”

A group of alumni ,highly established in their careers ,got together to visi



belong:v.属于 possessions:n所有物,拥有的物品 curtain:n.窗帘。blinds:n.盲人 spiration:n.报复 希望能帮到你!

如何让Oracle DB安装后有oracore/include,public之类的目录

I ask this question for I have read a post from Oracle Forums as below. 我想这个问题有可能和Pro*c/C++开发有些关系。 The file pcscfg.cfg: sys_include=(/usr/include/libguile,/usr/include,/usr/include/linux,/opt/gcc33/lib64/gcc-lib/x86_64-suse-linux/ 3.3/include,/usr/lib/gcc-lib/x86_64-redhat-linux/3.2.3/include) include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/hdrs include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/tpcc2x_2/src include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/oracore/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/oracore/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/nlsrtl/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/nlsrtl/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network_src/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network_src/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public
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