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look after、care about、take care of等有什么区别?

2023-07-10 10:02:56

都可翻译成照顾.look after就是行为上比较具体的照顾,比如说The mother is looking after her sicky son.就不能翻译成 is taking care of……因为take care of是比较广义的照顾,一般都用来嘱咐说,照顾好自己或是自己的东西,比如Take good care of your handbag!而care of则更多的表示操心、关心之类的意思.且在这里care是动词,再take care of里,care 是名词.

对于care for;be fond of 喜爱

She doesn"t care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色.

She did not care for him.她不喜欢他.

2.take care of;look after 照顾

As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾.

He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.

3.have regard for;trouble about尊重;重视

I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话.

He cares only for himself.他只考虑自己.




look after是什么意思

look after意思:1.注视。2.照顾, 照看(人或某物)。英语解释:keep under careful scrutiny.相似短语:look after v. 1.注视 2.照顾, 照看(人或某物)。look after piglets 护养仔猪。look after a baby 照顾孩子。quick after look 快速二次查询。look after number one 照顾自己的利益, 为自己打算。look before and after 瞻前顾后。by the look of it 看样子。Look in 往里看,查阅,顺道走访。look into ph. 1.在...里查资料;深入地检查,研究;调查。look on to 向外眺望,俯视,朝向,对着。相似单词:look v. 1.[I] [look (at sb/sth)]看;瞧;望2.[I,T] [look at sth] (尤用于祈使句) 瞧;看 3. 看起来,看上去,像是;after prep. 1.在...以后。2.在...后面;随...之后 。3.低于;次于 。4.鉴于,由于 。5.仿照,模仿 。6.依照;按照...的名字。7.尽管 。8.搜寻,寻找 conj.look in n. 观察,成功的机会,迅速一瞥,看望,短暂的访问,走马看花。there in after 【法】 在下文, 在下文中。after 【前缀】 (构成形容词)表示"...之后的"(如:an after-dinner speech一篇餐后讲话, after-tax profit税后利润)。look over n. 检查。look see n. 调查,视察旅行,望远镜。side look n. 侧视,斜视。look at me 【计】 中断信号。look alike n. 面貌酷似的人。
2023-07-10 06:25:571

look after的用法

Looking after的用法是:照顾;看护;或者是管理.要学到更多的东西呦!
2023-07-10 06:26:062

look after 的用法

look after + somebody/something
2023-07-10 06:26:235

look after什么意思

Look after意思是照顾、关心,通常用于描述照料或者保护某人或某物。具体来说,这个词组可以被用于各种场合,比如照料老人、监护儿童、保护动物等。如果您需要照顾年迈的父母或祖父母,您需要关注他们的健康状况、饮食、生活环境和心理状态,尽可能为他们提供更好的生活条件和更多的关心和陪伴。如果您负责照管孩子,您需要确保他们的安全、健康、营养和教育,尽可能为他们提供一个有爱心和学习空间的环境。如果您关注保护动物,您需要向外界介绍保育行动的必要性,反对虐待和滥杀野生动物,呼吁大家共同爱护动物资源,共同维护自然生态环境。在不同的场合下,“look after”都表示照顾和关心,希望每个人都能够尽自己的一份力量,让世界变得更加美好。除了个人生活方面,"look after"也可以用于职场环境。如果您是团队领导,您需要关心每个员工的工作状态、生活需求和职业发展。您需要尽可能给予员工支持和鼓励,帮助他们达成工作目标,并且提供相应的培训和发展机会。如果您是客户服务代表,您需要照顾每个客户的需求和利益,以确保客户能够得到最好的服务和解决方案。如果您是一名医护人员,您需要照顾和关注每一个患者的身体情况和治疗进展,同时理解患者的心理状态和需求。"look after"是一个非常重要的词组,它涉及到个人生活和职场环境中一切需要照顾和关心的事物,希望我们每个人都能够关注身边的人和事,共建和谐社会。同时,在职场环境中,"look after"也体现了一个优秀员工或领导的素质。一个关心他人、照顾他人、理解他人的人,在职场中更容易赢得信任和支持,建立良好的人际关系,并实现个人和团队的成功。因此,我们应该在日常工作中注重"look after"这一方面,不断提高自己的情商和人际交往能力,成为一个真正优秀的职场人。
2023-07-10 06:27:081

look after是什么意思谢谢回答

照顾 照看
2023-07-10 06:27:356

look after是什么意思?

照顾照料look after youlook after the garden
2023-07-10 06:27:574

look after的用法

一、look after 照管,照料,照料;注意,关心1、I can look after myself.我能照料自己.2、I must look after my old grandma.我必须照顾我的老奶奶.3、We look after the baby carefully.我们小心地照看着婴儿.二、同义词1、take care of 他们会悉心照料刚出生的孩子.They take care of their babies from birth.2、tend牛仔尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的男子A hired man,especially in the western United States,who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback.3、fend forIt is time you left home and learnt to fend for yourself.你应该离家自立了.
2023-07-10 06:28:123


2023-07-10 06:28:281

look after和look for的区别

look after照顾,look for寻找
2023-07-10 06:28:484

look after,人称代词时要不要放入他们中间

look after sb
2023-07-10 06:29:032

look after和care for的区别?谢谢!

2023-07-10 06:29:115

求“take care of”,“look after”和“care for”的区别.

意思是不同的.look after适用于医生对病人的照顾以及主人对宠物的照顾.take care 一般口语化颇多,例如老外在分手的时候会说take care,意思就是好好照顾自己.或者I will take care of it.意识是说我会多关照他的或者我会处理好的.take about没有这个用法.Care for 通常我们会说I care for you,意思是说我关心你.
2023-07-10 06:29:241

take care of和look after的区别

take care of 照顾; 杀掉; 对付; 抵消; 保管look after 照顾; 照料; 料理; 打理
2023-07-10 06:29:335


Look after your things.翻译中文:看好你的东西.
2023-07-10 06:30:202

look after和look for的区别

照顾。 寻找
2023-07-10 06:30:287

look at、look for 和look after有被动语态么?

有。如:He was looked at by all the other students .A book was being looked for .The children is well looked after in the kindergarten .不及物动词带上介词或副词后构成及物动词短语,相当于及物动词,有被动语态。
2023-07-10 06:31:001

looks after和look after有啥不同

2023-07-10 06:31:093

look after的用法
2023-07-10 06:31:196

look after的过去式是什么

  look after有照顾,照看等意思,look after在日常生活中经常会使用,那look after的过去式是什么呢?下面是我为你整理的look after的过去式,希望大家喜欢!   look after的过去式   过去式:looked after   look afte造句   1. It"s fashionable but wearable, and it"s easy to look after.   它既时尚又耐穿,而且容易打理。   2. I just can"t be bothered to look after the house.   我就是不想费事照看这所房子。   3. They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time.   他们想要个有责任心的人夜间照管这个地方。   4. We"ll help you look after your finances.   我们将会帮您理财。   5. Get a relative to look after the children.   找一个亲戚来照看孩子。   6. It makes sense to look after yourself.   自己应该照顾自己。   7. I mean to look after my body.   我得多注意身体。   8. He conjured them with his dying breath to look after his children.   他临终时恳求他们照顾他的孩子.   9. She is too busy to look after her child.   她太忙,没有时间照料孩子.   10. You needn"t bother about coming up, I"ll look after him.   你不用来了, 我会照料他.   look的用法   vt.& vi.看,瞧;   vi.注意; 面向; 寻找; 看起来好像   n.看; (尤指吸引人的)相貌; 眼神; 样子   int.(插话或唤起注意)喂,听我说;   1. It was just then that I chanced to look round.   就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。   2. She had the look of someone deserted and betrayed.   她一副遭人遗弃和背叛的样子。   3. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?   这条裙子会使我的腿看上去又短又粗吗?   4. Banks are built to look solid to reassure their customers.   银行往往建得看上去很坚固,好让顾客放心。   5. Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger.   过于肥大的皮裤会让你看起来块头更大。   6. They want to make sure the newcomers don"t get a look-in.   他们不想让新人有露脸的机会。   7. Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him.   玛丽把头向后仰,以便能看到他。   8. The one thing I look forward to is going punting in Cambridge.   我期盼的一件事就是在剑桥乘坐平底船畅游。   9. She called her young son: "Here, Stephen, come and look at this!"   她喊她的小儿子:“喂,斯蒂芬,过来看看这个!”   10. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.   她抬眼迅速瞥了他一下,然后眼睛又垂了下去。
2023-07-10 06:32:011

英语这里look after怎么翻译?

look after: vt. 目送(寻求,照料,看管) 例句与用法: 1. They employed him to look after the baby. 他们聘请他照料婴儿. 2. A boy who is employed by a baseball team to look after its equipment, especially the bats. 棒球球童棒球队雇来看管器械(尤其是球棒)的男孩 3. I can look after myself. 我能照料自己。 4. He has many affairs to look after. 他有许多事务要照料。 5. Please look after my house during my absence. 我不在时,请帮我看房子。 6. He conjured us with his dying breath to look after his son. 他临终时乞求我们我们照顾他的儿子。 7. It"s very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business. 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 8. We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby. 我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。
2023-07-10 06:32:201

look after的中文是什么意思

  look after的中文意思   英 [luk ɑ:ft] 美 [lk ft]   基本解释   照顾; 照料; 料理; 打理   look after的单语例句   1. He read a lot of books to learn how to look after it and later spent most of his pocket money on buying more beetles.   2. After receiving their call, the police immediately set off to look for them.   3. Just as a car needs an oil and lube to keep it running, we need to look after our body parts to keep our sex drive running hot.   4. She said Dai came to the council in November after he left a rehabilitation center, seeking help to stay clean and look for a job.   5. Having a good job is pretty important to many women - that is unless they can find a wealthy husband to look after them.   6. Last May the local neighborhood committee paid three domestic helpers to look after the widowed, childless man.   7. But after he joined the choir and eventually started singing on stage, he began to look and act differently.   8. After Poly Group took over, the theater began to take a close look at the performance market.   9. After failing to qualify for the 2002 World Cup, the Greek FA decided to look abroad for a coach.   look after的词典解释   1. 照料;照顾;照管   If you look after someone or something, you do what is necessary to keep them healthy, safe, or in good condition.   e.g. I love looking after the children...   我喜欢照顾小孩。   e.g. People don"t look after other people"s property in the same way as they look after their own.   人们是不会像照管自己的房产那样照管别人的房产的。   2. (尤指作为工作)料理,打理   If you look after something, you are responsible for it and deal with it or make sure it is all right, especially because it is your job to do so.   e.g. ...the farm manager who looks after the day-to-day organization...   负责日常管理工作的农场经理   e.g. We"ll help you look after your finances.   我们将会帮您理财。
2023-07-10 06:32:341

look at , look up , look for , look after 分别什么意思。怎么用》?

2023-07-10 06:32:412

look after怎么读

look after的中文意思英 [luk ɑ:ft] 美 [lk ft]基本解释照顾; 照料; 料理; 打理look after的单语例句1. He read a lot of books to learn how to look after it and later spent most of his pocket money on buying more beetles.2. After receiving their call, the police immediately set off to look for them.3. Just as a car needs an oil and lube to keep it running, we need to look after our body parts to keep our sex drive running hot.4. She said Dai came to the council in November after he left a rehabilitation center, seeking help to stay clean and look for a job.5. Having a good job is pretty important to many women - that is unless they can find a wealthy husband to look after them.6. Last May the local neighborhood committee paid three domestic helpers to look after the widowed, childless man.7. But after he joined the choir and eventually started singing on stage, he began to look and act differently.8. After Poly Group took over, the theater began to take a close look at the performance market.9. After failing to qualify for the 2002 World Cup, the Greek FA decided to look abroad for a coach.
2023-07-10 06:33:031


ue63cBabies are not easy - - - (look) after.为什么用to look答案: Babies are not easy to look (look) after. 【be easy to do sth】做某事很容易 用不定式 有不会的可以再问我雨露学习互助
2023-07-10 06:33:532

look after 与take care of与take about与care for 的区别

意思是不同的.look after适用于医生对病人的照顾以及主人对宠物的照顾.take care 一般口语化颇多,例如老外在分手的时候会说take care,意思就是好好照顾自己.或者I will take care of it.意识是说我会多关照他的或者...
2023-07-10 06:34:001

look after 和take care of的区别

look after = take care of 照顾;照看look after well = take good care of 精心照顾;悉心照料
2023-07-10 06:34:082

look at和look for还要look after的区别

2023-07-10 06:34:163

look after的用法及同意短语

一、look after 照管,照料,照料;注意,关心 1、I can look after myself. 我能照料自己. 2、I must look after my old grandma. 我必须照顾我的老奶奶. 3、We look after the baby carefully. 我们小心地照看着婴儿. 二、同义词 1、take care of 他们会悉心照料刚出生的孩子. They take care of their babies from birth. 2、tend 牛仔尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的男子 A hired man,especially in the western United States,who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback. 3、fend for It is time you left home and learnt to fend for yourself. 你应该离家自立了.
2023-07-10 06:34:311

look after 英语翻译

2023-07-10 06:34:436

look after等于什么词组除了take care of?

look after等于care for词组除了take care of照顾
2023-07-10 06:35:101

look after的用法

look after oneself/sb: make sure that one/sb is safe and well; take care of oneself/sb 照料、 照顾或照看自己[某人] look after sth: be responsible for sth 负责某事物
2023-07-10 06:36:131


look after意思:1.注视。2.照顾, 照看(人或某物)。英语解释:keep under careful scrutiny.相似短语:look after v. 1.注视 2.照顾, 照看(人或某物)。look after piglets 护养仔猪。look after a baby 照顾孩子。quick after look 快速二次查询。look after number one 照顾自己的利益, 为自己打算。look before and after 瞻前顾后。by the look of it 看样子。Look in 往里看,查阅,顺道走访。look into ph. 1.在...里查资料;深入地检查,研究;调查。look on to 向外眺望,俯视,朝向,对着。相似单词:look v.1.[I] [look (at sb/sth)]看;瞧;望2.[I,T] [look at sth] (尤用于祈使句) 瞧;看3. 看起来,看上去,像是;after prep.1.在...以后。2.在...后面;随...之后 。3.低于;次于 。4.鉴于,由于 。5.仿照,模仿 。6.依照;按照...的名字。7.尽管 。8.搜寻,寻找 conj.look in n. 观察,成功的机会,迅速一瞥,看望,短暂的访问,走马看花。there in after 【法】 在下文, 在下文中。after 【前缀】 (构成形容词)表示"...之后的"(如:an after-dinner speech一篇餐后讲话, after-tax profit税后利润)。look over n. 检查。look see n. 调查,视察旅行,望远镜。side look n. 侧视,斜视。look at me 【计】 中断信号。look alike n. 面貌酷似的人。
2023-07-10 06:36:202

look after,人称代词时要不要放入他们中间

不要。只有后面那个是副词的情况下,人称代词才放中间,例如look it up。after 在这儿是介词,后面必须跟一个宾语,所以只能说 look after it。 祝学习好! 请及时采纳哦~~~~
2023-07-10 06:36:381

look after的同义句是什么?

2023-07-10 06:36:472

look after+动词还是副词 如look after careful或carefully,理由

look after sb. carefully副词啊 动词后面接副词
2023-07-10 06:36:541

look after后面加he还是him

2023-07-10 06:37:023

look after和take care of的区别

look after和take care of的区别:take care of照顾,负责,处理,意思广泛,是处理照顾一些普通的人,或事。look after指的是照顾需要照顾的人,有看的紧点的意思。 look after和take care of的区别 意思不同 look after意思:照料;照顾;照管;(尤指作为工作)料理,打理 take care of意思:处理;应对;照顾;照看;看护 用法不同 look after用法:基本意思是“为了看清某物而有意识地向某一方向看去”,指使用人的视力,强调的是有意地“看”的动作。 take care of用法:care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。 侧重点不同 look after侧重点:look after适用于医生对病人的照顾以及主人对宠物的照顾。 take care of侧重点:比较口语化一点,有局限性,比如让人照料什么东西。
2023-07-10 06:37:091

Look after的同义词是什么?

look after 1.take care of;attend to照顾 *John"s mother told him to look after his younger brother.约翰的母亲告诉他好好照顾弟弟. *She has looked after her elderly parents for many years.多年来她一直照顾她年迈的父母. *When he went to Europe,Mr.Jenkins left his son to look after the business.詹金斯先生去欧洲时,把生意交给儿子照管. 2.follow(a departing person or thing) with the eye 目送 *My mother stood at the gate and looked after us as we walked toward the railway station.我妈妈站在大门口,目送着我们向火车站走去. attention to;concern oneself with 对…关注;为…操心He knows how to look after his own interests.他知道如何照顾到他自己的利益. *Don"t look after your own interests to the exclusion of those of others.不要只顾自己的利益而不顾别人的利益.
2023-07-10 06:37:231

look after同义词

take care of
2023-07-10 06:37:312

…look after造句

你好!Don"t worry, mum. I can look after myself very well. 妈妈别担心,我可以把自己照顾好的。
2023-07-10 06:37:395

look after能连读吗?

2023-07-10 06:37:565

look after与happend的用法

1、look after 意思是“照顾,保管”。是动词与介词组成的词组,后可跟名词/ 代词/ 反身代词。如:1). We should look after ourselves .2). He has to look after his sister at home.2、happen 意思是“发生”,是不及物动词,后不能直接跟宾语,如果要跟宾语要加相应的介词,不能用于被动语态。如:What happened to you yesterday ?
2023-07-10 06:38:301

look after的宾语放在哪?after是介词也是副词,如何是好?

look after 中色 after 是介词,宾语放其后 如: I must look after my pet dog. I have to look after him. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-07-10 06:38:371


lookaftersb的意思是:照顾。一、网络释义点此查看lookaftersb的详细内容 照顾某人...看起来好吃lookdelicious照顾某人lookaftersb.受到威胁beindanger... 照料某人...他礼貌且乐于助人。Heispoliteandhelpful.照料某人lookaftersb.寻找某人/某物lookforsb/sth... 照顾...lookaboutforsth四处寻找lookaftersb照顾lookatsth看,浏览,检查...lookaftersb的相关临近词look、lookon点此查看更多关于lookaftersb的详细信息
2023-07-10 06:38:441

look after中间是否能有代词?

2023-07-10 06:38:534


“look after” 是一个延续性动词。它表示"照料,照顾,照管"等意思,通常用于描述一段时间内持续进行的动作或状态,因此它是一个延续性动词。例如:"I will look after the baby while you go out."(你出去的时候,我会照顾好这个宝宝的。)"The nurse looks after her patients in the hospital every day."(护士每天都在医院里照顾她的病人。)
2023-07-10 06:39:011

look after 是一个动词么?如果不是,那是什么.

是一个动词词组,照顾的意思.例如:I will look after your parents.我会照顾你父母的.追问:它是需要用副词做修饰么?顺便问一下,副词放在动词前面还是后面 回答:它不是需要,是可以用副词做修饰.副词可以放动词前和...
2023-07-10 06:39:081

look after 与take care of的区别

go through.一般从空间穿过across从平面穿过take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after.如:① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out.相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的...
2023-07-10 06:39:151

look after的词性

look after属于动词词组。也就是以动词为中心词的词组,一般由动词+介词或是动词+副词构成。此外常见的还有介词词组,一般由介词+名词构成,如:in the morning.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!
2023-07-10 06:39:321

look(see) after sb.中,after 是介词还是副词?为什麼?

look after sb 中after 是介词所以代词做宾语不能放中间如My parents look after me very well。
2023-07-10 06:39:524