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be fill of与be filled with有什么区别要详细解释

2023-07-09 18:26:56

fill这个词本来就带有被动意义的,意思是使装满。be full of=be filled with=被装满


应该是be full of


应该是be full of


be full of = be filled with,后者是被动语态的一种


be full of是什么意思

2023-07-09 16:42:005

be full of是什么意思

be full of 英[bi: ful u0254v] 美[bi fu028al u028cv] v. 充满; 横生; 盈; 满腹; [例句]My sunlight, because I be full of to the future fine hope.我阳光,因为我对未来充满美好的希望。
2023-07-09 16:42:141


befullof的意思是充满…(的)。be full of 和full of的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,侧重点不同。be 是当成 be动词使用的,full of是形容词作表语。be full of可以构成 SVC 句型,即主系表句型。作为后置定语,不能单独写成句子,而只能跟着所修饰的先行词,一般是名词的后面。full of 和be full of区别一、指代不同1、be full of:充满…(的)。2、full of:洋洋得意,自以为是。二、用法不同1、be full of:full的基本意思是“满,充满”,指容器或空间不能再装下某物或人,也可表示“吃饱了”。full引申可表示“完全,全部”。2、full of:full作“满的”解时是绝对意义的形容词,不用于比较等级。但作“完整的”解时可用于比较等级。full用作形容词时在句中作定语或表语。三、侧重点不同be full of:可以构成SVC句型,即主系表句型。full of:作为后置定语,不能单独写成句子。
2023-07-09 16:42:211

be full of, 同义短语有哪些,区别在哪

1、be full of : I am full of confidence.这里是动词(be)+full of 2、full of: I will succeed with full of confidence.这里的 full of 是一个短语,修饰后面的名词,一起做句中状语成分 3、be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. 4、be full of 侧重于状态 The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 5、full是形容词, full of sth是“装满了,充满了”的意思, 在full前加上系动词be,就可以组成句子了~ fill是填充的意思,是及物动词, fill..with..就是“用..来装..”的意思 它的被动态“filled with sth”就是“被装满..”,加上系动词就可以表达完整的句子了. 此外呢,如果不用系动词,直接用full of和filled with,可以做为表示状态的状语. he ran away,full of guilty. 他跑开了,带着满满的内疚
2023-07-09 16:43:021

be full of 和be filled with区别是什么?

点拨:结构不同、侧重点不同、具体含义不同、适用语境不同。full of更强调状态,尤其强调“满满的”状态; filled with更强调动态的过程1.两者的语态不同。 full of是主动的语态,意为充满……强调“满了”的状态,更强调状态,尤其强调"满满的"状态;be filled with是被动语态; 意为被……装满,强调“被装”的动作,更强调动态的过程。3.两种语态表达意思相同,在某种特定情况下,要强调被装满,就用被动语态,其他情况用哪种语态都可以。This room is full of people.这个房间人很多,很挤。 This balloon is filled with air.这个气球是用空气吹的。 具体含义不同 full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语。 fill是动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成befilled with,表示.......装满”。| saw a house which was full of people.我看到一个满是人的屋子。 Fill the bottle with water.用水把瓶子装满。 适用语境不同当表示某种事物的程度为“非常”的时候,只能用be full of。The young man is full of pride.那个年轻人非常骄傲。
2023-07-09 16:43:102

用Be full of 造句

be full of 意为装满,填满,主语可以是人,也可以是物,造句有:1、The classroom is full of students.教室里满是学生。2、The club seemed to be full of eccentrics.这个俱乐部里好像都是怪人。3、Her life was full of drama.她的生活充满激动人心的事情。4、The subject may be full of interest to you, but it holds no interest for me.这个问题即使你兴味盎然,我也是兴味索然。5、Their conversation was full of blasphemy.他们的谈话中充满了渎犯神灵的言词。扩展资料:另外,be full of & be filled with 都是充满的意思,用法如下:be full of和be filled with都表示“充满”,但be full of侧重满的状态,而be filled with则侧重装满的动作或东西。例:Few startups happen in Miami, for example, because although it"s full of rich people, it has few nerds.迈阿密很少有创业公司,因为尽管那里有很多的富人,但是没有痴迷科研的人。句子结构分析:Few startups是主语,happen是谓语(happen是不及物动词),in Miami是状语,for example, because引导原因状语从句;although引导状语从句,it是主语,is full of是谓语,rich people是宾语,it是主语, has是谓语,few nerds是宾语。
2023-07-09 16:43:191

be full of可以+不可数n.吗?

可以如The bottle is full of water.这个瓶子装满了水。
2023-07-09 16:43:335

be full of和be filled with 有什么区别

be filled with = be full ofbe filled with = be full of 充满,装满 如:The bottle is filled with water .瓶子里装满了水。注意:Filled with courage , he went into the cave .此处filled 表示“充满了的”指处于一种状态。比较:be crowded with 挤满的,与be filled with 有所不同。如:The room is crowded with guests.房间里挤满了客人。此外,fill作为动词可用其主动形式,亦可构成另外短语。如:Fill the bottle with sand .把瓶子装满沙子。Fill in the blanks .填空。be full of…→be filled with…充满…①The classroom was full of students.教室里挤满了学生。②Her eyes were full of tears.她眼泪汪汪的。
2023-07-09 16:44:007

“be full of”和“be filled with”有什么区别?

2023-07-09 16:44:332

be full of的同义词

be full of的同义词 释义1:充满 be filled with,fill in 同义词辨析 be filled with充满 被动结构,强调被充满,侧重于动作和装的东西,一般容器是主语。 fill in装满 表示“把东西放满在……里”,不表示“把东西放满在……上”。 be full of填满 在句中作表语或后置定语。是主动结构,侧重于满的状态。
2023-07-09 16:44:421

用Be full of 造句?

be full of 意思是装满eg. The bottle is full of milk. 瓶子里装满了牛奶 . The room is full of people. 房子里满是人。 He is full of anger towards his parents.他对父母满是怨气。
2023-07-09 16:44:492

be full of ,full with ,be filled with 和full of 的区别及用法

2023-07-09 16:44:572

be full of和be filled with 有什么区别

2023-07-09 16:45:063

be full of sth.中,是be full of 做谓语,sth.作宾语。还是be系动词

答案是:主要是及物动词与连系动词的区别主语+及物动词(谓语)+宾语 westudy english主语+连系动词+表语 heisclever~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
2023-07-09 16:45:143

be fill of 与 be full of的区别

be filled with
2023-07-09 16:45:235

be full of、be filled with和full of有什么区别(举例说明)?

2023-07-09 16:45:392

求be filled with和be full of的区别~!

2023-07-09 16:45:596

be full of 前是不可数名词时,be 用什么? 一般现在时态

is 或者was 在情态动词后或其他使用动词原形的情况下用原形be 一般现在时一般用is 但是也有 Our life cannot always be full of happiness but it can always be full of love!
2023-07-09 16:46:151

be full of 的过去式

was/were full of
2023-07-09 16:46:231

求解一个英语题:full of和be full of的区别!

如果是填B一个句子里就有两个动词了,要用B的话可以这么说:I have two boxes which are full of photo frames.
2023-07-09 16:46:491

be full of的be什么时候去掉

2023-07-09 16:46:571

full of. be full of区别

2023-07-09 16:47:042

full of和be full of有什么区别

2023-07-09 16:47:111

be full of后面能跟形容词吗?be full of unexpected怎么解释?

在这里unexpected应该是代指unexpected things,也就是出乎意料的事,be full of unexpected的意思就是充满了意外
2023-07-09 16:47:302

be full of =什么?(英文)

2023-07-09 16:47:384

be crowded with和be full of 的区别

2023-07-09 16:47:451

full of 和be full of 的区别

2023-07-09 16:47:566

be full of 中的be 动词的单复数形式是根据主语还是宾语?

be full of 中的be 动词的单复数形式根据主语的变化而变化,主谓一致原则。
2023-07-09 16:48:133

和be full of有关的短语之间的转换

be full of意思是 充满,装满The bottle is full of water.瓶子里装满了水。同义句转换就是The bottle is filled with water.瓶子被装满了水。所以 be full of 的同义词组就是 be filled with.
2023-07-09 16:48:221

be full of sth.中,是be full of 做谓语,sth.作宾语。还是be系动词

答案是:主要是及物动词与连系动词的区别主语+及物动词(谓语)+宾语 westudy english主语+连系动词+表语 heisclever~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
2023-07-09 16:48:313

be full of 和be filled with区别

be full of和be filled with的结构不同、侧重点不同、适用语境不同。be full of是主动结构,be filled with被动结构。be full of更强调状态,尤其强调“满满的”状态;be filled with更强调动态的过程。full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语。fill是动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”。The next day he"d be full of contrition, weeping and begging forgiveness. 第二天,他就会懊悔不已,哭着乞求原谅。 The future seems to be full of hope. 前途看来充满希望。 The air seemed to be full of pink mist. 空中弥漫着粉红色的雾。 All at once, I noticed that my wife seemed to be filled with alarm. 我突然觉察到我的妻子好象十分惊恐。 On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚, 天空中布满了恒星。 We are be filled with exultation in the new victory. 我们在新的胜利中欢欣鼓舞。
2023-07-09 16:48:391

be full of是什么意思

[bi fu028al u028cv]v. 充满; 横生; 盈; 满腹
2023-07-09 16:48:593

be full of 和full of的区别,请详细讲,谢谢

be full of be 是当成 be动词使用的,full of是形容词作表语。be full of可以构成 SVC 句型, 即 主系表句型。例句:The room was full of visitors.full of = which is/are full of作为后置定语,不能单独写成句子,而只能跟着所修饰的先行词,一般是名词的后面。例句:They came into a room full of visiting guests.full of 修饰 room。
2023-07-09 16:49:074

be full of,

2023-07-09 16:49:361

be full of 和 be filled with有什么区别

be full of 是形容词短语,表示状态。
2023-07-09 16:49:449

full of 和be full of 的区别 请讲讲语法上的区别.

1.full of美音:["ful əv]英音:["ful əv] full of的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1.充满...的 The room is full of young people. 房间里全是年轻人. 2.全神贯注于...的 He was full of his own importance. 他只想着自己. 2,be full of 侧重于状态 example: The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词; full,与“满”有关. full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语.
2023-07-09 16:50:321

2023-07-09 16:50:401

full off和be full of,的区别

be full of:full的基本意思是“满,充满”,指容器或空间不能再装下某物或人,也可表示“吃饱了”。full引申可表示“完全,全部”。?2.full of:full作“满的”解时是绝对意义的形容词,不用于比较等级。但作“完整的”解时可用于比较等级。full用作形容词时在句中作定语或表语。
2023-07-09 16:50:472

be full of, 同义短语有哪些,区别在哪

1、be full of : I am full of confidence.这里是动词(be)+full of 2、full of: I will succeed with full of confidence.这里的 full of 是一个短语,修饰后面的名词,一起做句中状语成分 3、be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. 4、be full of 侧重于状态 The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 5、full是形容词, full of sth是“装满了,充满了”的意思, 在full前加上系动词be,就可以组成句子了~ fill是填充的意思,是及物动词, fill..with..就是“用..来装..”的意思 它的被动态“filled with sth”就是“被装满..”,加上系动词就可以表达完整的句子了. 此外呢,如果不用系动词,直接用full of和filled with,可以做为表示状态的状语. he ran away,full of guilty. 他跑开了,带着满满的内疚
2023-07-09 16:50:541


2023-07-09 16:51:011

be full of ,full with ,be filled with 和full of 的区别及用法

be full of be filled with可以通用如:The room is full of people.=The room is filled with people.
2023-07-09 16:51:112

full of. be full of区别

full of 不能做谓语,只能做定语be full of 做谓语
2023-07-09 16:51:302

be full of、be filled with和full of有什么区别(举例说明)?

be full of= be filled with前者是主系表结构,full为形容词满的,后者为被动语态,fill为充满的意思。full of 前要加be动词The room is full of people=The room is filled with people.fill sth.with sth. 用……把……充满Fill the bottle with water.
2023-07-09 16:51:391

be full of与be full with的区别

2023-07-09 16:51:471

full of和be full of有什么区别

其实二者没区别,都是充满之意.只是在用法所作成分不同而已 例如: I am full of confidence.这里是动词(be)+full of I will succeed with full of confidence.这里的 full of 是一个短语,修饰后面的名词,一起做句中状语成分
2023-07-09 16:52:101

be full of ,full with ,be filled with 和full of 的区别及用法

full是形容词,full of sth呢就是“装满了,充满了”的意思,在full前加上系动词be,就可以组成句子了~~fill是填充的意思,是及物动词,fill..with..就是“用..来装..”的意思它的被动态“filled with sth”就是“被装满..”,加上系动词就可以表达完整的句子了。此外呢,如果不用系动词,直接用full of和filled with,可以做为表示状态的状语。he ran away,full of guilty.他跑开了,带着满满的内疚这两个词组意思相近,但相对而言,be full of更强调状态,尤其强调“满满的”状态;be filled with更强调动态的过程。i.e.this room is full of people.这个房间人很多,很挤this balloon is filled with air.这个气球是用空气吹的(是不是能想象出吹气球的过程呢~~)
2023-07-09 16:52:181

be filled of和be full of的区别

be full of= be filled with前者是主系表结构,full为形容词满的,后者为被动语态,fill为充满的意思.full of 前要加be动词The room is full of people=The room is filled with people.fill sth.with sth.用……把……充满Fill the bottle with water.
2023-07-09 16:52:251

be full of和be filled with 有什么区别

①:be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 example:The basketball is filled with apples by the old man.②:be full of 侧重于状态 example:The bottle is full of water.区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词;fill是动词.full,fill二者均与“满”有关.full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语.fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”.
2023-07-09 16:52:351

be full of 和be filled with区别是什么?

有以下区别:1、结构不同be full of 是主动结构,be filled with 被动结构。2、侧重点不同be full of更强调状态,尤其强调“满满的”状态;be filled with更强调动态的过程。3、具体含义不同full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语。fill是动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”。4、适用语境不同当表示某种事物的程度为“非常”的时候,只能用be full of。例如:The young man is full of pride.那个年轻人非常骄傲。
2023-07-09 16:53:271

be full of,be full in 和be full with

be filled with = be full of 有be full with吗? ①:be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 example: The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. ②:be full of 侧重于状态 example: The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词;fill是动词。 full,fill二者均与“满”有关。 full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语。 fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”。
2023-07-09 16:53:471