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2023-07-09 10:23:42

The Sign of Four

Sherlock Holmes is a great detective with an amazing brain. “The Sign of Four” is one of the most interesting stories about him. He"s fantastic reasoning make readers admire.

The person who wrote these stories is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He was also a legendary person. Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in England. His mother often told him some legends when he was a little boy. In 1876, he started to study Medicine in college. At that time, he met Doctor Joseph Bell, and he was the prototype of Sherlock Holmes. Doctor Bell often used reasoning to help him to know the sickness. Conan Doyle became a doctor in the south Pacific after college. He started to write stories there when he was free. His first story about Sherlock Holmes is “A Study in Scarlet”.

“The Sign of Four” is a story about greed and lures. The words on a piece of old paper that folded neatly, the words on a piece of old paper on the case with a nail and the words on a piece of paper from the notebook are all “The Sign of Four”. The whole story is about the great Agra treasure. Four prisoners found it, but their ally, Major Sholto betrayed them. He got the treasure by himself and never come back. After ten years, the daughter of another ally, Mary Morstan, went to meet Holmes and wanted him to survey it. Four people have died because of the great Agra treasure. Sherlock Holmes found the truth at last. The treasure was lost, and it never brings people happiness. Except Watson, he got married with Miss Morstan at last.

When I first read this story in English, I just felt angry with the prisoner who wanted the Agra treasure at last. But when I finished the original edition, I have understudied many things that didn"t write in the cut version. How greedy when people become rich! If I was as rich as them, will I become crazy? That was a horrible question. I can"t imagine if that all the people in the world become greedy and want to revenge, what will happen.

“Although the devil was killed by the knight of justice, but the knight was also has the baptism by the devil, and became the soul of evil.”

That"s what happens to Small, one of the four prisoners. At first, he was reasonable, because his ally betrayed him. But now, he and his friend Tonga become evilly after they killed Bartholomew for the treasure. Holmes didn"t forgive him.

I can remember that someone said: “Even so, I will not sympathize with him, just as you kill him, he put you into a criminal, and this choice is ridiculous! Even if there is any reason, must not choose the wrong answer! ”


这个我告诉你啊,你在word里写好后利用百度词典英文翻译 就行啦



lure 英[lu028au0259(r)] 美[lu028ar] n. 吸引力,魅力;诱惑物;诱饵 vt. 吸引,引诱;用引诱物召回(猎鹰) 第三人称单数:lures;过去分词:lured;名词复数:lures;现在分词:luri... [例句]I was attracted to the lure of the unusual.成为一个非同寻常的人对我是种诱惑。
2023-07-09 05:57:191


2023-07-09 05:57:306


2023-07-09 05:57:556


perhaps:副词状语it:主语is:be动词the desire:表语for之後的一大串:目的状语剩下就没什麼可分析的了。或许这是渴望独居,或是渴求种机会,能有些意外发现,能吸引人们深入了解地球。
2023-07-09 05:58:134


2023-07-09 05:58:201


Directly above; 他们正在正上方的木匠铺子里睡觉。 They are sleeping in the carpenters shop directly above. 桌子正上方有一盏灯。 There is a lamp over the table. 扩展资料   塑料片的低点必须在杯子正上方中央,且与杯子的距离不超过3英寸。   The low point of the sheet must be centered directly over, and no more than three inches above, the cup .   尼罗河的"主要支流白尼罗河发源于位于非洲中东部的世界第二大淡水湖维多利亚湖的正上方。   The main branch of the Nile, the White Nile, starts just above Lake Victoria, the world"s second largest fresh-water lake, in east central Africa.   这些注解位于以下3个字段的正上方:company、quantityInStock和model。   These occur just above three fields: company, quantityInStock, and model.   在lures的getter方法的正上方,可以看到适当的注解,完全匹配构造器中使用的注解。   Just above the getter for lures, you can see the appropriate annotation, which perfectly matches the annotation used in the constructor.   吸气双手收回正上方,再呼气向左伸展。   Inhale back to the center and twist to the left.
2023-07-09 05:58:271


2023-07-09 05:58:363


2023-07-09 05:58:563


1.诺盾,款式比较全的一家,而且春夏秋冬一年四季的睡衣都有的,基本上你想要的面料和款式在这家店都可以买到。面料也是多种多样的,有冰丝的也有纯棉的,价格比较平价 2.甜心时报Darlbabypapnews,平价店一个了,而且睡衣的种类也是比较多,但风格上比较统一,大多都是偏甜美一些的 3.ANNZ原创,原创设计店,而且款式是超级有个性的一家,款式可选的也很多。这季上的夏天款材质大多都是冰丝的,所以穿上后会比较凉爽舒适。还是特别表扬其设计了,款式很高级,有些睡衣真的可以穿出去,很有时尚大牌的设计感 4.思莉太太,,偏性感风格,
2023-07-09 06:00:434


冰湖钓鱼是现在很火的一款钓鱼游戏,很多玩家纷纷加入钓鱼的行列,工欲善其事,必先利其器,那么游戏中有哪些钓鱼工具呢,这里深空高玩为大家带来攻略,大家一起来看看吧。钓鱼工具介绍游戏中有五种不同的鱼钩。通过按压每款鱼钩上的黄色信息按钮可以查看该鱼钩适用哪种鱼类。有些鱼钩专门针对某一种鱼,但是其他鱼种有机会吃鱼饵还是要吃的。没有绝对的方法去使用每一款鱼钩,但在下面的指南中会结合其他附加信息推荐你去选择哪种鱼钩。MormyshkaMormyshka是非常好用的鱼钩适用于所有条件,几乎可以钓所有鱼种,甚至也可以钓小鱼。在鱼不想吃鱼饵的时候,它可能会引诱鱼去吃鱼饵。有利也有弊,不推荐在强风和深水使用该鱼钩。使用该鱼钩的最好方式是慢慢移动它,而不是在洞周围乱晃。动作快点会吸引鱼靠近,但也许会把鱼吓走。这种鱼钩没必要使用鱼饵,但是推荐你还是放点吧。BalancedBalanced鱼钩比其它的要难用些,比较适合钓那种有吃小鱼倾向的大鱼。因此相比其他鱼钩,可钓的鱼种更有限。该鱼钩需要配备中款或者重款鱼竿。使用该鱼钩的最好方式是快速垂拉。在拉的同时需要暂停一下,好让鱼钩有时间落到低一点的位置直到放完。该鱼钩不需要鱼饵,但是可以自定义钩子的颜色让它看起来更有吸引力,或者吸引确切的鱼种。VerticalVertical鱼钩很容易用,并且在各种条件下都能很好的工作。它也可以把标准钩换成带颜色的钩子,是个多用途的鱼钩。使用该鱼钩的最好方式是垂拉,比Balanced鱼钩要拉的慢一点。跟Balanced比较相似,拉一下停一下。但是该鱼钩不是总能吸引鱼来吃,在怎样使用上它还是比较宽容的。推荐使用鱼饵或者彩色的鱼钩。SpoonSpoon适合捕中到大鱼。相比其他鱼钩,它的要求更多一点,因为它不需要鱼饵并且很难控制。仍然推荐用彩色鱼钩改装它。用它钓鱼是Mormyshka和Balanced鱼钩的结合,也取决于鱼更偏向哪一种类型。但通常轻微垂直晃动的方式让鱼吃鱼饵。SpinnerSpinner应该通过慢长运动移动它,然后放下。那些远一点被蓝黑条条吸引的鱼,也可以钓到。在拉与拉之间稍微松一松也不错。这款不适合快速移动。Augers游戏中可以获得三种钻头。三种轻中重钻头不同之处是刀片的宽度和钻的速度。小一点的钻头比大的更容快,更容易钻透冰层。大号钻头可钻大号冰洞,让最大的鱼可以穿过冰洞。Ultralight Rods超轻鱼竿Ultralight Rods或者UL Rods 比较适合Mormyshka。可以快速使用,并且具有非常好的敏感性,即使有非常小的鱼咬鱼饵。这个特性也是它的弱点。它不能和重型鱼钩一起使用。它具有最细的鱼线,所以大鱼很容易把鱼线弄断。Medium Rods中号鱼竿游戏开始解锁一个中号鱼竿,这款鱼竿适合所有情况并能钓到大多数鱼。它并不想超轻鱼竿那样敏感,所以很难看见小鱼上钩。尽管它的鱼竿比超轻鱼竿要厚一点,但也不能钓游戏中最大的鱼。所有的鱼钩都可以适配的这款身上。Heavy Rods大号鱼竿想要钓大鱼选择这款大号鱼竿。当这款鱼竿和大号钻头一起使用的时候,你就看不见小鱼咬鱼饵啦。但是即使在游戏中最大的什么玩意也不会逃走。这款鱼竿比其他两款使用起来更慢,但是收获大鱼对于渔夫来说还是比较好的。在以重量为基准的竞技模式中这款是特别好用的。Baits鱼饵游戏中大多数鱼钩都可以使用鱼饵。带有鱼饵的鱼钩更具有吸引力,并且鱼被引诱尝试吃鱼钩。游戏里有很多诱饵。每种诱饵都有特定的鱼种喜欢。大体上说所有的鱼种都可以吃蚯蚓尽管蚯蚓特别受某些鱼种的青睐。鱼对其他诱饵更倾向有选择性。(如果你想啥鱼都钓就用蚯蚓,钓某一种鱼用专用鱼饵)Lures鱼饵它可以吸引冰洞边上的鱼。如果与不吃,撒一把鱼饵可能会引诱鱼去疯抢。至少能都吸引鱼群靠近冰洞边一段时间。游戏里可以获得很多种鱼饵,所以每场比赛看鱼吃哪种鱼饵是比较明智的策略。Hooks钩子Balanced鱼钩,Vertical鱼钩和Spoon鱼钩都可以用钩子改装。三种鱼钩都可以使用标准钩子和鱼饵,或者彩色钩子。彩色钩子是鱼饵(baits)的最好选择。钩子不是消耗品,所以一旦解锁可以一直使用。捕特定鱼种的一种好方法是,用特定的彩色钩子去改装渔具。因此,你有明确想要钓的鱼,建议认真挑选鱼钩,并且换上彩色钩子和撒点鱼饵(lures)。
2023-07-09 06:01:541


进入游戏以后,出现的是一幅海图,海图上的绿色小艇就是玩家,你可以乘着小艇随意选择喜欢的地方钓鱼,当然,钓点的选择跟钓鱼种类和收获是很有关系的(告诉你个小秘密,跟着图上的走走停停的紫色小艇去钓准没错,它停的地方一般都是好钓点),选中后按摇杆或热键(5键是默认,可以自定义)就可以进入钓鱼的界面了。进入钓鱼界面后按一下摇杆或热键,右下角会出现力量控制器,力量越大抛竿越远,抛满竿奖10分,连续2次奖20,连续3次奖30……正上方是状态栏,第一栏左边显示的是你的经验值,右边显示的是你达到的级别;第二栏是距离标尺,深蓝色段代表你现在鱼竿所能抛的最远距离(共九格),它会随着鱼竿种类的不同而调整,抛竿后上面会覆盖一浅蓝色条,显示的是你抛竿的实际距离。第三栏是收杆力量控制标尺,鱼上钩(鱼咬钩时会发出“吱吱”声,屏幕上还会出现一个向下的箭头)后才会出现的,这时要马上就按摇杆或热键收线,以中间为基点,往右代表放线,往左代表收线,一旦收满或放满就会断线或脱钩,你的任务就是通过按按摇杆或热键时间长短,逐渐把距离栏里的浅蓝条收到头,这样鱼也就上来了。有些鱼很难钓,有些时候你放开按摇杆或热键以后,还是会出现收线时的情况,这时一定要快速的点按摇杆或热键,力量才会停止增长,否则就脱钩了。如果没有鱼咬钩,你就可以收杆重抛,在收杆过程中,鱼钩常会钩到海里的杂物,有石头、瓶子、轮胎、救生衣、漂流瓶、自行车架、奶罩、橡皮鸭、饵料桶、棕榈叶、冲浪板、钥匙、珊瑚、怀表、脚蹼、剪子、船锚、探鱼器、潜水面具等。这些杂物也能增加积分,有些还是任务要求,还是别乱扔好。想快速升级建议最好根据下面的老地图去钓海龟和鳄鱼,当然还有鲨鱼,级别高了可以去更多的地方垂钓。开始玩的时候大家尽量完成红色圆圈(接任务的地方)的任务拿经验(任务完成后变成绿色)。常常还会有钓鱼比赛,你选择参加,就会发现地图上会有好几艘船聚焦在一块,这时,你也挤到那儿去钓,就可以知道比赛要求得到的鱼,等于知道了某种鱼的所在。 绿色的飞机是机场,当你升到9级的时候可以乘机去阿拉斯加,10级去苏格兰,11级去泰国。不过,级别够了,想搭飞机去其它钓场时,会直接跳出游戏,破解不完整吧。黄色小屋是信息发布区及鱼具商店,进去后,第一个房间是比赛信息(Tournament Info board),是一些比赛信息和成绩榜;第二个是重要提示(Tips & Hints),这个要多读,里面会有许多钓鱼技巧;第三个度假信息(Resort Info),第四个是鱼具商店(Anglers Store)商店,在商店里可以购买新的鱼竿、鱼饵、渔轮和鱼线,其中——鱼竿(RODS)有三种1、Spin Casting Rod(普通杆),最远抛竿距离是7格2、Craphite Fishing Rod(碳素竿),3级时可得,最远抛竿距离是8格3、Long Cast Carbon Fiber Rod(加长碳素竿),8级可得,可以抛最远满格鱼饵(LURES)有七种,鱼饵跟钓鱼的种类很有关系,很值得研究的。1、Popping Plug(普通饵):鱼饵入水后下沉较快,收线时上浮也较快2、Floating Minnow(鲤科拟饵):鱼饵入水后下沉很慢,收线时上浮也很慢,4级可得,感觉咬钩率最大,最爱用这种了。3、Deep Diving Lure(深水饵):鱼饵入水后下沉很快,咬钩率不太大,5级可得4、Pro Diver(浮水饵):鱼饵抛出后是浮在水面上的,收线或鱼咬钩会下沉,6级可得5、Static Lure(静态饵);鱼饵入水后下沉很快,收线时鱼饵停在水底,7级可得,钓一些海底杂物很适合6、Magnet(磁铁),只能钩取海底的金属杂物,如船锚、探鱼器、自行车架、钥匙、怀表、百宝箱什么的,钓时应该抛完就收竿,收收停停,10级以上可以得到;7、鲨鱼饵(Shark Lure),只能钓鲨鱼,16级以上可以得到。8、特殊鱼饵(Special Lure )完成老头任务给的,鱼饵入水后下沉快渔轮(REELS)有三种:1、Light Spinning Reel 收线速度较快2、Slow Spinning Reel 收线速度很慢,7级可得3、Pro Gast Spinning Reel 收线速度很快,9级可得鱼线(LINE)有三种1、Monofilament Line(细线)2、Braided Line(粗线),3级可得3、Fluorocarbon Line(碳氟线),6级可得比赛图标,进去后会告诉你要求钓的鱼种和加分规则绿色巴士,通过它可以转车去内湖垂钓绿色小点是锁定点的,完成一定任务后才会开启,里面是些小游戏红色圆圈是接任务的地方,有个小孩或老头会告诉你要钓的东西,要努力完成,可以增加经验值或获得钓鱼辅助工具,完成后会变成绿色圆圈深度计,可以看到鱼饵入水情况,完成钓探鱼器任务后给的日期与时间,完成钓怀表和鳄鱼任务后给的剪子,可以剪断鱼线重抛,完成钓剪子任务后给的GPS导航仪,可以看到钓点的位置,完成钓美人鱼任务后给的游戏共有四个时段,分别是白天、日落(或日出)、夜晚,天气有晴和雨两种 任务一:任意一条鱼任务二:救生衣任务三:船锚任务四:旧怀表,完成后会显示钓鱼时间任务五:珊瑚任务六:探鱼器,完成后会出现一个深度计,可看见鱼饵入水情况任务七:剪子,完成后可用右软键剪断鱼线任务八:黑枪鱼(版本里没有了)任务九:4个旧轮胎,任务在内湖,得练到6级才能坐汽车进去接任务任务十:海龟任务十一:鳄鱼,完成后会显示钓鱼日历任务十二:潜水镜和脚蹼任务十三:5个船锚任务十四:比基尼胸罩任务十五:鳄鱼任务十六:公牛鲨任务十七:百宝箱任务十八:马鲹任务十九:蓝枪鱼任务二十:锯盖鱼任务二十一:锯盖鱼任务二十二:丝帆鱼任务二十三:蓝鳍鲹任务二十四:大白鲨任务二十五:幼梭鱼任务二十六:梭子鱼任务二十七:斧头鲨任务二十八:梭子鱼任务二十九:丝帆鱼任务三十:丝帆鱼任务三十一:幼梭鱼任务三十二:锯盖鱼任务三十三:非洲鲳鲹任务三十四:梭子鱼任务三十五:大白鲨任务三十六:Dorado旗鱼任务三十七:海蛇任务三十八:护士鲨任务三十九:马鲛鱼任务四十:大海鲢任务四十一:黄鳍金枪鱼任务四十二:马鲛鱼任务四十三:公牛鲨任务四十四:黑枪鱼任务四十五:护士鲨任务四十六:太平洋旗鱼任务四十七:幼梭鱼任务四十八:梭子鱼任务四十九:黑枪鱼任务五十:黄鳍金枪鱼任务五十一:护士鲨任务五十二:蓝鳍鲹任务五十三:公牛鲨任务五十四:公牛鲨任务五十五:非洲鲳鲹
2023-07-09 06:02:011

暮光之城flightless bird 英文歌词加中文翻译

2023-07-09 06:02:141


东鼎NED加盐内德浮水虾1.9-2.5-3寸路亚黑坑鲈鱼鳜鱼专用虾型软饵售价:25元起品牌:东鼎(运动户外)类别:路亚饵无所不能的软饵(八)浮水软饵浮水软饵,顾名思义是比重低于水的软饵。前面介绍的大部分饵,比如棒棒虫、都有沉水和浮水两种类型。浮水软饵实现浮水有两种方式:空心结构、浮水材料。空心结构的代表就是雷蛙。浮水材料一般是用比水的比重小的材料,比如TPR。大部分浮水软饵采取的是浮水材料,耐撕裂、抗拉伸。但TPR有个缺点,容易融化其它塑料,因此切忌将浮水软饵和沉水软饵放在一起。一、雷蛙/蛙形饵黑鱼在日本被称为雷鱼,钓黑鱼被称为雷强。钓黑鱼常用的空心蛙,则被称为雷蛙。不过还是国内的对钓黑鱼的称呼更传神,“打黑”。路亚雷强黑鱼出水的那一刻激情四射,我心澎湃,你们感觉怎么样,其实打黑就是为了上鱼的那一瞬间的感觉,感觉就是爽_哔哩哔哩_bilibili够不够刺激,过不过瘾!在野钓时一根UL竿就能愉快的玩耍的大部分北方地区,打黑格外另类。黑鱼,又称乌鱼,是北方不多的大型路亚鱼种。黑鱼喜爱在草区,比如下面这种就是典型标点。黑鱼对水质要求低,还能用冬眠的方式越冬,因此在北方分布较广。在国内路亚界,打黑是个专门的分类,有着专门的装备。黑鱼的颚骨坚硬,中鱼后需要暴力刺鱼,否则不容易打穿鱼嘴。同时黑鱼往往在障碍中,因此中鱼后也需要快速回鱼。这些都决定了打黑的装备比较重。重雷的雷强竿一般为XH,5号以上PE线。轻雷的雷强竿也得MH以上,3号以上PE线。想想,5号的pe线拉力值达到接近30公斤,除了打黑,北方淡水路亚基本没有这么重的需求。打黑一般采用水面系。一方面是符合黑鱼猎取青蛙的习性,另一方面也是因为水面系相对防挂。其实在北美,蛙形饵主要是用来钓鲈鱼。大口鲈鱼和狗鱼等大体型的鱼吃青蛙,是钓鱼人众所周知的事情。很早就有钓鱼人用木制的仿真青蛙作钓。商业蛙形饵也有着超过百年的历史。 Mechanical Frog早在1902年,Shakespeare公司就开始出售蛙形路亚,橡胶材质。Shakespeare antique fishing lures1902年Shakespeare硬橡胶蛙,注意没有螺旋桨后期版本在前面加了桨叶,产生更大的水花。
2023-07-09 06:02:401


查理芒格有个笑话,我印象深刻。(I tell about the guy who sold fishing tackle. I asked him, “My God, they"re purple and green. Do fish really take these lures?” And he said, “Mister, I don"t sell to fish.”) 芒格大概是这个世界上在世的最聪明的人之一,更难得的是,他同时有一种罕见的幽默感。查理是个重度钓鱼爱好者,《穷查理宝典》中有一张照片,查理在明尼苏达州卡斯湖成功钓到大鱼。这个场景注定了在查理随后的岁月里将会无数次的重复:不断的找到被低估的公司,然后大赚一笔。 《穷查理宝典》,这本纪录芒格智慧的书,不是一本容易读的书。但是却是少有的几本,值得你购买纸质版,放在床头,慢慢读,并且每隔几个月拿出来重新读一遍的书。 说它不容易读,是因为,如果你要完全读懂,有些章节需要一点专业知识的背景。这两天,我重新翻出来这本书,读到第八讲《2003年的金融大丑闻》,很好玩的故事,且意义重大。 这个故事里,查理用宽特科技的例子来说明,一家备受尊重的公司,是如何利用股票期权的记账法,“细水长流”的伪造利润20年,最后骗局败露,宽特科技股票暴跌90%,给投资者带来巨大的痛苦。 宽特科技,是个虚构的公司。但股票期权的记账法的历史问题,却是真实存在的。2005年以前,公司给员工发股票期权作为激励,是不计入为成本的。这样一来,一个公司,特别是人力成本大的公司,如果之前使用现金支付报酬,之后改为使用股票期权,对于报表利润的影响,是巨大的。 以宽特公司为例,通过这种激励措施的变化,公司披露的利润可以上涨400% (当然,为了不引起怀疑,管理层采用了细水长流的策略,也就是在20年里,每年将利润注水一点点) 。巴菲特在1998年致股东的一封信中说:股票期权不是成本么?如果不是,那是什么?如果这些成本不应该被包括在利润的计算里,那么他们应该包括在哪?(stock option aren"t a form of compensation, what are they? If compensation isn"t an expense, what is it? And, if expenses shouldn"t go into the calculation of earnings, where in the world should they go?– Buffett , 1998 letter) 直到2005年,在包括芒格和巴菲特在内的,很多良心的专业人士的推动下,这种情况终于有所改变。美国的会计行业要求股票期权计入成本。 这种处理有个重要的假定: 股票期权的市场价值是可以被准确计算的 。目前,很多公司采用Black–Scholes 公式估算期权的市场价值。 而这个公式有其合理性,但应用在比较长的期限内,会产生很荒谬的结果 。 这就导致,等到股票期权被行使时,账目上记录的总成本往往比实际发生的低很多 (见《穷查理宝典》重读第八讲)。 在2008年巴菲特致股东的信中也表达了类似的顾虑。 (" The Black–Scholes formula has approached the status of holy writ in finance ... If the formula is applied to extended time periods, however, it can produce absurd results.”– Buffett , 2008 letter) 有趣的是,又有另外一些专业人士,发明了一个指标: 经过调整的息税前利润(Ajusted EBITDA ,earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, andamortization)。在这里,包括股票期权在内的不跟现金相关的条目,被重新加回了息税前利润(EBITDA)。他们声称,这个指标,能更真实的反应企业的盈利情况。 真是这样么? 期权虽然在授予时,的确没有现金流出,但这对企业是一种真实的成本,未来在行权时会降低股东的价值。 我讲了这么多,是想说明,对于普通投资者来说,即使你懂得基本的财报知识,也有很多猫腻是你很难注意到的。之前我写过一篇《普通人最好的投资策略是什么?》,建议普通人选择指数基金,而不是自己选股。选股之所以需要比较专业的知识,从这个宽特科技的故事可见一斑。 这世界上花花绿绿的信息太多。想要钓到大鱼,提醒自己,别做芒格笔下,买紫色和绿色鱼饵的人。
2023-07-09 06:02:541


  阅读能力是学习英语的一个重要环节,为了帮助大家备考英语六级考试,下面我为大家带来英语六级晨读美文,欢迎大家阅读!   英语六级晨读美文篇一:   i am a twenty-two-year-old male, single, and live at home with my my age, i am always looking for a great girl to be with for the rest of my life. the perfect wife will be different to every man because no two men are looking for the same qualities in a wife. people say that the appearance of a mate should not make any difference, but it is nice to have someone decent-looking.the physical aspects of the girl will play an important role in whom i pick for my wife. i think overall, i want a slim-figured woman with a pretty face. i am a very energetic person, the type of person that cannot just stay home and do nothing. i would want a wife who would want to play a game of tennis or would go running with me.   i would want her to be involved with life instead of watching television or reading a book all night. she needs to be energetic, enjoy camping, boating, or just taking a couple of weeks off and traveling. the woman of my dreams must be full of energy and able to cope with everyday happenings. i would also like to have a wife who is well-educated. she does not necessarily have to have a four-year college degree but should be a girl who knows what is going on in the world. she must be ambitious in her career rather than relying on her hu *** and"s ine. she needs to be helpful, knowledgeable about financial and practical household matters. my wife must be intelligent enough to make decisions on her own without relying on me. she must be a woman with a brain as well as good looks. there is no doubt that the “perfect wife” is hard to find.i think no two people should be married until they are totally convinced that they are made for each other.   英语六级晨读美文篇二:   students playing truant appears to be a mon phenomenon in institutions of higher learning in this century.although most colleges and universities have strict regulations forbidding truancy, these regulations often prove less than understand what lures students to play truant despite possible punishment and to search for a solution to the problem, an *** ysis of the causes behind this phenomenon has been attempted.   a number of students play truant intentionally.after careful consideration,they decide to stay away from courses that they find outdated in content,dull in teaching material, and impractical in theory.   courses that are closely related to the students" special fields may also fail to inspire enthusia *** and attract students to the classroom. if we regard these reasons as “legitimate”, we will nonetheless find illegitimate ones. a considerable number of students, who value money and “experience” above knowledge,work on part-time jobs when they should be attending classes.   this is especially widespread among those fourth-year students who are anxious to find a satisfying job. others play truant unintentionally. they are, or rather, believe they are obliged to do so. many students have the habit of staying up late and sleeping late. as a result, they miss the morning classes.a number of students among this group plain that since morning exercises at 6:30 rob them of their early-morning sweet dreams, they are so exhausted and sleepy at class time that they go back to catch up on their sleep.then, there are “student leaders” who are occupied with students union activities and other events. there “leaders” are usually so fully occupied that they can barely spare any time or energy for their study and determine that they have no other choice than to skip several classes every week.   英语六级晨读美文篇三:   from the golden-tipped fields of mid-west america to the ancient kingdoms of verdant palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed. in more recent times, this truth has been expressed showers bring may flowers. this is a truth that promises light bursting from darkness,strength born from weakness and, if one dares to believe, life emerging from death. farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons. they know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest; everything must be done in its own time. although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness,ceasing all outdoor activities,the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and *** iles.despite the inconvenience,he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish.the torrential rains in the month of april,give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of may.but this ancient truth applies to more than the crops of the fields;it is an invaluable message of hope to all who experience tragedy in life.a dashed relationship with one can open up the doorto a brand new friendship with another.   a lost job here can provide the opportunity for a better job there.a broken dream can bee the foundation of a wonderful future.everything has its place.remember this: overwhelming darkness may endure for a night,but it will never overe the radiant light of the morning.when you are in a season of sorrow, hang in there, because a season of joy may be just around the corner...
2023-07-09 06:03:011

一首法语歌J’ai demandé à la lune的歌词,歌手是 Vox Angeli 。最好有中文翻译。Merci!

2023-07-09 06:03:092


  南锣鼓巷  Nanluoguxiang  南锣鼓巷 位于北京市东城区西北部,北起鼓楼东大街,南至地安门东大街,东与炒豆胡同、板厂胡同、东棉花胡同、北兵马司胡同、秦老胡同、前圆恩寺胡同、后圆恩寺胡同、菊儿胡同相通,西与福祥胡同、蓑衣胡同、雨儿胡同、帽儿胡同、景阳胡同、沙井胡同、黑芝麻胡同、前鼓楼苑胡同相通,属交道口街道办事处管辖。拆迁催生满街百万富翁  Gong lane is located in south Beijing north, northwest dongcheng district, south east street drum up to the ground, and the east street door with Fried bean bystreet, board factory bystreet, north east cotton bystreet, each department bystreet, qin old hutongs, former YuanEnSi bystreet, circle after the city zone bystreet, JuEr hutongs are interlinked, west and auspicious bystreet, SuoYi bystreet, rain is falling all bystreet, MaoEr bystreet, sunell group bystreet, shajing bystreet, sesame seed bystreet, former gulou, belong to JiaoDaoKou garden lane street offices jurisdiction. Demolition ecbolic street millionaire  南锣鼓巷,明朝属昭回靖恭坊,称锣锅巷。清朝属镶黄旗,称南锣鼓巷。南锣鼓巷之名,一说此地多为锣鼓商,又地处北锣鼓巷之南而得名;另一说是以平民命名的锣锅巷即今锣鼓巷。民国后沿称。“文化大革命中一度改称辉煌街,后恢复原名。据《天咫偶闻》记载:洪承畴府第在南锣鼓巷路西。  South of zhao Ming gong lane, jing zhou benchi and said to wok lane. We have got rich, says south of qing gong lane. Gong lane in the name of the place is more said, and is located in north gong gong lane and the south, Another said the wok on civilians named gong lane is now. After the republic. "During the" cultural revolution "was renamed street after recovery, brilliant. According to the days Zhi originally recorded HongChengChou:" I smell in the mansion of drum lane Lucy.  南锣鼓巷是北京最古老的街区之一,也位列规划中的25片旧城保护区之中。但是近几年,却成为许多时尚杂志报道的热点,不少电视剧在这里取景拍摄,许多国外旅行者把其列为在北京的必游景点。其实,明清以来,这里一直是“富人区”,居住过许多达官贵人、社会名流,从明朝将军到清朝王爷,从北洋政府总统到国民党总裁,从文学大师到画坛巨匠,这里的每一条胡同都留下历史的痕迹。  Gong lane is the one of the oldest neighborhoods in Beijing, the top 25 pieces and planning of urban area. But in recent years, but many fashion magazine, a series of hot here, many foreign travelers frame, the listed in Beijing will swim attractions. Actually, since Ming and qing dynasties, there is always "rich people"s region", lived many elite and celebrities from Ming to qing dynasty, from the general lures, President of beiyang government to the kuomintang President from literature masters to embrace the masters, every one lane leave traces of history.  “南锣鼓巷是北京东城区的一条很古老的街道,南锣鼓巷街道不宽,仍保持着元大都街巷、胡同的规划。其南口在地安门东大街,北口在鼓楼大街。它始建于元朝,南北长约1000米,东西各有8条对称的胡同,整齐地排列在两侧,从外形看犹如一条蜈蚣,所以又名“蜈蚣街”,是北京市重点保护的四合院街道。从南至北,东侧的八条胡同是:妙豆胡同、板厂胡同、东棉花胡同、北兵马司胡同、秦老胡同、前圆恩寺胡同、后圆恩寺胡同、菊儿胡同。西侧的八条胡同是:福祥胡同、蓑衣胡同、雨儿胡同、帽儿胡同、景阳胡同、沙井胡同、黑芝麻胡同、前鼓楼苑胡同。  "South of Beijing drum lane is a very old streets, south lane street is not wide, gong still holds the yuan dynasty, hutong. Street in the east gate to Ann nankou, north street in the drum street. It was founded in the yuan dynasty, about 1,000 meters long from south to north, things have 8 symmetrical bystreet, neatly arranged on both sides, look like a centipede from appearance, so" centipede street ", Beijing is the siheyun of protection from south to north street. And the eight lane is good: bean bystreet, board factory bystreet, north east cotton bystreet, each department bystreet, qin old hutongs, former YuanEnSi bystreet, circle after the city zone bystreet, JuEr hutong. West eight hutongs are: blessed SuoYi bystreet, cheung bystreet, rain is falling all MaoEr bystreet, hutongs, sunell group bystreet, shajing bystreet, sesame seed bystreet, former gulou garden lane.  纵跨炒豆、板厂两胡同的僧格林沁王府  Across the board, two Fried bean plant of hutong SengGeLinQin palace  进南锣鼓巷南口东面的第一条胡同,是炒豆胡同。炒豆胡同西口不远77号门旁,标有东城区重点文物保护单位的牌子,上写“僧王府”。僧王府是清代僧格林沁的王府。僧格林沁是蒙古科尔沁旗人,1825年袭封科尔沁郡王,1855年晋封亲王。他能征善战,但在历史上却是个毁誉参半的人物。1859年在大沽海战中他督军奋战,大败英法联军。1863年后又受命剿捻,在山东、河南、安徽镇压捻军。1865年5月,率部在山东曹州与捻军激战中阵亡。死后,其子伯彦诺谟诂承袭亲王爵,因而这一带的老住户,还称这所府址为“伯王府”,伯王曾任御前大臣,做过光绪的“谙达”(老师),教光绪骑射。  In south east: gong lane nankou, Fried bean hutongs hutongs. Fried bean hutong characteristics, far no.77 dongcheng key units to be protected with the brand, top write "monk wang." Monk qing palace is SengGeLinQin wang. SengGeLinQin is Mongolia khorchin banners, inheritance in 1825, 1855 king khorchin county jin seal primer. He can, but the efficiency in history is a got mixed character. In 1859, he fought in the battle dagu overseers, suffered by the anglo-french allied forces. 1863 years later, in shandong province was suppression twist twist, henan, anhui crackdown. In 1865, came in shandong province on May CaoZhou and twisting army was killed in battle. After the death of Abraham, YanNuoMo prince succeeded, and after LaoZhuHu of this area, also called the "job site for the government," the king wang was the queen, the lords doing guangxu AnDa "" (teacher), QiShe guangxu  原僧王府规模很大,前门在炒豆胡同,后门在板厂胡同,纵跨两个胡同。王府分中、东、西三路,各有四进。其中东路除正院外,还有东院四进,组成一个很大的建筑群。  The monk wang large front door in the hutongs, Fried beans in the hutongs, longitudinal cross two hutong. Wang points, east and west, four road. One road except courtyard, and the four into a large, complex.  民国后,府第被亲王的后代逐渐拍卖,被分成了许多院落。现在的炒豆胡同71号至77号(单号),板厂胡同30号至34号(双号),都是原王府的范围。  After the roc government, the prince was gradually auction, is divided into offspring for many courtyards. Now the Fried bean hutong 71 to 77 (single), in the hutongs 30-34 (double), is the original wangfu range.  炒豆胡同西口,是僧格林沁家的祠堂,也是一组很大的建筑。祠堂和王府建在一条胡同,在清朝是不多见的。现在这里被改建为“侣松园宾馆”。像这样幽静秀雅、古香古色的四合院宾馆,在北京也是不多见的。  Fried bean alley, SengGeLinQin characteristics of ancestral home is also a group of large buildings. Ancestral temple and built in a house in the qing dynasty, is rare. Now here was rebuilt in the hotel for the couple ". As such, the siheyun of ancient sweet patina and fair, is not in Beijing hotel.
2023-07-09 06:03:161


  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我为大家整理的Our City我的城市英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。   我的城市英语作文 篇1   Guangzhou is the capital of guangzhou. it is the biggest city in south china. and it is one of the most important cities in guangdong.   the population of guangzhou is more than 700 million. just like many cities, there are a lot of cars, buses and trucks. so the air in the city is not clean. guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city. but i like it best. because guangzhou is my home.   我的城市英语作文 篇2   Shanghai is a beautiful city in China.Shanghai is a good place to visit.In Shanghai there are many beautiful parks and museums.So many people like going to visit Shanghai.Shanghai isn"t cold in winter,but it"s quite hot in summer.Shanghai has a long history .I like Shanghai very much.   我的城市英语作文 篇3   Our city is a new and developing city,and was built at the beginning of 1980s.The infrastructure for water,gas,electricity and other energy in this area is complete and sufficient.From here one can travel to any place by sea,by air or by land.And there is a highway leading to the capital,Beijing.Besides there are many other advantages for the investors to work here.For example,the areas around this city are rich in natural resources.The public order is very nice and so on.The most impor ant.thing is that the government of this city supports foreign investors in many respects.In a sentence,this city is filled with enthusiasm and vigor.It is a good place for investors.   我们的城市是一座新兴的发展中城市,始建于20世纪80年代。这个地区的.基础设施(如水、气、电和其它能源)齐全并且充足。这里的海陆空交通便利,又有一条高速公路通往首都北京。除此之外,投资者在这里工作还有许多其他优势,例如,城市周围地区的自然资源丰富,公共秩序良好等等。最重要的是这个城市的政府多方面支持外国投资者。总而言之,这个城市充满激情和活力,是投资者的乐园。   我的城市英语作文 篇4   Guangzhou is the capital of guangdong. It is the biggest city in south china. And it is one of the most important cities in guangdong.The population of guangzhou is more than 15 millions. Just like many cities, there are a lot of cars, buses and trucks. So the air in the city is not clean. Guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city. But i like it most. Because guangzhou is my home.   我的城市英语作文 篇5   The dawn, and gradually began to illuminate the earth; All things are gradually recovered from unreal dream. When I open my dim eyes, saw the both prosperous city.   Walked out of the house and the whole city was towering skyscrapers to hang over into the clouds, each room also has a concrete block; Don"t know where to start, the hearts of the people like cement wall of the ruthless, indifference. The laughter of people in the city, and also completely submerged by the noisy sound of car.   Went into the city center, streets, of course, also become more beautiful and prosperous. Each of the streets are full of the store, convenience store, or some shop. For rural residents, although there is a one of the world is like heaven; But for those people who live long city, the wealth here is illusory, because in addition to money, almost nothing there, the rest of the things only deception and lies.   Returned home, the family at home waiting for me, kind regards, cooked food, let me feel warm. I think all of this, the likelihood is the only place where city can bring me warmth, also is one of the most valuable treasure.   This is the place where accompany me twelve years. Although there are so many things need to be improved, but the land was a part of my life, there are traces of my memory and the past, there is my relatives and friends. Hope all is my lifetime won"t forget.   我的城市英语作文 篇6   This is a busy city, originally with the milk of human kindness, but after years of science and technology of washing become indifferent, now the city is full of cheating, lies, for all their hidden danger of various.   From traffic can be seen in the streets of sin; but don"t have anyone to stop these things, just on the side look on coldly. That I used to know that warm, amiable city has disappeared, leaving only the crisis-ridden city.   Stream through the people on the streets in the city during the day, no one stop to enjoy the park trees and flowers, insect songbirds call... These beautiful things, just remember to keep hastily walked forward, and face with a look of ruthless, no one with a smiling face; Is the neon glare at night, and looked up, didn"t see any stars, only the overcast sky, The hustle and bustle and noise, in the middle of the night will calm down.   In the lineup to the building, densely populated cities, there are some people in silently to try for the desire of all and pay, those steep profits, careful not to help the city back to once upon a time the appearance of simplicity, peace, but this phenomenon become very little, so now only slowly, bit by bit, the original appearance of the city.   This is what I live in a city, it"s going to change back to more colorful, more safe city.   我的城市英语作文 篇7   i live in is a beautigul city.its my hometown.every year it attracts large number of tourists come here all over the world.we have ihu here and many places of interest.i think you will love it when you see it oneday.i want to grow up quickly.andj i will try my best to protect our city and make a contribution to it.i think if everyone protects it ,my city will becone much more beautiful.i love my city!   我的城市英语作文 篇8   Guangzhou is the capital of guangdong. It is the biggest city in south china. And it is one of the most important cities in guangdong.   The population of guangzhou is more than 700 million. Just like many cities, there are a lot of cars, buses and trucks. So the air in the city is not clean. Guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city. But i like it best. Because guangzhou is my home.   我的城市英语作文 篇9   My city wakes up with the cry of a baby.   A light of dawn rose slowly over the city. Open the city"s confused eyes.   I, climb up from a pinhole in the city. Quietly looking out the window, my city. Gently looking at the city"s face today.   In the face of a new day, I can predict is that the mobile phone sent every day the weather forecast. What I can"t predict is what will happen next minute in this city.   My city, is a full of fables, and full of the world of mortals.   And I, a vulgar body, can not walk into the world of Grimm"s fairy tales, also can not walk out of the city"s world of mortals.   I can only learn the clock on the wall, stepping on their own rhythm, to meet each new, unpredictable future. Walking in my city, calm and calm!   我的城市英语作文 篇10   The place where I live is a bustling and noisy city. Tall buildings around the meantime, highways, roads to run rampant, will be the whole city cut into pieces; It was the cacophony of noise, the flow of people, and all sorts of strange events. It, infused with mystery, lures the unsuspecting into its swamps of dazzle.   During the day, the sun falls, in the high-rise buildings covered with a pale golden rich, white window reflects the dazzling sunshine, bright people can not open their eyes; The city was roused from sleep by the rush of traffic and crowds. I roamed the streets of the city, watching all kinds of people pass by: commuters waiting for buses, old men walking their dogs, young children full of energy. Busy car sound, the voice of the human voice is incessant, pulled open the city profusion prelude.   Night falls, it is another amorous feelings. Dazzling neon lights, colorful signs lit up one by one, people walk among them, sink into the bustling desire of the city and unable to extricate themselves. The lively night market, all kinds of shops everywhere, make people"s desire more and more deep; And in the alleys, there is crime, danger everywhere, ruthless people ignore, cheap promises are common, full of illusory and untrue.   The city I live in is a prosperous and mysterious place, it is dazzling, illusory, all kinds of strange things are constantly happening; But once in a while, there is warmth. Ten thousand kinds of elegance woven into this lively city.   我的城市英语作文 篇11   Shen Zhen is my favorite city. It is a young and promising city.   I have been living in this city for over ten years. I love the seafood in this city as well as its beautiful scenes. In summer, I can go to the sea to see the sun rise, or enjoy the fresh cool sea water. On weekend, I can go to the park to have a walk. Shen Zhen is my hometown. When I grow up, I want to make contribution to this city and make it becomes a better city.   我的城市英语作文 篇12   Among the three cities,what I like best is City B.When we choose a city to live in,I think we should consider safety and climate first.Saety is the most important factor for citizens.If our safety can"t be ensured,il is not difficult to imagine what the result will be.On the other hand,climate is also very important.Good cliraate will benefit our health and make the environment beautiful and comfortable.   Of course,we couldn"t ignore the other factors about the city.such as emploument opportunity,entertainment and so on.But these,are not as important as safety and cli mate.As long as wc have good oducation and strong abilities,it"s no problem to get a good job though the cmployment chances are slim.   From the above chart,we can see that Cily B has the best climate and belier condition in safety among the three cities.City A.though its safely is botter than city B,has the worst climate.Though City C has the best ernployment opportunity and entertain ment,the safety in this cily is the worst.Wire it left,me to choose,I should not hesitare a moment to live in City B.   我的城市英语作文 篇13   Shanghai is my favourite city in China. It"s the biggest cities in China with an area of 6,340square kilometers and a population of 23.48 million. Moreover, Shanghai is the central city of our country. It"s the center of economy, technology, industry, finance and trade centre. Shanghai is also an emerging tourist city, with profound modern urban culture and many historical monuments. It has 初中政治 successfully held the 2010 World Expo. It has become an international city with its high reputation in the world. In my opinion, it looks like a highly motivated youth with courage, strong willpower and ambition. I look forward to working in such an energetic city in the future.   上海是我最喜欢的中国城市。它是中国最大的城市,面积达6340平方千里,人口达2.348亿。而且,上海是我国的中心城市,是经济,技术,工业,财政以及贸易中心。上海也是一座新兴的旅游城市,具有深厚的近代城市文化底蕴和众多的历史古迹。上海已经成功举行了2010世博会。它已经成为一个国际化大都市,在世界上享有很高的荣誉。在我看来,它看起来像一个充满活力的青年,拥有勇气,坚强的意志和野心。我希望将来能在这样一座充满活力的城市工作。
2023-07-09 06:03:251

维爱 维维爱 是一首英文歌 名字是什么?

2023-07-09 06:03:331


钓鱼线中编织线,使用高分子纤维编织而成,在不同纺纱、编织过程、涂层和结构塑造出不同线的独特感觉和特性。 我们钓友认为PE线就是编织线,这是个非常大误区,夏说钓鱼全面阐述编织线的历史、编织线制造等等,还原一个真相! 夏说钓鱼,聊海外钓鱼,助钓友钓技! 一、编织线材料 市场上主要有两种类型的高分子纤维,第一种是 UHMWPE,第二种是 ePTFE。 1、UHMWPE 超高分子量聚乙烯(俗称乙烯龙)(Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene -UHMW PE) ,平均分子量4百万-9百万(是普通PE的10倍以上), 拥有高耐磨和低粘着性,高冲击强度,低吸水率,耐低温,耐酸,使用温度-150度-90度,优异的电气性能。 优质UHMW PE供应商主要: 荷兰皇家帝斯曼集团DSM的迪尼码或大力马(英文Dyneema)品牌、日本东洋纺Toyobo的 IZANAS品牌、美国霍尼韦尔Honeywell的Spectra品牌 。 2、ePTFE 膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE) ,拥有耐磨,化学惰性。 将分散的PTFE树脂经过一定生产加工膨胀为一种多孔、低密度且高韧性的材料。优质的ePTFE供应商主要是 美国戈尔公司W.L. Gore & Associates。 聚四氟乙烯(俗称塑料王)(PTFE),1938年杜邦公司发明,其品牌特氟龙( 英文Teflon),在高温、耐化学性和不黏性表现突出。 二、多编织结构 决定编织线质量的材料是一个方面,最重要的是编织技术。 编织线由纱线编织成单线时,数字越大,圆圈越平滑。 钓具行业具有编织技术企业主要是日本三家企业, 高神体育Gosen (自己品牌鱼线,不清楚是否给其他品牌提供盘线), YGK (自己品牌鱼线,也提供盘线给其他品牌,比如 shimano、sunline等,目前全球数一数二份额), Uniplas (提供盘线给sunline等)。 有据可查的最早编织线是高神体育Gosen发布一条可以抛投的PE线『Sand Crest』,2000年后编织线在钓鲈中开始盛行。 1、0编 0-carrier 非编织的PE线,由硬涂层粘合的PE纤维, 最大优势是表面非常光滑。 非编织的单线和编织线之间折中的拉伸强度,编织线会影响耐用性和抛投距离,一般用于水滴轮,不用于纺车轮。 2、3编 3编呈现扁平,风阻力量较大,价格便宜。 3、4编 4编呈现方形,表面呈现不平顺的情况居多,抛投的时候也会有一定阻力。相对价格更具备优势。 PowerPro、Spiderwire 、Fireline和市场的大部分编织线都是4编的。 4、8编 8编比4编需要更多纤维,每根纤维更细,表面更加光滑平顺,拉力和柔顺度增加。 对假饵抛投距离和容线量也更有利。在价格和性能组合更合适,推荐使用8编。 4编适合底钓,而8编更适合抛投。 5、12编 12编拉力和柔顺度较高 ,价格也更高。无论假饵大小如何,都可以获得更好的抛投距离,能够覆盖更广阔的区域和攻击更深的钓点。 6、结构 大部分PE编织线都是由100%PE纤维制成,但是有些采用PE纤维和其他纤维混合结构,这样提高了线的张力。 7、质量对比 我们用显微镜放大,观察编织情况可以得出结论! a、优质编织线会编织紧凑,直径大小均匀。 b、品牌编织线(图中下面一条线)和市面上买的线(图中上面一条线) 三、编织线涂层 厚涂层、薄涂层、无涂层。 表面涂有耐磨保护剂,PE纤维的耐磨性是尼龙线1/20,涂层编织线的耐磨力接近尼龙线,同时也能让线条更苗条,受到水流和风的影响更少。但是有了涂层线会变硬,抛投时和导轨的摩擦更大,牺牲抛投距离。 PE纤维是没有记忆力,但是硬涂层有记忆力。较软、涂层较少的线需要小心,比较容易缠绕打结,但是可以抛投更远。 考虑到涂层增加耐磨性和缺点,我们喜欢更薄的涂层,这样抛投更远。 四、编织线趋势 从4编到8编有明显好处,未来期待12编或者16编,同时混合编织其他高分子纤维,价格合适的产品。 五、编织线特点 1、拉力强,博大鱼 2、无延展,敏感度高,鱼讯快,刺鱼快 3、纤细,同拉力线径小,远投好 4、无记忆,适合多种钓鱼场景,不易缠绕,少风结。 5、不吸水,耐用 6、比重0.97,接近水的比重有浮力,水面系假饵易操控。 Hight Strength(low diameter), Weight(lower is better), Shape(round is better), Friction(lowest drag is better), Surface(smoother is better), Excellent durability fray resistance, Memory(low-medium is better). 六、编织线使用 1、水面系假饵使用,PE线浮水 2、精细作钓使用,无延展能精细传递钓竿操作 3、远投使用,相同拉力线径小,线轴和空气中阻力小 4、不建议使用,水底结构复杂如树桩、建筑物等锋利棱角等。 七、编织线钓法 1、复合式亮片 spinner lures,提升操控力和假饵敏感度。 2、勺子 spoons,提升操控力和假饵敏感度,清晰知道是否该刺鱼。 3、摇摆饵 crankbaits,高敏感度让你清楚是触底还是咬口。 4、软饵 plastics,比如德州钓组texas rig,提升操控力和假饵敏感度。 5、水面系假饵 topwater lures,比如雷蛙、胡须公钓组buzz bait,提供水面系浮力和控制力。
2023-07-09 06:03:571


尼龙线,由单股尼龙材料,经过高温熔化,通过一个孔状模板成丝过水,然后经过2-3个轮子的拉长定型制成。杜邦公司发明尼龙,并于1939年制造世界上第一条尼龙鱼线,并于1959年推出Stren品牌尼龙线,2004年被垂钓集团收购。 夏说钓鱼,聊海外钓鱼,助钓友钓技! 一、尼龙材料 尼龙 Nylon,英文Polyamide(简称 PA ) ,又名 锦纶、奈纶、耐纶 ,是一种人造纤维、塑料和聚合物, 1935年杜邦公司发明,1938年上市。锦纶这个名字在中国有个故事,尼龙纤维最早由锦州有机化工厂带头研发。 尼龙是世界上第一种完全人造纤维,由 碳、氢、己二酸混合在一起聚合 。化学结构,尼龙是一种 缩合聚合物 ,由酰胺单位连接,是 聚酰胺 的一种。 最常见的是尼龙66,由己二胺和己二酸所包含的六个碳原子,在聚合物的链中相互交替。尼龙6,聚己内酰胺,并不是一种缩合聚合物。两者结构有细微区别,但是性能是基本相同。 二、强力性能 高强低延展的尼龙分子量分布窄,晶区分布均匀且大小一致,取向度高,最适合做鱼线。 1、分子量 聚合物分子量的分布范围影响鱼线的强力 ,分布范围宽的尼龙线,延展率高,惰性强,强力不均率大,所以制作鱼线的分子量越窄越好。 2、氢键 不同氢键尼龙强力不同 ,制作鱼线的氢键较多越好。 3、超分子结构中非晶区缚结分子 尼龙分子结构有晶区结构和非晶区结构 ,晶区结构内部有较强的氢键分子所以不易断裂,非晶区氢键缚结分子的易断裂。制作鱼线非晶区缚结分子越少越好。 4、取向度对鱼线强度影响 鱼线大分子与轴线的平行程度,是鱼线超分子结构的一个重要参数 ,决定机械性能。取向度高,断裂强度低,延展率高。尼龙有高强低延展、中强中延展、低强低延展三种,制作鱼线的尼龙是高强高延伸越好。 三、弹性性能 尼龙分子链上烷烃链—CH— 组成,C—C单键的内旋转助力小,大分子柔顺性能好,同时氢键滑移往返作用,回弹性也越好。 分子链上的氢键,在拉伸超过一定长度下会出现断裂。 四、老化性能 1、 断裂 : 大分子酰胺基中的C—N键和大分子主链中的C—C键受热后易断裂。 2、 降低 : 大分子两端的氨基和羧基对热、光、氧气较为敏感,在氧化过程中数量下降。 3、 酸解 : 大分子链上的酰胺基易发生酸解,导致大分子链的断裂,聚合度下降。 4、 吸水 : 大分子链两端的氨基和羧基亲水性,最高吸水率4.5%。 五、尼龙线的特点 尼龙线是最好的多用途鱼线。 1、延展性好,能吸收冲击力,硬饵能回避障碍物。刺鱼线的弹性让鱼钩不是直接从嘴里扯出来,而是拉伸一点,让鱼钩恰好勾住鱼嘴。 2、柔软性好,不易缠绕,不易炒米粉,比编织线易管理。 3、比重1.14,接近水的比重,有浮力,水面系假饵易操控。 4、结节力强90%,大多数鱼线断线都是发生在结节处,尼龙线结节力损失最少。 5、耐磨较强 六、路亚钓使用场景 1、 拖钓 ,鱼突然咬口能获得尼龙线延展起到缓减冲击力。 2、 台钓 ,手竿用尼龙线,子线用细的尼龙线。 3、 矶钓 ,珊瑚礁石区钓。 4、不适合深水钓,尼龙线吸水并延展,导致失去灵敏度和结节力下降。 七、路亚钓适用钓法 1、 水面系假饵 topwater lures ,提供水面系浮力。 2、 复合旋转亮片spinnerbaits 3、 小胖子 浅水或无唇摇摆饵 lipless or shallow crankbaits ,延展性浅潜通过木头或者岩石。 4、 游动饵 swimbaits 5、 棍型软饵 stickbaits
2023-07-09 06:04:051


flightlessbird,American mouth
2023-07-09 06:04:135


恩 叫flightless bird .出自the shepherd"s dog.
2023-07-09 06:04:413


1. 足球知识英语小短文(介绍足球的英语短文) 足球知识英语小短文(介绍足球的英语短文) 1.介绍足球的英语短文 The game of football is any of several similar team sports, of similar origins which involve advancing a ball into a goal area in an attempt to score. Many of these involve kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal, though not all codes of football using kicking as a primary means of advancing the ball or scoring. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more monly known as just "football" or "soccer". Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including American football, Australian rules football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, rugby league, rugby union and other related games. These variations are known as "codes".。 2.与足球有关英语小短文 TEAMS Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players. The team consists of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfield players, and forwards (or strikers). The object of the game is to get the ball into your opponent"s goal. 球队 每支球队有11名场上队员和3名替补队员。球队包括守门员、防守队员、中场队员和前锋。比赛的目的就是要将足球踢人对方的球门。THE MATCH A game of soccer is called a match and is split into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at halftime. A referee and two assistants make sure that nobody cheats or breaks the rules. 比赛 足球比赛分为两个半场,每半场各45分钟,上下半场中间有15分钟的休息时间。比赛有一位主裁判和两名助理裁判,他们的职责是监督是否有球员作弊或者是犯规。 GOALKEEPNG Goalkeeping is a special skill. While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, it usually results in a goal for the opposition. Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a *** all arch between your hands. Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball fortably to your chest. The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from above. Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on tight. As soon as you"ve caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your body. 守门 守门是一项特殊的技能。队里的其他球员有失误问题还不太要紧,但守门员的失误就常常导致对方进球。过顶球 处理过顶球的最佳方法是用大拇指和其他手指一起来接球,因为那样双手之间可形成一个拱形。胸前或眼前球 单脚跳起,把球自然地抱在怀里。用前臂夹住球,两手从前臂上方抱住球。左侧球或右侧球 要尽量从球后方来牢牢地接住球,一旦接住了球,就要赶快把球抱住。 3.足球英语作文10篇 football is the most popular ball in the world. more and more people like watching football matches. they can"t sleep or eat when their teams are playing.they shout for their players. i think many chinese football player have done better match after match since the professional football league of china was set up. but we still have a long way to go to asia and to the world. we should learn from foreign teams. foreign players and coaches must be invited. dalian wanda, shanghai shenhua and guangd0ng apollo are among the best.。 4.关于足球的英文短篇 英语短篇:足球知识知多少? TEAMS Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players. The team consists of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfield players, and forwards (or strikers). The object of the game is to get the ball into your opponent"s goal. 球队 每支球队有11名场上队员和3名替补队员。球队包括守门员、防守队员、中场队员和前锋。比赛的目的就是要将足球踢人对方的球门。 THE MATCH A game of soccer is called a match and is split into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at halftime. A referee and two assistants make sure that nobody cheats or breaks the rules. 比赛 足球比赛分为两个半场,每半场各45分钟,上下半场中间有15分钟的休息时间。比赛有一位主裁判和两名助理裁判,他们的职责是监督是否有球员作弊或者是犯规。 GOALKEEPNG Goalkeeping is a special skill. While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, it usually results in a goal for the opposition. Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a *** all arch between your hands. Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball fortably to your chest. The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from above. Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on tight. As soon as you"ve caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your body. 守门 守门是一项特殊的技能。队里的其他球员有失误问题还不太要紧,但守门员的失误就常常导致对方进球。过顶球 处理过顶球的最佳方法是用大拇指和其他手指一起来接球,因为那样双手之间可形成一个拱形。胸前或眼前球 单脚跳起,把球自然地抱在怀里。用前臂夹住球,两手从前臂上方抱住球。左侧球或右侧球 要尽量从球后方来牢牢地接住球,一旦接住了球,就要赶快把球抱住。 5.求一篇英语短文,关于足球的 Lionel Messi, Andres born on June 24, 1987, Argentina, now famous football player for Barcelona striker and Argentina international, he is called "new maradona. Today is one of the best players, most likely to gain personal grand slam. Lionel messi header height is not high, not his best goal (though in 2009 champions league final once header), his favorite spot, but can not center attack the ball with the box with a winger or swimming. Messi feel and feet of the ball is superb technology, when the ball like glue on his feet, petitors from his feet to the ball. The opponents fear Lionel messi weapon is running, the ball, speed, explosive and balance ability became the most terrible bination of machine, he can dribble the narrow space is found in the breakthrough in the world, is perhaps the macy"s first ability. Although more used to play for the right winger (more), but even more than many goals messi center, the 2008-09 season he had scored 38 annual petitions, is the most important goal: to Barcelona. Lionel Andrés Messi,生于1987年6月24日,阿根廷著名足球运动员,现为巴塞罗那的前锋球员以及阿根廷的国脚,他被大众称为“新马拉多纳”。是当今最好的球员之一,也是最有可能获得个人大满贯。 梅西身高不高,头球不是他最擅长的进球方式(虽在09欧冠决赛中曾头球破门),他最喜欢的位置不是中锋,而是能够带球面对禁区方向进攻的边锋或游动型二前锋。 梅西的球感和脚下技术是超一流的,带球时球就像粘在他脚上一样,对手很难从他脚下断下球。 梅西最令对手畏惧的武器是带球突破,出众的球感、速度、爆发力和平衡能力组合成了最可怕的盘带机器,他能够在最狭小的空间里寻觅到突破的可能,在当今足坛,梅西也许是这方面能力的第一人。 虽然更习惯踢边锋(多为右路),但梅西的进球数甚至超过很多中锋,08-09赛季他全年各项赛事打进过38球,是巴萨最重要的进球点之一。 ?an=0&si=4 6.求一篇关于足球的英文文章 History of Football 足球运动的历史 Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including countless children and teenagers. Young people play in narrow, urban alleyways. They play in refugee camps. They play in abandoned swimming pools. In car parks, war zones, on street corners--wherever there are young people, it seems there is football. Children play football at the launch of the FIFA-UNICEF alliance at United Nations Headquarters in New York. But the sport is more than just a game. It"s a positive lifestyle. It"s a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict resolution. It"s a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or violence. It"s a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self-esteem. And, what"s more, it"s a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all children. 这是World Cup History 世界杯历史(也不错的,可以参考:) /2006-02/3226 你尝试一下这几个链接吧: football/">"> 7.中国足球的英语短文
2023-07-09 06:04:501


As we all know, college is different from high school in many ways, such as the way of living, the way of learning, and the way of having classes and so on. There definitely exist different opinions on this issue, but among them I regard the way of learning as the most different way. Now my learning style at college is quite different from that at high school in many aspects. First of all, I begin to teach myself some knowledge, which ends the period when teachers teach me all. What"s more, there are more classes at college, which forces me to decide which subject is the most important and imperative one. Another different aspect is that I have to plan my time on my own rather than by teacher.It"s obvious that there are several reasons. First, college is freer. No strict timetables, no sometimes wordy teachers and even no perfect attendance! That makes us have a lot of time of our own. Furthermore, we are no longer teenagers and it"s time for us to handle our life. We have to face challenges and lures and improve ourselves. Last but not least, our life goal changes. It is not a good college but a happy life that we pursue. And in the age of information self-learning is one of the most necessary diatheses. So we ought to develop a better and more proper style of learning.In a word, everything changes because of the change of the environment. Only changing with the environment can we adapt to it.
2023-07-09 06:04:572


问题一:irresistable是什么意思 irresistible[英][??r??z?st?bl][美][??r??z?st?b?l] adj.不可抗拒; 无法抗拒的; 不可阻挡; 诱惑人的,具有非常的魅力的; 例句: 1. China"s economic growth and upwardly mobile population of 1.3 billion have been irresistible lures for western panies. 对于西方企业来说,中国不断增长的经济以及日渐富裕的13亿民众有着难以抗拒的诱惑力。 问题二:下列句子没有语病的一项是( ) A.若遇到风和日丽的午后,不但你不感到岁时的肃杀,而且还可以饱觉 D 试题分析:此类考查句子语病的题目,在分析思考时,要注意句子成分在搭配,句式杂糅等方面的错误,要仔细琢磨,推敲。A.语序不当;B.句式杂糅;C.成分残缺。 问题三:我跟我男朋友说话了说为什么有时候紧张的说话不利索说话的结结巴巴不利索呢?请问这是为什么呢?难道说我 太重视了,自然些就好了 问题四:女生都爱听男生的甜言蜜语斗很容易原谅男生么? 小错不断,大错不犯,真正喜欢你女友,这才是甜言蜜语能哄回来的前提。红果果被女友抓现行还甜言蜜语,那不是卖萌,那是作死?? 问题五:转来转去的近义词: 走来走去 问题六:期末考试快到了(我是六年级的)谁能提供一些复习题(语文) 小学六年级语文模拟试卷 一、看拼音写词语。(共4分) bào yuàn shēn lín qí jìng shà fèi kǔ xīn ( )( )( )( ) 二、填空,并选一个成语组成句子(共9分) 神机( )算 ( )具一格 不落( )臼 雅( )共赏 ( )( )乐道 响( )行云 ―――――――――――――――――――――――― 三、组词。(共6分) 蹄( ) 施( ) 券( ) 欺( ) 啼( ) 拖( ) 卷( ) 期( ) 差 chā( ) chāi ( ) 还 hái( ) huán( ) 四、按要求填空。(共13分) 2.选词填空。(5分) 深情 盛情 热情 ①蒙古族人民骑马几十公里,( )远迎客人。进了蒙古包,他们( ) ②款待来客。夕阳西下,他们和汉族客人依依不舍,( )话别。 虽然……但是…… 尽管……还是…… 不但……而且…… 无论……都…… ③( )修筑京张铁路困难重重,( )詹天佑一点儿也没有失去信心。他( )严格要求工作人员,( )时时带头工作在野外。 3.在括号里写出带点词的反义词。(3分) 我们既要向先进的同学学习,又要帮助( )的同学进步,要尊重他们,亲近他们,不应该( )他们,( )他们。 4.在括号里填上正确答案。(3分) ①“勇敢 沉着 机智 武断 果断”这组词中不是一类的词是( )。 ②“中秋节 除夕 春节 重阳节 端午节”这些传统节日按时间先后排列,最后一个应该是( )。 3“钢铁对坚硬”正如“棉花对( )”。 七、排列错乱的句子,在括号里写上序号。(6分) ( )借着楼道的灯光,我将教室的门锁好,走下楼去。 ( )我关上楼道的灯,摸黑下了楼。 ( )写完作业,灯火通明的教室里就剩下我一个人了。 ( )一夜要浪费多少电啊!于是,我转身又上了楼。 ( )我快速收好书包,熄灭灯,走出教室。 ( )走到操场,我忽然想起楼道的灯没关。 八、阅读。(共20分) 九、阅读文章,完成试题。(15分) ___________________________________ 从前,有一对夫妻,开了一家酒店,由于卖出的酒物美价廉,生意十分兴隆。 有一天,丈夫外出,妻子偷偷地在酒里掺了水,多卖了5元钱。晚上丈夫回来,妻子得意地把自己的“秘诀”告诉丈夫,以为会得到丈夫的夸奖。谁知,丈夫一听,急得双脚直跳,抱头痛哭,说:“唉!你把我们最值钱的东西――信誉,只5元钱就卖掉了!” 果然 从此他们的生意不如以前红火 最后终于彻底破产 当妻子贫病交加 奄奄一息的时候 她悔恨地流着泪 说 我明白了 1、从文中选一个词作题目,写在文章前面的横线上。(2分) 2、给最后一个自然段加上标点。(2分) 3、把短文分成三段,在段末用“△ ”标出。(3分) 4、填空。(3分) ①“物美价廉”的意思是:___________________________________________。 ②从原文中找出“兴隆”的近义词:___________________ 5、用简洁的语言,写出本文的主要内容。(3分) _____________________________________________________________________6、妻子在临死前明白了什么,把妻子的话补充完整。(2分) 我明白了_________________......>>
2023-07-09 06:05:041


lure5----意思是“诱惑我” 数字5在中文里和“我”谐音lure 英音:[luu025a] 美音:[lur]名词 n. 1.诱惑物[C]Life in big cities is a lure for many country boys. 大城市的生活吸引着许多乡下小伙子。 2.诱惑力,吸引力;魅力[the S][(+of)]He couldn"t resist the lure of money. 他不能抵制金钱的诱惑。 3.(诱捕鸟兽用的)诱饵;鱼饵[C]及物动词 vt. 1.引诱,诱惑;以诱饵吸引[O]The price also lures students. 这种价格对学生也有吸引力。
2023-07-09 06:05:281


r longing to Silas"s loins. His thigh flexed insti
2023-07-09 06:05:353


2023-07-09 06:05:433

Flightless Bird, American Mouth 歌词

IRON & WINE - FLIGHTLESS BIRD, AMERICAN MOUTH I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere Have I found you Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth Big pill looming Now I"m a fat house cat Nursing my sore blunt tongue Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks Pissing on magazine photos Those fishing lures thrown in the cold And clean blood of Christ mountain stream Have I found you Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth Big pill stuck going down
2023-07-09 06:05:533

《Flightless Bird, American Mouth》的歌词翻译

Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine折翼的鸟,在美国的河口 I was a quick wet boy我曾是个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins为钱币而潜得太深All of your street light eyes你那直视前方的盲目双眼Wide on my plastic toys视线落在我的塑料玩具上And when the cops closed the fair当警察把集市关起时I cut my long baby hair我剪掉了我婴儿般的长发Stole me a dog-eared map你偷了一张狗耳式的地图给我And called for you everywhere而我到处在找你Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, jealous, weeping折翼的鸟?羡慕,哭泣Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill looming大海报隐约出现Now I"m a fat house cat现在我是一只肥胖的家猫Nursing my sore blunt tongue咒骂着我那因发炎而没有知觉的舌头Watching the warm poison rats看着刚被毒死的老鼠Curl through the wide fence cracks卷曲的毛穿过白色围篱的大裂缝Pissing on magazine photos亲着杂志上的照片Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的Blood of Christ mountain stream基督山溪的血里去 Have I found you?我找到你了吗Flightless bird, grounded bleeding折翼的鸟?棕色的毛发在淌血Or lost you?抑或失去了你?American mouth美国的河口Big pill, stuck going down贴着的大海报正在落下
2023-07-09 06:06:001

谁知道 暮色主题曲 flightless bird 的中文翻译

flightless bird歌词电影《暮光之城》插曲故事描写的是中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华的浪漫爱情故事即使没有结果我还是不顾一切的爱你Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine 折翼的鸟,在美国的河口 I was a quick wet boy 我曾是个爱哭的男孩 Diving too deep for coins 为钱币而潜得太深 All of your street light eyes 你那直视前方的盲目双眼 Wide on my plastic toys 视线落在我的塑料玩具上 And when the cops closed the fair 当警察把集市关起时 I cut my long baby hair 我剪掉了我婴儿般的长发 Stole me a dog-eared map 你偷了一张狗耳式的地图给我 And called for you everywhere 而我到处在找你 Have I found you? 我找到你了吗 Flightless bird, jealous, weeping 折翼的鸟?羡慕,哭泣 Or lost you? 抑或失去了你? American mouth 美国的河口 Big pill looming 大海报隐约出现 Now I"m a fat house cat 现在我是一只肥胖的家猫 Nursing my sore blunt tongue 咒骂着我那因发炎而没有知觉的舌头 Watching the warm poison rats 看着刚被毒死的老鼠 Curl through the wide fence cracks 卷曲的毛穿过白色围篱的大裂缝 Pissing on magazine photos 亲着杂志上的照片 Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean 那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的 Blood of Christ mountain stream 基督山溪的血里去 Have I found you? 我找到你了吗 Flightless bird, grounded bleeding 折翼的鸟?棕色的毛发在淌血 Or lost you? 抑或失去了你? American mouth 美国的河口 Big pill, stuck going down 贴着的大海报正在落下
2023-07-09 06:06:083


2023-07-09 06:06:151


Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)
2023-07-09 06:06:341

寻一篇暮光之城《flightless bird》的歌词!

Flightless Bird, American Mouth   I was a quick wet boy diving too deep for coins  All of your street light eyes)   wide on my plastic toys   Then when the cops closed the fair   I cut my long baby hair  Stole me a dog-eared map   and called for you everywhere  Have I found you Flightless bird, jealous   weeping   or lost you,  american mouth  Big pill looming  Now I"m a fat house cat Nursing my sore blunt tongue Watching the warm poison rats     curl through the wide fence cracks   Pissing on magazine photos   Those fishing lures   thrown in the cold And clean   blood of Christ mountain stream   Have I found youFlightless bird,   grounded   bleeding   or lost you, american mouth   Big pill   stuck going down
2023-07-09 06:06:423


temptvt. 诱惑,引诱,引起,吸引,冒…风险;luren. 饵,诱惑vt. 引诱,诱惑通过比较可以看出 首先他们在词性上就有区别:第一个没有名词性,只是动词;第二个还有名词词性,另外第二含有贬义的词性色彩。
2023-07-09 06:06:503

Flightless Bird, American Mouth的歌词

版本一Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)版本二Flightless Bird, American Mouth(折翼之鸟,美国人所说的梦)I was a quick wet boy(我是个爱哭的孩子)diving too deep for coins(潜到池底寻找硬币)All of your street light eyes(街上冷漠的眼神)wide on my plastic toys(辐射到我塑料的玩具上)Then when the cops closed the fair(当警察关闭了市场)I cut my long baby hair(我剪掉了留长的胎发)Stole me a dog-eared map (偷来一张卷角的地图)and called for you everywhere(无处不在的寻找你)Have I found you(我是否寻到了你?)Flightless bird, (折翼之鸟)jealous,(妒忌)weeping (振翅)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(美国人口中的梦)Big pill looming(把致命毒药疯狂咀嚼)Now I"m a fat house cat(如今不再辗转反侧)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(难生激情浪费唾沫)Watching the warm poison rats (穿过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心之人欢跃而过)Pissing on magazine photos(搔首弄姿以耻为乐)Those fishing lures ,thrown in the cold And clean(所谓糖衣诱惑,刺进冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(圣洁之溪彻底沦落)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (折翼之梦)grounded (停歇)bleeding (流血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(美国之口)Big pill (致命毒药)stuck going down(吞咽仍未停歇)版本三Flightless Bird, American Mouth (折翼之 鸟,在美国河口)I was a quick wet boy (我曾是一个爱哭的小男孩)Diving too deep for coins (迷恋硬币的玩乐)All of your street light eyes (你们那如暗如街灯的目光)Wide on my plastic toys (散落在我的塑料玩具上)Then when the cops closed the fair (然后警察们关闭了集市)I cut my long,baby hair (我也剪掉了儿时的长发)Stole me a dog-eared map (偷来一张卷角的旧地图)And called for you everywhere (开始无处不在的寻找你)Have I found you ? (可我找到你了吗?)Flightless bird, jealous, weeping (折翼之鸟,嫉妒,哭泣)Or lost you? (抑或已失去了你)American mouth (美国的河口)Big pill looming (疯狂的掠夺隐约出现)Now I"m a fat house cat (如今我成为一只变胖了的家猫)Nursing my sore blunt tongue (自顾舔着那肿痛而味觉迟钝的舌头)Watching the warm,poison rats (眼看着快被毒死的老鼠)Curl through the wide fence cracks (卷缩着穿过宽栅栏的缝隙)Pissing on magazine photos (在杂志的照片上撒野)Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean (将那些鱼饵扔进冰冷而纯净的)Blood of Christ mountain stream (基督山涧的圣洁里)Have I found you? (寻你千百度,可有果?)Flightless bird,grounded,bleeding (那些折翼的鸟儿,坠地,血流)Or lost you? (或已永失吾之所爱?)American mouth (那美利坚之河口)Big pill(pillaging), stuck going down (愿掠夺伤痛,不再延续...)版本四I was a quick wet boy 我曾是个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins 苦苦积攒着那些硬币All of your street light eyes 而你们冷酷漠然的眼神Wide on my plastic toys 打量着我的塑料玩具And when the cops closed the fair 而警察已关起集市I cut my long baby hair 我剪掉了我幼稚的长发Stole me a dog-eared map 破旧卷角的地图被偷了And called for you everywhere 于是我四处呼唤你的名字Have I found you? 我找到你了吗?Flightless bird, 折翼之鸟,jealous, 充满着妒忌weeping 回荡着哭泣Or lost you? 亦或失去了你,American mouth 美好的梦?Big pill looming 遗失的美好,正渐渐清晰Now I"m a fat house cat 现在的我, 像只肥胖的家猫Nursing my sore blunt tongue 舔着疼痛僵硬的舌头Watching the warm poison rats 看着刚被毒死的老鼠Curl through the wide fence cracks 卷缩着穿过篱笆的缝隙Pissing on magazine photos 唾弃杂志上的照片Those fishing lures 把这些诱惑thrown in the cold and clean 扔进冰冷纯净的Blood of Christ mountain stream 基督山涧深处Have I found you? 我找到你了吗?Flightless bird, 折翼之鸟,brown hair bleeding 棕色的羽翼滴落鲜血Or lost you? 我失去你了吗?American mouth 美好的梦Big pill 遗失的美好stuck going down 一直深深地烙印在心中
2023-07-09 06:06:571

lure sb do sth 有这个句子么 给个比方

lure据说作为动词的时候比较少, 句型是Somebody lures somebody into (doing) something.Somebody lures somebody.词义 persuade someone to do something, especially something wrong or dangerous, by making it seem attractive or excitinglure somebody into (doing) somethingPeople may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.例句 lure somebody awayComputer games are luring youngsters away from their lessons. He lured me into temptation词义 attract customers, workers, money etc from another company or placelure somebody back/awayThe bank launched an advertising campaign to lure back its traditional customers.例句 It"s very difficult to lure talent away from Silicon Valley. People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.
2023-07-09 06:07:112


  英文歌《flightless bird》,非常经典,适合在服装店放。下面是我给音乐 爱好 者带来适合在服装店放的英文歌曲,供大家参阅!  适合服装店放的英文歌:flightless bird简介   《flightless bird》全称《Flightless Bird, American Mouth》,是由Iron & Wine乐队演唱的一首独立民谣歌曲,收录于电影《暮光之城.暮色》以及《暮光之城 破晓 (上)》(weeding demo)作为插曲。   适合服装店放的英文歌:flightless bird歌手介绍   Iron & Wine其实是Samuel Beam一个人的乐队,Samuel Beam 美国的田园诗人,独立民谣唱作音乐人。这首《Flightless Bird,American Mouth》是一首忧伤的“美国梦”的挽歌,出自专辑《The Shepherdu2018s Dog》,但令这首歌声名鹊起,重焕生机的却是电影《暮光之城》(Twilight),歌曲被用在了影片结尾舞会一幕,Bella & Edward 踏着这温柔的乐曲,相拥轻舞。   适合服装店放的英文歌:flightless bird歌词   Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)   I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)   diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)   All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)   wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)   Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)   I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)   Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)   and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)   Have I found you(可我找到你了吗?)   Flightless bird, (折翼的鸟)   jealous,(羡慕)   weeping (哭泣)   or lost you,(或已失去了你?)   american mouth(美好的梦)   Big pill looming(却正将失去)   Now I"m a fat house cat(现在我成了一只肥硕的家猫)   Nursing my sore blunt tongue(治愈我酸疼迟钝的舌头)   Watching the warm poison rats (看着诱人中毒的老鼠)   curl through the wide fence cracks(蜷缩着爬过白色栅栏的缝隙)   Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)   Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)   thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)   blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   grounded (渐渐失落)   bleeding (渗着鲜血)   or lost you, (还是失去了你?)   american mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill (夸张的承诺)   stuck going down(不再执着)
2023-07-09 06:07:171

Now i am a fat house cat,nursing my sore blunt tongue,watching the warm poison rats.是哪首歌中的?

Flightless Bird, American Mouth 中文名称:折翼之鸟   演唱者:Iron & Wine(铁与酒 乐队)   类别:独立民谣   专辑:Iron & Wine 《The Shepherd"s dog》   收录于电影《暮光之城.暮色》以及《暮光之城 破晓》(weeding demo)作为插曲Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)   diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻) All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)   wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)   Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)   I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)   Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)   and called for you everywhere(到处到处呼唤你的名字)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   jealous,(充满了妒忌)   weeping (回荡着哭泣)   or lost you,(还是失去了你?)   american mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)   Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)   Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)   Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)   curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)   Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)   Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)   thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)   blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   grounded (渐渐失落)   bleeding (渗着鲜血)   or lost you, (还是失去了你?)   American mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill (夸张的承诺)   stuck going down(不再执着)
2023-07-09 06:07:251


The Balkhash perch (Perca schrenkii) is a species of perch found in Kazakhstan, (in Lake Balkhash and Lake Alakol), Uzbekistan, and China. It is very similar to the European perch, and grows to a comparable size. It is threatened by introduced bream and predatory fish such as Volga pikeperch.They have an elongated body and light-colored body. The body is covered with scales of medium size (41-54 in lateral line). Their first dorsal fin is lower than the usual perch. Adults reach a body length of 50 cm, weight 1.5 kg.The general body type of a perch is somewhat long and rounded. True perch have "rough" or ctenoid scales. On the anterior side of the head are the maxilla and lower mandible for the mouth, a pair of nostrils, and two lidless eyes. On the posterior sides are the opercula, which protect the gills, and the lateral line system, which is sensitive to vibrations in the water. They have paired pectoral and pelvic fins, and two dorsal fins, the first one spiny and the second soft. These two fins can be separate or joined.Perch are carnivorous fish most commonly found in small ponds, lakes, streams, or rivers. These fish feed on smaller fish, shellfish, or insect larvae, but can be caught with nearly any bait. They commonly spawn during the spring, when the females lay strings of eggs in covered areas such as near branches or underwater plants. Perch have a wide distribution throughout the world, and are very plentiful in the Great Lakes, especially Lake Erie.Perch are popular sport fish species. They put up a fight, and they are good eating. They can be caught with a variety of methods, including float fishing, lure fishing and legering. The best way is to use a small hook and cast into the weeds just before the drop off. When fishing with bait, the angler will want to have a disgorger; perch are notorious for swallowing the hook, and will need aid of a disgorger or forceps for unhooking. In many parts of the world, they are also a favourite species among ice fishermen. They will take a variety of baits, including minnows, worms, maggots, goldfish, pieces of raw bacon, and softshell crayfish, but seem to prefer small fish, lobworms, red maggots, and lures. Fly fishing for perch using patterns that imitate small fry or invertebrates can be successful. The record weight for this fish in Britain is 6 lb 3 oz (2.81 kg), and in America 6 lb 4 oz (2.83 kg).Perch grow to around 5 lb (2.3 kg) or more, but the most common fish to be caught are around 1 lb (0.45 kg) or less, and anything over 2 lb (0.91 kg) is considered a prize catch.Perch have often formed a critical part of the total weight caught by an angler during a competition. In 2016 it was recorded that angler Ross Winfield failed to weigh a perch during a competition that cost him a top 5 place (often called "framing" on the UK match fishing circuit). Unfortunately, he later found the perch in his keep net.
2023-07-09 06:07:321


As we all know, college is different from high school in many ways, such as the way of living, the way of learning, and the way of having classes and so on. There definitely exist different opinions on this issue, but among them I regard the way of learning as the most different way. Now my learning style at college is quite different from that at high school in many aspects. First of all, I begin to teach myself some knowledge, which ends the period when teachers teach me all. What"s more, there are more classes at college, which forces me to decide which subject is the most important and imperative one. Another different aspect is that I have to plan my time on my own rather than by teacher.It"s obvious that there are several reasons. First, college is freer. No strict timetables, no sometimes wordy teachers and even no perfect attendance! That makes us have a lot of time of our own. Furthermore, we are no longer teenagers and it"s time for us to handle our life. We have to face challenges and lures and improve ourselves. Last but not least, our life goal changes. It is not a good college but a happy life that we pursue. And in the age of information self-learning is one of the most necessary diatheses. So we ought to develop a better and more proper style of learning.In a word, everything changes because of the change of the environment. Only changing with the environment can we adapt to it.
2023-07-09 06:07:501

flightlessbird 的歌词

Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言) I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人) diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻) All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神) wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真) Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字) I cut my long baby hair(我通信斩断我的幼稚) Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失) and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字) Have I found you(我是否找到了你?) Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想) jealous,(充满了妒忌) weeping (回荡着哭泣) or lost you,(还是失去了你?) american mouth(自由的宣言) Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆) Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙) Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝) Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜) curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过) Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我) Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易) thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈) blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河) Have I found you(我是否找到了你?) Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想) grounded (渐渐失落) bleeding (渗着鲜血) or lost you, (还是失去了你?) american mouth(自由的宣言) Big pill (夸张的承诺)
2023-07-09 06:07:582

Flightless Bird, American Mouth的中文版歌词

《Flightless Bird, American Mouth》歌手:Iron&Wine所属专辑:The Shepherd"s Dog唱片公司:Sub Pop Records发行时间:2007年09月25日 歌词:I was a quick wet boy 我是一个一贫如洗的人Diving too deep for coins 为了生活苦苦追寻All of your straight blind eyes 城市中充满势利的眼神Wide on my plastic toys 狠狠打量我的天真And when the cops closed the fair 当公平在世上消失I cut my long baby hair 我也痛心割舍我的幼稚Stole me a dog-eared map 唯一的道路也已经迷失And called for you everywhere 而我依然到处追寻着你Have I found you? 可我找到了你?Flightless bird, jealous, weeping 破碎的梦 充满了妒嫉 回荡着哭泣Or lost you? 还是失去了你?American mouth 他们嘴里Big bill looming 硕大毒药咀嚼不止Now I"m a fat house cat 如今我也变得冷漠Cursing my sore blunt tongue 不再喊疼喉咙浪费唾沫Watching the warm poison rats 冷眼观看这些被毒透的家伙Curl through the wide fence cracks 到处招摇过市Kissing on magazine photos 骚首弄姿以耻为乐Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean 无垢灵魂也已经堕落Blood of Christ mountain stream 仁慈善良血流成河Have I found you? 我是否找到了你?Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding 破裂的梦 碎了一地 淌着鲜血Or lost you? 还是失去了你?American mouth 在他们口中Big bill, stuck going down 毒药咽食仍然无休无止
2023-07-09 06:08:062


Flightless bird,american mouth
2023-07-09 06:08:132


Flightless Bird,American Mouth
2023-07-09 06:08:203


2023-07-09 06:08:382

求英语作文1. 失败是常有的事。 2. 人们对失败有各种态度。 3. 我对失败的态度。

As is known to all, failures happen to everyone from time to time. Different people have different attitude to falures. As far as I am concerned, I absolutely subscribe to the view that we should look at failures with a positive attitude. As follows, I"d like to share with you an experience of mine. There was a time when I felt depressed because I failed to make progress in math learning. Every time I met a math problem, I would be absorbed in it but half an hour later, no solutions were found. I was so upset that I considered giving up math. Luckily, it was my math teacher that encouraged me not to give up and keep on. She told me that as long as I kept on, I could make a miracle. Following her advice, I tried harder, consulting my classmates for a better approach to learning math. Eventually, I made progress and got a high mark in a math exam. As a saying goes, when one door closes, one more will open. Where there is a will, there is a way. Only if we face failures with a positive attitude, can we find a way to make a differenceIs Failure a Bad Thing Failure is quite a common thing in our life. As long as we do things we will surely encounter difficulties. Of course we should try our best to get over themuff0c but in many casesuff0c it is not so easyuff0c or even impossible. Then how should we face failureuff1f Different people take different attitudes towards failure. When faced with failureuff0c some people become frustrated and lose their selfconfidence. They refuse to make any further efforts. These people will probably never amount to anything in life. Some people just don"t fear failure. They firmly believe that failure is the mother of success. As a resultuff0c not only can failure stop themuff0c but they draw useful lessons from it and try even harder. Such people are sure to succeed someday. As far as i am concereduff0c I don"t think failure is a bad thing. Failure can never discourage me but only enrich my experience and steel my will. With this positive attitude in minduff0c I will try hard in anything I"m determined to accomplish and attain success in the end.
2023-07-09 06:08:472


2023-07-09 06:08:563


Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine 折翼的鸟,在美国的河口 I was a quick wet boy 我曾是个爱哭的男孩 Diving too deep for coins 为钱而陷入太深 All of your street light eyes 双眼盲目的看着前方 Wide on my plastic toys 视线落在我的塑料玩具上 And when the cops closed the fair 当警察把集市关起时 I cut my long baby hair 我剪掉了我婴儿般的长发 Stole me a dog-eared map 你偷走了我的地图 And called for you everywhere 而我到处在找你 Have I found you? 我找到你了吗 Flightless bird, jealous, weeping 折翼的鸟?羡慕,哭泣 Or lost you? 抑或失去了你? American mouth 美国的河口 Big pill looming 大海报隐约出现 Now I"m a fat house cat 现在我是一只肥胖的家猫 Nursing my sore blunt tongue 咒骂着我那因发炎而没有知觉的舌头 Watching the warm poison rats 看着刚被毒死的老鼠 Curl through the wide fence cracks 卷曲的毛穿过白色围篱的大裂缝 Pissing on magazine photos 亲着杂志上的照片 Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean 那些鱼饵被扔进冰冷而纯净的河Blood of Christ mountain stream 鲜血流到河里Have I found you? 我找到你了吗 Flightless bird, grounded bleeding 折翼的鸟?棕色的毛发在淌血 Or lost you? 抑或失去了你? American mouth 美国的河口 Big pill, stuck going down 贴着的大海报正在落下
2023-07-09 06:09:042