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The company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not. 这what 做什么从句,如何分析

2023-07-09 08:26:29
主语:公司。谓语:做 。what引导的句子做宾语结构使用。因为是句子,有完整的主(it)谓(promise)宾(其实这也是个从句,完整是it would not do)结构所以叫做从句



2023-07-09 00:59:2912

in precisely是什么意思

2023-07-09 01:00:253

it is precisely the same with a nation.请问the same

2023-07-09 01:01:011


修饰的 is ,加强这个陈述句的语气
2023-07-09 01:01:294

precisely的用法,及翻译。 写作

precisely词性:副词。含义:1)精确地; 恰好; 细心地2)对, 的确如此翻译:-人们也许会问公共交通有必要收费吗?-要我说,的确有必要- People may ask if it"s necessary for public transportation to charge.- Precisely from my point of view.
2023-07-09 01:01:452

英语at precisely 4:53 am怎么翻译?

at precisely 4:53 am翻译之后,他的意思就是:凌晨4点53分
2023-07-09 01:01:5315


问题一:精确地 准确的 用英语怎么说 exactly accurate 问题二:英文“ 准确地说 ”怎么说 准确地说 to be precise;to be exact;precisely;exactly speaking 问题三:“准确的来说”用英文怎么说 准确地说: to be exact; precisely; to be precise 问题四:“准确地说” 英文怎么讲? Exactly speaking,… To be exact,… 或直接Exactly,… 三种都可以,都放句首 问题五:精准的价格用英语怎么说 exact/precise price 问题六:英文翻译,准确的 当我有了真正的梦想,我从来没有为自己为之付出的一切感到后悔,我为自己的梦想而骄傲。 When I had a real dream, I never regretted everything I had to pay for, and I was proud of my dreams.
2023-07-09 01:02:471

精确地 准确的 用英语怎么说

exactly accurate
2023-07-09 01:03:504

Instead,The company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not. 知道has done

2023-07-09 01:04:241


2023-07-09 01:04:322

此言不虚 用英语怎么翻译

It does make sense.
2023-07-09 01:04:436

Still not sure why you should be learning a foreign language? Here are 5 very good __1__. First, a

Still not sure why you should be learning a foreign language? Here are 5 very good __1reasons__. First, a foreign language make you __2understand__ your mother tongue better. You will speak and write more __3precisely__ and creatively. Next, it helps you to get the most out of your travel __4experience__. You will meet more people and get __5 around__more easily. Besides, by learning another language, you are learning a new way to __6think __ and a new way to sing. Believe it or not, well over four-fifths of the world"s __7population__ does not speak enligh. Learning another language opens up new opportunities and gives you an __8advantage__ in business and personal relationships. Last but not __9least__, personal considerations like seeking a girlfriend also point to the advantages of learning a __10foreign__ language希望可以帮到你
2023-07-09 01:05:114

帮忙翻译一下这句英语, 在给我讲解一下谢谢!

2023-07-09 01:05:224

What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to go 有一点不明白?

precisely是副词没错,但副词不只能修饰动词,也能够修饰诸如时间、数量等名词。一般来说,副词需要放在被修饰词之前,所以the same moment是被修饰词。副词也可以用于修饰其中的动词,比如说What invariably happens is that a great number of things *precisely* choose to go wrong at the same moment.What invariably happens is that a great number of things choose to *precisely* go wrong at the same moment.但强调的东西就不一样了。具体问题具体分析,你很难找出一个固定的套路出来,因为语言往往是随着漫长时间发展出来的东西,其中一定有一些时代产物,以后也可能会有新的语法出现。
2023-07-09 01:05:312


And (承上启下)just at this point (地点状语)I(主语) can give(谓语) you an example(直接宾语和间接宾语) to illustrate(目的状语) how the procedure in this field is precisely the reverse of that (宾语从句,系表结构)which is the rule in medicine(限制性定语从句).
2023-07-09 01:05:474

语法分析:It is precisely because these would only continued in the arts....

It is (precisely) because /these would (only) continued /in the arts /at the cutting edge of innovation
2023-07-09 01:06:013

for offering us precisely this service的主语

2023-07-09 01:06:092

新概念英语3 第27课‘precisely this service’

2023-07-09 01:06:162

This might be explained by the fact that the novel has evolved precisely中的evolved是什么意思?

2023-07-09 01:06:233

I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which

原句还原为正常语序为:I leave uncultivated today, (which) was precisely tomorrow which person of the body (that) perishes implored yesterday.leave用一般现在时,看出是站在语者的角度看的,并且是一种名言警句型的箴言,“客观现实,普遍真理”。was用一般过去时,看出是站在逝者的角度看的。由perishes(一般现在时的单三形式)可见,应翻译成“长眠之人”,是一种永恒的状态,“死者长已矣”,业已作古,再也无法生存了。implored翻译成乞求过的,但又求之不得。“我碌碌无为的今日,已经成为了长眠于世的英雄曾经奋力攫取却终又无奈溜走的明天。”有一种悲剧与喜剧交织的智者的五味杂陈,可以看出作者的感情色彩。用刘禹锡的话翻译就是“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”。
2023-07-09 01:06:332

at precisely the same moment. 副词 precisely为什么可以修饰名词the same moment

修饰的是形容词the same
2023-07-09 01:06:423


there 是做 McDonald"s 的同位语,就是指McDonald"s。precisely 修饰的是views as ,what是做views as 的宾语。 precisely what American fast food industry views as its ideal target customers.是非限制性定语从句。。不知道对不对,亲,有不懂的再问我啊。。
2023-07-09 01:07:011


问题一:“应运而生”英文怎么说如题 应运而生 ying yun er sheng e with the tide of fashion 问题二:“应运而生”英文怎么说 应运而生 ying yun er sheng e wi盯h the tide of fashion 问题三:它是新时代应运而生的产物的英语怎么说 它是新时代应运而生的产物 It is the product of the new era. 它是新时代应运而生的产物 It is the product of the new era. 问题四:随着社会的发展,互联网应运而生用英语怎么说 With the development of society, the Internet came into being 问题五:正是因为智能手机的出现,各种各样的手机软件也应运而生翻译成英语怎么说 正是因为智能手机的出现,各种各样的手机软件也应运而生 It is precisely because of the emergence of intelligent mobile phone, all kinds of mobile phone software also emerge as the times require 问题六:克隆技术应运而生英语翻译 克隆技术应运而生 Cloning technology arises at the historic moment 问题七:应运而生和孕育而生有什么不同 应运而生 成语 【解释】:应:顺应;运:原指天命,泛指时机。旧指应天命而产生。现指适应时机而产生。 【出自】:汉u30fb荀悦《汉纪u30fb后序》:“实天生德,应运建主。” 【示例】:天地生人,除大仁大恶,余者皆无大伐;若大仁者则~,大恶者则应劫而生,运生世治,劫生世危。 ◎清u30fb曹雪芹《红楼梦》第二回 孕育而生不是成语哦,根据字面意思应该是指在母体生长发育吧。你说呢 问题八:英语翻译,高手来。 Design and Implementation of Online Shopping Management System With the development of network technology and puter technology, people"s life is also affected. The traditional business activities continue to be e-merce , e-merce is the direction of trade development in future, its application has an immeasurable prospects, so the online shopping system came into being. The system uses object-oriented software development methods, use mysql as a back-end database, with the SQL statement, use myeclipse to plete the design and implementation of online shopping management system . Mainly to carry out research from the following aspects. First of all, the *** ysis to the basic information requirements and operational processes of online shopping management system. Second, create a data model according to the requirements, use the JSP in front to bine the ssh programing in back. Finally, to test and add changes to the pletion of the online shopping management system, improve the function. The system deals with five main categories of information: user information, merchandise information, shopping cart information, order information, shipping address information. The system is mainly engaged in the above five parts, the establishment of the database and the data of various operating functions. 手打的累死宝宝了,你这是论文吧?
2023-07-09 01:07:071

there are precisely the kinds of events that are hard for us as humans to get our hards around a

这个句子有错误“These are precisely the kindsof events that are hard for us as humans to get our hands around and react to rationally.”there be是主句,events是中心词,that引导定语从句 sth is hard for sb to do sthas humans是宾语补足语修饰us
2023-07-09 01:07:242

你所浪费的今天,是昨天死去的人奢望的明天。你所厌恶的现在,是未来的你回不去的曾经 求英文翻译

The day you are wasting now is what those who were dead yesterday expected。
2023-07-09 01:07:335


主语·That 谓语Begs 宾语为question 之后of介宾短语结构修饰宾语,‘who"和‘on whose"为两个并列的宾语从句,为of结构的宾语
2023-07-09 01:08:223


precisely detailedly
2023-07-09 01:08:292

exactly,precisely 与accurately用法的区别

这些形容词均含“准确的”“正确的”之意。区别如下:1. accurate 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。如:Watches have become very accurate. 手表已造得非常准确了。You should send in accurate income tax returns. 你应当寄去准确的个人所得税报表。Many people complain about not gathering accurate news. 许多人抱怨搜集不到准确的消息。2. exact 着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比accurate强。如:What is her exact age? 她的准确年龄是多少?I need to know the exact size. 我需要知道确切的尺寸。Mathematics is an exact science. 数学是一门精密的科学。3. precise 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误。如:She denied knowing any thing more precise. 她否认知道任何更明确的事。The level of formality determines the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。It was found at the precise spot where she had left it. 那东西正好在她遗落的那个地点找到了。
2023-07-09 01:09:471


2023-07-09 01:10:131

Instead,The company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not. 知道has done

has done后面缺宾语,因此 What 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语,指代:promised 后面的由that 引导的另一个宾语从句 it would not。what译为 …….的事。 it 代U0001f22fufe0fcompany。 promised 后缺宾语,因此也引导一个宾语从句,不过省略了that。 还原:it had long promised (that it would not . )=what。这是本人的见解,不知正确与否,有大神有别的看法也可一起讨论一下。
2023-07-09 01:10:222

it is precisely that

It is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance .这是强调句,强调主语this kind of conversation . of importance =important “(be)of+抽象名词可用其同根形容词 valuable、useful、helpful、different、important 等替换,:The dictionary is of help to us.=The dictionary is helpful to us. when引导的是时间状语从句.主句是 when we are seeking to develop our reading . to meet the new demands 是当目的状语 being place upon us 是现在分词的被动式当the new demands 的定语. by studying at a higher level.当方式状语
2023-07-09 01:10:401


pre、preacceptance、preach、preacher、preaching、preamble、precarious、 precariously、 precaution、precautionary、precede、preceptor、precinct 、 preciosity、precious、 扩展资料   precise a.精确的,准确的.   precisely adv.正好;正确地;严密的;精确地;刻板地;明确地   precision n.精确,精密,精密度   preclude v. 排除;除去;避免,防止   precocious adj. 早熟的   precocity n. 早熟,早成   precognition n. 预感,早知   preconceive vt. 预想   preconception n. 先入之见   precursor n. 先驱,先兆   predate n.在日期上早于   predator n. 食肉动物   predatory a. 掠夺的,进行掠夺的,捕食生物的   predecessor n.前辈,前任者   predestinate vt. 注定   predestination n. 预定; 命运
2023-07-09 01:10:471


It is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance 。这是强调句,强调主语this kind of conversation 。 of importance =important“(be)of+抽象名词可用其同根形容词 valuable、useful、helpful、different、important 等替换,:The dictionary is of help to us.=The dictionary is helpful to us. when引导的是时间状语从句。主句是 when we are seeking to develop our reading 。 to meet the new demands 是当目的状语being place upon us 是现在分词的被动式当the new demands 的定语。by studying at a higher level.当方式状语
2023-07-09 01:10:542


正是因为如此,他才受到孩子们的热烈欢迎 Is precisely because of so, he only then receives children"s warmly welcome
2023-07-09 01:11:048


The time you"re idling away may just be what the departed used to crave for.
2023-07-09 01:11:222


sorry no no no
2023-07-09 01:11:3015


I think your method will not work. To precisely match the products with their designs is putting the cart before the horse. How can one measure the products precisely when many of the products differ only by 0.1mm? It is possible that one may take the wrong product because of the error in the measurements; as a result, it is more reliable to have the products taken by someone who is familiar with them.
2023-07-09 01:12:082


2023-07-09 01:12:185


Good, I lecture on the topic of "communication from the Heart." Communication is an eternal topic. The era of rapid progress and cultural development, the population keeps growing and growing pressure to survive, And it is precisely this era of pressure, decided communication is essential to the task. Communication has become in today"s society the greatest need. Interpersonal communication is needed between man and nature, between the needs of social communication, in a sense, people with their inner need to communicate. Communication should start from the heart, from the beginning of good faith. Self-communication -- to recognize their own value and the right to evaluate and understand themselves and that the past, exciting present, future adjustments. Interpersonal communication -- to eliminate mutual suspicion and promote mutual trust; Eliminate the divide between and contradictions promote mutual understanding and integration. Good communication skills will create a relaxed, comfortable environment of interpersonal relationships, thus maximize their potential and realize their value of life. Communication, we must start from the heart, from the beginning of good faith. Only in this way can we win all of your trust and support, and we can jointly under the blue sky of the common progress shared life"s sweet United States. False, only 1:00 obtaining the trust, and ultimately their friends and friendship. We call for sincere communication times call for a sincere communication. Very often, by simply cordial greetings, an irrelevant, a smile, will be to a person"s soul bring warm current. Communication is the world"s most beautiful blooming flowers, with sticks of incense, to the spread of the Quartet. Today, I hope that our communication happy, full of love for every one classroom charged. Hello, today I lecture the topic is "the communication, starts fromthe heart". The communication, is an eternal topic. The time swift andviolent progress, the cultural unceasing development, the populationquantity unceasing increase, the survival pressure is more and morebig, but is precisely this kind of time pressure, had decided thecommunication is our essential topic. The communication has alsobecome now the person the biggest need which survives in the society. Between the person and the person needs to link up, between the personand the nature, the society need to link up, in a sense, the personalso needs to link up with own innermost feelings. The communication,must start from the heart, from sincere start. The self- communication - - acknowledged own value, correctly appraiseand knows oneself, the revision past, will rouse the present, theadjustment future. The interpersonal communication - - elimination mutual suspecion,promotes the mutual trust; Between the elimination mutual lack ofunderstanding and the contradiction, promote between each otherunderstanding and the fusion. The good communication ability can giveoneself creates loosely, the comfortable interpersonal environment,then can maximum limit display own potential, realizes own life value. Communication, also must start from the heart, from sincere start.Only then, can win everybody to your trust and the support, canprogress together with everybody under the common blue sky, shares thelife together sweetness and beautiful. False, only can swindles thefor a while trust, but finally can lose the friend, loses thefriendship. We summon the sincere communication, the time summon sincerecommunication. Very many times, kind regards, an immaterial speech, a smile, also cangive a person"s mind to bring a warm current. The communication, is the most beautiful flower which the world is infull bloom, is bringing the delicate fragrance, likes disseminatingthe four directions. Today, I hoped everybody the communication is happy, lets like fillingthe classroom each to fall. 我给你了两种翻译
2023-07-09 01:12:343

请教it is+副词的用法:例句it is (likely等副词) you would finish the task!

据我所知,it is+副词中的副词仅限于少数地点副词,如It"s here/there.Where is it?至于It"s likely (that)...句型中的likely是形容词。likely也可以是副词,只有当likely修饰动词或形容词时才是副词。至于It"s precicely because of...,这个句子是病句。
2023-07-09 01:12:481


2023-07-09 01:12:596


2023-07-09 01:13:173

思维严谨 英文表示

critically thinking; precisely thingking.
2023-07-09 01:13:254

Precisely why this is so is unclear but the shif

你要问的是不是Precisely why this is so it is unclear but the shifts related with changes in hormones (荷尔蒙) at adolescence and the decline in those hormones as we age翻译:现在很清楚的是为什么荷尔蒙会跟随青春期变化而变化和随着年量的增长逐渐减少的答案依旧不清楚。
2023-07-09 01:13:431

what invariably happens is that a great mumber of things choose to go wrong at

这个句子谓语是is,后面的那句句子是解释前面what happes的内容,所谓的表语从句。找到一个百科里的链接,应该对你有帮助。
2023-07-09 01:13:523

请帮我找五条英语名言并且还有它的翻译(其实这是我今天的英语作业) 谢谢大神 。

2023-07-09 01:14:486

Love Letter To Japan 歌词

歌曲名:Love Letter To Japan歌手:The Bird And The Bee专辑:Ray Guns Are Not Just The FutureThe Bird and The Bee - Love Letter To JapanFrom the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have meDearest one, I had a dreamI mouthed the words,The sound came out,I spoke to you in JapaneseOh, my love I cannot see, I heard your nameI know at once there was no place I"d rather beAll at once there was no place that I would rather beFrom the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have meI packed my bag, I"m on my wayI am prepared for any seasonI am prepared to stayHere is my heart, my beating heartOh, how I"m longing for this love affair to startHow I"m longing for this love affair to finally startFrom the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have me(Japanese here)From the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have me
2023-07-09 01:15:081


In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I"ve been turning over in my mind ever since.译文:在我我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导过我一句话,我至今还念念不忘.
2023-07-09 01:15:151


Since March 2007, jilin province some college girls always feel XuYuMeng seniors troupe of empty heart: graduate, seem to be entered in DuanRuQi psychology, several times, she suddenly hues recruitment was very perplexed.XuYuMeng parents are working personnel of an organ in changchun, see baby daughter, work hard to find, advised her to enter oneself for an examination the unity of jilin province recruitment civil servants. Personality, cheerful, and thought avant-courier XuYuMeng didn"t like the boring life, however, suffered organ for failures, she began to agree that the proposal, to prepare for parentsCivil service examination after school curriculum, written examination are ended. Waiting for the achievement of every day, XuYuMeng sent by difficult time chatting online.One day, she met a used in online chatting online WuYu of jilin university, he is one of the foreign students graduated from this year, also, about the job experience, they have many common language. Chatting with XuYuMeng, relaxing feeling.On June 13th, they chat on the net, WuYu invitations: "while this time, let"s find some free to go to dalian see the classmates, ok?" XuYuMeng willingly consented to the romantic idea: "wow! It this time, once have nothing to do the work, you didn"t have a chance to!" "My roommate mobilization of boys go together, let"s go Dutch, each take more than 1000 yuan." "Then I must consult with my roommate, would see them." XuYuMeng returned to the school with my roommate. Consult dorm Learn the art of National People"s Congress open concept, thought avant-courier, hear the boy finally and go to travel, you feel romantic and stimulation, positive response, four girls was immediately decided to go.Since March 2007, jilin province some college girls always feel XuYuMeng seniors troupe of empty heart: graduate, seem to be entered in DuanRuQi psychology, several times, she suddenly hues recruitment was very perplexed.XuYuMeng parents are working personnel of an organ in changchun, see baby daughter, work hard to find, advised her to enter oneself for an examination the unity of jilin province recruitment civil servants. Personality, cheerful, and thought avant-courier XuYuMeng didn"t like the boring life, however, suffered organ for failures, she began to agree that the proposal, to prepare for parentsCivil service examination after school curriculum, written examination are ended. Waiting for the achievement of every day, XuYuMeng sent by difficult time chatting online.One day, she met a used in online chatting online WuYu of jilin university, he is one of the foreign students graduated from this year, also, about the job experience, they have many common language. Chatting with XuYuMeng, relaxing feeling.On June 13th, they chat on the net, WuYu invitations: "while this time, let"s find some free to go to dalian see the classmates, ok?" XuYuMeng willingly consented to the romantic idea: "wow! It this time, once have nothing to do the work, you didn"t have a chance to!" "My roommate mobilization of boys go together, let"s go Dutch, each take more than 1000 yuan." "Then I must consult with my roommate, would see them." XuYuMeng returned to the school with my roommate. Consult dorm Learn the art of National People"s Congress open concept, thought avant-courier, hear the boy finally and go to travel, you feel romantic and stimulation, positive response, four girls was immediately decided to go.
2023-07-09 01:15:334


preferred,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“优先的;首选的”,作动词时译为“偏爱(prefer的过去分词)”。短语搭配preferred stockholders 优先股股东preferred server 首选服务器 ; 首选所有者 ; 惯用伺服器Preferred term 基本语 ; 优选术语 ; 选术语PREFERRED FOOT 常用脚 ; 擅长脚 ; 习惯用脚 ; 善用脚preferred size 优先尺寸 ; 首选尺寸 ; 属意大小PREFERRED SUPPLIER 优先供应商 ; 供应商 ; 首选供应商 ; 诺基亚的优先提供商PFD Preferred 首选的Preferred Partner 优先合作伙伴 ; 教学专家级别preferred reward 偏好奖赏preferred造句1、Precisely and vividly she restores the ordeals Buck preferred to forget.她准确并生动地再现了赛珍珠经历过却试图遗忘的苦难。2、For severe widespread disease, systemic chemotherapy is the preferred treatment.对于严重扩散的病变,全身化疗是首选的治疗方法。3、I would have preferred that we do it some other way.我倒愿意我们采取另一种做法。4、He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.他喜欢与那些智力不如他的人为伍。5、Sunday"s agreement gives ING the right to buy back the preferred shares at 150% of the issue price.周日的协议赋予了荷兰国际集团以发行价1.5倍的价格回购优先股的权利。
2023-07-09 01:15:401