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will you bring them in?语法分析

2023-07-09 07:58:00

分析:主语:you; 谓语:will bring in;宾语:them。 bring in:带进来,引进,挣(钱),赚得,收获,采用,邀请,请来,吸收,聘请,推行等。其中的in 是副词。


bring in是动词短语"带入",in是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词等,当后面更代词时,一般动词和介词之间,从发音来说,bring them in更自然、顺畅。


bring in是什么意思

bring in释义把…拿进来;带进来;收获(庄稼等);赚(钱);双语例句1.The jury took 23 hours to bring in its verdict.陪审团花了23个小时才作出裁决。2.Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.英国会对运载证件不齐全的乘客进入国内的航空公司课以罚款。3.The firm decided to bring in a new management team.该公司决定聘请新的管理团队。4.The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.这次审讯将得出自杀的结论。5.Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales.零售商将不得不为了提高销量而大幅降价。
2023-07-08 23:30:451

bring in是什么意思

2023-07-08 23:31:065


2023-07-08 23:31:191

bring in和bring的区别

bring in和bring的区别:bring in是引来、引进、介绍、收入、领……进来;bring带(东西、物体)。 扩展资料 bring in:有好几种意思如下:1、把…拿进来,带进来;2、收获(庄稼等);3、赚(钱),挣(钱);bring sth.带来什么;bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人。
2023-07-08 23:31:261

bring up , bring out , bring down , bring in 的区别

2023-07-08 23:31:331

bring in的意思和具体用法

bring in: 引入,增加例句与用法: 1. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出有罪的裁决。 2. Local residents were angry at not being brought in on (ie not being consulted about) the new housing scheme. 新的房屋计划未徵询当地居民的意见, 他们感到非常气愤. 3. His freelance work brings (him) in 5000 a year. 他从事自由职业每年可获5000英镑. 4. He does odd jobs that bring him in about 30 a week. 他做零工每周可赚约30英镑. 5. Experts were brought in to advise the Government. 请来了专家担当政府顾问. 6. Two suspicious characters were brought in. 逮捕了两名嫌疑犯. 7. He intends to bring in some reforms. 他打算提出些改革措施。
2023-07-08 23:31:413

bring in,bring up,bring out,bring about的意思和区别?尽量详细一点,两天之内就要回答喔

bring in 带进来bring up 提到bring out 带出来bring about 带到
2023-07-08 23:31:593

英语词语辨析 bring back,bring on,bring in,bring out,bring up 的区别或意思

bring back1 带回(某人或某物); 还回(某物) 2 回忆〔回顾,回想起〕(往事) 3 使(某人)恢复(某状态) bring on 1 呈现…; 使出现 2 使发作 3 使发展,进步 bring in 1 把…拿进来,带进来 2 收获(庄稼等) 3 赚(钱),挣(钱)...
2023-07-08 23:32:261

词组“bring in ” 的中文意思

2023-07-08 23:32:358

bring about、bring out和bring in的区别?

bring about的意思是导致;引起。bring out的意思是:生产(新产品);(尤指)出版,推出(图书或CD);使(某种通常不易显露的行为或情感)显现;激发。bring in的意思是:推行,采用(新的法律或制度);赚得,挣(钱);引入;请来;邀请。例句:Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery. 翻译:利率下调没有带来经济复苏。例句:He brought out a book. 翻译:他出了一本书。例句:The government brought in a controversial law. 翻译:政府推行了一项颇具争议的法令。
2023-07-08 23:33:002

既然“bring”只能做及物动词,为什么它还能经常和介词搭配(如bring in)?

bring是及物动词,严格意义上是不行的,但是这里的介词是做宾格的,我们不能完全意义的切开,可以理解在里面带来什么什么的,bring in
2023-07-08 23:33:085

Bring up bring in bring up bring on 造句

bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下She brought up four children.她养育了4个孩子。He brought up a question for discussion.他提出问题讨论bring in 引进;生产;增加He brought in two new members last week.他上周带进2名新成员。That matter should never have been brought in.那件事不该被扯进来。bring on 导致;引起;使…发展That incident will surely bring on a crisis.那个事件肯定会导致一场危机。Bring on the clowns.把小丑带上舞台与观众见面。
2023-07-08 23:33:303

bring in 和bring的区别

bring偏向带东西,物体 bring in 偏向带来一些经济上的收获 1、bring[br??] vt. (出庭)控告,提出(诉讼),起诉: to bring an action against someone 对某人起诉 to bring charges against someone 指控某人提出或引证(证据、论据等) 拿来,带来,取来: Bring the book to me tomorrow. 明天给我拿书来。使(人)来到,把(人)带至说话人所在处(或指定处): Bring her to my house tomorrow. 明天把她带到我家来。 She brought her sister to my office. 她把她妹妹带到我办公室。 (使)产生;使发生;使存在;引起,导致(出现),招致;使存在某种状态,使处于某种地位: Rest brings one health. 休息使人健康。 War brings death and famine. 战争带来死亡和饥荒。致使,劝使,使(人)相信,使(人)信服,说服,促使,迫使;使不得不;影响: She brought him to her point of view. 她使他接受了她的观点。 He couldn"t bring himself to do it. 他不能强使自己做它。使想起,使回忆起: The photograph brought his memories of youth. 这张照片使他回忆起他的青年时代。把…引来: He brought honour to his family by his heroism. 他以他的英勇行为给他家带来荣誉。 (货物)卖得(多少钱),以(价钱)售出,售得,在商品交换中得到: Eggs bring a high price today. 今天鸡蛋售高价。【法律】 [方言]陪,陪伴,护送 vi. [主方言]生产,出产 2、bring in 进口;带进,引入,引来: He brought in two new members last week. 他上周带进2名新成员。引进(风尚等);引入(话题等);提出: to bring in new customs and habits 带来新风俗习惯 That matter should never have been brought in. 那件事不该被扯进来。生产,产出;收(庄稼等);挣钱,收入,收益,进款,挣得,生出…作为收益;(本金、投资等)生息: My parttime job doesn"t bring in much, but I enjoy it . 我的非全日性工作收入不多,但我喜欢这工作。 [美国英语]钻(油井等)使投产: We brought in a gusher on his property. 我们钻他地产上的一口喷油井并使之投产。 (陪审团)宣读(裁决),给予裁决,对…做出裁决,下(评决): The jury brought in its verdict. 陪审团宣布它的裁定。 (议会中)提出(议案): A new bill has been brought in to control price measures. 一项控制物价措施的新议案已经提出了。 (警察等)拘捕,逮捕,抓进警察局: The police officer just brought in two suspicious characters. 警官刚才逮捕了两个嫌疑人。【棒球】使(垒上球员)得分;得(分): Tom"s hit brought in both base runners. 汤姆的击球使两名跑垒员得了分。让(某人)参与某项计划,接纳(合伙人等);请(某人)给与帮助: We brought them in on our plans. 我们让他们参与我们的计划。使就职: He was brought in yesterday as president. 他昨天正式就任总统。【桥牌】以(一手长套)赢牌【戏剧】开(舞台)提示灯
2023-07-08 23:33:493

bring in的用法

bring in 挣得,对...作出裁决,引入(话题),使投产 Each sale brought in $8.每笔买卖赚8美元。bring in a good salary挣高薪 bring (sb.)in guilty(not guilty)宣判(某人)有罪(无罪)
2023-07-08 23:33:561

bring into 和bring in的区别

2023-07-08 23:34:031

bring into 和bring in的区别

bring into强调把人或物带进某个场所或封闭性的空间,后面加表示地点的词,如房间,剧场,教室等。bring in 表示带来,后接带的人或物。
2023-07-08 23:34:111

bring back,bring on,bring in,bring out,bring up 的词义辨析

2023-07-08 23:34:291

bring up, bring down , bring about,bring in的意思和区别

bring sb up :(常用被动语态)抚养(长大);养育,教养He was brought up by his aunt . 他是由姨妈养大的。She brought up five children . 她抚养了五个孩子。bring down :减少,降低;使(飞机)着陆;击落We aim to bring down the price on all our computers . 我们打算降低我们所有计算机的价格。Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down . 有十二架敌机被击落。The pilot managed to bring the plane down in the field . 飞行员设法将飞机降落在了一处田里。bring sth. about :导致;引起What brought about the change in his attitude ? 是什么是他改变了态度? bring in :引入;引进;赚得;提出bring sth. out :使显现;使表现出来;生产;出版上面那句话,我觉得时态有点问题(introduce、he show )我是这么翻译的:经理向顾客介绍完产品后,他就带他到外面看看。
2023-07-08 23:34:361

after school《bang》中文歌词

—————————————————————————————————————————T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!跟着星光闪耀的我Oh! Oh! Oh!嘲笑那些假惺惺的话语 Ha! Ha! Ha!乖巧漂亮的你 现在是No! No! No!抛到刺激的音乐里 Bang! Bang! Bang!我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!心跳着的夜晚 我的心 Oh! Oh! Oh!你火热的眼神灼烧着我的身体 Ha! Ha! Ha!不要停止变粗的气息No! No! No!让心脏跟随这节奏 空!空! 空! 我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!rap) Bringin" it to you daily It"s only from the best After School Playgirlz know how to get freshSo cool, So right, just so tastyWe bring it fast forward the fellows go crazy 再大胆点展现啊 你~ (To be raised for my life)更加特别的舞动啊 你~ (To be raised for my life)One! Two!! Three!!! 把你寄托给音乐 念出咒语啊 Yeah~ (To be raised for my life)rap) Crisp clean original new quality is what we give to you.(Check it out) a new generation and a whole new start(check it out) collaboration with a brand new heart 在靠近些 这一瞬间Catch Up!! Oh~ rap) On your mark set ready to go,can you feel it in your body this A.S. flow.. Hey hey what you want ! Let"s go…!! 我们是!! Oh~ After!! School Up!! 你们都让开!! Check it out!! 都拿去吧!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!Right now!! Oh~ After!! School Up!!都疯狂吧!! 呐喊吧!! 再这样!! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!T.R.Y. Do it now! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!T.R.Y. Pick it up! You"ll never catch me!! Oh~ No!!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! T.R.Y. Do it now!!. A-ha! A-ha! A-ha! Can you follow me? Yes!! Uh-ha~!!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!
2023-07-08 23:34:434

bring about bring in 什么区别 ? 谢谢

bring in 和 bring about 虽然都是 带来的意思但bring in是带什么东西 物质进来 而bring about 是指带来的什么后果 两者的区别就在于一个是实质性的,一个是虚无性的
2023-07-08 23:34:501

bring out , bring in , bring up , bring down 分别是什么意思?

2023-07-08 23:34:597


2023-07-08 23:35:162

bring back/bring on/bring in/bring out/bring up的区别?

back意为拿回来,使恢复,回忆起来 on意为导致,引起 in意引进,生产,增加 out意为出版 up意为提出,养育,呕吐
2023-07-08 23:36:221

bring back/bring on/bring in/bring out/bring up的区别?

2023-07-08 23:36:491


bring,英文单词,动词、名词。作动词时意为“拿来;带来;促使;引起;使某人处于某种情况或境地”,作名词时意为“人名;(英、瑞典)布林”。其基本用法如下:1、bring 最基本的意思是“将人或物带至讲话人或听话人所在之处”,引申可表示“促使,说服”。2、bring 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接表示人、物或抽象事物的名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以由介词 to 引出,但不能用 for,用 for 时表示“为某人带来……”。3、bring 表示“促使,说服”时,只用作及物动词,常跟反身代词作宾语,也可跟形容词、以动词不定式的复合结构或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。4、bring 作“引起”解时,可接以现在分词、过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。5、bring 是个非延续性动词,在肯定句中一般不与表示一段时间的状语连用。“bring”的短语搭配:(1)bring up 教育 ; 提出 ; 养育 ; 抚养。(2)bring forward 提出 ; 提议 ; 前移一层 ; 提前。(3)bring about 带来 ; 导致 ; 引起 ; 发生。(4)bring out 公布 ; 出版 ; 使显出 ; 使出现。(5)bring in 引进 ; 收获 ; 生产 ; 带来。(6)bring to 使恢复知觉 ; 加进 ; 采用 ; 使用。(7)bring on 引起 ; 使发展 ; 引导。(8)bring over 使某人转变 ; 使相信 ; 使转变 ; 带来。以上内容参考:百度百科-bring
2023-07-08 23:36:561


2023-07-08 23:37:591


2023-07-08 23:38:061


2023-07-08 23:38:131


2023-07-08 23:38:201


2023-07-08 23:38:261

Bring in与bring的区别及用法.

1.bring along 把...一起带来 2.bring back 归还 3.bring ...out 发表,拿出 4.bring up 抚养,呕吐 5.bring on 引起 6.bring in 引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来 7.bring ...forward 提出;提前 (= put forward) 8.bring about 带来,造成 ------------------------------------------------ 与 bring 有关的重要词组: bring down :使 … 下降,倒下;击落 bring up :教育,教养(儿童);提出(议题,计划);打断 bring in :引进;赚钱,获利;收(庄稼等) bring …to an end :结束 bring …to life :使 … 苏醒 bring …to light :发现;将 … 公之于世 bring …to mind :想起 bring …to pass :使……发生;促成 其实这里实际上“in”是与some photos 连接在一起的
2023-07-08 23:38:341

bring in是什么意思

bring in引进;生产;增加更多释义>>[网络短语]bring in 引进,收获,生产bring ship in 将船靠近Bring it in 开牌注
2023-07-08 23:38:411

Bring in与bring的区别及用法。详解哦。

1. bring along 把...一起带来 2. bring back 归还 3. bring ...out 发表,拿出 4. bring up 抚养,呕吐 5. bring on 引起 6. bring in 引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来 7. bring ...forward 提出;提前 (= put forward) 8. bring about 带来,造成 ------------------------------------------------ 与 bring 有关的重要词组: bring down :使 … 下降,倒下;击落 bring up :教育,教养(儿童);提出(议题,计划);打断 bring in :引进;赚钱,获利;收(庄稼等) bring …to an end :结束 bring …to life :使 … 苏醒 bring …to light :发现;将 … 公之于世 bring …to mind :想起 bring …to pass :使……发生;促成★其实这里实际上“in”是与some photos 连接在一起的
2023-07-08 23:38:491


2023-07-08 23:38:561

Bring in与bring的区别及用法。详解哦。

2023-07-08 23:39:281

bring in和bring有什么区别??

您好,很高兴为您解答bring in 引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来 bring带来;促使;引起;使某人处于某种情况或境地都可取“导致,引起”之意,但从英文解释可知bring=to cause sth
2023-07-08 23:39:351

Bring up bring in bring up bring on 造句

Bring up 把孩子养育成人 Bringing up a child is not easy. bring in 带进来,拿进来,引进来 Bringing in the new technology helped our country"s modernization bring on 提出 / 推出(表演) 也是接受挑战常说的话,bring it on 即管放马过来罢! Bringing on a good show requires a lot of skills,hard work and resources
2023-07-08 23:39:421

bring in 与bring有何区别?

bring in 是引进滴意思。但现在是强调这个进来滴过程。而bring却没有。
2023-07-08 23:39:572

bring in,bring up,bring out,bring about的意思和区别?尽量详细一点,两天之内就要回

ing in v. 生产,挣得,介绍引进 更多词典解释 bring up v. 教育,培养,提出,(军队等)调上来,(船)抵达目的地 bring out v. 使显示,出版,生产,说出 bring about v. 使发生,致使 四个意思都不一样.
2023-07-08 23:40:161

bring about、bring out和bring in的区别

bring about的意思是导致;引起。bring out的意思是:生产(新产品);(尤指)出版,推出(图书或CD);使(某种通常不易显露的行为或情感)显现;激发。bring in的意思是:推行,采用(新的法律或制度);赚得,挣(钱);引入;请来;邀请。例句:Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery. 翻译:利率下调没有带来经济复苏。例句:He brought out a book. 翻译:他出了一本书。例句:The government brought in a controversial law. 翻译:政府推行了一项颇具争议的法令。
2023-07-08 23:40:231

bring in有没有被动语态

bring in把…拿进来; 带进来; 收获(庄稼等); 赚(钱)是及物动词短语,后接宾语,所以有被动语态。【例句】More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad in the 1980s. 更先进的技术知识是从20世纪80年代,从国外引进。
2023-07-08 23:40:301


bring 动词 拿来 带来Please bring me the book
2023-07-08 23:40:491


bring的短语如下:1、bring along:把一起带来。2、bring back:归还。3、bring out:发表,拿出。4、bring up:抚养,呕吐。5、bring on:引起。6、bring in:引来,引进,介绍,收入,领进来。7、bring forward:提出;提前(=put forward)。8、bring about:带来,造成。9、bring down:使下降,倒下;击落。10、bring up:教育,教养(儿童);提出(议题,计划);打断。11、bring in:引进;赚钱,获利;收(庄等)。12、bring to an end:结束。13、bring to life:使苏醒。14、bring to light:发现;将公之于世。15、bring to mind:想起。16、bring to pass:使发生;促成。17、bring around或bring round:说服;使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动;使恢复知觉。
2023-07-08 23:41:021

get in 和bring in区别

get in(1) 进站,到达,回来。如: The train (plane) got in late. 火车(飞机)晚点了。 (2) 请来。如:They have got the doctor in to look at the child. 他们已请来大夫给孩子看病。(3) 插话。如:He talks so much that it"s impossible to get a word in. 他说个不停,别人休想插话。(4) 收获,收割。如:The villagers were busy getting the harvest in. 村民们在忙于收获庄稼。bring inbring in 挣得,对...作出裁决,引入(话题),使投产Each sale brought in $8.每笔买卖赚8美元。bring in a good salary挣高薪bring (sb.)in guilty(not guilty)宣判(某人)有罪(无罪)赞同3| 评论
2023-07-08 23:41:341

bring in 和 bring什么区别 书上有一句We can even bring in books and magazines from home . 讲清楚点

2023-07-08 23:41:425

bring about、bring in、bring up、bring back分别是什么意思

bringabout : 引起,造成bringin:带进,领进,引进bringup:养育;提起...,谈到bringback:带回,恢复
2023-07-08 23:41:582


Bring的英文意思是带来、取来、引领、导致等。1、"Bring"可以表示在运动中把某物或某人带到一个地方。例如:1、Can you bring me a glass of water? (你可以给我拿一杯水吗?)2、I brought my son to the park yesterday. (我昨天带我儿子去公园了。)3、Will you bring your guitar to the party tonight? (今晚你会不会把你的吉他带到聚会上?)2、"Bring"还可以表示产生某种结果、后果或影响,通常与一个名词或动词的-ing形式连用。例如:1、The decision will bring good results.(这一决定将会带来好结果。)2、Working hard will bring about success.(努力工作会带来成功。)3、"Bring"也可以和副词连用,表示按照某种方式或状态带来某物或某人。例如:1、Can you bring it gently?(你能轻轻地把它带来吗?)2、Bring the children with you.(带上孩子一起来。)"bring"也有一些常见的短语和惯用语,如:1、Bring down: 降低、减少。2、Bring up: 抚养、教育,也可以上提、提及某个话题。3、Bring in:(1)引进、吸引(2)赚钱、带来收入。4、Bring to: 恢复意识、使想起来。5、Bring together: 将人或物聚拢在一起。6、Bring about: 实现、引起、促成、导致。7、Bring forward: 提前、拿出(证据、论据等)8、Bring to light: 揭露、发现。bring的用法1、bring + n. (将某物带来)例如:Can you bring me a glass of water?2、bring + sb. + to (领某人来到某地)例如:He brought his friend to the party last night.3、bring + sth. + up (提起某事或将某物送至较高处)例如:He brought up several good points during the meeting.4、bring + sth. + out (显示出某物、推出某商品等)例如:The company is bringing out a new line of products next year.5、bring + sb. + down (使某人变得沮丧或落差)例如:The bad news really brought her down.6、bring + sth. + about (引起某事的发生)例如:Technology has brought about significant changes in our lives.
2023-07-08 23:42:041

bring sth bring in bring to 的区别

2023-07-08 23:42:322


After School - BangT-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uhT-R-Y, pick it up, you"ll never catch me, oh noNunbu shige bitnaneun nareul ttara, oh, oh, ohGashik jeogin maldeureun bi useo beoryeo, ha, ha, haYeppeugi man han neoneun deo isangeun, no, no, noJjarithan eumak soge deonjyeo beoryeo bang, bang, bangUrineun, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, neohin modu bikyeoraCheck it out, da gajyeobwa, aha, aha, ahaRight now, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, modu michyeoraWechyeora, tto ireohke, aha, aha, ahaT-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uhT-R-Y, pick it up, you"ll never catch me, oh noGaseum ttwineun ibameul nae mameun, oh, oh, ohBultaneun ni nungireun nae momeul tago, ha, ha, haGeochireo jin sumsori meomchujin ma, no, no, noShim jangi irideumeul ttara gake kung, kung, kungUrineun, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, neohin modu bikyeoraCheck it out, da gajyeobwa, aha, aha, ahaRight now, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, modu michyeoraWechyeora, tto ireohke, aha, aha, ahaBringing it to you daily, it"s only from the bestAfter School, Play Girlz know how to get freshSo cool, so right, just so tastyWe bring it fast forward, the fellas go crazyJomdeo gwagam hage boyeo juneun geoya neo, to be raised for my lifeJomdeo teuk byeolhage chumeul chuneun geoya neo, to be raised for my lifeEumage neol matgyeo jumuneul georeo bwa, to be raised for my lifeCrisp, clean, original, new quality is what we give to youCheck it out, a new generation and a whole new start, check it out, collaboration with a brand new heartJogeum deo dagawa isunganeul catch up, on your mark set ready to go, can you feel it in your body this A-S flowHey, hey, what you want, let"s goUrineun, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, neohin modu bikyeoraCheck it out, da gajyeobwa, aha, aha, ahaRight now, oh, aepeuteo sukureop, modu michyeoraWechyeora, tto ireohke, aha, aha, ahaT-R-Y, do it now, can you follow me, yes, uh-uhT-R-Y, pick it up, you"ll never catch me, oh noAha, aha, aha, T-R-Y, do it nowAha, aha, aha, an you follow me, yes, uh-uhAha, aha, ahaAha, aha, aha
2023-07-08 23:43:112

bring in laws

1.bring along 把...一起带来 2.bring back 归还 3.bring ...out 发表,拿出 4.bring up 抚养,呕吐 5.bring on 引起 6.bring in 引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来 7.bring ...forward 提出;提前 (= put forward) 8.bring about 带来,造成 ------------------------------------------------ 与 bring 有关的重要词组: bring down :使 … 下降,倒下;击落 bring up :教育,教养(儿童);提出(议题,计划);打断 bring in :引进;赚钱,获利;收(庄稼等) bring …to an end :结束 bring …to life :使 … 苏醒 bring …to light :发现;将 … 公之于世 bring …to mind :想起 bring …to pass :使……发生;促成 ★其实这里实际上“in”是与some photos 连接在一起的 的
2023-07-08 23:43:171